i will be able to distinguish between the denotative and

I will be able to distinguish between the denotative and connotative meaning of words

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I will be able to distinguish between!

the denotative !and connotative !

meaning of words!

1. WOD – Bamboozle POS – V MOD – “When I told a friend who knew the country well of my travel plans, he said casually, ’They speak a funny English in India. They use words like bamboozle.’ I used the word on occasion, and truth be told, it served me well. To a clerk at the train station I said, ‘I didn’t think the fare would be so expensive. You’re not trying to bamboozle me, are you?’”

Connotation + / -

Prediction –

Denotation – To deceive or get the better of (someone) by trickery

2. WOD – Illustrious POS – ADJ MOD – “I was a very good student, if I may say so myself. I was tops at St. Michael’s College four years in a row. I got every possible student award from the Department of Zoology…I would have received the Governor General’s Academic Medal, the University of Toronto’s highest undergraduate award, of which no small number of illustrious Canadians have been recipients…”

Connotation + / - Prediction –

Denotation – Respected and admired for past achievements

3. WOD – Ludicrous POS – ADJ MOD – “He tried to teach my parents to swim, but he never got them to go beyond wading up to their knees at the beach and making ludicrous round motions with their arms, which, if they were practicing the breaststroke, made them look as if they were walking through a jungle, spreading the tall grass ahead of them…”

Connotation + / -

Prediction –

Denotation – Ridiculous, unreasonable

1.  Describe a time when you bamboozled someone or someone bamboozled you.

2.  If you could meet any of our nation’s illustrious leaders, who would you meet and why?

3.Name five ludicrous things that have happened to you.

4. WOD – Incessant POS – ADJ

MOD – “You must imagine a hot humid place, bathed in sunshine and bright colors. The riot of flowers is incessant.”

Connotation + / -

Prediction –

Denotation – Continuing without pause or interruption

5. WOD – Guffawing POS – V MOD – “I couldn’t bear to have yet another French speaker guffawing at my name, so when the man on the phone asked, ‘Can I have your name?’ I said, ‘I am who I am.’ Half an hour later two pizzas arrived for ‘Ian Hoolihan’.” Connotation + / - Prediction –

Denotation – To laugh in a loud and boisterous way

6. WOD – Emblazoned POS – V MOD – “A new beginning. I repeated the stunt with every teacher…Between one commonly named boy and the next, I rushed forward and emblazoned, sometimes with a terrible screech, the details of my rebirth.” Connotation + / - Prediction –

Denotation – Celebrate publicly

4.   Describe something unpleasant, something incessant that seems to never end.

5.   Do you have a name/nickname that causes guffawing? Explain.

6.   Do you own any clothing or memorabilia emblazoned with your favorite sport’s team’s name? Or your favorite singer’s face? Describe this item in detail.

7. WOD – Guttural POS – ADJ

MOD – “My Arabic was never very good, but I loved its sound. The guttural eruptions and long flowing vowels rolled just beneath my comprehension like a beautiful brook.” Connotation + / - Prediction –

Denotation – Having a harsh, grating quality; associated with certain sounds at the back of the mouth

8. WOD – Depravity POS – N MOD – “My religious doings were reported to my parents in the hushed, urgent tones of treason revealed. As if this small-mindedness did God any good. To me, religion is about our dignity, not our depravity.” Connotation + / - Prediction –

Denotation – Moral corruption

9. WOD – Demeanor POS – N MOD – “The nature of the circus trainer’s ascendancy is psychological. Foreign surroundings, the trainer’s erect posture, calm demeanor, steady gaze, fearless step forward, strange roar…these are so many factors that will fill an animal’s mind with doubt and fear…” Connotation + / - Prediction –

Denotation – Outward behavior

7.   What causes you to make guttural sounds? Describe these sounds in detail.

8.   Our world is filled with depravity. Describe some of this corruption.

9.   Do you have a calm demeanor or are you intense? Describe your outward behavior.

10. WOD – Adorned POS – V MOD – “Mother was appareled in her finest sari. Her long tress, artfully folded back and attached to the back of her head, was adorned with a garland of fresh jasmine flowers. She looked beautiful.”

Connotation + / - Prediction –

Denotation – To make more beautiful or attractive

11. WOD – Remonstrations POS – N

MOD – “The victim bore its suffering patiently, without showy remonstrations.”

Connotation + / -

Prediction –

Denotation – Protests; objections

12. WOD – Callous POS – ADJ MOD – “When your own life is threatened, your sense of empathy is blunted by a terrible, selfish hunger for survival. It was sad that it (the zebra) was suffering so much but there was nothing I could do about it. I felt pity and then I moved on. This is not something that I am proud of. I am sorry I was so callous about the matter.” Connotation + / - Prediction –

Denotation – Showing or having an insensitive and cruel disregard for others

10. When have you dressed up, adorned in beautiful garments and accessories? Describe how you felt?

11.  Describe a time when you initially didn’t get your way, but by offering a few pleading remonstrations your opposition finally gave in.

12. Describe the most callous person you know. What types of things does he/she say? What types of things does he/she do?

13. WOD – Amicably POS – ADJ MOD – “If goats could be brought to live amicably with rhinoceros, why not orang-utans with hyenas? That would be the big winner at a zoo. A sign would be put up…’Dear Public, Do not be afraid for the orang-utans…you will see them climbing down from their trees and moving about the grounds, absolutely unmolested by the hyenas.’” Connotation + / - Prediction –

Denotation – In a friendly manner

14. WOD – Conundrum POS – N

MOD – “How I had failed to notice for two and a half days a 450-pound Bengal tiger in a lifeboat twenty-six feet long was a conundrum I would have to try to crack later, when I had more energy. ”

Connotation + / -

Prediction –

Denotation – A confusing and difficult problem or question

15. WOD – Attrition POS – N

MOD – “’You fool and idiot…Do you really think you can outlast his (Richard Parker’s) kidneys? I tell you, if you wage a war of attrition, you will lose it! You will die!’” Connotation + / - Prediction –

Denotation – The process of gradually reducing the strength of someone or something through sustained attack

13.  Give 5 tips to amicably get along with group members.

14.  Describe some of life’s greatest conundrums.

15.  Have you ever had a battle of attrition with someone? What was it over? Who won?