ibm insight, city of lahti: reduce operational costs and increase efficiency by using smart...

ESN-6504A City of Lahti: Reduce Operational Costs and Increase Efficiency by Using Smart Archiving and Analytics 27.10.2014 Ari Juntunen / Elinar Ltd Special Thanks to Mr. Henri Nyberg / City of Lahti

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Page 1: IBM Insight, City of Lahti: Reduce Operational Costs and Increase Efficiency by Using Smart Archiving and Analytics

ESN-6504A City of Lahti: Reduce Operational Costs and Increase Efficiency by Using Smart Archiving and


27.10.2014 Ari Juntunen / Elinar LtdSpecial Thanks to Mr. Henri Nyberg / City of Lahti

Page 2: IBM Insight, City of Lahti: Reduce Operational Costs and Increase Efficiency by Using Smart Archiving and Analytics

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Page 3: IBM Insight, City of Lahti: Reduce Operational Costs and Increase Efficiency by Using Smart Archiving and Analytics


* City of Lahti and role of Local Government in Finland

* The Problem: Traditional Processes

* Smart Archiving

* Electronic Decision Making

* Citizen Self-Service

* Savings

*IBM Technology in use

Page 4: IBM Insight, City of Lahti: Reduce Operational Costs and Increase Efficiency by Using Smart Archiving and Analytics

City of Lahti

City of Lahti is a city of over 100 000 people and about 6 000 employees.

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Local Government role in Finland

-Finland governmental structure is split with some centrally managed duties:*Major Highways*Police, Court system, Prisons, National Defense

-Local Government (Cities & Municipalities) handle everything elseas independent entities

-Central Government collect variable tax (depending on income)from each citizen

-Local Government collect fixed income tax from all residents-Local Government in Finland handles many responsibilities that insome countries are run by County Councils

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Local Government responsibilities:

Some major responsibilities are:-Health Care / Hospitals-Social Care, including Children Daycare (available for everyone)-Schools-Safety and Health issues-Environmental planning and land use, building permits-Education excluding higher university level (Master Degree->)-Many cities also own and run monopoly on energy distribution, water and waste management

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Presentation setting

-In order to keep matters simple, rest of this presentation refersto City of Lahti Land Use, Environmental Planning & InfrastructureManagement Department (internally called Tech Department)

-Tech Department has about 300 people

-Tech Department handles everything from Building Permits to Roadand Infrastructure Management

-In the past had a team of 15 people dedicated for archiving

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* City of Lahti and role of Local Government in Finland

* The Problem: Traditional Processes

* Smart Archiving

* Electronic Decision Making

* Citizen Self-Service

* Savings

*IBM Technology in use

Page 9: IBM Insight, City of Lahti: Reduce Operational Costs and Increase Efficiency by Using Smart Archiving and Analytics

The Problem: Traditional, Paper Based Process

-Processes based on paper are highly inefficient. Period.-These processes require significant amount of time, people andare prone to errors

-Storing paper is expensive*Cost of physical archive is high*Retrieving Records from archive take significant time

and slow down the processes*Removal and Destruction of records is manual labor

-Creating paper records is very cumbersome-Maximum speed for decision making process (like buildingpermit) will be the speed that physical paper can travel troughthe organization->SLOW-Who is doing and what? People are working on their “own” cases and visibilitywithin peers is close to zero

-Significant effort is spent on customer service

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The Solution: Smart Archiving, Electronic Decision Making and Self Service

-In order to fully understand the benefits we must first cover each solution aspect separately

->Smart Archive->Electronic Decision Making->Citizen Self Service

-At the end we will summarize the benefits

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* City of Lahti and role of local government in Finland

* The Problem: Traditional Processes

* Smart Archiving

* Electronic Decision Making

* Citizen Self-Service

* Savings

*IBM Technology in use

Page 12: IBM Insight, City of Lahti: Reduce Operational Costs and Increase Efficiency by Using Smart Archiving and Analytics

Smart Archiving // Mandatory Standards

-Solution is based on Finland National Archives (NARC) standard called SÄHKE2 which is based on pan European MoReq2 standard

-SÄHKE2 standard defines how material that must be kept permanently is handled in electronic only format:

-Mandatory Metadata-File Formats (PDF/A,TIFF)-Record validity and traceability

-SÄHKE2 defines a minimum set of metadata that must be kept for all records

-City of Lahti was first city in Finland to get permission to being paperless electronic archival of permanent records in June 2014 from NARC

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Smart Archiving // Filing Plans

-In order to move into fully electronic archiving, City of Lahti hadto implement a filing plan for each business process

->SÄHKE2 requirement, all documents created mustcomply with standard filing structure and regulations

->Over 900 filing plans have been created this far-Filing Plan defines which documents are created at whichbusiness process phase

->Along with default values for most metadata likeconfidentiality, retention time…

-Filing Plan creation is a business task not a task for archivist->Filing Plan represents the business process from records


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Smart Archiving // Obtaining Permission

-Process for obtaining permit for electronic only archiving stared in November 2011 and ended in February 2013-Following major steps were needed:

1) Security Auditing2) Organization Self Assessment & Audit3) SÄHKE2 functional audit (by external auditor)4) SÄHKE2 application audit (IBM ECM Archive)

(by external auditor)5) Permit application from NARC

Page 15: IBM Insight, City of Lahti: Reduce Operational Costs and Increase Efficiency by Using Smart Archiving and Analytics

Traditional Archiving - Expense

Sisältö /tieto

Content /Knowledge

- Information Explosion: Dead Weight

Capability to use content decreases & Search Engines are not able to

solve the problem.

- Archiving: “Mandatory Evil”

High volume of incoming material:

Significant Expense!


Page 16: IBM Insight, City of Lahti: Reduce Operational Costs and Increase Efficiency by Using Smart Archiving and Analytics

Archiving // What is Not Smart?

-Any sophisticated archiving schema and filing plan will becomecomplex. How unfortunate.

-End users will feel frustrated with many metadata fields andmany branches in filing plans

-Creating a record will take time and due manual labor typically is prone to errors:

*Typing errors*Interpretation errors – Two people might archive a record

differently due different understanding-Locating a record will be a challenge when number of recordsgrow. People must know how to find a record

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Smart Archiving

Content /Knowledge

Smart, Automated Classification

- Archives Important Content into correctplace Automatically


Provides Answers: -What do we know about this

-What Should I Know about this

-Why this is happening!


Page 18: IBM Insight, City of Lahti: Reduce Operational Costs and Increase Efficiency by Using Smart Archiving and Analytics

Smart Archiving // What will make it Smart - Classification

-Automated document classification->IBM Content Classification analyzes the document->Fills in all required and optional metadata->End user accepts the classification results or makes

changes->Feed back to Classification engine for betterresults in future

-Significantly decreases time needed for document/record entry-Decreases “human factor” on document classification

->Consistent and correct classification results regardlessof person

-City of Lahti Tech Department did run a pilot for 10 people onclassification-> users refused to give up the classification afterwards-Makes your end users love you

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Smart Archiving // Tech Slide: Classification

-IBM Content Classification uses a concept called decision plans(DP) to drive the classification process

-DP will use Knowledge Base (KB) to extract category information-DP can also use pattern matching or call external code to extractrelevant metadata

-KB is a statistical engine resembling a neural network that mustlearn to provide correct results

->Learning process is very powerful when assisted by users->In this case end user can provide feedback to KB by

providing correct values and next time KB will be ableto classify similar document more accurately

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Smart Archiving // What will make it Smart – Search & Analytics

-Faceted search based on record metadata AND documentcontent

->Natural way for business users to locate relevant information

-Information can be located by virtually any dimension->Business Process->People involved->Team involved->Location (this is VERY important on local government,

most of the documents relate to a physical locationsomehow

-Makes your end users love you

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Smart Archiving // Tech Slide: Search

-Users access search trough IBM Content Navigator (ICN)-Search functionality provided by IBM Content Analytics (ICA)-ICA plugin is used at Content Navigator to provide seamless userexperience

-Search solution uses a few custom text annotators:->Street Annotator provides a dimension of street names

that have been mentioned on the documents->People Annotator provides facet that has all current and

past employees of City of Lahti that have beenmentioned on the documents

->Several more to extract additional facets

-Annotators have been developed using Eclipse and Java

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* City of Lahti and role of local government in Finland

* The Problem: Traditional Processes

* Smart Archiving

* Electronic Decision Making

* Citizen Self-Service

* Savings

*IBM Technology in use

Page 23: IBM Insight, City of Lahti: Reduce Operational Costs and Increase Efficiency by Using Smart Archiving and Analytics

Electronic Decision Making

-A key concept on realizing savings on internal working processes-To move away from paper based processes having electronicarchive is not sufficient

->This would only result an old fashioned process that hasstill all legacy “bad habits” in place

-Has three key components:->Filing Plans (remember, they have been modelled based

on business processes)->Electronic Signature->Process Workflow

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Electronic Decision Making –Generic Workflow on Local Government in Finland








for Archive



Possibility for


-Documents &


-Documents &


-Documents &





-Documents &


-PDF/A conversion

-Archivist approval

Page 25: IBM Insight, City of Lahti: Reduce Operational Costs and Increase Efficiency by Using Smart Archiving and Analytics

Electronic Decision Making – Key Benefits

-Decision Making process will be much faster->Near instant document routing for approval and

signatures-Traceability of the whole process will be easier to achieve

->Who did what and when->No hassle, everything is recorded

-Process state will be much easier to figure out->Information about where we are and what have we been

doing is available always and instant-Less human resources are needed. Much less

Page 26: IBM Insight, City of Lahti: Reduce Operational Costs and Increase Efficiency by Using Smart Archiving and Analytics


* City of Lahti and role of local government in Finland

* The Problem: Traditional Processes

* Smart Archiving

* Electronic Decision Making

* Citizen Self-Service

* Savings

*IBM Technology in use

Page 27: IBM Insight, City of Lahti: Reduce Operational Costs and Increase Efficiency by Using Smart Archiving and Analytics

Self Service

-Self Service is the key concept that will yield the big benefits->Requires Electronic Archiving and Decision Making

-Self Service frees local government form mundane jobs like filing(or scanning) paper applications and sending information backand forth-Manual tasks are effectively outsourced to the citizen/customer

-Consider following process

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Traditional Process 1:

Customer needs a Building Permit

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Issues in the Process

-There are many points in the process where official must interactwith the customer

-Process is highly inefficient-Involves many paper->digital conversions-Involves plenty of printing and use of mail-Customer service over the phone-This is essentially how things must have been done in the past

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Traditional Process 1:

Many unnecessary steps

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New Digital Process 1:

Everything handled on-line

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Traditional Process 2:

Information Request on Land Use

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Traditional Process 2:

Many unnecesary steps

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Citizen Account and Electronic Service

Muncipal Account ( connects all City of Lahti on-line services under single logon. Once the citizen had created an account on municipal account, it will grant instant access to all electronic services provided by City of Lahti. No additional accounts are needed.

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Doris Document Managment System

IBM Document Manager is currently used for Document and Workflow Managment. Electronic Signatures Capability is also provided by Document Manager.

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GIS and electronic archive

Solution is fully integrated with a GIS system. All documents and records are instantly accessible trough map. Documents created within GIS system are automatically filed into archive. No end user interaction needed.

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End User Document Access using Search

Locating a document using full text search and a few custom annotators –example: Street Names allow document finding based on approximate location

Page 39: IBM Insight, City of Lahti: Reduce Operational Costs and Increase Efficiency by Using Smart Archiving and Analytics


* City of Lahti and role of Local Government in Finland

* The Problem: Traditional Processes

* Smart Archiving

* Electronic Decision Making

* Citizen Self-Service

* Savings

*IBM Technology in use

Page 40: IBM Insight, City of Lahti: Reduce Operational Costs and Increase Efficiency by Using Smart Archiving and Analytics


-It is all about decreasing human labor-Tech department (~300 people) have calculated that they will save 5 person years on using Electronic Archiving only

->Now remember that archiving is just a small part, decision making and self service will bring much highersavings

->It is still 1,67 % reduction on labor costs-Based on research conducted in Finland a few years back, City of Lahti estimates that when all departments are using thesolution, they will save:

5 M€ / year

Page 41: IBM Insight, City of Lahti: Reduce Operational Costs and Increase Efficiency by Using Smart Archiving and Analytics


* City of Lahti and role of Local Government in Finland

* The Problem: Traditional Processes

* Smart Archiving

* Electronic Decision Making

* Citizen Self-Service

* Savings

*IBM Technology in use

Page 42: IBM Insight, City of Lahti: Reduce Operational Costs and Increase Efficiency by Using Smart Archiving and Analytics



High Level Architecture for Electronic Self Service and eBusiness(Lahti)

Short and long term archiving, permanent archivng+about 500 000 old scanned documents

IBM Content Manager

Citizen Account – Single Sign On

ApplicationDocuments & Records

relating to land ownership


IBM Content Analytics(Search)


TEKLA GIS –Solution for mapping documents to ownership

(Filing Plans)Metadata and


(IBM Records Manager)




IBM Case

Manager(New, for











Internal Systems

Page 43: IBM Insight, City of Lahti: Reduce Operational Costs and Increase Efficiency by Using Smart Archiving and Analytics

IBM Products in Action

-IBM Content Manager, Enterprise Edition (Repository)-IBM Content Navigator (Search, Document Access)-IBM Content Analytics (Search)-IBM Records Manager (Records Management)-IBM Document Manager (Decision Making, eSignatures)-IBM Content Classification (Automated Classification)-IBM Case Manager (Quality System Management, Quality

Incident Management, Quality Reviews,HR Onboarding)

Page 44: IBM Insight, City of Lahti: Reduce Operational Costs and Increase Efficiency by Using Smart Archiving and Analytics

Future Steps // Developments // Enhancements

-Move rest of the solution functionality from DM into Navigator->Fully Web 2.0 enabled solution->Decommissioning of Document Manager

-IBM Case Manager is likely to move into more significant role-More LoB solutions implemented on top of Content Navigator

->Customer has significant number of Notes databasesthat are to be decommissioned

->Many Notes Databases are easy to archive into Navigator, specific functionality can be recreatedby a fairly simple Navigator Plugin

-In future IBM Records Manager->IBM Enterprise Records

Page 45: IBM Insight, City of Lahti: Reduce Operational Costs and Increase Efficiency by Using Smart Archiving and Analytics

Elinar Smart Archive – for more information, please visit














(=photo) Capture(Datacap)




- eMails,- Reclamations- Change Requests

- Order- Query

Advanced Classification

Automated processDocument & Records Management- Work groups- Contracts- Documents- Etc...



Case Management- Claims Handling- Customer Service- Deviation Mgmt- Change Mgmt- Contract Management


Page 46: IBM Insight, City of Lahti: Reduce Operational Costs and Increase Efficiency by Using Smart Archiving and Analytics

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-Access the Insight Conference Connect tool to quickly submit your surveys from your smartphone, laptop or conference kiosk.

Page 47: IBM Insight, City of Lahti: Reduce Operational Costs and Increase Efficiency by Using Smart Archiving and Analytics

Thank you!

For more information do not hesitate to contact:Ari JuntunenCTOElinar [email protected]+358-40-52 44 482