i tot wits - library of congress · 2017. 12. 26. · the washington times sunday july 21 1907 e q-...

THE WASHINGTON TIMES SUNDAY JULY 21 1907 e q- j = AUTOI BUSY Motor Touristsiof National Capital Enjoying Them- selves Big Automo bile Show to Be Held inOctober STILL WITS PLEASURE TRIPS v DaysNext I i I These Warm ¬ + There Is going to new associa- tion formed it said wlth tbe pur pose of depiqring war on the Automo bile Dealers Association of District of Columbia B F Washington who was assistant secretary of tho old olub It is alleged Is at the head of the to project the now organization As yet full details aro not known John Wright of 1337 Tenth street northwest loft Washington last In his now Wayne 35heraopower oar for a trip to Boston and return The jaunt Is for pleasure alone and Mr Wright and MB guests said that rthey would atop at Baltimore Havwe do Grape Wilmington and Philadelphia spending anywhere tOm an hour to a day In eaoh place Havre de Grace br the way saemBtto cater to autpjcts The trip whit Mr Wright Is taking necessitates his ship- ping his car aprons tho Susquehwnna river The ebargq for the shipment Is only Tho accommodations at Havro do Grace are so meager that often travelers who want to the river have good Waiting spills as It h9 beers the custom to telephone the engineer and fireman and get them out of bed before the trip can bo made at night Auto tourists nowcver hayp proven BO JlbBral that R call from them usually results lna hurried arrival of the train Hugh Wallls loft Washington on Thursday morning on a trip New England from Washington Mr Wallis went tq Fredericksburg thence to Get tyaburg Philadelphia Atlantic City to Asbury Park which ho reached yester- day yrom the Now Jersey resort the tourist will make a run to Boston passing through and possibly Btapplng off at New York city and Springfield Wallace C Hood manager of tho Car Company who broke tho wprlds record for at the Ban- ning race tracto on Decoration Is ppntomplatlng A trjp to Hagerstown Md Mr Hood wlH be accompanied lay his wife and E Hi Johanson and Her- bert Horne The Mrty will leave In time to meet the GUSden tourists at Hagerstown and will drive them to Baltimore the that the contestants reach Gill on a Trip HW GUI president of the Motor Car Company Is on a pleasure trip through Virginia Mr Gill departed from the National Capital on Friday His objec- tive point Is the Jamestown Exposition He will make a stopping off at Fraderlcksburg and Blchmoivi only to get life meals oar he Is utilizing for the run is a Thomas runabout Thomas B FprffVspn of Stt Fifteenth street northwest s one of the most recent pyrohasers of Ferguson from the Motor Car Company o 2 Duryea car and decided to give his machine A test I ast Supday he started- on a run tg Buffalo Mr Ferguson will take the towns 1n Maryland and west- ern Pennsylvania stopping In Plttsburg for several days From there he will resume his trip to tho Bison City where ho will put In tho remainder pf the summer Two travelers have returned They are Dr D P Balloy and JW Billy Fry This pair of heroes of the auto game ht tine pike for week before last and bock last Monday The trip was a howling suc- cess and not a single accident Inter- fered with the schedule Stops wero mode In Baltimore Philadelphia and New Tprk and they didnt In zany town they visited beta 1 thE I long I to Mo- tor lOQ mlles Day tPcJxt o soho sepower ught orsepower In got move- ment Thurs- day s itO cress y afternoon Hartf- ord south 1 through run The automobiles Mfr Stevenson Grafton Hart- ford miss any- thing ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ How Fry got the nerve to go with the tf outer Is somewhat of a mystery Last year they started for Baltimore to- gether In tha doctors machine on a rainy night On the way over Fry offered so much advice that the physl clan became weary of hearing It and just to show he could cut a tow tanOY eaperp taeucd side of the bubble buggy Into mud bole In the last twenty mites of the Journey The dirt had to be sorap d f him with a crow bar when they retched the Monumental Cl y and Fry pwore he would never go autolngvagain manager of the Bulak Car Company ot Web who was In Washington for a week the city last Mo- nday going to Richmond where he ar- rived late the same night Mr Cod dington boforo ho loft stated that he expected to be backln town by Sunday e enlng and would stop here for sev I I C C Coddington Mst8tapt traveling Funk Fry every 1 aver left ¬ ¬ oral days registering at the Raleigh Hotel Dikes Good Jaunt A 30horsepower Mitchell runabout given a good tryout last week when it was driven to Philadelphia and re- turn by Tame J Flynn entire trip 26S miles was made at on average rate of thirteen and onehalf miles per hour twentysix gallons of gasolene were used the machine making an age of fourteen and onesixth miles per gallon There was Ofijy one delay en route spark plug blew out near Lancaster Tho wear in the Brakes was also taken up but otherwise the car was untouched during the trip Infant Industry originally the poll tlolan votecatching QUctlon cry and in a measure sally indicative of tangible has bocomo u household phrase throughout from oast to coast Tile various infants of the several carefully nurtured Industries have now become well advanced In years yot we are compelled to pause In our mad haste for wealth and again stand by the oradle of another Infant a youngster endowed with the promise of a long and IJfe the automobile industry As great oaks from acorns grow HO from an Jpflnlteslmally beginning hardly ten yoara xaso the menufacturc of the automobile has grown to proportions that have dumfounded the Industrial world And yet In Its Infancy tho fu- ture Fcomc destined to eclipse the most sanguine anticipations of the few who timidly out their lot with the vicissi- tudes of motorcar construction Since the taking x the last census the as The aver- t whena some- thing useful ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > Troobleless Economical Cylinder Sliding Gear Transmission Shaft Driva In selecting a car select one with a reputation The SHOW ME MITCHELL in the Glidden Tour and recently on a run from Washington to Philadelphia fully demonstrated its value The Rambler a known quantity has simply answered ev cry call made upon it Let us show you a Show Me car High Power Touring Cars for Hire Improved Planetary Chain Drive The Car of Steady Service Capitol Hili Garage TELEPHONE LINCOLN 336 Dependable Motor Cars I n IIIII I- I I Ion 11111 IIii B St s E ill H GI5GI7 r WASHINGTON AUTO ENTHUSIASTS w JAMES J FLYtfff DRIVING MITCHELL CAR w 2olIORS POWER the Increase thta ia4 try M cent VT ll laidai growth of autmoWU n n ifa twrfl wa nitrtured in foreign lands upon a various assortment- of patented inventions tHe industry quickly took root upon American abarea r pldl grew today Am rio leads the world as to but in r lUbi and wipwter ter f the machine Yankee has surpawMd OM foreign prod Over MWOX w p W in by ten iMuiiag Am rle H on- crns Just and ever uaj9M9 hoe found its way lute the t anto- moWIe U kMM ni in than ten years The Home consumption of th auta while far aMHty of tb fimii to net prevented a heavy To alone th mother country at the auto where for months the product- of the Renault Brothers eoneern held undisputed sway was a shipment of nearly KJ cars during last April A I United States Bureau or S I per until not only Output the mode uot peek of It I rr foreign e t h tatietk acne tt the sad shores In- genuity divi- dends the year lees beyond the supply has shipment mod- ern the ¬ detailed story ef Ute yhonomenal ftnan- Ial 9t i f mf iadwKry to- beyond th Kn itHon of adler a greet and far r caUip hM K The growth In ch actar of ruts construction has kept with flnaacial Increase From the small two nyitnder cobs of Paris w- And su cea ve adva MnM t t four six clgttt and eves twatve yln4l r- ears With step forward in Ute mttr af power makers kept puce in tHe bulMtHff of heavier cad mere compact maU r and size of ears This growth has of equal proportion upon both sides of At- lantic from the fact of securing greater speed from a multiple of eylin dots It been clearly demonstrated that sinailet ngn s with small stroke sad hors are greatly superior to the larger motors of lo e cylinders And aside from speed equipped with motors of the multiplecylinder type have by tar the longer life and are oai er to operate as well as more pleasant 4r the tourist In the recent auto at Detroit the s4xeyjln4 oontpleteiy walked away from those of only cylinders clearly demont rating their superiority In line with this theory the higher grade of Preach ers are new equipped with twelve cylinders and have resulted largely In placing those makes so favor- ably Before the nubile Another recent illustration of the prowess of the mul math this the the the have the Aside rU8 min tour I I tale been pose horsepower each various been has ears > ¬ ¬ SCyJindcr Touring Car 24 H P 1750 New Car flf Carter Company Which Arrived Yesterday Howard 0 Carter at Wheel and G Garry Carter Him in Front Seat In Back Seat From Left to Right Are Frank L Carter W E Berry and F Irving Engler Accom- panying Mpleeylinder ear Js the results shown in thfc Encliak rftcoa a atxejHn- dere4 car averaged sixty to seventytwo mliea per hour Detroit Greatest Center The greateot automobile manufactur- ing onr in this oouniry is unques- tionably Detroit with Chicago and Mil- waukee closely following In Detroit atone there are twentynine faoterlM various asesrnWtnar shops In vhich are m nttfaeturod some of th finest of Americas auto products The advantages frosts a goograpNtoal as well as shipping point of view hed by De- troit for the Middle West are no great er than those with which the city of WMfclngton Is endowed from an Eastern standpoint Owing to the severe en- croachments upon the passenger traffic of the railroads the automobile Is cou- sidored by them to be a competitor and by reason of this fact shipment of oars from faotories in the Middle West U the markets of the Atlantic seaboard te- a heaVY tax to bola shipper and Buyer These conditions need not exist Their amelioration Is the grasp of these intoroetod In a Greater Washington The Eastern ftoid together with that ritory south of and Dixon s line is well nigh Inexhaustible Still Far From Limit The field of auto construotloa is un- limited It if not an exaggeration In enumerating the posBlbHUlos of the auto where I I I besides let within ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ Came Through the Last Glidden With a Perfect Score The Twocycle Valveless Jour ELi ORE Has Fewer Parts Than Other Machine Any 4 The Acme of Perfection and Simplicity 7 ha 1 Costs Less to Run Than Any Other Machine People Who Own Elmore Cars Spend Little for Repairs We Make Repairs Free of Charge for One Year from Date of Purchase The highest notch of perfection and simplicity has been attained the valveless Twocycle Elmore For beauty r plicity and endurance it stands without a peer Owners of Elmore cars can operate them I of a mechanical engineer Free L monstratioa for Persons Interested in Autos e SCIIndor nbout I 191 pO J 241 > Storing I I I 36 II P 2500 4CyunderTouring Car i OHAS C HUGHES CO Solo Agtnts for Washington UNION GARAGE NEW LET US TAKE CARE OF YOUR AUTO Phone 403 643645 MARYLAND AVENUE N Eo I j J Jjr L Lincoln < when we include fire and chemical ca Fines tracUen engines amfruianoM police patrols mail vans artillery drays and truoksf reapers plows and threshing machines In the dty of Paris they have suoaeesfutty un0d the auto lire apparatus for a number of years as welt as in a number suburban localities In this eauntry It is only a nwttar f time their use win be universal Eva town mowers have been equipped ad fiveeosefttttv used as Js evidenced by UM BM hto operated the lawns of tiNt UflltMl States Capital It is t eri dent that the touring oar is Wt a emtM factor in th great fiend f ptructien Aoeer41 g to M tor leading publication for the awtemebtte Industry there are now Wta- gencios throughout the United representing the a tto awmtCftt toting one rns Manufacturers Make Money The great automobile Industry is set alone beneficial to the zuaauf aeturers- pf machines or they awn them The vast army of employee prent through high wages the stockholders reap enormous and our oem try brethren are brought lAte closer touch with their city oousfaw Awl further than thl the expansion of automobile that has resulted In the past and will In the future to even a greater extent In the f superior country reads and pikes be- sides greatly advancing the value of That tho acme of motor car per fectlon been actually attained is evident If the handsome new 19flS model of the Carter twoengine tour Jj 5 now In this city Is any cri- terion Tide new creation reached Washington yesterday end will next week start for the Jataestawn Bxpost tlen where It will be as an exhibit in the machinery and trans- portation building The car Is finished In bright red black striped with canopy and Is equipped with two 246t Carrico gaso- line engines capable f maintsinlHg a speed of seventyfive miles aa hour The car Is actually the highest power ed nirce fod touring stock car In the world and slides along with the leaeneos of an electric machine The general construction of the car Js somewhat different from the 1807 The hood is weal la design and while one muffler was previously used am two upon the new war placed Jn an elevated rear position The entire mechanism of the machine is neatly raised without heightening the the car which increases its general attrac- tiveness Another new and prominent feature Is the unique the acetylene headlights fn axle As the wheels to right or left in a circle t lights act automatically with the wheels thus throwing the power ful rays directly upon the tefttead of oft the side of the course traversed aa is now the usual cas OB oars such lights Next Automobile Show Tho first aut m Wle skew n this was su e e8fuly promoted te November J800 by the Automobile Club of upon who rally that construction Set WtlrNn real estate oar nol e sad peat o ep t e r1b1n g ve- hicles when building owl eon the over States various dividends hag placed model only there u turned held country ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ f America with the object of support ing and encouraging the then new sport and industry of motoring In Amer lea S4 e tot time nutirmoMlo year toeroased to importance sad msg nttude The oxfcibkJon ontMttta title year in to a at a tiMe when all MtemeMt httapMts we W b eec in Now Yer October te n fcteh sap A6dtt and the Rotor ry 2 ftmCa turars Ic its eighth anavMa show ta the Grand M to Thursday Oetefcer Geed Central steiated at en v f F rtytMr4 street and Lexington aveiMte and soCTipirteg the most aeoeeelWe boteg easily rearmed by railway subway and surface hoes All maaufaotarers are Invited wltBout- OualMeatien or restriction of member- ship la any organization to czMMt their produets- AH Interesting baUeoa exhibit will fce made by the Aero Club of America as in previous years By special arransaweat with the Grand Central Pakee Company the club has secured some M ftW feet snore apace for exhibition purposes than was avattaWe year whist will en able exhlbit Ts t a better show lag of their produets thorn heretofore During the last part of the week Markle assistant sales manager for the Corbln tcr Vefcicfe Corpora- tion arrtvod In Washington over the road in a Type H Cerbin car In which be covered over iAX miles with- out E Mr Markle white here placed tko Corbln agency with Da pent garage On Wednesday last A A Cohen with- a party of friends drove to Harpers Perry W Va in his 24hers power Co teunbis He is sUM touring the untry- aJtfotalag Harpers test Sunday Frank P Hall drove a party jn Hnitog Wright and a brother to Judge Wright frvai Cincin- nati Ohio OB a and interest- Ing excursion to Laesburg battlegrounds in his Cohunbia macMio Heavy were eacpwicnead but trip was with out accident On July 2 L M aa amateur left and through New York The are stilt touring York State and to ate have covered more than l reports trip with no untoward incidents THIRTYFIVE CENT THEFT COSTS WOMAN 5 FINE Per stealing four head of cabbage end tttreo onions Irma the truck garden at the Soldiers Home Annie Rose of Fomtrov street was Sled ff in the PoHoe Court yesterday nenttag The vegetables were worth Si seats i ender order t tar ttse they ported IW t9O Aterteea OIl lan sed A nu who are aM will CMttnLl PaMee October J1 The Pause Ute satire Meek PertyMa1k street S square Jest he Ferry Judge pleasant roads tIN Adolph a seven r trop to State New show successful 31 the abw iSse debs saeplns has each provide shoo decided on early elects mere Keter ufesturere partkipeerte he club bti from Thursday to s make La- fayette soaring puncture On with party oC pseengers In his ogashk eor t a Hart- ford miles Latest ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > THE CAR YOU Will EVENTUAllY BUY Because its the Only Reliable Economical and Speedy J NONE Equipped with two FourCylinder Independent Gasoline Engines Pronounced by Experts Absolutely Tow f Home unknown r- pp 2 IC J 5 5rrS- J 31 Vij M ss iei i This Car Only 2250- 40H P Model A Three Types in One I Convertible to Runabout or Gentle mens RoadsterS- END FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE MOTOR CAR J Exclusive Manufacturers Carter TwoEngine Car EXECUTIVE OFFICES Munsey Building WASHINGTON D c Telephone Main 5126 Detroit Michigan- HH HH HHHHH HIH HHHt Ht HH I it i Jf I I Two Engine I- j I f CarBAR It PerfectA t i t I I t t f- tf I f J CAR f TION t- t t I j- t 409 410 t t T H HHiHH i Carter L Automobile L cry r wi a4 5 0 1 i Y h 1T 7pry 5 FU > = + + + = + + + = + + + + +

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Page 1: i tot WITS - Library of Congress · 2017. 12. 26. · THE WASHINGTON TIMES SUNDAY JULY 21 1907 e q- j = AUTOI BUSY Motor Touristsiof National Capital Enjoying Them- selves Big Automo




Motor Touristsiof National Capital Enjoying Them-

selves Big Automobile Show to Be Held inOctober






These Warm¬


There Is going to new associa-tion formed it said wlth tbe purpose of depiqring war on the Automobile Dealers Association of Districtof Columbia B F Washington whowas assistant secretary of tho old olubIt is alleged Is at the head of the

to project the now organizationAs yet full details aro not known

John Wright of 1337 Tenth streetnorthwest loft Washington last

In his now Wayne 35heraopoweroar for a trip to Boston and return Thejaunt Is for pleasure alone and MrWright and MB guests said that rtheywould atop at Baltimore Havwe doGrape Wilmington and Philadelphiaspending anywhere tOm an hour to aday In eaoh place

Havre de Grace br the way saemBttocater to autpjcts The trip whit MrWright Is taking necessitates his ship-ping his car aprons tho Susquehwnnariver The ebargq for the shipment Isonly Tho accommodations atHavro do Grace are so meager thatoften travelers who want to theriver have good Waiting spills asIt h9 beers the custom to telephone theengineer and fireman and get them outof bed before the trip can bo made atnight Auto tourists nowcver haypproven BO JlbBral that R call from themusually results lna hurried arrival ofthe train

Hugh Wallls loft Washington onThursday morning on a trip NewEngland from Washington Mr Walliswent tq Fredericksburg thence to Gettyaburg Philadelphia Atlantic City toAsbury Park which ho reached yester-day yrom the Now Jerseyresort the tourist will make a run toBoston passing through and possiblyBtapplng off at New York city

and Springfield

Wallace C Hood manager of thoCar Company who broke tho

wprlds record for at the Ban-ning race tracto on DecorationIs ppntomplatlng A trjp to HagerstownMd Mr Hood wlH be accompanied layhis wife and E Hi Johanson and Her-bert Horne The Mrty will leave Intime to meet the GUSden tourists atHagerstown and will drive them toBaltimore the thatthe contestants reach

Gill on a TripH W GUI president of the Motor Car

Company Is on a pleasure trip throughVirginia Mr Gill departed from theNational Capital on Friday His objec-tive point Is the Jamestown ExpositionHe will make a stoppingoff at Fraderlcksburg and Blchmoivionly to get life meals oar he Isutilizing for the run is aThomas runabout

Thomas B FprffVspn of Stt Fifteenthstreet northwest s one of the mostrecent pyrohasers ofFerguson from the Motor CarCompany o 2

Duryea car and decided to give hismachine A test I ast Supday he started-on a run tg Buffalo Mr Ferguson willtake the towns 1n Maryland and west-ern Pennsylvania stopping In Plttsburgfor several days From there he willresume his trip to tho Bison City whereho will put In tho remainder pf thesummer

Two travelers have returned Theyare Dr D P Balloy and J WBilly Fry This pair of heroes ofthe auto game ht tine pike for

week before last and bock lastMonday The trip was a howling suc-cess and not a single accident Inter-fered with the schedule Stops weromode In Baltimore Philadelphia andNew Tprk and they didnt

In zany town they visited





I to


torlOQ mlles




soho sepower














through run


automobiles Mfr




miss any-thing













How Fry got the nerve to go with thetf outer Is somewhat of a mystery Lastyear they started for Baltimore to-gether In tha doctors machine on arainy night On the way over Fryoffered so much advice that the physlclan became weary of hearing It andjust to show he could cut a tow tanOYeaperp taeucd side of the bubblebuggy Into mud bole In the lasttwenty mites of the Journey The dirthad to be sorap d f him with a crowbar when they retched the MonumentalCl y and Fry pwore he would never goautolngvagain

manager of the Bulak Car Company otWeb who was In Washington

for a week the city last Mo-nday going to Richmond where he ar-rived late the same night Mr Coddington boforo ho loft stated that heexpected to be backln town by Sundaye enlng and would stop here for sev



C C Coddington Mst8tapt traveling




aver left ¬


oral days registering at the RaleighHotel

Dikes Good JauntA 30horsepower Mitchell runabout

given a good tryout last week whenit was driven to Philadelphia and re-

turn by Tame J Flynn entiretrip 26S miles was made at on averagerate of thirteen and onehalf miles perhour twentysix gallons of gasolenewere used the machine making anage of fourteen and onesixth miles pergallon There was Ofijy one delay enroute spark plug blew out nearLancaster Tho wear in the Brakes wasalso taken up but otherwise the carwas untouched during the trip

Infant Industry originally the polltlolan votecatching QUctlon cry andin a measure sally indicative of

tangible has bocomo u householdphrase throughout from oast to coastTile various infants of the severalcarefully nurtured Industries have nowbecome well advanced In years yot weare compelled to pause In our mad hastefor wealth and again stand by theoradle of another Infant a youngsterendowed with the promise of a long and

IJfe the automobile industryAs great oaks from acorns grow HO

from an Jpflnlteslmally beginning hardlyten yoara xaso the menufacturc of theautomobile has grown to proportionsthat have dumfounded the Industrialworld And yet In Its Infancy tho fu-

ture Fcomc destined to eclipse the mostsanguine anticipations of the few whotimidly out their lot with the vicissi-

tudes of motorcar constructionSince the taking x the last census the













Troobleless Economical

Cylinder Sliding Gear Transmission Shaft Driva

In selecting a car select one with a reputation The SHOWME MITCHELL in the Glidden Tour and recently on a run fromWashington to Philadelphia fully demonstrated its value

The Rambler a known quantity has simply answered ev

cry call made upon itLet us show you a Show Me car

High Power Touring Cars for Hire

Improved Planetary Chain Drive

The Car of Steady Service

Capitol Hili GarageTELEPHONE LINCOLN 336

Dependable Motor Cars







11111 IIii

B St s E









the Increase thta ia4 try Mcent VT ll laidai growth of

autmoWU n n ifa twrfl wa nitrtured inforeign lands upon a various assortment-of patented inventions tHe industryquickly took root upon American abarea

r pldl grew today Am rioleads the world as tobut in r lUbi and wipwterter f the machine Yankee

has surpawMd OM foreign prodOver MWOX w p W inby ten iMuiiag Am rle H on-

crns Just and ever uaj9M9 hoefound its way lute the t anto-moWIe U kMM ni in than tenyears

The Home consumption of th autawhile far aMHty of tb fimii

to net preventeda heavy Toalone th mother country at the

auto where for months the product-of the Renault Brothers eoneern heldundisputed sway was a shipmentof nearly KJ cars during last April A

I United States Bureau or S



untilnot only Output



peek ofIt

I r rforeign e



tatietk acnett





dends theyear


beyond thesupply has





detailed story ef Ute yhonomenal ftnan-Ial 9t i f mf iadwKry to-

beyond th Kn itHon of adler agreet and far r caUip hM K

The growth In ch actar of rutsconstruction has kept withflnaacial Increase From the small twonyitnder cobs of Paris w-

And su cea ve adva MnM t t foursix clgttt and eves twatve yln4l r-

ears With step forward in Utemttr af power makerskept puce in tHe bulMtHff of heaviercad mere compact maU r and size ofears This growth has of equalproportion upon both sides of At-lantic from the fact of securinggreater speed from a multiple of eylindots It been clearly demonstratedthat sinailet ngn s with small strokesad hors are greatly superior to thelarger motors of lo e cylinders

And aside from speed equippedwith motors of the multiplecylindertype have by tar the longer life andare oai er to operate as well as morepleasant 4r the tourist In the recentauto at Detroit the s4xeyjln4

oontpleteiy walked away fromthose of only cylinders clearlydemont rating their superiority In linewith this theory the higher grade ofPreach ers are new equipped withtwelve cylinders and have resultedlargely In placing those makes so favor-ably Before the nubile Another recentillustration of the prowess of the mul





















SCyJindcr Touring Car24 H P


New Car flf Carter Company Which

Arrived Yesterday Howard 0 Carterat Wheel and G Garry Carter

Him in Front Seat In BackSeat From Left to Right Are Frank L

Carter W E Berry and F IrvingEngler



Mpleeylinder ear Js the results shownin thfc Encliak rftcoa a atxejHn-dere4 car averaged sixty to seventytwomliea per hourDetroit Greatest Center

The greateot automobile manufactur-ing onr in this oouniry is unques-tionably Detroit with Chicago and Mil-waukee closely following In Detroitatone there are twentynine faoterlM

various asesrnWtnar shops Invhich are m nttfaeturod some of thfinest of Americas auto products Theadvantages frosts a goograpNtoal as wellas shipping point of view hed by De-

troit for the Middle West are no greater than those with which the city ofWMfclngton Is endowed from an Easternstandpoint Owing to the severe en-

croachments upon the passenger trafficof the railroads the automobile Is cou-

sidored by them to be a competitor andby reason of this fact shipment of oarsfrom faotories in the Middle West U

the markets of the Atlantic seaboard te-

a heaVY tax to bola shipper and BuyerThese conditions need not exist Theiramelioration Is the grasp of theseintoroetod In a Greater Washington TheEastern ftoid together with thatritory south of and Dixon s lineis well nigh Inexhaustible

Still Far From LimitThe field of auto construotloa is un-

limited It if not an exaggeration In

enumerating the posBlbHUlos of the auto




I besides











Came Through the Last Glidden With a Perfect Score

The Twocycle ValvelessJour

ELi OREHasFewerPartsThan



The Acme of Perfection and Simplicity

7 ha 1



to Run




People Who Own Elmore Cars Spend Little for RepairsWe Make Repairs Free of Charge for One Year from Date of Purchase

The highest notch of perfection and simplicity has been attained the valveless TwocycleElmore For beauty r plicity and endurance it stands without a peer Owners of Elmore cars canoperate them I of a mechanical engineer

Free L monstratioa for Persons Interested in Autos


SCIIndor nboutI

191 pOJ



StoringI I


36 II P

25004CyunderTouring Car


OHAS C HUGHES CO Solo Agtnts for Washington



Phone 403 643645 MARYLAND AVENUE N EoI


J Jjr L



when we include fire and chemical caFines tracUen engines amfruianoMpolice patrols mail vans artillery

drays and truoksf reapers plowsand threshing machines In the dtyof Paris they have suoaeesfutty un0dthe auto lire apparatus for a numberof years as welt as in a numbersuburban localities In this eauntry Itis only a nwttar f time their usewin be universal Eva town mowershave been equipped ad fiveeosefttttvused as Js evidenced by UM BM htooperated the lawns of tiNt UflltMlStates Capital It is t erident that the touring oar is Wt a emtMfactor in th great fiend fptructien Aoeer41 g to M torleading publication for the awtemebtteIndustry there are now Wta-gencios throughout the Unitedrepresenting the a tto awmtCftttoting one rnsManufacturers Make Money

The great automobile Industry is setalone beneficial to the zuaauf aeturers-pf machines or they awnthem The vast army of employee prentthrough high wages the stockholdersreap enormous and our oemtry brethren are brought lAte closertouch with their city oousfaw Awlfurther than thl the expansion ofautomobile that has resulted In thepast and will In the future to even agreater extent In the fsuperior country reads and pikes be-sides greatly advancing the value of

That tho acme of motor car perfectlon been actually attained isevident If the handsome new 19flSmodel of the Carter twoengine tourJj 5 now In this city Is any cri-terion Tide new creation reachedWashington yesterday end will nextweek start for the Jataestawn Bxposttlen where It will be as anexhibit in the machinery and trans-portation building

The car Is finished In bright redblack striped with canopy and Isequipped with two 246t Carrico gaso-line engines capable f maintsinlHg aspeed of seventyfive miles aa hourThe car Is actually the highest powered nirce fod touring stock car In theworld and slides along with theleaeneos of an electric machine Thegeneral construction of the car Jssomewhat different from the 1807

The hood is weal ladesign and while one muffler waspreviously used am two uponthe new war placed Jn an elevatedrear position The entire mechanism ofthe machine is neatly raised withoutheightening the the car which

increases its general attrac-tiveness

Another new and prominent featureIs the unique theacetylene headlights fnaxle As the wheels toright or left in a circle tlights act automatically withthe wheels thus throwing the powerful rays directly upon the teftteadof oft the side of the course traversedaa is now the usual cas OB oarssuch lightsNext Automobile Show

Tho first aut m Wle skew n thiswas su e e8fuly promoted te

November J800 by the Automobile Club



who rally




WtlrNn real estate


nol e

sad peat








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f America with the object of supporting and encouraging the then newsport and industry of motoring In Amerlea S4 e tot time nutirmoMlo

year toeroased to importance sad msgnttude

The oxfcibkJon ontMttta title year into a at a tiMe when

all MtemeMt httapMts we W b eecin Now Yer

October te n fcteh sap

A6dtt and the Rotorry 2 ftmCa turars I c

its eighth anavMa show ta the Grand

M to Thursday OetefcerGeed Central steiated aten v f F rtytMr4 street and

Lexington aveiMte and soCTipirteg the

most aeoeeelWe boteg easily rearmed byrailway subway and surface hoes Allmaaufaotarers are Invited wltBout-OualMeatien or restriction of member-ship la any organization to czMMt theirproduets-

AH Interesting baUeoa exhibit will fcemade by the Aero Club of America asin previous years

By special arransaweat with theGrand Central Pakee Company theclub has secured some M ftW feetsnore apace for exhibition purposes thanwas avattaWe year whist will enable exhlbit Ts t a better showlag of their produets thorn heretofore

During the last part of the weekMarkle assistant sales manager

for the Corbln tcr Vefcicfe Corpora-tion arrtvod In Washington over theroad in a Type H Cerbin car Inwhich be covered over iAX miles with-out E Mr Markle white hereplaced tko Corbln agency with Dapent garage

On Wednesday last A A Cohen with-a party of friends drove to HarpersPerry W Va in his 24hers power Coteunbis He is sUM touring the untry-aJtfotalag Harpers

test Sunday Frank P Hall drove aparty jn Hnitog Wright and abrother to Judge Wright frvai Cincin-nati Ohio OB a and interest-Ing excursion to Laesburg battlegroundsin his Cohunbia macMio Heavywere eacpwicnead but trip was without accident

On July 2 L M aa amateurleft

and through New York Theare stilt touring York State andto ate have covered more than l

reportstrip with no untoward incidents


Per stealing four head of cabbage endtttreo onions Irma the truck garden atthe Soldiers Home Annie Rose ofFomtrov street was Sled ff in thePoHoe Court yesterday nenttag Thevegetables were worth Si seats




tar ttsethey

ported IW t9O Aterteea OIl lansed A nu whoare aM will

CMttnLl PaMee OctoberJ1

The PauseUte

satire Meek PertyMa1k street S








Adolpha seven

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show successful


theabw iSse debs saeplns has each

provide shoo

decided on earlyelects mere


partkipeerte he club btifrom Thursday

to s






with party oC pseengersIn his ogashk eor t a Hart-ford

miles Latest









Because its the Only Reliable Economical and Speedy JNONE Equipped with two FourCylinder Independent Gasoline

Engines Pronounced by Experts Absolutely Tow fHome unknown r-

pp2 IC J

5 5rrS-J




iei i

This Car Only 2250-

40H P Model AThree Types in One

I Convertible to Runabout or Gentlemens RoadsterS-



Exclusive Manufacturers Carter TwoEngine Car


Munsey BuildingWASHINGTON D c

Telephone Main 5126 Detroit Michigan-






I Two Engine I-

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f CarBAR

It PerfectA






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t 409 410t






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