iari phd entrance question paper 2011 - agril extension

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  • 7/29/2019 IARI PhD Entrance Question Paper 2011 - Agril Extension


    IPost Graduate SchoolIndian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi,

    E x a m i n a t i o n fo r A d m i s s i o n to Ph.D. P r o g r a m m e 2011-2012Discipline : Agricultural ExtensionDiscipline Code : 04 Roll Nol

    I Please Note:I (i) This question paper contains 13 pages. Please check whe ther a ll the pages arepr in ted in th is set. R epo rt discrepancy, if any, immed iately t o the invigilator. IPART- I General Agriculture)


    Multlple choice questions (No. 1 to 30).Choose the c orrect answer (a, b, c or d)and enter your choice in the circle (byshading with a pencil) on the OMR -answer sheet as per the instructionsgiven on the answ er sheet.

    (ii) There shall be NEGATIVE mnrking for WRONG ahslve~sn the MultipleCfzoice type questions (No. I to 130) wlticlt carry one mark eaclt. For everywrong answer 0.25 mark rvill be deducted I1. Which of the following crops have beenapproved for com mercial cultivation in lndia?a) Bt cotton and Bt brinjalb) Bt cotton and Golden Ricec) Bt maize and Bt cottond) Bt cotton only

    I5 To address the problems of sustainable andholistic development of rainfed areas.

    including appropriate farming and ihvelihoodsystem approaches, the G overnment of lndiahas set up thea) Nathonal Ra infed Area Authorityb) National Watershed Development Project forRainfed AreasC ) Na t~on al ission on Rainfed Areasd) Command Area Deveiopment and WaterManagem ent Authority6. Which of the following sub-schemes are notcovered under the Rashtriya Krishi VikasYojana?a) Extending the Green Revo lution to eastern


    c j 235 million tonnesd) 250 million tonnes

    2. This year (2010-11) the expected food grainproduction in India isa) 212 million tonnesb) 220 m illion tonnes

    a) Riceb) Soybeanc) Sorghumd) wheat

    b) Deveiopment of 60,000 pulses and oilseedsvillages in identified watershedsC) National Mission on Saffrond) National Misslon on Bamboo

    3. The geno me of which of the following cropsis still not completely sequenced?a) Riceb) Soybeanc) Sorghumd) wheat4 . According to the Approach Paper to the l z thFive Year Plan, the basic objective of the12 '~ lan isa) Inclusive grow thb) Sustainable grow thc) Faster, more inclusive and sustainablegrowthd) Inclusive and sustainable growth

    I 7. The minimum support price for the commonvarietv of ~ a d d v announced bv theof lndia for the year 2010-11o v e i n m e n t f lndia for the year 2010-11wasa) ? 1030b) t l O O Oc) 7 980d) ?9508. According to the Human DevelopmentReport 2010 of the United Nations, India'srank in terms of the human deveioprnentindex isa)- 119b) 134

  • 7/29/2019 IARI PhD Entrance Question Paper 2011 - Agril Extension


    Subject : Ph D -Agricultural Extension - 2011

    9. Which of the following does not apply to SRImethod of paddy cultivation?a) Reduced water applicationb) Reduced wiant densitvc j increasedapp licatio iof chemical fertilizersd) Reduced age of seedling s10. Which organic acid, often used as apreservative, occurs naturally in cranberries,prunes, cinnamon and cloves?a) Citric acidb) Benzoic acidc) Tartaric acidd) Lactic acid

    Cotton belongs to the fam ilya) Cruciferaeb) 'Anacardlaceae9 Malvaceaed) Solanaceae12. Photoperiodism sa) Bending of shoot towards source of lightb) Effect of lighffdark durations o n physioiogicalprocessesC) Movement of chloroDlast in cell in reswonseto lightd) Effect of light on chlorophyll synthesis13. Ergot disease is caused by which pathogenon which host?a) Ciaviceps purpurea on ryeb) Puccinia recondita on wheatc) Drechlera sorokiniana on wheatd) Albugo candid8 on musta rd14. Rocks are the c hief so urces o f p arentmaterials over which soils, are developed.Granite, an imp ortant rock, is classified asa) Igneous rockb) Metamorphic rockc) Sedimentary rockd) Hybrid rock15. Which on e of the following is a Kh arif crop?a) Pearl milletb) Lentilc) Mystardd) Wheat16. The coefficient of variation (C.V.) iscalculated by the formulaa) (Mean1S.D.) x 100b) (S.D.iMean) x 100c) S.D.IMeand) Mean1S.D.

    17. Which of the following Is commonly referredto as muriate of potash?a) Potassium nitrateb) Potassium chloridec) Potassium suipha ted) Potassium silicate18.lnbred lines that have same geneticconst~ tution but differ only at one locu s arecalleda) Muiti linesb) MonohybridC) lsogenic linesd) Pure lines19. For applying 100 kg of nitrogen, how muchurea would one use?a) 45 kgb) I l l k gc) 222 kgd) 333 kg20. The devastating impact of plant disease onhuman suffering and sunrival was firstrealized by epidem ic ofa) Brown spot of rice in Bengalb) Late blight of potato in USAc) Late blight of potato in Europed) Rust of wheat in India21. The species of rice (Oryza) other than 0.sativa that Is cultivated isa) 0. ufipugonb) 0. longisteminatac) 0.glaberrimad) 0 ,nivara22. The enzyme responsible for the fixation of

    GO2 n mesophyil cells of C -4 plants isa) Malic enzymeb) Phosp hoenol pyruvate carboxylasec) Phos phoenol pyruvate carboxykinased) RuBP carboxyiase23. Which one of the following is a 'Vertisol'?a) Black cotton soilb) Red sandy loam soilc) Sandy loam sodic soild) Submontane (Tarai) soil24.What is the most visible physicalcharacteristic of cells in metapha se?a) Elongated chromosomesb) Nucleus visible but chromosomes notc) Fragile double stranded loose chromosomesd) Condensed paired chromosomes on the cellplate

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    Subject : IID -Agricultut.al Extension - 201125 . All weather phenomena like rain, fog andmist occur ina) Troposphereb) Mesospherec) lonosphered) Ozonosphere26. Which of the following elements is commonto all proteins and nucieic acids?a) Sulphurb) Magnesiumc) Nitrogend) Phosphorous27. Silt has intermed iate characteristics betweena) Sand and loamb) Clay and loamc) " Loam and graveld) Sand and clay28. Certified seed is produced froma) Nucleus seedb) Breeder seedc) Found ation seedd) Truthful seed29. Seedless banana is ana) Autotriploidb) Autotetraploidc) Allotriploidd) Allotetraploid30. W hich one of the following is used to test thegoodn ess-of-fit of a d istribution?a) Norm al testb) 1-testc) Chi-square testd) F-test

    PART- 11 (Subject Paper)Multiple choice questions.(No. 31 to 130).Choose the correct answer (a, b, c or d)and enter your choice in the circle (byshading with a pencil) on the OMR -answer sheet as per the instructionsgiven on the answ er sheet.31.Arlimation rurale approach of ruraldevelopment was undertaken ina) India's arid zoneb) Francop hone countries of Africac) Malaysia's rubber industryd) Caico region o f Brazil32. "Communication is discriminatory responseof a n organism to stimulus", has been stated

    "Ya) Berlob) Stevensc) Hovlandd) Schramm

    33. Which of the following is regaided as"Siamese twins" of manag ement?a) Planning and organisingb) Organising and controllingc) Planning and controllingd) Staffing and coordina tion34. 'San'skriiization' is aa) Form of groupingb) Form of social mobilityc) Caste structured) Societal nstitution35. An attitude developed withou t sufficientexploration of the facts isa) Prejudiceb) Stereotype ;c) Publlc opiniond) Perception36. Delph i technique was developed bya) Olaf Helmerb) Boston Consulting groupc) Edward Deming in Japand) Emerson at Ohio State University37. 'MetaEvaluation' isa) Evaluating contentb) Evaluating the evaluationc) Evaluating productd) Evalua ting process38. 'Pygmalion effect' is known asa) Self-fulfilling prop hecyb) Leadership vacuum theoryc) Leader mem ber relationshipd) Motivation effect39. Who first gave the idea of 'foikways'?a) Robe rt Redfieldb) W.G. Sumnerc) Levi-Straussd) Ralph Linton40. Which one of the following is non-probabilitysampling?a) Stratified samplingb) Cluster samplingc) Systematic samp lingd) Quo ta sampling41 . The term MBO was initially coined bya) Edward Weidnerb) Montgomeryc) Peter Druckerd) F.W. Riggs42. 'Semantic differential' scale has been given

    bya) Thurstoneb) Likertc) Osgoodd) Chauve ..

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    Subject :PhD -Agricultural Extension -2011

    43. Systematic variance leans ina) One directionb) Two direcllonsc) Three directionsd) All the directions44. What is indicated by the Common FactorVarianc e of a scale?a) Reliabilityb) Validityc) Complexityd) Objectivity45 . Rate of adoption of an innovation dependsona) Replacemen t for discontinuationb) Attributes of the innova tionc) ' Government policyd) Incentive backup46. The author of the book 'Pedagogy of theoppressed' Isa) Paulo Fre ~reb) Neils RollingC) Robert Chambrsd) A.T. Moser47. When universe of content is very small, thebest technique for scale construction wouldbea) Paired comparison techniqueb) Summated rating techniquec) Scaiogram analysis techniqued) Scale discrimina tion techniaue48. Method of Summated Rating for scaleconstruction was proposed bya) Thurstoneb) Edwardsc) Likertd) Miller49. An intervening variable is onea) Which is a cause of independen t variableb) Which is an effect of the independentvariable and a cause of dependent variablec) Which is the effect of dependent variabled) W.hich has no effect either on independent or

    dependent variable50. The principle way in which scientific inquirydiffers from casual observations isa) Use of intuitionb) Rel ance on observationsC) Use of control arocedu resd) Use of quan titative variables51. Variables like male-female area) Bivalent variables ',b) Twin variablesc) Dichotomous variablesd) Interdependent variables

    52. Absolute zero is a property ofa) Nom inal scaleb) Ordina l scalec) Ratio scaled) Interval scale53. Abstraction of the observed phenomenon,things, or events is known asa) Conceptb) Theoryc) Hypothesisd) Definition54. in PERT network analysis, the differencebetween the Earliest Start Time (EST) andthe L atest Start Time (LST) along the criticalpath is 'a) Positiveb) Negativec) Zerod) Indeterminate55 . The m ost influential diffusion research was ofa) Hybrid corn study by Ryan &G ro ssb) Drug diffusion by Colemanc) Consequences of innova tion by Sharpd) Opinion leadership by Rogers &V an Es.56. Compared to the agricultural technologies inthe recent past, the rate of adoption hasbeen phenomenal ina) Bt cotton hybridsb) Zero tillageC) IPMd j Drip irrigation57. n the innovation-decision making process,the perceived attributes of an innovation asrelative advantage, compatibility, complexity,etc, are especially important ata) Persuasion stageb) Decision stagec) Knowledge staged) Con f~rmation tage58. The tendency to interpret communicationmess ages in terms of the individual's existingattitudes and beliefs is known asa) Selective aerceationbj stereotypec) Selective empathyd) Dogmatism59. In deductive reasoninga) The conclusion is uncertain even if theevidence is trueb) The conclusion is absolutely certain if theevidence is truec) The conclusion is certain even if theevidence is not trued) The conclusion is not dependent upon the 'evidence

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    Subject :Ph D - Agricultural Extension - 201160. Case study was first emp loyed in soc ialscience bya) Fredrick Le Playb) Herbert SpencerC) Gooded) Keriinger61. Which of the following i s a sociometricIndex?a) Choice statusb) Group cohesivenessc) Both a) and b)d) Choice cluster62. When the measurement expert wants t oknow the "meaning of the test", he actuallyinquires thea) Content validity of the testb) Construct validity of the testC) Criterion-relatedvalidity of the testd) Face validity of the test63. in Interval scalea) Quantities or amoun t can be added andsubtractedb) Intervals can be added and subtractedc) Quantities as well as intervals can be adde dand subtractedd) None of the above is true64. A non-parametric test for two-way an alysis ofvariancea) The Friedman testb) The Kruska l-Wallis testc) Chi-square testd) Median test65. The m ost ubiquitous property of data in non-parametric methods isa) Rank orderb) Continuityc) Equal intervald) Absolute origin66. Survey technique of successive interviewswith same sample is known asa) Panel techniqueb) Drop-off techniquec) Cohoi't techniqued) Mixed-mode technique67. To provide the participants with an intensiveexperience of how they affect each other isthe purpose of which training m ethod?a) Syndicate metho db) Laboratory methodc) Lecture metho dd) Field method

    68. ame the person associated with studies onclassification of extension approaches:a) Axinnb) Hallc) Chamberd) Pretty69. Colleg ial pariicipation refers toa) Scientists and farmers collabo rate aspartners in research processb) Strengthening of farmers' informal researchby scientistsc) Scientists consu lting farmers and developingSolutionsd) Scientists making contractual agreementwith farmers for land or services


    70. The book entitled "The One-StrawRevolution" s authored bya) Jules N. Pretty .b) Vandana Shivac) G.R. Conwayd) Masanobu Fukuoka71. Farmers' experimentation includesa) Curiosity experimentationb) AdaDtation ex~erim entationcj problem-solving experimentationd) All of the above72. Which of the following is not used for tap611nglndlgenous technical know ledge?a) Case historiesb) Critical incidentc) Preference rankingd) Problem census73. Yellow Journalism refers toa) Reporting anti-government newsb) News items related to stock exchangec) Use of lurid features and sensational nf!wslacking credibility for increased circulationd) Anti-democratic journalism74. Entrepreneurial behaviour IS exhib~ted bypeople wh oa) Are high in Need for Achievementb) Prefer decisions involving a moderate

    degree of riskc) Operate under chance with no control overthe outcomed) Both a) and b)75. Farmers' Field School was designed initiallyas a way to introducea) IPMb) NPMc) SRId) SWI

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    , . .. . . . : . . . / . .Subject :PhD - Ag ricultura l Extension- 2011 676. Namma Dhwani is aa) Agricultural filmb) Comm unity radioc) Anti-GM protest groupd) Biofertiiizer77. In diffusion of innovations "the strength ofweak-ties" was high lighted bya) Granovetterb) Bowersc) Kapiand) Tarde78. The power of a test is defined asa) Probability of a type-ii errorb) 1-(Probability of a type -il error)c) l/(Probabiiity of a type-il error)d) ll(1-Probability of a type-ll error)79 .'~ ar m magazine "Prasardoot" is published

    froma) ICRISATb) IARlC) MANAGEd) CRRi80. "Mazdoor Manzil" is associated witha) Nilokheri experimentb) Etawah projectc) Marthandam projectd) Shantiniketan project81. IADP laid emphasis upona) Concentration principleb) Equiterian principlec) Antodya principled) Farmers' First principle82. Participatory Rural Appralsai (PRA) differsfrom Rapld Rural Appraisal (RRA) in itsa) Participation of a team of expertsb) Participation of people and stakeho ldersc) Participation of extension professiona lsd) Speed of collecting data83. W hich of the following is true?a) Power and authority rest in positionb) Powqr and authority rest in personC) Power rests in Derson and authoritv inpositiond) Power rests in position and authority inperson I84. The motivational theory 'Y' of managementassumes that in an organizatlon the peopiein generala) Like to workb) Do not iike'to workc) Are indifferent to workd) Try to avo id difficu lt work

    85. According to two-factor theory of motivation,absence of hygiene will lead toa) Satisfactionb) Dissatisfactionc) More satisfactiond) Low satisfaction86. An individual's deviation from the mean instandard deviation units is sometimes calleda) The raw scoreb) Sigmac) The percentile rankd) The Z score87. A researcher draws a sample by selectingevery l o f h name in the telephone directory.This is called'a) Simple random samplingb) Stratified samplingc) Cluster samplingd) Systematic sampling88. Theories of learning can be loosely classifiedby thelr relative emphasis ona) Motivation and evaluationb) Learning and instructionc) Behaviour and cognitiond) Management and objectives89. SONDE 0 relates toa) Farmer First and Last Approachb) Sensitivity trainingc) Entrepreneurial orientationd) Social disorganisation90. Which of the foilowing variables is least likethe other three?a) Years of job experienceb) Salary per mon thc) Expenditure per monthd) Marital status91. The L aw of Im itation that the more similar aninnovation is to those ideas that have alreadybeen accepted, the more likely theinnov ation is to be adopted, was given bya) Kaplanb) Gabriel Tardec) Morris, C.d) Rogers, R.92. Funnel isa) A test of emotional quotlentb) A set of special type of open-end questionsdirected towards getting information on asingle topicc) A method of content analysisd) A method of case analysis

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    Subject : PhD - Agricultural Extension- 2011 7

    93. "These are all fixed ideas in the mind and wetend to hold them true" - this notion Isrelated toa) Valuesb) MoresC) Taboosd) Beliefs94. Who gave a model containing the words -"Who says, what, wh~ch hannel, to whomand what e ffect"?a) Westly and Macheanb) Shannon and Warren Weoverc) Harold Hossw elid) Schramn95 . Which element is not in Berlo's model ofcommunication?a) Sourceb) MessageC) Signald) Receiver96. What are the primary colours used in makingprlnts, leaflets and folders?a) Red, yellow, blackb) Red, yellow, brow nc) Red, yellow, blued) Red, yellow, green97. Which one of the following is a first majoreffort of the Indian Council of AgriculturalResearch (ICAR) to strengthen the regionalresearch capabilities of State Agricultural

    Universities (SA Us)?a) NARPb) CARTC) NATPd) NAEP98. Which country launched its first extensionprogram named 'Harvest Program'?a) Sri Lankab) Chinac) Japand) Israel99. The collection of data in PRA i s done bya) Local extension agentsb) Progress ive farmersc) Resea rch asslstantsd) A multi-disciplinary team100. Which of the following colour combination isthe most readable?a) Red on whiteb) Black on yellowc) Green on whited) Blue on white

    101. Human eyes move In a particular patternwhen one reads any visual. This is knownasa) Zmovement of eyesb) U movement of eyesc) 0 movements b f eyesd) Y moveme nt of eyes102. Concept of fixed stages o f social changewas given bya) Saint Simonb) Auguste Com tec) Charles D $w ind) William F. Ogbu rn103. Assignment of 'numbers to football players'is an example ofa) Ordinal mkasurementb) . Interval measurementc) Nominal measurementd) Ratio m easurement104. A conjectural statement o f relationshipbetween the variables is calleda) Research objectiveb) Research themec) Research problemd) Research hypothesis105. A variable which is the presumed cause ofanother variable is called

    ' a) Independent variableb) Active variablec) Antecedent variabled) lntewening variable106. Semantic differential is a technique: tomeasurea) Hypothesisb) MeaningC) Objectivityd) Relativity107. coined POSDCORB as anacronym to describe 'his list of importantmanagement functionsa) Gulickb) Fayolc) Parkinsond) Peter108. National Food Security Mission (NFZSM)aims to increase food grain production ofthe following cropsa) Rice, wheat and pulsesb) Cereals, oilseed and pulsesc) Wheat, rice and oilseedsd) Pulses, oilseeds ad wheat

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    Subject : hD - Agriculture1 Extension - 2011109. The sign-ob ject relationship is re lated witha) Denotative meaningP) Structural meaningc) Connotative mean ingd) Contextual meaning110. Kinesics is the study ofa) Non-verbal communicationb) Body langua gec) Movementd) Verbal comm unication111. Managerial grid was given bya) Peter Druckerb) Ganttc) Vilfred Paretod) Blake and Mouton112. Hawthorne studies were conduced bya) Elton Mayob) Elton Johnc) Morgan and Kingd) Aristotle113. First farm mag azine in India wasa) Kisan Worldb) KhetiC) Kisan Bhaid) Jai Jawan Jai Kisan Weekly114. The theory o f instrumental conditioning wasgiven bya) Robert Bollesb) Godon Vowerc) David Hoffmand) E.H Thorndike115. Them atic Apperception Test (TAT) is usedto measurea) Perceptionb) AttitudeC) Motivationd) Emotion116. The word 'penyuluhan' is used for extensionin Indonesia and it meansa) Lighting the pathwayb) Advisory workC) Simplifying the messaged) Stimulating people117. For a word to be considered as,complex, itshould havea) More than 3 syllablesb) More than 3 vowelsC) More than 5 lettersd) Unusu al and difficult to p ronounce

    .. , ,. ..118. 'Massagona', a successful' TOT of rice cropwas implemented ina) Philippinesb) Indonesiac) Kenyad) Malaysia119. What score on Flesch's reading ease scaleis suitable for adult audience?a) 50-60b) 55-60C) 60-70d) 70-80120. 'Rosarch' is a tool for -easurement.a) Projectiveb) Aptitudec) intelligenced) Achievement121.Texts designed for a wide audiencegenerally require a fog index ofa) Less than 10b) Less than 12c) More than 1 0d) More than I 2122. "Agree with reason", is the characteristic ofwhich method of knowing or fixing belief?a) Method oftenacityb) a priori methodc) Method of authorityd) Method of science123.Ac cording to theory oforganizations, persons are motivatedprimarily by econom ic gain an d the need forsecurity.a) Classical theoryb) Neoclassical heoryc) Mode rn theoryd) Traditional theory124. Classical theory developed in threestreams: bureaucracy, administrative anda) Traditional managem entb) Scientific managemen tc) Modern managementd) Neo-classical mana geme nt125. An alternative 'gang plank' route wassuggested by Fayol in principleof management.a) Division of workb) Scalar chainc) Centralizationd) Order

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    Subject : PhD - Agricultural Extension - 2011

    126. Gate keeping theory was given bya) Kurt Lewin ,b) Hymesc) Bruce Wes tleyd) Lazarfield127. The first step in innovation process in anorganizalion isa) Matchingb) Clarifyingc) Restructuringd) Agenda setting128. There islare- ot spots on a page.a) Only oneb) Twoc) Threedl' Four129. The core o f intra-personal commu nicationprocess isa) Self-reallsatlonb) Self-actualisationc) Self-conceptd) Self-respect130 On August 16, 2007, the Govt, of Indiaapproved the with an allocationof t25,000 crores for the 1 l th Five YearPlan.a) Nation al Horticulture Mission (NHM)b) Rashtriya Kirshi Vikas Yojana (RKVY)c) Kirshi Sharm ik Suraksh a Yojanad) Nation al Agricultural Insuranc e Scheme

    Matching type questions (No. 131 to 140);all questions carry equal marks. Choosethe correct answer (a, b, c, d or e) foreach sub-question (i, ii,iii, iv and v) an denter your cholce in the circle (byshading with a pencil) on the OMR -answer sheet as per the instructionsgiven on the answer sheet.131.1Trainina method Cardinal characteristici) Brain storming a) Syndicateii) Group discussion b) Simulationiii) Role play c) To acquire analytical skilliv) Case study d) Rin gto ssv) Structured e) Free wheelexperiences

    132.i) Median test a) Alternative toparametric 't' testii) McNem ar test b) Two independentgroups differ incentral tendenciesiii) Kruska l-Wallis test c) Significance ofchangeiv) Kolmogorov-Smlrnov d) On e way analysis oftest variance by ranitsv) Mann Wh itney U test e) Test of goodness offit

    .i) Cannon-Bard theory a) Group formationi ~ ) room's expectan& b) Social perceptiontheoryiii) McC lelland's theory c) Leadershipiv) Attribution theory d) Need for achieve men tv) Balance theory e) Emotion

    134. Match the following tools of PRAi) Venn dia gra p a) To trace history of thevlllageii) Gender disaggregated b) To assess contact withtask calendar.' village institutionsiii) Seasonal calendar: c) To map crop rotationiv) Time line d) To assess work loadv) Transect walk e) To document sociophysica l aspects

    135.Level of measurem ent C h a r a c t e r i s t l c l E x a ~i) Nominal a) a > b > cii) Ordina l b) Thermometeri ii) l n t e ~ a i c) Australians, Indiansiv) Ra tio' d) Percentilesv) Statistics of ordin al e) Natu ral zeroscales

    Adouter cateaory Percentaae of uo ~u la tio ni) Innova tors a) 16%ii) Early adop ters b) 34%iii) Early majo rity c) 34%iv) Late maioritv d) 13.5%

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    Subject :PIID-Agricultural Extensiou -2011 10137.i) DSS a) A complete system whichfocuses on structures, tasks androutine decis~onsii) MIS b) A complete system whichfocuses on semi-structu re tasks

    requiring managerial udgmentiii) Synectics c) Techn~queo enhance creativityiv) Ta ct ic s~ d) W hen organization is too large,these are expe cted to operateas if they are inde pendent unitsv) SBU e) Action plans through whichstrategies are executed138. Area of worki) Prayag Mehta a) Planning chartsii) Udai Pareekh b) Human relations theoryiii) Anil Gupta C) Organizational developmentiv) Henry Gan tt d) Pub licat~on f Honey Beev) Elton Mayo e) Achievement motivation

    139.I) Intensive Agriculture Area a) 1977-78Programme 'i i) . Lab to Land Programme b) 1960-61iii) Integrated Rural Development c) 1979Programmeiv) Green Revolution d) 1980v) Desert Development Programme e) 1966-67140.I) Ope rational a) Look s at management asapproach a purely logical process,expressed inmathema tical symbolsand relationshipsii) Interpersonal, ! b) Popularized by Henerybehaviour approach Mintzbergiii) Managerial c) Based on sociology andapproach social psychologyiv) Management d) Based on individual

    science approach psychologyv) Group behaviour e) D raws togetherapproach conce pts, principles,techniques andknowledge from otherfields and managerialapproaches

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    ISubject : hD - Agricultural E xtension - 2011 I I~ j

    Short questions (No. 141 to 146); each question carries F IVE marks. Write answers,including computation Imathematical calculations if any, in the space provided foreach question on the question paper itself.141. Disc ss the im portance and role of lCTs in Extension.- . . X . I


    I -142 Discuss the advantages and limitations of publlc private partnership n Extension with exam ples


    ~e~~~~~g y,u-v27i5 ~6 .

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    Subject : PhD -Agricultural Extension - 2011143. Descr~behe techniques for training needs assessment.

    I \

    - . 144. Discuss the e lements and use of logical framework approach in program planning.

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    Subject :PhD - Agricultural Extension -2011145. Describe the process and elements of creativity.



    146. Discuss the differentapproaches in Livelihood Analysis including 'Mandala' approach.