ibnslall li$tfp el j . * . ~ >;••''.• ifultonhistory.com/newspaper4/sayville ny...

insT^^? i 1*1 i '' : ' : " F . i •• ' : IBnSL el J . * . all li$tfp~ >;••''.• iim^nii £*'*\ i ' ' . - ' . . . v ^ / s. I < * ; % m- m lK*ii?..8 H> V si «Sr - Jfl FACE TWO THE SUFFOLK COUNTY NEWS, SAYVILLE, N. Y.. OCJ^^^L^^I--^- WANT ADS — PHONE SAYVILLE 4-0200 I WANT A SBSSE • '. liiairf-iMjpfiixtg bjFplaae .is .as cam- EMi''^ meMiiwl tf^. "Ail five afifee Bi#»S«a<»BCK* islands are ltaked •l^vSte^arrjr s c l ^ i i M fUgbis, . ' jl ',*'.'•" Flask Oanscra Tip?, ^ Ottiiaary flasMigbt cells are sel- -4o$ jStlaMe for CasH-guns.; Photo- fla$fi batteries are made especially ; -fo. '><fel&rer ,-hlgH? amperage: require4 - l ^ t i u l t bu&s. *' Ambulance Races Stark; Was ii Blase?,». Whml The Community Ambulance raced the stork again j-esterday—and won scant I ^.minutes.- Mrs. Robert Newman Was the guest % of honor at a stork shower at her home on Tuesday evening, Oc- b| a ^*^v, ,__. The voluTj^^company received a itober 14th, when Mrs. William Gil- hurry-up \ fr °ui Sfc 4 - Stanley liette, Mrs. Stanley Gillette and Mrs. Houlik of ^ r f ^ I s i i p Town Police, Lawrence Gillette entertained. The at 9:S0 a. rrffhfrs. James Lawlor, ! invited guest* were Mrs. Howard 29, of VanderMt Drive, Oakdale, Gillette, Mrs. William Lewis, Mrs. ",-as* expecting her second child, and Walter Benkenstein, Mrs. Alex the stork was very impatient. In''Mitchell, Mrs. .Ernest Kerr, Mrs, fact j Ernest Stoil, Mrs. James Carey. Mrs. At 9:35 a. m, the ambulance ar- JAlbert Zigrosser, Mrs, Claude Wheel- rived at the Lawlor door and with- er and Mrs. Waiter Haab, of Ray- ; | John W. (Bud) Van Wyen, at the 1 port; Mrs. Thomas Grawreck, Mrs. <;j wheel and Joseph C. Jahn in at-]charlotte Wagner, Mrs. Wallace 11 j tendance, Mrs. Lawior was rusnea JLeuthier, Mrs. John Perry, Mrs. Qoo,- * to Southside Hospital, 10 miles away, j ^g yritzback, 61 Blue Point; Mrs. Bayport Date Book i .vAil W ° r k Gi?aranleed :.."I : l •" for Qne ; Year •-- COOK JEWELERS, (NO. ?M 2 : WEST MAIN STREET " The ambulance arrived ut the hos- pital at 9:50- Daniel Gillette. MrSi James Morris, Mrs. brietta Corley, Miss Hester Behj&mirj Bnnkenstein, ond child—another girl— was deliv- Mrs Benjarnm Bankensteln Jr., Mre. ered at the hospital Both the inoth- | F Cap0> jjrg. & Simecek, Mrs., R. cr and the child were reported doing. Hankins, Mrsl Josh Budd, and Mrs. fine yesterday afternoon. \ Henry GrawrocK of Patchogue; ,Mrs. Mr. Van Wyen and his shaken as-j^gg,^ Maasch;''Mrs. Barry Fuchs r sistant were too thunderstruck to' be Interviewed. ius, Mrs. George Van Emmerick, of Sayville; Mrs. Bernard Pageis, of Bohemia-; Miss Marguerite Sexton, of Babylon; and Mrs/ J. Hamrnes- fahr, Mrs. Lil Devlne, Mrs. Dorothy Quick Change Reversible skirts are in the news to give you a quick change _in color j Young, Mrs. William Maloney, Mrs 1 T ' B^ Pineman and Mrs. Norma Bankr enstein. Baby Pamela Jean, who was scheme. One of the favorites is a circular flannel skirt in red while the reverse is done in a yellow denim. ii received BOARD OP EDUCATION — Secona Frldflys, 8-^0 p.m- BOY SCOUTS — JIon*ay», 7 P.UU. M«thodist C)vurcli. CIVIL A'R PATROL — Seniors: Mop<JayB, 8 p.m.; Cadets: Fridays, at Davis Field- COUPLES' CLUB — Second Saturdays, 8:15 p.m. : - CUB SCOUTS — r>ens one, two >ndsix, Monday afternoons; Dens four and 6ve, - tridW afternoons. JPaeJt niteUhga fourth Wednesdays. 7:30 p.m., school - " auditorium. . • v . T" "- FIRE DEPARTMENT - Firsi Friday*. 8 p.m., Brehouse; Ladies' Auxiliary, second Mondays. --.'-"' pIRL SCOUT TROOP COMMlTTf.e .— First Wednesdays, « pjn. OIRL SCOUTS, ttRO.^KUS ^,M?»ads»y and Tuesday! afternoon, school building. HOME BUREAU -- Every "niurs^^.W^'iJPa- to * P^L* Methodist CHurch. LIONS CLtia — Second 4nd : ftwth;M««days, 7 p.m., Michael's, Be^taurant. PARfNT-T^ACHeR ASS'N--^- 5^con4 Wednesdays. 8 P . ^ school auditorium. i&«jwitl H<?»t"TAL AUXILIARY -^.Second Tuesdays, 1^0 p.m. . TRADINO^T^LES'^'i'irst 'Xhttr80^y-^Td~rMde^ef^WFy--oihcr mopth • ' Clothing reeeived and sold from 11.00 a. m. to tow p. BU both days. WOMAN'SKWIETY FOR CHRISTIAN SERVICE - Third Wednesday at 8 p. m. ' On November third, the Scouts of Troop 130, B.SA., will entertain at a post-Halloween party for their par- ents in the Scout rooms in the Bay- port Methodist Church. There will be films, skits and refreshments. David Knapp, Scout executive, will address the group briefly and Gil W^ndendez, of Patchogue, will act as commentator of a Sea Scouting film. Boy Scout'Sunday will be ob- served at the Bayport church at the morning service on November ninth with the boys and their leaders at- tending. Mrs. Kurt Bensch, a former resi- dent, and Mrs. Kurt Bensch Jr., of West Palm Beach. Fla., spent a day last week with Mrs. Ernest Stoll. They are leaving shortly for Prank- fort, Germany, where they will join the latter's husband who is stationed there,' A.C-A.N Craig Shand surprised born on October, sixth, many lovely gifts. i • : Members of- the Bayport HI-T Club are attending a regional Junior Legislative meeting in Hempstead today. The Bayport group will prqr sent the following bills: A Teachers' College for Long Island, Revision of the Junior Automobile Insurance Law changing the age limit from 25 years to 21, and a bill., giving ,the, housewife, who employs household help,.the right to deduct sbciaLseT curlty payments from her - income Hiax-Teturni-^o^ ove mber-fir^^ Bayport girls will again appear on the Youth Forum over Station WPAC. Janet Ellis celebrated her ninth birthday on Tuesday -when she en- tertained at a supper party at her home on Oakwood Avenue. Her guests were Sandra Parmentier, Pamela Hopkins, Dorothy Bogel, Sherry Stoll, Barbara Hammond, Marlene Costanza, Grace Bledsoe, Maureen Sullivan, Lorna^and Susan Engelken, Claudia and James Quig- ley and Mr. and Mrs. James Qulgley, Mr and Mrs. Robert Engelken and Mr. and Mrs. John Sullivan. Mrs. Walter Ports, advisor to the "The Stepping Stone," announced today that the 1952. yearbook had' won a first place award in the an- nual judging contest conducted by the Columbia Scholastic Press at Columbia University. Out of a possi- ble 1,000 points covering all phases of yearbook production, Bayport's yearbook received 925. Special men- tion was made in praise of the art work which was done by Judy Freni and Fred Hegge. ;'• • . - Next Wednesday, members of the Home Bureau will gather at the home of Mrs. William Beutenmuller. of Fairview Avenue, for the first, lesson on Swedish darning. The In- structors will be Mrs. Hiram Darrow and Mrs. Nils Larson. The next day clip aprons will be taUght by Mrs. Courtney Vieland. at her home oh Kensington Avenue. The Bayport unit of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the proposed .Brook- haven Memorial Hospital will meet on Tuesday evening, October 28th, at- eight o'clock In the auditorium of the school Richard F. Pfelfer, campaign director, will address the members. / The Missionary Study Group of the Woman's Society for Christian Service will meet-at the home of Mrs. Duane Hawkins in Blue Point at one o'clock next Thursday after- noon. . Guests of the Rev. and Mrs. Theo- dore Bennett at the parsonage on Sunday,were Mr. and Mrs. A. Ed- wards, Mrs. Lena Buettner and Mr. and Mrs. David Lofgren, of Brook- lyn. Robert Sanford is in Central and South America on a month's business trip for the McGraw Hill Publish- ing Co. He spent the past week end In Montevideo;Uruguay, and has - vis- ited Panama, Brazil and Argentina. Mr. and Mrs. George Relmer and son, George, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ellis at their home on Oakwood Avenue on Saturday. Mrs. David Lofgren, a soprano, wa- the guest soloist on Sunday nt the morning service in the Bayport church. Miss Pletra Paynton is having a. vacation this week from her work in Shand's Store. The following program was pre- sented in a Rally Day program tor, the Primary and Bcgirurers departs ments of, 4he" Bayport, Methodist Church Sunday School. .The pro--, gram opened with the song, -.Tm, So Glad That My Father in Heaven/' Scripture reading. David Hope; Chil- dren's Creed, Betty JLou Ellis; Rally Day Prayer, Betey Foster; Presenta- tion, "Children of Bible Times,"..chllr dren: Deirdre Bluhm, Mary Jan^, Smith Betty Lou Ellis. Ruth Hard- ing, Richard Barrett, Marx.3?pbson, Thomas Dixon, assisted by Mrs. K. Poli, Nancy Bogel^Marlene R«mrne and Virginia .Grunden. Beginner^ songs: "Let .This Little Light of Mine." "Jesus .Loves! Me." Recita- tions: "My, Little: Work." George Graham; "A Rally Day Tde^''BAcri-:. ard Barrett; "Our Part;"iMary^Jane Smith £'-' Why I -Like - RaUyx-=I}ay4 Thonms_^lxM)J_^ing a Song-of Rally Day," Judy Jackson r^NeedoT AH,'' Linda Gray; "I've. Worn: My Prettiest Dress," Carolyn Helber; "Everybody Happy," Nancy Gray; Songs by Primary department, "Bring Them In," "God Bless Our Sunday School." Recitations, "No Wonder," Sally McCarthy; "Listen to Me," Susan Foster; "Vacation Days Are Over,'" Barbara Jones; "Our Flannel Board, Bible Story/" Miss Hingle. The program closed with a prayer by the entire Sunday School. - -' ri ' For your heating and sheet metal problem or new gutters and leaders consult Sayville Furnace and Stove Co. Inc., 226 N. Main,Street or tele- phbne Sayville 4-1439. ' 95t5 Mary Patricia, infant daughter W Dr. and Mrs. Charles F. Cramptdif, of Manhattan, was christened'-or$ Sunday in St: Ann's Episcopal'' Church, In Sayville, by the 'Rev.'.. Joseph H. Bond. Dr and Mrs.-John A. Frieman . were sponsors of , the- pabyv ; Following the christening, a family dinner party was held at the home of Dr: Crampton's mother and aunt, Mrs. Dora Crampton and Miss Tda Frieman. Mrs. Crampton and her two little daughters are remain-:. Ing here until the first of November and Dr Crampton comes out for the week en,ds. Margaret Moon, editor-in-chief and Bill Singleton, chairman of the planning and lay-out for this year's high school yearbook, "The Stepping Stone," accompanied Mrs. Walter Ports, yearbook advisor, when they attended a yearbook conference and luncheon last Wednesday sponsored by the Croyden-Johnson Publishing Co. at Bethpage. The Bayport Republican Club will sponsor a rally next Monday eve- ning, October 27th, at 8:30 In the Bayport flrehouse. The speakers of the evening will be Commissioner of Welfare Milton J. Kirkup, Assembly- man Elisha T. Barrett and Lloyd Dodge. Refreshments will be served. Next Friday afternoon there will be a Hallowe'en party for the kin- dergarten through the sixth grade in the auditorium of the school to which pre-sehooi children are in- vited! The. teachers, will be the committee in charge; headed by Mrs. Dora Crampton, financially assisted by the Parent-Teacher Association. Prizes will be awarded and the judges will be Mrs. George Dill, Mrs. Willard Smith and Mrs. Theodore Snyder. The evening party this year will be for students from the seventh grade through high school. The General Organization members are planning, the party which will include dancing and various forms of entertainment, it will be a cos- tume affair and prizes will be award- ed and refreshments will be served, through the courtesy of the Bayport Fire. • Department,. the, •• Lions' _, CJub and the Couples Club. his parents on Monday, when he ar- rived home from San Diego, Calif, for a week. He is being transferred to Newport, R. I. where he will enter the Officers' Candidate School. • The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Suf- folk County Volunteer Firemen's As- sociation will hold a meeting In the Bayport flrehouse on Weduesday evening, October 29th, at eight. Re- freshments will be served. Mrs. Leo Smith returned on Wed- nesday to her home in Nanuet, N. Y. after spending two weeks here with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. King, of Con- netquot Road. . The Bayport Fire Department was called out every-day for a week and police are investigating the brush fires, which occurred in the northern part of the village. (Continued from Page 1) ing when the car he was driving plowed into a tree on the west side of Foster Avenue near River Street, Sayville. He was treated at the scene by Dr. McCoy and rushed to Southside Hospital in the Commu- nity Ambulance. A student at Dart- mouth College, Kappel was spending the week end at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. August Kap- pel. Joseph Iannazzo, of Lincoln Ave- nue, Holbrook, received lacerations of the face and legs Sunday, night when a sedan driven by Blaise J. Iannazzo, of the same address, struck a tree on Johnson Avenue. Sayville., He was treated by Dr Liegner, and taken home. Young Murnane, a sophomore at Sayville High - Gehool; was—born—in Hold Up Tr^ff lo A recent PrincetonsYesearch serv- ice poll shows that 56 per cent of the men and 60 per * cent of the women think big. trucks hold up' ) traffic on main highways. Coke Ovens , . Almost 29,000 coke ovens are in operation in the U. S. according to the U.S. Bureau of Mines. At ~£Ke meeting 6T~Ehe~lrVoman T s Brooklyn. He is survived by hte mother, Mrs. Genevieve T. Murnane, of the Handsome Avenue address; three brothers, John ( G., of Pat- chogue ; William T. and Dennis F. Ill, both of Sayville; two sisters, Miss Genevieve T. Murnane and Mrs. Warren DeCoste, both of Say"- ville. A Rosary was said at eight o'clock on Tuesday evening at Isaacson's funeral parlor.. A requiem mass was' celebrated at 10 o'clock on Wednes- day morning at St. Lawrence's R. C Church fpllowed by interment in the farriiljrplot in Holy Cross Cemetery in Brooklyn. ,. • •--.-• PIANO INSTRUCTION @ Elementary • H Intermediate ® Advanced CALL EVENINGS V SAYVILLE 44838 1 Place For Cotton Even in cold weather cotton has a place in the wardrobe, say Mich- igan„State College home economists. T/ark—cbtTofi—dresses-^or— cotton"-} Two In One* Double-quilted cotton has been used for short housecoats, and they are still in fashion. This season the news is oven better: worn decollete, they make a nice hostess gown; with a dickie. they're a demure house- coat. HHKK 1 OMBW iSSWn ijioKw "£.'t Actually two applisnct's'in one! Two nfoon^—two ffcfri^cTatinjc systcro*. Frctttf £ii$$$*$U ?tro temperature, stores up to ?(Hbt oJ ffotcn food. Refrigerator section htvt* ntrds defrosting! t*»r ©Id rafrtprostor may m&r© titan cover the down payment! FLEMING APPLIANCES 46 Railroad Aventifc Sayville. 4-1737 .' yv'Ai/thorlxedi Dealer SfSEftAl ;FEI ELECTRIC Stop Speculating Yon Are Assured of Comfort with 'The 8h«« With the. ft<M*utifni tnr SHOES 8.95 to 11.95 "BEAUTIFUL RllOF.S' 37 E. Main ftt BAY SHORE Friends of Mrs. J. Horner Kuper, a former resident of Bayport, will be interested to know that she has been confined to the Brookhaven Labora- tory Hospital suffering from a back injury as a result of a fall from a horse. Alessandro Scuri, of Bayport, and Mrs. Beatrice Faremouth, of Jen- nings Avenue, Patchogue, will be married on Saturday, November first, in St. Francis de Sales R. C. Church, in Patchogue. Mrs. Bcnnct Tribken has arrived home and is recuperating at her home on Snedecor Avenue after an operation performed at MUerlcordia Hospital in New York. Roland Mamlock Is making an ex- cellent recovery, after his recent serious illness and operation. He is nble. to be back In his store for part of each day. Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Antos drove to WftdsWorth, Ohio, last week to spend n few days with their soh- ; in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. j George Hudson. The Suffolk County Food Mer- chants Cooperative Association, Inc. has started work on a big, new building on the railroad, hero. Donald Houston, Ron of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Houston, hns enlisted in the \J&. Air Force and loft on Wednesday". Postmaster Ooorge I>edriek and Edward Houdok spent last Friday, Saturday and Sunday driving through Now England The Bayport school will be closed tomorrow while, the faculty attends the long Island Zone Conference at Hempstead. Society for Christian Service last Wednesday at the 1 Bayport church plans for the fall and winter were discussed. Mrs. Edward Jackson, Mrs. Russell'Lechner, and Mrs. Wal- ter Cornell were appointed members of a program committee. Plans for the forthcoming fair on November 12th. of which Mrs. Howard Gillette Is chairman, were also discussed. At the General Organization as- sembly last Friday afternoon the winners of the recent magazine cam- paign were announced. Garry Lewis received the first prize, Walter Roe, second prize, Barbara Bogel, third prize, and Mary Louise Schott, fourth prize. Jo-Ann Zelenka, the winner in the drawing, received a portable radio. Next Monday af- ternoon the team captains and those •who sold $25 or more will enjoy an ice cr earn party.' ,-.•.: ; World Community Day will be ob- served at the First Reformed Church in West Sayville on November sev- enth. At that time, children's cloth- ing, sizes one to six, -will be pre- sented to be sent to Korea. If there is anyone in the village who cares to; donate used clothing for this cause, they may leave it at the par- sonage of the Bayport church. Mrs. Arnold Hanson Is spending this week with Mrs. Harry Ander- son, of St. Albans. Her son, Arnold Hanson Jr., was home from Lehigh University for the week end. On« Sunday she entertained at a family party for her mother, Mrs. Andrew Powers. The address of Sgt. Jerrald Dletz has been changed and is'now 3rd Platoon Fox Company, 2nd' Bh. 1st Marines, 1st Marine Division F.M.F., c/o F.P.O., San Francisco, Calif. • Mr. and Mrs. J. Georges Peter spent the week at Windsor, Conn. While there they attended Parents' Day at Loomis institute, where their son, George, Is a student. George Llpson'was" taken lll'last week and removed to Southside Hos- pital, where he Is under observation. blouses with suits are wise buys | for business girls who work in over- « heated offices. Some Travel! Today's vehicles, driven by more than 63 million licensed drivers, traveled an estimated 488 billion vehicle miles during 1951—an in- crease of 32 billion vehicle, miles over 1950! Pedestrians Killed In T9 5l < 9,410 pedestrians were killed in U.S. traffic accidents. VOTE FOR ifgill IOTORCYCLES Sales and >ervic$ i "48 SOUTH MAIN STREET SAYVILLE, N. Y. > JUVENILE FURNITURE & ACCESSORIES 3> I mm i-iv wmEmmmirz2.:zi£:ui£3Z3.. Fsorxx :i£!=&xn£!src Mm, WtBBEmtmmKBn FRESH KILLED ^4 to 4 «/i Lb. Avg.) CHICKENS MILK FED jegs or Romps oi for Justice of the Pease c (RIB END) SUPREME COURT - SUFFOLK COUNTY. CARL R. GRAY JR., as Administrator of Veterans' Affairs, an Officer of the United States of America, Plaintiff, against GEORGE J. KELLERMANN and others, Defendants. Pursuant to judgment of foreclosure and sale dated the-3rd day-of™Ootob(HPrl&&9,'- the undersigned .will sell at public auction at the Front Steps of- the Suffolk County Courthouse, at Oril- fing Avenue, Rlverhead, New. York, on the 5th day of December, 1952 at 9:45 : o'clock In the forenoon, the premises,directed by said Judgment to be sold; described as follows; BE- GINNING at the corner, formed by the intersection of the southerly sldo Of Ontario Drive with the westerly side of Pino Drive; thence South 11 degrees 03 minutes 20 seconds east along said westerly side ot Pine Drive eighty (80) feet .to a point; thence south 78 degrees 56 minutes 40 seconds West in #; straight lino thru Lot 2, one hun- dred twenty-nine (129) feet and ninety-two .one-hundredU\s (82/100), of a foot to a point and land shown on Map of Bay fair, Section 1; thence North 0 degrees 01 minutes East along said last mentioned land eighty-one (81) feet and fifty-five onc-hundredths (&5/100) of a foot to the southerly side of Ontario Drive; thence North 19 degrees 32 minutes East along said southerly side of Ontario Drive one hundred thirteen (113) feet and ninety-two one*hund>fetth8 (&2/100) of a foot to the poult or place ot beginning; said - protnfews beirtft knox^n .as and by the Street No. 882 Pine DriVe, Bayshore, Suffolk County, N. Y., and as more fully 1 described in the aforesaid Judgment. Dated: October Wth. 1952 DAVID .. xtn ,,^ A. KRAEMER,* Referee ABRAHAM! Mrs. William K#nnelly Is spend- APAT , Attoml.y for Plaintiff, 160-16 I Ing a vacation of three weeks In St. Jamaica Avenue, Jamaica 2, New Petersburg, Fla « 'York. 0R16! REGULAR REPUBLICAN NOMINEE GENUINE SPRING SHOULDER IA MB OUR BEST QUALITY M E AT 80L06N1 ANY SIZE PIECE ANY SIZE PIECE PORK LI HI /StP'H I Da mmmmmmammmMmmmmmmsmmmm -fa CirasK Damage Calls for Skilled Body Repair Work! ;0«r fac- tory trained men can do an expert face-lifting job on your car and quickly restore it to like-new appearance* iMATE v ^ MW< YOUR FR01MW0 mmim km mmm WITH 0UB mm WHEEL M.1OTENT EQUUR/|ENT iTI.'iTI'rnTr: Hawkir Ike Wil Aid Fr< Patchogue- || sending EiS( jjrvAe if yc Democratic there to tear W. Hawkins, a group of v "The votei District sho< port to Stuj see that he thlFaistricr mess. An at tlie hands o arA anyone a change In vote Repub for half-an< want a cha: patriotic Ai make any e do your v Wainwright see you ma what it take ConEressma walnwrlg into a bant touched nu in the East The bandw with Nan band's side brother, So sound equ Walnwrlgh Jonathan, Snowden, $ asm. -Last Tht spoke befo Voters fori he worked Nan cooke men who Linden' I}, "M M V I T& IIU EA -s#^^*V^#- ) Bi <&' ]: :^ 0 •'. :• si*;* f":';' i) SAYVILLE^ *£%&&&. DF-ALER 102 N. MAIN ST. (Opp, Firehouse) SAYVILLE 4-0880 25 i: ! : : :• Ml Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

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Page 1: IBnSLall li$tfp el J . * . ~ >;••''.• ifultonhistory.com/Newspaper4/Sayville NY Suffolk County News... · ... John W. (Bud) Van Wyen, ... \ Henry GrawrocK of Patchogue;

insT^^? i 1*1 i '' : ' :" F . i •• ' :

IBnSL e l J . * . a l l l i $ t f p ~ >;••''.•

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• '. liiairf-iMjpfiixtg bjFplaae .is .as cam-

EMi''^ meMiiwl tf^. "Ail five afifee Bi#»S«a<»BCK* islands are ltaked •l^vSte^arrjr s c l ^ i i M fUgbis, .

' j l ',*'.'•" Flask Oanscra Tip?, ^ Ottiiaary flasMigbt cells are sel--4o$ jS t laMe for CasH-guns.; Photo-fla$fi batteries are made especially

;-fo. '><fel&rer ,-hlgH? amperage: require4 - l ^ t i u l t bu&s. *'

Ambulance Races Stark; Was ii Blase?,». Whml

The Community Ambulance raced the stork again j-esterday—and won

scant I ^ .minutes . -

Mrs. Robert Newman Was the guest %of honor a t a stork shower a t her home on Tuesday evening, Oc-b | a ^ * ^ v , ,__.

The voluTj^^company received a itober 14th, when Mrs. William Gil-hurry-up \ f r °ui Sfc4- Stanley liette, Mrs. Stanley Gillette and Mrs. Houlik of ^ r f ^ I s i i p Town Police, Lawrence Gillette entertained. The a t 9:S0 a. rrffhfrs. James Lawlor,! invited guest* were Mrs. Howard 29, of VanderMt Drive, Oakdale, Gillette, Mrs. William Lewis, Mrs. ",-as* expecting he r second child, and Walter Benkenstein, Mrs. Alex the stork was very impatient. In''Mitchell, Mrs. .Ernest Kerr, Mrs, fact j Ernest Stoil, Mrs. James Carey. Mrs.

At 9:35 a. m , the ambulance ar- JAlbert Zigrosser, Mrs, Claude Wheel-rived a t the Lawlor door and w i t h - e r and Mrs. Waiter Haab, of Ray-

; | John W. (Bud) Van Wyen, a t the 1 port; Mrs. Thomas Grawreck, Mrs. <;j wheel and Joseph C. J ahn in a t - ]char lot te Wagner, Mrs. Wallace 11 j tendance, Mrs. Lawior was rusnea JLeuthier, Mrs. John Perry, Mrs. Qoo,-

* to Southside Hospital, 10 miles away, j ^ g yritzback, 61 Blue Point; Mrs.

Bayport Date Book

i .vAil W°rk Gi?aranleed

:.."I: l •" for •• Qne ; Year •-- •


The ambulance arrived u t the hos­pital at 9:50-

Daniel Gillette. MrSi James Morris, Mrs. b r ie t ta Corley, Miss Hester

Behj&mirj Bnnkenstein, ond child—another girl— was deliv- Mrs Benjarnm Bankensteln Jr., Mre. ered at the hospital Both the inoth- | F C a p 0 > j j rg. & Simecek, Mrs., R. cr and the child were reported doing. Hankins, Mrsl Josh Budd, and Mrs. fine yesterday afternoon. \ Henry GrawrocK of Patchogue; ,Mrs.

Mr. Van Wyen and his shaken a s - j ^ g g , ^ Maasch;''Mrs. Barry Fuchs r

sistant were too thunderstruck t o ' be Interviewed.

ius, Mrs. George Van Emmerick, of Sayville; Mrs. Bernard Pageis, of Bohemia-; Miss Marguerite Sexton, of Babylon; • and M r s / J. Hamrnes-fahr, Mrs. Lil Devlne, Mrs. Dorothy

Quick Change Reversible skirts are in the news

to give you a quick change _in color j Young, Mrs. William Maloney, Mrs 1 T ' B ^ Pineman and Mrs. Norma Bankr

enstein. Baby Pamela Jean, who was

scheme. One of the favorites is a circular flannel skirt in red while the reverse is done in a yellow denim.



BOARD OP EDUCATION — Secona Frldflys, 8- 0 p.m-BOY SCOUTS — JIon*ay», 7 P.UU. M«thodist C)vurcli. CIVIL A'R PATROL — Seniors: Mop<JayB, 8 p.m.; Cadets: Fridays, at Davis Field-COUPLES' CLUB — Second Saturdays, 8:15 p.m. : -CUB SCOUTS — r>ens one, two > n d s i x , Monday afternoons; Dens four and 6ve,

- tr idW afternoons. JPaeJt niteUhga fourth Wednesdays. 7:30 p.m., school - " auditorium. . • v. T" "-FIRE DEPARTMENT - Firsi Friday*. 8 p.m., Brehouse; Ladies' Auxiliary, second

Mondays. - - . ' - " ' pIRL SCOUT TROOP COMMlTTf.e .— First Wednesdays, « pjn. OIRL SCOUTS, ttRO.^KUS ^,M?»ads»y and Tuesday! afternoon, school building. HOME BUREAU - - Every "niurs^^.W^'iJPa- to * P^L* Methodist CHurch. LIONS CLtia — Second 4nd :ftwth;M««days, 7 p.m., Michael's, Be^taurant. PARfNT-T^ACHeR ASS'N--^- 5^con4 Wednesdays. 8 P . ^ school auditorium. i & « j w i t l H<?»t"TAL AUXILIARY -^.Second Tuesdays, 1^0 p.m. . T R A D I N O ^ T ^ L E S ' ^ ' i ' i r s t 'Xhttr80^y-^Td~rMde^ef^WFy--oihcr mopth

• ' Clothing reeeived and sold from 11.00 a. m. to tow p. BU both days. WOMAN'SKWIETY FOR CHRISTIAN SERVICE - Third Wednesday at 8 p. m.

' On November third, the Scouts of Troop 130, B.SA., will entertain at a post-Halloween party for their par­ents in the Scout rooms in the Bay-port Methodist Church. There will be films, skits and refreshments. David Knapp, Scout executive, will address the group briefly and Gil W^ndendez, of Patchogue, will act as commentator of a Sea Scouting film. Boy Scout 'Sunday will be ob­served at the Bayport church at the morning service on November ninth with the boys and their leaders at­tending.

Mrs. Kurt Bensch, a former resi­dent, and Mrs. Kurt Bensch Jr., of West Palm Beach. Fla., spent a day last week with Mrs. Ernest Stoll. They are leaving shortly for Prank-fort, Germany, where they will join the latter's husband who is stationed there,'

A.C-A.N Craig Shand surprised

born on October, sixth, many lovely gifts. i • :

Members of- the Bayport H I - T Club are attending a regional Junior Legislative meeting in Hempstead today. The Bayport group will prqr sent the following bills: A Teachers' College for Long Island, Revision of the Junior Automobile Insurance Law changing the age limit from 25 years to 21, and a bill., giving ,the, housewife, who employs household help,.the right to deduct sbciaLseT curlty payments from her - income

H i a x - T e t u r n i - ^ o ^ o v e m b e r - f i r ^ ^ Bayport girls will again appear on the Youth Forum over Station WPAC.

Janet Ellis celebrated her n in th birthday on Tuesday -when she en­tertained a t a supper party a t her home on Oakwood Avenue. Her guests were Sandra Parmentier, Pamela Hopkins, Dorothy Bogel, Sherry Stoll, Barbara Hammond, Marlene Costanza, Grace Bledsoe, Maureen Sullivan, Lorna^and Susan Engelken, Claudia and James Quig-ley and Mr. and Mrs. James Qulgley, M r and Mrs. Robert Engelken and Mr. and Mrs. John Sullivan.

Mrs. Walter Ports, advisor to the "The Stepping Stone," announced today that the 1952. yearbook had' won a first place award in the an­nual judging contest conducted by the Columbia Scholastic Press a t Columbia University. Out of a possi­ble 1,000 points covering all phases of yearbook production, Bayport's yearbook received 925. Special men­tion was made in praise of the a r t work which was done by Judy Freni and Fred Hegge. ;'• • . - •

Next Wednesday, members of the Home Bureau will gather a t the home of Mrs. William Beutenmuller. of Fairview Avenue, for the first, lesson on Swedish darning. The In­structors will be Mrs. Hiram Darrow and Mrs. Nils Larson. The next day clip aprons will be taUght by Mrs. Courtney Vieland. at her home oh Kensington Avenue.

The Bayport unit of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the proposed .Brook-haven Memorial Hospital will meet on Tuesday evening, October 28th, at-eight o'clock In the auditorium of the school Richard F. Pfelfer, campaign director, will address the members. /

The Missionary Study Group of the Woman's Society for Christian Service will mee t - a t the home of Mrs. Duane Hawkins in Blue Point at one o'clock next Thursday after­noon. .

Guests of the Rev. and Mrs. Theo­dore Bennett at the parsonage on Sunday,were Mr. and Mrs. A. Ed­wards, Mrs. Lena Buettner and Mr. and Mrs. David Lofgren, of Brook­lyn.

Robert Sanford is in Central and South America on a month's business trip for the McGraw Hill Publish­ing Co. He spent the past week end In Montevideo;Uruguay, and has- vis­ited Panama, Brazil and Argentina.

Mr. and Mrs. George Relmer and son, George, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ellis at their home on Oakwood Avenue on Saturday.

Mrs. David Lofgren, a soprano, wa-the guest soloist on Sunday nt the morning service in the Bayport church.

Miss Pletra Paynton is having a. vacation this week from her work in Shand's Store.

The following program was pre­sented in a Rally Day program tor, the Primary and Bcgirurers departs ments of, 4he" Bayport , Methodist Church Sunday School. .The pro--, gram opened wi th the song, -.Tm, So Glad That My Father in Heaven/ ' Scripture reading. David Hope; Chil­dren's Creed, Betty JLou Ellis; Rally Day Prayer, Betey Foster; Presenta­tion, "Children of Bible Times,"..chllr dren: Deirdre Bluhm, Mary Jan^, Smi th Betty Lou Ellis. Ruth Hard­ing, Richard Barrett, Marx.3?pbson, Thomas Dixon, assisted by Mrs. K. Poli, Nancy Bogel^Marlene R«mrne and Virginia .Grunden. Beginner^ songs: "Let .This Little Light of Mine." "Jesus .Loves! Me." Recita­tions: "My, Little: Work." George Graham; "A Rally Day Tde^''BAcri-:. ard Barrett; "Our Part;"iMary^Jane Smith £'-' Why I -Like - RaUyx-=I}ay4 Thonms_^lxM)J_^ing a Song-of Rally Day," Judy Jackson r ^ N e e d o T AH,'' Linda Gray; "I've. Worn: My Prettiest Dress," Carolyn Helber; "Everybody Happy," Nancy Gray; Songs by Primary department, "Bring Them In," "God Bless Our Sunday School." Recitations, "No Wonder," Sally McCarthy; "Listen to Me," Susan Foster; "Vacation Days Are Over,'" Barbara Jones; "Our Flannel Board, Bible Story/" Miss Hingle. The program closed with a prayer by the entire Sunday School. - - ' r i '

For your heating and sheet metal problem or new gutters and leaders consult Sayville Furnace and Stove Co. Inc., 226 N. Main,Street or tele-phbne Sayville 4-1439. ' 95t5

Mary Patricia, infant daughter W Dr. and Mrs. Charles F. Cramptdif, of Manhattan, was christened'-or$ Sunday in St: Ann's Episcopal'' Church, In Sayville, by the 'Rev.'.. Joseph H. Bond. D r and Mrs.-John A. Frieman . were sponsors of , the-pabyv ; Following the christening, a family dinner party was held a t the home of Dr: Crampton's mother and aunt, Mrs. Dora Crampton and Miss

Tda Frieman. Mrs. Crampton and her two little daughters are remain-:. Ing here until the first of November and Dr Crampton comes out for the week en,ds.

Margaret Moon, editor-in-chief and Bill Singleton, chairman of the planning and lay-out for this year's high school yearbook, "The Stepping Stone," accompanied Mrs. Walter Ports, yearbook advisor, when they attended a yearbook conference and luncheon last Wednesday sponsored by the Croyden-Johnson Publishing Co. a t Bethpage.

The Bayport Republican Club will sponsor a rally next Monday eve­ning, October 27th, at 8:30 In the Bayport flrehouse. The speakers of the evening will be Commissioner of Welfare Milton J. Kirkup, Assembly­man Elisha T. Barrett and Lloyd Dodge. Refreshments will be served.

Next Friday afternoon there will be a Hallowe'en party for the kin­dergarten through the sixth grade in the auditorium of the school to which pre-sehooi children are in­vited! The . teachers, will be the committee in charge; headed by Mrs. Dora Crampton, financially assisted by the Parent-Teacher Association. Prizes will be awarded and the judges will be Mrs. George Dill, Mrs. Willard Smith and Mrs. Theodore Snyder. The evening party this year will be for students from the seventh grade through high school. The General Organization members are planning, the par ty which will include dancing and various forms of entertainment, i t will be a cos­tume affair and prizes will be award­ed and refreshments will be served, through the courtesy of the Bayport Fire. • Department, . the, •• Lions' _, CJub and the Couples Club.

his parents on Monday, when he ar­rived home from San Diego, Calif, for a week. He is being transferred to Newport, R. I. where he will enter the Officers' Candidate School. • The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Suf­folk County Volunteer Firemen's As­sociation will hold a meeting In the Bayport flrehouse on Weduesday evening, October 29th, a t eight. Re­freshments will be served.

Mrs. Leo Smith returned on Wed­nesday to her home in Nanuet, N. Y. after spending two weeks here with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. King, of Con-netquot Road. .

The Bayport Fire Department was called out every-day for a week and police are investigating the brush fires, which occurred in the northern pa r t of the village.

(Continued from Page 1)

ing when the car he was driving plowed into a tree on the west side of Foster Avenue near River Street, Sayville. He was treated a t the scene by Dr. McCoy and rushed to Southside Hospital in the Commu­nity Ambulance. A student at Dart­mouth College, Kappel was spending the week end at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. August Kap­pel.

Joseph Iannazzo, of Lincoln Ave­nue, Holbrook, received lacerations of the face and legs Sunday, night when a sedan driven by Blaise J. Iannazzo, of the • same address, struck a tree on Johnson Avenue. Sayville., He was treated by Dr Liegner, and taken home.

Young Murnane, a sophomore at Sayville High - Gehool; was—born—in

Hold Up Tr^ff lo A recent PrincetonsYesearch serv­

ice poll shows that 56 per cent of the men and 60 per * cent of the women think big. trucks hold up' ) traffic on main highways.

Coke Ovens , . Almost 29,000 coke ovens are in

operation in the U. S. according to the U . S . Bureau of Mines.

At ~£Ke meeting 6T~Ehe~lrVomanTs

Brooklyn. He is survived by hte mother, Mrs. Genevieve T. Murnane, of the Handsome Avenue address; three brothers, John (G., of Pa t ­chogue ; William T. and Dennis F. I l l , both of Sayville; two sisters, Miss Genevieve T. Murnane and Mrs. Warren DeCoste, both of Say"-ville.

A Rosary was said a t eight o'clock on Tuesday evening a t Isaacson's funeral parlor. . A requiem mass was' celebrated at 10 o'clock on Wednes­day morning at St. Lawrence's R. C Church fpllowed by interment in the farriiljrplot in Holy Cross Cemetery in Brooklyn. ,. • •--.-•

PIANO INSTRUCTION @ Elementary • H Intermediate ® Advanced





Place For Cotton Even in cold weather cotton has

a place in the wardrobe, say Mich-igan„State College home economists.

T/ark—cbtTofi—dresses-^or— cotton"-}

Two In One* Double-quilted cotton has been

used for short housecoats, and they are still in fashion. This season the news is oven better: worn decollete, they make a nice hostess gown; with a dickie. they're a demure house­coat.


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Actually two applisnct 's ' in one! Two nfoon^—two ffcfri cTatinjc systcro*. Frctttf £ii$$$*$U ?tro temperature, stores up to ?(Hbt oJ ffotcn food. Refrigerator section htvt* ntrds defrosting!

t*»r ©Id rafrtprostor may m&r© titan cover the down payment!

FLEMING APPLIANCES 46 Railroad Aventifc Sayville. 4-1737


yv'Ai/thorlxedi Dealer




Stop Speculating Y o n A r e A s s u r e d of

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'The 8h«« Wi th the.

ft<M*utifni tnr S H O E S

8.95 to 11.95

"BEAUTIFUL RllOF.S' 37 E. Main ftt


Friends of Mrs. J. Horner Kuper, a former resident of Bayport, will be interested to know that she has been confined to the Brookhaven Labora­tory Hospital suffering from a back injury as a result of a fall from a horse.

Alessandro Scuri, of Bayport, and Mrs. Beatrice Faremouth, of Jen­nings Avenue, Patchogue, will be married on Saturday, November first, in St. Francis de Sales R. C. Church, in Patchogue.

Mrs. Bcnnct Tribken has arrived home and is recuperating at her home on Snedecor Avenue after an operation performed at MUerlcordia Hospital in New York.

Roland Mamlock Is making an ex­cellent recovery, after his recent serious illness and operation. He is nble. to be back In his store for part of each day.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Antos drove to WftdsWorth, Ohio, last week to spend n few days with their soh-

; in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. j George Hudson.

The Suffolk County Food Mer­chants Cooperative Association, Inc. has started work on a big, new building on the railroad, hero.

Donald Houston, Ron of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Houston, hns enlisted in the \J&. Air Force and loft on Wednesday".

Postmaster Ooorge I>edriek and Edward Houdok spent last Friday, Saturday and Sunday driving through Now England

The Bayport school will be closed tomorrow while, the faculty attends the l ong Island Zone Conference at Hempstead.

Society for Christian Service last Wednesday at the1 Bayport church plans for the fall and winter were discussed. Mrs. Edward Jackson, Mrs. Russell'Lechner, and Mrs. Wal­ter Cornell were appointed members of a program committee. Plans for the forthcoming fair on November 12th. of which Mrs. Howard Gillette Is chairman, were also discussed.

At the General Organization as­sembly last Friday afternoon the winners of the recent magazine cam­paign were announced. Garry Lewis received the first prize, Walter Roe, second prize, Barbara Bogel, third prize, and Mary Louise Schott, fourth prize. Jo-Ann Zelenka, the winner in the drawing, received a portable radio. Next Monday af­ternoon the team captains and those •who sold $25 or more will enjoy an ice cr earn party.' , - . • . : ;

World Community Day will be ob­served a t the First Reformed Church in West Sayville on November sev­enth. At tha t time, children's cloth­ing, sizes one to six, -will be pre­sented to be sent to Korea. If there is anyone in the village who cares to; donate used clothing for this cause, they may leave it at the par­sonage of the Bayport church.

Mrs. Arnold Hanson Is spending this week with Mrs. Harry Ander­son, of St. Albans. Her son, Arnold Hanson Jr., was home from Lehigh University for the week end. On« Sunday she entertained at a family party for her mother, Mrs. Andrew Powers.

The address of Sgt. Jerrald Dletz has been changed and is 'now 3rd Platoon Fox Company, 2nd' Bh. 1st Marines, 1st Marine Division F.M.F., c/o F.P.O., San Francisco, Calif. • Mr. and Mrs. J. Georges Peter

spent the week at Windsor, Conn. While there they attended Parents ' Day at Loomis institute, where their son, George, Is a student.

George Llpson'was" taken l l l ' las t week and removed to Southside Hos­pital, where he Is under observation.

blouses with suits are wise buys | for business girls who work in over- « heated offices.

Some Travel! Today's vehicles, driven by more

than 63 million licensed drivers, traveled an estimated 488 billion vehicle miles during 1951—an in­crease of 32 billion vehicle, miles over 1950!

Pedestrians Killed In T95l< 9,410 pedestrians were

killed in U.S. traffic accidents.


i fgi l l


Sales and >ervic$







• mm

i - i v

wmEmmmirz2.:zi£:ui£3Z3.. Fsorxx :i£!=&xn£!src

Mm, WtBBEmtmmKBn

FRESH KILLED ^4 to 4 «/i Lb. Avg.)


jegs or Romps oi


Justice of the Pease


SUPREME COURT - SUFFOLK COUNTY. CARL R. GRAY JR., as Administrator of Veterans' Affairs, an Officer of the United States of America, Plaintiff, against GEORGE J. KELLERMANN and others, Defendants. Pursuant to judgment of foreclosure and sale dated the-3rd day-of™Ootob(HPrl&&9,'-the undersigned .will sell a t public auction at the Front Steps of- the Suffolk County Courthouse, a t Or i l -fing Avenue, Rlverhead, New. York, on the 5th day of December, 1952 a t 9:45 : o'clock In the forenoon, the premises,directed by said Judgment to be sold; described as follows; BE­GINNING at the corner, formed by the intersection of the southerly sldo Of Ontario Drive with the westerly side of Pino Drive; thence South 11 degrees 03 minutes 20 seconds east along said westerly side ot Pine Drive eighty (80) feet .to a point; thence south 78 degrees 56 minutes 40 seconds West in #; straight lino thru Lot 2, one hun­dred twenty-nine (129) feet and ninety-two .one-hundredU\s (82/100), of a foot to a point and land shown on Map of Bay fair, Section 1; thence North 0 degrees 01 minutes East along said last mentioned land eighty-one (81) feet and fifty-five onc-hundredths (&5/100) of a foot to the southerly side of Ontario Drive; thence North 19 degrees 32 minutes East along said southerly side of Ontario Drive one hundred thirteen (113) feet and ninety-two one*hund>fetth8 (&2/100) of a foot to the poult or place ot beginning; said - protnfews beirtft knox^n .as and by the Street No. 882 Pine DriVe, Bayshore, Suffolk County, N. Y., and as more fully1 described in the aforesaid Judgment. Dated: October Wth. 1952 DAVID

. . xtn,,^ A. KRAEMER,* Referee ABRAHAM! Mrs. William K#nnelly Is spend- A P A T , Attoml.y for Plaintiff, 160-16 I

Ing a vacation of three weeks In St. Jamaica Avenue, Jamaica 2, New Petersburg, Fla « 'York. 0R16!





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-fa CirasK Damage Calls for Skilled Body Repair Work! ;0«r fac­tory trained men can do an expert face-lifting job on your car and quickly restore it to like-new appearance*

iMATE v ^

MW< YOUR FR01MW0 mmim km mmm WITH 0UB mm WHEEL

M.1OTENT EQUUR/|ENT i T I . ' i T I ' r n T r :

Hawkir Ike Wil Aid Fr<

Patchogue-| | sending EiS(

jjrvAe if yc Democratic there to tear W. Hawkins, a group of v

"The votei District sho< port to Stuj see that he thlFais t r icr mess. An at tlie hands o a rA anyone a change In vote Repub for half-an< want a cha: patriotic Ai make any e do your v Wainwright see you ma what it take ConEressma

walnwrlg into a bant touched nu in the East The bandw with Nan band's side brother, So sound equ Walnwrlgh Jonathan, Snowden, $ asm. -Last Tht

spoke befo Voters fori he worked Nan cooke men who










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102 N. MAIN ST. (Opp, Firehouse) SAYVILLE 4-0880 25

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