i...university of hawaii, ph.d., 1969 microbiology universitymicrofilms, inc., annarbor,michigan...

I .... This dissertation has been microfilmed exactly as received 70-4304 ASATO, Yukio, 1934- GENETIC STUDIES ON TI-lE BLUE-GREEN ALGA, ANACYSTIS NIDULANS. University of Hawaii, Ph.D., 1969 Microbiology University Microfilms, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan

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University of Hawaii, Ph.D., 1969Microbiology

University Microfilms, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan








JUNE 1969


Yukio Asato

Thesis Committee

Clair E. Fo1some, ChairmanLeslie R. BergerJohn A. HuntKaare R. GundersenMorton Mandel


The support from National Aeronautics and Space

Administration in the form of a predoctoral traineeship is

gratefully acknowledged. Supplies and equipments were

obtained in part through a grant from the Life Insurance

Medical Research Foundation administered to Dr. C. E. Folsc~e.


Inactivation studies on Anacystis nidu1ans were performed

using UV irradiation and nitrosoguanidine. UV irradiation had

no effect when the treated culture was first incubated in the

light. When the UV irradiated culture was first incubated in

the dark for 9 hours, an exponential survival curve was

obtained with slope k=O.23 log 5/50 ergs·cm. The photo­

reactivab1e sector was calculated to be one. A slight

shoulder in the survival curve was observed. Extrapolation

of the asymptote to the y-axis indicated a target number of

2. The response to nitrosoguanidine was found to be con­

centration dependant.

Mutation experiments were conducted mainly with

nitrosoguanidine. A variety of mutant phenotypes was found

upon induction with nitrosoguanidine treatment. These were

minute colony formers (mcf), filamentous forms (snakes or

~), yellow (~) and blue (b1u) , po1ymixin B (pmb) and

kanamycin (kan) resistance. The frequencies of occurance

were: 3.7x10-3 (mcf), 1.0x10-3 (sna) , 1.8x10-3 (~),

2.98x10- 3 (b1u) and 4.8x10-4 (pmbr ). Auxotrophic mutants

were not recovered even after screening approximately 8.0x104

surviving colonies with the replica plate method.

Cell synchrony was induced by a light-dark regimen. The

rates of macromolecular synthesis of the synchronous culture

were determined. Protein, RNA, and phospholipid fractions

increased exponentially. DNA synthesis was periodic. An


abrupt increase in the rate of DNA synthesis was seen at 3

hours prior to the cell division periods. The period of DNA

synthesis was 6 to 7 hours. The times of abrupt increases

in the rate of DNA synthesis were inferred to be the times

of initiation of genome at a fixed point of replication.

A genetic map was constructed by taking advantage of

cyclic DNA synthesis of synchronously dividing cells.

Sequential mutagenesis during the period of DNA synthesis

yielded unique temporal patterns for specific marker

fre~uencies. The patterns showed an initial plateau, an

abrupt increase, then, a second plateau. Slopes of the

abrupt increases were calculated. The times of the abrupt

increases were then designated as the times of the replica­

tion of the cistrons and, correspondingly, the loci of the

markers in time units. The loci of six markers were presented

as the genetic map of Anacystis nidulans. These were pmbr ,

blu, ~' ~' mcf, and kanr in that temporal order.


. . . . . . . . . .. . .


. .iv



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. . .. .. .ABSTRACT • • •


A. DNA synthesis during the division cycle

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

• • • • • • • • • • G • •

· . . . . . . . . . . .










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· . . . .· . . . . . . .

· . . , . . . .

· . . . . . .

· . .

· . . . . .• •

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Growth curve studies •

B. Mapping experiments

A. Organism and source


C. Growth on agar plates

D. DNA determination




J. Cell synchrony studies • • • · · · . · · · • ·K. Macromolecular synthesis in Anacystis

nidulans . • • • . · · • • · · • • . • • • • •

L. Genetic mapping of Anacystis nidulans · • • •






Sensitivity of Anacystis to variousorganic compounds • • • • • • • • •

Inactivation by nitrosoguanidine

Inactivation by uv irradiation •

Isolation of mutants induced by NTGor by uv irradiation • • •• • •

Heterologous 32p-DNA binding byAnacystis nidulans • • • • • • • • •

· . . . .· . . . .· . . . .· . . . .· . . . .









Isolation and characterization of mutants •

Inactivation of Anacystis nidulans

Interpretation, Growth studies

Growth studies








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. . . . . .• • •

· . .

. . . . . . . .

• •• •

. . . .

. . .• •

· . . . .

· . . . . . . . . . . .• •RESULTS






Isolation and characterization of mutants •

· . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CHAPTER VI.


Isolation of mutants induced by uvirradiation and nitrosoguanidine 46




· .· . . . . . .

· . . . .

• • •. . . . .RESULTS •

Cell synchrony





53· . . .· . . .

Incorporation of radioactive labels byexponential phase culture • • • • • • •

Incorporation of radioactive labels bysynchronous cells • • • • • • • • •


Cell synchrony and rate of macromolecularsynthesis •••••••••••••••• 64



. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .






· .

· .• •

. . . . .

· . .• •. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .RESULTS


Mapping experiments •


Genetic map of Anacystis nidulans • • • • •



A. Specific relationship of basic biochemicalreactions and the metabolites of photochemicalprocesses ••••••• ••••• • • • • 77

B. Alternate pathways . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .CHAPTER VI I I •

C. Duplication of genes •


. . . . . . . . . . .. .viii



A. Inactivation and mutagenesis withnitrosoguanidine and uv irradiation . . . . . 86

B. Cell synchrony and macromolecular synethsis.. 87

. . . . . . . . .

A. DNA determination by colorimetric methods

C. Genetic mapping experiments





B. Heterologous DNA binding by Anacystisnidulans • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . . . 88

C. Effect of antibiotics, antimetabolites, andanalogues of amino acids and purines andpyrimidines •• • • • . • • • • • • • •• 90

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .APPENDIX II.


STATISTICS . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .




. . . . . . . . . . . . .

· . . . . .

7 Antibiotic sensitivity

8 Inhibition by base analogues










· . .

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· . .

· . .· . .

. . .

. .

• • •

. . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ratios of chlorophyl a: phycococyaninand carotenoid: phycocyanin •••••


Effect of pH on the yellow pigment mutant •

Incorporation of labels in the dark • •

Mutation frequency of exponential phasecuIture • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Determination of DNA content per cell •








13 Regression line of minute colony formers

• •

Regression line of kanamycin resistance • •









• •

· . .· . .

· . .

· . .

· .· . .

. . . .• •

. . .Regression line of yellow mutant

Regression line of blue mutant

Inhibition by antimetabolites, amino acidand vitamin analogues • • • • • • • • • • •

Relative mutant frequencies • • • •

Regression line of "snake" mutant • • • • •

Regression line of polymixin B resistance










· . . . .







• •

• •

· .. . .

· . .· . .

· .· .

. . . . . .Mutation frequency patterns expected

Absorption of major pigments duringexponential phase • • • • • • • • •

1 Hypothetical model of DNA replication inrelation to synchronously dividing cells •

2 Scheme of mapping experiments



5 Cell concentration and absorption at 640 nm

6 Growth curve of Anacystis nidulans •

7 Absorption spectra of yellow pigmentmutant y3 ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • · . . . . 38

· . . . .· . . . .

8 Survival curve of Anacystis nidulanstreated with nitrosoguan1dine at pH 8.0

9 Survival curve of Anacystis nidulanstreated with nitrosoguan1dlne at pH 6.0



Ultraviolet light inactivation curve •••

Chemical characteristics of nitrosoguanidine •

· .· .





12 Induced cell synchrony of Anacystis nidulans • 52

• • • • • • • •

. . .







• •

• •

· .· .

· . . . .Incorporation of labels by synchronous culture

Rate of DNA synthesis of synchronous culture •

Incorporation of labels by exponential phase •

Rates of macromolecular synthesis byexponential phase culture • • • • •

17 Mutation frequencies of synchronous culture

18 Genetic map of Anacystisnidulans





19 Models of possible chromosome organizationof Anacystis nidulans • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 84

20 Hypothetical schema of mutagenesis • • • • • • •• 85

21 32p-m~A (E. coli) bindjng by Anacystis nidulans 91



The Blue-green algae are highly versatile and flourish

over wide temperature ranges, in various salt concentrations,

and are able to withstand extreme desiccation. Abundant

growth of Phormidium and Lyngbya spp. is found in the Antartic

regions where temperature ranges from -60° to +15°C (Fritsch,

1912). At the other extreme, the Blue-green algae are the

predominant flora inhabiting the alkaline hot springs of

Yellow Spring National Park where the temperature reaches

75°C (Brock, 1967). The ability to withstand extreme

desiccation, even of those genospecies which do not form

spores, attests to their hardiness (Lipman, 1941; Levitt,

1951). Although only 20 per cent of all Blue-green algae

inhabit marine water, several genera can tolerate and actually

grow in brine and salt marshes (see Fritsch, 1945). The

manner in which cellular processes are ablu to function in

these extreme environmental conditions is a fascinating area

of study. Whether the ability to withstand these extreme

physical environments is attributable to a small set of

common characteristics is of great interest.

The Blue-green algae's role in the geochemical cycling

of elements is immense. In the evolutionary history of the

earth, Blue-green algae or their ancestors were an important

factor in changing the reducing atmosphere to oxidizing


(Cloud, 1965; Gafron, 1966). At present, the nitrogen

fixing Blue-green algae play an important role in establish­

ing a flora in areas not generally considered fit for life.

In India, filamentous nitrogen fixing Blue-green algae play

an important role in reclaiming the alkaline "usar". soils of

Uttar Predesh province (Singh, 1961). In receding glaciers

of the Antartic, evidences of abundant Blue-green algae growth

have been found (Holm-Hansen, 1963). It is a well documented

fact that the Blue-green algae were one of the first organisms

to re-establish the flora after the destructive and steriliz­

ing eruption of Karakatoa in 1883 (see Singh, 1961).

The Blue-green algae are vital microorganism in economics

and agriculture. The establishment of the flora in previously

inhospitable and unproductive land was mentioned earlier. In

Japan and India, the Blue-green algae were experimentally

planted in the rice fields to increase the productivity of

rice (Singh, 1961). The tonnage of rice was found to increase

several fold (Watanabe, 1956). On the other hand, Blue-green

algae can be of a nuisance and in certain instances destructive

to animal life (see Holm-Hansen, 1968). In the drinking water

reservoir, they may impart a bad taste to the water. Several

Blue-green algae are known which produce a highly potent toxin.

A great number of domestic and wild animal life are lost due

to toxic Blue-green algae in the drinking water.

The use of Blue-green algae in life support systems for

space exploration is a possibility. The utility of Blue-green


algae in space platforms or moon bases as biological agents

in recycling of C02 and 02 is highly probable.

Aside from economic, physiologic, and geochemical

aspects, the Blue-green algae may provide key answers to the

evolutionary pattern of cell systems. The Blue-green algae

and bacteria belong to a distinct group, the procaryotes,

which is mutually exclusive from other more complex micro­

organisms, the eucaryotes (Stanier and van Niel, 1941; 1963;

also see reviews by Murray, 1962; Echlin and Morris, 1965).

The major distinctions are the absence in the procaryotes of

true chromosomes, nuclear membranes, physiological function­

ing organeJles and a mitotic apparatus. In this respect,

the evolutionary relationship between the procaryotes and the

eucaryotes present an immensely difficult problem. Stanier

(1964) pointed out that the transition from procaryotes to

eucaryotes must have been made since the two major classes

of organism share enough common features which warrants a

single evolutionary path.

An alternative thesis on the origin of eucaryotes has

been formalized (Sagan, 1965), based on the assumption that

the probable origin of the organelles in the primitive,

potential eucaryotic cell is attributable to the endosymbiosis

of protoplastids. The protoplastid forms of Blue-green algae

and bacteria were subsequently differentiated to form the

chloroplast and mitochondria respectively. The endosymbiosis

of Blue-green algae in apochlcrotic green algae has been


recognized long ago by Pascher (1914). An endosymbiotic

Aphanothece-like Blue-green alga has been demonstrated

through ultrastructure sections to be a substitute in the

apochlorotic green algae, Glaucocystis nostochinearum (Hall

and Claus, 1967). Furthermore, an intensive study has shown

that base ratios of Blue-green algae are very similar to

those of chloroplasts of green algae (Eldelman et aI, 1967).

It is widely known that Blue-green algal photosynthesis in­

volves two pigments with liberation of molecular oxygen,

which is similar to eucaryotes and distinct from other

photosynthetic procaryotes.

Genetic studies of Blue-green algae and other higher

bacteria may offer another approach to these evolutionary

studies. One could comparatively chart the gross functional

and organizational structure of bacterial chromosomes and

their evolutionary development. For example, it is not

surprising to envision the accumulation of replicons as one

form of chromosome development (Jacob, Brenner and Cuzin,

1963; Folsome, personal communication). The episome such as

the F-factor of E. coli can exist as-an independent replicon

which contains different sets of information (Jacob and

Wollman, 1961; Cuzin and Jacob, 1967). Although not con­

firmed, Altenbern (1967) reported that Staphylococcus aureus

possesses two major replicons. In the light of these

consideration, genetic study of Blue-green algae may reveal

a higher level of genomic organization since the Blue-green


algae are complex prr,=aryotes.

At present, the genetics of Blue-green algae are

practically non-existent. Attempts to show parasexual

recombination between antibiotic mutants were inconclusive.

The apparent recombinants described by Kumar (1963) were

disputed by Pikalek (1967) since the apparent antibiotic

resistant recombinants may have been surviving stationary

phase cells in penicillin media, which decreases in activity

over the span of seven days. However, a recent report by

Bazin (1968) again argued in favor of parasexual recombination.

A recombination frequency of 4.95-49lxlO- 9 was obtained when

a previously mixed antibiotic mutants were plated on agar.

The activity of the antibiotics in the agar plates was care­

fully monitored during the entire length of the experiments.

Genetic recombination for filamentous Blue-green alga,

Cylindrospermum~. (R.N. Singh and Sinha, 1965) and for

Anabaena doliolum (H.S. Singh, 1967) was reported. These

works on parasexual recombination are promising and should

be further established.

The lack of suitable mutants has seriously hindered

genetic studies. Chemical induction of mutants of

Blue-green alga, Anacystis nidulans, has been reported

(van Baalen, 1965; Kumar, 1968). Using nitrosoguanidine,

a variety of morphological, pigment, streptomycin, and uv

resistant mutants has been isolated. On the other hand, uv

irradiation yielded an apparent nutritional mutant and


pigment deficient mutants of Anabaena ~. (Singh and Singh,

1964 a,b).

The purpose of this work is to establish a mapping

system for the Blue-green algae. In specific terms, the

objectives were to (1) perform a study of mutagenesis

(2) isolate mutants and (3) develop a procedure for mapping

the mutants isolated. These studies will form a basis for

future experiments in probing the genomic organization of

the Blue-green algae.



A. DNA synthesis during the division cycle

The DNA synthesis cycles of E. coli and B. subtilis

have been extensively characterized. DNA replicates in a

semi-conservative (Meselson and Stahl, 1958) and sequential

manner (Yoshikawa and Sueoka, 1963; Nagata, 1963). For a

particular strain of E. coli, DNA replication is initiated

at a fixed point (Lark, Repko, and Hoffman, 1957; Clark and

Maal~e, 1967; Abe and Tomizawa, 1968; and Wolf, Newman and

Glaser, 1968) and proceeds via a single growth point (Cairns,

1961; Yoshikawa and Sueoka, 1963; Bonhoeffer and Gierer,

1963) until the entire genome is replicated (Meselson and

Stahl, 1958). The rate of DNA synthesis is assumed to be

constant (Cairns, 1961). Premature initiation of new growth

points normally does not occur except under certain conditions:

(1) when thymine requiring mutants are first subjected to

thymine starvation, followed by addition of thymine (Maal~e

and Hanawalt, 1960; and Lark and Pritchard, 1964), (2) at

rapid growth rates (Cooper and Helmstetter, 1968).

The relationship of DNA synthesis periods to cellular

division cycles of bacteria is beginning to be resolved. The

contradictory results were mainly due to the methods utilized.

Chemically or physically induced cell synchrony may cause an

abnormal pattern of macromolecular synthesis due to an


imbalance of growth conditions (Barner and Cohen, 1956;

Campbell, 1957). Results obtained from induced cell synchrony

must be judged carefully and cannot be used to determine the

normal synthetic pattern of macromolecules (Maal~e, 1960;

Maal~e and Kjeldgaard, 1966). It thus becomes understandable

that earlier investigations suggested periodic DNA synthesis.

For example, periodic DNA synthesis was reported from induced

synchronized cells of Alcaligenes faecalis by temperature

(Lark and Maal~e, 1956), of E. coli l5T- by thymine starva­

tion (Barner and Cohen, 1956), and of E. coli by selection

of homogeneous cell population via filtration through filter

paper pile (Maruyama and Yanagita, 1956b).

DNA synthesis in exponential phase culture of E. coli

and Salmonella typhimurim was shown to be continuous through

about 80% of the division cycle (Schaecter, et aI, 1958),

since about 99% of all cells pulse labeled with 3H-thymidine

demonstrated grain clusters. In close agreement, McFall and

Stent (1959) found about 70% of cells inactivated due to 32p

decay of exponential cells labeled for only 11% of the

generation cycle. These experiments indicate that in extant

cultures almost all of the cells are replicating DNA with a

relatively short gap period between termination and

initiation of a new cycle of DNA synthesis.

DNA synthesis was shown to be continuous (Abbo and

Pardee, 1960) in synchronous cell growth obtained by the

filter paper pile filtration method of Maruyama and Yanagita


(1956a). Using the same method, Nagata (1963) confirmed the

continuous pattern of DNA synthesis. The discrepancy between

the previous report of periodic DNA synthesis by Maruyama and

Yanagita (1956b) was attributed to the shorter filtration time

and the maintenance of constant temperature in the preparation

of the cells. Other methods of obtaining cell synchrony, such

as the use of lag phase cultures (Cutler and Evans, 1966),

also showed continuous DNA synthesis. In addition, Young and

Fitz-James (1960) were able to demonstrate continuous DNA

synthesis of germinating spores of Bacillus cereus.

The conclusion from the above discussion is that during

balanced growth, DNA synthesis is continuous and exponential;

the replication of the DNA required almost the entire division

cycle. This mode of DNA synthesis applies to cells grown in

glucose-supplemented minimal broth or in nutrient broth. A

somewhat different pattern is indicated for cultures with

decreased growth rates, i.e., when glucose is replaced by

other carbon sources such as acetate, glycerol or even

proline (Lark, 1966; Helmstetter, 1967; Helmstetter and

Cooper, 1968).

The time of initiation of new rounds of replication and

the mode of the partitioning of the genome within the division

cycle was intensely studied for E. coli at various growth

rates. Several lines of evidence strongly suggest that DNA

synthesis starts in the middle of the division cycle for

E. coli grown in glucose minimal medium. Forro and- -


Wertheimer (1960) followed the distribution of grain clusters

produced by the incorporation of 3H-thymidine of cells. Their

autoradiographic analyses showed that the initiation of DNA

synthesis occurred prior to cell division, probably in the

middle of the division cycle. Recently, Clark and Maal~e

(1967) demonstrated abrupt DNA synthesis in the middle of the

division cycle of E. coli Blr with a generation time of 45

minutes in glucose minimal media. The cells were synchronized

by the membrane filter adsorption-elution technique of

Helmstetter and Cummings (1963) and the DNA synthesis pattern

was measured by pulse-labeling with 3H-thymidine. The abrupt

increase was taken to mean that growth points doubled or

initiation of a new round of replication had commenced. The

authors interpreted the results to mean that cells at division

possess 2 genomes both of which are half replicated. Genome

replication is completed after the cells are physically

separated. Additional support to the mid-cycle initiation

of DNA replication pattern of ~. coli Blr was given by

Helmstetter (1967) and Helmstetter and Cooper (1968). In

this experiment the author pulse-labeled exponential cultures

prior to adsorption on the membrane filter. The membrane

filter was inverted and conditioned media was flowed through

at a constant rate: older cells eluted first, followed by

younger daughter cells. From the analysis of the

3H-thymidine incorporation, an abrupt increase of DNA

synthesis was detected at middle of the division cycle.


Based on experiments by Helmstetter and Cooper (1968),

a model system of DNA replication cycles of E. coli Blr

was presented (Cooper and Helmstetter, 1968). Several

conclusions were made. (1) The time of genome replication

was constant (40 minutes) for cells with growth rates of 20

to 60 minutes. The concept of constant rate of genome repli­

cation was previously stated by Maal~e and Kjeldgaard (1966).

(2) The time of initiation of DNA replication varied in a

specific relationship to the growth rates. For example,(a)

with a 60 minute doubling time, DNA replication starts at

the time of cell division, and is completed in 40 minutes,

thus there is a 20 minute period devoid of DNA synthesis,

(b) for a 40 minute doubling time, DNA synthesis starts 20

minutes prior to the time of cell division and continues for

20 more minutes and is completed at the middle of the follow­

ing division cycle, (c) for a 20 minute doubling time, DNA

synthesis occurs at the onset of cell division and is completed

2 generations later. For this particular replication pattern

to exist 2 genomes per cell must be present.

A different mode of genome replication within the cell

division cycle of E. coli l5T- was summarized by Lark in his

review (1966). Lark has concluded that: (1) replication of

DNA starts at the time of cell division, (2) the rate of DNA

synthesis increases as the growth rate decreases, (3) genome

number per cell increases from one to four with respect to

growth rate increases, and (4) in succinate-minimal media,


2 genomes are alternately replicated within the doubling time

of 70 minutes. The contradictions of replication patterns

clearly points out that further experiments are necessary to

establish firmly the differences of ~eplication patterns

between E. coli strains B/r and l5T-.

For the purpose of the present research, the important

criteria are the time of the DNA synthesis and whether the

initiation of DNA synthesis occurs at a fixed point.

B. Mapping Experiments (Theory)

The mapping method is based on the following premises:

(1) DNA synthesis is initiated at a specified time within the

division cycle of a synchronized cell population, (2) DNA

replication is initiated at a fixed point, (3) the rate of DNA

synthesis is constant, (4) when more than one DNA molecule is

present the replication of all occurs simultaneously, (5) the

frequency of mutants is proportional to the number of cistrons

present per cell (Altenbern, 1966; Folsome, personal communi­

cation) or alternatively, to the number of replication forks

(Cerdo-Olmedo, Hanawalt and Guerola, 1968). (This last point

will be discussed in more detail in Chapter VII.) (6) There

is no selection for or agains~ mutants during the segregation

period ..

Assume a hypothetical synchronized population as shown

in figure 2. Aliquots of samples are taken during the period

of DNA synthesis.

Now assume 3 loci on the genome as depicted in figure 3,


and perform the mapping experiment as described in the method

and material section, Chapter III.

The relative mutant frequency will show an abrupt

increase corresponding to: (1) the number of cistrons

replicated and those being replicated, or (2) the number of

cistrons being replicated (at the growth points). If the

relative mutation frequencies are proportional to the number

of specific cistrons replicated or being replicated, one

would observe an initial plateau of mutant frequencies, an

abrupt increase corresponding to the replication of the

specific marker, a second plateau and finally a decrease

corresponding to the time of physical separation of the

genome. The map time of marker loci is designated as that

time of the abrupt rise in mutant frequencies. On the other

hand, if the relative mutation frequencies are directly

correlated to cistron replication only at the growth points,

one would observe an abrupt increase of mutation frequencies

from a very low level, a peak, followed by a steep descending

slope corresponding to the passage of the replication forks.

The time of marker loci could then be taken at the peak of

the mutation frequencies (see figure 4).

The basic experimental rationale is related to the

marker frequency transfer experiments of Yoshikawa and

Sueoka (1963). The genetic map of Staphylococcus (Stonehil1

and Hutchison, 1966), Streptococcus (A1tenbern, 1966), E.

coli (Cerda-Olmedo Hanawalt, and Guero1a, 1968) and Mycoplasma

(Fo1some unpublished) have already been derived in this




Experimentsdone at thistime period

l/&ll No .~/ ~._---1------ c::




~"__ J



o 5 10 15Time, hours

Figure 1. Hypothetical model of DNA replicationin relation to synchronously dividing cells



Genetic map in time units corresponding tothe period of DNA replication

Markpr I Mark~r II Mark,r III...... I.........lL I l I I

1 2 3 4 5Map units, hours

Figure 2. Scheme of mapping experiments



•B. Mutagenesis of synchronous culture1. initiation of DNA synthesis

period of mutagenesis

2. one fourth of the DNA molecule synthesized

-- period of mutagenesis_._------------~-------_..--------',

3. one half of the DNA molecule synthesized

__•• a ••••••••••• ••• .:; period of mutagenesis---~._--------------------#

4. three fourths of the DNA molecule synthesizedperiod of mutagenesis ------------- ----------------_._------~--------------------- ---- ----- ----~


A. Mutation frequencies proportional to number ofcistrons present

Marker IIIII

Marker IIII


Marker III




~lQ) ..... +- .... -1


o 1 2 3 4

time (hrs)

5 6

B. Mutation frequencies correspond directly to thetime when the cistrons are replicated


I 'Marker II 'Marker III



.~ 2+oJC'CS


0 1 3 4time (hrs)

Figure 3. Mutation frequency patterns expected by theoryif A) mutation frequencies proportional to number ofcistrons present (Altenbern, 1966), if, B) mutationfrequencies correspond directly to the time when thecistrons are being replicated (Cerda-Olmedo, et aI,1968) -- --



A. Organism and source

Anacystis nidulans No. 625 was obtained from the culture

collection of algae at Indiana University. The cells are

elongate and the average cell size is about 1.5 microns in

diameter and 5 microns in length. Cell size varies accord­

ing to the growth conditions. The cells divide across the

long axis which leads to the formation of two daughter cells

equal in size.

B. Growth curve studies

Media used are given on table 1. A bank of 2 daylight

and 2 cool white fluorescent bulbs (40 watts, Sylvania

and/or Westinghouse) with an intensity of 200-250 ft.-candles

(at the surface of the medium) served as a source of light.

Flasks (v/v ratio of 1:10) were incubated at 32°C in a

reciprocally shaking water bath (Eberbach, Ann Arbor,

Michigan) with strokes of about 148 cycles per minute. A

3.4% CO 2 /air mixture was bubbled at a flow rate of about

40 c.c. per minute. Alternatively, the cells were grown

without C02-air mixture.

Growth was estimated by total cell count using a

Petroff-Hausser bacterial counter. Optical density measure­

ments were taken at 640 nanometers on the Beckman DK 2



Table 1. Media

I. Modified Detmer M medium

Solution AS.


Component C

gram/liter Component B. Gram/liter

Z.9 KN03 1.01.81 KZ P04 1.00.08 NaCl 0.10.08 EDTA , O.OS0.018

Agar 15.0

CaClZMgS04· 7HZOFeS04· 7HZO

II. Dm Agar

HS Solution

Co(N03)2·6HZOMnClZ·4HZOZnS04· HzOCUS04· SHZO

Component C.



pH 8

Component A



Ca(N03)Z·4HZOMgS04· 7HZOFeS04· 7HZO

O.OZSO.ZS pH 7.S0.005

Solution AS and HS are filter sterilized separately andadded as 1 ml and 0.6 ml per liter respectively. Calcium,Magnesium and Ferrous salts are autoclaved and addedindividually to avoid massive precipitation.

Antibiotics polymixin B (CALBIOCHEM) and kanamycin sulfate(Bristol Laboratories, Syracuse, N.Y.) are dissolved indistilled water and filter sterilized. These antibioticsare added to the minimal salt solution, mixed, and poured in­to the flask containing agar (2x). The final concentrationsof polymixin B and kanamycin sulfate are 106 units and 100microgram (780 mcg/mg) per liter respectively.


C. Growth on agar plates

Minimal agar was made as described on table 1

(van Baalen, 1965). The inoculated plates were inverted and

incubated at room temperature under fluorescent light. To

avoid excessive desiccation of the agar, the temperature of

shelf (where the plates lie)was maintained at about 30-32°C.

Fluorescent bulbs installed under the shelf were adequate.

D. DNA determination

1. Indole method (Keck, 1956; Sueoka et aI, 1967)

A drop of formaldehyde (37%) was added per 10 ml of

culture. Cell counts were made with a Petroff-Hausser

counter with an average of 5 readings, each reading with

cells ranging about 250-800. Doubles (cells showing

recognizable cross septa) were counted as two, triples as 3

and so on. Usually 15-20 per cent are doubles and 1 per cent

are triples or quadruples. About 80 ml of cells were

centrifuged. To the pellet, 5 ml of acetone were added and

mixed. The suspension was centrifuged and the resulting

pellet was trea~ed again only if extractable chlorophyl was

detected by eye. At 0° C, 0.5 ml of D.3 N perchloric acid

was added and the precipitate was resuspended. With

occasional gentle stirring, the mixture was held in the ice

bath for 30 minutes. After this period, the cells was

centrifuged and 0.7 ml of 0.5 N perchloric acid (peA) was

added to the pellet. The cell suspension was mixed and the

tubes were put in a 70° C bath for 25 minutes a minimum of


shaking. Cells we~e centrifuged and the supernatant

collected. Hot PCA extraction was repeated twice and the

extracts were combined. To 1.4 ml of PCA extracted DNA,

0.7 ml of 6 N HCl and 0.7 ml of 0.06% indole were added. The

mixture was hydrolized in a 100 0 C bath for 10 minutes and

cooled immediately. Pink pigment which forms during boiling

was extracted 3-4 times with amyl acetate. The absorbance

spectrum was obtained with a Beckman DK 2. The absorbancy

values for DNA determination were taken by the difference of

A550 from A490. Fish roe DNA (CALBIOCHEM) was employed as a


2. Burton's diphenylamine method (Burton, 1956)

The cells were prepared as described above. Two ml of

cold 0.5 N PCA was added to the pellet of the acetone treated

cells. The suspension was immediately centrifuged; the

pellet was washed with 0.2 N PCA. The preparation was

centrifuged and pellet resuspended with the addition of 1 ml

of 0.5 N PCA. Two ml of diphenylamine reagent was added to

the 1 ml sample and the color was allowed to develop at 100 0

C for 10 minutes. The optical density measurements were made

at 595 and 650 nanometers. The final adjusted reading is the

difference of absorption between A595 and A650.

E. Sensitivity of Anacystis to various organic compounds

Growth inhibition by antimetabolites, analogues of amino

acids, vitamins, pyrimidines and purines and antibiotics was

tested in minimal broth and agar. Qualitative assays on


plates for the antimetabolites and analogues were done by

auxanographic methods (Beijerinck, 1889). Quantitative

assays for antibiotics were done by adding specified amounts

of antibiotics in 20 ml of agar or in 5 ml of minimal broth.

The cells were then inoculated and incubated in the usual


F. Inactivation by Nitrosoguanidine (NTG)

Nitrosoguanidine (Aldrich Co.) was added to final

concentrations of 100, 50, and 25 micrograms per ml to

7.5xl0 7 per ml exponential phase cells. Samples were taken

at 3-10 minutes intervals. Dilutions were made and 0.01 ml

spotted on the plates. Survivors were counted after 4 days.

The pH of the inactivation media was usually 8.0, although

other experiments were performed at pH 6.0.

Nitrosoguanidine was prepared in Dist. H20 and filter

sterilized prior to use. For inactivation experiments done

at pH 6.0, nitrosoguanidine was prepared in a 0.2 M NaH2P04

buffer adjusted to pH 6.0. The culture was centrifuged

washed and resuspended in phosphate buffer pH 6.0.

G. Inactivation by uv irradiation

Exponential phase cultures were exposed to uv

irradiation (2S73 angstrom) with a 15 watt germicidal lamp

(GIST8, General Electric) at a distance of 40 em. for

various time intervals. The irradiation was done in the

dark. Samples were taken and kept in the dark for about

8-9 hours. After this period of dark incubation, the


samples were diluted and 0.01 ml spotted in duplicate on

minimal agar. A control consisted of uv irradiated cells

which were immediately plated and incubated in the light.

H. Isolation of Mutants induced by NTG or by uv irradiation

Cells from the stock culture were streaked on Om

minimal agar supplemented with 0.1% nutrient broth and

0.5% glucose. A large single colony was picked and used

for these experiments. The general procedure was to treat

the cells with SO micrograms NTG per mI. At about 0.1% to

1.0% survival, the cells were diluted 1:100 in minimal broth

supplemented with about 0.1% nutrient broth and 0.5% glucose.

The flask was returned to the shaker-incubator and the cells

were allowed to segregate for 6-8 generations. Approximately

200 cells were plated on enriched minimal agar. After 2-4

days colonies were replica plated on minimal agar.

Alternatively, the penicillin selection method was used.

One to ten units of penicillin (final concentration) were

added to NTG treated cells in minimal broth. After 8 hours,

the cell were centrifuged, washed and resuspended in nutrient

enriched minimal agar with 200 cells per plate. Replica

plates were made when pinpoint colonies appeared.

The isolation procedure of mutants with uv irradiation

was performed similarly. Exponential phase cultures were

exposed to uv irradiation for 80 seconds (ca 0.1% survivors).

Five ml sample was kept in the dark for about 8 hours. The

cells were then inoculated in nutrient enriched minimal


broth for 6-8 generations. Approximately 200 cells were

plated on nutrient enriched minimal agar. After 4-5 days,

replica plates were made to minimal agar.

I. Heterologous 32p- DNA binding by Anacystis nidulans

A highly radioactive, 32p labeled E. coli DNA was

filtered through 0.65 microns (pore diameter) Millipore

filter and precipitated in 95% ETOH. The activity of labeled

DNA was 7.9xl06 cpm per mI. The A260/A 280 was found to be

1.9 and the concentration determined to be 162.5 micrograms

per mI.

This 32p labeled DNA was added to: (1) exponential,

(2) late exponential, (3) late lag phase, and (4) dark

incubated cultures. Final DNA concentration was about

1.68 micrograms per ml and the total activity was about

5xl04 cpm per mI. At specified time intervals, 0.1 ml

aliquots of cell-DNA mixtures were added to (1) 0.9 ml

uv buffer (Tris 5g., NaCl 5g., Na acetate 5g., MgS04·7H20

10- 3 M, 1 liter Dist. H20, pH 8.0) and (2) 0.8 ml uv buffer

plus 0.1 ml 500 microgram per ml Bovine pancreatic DNAase.

Both preparations were incubated at 37 0 C for 20 minutes,

then filtered through 0.65 microns (pore diameter) Millipore

filter and washed with chilled uv buffer. The 25 mm filtered

preparations were fitted on planchets, air dried and

counted on a Tracer-lab scaler.

J. Cell synchrony studies

Exponential cells were kept in the dark at 32 0 C in a


shaking water bath. A light tight condition was obtained by,

covering the flasks with two sheets of aluminum foil. A

cellophane sheet was placed over this to prevent electrolysis

of the aluminum foil. After 12 to 13 hours in the dark, the

cells were exposed to the light. Samples were periodically

assayed for total cell number, viable cells, percent doubles

and optical density. The absorption measurements were done

on,a Klett-Summerson colorimeter with a No. 54 filter

(wavelength range 620-680 nm).

K. Macromolecular synthesis in Anacystis nidulans

An exponential phase culture was grown in Om minimal

broth in which the phosphate was decreased to 0.1 gram per

liter. The effective working titer of the culture was

within the range of l-8xl0 7 cells per mI. The 32p

orthophosphate (ICN, Burbank, California) was added to give

a final concentration of approximately 20 microcuries per

mI. Aliquots of 0.1 to 0.5 ml of cells were diluted 1:10

in Dist. H20. The samples were treated according to the

specific fraction of macromolecules being assayed (see

below). The treated samples were then filtered through

Millipore filters and fastened to planchets with rubber

cement. The preparations were heat or air dried and counted

in a Baird Atomic Scaler.

A more effective medium for the labeling experiments

was to employ 27 mM final concentration HEPES

(N-2-Hydroxyethylpiperazine-N-2-ethanesulfonic acid


(CALBIOCHEM) buffer in place of the phosphate buffer. The

amount of K2HP04 could be decreased 500 fold with no adverse

effects on cell growth. Accordingly, the input 32p label

was decreased 10 fold.

P~otein synthesis was follow~d by the uptake of l4C_

valine (sp. act. 15.8 mC/mM, l-valine-1-14C, CALBIOCHEM).

The final concentration of the label used was approximately

1 microcuries per mI.

1. Kinetics of macromolecular synthesis in exponential

phase cells

Immediately after addition of radioactive label, a 0.5

ml aliquot was removed and placed in a nalgene centrifuge

tube (IS ml capacity) containing 4.5 ml of chilled diluent

and a drop of formalin. Additional aliquots were removed at

30 to 60 minute time intervals thereafter for 2 generations.

In the beginning it was found necessary to centrifuge and

decant the excess label in the super~atant to avoid a high

level of nonspecific binding of 32p on the filter. The

centrifugation was done with the addition of 108 carrier

cells which were previously formalin killed and chilled.

With the use of HEPES buffer, the centrifugation step was

found to be unnecessary.

The samples were treated by the method of Roodyn and

Mandel (1960) as follows:

(i). Total DNA, RNA and phospholipid in cold TCA residue

One ml of cold of 10% TCA was added to 1 ml of diluted


cells. After standing for 15 minutes in ice bath, the

samples were filtered through 0.45 micron Millipore filter

and washed with 5 volumes of 1% TCA.

(ii). DNA and RNA fractions in 95% ethyl alcohol residue

Two ml of 95% ethyl alcohol were added to 1 ml of

diluted cells. The preparations were then incubated at 70° C

in a water bath for 30 minutes then chilled in ice bath for

fifteen minutes. The samples were then filtered through

Millipore filter and washed with 5% TCA followed with 1% TCA.

(iii). DNA fraction in NaOH residue

One tenth ml of 5.5 M NaOH was added to 1 ml of diluted

cells. Samples were incubated at 37° C for 2 hours. A 0.1

ml of 6 N HCl was added while cooling in ice bath followed

by addition of 1.5 ml of 10% cold TCA. After standing in

ice bath for an additional 15 minutes, the samples were

filtered and washed with 5 volumes of 1% TCA.

(iv). Protein fraction in hot TCA residue

One ml of 10% TCA was added to 1 ml of diluted cells.

The samples were boiled for 30 minutes. After chilling in

ice bath for 15 minutes, the samples were filtered and


All filters were fastened to aluminum planchets and

heat or air dried. Radioactivity measurements were made

using the Baird Atomic Scaler.

The data on DNA and protein synthesis were obtained

directly, while RNA synthesis data were taken as the


difference between the activities of alcohol residue (RNA,

DNA) and that of the NaOH residue (DNA). The values of

phosopholipid were taken as the difference between the

activities of cold TCA fraction (RNA, DNA, phospholipid) and

that of the alcohol residue (RNA, DNA). In this and all

subsequent experiments, total cell count and viable cell

counts were made. Samples were also plated on nutrient

agar to detect contaminants.

2. Kinetics of macromolecular synthesis of synchronous


Synchronous cell cultures were obtained as described

previously. The cells, however, were prelabeled approximately

6-8 hours in the light before continuing incubation in the

dark. The samples were collected and treated as mentioned


3. Kinetics of macromolecular synthesis in the dark

Exponential cells were grown and prelabeled for about

6-8 hours in light, then the flask was covered with aluminum

foil. Samples were taken with sterile 6 inch 19 gauge

needle through a side port stoppered with a serum cap and

were immediately placed in a prechilled centrifuge tube

containing one drop of formalin. The cells were then

centrifuged and prepared for assay as above.

L. Genetic mapping of Anacystis nidulans

Cultures wer~ incubated in the dark for 12-13 hours to

induce synchronous growth, then exposed to light. Samples


were removed at specified time intervals correlated to the

time of initiation of DNA synthesis and treated with a

standard dose (10 minutes, 100 micrograms per ml) of the

mutagen, nitrosoguanidine. Mutagen was then removed either

by centrifugation (or by filtration through a Millipore

filter). The cells were harvested in 25 mm by ISO mm test

tubes, washed once and reinoculated in a screw cap SO ml

flask. The samples were incubated in the usual manner for

about 2-3 days (ca 6-9 generations). After the end of the

segregation period, the cells were counted and plated on

Om minimal agar. About 30 spots could easily be accommodated

on a single plate. Each spot contained 200-500 colonies.

Ten spots were counted to assay the number of total colony

forming units. About 60-70 spots containing 12,000 to

30,000 colonies for each time interval, were scanned for

morphological and pigment mutants. Selective antibiotic

media when utilized were plated in duplicate in such a

manner that about 150-300 mutants would appear on each plate.



Growth Studies

Total cell counts and optical density measurements were

performed upon exponentially growing cultures. A typical

absorption spectrum of the culture is shown in figure 4.

The absorption at 640 nm is proportional to cell concentra­

tion over an absorbancy range of 0.1 to 1.2 and is

independent of the absorption of the major pigments,

carotenoids, chlorophyl ! and phycocyanin (Table 2). The

absorption plot of major pigments seems to increase

exponentially, corresponding to the increase in the cell

number (see figure 4). The ratio of chlorophyll! to

phycocyanin was found to be nearly constant, as shown in

Table 3. The generation time was about 6.5 hours.

Cell growth was sensitive to C02 concentration; a

pC02 greater than 0.1 at the usual flow rate inhibited growth,

probably due to a drop in pH. Separate studies on the effect

of pH indicated that cells grew well in the pH range of 7.0

to 9.5 without the addition of C02-air mixture. In the

exponential phase with cell titers from 5.0xl06 to lxl08 per

ml, the pH was maintained below pH 9.5. The generation time

was 8 hours.


Table 2. Ratios of Ch1orophy1 a:phycocyanin (A6901A660) and Carotenoid:phycocyanin (A660/A530)



Cells per m1(107)



0.5900.5900.5960.6080.6200.630not done" "


Cell growth

The optimum growth response to a specified flow rate of

C02 was not clearly definable. Cultures grown in 2.5-5.0

percent C02 in air at about 40 cc per minute showed a genera­

tion time of 6.5 hours. The cells were relatively small

rods with dimensions of 2.5 microns in length and 1.0 microns

in width. Cultures grown without the flow of C02-air were

significantly larger, with dimensions of 4.0 microns in

length and 1.5 microns in width. The generation time was

correspondingly longer at about 8.0-8.5 hours. A relationship

between extensive variables (pC02' light intensity) and

intensive variables (cell size, generation times) appeared to

be too complicated and not relevant to this work for further

studies at this time. In general, larger cells show longer

generation time (see figure 4). On several occasions, the


120 14010080604020

/"fig. 4 D~(),...,.

() ,,"0~4)'

~a:.,,,,"'" E

/~B ,,"

2 ~~A Carotenoids, 530 nm,.... B Phycocyanin, 660 run~ C C Chlorophyl a, 690 nm

• fJ~' and growtJi, 640 run/, L/ D Phycocyanin, 660 run~~ E Chlorophyl a, 690 nm~~ and growtJi, 640 run



Number of cells per ml (xlO- 6)

Figure 4. Absorption of major pigments during exponentialphase. ,For curves A,B,C, C02-air mixture was not supplied


Fig. 5~1,2 rO1.0

.8 o 00




ocP'140o 20 40 60 80 100 1~0

Number of cells per ml (xlO- )

Figure 5. Cell concentration and absorption at 640 nm


length of the cells was as long as 10-12 microns. This huge

variation in cell size should be considered as an important

factor in classification of Blue-green algae.

The ability to grow cells on agar plates with high

plating efficiency makes possible such experiments as replica

plating and inactivation studies. The technique suggested

by van Baalen (1965 a) of employing closed environment growth

chambers is cumbersome and not practical for large scale

genetic studies. Cells can simply be plated on Dm agar,

inverted and incubated under fluorescent light with about

100% plating efficiency. Several other Blue-green algae,

Synechococcus cedrorum, Anabaena variablilis, Phormidium sp.,

were also easily cultivatable in this fashion. Bazin (1968)

was able to grow Anacystis nidulans under fluorescent light.

It is difficult to explain the poor growth reported by van

Baalen (1965) of Blue-green algae on Dm agar under

fluorescent light.

The strict autotrophic nature of Blue-green algae in

general (Allen, 1953) and Anacystis nidulans, i~ particular

(Kratz and Myers, 1954), is well documented. In fact some

Blue-green algae are inhibited by organic acids (Allen, 1953).

The need to isolate possible heterotrophic strains warranted

a renewed effort. However, all attempts made in this study

were found to be unsuccessful. Growth on (1 gm/IOO ml)

nutrient broth-supplemented Dm minimal agar did show that"

only a fraction of the cells in a population are inhibited

(small colonial. growth) while others grow normally. The

latter colonies, when streaked on NB-Dm agar, do not grow

heterotrophically in the dark.



Figure 6. Growth curve of Anacystis nidulans

The culture was grown in Detmer's modified medium at 32° Cin shaking water bath. A mixture of 3.5% CO2-air wasbubbled at a flow rate of 40 c.c. per minute. Illuminationwas described in methods section. Cell counts were obtainedwith a Petroff-Hausser counting chamber.

302515 20TIME, hours









.0-b 20:B-E..


~w ...,.:E::>Z 10....I

9....IWu 8







A. Inactivation of Anacystis nidulans

Anacystis was extremely sensitive to nitrosoguanidine;

loss of colony forming units (cfu) is concentration dependent.

Survival curves at both pH 8.0 and 6.0 are shown in figures

7 and 8. The curve at pH 6.0 shows a steeper slope. The rate

of induction of minute mutants reaches a maximum at about 0.1%

survival. Dark incubation after NTG treatment did not seem to

influence either survival frequencies or mutation frequencies.

UV irradiation had little effect if the treated cells

are immediately exposed to light. When the cells were

incubated in the dark for about 8-9 hours immediately after

uv treatment an exponential survival curve was obtained with

a slope k=0.23 log 8/80 erg·cm. The high level of survivors

found when irradiated cultures were immediately incubated in

the light suggested that the cells possessed an efficient

photoreactivation mechanism. Indeed, the photoactivable

sector (Dulbecco, 1950) was calculated to be one which means

that all uv lesions are reparable. A slight shoulder in the

uv inactivation curve is seen. Extrapolation of the asymptote

to the y-axis indicates a target number of 2.

B. Isolation and characterization of mutants

Both uv irradiation and NTG exposure induced pigment,

minute and filamentous mutants in relatively high frequencies.


Figure 7. Survival curve of Anacystis nidulans treated with

nitrosoguanidine at pH 8.0.













t- 1.0Z 25 micrograms per mlwU~WQ.


TIME, minutes


Figure 8. Survival curve of Anacystis nidulanstreated with nitrosoguanidine at pH 6.0

The upper control curve indicates that the slightly acidphosphate buffer had little effect on the viability of thecells. The maximum frequencies of mcf were obtained at0.2\ survivor level.




50 micrograms per ml






O.ool~_ .....~~..........~_....._~_...._~_....._~_...._-,!-_"",,,,,,J 10 20 30 40



0>5= 0.5~:;)VI




TIME, minutes


Figure 9. Ultraviolet light inactivation curve

A IS watt germicidal lamp (GISTS, G.E.), irradiated mainlyat 2537 angstroms was used at a distance of 40 cm. Irradia­tion was done at 25°C in the dark with dim reflected light.The exponential phase culture was grown and irradiated inDetmer's minimal medium which absorbs at 2537 angstroms wit~

A = 0.37. Fifteen ml of culture at a concentration of 2xlifcells per ml was added ~o a glass petri plate. The liquidlayer was 4 mm thick. Aliquots of 0.25 ml were taken leavinga final volume of about 10 mI. The cell suspension wasgently swirled by hand upon irradiation. Two samples pertime interval were taken. One set was kept in the dark fornine hours while the other was diluted, plated and incubatedin the light. A survival curve with a slope k = 0.23 log5/50 erg·cm was generated for the dark incubated samples.The set of samples which were immediately exposed to fluores­cent light showed a photoreactivable sector of one.


(I) (I)








0.01~~~~~~_~~~_~_~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ...o 10 ~o 30 70 80 90 100 110 120 130

TIME, seconds


Figure 10. Absorption spectra of yellow pigment mutant y3.The absorption spectra was obtained with Beckman DK 2spectrophotometer.


o25 450 475 500 550 600 700

WAVELENGTH (nanometers)


Two classes of pigment mutants could be distinguished. Yellow

mutants began growth on the plate .as. slightly greenish but

before the attainment of maximum size turned yellow and there­

after grew very slowly. These cells were not dead, since

upon restreaking a similar pattern of growth occurred.

Absorption spectra at the yellow stage showed very low levels

of chlorophyl ~ and phycocyanin as seen in figure 10.

Revertants occurred at a frequency of about 10-7 • The

reversing of the mutant character indicated that this

particular phenotype is directly related to a genetic defect.

Various organic substances and conditions were employed

to test the mutant for phenotypic repair. Addition of N03-,

NH4Cl, succinate pyruvate, acetate, glucose, nutrient broth,

yeast extracts and casein hydrolysates individually seemed to

have no effect. Raising the pH was found to promote a

definite phenotypic character as shown in Table 3.

Table 3. Effect of pH on the Yellow pigment mutant

pH Wild Type control yellow mutant blue mutantGrowth Color Growth Color Growth Color 2+ green 2+ green 2+ blue7.S 4+ " 4+ green 4+ "8.0 4+ " 4+ yellow 4+ "8.S 4+ " 4+ " 4+ "9.0 4+ " 4+ " 4+ "9.S 4+ " 4+ " 4+ "

-,2+, 4+, stands for none, fair, and good growth respectively


Large scale attempts to isolate auxotrophic mutants

were not successful. Approximately 8.0xl04 colonies from 5

experiments were screened by the replica plate method. Many

hundreds of suspected colonies were isolated and tested.

Both uv irradiation and nitrosoguanidine treatments at pH

6.0 and 8.0 and the penicillin selection methods were used.

The isolation of auxotroph~ from obligate photoautotrophs

appears to be a major and separate problem. However, the

other mutants, morphological, pigment, antibiotic resistance,

are sufficient for this work.

Interpretation of Results

A. Isolation of mutants induced by uv irradiation and


1. Efficacy of mutagen used

The induction of mutations by uv irradiation has long

been a standard method in genetics. Its efficacy of inducing

mutations in the Blue-green algae Anabaena cycadeae Reinke

(Singh and Singh, 1964 a,b; Singh, H.N. 1967) was reported.

In this report studies of uv irradiated cells of Anacystis

nidulans are presented: uv irradiation induced minute and

filamentous mutants. Perhaps other classes of mutants

probably could be isolated if further studies were conducted.

The chemical mutagen, nitrosoguanidine, is a relatively

new and potent mutagen (Mandell and Greenberg, 1960). It is

rapidly being recognized as a highly efficient mutagen

(Eisenstark et aI, 1965; Adelberg, =!!l, 1965): in some


cases as many as 42% of the survivors are auxotrophic mutants.

The mode of action is not clearly understood. N~erosoguanidine

decomposes to nitrous acid in acid pH (Mandell and Greenberg,

1960) and to diazomethane in alkaline pH (McKay, 1948).

Nitrosoguanidine significantly alters guanine moiety (Singer

and Fraenkel-Conrat, 1967). An alkylation product of

guanidine has been identified as 7-methylguanine due to

nitrosoguanidine treatment (Magee and Farber, 1962; Craddock,

1968). The mutagens, nitrosoguanidine and diethyl sulfate, an

alkylating agent, have similar mutagenic property (Eisenstark,

!1 aI, 1965). Nitrosoguanidine is most effective when the

nucleic acid polymers are in a certain conformational state

(Singer and Fraenkel-Conrat, 1967). Transforming factor of

B. subtilis is inhibited by about 40% when treated with NTG

in vitro while 50% inhibition was recorded from extracted DNA

in which the cells were first treated with NTG. Recently, it

was suggested that nitrosoguanidine acts most specifically at

the replication forks of E. coli (Cerda-Olmedo et aI, 1968).

The present experiments indicate that replicated portion of

the DNA molecule are equally as mutagenic as the replicating

forks (see the discussion in mapping).

Both NTG induced transitions GC to AT to GC were found

with S. trphimurium (Eisenstark ~ aI, 1965) and S13 phage

(Baker and Tessman, 1968) while the one way transition, GC

to AT, predominates in T4 phage.

It is interesting to note that nitrosoguanidine also


CH3-N-C-N-N02 + KOH


N-methyl-N'-Nitro-N-Nitrosoguanidine Diazomethane

Generation of diazomethane from NTG (McKay, 1968)

guanidine 7-methyl guanidine

Site of action of diazomethane (Magee and Farber,1962)

Figure 11. Chemical characteristics of nitrosoguanidine

affects ribosomal RNA and proteins (Cerda-Olmedo and Hanawalt,

1967). Messenger and transfer RNA could very well be affected.

The degree to which these factors affect mutagenicity or the

cell survival is not known. The fact remains, however, that

nitrosoguanidine is a powerful and bona fide mutagen.

B. Isolation and characterization of mutants

Minute mutants occurred at frequencies of 3.74xlO-3

(NTG) and S.8xlO- 2 (UV) at about 0.1%-1.0% survivor levels.

The morphology of these mutant cells was normal which indicated

that the minute colony phenotype can be ascribed to slow growth.

These mutants resemble the respiratory mutants of Saccharomyces


(Nordstrom, 1967).

Nitrosoguanidine-induced filamentous mutants occurred

at a frequency of 2.lxlO- 3 with O.l-l.Ot survivors. These

mutants were easily distinguishable in their rhizoid


The pigment mutants appeared to be an interesting class

of mutants. It is not known whether the imparied cistrons

were directly related to photosynthetic apparatus. On the

other hand, it is not likely that the yellow mutants represent

a general class of pH sensitive mutants. This is evidenced

by the fact that the yellow pigment mutants presumably map at

specific locus (see mapping discussion).

The present studies and others (van Baalen, 1965; Kumar,

1968) with nitrosoguanidine on Blue-green algae indicated

that mutants can be isolated in relatively high frequencies.

UV irradiation is another useful mutagen if care is taken to

prevent photoreactivation (Singh and Singh, 1964a,b; Singh,

1964). The isolation of auxotrophs, on the other hand, was

unsuccessful with this standard method. An explanation for

the lack of auxotrophs and alternate suggestion for their

isolation will be discussed in Chapter VIII.



A. Cell synchrony

Cell synchrony, as determined by total cell counts,

viable cell counts and per cent doubles, was highly reprodu­

cible. The per cent doubles value was an independent

indication of synchrony and included the values of triplets

and quadruplets which are scored as one and two respectively.

Larger chain structures were present in very low frequencies

and were usually scored by counting the number of cells in

the chains and dividing by two. The time interval from the

formation of cross walls to the separation of individual

daughter cells has not been determined. The slightly positive

skew in the % doubles as shown in figure 12 indicated a longer

time was required for completion of cell separation than forma­

tion of cross walls. This is also evidenced by the fact that

the viable count lags behind the total cell count. The per

cent doubles is a more sensitive index of cell synchrony.

However, all subsequent discussion on cell synchrony will be

in terms of cell doublings.

The pattern of abrupt cell increases in synchronous

culture differed slightly with respect to the media used. In

Detmer medium the increases were usually at the 4th, and 14th

hours after exposure to light (see figure 12). The 3rd

division cycle was not studied. Synchronized cultures in


Figure 12. Induced cell synchrony of Anacystis nidu1ans

Exponential phase culture in Detmer's medium were kept inthe dark for 12 hours. Upon exposing to light, total cellcount, viable cell count, and per cent doubles were obtained.The cell number increase was initiated at 4 and 14 hoursafter exposing to light. The maximum peaks of per centdoubles correspond to the mid-point of the cell divisioncycle. This pattern of synchronous was repeatable.




'0 ....Zw


2218 2014 1612108642








E.. 25CDQ.


TIME, hours


HEPES buffered Dm medium showed abrupt cell increases at 4th,

13th and 21st hours. The explanation for these differences

in the pattern of abrupt increases will become apparent in

the discussion section.

B. Incorporation of radioactive labels by exponential phase


The rates of macromolecular synthesis for exponential

phase cultures and dark phase cultures must be established

before any data on synchronous cultures can be interpreted.

The rates of incorporation of 32p orthophosphate in DNA,

RNA, and phospholipid fraction and of l4C-valine in protein

fractions were determined for exponential phase cultures.

Labels were rapidly incorporated in all fractions from the

time of addition of labels to approximately 4-5 hours.

Thereafter, incorporation continued at exponential growth

rates. In the initial studies large amounts of 32p were

retained on the Millipore filters, which were linearly pro­

portional to the amount of label being filtered. Generally,

the threshold level of non-specific binding is about 0.001

microcuries which was found to be independent of the cells

added. It was, therefore, found necessary to filter the

label through Millipore filter before use. Added precautions

such as centrifugation of the samples to remove excess label

in the supernatant greatly improved the results. Use of HEPES

buffer in later experiments greatly improved the efficiency

of 32p uptake. The amount of label used could be decreased


Figure 13. Incorporation of labels by exponential phaseculture

The culture was grown in Detmer's minimal medium withphosphat~2level decreased 10-fold. The final concentra­tion of P was 20 microcuries per mI. The samples werecentrifuged as described in methods section to removeexcess labels. The final concentration of l4C-valinefor protein determination was 0.2 microcuries per mI.The chemical determination of DNA was done with theindole method.
















0.5 50 ~n'"0G)


0.1 10

O ...._&-......I-:-.....~--II-.--II.-.....I.-~_~_~_......~......._~_~_-!o 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

TIME, hours


Figure 14. Rates of macromolecular synthesis byexponential phase culture

The DNA andfigure 13.obtained bysection.

protein fraction are the same as that ofThe RNA and phospholipid values weredifferences as described in the method


...-....-----...-...~----...--...----.... ...,.




w Oz:I:.... :1:_


> «0 ....V) ZZ:l:~0::

e O::OD.D.

< OQee-'::::>uw '"-' ...0




0 ..0::






"'_~ ~_~""' ~_.....lL- ..Jogoo 0III 0 III


Figure 15. Incorporation of labels by synchronous culture

The culture was grown in HEPES buffered Dm minimal medium.Cell synchrony was induced by the light-dark regimen. Thefinal concentration of 32p and l4C-valine was 0.5 and 0.2microcuries per ml respectively. This figure shows datafrom three separate experiments, A,B,C.















(J)~(J).(J) (J)

fl)~ 0 COLD TCA RESIDUE, 3~p




0.1o 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24

TIME, hours26 28


Figure 16. Rate of DNA synthesis of synchronous culture

The cells were grown in HEPES buffered Dm minimal mediumin which the potassium dibasic phosphate was decreased to2 mg per liter. Curve A: incorporation of 32p in DNAfraction from the average of triplicate samples. Curve C:exponential phase cUlture, dgubling time of 7.5 hours,maximum cell titer of 1.4xlO cells per mI. Curve D:synchronous cell growth. The interdivision times arerounded to the nearest half hour. The final concentrationof 32p was 0.5 microcuries per mI. Triplicate samples(0.1 ml each) were taken for DNA measurements. Curve B:DNA determinations using the indole method; ten ml aliquotswere sampled in duplicate. Dm minimal medium was used forthe experiment.


2420 ~210 1286

......~--- 9.5 hrs--~......!--- 8.0 hn - ..........





0 10 10..IIQ.

~8 8

A.U n


6 r-6 r-



'"4 4 ~



2 2

TIME, houn


about 50-100 fold. Centrifugation was found to optional

since only a low level (90-200 cpm) retention resulted. The

low level counts were less than 10% of total counts at the

time when exponential rates of incorporation are maintained.

These counts on the filters were either ignored or sub­

tracted from all subsequent samples. Figure 13 shows typical

kinetics of 32p incorporation in various fractions.

Theoretically calculated rates of label incorporation into

DNA, according to Roberts et al (1963, showed an identical

curve to that of the observed. Differences between ETOH

residues minus NaOH residues, and cold TCA minus ETOH residues

generated respectively RNA and phospholipid values. The

observed amounts of RNA, DNA and phospholipid are not

significantly different from those found for E. coli (see

Roberts et aI, 1963). For Anacystis the values found were

62% RNA, 20\ DNA and 18% phospholipid.

C. Incorporation of radioactive labels by synchronous cells

Cultures were exposed to label for 6-8 hours prior to

the dark incubation. The procedure was similar to that

mentioned in the previous section.

1. Protein synthesis

The rate of protein synthesis is noticeably accelerated

up to the 5th hour in the post-dark period. This increase

corresponds fairly well with upsurge of RNA synthesis.

Thereafter, the specific rate of protein synthesis is

constant and maintains an exponential course.


2. RNA synthesis

Since RNA synthesis is a calculated value, it could not

be clearly followed in synchronous cultures. The DNA fraction

makes up about 20% of the total macromolecular fractions

analyzable by the method. Thus the DNA synthesis at specific

time intervals does influence the overall curve of RNA

synthesis. Nonetheless, the rate of RNA synthesis increases

greatly in the first 3 hours of post-dark period and con­

tinues a constant exponential rate thereafter.

3. Phospholipid synthesis

The rate of phospholipid synthesis is accelerated in the

first 3 hours of the post-dark period. The synthesis

attained an exponential rate after this period of rapid


4. DNA synthesis

Several experiments were made which consistently

indicated that surges of DNA synthesis occurred at specific

times after dark incubation, each surge occuring prior to

cell divisions. Since DNA synthesis is noticeable at these

times only, the rate of DNA synthesis is assumed to corres­

pond to the rate of replication of the genome(s). Extra­

chromosomal DNA synthesis cannot be resolved by the present

method. The first increase (see figure 16) comes at about

2-3 hours after dark incubation and 1-2 hours before cell

division. The duration of DNA synthesis is 7 hours. Cell

division takes place at the 4th hour, that is, three hours


before initiation of DNA synthesis. The second increase

occured at 10th hour post-dark. The duration of DNA synthesis

is 6 hours and final amount is about double at the plateau

regions. This pattern of DNA synthesis within the first and

second division cycle has been repeatedly detected by

chemical methods.

DNA synchrony is consistently obtained along with the

synchrony of cell division. Those few experiments which did

not show cell synchrony also fa.iled to show DNA synchrony.

Table 4. Incorporation of labels in the dark

Time Cell No. NaOH Cold TCA ETOH Hot TCA(in hrs) residue fraction residue residua

(cpm)a (cpm)b (cpm)C (cpm)

0 1.85xlO7 600 1080 1075 3200

12 2.00xl07 620 1120 1090 400

aDNA 32p

bDNA , RNA, phospholipid -- __ 32p

cDNA, RNA ------------------ 32p

dprotein ------------------- (14C-valine)

Interpretation of Results

Cell synchrony and rate of macromolecular synthesis

Synchronous cell division can be demonstrated after

incubation of exponential cells in the dark for 12 hours.


the minimum period of dark incubation necessary to induce

cell synchrony has not been determined. The times of abrupt

increase of cell number in Om or modified Detmer's media

occurred at the 4th and l~th hour post-dark period. However,

when HEPES buffer was substituted for phosphate buffer the

increases were observed at 4th, 13th and 21st hours. The

discrepencies of the second increase are explicable since

the cell sizes were slightly smaller (approximately 3.5

microns in length) in HEPES buffered Om broth.

Correspondingly, the generation time is about 7.5-8.0 hours •.-

The interdivision time of 9.5 hours observed between

the 1st and 2nd division cycle could be attributed to the

slow rate of recovery to exponential rate of macromolecular

synthesis. Perhaps, structures such as ribosomes and

photosynthetic lamellae in optimum amounts are made only after

the first division period. The 3rd division period has not

been fully characterized while beyond this no effort was made

in discerning the pattern of cell division. It is possible

that the 7.5-8.0 hours interdivision times will be maintained

in subsequent division cycles and that natural division times

are an integral factor of circadian rhythms.

Balanced physiological growth was found to accompany

synchronously dividing cells. The high initial rates of

protein, RNA, and phospholipid synthesis suggested that in

the dark period, substantial physiological activities are

taking place. At the outset, major residual cellular


activities in the dark period were thought to be the

completion of DNA synthesis and subsequent cell divisions.

However, significant increases in RNA, phospholipids and DNA

fractions could not be detected in the dark period (see Table

4). The protein fraction, on the other hand, increased about

6% while cell number about 5%. Residual protein synthesis

was seen within the first 5 hours.

The periodicity of the DNA synthesis cycle has thus been

demonstrated for Anacystis nidulans. The initiation of DNA

replication occurred approximately 2-3 hours before the

initiation of cell division. This pattern was repeatable and

was independent of the generation times. The length of the

gap of DNA synthetic periods varied from experiment to


Quantitative DNA estimation data suggested similar

periodic patterns of DNA synthesis in synchronous cultures.

The DNA content at the time when no DNA synthesis occurs is

about 7.35xl0 9 daltons per cell as compared to l.06xlOlO

daltons of exponentially grown heterogeneously replicating

cell population. This lower value reflects the minimum

number of genomes per cell. The genome of Anacystis nidulans

could either consist of 2 units about the size of E. coli

genome (mw of ca 2.5xl09 daltons) or one large unit of molecular

weight ca 7.35xlOlO daltons.

From these data it is difficult to explain the manner in

which newly synthesized genomes are equipartitioned. Two


alternative models can be considered. The first is the

partitioning of 2 equal genomes which are replicating just

prior but through the cell division period. This model rules

out the one large genome concept of Anacystis. The second

model states that two or more genomes are replicated and

subsequently equipartitioned to two daughter cells. It is

not clear whether the septum forms between two replicating

genomes or between four replicated genomes. The former is

suggested by the data. The latter model, however, cannot be

ruled out.



Mapping experiments

Sequential mutagenic treatments of synchronized cultures

were timed to coincide with the period of DNA synthesis. The

initiation of DNA synthesis was previously found to occur at

the 10th hour in a synchronized culture. In figure 17, the

sequential mutation frequencies of minute colony formers

(mcf), "snakes" (sna), yellow (yel) and blue .(blu) pigment,

Polymixin B (pmbr ) and Kanamycin (kanr ) resistant mutants

are shown. The data (except for pmbr and kanr mutants)

represent sum of the results of 2 independent experiments in

each of which mcf, sna, yel, and blu were followed. The

marker specific temporal order of the mutation frequency

slopes served as an internal control.

Constant mutation frequencies throughout exponential

growth were observed over a period of 4 hours. The standard

deviations of mutant frequencies were relatively large. This

limited the precision of the mapping experiments. One of the

reasons for the large standard deviation was the formation of

chains (4 to 6 cells) which occurred randomly in about one

fourth of the flasks. The reasons for chain formation were

not clearly definable, although it is possible that chain

formation was caused by the release of proteins, polypeptides,

amino acids in excessive amounts by dead cells. In previous


experiments, growth of cultures in minimal broth supplemented

by 1% nutrient broth induced chain structures. Unfortunately,

the effect of chain formation on mutation frequencies was

not carefully studied. From one set of experiments mutation

frequencies were found to be lower than average.

The limited choice of mutant phenotypes seriously

hampered extensive mapping experiments. Antibiotic resistant

phenotypes are potentially the best characters to work with,

however, they are somewhat difficult to handle because cells

were resistant only over a narrow range of concentrations.

The morphological and pigment mutant phenotypes, therefore,

had to be relied upon. Since these mutant phenotypes cannot

be selected, and since the frequency of occurrences were

relatively low, statistically adequate numbers of mutants

cannot be assayed. The number of "snake," for example,

occurred in frequencies of I.OxlO- 3• Of 30,000 colonies

scanned per time interval only about 90 mutants were found.

The relatively low occurrences of assayable mutants severely

limited the precision of the experiments.


Table S. Mutation frequency of exponential phase culture

Mutant average frequency(xlO-3)

standard deviation(xlO- 3)

Blues 2.98 :tl.19..~

Yellows 1.81 :to.64

Minutes 3.74 :tl.13

Snakes 1.01 :to.3l

Polymixin B (r) 0.48 :to.lOS

Kanamycin (r) not done not done


Figure 17. Mutation frequencies of synchronous culture

The cells were grown in Dm medium. The open circlesrepresent mutation frequencies of a synchronous culture.The relative mutation frequencies are plotted. The timescale of the ordinate is in minutes. The origin coin­cides to the time when the second cycle of DNA synthesisis initiated at the 10th ho~r of synchronous growth. Thecurves shown are a composite of two independent experiments(except for pmbr and kanr ). For each set of experiments,4-6 markers were analyzed. The ascending slopes weredetermined regression lines (see Appendix II). Standarderror of estimate (2Sy •x) were also determined for each ofthe slopes. The temporal ordeT between experiments werein close agreement. This temporal order is 60 min.(pmbr ), 70 min. (blu), 73 min. (yel), 83 min. (sna), 110min. (mcf) and 140 min. (kanr ). The dark circles representthe relative mutation frequencies of two exponential phasecontrol cultures.

- o




D. sna1.5



• 1.5

• • •~ • • • 1.0

•• • • • • ~... •C> • ...VI


5 0.5 -'

Z 1.5oc(

0 B. blu E.lIICf 0 i=... Z:t:


U ;00 0 zz 0> 0 0 0 D.

VI ~...oo~

0 1.0 000/





Z '", u



" 00 1.5 8w 0.5... w... ....... • • ...Z • • • ....~ • • ~~ _4!t •• 1.0 iw • •> • • • w

S, • ~

w 1.5S... 0.5 ~


. 1.00

\ F. uor0 0 0




•• •• 0

• • 0...... 1.0

• 0

• •0.5

0 3 .. 0 2TIME, houn


Genetic map of Anacystis nidulans

The mapping experiments are valid if all constraints

(see theory) are satisfied. The time of DNA synthesis

within a division cycle has been demonstrated. It is not

proven that this DNA synthesis is initiated at a fixed point

on the chromosome. This factor is critical since synchronous

DNA synthesis does not mean that the cistrons are replicated

synchronously. The fact that marker frequencies occur in a

repeatable order and approximately at the same time, implies

that the DNA of Anacystis nidulans does indeed replicate at

one fixed point.

Only one abrupt increase was detected for each of markers

mapped. If two identical genomes per cell replicated alter­

nately, two corresponding abrupt increases should have been

detected. Previously, a one large genome concept had been

ruled out as demonstrated by the DNA synthesis-cell division

cycle since DNA synthesis continues throughout the cell

division cycle. The mapping data, therefore, indicated that

the genome of Anacysti~ nidulans consists of 2 or more

identical genomes which replicate simultaneously. However,

other models of genome organizations (refer to Chap. VIII)

are not ruled out.

At the outset, frequencies of mutants were expected to

be proportional to the number of cistrons or alternatively


to the number of growth points present per cell. The present

experimental data showed an initial plateau, an increase of

mutant frequencies, a second plateau and then a drop (although

not always) corresponding to the partitioning of the genome.

The plateau regions suggested that the replicated portion is

equally mutable as the replication points.

A direct contradiction to this notion has been reported

recently by Cerda-Olmedo, et al (1968) when E.coli was

mapped in a similar manner. The authors contended that the

frequency of mutation was directly related to the number of

replicating figures present at a specific time interval.

This inference was based upon their observation that the

frequency of occurrences of mutants increased and decreased

without attaining a plateau for any length of time. A sharp

peaking, however, was not obtained. This was attributed to

the lack of perfect DNA synchrony derivable by their amino

acid starvation method. However, the relatively high

frequency of mutants when the majority of cell was not

replicating DNA cannot be simply attributed to the lack of

perfect DNA synchrony.

Despite these limitations, mutation frequencies of

synchronous cultures demonstrate discernable increases for

each of the markers followed. The slopes of the increases

were plotted by calculating regression lines (see appendix

II). The extrapolate to the suggested initial plateau

was taken as the location of the markers. The time in


hours of occurrences of the markers are as follows: pmbr ,

11:00, blu, 11:10, yel, 11:13, sna, 11:23, mdf, 11:50 and

kanr , 12:20. These time units could then be converted to a

genetic map in corrected time units. The initiation of DNA

synthesis occuring at 10th hour will be designated as the

origin of the map. The corrected times were 60, 70, 73, 83,

110 and 140 minutes for pmbr , b1u, ye1, sna, mcf, and kanr


b1u --kanr

ye1--- mcfsna-

terminus...-- - --foolfoo4!--...........--t~--+ - - - -I- - - - + - - - ---t

180 240 ~OO 360o '60


pmbr b'lu yel sna mcf kanr

Figure 18. Genetic man of Anacystis nidu1ans

The bars represent standard errors of estimates (2Sy'X),The loci for the markers were determined by regression lines.

respectively (figure 18). The entire map will consist of

360 minutes corresponding to the 'length of time of the DNA





The inability to isolate auxotrophs in the present study

is a major problem which is either technical or intrinsic and

resul t of ge:letic structuring. A clearly defined auxotroph

of Blue-green algae is yet to be isolated. However, Singh

and Singh (1964a) did isolate an apparent glucose auxotroph

only after a second dose of uv irradiation of a previously

irradiated isolate.

The apparent absence of auxotrophs of Anacystis nidulans

is paralleled by the low incidence of auxotrophs in other

photosynthetic eucaryotes and higher plants. Li et al (1967)

made a comparative survey from the literature of several

procaryotes, eucaryotes and higher plants which encompassed

representatives of different phylogenetic levels. For

example, while thiamine mutants are commonly isolated from

heterotrophs and photosynthetic groups, other nutritional

mutants of photoautotrophs are found in either very low

frequencies or none at all. The authors have concluded that

these differences are significant and could not be due to

differences in variability fro: laboratories, or to the

specific methods utilized.

Several reasons were given to account for these

discrepencies in the mutation frequency of nutritional mutants:


(1) extensive duplication of genes (2) coexistence of alternate

pathways in photoautotrophs (3) coupling of basic biochemical

reactions to photosynthesis or other photochemical processes

and (4) differences leading to differential mutant survival.

These factors will be discussed in an effort to gain an

insight in the isolation of auxotrophs of Blue-green algae.

A. Specific relationship of basic biochemical reactions and

the metabolites of photochemical processes

Is the physiology and the "mechanics" of obligate

photoautotrophy so unique that a barrier of some kind pre­

cludes the possibilities in the formation of auxotrophs?

The "permeability barrier" (Kratz and Myers, 1954; Umbreit,

1962) could no longer be used as a major explanation since

radioactive labeled organic acids and amino acids (Allison

et aI, 1954; Hoare, 1964; Smith ~ aI, 1967; Pearce and Carr,

1967) were shown to be taken up in relatively large amounts.

Qualitatively, this study demonstrated that a variety of

simple and complex substances can permeate Anacystis nidulans

as judged by the inhibition studies. Quantitatively, the

extent of labeling of all organic compounds derived from

l4C-acetate was about 10% (Smith ~ aI, 1967) to 18% (Pearce

and Carr, 1967) for Anacystis nidulans. The manner in which

the metabolites of the Calvin cycle influenced the labeling

pattern was difficult to elucidate. The obligate photoauto­

trophs did npt incorporate organic substrate in the dark.

(Allison !! aI, 1954; Smith et aI, 1967) •.


The incorporation of carbon compounds such as

l4C-acetate was confined significantly to the lipid fraction,

glutamate, and certain carboxylic acids (Allison, et aI, 1954).

Other experiments (Hoare, 1965; Smith et aI, 1967) demonstrated

that proline, arginine and leucine were detectably labeled.

It is not clear why other compounds are not labeled in a

detectable quantity. For example, aspartic acids could be

transaminated from oxaloacetic acid derived through the

glyoxalic acid cycle (Pearce and Carr, 1967). On the other

hand, arginine synthesis was affected by a feedback regulation

(Hoare and Hoare, 1966). Correspondingly, arginine was

labeled in detectable quantity. It is difficult to conclude

that the labeling pattern found was solely due to regulation

or non-regulation.

It is difficult to explain how the complex network of

metabolic systems affect auxotrophy. Auxotrophy requires an

inactivation of a single cistron. A specific amino acid

requirement, for example glutamic acid, when added

exogenously should sustain the growth of the potential

glutamic acid auxotroph. The defect of a single cistron

should have no affect on the general metabolism of the cell.

The possibility exists in that the rate of exogenously

supplied nutrient is severely low enough to cause such an

imbalance which eventually becomes lethal. Mutant survival

in this manner is not likely to be an important factor in

this hypothetical case since glutamic acid is highly



Perhaps only those obligate photoautrophs of Blue-green

algae which could yield auxotrophs are those that could be

grown heterotrophically in the dark. Future experiments

would then have to be designed so that mutagenesis is carried

out in the dark and rely solely on heterotrophic growth.

B. Alternate pathways

The assumption of a unity of biochemistry of cell systems

has been so predominant that novel or alternate biochemical

paths have not been looked for or ignored (Cohen, 1963).

Indeed, Vogel (1963, 1965) showed that there exist two

alternate pathways in the biosynthesis of lysine by organisms

representative of phylogenetically distinct groups. The

amino adipic acid (AAA) pathway was found to predominate in

fungi and protozoa while the diamino pimelic acid (DAP)

pathway was found in bacteria, including Blue-green algae,

green algae and higher plants. Aside from the evolutionary

implication, the data imply that an organism has either AAA

or DAP path, but not both. Although this lysine system

represents a single case, other biosynthetic pathways will

presumably show the same pattern. This being the case, the

alternate pathway notion cannot explain the problem of lack

of auxotrophy in Anacystis nidulans and other obligate


C. Duplication of genes

Duplication of genes can be obtained in several ways.


One of these is the duplication of the entire set as in

polyploidy. Chlamydomonas eugametos is apparently a

naturally occuring polyploid since the chromosome number is

twice that of C. reinhardi (Schaecter and DeLamater, 1955).

The target number produced by x-ray irradiation indicated

twice the number as (haploid) C. reinhardi (Whetera11 and

Krauss, 1954).

The duplicated chromosomes of C. eugametos has been

proposed to be responsible for the survival of subnormal

colony forming (minute) mutants (Wethera11 and Krauss, 1954).

The inference made was that inactivation of a vital gene is

compensated by the occurrence of the duplicate genes. As a

result, a slower growth rate is responsible for the subnormal

colony size.

In bacteria, a tandem duplication of genes and

subsequent differentiation of the genes are thought to be the

manner in which operons are formed (Horowitz, 1966). This

notion of gene evolution was proposed earlier by Lewis (1951).

However, no explicit evidence of duplicate genes performing

the identical function has been demonstrated in the

procaryotes. Obviously, copied genes exist in the bacterial

cell, but they are on separate rep1icons. These rep1icons

are nonrandom1y segregated as shown by autoradiographic

studies (Forro and Wertheimer, 1960; Forro, 1965; van

Tubergen and Set1ow, 1961; Lark and Bird, 1965). Inactivation

of a cistron after a period of segregation will eventually


result in auxotrophy.

Similar types of experiments on Blue-green algae can be

performed to explore the genomic organization as it relates

to auxotrophy. Possible experimen~s will be discussed below.

Physiological factors will contribute vitally to the

problem of auxotrophy. The genetic explanation for lack of

auxotrophs due to duplicated genes within a replicon or

segregating unit seems logical and promising. The eventual

answer for this fundamental problem of auxotrophy, however,

could be due to both genetic and physiological reasons.

Since the solution or elucidation of the problem of auxotrophy

are at present vague and obscure, it was felt justified to

consider genetic models (see figure 18) which may lead to

the understanding of this problem.

The model IV (Folsome, personal communication) consists

of two partially identical circular replicons joined together

as a common unit by a non-DNA material. This, in the

terminology of Jacob, Brenner, Cuzin (1963) is the replicator.

The majority of cistrons are now in duplicate but not in a

linear or tandem fashion. It is important to note that not

all cistrons occur in duplicate. The cistrons coding for

amino acids, for example, are thought to be duplicated. The

pa=tially duplicated replicon model is schematically depicted

in figure 18 and the segregation pattern of the genome is

shown in 19.

Experiments could be designed, according to the model,


to isolate auxatrophs. The obvious experiment is to search

for partial mutants (one of the duplicate cistrons being

inactivated). These partial mutants are assumed to be among

the sumbnormal or minute colonies which are obtained in

high frequencies by nitrosoguanidine treatment. On preliminary

screening, the partial mutant must be stimulated to wild type

growth by a specific nutrient. Upon additional treatment

with mutagen, a complete auxotroph is expected and one which

require the same nutrient formally required by the partial

mutant. To further check the validity of this result,

mutation frequencies could be compared. Frequencies leading

from WT to partial and partial mutant to complete auxotroph

should be equal. The frequencies leading directly from WT to

complete auxotroph or the reverse mutation should be much

lower since the frequencies will be the product two mutational


Another possible genetic experiment is to study the

formation of sectored colonies. Witkin (1953) had demonstrated

that when E. coli B/r is plated on EMB agar immediately after

uv irradiation an increased ratio of sectored colonies over

intact, nonsectored colonies occurred. Since the ratios were

strongly related to the number of nucloids per cell, it led

to the conclusion that sectored colonies are due to genome

segregation. Similar type of experiments could be carried

out but with two modifications: (1) E. coli cultures are

grown synchronously, (2) chemical mutagen is added at the


time when lactose operon is replicating. The cells are washed

free of the mutagen and immediately plated on EMB agar. It

is expected that quarter sectored and half sectored colonies

will be obtained in higher frequencies than other types of

sectored colonies. Poisson distribution of sectored colonies

could be used to evaluate the mode of genome segregation. Now

consider a similar experiment with Anacystis niduJ.ans.

Pigment phenotypes could be used for the purpose of these

experiments. Comparison of the types and distribution of

the sectored colonies could give added information on the

genomic organization.

A variation of this experiment is the 32p-suicide (Stent

and Fuerst, 1955) of pulse-labeled synchronous culture. The

cultures after given the pUlse are quickly frozen with liquid

nitrogen. Daily samples are then plated to assay the surviv­

ing fraction. In a cell with 2 or more independent genomes,

one would expect characteristic slope patterns dependant upon

the mode of replication and segregation of the structure.

Experiments described above and others may reveal

fundamental differences of genomic organization of "simple"

procaryotes, "complexH procaryotes, and simple eucaryotes.


Models of possible chromosome organization of Anacystisnidulans

Model I. one la!ge replicon Model II. two identicalreplicons; cistrons arenot d'l.:pl icated

Model IV. fused partiallyduplicated replicons;certain cistrons areduplicated


Model III. two independentreplicons, cistrons aretandemly duplicated

Figure 19. Models of possible chromosome organization ofAnacystis nidulans:

Model I.

Model II.

Model III.

Model IV.

The DNA synthetic and cell division patternrule out this modelThis model is identical to the E. coli model.Model II suggests that absence or rarity ofauxotrophs is solely a physiological problem.The tandem duplication of cistrons modelcould account for the lack of auxotrophs.This model explains the lack of auxotrophsequally well as model III. The distinctionbetween model III and IV may be difficultto demonstrate.


replication ofgenome


both arepartialmutants

non-randomsegregationof genomes

wildt~ k2 0ia~u::~~rOPhiC

comPlete? ~auxotrophic


Figure 20. Hypothetical schema of mutagenesis according tothe partially duplicated replicon model. The frequencieskl, k2, k3, k4 are equal. However, the one-step forward orbackward mutation frequencies are the product of the half­step mutation frequencies.



This study demonstrates the potential utility of

Anacystisnidulans for genetic studies and permits the

conclusions listed below:

A. Inactivation and mutagertesis with nitrosoguanidine

and uv irradiation

(1) The inactivation rate of Anacystis with NTG was

concentration dependent. Nitrosoguanidine-induced blue (blu)

and yellow (~) pigment, filamentous (~), minute colony

formers (mcf) , polymixin B (pmbr ) and kanamycin (kanr )

resistant mutants occurred at frequencies of 2.98xlO- 3 (blu),

1.8xlO- 3 (~), 1.OxlO- 3 (sna), 3.7xlO- 3 (mcf) and 4.8xlO- 4

(pmbr ).

(2) UV irradiation inactivated Anacystis if the

irradiated culture was incubated in the for nine hours

before exposing to light. Although frequency data were

not recorded, both sna and mcf mutants were induced. If the

uv irradiated cultures were exposed to light immediately after

treatment, there was complete photorecovery.

(3) Attempts to isolate auxotrophic mutants failed.

Approximately 8.0xl04 mutagen treated surviving colonies

were screened with replica plate method. The lack of

auxotrophs was thought to be significant, therefore, genetic

models were constructed in an attempt to explain the inability


to isolate auxotrophs.

B. Cell synchrony and macromolecular synthesis

(1) Light-dark regimen induced synchronous growth of


(2) RNA, protein and phospholipid synthesis occurred

with continuous and exponential rates.

(3) DNA synthesis was periodic and was initiated 3 hours

prior to cell division. The duration of DNA synthesis was

6-7 hours with a cell doubling time of 8.0 hours.

C. Genetic mapping experiments

(1) Mutagenesis performed with nitrosoguanidine during

the period of DNA synthesis showed a doubling of mutation

frequencies for the six markers followed. It was concluded

that the nitrosoguanidine-induced mutations were proportional

to the number of replicated cistron~ and cistrons being


(2) The observed increases in the mutation frequencies

of 6 markers occurred in a specific temporal order. Increases

of marker frequencies were analyzed by plotting regression

lines. The initial increase in marker frequencies as

designated as the time of specific cistron replication.

A genetic map of Anacystis nidulans was constructed relative

the temporal order of specific marker increase. The loci

of six markers were pmbr , blu, ~, ~, mcf and kanr in

that temporal order.



A. DNA determination by colorimetric methods

Chemical methods of DNA determination is given on

Table 6. The diphenylamine method gave higher values than

the indole method. This is not due to the pigment, phycocyanin,

which absorbs at 620 nm, since the color of phycocyanin was

destroyed by making the PCA treated pellet slightly alkaline

with NaC03.

In the indole method, DNA at times was difficult to

extract with hot PCA. On several occasions, DNA determina­

tions included that material obtained from the pellet. Since

DNA values obtained in this manner were neither significantly

lower nor higher than those obtained in the usual manner, the

values from the pellet were always included when found.

B. Heterologous DNA binding by Anacystis nidulans

A genetic recombination method is needed in order to do

other meaningful genetic studies. Recent reports on sexual

or parasexual genetic transfer remain to be fully established.

A strong possibility of genetic transfer is transduction,

since virulent phycoviruses have been found (Safferman and

Morris, 1963). It is believed that lysogenic Blue-green

algae exist. The induction of temperate phycovirus from

"lysogenic" Blue-green algae may be a fruitful area of future


Table 6.

Number ofexperiments


Determination of DNA content per cell

DNA content per cell in daltonsindole method diphenylamine method

(xlO lO) (xlO lO )





average DNAcontent per cell: 1.06xlOlO

standard deviation: to.2lxlO lO


to.SxlO lO

Another means of genetic exchange is transformation.

The present study of binding 32P-labeled ~. coli DNA is

promising. Binding results are given in figure 21 for

(1) exponential phase, (2) late exponential, (3) late lag

phase, and (4) dark incubated cell. The data indicate that

there was no DNA'ase resistant DNA binding for all growth

phases tested up to 2-3 hours. On the other hand, there seems

to be an instantaneous DNA'ase sensitive binding of 32p-DNA •

There is a good possibility that DNA'ase sensitive binding

exhibited may lead to DNA'ase resistant binding. Extensive

studies on the proper conditions for this to occur were not


pursued. One possibility, which was then overlooked, is the

time factor. It was observed that transformation was found

in Hydrogenomonas only after a prolonged incubation period

of DNA-cell complex (Ziobro and DeCicco, 1966). Future

experiments should take the time factor into account.

Furthermore, now that the cells can be synchronized, DNA

uptake studies may be done with respect to different

physiological states of the culture.

C. Effect of antibiotics, antimetabolit~s, and analogues

of amino acids and purines and pyrimidines

These experiments were done to survey the range and

types of substances which inhibit the growth of Anacystis.

With this knowledge, various types of resistant mutants could

be isolated. As shown in Table 6, Anacystis was found to be

highly sensitive to several antibiotics. Lack of response to

base analogues and antimetabolites cannot be attributed to

either insensitivity or impermeability.








o 000o 00 0


o 0


o 0oo o o

••••••••o . 50 100 o 50 100

TIME, minutes TIME, minutes







20 0 500

0 0 015 OQ 0 0

00 0 0

TIME, minutes TIME, hours

Figure 21. 32p-DNA (E. coli) Binding by ~lcystis nidu1ans

Table 7. Antiobiotic Sensitivity


Antibiotic microgram/ml minimal broth minimal plate

1 GPolymixin B 5 NG

(CALBIOCHEM, 10 NGCalif. ) 20 NG G

50 NG NG

0.8 G GChloramphenicol 0.9 G G

(Parke, Davis 1.0 GCo., Sidney, 1.6 NG

Australia) 2.0 WG NG4.0 G

0.08 G GStreptomycin 0.1 G

(Glaxo-Allensbury 0.2 WGPty, Ltd. 0.4 NG NGMelbourne,Aust.) 0.8 NG

Kanamycin 0.1 G(Bristol lab. 0.5 NGSyracuse, N.Y.) 1.0 NG


Penicillin 0.006 G G(Sigma Chemical 0.02 WG GCo., St. Louis, 0.08 NG NGMo. ) 0.16 NG NG

0.4 NG

G-growth; WG-weak growth; NG-no growth


Table 8. Inhibition by base analogues

diameter of inhibition

6-azaguanine8-azaguanine2-aminopurine6-methyl aminopurineS-aminouracilS-bromodeoxyuridinoS-carboxyuracilS-nitrouracilS-methyl cytosinethiouracil



2SCJb (grew after 2 days)

Table 9. Inhibition by antimetabolites,amino acid and vitamin analogues

diameter of inhibition

antimetabolitesDL-methionine sulfoxidebeta-2-thienylalanine

amino acid analoguesalpha-methyl-DL-methionineDL-ethioninebeta-mercapto-DL-valine3-amillotyrosineS-methy-DL-tryptophan

vitamin analoguesaminopterindesthiobiotinoxythiaminepantoyl taurine




Table 10. Relative mutant frequencies



Relative Mutant frequenciespmbr kanr ye1 b1u mcf sna

1 0.00 0.6 0.71 0.45 0.68 0.2572 0.25 0.5 0.88 0.55 n.535 0.6353 0.50 0.66 0.41 0.62 0.60 0.57 0.5354 0.75 0.80 0.53 0.67 0.60 0.612 0.695 1.25 0.69 0.715 0.68 0.68 0.97 0.686 1.50 1.05 0.55 0.54 0.62 0.76 0.677 1. 75 0.94 0.214 1.09 1.01 0.745 0.698 2.00 1.15 0.426 1.35 1.23 0.982 1.289 2.25 1.05 0.54 1.45 1.04 1.09 1.12

10 2.50 1.30 1.98 1.34 1.06 0.86 1.1911 2.75 1.09 1.52 1.40 1.23 1.14 1.7612 3.00 1.09 1.28 1.23 0.985 1.38 1.2513 3.25 1.21 1.24 1.57 1.04 1.34 1.4714 3.50 1.24 1.54 1.37 1.03 1.4 1.3315 3.75 1.15 1.46 1.15 0.90 1.05 1.2416 4.00 1.10 1.24 0.82 0.825 1.28 1.6617 4.25 1.10 0.86 0.815 1.42 1.3618 4.75 1.52 0.5 0.70 0.795 1.57 1.2319 5.00 0.84 1.12 0.8020 5.25 1.18 0.74 1.4721 5.50 1.19

Table 11. Regression line of Yellow mutant


Case time (hrs) X Y y2 XY calculated Y

1 1.5 6 0.54 0.29' 3.24 0.692 1. 75 7 1.09 1.08 7.63 0.9533 2.0 8 1.35 1.82 10.80 1.2144 2.25 9 1.45 2.10 13.05 1.475

Sum 5 30 4.43 5.29 34.72 2Sy •X= ±0.25

Table 12. Regression line of blue mutant

Case time (hrs) X Y y2 XY calculated Y

1 1. 25 5 0.68 0.46 3.4 0.422 1.50 6 0.62 0.38 3.70 0.693 1.75 7 1.01 1.02 7.07 0.9584 2.0 8 1.35 1.81 10.80 1.23

Sum 5 26 3.66 3.67 24.99 2Sy •X• 0.29

Table 13. Regression line of mcf

Case time (hrs) X Y y2 XY calculated Y

1 2.25 9 1.09 1.19 9.81 0.8132 2.5 10 0.86 0.74 8.60 0.9883 2.75 11 1.14 1.30 12.54 1.1624 3.0 12 1.38 1.90 16.56 1.3675 3.25 13 1.34 1.80 17.42 1.51

Sum 5 55 5.81 6.93 64.93 2Sy.X= ±0.24


Table 14. Regression line of sna

Case time (hrs) X Y y2 Xy calculated Y

1 1.5 6 0.67 0.45 4.02 0.4252 1.75 7 0.69 0.48 4.83 0.773 2.0 8 1.28 1.64 10.24 1.124 2.25 9 1.12 1.25 10.08 1.45

Sum 4 30 3.76 3.82 29.24 2Sy •X= :1:0.42

Table 15. Regression line of pmbr

Case time (hrs) X Y y2 Xy calculated Y

1 1. 25 5 0.69 0.476 3.45 0.6472 1. 50 6 1.06 1.10 6.30 0.843 1.75 7 0.94 0.88 6.58 1.004 2.0 8 1.15 1.32 9.20 1.18

Sum 4 26 3.83 3.78 25.53 2Sy.X= :1:0.22

Table 16. Regression line of kanr

Case time (hrs) X Y y2 Xy calculated Y

1 2.25 9 0.54 0.29 4.86 0.2552 2.50 10 1.98 3.80 19.80 0.813 2.75 11 1.52 2.30 16.72 1.804 3.00 12 1.29 1.66 15.48 2.83

Sum 4 42 5.33 8.05 56.86 2Sy.X=. :1:0.48


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