ibl leaders who plant and grow strengthening leaders who plant and grow churches around the world...

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Page 1: IBL leaders who plant and grow Strengthening leaders who plant and grow churches around the world the Institute of Biblical Leadership - Biblical Leadership

the Institute of Biblical Leadership - Biblical Leadership © 2006


Strengthening leaders leaders whowho plant plant and growand grow churches around the world

Biblical LeadershipBiblical Leadership

The Need of Our Day

Page 2: IBL leaders who plant and grow Strengthening leaders who plant and grow churches around the world the Institute of Biblical Leadership - Biblical Leadership

the Institute of Biblical Leadership - Biblical Leadership © 2006


Strengthening leaders leaders whowho plant plant and growand grow churches around the world

“Less Than” Leadership

“He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. To him that overcometh…”

Page 3: IBL leaders who plant and grow Strengthening leaders who plant and grow churches around the world the Institute of Biblical Leadership - Biblical Leadership

the Institute of Biblical Leadership - Biblical Leadership © 2006


Strengthening leaders leaders whowho plant plant and growand grow churches around the world

“…you have a namethat you are alive,

but you are dead…”

“Wake up…for I have not found

your deeds completedin the sight of My God”

“Less Than” Leadership

Abandoned Purpose forgotten the war

Page 4: IBL leaders who plant and grow Strengthening leaders who plant and grow churches around the world the Institute of Biblical Leadership - Biblical Leadership

the Institute of Biblical Leadership - Biblical Leadership © 2006


Strengthening leaders leaders whowho plant plant and growand grow churches around the world

“…you have left your first love”

“…remember what you have received and

heard; and keep it, and repent”

“Less Than” Leadership

Departed from Biblical Principles forsaken

the power

Page 5: IBL leaders who plant and grow Strengthening leaders who plant and grow churches around the world the Institute of Biblical Leadership - Biblical Leadership

the Institute of Biblical Leadership - Biblical Leadership © 2006


Strengthening leaders leaders whowho plant plant and growand grow churches around the world

“Do not fear what you are about to suffer…”

“…you have there some who hold… (to false teaching) to put a stumbling block..”

“Less Than” Leadership

Insufficient Skills failed to prepare

Page 6: IBL leaders who plant and grow Strengthening leaders who plant and grow churches around the world the Institute of Biblical Leadership - Biblical Leadership

the Institute of Biblical Leadership - Biblical Leadership © 2006


Strengthening leaders leaders whowho plant plant and growand grow churches around the world

“…you tolerate…(those who) teach and lead My bond-servants

astray so that they commit acts of


“Less Than” Leadership

Sin has Taken Rootfled the field of battle

Page 7: IBL leaders who plant and grow Strengthening leaders who plant and grow churches around the world the Institute of Biblical Leadership - Biblical Leadership

the Institute of Biblical Leadership - Biblical Leadership © 2006


Strengthening leaders leaders whowho plant plant and growand grow churches around the world

“Less Than” Leadership

Abandoned Purpose forgotten the war

Sin has Taken Rootfled the field of battle

Departed from Biblical Principles forsaken

the power

Insufficient Skills failed to prepare

“He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. To him that overcometh…”

Page 8: IBL leaders who plant and grow Strengthening leaders who plant and grow churches around the world the Institute of Biblical Leadership - Biblical Leadership

the Institute of Biblical Leadership - Biblical Leadership © 2006


Strengthening leaders leaders whowho plant plant and growand grow churches around the world

“All That” Leadership

Biblical LeadershipBiblical Leadershipa process whereby a Holy Spirit-controlled individual influences others to move toward God’s objectives

Page 9: IBL leaders who plant and grow Strengthening leaders who plant and grow churches around the world the Institute of Biblical Leadership - Biblical Leadership

the Institute of Biblical Leadership - Biblical Leadership © 2006


Strengthening leaders leaders whowho plant plant and growand grow churches around the world

“All That” Leadership

Biblical LeadershipBiblical Leadershipa process whereby a Holy Spirit-controlled individual influences others to move toward God’s objectives

Page 10: IBL leaders who plant and grow Strengthening leaders who plant and grow churches around the world the Institute of Biblical Leadership - Biblical Leadership

the Institute of Biblical Leadership - Biblical Leadership © 2006


Strengthening leaders leaders whowho plant plant and growand grow churches around the world

The Responsibilities of Leaders

Pursue God’s Call(Proverbs 29:18; Psalm 33:11)

Address Pressing Issues of the Day(1 Tim. 6:20a; 2 Tim. 4:2,5)

Page 11: IBL leaders who plant and grow Strengthening leaders who plant and grow churches around the world the Institute of Biblical Leadership - Biblical Leadership

the Institute of Biblical Leadership - Biblical Leadership © 2006


Strengthening leaders leaders whowho plant plant and growand grow churches around the world

Personal Attributes

WisdomWisdom■ Understand things as God

understands them (Prov 4:7)

● “Understand” — “to have knowledge and to apply it”

■ Understands the Word(2 Tim 3:16-17; Heb 4:12; 2 Pet 1:3)

■ Understands God – His person & character(Jer 29:13; 33:3)

■ Understands Self(Is 53:6; Jer 17:9; Rom 3:23, 6:23)

■ Understands priorities & keeps them in order(Prov 3:5-6, 25:14)

■ Understands followers(John 10:14)

Page 12: IBL leaders who plant and grow Strengthening leaders who plant and grow churches around the world the Institute of Biblical Leadership - Biblical Leadership

the Institute of Biblical Leadership - Biblical Leadership © 2006


Strengthening leaders leaders whowho plant plant and growand grow churches around the world

Personal Attributes

IntegrityIntegrity■ Moral steadfastness

(Prov 22:1; 1Tim 3:2,7; Tit 1:6-7)

■ Trustworthy(1 Cor 4:2)

■ Dependable(1 Cor 15:58)

■ Honest(Col 3:9; Eph 4:25)

■ Believable(Phil 4:8)

■ Fair (Just)(Prov 3:27-28)

Page 13: IBL leaders who plant and grow Strengthening leaders who plant and grow churches around the world the Institute of Biblical Leadership - Biblical Leadership

the Institute of Biblical Leadership - Biblical Leadership © 2006


Strengthening leaders leaders whowho plant plant and growand grow churches around the world

Personal Attributes

Strength Strength (of Character)(of Character)

■ Courageous(Dan 6:10)

■ Perseverance, hard worker(Prov 12:24; 21:5)

■ Self-controlled(Prov 15:1; 21:17; 25:28)

■ Appetites under control(Prov 6:25-28; 7:26; 23:1-2)

■ Disciplined in personal life(Gen 39:6-9)

■ Goal-oriented(Neh 2:17; 6:15)

■ Flexible(Is 6:8)

■ Sense of humor(Prov 15:13; 17:22)

Page 14: IBL leaders who plant and grow Strengthening leaders who plant and grow churches around the world the Institute of Biblical Leadership - Biblical Leadership

the Institute of Biblical Leadership - Biblical Leadership © 2006


Strengthening leaders leaders whowho plant plant and growand grow churches around the world

Personal Attributes

HumilityHumility■ Not proud or arrogant

(Prov 3:7; 15:25; 16:18; 27:1-2; 29:23)

■ Seeks counsel(Prov 13:20; 15:22; 16:20; 19:20; 20:18; 23:12)

■ Receives constructive criticism(Prov 13:18; 28:13; 28:23; 29:1)

■ Selfless, not self-centered(Phil 2:3-4)

■ Sensitive toward others(Phil 2:3-4; 1 Pet 5:5-6)

■ Willing to yield control(Phil 2:3-4)

■ Not self-righteous(Luke 16:19-31)

■ Be a servant!(Mark 10:45; 2 Cor 4:5)

Page 15: IBL leaders who plant and grow Strengthening leaders who plant and grow churches around the world the Institute of Biblical Leadership - Biblical Leadership

the Institute of Biblical Leadership - Biblical Leadership © 2006


Strengthening leaders leaders whowho plant plant and growand grow churches around the world

Organizational Attributes

VisionaryVisionary■ Holds to a cause greater than himself

(Neh 1:2-4)

■ Able to discern God’s direction/vision(Neh 1:4-11)

■ Able to act on God’s vision(Neh 2:1-3)

■ Able to enlist others in God’s work(Neh 2:17-18)

Page 16: IBL leaders who plant and grow Strengthening leaders who plant and grow churches around the world the Institute of Biblical Leadership - Biblical Leadership

the Institute of Biblical Leadership - Biblical Leadership © 2006


Strengthening leaders leaders whowho plant plant and growand grow churches around the world

Organizational Attributes

Team BuilderTeam Builder■ Able to establish a team environment (Neh 4:6)

● Sensitive to others (Rom 12:18)● Honors others (Phil 2:3-4)● Teachable; a learner’s spirit (Matt 5:6)● Able to garner trust & loyalty (1 Cor 4:2; 1 Sam 18:1; Ruth


■ Flexible leadership style: direct, coach, support, & delegate as appropriate(Ex 32:25-28; 18:17-23; 18:24-26)

■ Able to mentor(1 Tim 4:12-16; 2 Tim 2:1-7)

Page 17: IBL leaders who plant and grow Strengthening leaders who plant and grow churches around the world the Institute of Biblical Leadership - Biblical Leadership

the Institute of Biblical Leadership - Biblical Leadership © 2006


Strengthening leaders leaders whowho plant plant and growand grow churches around the world

Organizational Attributes

CommunicatorCommunicator■ An active listener

(Ex 18:17-26; Phil 2:3-4; James 1:19-20; 1 Pet 5:5-6)

■ Transmits values & vision(Prov 29:18)

Page 18: IBL leaders who plant and grow Strengthening leaders who plant and grow churches around the world the Institute of Biblical Leadership - Biblical Leadership

the Institute of Biblical Leadership - Biblical Leadership © 2006


Strengthening leaders leaders whowho plant plant and growand grow churches around the world

Organizational Attributes

Example Example (Authentic in Life Witness)(Authentic in Life Witness)

■ Consistent faithfulness(Matt 24:45-46; Phil 4:9)

■ Failures reveal a teachable spirit, confession & seeking forgiveness(James 5:16; 4:6; 1 Pet 5:6; 1 John 1:9)

Page 19: IBL leaders who plant and grow Strengthening leaders who plant and grow churches around the world the Institute of Biblical Leadership - Biblical Leadership

the Institute of Biblical Leadership - Biblical Leadership © 2006


Strengthening leaders leaders whowho plant plant and growand grow churches around the world

The Essence of Leadership


IntegrityIntegrityStrength Strength (of Character)(of Character)




Team BuilderTeam BuilderExample Example (in Life Witness)(in Life Witness)

■ Leadership is not about what you do outwardly… it’s about what you are inwardly. (Prov 23:7)

■ Samson (Judg 13-16)● Spiritual life in a shambles● Flawed decision-making● Distracted by the things of this world● Self-centered Failed to achieve all that God had for him (a “Less Than”

leader)■ Pray that we will be “All That” leaders