i united states environmental protection agency · the potential alao exhta for det11al expoaure to...

I :) u UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Region I MEIIORANOOit DATEs March 11, 1986 SUBJ1 Draft Rl Report for Davia Liquid Site FR0111 Suaan Pats, Site Manager, EPA TO• Richard cote, CDM The following refer to the aecond aut.lttal of the •oavta Liquid Waate Site Re•edial Inveatigation Data C011pUation and Analyaia 11• which l8 the draft RJ report. The work effort required to collect the data for the RI at the oawta alta haa been done effectively and reflecta on the ability of the project ••nagar, Rick Cote, to evaluate and deteralne the volwae of data needed •• well •• coordinate all of the field which waa a particularly difficult taak at thia atte. The perforaance of all CDfl peraonnel working at the alta waa thorough and profeaatonal. TM analyala of the RI data though will require further work. Although aa.e Hctiona can atand on their own, the lftt!Gi-iltlOft of all atud.iea (aactiona) and all aedia (i.e., aurface, grouftd- watar, privata wlla) naeda to ba done before aajor concluaiona are drawn. The report auat conaiatantly ba written fro. one aaction to the next. Tanainology ahould ba unifona throUQhout the text and and appancUcaa. riguraa ahould ba legible and key feature& auat ba located ao that the reader can orient Data, aa well aa the baaa aap it ta placed on, ahould ba legible. Topographic linea and ayabola ahould ba legible. A priaary probl.. with the alta aapa ia acale and the ability to read technical data froa the aapa ao that one can evaluate the fiMl interpretationa and conclualona. It aay be necaaaary to add blue linea to the report. Moat aapa do not have the original aap referenced, original acala, and occaaionally kaya are inc011plata. There are inconaiatenciea between the tablaa, figurea, and/or the taxtr ao.. tablea are ahelng (cltaate), othera are alalabelled. The reaidantial well number ayatea ia incorrect between figurea and tablea. In addition, the vetlanda aaaeaament is mleetng fr0111 thh report. The rlak aaaeaament I understand will be aub1llitted ahortly. I I I 1' '

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Page 1: I UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY · the potential alao exhta for det11al expoaure to contaalnanta found In aolla on-aite and fro. the atreaJI vhich joina Lathu Brook


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DATEs March 11 1986

SUBJ1 Draft Rl Report for Davia Liquid Site

FR0111 Suaan Pats Site Manager EPA

TObull Richard cote CDM

The following ce~~aenta refer to the aecond autlttal of the bull bulloavta Liquid Waate Site Rebulledial Inveatigation Data C011pUation and Analyaia 11bull which l8 the draft RJ report

The work effort required to collect the data for the RI at the oawta alta haa been done effectively and reflecta on the ability of the project bullbullnagar Rick Cote to evaluate and deteralne the volwae of data needed bullbull well bullbull coordinate all of the field t~Drk which waa a particularly difficult taak at thia atte The perforaance of all CDfl peraonnel working at the alta waa thorough and profeaatonal

TM analyala of the RI data though will require further work Although aae Hctiona can atand on their own the lfttGi-iltlOft of all atudiea (aactiona) and all aedia (ie aurface grouftdshywatar privata wlla) naeda to ba done before aajor concluaiona are drawn The report auat conaiatantly ba written fro one aaction to the next Tanainology ahould ba unifona throUQhout the text and and appancUcaa riguraa ahould ba legible and key featureamp auat ba located ao that the reader can orient thaaaelvea~ Data aa well aa the baaa aap it ta placed on ahould ba legible Topographic linea and ayabola ahould ba legible A priaary probl with the alta aapa ia acale and the ability to read technical data froa the aapa ao that one can evaluate the fiMl interpretationa and conclualona It aay be necaaaary to add blue linea to the report Moat aapa do not have the original aap referenced original acala and occaaionally kaya are inc011plata There are inconaiatenciea between the tablaa figurea andor the taxtr ao tablea are ahelng (cltaate) othera are alalabelled The reaidantial well number ayatea ia incorrect between figurea and tablea In addition the vetlanda aaaeaament is mleetng fr0111 thh report The rlak aaaeaament I understand will be aub1llitted ahortly

I ~ I




0 -2- )

The appendlcea have been aubllltted without conaietent coding ayatbullbull to the text Boring looa which refer to old well nUIIbera ahould alao be labelled with the COM numbering ayatem Realdential vella ahould clearly be labelled and uae one ayatem for deacrlption Na ahould be oaltted froa the report re8identlal well data All tablea ahould have kaye on each page Inforaatlon at the tope of pagea are loat in the binding SOftie appendix material auch aa aurface water figures and aUJIUIIary tablea ahould be included in the text Presentation of data ahould be tabularhed in a bullore readable fonat our vorklno 0-0C validation aheeta are not appropriate

l) -3- 1)


The follovlng comtenta refer to the text of the Draft ampectlona 1-9 c~nta referring to the appendicea have already been aut It ted to you


1) See editing done on ay copy Note changes in property ovnership and rewrite of the third paragraph

~~ Executive SUIIllary was not aubattted in draft Rt

lliQL 2) Figure 1-1 ia ahleadlnga looka like bullhatchedbull area iB site

Figura 2-1 without eenaua tract shading would be appropriate for atate aap

31 Add to 2nd paragraphbull locate the eoureea of contuination bulltdentify contbullinant aigation pathwayabull bullbullbullbullbullbullmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot

Add to top paragraph on p 1-3 aa the laat aentencaa bullTOday thh alta ta on the propoaed National Prlorltiea Llat and la alated for Superfund clean-up in 1987bull

51 Pp 1-3 2nd paragraph - DWR ahould read ( bullIJWR bull)

Pp 1-3 Jrd p8ragraphbull Reference who took vartoua liqui aaaplea fn Dawla property CA-77-2267 when bullbullbull thla

_ caM filed It filed In reaponae to flrea or odora


Pp 1-J 4th paraorapha the 10371 Superior Court Order part of the bull- caae aa deacrlbed In 3rd paragraph


jPp 1-5 Reed to add court Order obtained by EPA Septber 1985


1 Pp 1-6 Talk to P Stevenaon about eXaCt locatlona where I aoUa fro the 11 pit were dlapoaed-- J


j Pp 1-6 2nd ~raorapha Make clear that the abaence of recorda bullakea eatttea of the volUIIe dhpoaed difficult lbullpoaalble


Pp 1-6 2nd ~ragrpah laat aentence ahould reada bullThua the potential alao exhta for det11al expoaure to contaalnanta found In aolla on-aite and fro the atreaJI vhich joina Lathu Brook and flowa to Stillwater Reaervoirbull


Pp 1-7 after E E report referenced the 3rd reference ahould be the COM initial site characterization October 1984 Then atate1 Table 1-1 providebull alllllftary of bullbullbull bull bull OMITTING aentencea about vorkplan completion and POP OAOC H s etc



__ I

-s- )0

Pp 1-8 Table 1-la ht Data collected 1127 not 8513)

Pp 1-9 Table 1-h lteep in chronol~ical order Omit14) 112785 this bullbullbull done in 1984 Add auplino operation of reaidential wella 12686 - 12786

Figure 1-21 N arrow not legible date of USGS map Reference original acale even if aUIe aa ahown in figure - Figure 1-l all the above commenta apply too



Pp 2-1 lat eentence1 give exact number of h011ea within 12 aile of alta and a very good eatibullate for nuber of hoaee within one aile of the alta


conflicting etatentebull One ceneue tract containbull the alta17) okay rive tracte for 3 aile radlua Figure 2-1 ahowe 4 tracte

suatlOft of all 4 (or 5) cenaue tracte le not an11) appropriate correlation for our l-aUe radlue population What ie our ta19et population We need thia kind of accuracy for our riak aaaeant

Pp 2-1 LAM~OSB1 Figure 2-1 doea not ahow thia COrrectU) teat By the way Pigure 2-3 doea not ahow anything

Pp 2-2 rigure 2-11 tleed to enlarge bullap eo it ia legible20) What ia acale Reference original with date What 1a original acale

Pp 2-h Do not aay bullThere are apprOXtilatttli 100 hOMe bull What ia the figure


Pp 2-3 2nd paragraphbull Davia Landfill bullbullY not be owned by Davia check tax aaaeaaor recorda for town of Gloceater lat aentenee addbull (GSR Landfill bulloavia Landfillbull) eorrect bullLandfield bull


Pp 2-3 the laat aentence ahould read1 bullTherefore the nUilber23) of peralta laaued ln Bbullithfleld bullbullY not be an accurate bulleana of deteralnlng bullbullbullbullbullbull bull

Figure 2-21 Cite original bullap date and acale Mark off24) alte boundary on thla bullbullP ao one haa reference point to atudy

Pp 2-61 Uae hlatorical data from RIDEM Phh Wildlife for a ballpark eatlaate of fhhing ln Stillwater Reaervoir2S)

Pp 2-61 Gloceater zoning agricultural only What about

J 26)

GSR Landfill (N0i8a apelling of bullGlocesterbull)

I f


middot U

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27) Pp 2-6 Natural Reaourceas 0111 t the word bull reported bull atatea 12 alle fro the dumping area Otit bullcontuination of the groundvaterbull should reada bullportions of wetlands on site have been filled bullbullbull (See C011parmiddotiaon of historical and present wetlands mapa) bull

28) Plgure 2-ta zoning boundaries are unclear on map Label the circle and North direction

29) Pp 2-8s In March 1985 the Rhode Island Supreme Court overturned Superior Court Order rea Dechion on wetlands Supr-bull Court haa determine~ that Mr Davis is in violation of the Pederal Wetlands Act and will be responsible for restor-ation of the wetlands The RIDM has not fonaulated the restoration order as of this date

30) Pp 2-8 2nd paragraph bull Oait bulleast ofbull - ao sentence readaa bullLathaa Brook which rune froa the aite to the re-ervoir bull

31) lxcept for brief etatent ie one general paragraphbull the detailed diecuaaion of clibullate ahould go in one of the hydrogeo aectione preferably aurface water The following ~nta ahould be taken into account when diacuaaing aection in ore detail

32) Pp 2-1 thru 2-11 IIOte that tablea and text do not correlate Table 2-1 ia bullllaino which ia auppoaed to be wind direction and apeed

33) The higheat and loweat recorded annual precipitation occurred during the firet bullbullpllng yearbull at Davia State how thie would effect etudy reeulta

34) Why haa no USGS hydrological data been evaluated fro the wooneocket River Baain on other albulllliar drainage baeine

35) Pp 2-9 Laet paragraphbull State how thla fact will effect etudy reaulte

36) Table 2-2 pp 2-11bull Change titlebull Cobullpariaon of Avenge Monthly vereua Actual Monthly Precipitation Meaeured in Providence RI by NOAA Why only 9 bullonthe of the year Why were the yearbull 1983 and 1984 c011puted in average rainfalle

0 -7shy

37) Pp l-1bull Change bullpublic health aaseaamentbull to bullrtak aaaeasmentbull Last sentence on pp 3-1 should read bullbullbullbull bulland the public health ana environmental ilapacta bullbullbullbullbull bull

38) Pp 3-21 For VOAe Extractables and PCBPeeticidee give typical background concentrations in water soils an4 aeda

39) Pp 3-3 Metale t Typical and Background Table h incolroct for Nev England soils Chromium 1s not native in New England Background levels for Cd Cr and Rg are high Are these levels in fact background

40) Pp 3-lbull Typo in Data validationbull bullThe producu _2bullbullbull bull

41) Pp 3-4 Oit 2 paragraphbullbull bullThe validation qualifer bull bullJbull bullbull through end of 31 Notebull OAOC aheeta ahould not be uaed bullbull our data baae in final 1U

U) Plgun 3-h Reference la incorrect throughout figurebull in thia Hctlon Mlp aource ia IPA Ct~MSL) State original acale and date precede thia UgureiiiiJiOBGS aap figure which ahowa area of thia up on ita atte Where do atte boundariea fall on thia figure Add arrowbull to label pita and atate acale of thia aap_) ll

i I 43) Pp J-6 Saapltng Area At Why no GPII here

Define bull1ow levelabull give range for SL-26 and Rt-27 Laat aentence in bullbullpling Area AI Add bull bull bull bull ataging during h888id0U8 Wi8ti aite operatlona bull

44) Figure l-2bull Title not correct D and r background locattona scale Reference SL-24 location wrong ahould be SL-20

45) Table 3-1 arkll uae conaiatent bnguage - t e bullsupport areabull ia or ta not decon area Saple at aain gate - label gate on aap

46) P J-9 Laat aentance of aaapllng Area 81 give range for bull1ov levela bull

47) P 3-9 s pling Area C1 SL-2S h clean What about s-17 Define bulltracebull of containatlon

48) P 3-10 Table 3-21 Correct P SL-20 to SL-24o

49) P 3-11 Sampling Area Ez Should read bull o o o indicate thla la an area of elgnlflcant hazardoua vaateo obullbull bull










I 57)







r ~

middot )0 -middotshyFigure 3-3 Change references North orientation Scalea Add arrow to pit

P 3-14 Tables 3-3 thru 3-Sa Which results are August which are April1 Show average or typical values for each ccpound in different bulledia middot

P 3-16 Table 3-5a Why was Ra and Cd omitted Dhcuaa high levels of compounds ie Aa Cr Mn Hg Nl Sn etc

Figure 3-4z Change the reference Add scale north orientation location of brook and through end of lane should be shown in figure Label dhpoaal pita Update to show lane south of ahredder

Pp 3-lla TP-8- Define middot-aubull leveh of orientation

Pp 3-181 TP-9 Visual inspection of what More detatia about undisturbed aoUa etc needed Also hiatorical aerial photos Visual inspection does not verify that a atre- la a phyalcal and hydraulic barrier A atrbullbull channel probably la not a barrier to groundwater

Pp l-11bull w acceaa road aouthern acceaa road - shytoo bulluch confuaion where theae roada are and inconalatency in n-lng thbull throughout the report

Plgurbull ~ c~~ta frca 153 apply

3-7bull l-11

Pomiddot 3-211 TP-22bull Where aabullplea contlnated TP-211 Dont you bullbullan bullaouthweatbull corner

On what baaia were the deterwinatlona to aaple aoe pita and not othera bullbullde

Where ia the dlacuaalon of findingbull (vhual or otherwlae) for uneapled and unn~bered teat ~ita

LOcate teat pita 26 and 26A on flgurbullbullmiddot Diacuaa or bullbullntlon reaulta that trace level a of PCB a were found

Pp 3-251 uae updated number of drume Change bull2sobull to bullover 600 bull and update etatue Laat eentence of thie page ahould read1 bullTheee drums were removed fr011 the elte by EPA in January 1986 bull Ollit bullrestagingbull and change to bullatagingbull in previous sentence

I ~ I



I middot middot 1



~ I I

-9- 1)

63) Pp l-27a See bullY editing on page

64) Pp 3-27a The ridge line Does thle coincide with bullaouthern access roadbull

65) Pp 3-lOa TP-25 27 and 32 t Conclusion that contamination limited by topography and dumping technique may relate to

~t~~~bull ~~~middot~Zid middot ~~~Zrt~~~~u~ ~~~~t~roround-vater TP-28 29 and 31 - change to oil bullbearingbull gravel lena

66) Pp 3-36 Table 3-15a Omit bullactual extent of contamination and bull Laat aentence on this page ahould end at bulltram a localiaed apillbull

67) Table l-16a Differentiate if contuination h PCBa or paatlcldea Alao do the bullbullbull in Tablea 3-12 and 3-18

61) Pp 3-36a Define bullThe liaita of the altabull Raaardoua waate handling area lffected area

69) Pp 3-41 B Acceae Jtoada Juat becauae aubaotla are clean doea not an location ia clean at greater deptha ie groundwater below Mot enough data to verify concluaion

~=~~C ~a~~~=i~imiddot~~tO~~irb~~==-If= ~ can not write off bedrock aquifer

70 Pp 3-4la Referencebull to wetlandbull in thia aection ahould habulle a figure which ahova location both hiatorical and preaent aince they are available Where 1a the wetlanda aaaeant

7U Pp 3-Ua On what baaia waa 1500 cy determined Row clean 1a clean What 1a the cut off for leavino aoila behind Theae queationa apply to all quantitiea and areaa of aoil raoved ( ibullpoundbullent ridgeline and dr111 area) aa well

72) Row waa the nUilber of expected drWia to be encountered derived Ia it a conaervative eatibullate Realiatic


73) One large bullbullP vith all teatpit locationa would be ueeful

74) In all the tablee there la a key that metah were bullnot found above backgroundbull leveh What are these levels How vera they deterwlned If bull cited textbull table la incorrect for New England eolla

L) -10shy


Thie aection waa particulary difficult reading Rewriting of ny portions la necessary both for clarity of presentation conceptually and for copletlon

1) Dlacuaaion of groundvater doea not take into account the aetBlled tnfonaatton frora the residential or surface Witiriict lone

2) Interpretation of the data base omits there are limitations to our data Concluaiona of flow to the north bull bullY be due to the bias of our inatruaentation which ia physically located to the north

l) Dlacuaalon of regional flow needs to be expanded

U The conceptual odel chosen b parttlly correct but does not fit all the data The 3-D conceptualiaatton of the dike la lnconaiatent between text drawings and boring loge

5) The vertical flow le a aajor ccaponent of contbullinant bulligratlon at thie elte and the aeaaonal flip-flop of

middot gradientbull ie key tn underatandlng the aovbullent and water quality data acroaa the dike and at all aonltorlng wlle

) hplaln how the choice of contbullinanta dlacuaaed tn the text ta detemined Por bullbullbullple why ia there Halted diacuaalon of tnorgantca when Table 4-5 ahowa auch high Mtala lavale

7) Conclualona ahould incorporate the aajor regional flow diAction

0 -ll- middotJ

pound2 75) Note that the reference for all figures 1a incorrect

Where 1e scale N arrows and consistent labelling of key locat ton dent if tara

76) Sce of the data presented is not discussed a ie volatile mobility high metals trace PCBbullbull

77) Results conclude their are limits of contamination Define bullconttnation bull Justify limite

78) Pp 4-1411 The introductory paragraph needs to be rewritten Second paragraph - change bullchemical ccpoaittonbull to vater quality

79) Pp 4-2bull After (E i E) adda bullunder EPA contractbull conducted bullbullbull

79) Pp 4-2bull Regional Hydrogeobull After the lat paragraph 90 to Appendix ~1 thru D-6 and incorporate into the text s Appendix D for apecific ccenta and requested changes then go back to topo and drainage i

10) Pp 4-3 Topography and Drainagebull Rewrite Diacuaa ~ i regional groundwater flow- aibulllllar to Appendix D 13 j include deacrtptlon of drainage baaln recharge area aurface water and groundwater Dlacuaa aurface water overshy ~ I burden and bedrock aquifere and the lnterrelatedneaa of all of the above Include Brook waterahed ao that one can aM all recharge areaa

11) Pp t-4 Topography and Drainagebull Diacuaa that a 200 foot drop ln elevation fr011 the aite to outlet (Stlllvater i Reaervoir) within 1 12 ia a ateep regional gradient

i 12) Pp 4-4413bull Define bullgroaatybull contbullinated aoUa

Addbull The chlorinated aolventa were 110at prevalent bullin groundwaterbull with levela bullbull State bullthe ree~ended levelabull

(according to which atandarda) for the liated organica (which) unleaa hiatorical atandarda B bull I or G bull M uaed vary fr011

1985-86 atandarda

83) Pp 4-5 Firat aentence in t21 ahould read bullThe objective of the hydrogeologic investigation bullbullbull bull See editing on Pp C-6

84) Pp 4-7 Magnetonetrybull What ia the vertical extent vhich the aagnetoaetry aurvey ia able to characterize the dikes hydraulic conductivity



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85) setbullie Studya Did the mapped bedrock surface baaed on aebaic data correlate vtth our well loge and other boring data bullsouthwestbull groundwater flow

86) Pigure 4-11 SCale North Reference h incorrect

87) Pp 4-t s What are the significant bedrock differences north and south of Latham Brook

88) Pp 4-9 GPR1 Plrat paragnph atatea could not use Second paragraph aucceaaful

89) In addition to Figure 4-2 would alao llke to aee figure will all bedrock wella (sampled) which includes private vella and all overburden vella with depth of walla (MSL) (screened intervale) Phyaical deacrlptlon bull boring loge Be conalatent with lanoubullilbullmiddot

90) Pp 4-11424 - att laat paragraphbull except for laat sentence of it

911 Pp 4-11Slte Ryltlroo See ay edltlng

92) Groundwater IIOVntbull Blialnate bulleo~~ptexbull before every bedrock atatbullant Bliainata worda auch bullbull bulla~arabull After thla atudy we are able to llltitti flow dlractiona Pirat aantenca tblrd paragraph Tjp4-1Z) Rewrite

=~=~hdtk= ~~kw~~~~ke ten~a ChooH Plow ia parallel apd perpendicular to dike

U) See edltlng ln ay copy Pp 4-12 thru 4-39

94) Appendix D-1 thru D-6 Tabla D-1 D-Z D-12 D-13 and D-77 juatUlcationa for drU11no locationbull and bull~bull drilling obaarvatlona (ia D-27 thru o-32) ahould be included in the text N-8E-W croaa-aactlona ahould be included in text

-13shy0 )


1 A brief summary of the number of realdencea within a 12 aile and one aile radius should be included with a statement that au residents within a 12 mile of the site are on p~~~~wella Thua the potential population at risk ia ___ persona

-2) FiQure 5-l ia difficult to read Which dot h which sample

I See c011111enta 130 thru 32 from the appendices review would be helpful to ahov overburdenva bedrock and to use a c011prohenaive map of ob wells on and off alta to dhtinguiah which are contulnated

3) The grouping of realdential walla needs further explanation Deep and shallow dealgnatlona aay be aialeadlng A bulldpbull well 40-60 rt ia auch aore related to a bullshallowbull well than a 400 foot wll

4) Incorporate new 186 data Rote the bullietakea between text figurea and table and correct thebull

5) Statnta about trenda etc ahould be followed by a concluaion

1) bullot ilil~r middot tDOitilftCi ta the intervration of other data froa h rooeo and aurface water aacttona into the analyaia lof reaidantial data Uttltaa 110nitoring well data and capan location of ill PW and 0t1 contbullinated walla and aurfaca middot l water atatioiiand diacuaa in potential regional hydrogeo j acanarto l

7) Concluaiona naad to be correlated with the larger picturebull ie regional flow and the bulloatlikely flow patha to tha aouthaaat i8) Por apecUic comMnta on section 5 aee bullY edited copy



Region I

DATpound1 March 4 1986

SUBJt Review of draft RI - ovta LiqUid waata Site

PROMa Suaan Pats EPA Site Manager

T01 Rick Cote COM

Aa diiiCuaaed previoualy I have arranged a aeettng on March 6 1986 with the COM hydrogaologiata and EPA hydroshygeologiata to cUacuaa and ctetenline the aoat appropriate conceptual hydrogeolootcal aodal for the alta - which will be the frwork fro which oat other concluliona are drawn The purpoaa of thia ttng at thie point in tibullbullbull t due bull to the lack of concurnnce between EPA and COM now that all the data haa been bull~riaad

Prior to our bullbullbullttng on reb 12 or 13th when EPA a and the Statebull a ~nta on the teat of the RI will be tranaferrad to you I wanted to autit c~nta which pertain to the five appendlcaa eo that rabulltalona could be atarted The following ~nta refer to Appendlcea A-1

0 -2- 0

General Coraaenta (Appendices)

The appendices have been auhllitted without conahtent coding ayat-bull to the text Boring logs which refer to old well I a should also be labelled with the COM nUllbering ayatea Residenshytial wells should clearly be labelled and use one system for descr-iption Name a should be omitted from the residential well data All tables should have keys on each page Information at the tops of pages are lost in the bindings Sobulle appendix aaterbla auch as sur-face water figures and au1111ary tables abould be included in the text Presentation of data should be tabularibulled in a aore readable fon~at Our vorking OAOC validation sheets are not appropriate


Apendlx 8

1) B-1-A clear figure (aap) vhich portrays all surface water atationa WithOUt data h needed The topographic upa should berii3i6le and the tributaries to Latham Brook clearly aeenl


2) A aap of the 8ftthmiddot8 drainage area showing the atte location on our E-W orientation map should be included The bullbtow-upbull area used in Figures in the text should be marked off on thia aap

3) Figure B-1 should extend data boxes outside the topographic area of interest and the aap should be legible bullNsbull locations should not have boxea but atationa ahould be labelled with approprbte tbulla An enlargeaent of the aap jaay be neceaaary ao that topographic linea and ayt~~bola are legible

4) Table B-3a Which are on va off-aite auplea l Table B-2bull llhy are leaa volatilebull liated on thia chart j

va Tablebull B-1 and B-3

Table B-1 through B-3 ahould be in the text 1li

5) surface Water Datal Before preaentatlon of RIDIM data location up of their a-pling pta on our aurface water bullbullP ahould be included il

6) B-56 ahould be put on data ahHt and titled (Handwritten title ahould not be in final) ll

7) B-57 through B-59bull BCJ lab reporta ahould be preceded I

with table of COMbull 1 bulla aatched to ICJ or GMB well la uae our location aapa for well locationbull inatead of B-59

I) Table X pp B-1271

a) Detea ahould be chronologically ordered

b) Are aoae atationa the ae but different la

c) Place a bullkeybull on each page

d) EPA - will we accept bullvbull category in thh report Why wabull thh done



0 -cshyJ

Apeftdh t

9) C-1bull Analytical SWIIIary Table ahould go in the text (c-24 through c-27)

10) Analytical sumaary Tableas Should other organic and inorganic compounds be included in the tables Why only those lieted

For inatancet Inorganlca- Cd Sn Ni Mg It Na etc

11) C-2 - ppa C-11 through C-18 should be omitted frOID Appendix

ApPftdb middoto

ilobu ec-enta refer to ~43 through ~284 only

cc-enta will be forwarded aoon which refer to D--1 through o-u

12) Dl - Boring logabull All loge should be coded to COM well bullbull well aa hiatorical nbullbera on loge

lJ) 02 - Seibulltc Study (alaup Report) bull Add to thta report a detailed aite P which ahowa locations of linea Pigure 4-1 in tM teat ta for gnetaetry Show or dtattnguaih on thia or other P the aelbulllc linea and label ao they can H correlated to pp ~176-171

14) Sartea of Static Water aaurntaa

Table 1 and Table 3 have very dUfe~ent HNU readtnoa for the vella lxplatn thia Did Auguat 1985 aaapling follow bull jor precipitation event (D--184 thru D-190)

15) There are too aany different tablea being called bullTable 1 bull Under bulla-arkabull what doea a blank apace aean

16) Both OW 76 and ow 78 ahov high lavale of VOAbullmiddot lxplain thia

17) on page D-192 bullTable tbull Depth of statlc water ahould continue to read bullfrc the top of caengbull on all pagea of the tablea

18) Where no HNU readinga taken (D-192 through 195)

19) Table D (pp D-196)1 There are errore in veil depths (ie ow-01 ow-25 ow-36 etc)



~ I I

-5shy0 lt)

20) Table D1 There are atgntflcant differences in meaaureshyaenta of the Billie well Explain these differences

21) Table D1 Include the year when meaaure11enta were taken

22) 04 - Monitoring Well Datal

Presentation of data should be tabularized in a more readable format our OAOC validation aheeta are not appropriate

23) ke aura auple nllllber le correlated to sample location aapa when llaklng up these charta It would be beat to tabulate contaalnatna found va a listing of priority pollutants each ttae

24) 05 - Analytical S~ary Tableas

Theae tables (l)o--271 throuh D-280) ahould be placed in the text

25) llhy are the nwaber of tnorganlca Hated on tables variable Co Se Rg are not on Table A Table 4 h ahdng Ba Cd cu Mg bullt amp Ra sn etc

21) tely are high lebullela of Aa Cr Co Rg IU Sn and Cd not dlacnaaaed In text

27) Table 4 nda a title

21) In Tablea A a ancs c differentiate between on and off-alte auplea

29) Table 41 Dlacuaa variation in SL-06 and BL-12 Variation looka Uke 20000 ppb

30) The aap on pp 1-3 ahould clearly identify all haea bull-pled by COM 1 not n-bullmiddot Correct the errorbull In Pigure 5-l frc the text and uae that inatead Make aura all dota (hoaea) have arrow to PWI If poaaible 110ve labela out ao topo bullapa can be aean near h011ea Include our al te boundary on bullap (not bull squarebull) aa ahovn on Figure 5-l Clearly label brook and roada

0 -6shy

31) ahould be 011ltted fr0111 all date aheeta CDM la ahould be uaed

32) See e~enta 122 and 23 and incorporate thera in thh aection Data aheeta which ahow conpounda detected va all capounda analysed would be eaeier reading and leaa volinoua

Aependii middot

33) Add to hiatortcal data BUJDary CDMa analyeie of theae paat findtnga Doea COM concur with early reporta Explain

~ i

i j


~ l

  1. barcode 566125
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 566125
Page 2: I UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY · the potential alao exhta for det11al expoaure to contaalnanta found In aolla on-aite and fro. the atreaJI vhich joina Lathu Brook

0 -2- )

The appendlcea have been aubllltted without conaietent coding ayatbullbull to the text Boring looa which refer to old well nUIIbera ahould alao be labelled with the COM numbering ayatem Realdential vella ahould clearly be labelled and uae one ayatem for deacrlption Na ahould be oaltted froa the report re8identlal well data All tablea ahould have kaye on each page Inforaatlon at the tope of pagea are loat in the binding SOftie appendix material auch aa aurface water figures and aUJIUIIary tablea ahould be included in the text Presentation of data ahould be tabularhed in a bullore readable fonat our vorklno 0-0C validation aheeta are not appropriate

l) -3- 1)


The follovlng comtenta refer to the text of the Draft ampectlona 1-9 c~nta referring to the appendicea have already been aut It ted to you


1) See editing done on ay copy Note changes in property ovnership and rewrite of the third paragraph

~~ Executive SUIIllary was not aubattted in draft Rt

lliQL 2) Figure 1-1 ia ahleadlnga looka like bullhatchedbull area iB site

Figura 2-1 without eenaua tract shading would be appropriate for atate aap

31 Add to 2nd paragraphbull locate the eoureea of contuination bulltdentify contbullinant aigation pathwayabull bullbullbullbullbullbullmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot

Add to top paragraph on p 1-3 aa the laat aentencaa bullTOday thh alta ta on the propoaed National Prlorltiea Llat and la alated for Superfund clean-up in 1987bull

51 Pp 1-3 2nd paragraph - DWR ahould read ( bullIJWR bull)

Pp 1-3 Jrd p8ragraphbull Reference who took vartoua liqui aaaplea fn Dawla property CA-77-2267 when bullbullbull thla

_ caM filed It filed In reaponae to flrea or odora


Pp 1-J 4th paraorapha the 10371 Superior Court Order part of the bull- caae aa deacrlbed In 3rd paragraph


jPp 1-5 Reed to add court Order obtained by EPA Septber 1985


1 Pp 1-6 Talk to P Stevenaon about eXaCt locatlona where I aoUa fro the 11 pit were dlapoaed-- J


j Pp 1-6 2nd ~raorapha Make clear that the abaence of recorda bullakea eatttea of the volUIIe dhpoaed difficult lbullpoaalble


Pp 1-6 2nd ~ragrpah laat aentence ahould reada bullThua the potential alao exhta for det11al expoaure to contaalnanta found In aolla on-aite and fro the atreaJI vhich joina Lathu Brook and flowa to Stillwater Reaervoirbull


Pp 1-7 after E E report referenced the 3rd reference ahould be the COM initial site characterization October 1984 Then atate1 Table 1-1 providebull alllllftary of bullbullbull bull bull OMITTING aentencea about vorkplan completion and POP OAOC H s etc



__ I

-s- )0

Pp 1-8 Table 1-la ht Data collected 1127 not 8513)

Pp 1-9 Table 1-h lteep in chronol~ical order Omit14) 112785 this bullbullbull done in 1984 Add auplino operation of reaidential wella 12686 - 12786

Figure 1-21 N arrow not legible date of USGS map Reference original acale even if aUIe aa ahown in figure - Figure 1-l all the above commenta apply too



Pp 2-1 lat eentence1 give exact number of h011ea within 12 aile of alta and a very good eatibullate for nuber of hoaee within one aile of the alta


conflicting etatentebull One ceneue tract containbull the alta17) okay rive tracte for 3 aile radlua Figure 2-1 ahowe 4 tracte

suatlOft of all 4 (or 5) cenaue tracte le not an11) appropriate correlation for our l-aUe radlue population What ie our ta19et population We need thia kind of accuracy for our riak aaaeant

Pp 2-1 LAM~OSB1 Figure 2-1 doea not ahow thia COrrectU) teat By the way Pigure 2-3 doea not ahow anything

Pp 2-2 rigure 2-11 tleed to enlarge bullap eo it ia legible20) What ia acale Reference original with date What 1a original acale

Pp 2-h Do not aay bullThere are apprOXtilatttli 100 hOMe bull What ia the figure


Pp 2-3 2nd paragraphbull Davia Landfill bullbullY not be owned by Davia check tax aaaeaaor recorda for town of Gloceater lat aentenee addbull (GSR Landfill bulloavia Landfillbull) eorrect bullLandfield bull


Pp 2-3 the laat aentence ahould read1 bullTherefore the nUilber23) of peralta laaued ln Bbullithfleld bullbullY not be an accurate bulleana of deteralnlng bullbullbullbullbullbull bull

Figure 2-21 Cite original bullap date and acale Mark off24) alte boundary on thla bullbullP ao one haa reference point to atudy

Pp 2-61 Uae hlatorical data from RIDEM Phh Wildlife for a ballpark eatlaate of fhhing ln Stillwater Reaervoir2S)

Pp 2-61 Gloceater zoning agricultural only What about

J 26)

GSR Landfill (N0i8a apelling of bullGlocesterbull)

I f


middot U

0 -6-


27) Pp 2-6 Natural Reaourceas 0111 t the word bull reported bull atatea 12 alle fro the dumping area Otit bullcontuination of the groundvaterbull should reada bullportions of wetlands on site have been filled bullbullbull (See C011parmiddotiaon of historical and present wetlands mapa) bull

28) Plgure 2-ta zoning boundaries are unclear on map Label the circle and North direction

29) Pp 2-8s In March 1985 the Rhode Island Supreme Court overturned Superior Court Order rea Dechion on wetlands Supr-bull Court haa determine~ that Mr Davis is in violation of the Pederal Wetlands Act and will be responsible for restor-ation of the wetlands The RIDM has not fonaulated the restoration order as of this date

30) Pp 2-8 2nd paragraph bull Oait bulleast ofbull - ao sentence readaa bullLathaa Brook which rune froa the aite to the re-ervoir bull

31) lxcept for brief etatent ie one general paragraphbull the detailed diecuaaion of clibullate ahould go in one of the hydrogeo aectione preferably aurface water The following ~nta ahould be taken into account when diacuaaing aection in ore detail

32) Pp 2-1 thru 2-11 IIOte that tablea and text do not correlate Table 2-1 ia bullllaino which ia auppoaed to be wind direction and apeed

33) The higheat and loweat recorded annual precipitation occurred during the firet bullbullpllng yearbull at Davia State how thie would effect etudy reeulta

34) Why haa no USGS hydrological data been evaluated fro the wooneocket River Baain on other albulllliar drainage baeine

35) Pp 2-9 Laet paragraphbull State how thla fact will effect etudy reaulte

36) Table 2-2 pp 2-11bull Change titlebull Cobullpariaon of Avenge Monthly vereua Actual Monthly Precipitation Meaeured in Providence RI by NOAA Why only 9 bullonthe of the year Why were the yearbull 1983 and 1984 c011puted in average rainfalle

0 -7shy

37) Pp l-1bull Change bullpublic health aaseaamentbull to bullrtak aaaeasmentbull Last sentence on pp 3-1 should read bullbullbullbull bulland the public health ana environmental ilapacta bullbullbullbullbull bull

38) Pp 3-21 For VOAe Extractables and PCBPeeticidee give typical background concentrations in water soils an4 aeda

39) Pp 3-3 Metale t Typical and Background Table h incolroct for Nev England soils Chromium 1s not native in New England Background levels for Cd Cr and Rg are high Are these levels in fact background

40) Pp 3-lbull Typo in Data validationbull bullThe producu _2bullbullbull bull

41) Pp 3-4 Oit 2 paragraphbullbull bullThe validation qualifer bull bullJbull bullbull through end of 31 Notebull OAOC aheeta ahould not be uaed bullbull our data baae in final 1U

U) Plgun 3-h Reference la incorrect throughout figurebull in thia Hctlon Mlp aource ia IPA Ct~MSL) State original acale and date precede thia UgureiiiiJiOBGS aap figure which ahowa area of thia up on ita atte Where do atte boundariea fall on thia figure Add arrowbull to label pita and atate acale of thia aap_) ll

i I 43) Pp J-6 Saapltng Area At Why no GPII here

Define bull1ow levelabull give range for SL-26 and Rt-27 Laat aentence in bullbullpling Area AI Add bull bull bull bull ataging during h888id0U8 Wi8ti aite operatlona bull

44) Figure l-2bull Title not correct D and r background locattona scale Reference SL-24 location wrong ahould be SL-20

45) Table 3-1 arkll uae conaiatent bnguage - t e bullsupport areabull ia or ta not decon area Saple at aain gate - label gate on aap

46) P J-9 Laat aentance of aaapllng Area 81 give range for bull1ov levela bull

47) P 3-9 s pling Area C1 SL-2S h clean What about s-17 Define bulltracebull of containatlon

48) P 3-10 Table 3-21 Correct P SL-20 to SL-24o

49) P 3-11 Sampling Area Ez Should read bull o o o indicate thla la an area of elgnlflcant hazardoua vaateo obullbull bull










I 57)







r ~

middot )0 -middotshyFigure 3-3 Change references North orientation Scalea Add arrow to pit

P 3-14 Tables 3-3 thru 3-Sa Which results are August which are April1 Show average or typical values for each ccpound in different bulledia middot

P 3-16 Table 3-5a Why was Ra and Cd omitted Dhcuaa high levels of compounds ie Aa Cr Mn Hg Nl Sn etc

Figure 3-4z Change the reference Add scale north orientation location of brook and through end of lane should be shown in figure Label dhpoaal pita Update to show lane south of ahredder

Pp 3-lla TP-8- Define middot-aubull leveh of orientation

Pp 3-181 TP-9 Visual inspection of what More detatia about undisturbed aoUa etc needed Also hiatorical aerial photos Visual inspection does not verify that a atre- la a phyalcal and hydraulic barrier A atrbullbull channel probably la not a barrier to groundwater

Pp l-11bull w acceaa road aouthern acceaa road - shytoo bulluch confuaion where theae roada are and inconalatency in n-lng thbull throughout the report

Plgurbull ~ c~~ta frca 153 apply

3-7bull l-11

Pomiddot 3-211 TP-22bull Where aabullplea contlnated TP-211 Dont you bullbullan bullaouthweatbull corner

On what baaia were the deterwinatlona to aaple aoe pita and not othera bullbullde

Where ia the dlacuaalon of findingbull (vhual or otherwlae) for uneapled and unn~bered teat ~ita

LOcate teat pita 26 and 26A on flgurbullbullmiddot Diacuaa or bullbullntlon reaulta that trace level a of PCB a were found

Pp 3-251 uae updated number of drume Change bull2sobull to bullover 600 bull and update etatue Laat eentence of thie page ahould read1 bullTheee drums were removed fr011 the elte by EPA in January 1986 bull Ollit bullrestagingbull and change to bullatagingbull in previous sentence

I ~ I



I middot middot 1



~ I I

-9- 1)

63) Pp l-27a See bullY editing on page

64) Pp 3-27a The ridge line Does thle coincide with bullaouthern access roadbull

65) Pp 3-lOa TP-25 27 and 32 t Conclusion that contamination limited by topography and dumping technique may relate to

~t~~~bull ~~~middot~Zid middot ~~~Zrt~~~~u~ ~~~~t~roround-vater TP-28 29 and 31 - change to oil bullbearingbull gravel lena

66) Pp 3-36 Table 3-15a Omit bullactual extent of contamination and bull Laat aentence on this page ahould end at bulltram a localiaed apillbull

67) Table l-16a Differentiate if contuination h PCBa or paatlcldea Alao do the bullbullbull in Tablea 3-12 and 3-18

61) Pp 3-36a Define bullThe liaita of the altabull Raaardoua waate handling area lffected area

69) Pp 3-41 B Acceae Jtoada Juat becauae aubaotla are clean doea not an location ia clean at greater deptha ie groundwater below Mot enough data to verify concluaion

~=~~C ~a~~~=i~imiddot~~tO~~irb~~==-If= ~ can not write off bedrock aquifer

70 Pp 3-4la Referencebull to wetlandbull in thia aection ahould habulle a figure which ahova location both hiatorical and preaent aince they are available Where 1a the wetlanda aaaeant

7U Pp 3-Ua On what baaia waa 1500 cy determined Row clean 1a clean What 1a the cut off for leavino aoila behind Theae queationa apply to all quantitiea and areaa of aoil raoved ( ibullpoundbullent ridgeline and dr111 area) aa well

72) Row waa the nUilber of expected drWia to be encountered derived Ia it a conaervative eatibullate Realiatic


73) One large bullbullP vith all teatpit locationa would be ueeful

74) In all the tablee there la a key that metah were bullnot found above backgroundbull leveh What are these levels How vera they deterwlned If bull cited textbull table la incorrect for New England eolla

L) -10shy


Thie aection waa particulary difficult reading Rewriting of ny portions la necessary both for clarity of presentation conceptually and for copletlon

1) Dlacuaaion of groundvater doea not take into account the aetBlled tnfonaatton frora the residential or surface Witiriict lone

2) Interpretation of the data base omits there are limitations to our data Concluaiona of flow to the north bull bullY be due to the bias of our inatruaentation which ia physically located to the north

l) Dlacuaalon of regional flow needs to be expanded

U The conceptual odel chosen b parttlly correct but does not fit all the data The 3-D conceptualiaatton of the dike la lnconaiatent between text drawings and boring loge

5) The vertical flow le a aajor ccaponent of contbullinant bulligratlon at thie elte and the aeaaonal flip-flop of

middot gradientbull ie key tn underatandlng the aovbullent and water quality data acroaa the dike and at all aonltorlng wlle

) hplaln how the choice of contbullinanta dlacuaaed tn the text ta detemined Por bullbullbullple why ia there Halted diacuaalon of tnorgantca when Table 4-5 ahowa auch high Mtala lavale

7) Conclualona ahould incorporate the aajor regional flow diAction

0 -ll- middotJ

pound2 75) Note that the reference for all figures 1a incorrect

Where 1e scale N arrows and consistent labelling of key locat ton dent if tara

76) Sce of the data presented is not discussed a ie volatile mobility high metals trace PCBbullbull

77) Results conclude their are limits of contamination Define bullconttnation bull Justify limite

78) Pp 4-1411 The introductory paragraph needs to be rewritten Second paragraph - change bullchemical ccpoaittonbull to vater quality

79) Pp 4-2bull After (E i E) adda bullunder EPA contractbull conducted bullbullbull

79) Pp 4-2bull Regional Hydrogeobull After the lat paragraph 90 to Appendix ~1 thru D-6 and incorporate into the text s Appendix D for apecific ccenta and requested changes then go back to topo and drainage i

10) Pp 4-3 Topography and Drainagebull Rewrite Diacuaa ~ i regional groundwater flow- aibulllllar to Appendix D 13 j include deacrtptlon of drainage baaln recharge area aurface water and groundwater Dlacuaa aurface water overshy ~ I burden and bedrock aquifere and the lnterrelatedneaa of all of the above Include Brook waterahed ao that one can aM all recharge areaa

11) Pp t-4 Topography and Drainagebull Diacuaa that a 200 foot drop ln elevation fr011 the aite to outlet (Stlllvater i Reaervoir) within 1 12 ia a ateep regional gradient

i 12) Pp 4-4413bull Define bullgroaatybull contbullinated aoUa

Addbull The chlorinated aolventa were 110at prevalent bullin groundwaterbull with levela bullbull State bullthe ree~ended levelabull

(according to which atandarda) for the liated organica (which) unleaa hiatorical atandarda B bull I or G bull M uaed vary fr011

1985-86 atandarda

83) Pp 4-5 Firat aentence in t21 ahould read bullThe objective of the hydrogeologic investigation bullbullbull bull See editing on Pp C-6

84) Pp 4-7 Magnetonetrybull What ia the vertical extent vhich the aagnetoaetry aurvey ia able to characterize the dikes hydraulic conductivity



~- --- -----~- ________

0 -12shy

85) setbullie Studya Did the mapped bedrock surface baaed on aebaic data correlate vtth our well loge and other boring data bullsouthwestbull groundwater flow

86) Pigure 4-11 SCale North Reference h incorrect

87) Pp 4-t s What are the significant bedrock differences north and south of Latham Brook

88) Pp 4-9 GPR1 Plrat paragnph atatea could not use Second paragraph aucceaaful

89) In addition to Figure 4-2 would alao llke to aee figure will all bedrock wella (sampled) which includes private vella and all overburden vella with depth of walla (MSL) (screened intervale) Phyaical deacrlptlon bull boring loge Be conalatent with lanoubullilbullmiddot

90) Pp 4-11424 - att laat paragraphbull except for laat sentence of it

911 Pp 4-11Slte Ryltlroo See ay edltlng

92) Groundwater IIOVntbull Blialnate bulleo~~ptexbull before every bedrock atatbullant Bliainata worda auch bullbull bulla~arabull After thla atudy we are able to llltitti flow dlractiona Pirat aantenca tblrd paragraph Tjp4-1Z) Rewrite

=~=~hdtk= ~~kw~~~~ke ten~a ChooH Plow ia parallel apd perpendicular to dike

U) See edltlng ln ay copy Pp 4-12 thru 4-39

94) Appendix D-1 thru D-6 Tabla D-1 D-Z D-12 D-13 and D-77 juatUlcationa for drU11no locationbull and bull~bull drilling obaarvatlona (ia D-27 thru o-32) ahould be included in the text N-8E-W croaa-aactlona ahould be included in text

-13shy0 )


1 A brief summary of the number of realdencea within a 12 aile and one aile radius should be included with a statement that au residents within a 12 mile of the site are on p~~~~wella Thua the potential population at risk ia ___ persona

-2) FiQure 5-l ia difficult to read Which dot h which sample

I See c011111enta 130 thru 32 from the appendices review would be helpful to ahov overburdenva bedrock and to use a c011prohenaive map of ob wells on and off alta to dhtinguiah which are contulnated

3) The grouping of realdential walla needs further explanation Deep and shallow dealgnatlona aay be aialeadlng A bulldpbull well 40-60 rt ia auch aore related to a bullshallowbull well than a 400 foot wll

4) Incorporate new 186 data Rote the bullietakea between text figurea and table and correct thebull

5) Statnta about trenda etc ahould be followed by a concluaion

1) bullot ilil~r middot tDOitilftCi ta the intervration of other data froa h rooeo and aurface water aacttona into the analyaia lof reaidantial data Uttltaa 110nitoring well data and capan location of ill PW and 0t1 contbullinated walla and aurfaca middot l water atatioiiand diacuaa in potential regional hydrogeo j acanarto l

7) Concluaiona naad to be correlated with the larger picturebull ie regional flow and the bulloatlikely flow patha to tha aouthaaat i8) Por apecUic comMnta on section 5 aee bullY edited copy



Region I

DATpound1 March 4 1986

SUBJt Review of draft RI - ovta LiqUid waata Site

PROMa Suaan Pats EPA Site Manager

T01 Rick Cote COM

Aa diiiCuaaed previoualy I have arranged a aeettng on March 6 1986 with the COM hydrogaologiata and EPA hydroshygeologiata to cUacuaa and ctetenline the aoat appropriate conceptual hydrogeolootcal aodal for the alta - which will be the frwork fro which oat other concluliona are drawn The purpoaa of thia ttng at thie point in tibullbullbull t due bull to the lack of concurnnce between EPA and COM now that all the data haa been bull~riaad

Prior to our bullbullbullttng on reb 12 or 13th when EPA a and the Statebull a ~nta on the teat of the RI will be tranaferrad to you I wanted to autit c~nta which pertain to the five appendlcaa eo that rabulltalona could be atarted The following ~nta refer to Appendlcea A-1

0 -2- 0

General Coraaenta (Appendices)

The appendices have been auhllitted without conahtent coding ayat-bull to the text Boring logs which refer to old well I a should also be labelled with the COM nUllbering ayatea Residenshytial wells should clearly be labelled and use one system for descr-iption Name a should be omitted from the residential well data All tables should have keys on each page Information at the tops of pages are lost in the bindings Sobulle appendix aaterbla auch as sur-face water figures and au1111ary tables abould be included in the text Presentation of data should be tabularibulled in a aore readable fon~at Our vorking OAOC validation sheets are not appropriate


Apendlx 8

1) B-1-A clear figure (aap) vhich portrays all surface water atationa WithOUt data h needed The topographic upa should berii3i6le and the tributaries to Latham Brook clearly aeenl


2) A aap of the 8ftthmiddot8 drainage area showing the atte location on our E-W orientation map should be included The bullbtow-upbull area used in Figures in the text should be marked off on thia aap

3) Figure B-1 should extend data boxes outside the topographic area of interest and the aap should be legible bullNsbull locations should not have boxea but atationa ahould be labelled with approprbte tbulla An enlargeaent of the aap jaay be neceaaary ao that topographic linea and ayt~~bola are legible

4) Table B-3a Which are on va off-aite auplea l Table B-2bull llhy are leaa volatilebull liated on thia chart j

va Tablebull B-1 and B-3

Table B-1 through B-3 ahould be in the text 1li

5) surface Water Datal Before preaentatlon of RIDIM data location up of their a-pling pta on our aurface water bullbullP ahould be included il

6) B-56 ahould be put on data ahHt and titled (Handwritten title ahould not be in final) ll

7) B-57 through B-59bull BCJ lab reporta ahould be preceded I

with table of COMbull 1 bulla aatched to ICJ or GMB well la uae our location aapa for well locationbull inatead of B-59

I) Table X pp B-1271

a) Detea ahould be chronologically ordered

b) Are aoae atationa the ae but different la

c) Place a bullkeybull on each page

d) EPA - will we accept bullvbull category in thh report Why wabull thh done



0 -cshyJ

Apeftdh t

9) C-1bull Analytical SWIIIary Table ahould go in the text (c-24 through c-27)

10) Analytical sumaary Tableas Should other organic and inorganic compounds be included in the tables Why only those lieted

For inatancet Inorganlca- Cd Sn Ni Mg It Na etc

11) C-2 - ppa C-11 through C-18 should be omitted frOID Appendix

ApPftdb middoto

ilobu ec-enta refer to ~43 through ~284 only

cc-enta will be forwarded aoon which refer to D--1 through o-u

12) Dl - Boring logabull All loge should be coded to COM well bullbull well aa hiatorical nbullbera on loge

lJ) 02 - Seibulltc Study (alaup Report) bull Add to thta report a detailed aite P which ahowa locations of linea Pigure 4-1 in tM teat ta for gnetaetry Show or dtattnguaih on thia or other P the aelbulllc linea and label ao they can H correlated to pp ~176-171

14) Sartea of Static Water aaurntaa

Table 1 and Table 3 have very dUfe~ent HNU readtnoa for the vella lxplatn thia Did Auguat 1985 aaapling follow bull jor precipitation event (D--184 thru D-190)

15) There are too aany different tablea being called bullTable 1 bull Under bulla-arkabull what doea a blank apace aean

16) Both OW 76 and ow 78 ahov high lavale of VOAbullmiddot lxplain thia

17) on page D-192 bullTable tbull Depth of statlc water ahould continue to read bullfrc the top of caengbull on all pagea of the tablea

18) Where no HNU readinga taken (D-192 through 195)

19) Table D (pp D-196)1 There are errore in veil depths (ie ow-01 ow-25 ow-36 etc)



~ I I

-5shy0 lt)

20) Table D1 There are atgntflcant differences in meaaureshyaenta of the Billie well Explain these differences

21) Table D1 Include the year when meaaure11enta were taken

22) 04 - Monitoring Well Datal

Presentation of data should be tabularized in a more readable format our OAOC validation aheeta are not appropriate

23) ke aura auple nllllber le correlated to sample location aapa when llaklng up these charta It would be beat to tabulate contaalnatna found va a listing of priority pollutants each ttae

24) 05 - Analytical S~ary Tableas

Theae tables (l)o--271 throuh D-280) ahould be placed in the text

25) llhy are the nwaber of tnorganlca Hated on tables variable Co Se Rg are not on Table A Table 4 h ahdng Ba Cd cu Mg bullt amp Ra sn etc

21) tely are high lebullela of Aa Cr Co Rg IU Sn and Cd not dlacnaaaed In text

27) Table 4 nda a title

21) In Tablea A a ancs c differentiate between on and off-alte auplea

29) Table 41 Dlacuaa variation in SL-06 and BL-12 Variation looka Uke 20000 ppb

30) The aap on pp 1-3 ahould clearly identify all haea bull-pled by COM 1 not n-bullmiddot Correct the errorbull In Pigure 5-l frc the text and uae that inatead Make aura all dota (hoaea) have arrow to PWI If poaaible 110ve labela out ao topo bullapa can be aean near h011ea Include our al te boundary on bullap (not bull squarebull) aa ahovn on Figure 5-l Clearly label brook and roada

0 -6shy

31) ahould be 011ltted fr0111 all date aheeta CDM la ahould be uaed

32) See e~enta 122 and 23 and incorporate thera in thh aection Data aheeta which ahow conpounda detected va all capounda analysed would be eaeier reading and leaa volinoua

Aependii middot

33) Add to hiatortcal data BUJDary CDMa analyeie of theae paat findtnga Doea COM concur with early reporta Explain

~ i

i j


~ l

  1. barcode 566125
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 566125
Page 3: I UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY · the potential alao exhta for det11al expoaure to contaalnanta found In aolla on-aite and fro. the atreaJI vhich joina Lathu Brook

l) -3- 1)


The follovlng comtenta refer to the text of the Draft ampectlona 1-9 c~nta referring to the appendicea have already been aut It ted to you


1) See editing done on ay copy Note changes in property ovnership and rewrite of the third paragraph

~~ Executive SUIIllary was not aubattted in draft Rt

lliQL 2) Figure 1-1 ia ahleadlnga looka like bullhatchedbull area iB site

Figura 2-1 without eenaua tract shading would be appropriate for atate aap

31 Add to 2nd paragraphbull locate the eoureea of contuination bulltdentify contbullinant aigation pathwayabull bullbullbullbullbullbullmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot

Add to top paragraph on p 1-3 aa the laat aentencaa bullTOday thh alta ta on the propoaed National Prlorltiea Llat and la alated for Superfund clean-up in 1987bull

51 Pp 1-3 2nd paragraph - DWR ahould read ( bullIJWR bull)

Pp 1-3 Jrd p8ragraphbull Reference who took vartoua liqui aaaplea fn Dawla property CA-77-2267 when bullbullbull thla

_ caM filed It filed In reaponae to flrea or odora


Pp 1-J 4th paraorapha the 10371 Superior Court Order part of the bull- caae aa deacrlbed In 3rd paragraph


jPp 1-5 Reed to add court Order obtained by EPA Septber 1985


1 Pp 1-6 Talk to P Stevenaon about eXaCt locatlona where I aoUa fro the 11 pit were dlapoaed-- J


j Pp 1-6 2nd ~raorapha Make clear that the abaence of recorda bullakea eatttea of the volUIIe dhpoaed difficult lbullpoaalble


Pp 1-6 2nd ~ragrpah laat aentence ahould reada bullThua the potential alao exhta for det11al expoaure to contaalnanta found In aolla on-aite and fro the atreaJI vhich joina Lathu Brook and flowa to Stillwater Reaervoirbull


Pp 1-7 after E E report referenced the 3rd reference ahould be the COM initial site characterization October 1984 Then atate1 Table 1-1 providebull alllllftary of bullbullbull bull bull OMITTING aentencea about vorkplan completion and POP OAOC H s etc



__ I

-s- )0

Pp 1-8 Table 1-la ht Data collected 1127 not 8513)

Pp 1-9 Table 1-h lteep in chronol~ical order Omit14) 112785 this bullbullbull done in 1984 Add auplino operation of reaidential wella 12686 - 12786

Figure 1-21 N arrow not legible date of USGS map Reference original acale even if aUIe aa ahown in figure - Figure 1-l all the above commenta apply too



Pp 2-1 lat eentence1 give exact number of h011ea within 12 aile of alta and a very good eatibullate for nuber of hoaee within one aile of the alta


conflicting etatentebull One ceneue tract containbull the alta17) okay rive tracte for 3 aile radlua Figure 2-1 ahowe 4 tracte

suatlOft of all 4 (or 5) cenaue tracte le not an11) appropriate correlation for our l-aUe radlue population What ie our ta19et population We need thia kind of accuracy for our riak aaaeant

Pp 2-1 LAM~OSB1 Figure 2-1 doea not ahow thia COrrectU) teat By the way Pigure 2-3 doea not ahow anything

Pp 2-2 rigure 2-11 tleed to enlarge bullap eo it ia legible20) What ia acale Reference original with date What 1a original acale

Pp 2-h Do not aay bullThere are apprOXtilatttli 100 hOMe bull What ia the figure


Pp 2-3 2nd paragraphbull Davia Landfill bullbullY not be owned by Davia check tax aaaeaaor recorda for town of Gloceater lat aentenee addbull (GSR Landfill bulloavia Landfillbull) eorrect bullLandfield bull


Pp 2-3 the laat aentence ahould read1 bullTherefore the nUilber23) of peralta laaued ln Bbullithfleld bullbullY not be an accurate bulleana of deteralnlng bullbullbullbullbullbull bull

Figure 2-21 Cite original bullap date and acale Mark off24) alte boundary on thla bullbullP ao one haa reference point to atudy

Pp 2-61 Uae hlatorical data from RIDEM Phh Wildlife for a ballpark eatlaate of fhhing ln Stillwater Reaervoir2S)

Pp 2-61 Gloceater zoning agricultural only What about

J 26)

GSR Landfill (N0i8a apelling of bullGlocesterbull)

I f


middot U

0 -6-


27) Pp 2-6 Natural Reaourceas 0111 t the word bull reported bull atatea 12 alle fro the dumping area Otit bullcontuination of the groundvaterbull should reada bullportions of wetlands on site have been filled bullbullbull (See C011parmiddotiaon of historical and present wetlands mapa) bull

28) Plgure 2-ta zoning boundaries are unclear on map Label the circle and North direction

29) Pp 2-8s In March 1985 the Rhode Island Supreme Court overturned Superior Court Order rea Dechion on wetlands Supr-bull Court haa determine~ that Mr Davis is in violation of the Pederal Wetlands Act and will be responsible for restor-ation of the wetlands The RIDM has not fonaulated the restoration order as of this date

30) Pp 2-8 2nd paragraph bull Oait bulleast ofbull - ao sentence readaa bullLathaa Brook which rune froa the aite to the re-ervoir bull

31) lxcept for brief etatent ie one general paragraphbull the detailed diecuaaion of clibullate ahould go in one of the hydrogeo aectione preferably aurface water The following ~nta ahould be taken into account when diacuaaing aection in ore detail

32) Pp 2-1 thru 2-11 IIOte that tablea and text do not correlate Table 2-1 ia bullllaino which ia auppoaed to be wind direction and apeed

33) The higheat and loweat recorded annual precipitation occurred during the firet bullbullpllng yearbull at Davia State how thie would effect etudy reeulta

34) Why haa no USGS hydrological data been evaluated fro the wooneocket River Baain on other albulllliar drainage baeine

35) Pp 2-9 Laet paragraphbull State how thla fact will effect etudy reaulte

36) Table 2-2 pp 2-11bull Change titlebull Cobullpariaon of Avenge Monthly vereua Actual Monthly Precipitation Meaeured in Providence RI by NOAA Why only 9 bullonthe of the year Why were the yearbull 1983 and 1984 c011puted in average rainfalle

0 -7shy

37) Pp l-1bull Change bullpublic health aaseaamentbull to bullrtak aaaeasmentbull Last sentence on pp 3-1 should read bullbullbullbull bulland the public health ana environmental ilapacta bullbullbullbullbull bull

38) Pp 3-21 For VOAe Extractables and PCBPeeticidee give typical background concentrations in water soils an4 aeda

39) Pp 3-3 Metale t Typical and Background Table h incolroct for Nev England soils Chromium 1s not native in New England Background levels for Cd Cr and Rg are high Are these levels in fact background

40) Pp 3-lbull Typo in Data validationbull bullThe producu _2bullbullbull bull

41) Pp 3-4 Oit 2 paragraphbullbull bullThe validation qualifer bull bullJbull bullbull through end of 31 Notebull OAOC aheeta ahould not be uaed bullbull our data baae in final 1U

U) Plgun 3-h Reference la incorrect throughout figurebull in thia Hctlon Mlp aource ia IPA Ct~MSL) State original acale and date precede thia UgureiiiiJiOBGS aap figure which ahowa area of thia up on ita atte Where do atte boundariea fall on thia figure Add arrowbull to label pita and atate acale of thia aap_) ll

i I 43) Pp J-6 Saapltng Area At Why no GPII here

Define bull1ow levelabull give range for SL-26 and Rt-27 Laat aentence in bullbullpling Area AI Add bull bull bull bull ataging during h888id0U8 Wi8ti aite operatlona bull

44) Figure l-2bull Title not correct D and r background locattona scale Reference SL-24 location wrong ahould be SL-20

45) Table 3-1 arkll uae conaiatent bnguage - t e bullsupport areabull ia or ta not decon area Saple at aain gate - label gate on aap

46) P J-9 Laat aentance of aaapllng Area 81 give range for bull1ov levela bull

47) P 3-9 s pling Area C1 SL-2S h clean What about s-17 Define bulltracebull of containatlon

48) P 3-10 Table 3-21 Correct P SL-20 to SL-24o

49) P 3-11 Sampling Area Ez Should read bull o o o indicate thla la an area of elgnlflcant hazardoua vaateo obullbull bull










I 57)







r ~

middot )0 -middotshyFigure 3-3 Change references North orientation Scalea Add arrow to pit

P 3-14 Tables 3-3 thru 3-Sa Which results are August which are April1 Show average or typical values for each ccpound in different bulledia middot

P 3-16 Table 3-5a Why was Ra and Cd omitted Dhcuaa high levels of compounds ie Aa Cr Mn Hg Nl Sn etc

Figure 3-4z Change the reference Add scale north orientation location of brook and through end of lane should be shown in figure Label dhpoaal pita Update to show lane south of ahredder

Pp 3-lla TP-8- Define middot-aubull leveh of orientation

Pp 3-181 TP-9 Visual inspection of what More detatia about undisturbed aoUa etc needed Also hiatorical aerial photos Visual inspection does not verify that a atre- la a phyalcal and hydraulic barrier A atrbullbull channel probably la not a barrier to groundwater

Pp l-11bull w acceaa road aouthern acceaa road - shytoo bulluch confuaion where theae roada are and inconalatency in n-lng thbull throughout the report

Plgurbull ~ c~~ta frca 153 apply

3-7bull l-11

Pomiddot 3-211 TP-22bull Where aabullplea contlnated TP-211 Dont you bullbullan bullaouthweatbull corner

On what baaia were the deterwinatlona to aaple aoe pita and not othera bullbullde

Where ia the dlacuaalon of findingbull (vhual or otherwlae) for uneapled and unn~bered teat ~ita

LOcate teat pita 26 and 26A on flgurbullbullmiddot Diacuaa or bullbullntlon reaulta that trace level a of PCB a were found

Pp 3-251 uae updated number of drume Change bull2sobull to bullover 600 bull and update etatue Laat eentence of thie page ahould read1 bullTheee drums were removed fr011 the elte by EPA in January 1986 bull Ollit bullrestagingbull and change to bullatagingbull in previous sentence

I ~ I



I middot middot 1



~ I I

-9- 1)

63) Pp l-27a See bullY editing on page

64) Pp 3-27a The ridge line Does thle coincide with bullaouthern access roadbull

65) Pp 3-lOa TP-25 27 and 32 t Conclusion that contamination limited by topography and dumping technique may relate to

~t~~~bull ~~~middot~Zid middot ~~~Zrt~~~~u~ ~~~~t~roround-vater TP-28 29 and 31 - change to oil bullbearingbull gravel lena

66) Pp 3-36 Table 3-15a Omit bullactual extent of contamination and bull Laat aentence on this page ahould end at bulltram a localiaed apillbull

67) Table l-16a Differentiate if contuination h PCBa or paatlcldea Alao do the bullbullbull in Tablea 3-12 and 3-18

61) Pp 3-36a Define bullThe liaita of the altabull Raaardoua waate handling area lffected area

69) Pp 3-41 B Acceae Jtoada Juat becauae aubaotla are clean doea not an location ia clean at greater deptha ie groundwater below Mot enough data to verify concluaion

~=~~C ~a~~~=i~imiddot~~tO~~irb~~==-If= ~ can not write off bedrock aquifer

70 Pp 3-4la Referencebull to wetlandbull in thia aection ahould habulle a figure which ahova location both hiatorical and preaent aince they are available Where 1a the wetlanda aaaeant

7U Pp 3-Ua On what baaia waa 1500 cy determined Row clean 1a clean What 1a the cut off for leavino aoila behind Theae queationa apply to all quantitiea and areaa of aoil raoved ( ibullpoundbullent ridgeline and dr111 area) aa well

72) Row waa the nUilber of expected drWia to be encountered derived Ia it a conaervative eatibullate Realiatic


73) One large bullbullP vith all teatpit locationa would be ueeful

74) In all the tablee there la a key that metah were bullnot found above backgroundbull leveh What are these levels How vera they deterwlned If bull cited textbull table la incorrect for New England eolla

L) -10shy


Thie aection waa particulary difficult reading Rewriting of ny portions la necessary both for clarity of presentation conceptually and for copletlon

1) Dlacuaaion of groundvater doea not take into account the aetBlled tnfonaatton frora the residential or surface Witiriict lone

2) Interpretation of the data base omits there are limitations to our data Concluaiona of flow to the north bull bullY be due to the bias of our inatruaentation which ia physically located to the north

l) Dlacuaalon of regional flow needs to be expanded

U The conceptual odel chosen b parttlly correct but does not fit all the data The 3-D conceptualiaatton of the dike la lnconaiatent between text drawings and boring loge

5) The vertical flow le a aajor ccaponent of contbullinant bulligratlon at thie elte and the aeaaonal flip-flop of

middot gradientbull ie key tn underatandlng the aovbullent and water quality data acroaa the dike and at all aonltorlng wlle

) hplaln how the choice of contbullinanta dlacuaaed tn the text ta detemined Por bullbullbullple why ia there Halted diacuaalon of tnorgantca when Table 4-5 ahowa auch high Mtala lavale

7) Conclualona ahould incorporate the aajor regional flow diAction

0 -ll- middotJ

pound2 75) Note that the reference for all figures 1a incorrect

Where 1e scale N arrows and consistent labelling of key locat ton dent if tara

76) Sce of the data presented is not discussed a ie volatile mobility high metals trace PCBbullbull

77) Results conclude their are limits of contamination Define bullconttnation bull Justify limite

78) Pp 4-1411 The introductory paragraph needs to be rewritten Second paragraph - change bullchemical ccpoaittonbull to vater quality

79) Pp 4-2bull After (E i E) adda bullunder EPA contractbull conducted bullbullbull

79) Pp 4-2bull Regional Hydrogeobull After the lat paragraph 90 to Appendix ~1 thru D-6 and incorporate into the text s Appendix D for apecific ccenta and requested changes then go back to topo and drainage i

10) Pp 4-3 Topography and Drainagebull Rewrite Diacuaa ~ i regional groundwater flow- aibulllllar to Appendix D 13 j include deacrtptlon of drainage baaln recharge area aurface water and groundwater Dlacuaa aurface water overshy ~ I burden and bedrock aquifere and the lnterrelatedneaa of all of the above Include Brook waterahed ao that one can aM all recharge areaa

11) Pp t-4 Topography and Drainagebull Diacuaa that a 200 foot drop ln elevation fr011 the aite to outlet (Stlllvater i Reaervoir) within 1 12 ia a ateep regional gradient

i 12) Pp 4-4413bull Define bullgroaatybull contbullinated aoUa

Addbull The chlorinated aolventa were 110at prevalent bullin groundwaterbull with levela bullbull State bullthe ree~ended levelabull

(according to which atandarda) for the liated organica (which) unleaa hiatorical atandarda B bull I or G bull M uaed vary fr011

1985-86 atandarda

83) Pp 4-5 Firat aentence in t21 ahould read bullThe objective of the hydrogeologic investigation bullbullbull bull See editing on Pp C-6

84) Pp 4-7 Magnetonetrybull What ia the vertical extent vhich the aagnetoaetry aurvey ia able to characterize the dikes hydraulic conductivity



~- --- -----~- ________

0 -12shy

85) setbullie Studya Did the mapped bedrock surface baaed on aebaic data correlate vtth our well loge and other boring data bullsouthwestbull groundwater flow

86) Pigure 4-11 SCale North Reference h incorrect

87) Pp 4-t s What are the significant bedrock differences north and south of Latham Brook

88) Pp 4-9 GPR1 Plrat paragnph atatea could not use Second paragraph aucceaaful

89) In addition to Figure 4-2 would alao llke to aee figure will all bedrock wella (sampled) which includes private vella and all overburden vella with depth of walla (MSL) (screened intervale) Phyaical deacrlptlon bull boring loge Be conalatent with lanoubullilbullmiddot

90) Pp 4-11424 - att laat paragraphbull except for laat sentence of it

911 Pp 4-11Slte Ryltlroo See ay edltlng

92) Groundwater IIOVntbull Blialnate bulleo~~ptexbull before every bedrock atatbullant Bliainata worda auch bullbull bulla~arabull After thla atudy we are able to llltitti flow dlractiona Pirat aantenca tblrd paragraph Tjp4-1Z) Rewrite

=~=~hdtk= ~~kw~~~~ke ten~a ChooH Plow ia parallel apd perpendicular to dike

U) See edltlng ln ay copy Pp 4-12 thru 4-39

94) Appendix D-1 thru D-6 Tabla D-1 D-Z D-12 D-13 and D-77 juatUlcationa for drU11no locationbull and bull~bull drilling obaarvatlona (ia D-27 thru o-32) ahould be included in the text N-8E-W croaa-aactlona ahould be included in text

-13shy0 )


1 A brief summary of the number of realdencea within a 12 aile and one aile radius should be included with a statement that au residents within a 12 mile of the site are on p~~~~wella Thua the potential population at risk ia ___ persona

-2) FiQure 5-l ia difficult to read Which dot h which sample

I See c011111enta 130 thru 32 from the appendices review would be helpful to ahov overburdenva bedrock and to use a c011prohenaive map of ob wells on and off alta to dhtinguiah which are contulnated

3) The grouping of realdential walla needs further explanation Deep and shallow dealgnatlona aay be aialeadlng A bulldpbull well 40-60 rt ia auch aore related to a bullshallowbull well than a 400 foot wll

4) Incorporate new 186 data Rote the bullietakea between text figurea and table and correct thebull

5) Statnta about trenda etc ahould be followed by a concluaion

1) bullot ilil~r middot tDOitilftCi ta the intervration of other data froa h rooeo and aurface water aacttona into the analyaia lof reaidantial data Uttltaa 110nitoring well data and capan location of ill PW and 0t1 contbullinated walla and aurfaca middot l water atatioiiand diacuaa in potential regional hydrogeo j acanarto l

7) Concluaiona naad to be correlated with the larger picturebull ie regional flow and the bulloatlikely flow patha to tha aouthaaat i8) Por apecUic comMnta on section 5 aee bullY edited copy



Region I

DATpound1 March 4 1986

SUBJt Review of draft RI - ovta LiqUid waata Site

PROMa Suaan Pats EPA Site Manager

T01 Rick Cote COM

Aa diiiCuaaed previoualy I have arranged a aeettng on March 6 1986 with the COM hydrogaologiata and EPA hydroshygeologiata to cUacuaa and ctetenline the aoat appropriate conceptual hydrogeolootcal aodal for the alta - which will be the frwork fro which oat other concluliona are drawn The purpoaa of thia ttng at thie point in tibullbullbull t due bull to the lack of concurnnce between EPA and COM now that all the data haa been bull~riaad

Prior to our bullbullbullttng on reb 12 or 13th when EPA a and the Statebull a ~nta on the teat of the RI will be tranaferrad to you I wanted to autit c~nta which pertain to the five appendlcaa eo that rabulltalona could be atarted The following ~nta refer to Appendlcea A-1

0 -2- 0

General Coraaenta (Appendices)

The appendices have been auhllitted without conahtent coding ayat-bull to the text Boring logs which refer to old well I a should also be labelled with the COM nUllbering ayatea Residenshytial wells should clearly be labelled and use one system for descr-iption Name a should be omitted from the residential well data All tables should have keys on each page Information at the tops of pages are lost in the bindings Sobulle appendix aaterbla auch as sur-face water figures and au1111ary tables abould be included in the text Presentation of data should be tabularibulled in a aore readable fon~at Our vorking OAOC validation sheets are not appropriate


Apendlx 8

1) B-1-A clear figure (aap) vhich portrays all surface water atationa WithOUt data h needed The topographic upa should berii3i6le and the tributaries to Latham Brook clearly aeenl


2) A aap of the 8ftthmiddot8 drainage area showing the atte location on our E-W orientation map should be included The bullbtow-upbull area used in Figures in the text should be marked off on thia aap

3) Figure B-1 should extend data boxes outside the topographic area of interest and the aap should be legible bullNsbull locations should not have boxea but atationa ahould be labelled with approprbte tbulla An enlargeaent of the aap jaay be neceaaary ao that topographic linea and ayt~~bola are legible

4) Table B-3a Which are on va off-aite auplea l Table B-2bull llhy are leaa volatilebull liated on thia chart j

va Tablebull B-1 and B-3

Table B-1 through B-3 ahould be in the text 1li

5) surface Water Datal Before preaentatlon of RIDIM data location up of their a-pling pta on our aurface water bullbullP ahould be included il

6) B-56 ahould be put on data ahHt and titled (Handwritten title ahould not be in final) ll

7) B-57 through B-59bull BCJ lab reporta ahould be preceded I

with table of COMbull 1 bulla aatched to ICJ or GMB well la uae our location aapa for well locationbull inatead of B-59

I) Table X pp B-1271

a) Detea ahould be chronologically ordered

b) Are aoae atationa the ae but different la

c) Place a bullkeybull on each page

d) EPA - will we accept bullvbull category in thh report Why wabull thh done



0 -cshyJ

Apeftdh t

9) C-1bull Analytical SWIIIary Table ahould go in the text (c-24 through c-27)

10) Analytical sumaary Tableas Should other organic and inorganic compounds be included in the tables Why only those lieted

For inatancet Inorganlca- Cd Sn Ni Mg It Na etc

11) C-2 - ppa C-11 through C-18 should be omitted frOID Appendix

ApPftdb middoto

ilobu ec-enta refer to ~43 through ~284 only

cc-enta will be forwarded aoon which refer to D--1 through o-u

12) Dl - Boring logabull All loge should be coded to COM well bullbull well aa hiatorical nbullbera on loge

lJ) 02 - Seibulltc Study (alaup Report) bull Add to thta report a detailed aite P which ahowa locations of linea Pigure 4-1 in tM teat ta for gnetaetry Show or dtattnguaih on thia or other P the aelbulllc linea and label ao they can H correlated to pp ~176-171

14) Sartea of Static Water aaurntaa

Table 1 and Table 3 have very dUfe~ent HNU readtnoa for the vella lxplatn thia Did Auguat 1985 aaapling follow bull jor precipitation event (D--184 thru D-190)

15) There are too aany different tablea being called bullTable 1 bull Under bulla-arkabull what doea a blank apace aean

16) Both OW 76 and ow 78 ahov high lavale of VOAbullmiddot lxplain thia

17) on page D-192 bullTable tbull Depth of statlc water ahould continue to read bullfrc the top of caengbull on all pagea of the tablea

18) Where no HNU readinga taken (D-192 through 195)

19) Table D (pp D-196)1 There are errore in veil depths (ie ow-01 ow-25 ow-36 etc)



~ I I

-5shy0 lt)

20) Table D1 There are atgntflcant differences in meaaureshyaenta of the Billie well Explain these differences

21) Table D1 Include the year when meaaure11enta were taken

22) 04 - Monitoring Well Datal

Presentation of data should be tabularized in a more readable format our OAOC validation aheeta are not appropriate

23) ke aura auple nllllber le correlated to sample location aapa when llaklng up these charta It would be beat to tabulate contaalnatna found va a listing of priority pollutants each ttae

24) 05 - Analytical S~ary Tableas

Theae tables (l)o--271 throuh D-280) ahould be placed in the text

25) llhy are the nwaber of tnorganlca Hated on tables variable Co Se Rg are not on Table A Table 4 h ahdng Ba Cd cu Mg bullt amp Ra sn etc

21) tely are high lebullela of Aa Cr Co Rg IU Sn and Cd not dlacnaaaed In text

27) Table 4 nda a title

21) In Tablea A a ancs c differentiate between on and off-alte auplea

29) Table 41 Dlacuaa variation in SL-06 and BL-12 Variation looka Uke 20000 ppb

30) The aap on pp 1-3 ahould clearly identify all haea bull-pled by COM 1 not n-bullmiddot Correct the errorbull In Pigure 5-l frc the text and uae that inatead Make aura all dota (hoaea) have arrow to PWI If poaaible 110ve labela out ao topo bullapa can be aean near h011ea Include our al te boundary on bullap (not bull squarebull) aa ahovn on Figure 5-l Clearly label brook and roada

0 -6shy

31) ahould be 011ltted fr0111 all date aheeta CDM la ahould be uaed

32) See e~enta 122 and 23 and incorporate thera in thh aection Data aheeta which ahow conpounda detected va all capounda analysed would be eaeier reading and leaa volinoua

Aependii middot

33) Add to hiatortcal data BUJDary CDMa analyeie of theae paat findtnga Doea COM concur with early reporta Explain

~ i

i j


~ l

  1. barcode 566125
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 566125
Page 4: I UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY · the potential alao exhta for det11al expoaure to contaalnanta found In aolla on-aite and fro. the atreaJI vhich joina Lathu Brook


1) See editing done on ay copy Note changes in property ovnership and rewrite of the third paragraph

~~ Executive SUIIllary was not aubattted in draft Rt

lliQL 2) Figure 1-1 ia ahleadlnga looka like bullhatchedbull area iB site

Figura 2-1 without eenaua tract shading would be appropriate for atate aap

31 Add to 2nd paragraphbull locate the eoureea of contuination bulltdentify contbullinant aigation pathwayabull bullbullbullbullbullbullmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddotmiddot

Add to top paragraph on p 1-3 aa the laat aentencaa bullTOday thh alta ta on the propoaed National Prlorltiea Llat and la alated for Superfund clean-up in 1987bull

51 Pp 1-3 2nd paragraph - DWR ahould read ( bullIJWR bull)

Pp 1-3 Jrd p8ragraphbull Reference who took vartoua liqui aaaplea fn Dawla property CA-77-2267 when bullbullbull thla

_ caM filed It filed In reaponae to flrea or odora


Pp 1-J 4th paraorapha the 10371 Superior Court Order part of the bull- caae aa deacrlbed In 3rd paragraph


jPp 1-5 Reed to add court Order obtained by EPA Septber 1985


1 Pp 1-6 Talk to P Stevenaon about eXaCt locatlona where I aoUa fro the 11 pit were dlapoaed-- J


j Pp 1-6 2nd ~raorapha Make clear that the abaence of recorda bullakea eatttea of the volUIIe dhpoaed difficult lbullpoaalble


Pp 1-6 2nd ~ragrpah laat aentence ahould reada bullThua the potential alao exhta for det11al expoaure to contaalnanta found In aolla on-aite and fro the atreaJI vhich joina Lathu Brook and flowa to Stillwater Reaervoirbull


Pp 1-7 after E E report referenced the 3rd reference ahould be the COM initial site characterization October 1984 Then atate1 Table 1-1 providebull alllllftary of bullbullbull bull bull OMITTING aentencea about vorkplan completion and POP OAOC H s etc



__ I

-s- )0

Pp 1-8 Table 1-la ht Data collected 1127 not 8513)

Pp 1-9 Table 1-h lteep in chronol~ical order Omit14) 112785 this bullbullbull done in 1984 Add auplino operation of reaidential wella 12686 - 12786

Figure 1-21 N arrow not legible date of USGS map Reference original acale even if aUIe aa ahown in figure - Figure 1-l all the above commenta apply too



Pp 2-1 lat eentence1 give exact number of h011ea within 12 aile of alta and a very good eatibullate for nuber of hoaee within one aile of the alta


conflicting etatentebull One ceneue tract containbull the alta17) okay rive tracte for 3 aile radlua Figure 2-1 ahowe 4 tracte

suatlOft of all 4 (or 5) cenaue tracte le not an11) appropriate correlation for our l-aUe radlue population What ie our ta19et population We need thia kind of accuracy for our riak aaaeant

Pp 2-1 LAM~OSB1 Figure 2-1 doea not ahow thia COrrectU) teat By the way Pigure 2-3 doea not ahow anything

Pp 2-2 rigure 2-11 tleed to enlarge bullap eo it ia legible20) What ia acale Reference original with date What 1a original acale

Pp 2-h Do not aay bullThere are apprOXtilatttli 100 hOMe bull What ia the figure


Pp 2-3 2nd paragraphbull Davia Landfill bullbullY not be owned by Davia check tax aaaeaaor recorda for town of Gloceater lat aentenee addbull (GSR Landfill bulloavia Landfillbull) eorrect bullLandfield bull


Pp 2-3 the laat aentence ahould read1 bullTherefore the nUilber23) of peralta laaued ln Bbullithfleld bullbullY not be an accurate bulleana of deteralnlng bullbullbullbullbullbull bull

Figure 2-21 Cite original bullap date and acale Mark off24) alte boundary on thla bullbullP ao one haa reference point to atudy

Pp 2-61 Uae hlatorical data from RIDEM Phh Wildlife for a ballpark eatlaate of fhhing ln Stillwater Reaervoir2S)

Pp 2-61 Gloceater zoning agricultural only What about

J 26)

GSR Landfill (N0i8a apelling of bullGlocesterbull)

I f


middot U

0 -6-


27) Pp 2-6 Natural Reaourceas 0111 t the word bull reported bull atatea 12 alle fro the dumping area Otit bullcontuination of the groundvaterbull should reada bullportions of wetlands on site have been filled bullbullbull (See C011parmiddotiaon of historical and present wetlands mapa) bull

28) Plgure 2-ta zoning boundaries are unclear on map Label the circle and North direction

29) Pp 2-8s In March 1985 the Rhode Island Supreme Court overturned Superior Court Order rea Dechion on wetlands Supr-bull Court haa determine~ that Mr Davis is in violation of the Pederal Wetlands Act and will be responsible for restor-ation of the wetlands The RIDM has not fonaulated the restoration order as of this date

30) Pp 2-8 2nd paragraph bull Oait bulleast ofbull - ao sentence readaa bullLathaa Brook which rune froa the aite to the re-ervoir bull

31) lxcept for brief etatent ie one general paragraphbull the detailed diecuaaion of clibullate ahould go in one of the hydrogeo aectione preferably aurface water The following ~nta ahould be taken into account when diacuaaing aection in ore detail

32) Pp 2-1 thru 2-11 IIOte that tablea and text do not correlate Table 2-1 ia bullllaino which ia auppoaed to be wind direction and apeed

33) The higheat and loweat recorded annual precipitation occurred during the firet bullbullpllng yearbull at Davia State how thie would effect etudy reeulta

34) Why haa no USGS hydrological data been evaluated fro the wooneocket River Baain on other albulllliar drainage baeine

35) Pp 2-9 Laet paragraphbull State how thla fact will effect etudy reaulte

36) Table 2-2 pp 2-11bull Change titlebull Cobullpariaon of Avenge Monthly vereua Actual Monthly Precipitation Meaeured in Providence RI by NOAA Why only 9 bullonthe of the year Why were the yearbull 1983 and 1984 c011puted in average rainfalle

0 -7shy

37) Pp l-1bull Change bullpublic health aaseaamentbull to bullrtak aaaeasmentbull Last sentence on pp 3-1 should read bullbullbullbull bulland the public health ana environmental ilapacta bullbullbullbullbull bull

38) Pp 3-21 For VOAe Extractables and PCBPeeticidee give typical background concentrations in water soils an4 aeda

39) Pp 3-3 Metale t Typical and Background Table h incolroct for Nev England soils Chromium 1s not native in New England Background levels for Cd Cr and Rg are high Are these levels in fact background

40) Pp 3-lbull Typo in Data validationbull bullThe producu _2bullbullbull bull

41) Pp 3-4 Oit 2 paragraphbullbull bullThe validation qualifer bull bullJbull bullbull through end of 31 Notebull OAOC aheeta ahould not be uaed bullbull our data baae in final 1U

U) Plgun 3-h Reference la incorrect throughout figurebull in thia Hctlon Mlp aource ia IPA Ct~MSL) State original acale and date precede thia UgureiiiiJiOBGS aap figure which ahowa area of thia up on ita atte Where do atte boundariea fall on thia figure Add arrowbull to label pita and atate acale of thia aap_) ll

i I 43) Pp J-6 Saapltng Area At Why no GPII here

Define bull1ow levelabull give range for SL-26 and Rt-27 Laat aentence in bullbullpling Area AI Add bull bull bull bull ataging during h888id0U8 Wi8ti aite operatlona bull

44) Figure l-2bull Title not correct D and r background locattona scale Reference SL-24 location wrong ahould be SL-20

45) Table 3-1 arkll uae conaiatent bnguage - t e bullsupport areabull ia or ta not decon area Saple at aain gate - label gate on aap

46) P J-9 Laat aentance of aaapllng Area 81 give range for bull1ov levela bull

47) P 3-9 s pling Area C1 SL-2S h clean What about s-17 Define bulltracebull of containatlon

48) P 3-10 Table 3-21 Correct P SL-20 to SL-24o

49) P 3-11 Sampling Area Ez Should read bull o o o indicate thla la an area of elgnlflcant hazardoua vaateo obullbull bull










I 57)







r ~

middot )0 -middotshyFigure 3-3 Change references North orientation Scalea Add arrow to pit

P 3-14 Tables 3-3 thru 3-Sa Which results are August which are April1 Show average or typical values for each ccpound in different bulledia middot

P 3-16 Table 3-5a Why was Ra and Cd omitted Dhcuaa high levels of compounds ie Aa Cr Mn Hg Nl Sn etc

Figure 3-4z Change the reference Add scale north orientation location of brook and through end of lane should be shown in figure Label dhpoaal pita Update to show lane south of ahredder

Pp 3-lla TP-8- Define middot-aubull leveh of orientation

Pp 3-181 TP-9 Visual inspection of what More detatia about undisturbed aoUa etc needed Also hiatorical aerial photos Visual inspection does not verify that a atre- la a phyalcal and hydraulic barrier A atrbullbull channel probably la not a barrier to groundwater

Pp l-11bull w acceaa road aouthern acceaa road - shytoo bulluch confuaion where theae roada are and inconalatency in n-lng thbull throughout the report

Plgurbull ~ c~~ta frca 153 apply

3-7bull l-11

Pomiddot 3-211 TP-22bull Where aabullplea contlnated TP-211 Dont you bullbullan bullaouthweatbull corner

On what baaia were the deterwinatlona to aaple aoe pita and not othera bullbullde

Where ia the dlacuaalon of findingbull (vhual or otherwlae) for uneapled and unn~bered teat ~ita

LOcate teat pita 26 and 26A on flgurbullbullmiddot Diacuaa or bullbullntlon reaulta that trace level a of PCB a were found

Pp 3-251 uae updated number of drume Change bull2sobull to bullover 600 bull and update etatue Laat eentence of thie page ahould read1 bullTheee drums were removed fr011 the elte by EPA in January 1986 bull Ollit bullrestagingbull and change to bullatagingbull in previous sentence

I ~ I



I middot middot 1



~ I I

-9- 1)

63) Pp l-27a See bullY editing on page

64) Pp 3-27a The ridge line Does thle coincide with bullaouthern access roadbull

65) Pp 3-lOa TP-25 27 and 32 t Conclusion that contamination limited by topography and dumping technique may relate to

~t~~~bull ~~~middot~Zid middot ~~~Zrt~~~~u~ ~~~~t~roround-vater TP-28 29 and 31 - change to oil bullbearingbull gravel lena

66) Pp 3-36 Table 3-15a Omit bullactual extent of contamination and bull Laat aentence on this page ahould end at bulltram a localiaed apillbull

67) Table l-16a Differentiate if contuination h PCBa or paatlcldea Alao do the bullbullbull in Tablea 3-12 and 3-18

61) Pp 3-36a Define bullThe liaita of the altabull Raaardoua waate handling area lffected area

69) Pp 3-41 B Acceae Jtoada Juat becauae aubaotla are clean doea not an location ia clean at greater deptha ie groundwater below Mot enough data to verify concluaion

~=~~C ~a~~~=i~imiddot~~tO~~irb~~==-If= ~ can not write off bedrock aquifer

70 Pp 3-4la Referencebull to wetlandbull in thia aection ahould habulle a figure which ahova location both hiatorical and preaent aince they are available Where 1a the wetlanda aaaeant

7U Pp 3-Ua On what baaia waa 1500 cy determined Row clean 1a clean What 1a the cut off for leavino aoila behind Theae queationa apply to all quantitiea and areaa of aoil raoved ( ibullpoundbullent ridgeline and dr111 area) aa well

72) Row waa the nUilber of expected drWia to be encountered derived Ia it a conaervative eatibullate Realiatic


73) One large bullbullP vith all teatpit locationa would be ueeful

74) In all the tablee there la a key that metah were bullnot found above backgroundbull leveh What are these levels How vera they deterwlned If bull cited textbull table la incorrect for New England eolla

L) -10shy


Thie aection waa particulary difficult reading Rewriting of ny portions la necessary both for clarity of presentation conceptually and for copletlon

1) Dlacuaaion of groundvater doea not take into account the aetBlled tnfonaatton frora the residential or surface Witiriict lone

2) Interpretation of the data base omits there are limitations to our data Concluaiona of flow to the north bull bullY be due to the bias of our inatruaentation which ia physically located to the north

l) Dlacuaalon of regional flow needs to be expanded

U The conceptual odel chosen b parttlly correct but does not fit all the data The 3-D conceptualiaatton of the dike la lnconaiatent between text drawings and boring loge

5) The vertical flow le a aajor ccaponent of contbullinant bulligratlon at thie elte and the aeaaonal flip-flop of

middot gradientbull ie key tn underatandlng the aovbullent and water quality data acroaa the dike and at all aonltorlng wlle

) hplaln how the choice of contbullinanta dlacuaaed tn the text ta detemined Por bullbullbullple why ia there Halted diacuaalon of tnorgantca when Table 4-5 ahowa auch high Mtala lavale

7) Conclualona ahould incorporate the aajor regional flow diAction

0 -ll- middotJ

pound2 75) Note that the reference for all figures 1a incorrect

Where 1e scale N arrows and consistent labelling of key locat ton dent if tara

76) Sce of the data presented is not discussed a ie volatile mobility high metals trace PCBbullbull

77) Results conclude their are limits of contamination Define bullconttnation bull Justify limite

78) Pp 4-1411 The introductory paragraph needs to be rewritten Second paragraph - change bullchemical ccpoaittonbull to vater quality

79) Pp 4-2bull After (E i E) adda bullunder EPA contractbull conducted bullbullbull

79) Pp 4-2bull Regional Hydrogeobull After the lat paragraph 90 to Appendix ~1 thru D-6 and incorporate into the text s Appendix D for apecific ccenta and requested changes then go back to topo and drainage i

10) Pp 4-3 Topography and Drainagebull Rewrite Diacuaa ~ i regional groundwater flow- aibulllllar to Appendix D 13 j include deacrtptlon of drainage baaln recharge area aurface water and groundwater Dlacuaa aurface water overshy ~ I burden and bedrock aquifere and the lnterrelatedneaa of all of the above Include Brook waterahed ao that one can aM all recharge areaa

11) Pp t-4 Topography and Drainagebull Diacuaa that a 200 foot drop ln elevation fr011 the aite to outlet (Stlllvater i Reaervoir) within 1 12 ia a ateep regional gradient

i 12) Pp 4-4413bull Define bullgroaatybull contbullinated aoUa

Addbull The chlorinated aolventa were 110at prevalent bullin groundwaterbull with levela bullbull State bullthe ree~ended levelabull

(according to which atandarda) for the liated organica (which) unleaa hiatorical atandarda B bull I or G bull M uaed vary fr011

1985-86 atandarda

83) Pp 4-5 Firat aentence in t21 ahould read bullThe objective of the hydrogeologic investigation bullbullbull bull See editing on Pp C-6

84) Pp 4-7 Magnetonetrybull What ia the vertical extent vhich the aagnetoaetry aurvey ia able to characterize the dikes hydraulic conductivity



~- --- -----~- ________

0 -12shy

85) setbullie Studya Did the mapped bedrock surface baaed on aebaic data correlate vtth our well loge and other boring data bullsouthwestbull groundwater flow

86) Pigure 4-11 SCale North Reference h incorrect

87) Pp 4-t s What are the significant bedrock differences north and south of Latham Brook

88) Pp 4-9 GPR1 Plrat paragnph atatea could not use Second paragraph aucceaaful

89) In addition to Figure 4-2 would alao llke to aee figure will all bedrock wella (sampled) which includes private vella and all overburden vella with depth of walla (MSL) (screened intervale) Phyaical deacrlptlon bull boring loge Be conalatent with lanoubullilbullmiddot

90) Pp 4-11424 - att laat paragraphbull except for laat sentence of it

911 Pp 4-11Slte Ryltlroo See ay edltlng

92) Groundwater IIOVntbull Blialnate bulleo~~ptexbull before every bedrock atatbullant Bliainata worda auch bullbull bulla~arabull After thla atudy we are able to llltitti flow dlractiona Pirat aantenca tblrd paragraph Tjp4-1Z) Rewrite

=~=~hdtk= ~~kw~~~~ke ten~a ChooH Plow ia parallel apd perpendicular to dike

U) See edltlng ln ay copy Pp 4-12 thru 4-39

94) Appendix D-1 thru D-6 Tabla D-1 D-Z D-12 D-13 and D-77 juatUlcationa for drU11no locationbull and bull~bull drilling obaarvatlona (ia D-27 thru o-32) ahould be included in the text N-8E-W croaa-aactlona ahould be included in text

-13shy0 )


1 A brief summary of the number of realdencea within a 12 aile and one aile radius should be included with a statement that au residents within a 12 mile of the site are on p~~~~wella Thua the potential population at risk ia ___ persona

-2) FiQure 5-l ia difficult to read Which dot h which sample

I See c011111enta 130 thru 32 from the appendices review would be helpful to ahov overburdenva bedrock and to use a c011prohenaive map of ob wells on and off alta to dhtinguiah which are contulnated

3) The grouping of realdential walla needs further explanation Deep and shallow dealgnatlona aay be aialeadlng A bulldpbull well 40-60 rt ia auch aore related to a bullshallowbull well than a 400 foot wll

4) Incorporate new 186 data Rote the bullietakea between text figurea and table and correct thebull

5) Statnta about trenda etc ahould be followed by a concluaion

1) bullot ilil~r middot tDOitilftCi ta the intervration of other data froa h rooeo and aurface water aacttona into the analyaia lof reaidantial data Uttltaa 110nitoring well data and capan location of ill PW and 0t1 contbullinated walla and aurfaca middot l water atatioiiand diacuaa in potential regional hydrogeo j acanarto l

7) Concluaiona naad to be correlated with the larger picturebull ie regional flow and the bulloatlikely flow patha to tha aouthaaat i8) Por apecUic comMnta on section 5 aee bullY edited copy



Region I

DATpound1 March 4 1986

SUBJt Review of draft RI - ovta LiqUid waata Site

PROMa Suaan Pats EPA Site Manager

T01 Rick Cote COM

Aa diiiCuaaed previoualy I have arranged a aeettng on March 6 1986 with the COM hydrogaologiata and EPA hydroshygeologiata to cUacuaa and ctetenline the aoat appropriate conceptual hydrogeolootcal aodal for the alta - which will be the frwork fro which oat other concluliona are drawn The purpoaa of thia ttng at thie point in tibullbullbull t due bull to the lack of concurnnce between EPA and COM now that all the data haa been bull~riaad

Prior to our bullbullbullttng on reb 12 or 13th when EPA a and the Statebull a ~nta on the teat of the RI will be tranaferrad to you I wanted to autit c~nta which pertain to the five appendlcaa eo that rabulltalona could be atarted The following ~nta refer to Appendlcea A-1

0 -2- 0

General Coraaenta (Appendices)

The appendices have been auhllitted without conahtent coding ayat-bull to the text Boring logs which refer to old well I a should also be labelled with the COM nUllbering ayatea Residenshytial wells should clearly be labelled and use one system for descr-iption Name a should be omitted from the residential well data All tables should have keys on each page Information at the tops of pages are lost in the bindings Sobulle appendix aaterbla auch as sur-face water figures and au1111ary tables abould be included in the text Presentation of data should be tabularibulled in a aore readable fon~at Our vorking OAOC validation sheets are not appropriate


Apendlx 8

1) B-1-A clear figure (aap) vhich portrays all surface water atationa WithOUt data h needed The topographic upa should berii3i6le and the tributaries to Latham Brook clearly aeenl


2) A aap of the 8ftthmiddot8 drainage area showing the atte location on our E-W orientation map should be included The bullbtow-upbull area used in Figures in the text should be marked off on thia aap

3) Figure B-1 should extend data boxes outside the topographic area of interest and the aap should be legible bullNsbull locations should not have boxea but atationa ahould be labelled with approprbte tbulla An enlargeaent of the aap jaay be neceaaary ao that topographic linea and ayt~~bola are legible

4) Table B-3a Which are on va off-aite auplea l Table B-2bull llhy are leaa volatilebull liated on thia chart j

va Tablebull B-1 and B-3

Table B-1 through B-3 ahould be in the text 1li

5) surface Water Datal Before preaentatlon of RIDIM data location up of their a-pling pta on our aurface water bullbullP ahould be included il

6) B-56 ahould be put on data ahHt and titled (Handwritten title ahould not be in final) ll

7) B-57 through B-59bull BCJ lab reporta ahould be preceded I

with table of COMbull 1 bulla aatched to ICJ or GMB well la uae our location aapa for well locationbull inatead of B-59

I) Table X pp B-1271

a) Detea ahould be chronologically ordered

b) Are aoae atationa the ae but different la

c) Place a bullkeybull on each page

d) EPA - will we accept bullvbull category in thh report Why wabull thh done



0 -cshyJ

Apeftdh t

9) C-1bull Analytical SWIIIary Table ahould go in the text (c-24 through c-27)

10) Analytical sumaary Tableas Should other organic and inorganic compounds be included in the tables Why only those lieted

For inatancet Inorganlca- Cd Sn Ni Mg It Na etc

11) C-2 - ppa C-11 through C-18 should be omitted frOID Appendix

ApPftdb middoto

ilobu ec-enta refer to ~43 through ~284 only

cc-enta will be forwarded aoon which refer to D--1 through o-u

12) Dl - Boring logabull All loge should be coded to COM well bullbull well aa hiatorical nbullbera on loge

lJ) 02 - Seibulltc Study (alaup Report) bull Add to thta report a detailed aite P which ahowa locations of linea Pigure 4-1 in tM teat ta for gnetaetry Show or dtattnguaih on thia or other P the aelbulllc linea and label ao they can H correlated to pp ~176-171

14) Sartea of Static Water aaurntaa

Table 1 and Table 3 have very dUfe~ent HNU readtnoa for the vella lxplatn thia Did Auguat 1985 aaapling follow bull jor precipitation event (D--184 thru D-190)

15) There are too aany different tablea being called bullTable 1 bull Under bulla-arkabull what doea a blank apace aean

16) Both OW 76 and ow 78 ahov high lavale of VOAbullmiddot lxplain thia

17) on page D-192 bullTable tbull Depth of statlc water ahould continue to read bullfrc the top of caengbull on all pagea of the tablea

18) Where no HNU readinga taken (D-192 through 195)

19) Table D (pp D-196)1 There are errore in veil depths (ie ow-01 ow-25 ow-36 etc)



~ I I

-5shy0 lt)

20) Table D1 There are atgntflcant differences in meaaureshyaenta of the Billie well Explain these differences

21) Table D1 Include the year when meaaure11enta were taken

22) 04 - Monitoring Well Datal

Presentation of data should be tabularized in a more readable format our OAOC validation aheeta are not appropriate

23) ke aura auple nllllber le correlated to sample location aapa when llaklng up these charta It would be beat to tabulate contaalnatna found va a listing of priority pollutants each ttae

24) 05 - Analytical S~ary Tableas

Theae tables (l)o--271 throuh D-280) ahould be placed in the text

25) llhy are the nwaber of tnorganlca Hated on tables variable Co Se Rg are not on Table A Table 4 h ahdng Ba Cd cu Mg bullt amp Ra sn etc

21) tely are high lebullela of Aa Cr Co Rg IU Sn and Cd not dlacnaaaed In text

27) Table 4 nda a title

21) In Tablea A a ancs c differentiate between on and off-alte auplea

29) Table 41 Dlacuaa variation in SL-06 and BL-12 Variation looka Uke 20000 ppb

30) The aap on pp 1-3 ahould clearly identify all haea bull-pled by COM 1 not n-bullmiddot Correct the errorbull In Pigure 5-l frc the text and uae that inatead Make aura all dota (hoaea) have arrow to PWI If poaaible 110ve labela out ao topo bullapa can be aean near h011ea Include our al te boundary on bullap (not bull squarebull) aa ahovn on Figure 5-l Clearly label brook and roada

0 -6shy

31) ahould be 011ltted fr0111 all date aheeta CDM la ahould be uaed

32) See e~enta 122 and 23 and incorporate thera in thh aection Data aheeta which ahow conpounda detected va all capounda analysed would be eaeier reading and leaa volinoua

Aependii middot

33) Add to hiatortcal data BUJDary CDMa analyeie of theae paat findtnga Doea COM concur with early reporta Explain

~ i

i j


~ l

  1. barcode 566125
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 566125
Page 5: I UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY · the potential alao exhta for det11al expoaure to contaalnanta found In aolla on-aite and fro. the atreaJI vhich joina Lathu Brook

-s- )0

Pp 1-8 Table 1-la ht Data collected 1127 not 8513)

Pp 1-9 Table 1-h lteep in chronol~ical order Omit14) 112785 this bullbullbull done in 1984 Add auplino operation of reaidential wella 12686 - 12786

Figure 1-21 N arrow not legible date of USGS map Reference original acale even if aUIe aa ahown in figure - Figure 1-l all the above commenta apply too



Pp 2-1 lat eentence1 give exact number of h011ea within 12 aile of alta and a very good eatibullate for nuber of hoaee within one aile of the alta


conflicting etatentebull One ceneue tract containbull the alta17) okay rive tracte for 3 aile radlua Figure 2-1 ahowe 4 tracte

suatlOft of all 4 (or 5) cenaue tracte le not an11) appropriate correlation for our l-aUe radlue population What ie our ta19et population We need thia kind of accuracy for our riak aaaeant

Pp 2-1 LAM~OSB1 Figure 2-1 doea not ahow thia COrrectU) teat By the way Pigure 2-3 doea not ahow anything

Pp 2-2 rigure 2-11 tleed to enlarge bullap eo it ia legible20) What ia acale Reference original with date What 1a original acale

Pp 2-h Do not aay bullThere are apprOXtilatttli 100 hOMe bull What ia the figure


Pp 2-3 2nd paragraphbull Davia Landfill bullbullY not be owned by Davia check tax aaaeaaor recorda for town of Gloceater lat aentenee addbull (GSR Landfill bulloavia Landfillbull) eorrect bullLandfield bull


Pp 2-3 the laat aentence ahould read1 bullTherefore the nUilber23) of peralta laaued ln Bbullithfleld bullbullY not be an accurate bulleana of deteralnlng bullbullbullbullbullbull bull

Figure 2-21 Cite original bullap date and acale Mark off24) alte boundary on thla bullbullP ao one haa reference point to atudy

Pp 2-61 Uae hlatorical data from RIDEM Phh Wildlife for a ballpark eatlaate of fhhing ln Stillwater Reaervoir2S)

Pp 2-61 Gloceater zoning agricultural only What about

J 26)

GSR Landfill (N0i8a apelling of bullGlocesterbull)

I f


middot U

0 -6-


27) Pp 2-6 Natural Reaourceas 0111 t the word bull reported bull atatea 12 alle fro the dumping area Otit bullcontuination of the groundvaterbull should reada bullportions of wetlands on site have been filled bullbullbull (See C011parmiddotiaon of historical and present wetlands mapa) bull

28) Plgure 2-ta zoning boundaries are unclear on map Label the circle and North direction

29) Pp 2-8s In March 1985 the Rhode Island Supreme Court overturned Superior Court Order rea Dechion on wetlands Supr-bull Court haa determine~ that Mr Davis is in violation of the Pederal Wetlands Act and will be responsible for restor-ation of the wetlands The RIDM has not fonaulated the restoration order as of this date

30) Pp 2-8 2nd paragraph bull Oait bulleast ofbull - ao sentence readaa bullLathaa Brook which rune froa the aite to the re-ervoir bull

31) lxcept for brief etatent ie one general paragraphbull the detailed diecuaaion of clibullate ahould go in one of the hydrogeo aectione preferably aurface water The following ~nta ahould be taken into account when diacuaaing aection in ore detail

32) Pp 2-1 thru 2-11 IIOte that tablea and text do not correlate Table 2-1 ia bullllaino which ia auppoaed to be wind direction and apeed

33) The higheat and loweat recorded annual precipitation occurred during the firet bullbullpllng yearbull at Davia State how thie would effect etudy reeulta

34) Why haa no USGS hydrological data been evaluated fro the wooneocket River Baain on other albulllliar drainage baeine

35) Pp 2-9 Laet paragraphbull State how thla fact will effect etudy reaulte

36) Table 2-2 pp 2-11bull Change titlebull Cobullpariaon of Avenge Monthly vereua Actual Monthly Precipitation Meaeured in Providence RI by NOAA Why only 9 bullonthe of the year Why were the yearbull 1983 and 1984 c011puted in average rainfalle

0 -7shy

37) Pp l-1bull Change bullpublic health aaseaamentbull to bullrtak aaaeasmentbull Last sentence on pp 3-1 should read bullbullbullbull bulland the public health ana environmental ilapacta bullbullbullbullbull bull

38) Pp 3-21 For VOAe Extractables and PCBPeeticidee give typical background concentrations in water soils an4 aeda

39) Pp 3-3 Metale t Typical and Background Table h incolroct for Nev England soils Chromium 1s not native in New England Background levels for Cd Cr and Rg are high Are these levels in fact background

40) Pp 3-lbull Typo in Data validationbull bullThe producu _2bullbullbull bull

41) Pp 3-4 Oit 2 paragraphbullbull bullThe validation qualifer bull bullJbull bullbull through end of 31 Notebull OAOC aheeta ahould not be uaed bullbull our data baae in final 1U

U) Plgun 3-h Reference la incorrect throughout figurebull in thia Hctlon Mlp aource ia IPA Ct~MSL) State original acale and date precede thia UgureiiiiJiOBGS aap figure which ahowa area of thia up on ita atte Where do atte boundariea fall on thia figure Add arrowbull to label pita and atate acale of thia aap_) ll

i I 43) Pp J-6 Saapltng Area At Why no GPII here

Define bull1ow levelabull give range for SL-26 and Rt-27 Laat aentence in bullbullpling Area AI Add bull bull bull bull ataging during h888id0U8 Wi8ti aite operatlona bull

44) Figure l-2bull Title not correct D and r background locattona scale Reference SL-24 location wrong ahould be SL-20

45) Table 3-1 arkll uae conaiatent bnguage - t e bullsupport areabull ia or ta not decon area Saple at aain gate - label gate on aap

46) P J-9 Laat aentance of aaapllng Area 81 give range for bull1ov levela bull

47) P 3-9 s pling Area C1 SL-2S h clean What about s-17 Define bulltracebull of containatlon

48) P 3-10 Table 3-21 Correct P SL-20 to SL-24o

49) P 3-11 Sampling Area Ez Should read bull o o o indicate thla la an area of elgnlflcant hazardoua vaateo obullbull bull










I 57)







r ~

middot )0 -middotshyFigure 3-3 Change references North orientation Scalea Add arrow to pit

P 3-14 Tables 3-3 thru 3-Sa Which results are August which are April1 Show average or typical values for each ccpound in different bulledia middot

P 3-16 Table 3-5a Why was Ra and Cd omitted Dhcuaa high levels of compounds ie Aa Cr Mn Hg Nl Sn etc

Figure 3-4z Change the reference Add scale north orientation location of brook and through end of lane should be shown in figure Label dhpoaal pita Update to show lane south of ahredder

Pp 3-lla TP-8- Define middot-aubull leveh of orientation

Pp 3-181 TP-9 Visual inspection of what More detatia about undisturbed aoUa etc needed Also hiatorical aerial photos Visual inspection does not verify that a atre- la a phyalcal and hydraulic barrier A atrbullbull channel probably la not a barrier to groundwater

Pp l-11bull w acceaa road aouthern acceaa road - shytoo bulluch confuaion where theae roada are and inconalatency in n-lng thbull throughout the report

Plgurbull ~ c~~ta frca 153 apply

3-7bull l-11

Pomiddot 3-211 TP-22bull Where aabullplea contlnated TP-211 Dont you bullbullan bullaouthweatbull corner

On what baaia were the deterwinatlona to aaple aoe pita and not othera bullbullde

Where ia the dlacuaalon of findingbull (vhual or otherwlae) for uneapled and unn~bered teat ~ita

LOcate teat pita 26 and 26A on flgurbullbullmiddot Diacuaa or bullbullntlon reaulta that trace level a of PCB a were found

Pp 3-251 uae updated number of drume Change bull2sobull to bullover 600 bull and update etatue Laat eentence of thie page ahould read1 bullTheee drums were removed fr011 the elte by EPA in January 1986 bull Ollit bullrestagingbull and change to bullatagingbull in previous sentence

I ~ I



I middot middot 1



~ I I

-9- 1)

63) Pp l-27a See bullY editing on page

64) Pp 3-27a The ridge line Does thle coincide with bullaouthern access roadbull

65) Pp 3-lOa TP-25 27 and 32 t Conclusion that contamination limited by topography and dumping technique may relate to

~t~~~bull ~~~middot~Zid middot ~~~Zrt~~~~u~ ~~~~t~roround-vater TP-28 29 and 31 - change to oil bullbearingbull gravel lena

66) Pp 3-36 Table 3-15a Omit bullactual extent of contamination and bull Laat aentence on this page ahould end at bulltram a localiaed apillbull

67) Table l-16a Differentiate if contuination h PCBa or paatlcldea Alao do the bullbullbull in Tablea 3-12 and 3-18

61) Pp 3-36a Define bullThe liaita of the altabull Raaardoua waate handling area lffected area

69) Pp 3-41 B Acceae Jtoada Juat becauae aubaotla are clean doea not an location ia clean at greater deptha ie groundwater below Mot enough data to verify concluaion

~=~~C ~a~~~=i~imiddot~~tO~~irb~~==-If= ~ can not write off bedrock aquifer

70 Pp 3-4la Referencebull to wetlandbull in thia aection ahould habulle a figure which ahova location both hiatorical and preaent aince they are available Where 1a the wetlanda aaaeant

7U Pp 3-Ua On what baaia waa 1500 cy determined Row clean 1a clean What 1a the cut off for leavino aoila behind Theae queationa apply to all quantitiea and areaa of aoil raoved ( ibullpoundbullent ridgeline and dr111 area) aa well

72) Row waa the nUilber of expected drWia to be encountered derived Ia it a conaervative eatibullate Realiatic


73) One large bullbullP vith all teatpit locationa would be ueeful

74) In all the tablee there la a key that metah were bullnot found above backgroundbull leveh What are these levels How vera they deterwlned If bull cited textbull table la incorrect for New England eolla

L) -10shy


Thie aection waa particulary difficult reading Rewriting of ny portions la necessary both for clarity of presentation conceptually and for copletlon

1) Dlacuaaion of groundvater doea not take into account the aetBlled tnfonaatton frora the residential or surface Witiriict lone

2) Interpretation of the data base omits there are limitations to our data Concluaiona of flow to the north bull bullY be due to the bias of our inatruaentation which ia physically located to the north

l) Dlacuaalon of regional flow needs to be expanded

U The conceptual odel chosen b parttlly correct but does not fit all the data The 3-D conceptualiaatton of the dike la lnconaiatent between text drawings and boring loge

5) The vertical flow le a aajor ccaponent of contbullinant bulligratlon at thie elte and the aeaaonal flip-flop of

middot gradientbull ie key tn underatandlng the aovbullent and water quality data acroaa the dike and at all aonltorlng wlle

) hplaln how the choice of contbullinanta dlacuaaed tn the text ta detemined Por bullbullbullple why ia there Halted diacuaalon of tnorgantca when Table 4-5 ahowa auch high Mtala lavale

7) Conclualona ahould incorporate the aajor regional flow diAction

0 -ll- middotJ

pound2 75) Note that the reference for all figures 1a incorrect

Where 1e scale N arrows and consistent labelling of key locat ton dent if tara

76) Sce of the data presented is not discussed a ie volatile mobility high metals trace PCBbullbull

77) Results conclude their are limits of contamination Define bullconttnation bull Justify limite

78) Pp 4-1411 The introductory paragraph needs to be rewritten Second paragraph - change bullchemical ccpoaittonbull to vater quality

79) Pp 4-2bull After (E i E) adda bullunder EPA contractbull conducted bullbullbull

79) Pp 4-2bull Regional Hydrogeobull After the lat paragraph 90 to Appendix ~1 thru D-6 and incorporate into the text s Appendix D for apecific ccenta and requested changes then go back to topo and drainage i

10) Pp 4-3 Topography and Drainagebull Rewrite Diacuaa ~ i regional groundwater flow- aibulllllar to Appendix D 13 j include deacrtptlon of drainage baaln recharge area aurface water and groundwater Dlacuaa aurface water overshy ~ I burden and bedrock aquifere and the lnterrelatedneaa of all of the above Include Brook waterahed ao that one can aM all recharge areaa

11) Pp t-4 Topography and Drainagebull Diacuaa that a 200 foot drop ln elevation fr011 the aite to outlet (Stlllvater i Reaervoir) within 1 12 ia a ateep regional gradient

i 12) Pp 4-4413bull Define bullgroaatybull contbullinated aoUa

Addbull The chlorinated aolventa were 110at prevalent bullin groundwaterbull with levela bullbull State bullthe ree~ended levelabull

(according to which atandarda) for the liated organica (which) unleaa hiatorical atandarda B bull I or G bull M uaed vary fr011

1985-86 atandarda

83) Pp 4-5 Firat aentence in t21 ahould read bullThe objective of the hydrogeologic investigation bullbullbull bull See editing on Pp C-6

84) Pp 4-7 Magnetonetrybull What ia the vertical extent vhich the aagnetoaetry aurvey ia able to characterize the dikes hydraulic conductivity



~- --- -----~- ________

0 -12shy

85) setbullie Studya Did the mapped bedrock surface baaed on aebaic data correlate vtth our well loge and other boring data bullsouthwestbull groundwater flow

86) Pigure 4-11 SCale North Reference h incorrect

87) Pp 4-t s What are the significant bedrock differences north and south of Latham Brook

88) Pp 4-9 GPR1 Plrat paragnph atatea could not use Second paragraph aucceaaful

89) In addition to Figure 4-2 would alao llke to aee figure will all bedrock wella (sampled) which includes private vella and all overburden vella with depth of walla (MSL) (screened intervale) Phyaical deacrlptlon bull boring loge Be conalatent with lanoubullilbullmiddot

90) Pp 4-11424 - att laat paragraphbull except for laat sentence of it

911 Pp 4-11Slte Ryltlroo See ay edltlng

92) Groundwater IIOVntbull Blialnate bulleo~~ptexbull before every bedrock atatbullant Bliainata worda auch bullbull bulla~arabull After thla atudy we are able to llltitti flow dlractiona Pirat aantenca tblrd paragraph Tjp4-1Z) Rewrite

=~=~hdtk= ~~kw~~~~ke ten~a ChooH Plow ia parallel apd perpendicular to dike

U) See edltlng ln ay copy Pp 4-12 thru 4-39

94) Appendix D-1 thru D-6 Tabla D-1 D-Z D-12 D-13 and D-77 juatUlcationa for drU11no locationbull and bull~bull drilling obaarvatlona (ia D-27 thru o-32) ahould be included in the text N-8E-W croaa-aactlona ahould be included in text

-13shy0 )


1 A brief summary of the number of realdencea within a 12 aile and one aile radius should be included with a statement that au residents within a 12 mile of the site are on p~~~~wella Thua the potential population at risk ia ___ persona

-2) FiQure 5-l ia difficult to read Which dot h which sample

I See c011111enta 130 thru 32 from the appendices review would be helpful to ahov overburdenva bedrock and to use a c011prohenaive map of ob wells on and off alta to dhtinguiah which are contulnated

3) The grouping of realdential walla needs further explanation Deep and shallow dealgnatlona aay be aialeadlng A bulldpbull well 40-60 rt ia auch aore related to a bullshallowbull well than a 400 foot wll

4) Incorporate new 186 data Rote the bullietakea between text figurea and table and correct thebull

5) Statnta about trenda etc ahould be followed by a concluaion

1) bullot ilil~r middot tDOitilftCi ta the intervration of other data froa h rooeo and aurface water aacttona into the analyaia lof reaidantial data Uttltaa 110nitoring well data and capan location of ill PW and 0t1 contbullinated walla and aurfaca middot l water atatioiiand diacuaa in potential regional hydrogeo j acanarto l

7) Concluaiona naad to be correlated with the larger picturebull ie regional flow and the bulloatlikely flow patha to tha aouthaaat i8) Por apecUic comMnta on section 5 aee bullY edited copy



Region I

DATpound1 March 4 1986

SUBJt Review of draft RI - ovta LiqUid waata Site

PROMa Suaan Pats EPA Site Manager

T01 Rick Cote COM

Aa diiiCuaaed previoualy I have arranged a aeettng on March 6 1986 with the COM hydrogaologiata and EPA hydroshygeologiata to cUacuaa and ctetenline the aoat appropriate conceptual hydrogeolootcal aodal for the alta - which will be the frwork fro which oat other concluliona are drawn The purpoaa of thia ttng at thie point in tibullbullbull t due bull to the lack of concurnnce between EPA and COM now that all the data haa been bull~riaad

Prior to our bullbullbullttng on reb 12 or 13th when EPA a and the Statebull a ~nta on the teat of the RI will be tranaferrad to you I wanted to autit c~nta which pertain to the five appendlcaa eo that rabulltalona could be atarted The following ~nta refer to Appendlcea A-1

0 -2- 0

General Coraaenta (Appendices)

The appendices have been auhllitted without conahtent coding ayat-bull to the text Boring logs which refer to old well I a should also be labelled with the COM nUllbering ayatea Residenshytial wells should clearly be labelled and use one system for descr-iption Name a should be omitted from the residential well data All tables should have keys on each page Information at the tops of pages are lost in the bindings Sobulle appendix aaterbla auch as sur-face water figures and au1111ary tables abould be included in the text Presentation of data should be tabularibulled in a aore readable fon~at Our vorking OAOC validation sheets are not appropriate


Apendlx 8

1) B-1-A clear figure (aap) vhich portrays all surface water atationa WithOUt data h needed The topographic upa should berii3i6le and the tributaries to Latham Brook clearly aeenl


2) A aap of the 8ftthmiddot8 drainage area showing the atte location on our E-W orientation map should be included The bullbtow-upbull area used in Figures in the text should be marked off on thia aap

3) Figure B-1 should extend data boxes outside the topographic area of interest and the aap should be legible bullNsbull locations should not have boxea but atationa ahould be labelled with approprbte tbulla An enlargeaent of the aap jaay be neceaaary ao that topographic linea and ayt~~bola are legible

4) Table B-3a Which are on va off-aite auplea l Table B-2bull llhy are leaa volatilebull liated on thia chart j

va Tablebull B-1 and B-3

Table B-1 through B-3 ahould be in the text 1li

5) surface Water Datal Before preaentatlon of RIDIM data location up of their a-pling pta on our aurface water bullbullP ahould be included il

6) B-56 ahould be put on data ahHt and titled (Handwritten title ahould not be in final) ll

7) B-57 through B-59bull BCJ lab reporta ahould be preceded I

with table of COMbull 1 bulla aatched to ICJ or GMB well la uae our location aapa for well locationbull inatead of B-59

I) Table X pp B-1271

a) Detea ahould be chronologically ordered

b) Are aoae atationa the ae but different la

c) Place a bullkeybull on each page

d) EPA - will we accept bullvbull category in thh report Why wabull thh done



0 -cshyJ

Apeftdh t

9) C-1bull Analytical SWIIIary Table ahould go in the text (c-24 through c-27)

10) Analytical sumaary Tableas Should other organic and inorganic compounds be included in the tables Why only those lieted

For inatancet Inorganlca- Cd Sn Ni Mg It Na etc

11) C-2 - ppa C-11 through C-18 should be omitted frOID Appendix

ApPftdb middoto

ilobu ec-enta refer to ~43 through ~284 only

cc-enta will be forwarded aoon which refer to D--1 through o-u

12) Dl - Boring logabull All loge should be coded to COM well bullbull well aa hiatorical nbullbera on loge

lJ) 02 - Seibulltc Study (alaup Report) bull Add to thta report a detailed aite P which ahowa locations of linea Pigure 4-1 in tM teat ta for gnetaetry Show or dtattnguaih on thia or other P the aelbulllc linea and label ao they can H correlated to pp ~176-171

14) Sartea of Static Water aaurntaa

Table 1 and Table 3 have very dUfe~ent HNU readtnoa for the vella lxplatn thia Did Auguat 1985 aaapling follow bull jor precipitation event (D--184 thru D-190)

15) There are too aany different tablea being called bullTable 1 bull Under bulla-arkabull what doea a blank apace aean

16) Both OW 76 and ow 78 ahov high lavale of VOAbullmiddot lxplain thia

17) on page D-192 bullTable tbull Depth of statlc water ahould continue to read bullfrc the top of caengbull on all pagea of the tablea

18) Where no HNU readinga taken (D-192 through 195)

19) Table D (pp D-196)1 There are errore in veil depths (ie ow-01 ow-25 ow-36 etc)



~ I I

-5shy0 lt)

20) Table D1 There are atgntflcant differences in meaaureshyaenta of the Billie well Explain these differences

21) Table D1 Include the year when meaaure11enta were taken

22) 04 - Monitoring Well Datal

Presentation of data should be tabularized in a more readable format our OAOC validation aheeta are not appropriate

23) ke aura auple nllllber le correlated to sample location aapa when llaklng up these charta It would be beat to tabulate contaalnatna found va a listing of priority pollutants each ttae

24) 05 - Analytical S~ary Tableas

Theae tables (l)o--271 throuh D-280) ahould be placed in the text

25) llhy are the nwaber of tnorganlca Hated on tables variable Co Se Rg are not on Table A Table 4 h ahdng Ba Cd cu Mg bullt amp Ra sn etc

21) tely are high lebullela of Aa Cr Co Rg IU Sn and Cd not dlacnaaaed In text

27) Table 4 nda a title

21) In Tablea A a ancs c differentiate between on and off-alte auplea

29) Table 41 Dlacuaa variation in SL-06 and BL-12 Variation looka Uke 20000 ppb

30) The aap on pp 1-3 ahould clearly identify all haea bull-pled by COM 1 not n-bullmiddot Correct the errorbull In Pigure 5-l frc the text and uae that inatead Make aura all dota (hoaea) have arrow to PWI If poaaible 110ve labela out ao topo bullapa can be aean near h011ea Include our al te boundary on bullap (not bull squarebull) aa ahovn on Figure 5-l Clearly label brook and roada

0 -6shy

31) ahould be 011ltted fr0111 all date aheeta CDM la ahould be uaed

32) See e~enta 122 and 23 and incorporate thera in thh aection Data aheeta which ahow conpounda detected va all capounda analysed would be eaeier reading and leaa volinoua

Aependii middot

33) Add to hiatortcal data BUJDary CDMa analyeie of theae paat findtnga Doea COM concur with early reporta Explain

~ i

i j


~ l

  1. barcode 566125
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 566125
Page 6: I UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY · the potential alao exhta for det11al expoaure to contaalnanta found In aolla on-aite and fro. the atreaJI vhich joina Lathu Brook

I f


middot U

0 -6-


27) Pp 2-6 Natural Reaourceas 0111 t the word bull reported bull atatea 12 alle fro the dumping area Otit bullcontuination of the groundvaterbull should reada bullportions of wetlands on site have been filled bullbullbull (See C011parmiddotiaon of historical and present wetlands mapa) bull

28) Plgure 2-ta zoning boundaries are unclear on map Label the circle and North direction

29) Pp 2-8s In March 1985 the Rhode Island Supreme Court overturned Superior Court Order rea Dechion on wetlands Supr-bull Court haa determine~ that Mr Davis is in violation of the Pederal Wetlands Act and will be responsible for restor-ation of the wetlands The RIDM has not fonaulated the restoration order as of this date

30) Pp 2-8 2nd paragraph bull Oait bulleast ofbull - ao sentence readaa bullLathaa Brook which rune froa the aite to the re-ervoir bull

31) lxcept for brief etatent ie one general paragraphbull the detailed diecuaaion of clibullate ahould go in one of the hydrogeo aectione preferably aurface water The following ~nta ahould be taken into account when diacuaaing aection in ore detail

32) Pp 2-1 thru 2-11 IIOte that tablea and text do not correlate Table 2-1 ia bullllaino which ia auppoaed to be wind direction and apeed

33) The higheat and loweat recorded annual precipitation occurred during the firet bullbullpllng yearbull at Davia State how thie would effect etudy reeulta

34) Why haa no USGS hydrological data been evaluated fro the wooneocket River Baain on other albulllliar drainage baeine

35) Pp 2-9 Laet paragraphbull State how thla fact will effect etudy reaulte

36) Table 2-2 pp 2-11bull Change titlebull Cobullpariaon of Avenge Monthly vereua Actual Monthly Precipitation Meaeured in Providence RI by NOAA Why only 9 bullonthe of the year Why were the yearbull 1983 and 1984 c011puted in average rainfalle

0 -7shy

37) Pp l-1bull Change bullpublic health aaseaamentbull to bullrtak aaaeasmentbull Last sentence on pp 3-1 should read bullbullbullbull bulland the public health ana environmental ilapacta bullbullbullbullbull bull

38) Pp 3-21 For VOAe Extractables and PCBPeeticidee give typical background concentrations in water soils an4 aeda

39) Pp 3-3 Metale t Typical and Background Table h incolroct for Nev England soils Chromium 1s not native in New England Background levels for Cd Cr and Rg are high Are these levels in fact background

40) Pp 3-lbull Typo in Data validationbull bullThe producu _2bullbullbull bull

41) Pp 3-4 Oit 2 paragraphbullbull bullThe validation qualifer bull bullJbull bullbull through end of 31 Notebull OAOC aheeta ahould not be uaed bullbull our data baae in final 1U

U) Plgun 3-h Reference la incorrect throughout figurebull in thia Hctlon Mlp aource ia IPA Ct~MSL) State original acale and date precede thia UgureiiiiJiOBGS aap figure which ahowa area of thia up on ita atte Where do atte boundariea fall on thia figure Add arrowbull to label pita and atate acale of thia aap_) ll

i I 43) Pp J-6 Saapltng Area At Why no GPII here

Define bull1ow levelabull give range for SL-26 and Rt-27 Laat aentence in bullbullpling Area AI Add bull bull bull bull ataging during h888id0U8 Wi8ti aite operatlona bull

44) Figure l-2bull Title not correct D and r background locattona scale Reference SL-24 location wrong ahould be SL-20

45) Table 3-1 arkll uae conaiatent bnguage - t e bullsupport areabull ia or ta not decon area Saple at aain gate - label gate on aap

46) P J-9 Laat aentance of aaapllng Area 81 give range for bull1ov levela bull

47) P 3-9 s pling Area C1 SL-2S h clean What about s-17 Define bulltracebull of containatlon

48) P 3-10 Table 3-21 Correct P SL-20 to SL-24o

49) P 3-11 Sampling Area Ez Should read bull o o o indicate thla la an area of elgnlflcant hazardoua vaateo obullbull bull










I 57)







r ~

middot )0 -middotshyFigure 3-3 Change references North orientation Scalea Add arrow to pit

P 3-14 Tables 3-3 thru 3-Sa Which results are August which are April1 Show average or typical values for each ccpound in different bulledia middot

P 3-16 Table 3-5a Why was Ra and Cd omitted Dhcuaa high levels of compounds ie Aa Cr Mn Hg Nl Sn etc

Figure 3-4z Change the reference Add scale north orientation location of brook and through end of lane should be shown in figure Label dhpoaal pita Update to show lane south of ahredder

Pp 3-lla TP-8- Define middot-aubull leveh of orientation

Pp 3-181 TP-9 Visual inspection of what More detatia about undisturbed aoUa etc needed Also hiatorical aerial photos Visual inspection does not verify that a atre- la a phyalcal and hydraulic barrier A atrbullbull channel probably la not a barrier to groundwater

Pp l-11bull w acceaa road aouthern acceaa road - shytoo bulluch confuaion where theae roada are and inconalatency in n-lng thbull throughout the report

Plgurbull ~ c~~ta frca 153 apply

3-7bull l-11

Pomiddot 3-211 TP-22bull Where aabullplea contlnated TP-211 Dont you bullbullan bullaouthweatbull corner

On what baaia were the deterwinatlona to aaple aoe pita and not othera bullbullde

Where ia the dlacuaalon of findingbull (vhual or otherwlae) for uneapled and unn~bered teat ~ita

LOcate teat pita 26 and 26A on flgurbullbullmiddot Diacuaa or bullbullntlon reaulta that trace level a of PCB a were found

Pp 3-251 uae updated number of drume Change bull2sobull to bullover 600 bull and update etatue Laat eentence of thie page ahould read1 bullTheee drums were removed fr011 the elte by EPA in January 1986 bull Ollit bullrestagingbull and change to bullatagingbull in previous sentence

I ~ I



I middot middot 1



~ I I

-9- 1)

63) Pp l-27a See bullY editing on page

64) Pp 3-27a The ridge line Does thle coincide with bullaouthern access roadbull

65) Pp 3-lOa TP-25 27 and 32 t Conclusion that contamination limited by topography and dumping technique may relate to

~t~~~bull ~~~middot~Zid middot ~~~Zrt~~~~u~ ~~~~t~roround-vater TP-28 29 and 31 - change to oil bullbearingbull gravel lena

66) Pp 3-36 Table 3-15a Omit bullactual extent of contamination and bull Laat aentence on this page ahould end at bulltram a localiaed apillbull

67) Table l-16a Differentiate if contuination h PCBa or paatlcldea Alao do the bullbullbull in Tablea 3-12 and 3-18

61) Pp 3-36a Define bullThe liaita of the altabull Raaardoua waate handling area lffected area

69) Pp 3-41 B Acceae Jtoada Juat becauae aubaotla are clean doea not an location ia clean at greater deptha ie groundwater below Mot enough data to verify concluaion

~=~~C ~a~~~=i~imiddot~~tO~~irb~~==-If= ~ can not write off bedrock aquifer

70 Pp 3-4la Referencebull to wetlandbull in thia aection ahould habulle a figure which ahova location both hiatorical and preaent aince they are available Where 1a the wetlanda aaaeant

7U Pp 3-Ua On what baaia waa 1500 cy determined Row clean 1a clean What 1a the cut off for leavino aoila behind Theae queationa apply to all quantitiea and areaa of aoil raoved ( ibullpoundbullent ridgeline and dr111 area) aa well

72) Row waa the nUilber of expected drWia to be encountered derived Ia it a conaervative eatibullate Realiatic


73) One large bullbullP vith all teatpit locationa would be ueeful

74) In all the tablee there la a key that metah were bullnot found above backgroundbull leveh What are these levels How vera they deterwlned If bull cited textbull table la incorrect for New England eolla

L) -10shy


Thie aection waa particulary difficult reading Rewriting of ny portions la necessary both for clarity of presentation conceptually and for copletlon

1) Dlacuaaion of groundvater doea not take into account the aetBlled tnfonaatton frora the residential or surface Witiriict lone

2) Interpretation of the data base omits there are limitations to our data Concluaiona of flow to the north bull bullY be due to the bias of our inatruaentation which ia physically located to the north

l) Dlacuaalon of regional flow needs to be expanded

U The conceptual odel chosen b parttlly correct but does not fit all the data The 3-D conceptualiaatton of the dike la lnconaiatent between text drawings and boring loge

5) The vertical flow le a aajor ccaponent of contbullinant bulligratlon at thie elte and the aeaaonal flip-flop of

middot gradientbull ie key tn underatandlng the aovbullent and water quality data acroaa the dike and at all aonltorlng wlle

) hplaln how the choice of contbullinanta dlacuaaed tn the text ta detemined Por bullbullbullple why ia there Halted diacuaalon of tnorgantca when Table 4-5 ahowa auch high Mtala lavale

7) Conclualona ahould incorporate the aajor regional flow diAction

0 -ll- middotJ

pound2 75) Note that the reference for all figures 1a incorrect

Where 1e scale N arrows and consistent labelling of key locat ton dent if tara

76) Sce of the data presented is not discussed a ie volatile mobility high metals trace PCBbullbull

77) Results conclude their are limits of contamination Define bullconttnation bull Justify limite

78) Pp 4-1411 The introductory paragraph needs to be rewritten Second paragraph - change bullchemical ccpoaittonbull to vater quality

79) Pp 4-2bull After (E i E) adda bullunder EPA contractbull conducted bullbullbull

79) Pp 4-2bull Regional Hydrogeobull After the lat paragraph 90 to Appendix ~1 thru D-6 and incorporate into the text s Appendix D for apecific ccenta and requested changes then go back to topo and drainage i

10) Pp 4-3 Topography and Drainagebull Rewrite Diacuaa ~ i regional groundwater flow- aibulllllar to Appendix D 13 j include deacrtptlon of drainage baaln recharge area aurface water and groundwater Dlacuaa aurface water overshy ~ I burden and bedrock aquifere and the lnterrelatedneaa of all of the above Include Brook waterahed ao that one can aM all recharge areaa

11) Pp t-4 Topography and Drainagebull Diacuaa that a 200 foot drop ln elevation fr011 the aite to outlet (Stlllvater i Reaervoir) within 1 12 ia a ateep regional gradient

i 12) Pp 4-4413bull Define bullgroaatybull contbullinated aoUa

Addbull The chlorinated aolventa were 110at prevalent bullin groundwaterbull with levela bullbull State bullthe ree~ended levelabull

(according to which atandarda) for the liated organica (which) unleaa hiatorical atandarda B bull I or G bull M uaed vary fr011

1985-86 atandarda

83) Pp 4-5 Firat aentence in t21 ahould read bullThe objective of the hydrogeologic investigation bullbullbull bull See editing on Pp C-6

84) Pp 4-7 Magnetonetrybull What ia the vertical extent vhich the aagnetoaetry aurvey ia able to characterize the dikes hydraulic conductivity



~- --- -----~- ________

0 -12shy

85) setbullie Studya Did the mapped bedrock surface baaed on aebaic data correlate vtth our well loge and other boring data bullsouthwestbull groundwater flow

86) Pigure 4-11 SCale North Reference h incorrect

87) Pp 4-t s What are the significant bedrock differences north and south of Latham Brook

88) Pp 4-9 GPR1 Plrat paragnph atatea could not use Second paragraph aucceaaful

89) In addition to Figure 4-2 would alao llke to aee figure will all bedrock wella (sampled) which includes private vella and all overburden vella with depth of walla (MSL) (screened intervale) Phyaical deacrlptlon bull boring loge Be conalatent with lanoubullilbullmiddot

90) Pp 4-11424 - att laat paragraphbull except for laat sentence of it

911 Pp 4-11Slte Ryltlroo See ay edltlng

92) Groundwater IIOVntbull Blialnate bulleo~~ptexbull before every bedrock atatbullant Bliainata worda auch bullbull bulla~arabull After thla atudy we are able to llltitti flow dlractiona Pirat aantenca tblrd paragraph Tjp4-1Z) Rewrite

=~=~hdtk= ~~kw~~~~ke ten~a ChooH Plow ia parallel apd perpendicular to dike

U) See edltlng ln ay copy Pp 4-12 thru 4-39

94) Appendix D-1 thru D-6 Tabla D-1 D-Z D-12 D-13 and D-77 juatUlcationa for drU11no locationbull and bull~bull drilling obaarvatlona (ia D-27 thru o-32) ahould be included in the text N-8E-W croaa-aactlona ahould be included in text

-13shy0 )


1 A brief summary of the number of realdencea within a 12 aile and one aile radius should be included with a statement that au residents within a 12 mile of the site are on p~~~~wella Thua the potential population at risk ia ___ persona

-2) FiQure 5-l ia difficult to read Which dot h which sample

I See c011111enta 130 thru 32 from the appendices review would be helpful to ahov overburdenva bedrock and to use a c011prohenaive map of ob wells on and off alta to dhtinguiah which are contulnated

3) The grouping of realdential walla needs further explanation Deep and shallow dealgnatlona aay be aialeadlng A bulldpbull well 40-60 rt ia auch aore related to a bullshallowbull well than a 400 foot wll

4) Incorporate new 186 data Rote the bullietakea between text figurea and table and correct thebull

5) Statnta about trenda etc ahould be followed by a concluaion

1) bullot ilil~r middot tDOitilftCi ta the intervration of other data froa h rooeo and aurface water aacttona into the analyaia lof reaidantial data Uttltaa 110nitoring well data and capan location of ill PW and 0t1 contbullinated walla and aurfaca middot l water atatioiiand diacuaa in potential regional hydrogeo j acanarto l

7) Concluaiona naad to be correlated with the larger picturebull ie regional flow and the bulloatlikely flow patha to tha aouthaaat i8) Por apecUic comMnta on section 5 aee bullY edited copy



Region I

DATpound1 March 4 1986

SUBJt Review of draft RI - ovta LiqUid waata Site

PROMa Suaan Pats EPA Site Manager

T01 Rick Cote COM

Aa diiiCuaaed previoualy I have arranged a aeettng on March 6 1986 with the COM hydrogaologiata and EPA hydroshygeologiata to cUacuaa and ctetenline the aoat appropriate conceptual hydrogeolootcal aodal for the alta - which will be the frwork fro which oat other concluliona are drawn The purpoaa of thia ttng at thie point in tibullbullbull t due bull to the lack of concurnnce between EPA and COM now that all the data haa been bull~riaad

Prior to our bullbullbullttng on reb 12 or 13th when EPA a and the Statebull a ~nta on the teat of the RI will be tranaferrad to you I wanted to autit c~nta which pertain to the five appendlcaa eo that rabulltalona could be atarted The following ~nta refer to Appendlcea A-1

0 -2- 0

General Coraaenta (Appendices)

The appendices have been auhllitted without conahtent coding ayat-bull to the text Boring logs which refer to old well I a should also be labelled with the COM nUllbering ayatea Residenshytial wells should clearly be labelled and use one system for descr-iption Name a should be omitted from the residential well data All tables should have keys on each page Information at the tops of pages are lost in the bindings Sobulle appendix aaterbla auch as sur-face water figures and au1111ary tables abould be included in the text Presentation of data should be tabularibulled in a aore readable fon~at Our vorking OAOC validation sheets are not appropriate


Apendlx 8

1) B-1-A clear figure (aap) vhich portrays all surface water atationa WithOUt data h needed The topographic upa should berii3i6le and the tributaries to Latham Brook clearly aeenl


2) A aap of the 8ftthmiddot8 drainage area showing the atte location on our E-W orientation map should be included The bullbtow-upbull area used in Figures in the text should be marked off on thia aap

3) Figure B-1 should extend data boxes outside the topographic area of interest and the aap should be legible bullNsbull locations should not have boxea but atationa ahould be labelled with approprbte tbulla An enlargeaent of the aap jaay be neceaaary ao that topographic linea and ayt~~bola are legible

4) Table B-3a Which are on va off-aite auplea l Table B-2bull llhy are leaa volatilebull liated on thia chart j

va Tablebull B-1 and B-3

Table B-1 through B-3 ahould be in the text 1li

5) surface Water Datal Before preaentatlon of RIDIM data location up of their a-pling pta on our aurface water bullbullP ahould be included il

6) B-56 ahould be put on data ahHt and titled (Handwritten title ahould not be in final) ll

7) B-57 through B-59bull BCJ lab reporta ahould be preceded I

with table of COMbull 1 bulla aatched to ICJ or GMB well la uae our location aapa for well locationbull inatead of B-59

I) Table X pp B-1271

a) Detea ahould be chronologically ordered

b) Are aoae atationa the ae but different la

c) Place a bullkeybull on each page

d) EPA - will we accept bullvbull category in thh report Why wabull thh done



0 -cshyJ

Apeftdh t

9) C-1bull Analytical SWIIIary Table ahould go in the text (c-24 through c-27)

10) Analytical sumaary Tableas Should other organic and inorganic compounds be included in the tables Why only those lieted

For inatancet Inorganlca- Cd Sn Ni Mg It Na etc

11) C-2 - ppa C-11 through C-18 should be omitted frOID Appendix

ApPftdb middoto

ilobu ec-enta refer to ~43 through ~284 only

cc-enta will be forwarded aoon which refer to D--1 through o-u

12) Dl - Boring logabull All loge should be coded to COM well bullbull well aa hiatorical nbullbera on loge

lJ) 02 - Seibulltc Study (alaup Report) bull Add to thta report a detailed aite P which ahowa locations of linea Pigure 4-1 in tM teat ta for gnetaetry Show or dtattnguaih on thia or other P the aelbulllc linea and label ao they can H correlated to pp ~176-171

14) Sartea of Static Water aaurntaa

Table 1 and Table 3 have very dUfe~ent HNU readtnoa for the vella lxplatn thia Did Auguat 1985 aaapling follow bull jor precipitation event (D--184 thru D-190)

15) There are too aany different tablea being called bullTable 1 bull Under bulla-arkabull what doea a blank apace aean

16) Both OW 76 and ow 78 ahov high lavale of VOAbullmiddot lxplain thia

17) on page D-192 bullTable tbull Depth of statlc water ahould continue to read bullfrc the top of caengbull on all pagea of the tablea

18) Where no HNU readinga taken (D-192 through 195)

19) Table D (pp D-196)1 There are errore in veil depths (ie ow-01 ow-25 ow-36 etc)



~ I I

-5shy0 lt)

20) Table D1 There are atgntflcant differences in meaaureshyaenta of the Billie well Explain these differences

21) Table D1 Include the year when meaaure11enta were taken

22) 04 - Monitoring Well Datal

Presentation of data should be tabularized in a more readable format our OAOC validation aheeta are not appropriate

23) ke aura auple nllllber le correlated to sample location aapa when llaklng up these charta It would be beat to tabulate contaalnatna found va a listing of priority pollutants each ttae

24) 05 - Analytical S~ary Tableas

Theae tables (l)o--271 throuh D-280) ahould be placed in the text

25) llhy are the nwaber of tnorganlca Hated on tables variable Co Se Rg are not on Table A Table 4 h ahdng Ba Cd cu Mg bullt amp Ra sn etc

21) tely are high lebullela of Aa Cr Co Rg IU Sn and Cd not dlacnaaaed In text

27) Table 4 nda a title

21) In Tablea A a ancs c differentiate between on and off-alte auplea

29) Table 41 Dlacuaa variation in SL-06 and BL-12 Variation looka Uke 20000 ppb

30) The aap on pp 1-3 ahould clearly identify all haea bull-pled by COM 1 not n-bullmiddot Correct the errorbull In Pigure 5-l frc the text and uae that inatead Make aura all dota (hoaea) have arrow to PWI If poaaible 110ve labela out ao topo bullapa can be aean near h011ea Include our al te boundary on bullap (not bull squarebull) aa ahovn on Figure 5-l Clearly label brook and roada

0 -6shy

31) ahould be 011ltted fr0111 all date aheeta CDM la ahould be uaed

32) See e~enta 122 and 23 and incorporate thera in thh aection Data aheeta which ahow conpounda detected va all capounda analysed would be eaeier reading and leaa volinoua

Aependii middot

33) Add to hiatortcal data BUJDary CDMa analyeie of theae paat findtnga Doea COM concur with early reporta Explain

~ i

i j


~ l

  1. barcode 566125
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 566125
Page 7: I UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY · the potential alao exhta for det11al expoaure to contaalnanta found In aolla on-aite and fro. the atreaJI vhich joina Lathu Brook

0 -7shy

37) Pp l-1bull Change bullpublic health aaseaamentbull to bullrtak aaaeasmentbull Last sentence on pp 3-1 should read bullbullbullbull bulland the public health ana environmental ilapacta bullbullbullbullbull bull

38) Pp 3-21 For VOAe Extractables and PCBPeeticidee give typical background concentrations in water soils an4 aeda

39) Pp 3-3 Metale t Typical and Background Table h incolroct for Nev England soils Chromium 1s not native in New England Background levels for Cd Cr and Rg are high Are these levels in fact background

40) Pp 3-lbull Typo in Data validationbull bullThe producu _2bullbullbull bull

41) Pp 3-4 Oit 2 paragraphbullbull bullThe validation qualifer bull bullJbull bullbull through end of 31 Notebull OAOC aheeta ahould not be uaed bullbull our data baae in final 1U

U) Plgun 3-h Reference la incorrect throughout figurebull in thia Hctlon Mlp aource ia IPA Ct~MSL) State original acale and date precede thia UgureiiiiJiOBGS aap figure which ahowa area of thia up on ita atte Where do atte boundariea fall on thia figure Add arrowbull to label pita and atate acale of thia aap_) ll

i I 43) Pp J-6 Saapltng Area At Why no GPII here

Define bull1ow levelabull give range for SL-26 and Rt-27 Laat aentence in bullbullpling Area AI Add bull bull bull bull ataging during h888id0U8 Wi8ti aite operatlona bull

44) Figure l-2bull Title not correct D and r background locattona scale Reference SL-24 location wrong ahould be SL-20

45) Table 3-1 arkll uae conaiatent bnguage - t e bullsupport areabull ia or ta not decon area Saple at aain gate - label gate on aap

46) P J-9 Laat aentance of aaapllng Area 81 give range for bull1ov levela bull

47) P 3-9 s pling Area C1 SL-2S h clean What about s-17 Define bulltracebull of containatlon

48) P 3-10 Table 3-21 Correct P SL-20 to SL-24o

49) P 3-11 Sampling Area Ez Should read bull o o o indicate thla la an area of elgnlflcant hazardoua vaateo obullbull bull










I 57)







r ~

middot )0 -middotshyFigure 3-3 Change references North orientation Scalea Add arrow to pit

P 3-14 Tables 3-3 thru 3-Sa Which results are August which are April1 Show average or typical values for each ccpound in different bulledia middot

P 3-16 Table 3-5a Why was Ra and Cd omitted Dhcuaa high levels of compounds ie Aa Cr Mn Hg Nl Sn etc

Figure 3-4z Change the reference Add scale north orientation location of brook and through end of lane should be shown in figure Label dhpoaal pita Update to show lane south of ahredder

Pp 3-lla TP-8- Define middot-aubull leveh of orientation

Pp 3-181 TP-9 Visual inspection of what More detatia about undisturbed aoUa etc needed Also hiatorical aerial photos Visual inspection does not verify that a atre- la a phyalcal and hydraulic barrier A atrbullbull channel probably la not a barrier to groundwater

Pp l-11bull w acceaa road aouthern acceaa road - shytoo bulluch confuaion where theae roada are and inconalatency in n-lng thbull throughout the report

Plgurbull ~ c~~ta frca 153 apply

3-7bull l-11

Pomiddot 3-211 TP-22bull Where aabullplea contlnated TP-211 Dont you bullbullan bullaouthweatbull corner

On what baaia were the deterwinatlona to aaple aoe pita and not othera bullbullde

Where ia the dlacuaalon of findingbull (vhual or otherwlae) for uneapled and unn~bered teat ~ita

LOcate teat pita 26 and 26A on flgurbullbullmiddot Diacuaa or bullbullntlon reaulta that trace level a of PCB a were found

Pp 3-251 uae updated number of drume Change bull2sobull to bullover 600 bull and update etatue Laat eentence of thie page ahould read1 bullTheee drums were removed fr011 the elte by EPA in January 1986 bull Ollit bullrestagingbull and change to bullatagingbull in previous sentence

I ~ I



I middot middot 1



~ I I

-9- 1)

63) Pp l-27a See bullY editing on page

64) Pp 3-27a The ridge line Does thle coincide with bullaouthern access roadbull

65) Pp 3-lOa TP-25 27 and 32 t Conclusion that contamination limited by topography and dumping technique may relate to

~t~~~bull ~~~middot~Zid middot ~~~Zrt~~~~u~ ~~~~t~roround-vater TP-28 29 and 31 - change to oil bullbearingbull gravel lena

66) Pp 3-36 Table 3-15a Omit bullactual extent of contamination and bull Laat aentence on this page ahould end at bulltram a localiaed apillbull

67) Table l-16a Differentiate if contuination h PCBa or paatlcldea Alao do the bullbullbull in Tablea 3-12 and 3-18

61) Pp 3-36a Define bullThe liaita of the altabull Raaardoua waate handling area lffected area

69) Pp 3-41 B Acceae Jtoada Juat becauae aubaotla are clean doea not an location ia clean at greater deptha ie groundwater below Mot enough data to verify concluaion

~=~~C ~a~~~=i~imiddot~~tO~~irb~~==-If= ~ can not write off bedrock aquifer

70 Pp 3-4la Referencebull to wetlandbull in thia aection ahould habulle a figure which ahova location both hiatorical and preaent aince they are available Where 1a the wetlanda aaaeant

7U Pp 3-Ua On what baaia waa 1500 cy determined Row clean 1a clean What 1a the cut off for leavino aoila behind Theae queationa apply to all quantitiea and areaa of aoil raoved ( ibullpoundbullent ridgeline and dr111 area) aa well

72) Row waa the nUilber of expected drWia to be encountered derived Ia it a conaervative eatibullate Realiatic


73) One large bullbullP vith all teatpit locationa would be ueeful

74) In all the tablee there la a key that metah were bullnot found above backgroundbull leveh What are these levels How vera they deterwlned If bull cited textbull table la incorrect for New England eolla

L) -10shy


Thie aection waa particulary difficult reading Rewriting of ny portions la necessary both for clarity of presentation conceptually and for copletlon

1) Dlacuaaion of groundvater doea not take into account the aetBlled tnfonaatton frora the residential or surface Witiriict lone

2) Interpretation of the data base omits there are limitations to our data Concluaiona of flow to the north bull bullY be due to the bias of our inatruaentation which ia physically located to the north

l) Dlacuaalon of regional flow needs to be expanded

U The conceptual odel chosen b parttlly correct but does not fit all the data The 3-D conceptualiaatton of the dike la lnconaiatent between text drawings and boring loge

5) The vertical flow le a aajor ccaponent of contbullinant bulligratlon at thie elte and the aeaaonal flip-flop of

middot gradientbull ie key tn underatandlng the aovbullent and water quality data acroaa the dike and at all aonltorlng wlle

) hplaln how the choice of contbullinanta dlacuaaed tn the text ta detemined Por bullbullbullple why ia there Halted diacuaalon of tnorgantca when Table 4-5 ahowa auch high Mtala lavale

7) Conclualona ahould incorporate the aajor regional flow diAction

0 -ll- middotJ

pound2 75) Note that the reference for all figures 1a incorrect

Where 1e scale N arrows and consistent labelling of key locat ton dent if tara

76) Sce of the data presented is not discussed a ie volatile mobility high metals trace PCBbullbull

77) Results conclude their are limits of contamination Define bullconttnation bull Justify limite

78) Pp 4-1411 The introductory paragraph needs to be rewritten Second paragraph - change bullchemical ccpoaittonbull to vater quality

79) Pp 4-2bull After (E i E) adda bullunder EPA contractbull conducted bullbullbull

79) Pp 4-2bull Regional Hydrogeobull After the lat paragraph 90 to Appendix ~1 thru D-6 and incorporate into the text s Appendix D for apecific ccenta and requested changes then go back to topo and drainage i

10) Pp 4-3 Topography and Drainagebull Rewrite Diacuaa ~ i regional groundwater flow- aibulllllar to Appendix D 13 j include deacrtptlon of drainage baaln recharge area aurface water and groundwater Dlacuaa aurface water overshy ~ I burden and bedrock aquifere and the lnterrelatedneaa of all of the above Include Brook waterahed ao that one can aM all recharge areaa

11) Pp t-4 Topography and Drainagebull Diacuaa that a 200 foot drop ln elevation fr011 the aite to outlet (Stlllvater i Reaervoir) within 1 12 ia a ateep regional gradient

i 12) Pp 4-4413bull Define bullgroaatybull contbullinated aoUa

Addbull The chlorinated aolventa were 110at prevalent bullin groundwaterbull with levela bullbull State bullthe ree~ended levelabull

(according to which atandarda) for the liated organica (which) unleaa hiatorical atandarda B bull I or G bull M uaed vary fr011

1985-86 atandarda

83) Pp 4-5 Firat aentence in t21 ahould read bullThe objective of the hydrogeologic investigation bullbullbull bull See editing on Pp C-6

84) Pp 4-7 Magnetonetrybull What ia the vertical extent vhich the aagnetoaetry aurvey ia able to characterize the dikes hydraulic conductivity



~- --- -----~- ________

0 -12shy

85) setbullie Studya Did the mapped bedrock surface baaed on aebaic data correlate vtth our well loge and other boring data bullsouthwestbull groundwater flow

86) Pigure 4-11 SCale North Reference h incorrect

87) Pp 4-t s What are the significant bedrock differences north and south of Latham Brook

88) Pp 4-9 GPR1 Plrat paragnph atatea could not use Second paragraph aucceaaful

89) In addition to Figure 4-2 would alao llke to aee figure will all bedrock wella (sampled) which includes private vella and all overburden vella with depth of walla (MSL) (screened intervale) Phyaical deacrlptlon bull boring loge Be conalatent with lanoubullilbullmiddot

90) Pp 4-11424 - att laat paragraphbull except for laat sentence of it

911 Pp 4-11Slte Ryltlroo See ay edltlng

92) Groundwater IIOVntbull Blialnate bulleo~~ptexbull before every bedrock atatbullant Bliainata worda auch bullbull bulla~arabull After thla atudy we are able to llltitti flow dlractiona Pirat aantenca tblrd paragraph Tjp4-1Z) Rewrite

=~=~hdtk= ~~kw~~~~ke ten~a ChooH Plow ia parallel apd perpendicular to dike

U) See edltlng ln ay copy Pp 4-12 thru 4-39

94) Appendix D-1 thru D-6 Tabla D-1 D-Z D-12 D-13 and D-77 juatUlcationa for drU11no locationbull and bull~bull drilling obaarvatlona (ia D-27 thru o-32) ahould be included in the text N-8E-W croaa-aactlona ahould be included in text

-13shy0 )


1 A brief summary of the number of realdencea within a 12 aile and one aile radius should be included with a statement that au residents within a 12 mile of the site are on p~~~~wella Thua the potential population at risk ia ___ persona

-2) FiQure 5-l ia difficult to read Which dot h which sample

I See c011111enta 130 thru 32 from the appendices review would be helpful to ahov overburdenva bedrock and to use a c011prohenaive map of ob wells on and off alta to dhtinguiah which are contulnated

3) The grouping of realdential walla needs further explanation Deep and shallow dealgnatlona aay be aialeadlng A bulldpbull well 40-60 rt ia auch aore related to a bullshallowbull well than a 400 foot wll

4) Incorporate new 186 data Rote the bullietakea between text figurea and table and correct thebull

5) Statnta about trenda etc ahould be followed by a concluaion

1) bullot ilil~r middot tDOitilftCi ta the intervration of other data froa h rooeo and aurface water aacttona into the analyaia lof reaidantial data Uttltaa 110nitoring well data and capan location of ill PW and 0t1 contbullinated walla and aurfaca middot l water atatioiiand diacuaa in potential regional hydrogeo j acanarto l

7) Concluaiona naad to be correlated with the larger picturebull ie regional flow and the bulloatlikely flow patha to tha aouthaaat i8) Por apecUic comMnta on section 5 aee bullY edited copy



Region I

DATpound1 March 4 1986

SUBJt Review of draft RI - ovta LiqUid waata Site

PROMa Suaan Pats EPA Site Manager

T01 Rick Cote COM

Aa diiiCuaaed previoualy I have arranged a aeettng on March 6 1986 with the COM hydrogaologiata and EPA hydroshygeologiata to cUacuaa and ctetenline the aoat appropriate conceptual hydrogeolootcal aodal for the alta - which will be the frwork fro which oat other concluliona are drawn The purpoaa of thia ttng at thie point in tibullbullbull t due bull to the lack of concurnnce between EPA and COM now that all the data haa been bull~riaad

Prior to our bullbullbullttng on reb 12 or 13th when EPA a and the Statebull a ~nta on the teat of the RI will be tranaferrad to you I wanted to autit c~nta which pertain to the five appendlcaa eo that rabulltalona could be atarted The following ~nta refer to Appendlcea A-1

0 -2- 0

General Coraaenta (Appendices)

The appendices have been auhllitted without conahtent coding ayat-bull to the text Boring logs which refer to old well I a should also be labelled with the COM nUllbering ayatea Residenshytial wells should clearly be labelled and use one system for descr-iption Name a should be omitted from the residential well data All tables should have keys on each page Information at the tops of pages are lost in the bindings Sobulle appendix aaterbla auch as sur-face water figures and au1111ary tables abould be included in the text Presentation of data should be tabularibulled in a aore readable fon~at Our vorking OAOC validation sheets are not appropriate


Apendlx 8

1) B-1-A clear figure (aap) vhich portrays all surface water atationa WithOUt data h needed The topographic upa should berii3i6le and the tributaries to Latham Brook clearly aeenl


2) A aap of the 8ftthmiddot8 drainage area showing the atte location on our E-W orientation map should be included The bullbtow-upbull area used in Figures in the text should be marked off on thia aap

3) Figure B-1 should extend data boxes outside the topographic area of interest and the aap should be legible bullNsbull locations should not have boxea but atationa ahould be labelled with approprbte tbulla An enlargeaent of the aap jaay be neceaaary ao that topographic linea and ayt~~bola are legible

4) Table B-3a Which are on va off-aite auplea l Table B-2bull llhy are leaa volatilebull liated on thia chart j

va Tablebull B-1 and B-3

Table B-1 through B-3 ahould be in the text 1li

5) surface Water Datal Before preaentatlon of RIDIM data location up of their a-pling pta on our aurface water bullbullP ahould be included il

6) B-56 ahould be put on data ahHt and titled (Handwritten title ahould not be in final) ll

7) B-57 through B-59bull BCJ lab reporta ahould be preceded I

with table of COMbull 1 bulla aatched to ICJ or GMB well la uae our location aapa for well locationbull inatead of B-59

I) Table X pp B-1271

a) Detea ahould be chronologically ordered

b) Are aoae atationa the ae but different la

c) Place a bullkeybull on each page

d) EPA - will we accept bullvbull category in thh report Why wabull thh done



0 -cshyJ

Apeftdh t

9) C-1bull Analytical SWIIIary Table ahould go in the text (c-24 through c-27)

10) Analytical sumaary Tableas Should other organic and inorganic compounds be included in the tables Why only those lieted

For inatancet Inorganlca- Cd Sn Ni Mg It Na etc

11) C-2 - ppa C-11 through C-18 should be omitted frOID Appendix

ApPftdb middoto

ilobu ec-enta refer to ~43 through ~284 only

cc-enta will be forwarded aoon which refer to D--1 through o-u

12) Dl - Boring logabull All loge should be coded to COM well bullbull well aa hiatorical nbullbera on loge

lJ) 02 - Seibulltc Study (alaup Report) bull Add to thta report a detailed aite P which ahowa locations of linea Pigure 4-1 in tM teat ta for gnetaetry Show or dtattnguaih on thia or other P the aelbulllc linea and label ao they can H correlated to pp ~176-171

14) Sartea of Static Water aaurntaa

Table 1 and Table 3 have very dUfe~ent HNU readtnoa for the vella lxplatn thia Did Auguat 1985 aaapling follow bull jor precipitation event (D--184 thru D-190)

15) There are too aany different tablea being called bullTable 1 bull Under bulla-arkabull what doea a blank apace aean

16) Both OW 76 and ow 78 ahov high lavale of VOAbullmiddot lxplain thia

17) on page D-192 bullTable tbull Depth of statlc water ahould continue to read bullfrc the top of caengbull on all pagea of the tablea

18) Where no HNU readinga taken (D-192 through 195)

19) Table D (pp D-196)1 There are errore in veil depths (ie ow-01 ow-25 ow-36 etc)



~ I I

-5shy0 lt)

20) Table D1 There are atgntflcant differences in meaaureshyaenta of the Billie well Explain these differences

21) Table D1 Include the year when meaaure11enta were taken

22) 04 - Monitoring Well Datal

Presentation of data should be tabularized in a more readable format our OAOC validation aheeta are not appropriate

23) ke aura auple nllllber le correlated to sample location aapa when llaklng up these charta It would be beat to tabulate contaalnatna found va a listing of priority pollutants each ttae

24) 05 - Analytical S~ary Tableas

Theae tables (l)o--271 throuh D-280) ahould be placed in the text

25) llhy are the nwaber of tnorganlca Hated on tables variable Co Se Rg are not on Table A Table 4 h ahdng Ba Cd cu Mg bullt amp Ra sn etc

21) tely are high lebullela of Aa Cr Co Rg IU Sn and Cd not dlacnaaaed In text

27) Table 4 nda a title

21) In Tablea A a ancs c differentiate between on and off-alte auplea

29) Table 41 Dlacuaa variation in SL-06 and BL-12 Variation looka Uke 20000 ppb

30) The aap on pp 1-3 ahould clearly identify all haea bull-pled by COM 1 not n-bullmiddot Correct the errorbull In Pigure 5-l frc the text and uae that inatead Make aura all dota (hoaea) have arrow to PWI If poaaible 110ve labela out ao topo bullapa can be aean near h011ea Include our al te boundary on bullap (not bull squarebull) aa ahovn on Figure 5-l Clearly label brook and roada

0 -6shy

31) ahould be 011ltted fr0111 all date aheeta CDM la ahould be uaed

32) See e~enta 122 and 23 and incorporate thera in thh aection Data aheeta which ahow conpounda detected va all capounda analysed would be eaeier reading and leaa volinoua

Aependii middot

33) Add to hiatortcal data BUJDary CDMa analyeie of theae paat findtnga Doea COM concur with early reporta Explain

~ i

i j


~ l

  1. barcode 566125
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 566125
Page 8: I UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY · the potential alao exhta for det11al expoaure to contaalnanta found In aolla on-aite and fro. the atreaJI vhich joina Lathu Brook









I 57)







r ~

middot )0 -middotshyFigure 3-3 Change references North orientation Scalea Add arrow to pit

P 3-14 Tables 3-3 thru 3-Sa Which results are August which are April1 Show average or typical values for each ccpound in different bulledia middot

P 3-16 Table 3-5a Why was Ra and Cd omitted Dhcuaa high levels of compounds ie Aa Cr Mn Hg Nl Sn etc

Figure 3-4z Change the reference Add scale north orientation location of brook and through end of lane should be shown in figure Label dhpoaal pita Update to show lane south of ahredder

Pp 3-lla TP-8- Define middot-aubull leveh of orientation

Pp 3-181 TP-9 Visual inspection of what More detatia about undisturbed aoUa etc needed Also hiatorical aerial photos Visual inspection does not verify that a atre- la a phyalcal and hydraulic barrier A atrbullbull channel probably la not a barrier to groundwater

Pp l-11bull w acceaa road aouthern acceaa road - shytoo bulluch confuaion where theae roada are and inconalatency in n-lng thbull throughout the report

Plgurbull ~ c~~ta frca 153 apply

3-7bull l-11

Pomiddot 3-211 TP-22bull Where aabullplea contlnated TP-211 Dont you bullbullan bullaouthweatbull corner

On what baaia were the deterwinatlona to aaple aoe pita and not othera bullbullde

Where ia the dlacuaalon of findingbull (vhual or otherwlae) for uneapled and unn~bered teat ~ita

LOcate teat pita 26 and 26A on flgurbullbullmiddot Diacuaa or bullbullntlon reaulta that trace level a of PCB a were found

Pp 3-251 uae updated number of drume Change bull2sobull to bullover 600 bull and update etatue Laat eentence of thie page ahould read1 bullTheee drums were removed fr011 the elte by EPA in January 1986 bull Ollit bullrestagingbull and change to bullatagingbull in previous sentence

I ~ I



I middot middot 1



~ I I

-9- 1)

63) Pp l-27a See bullY editing on page

64) Pp 3-27a The ridge line Does thle coincide with bullaouthern access roadbull

65) Pp 3-lOa TP-25 27 and 32 t Conclusion that contamination limited by topography and dumping technique may relate to

~t~~~bull ~~~middot~Zid middot ~~~Zrt~~~~u~ ~~~~t~roround-vater TP-28 29 and 31 - change to oil bullbearingbull gravel lena

66) Pp 3-36 Table 3-15a Omit bullactual extent of contamination and bull Laat aentence on this page ahould end at bulltram a localiaed apillbull

67) Table l-16a Differentiate if contuination h PCBa or paatlcldea Alao do the bullbullbull in Tablea 3-12 and 3-18

61) Pp 3-36a Define bullThe liaita of the altabull Raaardoua waate handling area lffected area

69) Pp 3-41 B Acceae Jtoada Juat becauae aubaotla are clean doea not an location ia clean at greater deptha ie groundwater below Mot enough data to verify concluaion

~=~~C ~a~~~=i~imiddot~~tO~~irb~~==-If= ~ can not write off bedrock aquifer

70 Pp 3-4la Referencebull to wetlandbull in thia aection ahould habulle a figure which ahova location both hiatorical and preaent aince they are available Where 1a the wetlanda aaaeant

7U Pp 3-Ua On what baaia waa 1500 cy determined Row clean 1a clean What 1a the cut off for leavino aoila behind Theae queationa apply to all quantitiea and areaa of aoil raoved ( ibullpoundbullent ridgeline and dr111 area) aa well

72) Row waa the nUilber of expected drWia to be encountered derived Ia it a conaervative eatibullate Realiatic


73) One large bullbullP vith all teatpit locationa would be ueeful

74) In all the tablee there la a key that metah were bullnot found above backgroundbull leveh What are these levels How vera they deterwlned If bull cited textbull table la incorrect for New England eolla

L) -10shy


Thie aection waa particulary difficult reading Rewriting of ny portions la necessary both for clarity of presentation conceptually and for copletlon

1) Dlacuaaion of groundvater doea not take into account the aetBlled tnfonaatton frora the residential or surface Witiriict lone

2) Interpretation of the data base omits there are limitations to our data Concluaiona of flow to the north bull bullY be due to the bias of our inatruaentation which ia physically located to the north

l) Dlacuaalon of regional flow needs to be expanded

U The conceptual odel chosen b parttlly correct but does not fit all the data The 3-D conceptualiaatton of the dike la lnconaiatent between text drawings and boring loge

5) The vertical flow le a aajor ccaponent of contbullinant bulligratlon at thie elte and the aeaaonal flip-flop of

middot gradientbull ie key tn underatandlng the aovbullent and water quality data acroaa the dike and at all aonltorlng wlle

) hplaln how the choice of contbullinanta dlacuaaed tn the text ta detemined Por bullbullbullple why ia there Halted diacuaalon of tnorgantca when Table 4-5 ahowa auch high Mtala lavale

7) Conclualona ahould incorporate the aajor regional flow diAction

0 -ll- middotJ

pound2 75) Note that the reference for all figures 1a incorrect

Where 1e scale N arrows and consistent labelling of key locat ton dent if tara

76) Sce of the data presented is not discussed a ie volatile mobility high metals trace PCBbullbull

77) Results conclude their are limits of contamination Define bullconttnation bull Justify limite

78) Pp 4-1411 The introductory paragraph needs to be rewritten Second paragraph - change bullchemical ccpoaittonbull to vater quality

79) Pp 4-2bull After (E i E) adda bullunder EPA contractbull conducted bullbullbull

79) Pp 4-2bull Regional Hydrogeobull After the lat paragraph 90 to Appendix ~1 thru D-6 and incorporate into the text s Appendix D for apecific ccenta and requested changes then go back to topo and drainage i

10) Pp 4-3 Topography and Drainagebull Rewrite Diacuaa ~ i regional groundwater flow- aibulllllar to Appendix D 13 j include deacrtptlon of drainage baaln recharge area aurface water and groundwater Dlacuaa aurface water overshy ~ I burden and bedrock aquifere and the lnterrelatedneaa of all of the above Include Brook waterahed ao that one can aM all recharge areaa

11) Pp t-4 Topography and Drainagebull Diacuaa that a 200 foot drop ln elevation fr011 the aite to outlet (Stlllvater i Reaervoir) within 1 12 ia a ateep regional gradient

i 12) Pp 4-4413bull Define bullgroaatybull contbullinated aoUa

Addbull The chlorinated aolventa were 110at prevalent bullin groundwaterbull with levela bullbull State bullthe ree~ended levelabull

(according to which atandarda) for the liated organica (which) unleaa hiatorical atandarda B bull I or G bull M uaed vary fr011

1985-86 atandarda

83) Pp 4-5 Firat aentence in t21 ahould read bullThe objective of the hydrogeologic investigation bullbullbull bull See editing on Pp C-6

84) Pp 4-7 Magnetonetrybull What ia the vertical extent vhich the aagnetoaetry aurvey ia able to characterize the dikes hydraulic conductivity



~- --- -----~- ________

0 -12shy

85) setbullie Studya Did the mapped bedrock surface baaed on aebaic data correlate vtth our well loge and other boring data bullsouthwestbull groundwater flow

86) Pigure 4-11 SCale North Reference h incorrect

87) Pp 4-t s What are the significant bedrock differences north and south of Latham Brook

88) Pp 4-9 GPR1 Plrat paragnph atatea could not use Second paragraph aucceaaful

89) In addition to Figure 4-2 would alao llke to aee figure will all bedrock wella (sampled) which includes private vella and all overburden vella with depth of walla (MSL) (screened intervale) Phyaical deacrlptlon bull boring loge Be conalatent with lanoubullilbullmiddot

90) Pp 4-11424 - att laat paragraphbull except for laat sentence of it

911 Pp 4-11Slte Ryltlroo See ay edltlng

92) Groundwater IIOVntbull Blialnate bulleo~~ptexbull before every bedrock atatbullant Bliainata worda auch bullbull bulla~arabull After thla atudy we are able to llltitti flow dlractiona Pirat aantenca tblrd paragraph Tjp4-1Z) Rewrite

=~=~hdtk= ~~kw~~~~ke ten~a ChooH Plow ia parallel apd perpendicular to dike

U) See edltlng ln ay copy Pp 4-12 thru 4-39

94) Appendix D-1 thru D-6 Tabla D-1 D-Z D-12 D-13 and D-77 juatUlcationa for drU11no locationbull and bull~bull drilling obaarvatlona (ia D-27 thru o-32) ahould be included in the text N-8E-W croaa-aactlona ahould be included in text

-13shy0 )


1 A brief summary of the number of realdencea within a 12 aile and one aile radius should be included with a statement that au residents within a 12 mile of the site are on p~~~~wella Thua the potential population at risk ia ___ persona

-2) FiQure 5-l ia difficult to read Which dot h which sample

I See c011111enta 130 thru 32 from the appendices review would be helpful to ahov overburdenva bedrock and to use a c011prohenaive map of ob wells on and off alta to dhtinguiah which are contulnated

3) The grouping of realdential walla needs further explanation Deep and shallow dealgnatlona aay be aialeadlng A bulldpbull well 40-60 rt ia auch aore related to a bullshallowbull well than a 400 foot wll

4) Incorporate new 186 data Rote the bullietakea between text figurea and table and correct thebull

5) Statnta about trenda etc ahould be followed by a concluaion

1) bullot ilil~r middot tDOitilftCi ta the intervration of other data froa h rooeo and aurface water aacttona into the analyaia lof reaidantial data Uttltaa 110nitoring well data and capan location of ill PW and 0t1 contbullinated walla and aurfaca middot l water atatioiiand diacuaa in potential regional hydrogeo j acanarto l

7) Concluaiona naad to be correlated with the larger picturebull ie regional flow and the bulloatlikely flow patha to tha aouthaaat i8) Por apecUic comMnta on section 5 aee bullY edited copy



Region I

DATpound1 March 4 1986

SUBJt Review of draft RI - ovta LiqUid waata Site

PROMa Suaan Pats EPA Site Manager

T01 Rick Cote COM

Aa diiiCuaaed previoualy I have arranged a aeettng on March 6 1986 with the COM hydrogaologiata and EPA hydroshygeologiata to cUacuaa and ctetenline the aoat appropriate conceptual hydrogeolootcal aodal for the alta - which will be the frwork fro which oat other concluliona are drawn The purpoaa of thia ttng at thie point in tibullbullbull t due bull to the lack of concurnnce between EPA and COM now that all the data haa been bull~riaad

Prior to our bullbullbullttng on reb 12 or 13th when EPA a and the Statebull a ~nta on the teat of the RI will be tranaferrad to you I wanted to autit c~nta which pertain to the five appendlcaa eo that rabulltalona could be atarted The following ~nta refer to Appendlcea A-1

0 -2- 0

General Coraaenta (Appendices)

The appendices have been auhllitted without conahtent coding ayat-bull to the text Boring logs which refer to old well I a should also be labelled with the COM nUllbering ayatea Residenshytial wells should clearly be labelled and use one system for descr-iption Name a should be omitted from the residential well data All tables should have keys on each page Information at the tops of pages are lost in the bindings Sobulle appendix aaterbla auch as sur-face water figures and au1111ary tables abould be included in the text Presentation of data should be tabularibulled in a aore readable fon~at Our vorking OAOC validation sheets are not appropriate


Apendlx 8

1) B-1-A clear figure (aap) vhich portrays all surface water atationa WithOUt data h needed The topographic upa should berii3i6le and the tributaries to Latham Brook clearly aeenl


2) A aap of the 8ftthmiddot8 drainage area showing the atte location on our E-W orientation map should be included The bullbtow-upbull area used in Figures in the text should be marked off on thia aap

3) Figure B-1 should extend data boxes outside the topographic area of interest and the aap should be legible bullNsbull locations should not have boxea but atationa ahould be labelled with approprbte tbulla An enlargeaent of the aap jaay be neceaaary ao that topographic linea and ayt~~bola are legible

4) Table B-3a Which are on va off-aite auplea l Table B-2bull llhy are leaa volatilebull liated on thia chart j

va Tablebull B-1 and B-3

Table B-1 through B-3 ahould be in the text 1li

5) surface Water Datal Before preaentatlon of RIDIM data location up of their a-pling pta on our aurface water bullbullP ahould be included il

6) B-56 ahould be put on data ahHt and titled (Handwritten title ahould not be in final) ll

7) B-57 through B-59bull BCJ lab reporta ahould be preceded I

with table of COMbull 1 bulla aatched to ICJ or GMB well la uae our location aapa for well locationbull inatead of B-59

I) Table X pp B-1271

a) Detea ahould be chronologically ordered

b) Are aoae atationa the ae but different la

c) Place a bullkeybull on each page

d) EPA - will we accept bullvbull category in thh report Why wabull thh done



0 -cshyJ

Apeftdh t

9) C-1bull Analytical SWIIIary Table ahould go in the text (c-24 through c-27)

10) Analytical sumaary Tableas Should other organic and inorganic compounds be included in the tables Why only those lieted

For inatancet Inorganlca- Cd Sn Ni Mg It Na etc

11) C-2 - ppa C-11 through C-18 should be omitted frOID Appendix

ApPftdb middoto

ilobu ec-enta refer to ~43 through ~284 only

cc-enta will be forwarded aoon which refer to D--1 through o-u

12) Dl - Boring logabull All loge should be coded to COM well bullbull well aa hiatorical nbullbera on loge

lJ) 02 - Seibulltc Study (alaup Report) bull Add to thta report a detailed aite P which ahowa locations of linea Pigure 4-1 in tM teat ta for gnetaetry Show or dtattnguaih on thia or other P the aelbulllc linea and label ao they can H correlated to pp ~176-171

14) Sartea of Static Water aaurntaa

Table 1 and Table 3 have very dUfe~ent HNU readtnoa for the vella lxplatn thia Did Auguat 1985 aaapling follow bull jor precipitation event (D--184 thru D-190)

15) There are too aany different tablea being called bullTable 1 bull Under bulla-arkabull what doea a blank apace aean

16) Both OW 76 and ow 78 ahov high lavale of VOAbullmiddot lxplain thia

17) on page D-192 bullTable tbull Depth of statlc water ahould continue to read bullfrc the top of caengbull on all pagea of the tablea

18) Where no HNU readinga taken (D-192 through 195)

19) Table D (pp D-196)1 There are errore in veil depths (ie ow-01 ow-25 ow-36 etc)



~ I I

-5shy0 lt)

20) Table D1 There are atgntflcant differences in meaaureshyaenta of the Billie well Explain these differences

21) Table D1 Include the year when meaaure11enta were taken

22) 04 - Monitoring Well Datal

Presentation of data should be tabularized in a more readable format our OAOC validation aheeta are not appropriate

23) ke aura auple nllllber le correlated to sample location aapa when llaklng up these charta It would be beat to tabulate contaalnatna found va a listing of priority pollutants each ttae

24) 05 - Analytical S~ary Tableas

Theae tables (l)o--271 throuh D-280) ahould be placed in the text

25) llhy are the nwaber of tnorganlca Hated on tables variable Co Se Rg are not on Table A Table 4 h ahdng Ba Cd cu Mg bullt amp Ra sn etc

21) tely are high lebullela of Aa Cr Co Rg IU Sn and Cd not dlacnaaaed In text

27) Table 4 nda a title

21) In Tablea A a ancs c differentiate between on and off-alte auplea

29) Table 41 Dlacuaa variation in SL-06 and BL-12 Variation looka Uke 20000 ppb

30) The aap on pp 1-3 ahould clearly identify all haea bull-pled by COM 1 not n-bullmiddot Correct the errorbull In Pigure 5-l frc the text and uae that inatead Make aura all dota (hoaea) have arrow to PWI If poaaible 110ve labela out ao topo bullapa can be aean near h011ea Include our al te boundary on bullap (not bull squarebull) aa ahovn on Figure 5-l Clearly label brook and roada

0 -6shy

31) ahould be 011ltted fr0111 all date aheeta CDM la ahould be uaed

32) See e~enta 122 and 23 and incorporate thera in thh aection Data aheeta which ahow conpounda detected va all capounda analysed would be eaeier reading and leaa volinoua

Aependii middot

33) Add to hiatortcal data BUJDary CDMa analyeie of theae paat findtnga Doea COM concur with early reporta Explain

~ i

i j


~ l

  1. barcode 566125
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 566125
Page 9: I UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY · the potential alao exhta for det11al expoaure to contaalnanta found In aolla on-aite and fro. the atreaJI vhich joina Lathu Brook


~ I I

-9- 1)

63) Pp l-27a See bullY editing on page

64) Pp 3-27a The ridge line Does thle coincide with bullaouthern access roadbull

65) Pp 3-lOa TP-25 27 and 32 t Conclusion that contamination limited by topography and dumping technique may relate to

~t~~~bull ~~~middot~Zid middot ~~~Zrt~~~~u~ ~~~~t~roround-vater TP-28 29 and 31 - change to oil bullbearingbull gravel lena

66) Pp 3-36 Table 3-15a Omit bullactual extent of contamination and bull Laat aentence on this page ahould end at bulltram a localiaed apillbull

67) Table l-16a Differentiate if contuination h PCBa or paatlcldea Alao do the bullbullbull in Tablea 3-12 and 3-18

61) Pp 3-36a Define bullThe liaita of the altabull Raaardoua waate handling area lffected area

69) Pp 3-41 B Acceae Jtoada Juat becauae aubaotla are clean doea not an location ia clean at greater deptha ie groundwater below Mot enough data to verify concluaion

~=~~C ~a~~~=i~imiddot~~tO~~irb~~==-If= ~ can not write off bedrock aquifer

70 Pp 3-4la Referencebull to wetlandbull in thia aection ahould habulle a figure which ahova location both hiatorical and preaent aince they are available Where 1a the wetlanda aaaeant

7U Pp 3-Ua On what baaia waa 1500 cy determined Row clean 1a clean What 1a the cut off for leavino aoila behind Theae queationa apply to all quantitiea and areaa of aoil raoved ( ibullpoundbullent ridgeline and dr111 area) aa well

72) Row waa the nUilber of expected drWia to be encountered derived Ia it a conaervative eatibullate Realiatic


73) One large bullbullP vith all teatpit locationa would be ueeful

74) In all the tablee there la a key that metah were bullnot found above backgroundbull leveh What are these levels How vera they deterwlned If bull cited textbull table la incorrect for New England eolla

L) -10shy


Thie aection waa particulary difficult reading Rewriting of ny portions la necessary both for clarity of presentation conceptually and for copletlon

1) Dlacuaaion of groundvater doea not take into account the aetBlled tnfonaatton frora the residential or surface Witiriict lone

2) Interpretation of the data base omits there are limitations to our data Concluaiona of flow to the north bull bullY be due to the bias of our inatruaentation which ia physically located to the north

l) Dlacuaalon of regional flow needs to be expanded

U The conceptual odel chosen b parttlly correct but does not fit all the data The 3-D conceptualiaatton of the dike la lnconaiatent between text drawings and boring loge

5) The vertical flow le a aajor ccaponent of contbullinant bulligratlon at thie elte and the aeaaonal flip-flop of

middot gradientbull ie key tn underatandlng the aovbullent and water quality data acroaa the dike and at all aonltorlng wlle

) hplaln how the choice of contbullinanta dlacuaaed tn the text ta detemined Por bullbullbullple why ia there Halted diacuaalon of tnorgantca when Table 4-5 ahowa auch high Mtala lavale

7) Conclualona ahould incorporate the aajor regional flow diAction

0 -ll- middotJ

pound2 75) Note that the reference for all figures 1a incorrect

Where 1e scale N arrows and consistent labelling of key locat ton dent if tara

76) Sce of the data presented is not discussed a ie volatile mobility high metals trace PCBbullbull

77) Results conclude their are limits of contamination Define bullconttnation bull Justify limite

78) Pp 4-1411 The introductory paragraph needs to be rewritten Second paragraph - change bullchemical ccpoaittonbull to vater quality

79) Pp 4-2bull After (E i E) adda bullunder EPA contractbull conducted bullbullbull

79) Pp 4-2bull Regional Hydrogeobull After the lat paragraph 90 to Appendix ~1 thru D-6 and incorporate into the text s Appendix D for apecific ccenta and requested changes then go back to topo and drainage i

10) Pp 4-3 Topography and Drainagebull Rewrite Diacuaa ~ i regional groundwater flow- aibulllllar to Appendix D 13 j include deacrtptlon of drainage baaln recharge area aurface water and groundwater Dlacuaa aurface water overshy ~ I burden and bedrock aquifere and the lnterrelatedneaa of all of the above Include Brook waterahed ao that one can aM all recharge areaa

11) Pp t-4 Topography and Drainagebull Diacuaa that a 200 foot drop ln elevation fr011 the aite to outlet (Stlllvater i Reaervoir) within 1 12 ia a ateep regional gradient

i 12) Pp 4-4413bull Define bullgroaatybull contbullinated aoUa

Addbull The chlorinated aolventa were 110at prevalent bullin groundwaterbull with levela bullbull State bullthe ree~ended levelabull

(according to which atandarda) for the liated organica (which) unleaa hiatorical atandarda B bull I or G bull M uaed vary fr011

1985-86 atandarda

83) Pp 4-5 Firat aentence in t21 ahould read bullThe objective of the hydrogeologic investigation bullbullbull bull See editing on Pp C-6

84) Pp 4-7 Magnetonetrybull What ia the vertical extent vhich the aagnetoaetry aurvey ia able to characterize the dikes hydraulic conductivity



~- --- -----~- ________

0 -12shy

85) setbullie Studya Did the mapped bedrock surface baaed on aebaic data correlate vtth our well loge and other boring data bullsouthwestbull groundwater flow

86) Pigure 4-11 SCale North Reference h incorrect

87) Pp 4-t s What are the significant bedrock differences north and south of Latham Brook

88) Pp 4-9 GPR1 Plrat paragnph atatea could not use Second paragraph aucceaaful

89) In addition to Figure 4-2 would alao llke to aee figure will all bedrock wella (sampled) which includes private vella and all overburden vella with depth of walla (MSL) (screened intervale) Phyaical deacrlptlon bull boring loge Be conalatent with lanoubullilbullmiddot

90) Pp 4-11424 - att laat paragraphbull except for laat sentence of it

911 Pp 4-11Slte Ryltlroo See ay edltlng

92) Groundwater IIOVntbull Blialnate bulleo~~ptexbull before every bedrock atatbullant Bliainata worda auch bullbull bulla~arabull After thla atudy we are able to llltitti flow dlractiona Pirat aantenca tblrd paragraph Tjp4-1Z) Rewrite

=~=~hdtk= ~~kw~~~~ke ten~a ChooH Plow ia parallel apd perpendicular to dike

U) See edltlng ln ay copy Pp 4-12 thru 4-39

94) Appendix D-1 thru D-6 Tabla D-1 D-Z D-12 D-13 and D-77 juatUlcationa for drU11no locationbull and bull~bull drilling obaarvatlona (ia D-27 thru o-32) ahould be included in the text N-8E-W croaa-aactlona ahould be included in text

-13shy0 )


1 A brief summary of the number of realdencea within a 12 aile and one aile radius should be included with a statement that au residents within a 12 mile of the site are on p~~~~wella Thua the potential population at risk ia ___ persona

-2) FiQure 5-l ia difficult to read Which dot h which sample

I See c011111enta 130 thru 32 from the appendices review would be helpful to ahov overburdenva bedrock and to use a c011prohenaive map of ob wells on and off alta to dhtinguiah which are contulnated

3) The grouping of realdential walla needs further explanation Deep and shallow dealgnatlona aay be aialeadlng A bulldpbull well 40-60 rt ia auch aore related to a bullshallowbull well than a 400 foot wll

4) Incorporate new 186 data Rote the bullietakea between text figurea and table and correct thebull

5) Statnta about trenda etc ahould be followed by a concluaion

1) bullot ilil~r middot tDOitilftCi ta the intervration of other data froa h rooeo and aurface water aacttona into the analyaia lof reaidantial data Uttltaa 110nitoring well data and capan location of ill PW and 0t1 contbullinated walla and aurfaca middot l water atatioiiand diacuaa in potential regional hydrogeo j acanarto l

7) Concluaiona naad to be correlated with the larger picturebull ie regional flow and the bulloatlikely flow patha to tha aouthaaat i8) Por apecUic comMnta on section 5 aee bullY edited copy



Region I

DATpound1 March 4 1986

SUBJt Review of draft RI - ovta LiqUid waata Site

PROMa Suaan Pats EPA Site Manager

T01 Rick Cote COM

Aa diiiCuaaed previoualy I have arranged a aeettng on March 6 1986 with the COM hydrogaologiata and EPA hydroshygeologiata to cUacuaa and ctetenline the aoat appropriate conceptual hydrogeolootcal aodal for the alta - which will be the frwork fro which oat other concluliona are drawn The purpoaa of thia ttng at thie point in tibullbullbull t due bull to the lack of concurnnce between EPA and COM now that all the data haa been bull~riaad

Prior to our bullbullbullttng on reb 12 or 13th when EPA a and the Statebull a ~nta on the teat of the RI will be tranaferrad to you I wanted to autit c~nta which pertain to the five appendlcaa eo that rabulltalona could be atarted The following ~nta refer to Appendlcea A-1

0 -2- 0

General Coraaenta (Appendices)

The appendices have been auhllitted without conahtent coding ayat-bull to the text Boring logs which refer to old well I a should also be labelled with the COM nUllbering ayatea Residenshytial wells should clearly be labelled and use one system for descr-iption Name a should be omitted from the residential well data All tables should have keys on each page Information at the tops of pages are lost in the bindings Sobulle appendix aaterbla auch as sur-face water figures and au1111ary tables abould be included in the text Presentation of data should be tabularibulled in a aore readable fon~at Our vorking OAOC validation sheets are not appropriate


Apendlx 8

1) B-1-A clear figure (aap) vhich portrays all surface water atationa WithOUt data h needed The topographic upa should berii3i6le and the tributaries to Latham Brook clearly aeenl


2) A aap of the 8ftthmiddot8 drainage area showing the atte location on our E-W orientation map should be included The bullbtow-upbull area used in Figures in the text should be marked off on thia aap

3) Figure B-1 should extend data boxes outside the topographic area of interest and the aap should be legible bullNsbull locations should not have boxea but atationa ahould be labelled with approprbte tbulla An enlargeaent of the aap jaay be neceaaary ao that topographic linea and ayt~~bola are legible

4) Table B-3a Which are on va off-aite auplea l Table B-2bull llhy are leaa volatilebull liated on thia chart j

va Tablebull B-1 and B-3

Table B-1 through B-3 ahould be in the text 1li

5) surface Water Datal Before preaentatlon of RIDIM data location up of their a-pling pta on our aurface water bullbullP ahould be included il

6) B-56 ahould be put on data ahHt and titled (Handwritten title ahould not be in final) ll

7) B-57 through B-59bull BCJ lab reporta ahould be preceded I

with table of COMbull 1 bulla aatched to ICJ or GMB well la uae our location aapa for well locationbull inatead of B-59

I) Table X pp B-1271

a) Detea ahould be chronologically ordered

b) Are aoae atationa the ae but different la

c) Place a bullkeybull on each page

d) EPA - will we accept bullvbull category in thh report Why wabull thh done



0 -cshyJ

Apeftdh t

9) C-1bull Analytical SWIIIary Table ahould go in the text (c-24 through c-27)

10) Analytical sumaary Tableas Should other organic and inorganic compounds be included in the tables Why only those lieted

For inatancet Inorganlca- Cd Sn Ni Mg It Na etc

11) C-2 - ppa C-11 through C-18 should be omitted frOID Appendix

ApPftdb middoto

ilobu ec-enta refer to ~43 through ~284 only

cc-enta will be forwarded aoon which refer to D--1 through o-u

12) Dl - Boring logabull All loge should be coded to COM well bullbull well aa hiatorical nbullbera on loge

lJ) 02 - Seibulltc Study (alaup Report) bull Add to thta report a detailed aite P which ahowa locations of linea Pigure 4-1 in tM teat ta for gnetaetry Show or dtattnguaih on thia or other P the aelbulllc linea and label ao they can H correlated to pp ~176-171

14) Sartea of Static Water aaurntaa

Table 1 and Table 3 have very dUfe~ent HNU readtnoa for the vella lxplatn thia Did Auguat 1985 aaapling follow bull jor precipitation event (D--184 thru D-190)

15) There are too aany different tablea being called bullTable 1 bull Under bulla-arkabull what doea a blank apace aean

16) Both OW 76 and ow 78 ahov high lavale of VOAbullmiddot lxplain thia

17) on page D-192 bullTable tbull Depth of statlc water ahould continue to read bullfrc the top of caengbull on all pagea of the tablea

18) Where no HNU readinga taken (D-192 through 195)

19) Table D (pp D-196)1 There are errore in veil depths (ie ow-01 ow-25 ow-36 etc)



~ I I

-5shy0 lt)

20) Table D1 There are atgntflcant differences in meaaureshyaenta of the Billie well Explain these differences

21) Table D1 Include the year when meaaure11enta were taken

22) 04 - Monitoring Well Datal

Presentation of data should be tabularized in a more readable format our OAOC validation aheeta are not appropriate

23) ke aura auple nllllber le correlated to sample location aapa when llaklng up these charta It would be beat to tabulate contaalnatna found va a listing of priority pollutants each ttae

24) 05 - Analytical S~ary Tableas

Theae tables (l)o--271 throuh D-280) ahould be placed in the text

25) llhy are the nwaber of tnorganlca Hated on tables variable Co Se Rg are not on Table A Table 4 h ahdng Ba Cd cu Mg bullt amp Ra sn etc

21) tely are high lebullela of Aa Cr Co Rg IU Sn and Cd not dlacnaaaed In text

27) Table 4 nda a title

21) In Tablea A a ancs c differentiate between on and off-alte auplea

29) Table 41 Dlacuaa variation in SL-06 and BL-12 Variation looka Uke 20000 ppb

30) The aap on pp 1-3 ahould clearly identify all haea bull-pled by COM 1 not n-bullmiddot Correct the errorbull In Pigure 5-l frc the text and uae that inatead Make aura all dota (hoaea) have arrow to PWI If poaaible 110ve labela out ao topo bullapa can be aean near h011ea Include our al te boundary on bullap (not bull squarebull) aa ahovn on Figure 5-l Clearly label brook and roada

0 -6shy

31) ahould be 011ltted fr0111 all date aheeta CDM la ahould be uaed

32) See e~enta 122 and 23 and incorporate thera in thh aection Data aheeta which ahow conpounda detected va all capounda analysed would be eaeier reading and leaa volinoua

Aependii middot

33) Add to hiatortcal data BUJDary CDMa analyeie of theae paat findtnga Doea COM concur with early reporta Explain

~ i

i j


~ l

  1. barcode 566125
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 566125
Page 10: I UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY · the potential alao exhta for det11al expoaure to contaalnanta found In aolla on-aite and fro. the atreaJI vhich joina Lathu Brook

L) -10shy


Thie aection waa particulary difficult reading Rewriting of ny portions la necessary both for clarity of presentation conceptually and for copletlon

1) Dlacuaaion of groundvater doea not take into account the aetBlled tnfonaatton frora the residential or surface Witiriict lone

2) Interpretation of the data base omits there are limitations to our data Concluaiona of flow to the north bull bullY be due to the bias of our inatruaentation which ia physically located to the north

l) Dlacuaalon of regional flow needs to be expanded

U The conceptual odel chosen b parttlly correct but does not fit all the data The 3-D conceptualiaatton of the dike la lnconaiatent between text drawings and boring loge

5) The vertical flow le a aajor ccaponent of contbullinant bulligratlon at thie elte and the aeaaonal flip-flop of

middot gradientbull ie key tn underatandlng the aovbullent and water quality data acroaa the dike and at all aonltorlng wlle

) hplaln how the choice of contbullinanta dlacuaaed tn the text ta detemined Por bullbullbullple why ia there Halted diacuaalon of tnorgantca when Table 4-5 ahowa auch high Mtala lavale

7) Conclualona ahould incorporate the aajor regional flow diAction

0 -ll- middotJ

pound2 75) Note that the reference for all figures 1a incorrect

Where 1e scale N arrows and consistent labelling of key locat ton dent if tara

76) Sce of the data presented is not discussed a ie volatile mobility high metals trace PCBbullbull

77) Results conclude their are limits of contamination Define bullconttnation bull Justify limite

78) Pp 4-1411 The introductory paragraph needs to be rewritten Second paragraph - change bullchemical ccpoaittonbull to vater quality

79) Pp 4-2bull After (E i E) adda bullunder EPA contractbull conducted bullbullbull

79) Pp 4-2bull Regional Hydrogeobull After the lat paragraph 90 to Appendix ~1 thru D-6 and incorporate into the text s Appendix D for apecific ccenta and requested changes then go back to topo and drainage i

10) Pp 4-3 Topography and Drainagebull Rewrite Diacuaa ~ i regional groundwater flow- aibulllllar to Appendix D 13 j include deacrtptlon of drainage baaln recharge area aurface water and groundwater Dlacuaa aurface water overshy ~ I burden and bedrock aquifere and the lnterrelatedneaa of all of the above Include Brook waterahed ao that one can aM all recharge areaa

11) Pp t-4 Topography and Drainagebull Diacuaa that a 200 foot drop ln elevation fr011 the aite to outlet (Stlllvater i Reaervoir) within 1 12 ia a ateep regional gradient

i 12) Pp 4-4413bull Define bullgroaatybull contbullinated aoUa

Addbull The chlorinated aolventa were 110at prevalent bullin groundwaterbull with levela bullbull State bullthe ree~ended levelabull

(according to which atandarda) for the liated organica (which) unleaa hiatorical atandarda B bull I or G bull M uaed vary fr011

1985-86 atandarda

83) Pp 4-5 Firat aentence in t21 ahould read bullThe objective of the hydrogeologic investigation bullbullbull bull See editing on Pp C-6

84) Pp 4-7 Magnetonetrybull What ia the vertical extent vhich the aagnetoaetry aurvey ia able to characterize the dikes hydraulic conductivity



~- --- -----~- ________

0 -12shy

85) setbullie Studya Did the mapped bedrock surface baaed on aebaic data correlate vtth our well loge and other boring data bullsouthwestbull groundwater flow

86) Pigure 4-11 SCale North Reference h incorrect

87) Pp 4-t s What are the significant bedrock differences north and south of Latham Brook

88) Pp 4-9 GPR1 Plrat paragnph atatea could not use Second paragraph aucceaaful

89) In addition to Figure 4-2 would alao llke to aee figure will all bedrock wella (sampled) which includes private vella and all overburden vella with depth of walla (MSL) (screened intervale) Phyaical deacrlptlon bull boring loge Be conalatent with lanoubullilbullmiddot

90) Pp 4-11424 - att laat paragraphbull except for laat sentence of it

911 Pp 4-11Slte Ryltlroo See ay edltlng

92) Groundwater IIOVntbull Blialnate bulleo~~ptexbull before every bedrock atatbullant Bliainata worda auch bullbull bulla~arabull After thla atudy we are able to llltitti flow dlractiona Pirat aantenca tblrd paragraph Tjp4-1Z) Rewrite

=~=~hdtk= ~~kw~~~~ke ten~a ChooH Plow ia parallel apd perpendicular to dike

U) See edltlng ln ay copy Pp 4-12 thru 4-39

94) Appendix D-1 thru D-6 Tabla D-1 D-Z D-12 D-13 and D-77 juatUlcationa for drU11no locationbull and bull~bull drilling obaarvatlona (ia D-27 thru o-32) ahould be included in the text N-8E-W croaa-aactlona ahould be included in text

-13shy0 )


1 A brief summary of the number of realdencea within a 12 aile and one aile radius should be included with a statement that au residents within a 12 mile of the site are on p~~~~wella Thua the potential population at risk ia ___ persona

-2) FiQure 5-l ia difficult to read Which dot h which sample

I See c011111enta 130 thru 32 from the appendices review would be helpful to ahov overburdenva bedrock and to use a c011prohenaive map of ob wells on and off alta to dhtinguiah which are contulnated

3) The grouping of realdential walla needs further explanation Deep and shallow dealgnatlona aay be aialeadlng A bulldpbull well 40-60 rt ia auch aore related to a bullshallowbull well than a 400 foot wll

4) Incorporate new 186 data Rote the bullietakea between text figurea and table and correct thebull

5) Statnta about trenda etc ahould be followed by a concluaion

1) bullot ilil~r middot tDOitilftCi ta the intervration of other data froa h rooeo and aurface water aacttona into the analyaia lof reaidantial data Uttltaa 110nitoring well data and capan location of ill PW and 0t1 contbullinated walla and aurfaca middot l water atatioiiand diacuaa in potential regional hydrogeo j acanarto l

7) Concluaiona naad to be correlated with the larger picturebull ie regional flow and the bulloatlikely flow patha to tha aouthaaat i8) Por apecUic comMnta on section 5 aee bullY edited copy



Region I

DATpound1 March 4 1986

SUBJt Review of draft RI - ovta LiqUid waata Site

PROMa Suaan Pats EPA Site Manager

T01 Rick Cote COM

Aa diiiCuaaed previoualy I have arranged a aeettng on March 6 1986 with the COM hydrogaologiata and EPA hydroshygeologiata to cUacuaa and ctetenline the aoat appropriate conceptual hydrogeolootcal aodal for the alta - which will be the frwork fro which oat other concluliona are drawn The purpoaa of thia ttng at thie point in tibullbullbull t due bull to the lack of concurnnce between EPA and COM now that all the data haa been bull~riaad

Prior to our bullbullbullttng on reb 12 or 13th when EPA a and the Statebull a ~nta on the teat of the RI will be tranaferrad to you I wanted to autit c~nta which pertain to the five appendlcaa eo that rabulltalona could be atarted The following ~nta refer to Appendlcea A-1

0 -2- 0

General Coraaenta (Appendices)

The appendices have been auhllitted without conahtent coding ayat-bull to the text Boring logs which refer to old well I a should also be labelled with the COM nUllbering ayatea Residenshytial wells should clearly be labelled and use one system for descr-iption Name a should be omitted from the residential well data All tables should have keys on each page Information at the tops of pages are lost in the bindings Sobulle appendix aaterbla auch as sur-face water figures and au1111ary tables abould be included in the text Presentation of data should be tabularibulled in a aore readable fon~at Our vorking OAOC validation sheets are not appropriate


Apendlx 8

1) B-1-A clear figure (aap) vhich portrays all surface water atationa WithOUt data h needed The topographic upa should berii3i6le and the tributaries to Latham Brook clearly aeenl


2) A aap of the 8ftthmiddot8 drainage area showing the atte location on our E-W orientation map should be included The bullbtow-upbull area used in Figures in the text should be marked off on thia aap

3) Figure B-1 should extend data boxes outside the topographic area of interest and the aap should be legible bullNsbull locations should not have boxea but atationa ahould be labelled with approprbte tbulla An enlargeaent of the aap jaay be neceaaary ao that topographic linea and ayt~~bola are legible

4) Table B-3a Which are on va off-aite auplea l Table B-2bull llhy are leaa volatilebull liated on thia chart j

va Tablebull B-1 and B-3

Table B-1 through B-3 ahould be in the text 1li

5) surface Water Datal Before preaentatlon of RIDIM data location up of their a-pling pta on our aurface water bullbullP ahould be included il

6) B-56 ahould be put on data ahHt and titled (Handwritten title ahould not be in final) ll

7) B-57 through B-59bull BCJ lab reporta ahould be preceded I

with table of COMbull 1 bulla aatched to ICJ or GMB well la uae our location aapa for well locationbull inatead of B-59

I) Table X pp B-1271

a) Detea ahould be chronologically ordered

b) Are aoae atationa the ae but different la

c) Place a bullkeybull on each page

d) EPA - will we accept bullvbull category in thh report Why wabull thh done



0 -cshyJ

Apeftdh t

9) C-1bull Analytical SWIIIary Table ahould go in the text (c-24 through c-27)

10) Analytical sumaary Tableas Should other organic and inorganic compounds be included in the tables Why only those lieted

For inatancet Inorganlca- Cd Sn Ni Mg It Na etc

11) C-2 - ppa C-11 through C-18 should be omitted frOID Appendix

ApPftdb middoto

ilobu ec-enta refer to ~43 through ~284 only

cc-enta will be forwarded aoon which refer to D--1 through o-u

12) Dl - Boring logabull All loge should be coded to COM well bullbull well aa hiatorical nbullbera on loge

lJ) 02 - Seibulltc Study (alaup Report) bull Add to thta report a detailed aite P which ahowa locations of linea Pigure 4-1 in tM teat ta for gnetaetry Show or dtattnguaih on thia or other P the aelbulllc linea and label ao they can H correlated to pp ~176-171

14) Sartea of Static Water aaurntaa

Table 1 and Table 3 have very dUfe~ent HNU readtnoa for the vella lxplatn thia Did Auguat 1985 aaapling follow bull jor precipitation event (D--184 thru D-190)

15) There are too aany different tablea being called bullTable 1 bull Under bulla-arkabull what doea a blank apace aean

16) Both OW 76 and ow 78 ahov high lavale of VOAbullmiddot lxplain thia

17) on page D-192 bullTable tbull Depth of statlc water ahould continue to read bullfrc the top of caengbull on all pagea of the tablea

18) Where no HNU readinga taken (D-192 through 195)

19) Table D (pp D-196)1 There are errore in veil depths (ie ow-01 ow-25 ow-36 etc)



~ I I

-5shy0 lt)

20) Table D1 There are atgntflcant differences in meaaureshyaenta of the Billie well Explain these differences

21) Table D1 Include the year when meaaure11enta were taken

22) 04 - Monitoring Well Datal

Presentation of data should be tabularized in a more readable format our OAOC validation aheeta are not appropriate

23) ke aura auple nllllber le correlated to sample location aapa when llaklng up these charta It would be beat to tabulate contaalnatna found va a listing of priority pollutants each ttae

24) 05 - Analytical S~ary Tableas

Theae tables (l)o--271 throuh D-280) ahould be placed in the text

25) llhy are the nwaber of tnorganlca Hated on tables variable Co Se Rg are not on Table A Table 4 h ahdng Ba Cd cu Mg bullt amp Ra sn etc

21) tely are high lebullela of Aa Cr Co Rg IU Sn and Cd not dlacnaaaed In text

27) Table 4 nda a title

21) In Tablea A a ancs c differentiate between on and off-alte auplea

29) Table 41 Dlacuaa variation in SL-06 and BL-12 Variation looka Uke 20000 ppb

30) The aap on pp 1-3 ahould clearly identify all haea bull-pled by COM 1 not n-bullmiddot Correct the errorbull In Pigure 5-l frc the text and uae that inatead Make aura all dota (hoaea) have arrow to PWI If poaaible 110ve labela out ao topo bullapa can be aean near h011ea Include our al te boundary on bullap (not bull squarebull) aa ahovn on Figure 5-l Clearly label brook and roada

0 -6shy

31) ahould be 011ltted fr0111 all date aheeta CDM la ahould be uaed

32) See e~enta 122 and 23 and incorporate thera in thh aection Data aheeta which ahow conpounda detected va all capounda analysed would be eaeier reading and leaa volinoua

Aependii middot

33) Add to hiatortcal data BUJDary CDMa analyeie of theae paat findtnga Doea COM concur with early reporta Explain

~ i

i j


~ l

  1. barcode 566125
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 566125
Page 11: I UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY · the potential alao exhta for det11al expoaure to contaalnanta found In aolla on-aite and fro. the atreaJI vhich joina Lathu Brook

0 -ll- middotJ

pound2 75) Note that the reference for all figures 1a incorrect

Where 1e scale N arrows and consistent labelling of key locat ton dent if tara

76) Sce of the data presented is not discussed a ie volatile mobility high metals trace PCBbullbull

77) Results conclude their are limits of contamination Define bullconttnation bull Justify limite

78) Pp 4-1411 The introductory paragraph needs to be rewritten Second paragraph - change bullchemical ccpoaittonbull to vater quality

79) Pp 4-2bull After (E i E) adda bullunder EPA contractbull conducted bullbullbull

79) Pp 4-2bull Regional Hydrogeobull After the lat paragraph 90 to Appendix ~1 thru D-6 and incorporate into the text s Appendix D for apecific ccenta and requested changes then go back to topo and drainage i

10) Pp 4-3 Topography and Drainagebull Rewrite Diacuaa ~ i regional groundwater flow- aibulllllar to Appendix D 13 j include deacrtptlon of drainage baaln recharge area aurface water and groundwater Dlacuaa aurface water overshy ~ I burden and bedrock aquifere and the lnterrelatedneaa of all of the above Include Brook waterahed ao that one can aM all recharge areaa

11) Pp t-4 Topography and Drainagebull Diacuaa that a 200 foot drop ln elevation fr011 the aite to outlet (Stlllvater i Reaervoir) within 1 12 ia a ateep regional gradient

i 12) Pp 4-4413bull Define bullgroaatybull contbullinated aoUa

Addbull The chlorinated aolventa were 110at prevalent bullin groundwaterbull with levela bullbull State bullthe ree~ended levelabull

(according to which atandarda) for the liated organica (which) unleaa hiatorical atandarda B bull I or G bull M uaed vary fr011

1985-86 atandarda

83) Pp 4-5 Firat aentence in t21 ahould read bullThe objective of the hydrogeologic investigation bullbullbull bull See editing on Pp C-6

84) Pp 4-7 Magnetonetrybull What ia the vertical extent vhich the aagnetoaetry aurvey ia able to characterize the dikes hydraulic conductivity



~- --- -----~- ________

0 -12shy

85) setbullie Studya Did the mapped bedrock surface baaed on aebaic data correlate vtth our well loge and other boring data bullsouthwestbull groundwater flow

86) Pigure 4-11 SCale North Reference h incorrect

87) Pp 4-t s What are the significant bedrock differences north and south of Latham Brook

88) Pp 4-9 GPR1 Plrat paragnph atatea could not use Second paragraph aucceaaful

89) In addition to Figure 4-2 would alao llke to aee figure will all bedrock wella (sampled) which includes private vella and all overburden vella with depth of walla (MSL) (screened intervale) Phyaical deacrlptlon bull boring loge Be conalatent with lanoubullilbullmiddot

90) Pp 4-11424 - att laat paragraphbull except for laat sentence of it

911 Pp 4-11Slte Ryltlroo See ay edltlng

92) Groundwater IIOVntbull Blialnate bulleo~~ptexbull before every bedrock atatbullant Bliainata worda auch bullbull bulla~arabull After thla atudy we are able to llltitti flow dlractiona Pirat aantenca tblrd paragraph Tjp4-1Z) Rewrite

=~=~hdtk= ~~kw~~~~ke ten~a ChooH Plow ia parallel apd perpendicular to dike

U) See edltlng ln ay copy Pp 4-12 thru 4-39

94) Appendix D-1 thru D-6 Tabla D-1 D-Z D-12 D-13 and D-77 juatUlcationa for drU11no locationbull and bull~bull drilling obaarvatlona (ia D-27 thru o-32) ahould be included in the text N-8E-W croaa-aactlona ahould be included in text

-13shy0 )


1 A brief summary of the number of realdencea within a 12 aile and one aile radius should be included with a statement that au residents within a 12 mile of the site are on p~~~~wella Thua the potential population at risk ia ___ persona

-2) FiQure 5-l ia difficult to read Which dot h which sample

I See c011111enta 130 thru 32 from the appendices review would be helpful to ahov overburdenva bedrock and to use a c011prohenaive map of ob wells on and off alta to dhtinguiah which are contulnated

3) The grouping of realdential walla needs further explanation Deep and shallow dealgnatlona aay be aialeadlng A bulldpbull well 40-60 rt ia auch aore related to a bullshallowbull well than a 400 foot wll

4) Incorporate new 186 data Rote the bullietakea between text figurea and table and correct thebull

5) Statnta about trenda etc ahould be followed by a concluaion

1) bullot ilil~r middot tDOitilftCi ta the intervration of other data froa h rooeo and aurface water aacttona into the analyaia lof reaidantial data Uttltaa 110nitoring well data and capan location of ill PW and 0t1 contbullinated walla and aurfaca middot l water atatioiiand diacuaa in potential regional hydrogeo j acanarto l

7) Concluaiona naad to be correlated with the larger picturebull ie regional flow and the bulloatlikely flow patha to tha aouthaaat i8) Por apecUic comMnta on section 5 aee bullY edited copy



Region I

DATpound1 March 4 1986

SUBJt Review of draft RI - ovta LiqUid waata Site

PROMa Suaan Pats EPA Site Manager

T01 Rick Cote COM

Aa diiiCuaaed previoualy I have arranged a aeettng on March 6 1986 with the COM hydrogaologiata and EPA hydroshygeologiata to cUacuaa and ctetenline the aoat appropriate conceptual hydrogeolootcal aodal for the alta - which will be the frwork fro which oat other concluliona are drawn The purpoaa of thia ttng at thie point in tibullbullbull t due bull to the lack of concurnnce between EPA and COM now that all the data haa been bull~riaad

Prior to our bullbullbullttng on reb 12 or 13th when EPA a and the Statebull a ~nta on the teat of the RI will be tranaferrad to you I wanted to autit c~nta which pertain to the five appendlcaa eo that rabulltalona could be atarted The following ~nta refer to Appendlcea A-1

0 -2- 0

General Coraaenta (Appendices)

The appendices have been auhllitted without conahtent coding ayat-bull to the text Boring logs which refer to old well I a should also be labelled with the COM nUllbering ayatea Residenshytial wells should clearly be labelled and use one system for descr-iption Name a should be omitted from the residential well data All tables should have keys on each page Information at the tops of pages are lost in the bindings Sobulle appendix aaterbla auch as sur-face water figures and au1111ary tables abould be included in the text Presentation of data should be tabularibulled in a aore readable fon~at Our vorking OAOC validation sheets are not appropriate


Apendlx 8

1) B-1-A clear figure (aap) vhich portrays all surface water atationa WithOUt data h needed The topographic upa should berii3i6le and the tributaries to Latham Brook clearly aeenl


2) A aap of the 8ftthmiddot8 drainage area showing the atte location on our E-W orientation map should be included The bullbtow-upbull area used in Figures in the text should be marked off on thia aap

3) Figure B-1 should extend data boxes outside the topographic area of interest and the aap should be legible bullNsbull locations should not have boxea but atationa ahould be labelled with approprbte tbulla An enlargeaent of the aap jaay be neceaaary ao that topographic linea and ayt~~bola are legible

4) Table B-3a Which are on va off-aite auplea l Table B-2bull llhy are leaa volatilebull liated on thia chart j

va Tablebull B-1 and B-3

Table B-1 through B-3 ahould be in the text 1li

5) surface Water Datal Before preaentatlon of RIDIM data location up of their a-pling pta on our aurface water bullbullP ahould be included il

6) B-56 ahould be put on data ahHt and titled (Handwritten title ahould not be in final) ll

7) B-57 through B-59bull BCJ lab reporta ahould be preceded I

with table of COMbull 1 bulla aatched to ICJ or GMB well la uae our location aapa for well locationbull inatead of B-59

I) Table X pp B-1271

a) Detea ahould be chronologically ordered

b) Are aoae atationa the ae but different la

c) Place a bullkeybull on each page

d) EPA - will we accept bullvbull category in thh report Why wabull thh done



0 -cshyJ

Apeftdh t

9) C-1bull Analytical SWIIIary Table ahould go in the text (c-24 through c-27)

10) Analytical sumaary Tableas Should other organic and inorganic compounds be included in the tables Why only those lieted

For inatancet Inorganlca- Cd Sn Ni Mg It Na etc

11) C-2 - ppa C-11 through C-18 should be omitted frOID Appendix

ApPftdb middoto

ilobu ec-enta refer to ~43 through ~284 only

cc-enta will be forwarded aoon which refer to D--1 through o-u

12) Dl - Boring logabull All loge should be coded to COM well bullbull well aa hiatorical nbullbera on loge

lJ) 02 - Seibulltc Study (alaup Report) bull Add to thta report a detailed aite P which ahowa locations of linea Pigure 4-1 in tM teat ta for gnetaetry Show or dtattnguaih on thia or other P the aelbulllc linea and label ao they can H correlated to pp ~176-171

14) Sartea of Static Water aaurntaa

Table 1 and Table 3 have very dUfe~ent HNU readtnoa for the vella lxplatn thia Did Auguat 1985 aaapling follow bull jor precipitation event (D--184 thru D-190)

15) There are too aany different tablea being called bullTable 1 bull Under bulla-arkabull what doea a blank apace aean

16) Both OW 76 and ow 78 ahov high lavale of VOAbullmiddot lxplain thia

17) on page D-192 bullTable tbull Depth of statlc water ahould continue to read bullfrc the top of caengbull on all pagea of the tablea

18) Where no HNU readinga taken (D-192 through 195)

19) Table D (pp D-196)1 There are errore in veil depths (ie ow-01 ow-25 ow-36 etc)



~ I I

-5shy0 lt)

20) Table D1 There are atgntflcant differences in meaaureshyaenta of the Billie well Explain these differences

21) Table D1 Include the year when meaaure11enta were taken

22) 04 - Monitoring Well Datal

Presentation of data should be tabularized in a more readable format our OAOC validation aheeta are not appropriate

23) ke aura auple nllllber le correlated to sample location aapa when llaklng up these charta It would be beat to tabulate contaalnatna found va a listing of priority pollutants each ttae

24) 05 - Analytical S~ary Tableas

Theae tables (l)o--271 throuh D-280) ahould be placed in the text

25) llhy are the nwaber of tnorganlca Hated on tables variable Co Se Rg are not on Table A Table 4 h ahdng Ba Cd cu Mg bullt amp Ra sn etc

21) tely are high lebullela of Aa Cr Co Rg IU Sn and Cd not dlacnaaaed In text

27) Table 4 nda a title

21) In Tablea A a ancs c differentiate between on and off-alte auplea

29) Table 41 Dlacuaa variation in SL-06 and BL-12 Variation looka Uke 20000 ppb

30) The aap on pp 1-3 ahould clearly identify all haea bull-pled by COM 1 not n-bullmiddot Correct the errorbull In Pigure 5-l frc the text and uae that inatead Make aura all dota (hoaea) have arrow to PWI If poaaible 110ve labela out ao topo bullapa can be aean near h011ea Include our al te boundary on bullap (not bull squarebull) aa ahovn on Figure 5-l Clearly label brook and roada

0 -6shy

31) ahould be 011ltted fr0111 all date aheeta CDM la ahould be uaed

32) See e~enta 122 and 23 and incorporate thera in thh aection Data aheeta which ahow conpounda detected va all capounda analysed would be eaeier reading and leaa volinoua

Aependii middot

33) Add to hiatortcal data BUJDary CDMa analyeie of theae paat findtnga Doea COM concur with early reporta Explain

~ i

i j


~ l

  1. barcode 566125
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 566125
Page 12: I UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY · the potential alao exhta for det11al expoaure to contaalnanta found In aolla on-aite and fro. the atreaJI vhich joina Lathu Brook

~- --- -----~- ________

0 -12shy

85) setbullie Studya Did the mapped bedrock surface baaed on aebaic data correlate vtth our well loge and other boring data bullsouthwestbull groundwater flow

86) Pigure 4-11 SCale North Reference h incorrect

87) Pp 4-t s What are the significant bedrock differences north and south of Latham Brook

88) Pp 4-9 GPR1 Plrat paragnph atatea could not use Second paragraph aucceaaful

89) In addition to Figure 4-2 would alao llke to aee figure will all bedrock wella (sampled) which includes private vella and all overburden vella with depth of walla (MSL) (screened intervale) Phyaical deacrlptlon bull boring loge Be conalatent with lanoubullilbullmiddot

90) Pp 4-11424 - att laat paragraphbull except for laat sentence of it

911 Pp 4-11Slte Ryltlroo See ay edltlng

92) Groundwater IIOVntbull Blialnate bulleo~~ptexbull before every bedrock atatbullant Bliainata worda auch bullbull bulla~arabull After thla atudy we are able to llltitti flow dlractiona Pirat aantenca tblrd paragraph Tjp4-1Z) Rewrite

=~=~hdtk= ~~kw~~~~ke ten~a ChooH Plow ia parallel apd perpendicular to dike

U) See edltlng ln ay copy Pp 4-12 thru 4-39

94) Appendix D-1 thru D-6 Tabla D-1 D-Z D-12 D-13 and D-77 juatUlcationa for drU11no locationbull and bull~bull drilling obaarvatlona (ia D-27 thru o-32) ahould be included in the text N-8E-W croaa-aactlona ahould be included in text

-13shy0 )


1 A brief summary of the number of realdencea within a 12 aile and one aile radius should be included with a statement that au residents within a 12 mile of the site are on p~~~~wella Thua the potential population at risk ia ___ persona

-2) FiQure 5-l ia difficult to read Which dot h which sample

I See c011111enta 130 thru 32 from the appendices review would be helpful to ahov overburdenva bedrock and to use a c011prohenaive map of ob wells on and off alta to dhtinguiah which are contulnated

3) The grouping of realdential walla needs further explanation Deep and shallow dealgnatlona aay be aialeadlng A bulldpbull well 40-60 rt ia auch aore related to a bullshallowbull well than a 400 foot wll

4) Incorporate new 186 data Rote the bullietakea between text figurea and table and correct thebull

5) Statnta about trenda etc ahould be followed by a concluaion

1) bullot ilil~r middot tDOitilftCi ta the intervration of other data froa h rooeo and aurface water aacttona into the analyaia lof reaidantial data Uttltaa 110nitoring well data and capan location of ill PW and 0t1 contbullinated walla and aurfaca middot l water atatioiiand diacuaa in potential regional hydrogeo j acanarto l

7) Concluaiona naad to be correlated with the larger picturebull ie regional flow and the bulloatlikely flow patha to tha aouthaaat i8) Por apecUic comMnta on section 5 aee bullY edited copy



Region I

DATpound1 March 4 1986

SUBJt Review of draft RI - ovta LiqUid waata Site

PROMa Suaan Pats EPA Site Manager

T01 Rick Cote COM

Aa diiiCuaaed previoualy I have arranged a aeettng on March 6 1986 with the COM hydrogaologiata and EPA hydroshygeologiata to cUacuaa and ctetenline the aoat appropriate conceptual hydrogeolootcal aodal for the alta - which will be the frwork fro which oat other concluliona are drawn The purpoaa of thia ttng at thie point in tibullbullbull t due bull to the lack of concurnnce between EPA and COM now that all the data haa been bull~riaad

Prior to our bullbullbullttng on reb 12 or 13th when EPA a and the Statebull a ~nta on the teat of the RI will be tranaferrad to you I wanted to autit c~nta which pertain to the five appendlcaa eo that rabulltalona could be atarted The following ~nta refer to Appendlcea A-1

0 -2- 0

General Coraaenta (Appendices)

The appendices have been auhllitted without conahtent coding ayat-bull to the text Boring logs which refer to old well I a should also be labelled with the COM nUllbering ayatea Residenshytial wells should clearly be labelled and use one system for descr-iption Name a should be omitted from the residential well data All tables should have keys on each page Information at the tops of pages are lost in the bindings Sobulle appendix aaterbla auch as sur-face water figures and au1111ary tables abould be included in the text Presentation of data should be tabularibulled in a aore readable fon~at Our vorking OAOC validation sheets are not appropriate


Apendlx 8

1) B-1-A clear figure (aap) vhich portrays all surface water atationa WithOUt data h needed The topographic upa should berii3i6le and the tributaries to Latham Brook clearly aeenl


2) A aap of the 8ftthmiddot8 drainage area showing the atte location on our E-W orientation map should be included The bullbtow-upbull area used in Figures in the text should be marked off on thia aap

3) Figure B-1 should extend data boxes outside the topographic area of interest and the aap should be legible bullNsbull locations should not have boxea but atationa ahould be labelled with approprbte tbulla An enlargeaent of the aap jaay be neceaaary ao that topographic linea and ayt~~bola are legible

4) Table B-3a Which are on va off-aite auplea l Table B-2bull llhy are leaa volatilebull liated on thia chart j

va Tablebull B-1 and B-3

Table B-1 through B-3 ahould be in the text 1li

5) surface Water Datal Before preaentatlon of RIDIM data location up of their a-pling pta on our aurface water bullbullP ahould be included il

6) B-56 ahould be put on data ahHt and titled (Handwritten title ahould not be in final) ll

7) B-57 through B-59bull BCJ lab reporta ahould be preceded I

with table of COMbull 1 bulla aatched to ICJ or GMB well la uae our location aapa for well locationbull inatead of B-59

I) Table X pp B-1271

a) Detea ahould be chronologically ordered

b) Are aoae atationa the ae but different la

c) Place a bullkeybull on each page

d) EPA - will we accept bullvbull category in thh report Why wabull thh done



0 -cshyJ

Apeftdh t

9) C-1bull Analytical SWIIIary Table ahould go in the text (c-24 through c-27)

10) Analytical sumaary Tableas Should other organic and inorganic compounds be included in the tables Why only those lieted

For inatancet Inorganlca- Cd Sn Ni Mg It Na etc

11) C-2 - ppa C-11 through C-18 should be omitted frOID Appendix

ApPftdb middoto

ilobu ec-enta refer to ~43 through ~284 only

cc-enta will be forwarded aoon which refer to D--1 through o-u

12) Dl - Boring logabull All loge should be coded to COM well bullbull well aa hiatorical nbullbera on loge

lJ) 02 - Seibulltc Study (alaup Report) bull Add to thta report a detailed aite P which ahowa locations of linea Pigure 4-1 in tM teat ta for gnetaetry Show or dtattnguaih on thia or other P the aelbulllc linea and label ao they can H correlated to pp ~176-171

14) Sartea of Static Water aaurntaa

Table 1 and Table 3 have very dUfe~ent HNU readtnoa for the vella lxplatn thia Did Auguat 1985 aaapling follow bull jor precipitation event (D--184 thru D-190)

15) There are too aany different tablea being called bullTable 1 bull Under bulla-arkabull what doea a blank apace aean

16) Both OW 76 and ow 78 ahov high lavale of VOAbullmiddot lxplain thia

17) on page D-192 bullTable tbull Depth of statlc water ahould continue to read bullfrc the top of caengbull on all pagea of the tablea

18) Where no HNU readinga taken (D-192 through 195)

19) Table D (pp D-196)1 There are errore in veil depths (ie ow-01 ow-25 ow-36 etc)



~ I I

-5shy0 lt)

20) Table D1 There are atgntflcant differences in meaaureshyaenta of the Billie well Explain these differences

21) Table D1 Include the year when meaaure11enta were taken

22) 04 - Monitoring Well Datal

Presentation of data should be tabularized in a more readable format our OAOC validation aheeta are not appropriate

23) ke aura auple nllllber le correlated to sample location aapa when llaklng up these charta It would be beat to tabulate contaalnatna found va a listing of priority pollutants each ttae

24) 05 - Analytical S~ary Tableas

Theae tables (l)o--271 throuh D-280) ahould be placed in the text

25) llhy are the nwaber of tnorganlca Hated on tables variable Co Se Rg are not on Table A Table 4 h ahdng Ba Cd cu Mg bullt amp Ra sn etc

21) tely are high lebullela of Aa Cr Co Rg IU Sn and Cd not dlacnaaaed In text

27) Table 4 nda a title

21) In Tablea A a ancs c differentiate between on and off-alte auplea

29) Table 41 Dlacuaa variation in SL-06 and BL-12 Variation looka Uke 20000 ppb

30) The aap on pp 1-3 ahould clearly identify all haea bull-pled by COM 1 not n-bullmiddot Correct the errorbull In Pigure 5-l frc the text and uae that inatead Make aura all dota (hoaea) have arrow to PWI If poaaible 110ve labela out ao topo bullapa can be aean near h011ea Include our al te boundary on bullap (not bull squarebull) aa ahovn on Figure 5-l Clearly label brook and roada

0 -6shy

31) ahould be 011ltted fr0111 all date aheeta CDM la ahould be uaed

32) See e~enta 122 and 23 and incorporate thera in thh aection Data aheeta which ahow conpounda detected va all capounda analysed would be eaeier reading and leaa volinoua

Aependii middot

33) Add to hiatortcal data BUJDary CDMa analyeie of theae paat findtnga Doea COM concur with early reporta Explain

~ i

i j


~ l

  1. barcode 566125
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 566125
Page 13: I UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY · the potential alao exhta for det11al expoaure to contaalnanta found In aolla on-aite and fro. the atreaJI vhich joina Lathu Brook

-13shy0 )


1 A brief summary of the number of realdencea within a 12 aile and one aile radius should be included with a statement that au residents within a 12 mile of the site are on p~~~~wella Thua the potential population at risk ia ___ persona

-2) FiQure 5-l ia difficult to read Which dot h which sample

I See c011111enta 130 thru 32 from the appendices review would be helpful to ahov overburdenva bedrock and to use a c011prohenaive map of ob wells on and off alta to dhtinguiah which are contulnated

3) The grouping of realdential walla needs further explanation Deep and shallow dealgnatlona aay be aialeadlng A bulldpbull well 40-60 rt ia auch aore related to a bullshallowbull well than a 400 foot wll

4) Incorporate new 186 data Rote the bullietakea between text figurea and table and correct thebull

5) Statnta about trenda etc ahould be followed by a concluaion

1) bullot ilil~r middot tDOitilftCi ta the intervration of other data froa h rooeo and aurface water aacttona into the analyaia lof reaidantial data Uttltaa 110nitoring well data and capan location of ill PW and 0t1 contbullinated walla and aurfaca middot l water atatioiiand diacuaa in potential regional hydrogeo j acanarto l

7) Concluaiona naad to be correlated with the larger picturebull ie regional flow and the bulloatlikely flow patha to tha aouthaaat i8) Por apecUic comMnta on section 5 aee bullY edited copy



Region I

DATpound1 March 4 1986

SUBJt Review of draft RI - ovta LiqUid waata Site

PROMa Suaan Pats EPA Site Manager

T01 Rick Cote COM

Aa diiiCuaaed previoualy I have arranged a aeettng on March 6 1986 with the COM hydrogaologiata and EPA hydroshygeologiata to cUacuaa and ctetenline the aoat appropriate conceptual hydrogeolootcal aodal for the alta - which will be the frwork fro which oat other concluliona are drawn The purpoaa of thia ttng at thie point in tibullbullbull t due bull to the lack of concurnnce between EPA and COM now that all the data haa been bull~riaad

Prior to our bullbullbullttng on reb 12 or 13th when EPA a and the Statebull a ~nta on the teat of the RI will be tranaferrad to you I wanted to autit c~nta which pertain to the five appendlcaa eo that rabulltalona could be atarted The following ~nta refer to Appendlcea A-1

0 -2- 0

General Coraaenta (Appendices)

The appendices have been auhllitted without conahtent coding ayat-bull to the text Boring logs which refer to old well I a should also be labelled with the COM nUllbering ayatea Residenshytial wells should clearly be labelled and use one system for descr-iption Name a should be omitted from the residential well data All tables should have keys on each page Information at the tops of pages are lost in the bindings Sobulle appendix aaterbla auch as sur-face water figures and au1111ary tables abould be included in the text Presentation of data should be tabularibulled in a aore readable fon~at Our vorking OAOC validation sheets are not appropriate


Apendlx 8

1) B-1-A clear figure (aap) vhich portrays all surface water atationa WithOUt data h needed The topographic upa should berii3i6le and the tributaries to Latham Brook clearly aeenl


2) A aap of the 8ftthmiddot8 drainage area showing the atte location on our E-W orientation map should be included The bullbtow-upbull area used in Figures in the text should be marked off on thia aap

3) Figure B-1 should extend data boxes outside the topographic area of interest and the aap should be legible bullNsbull locations should not have boxea but atationa ahould be labelled with approprbte tbulla An enlargeaent of the aap jaay be neceaaary ao that topographic linea and ayt~~bola are legible

4) Table B-3a Which are on va off-aite auplea l Table B-2bull llhy are leaa volatilebull liated on thia chart j

va Tablebull B-1 and B-3

Table B-1 through B-3 ahould be in the text 1li

5) surface Water Datal Before preaentatlon of RIDIM data location up of their a-pling pta on our aurface water bullbullP ahould be included il

6) B-56 ahould be put on data ahHt and titled (Handwritten title ahould not be in final) ll

7) B-57 through B-59bull BCJ lab reporta ahould be preceded I

with table of COMbull 1 bulla aatched to ICJ or GMB well la uae our location aapa for well locationbull inatead of B-59

I) Table X pp B-1271

a) Detea ahould be chronologically ordered

b) Are aoae atationa the ae but different la

c) Place a bullkeybull on each page

d) EPA - will we accept bullvbull category in thh report Why wabull thh done



0 -cshyJ

Apeftdh t

9) C-1bull Analytical SWIIIary Table ahould go in the text (c-24 through c-27)

10) Analytical sumaary Tableas Should other organic and inorganic compounds be included in the tables Why only those lieted

For inatancet Inorganlca- Cd Sn Ni Mg It Na etc

11) C-2 - ppa C-11 through C-18 should be omitted frOID Appendix

ApPftdb middoto

ilobu ec-enta refer to ~43 through ~284 only

cc-enta will be forwarded aoon which refer to D--1 through o-u

12) Dl - Boring logabull All loge should be coded to COM well bullbull well aa hiatorical nbullbera on loge

lJ) 02 - Seibulltc Study (alaup Report) bull Add to thta report a detailed aite P which ahowa locations of linea Pigure 4-1 in tM teat ta for gnetaetry Show or dtattnguaih on thia or other P the aelbulllc linea and label ao they can H correlated to pp ~176-171

14) Sartea of Static Water aaurntaa

Table 1 and Table 3 have very dUfe~ent HNU readtnoa for the vella lxplatn thia Did Auguat 1985 aaapling follow bull jor precipitation event (D--184 thru D-190)

15) There are too aany different tablea being called bullTable 1 bull Under bulla-arkabull what doea a blank apace aean

16) Both OW 76 and ow 78 ahov high lavale of VOAbullmiddot lxplain thia

17) on page D-192 bullTable tbull Depth of statlc water ahould continue to read bullfrc the top of caengbull on all pagea of the tablea

18) Where no HNU readinga taken (D-192 through 195)

19) Table D (pp D-196)1 There are errore in veil depths (ie ow-01 ow-25 ow-36 etc)



~ I I

-5shy0 lt)

20) Table D1 There are atgntflcant differences in meaaureshyaenta of the Billie well Explain these differences

21) Table D1 Include the year when meaaure11enta were taken

22) 04 - Monitoring Well Datal

Presentation of data should be tabularized in a more readable format our OAOC validation aheeta are not appropriate

23) ke aura auple nllllber le correlated to sample location aapa when llaklng up these charta It would be beat to tabulate contaalnatna found va a listing of priority pollutants each ttae

24) 05 - Analytical S~ary Tableas

Theae tables (l)o--271 throuh D-280) ahould be placed in the text

25) llhy are the nwaber of tnorganlca Hated on tables variable Co Se Rg are not on Table A Table 4 h ahdng Ba Cd cu Mg bullt amp Ra sn etc

21) tely are high lebullela of Aa Cr Co Rg IU Sn and Cd not dlacnaaaed In text

27) Table 4 nda a title

21) In Tablea A a ancs c differentiate between on and off-alte auplea

29) Table 41 Dlacuaa variation in SL-06 and BL-12 Variation looka Uke 20000 ppb

30) The aap on pp 1-3 ahould clearly identify all haea bull-pled by COM 1 not n-bullmiddot Correct the errorbull In Pigure 5-l frc the text and uae that inatead Make aura all dota (hoaea) have arrow to PWI If poaaible 110ve labela out ao topo bullapa can be aean near h011ea Include our al te boundary on bullap (not bull squarebull) aa ahovn on Figure 5-l Clearly label brook and roada

0 -6shy

31) ahould be 011ltted fr0111 all date aheeta CDM la ahould be uaed

32) See e~enta 122 and 23 and incorporate thera in thh aection Data aheeta which ahow conpounda detected va all capounda analysed would be eaeier reading and leaa volinoua

Aependii middot

33) Add to hiatortcal data BUJDary CDMa analyeie of theae paat findtnga Doea COM concur with early reporta Explain

~ i

i j


~ l

  1. barcode 566125
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 566125
Page 14: I UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY · the potential alao exhta for det11al expoaure to contaalnanta found In aolla on-aite and fro. the atreaJI vhich joina Lathu Brook


Region I

DATpound1 March 4 1986

SUBJt Review of draft RI - ovta LiqUid waata Site

PROMa Suaan Pats EPA Site Manager

T01 Rick Cote COM

Aa diiiCuaaed previoualy I have arranged a aeettng on March 6 1986 with the COM hydrogaologiata and EPA hydroshygeologiata to cUacuaa and ctetenline the aoat appropriate conceptual hydrogeolootcal aodal for the alta - which will be the frwork fro which oat other concluliona are drawn The purpoaa of thia ttng at thie point in tibullbullbull t due bull to the lack of concurnnce between EPA and COM now that all the data haa been bull~riaad

Prior to our bullbullbullttng on reb 12 or 13th when EPA a and the Statebull a ~nta on the teat of the RI will be tranaferrad to you I wanted to autit c~nta which pertain to the five appendlcaa eo that rabulltalona could be atarted The following ~nta refer to Appendlcea A-1

0 -2- 0

General Coraaenta (Appendices)

The appendices have been auhllitted without conahtent coding ayat-bull to the text Boring logs which refer to old well I a should also be labelled with the COM nUllbering ayatea Residenshytial wells should clearly be labelled and use one system for descr-iption Name a should be omitted from the residential well data All tables should have keys on each page Information at the tops of pages are lost in the bindings Sobulle appendix aaterbla auch as sur-face water figures and au1111ary tables abould be included in the text Presentation of data should be tabularibulled in a aore readable fon~at Our vorking OAOC validation sheets are not appropriate


Apendlx 8

1) B-1-A clear figure (aap) vhich portrays all surface water atationa WithOUt data h needed The topographic upa should berii3i6le and the tributaries to Latham Brook clearly aeenl


2) A aap of the 8ftthmiddot8 drainage area showing the atte location on our E-W orientation map should be included The bullbtow-upbull area used in Figures in the text should be marked off on thia aap

3) Figure B-1 should extend data boxes outside the topographic area of interest and the aap should be legible bullNsbull locations should not have boxea but atationa ahould be labelled with approprbte tbulla An enlargeaent of the aap jaay be neceaaary ao that topographic linea and ayt~~bola are legible

4) Table B-3a Which are on va off-aite auplea l Table B-2bull llhy are leaa volatilebull liated on thia chart j

va Tablebull B-1 and B-3

Table B-1 through B-3 ahould be in the text 1li

5) surface Water Datal Before preaentatlon of RIDIM data location up of their a-pling pta on our aurface water bullbullP ahould be included il

6) B-56 ahould be put on data ahHt and titled (Handwritten title ahould not be in final) ll

7) B-57 through B-59bull BCJ lab reporta ahould be preceded I

with table of COMbull 1 bulla aatched to ICJ or GMB well la uae our location aapa for well locationbull inatead of B-59

I) Table X pp B-1271

a) Detea ahould be chronologically ordered

b) Are aoae atationa the ae but different la

c) Place a bullkeybull on each page

d) EPA - will we accept bullvbull category in thh report Why wabull thh done



0 -cshyJ

Apeftdh t

9) C-1bull Analytical SWIIIary Table ahould go in the text (c-24 through c-27)

10) Analytical sumaary Tableas Should other organic and inorganic compounds be included in the tables Why only those lieted

For inatancet Inorganlca- Cd Sn Ni Mg It Na etc

11) C-2 - ppa C-11 through C-18 should be omitted frOID Appendix

ApPftdb middoto

ilobu ec-enta refer to ~43 through ~284 only

cc-enta will be forwarded aoon which refer to D--1 through o-u

12) Dl - Boring logabull All loge should be coded to COM well bullbull well aa hiatorical nbullbera on loge

lJ) 02 - Seibulltc Study (alaup Report) bull Add to thta report a detailed aite P which ahowa locations of linea Pigure 4-1 in tM teat ta for gnetaetry Show or dtattnguaih on thia or other P the aelbulllc linea and label ao they can H correlated to pp ~176-171

14) Sartea of Static Water aaurntaa

Table 1 and Table 3 have very dUfe~ent HNU readtnoa for the vella lxplatn thia Did Auguat 1985 aaapling follow bull jor precipitation event (D--184 thru D-190)

15) There are too aany different tablea being called bullTable 1 bull Under bulla-arkabull what doea a blank apace aean

16) Both OW 76 and ow 78 ahov high lavale of VOAbullmiddot lxplain thia

17) on page D-192 bullTable tbull Depth of statlc water ahould continue to read bullfrc the top of caengbull on all pagea of the tablea

18) Where no HNU readinga taken (D-192 through 195)

19) Table D (pp D-196)1 There are errore in veil depths (ie ow-01 ow-25 ow-36 etc)



~ I I

-5shy0 lt)

20) Table D1 There are atgntflcant differences in meaaureshyaenta of the Billie well Explain these differences

21) Table D1 Include the year when meaaure11enta were taken

22) 04 - Monitoring Well Datal

Presentation of data should be tabularized in a more readable format our OAOC validation aheeta are not appropriate

23) ke aura auple nllllber le correlated to sample location aapa when llaklng up these charta It would be beat to tabulate contaalnatna found va a listing of priority pollutants each ttae

24) 05 - Analytical S~ary Tableas

Theae tables (l)o--271 throuh D-280) ahould be placed in the text

25) llhy are the nwaber of tnorganlca Hated on tables variable Co Se Rg are not on Table A Table 4 h ahdng Ba Cd cu Mg bullt amp Ra sn etc

21) tely are high lebullela of Aa Cr Co Rg IU Sn and Cd not dlacnaaaed In text

27) Table 4 nda a title

21) In Tablea A a ancs c differentiate between on and off-alte auplea

29) Table 41 Dlacuaa variation in SL-06 and BL-12 Variation looka Uke 20000 ppb

30) The aap on pp 1-3 ahould clearly identify all haea bull-pled by COM 1 not n-bullmiddot Correct the errorbull In Pigure 5-l frc the text and uae that inatead Make aura all dota (hoaea) have arrow to PWI If poaaible 110ve labela out ao topo bullapa can be aean near h011ea Include our al te boundary on bullap (not bull squarebull) aa ahovn on Figure 5-l Clearly label brook and roada

0 -6shy

31) ahould be 011ltted fr0111 all date aheeta CDM la ahould be uaed

32) See e~enta 122 and 23 and incorporate thera in thh aection Data aheeta which ahow conpounda detected va all capounda analysed would be eaeier reading and leaa volinoua

Aependii middot

33) Add to hiatortcal data BUJDary CDMa analyeie of theae paat findtnga Doea COM concur with early reporta Explain

~ i

i j


~ l

  1. barcode 566125
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 566125
Page 15: I UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY · the potential alao exhta for det11al expoaure to contaalnanta found In aolla on-aite and fro. the atreaJI vhich joina Lathu Brook

0 -2- 0

General Coraaenta (Appendices)

The appendices have been auhllitted without conahtent coding ayat-bull to the text Boring logs which refer to old well I a should also be labelled with the COM nUllbering ayatea Residenshytial wells should clearly be labelled and use one system for descr-iption Name a should be omitted from the residential well data All tables should have keys on each page Information at the tops of pages are lost in the bindings Sobulle appendix aaterbla auch as sur-face water figures and au1111ary tables abould be included in the text Presentation of data should be tabularibulled in a aore readable fon~at Our vorking OAOC validation sheets are not appropriate


Apendlx 8

1) B-1-A clear figure (aap) vhich portrays all surface water atationa WithOUt data h needed The topographic upa should berii3i6le and the tributaries to Latham Brook clearly aeenl


2) A aap of the 8ftthmiddot8 drainage area showing the atte location on our E-W orientation map should be included The bullbtow-upbull area used in Figures in the text should be marked off on thia aap

3) Figure B-1 should extend data boxes outside the topographic area of interest and the aap should be legible bullNsbull locations should not have boxea but atationa ahould be labelled with approprbte tbulla An enlargeaent of the aap jaay be neceaaary ao that topographic linea and ayt~~bola are legible

4) Table B-3a Which are on va off-aite auplea l Table B-2bull llhy are leaa volatilebull liated on thia chart j

va Tablebull B-1 and B-3

Table B-1 through B-3 ahould be in the text 1li

5) surface Water Datal Before preaentatlon of RIDIM data location up of their a-pling pta on our aurface water bullbullP ahould be included il

6) B-56 ahould be put on data ahHt and titled (Handwritten title ahould not be in final) ll

7) B-57 through B-59bull BCJ lab reporta ahould be preceded I

with table of COMbull 1 bulla aatched to ICJ or GMB well la uae our location aapa for well locationbull inatead of B-59

I) Table X pp B-1271

a) Detea ahould be chronologically ordered

b) Are aoae atationa the ae but different la

c) Place a bullkeybull on each page

d) EPA - will we accept bullvbull category in thh report Why wabull thh done



0 -cshyJ

Apeftdh t

9) C-1bull Analytical SWIIIary Table ahould go in the text (c-24 through c-27)

10) Analytical sumaary Tableas Should other organic and inorganic compounds be included in the tables Why only those lieted

For inatancet Inorganlca- Cd Sn Ni Mg It Na etc

11) C-2 - ppa C-11 through C-18 should be omitted frOID Appendix

ApPftdb middoto

ilobu ec-enta refer to ~43 through ~284 only

cc-enta will be forwarded aoon which refer to D--1 through o-u

12) Dl - Boring logabull All loge should be coded to COM well bullbull well aa hiatorical nbullbera on loge

lJ) 02 - Seibulltc Study (alaup Report) bull Add to thta report a detailed aite P which ahowa locations of linea Pigure 4-1 in tM teat ta for gnetaetry Show or dtattnguaih on thia or other P the aelbulllc linea and label ao they can H correlated to pp ~176-171

14) Sartea of Static Water aaurntaa

Table 1 and Table 3 have very dUfe~ent HNU readtnoa for the vella lxplatn thia Did Auguat 1985 aaapling follow bull jor precipitation event (D--184 thru D-190)

15) There are too aany different tablea being called bullTable 1 bull Under bulla-arkabull what doea a blank apace aean

16) Both OW 76 and ow 78 ahov high lavale of VOAbullmiddot lxplain thia

17) on page D-192 bullTable tbull Depth of statlc water ahould continue to read bullfrc the top of caengbull on all pagea of the tablea

18) Where no HNU readinga taken (D-192 through 195)

19) Table D (pp D-196)1 There are errore in veil depths (ie ow-01 ow-25 ow-36 etc)



~ I I

-5shy0 lt)

20) Table D1 There are atgntflcant differences in meaaureshyaenta of the Billie well Explain these differences

21) Table D1 Include the year when meaaure11enta were taken

22) 04 - Monitoring Well Datal

Presentation of data should be tabularized in a more readable format our OAOC validation aheeta are not appropriate

23) ke aura auple nllllber le correlated to sample location aapa when llaklng up these charta It would be beat to tabulate contaalnatna found va a listing of priority pollutants each ttae

24) 05 - Analytical S~ary Tableas

Theae tables (l)o--271 throuh D-280) ahould be placed in the text

25) llhy are the nwaber of tnorganlca Hated on tables variable Co Se Rg are not on Table A Table 4 h ahdng Ba Cd cu Mg bullt amp Ra sn etc

21) tely are high lebullela of Aa Cr Co Rg IU Sn and Cd not dlacnaaaed In text

27) Table 4 nda a title

21) In Tablea A a ancs c differentiate between on and off-alte auplea

29) Table 41 Dlacuaa variation in SL-06 and BL-12 Variation looka Uke 20000 ppb

30) The aap on pp 1-3 ahould clearly identify all haea bull-pled by COM 1 not n-bullmiddot Correct the errorbull In Pigure 5-l frc the text and uae that inatead Make aura all dota (hoaea) have arrow to PWI If poaaible 110ve labela out ao topo bullapa can be aean near h011ea Include our al te boundary on bullap (not bull squarebull) aa ahovn on Figure 5-l Clearly label brook and roada

0 -6shy

31) ahould be 011ltted fr0111 all date aheeta CDM la ahould be uaed

32) See e~enta 122 and 23 and incorporate thera in thh aection Data aheeta which ahow conpounda detected va all capounda analysed would be eaeier reading and leaa volinoua

Aependii middot

33) Add to hiatortcal data BUJDary CDMa analyeie of theae paat findtnga Doea COM concur with early reporta Explain

~ i

i j


~ l

  1. barcode 566125
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 566125
Page 16: I UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY · the potential alao exhta for det11al expoaure to contaalnanta found In aolla on-aite and fro. the atreaJI vhich joina Lathu Brook


Apendlx 8

1) B-1-A clear figure (aap) vhich portrays all surface water atationa WithOUt data h needed The topographic upa should berii3i6le and the tributaries to Latham Brook clearly aeenl


2) A aap of the 8ftthmiddot8 drainage area showing the atte location on our E-W orientation map should be included The bullbtow-upbull area used in Figures in the text should be marked off on thia aap

3) Figure B-1 should extend data boxes outside the topographic area of interest and the aap should be legible bullNsbull locations should not have boxea but atationa ahould be labelled with approprbte tbulla An enlargeaent of the aap jaay be neceaaary ao that topographic linea and ayt~~bola are legible

4) Table B-3a Which are on va off-aite auplea l Table B-2bull llhy are leaa volatilebull liated on thia chart j

va Tablebull B-1 and B-3

Table B-1 through B-3 ahould be in the text 1li

5) surface Water Datal Before preaentatlon of RIDIM data location up of their a-pling pta on our aurface water bullbullP ahould be included il

6) B-56 ahould be put on data ahHt and titled (Handwritten title ahould not be in final) ll

7) B-57 through B-59bull BCJ lab reporta ahould be preceded I

with table of COMbull 1 bulla aatched to ICJ or GMB well la uae our location aapa for well locationbull inatead of B-59

I) Table X pp B-1271

a) Detea ahould be chronologically ordered

b) Are aoae atationa the ae but different la

c) Place a bullkeybull on each page

d) EPA - will we accept bullvbull category in thh report Why wabull thh done



0 -cshyJ

Apeftdh t

9) C-1bull Analytical SWIIIary Table ahould go in the text (c-24 through c-27)

10) Analytical sumaary Tableas Should other organic and inorganic compounds be included in the tables Why only those lieted

For inatancet Inorganlca- Cd Sn Ni Mg It Na etc

11) C-2 - ppa C-11 through C-18 should be omitted frOID Appendix

ApPftdb middoto

ilobu ec-enta refer to ~43 through ~284 only

cc-enta will be forwarded aoon which refer to D--1 through o-u

12) Dl - Boring logabull All loge should be coded to COM well bullbull well aa hiatorical nbullbera on loge

lJ) 02 - Seibulltc Study (alaup Report) bull Add to thta report a detailed aite P which ahowa locations of linea Pigure 4-1 in tM teat ta for gnetaetry Show or dtattnguaih on thia or other P the aelbulllc linea and label ao they can H correlated to pp ~176-171

14) Sartea of Static Water aaurntaa

Table 1 and Table 3 have very dUfe~ent HNU readtnoa for the vella lxplatn thia Did Auguat 1985 aaapling follow bull jor precipitation event (D--184 thru D-190)

15) There are too aany different tablea being called bullTable 1 bull Under bulla-arkabull what doea a blank apace aean

16) Both OW 76 and ow 78 ahov high lavale of VOAbullmiddot lxplain thia

17) on page D-192 bullTable tbull Depth of statlc water ahould continue to read bullfrc the top of caengbull on all pagea of the tablea

18) Where no HNU readinga taken (D-192 through 195)

19) Table D (pp D-196)1 There are errore in veil depths (ie ow-01 ow-25 ow-36 etc)



~ I I

-5shy0 lt)

20) Table D1 There are atgntflcant differences in meaaureshyaenta of the Billie well Explain these differences

21) Table D1 Include the year when meaaure11enta were taken

22) 04 - Monitoring Well Datal

Presentation of data should be tabularized in a more readable format our OAOC validation aheeta are not appropriate

23) ke aura auple nllllber le correlated to sample location aapa when llaklng up these charta It would be beat to tabulate contaalnatna found va a listing of priority pollutants each ttae

24) 05 - Analytical S~ary Tableas

Theae tables (l)o--271 throuh D-280) ahould be placed in the text

25) llhy are the nwaber of tnorganlca Hated on tables variable Co Se Rg are not on Table A Table 4 h ahdng Ba Cd cu Mg bullt amp Ra sn etc

21) tely are high lebullela of Aa Cr Co Rg IU Sn and Cd not dlacnaaaed In text

27) Table 4 nda a title

21) In Tablea A a ancs c differentiate between on and off-alte auplea

29) Table 41 Dlacuaa variation in SL-06 and BL-12 Variation looka Uke 20000 ppb

30) The aap on pp 1-3 ahould clearly identify all haea bull-pled by COM 1 not n-bullmiddot Correct the errorbull In Pigure 5-l frc the text and uae that inatead Make aura all dota (hoaea) have arrow to PWI If poaaible 110ve labela out ao topo bullapa can be aean near h011ea Include our al te boundary on bullap (not bull squarebull) aa ahovn on Figure 5-l Clearly label brook and roada

0 -6shy

31) ahould be 011ltted fr0111 all date aheeta CDM la ahould be uaed

32) See e~enta 122 and 23 and incorporate thera in thh aection Data aheeta which ahow conpounda detected va all capounda analysed would be eaeier reading and leaa volinoua

Aependii middot

33) Add to hiatortcal data BUJDary CDMa analyeie of theae paat findtnga Doea COM concur with early reporta Explain

~ i

i j


~ l

  1. barcode 566125
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 566125
Page 17: I UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY · the potential alao exhta for det11al expoaure to contaalnanta found In aolla on-aite and fro. the atreaJI vhich joina Lathu Brook

0 -cshyJ

Apeftdh t

9) C-1bull Analytical SWIIIary Table ahould go in the text (c-24 through c-27)

10) Analytical sumaary Tableas Should other organic and inorganic compounds be included in the tables Why only those lieted

For inatancet Inorganlca- Cd Sn Ni Mg It Na etc

11) C-2 - ppa C-11 through C-18 should be omitted frOID Appendix

ApPftdb middoto

ilobu ec-enta refer to ~43 through ~284 only

cc-enta will be forwarded aoon which refer to D--1 through o-u

12) Dl - Boring logabull All loge should be coded to COM well bullbull well aa hiatorical nbullbera on loge

lJ) 02 - Seibulltc Study (alaup Report) bull Add to thta report a detailed aite P which ahowa locations of linea Pigure 4-1 in tM teat ta for gnetaetry Show or dtattnguaih on thia or other P the aelbulllc linea and label ao they can H correlated to pp ~176-171

14) Sartea of Static Water aaurntaa

Table 1 and Table 3 have very dUfe~ent HNU readtnoa for the vella lxplatn thia Did Auguat 1985 aaapling follow bull jor precipitation event (D--184 thru D-190)

15) There are too aany different tablea being called bullTable 1 bull Under bulla-arkabull what doea a blank apace aean

16) Both OW 76 and ow 78 ahov high lavale of VOAbullmiddot lxplain thia

17) on page D-192 bullTable tbull Depth of statlc water ahould continue to read bullfrc the top of caengbull on all pagea of the tablea

18) Where no HNU readinga taken (D-192 through 195)

19) Table D (pp D-196)1 There are errore in veil depths (ie ow-01 ow-25 ow-36 etc)



~ I I

-5shy0 lt)

20) Table D1 There are atgntflcant differences in meaaureshyaenta of the Billie well Explain these differences

21) Table D1 Include the year when meaaure11enta were taken

22) 04 - Monitoring Well Datal

Presentation of data should be tabularized in a more readable format our OAOC validation aheeta are not appropriate

23) ke aura auple nllllber le correlated to sample location aapa when llaklng up these charta It would be beat to tabulate contaalnatna found va a listing of priority pollutants each ttae

24) 05 - Analytical S~ary Tableas

Theae tables (l)o--271 throuh D-280) ahould be placed in the text

25) llhy are the nwaber of tnorganlca Hated on tables variable Co Se Rg are not on Table A Table 4 h ahdng Ba Cd cu Mg bullt amp Ra sn etc

21) tely are high lebullela of Aa Cr Co Rg IU Sn and Cd not dlacnaaaed In text

27) Table 4 nda a title

21) In Tablea A a ancs c differentiate between on and off-alte auplea

29) Table 41 Dlacuaa variation in SL-06 and BL-12 Variation looka Uke 20000 ppb

30) The aap on pp 1-3 ahould clearly identify all haea bull-pled by COM 1 not n-bullmiddot Correct the errorbull In Pigure 5-l frc the text and uae that inatead Make aura all dota (hoaea) have arrow to PWI If poaaible 110ve labela out ao topo bullapa can be aean near h011ea Include our al te boundary on bullap (not bull squarebull) aa ahovn on Figure 5-l Clearly label brook and roada

0 -6shy

31) ahould be 011ltted fr0111 all date aheeta CDM la ahould be uaed

32) See e~enta 122 and 23 and incorporate thera in thh aection Data aheeta which ahow conpounda detected va all capounda analysed would be eaeier reading and leaa volinoua

Aependii middot

33) Add to hiatortcal data BUJDary CDMa analyeie of theae paat findtnga Doea COM concur with early reporta Explain

~ i

i j


~ l

  1. barcode 566125
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 566125
Page 18: I UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY · the potential alao exhta for det11al expoaure to contaalnanta found In aolla on-aite and fro. the atreaJI vhich joina Lathu Brook


~ I I

-5shy0 lt)

20) Table D1 There are atgntflcant differences in meaaureshyaenta of the Billie well Explain these differences

21) Table D1 Include the year when meaaure11enta were taken

22) 04 - Monitoring Well Datal

Presentation of data should be tabularized in a more readable format our OAOC validation aheeta are not appropriate

23) ke aura auple nllllber le correlated to sample location aapa when llaklng up these charta It would be beat to tabulate contaalnatna found va a listing of priority pollutants each ttae

24) 05 - Analytical S~ary Tableas

Theae tables (l)o--271 throuh D-280) ahould be placed in the text

25) llhy are the nwaber of tnorganlca Hated on tables variable Co Se Rg are not on Table A Table 4 h ahdng Ba Cd cu Mg bullt amp Ra sn etc

21) tely are high lebullela of Aa Cr Co Rg IU Sn and Cd not dlacnaaaed In text

27) Table 4 nda a title

21) In Tablea A a ancs c differentiate between on and off-alte auplea

29) Table 41 Dlacuaa variation in SL-06 and BL-12 Variation looka Uke 20000 ppb

30) The aap on pp 1-3 ahould clearly identify all haea bull-pled by COM 1 not n-bullmiddot Correct the errorbull In Pigure 5-l frc the text and uae that inatead Make aura all dota (hoaea) have arrow to PWI If poaaible 110ve labela out ao topo bullapa can be aean near h011ea Include our al te boundary on bullap (not bull squarebull) aa ahovn on Figure 5-l Clearly label brook and roada

0 -6shy

31) ahould be 011ltted fr0111 all date aheeta CDM la ahould be uaed

32) See e~enta 122 and 23 and incorporate thera in thh aection Data aheeta which ahow conpounda detected va all capounda analysed would be eaeier reading and leaa volinoua

Aependii middot

33) Add to hiatortcal data BUJDary CDMa analyeie of theae paat findtnga Doea COM concur with early reporta Explain

~ i

i j


~ l

  1. barcode 566125
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 566125
Page 19: I UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY · the potential alao exhta for det11al expoaure to contaalnanta found In aolla on-aite and fro. the atreaJI vhich joina Lathu Brook

0 -6shy

31) ahould be 011ltted fr0111 all date aheeta CDM la ahould be uaed

32) See e~enta 122 and 23 and incorporate thera in thh aection Data aheeta which ahow conpounda detected va all capounda analysed would be eaeier reading and leaa volinoua

Aependii middot

33) Add to hiatortcal data BUJDary CDMa analyeie of theae paat findtnga Doea COM concur with early reporta Explain

~ i

i j


~ l

  1. barcode 566125
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 566125