i ud4 · 2. appearances: mark swartz, esquire, of the firm swartz e stump, l.c., appeared for the...

V I R G I N I A: INSTRUMENT PREPARED BY «IRGINIA GAS AND OIL BOARD L']j]ii 'i(~i Ei'Ail' ud4 BEFORE THE VIRGINIA GAS AND OIL BOARD LEGAL DESCRIPTION DRILLING UNIT NUMBER AZ-118 (herein "Subject Drilling Unit" ) IN THE MIDDLE RIDGE I COALBED METHANE GAS FIELD NEW GARDEN MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HONAKER QUADRANGLE RUSSELL COUNTY, VIRGINIA (the "Subject Lands" are more particularly described on Exhibit "A", attached hereto and made a part hereof) APPLICANT: POCAHONTAS GAS PARTNERSHIP ) VIRGINIA GAS ) AND OIL BOARD POOLING OF INTERESTS IN ) DRILLING UNIT NO. AZ-118 LOCATED ) DOCKET NO. IN THE MIDDLE RIDGE I COALBED ) 02-0716-1040 METHANE GAS FIELD PURSUANT TO VA. ) CODE 55 45. 1-361. 21 AND 45. 1-361. 22, ) FOR THE PRODUCTION OF OCCLUDED ) NATURAL GAS PRODUCED FROM COALBEDS ) AND ROCK STRATA ASSOCIATED THEREWITH) (herein collectively referred to as ) "Coalbed Methane Gas" or "Gas") ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) REPORT OF THE BOARD FINDINGS AND ORDER 1. Hearing Date and Place: This matter came on for final hearing before the Virginia Gas and Oil Board (hereafter "Board" ) at 9:00 a. m. on August 20, 2002 at the Southwest Virginia Higher Education Center on the campus of Virginia Highlands Community College, Abingdon, Virginia. 2. Appearances: Mark Swartz, Esquire, of the firm Swartz E Stump, L. C. , appeared for the Applicant; and Sandra Riggs and Sharon Pigeon, Assistant Attorneys General, were present to advise the Board. 3. Jurisdiction and Notice: Pursuant to Va. Code 55 45. 1-361. 1 et sece. , the Board finds that it has jurisdiction over the subject matter. Based upon the evidence presented by Applicant, the Board also finds that the Applicant has (1) exercised due diligence in conducting a search of the reasonably available sources to determine the identity and whereabouts of gas and oil owners, coal owners, mineral owners and/or potential owners, i. e. , persons identified by Applicant as having ("Owner" ) or claiming ("Claimant" ) the rights to Coalbed Methane Gas in all coal seams below the Jawbone 1 Seam, including the Tiller Seam, Upper Horsepen, Middle Horsepen, War Creek, Lower Horsepen, Pocahontas No. 8, Pocahontas No. 6, Pocahontas No. 5, Pocahontas No. 4, Pocahontas No. 3, Pocahontas No. 1 and various unnamed coal seams, coalbeds and rock strata associated therewith down to the red and green shales (hereafter "Subject Formation" ) in Subject Drilling Unit underlying and comprised of Subject Lands; (2) represented it has given notice to those parties (hereafter sometimes "person(s) " whether referring to individuals, corporations, partnerships, associations, companies, businesses, trusts, joint ventures or other legal entities) entitled by Va. Code 55 45. 1-361. 19 and

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Page 1: I ud4 · 2. Appearances: Mark Swartz, Esquire, of the firm Swartz E Stump, L.C., appeared for the Applicant; and Sandra Riggs and Sharon Pigeon, Assistant Attorneys General, were

V I R G I N I A:





DRILLING UNIT NUMBER AZ-118(herein "Subject Drilling Unit" ) IN THE


RUSSELL COUNTY, VIRGINIA(the "Subject Lands" are moreparticularly described on Exhibit"A", attached hereto and made apart hereof)






CODE 55 45. 1-361.21 AND 45. 1-361.22, )



AND ROCK STRATA ASSOCIATED THEREWITH)(herein collectively referred to as )

"Coalbed Methane Gas" or "Gas") )












1. Hearing Date and Place: This matter came on for final hearingbefore the Virginia Gas and Oil Board (hereafter "Board" ) at 9:00 a.m. onAugust 20, 2002 at the Southwest Virginia Higher Education Center on thecampus of Virginia Highlands Community College, Abingdon, Virginia.

2. Appearances: Mark Swartz, Esquire, of the firm Swartz E Stump,L.C. , appeared for the Applicant; and Sandra Riggs and Sharon Pigeon,Assistant Attorneys General, were present to advise the Board.

3. Jurisdiction and Notice: Pursuant to Va. Code 55 45. 1-361.1 etsece. , the Board finds that it has jurisdiction over the subject matter. Basedupon the evidence presented by Applicant, the Board also finds that theApplicant has (1) exercised due diligence in conducting a search of thereasonably available sources to determine the identity and whereabouts of gasand oil owners, coal owners, mineral owners and/or potential owners, i.e. ,

persons identified by Applicant as having ("Owner" ) or claiming ("Claimant" )

the rights to Coalbed Methane Gas in all coal seams below the Jawbone 1 Seam,including the Tiller Seam, Upper Horsepen, Middle Horsepen, War Creek, LowerHorsepen, Pocahontas No. 8, Pocahontas No. 6, Pocahontas No. 5, Pocahontas No.4, Pocahontas No. 3, Pocahontas No. 1 and various unnamed coal seams, coalbedsand rock strata associated therewith down to the red and green shales(hereafter "Subject Formation" ) in Subject Drilling Unit underlying andcomprised of Subject Lands; (2) represented it has given notice to thoseparties (hereafter sometimes "person(s) " whether referring to individuals,corporations, partnerships, associations, companies, businesses, trusts, jointventures or other legal entities) entitled by Va. Code 55 45. 1-361.19 and

Page 2: I ud4 · 2. Appearances: Mark Swartz, Esquire, of the firm Swartz E Stump, L.C., appeared for the Applicant; and Sandra Riggs and Sharon Pigeon, Assistant Attorneys General, were

45. 1-361.22, to notice of the Application filed herein; and (3) that thepersons set forth in Exhibit B-3 hereto are persons identified by Applicantthrough its due diligence who may be Owners or Claimants of Coalbed MethaneGas interests in Subject Formation, in Subject Drilling Unit underlying andcomprised of Subject Lands, who have not heretofore agreed to lease or sell tothe Applicant and/or voluntarily pool their Gas interests. Conflicting GasOwners/Claimants in Subject Drilling Unit are listed on Exhibit E. Further,the Board has caused notice of this hearing to be published as required by Va.Code 5 45. 1-361.19.B. Whereupon, the Board hereby finds that the notices givenherein satisfy all statutory requirements, Board rule requirements and theminimum standards of state due process.

4. Amendments: None.

5. Dismissals: None.

6. Relief Requested: Applicant requests (1) that pursuant to Va. Code5 45. 1-361.22, including the applicable portions of Va. Code 5 45. 1-361.21,the Board pool all the rights, interests and estates in and to the Gas inSubject Drilling Unit, including the pooling of the interests of the Applicantand of the known and unknown persons named in Exhibit B-3 hereto and that oftheir known and unknown heirs, executors, administrators, devisees, trustees,assigns and successors, both immediate and remote, for the drilling andoperation, including production, of Coalbed Methane Gas, produced from orallocated to the Subject Drilling Unit established for the Subject Formationunderlying and comprised of the Subject Lands, (hereafter sometimescollectively identified and referred to as "Well Development and/or Operationin the Subject Drilling Unit" ), and (2) that the Board designate PocahontasGas Partnership as Unit Operator.

7. Relief Granted: The Applicant's requested relief in this cause beand hereby is granted: (1) Pursuant to Va. Code 5 45. 1-361.21.C. 3, PocahontasGas Partnership (hereafter "Unit Operator" ) is designated as the Unit Operatorauthorized to drill and operate the Coalbed Methane Gas well in the SubjectDrilling Unit at the location depicted on the plat attached hereto as ExhibitA, subject to the permit provisions contained in Va. Code 55 45. 1-361.27 et~se . ; to the Middle Ridge I Coalbed Methane Gas Field Order VGOB 00-1017-0835,dated January 19, 2001; to 55 4 VAC 25-150 et ~se . , Gas and Oil Regulations;and to 55 4 VAC 25-160 et ~se . , Virginia Gas and Oil Board Regulations, all asamended from time to time, and (2) all the interests and estates in and to theGas in Subject Drilling Unit, including that of the Applicant and of the knownand unknown persons listed on Exhibit B-3, attached hereto and made a parthereof, and their known and unknown heirs, executors, administrators,devisees, trustees, assigns and successors, both immediate and remote, be andhereby are pooled in the Subject Formation in the Subject Drilling Unitunderlying and comprised of the Subject Lands.

Page 3: I ud4 · 2. Appearances: Mark Swartz, Esquire, of the firm Swartz E Stump, L.C., appeared for the Applicant; and Sandra Riggs and Sharon Pigeon, Assistant Attorneys General, were

Unit SizeApproxima-tely 58.74acre squaredrillingunit

Sub jectFormationAll belowdrainagecoalbedsand coalseams andassociatedrock stratawhich mayinclude butare not limitedto the JawboneI seam down tothe red andgreen shales

PermittedWell Location (s)Well CBM-PGP-AZ-118 islocated inSubject Drill-ing Unit at thelocation depictedon the Platattached heretoas Exhibit A.On July 15,2002, pursuantto Permit 45438,the Unit Operatordrilled WellCBM-PGP-AZ118 toan approximatedepth of 2, 560feet.

Field andWell ClassificationMiddle Ridge I CoalbedGas Field forCoalbed MethaneGas Produced inadvance of miningincluding Gasfrom any Addition-al Well AuthorizedPursuant to Va.Code 5 45. 1-361.20

OrderNumberVGOB00-1017—0835(herein"MiddleRidge IFieldRules" )

For the Subject Drilling Unitunderlying and comprised of the Subject

Land referred to as:

Unit Number AZ-118Russell County, Virginia

Pursuant to the Middle Ridge I Field Rules, the Board has adopted thefollowing method for the calculation of production and revenue and allocationof allowable costs for the production of Coalbed Methane Gas.

For Frac Well Gas. — Gas shall be produced from and allocated to onlythe 58.74-acre drilling unit in which the well(s) is located accordingto the undivided interests of each Owner/Claimant within the unit, whichundivided interest shall be the ratio (expressed as a percentage) thatthe amount of mineral acreage within each separate tract that is withinthe Subject Drilling Unit, when platted on the surface, bears to thetotal mineral acreage, when platted on the surface, contained within theentire 80-acre drilling unit in the manner set forth in the Middle RidgeI Field Rules.

8. Election and Election Period: In the event any Owner or Claimantnamed in Exhibit B-3 hereto does not reach a voluntary agreement to share inthe operation of the well located in the Subject Drilling Unit, at a rate ofpayment mutually agreed to by said Gas Owner or Claimant and the UnitOperator, then such person named may elect one of the options set forth inParagraph 9 below and must give written notice of his election of the optionselected under Paragraph 9 to the designated Unit Operator at the addressshown below within thirty (30) days from the date this Order is recorded inthe county above named. A timely election shall be deemed to have been madeif, on or before the last day of said 30-day period, such electing person hasdelivered his written election to the designated Unit Operator at the addressshown below or has duly postmarked and placed its written election in firstclass United States mail, postage prepaid, addressed to the Unit Operator atthe address shown below.

9. Election Options:

Page 4: I ud4 · 2. Appearances: Mark Swartz, Esquire, of the firm Swartz E Stump, L.C., appeared for the Applicant; and Sandra Riggs and Sharon Pigeon, Assistant Attorneys General, were

9.1 Option 1 — To Participate In The Well Development and Operation ofthe Drilling Unit: Any Gas Owner or Claimant named in Exhibit B-3 whodoes not reach a voluntary agreement with the Unit Operator may electto participate in the Well Development and Operation in the SubjectDrilling Unit (hereafter "Participating Operator" ) by agreeing to paythe estimate of such Participating Operator's proportionate part ofthe actual and reasonable costs of the Well Development contemplatedby this Order for Gas produced pursuant to the Middle Ridge I FieldRules, including a reasonable supervision fee, as more particularlyset forth in Virginia Gas and Oil Board Regulation 4 VAC 25-160-100(herein "Completed-for-Production Costs" ). Further, a ParticipatingOperator agrees to pay the estimate of such Participating Operator'sproportionate part of the Completed-for-Production Cost as set forthbelow to the Unit Operator within forty-five (45) days from the laterof the date of mailing or the date of recording of this Order. TheCompleted-for-Production Cost for the Subject Drilling Unit is asfollows:

Completed-for-Production Cost: $204, 396.93

A Participating Operator's proportionate cost hereunder shall be theresult obtained by multiplying the Participating Operators' "Interest inUnit" times the Completed-for-Production Cost set forth above. Provided,however, that in the event a Participating Operator elects toparticipate and fails or refuses to pay the estimate of hisproportionate part of the Completed-for-Production Cost as set forthabove, all within the time set forth herein and in the manner prescribedin Paragraph 8 of this Order, then such Participating Operator shall bedeemed to have elected not to participate and to have electedcompensation in lieu of participation pursuant to Paragraph 9.2 herein.

9.2 Option 2 — To Receive A Cash Bonus Consideration: In lieu ofparticipating in the Well Development and Operation in SubjectDrilling Unit under Paragraph 9.1 above, any Gas Owner or Claimantnamed in Exhibit B-3 hereto who does not reach a voluntaryagreement with the Unit Operator may elect to accept a cash bonusconsideration of $1.00 per net mineral acre owned by such person,commencing upon entry of this Order and continuing annually untilcommencement of production from Subject Drilling Unit, andthereafter a royalty of 1/8th of 8/8ths [twelve and one-halfpercent (12.5%)] of the net proceeds received by the Unit Operatorfor the sale of the Coalbed Methane Gas produced from any WellDevelopment and Operation covered by this Order multiplied by thatperson's Interest in Unit or proportional share of said production[for purposes of this Order, net proceeds shall be actual proceedsreceived less post-production costs incurred downstream of thewellhead, including, but not limited to, gathering, compression,treating, transportation and marketing costs, whether performed byUnit Operator or a third person] as fair, reasonable and equitablecompensation to be paid to said Gas Owner or Claimant. Theinitial cash bonus shall become due and owing when so elected andshall be tendered, paid or escrowed within one hundred twenty(120) days of recording of this Order. Thereafter, annual cashbonuses, if any, shall become due and owing on each anniversary ofthe date of recording of this order in the event production fromSubject Drilling Unit has not theretofore commenced, and once due,shall be tendered, paid or escrowed within sixty (60) days of said

Page 5: I ud4 · 2. Appearances: Mark Swartz, Esquire, of the firm Swartz E Stump, L.C., appeared for the Applicant; and Sandra Riggs and Sharon Pigeon, Assistant Attorneys General, were

anniversary date. Once the initial cash bonus and the annual cashbonuses, if any, are so paid or escrowed, subject to a final legaldetermination of ownership, said payment(s) shall be satisfactionin full for the right, interests, and claims of such electingperson in and to the Gas produced from Subject Formation in theSubject Lands, except, however, for the I/8th royalties duehereunder.

Subject to a final legal determination of ownership, the electionmade under this Paragraph 9.2, when so made, shall be satisfactionin full for the right, interests, and claims of such electingperson in any Well Development and Operation covered hereby andsuch electing person shall be deemed to and hereby does lease andassign, its right, interests, and claims in and to the Gasproduced from Subject Formation in the Subject Drilling Unit tothe Applicant.

9.3. Option 3 — To Share In The Well Development And Operation As ANon-Participating Person On A Carried Basis And To ReceiveConsideration In Lieu Of Cash: In lieu of participating in theWell Development and Operation in Subject Drilling Unit underParagraph 9.1 above and in lieu of receiving a Cash BonusConsideration under Paragraph 9.2 above, any Gas Owner or Claimantnamed in Exhibit B-3 hereto who does not reach a voluntaryagreement with the Unit Operator may elect to share in the WellDevelopment and Operation of Subject Drilling Unit on a carriedbasis (as a "Carried Well Operator"] so that the proportionatepart of the Completed-for-Production Cost hereby allocable to suchCarried Well Operator's interest is charged against such CarriedWell Operator's share of production from Subject Drilling Unit.Such Carried Well Operator's rights, interests, and claims in andto the Gas in Subject Drilling Unit shall be deemed and hereby areassigned to the Applicant until the proceeds from the sale of suchCarried Well Operator's share of production from Subject DrillingUnit (exclusive of any royalty, excess or overriding royalty, orother non-operating or non cost-bearing burden reserved in anylease, assignment thereof or agreement relating thereto coveringsuch interest) equals three hundred percent (300%) for a leasedinterest or two hundred percent (200%) for an unleased interest(whichever is applicable) of such Carried Well Operator's share ofthe Completed-for-Production Cost allocable to the interest ofsuch Carried Well Operator. When the Applicant recoups andrecovers from such Carried Well Operator's assigned interest theamounts provided for above, then, the assigned interest of suchCarried Well Operator shall automatically revert back to suchCarried Well Operator, and from and after such reversion, suchCarried Well Operator shall be treated as if it had participatedinitially under Paragraph 9.1 above; and thereafter, suchparticipating person shall be charged with and shall pay hisproportionate part of all further costs of such Well Developmentand Operation.

Subject to a final legal determination of ownership, the electionmade under this Paragraph 9.3, when so made, shall be satisfactionin full for the rights, interests, and claims of such electingperson in any Well Development and Operation covered hereby andsuch electing person shall be deemed to have and hereby doesassign its rights, interests, and claims in and to the Gasproduced from Subject Formation in the Subject Drilling Unit to

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the Applicant for the period of time during which its interest iscarried as above provided prior to its reversion back to suchelecting person.

10. Failure to Properly Elect: In the event a person named in ExhibitB-3 hereto does not reach a voluntary agreement with the Unit Operator andfails to elect within the time, in the manner and in accordance with the termsof this Order, one of the alternatives set forth in Paragraph 9 above forwhich his interest qualifies, then such person shall be deemed to have electednot to participate in the proposed Well Development and Operation in SubjectDrilling Unit and shall be deemed, subject to a final legal determination ofownership, to have elected to accept as satisfaction in full for such person' sright, interests, and claims in and to the Gas the consideration provided inParagraph 9.2 above for which its interest qualifies and shall be deemed tohave leased and/or assigned his right, interests, and claims in and to the Gasproduced from Subject Formation in the Subject Drilling Unit to the Applicant.

Persons who fail to properly elect shall be deemed, subject to a final legaldetermination of ownership, to have accepted the compensation and terms setforth herein at Paragraph 9.2 in satisfaction in full for the right,interests, and claims of such person in and to the Gas produced from theSubject Formation underlying Subject Lands.

11. Default By Participating Person: In the event a person named inExhibit B-3 elects to participate under Paragraph 9.1, but fails or refuses topay, to secure the payment or to make an arrangement with the Unit Operatorfor the payment of such person's proportionate part of the Completed-for-Production Cost as set forth herein, all within the time and in the manner asprescribed in this Order, then such person shall be deemed to have withdrawnhis election to participate and shall be deemed to have elected to accept assatisfaction in full for such person's right, interest, and claims in and tothe Gas the consideration provided in Paragraph 9.2 above for which hisinterest qualifies depending on the excess burdens attached to such interest.Whereupon, any cash bonus consideration due as a result of such deemedelection shall be tendered, paid or escrowed by Unit Operator within onehundred twenty (120) days after the last day on which such defaulting personunder this Order should have paid his proportionate part of such cost orshould have made satisfactory arrangements for the payment thereof. When suchcash bonus consideration is paid or escrowed, it shall be satisfaction in fullfor the right, interests, and claims of such person in and to the Gasunderlying Subject Drilling Unit in the Subject Lands covered hereby, except,however, for any royalties which would become due pursuant to Paragraph 9.2


12. Assignment of Interest: In the event a person named in Exhibit B-3 is unable to reach a voluntary agreement to share in the Well Developmentand Operation contemplated by this Order at a rate of payment agreed tomutually by said Owner or Claimant and the Unit Operator, and such personelects or fails to elect to do other than participate under Paragraph 9.1above in the Well Development and Operation in Subject Formations in SubjectDrilling Unit, then subject to a final legal determination of ownership, suchperson shall be deemed to have and shall have assigned unto Applicant suchperson's right, interests, and claims in and to said well, and other share inproduction to which such person may be entitled by reason of any election ordeemed election hereunder in accordance with the provisions of this Ordergoverning said election.

13. Unit Operator (or Operator): Pocahontas Gas Partnership be andhereby is designated as Unit Operator authorized to drill and operate theCoalbed Methane Well in Subject Formation in Subject Drilling Unit, allsubject to the permit provisions contained in Va. Code 55 45. 1-361.27 et sece. ;

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55 4 VAC 25-150 et ~se . , Gas and Oil Regulations; 55 4 VAC 25-160 et ~seVirginia Gas and Oil Board Regulations; the Middle Ridge I Coalbed Gas FieldOrder VGOB 00-1017-0835, all as amended from time to time, and all electionsrequired by this Order shall be communicated to Unit Operator in writing atthe address shown below:

Pocahontas Gas PartnershipP. O. Box 947Bluefield, VA 24605Phone: (276) 988-1016Fax: (276) 988-1055Attn: Leslie K. Arrington

14. Commencement of Operations: On July 15, 2002, the Unit Operatordrilled Well No. CBM-PGP-AZ118 to a total depth of 2, 560 feet pursuant toPermit No. 5438 issued by the Virginia Division of Gas and Oil. Except for anycash sums then payable hereunder, and unless sooner terminated by Order of theBoard, this Order shall expire at 12:00 p. m. on the date on which said well ispermanently abandoned and plugged.

15. Operator's Lien: Unit Operator, in addition to the other rightsafforded hereunder, shall have a lien and a right of set off on the Gasestates, rights, and interests owned by any person subject hereto who electsto participate under Paragraph 9.1 in the Subject Drilling Unit to the extentthat costs incurred in the drilling or operation on the Subject Drilling Unitare chargeable against such person's interest. Such liens and right of setoff shall be separable as to each separate person and shall remain liens untilthe Unit Operator drilling or operating any well covered hereby has been paidthe full amounts due under the terms of this Order.

16. Escrow Provisions:

The Unit Operator represented to the Board that there are nounknown or unlocatable Claimants in Subject Drilling Unit whose payments aresubject to the provisions of Paragraph 16.1, but, as reflected on Exhibit Ehereto, that there are conflicting Claimants in Tracts 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 1E, 1F1H, 1J, 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D, 4E, 4P, 4G, 4H, 4I and 4J of Subject Drilling Unitwhose payments are subject to the provisions of Paragraph 16.2 hereof.Therefore, by this Order, the Board instructs the Escrow Agent named herein orany successor named by the Board to establish an interest-bearing escrowaccount for Subject Drilling Unit with subaccounts for Tracts 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D,1E, 1P 1H, 1J, 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D, 4E, 4F, 4G, 4H, 4I and 4J (herein "EscrowAccount" ) and to receive and account to the Board pursuant to its agreementfor funds hereafter described in Paragraph 16.2.

First Union National BankCorporate Trust PA1328123 South Broad StreetPhiladelphia, PA 19109-1199Telephone: (888) 396-0853 or(215) 985-3485Attention: Corporate Trust Don Ballinghoff

16.1. Escrow Provisions For Unknown or Unlocatable Persons: If anypayment of bonus, royalty payment or other payment due and owingunder this Order cannot be made because the person entitledthereto cannot be located or is unknown, then such cash bonus,royalty payment, or other payment shall not be commingled with any

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funds of the Unit Operator and, pursuant to Va. Code 5 45. 1-361.21.D, said sums shall be deposited by the Unit Operator intothe Escrow Account, commencing within one hundred twenty (120)days of recording of this Order, and continuing thereafter on amonthly basis with each deposit to be made, by use of a reportformat approved by the Inspector, by a date which is no later thansixty (60) days after the last day of the month being reportedand/or for which funds are being deposited. Such funds shall beheld for the exclusive use of, and sole benefit of the personentitled thereto until such funds can be paid to such person(s) oruntil the Escrow Agent relinquishes such funds as required by lawor pursuant to Order of the Board in accordance with Va. Code 545. 1—361.21.D.

16.2 Escrow Provisions For Conflicting Claimants: If any payment ofbonus, royalty payment, proceeds in excess of ongoing operationalexpenses, or other payment due and owing under this Order cannotbe made because the person entitled thereto cannot be made certaindue to conflicting claims of ownership and/or a defect or cloud onthe title, then such cash bonus, royalty payment, proceeds inexcess of ongoing operational expenses, or other payment, togetherwith Participating Operator's Proportionate Costs paid to UnitOperator pursuant to Paragraph 9.1 hereof, if any, (1) shall notbe commingled with any funds of the Unit Operator; and (2) shall,pursuant to Va. Code 55 45. 1-361.22.A. 2, 45. 1-361.22. A. 3 and 45. 1-361.22. A. 4, be deposited by the Operator into the Escrow Accountwithin one hundred twenty (120) days of recording of this Order,and continuing thereafter on a monthly basis with each deposit tobe made, by use of a report format approved by the Inspector, by adate which is no later than sixty (60) days after the last day ofthe month being reported and/or for which funds are subject todeposit. Such funds shall be held for the exclusive use of, andsole benefit of, the person entitled thereto until such funds canbe paid to such person(s) or until the Escrow Agent relinquishessuch funds as required by law or pursuant to Order of the Board.

16.3 The unit operator represented to the Board that the person(s)identified in Exhibit EE have agreed to settle their conflictingclaims by entering into royalty split agreements thereby avoidingthe need to escrow royalties pertaining to their interest and/orclaims.

17. Special Findings: The Board specifically and specially finds:17.1. Pocahontas Gas Partnership is a Virginia general partnership

composed of Consolidation Coal Company and CONSOL Energy, Inc.Applicant is duly authorized and qualified to transact business inthe Commonwealth of Virginia;

17.2. Pocahontas Gas Partnership is an operator in the Commonwealth ofVirginia and has satisfied the Board's requirements for operations inVirginia;

17.3. Pocahontas Gas Partnership, claims ownership of gas leases,Coalbed Methane Gas leases, and/or coal leases representing 76.8130percent of the oil and gas interests/claims to Coalbed Methane Gasand 100.00 percent of the coal interests/claims to Coalbed MethaneGas in Subject Drilling Unit, and Pocahontas Gas Partnership claims

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the right to explore for, develop and produce Coalbed Nethane Gasfrom Subject Formations in Middle Ridge I Unit Number AZ-118 inRussell County, Virginia, which Subject Lands are more particularlydescribed in Exhibit "A";

17.4. The estimated total production from Subject Drilling Unit is 125to 550 MMCF. The estimated amount of reserves from the SubjectDrilling Unit is 125 to 550 MNCF;

17.5. Set forth in Exhibit B-3 is the name and last known address ofeach Owner or Claimant identified by the Unit Operator as having orclaiming an interest in the Coalbed Methane Gas in Subject Formationin Subject Drilling Unit underlying and comprised of Subject Lands,who has not, in writing, leased to the Applicant or the Unit Operatoror agreed to voluntarily pool his interests/claims in SubjectDrilling Unit for its development. The interests/claims of theRespondents listed in Exhibit B-3 comprise 23.1870 percent of the oiland gas interests/claims to Coalbed Methane Gas and 0.00 percent ofthe coal interests/claims to Coalbed Methane Gas in Subject DrillingUnit;

17.6. On July 15, 2002, the Virginia Department of Nines, Minerals andEnergy's Division of Gas and Oil has heretofore issued Permit Number5438 for Well CBM-PGP-AZ-118 and said Well was drilled on July 15,2002;

17.7. Applicant's evidence established that the fair, reasonable andequitable compensation to be paid to any person in lieu of the rightto participate in any well covered hereby are those options providedin Paragraph 9 above;

17.8. The relief requested and granted is just and reasonable, issupported by substantial evidence and will afford each person listedand named in Exhibit B-3 hereto the opportunity to recover orreceive, without unnecessary expense, such person's just and fairshare of the production from Subject Drilling Unit. The granting ofthe Application and relief requested therein will ensure to theextent possible the greatest ultimate recovery of coalbed methanegas, prevent or assist in preventing the various types of wasteprohibited by statute and protect or assist in protecting thecorrelative rights of all persons in the subject common sources ofsupply in the Subject Lands. Therefore, the Board is entering anOrder granting the relief herein set forth.

18. Mailing Of Order And Filing Of Affidavit: Applicant or itsAttorney shall file an affidavit with the Secretary of the Board within sixty(60) days after the date of recording of this Order stating that a true andcorrect copy of said Order was mailed within seven (7) days from the date ofits receipt to each known and locatable Respondent, if any, named in ExhibitB-3 pooled by this Order and to each Respondent named in Exhibit E whoseclaims are subject to the escrow requirements of this Order.

19. Availability of Unit Records: The Director shall provide allpersons not subject to a lease with reasonable access to all records forSubject Drilling Unit which are submitted by the Unit Operator to saidDirector and/or his Inspector(s).

Page 10: I ud4 · 2. Appearances: Mark Swartz, Esquire, of the firm Swartz E Stump, L.C., appeared for the Applicant; and Sandra Riggs and Sharon Pigeon, Assistant Attorneys General, were

20. Conclusion: Therefore, the requested relief and all terms and

provisions set forth above be and hereby are granted and IT IS SO ORDERED.

21. Appeals: Appeals of this Order are governed by the provisions ofVa. Code 5 45. 1-361.9 which provides that any order or decision of the Boardmay be appealed to the appropriate circuit court.

22. Effective Date: This Order shall be effective on the date of itsexecution.

DONE AND EXECUTED this // day of 2003, by a majority ofthe Virginia Gas and Oil Board.

Chairman, Ben~R. Wampler

DONE AND PERFORMED this I/ day of 2003, by Order of thisBoard.

Bf R. llfilso&Principal Executive to the StaffVirginia Gas and Oil Board


Acknowledged on thisme a notary public in andWampler, being duly swornVirginia Gas and Oil Board,so.

day of ~~S~ , 2003, personally beforefor the CommopCwealtg of Virginia, appeared Bennydid depose and say that he is Chairman of thethat he executed the same and was authorized to do

My commission expires

Notary Public



Acknowledged on this JJ day of( 3~me a notary public in and for the ComryfnwealkhWilson, being duly sworn did depose and say thatthe Staff of the Virginia Gas and Oil Board, that

2003, personally beforeof Virginia, appeared B. R.he is Principal Executive tohe executed the same and was

authorized to do so.

My commission expires September 30, 2005

BranJ 09th/tingDiane J. David'Notary Public


Order Recorded Under Code of

Virginia Section 45.1-361."t

Page 11: I ud4 · 2. Appearances: Mark Swartz, Esquire, of the firm Swartz E Stump, L.C., appeared for the Applicant; and Sandra Riggs and Sharon Pigeon, Assistant Attorneys General, were


N 3OO, 279.33E gg7, 983.47

N 300,336.74E 996,384.9



v 58. 74 ACRE UN]T







'A Q X',',X 4A


X~&4' ni





iAN 298,737.96 /I/

E 996,327,57

I /




ll I




/I /I /I


// ~'


.'o. QWE 'k~



/ r I






E 997,926.05





N 298,680.55



FORCE POOLINGVGOB —02 —071 6—1040

q g&~44'MALI

Company Pocahontas Gas Partnershi D Well Name and Number UNIT Q1' 8N T Q1'18

Elevation 0ua dr ang l g ~454Ni'c.County Russell pistrict New Garden

FM~ 8 /U~Rev. 9/91 L censed PFOFess I ona I Eng I neer or / i censed Land Sar veyor Re EON

...1PlfffyfIFPOOLVtz 010POOL dgn 05Wl2002 02P37:08 PM

Page 12: I ud4 · 2. Appearances: Mark Swartz, Esquire, of the firm Swartz E Stump, L.C., appeared for the Applicant; and Sandra Riggs and Sharon Pigeon, Assistant Attorneys General, were

Exhibit B-3CB$I-PGP-AZ11$

Docket I/GOB 02471$-1040Liat of Unieased Oernere/Claimants

(5$.74 Acre Unit)

Acres in Unit

Interest in



Tract ¹1D. 1.22 acres

(1) Chariie W. Brown, et ux.

Rt.1 Box 233Swords Creek, VA 24649

Tract ¹1E.2.$3 acres

1.22 acres 2.0769%

(1) Mollie Elizabeth Miller

RR1 Bax 235Swords Creek, VA 24649

Tract ¹44. 0.74 acres

2.63 acres 4.4774%

(1) Agnes Breedkwe PerkinsRR1 Box 238Swords Creek, VA 24649

0.74 acres 1.2598%

(1) Commonwealth of Virginia

Dept. af HighwaysP.O. Bax 1768Bristol, VA 24203

1.24 acres 2.1110%

Tract ¹4C. 3.02 acres

(1) Adrian Breedlove, et ux.

P.O. Box 136Swords Creek, VA 24649

Tract ¹4D. 0.$4 acres

3.02 acres 5.1413%

(1) Maggie DyeP.O. Bax 271Swords Creek, VA 24649

Tract ¹4E. 0.5$ acres


(1) Sallie I. BreedioveP.O. Box 136Swords Creek, VA 24649


Tract ¹4F. 0.20 acres

(1) Mollie Elizabeth Miller

RR1 Box 235Swords Creek, VA 24649

Tract ¹4G. 3.03 acres

0.20 acres 0.3405%

{1) Randy L. Dye, et ux.RR1 Bax 236Swords Creek, VA 24649

3.03 acres 5.1583%

Page 1 of 2 5/28/02

Page 13: I ud4 · 2. Appearances: Mark Swartz, Esquire, of the firm Swartz E Stump, L.C., appeared for the Applicant; and Sandra Riggs and Sharon Pigeon, Assistant Attorneys General, were

Exhibit 8-3CBN-PGP-AZ118

Docket ¹VOOB 02%718-1040Liat of Unleaeed OwnerelClaimante

(58.74 Acre Unlfj

Acres in UnitInterest in


Tract ¹4J. 0.44 acres

(1} Shirley Ann Meadows Grizzle

RR1 Box 66Swords Creek, VA 24649

0.44 acres 0.7491%

Page2of2 5I26/02

Page 14: I ud4 · 2. Appearances: Mark Swartz, Esquire, of the firm Swartz E Stump, L.C., appeared for the Applicant; and Sandra Riggs and Sharon Pigeon, Assistant Attorneys General, were

Exhibit ECBM-PGP-AZ118

Docket f/VGOB 024718-1040List of Conflicting Owners/Claimants that require escrow

(88.74 Acre Unit)

Acres in UnitInterest in


Tract f/1A. 11.13acres


(1) Swords Creek Land Partnership, Tr. 15P.O. Bax 29Tazewell, VA 24651


11.13 acres 18 9479%

(1) Leslie W. Peck, et ux.Rt.1 Bax 233Swords Creek, VA 24649

Tract t/1 B. 8.40 acres

11.13 acres 18.9479%


(1) Swords Creek Land Partnership, Tr.15P.O. Bax 29Tazewell, VA 24651


6.40 acres 10.8955%

(1) Leslie W. Peck, ei ux.

Rt. 1 Box 233Swords Creek, VA 24649

Tract f/1 C. OA1 acres

6.40 acres 10.8955%


(1) Swords Creek Land Partnership, Tr.15P.O. Bax 29Tazewell, VA 24651


0.41 acres 0 6980%

(1) Leslie W. Peck, et uxRt.1 Bax 233Swords Creek, VA 24649

Tract f/1D. 1.22 acres

0.41 acres 0.6980%


(1) Swords Creek Land Partnership, Tr.15P.O. Bax 29Tazewell, VA 24651


1.22 acres 2 0769%

(1) Charlie W. Brown, et ux.Rt. 1 Bax 233Swords Creek, VA 24649

1.22 acres 2.0769%

Page1 of 5 5/29/02

Page 15: I ud4 · 2. Appearances: Mark Swartz, Esquire, of the firm Swartz E Stump, L.C., appeared for the Applicant; and Sandra Riggs and Sharon Pigeon, Assistant Attorneys General, were

Exhibit ECBII-PGP-AZ118

Docket ¹VGOB 02%715-1040List of Conflicting Owners/Ciaimants that require escrow

(5(L74 Acre Unit)

Interest in


Tract ¹fE. 253 acres


(1) Swords Creek Land Partnership, Tr. 15P.O. Box 29Tazewell, VA 24651


2.63 acres 4.4774%

(1) Mollie Elizabeth Miller

RR1 Box 235Swords Creek, VA 24649

2.63 acres 4.4774%

Tract ¹1F.0.33acres


(1) Swords Creek Land Partnership, Tr.15P.O. Box 29Tazewell, VA 24651


0.33 acres 0 5618%

(1) Monnie R. Coleman, et ux.

P.O. Box 41Rowe, VA 24646

Tract WH. 0.75 acres

0.33 acres 0.5618%


(1) Swords Creek Land Partnership, Tr.15P.O. Box 29Tazewell, VA 24651


0.75 acres 1.2768%

(1) Leslie W. Peck, et ux.

Rt. 1 Box 233Swords Creek, VA 24649

0.75 acres 1.2768%

Tract ¹1J. 0.43 acres


(1) Swords Creek Land Partnership, Tr.15P.O. Box 29Tazewell, VA 24651


0.43 acres 0.7320%

(1) Leslie W. Peck, et ux.

Rt.1 Box 233Swords Creek, VA 24649

0.43 acres 0.7320%

Page 2 of 5 5/29/02

Page 16: I ud4 · 2. Appearances: Mark Swartz, Esquire, of the firm Swartz E Stump, L.C., appeared for the Applicant; and Sandra Riggs and Sharon Pigeon, Assistant Attorneys General, were

Exhibit ECBIN-PGP~118

Docket %(GOB 024716-1040Liat of Conflicting Owners/Claimant» that require escrow

(8$.74 Acre Unit)

Acres in Unit

Interest in


Tract ¹4A. 0.74 acres


(1) Swords Creek Land Partnership, Tr.55P.O. Box 29Tazewell, VA 24651


0.74 acres 1 2598/o

(1) Agnes Breedlove Perkins

RR1 Box 238Swords Creek, VA 24649

Tract ¹4B.1.24 acres

0.74 acres 1.2598'/o


(1) Swords Creek Land Partnership, Tr.55P.O. Box 29Tazewell, VA 24651


1.24 acres 2 11100%%d

(1) Commonwealth of Virginia

Dept. of HighwaysP.O. Be( 1768Bristol, VA 24203

Tract ¹4C 3.02 acres

1.24 acres 2.1110'%%d


(1) Swords Creek Land Partnership, Tr.55P.O. Box 29Tazewell, VA 24651


3.02 acres 5.1413%

(1) Adrian Breedlove, et uxP.O. Box 136Swords Creek, VA 24649

3.02 acres 5 1413o/

Tract ¹4D. 0.54 acres


(1) Swords Creek Land Partnership, Tr.55P.O. Box 29Tazewell, VA 24651


0.54 acres 0.9193'jo

(1) Maggie DyeP.O. Eku 271Swords Creek, VA 24649

0.54 acres

Page 3 of 5



Page 17: I ud4 · 2. Appearances: Mark Swartz, Esquire, of the firm Swartz E Stump, L.C., appeared for the Applicant; and Sandra Riggs and Sharon Pigeon, Assistant Attorneys General, were

Exhibit ECBN-PGP-AZ118

Docket ¹VGOB 02%716-1040Liat of Conflicting Owners/Claimants that require escrow

(SL74 Acre Unit)

Acme in Unit

Interest inUnit

Tract ¹4E. D.¹6 acres


(1) Swords Creek Land Partnership, Tr.55P.O. Box 29Tazewell, VA 24651


0.56 acres 0.9534%

(1) Sallie I. BreedloveP.O. Bax 136Swords Creek, VA 24649

Tract ¹4F. 0.20 acres

0.56 acres


(1) Swords Greek Land Partnership, Tr.55P.O. Box 29Tazewell, VA 24651


0.20 acres 0.3405%

(1) Mollie Elizabeth Miller

RR1 Bax 235Swords Creek, VA 24649

Tract ¹4G. LM acres

0.20 acres 0.3405%


(1) Swords Creek Land Partnership, Tr.55P.O. Bax 29Tazewell, VA 24651


3.03 acres 5.1583%

(I) Randy L. Dye, et uxRR1 Box 236Swords Creek, VA 24649

Tract ¹4H. 0.58 acres

3.03 acres 5.1583%


(1) Swords Creek Land Partnership, Tr.55P.O. Box 29Tazewell, VA 24651



(1) Isaac L. Wilson, et ux.

Rt.1 Box 299Swords Creek, VA 24649

0.58 acres 0.9874%

Page4of 5 5/29/02

Page 18: I ud4 · 2. Appearances: Mark Swartz, Esquire, of the firm Swartz E Stump, L.C., appeared for the Applicant; and Sandra Riggs and Sharon Pigeon, Assistant Attorneys General, were

Exhibit ECB8N-PGP-AZ118

Docket A'GOB 02-0716-1040Ust of Conflicting Owners/Claimants that requite escrow

(88.74 Acre Unit)

~'Ji~r '& i& /FAjit de) I

Acres in UnitInterest in


Tract f/4/. 0.15acres


(1) Swords Creek Land Partnership, Tr.55P.O. Box 29T~l, VA 24651


0.15 acres 0.2554%

(1) Leslie W. Peck, et uxRt.1 Box 233Swords Creek, VA 24649

Tract f/4J. OA4 acne

0.15 acres 0.2554%


(1) Swords Creek Land Partnership, Tr.55P.O. Box 29Tazewell, VA 24651


0 7491%

(1) Shirley Ann Meadows Grizzle

RR1 Box 66Swords Creek, VA 24649

0.44 acres 0.7491%

Page 5 of 5 5/29/02

Page 19: I ud4 · 2. Appearances: Mark Swartz, Esquire, of the firm Swartz E Stump, L.C., appeared for the Applicant; and Sandra Riggs and Sharon Pigeon, Assistant Attorneys General, were

Exhibit EEC88fi-PGP-AZ118

Docket O'GOB 02-0716-1040Ust of Conflicting Owners/Claimants with Royalty Split Agreernenls

(68.74 Acre Unit)

'-'JHRit IKTA / f'ftljE 30J

Acres in UnitInlsreet in


Tract ¹1G. 8.89 acres


(1) Swords Creak Land Partnership, Tr.15P.O. Bax 29Tazewell, VA 24651

8.89 acres 15 1345o%%d


(1) Larry Miller, et ux.

P.O. Box 1491Honaker, VA 24260

8.89 acres 15.1345o%%d

Tract ¹1I.14.68 acres


(1) Swords Creek Land Partnership, Tr.15P.O. Box 29Tazewell, YA 24651

14.58 acres 24.8212'%%d


{1) Ciao Hubbard

Rt.1 Box 239Swords Creek, VA 24649

14.58 acres 24.8212o%%d


3 A: IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF THE CIRCCIT COIIRT OF RCEEEii COOHTTpresented in said office, and upon the certificate of acknowledgment thereto annexed, admitted to record at ~g o' clock PM, after payment of$ tax imposed by Sec. 58.1-802.

Original returned this date to: Lk


SY: A~ t-rr ~C /(Dm fLm~ D. CLERK/ '


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