ibm mq high availabillity and disaster recovery (2017 version)

InterConnect 2017 HHM-6891 Making MQ Resilient across Your Datacenters and the Cloud High Availability, Disaster Recovery etc Mark Taylor [email protected]

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2017HHM-6891 Making MQ Resilient across Your Datacenters and the Cloud – High Availability, Disaster Recovery etc

Mark [email protected]

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• IBM MQ provides many capabilities that will keep your data safe and your business running in the

event of failures whether you're running on your own systems in your data centres, on-premise IaaS,

IaaS in a public cloud, or a hybrid cloud across all of these. This session introduces you to the

solutions available and how they can be effectively used together to build extremely reliable

environments providing HA and DR for messaging on-premise in in the hybrid cloud.


• Availability is a very large subject

• You can have the best technology in the world, but you have to manage it correctly

• Technology is not a substitute for good planning and testing!

What is DR

• Getting applications running after a major (often whole-site) failure or loss

• It is not about High Availability although often the two are related and share design and

implementation choices‒ “HA is having 2, DR is having them a long way apart”

‒ More seriously, HA is about keeping things running, while DR is about recovering when HA has failed.

• Requirements driven by business, and often by regulators‒ Data integrity, timescales, geography …

• One major decision point: cost‒ How much does DR cost you, even if it’s never used?

‒ How much are you prepared to lose

Disaster Recovery vs High Availability

• Designs for HA typically involve a single site for each component of the overall architecture

• Designs for DR typically involve separate sites

• Designs for HA (and CA) typically require no data loss

• Designs for DR typically can have limited data loss

• Designs for HA typically involve high-speed takeover

• Designs for DR typically can permit several hours down-time


Single Points of Failure

• With no redundancy or fault tolerance, a failure of any component can lead to a loss of availability

• Every component is critical. The system relies on the:‒ Power supply, system unit, CPU, memory

‒ Disk controller, disks, network adapter, network cable

‒ ...and so on

• Various techniques have been developed to tolerate failures:‒ UPS or dual supplies for power loss

‒ RAID for disk failure

‒ Fault-tolerant architectures for CPU/memory failure

‒ ...etc

• Elimination of SPOFs is important to achieve HA

IBM MQ HA technologies

• Queue manager clusters

• Queue-sharing groups

• Support for networked storage

• Multi-instance queue managers

• MQ Appliance

• HA clusters

• Client reconnection

Queue Manager Clusters

• Sharing cluster queues on multiple queue

managers prevents a queue from being a


• Cluster workload algorithm automatically

routes traffic away from failed queue


Queue-Sharing Groups

• On z/OS, queue managers can be members of a queue-sharing


• Shared queues are held in a coupling facility‒ All queue managers in the QSG can access the messages

• Benefits:‒ Messages remain available even if a queue manager fails

‒ Pull workload balancing

‒ Apps can connect to the group Queue














Introduction to Failover and MQ

• Failover is the automatic switching of availability of a service‒ For MQ, the “service” is a queue manager

• Traditionally the preserve of an HA cluster, such as HACMP

• Requires:‒ Data accessible on all servers

‒ Equivalent or at least compatible servers

➢ Common software levels and environment

‒ Sufficient capacity to handle workload after failure

➢ Workload may be rebalanced after failover requiring spare capacity

‒ Startup processing of queue manager following the failure

• MQ offers several ways of configuring for failover:‒ Multi-instance queue managers

‒ HA clusters

‒ MQ Appliance

Failover considerations

• Failover times are made up of three parts:‒ Time taken to notice the failure

➢ Heartbeat missed

➢ Bad result from status query

‒ Time taken to establish the environment before activating the service

➢ Switching IP addresses and disks, and so on

‒ Time taken to activate the service

➢ This is queue manager restart

• Failover involves a queue manager restart‒ Nonpersistent messages, nondurable subscriptions discarded

• For fastest times, ensure that queue manager restart is fast‒ No long running transactions, for example


Multi-instance Queue Managers

• Basic failover support without HA cluster

• Two instances of a queue manager on different machines‒ One is the “active” instance, other is the “standby” instance

‒ Active instance “owns” the queue manager’s files

➢ Accepts connections from applications

‒ Standby instance monitors the active instance

➢ Applications cannot connect to the standby instance

➢ If active instance fails, standby restarts queue manager and becomes active

• Instances are the SAME queue manager – only one set of data files‒ Queue manager data is held in networked storage

Multi-instance Queue Managers

1. Normal


Owns the queue manager data



Machine A Machine B








can fail-over




networked storage

Multi-instance Queue Managers

2. Disaster



Machine A Machine B








locks freed





networked storage

Client connections


Multi-instance Queue Managers







Machine B








networked storage

Owns the queue manager data

Client connection still broken

Multi-instance Queue Managers

4. Recovery



Machine B








networked storage

Owns the queue manager data

Client connections reconnect

Dealing with multiple IP addresses

• The IP address of the queue manager changes when it moves‒ So MQ channel configuration needs way to select address

• Connection name syntax extended to a comma-separated list‒ CONNAME(‘,’)

‒ Needs 7.0.1 qmgr or client

• Unless you use external IPAT or an intelligent router or MR01


HA clusters

• MQ traditionally made highly available using an HA cluster‒ IBM PowerHA for AIX (formerly HACMP), Veritas Cluster Server, Microsoft Cluster Server, HP Serviceguard,

• HA clusters can:‒ Coordinate multiple resources such as application server, database

‒ Consist of more than two machines

‒ Failover more than once without operator intervention

‒ Takeover IP address as part of failover

‒ Likely to be more resilient in cases of MQ and OS defects

HA clusters

• In HA clusters, queue manager data and logs are placed on a shared disk‒ Disk is switched between machines during failover

• The queue manager has its own “service” IP address‒ IP address is switched between machines during failover

‒ Queue manager’s IP address remains the same after failover

• The queue manager is defined to the HA cluster as a resource dependent on the shared disk and the

IP address‒ During failover, the HA cluster will switch the disk, take over the IP address and then start the queue manager

HA cluster

MQ in an HA cluster – Active/active




Machine A Machine BQM1











and logs



and logs

shared disk

HA cluster

MQ in an HA cluster – Active/active



Machine A Machine B









and logs



and logs

shared disk




Shared disk switched

IP address takeover

Queue manager restarted

Multi-instance QM or HA cluster?

• Multi-instance queue manager‒ Integrated into the MQ product

‒ Faster failover than HA cluster

➢ Delay before queue manager restart is much shorter

‒ Runtime performance of networked storage

‒ System administrator responsible for restarting a standby instance after failover

• HA cluster‒ Capable of handling a wider range of failures

‒ Failover historically rather slow, but some HA clusters are improving

‒ Capable of more flexible configurations (eg N+1)

‒ Extra product purchase and skills required

• Storage distinction‒ Multi-instance queue manager typically uses NAS

‒ HA clustered queue manager typically uses SAN

Primary Secondary

High Availability for the MQ Appliance

• IBM MQ Appliances can be deployed in HA pairs‒ Primary instance of queue manager runs on one

‒ Secondary instance on the other for HA protection

• Primary and secondary work together‒ Operations on primary automatically replicated to secondary

‒ Appliances monitor one another and perform local restart/failover

• Easier config than other HA solutions (no shared file system/shared disks)

• Supports manual failover, e.g. for rolling upgrades

• Replication is synchronous over Ethernet, for 100% fidelity‒ Routable but not intended for long distances

Setting up HA for the Appliance

• The following command is run from appl1:‒ prepareha -s <some random text> -a <address of appl2>

• The following command is run from appl2:‒ crthagrp -s <the same random text> -a <address of appl1>

• crtmqm -sx HAQM1

• Note that there is no need to run strmqm

Virtual Images

• Another mechanism being regularly used

• When MQ is in a virtual machine … simply shoot and restart the VM

• “Turning it off and back on again”

• Can be faster than any other kind of failover

MQ Virtual System Pattern for PureApplication System

• MQ Pattern for Pure supports multi-instance HA model

• Exploits GPFS storage

• Use the pattern editor to create a virtual machine containing MQ and GPFS

HA for MQ in clouds

• Fundamentally the same options

• Orchestration tools to help provision

• Different filesystems with different characteristics‒



Shared Queues,HP NonStop Server continuous continuous

MQClusters none continuous


automatic automatic

none none

HA Clustering,Multi-instance

No specialsupport

Access toexisting messages

Access fornew messages

Comparison of Technologies


HA applications – MQ connectivity

• If an application loses connection to a queue manager, what does it do?

‒ End abnormally

‒ Handle the failure and retry the connection

‒ Reconnect automatically thanks to application container

➢ WebSphere Application Server contains logic to reconnect JMS clients

‒ Use MQ automatic client reconnection

Automatic client reconnection

• MQ client automatically reconnects when connection broken‒ MQI C clients and standalone JMS clients

‒ JMS in app servers (EJB, MDB) does not need auto-reconnect

• Reconnection includes reopening queues, remaking subscriptions‒ All MQI handles keep their original values

• Can reconnect to same queue manager or another, equivalent queue manager

• MQI or JMS calls block until connection is remade‒ By default, will wait for up to 30 minutes

‒ Long enough for a queue manager failover (even a really slow one)

Automatic client reconnection

• Can register event handler to observe reconnection

• Not all MQI is seamless, but majority repaired transparently‒ Browse cursors revert to the top of the queue

‒ Nonpersistent messages are discarded during restart

‒ Nondurable subscriptions are remade and may miss some messages

‒ In-flight transactions backed out

• Tries to keep dynamic queues with same name‒ If queue manager doesn’t restart, reconnecting client’s TDQs are kept for a while in case it reconnects

‒ If queue manager does restart, TDQs are recreated when it reconnects

Automatic client reconnection

• Enabled in application code, ini file or CLNTCONN definition‒ MQI: MQCNO_RECONNECT, MQCNO_RECONNECT_Q_MGR

‒ JMS: Connection factory properties

• Plenty of opportunity for configuration‒ Reconnection timeout

‒ Frequency of reconnection attempts

• Requires:‒ Threaded client

‒ 7.0.1 server – including z/OS

‒ Full-duplex client communications (SHARECNV >= 1)

Client Configurations for Availability

• Use wildcarded queue manager names in CCDT‒ Gets weighted distribution of connections

‒ Selects a “random” queue manager from an equivalent set

• Use V9 CCDT ftp/http downloads to simplify distribution of configurations

• Use multiple addresses in a CONNAME‒ Could potentially point at different queue managers

‒ More likely pointing at the same queue manager in a multi-instance setup

• Use automatic reconnection

• Pre-connect Exit from V7.0.1.4

• Use IP routers to select address from a list‒ Based on workload or anything else known to the router

• Can use all of these in combination!

Application Patterns for availability

• Article describing examples of how to build a hub topology supporting:‒ Continuous availability to send MQ messages, with no single point of failure

‒ Linear horizontal scale of throughput, for both MQ and the attaching applications

‒ Exactly once delivery, with high availability of individual persistent messages

‒ Three messaging styles: Request/response, fire-and-forget, and pub/sub


Disaster Recovery

What makes a Queue Manager on Dist?

ini files



ini files







Obj DefiniitionsSecurityCluster


SSL Store


• At minimum, backup definitions at regular intervals‒ Include ini files and security settings

• One view is there is no point to backing up messages‒ They will be obsolete if they ever need to be restored

‒ Distributed platforms – data backup only possible when qmgr stopped

• Use rcdmqimg on Distributed platforms to take images‒ Channel sync information is recovered even for circular logs

• Backup everything before upgrading code levels‒ On Distributed, you cannot go back

• Exclude queue manager data from normal system backups‒ Some backup products interfere with MQ processing

What makes a Queue Manager on z/OS?








VSAM Linear





PagesetsPrivate Objects

Private MessagesRECOV RBAs



Shared MessagesShared Objects

Group Objects



What makes up a Queue Manager?

• Queue manager started task procedure‒ Specifies MQ libraries to use, location of BSDS and pagesets and INP1, INP2 members start up processing

• System Parameter Module – zParm‒ Configuration settings for logging, trace and connection environments for MQ

• BSDS: Vital for Queue Manager start up‒ Contains info about log RBAs, checkpoint information and log dataset names

• Active and Archive Logs: Vital for Queue Manager start up‒ Contain records of all recoverable activity performed by the Queue Manager

• Pagesets‒ Updates made “lazily” and brought “up to date” from logs during restart

‒ Start up with an old pageset (restored backup) is not really any different from start up after queue manager


‒ Backup needs to copy page 0 of pageset first (don’t do volume backup!)

• DB2 Configuration information & Group Object Definitions

• Coupling Facility Structures‒ Hold QSG control information and MQ messages

Backing Up a z/OS Queue Manager

• Keep copies of ZPARM, MSTR procedure, product datasets and INP1/INP2 members

• Use dual BSDS, dual active and dual archive logs

• Take backups of your pagesets‒ This can be done while the queue manager is running (fuzzy backups)

‒ Make sure you backup Page 0 first, REPRO or ADRDSSU logical copy

• DB2 data should be backed up as part of the DB2 backup procedures

• CF application structures should be backed up on a regular basis‒ These are made in the logs of the queue manager where the backup was issued

Remote Recovery


• Sometimes a data centre is kept PURELY as the DR site

• Sometimes 2 data centres are in daily use; back each other up for disasters‒ Normal workload distributed to the 2 sites

‒ These sites are probably geographically distant

• Another variation has 2 data centres “near” each other‒ Often synchronous replication

‒ With a 3rd site providing a long-distance backup

• And of course further variations and combinations of these

Queue Manager Connections

• DR topologies have little difference for individual queue managers

• But they do affect overall design‒ Where do applications connect to

‒ How are messages routed

• Clients need ClntConn definitions that reach any machine

• Will be affected by how you manage network‒ Do DNS names move with the site?

‒ Do IP addresses move with the site?

• Some sites always put IP addresses in CONNAME; others use hostname‒ No rule on which is better

Disk replication

• Disk replication can be used for MQ disaster recovery

• Either synchronous or asynchronous disk replication is OK‒ Synchronous:

➢ No data loss if disaster occurs

➢ Performance is impacted by replication delay

➢ Limited by distance (eg 100km)

‒ Asynchronous:

➢ Some limited data loss if disaster occurs

➢ It is critical that queue manager data and logs are replicated in the same consistency group if replicating both

• Disk replication cannot be used between the active and standby instances of a multi-instance queue

manager‒ Could be used to replicate to a DR site in addition though

Combining HA and DR


Machine A


Machine B


shared storage

Machine C



Primary Site Backup Site

HA Pair

Combining HA and DR – “Active/Active”


Machine AActive


Machine BStandbyinstance

Machine CBackupinstance QM1


Site 1 Site 2

HA Pair

Machine CActive


Machine DStandbyinstance

Machine ABackupinstance

QM2 QM2Replication

HA Pair

Use of "spare" machines

• Don't use DR queue managers for "other" work when not needed‒ Using the machines may be OK, though not recommended

‒ Definitely do not try to use the queue managers as test/dev environments

Primary Secondary

DR for the MQ Appliance

• IBM MQ Appliances can now be deployed with DR option

• Similar to HA design‒ But using async replication for longer-distance

DR RolePrimarySecondary

DR Status

NormalSync in progressPartitionedRemote Appliance(s) UnavailableInactiveInconsistentRemote appliance(s) not configured

DR Synchronization progress XX% complete

DR estimated synchronization time Estimated absolute time at which the synchronization will complete

Out of sync data Amount of data in KB written to this instance since the Partition

DR ReplicationAsynchronous

(10 Gb Ethernet) introduced DR but with one major

restriction – appliances and the queue

managers they host can participate either in HA Groups, or DR but not both at the same


The DR appliance is asynchronously updated from whichever HA node

is active

HA Replication

Synchronous(10Gb Ethernet)

Note that this does still not (yet) allow

symmetrical HA pair to HA pair replication

Disaster Recovery for HA groups

Integration with other products

• May want to have consistency with other data resources‒ For example, databases and app servers

• Only way for guaranteed consistency is disk replication where all logs are in same group‒ Otherwise transactional state might be out of sync

DR in Cloud configurations

• Don't assume that using a cloud absolves you from DR considerations‒ Recent AWS outage is good demonstration (but not the only one)

• "I think we have grown accustomed to the idea that the cloud has become a panacea for a lot of

companies. It is important for businesses to recognize that the cloud is their new legacy system, and if

the worst does occur the situation can be worse for businesses using cloud than those choosing their

own private data centers, because they have less visibility and control."

• Some published articles/code on configuring replication for MQ within clouds‒


• Basic concepts are the same, as you would expect‒ Selection of technologies may be restricted by the environments

Planning and Testing

Planning for Recovery

• Write a DR plan‒ Document everything – to tedious levels of detail

‒ Include actual commands, not just a description of the operation

➢ Not “Stop MQ”, but “as mqm, run /usr/local/bin/ US.PROD.01”

• And test it frequently‒ Recommend twice a year

‒ Record time taken for each task

• Remember that the person executing the plan in a real emergency might be under-skilled and over-

pressured ‒ Plan for no access to phones, email, online docs …

• Each test is likely to show something you’ve forgotten‒ Update the plan to match

‒ You’re likely to have new applications, hardware, software …

• May have different plans for different disaster scenarios

Example Exercises from MQ Development

• Different groups have different activities that must continue‒ Realistic scenarios can help show what might not be available

• From the MQ development lab …

• Most of the change team were told there was a virulent disease and they had to work from home‒ Could they continue to support customers

• If Hursley machine room was taken out by a plane missing its landing at Southampton airport‒ Could we carry on developing the MQ product

‒ Source code libraries, build machines, test machines …

‒ Could fixes be produced

• (A common one) Someone hit emergency power-off button

• Not just paper exercises

Networking Considerations

• DNS - You will probably redirect hostnames to a new site‒ But will you also keep the same IP addresses?

‒ Including NAT when routing to external partners?

‒ Affects CONNAME

• Include external organisations in your testing‒ 3rd parties may have firewalls that do not recognize your DR servers

• LOCLADDR configuration‒ Not normally used by MQ, but firewalls, IPT and channel exits may inspect it

‒ May need modification if a machine changes address

• Clustering needs special consideration‒ Easy to accidentally join the real cluster and start stealing messages

‒ Ideally keep network separated, but can help by:

➢ Not giving backup ‘live’ security certs

➢ Not starting chinit address space (z/OS); not allowing channel initiators to start (distributed)

➢ Use CHLAUTH rules

• Backup will be out of sync with the cluster‒ REFRESH CLUSTER() resolves updates

A Real MQ Network Story

• Customer did an IP move during a DR test

• Forgot to do the IP move back when they returned to prime systems

• Didn’t have monitoring in place that picked this up until users complained about lack of response

Other Resources

• Applications may need to deal with replay or loss of data.‒ Decide whether to clear queues down to a known state, or enough information elsewhere to manage replays

• Order of recovery may change with different product releases‒ Every time you install a new version of a product revisit your DR plan

• What do you really need to recover ‒ DR site might be lower-power than primary site

‒ Some apps might not be critical to the business

‒ But some might be unrecognised prereqs

If a Real Disaster Hits

• Hopefully you never need it. But if the worst happens:

• Follow your tested plan‒ Don’t try shortcuts

• But also, if possible:‒ Get someone to take notes and keep track of the time tasks took

‒ Prepare to attend post mortem meetings on steps you took to recover

‒ Accept all offers of assistance

• And afterwards:‒ Update your plan for the next time


• Various ways of recovering queue managers

• Plan what you need to recover for MQ

• Plan the relationship with other resources

• Test your plan

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