ibe - module 1

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  • 8/7/2019 IBE - Module 1




    Module 1

    Bhavani B S

    Asst. Professor

    MBA Dept

    RIT, Hassan

  • 8/7/2019 IBE - Module 1



    Business is the organised efforts of enterprisesto supply consumer with goods and servicesfor a profit

    Business refer to any commercial activity which

    is aimed at making profit These two definitions make a fundamental

    assumption that profit maximization is the

    basic objective of every firm This concept was very old

    The modern outlook of the business iscompletely different.

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    According to the Davis and Blomstorm

    A business is a social institution, performing asocial mission and having broad influence onthe way people live and work together

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    Characteristics of Modern









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    1. CHANGE

    Modern Business is Dynamic.

    Business has to change according to the

    environmental changes. This change makes the companies spend

    substantially on R&D to survive in themarket.

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    2. Diversification

    Diversification is the process ofintroducing new product line in the

    market to satisfy the new customersneeds.

    Diversification may be in the form of-

    (i) Concentric Diversification

    (ii) Horizontal Diversification

    (iii) Conglomerate Diversification

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    3. Globalisation

    Moving beyond the political boundaries of the

    country is known as Globalisation

    Globalisation is a borderless world where there is free

    exchange of money, business , labour etc. In the modern business world production facilities are

    being set-up in different countries and products arebeing sold through a global network.

    Globalisation is becoming imperative for modernbusiness due to technological innovations, informationexplosion, changing life styles, global flow of capitaland technology.

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    4. Science

    Science is the integral part of the business.

    The development of atomic power, space

    age programmes application ofmathematics in managerial decisionmaking are contributions being made tobusiness by science.

    Scientific developments will offerattractive opportunities to alertbusinessmen.

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    5. Information

    Today business are operating in differentplaces.

    Quick distribution and gatheringinformation is necessary to run thebusiness.

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    6. Govt. Interference

    In order to reduce inequalities of incomeconcentration of economic power, to

    protect SSI units Govt. imposesrestrictions on business.

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    7. Competition

    Today market place become battle field forall companies.


    usinessmen have to workout strategies tocompete with rivalaries to survive in themarket.

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    8. Bigness

    Mass production and Mass marketing arethe norms followed by business

    enterprises. Today most companies speak about hugeinvestment projects.

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    Objectives of Business

    1. Organic Objectives Just like human being business is an organic

    entity. It has its own introduction, growth,maturity and declining stages.

    The organic objectives of a business firmare

    * Survival

    * Growth* Prestige or Reputation

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    2. Economic Objectives Profit making Creation of customers Innovation3. Human Objectives The success of any business is depends on its

    human resources.

    It is necessary for business to look after theinterest of those who make business successful.

    Human objectives include-

    * Providing job satisfaction* Providing opportunity for workers

    participation in management.* Providing good working condition

    * Providing fair wages

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    4. Social Objectives

    Business is a social institution and it is a part

    of the society. The economic objectives of business can be

    realised only by social objectives.

    Each and every business has its obligationtowards customers, investors, supplies,govt. and general public.

    The social objectives of business are* Quality goods at fair prices

    * Providing employment opportunities

    *avoiding anti-social practices

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    5. National Objectives

    These are the specific business obligations

    towards national needs and aspirations. In India business organisations have to fulfill

    the following obligation-

    * Contributing to economic growth of thecountry.

    * Development of small scale and cottage


    * Export promotion.

    * Ensuring social justice.

    * Production according to national priorities.

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    Business Environment Business environment refers to all external forces

    which have a bearing on the functioning ofbusiness.

    Business environment consists of all those factorsthat have a bearing on the business







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    Business Environment

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    Internal Environment

    These are controllable factors.

    Lies inside the organisation

    Under the control of the organisation.

    Internal environment factors can divided asfollows-

    1. Value System The value system of the founders, Board of

    directors, managers, workers of the organisationhas important bearing on the strategies of theorganisation.

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    2. Mission and Objectives Firms philosophies, priorities, development, polies are

    guided by the mission and objectives of theorganisation

    Mission and objectives are the first steps in thedevelopment of the organisation.

    Mission Statement of the HLL

    Unilever's mission is to add Vitality to life. We meeteveryday needs for nutrition, hygiene, and personalcare with brands that help people feel good, look goodand get more out of life.

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    Mission Statement of the HLL

    To become a provider of World - Class FinancialServices

    To meet Customer expectations through Innovationand Technological Initiatives

    To emerge as a Role Model with distinct cultureidentity, ethical values and Good Corporate

    Governance To enhance Shareholder's Wealth by sustained,

    profitable and financially sound growth with prudentrisk management systems

    To fulfill national and social obligations as aresponsible Corporate citizen

    To create an environment, intellectually satisfying andprofessionally rewarding to the employees

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    3. Organisational Structure Organisational hierarchy where authority flows from

    top to bottom. Some management structures and styles delaydecision making and while others facilitate quickdecision making

    4. Human Resources The characteristics of the human resources like skill,

    quality, morale, commitment, attitude, knowledge etccould contribute to the strength and weakness of anorganisation.

    Some organisations find difficult to carryoutrestructuring or modernisation because of resistance

    by employees.

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    5.Company Reputation

    The goodwill of the company matters while raisingfinance, formatting joint ventures or other alliances,selecting marketing intermediaries, launching newproducts etc.

    6. Financial Factors Financial factors like financial policies, financial

    position and capital structure etc. are affectingcorporate strategies and decisions.

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    External Environment

    Classified into two categories viz.

    1. Micro Environment2. Macro Environment

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    Micro Environment

    The micro environment is a companysimmediate environment and that affect thecompanys ability to produce goods and

    services and serve consumers. Known as task environment or operating


    Include suppliers, marketing intermediaries,

    competitors, customers and the publics.

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    1. Suppliers Suppliers are those who supply the raw material and

    components to the company.

    Reliable sources of supply are necessary for smoothfunctioning of business.

    It is very risk to depend on a single supplier becausea strike, lockout or any other production problem

    with supplies may seriously affect the company.

    2. Customers A business exits only because of its customers.


    company may have different categories ofcustomer like individuals, households. Industriesand other institutions.

    Depending on a single customer is risky because it

    may place company in poor bargaining position.

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    3. Competitors In general competitors are those who sell the goods

    and services of the same and similar products in the

    same market. A firms competitors include not only the other firms

    which are marketing same products but also thosewho compete for the discretionary income of the

    consumer.4. Marketing Intermediaries Every producer has to appoint a number of

    intermediaries in assisting him in promoting, sellingand distributing the goods and services to ultimatecustomers.

    Marketing intermediaries help the firm in overcomingthe discrepancies in quality , place, assortment.

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    5. Publics

    A public is any group that has actual or potentialinterest in or impact on companys ability toachieve its objectives.

    It is the duty of the company to satisfy the peopleat large, which is necessary for future stay andgrowth.

    In order to build goodwill and seek favorable

    response from the public, it is necessary for thefirm to satisfy the needs of the public as well.

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    Macro Environment

    Refer to those factors which are notconcerned to the firms immediateenvironment.

    These factors are external to the firm andare quite uncontrollable

    The macro environment generally

    consists of two factors viz..1. Economic environment2. Non-economic environment

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    1. Economic Environment

    This comprises all those factors relating to the

    economic conditions, systems, economic policies of acountry and includes structure of economy,agriculture, industrial sectors, transportation etc

    The economic policy of the govt. has a greater impacton business. Some business are favorably affected bygovt. policy and some are adversely affected by thegovt. policy .

    Favorable monetary policies like credit sanction,interest rate influence the business unit.

    The fiscal policy of the govt. like tax policy has itsinfluence ion the pattern of business

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    2. Non-Economic Environment

    Non-economic factors consists of following factors

    a) Political Environment The nature of policies and the type of the govt. in

    economy have considerable influence over thebusiness environment.

    The business activities flourish when there is a stablegovt. in the economy on the other hand if the Govt. is

    unstable and doubtful, it will demoralise the businessand may adversely effect on its performance.

    Certain changes in the Govt. policies like industrialpolicy, fiscal policy may have profound impact on


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    b) Education and Cultural Environment The attitude towards education and training helps

    business and industry to avail services of efficient,trained and labour.

    The cultural factors like buying and consumptionhabit of the people, customs and traditions, tastes and

    preferences, languages etc. are the factors that affectthe strategy of the business.

    c) Legal Environment The vital aspect like of business like who should own?

    What should be the size of business? And what shouldbe happen to the earnings? Can be decided by legalrules and regulations.

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    Threre are number of legislations formed by the Govt.to regulate the business.

    It is said that the stable Govt will protect the business

    by formulating effective legislation .d) Natural Environment The natural factors like weather climate, availability of

    land, forest resources etc. have influence on thebusiness activities.

    It is stated that difference in geographical conditionsmay call for changes in production, marketingactivities in the economy.

    The ecological factors like depletion of naturalresources, environmental pollution have cost graterconcern to the business field, so that preservation ofphysical environment is becoming important factor of

    management of modern business.

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    e) Demography

    Study of the population in terms of age, sex, size of thepopulation, family size, and occupation is known asdemography.

    Rapidly increasing population indicates a growing

    demand for many products. Increasing population also indicates that availability of

    surplus labour which affects the wage rates.

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    f) Technological Environment. Technology is a systematic application of

    scientific knowledge to practical task.

    The business prospects largely depend upon thetechnological aspects in connection with production andmarketing of products.

    The changes in technology also create problem for

    business enterprises as they are subject to obsolescencequicklyG) International Environment

    It refers to those global factors which have impact on

    business and economy. It is important for industries which are directly

    depending on imports and exports.

    Export market enables a firm to develop more profitable

    product mix

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    Environmental AnalysisProcess of collecting information about theforces in the business environment andassessing, interpreting the information to takeeffective managerial decision

    It Includes SWOT analysisS - Strengths

    W - Weaknesses

    O - OpportunitiesT - Threats

    S+W= Internal environment analysis

    O+T+ External environment analysis

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    Objectives and uses of E.A Development of broad strategies and long-term

    policies of the firm. Development of action plans to deal with

    technological advancements.

    To forsee the impact of socio-economic changes at thenational and international levels.

    Analysis of competitors strategies and formulation ofeffective counter measures.

    So it is said that firms which systematically analyse and diagnose the

    environment are more effective than those whichdont

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    Process of Environmental Analysis

    1. Identification of relevant environmental variables

    All environmental variables do not have the samerelevance to all the industries.

    A variable that is relevant to one industry may not

    be relevant for another. It is essential to identify the critical environmentalvariables and to predict their future trends.

    2. Collection of Information

    Involves identification of sources of information,determination of the types of information to becollected, selection of methods of data collection etc.

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    1. Formulation of Mission and Objectives To formulate the clear objectives, it is essential to

    get answers to certain questions like

    What is the company is in?

    What should the companys business be?

    What will the company's business be?

    Objectives help define the organization in itsenvironment

    2. SWOT Analysis

    Analysis of companys Strengths, weaknesses,opportunities, and threats is known as SWOTanalysis.

    It is a cornerstone of business planning

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    It is determining the course of action to ensure thesurvival and growth of the firm.

    The environmental opportunities and threats shouldbe evaluated in the light of the strengths andweaknesses of the internal factors.

    3. Strategic alternatives and choice of strategy

    After the SWOT analysis the next task in the businessplanning process is consideration of strategic and thechoice of the most appropriate strategy

    Available alternatives are,

    Should the company continue in the same business.

    Should the company diversify its business.

    Should it integrate with others.

    Should it acquire other units in the industry.

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    How company logos will look like

    when the crisis is finally over

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