iaopa 2012 world assembly iaopa 2012 1. created towards the end of wwii chicago 1944 52 states –...

IAOPA 2012 world Assembly IAOPA 2012 1

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IAOPA 2012 world Assembly

IAOPA 2012 1

Created towards the end of WWII

Chicago 1944

52 States – now 191

South Africa participated

Session two - IAOPA 2012 2

The Purpose of the Convention

*Ensure orderly growth of aviation

*Aimed at across border traffic – international commercial development

*Involved mainly airline development

*General aviation had neither the capability or need to go beyond domestic applications

IAOPA 2012 3

Commercial scheduled and non-scheduled operations

General aviation

General aviation not a priority

Overall ICAO is successful

Session two - IAOPA 2012 4

Economic growth

Technical development

Development of use of aircraft in business

Private ownership increased

Recreational or sport aviation growth

All within the GA category (Part 91)

IAOPA 2012 5

GA aircraft rangeAirbus 340Boeing 747Beechcraft CessnaPiper ExperimentalMicro light aircraft

IAOPA 2012 6

Range and state of the art of smaller aircraft changing

Small aircraft no longer restricted to domestic operations

Cross border travel now feasible and a need exists

Such should be facilitated

IAOPA 2012 7

Cost factors introduced a new concept in GA aircraft use

Non Type Certificated Aircraft (NTCA)

Resulted in a split of 50/50 in the SA aircraft register (11000 aircraft)

This GA activity will grow

Cannot comply with Annex 8

IAOPA 2012 8

Capabilities increasing

Sling II & IV around the world flights

Cannot claim recognition in terms of the Convention

Need exists and will expand

Need to make it easier and assure growth

IAOPA 2012 9

Some support and recognition for GA in the Annexes

Annex 12 SAR

Annex 1

GA is threatened- economics, airspace, land use, equipment

IAOPA 2012 10

It is a changing environment we live in now

ICAO to give more attention to GA

Urge Governments to protect , develop and ensure growth of GA

Urge Governments not to overregulate

IAOPA 2012 11

There is a need for a review of all the Annexes to the Convention

Address issues that could impact on GA

Accept that there are different levels of GA activities

Accept that there is a difference in acceptable risks associated with GA operations

IAOPA 2012 12

Supportive role by ICAO is called for in urging Governments to encourage development of GA

GA is the source of interest in aviation

We can call

“”Mister ICAO support in breaking down the barriers to growth of GA.”

IAOPA 2012 13


Session two - IAOPA 2012 14