ica ap workshop in mongolia

In collaboration with Ministry of Labour, Government of Mongolia and Mongolia Cooperative Alliance 1 Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia June 3-7, 2013

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In collaboration with Ministry of Labour, Government of Mongolia and Mongolia Cooperative Alliance


Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia June 3-7, 2013

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Inaugural Session (June 4)

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Participants take pictures during the ICA-AP Workshop.

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Chairman Enkhbold of MNCA gives her welcome address as participants listen.

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International Participants also gave their respective speeches during the inaugural session.

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National Media from Mongolia

covers the ICA-AP Workshop.

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During the first international ICA-AP Workshop, it was discussed that Mongolia has increased the participation of women. Also, the government

has provided livelihood programs for women whom are cooperative members.

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In connection with the women involvement and leadership in cooperative development, 54 % of total population of Mongolia is women, therefore,

promotion of enterprises is equal to men and women.

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I had the chance to be photographed with the

Mongolian Parliamentary members and other international


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With me are Mongolian Cooperative Leaders with their Mongolian

national attire.

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As a Vice chairperson of Women’s Committee of ICA-AP, I was given the floor to discussed the NATCCO Gender and

Development to the participants of the event.

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There are a total of 40 participants who attended the Inaugural Session of the ICA-AP Workshop.

One from the Philippines, two from ICA-AP, China, Nepal and India. Four from Indonesia and twenty seven from


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June 5, 2013

Rural Cooperative


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I and the leaders from Mongolian Cooperative Alliance posed for a photo in front of Continental Hotel.

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This is the inside look of our bus with the participants of ICA-AP Workshop when we visited rural cooperatives in


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The population of livestock in Mongolia such as horses, sheep, and cows is 3-4 times bigger than the population of the said


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Horses, sheep, and cows freely feeds grass in the fields

of Mongolia.

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I had the chance to listen from the

presentation of rural community cooperative in Mongolia during the second day of ICA-AP


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This is a toilet where native Mongols from rural communities use for their necessities. It is made of wood.

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We had a group picture with the members of the rural community multi-purpose cooperatives

during our rural visit in Mongolia.

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This multi-purpose from rural community in Mongolia displays their dairy products and leather shoes.

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Rural Community Cooperative awards cooperative leaders among the participants of ICA-AP workshop in Mongolia.

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After the program, we had another group picture

with the participants and the members of rural

community multi-purpose cooperative.

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BELIEVE YOUR EYES: This is a gasoline station based at rural areas or village in Mongolia.

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This is what village looks like from rural areas which Mongols live.

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The landscapes and mountains in Mongolia are filled with livestock

like horses, sheep, and cows.

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This aren’t mushrooms. This

are the traditional houses

in Mongolia.

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We rode this bus during our rural cooperative visit. We had the chance to watch a rodeo which

is competed by the Mongols.

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We were able to taste the delicacies of

Mongols from rural community as we

waited for the rodeo competitors prepare for the competition.

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Rodeo is an exhibition or contest in which cowboys show their skill at riding broncos, roping calves, wrestling steers, etc.

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The competition is composed of 2 teams. I witnessed the dedication of Mongols in this kind of event.

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After the competition, the score is tied. As a result, representative from each team wrestled to determine who’ll win the said event. Mongolian

wrestling is another tradition being performed by the Mongols.

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The team who won the competition was awarded (with medal and certificate) from the organizers of the said


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Sight seeing

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Mongolia has a remarkable history. Its landmarks represent the different

historical events in the country.

The government and its people has nicely preserved its culture

and tradition.

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There are lots of facade that shows tremendous architecture and engineering. We were overwhelmed together with Savitri Singh of ICA-


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This is the House of Parliament where the monument of Chinggis Khaan whom considered the “Father of Mongols” is placed. It is

the central figure of the national Mongolian identity.

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Mongolia is a developing country. Its growth is seen on the numerous building constructions around its capital.

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One of the famous brand in the world is the Louis Vuitton and I had the chance to explore the


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I also set foot on the Mongolian Stock Exchange.

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