i theaters filled last - library of congress · 2017. 12. 20. · brest france sept 23 the armored...

THE WASHINGTON HERALD TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 24 1907 I 4 I HITCH I CREMATION Trust Company Asks Mrs Carters Body Be Held MRS WHITE SENDS FLOWERS Wife of Millionaire Near Whose Sick Room Woman Committed Sui- cide Sends Tribute Simple Fu- neral Rites P C A Work- ers Only Attendants at Services New York 2 Funeral services Wt re held over the body of Mrs Mar- garet Carter who killed herself in the home of John Jay White jr last Friday In the chapel of the Stephen Merritt Burial Company this afternoon The cremation which had been an- nounced to follow the service was how- ever postponed until Thuradky or Friday Rev Stephen Merritt who read the service explained that th Lincoln ff rust Company the custodian of Mrs Carters will and administrator of her estate had requested that the body be held p few days Th officiate of the trust company would not explain why the request was made Nor could any reason be assigned by representative of the Merritt Burial Com pany It fe bettered by several of these however that the trust company wishes to give a chance to any relatives the may have to come forward be- fore the body is cremated The will pro- vides for cremation it was learned It Las also developed that the trust com- pany is not anxious to act a admlnt- etrltor the womans estate betnir small and will probably ask the Surrogate to appoint some one else Will Provides for Cremation Ikfore the announcement of the Rev Stephen Merritt it was not known who hud made the arrangements for the funeral nor in whose custody the will v s if one existed It to now known that on Saturday the day after the pi looting a Mr Knox who announced himself as a representative of the Lin- coln Trust Company telephoned to the luirial company that Mrs Carter had left lti will In the companys possession naming it as Administrator and had icd him personally to we to it that she lo cremated besides providing for it in tif document The funeral arrange niintfi were made after consultation be- tAven Xir Knox and Manager RadcluY- if the Stephen Merritt Company Xr H idcllff learned only at noon ttv hours before the funeral telephone message from Knox that the trust company wished the remaUon potponed About twentyfive persons listened to- t Rev Mr Merritt read the funeral- s rvice of the Protestant Episcopal Ihureh Among them were several rep r of the Bid aWee items for Animals in which Mrs Carter was m t rested Mrs White Sends Flowers other mourners were persons who lad been acquainted with the woman through her Interest in animate There was a profusion of flowers among them bring a large bouquet from Mrs John Jay White Jr In whose home the suicide took place Dr Paul Faber who is in business at I Wall street and who warmly admired Mrs Carter for her work in relieving animate and from sev- eral other women interested with her BideaWee Home There we ao sermon MM Carters colored maid who was only person In New York who knew anything of Mrs Carters past life ac- cording to her acquaintances said that tiitTe was no truth IA the report that the woman was of noble descent and an hfiress who had given her estate to male cousins The maid said that Mrs Carter had made remarks which showed thit she had come here from France about fifteen years ago because her parents who were not of high rank had lost what money they had PROTESTS MILK REGULATION Doctor Says Typhoid Fever Patient Cannot Get Good Article I r Roy M Phillips of 1200 Massa- chusetts avenue northwest In a letter to the CommissIoners calls attention to order of the health department pro- hibiting a milk dealer from delivering milk in bottles to a typhoid fever pa- tent As a result of your action he writes the family had to get milk which was not such as my patient had b n receiving and which made her wry III for several hours I did not know that there was any statute giving you power to stop my patients food supply According to information received by tic doctor the dairyman was ordered nt to deliver milk to the house in question unless he found at the door a tin bucket to be used as receptacle- Dr W C Fowler inspector in charge 01 the contagious disease service to Whom the complaint was referred states that the milkman was requested to dis- continue the use of bottles in the set vi v of the premises referred to as It was evident that it might be the means of exposing milk supply to infection fiJ thus spreading the disease It Is the practice of the health he to man a similar notice to all dairymen who are known to be deltver rig milk in bottles to premises where typhoid fever exists As to the nature of the receptacles lie states so long as it to not delivered in the milkmans bottles such mat- ters are left by the department for ad- justment between the householder and the purveyor MILK MEN MEET TODAY Retail Dealers ICxpccted to Raise the Price That the milk dealers will tonight agree upon a raise of 2 cam a quart in the price OC the commodity is practically assured The question of an advance in the price following the recent action of the Milk Producers Association In rais- ing the wholesale price 4 cents a gal- lon will be discussed at a meeting of the retailers at 614 Ninth street tonight It is the general expectation that this will result in an advance to the consumer According to the dealers there Is noth- ing inconsistent in the increase of 2 cents per quart They contend tat they are justified In an increase as notwith- standing the Increase in labor feed and other accessories the price of milk has remained at S for the last twenty years In addition to this they say the rost of glass bottles must be considered Ocean Steamship New Sept B Aitiwd Steaouhipi La Bw Ugne from thor from Laotian Armed oattitcMMfeipi Attend t Antwerp L GMOcgur at Havre KnnnxtacsHta CedOie at limnen Phone Main 330O When Yon Return Subscribers Returning from their sum ru r home who desire to have their paper e t to thdr city address will please ulMM Main 2500 HeldS Sept man la- the th a department- s i ret- aIl cents York t lDfaIlOba yesterdayS 1 Sun his S ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > FIRE CHIEFS PAPERS Formal ISsxnys WIH Be Road at the Convention In October Chief Belt of the tire department has announced the following lIst elf those who will read formal papers at the thirtyfourth annual convention of the International Association of Fire B which is to meet in this city October S to 11 CW fT W Haney of Jacksonville Plo Fire Marshall Her- bert HeatoH of Philadelphia Pa Chief G A Wallace of Cleveland Ohio Chief Inspector Henley of Louts Me ClUe B J McConnell of Buffalo N Y Chief C E Swingley of St Louis Mo Secretary Merrill National Fire Protection Association Chicago 111 Chief J R Canterbury Mmneapo- Ita Minn and Dr C B Robinson Dis- trict veterinarian As a part of the entertainment of the rtettlng firefighters wives and daugh- ters a trip to Cabin John Bridge II bWng arranged Special cars will take them to the river resort where they will sit down to a specially prepared luncheon about 1 p m The delegates to the convention will entertained on a trip to Arlington and Port Myer and at the latter place will witness an exhibition drill by the troops stationed there Thursday morning will probably be devoted to this jaunt and in the afternoon of the same day there will be a trip to Mount Vernon Cuno H Rudolph treasurer of the ctttsens committee for the entertain- ment of the flreAghters has received to W in subscriptions At least J2CC5 will be required to give the vie itort a good time It is estimated by Chief Belt Character of Delegation to Civic Fed eration Conference Criticised Central Labor Union Holils that Or ganixuil Labor ViiH Ignored in the Mutter A resolution introduced by Delegate J L Rodter scoring the District toners for their appointments of dele- gates to the conference of the Civic Fed- eration to be held in Chicago waa unaol- mousty passed y toe Central Labor Union last night In the preamble It was set forth that the Civic Federation had called a con- ference in Chicago to which the gov grnors of States and mayors of cities had been invited to send delegates the ob- ject and purposes of the conference being to discuss the trusts and combina- tions that It was a matter of common knowledge that the deHberattons of title conference would be a potent factor In determining whether the unions were Weal uneconomical and unlawful and that the District Commissioners knowing such to be the case had a committee of fifteen or twenty as representing the sentiments of Wash htjrtoo This delegation It is set forth is corn posed of bankers lawyers and capital tota thereby contemptuously ignoring the rights of organised labor to be repre- sented in the dfleg ukm at a mteting hav- ing to do with their welfare The trades unions the resolution concluded looked with contempt upon this deliberate thrust at them by the Commissioners the Dis- trict of Columbia The resolution was passed with acclaim Grand President McNulty of the elec- trical workers and General Secretary Treasurer Lee Hart of the Theatrical Stage Employes Union addressed the meeting on general labor topics They are in this city at the Instance of Presi- dent Gompers of the A F of L in aa endeavor to settle the dispute between the two OrganizatiOns over the jurisdiction of the moving picture show employee A conference was held at the Federation headquarters in Typographical Temple yesterday afternoon Similar conferences to settle disputes will be held tomorrow between repre- sentatives of the Brotherhood of Railway Clerks and the Association of Freight Handlers and Interior Warehousemen- An amalgamation of the two organisa- tion is probable Much interest is being shown in the coming election of delegates to the in- ternational convention of the American Federation of Labor to be held at the Jamestown Exposition At S oclock Mon- day night the regular meeting will be interrupted for purpose A general call for aid for the striking telegraphers was made and Interna- tional Vice President battle in a brief report gave the conditions and the events of the week WILL WED GIRL HE SAVED Youth Full Over Precipice but Aids Ilelrcax DuMpitc IiijnricM Wilmington Del Sept 21 Miss Fran- ces lather Jackson daughter of Mrs Job JUckson and Frederick Hamilton Hill will be married on October 12 and back of the affair is a romance Mr Hill was with Miss Jackson when both fell over a precipice at Binghamton N Y a year ago and but for the ef- forts of Mr Hill It is likely that Mi Jackson would have met her death Al- though injured himself he carried the girl to a place of safety The friendship between the two follow- ing the recovery of Miss Jackson ripened into love Jackson is an helrem and R member of Wilmingtons exclusive set ITEMS FROM ABROAD Brest France Sept 23 The armored onriwr Rdaanl Qeta of lUll tons and 36 l oated hmwpower stone her an estimated apeed of tw ntythr knoU was wcceaafBUy hmnehed Havana Sept 28 The situation in M IMo a- pmMlii Refiorta fitMi that praftocv tdl of talk at aa oprietee hat UM gmmmeot has ao tan eiUe nUonMttott to act HHOD Paris Sept 21 Louis Malocot today made aaoher atcent in hb eeaKbtoatton of banoon and aeroplane hot tile high wind prerailina wrecked the ainhip which was aa badly damaged that the retain win not be next spring lIana Sept 23 Another death from icjkwr friar b rerorted lam Cwftfoegn till patimt- djrte jctttrttf Del there was a death from the AMsae at Jofdi Uday There are two cues in- lUram TIle dteaae is now pranent in flre pUc Lisbon Sept 21 The American govern went enmplataMH so IortBgal that facportant r tncd letters aeat to the Anna Islands by gocae AaMricatta had agM mtray A poat rttoe- emntoy at Ia U Ddt WM ftmnd to bare stolen Rome Sept 2S Whie the Italian LSfcrd tnuMtiaoUc iUaaair ITiscew YoUnda 12- rr built in Italy waa hHMched at Hi trtfo o War Spe- a the he M ow a d ranted into the sea on her sad task London Sept 2 After striving in vain for yenta to ohtata royal reeocnitkm for btanseif- UTJHam Waldorf Rear baa the a tW cttoo of see n Ma daughter m honcred Kma Bthiard a viet tn Mr Sprinter Clay who before her marria e- WM Mies Pauline AMor London Sept 21 George J Gould and lamOr are hxtaDed for the autumn hi a wit of FOOM kt tbe H 4d Carltfln which they rented since the bediming of June He laM caught the waaia of old diiua and has been etffdy IDB the sabjrxt to avufai iirr sttiaa Lodz Russian Poland Sept 23 Seven woibnrn and one girl were nccnted here today by aborting without Mai for participating in murder of Maicu Silberstein cwner nf a large lo- cal cntton mill whn kille1 tv lii nj loyei- f n 13 horltisc lii irfjr J to pay them fur the the Uity were out un ituke HAVE fit be date COMMISSIONERS ARE SCORED CoM trades app- ointed i this flWl tile seo CCIII ore u the iairsI uaraat ship AriD hive the Ia Sjdl1 r gbeers us Miss lad I Pins ir noeruicut ootiuiw miX Port en trus bIn rid ro1k ting ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < < NINE YEARS FOR ROBBERY Convicted Mint Said to Hiive Stolen to Benefit Health Special to The Wwhtegton Herald Charleston V Va Sept S3 C E Adams was today given nlno years for robbery of Kayford a Chssapquko and Ohio ttaUon He was caught by SherilT Melton of Kanawha County in New Mexico Adams Is aaW to have robbed the office in which He was agent to get funds with which to go to another climate for the benefit of his health After the ICayford- ottlce was presumably robbed it was burned Adams was captured and brought to Jail here but later succeeded in escaping Sheriff Melton knowing of the fugitives physical condition looked for him In the West THAWS SISTER UNHAPPY CounteHM of Yarmouth Shuns Cay cItes f Americans in 1urlM Parts Sept H Along corridor promenade and in the garden of the Hotel Bits where rich Americans gather Knd social gayety is at It height there has been seen tbe week a palefaced young woman with sad and almost somber gowns passing unnoticed in lively throngs It was Lady Yarmouth slater of Harry Thaw She looks ten years older than last summer Not only does she grieve over the condition of her brother but there art troubles The Yarmouth family has not tried to help matters but has been disagreeably inclined on ac- count of the notoriety brought upon them by the murder and the sensational trial SLOW WORK IN BORAH TRIAL First Day Spent in to Impanel Jury to Try Senator Pormor Gen Frank Stciineiil crff- As iussliiHtctl by Oreliard Indicted with the Defendant Boise Idaho Sept a After a tiny spent in a vain effort to impanel a jury the trial of United States Senator Bomb promises to be longdrawn out The Sen- ator la charged with conspiracy to the government of valuable timber- lands District Attorney Norman M BUICk announced that former GoY Prank Sleet nenberg was one of the men indicted with Senator Borah for conspiracy teunen berg is represented in the Indictment as John Doe The case was sailed before Judge Ed- ward White in the United States DIe trtct Court The prominence of Senator Borah in tbe politics of tbe State his personal popularity In this his home- town the leading part he took in the prosecution of William D Haywood charged with the murder of Gov Steun enberg and the fact that more than MO wellknown residents of South Idaho are alleged to be Involved with him m the socalled conspiracy combined to attract aa interest in the proceedings against him nearly equal to that which marked Seat of the Western Federation of Miners trial here The Circuit Court was crowded to overflowing when Judge White took the bench The array of counsel on either side was imposing The whose representatives here diet a heart of a sensational interest has practically taken tbe case out of the hands of District Attorney Buick against whom charges of improper con- duct before the grand Jury have been and assigned the matter to special attorneys trained in timber land law and fresh from successful prosecutions in other Western States They Vre M G Butch of Detroit and 8 It Rush ef Omaha both special assistants to Attorney General of the United State Officials here are greatly Interested In the outcome of the trial of Senator Borah His Mends allege that he has been perse- cuted by political enemies and Intimate that United States District Attorney who was a candidate for the Senate against Borah is largely respon- sible for the indictment of the latter It hi contended here outside of official circles that politics had a good deal with the ease brought against Borah He Ia identified with the faction that has fought that headed by Senator I ley burn and District Attorney Buick NEWS CUT SHORT FOR BUSY READERS f J Powell has been appointed transit la the avIate dMrian of the Dttifct Harem meat at the rate of K per dfMt Lloyd Bingham forfeited 10 collateral la tile Foihw Comet jrnUniajr mon K vbn lot catted to MMnr ebarae of ipiiiHig Articles of incorporation were filed jrc erday with the Recorder of bj the Fiwrt Muket bMonmnud W iMMntt steen wWi a atock of Hi The resignation of John A Daley rod man te the Mirrr dfrWon has ncerptcd and W K Bin at M per amen a hto MKctierT at S7W per ammw IL J llaktiaea- UUed tebcxrr WM pronotod to IO MB Under the terms of the will of BenwlJct Moth Itad few probate ye 6r widow X M V Roth Is bequeathed tbe native estate for provided she doc ot marry Im mae ef her or reattiiUlpt oftot b io wiert to Uw testators etafldrra In response to a petition of fortyfour property owner that MbmeaiiU avenue northeast be p an Irene G street to the Dfetrfct line the Com jBtortoatn aay that te wit bettetid the Dirtrtct- wftt be prepawO to vbdertake thfa work of Improve meat for aonte yews to row Judge Baker of the Juvenile Court of Beaton Mata was prenent at tile teuton of the lo- cal JnreaUe Court yet rdar moratog lie Ml on the bench with Judft Callan and took great intereit- tn the manner caw n re condnetfd During the afternoon be accompanW the probation oflicrn oc their rounds notwithstanding the beaT downpour of rain CREDIT FOR ALL WASHINGTON Yourself to anything you j from this great stock of beautiful home furnishings- and arrange the payments to suit your income There are no disagreeable I features about opening an account here We require no notes or bonds and we make no inquiries about you from your neighbors or f All bills are pay able at the store We never send a collector except at your special request S 817819821823 Seventh St Between II nnil I Streets lib the the last eyes Effort Jon de- fraud the tiled the Rule t- oo v 0 the Deeds beets haIr a liii the It COME AND I HELP a I i Peter Grogan l I rw the other governmentS man a wan as aattsmbIo lila taI it- s Ill Seal It t the t t i de- sire em- ployers 1 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < < ¬ Theaters Filled Last Night Clever Comedy Attracts Peo ple to the Columbia BELASCO OPENING POSTPONED Wcbern Scenery Did Arrive in Tune So Show Opens Tonight Jack Ilurrymore Makes u Speech CohuiiM Xew Show Fifty from BoMtou Proves Dig Success A clever arid attractive comedy is The Boys of Company B presented at the Columbia Theater last night Uy Mr John Barrymore the youngest of the talented Barrymere family and promising to be attractive to the ladies in he audience as his sister lEthal to men hi hoc audiences and an excellent supporting company The piece te by Miss RH Johnson Young well known as the author of Brown of Harvard It was put on first in New York last autumn at the Hudson with Mr Arnold Daly in the prin- cipal part but it was not psychological enough for Daly and he got peevish and putted out The Boys of Company B is a comedy of National Guard that is the young fellows in the piece are all mem- bers of the National Guard which gives opportunity for a more or lees accurate picture of fee young fellows in camp and hi society The plot is not wildly excit- ing though the story Is plain and fairly consistent Tony Allen captain of Com- pany B is in love with pretty Eileen MacLane very well played by Miss Jose- phine Drake Unfortunately Tony Jack hi Tony no one is ever going to realty call him John in spite of his press agent has no mosey and te de- pendent on his uncle C Holbrook Alton a Site lowcomedy part played with such skill as only Mr Veroer Ctarges can aJTord Maj and Mrs MacLnne are poor and though MaJ MacLane is favorable to Tones suit Mrs MacLane b anxious that Eileen shall marry Arthur Stabler of the millionaire Henry Stabler Mrs MacLane hat secured a promise from Tony that be will not make love to Eileen for two years and the two years are up on the day the play opens Ever then Mrs MacLane begs Tony to give up his Idea of marrying Eileen telling him that she knows what poverty is that money is the only thing that counts and that she wants Eileen to marry riches The truth of the matter te that she Is heavily indebted to Henry Stable for money and he holds her notes manages to get Mrs MacLaneto agree that It his uncle win settle JBMW on him she will not oppose the match and Tony being hard put to it to Eileen and te accepted over a spAktag tube The second act shows the boys of Company B in camp The ladles come- down to vteit them Tony has Inveigled his old uncle to enlist telling him the exercise will do him good and as he te- a captain sad his uncle te a private be makes the old mans life a burden put- ting him at digging trenches washing dishes and so on und his uncle to get released agrees to settle the HMN on Tony Unfortunately there conies another pretty lisping girl to the camp and Tony flirts with her a little and kisses her so that Eileen sees it She this but shortly after one of soldiers also in love with the girt Tony has kissed wants to write her a letter He has a sprained wrist and gets Tony to write for him The letter falls into Eileens hands and in her pique at what she considers Tonys falseness she ac- cepts the band of Stabler The last act straightens out the com- plications In a Satisfactory way At the very last minute when Stabler has been got out of the way and the business of the love letter has not been explained the girl who lisps and her soldier lover who also lisps rush hi and make a lisping explanation It b quite satis- factory to Eileen but the lisping lovers hang on In the room Tony looks at them aching to get rid of v them At last Vlngttrote be cries auk the bewildered lisping soldier Vlngttrols1 repeats Tony Dont understand twentythree and as teat they comprehend be takes Eileen In his stifle The comedy te well conceived and te car- ried out admirably It te not a highly consequential play and Its construction te mighty loose and shaky ht one or two places but its situations are clever and its dialogue Is bright Here are a few specimens of the best things that at tract the attention of tbe audience TMrTh troabte with U that ttw cMUrm dont taht r ynmmuA O to kan Mad ffebt oat te MtttNtT- To y J tot mg tefczawl onto I wael t- TowWarnm hww ao PMM af hwaor M the jcet of other M mn- TonrH hat Uw who n t4 the the thfcfe hefem ntaa that earn MMB a M- MtUM wWI the heel when the hawjrnooa k- ofer Y ample of floK etkta ta a taat oat at WaHefcerttr and be perfectly byes MaJorI aiwaic lilting tin woaen nu- dnwetfe slabs tarn friction ToivOf cotme it frfcUao jLajr one MTC friction who site down and Ida ttrfJ so to IlaHr hoo jo brave aftvid to On btakw- Thats what the matter with us it America We pot these delicate Matetniag Unmeant tare at the wheel nod glee their right of way and dont they 90 It Alt want of m men fe that w ttay down in the tok ho awl furnish Ute coal We let then heave the word ober met ef the maniase ceremony Whyf licensee It sarea friction We let them drew m up in frock and a buttonhole boooMet awl march ws up church shale while o r terf Sib are brkeni for a quiet comer in tha M tT paikir Jit can it nt t fnctl t Vt m bou tH Job bacanee that meet fric it a an the of our omtrn and It tenw a sort of jn ore and in the Ringing by the sol Ml throb the fa hoe and we let t live became we eat as d wH right In the first M number liy second act sor- dler boys The acting of si BOYS of Company B leaves little t Mr Jack Barrymore has a decidedly attractive per- sonality a sureness of manner which coiivt for very much in a light comedy Df hte sort Ills work won hearty and gen tpu applause and at the end of the secorii act he was called out for a speech It Uttally was not much i of a speech The work of the Josephine Drake was very pleasing throughout and she made an admirable foil for Mr Barrymore The part to and makes no great demand on her bjit she gave evi- dence that she to capable of handling better and stronger things The Flor- ence Henderson of Mint Marie Mallon was good and the character part of tile lisping girl Madge Blake played by Florence Nash was most cleverly sus- tained Mr Verner Clarges It locked strange- to see him in such a queer part wa fine in this as in most of the things he does He carried the greater part of the comedy of the second won many a hearty lush Indeed his work helps the play amazingly Mr Roy noted the ungateful part of Arthur Stabler very we indeed a Not Is UHf The- ater Ute Of Tony prop see t What tit h- iu JIM us stat k kIn a aIrt with a Idles tilt dry Mow that I Ig- D witit a of MIll a tit ron has put the a Thy three rest CIa musi- cal plea v I I powers FalrehllI t B Miles as arrymore con forgiver I yet id asandaps lseset S un Nba ea I b sin rita s s5 5505511 7nt ittl houseeasti pak titts rasii mint era they roe JOwcome I ac S- tand ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ part that constantly jars on the sensi- bilities of the audience and which he is artist enough not to slur at all The minor parts were all in capable hand and Ute Major of Mr Joseph E Whit- ing was especially deserving of com- mendation On the whole The Boys of Company B furnishes a delightful cleancut even- ings entertainment Its ideal to not very Ugh perhaps It is built to amuse and it does Uiis admirably and its comedy to legitimate Last nights audience wa not nearly so large as the merits of title comedy deserved The New National Goorse M Co baits Latest George M Cohan baa again rung the changes This time it is a rattling melo- drama with musical variations perhaps those who expect an- nually to see a characteristic Cohan but nevertheless providing an entertainment- full of pathos and excitement with an amply sufficient supply of that lively and catchy sort of music which has al- ways been considered a necessary and dominating adjunct to his productions However this eccentric playwright and musician may mix things up there Is no denying his extreme popularity especially after seeing the large and enthusiastic audience which was present at the Na- tional Theater last night upon the open- ing presentation of Fifty Mites from Boston The story has for its hero one Joe Westcott Impersonated by Mr Cohan who has become the hero of the little town of Brookfleld by winning a great baseball game for Harvard Now this Joe Westcott to In love with Sadie Woodto the belle sad postmistress of the village whose brother Jed being em ployed as her assistant abstracts from the government funds WOO which he places with MOO more of Dave Harrigans the crooked son of the village magnate They bet against Harvard and naturally lose leaving Jed hi a critical position which villain takes advantage of to further his love interests with Sadie Wooden There to also a love affair be tween Jet and the schemers slater and after much heartburning exciting everything to adjusted and the mat- ter happily ends with the utter discom- fiture of the rascal The musical interpolations bright and lively with clever Miss Emma Jan vier leading with Aint It Mr James C Marlowe happily rendered Har Miss Edna Wallace Hopper was attractive in Jack and Jill while the rendition of Boys Who Fight names and Waltz with Me by Mr Cohen was tumultuously received the ap- plause after the latter becoming so heavy as to call for a curtain speech in which he deprecated any Idea on the part of the public of taking him seriously as a play- wright and musician and announced his only ambition to be that of a purveyor of public amusement After Mr Cohans efforts the most striking entertainment was furnished by Mis Emma Janvier who appears as Mrs TIlford the local gossip and scanJal mon- ger It to a character role which suits her talent admirably and she takes ad- vantage of all opportunities Her side talk to very amusing and her gossipy proclivities make telling anticlimaxes at some intense periods of the drama while her topical verses ro her song were pointed and characteristic She does the best work In the show Mica Edna Wallace Hopper Is dainty and pretty m the role ef the become Sadie She has an attractive per- sonality and she acts in the emotional periods with effect Her opening sons waa also rendered with piquancy leash Weatherby appeared aa Aunt Kate Basel Lowry as Nellie Harrtojan and Louise Real as Mrs Westcott The principal characters of the drama were exceedingly well acted Mr Frtot Williams adding another to his successes by his skillful delineation of Jed Woodto the man of good instincts who bad made one almost fatal mistake His acting to very forceful after the repressed method and together with Mr George Parsons who plays Dave Harrigan he attracts the paramount interest of he perform ance utter makes an admirable villain It such a thug could be acting easily and making the elements of tile character perfectly plain especially bringing out the fact that the character represents one of the most egregious and malicious liars that has ever compli- cated the action of a play Others who did nobly were James H Bradbury as Nathan Westcott Jams C Marlowe ac Tim Harrigan Richard Xesmlth as Moeely and last but not least in an acting sense was Tore Grimm as Eddie Moaeby The play IB finely staged with attrac tive scenes around the town ef Brook fleW with amusing episodes of village life including volunteer firemen the rural band and a serenading group of high school boys whose rendition of some of the old college songs was not the least entertaining part of the musical acces- sories The Bclnsco Ouenlnp Postponed A great number of people who went to the Belaeco tost night to the opening of this theaters season and to see Joe Webers new musical snow were The scenery through some mis take did not arrive in time and It wa impossible to give the performance The opening will be tonight GlniNcH A Velllmlnncert Vaudeville DUI Comparisons are unnecessary in re- viewing the vaudeville entertainment at Chases yesterday The bill to well bal- anced with a judicious mixture of com- edy music and acrobatics all of which contribute toward a successful pre gramme the main requisite being indfvid ual excellence which is present in the majority of the present instances John C Rice and Sally Colton appear in a clever little comedy by H H Whir low labeled A Bachelor Wife which to well constructed wholesome and full of humor affording plenty of amusement as played by the principals assisted by Royce Altin Jack Norworth found renewed favor in his musical comedy monologue sing ing Honey Boy and his old favorite Isnt He a Wise Old Owl with a new string of topical verses touching on na- tional and local topics those relating to Commissioner West and the bathing beach the bucket shop men and Can tAlons ball team bringing forth the most approbation Irene Franklin and Burt Green gave a clever skit a miniature musical comedy He rendered Spring Song with great effect She contributed a childs song In costume Whats the Good of That Huh and Dont Be What You Just Be What You Is in a decidedly cute manner and their combined en- deavors made a great hit The ElMs owlan Company furnished a medley of comedy and acrobatics the best part being n travesty on the circus of broad comedy proclivities and very laughable while Frank McCrea assisted by Roy Poole gave a remarkable ex hibiyon of rifle shooting on the one hand and a rare display of nerve on the other In fact Mr McCrea seems prepared to shatter any object that Mr Poole will hold In any manner and the latters re- sources In that direction do not appear to be limited La Petite Mignon appeared In some good Imitations Including Anna Held disap- pointing Wood th and Ire pro Awful the Wood The disap- poInted thiS n itti ran Ala 1 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ AMUSEMENTS Washingtons LcadingThoator TONIGHT AT TIIlilSDAY AND SATtHDAY MATINEES MIL DANIEL FKUHMAN rrestut The Boys of A COMEDY OF NATIONAL liLAKD LIFE hunt JOHNtSON YorNO Author ut Brown of iarmtl with John Barrymore AKD TIlE OIIIGIXAL NEW YOKK NEXT WEEKSEAT SALE THU1WDAY- SlR HACKETT I t iU for the First Time v This City New BY DAVID WAKK GRIHITH WITH A HPErJALLY SELKCTKD COMPANY THEATRE OPENING TONIGHT MATINKts AKIiKsUAl AM sXTlROAV IN TilL NEW Ml SH AL ODDITY LK K YELL IN TiLE HoWI Daily Mat- A Jbjli V r h JtVir the ln t JOHN C KICK AND SALI1 OHENJ- ollU t Ever in A Ba ivlr Wife JACK MOHWOHTH Thf College Boy IRENE FRANKLIN BlRT GREEN ELLIS NOWLAN CO RANK McCKEA MSMtfd by Roy U Petit Mignou Mftrton Iearl Hip Hunting grr t t of all mo km irfctuirs NEXT CLAUDE the Mvstwy PEKMANE HATTYS BEAKls Other Huperb Noreltie Buy Todar Mats Tuesday Thur dayr Saturday ALL THIS V KK THE GREAT METROPOLITAN MELODRAMA Broadway After Dark ALLHTAK CST WITH HARRY FIELDS AND MILDRED STOLLER 4 OKKAT A T 11 HJ ENKS NEXT WEKK F1 M MlN r f i MUKRTY- Dmly M x kv it- KAT51IAN i1 HTL SI K NKXT WUK APIM MASTER BUTCHERS Benning Race Track Wednesday Sept 25 1907 Ten Cattle ta be Routed TournaoKtit by of Maryland Virginia and District of G lumhu- Pritps and Chmpionjhip MedaL BwebsUi Match between Trinity an i ST Aloysro DacdDf and Ectcruummt at Ni ht- Uronada Open 1 in Tteoosh CMS One AdmiMiop to AD S rents GREAT FALLS OF THE POTOMAC FREE ELECTRICAL ILLUMIXAT1OK OF PALLS SIGHT vmouru OAT ITISDNESDAY OCT 2 m Ladles GraM Tournammt Marie Dressier FrttzI 3che T and George Conan Marion and Pearl SHed out the space usually allotted to walking gentle- men and tile Vltagrapb closed the per rormance with a series entitled HuaUng The Academy Broadway After Darlc- BroadH After Dart melodrama of the night lire of New York in four acts by John Oliver opened at the New Academy last night proving both and dramatic arid thoroughly pleased a bbj bouse The play is a thriller of the first water and abounds in many effective seeMS the life of the great metropolis after dark Jn a thoroughly up to date manner though the highly colored scenes are naturally exaggerated to some extent to gain the desired dramatic effect Tbe plot of the play deals wlh the- e ort of Curtis Yorke assisted by Dr Hagar and his sister Myra adven- turess to keep lilt two cousins Clayton and Flora Ross from inheriting the bus- iness of Ross 4k Co and a fortune them by their Uncle John Ross and to separate Flora from her sweetheart Tom Hall head clerk of Roes Co Th auditor is carried In rapid succession rom the dock of the White Star Line on the arrival of the steamer Cedric to a gambling house an opium den the belfry Trinity Church the Broadway Ath- letic Club Caaal street with the North River in the background and finally insane asylum The play ig convincingly portrayed by an exceptionally wellbalanced cast headed by Miss Mildred Stoller and Mr Harry Fields Miss Stokers fine stage presence and beautiful gowns do much to atone for the repulsive character of Myra gar the adventuress which she a mosl realistic and thoroughly convinc- ing manner Mr Fields is natural in his welldrawn Hebrew character presenta- tions and by his clever specialties won rounds of applause The various character sketches well given and well received Excellent support was given by Messrs Robards Smith Bertram and Sadie Fields and Margaret Bowers The rest of the cast including a chorus of pretty girls who slag and dance themselves into the hearts of their audience with their first number is capable and pleas- Ing and help materially to make up a most interesting and satisfactory even- Ings amusement Time curtain did not go up till late last night owing to the nonarrival of the scenery The Majestic The Gates of Justice The Gates of Justice a comedy drama of Western life is the bill of the Kathryn Purnell Stock Company at the Majestic Theater this week The theme of the play centers around the efforts of Rex Alden to bring the murderer of her father to justice and to claim the land which her father owned The murderer oC her father is the leader of a band of illicit distillers and he and his gang use even means to thwart her purpose A charming love runs throughout the play between Rex and a young civil en gincer who champions her cause The play was given in a very creditable and elicited rounds of applause Miss Purnell as Rex Alden as usual gavt an exrelent portrayal of the role Franklyn Alunnell was Walter Warren the young engineer His vurk the entire play was of a very high order BI I 15 Company B BY CAST a Fool and a Girl BELASCO JOE WEBER co HIP HiP HOORAY Wj ctLI1 1111 n H LT il r Ill o Pool 4t II KOp Seats NEW ACADEMY and I j r JI I IjH OF JUSTICE Barbecue and Tournament 100 PRD tusic YXRY ATXX AND NiGHT Grand ou4 nbcular bewes Take ross G F t o D x- 8I FAKE lie JCOOD TRIP a de- picting aft I o to- n man- n r tlrou h ut D p ii Co9 sue St Pla- yA A Nrzt a Ltt1CtiLol- titAY kflt V it Coiner of enkahtit In Sun and Stri LINT i GATES best riders ixti DINCIXG Towuament Distay its hippo- potamus mel 0 let Pt Heft 0 wet tory > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ AMUSEMENTS WED KAT POttUR PRICE J25e to 5199 Assisted by Edna Wallaca Hopper In 50 MILES FROM BOSTON Company of 60 Including WEEKSCATS THURSDAY UEJ FAttVETT A IHi COMPANY In SILVER GIRL 8 lit Ft LaThe H Tte MM Chi 5 MONDAY MATINEES S Courso Tickets ONLY on Sale at Box Office from Oct 3 to Oct 10 POPULAR WITH THE PEOPLE L- MATINKKS 1 AILY ALL THIS WEEK AS SWiET AS ITS NAME IMPLIES TWO CLEVER Ml SI AL COMEDIES NEXT WEEK THE TI ER LILIES Sept 3 Dooleys Drug Store sad Oa the Panama1- GaDerr Entrance on Eighth Street POPFLAR PRICES SMOKING CONCCItB- Xeit WedtTHE CASINO THE WASHINGTON BRANCH OF THE Aourkaa Section Ht alau rtf rs 2 A Street S itlir Aincuucv that THURSDAY 36 1907 8 P M SfWET THE PLACE uF MAbTERS IX RELIGIONS of Adjar India IV i l nt of Use TbeoMphical- Jsirwi Wi iKiinr Lecture at MASONI TEMPLE 9TH AND F CTS XW Prior cf Scats Onn Admitrioo 25 Re served Seats 96 Tickets can IK socured in advaoov at Maxafa Temple Brig Store 9th and F ita nw and at H dqoartwi U the Washington Breath T S ZZ A st ce AMERICAN LEAGUE St and Fkirid Ate 230 TODAY 230- IGHaiS vs ST LOUIS after Washington game TrUtr will play Treasury GATES OPEN AT 130 September 27 20 St Louis MISS HAWKES SCHOOL FOR DANCING CARROLL INSTITUTE HALL Pins North 3171 Send for Booklet atatf The reading of his lines was especially noticeable on account of the absence of ranting which so actors consider htdespensable to the portrayal of Western characters Harry Bewley as Woeful Danger does the best comedy work of tbe engagement so far and succeeded in keeping the audience in an uproar during the entire time he occupied the stage Jeff Murphy made a distinct hit as the breezy city chap Pike Price Arthur Pickens Ed Redding Al Roberta Stan- ley James Florence Hamilton and Helen Hyle gave creditable support in their different roles The vaudeville specialties contributed- by Harry Bewley Helen Hyle and Fanny Fisher during the inumulssjsus were well received The Iyceum Biirlescinc The Cherry Blossoms Company opened to two wellpacked houses at the New Lyceum Theater yesterday The op suing faree Boosters Millions served t in- troduce a bevy of chorus gfrfe jtad a quartet of good comedians headed by John Perry Mr Perrys singing of Down In the City of nose was repeat- edly encored TIM vaudeville department contained many novel and Interesting specialties Eugene Jorge Nazi Aleene aid Tdyth Hamilton in their refined staging and dancing skit were easily the hit of the Mil The remainder of the bill included Goff Philips the comedian hi negro stitries and songs and Motion M and Company In a dramatic sketch The dosing burletta Dr Btppfs Sanitarium WItS a burlesque on presentday insane asylums The Gayety Burlesque The Trocadero Buriesquerg opened at the Gayety Theater yesterday with two performances This company fe not up to the standard set by the Gayety There is nothing funny about the first burletta which is called Fun at Dooleys Drug Store The second however Is a little better It ig entitled On the Panama a dramatic burletta on President Roose- velt inspecting the work on the canal Frank FOley who leads the company is represented as impersonating the Presi- dent but the nearest he gets to doing it is in that expression of Roosevelts Declighted Secretary Taft is also impersonated and the only likeness is on the programme which calls him Will Graft Jack Boyce opens the olio stag ing several clever parodies Clang and RmlcllIT were next with their singing and dancing then Ranzetta and Lyman vho perform many acrobatic feats all of which are old Two colored artists the Wilson conclude the vaudeville by giving st me domestic trouble and Imita- tions of A Colored Man Singing Songs SllVcr Girl Well Received Spread to Vaahh jtn HamU Baltimore Md Sept 21 The Silver Girl by Edward Peple author of the Prince Chap gave its premier per- formance at the Academy of Music to- night to a crowded house The play made a decided hit George Fawcett the star and Edward Peple tbe author received several curtain calls and responded with speeches The play te full of bright dia- logue and human interest the situations being very original The cast te splendid and many individual hits were made The Silver Girl will be at the Now National Theater next week I October 1907 Remember the date NA1 GEO M and Fritz tJllliams EXT THE Panama Oct Old Mexico Oct 21 Grand Canyon Oct 28 Pacific Coast 60Yil 4 Yellowstone Park Nov1ll THECHERRY BLOSSOMS GAYETY THEATRE rSrt- umntIil 110110 The T rocadero Burlesquers Gnu sEPT MRS ANNIE BESANT CurLs Cents BASEBALL PARK- th Immediately P M maul OIl The So r CO HAN xii LMENDOR N Mite Coon- < < > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬

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Page 1: I Theaters Filled Last - Library of Congress · 2017. 12. 20. · Brest France Sept 23 The armored onriwr Rdaanl Qeta of lUll tons and 36 l oated hmwpower stone her an estimated apeed





Trust Company Asks Mrs

Carters Body Be Held


Wife of Millionaire Near WhoseSick Room Woman Committed Sui-

cide Sends Tribute Simple Fu-

neral Rites P C A Work-ers Only Attendants at Services

New York 2 Funeral servicesWt re held over the body of Mrs Mar-

garet Carter who killed herself in thehome of John Jay White jr last FridayIn the chapel of the Stephen MerrittBurial Company this afternoon

The cremation which had been an-

nounced to follow the service was how-ever postponed until Thuradky or Friday

Rev Stephen Merritt who read theservice explained that th Lincoln ffrustCompany the custodian of Mrs Carterswill and administrator of her estate hadrequested that the body be held p fewdays

Th officiate of the trust company wouldnot explain why the request was madeNor could any reason be assigned byrepresentative of the Merritt Burial Company It fe bettered by several of thesehowever that the trust company wishesto give a chance to any relatives the

may have to come forward be-

fore the body is cremated The will pro-

vides for cremation it was learned ItLas also developed that the trust com-pany is not anxious to act a admlnt-etrltor the womans estate betnir smalland will probably ask the Surrogate toappoint some one else

Will Provides for CremationIkfore the announcement of the Rev

Stephen Merritt it was not known whohud made the arrangements for thefuneral nor in whose custody the will

v s if one existed It to now knownthat on Saturday the day after thepi looting a Mr Knox who announcedhimself as a representative of the Lin-coln Trust Company telephoned to theluirial company that Mrs Carter had leftlti will In the companys possessionnaming it as Administrator and had

icd him personally to we to it that shelo cremated besides providing for it intif document The funeral arrangeniintfi were made after consultation be-tAven Xir Knox and Manager RadcluY-if the Stephen Merritt Company XrH idcllff learned only at noonttv hours before the funeraltelephone message from Knox that thetrust company wished the remaUonpotponed

About twentyfive persons listened to-

t Rev Mr Merritt read the funeral-s rvice of the Protestant EpiscopalIhureh Among them were several repr of the Bid aWee items forAnimals in which Mrs Carter was mt rested

Mrs White Sends Flowersother mourners were persons who

lad been acquainted with the womanthrough her Interest in animate Therewas a profusion of flowers among thembring a large bouquet from Mrs JohnJay White Jr In whose home the suicidetook place Dr Paul Faber who is inbusiness at I Wall street and whowarmly admired Mrs Carter for herwork in relieving animate and from sev-eral other women interested with her

BideaWee Home There we aosermon

MM Carters colored maid who wasonly person In New York who knew

anything of Mrs Carters past life ac-cording to her acquaintances said thattiitTe was no truth IA the report thatthe woman was of noble descent and anhfiress who had given her estate tomale cousins The maid said that MrsCarter had made remarks which showedthit she had come here from Franceabout fifteen years ago because herparents who were not of high rank hadlost what money they had


Doctor Says Typhoid Fever PatientCannot Get Good Article

I r Roy M Phillips of 1200 Massa-chusetts avenue northwest In a letterto the CommissIoners calls attention to

order of the health department pro-hibiting a milk dealer from deliveringmilk in bottles to a typhoid fever pa-

tent As a result of your action hewrites the family had to get milkwhich was not such as my patient hadb n receiving and which made herwry III for several hours I did notknow that there was any statute givingyou power to stop my patients foodsupply

According to information received bytic doctor the dairyman was orderednt to deliver milk to the house inquestion unless he found at the door atin bucket to be used as receptacle-

Dr W C Fowler inspector in charge01 the contagious disease service toWhom the complaint was referred statesthat the milkman was requested to dis-continue the use of bottles in the setvi v of the premises referred to as Itwas evident that it might be the meansof exposing milk supply to infectionfiJ thus spreading the disease It Isthe practice of the health

he to man a similar notice to alldairymen who are known to be deltverrig milk in bottles to premises wheretyphoid fever exists

As to the nature of the receptacleslie states so long as it to not deliveredin the milkmans bottles such mat-ters are left by the department for ad-justment between the householder andthe purveyor


Retail Dealers ICxpccted to Raisethe Price

That the milk dealers will tonightagree upon a raise of 2 cam a quart inthe price OC the commodity is practicallyassured

The question of an advance in theprice following the recent action of

the Milk Producers Association In rais-ing the wholesale price 4 cents a gal-lon will be discussed at a meeting of theretailers at 614 Ninth street tonight Itis the general expectation that this willresult in an advance to the consumer

According to the dealers there Is noth-ing inconsistent in the increase of 2cents per quart They contend tat theyare justified In an increase as notwith-standing the Increase in labor feed andother accessories the price of milk hasremained at S for the last twentyyears In addition to this they say therost of glass bottles must be considered

Ocean SteamshipNew Sept B Aitiwd Steaouhipi La Bw

Ugne from thor from LaotianArmed oattitcMMfeipi Attend t Antwerp L

GMOcgur at Havre KnnnxtacsHta CedOie atlimnen

Phone Main 330O When Yon ReturnSubscribers Returning from their sum

ru r home who desire to have their papere t to thdr city address will pleaseulMM Main 2500








department-s i



York tlDfaIlOba






























Formal ISsxnys WIH Be Road at theConvention In October

Chief Belt of the tire department hasannounced the following lIst elf thosewho will read formal papers at thethirtyfourth annual convention of theInternational Association of Fire B

which is to meet in this cityOctober S to 11 CW f T W Haney ofJacksonville Plo Fire Marshall Her-bert HeatoH of Philadelphia Pa ChiefG A Wallace of Cleveland OhioChief Inspector Henley of LoutsMe ClUe B J McConnell of BuffaloN Y Chief C E Swingley of StLouis Mo Secretary Merrill NationalFire Protection Association Chicago111 Chief J R Canterbury Mmneapo-Ita Minn and Dr C B Robinson Dis-

trict veterinarianAs a part of the entertainment of the

rtettlng firefighters wives and daugh-ters a trip to Cabin John Bridge IIbWng arranged Special cars will takethem to the river resort where theywill sit down to a specially preparedluncheon about 1 p m

The delegates to the convention willentertained on a trip to Arlington andPort Myer and at the latter place willwitness an exhibition drill by the troopsstationed there Thursday morning willprobably be devoted to this jaunt andin the afternoon of the same day therewill be a trip to Mount Vernon

Cuno H Rudolph treasurer of thectttsens committee for the entertain-ment of the flreAghters has receivedto W in subscriptions At leastJ2CC5 will be required to give the vieitort a good time It is estimated byChief Belt

Character of Delegation to Civic Federation Conference Criticised

Central Labor Union Holils that Organixuil Labor ViiH Ignored

in the Mutter

A resolution introduced by Delegate JL Rodter scoring the Districttoners for their appointments of dele-gates to the conference of the Civic Fed-eration to be held in Chicago waa unaol-mousty passed y toe Central LaborUnion last night

In the preamble It was set forth thatthe Civic Federation had called a con-

ference in Chicago to which the govgrnors of States and mayors of cities hadbeen invited to send delegates the ob-

ject and purposes of the conferencebeing to discuss the trusts and combina-tions that It was a matter of commonknowledge that the deHberattons of titleconference would be a potent factor Indetermining whether the unionswere Weal uneconomical and unlawfuland that the District Commissionersknowing such to be the case had

a committee of fifteen or twentyas representing the sentiments of Washhtjrtoo

This delegation It is set forth is cornposed of bankers lawyers and capitaltota thereby contemptuously ignoringthe rights of organised labor to be repre-sented in the dfleg ukm at a mteting hav-ing to do with their welfare The tradesunions the resolution concluded lookedwith contempt upon this deliberate thrustat them by the Commissioners the Dis-

trict of ColumbiaThe resolution was passed with acclaimGrand President McNulty of the elec-

trical workers and General SecretaryTreasurer Lee Hart of the TheatricalStage Employes Union addressed themeeting on general labor topics Theyare in this city at the Instance of Presi-dent Gompers of the A F of L in aaendeavor to settle the dispute between thetwo OrganizatiOns over the jurisdiction ofthe moving picture show employee Aconference was held at the Federationheadquarters in Typographical Templeyesterday afternoon

Similar conferences to settle disputeswill be held tomorrow between repre-sentatives of the Brotherhood of RailwayClerks and the Association of FreightHandlers and Interior Warehousemen-An amalgamation of the two organisa-tion is probable

Much interest is being shown in thecoming election of delegates to the in-

ternational convention of the AmericanFederation of Labor to be held at theJamestown Exposition At S oclock Mon-day night the regular meeting will beinterrupted for purpose

A general call for aid for the strikingtelegraphers was made and Interna-tional Vice President battle in a briefreport gave the conditions and the eventsof the week


Youth Full Over Precipice but AidsIlelrcax DuMpitc IiijnricM

Wilmington Del Sept 21 Miss Fran-ces lather Jackson daughter of MrsJob JUckson and Frederick HamiltonHill will be married on October 12 andback of the affair is a romance

Mr Hill was with Miss Jackson whenboth fell over a precipice at BinghamtonN Y a year ago and but for the ef-

forts of Mr Hill It is likely that MiJackson would have met her death Al-though injured himself he carried thegirl to a place of safety

The friendship between the two follow-ing the recovery of Miss Jackson ripenedinto love Jackson is an helrem andR member of Wilmingtons exclusive set


Brest France Sept 23 The armoredonriwr Rdaanl Qeta of lUll tons and 36 loated hmwpower stone her an estimated apeed oftw ntythr knoU was wcceaafBUy hmnehed

Havana Sept 28 The situation inM IMo a-

pmMlii Refiorta fitMi that praftocv tdl oftalk at aa oprietee hat UM gmmmeot has ao taneiUe nUonMttott to act HHOD

Paris Sept 21 Louis Malocot todaymade aaoher atcent in hb eeaKbtoatton of banoonand aeroplane hot tile high wind prerailina wreckedthe ainhip which was aa badly damaged that theretain win not be next spring

lIana Sept 23 Another death fromicjkwr friar b rerorted lam Cwftfoegn till patimt-djrte jctttrttf Del there was a death from theAMsae at Jofdi Uday There are two cues in-

lUram TIle dteaae is now pranent in flre pUc

Lisbon Sept 21 The American governwent enmplataMH so IortBgal that facportant rtncd letters aeat to the Anna Islands bygocae AaMricatta had agM mtray A poat rttoe-emntoy at Ia U Ddt WM ftmnd to bare stolen

Rome Sept 2S Whie the ItalianLSfcrd tnuMtiaoUc iUaaair ITiscew YoUnda 12-

rr built inItaly waa hHMched at Hi trtfo o War Spe-

a the he M ow a d ranted into the sea onher sad task

London Sept 2 After striving in vainfor yenta to ohtata royal reeocnitkm for btanseif-UTJHam Waldorf Rear baa the a tW cttoo of seen Ma daughter m honcred Kma Bthiard aviet tn Mr Sprinter Clay who before her marria e-

WM Mies Pauline AMor

London Sept 21 George J Gould andlamOr are hxtaDed for the autumn hi a wit ofFOOM kt tbe H 4d Carltfln which they rentedsince the bediming of June He laM caught thewaaia of old diiua and has been etffdyIDB the sabjrxt to avufai iirr sttiaa

Lodz Russian Poland Sept 23 Sevenwoibnrn and one girl were nccnted here today byaborting without Mai for participating inmurder of Maicu Silberstein cwner nf a large lo-

cal cntton mill whn kille1 tv lii nj loyei-f n 13 horltisc lii irfjr J to pay themfur the the Uity were out un ituke












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Convicted Mint Said to Hiive Stolento Benefit Health

Special to The Wwhtegton HeraldCharleston V Va Sept S3 C E

Adams was today given nlno years forrobbery of Kayford a Chssapquko

and Ohio ttaUon He was caught bySherilT Melton of Kanawha County inNew Mexico

Adams Is aaW to have robbed the officein which He was agent to get funds withwhich to go to another climate for thebenefit of his health After the ICayford-ottlce was presumably robbed it wasburned

Adams was captured and brought toJail here but later succeeded in escapingSheriff Melton knowing of the fugitivesphysical condition looked for him In theWest


CounteHM of Yarmouth Shuns CaycItes f Americans in 1urlM

Parts Sept H Along corridorpromenade and in the garden of the HotelBits where rich Americans gather Knd

social gayety is at It height there hasbeen seen tbe week a palefacedyoung woman with sad and almostsomber gowns passing unnoticed inlively throngs

It was Lady Yarmouth slater of HarryThaw She looks ten years older thanlast summer Not only does she grieveover the condition of her brother butthere art troubles The Yarmouthfamily has not tried to help mattersbut has been disagreeably inclined on ac-

count of the notoriety brought uponthem by the murder and the sensationaltrial


First Day Spent in to Impanel

Jury to Try Senator

Pormor Gen Frank Stciineiil crff-As iussliiHtctl by Oreliard Indicted

with the Defendant

Boise Idaho Sept a After a tinyspent in a vain effort to impanel a jurythe trial of United States Senator Bombpromises to be longdrawn out The Sen-

ator la charged with conspiracy tothe government of valuable timber-

lands District Attorney Norman M BUICkannounced that former GoY Prank Sleetnenberg was one of the men indicted withSenator Borah for conspiracy teunenberg is represented in the Indictment asJohn Doe

The case was sailed before Judge Ed-

ward White in the United States DIetrtct Court The prominence of SenatorBorah in tbe politics of tbe State hispersonal popularity In this his home-town the leading part he took in theprosecution of William D Haywoodcharged with the murder of Gov Steunenberg and the fact that more than MO

wellknown residents of South Idaho arealleged to be Involved with him m thesocalled conspiracy combined to attractaa interest in the proceedings againsthim nearly equal to that which marked

Seat of the Western Federation ofMiners trial here

The Circuit Court was crowded tooverflowing when Judge White took thebench The array of counsel on eitherside was imposing Thewhose representatives herediet a heart of a sensational interesthas practically taken tbe case out of thehands of District Attorney Buickagainst whom charges of improper con-duct before the grand Jury have been

and assigned the matter to specialattorneys trained in timber land law andfresh from successful prosecutions inother Western States They Vre M GButch of Detroit and 8 It Rush efOmaha both special assistants toAttorney General of the United State

Officials here are greatly Interested Inthe outcome of the trial of Senator BorahHis Mends allege that he has been perse-cuted by political enemies and Intimatethat United States District Attorney

who was a candidate for theSenate against Borah is largely respon-sible for the indictment of the latter

It hi contended here outside of officialcircles that politics had a good deal

with the ease brought against BorahHe Ia identified with the faction that hasfought that headed by Senator I ley burnand District Attorney Buick


f J Powell has been appointed transitla the avIate dMrian of the Dttifct Harem

meat at the rate of K per dfMtLloyd Bingham forfeited 10 collateral

la tile Foihw Comet jrnUniajr mon K vbn lotcatted to MMnr ebarae of ipiiiHig

Articles of incorporation were filedjrc erday with the Recorder of bj theFiwrt Muket bMonmnud W iMMntt steenwWi a atock of Hi

The resignation of John A Daley rodman te the Mirrr dfrWon has ncerptcd andW K Bin at M per amena hto MKctierT at S7W per ammw IL J llaktiaea-UUed tebcxrr WM pronotod to IO MB

Under the terms of the will of BenwlJctMoth Itad few probate ye 6r widow X MV Roth Is bequeathed tbe native estate forprovided she doc ot marry Im mae ef heror reattiiUlpt oftot b io wiert to Uw testatorsetafldrra

In response to a petition of fortyfourproperty owner that MbmeaiiU avenue northeast bep an Irene G street to the Dfetrfct line the Com

jBtortoatn aay that te wit bettetid the Dirtrtct-wftt be prepawO to vbdertake thfa work of Improvemeat for aonte yews to row

Judge Baker of the Juvenile Court ofBeaton Mata was prenent at tile teuton of the lo-

cal JnreaUe Court yet rdar moratog lie Ml onthe bench with Judft Callan and took great intereit-tn the manner caw n re condnetfd During theafternoon be accompanW the probation oflicrn octheir rounds notwithstanding the beaT downpourof rain


Yourself to anything you j

from this great stock ofbeautiful home furnishings-and arrange the payments tosuit your income

There are no disagreeable I

features about opening anaccount here We requireno notes or bonds and wemake no inquiries about youfrom your neighbors or f

All bills are payable at the store We neversend a collector except atyour special request S

817819821823 Seventh StBetween II nnil I Streets













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Peter Grogan

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Theaters Filled Last NightClever Comedy Attracts Peo

ple to the Columbia


Wcbern Scenery Did Arrive inTune So Show Opens TonightJack Ilurrymore Makes u SpeechCohuiiM Xew Show Fiftyfrom BoMtou Proves Dig Success

A clever arid attractive comedy is TheBoys of Company B presented at theColumbia Theater last night Uy Mr JohnBarrymore the youngest of the talentedBarrymere family and promising tobe attractive to the ladies inhe audience as his sister lEthal

to men hi hoc audiences andan excellent supporting company Thepiece te by Miss RH Johnson Youngwell known as the author of Brown ofHarvard It was put on first in NewYork last autumn at the Hudson

with Mr Arnold Daly in the prin-cipal part but it was not psychologicalenough for Daly and he got peevish andputted out

The Boys of Company B is a comedyof National Guard that is theyoung fellows in the piece are all mem-bers of the National Guard which givesopportunity for a more or lees accuratepicture of fee young fellows in camp andhi society The plot is not wildly excit-ing though the story Is plain and fairlyconsistent Tony Allen captain of Com-

pany B is in love with pretty EileenMacLane very well played by Miss Jose-phine Drake Unfortunately Tony Jack

hi Tony no one is ever goingto realty call him John in spite of hispress agent has no mosey and te de-

pendent on his uncle C Holbrook Altona Site lowcomedy part played with suchskill as only Mr Veroer Ctarges canaJTord

Maj and Mrs MacLnne are poor andthough MaJ MacLane is favorable toTones suit Mrs MacLane b anxiousthat Eileen shall marry Arthur Stabler

of the millionaire Henry StablerMrs MacLane hat secured a promisefrom Tony that be will not make love toEileen for two years and the two yearsare up on the day the play opens Everthen Mrs MacLane begs Tony to giveup his Idea of marrying Eileen tellinghim that she knows what poverty isthat money is the only thing that countsand that she wants Eileen to marryriches The truth of the matter te thatshe Is heavily indebted to Henry Stablefor money and he holds her notesmanages to get Mrs MacLaneto agreethat It his uncle win settle JBMW on himshe will not oppose the match and Tonybeing hard put to it to Eileenand te accepted over a spAktag tube

The second act shows the boys ofCompany B in camp The ladles come-down to vteit them Tony has Inveigledhis old uncle to enlist telling him theexercise will do him good and as he te-

a captain sad his uncle te a private bemakes the old mans life a burden put-ting him at digging trenches washingdishes and so on und his uncle to getreleased agrees to settle the HMN onTony Unfortunately there conies anotherpretty lisping girl to the camp andTony flirts with her a little and kissesher so that Eileen sees it Shethis but shortly after one ofsoldiers also in love with the girt Tonyhas kissed wants to write her a letterHe has a sprained wrist and gets Tonyto write for him The letter falls intoEileens hands and in her pique at whatshe considers Tonys falseness she ac-cepts the band of Stabler

The last act straightens out the com-plications In a Satisfactory way At thevery last minute when Stabler has beengot out of the way and the business ofthe love letter has not been explainedthe girl who lisps and her soldier loverwho also lisps rush hi and make alisping explanation It b quite satis-factory to Eileen but the lisping lovershang on In the room Tony looks atthem aching to get rid of v them Atlast Vlngttrote be criesauk the bewildered lisping soldierVlngttrols1 repeats Tony Dont

understand twentythree and asteat they comprehend be takes EileenIn his stifle

The comedy te well conceived and te car-ried out admirably It te not a highlyconsequential play and Its construction temighty loose and shaky ht one or twoplaces but its situations are clever andits dialogue Is bright Here are a fewspecimens of the best things that attract the attention of tbe audience

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In the first Mnumber liy

second act sor-dler boys

The acting of si BOYS of CompanyB leaves little t Mr JackBarrymore has a decidedly attractive per-sonality a sureness ofmanner which coiivt for very much ina light comedy Df hte sort Ills workwon hearty and gen tpu applause and atthe end of the secorii act he was calledout for a speech It Uttally was not much

i of a speechThe work of the Josephine Drake was

very pleasing throughout and she madean admirable foil for Mr BarrymoreThe part to and makes no greatdemand on her bjit she gave evi-dence that she to capable of handlingbetter and stronger things The Flor-ence Henderson of Mint Marie Mallonwas good and the character part of tilelisping girl Madge Blake played byFlorence Nash was most cleverly sus-tained

Mr Verner Clarges It locked strange-to see him in such a queerpart wa fine in this as in most of thethings he does He carried the greaterpart of the comedy of the second

won many a hearty lush Indeedhis work helps the play amazingly MrRoy noted the ungateful partof Arthur Stabler very we indeed a


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part that constantly jars on the sensi-bilities of the audience and which heis artist enough not to slur at all Theminor parts were all in capable handand Ute Major of Mr Joseph E Whit-ing was especially deserving of com-mendation

On the whole The Boys of CompanyB furnishes a delightful cleancut even-ings entertainment Its ideal to not veryUgh perhaps It is built to amuse andit does Uiis admirably and its comedyto legitimate Last nights audience wanot nearly so large as the merits of titlecomedy deserved

The New National Goorse M Co

baits LatestGeorge M Cohan baa again rung the

changes This time it is a rattling melo-drama with musical variations

perhaps those who expect an-

nually to see a characteristic Cohan butnevertheless providing an entertainment-

full of pathos and excitement with anamply sufficient supply of that livelyand catchy sort of music which has al-ways been considered a necessary anddominating adjunct to his productionsHowever this eccentric playwright andmusician may mix things up there Is nodenying his extreme popularity especiallyafter seeing the large and enthusiasticaudience which was present at the Na-tional Theater last night upon the open-ing presentation of Fifty Mites fromBoston

The story has for its hero one JoeWestcott Impersonated by Mr Cohanwho has become the hero of the littletown of Brookfleld by winning a greatbaseball game for Harvard Now thisJoe Westcott to In love with Sadie Woodtothe belle sad postmistress of the villagewhose brother Jed being employed as her assistant abstracts fromthe government funds WOO which heplaces with MOO more of Dave Harrigansthe crooked son of the village magnateThey bet against Harvard and naturallylose leaving Jed hi a critical positionwhich villain takes advantage of tofurther his love interests with SadieWooden There to also a love affair between Jet and the schemers slater andafter much heartburning exciting

everything to adjusted and the mat-ter happily ends with the utter discom-fiture of the rascal

The musical interpolations brightand lively with clever Miss Emma Janvier leading with Aint It MrJames C Marlowe happily rendered Har

Miss Edna Wallace Hopper wasattractive in Jack and Jill while therendition of Boys Who Fightnames and Waltz with Me by MrCohen was tumultuously received the ap-plause after the latter becoming so heavyas to call for a curtain speech in whichhe deprecated any Idea on the part of thepublic of taking him seriously as a play-wright and musician and announced hisonly ambition to be that of a purveyor ofpublic amusement

After Mr Cohans efforts the moststriking entertainment was furnished byMis Emma Janvier who appears as MrsTIlford the local gossip and scanJal mon-ger It to a character role which suitsher talent admirably and she takes ad-vantage of all opportunities Her sidetalk to very amusing and her gossipyproclivities make telling anticlimaxes atsome intense periods of the drama whileher topical verses ro her song were pointedand characteristic She does the bestwork In the show

Mica Edna Wallace Hopper Is daintyand pretty m the role ef the becomeSadie She has an attractive per-sonality and she acts in the emotionalperiods with effect Her opening sonswaa also rendered with piquancy leashWeatherby appeared aa Aunt Kate BaselLowry as Nellie Harrtojan and LouiseReal as Mrs Westcott

The principal characters of the dramawere exceedingly well acted Mr FrtotWilliams adding another to his successesby his skillful delineation of Jed Woodtothe man of good instincts who bad madeone almost fatal mistake His acting tovery forceful after the repressed methodand together with Mr George Parsonswho plays Dave Harrigan he attractsthe paramount interest of he performance utter makes an admirablevillain It such a thug could be actingeasily and making the elements of tilecharacter perfectly plain especiallybringing out the fact that the characterrepresents one of the most egregiousand malicious liars that has ever compli-cated the action of a play

Others who did nobly were James HBradbury as Nathan Westcott JamsC Marlowe ac Tim Harrigan RichardXesmlth as Moeely and last but notleast in an acting sense was ToreGrimm as Eddie Moaeby

The play IB finely staged with attractive scenes around the town ef BrookfleW with amusing episodes of villagelife including volunteer firemen therural band and a serenading group ofhigh school boys whose rendition of someof the old college songs was not the leastentertaining part of the musical acces-sories

The Bclnsco Ouenlnp PostponedA great number of people who went to

the Belaeco tost night to the openingof this theaters season and to see JoeWebers new musical snow were

The scenery through some mistake did not arrive in time and It waimpossible to give the performance Theopening will be tonight

GlniNcH A Velllmlnncert VaudevilleDUI

Comparisons are unnecessary in re-viewing the vaudeville entertainment atChases yesterday The bill to well bal-anced with a judicious mixture of com-edy music and acrobatics all of whichcontribute toward a successful pregramme the main requisite being indfvidual excellence which is present in themajority of the present instances

John C Rice and Sally Colton appearin a clever little comedy by H H Whirlow labeled A Bachelor Wife whichto well constructed wholesome and fullof humor affording plenty of amusementas played by the principals assisted byRoyce Altin

Jack Norworth found renewed favorin his musical comedy monologue singing Honey Boy and his old favoriteIsnt He a Wise Old Owl with a new

string of topical verses touching on na-tional and local topics those relating toCommissioner West and the bathingbeach the bucket shop men and CantAlons ball team bringing forth themost approbation

Irene Franklin and Burt Green gave aclever skit a miniature musical comedyHe rendered Spring Song with greateffect She contributed a childs song Incostume Whats the Good of ThatHuh and Dont Be What YouJust Be What You Is in a decidedlycute manner and their combined en-deavors made a great hit

The ElMs owlan Company furnisheda medley of comedy and acrobatics thebest part being n travesty on the circusof broad comedy proclivities and verylaughable while Frank McCrea assistedby Roy Poole gave a remarkable exhibiyon of rifle shooting on the one handand a rare display of nerve on the otherIn fact Mr McCrea seems prepared toshatter any object that Mr Poole willhold In any manner and the latters re-sources In that direction do not appearto be limited

La Petite Mignon appeared In somegood Imitations Including Anna Held













































The Boys of


Author ut Brown of iarmtl with



This City New






Daily Mat-A Jbjli V r h JtVir the ln t

JOHN C KICK AND SALI1 OHENJ-ollU t Ever in A Ba ivlr Wife



U Petit Mignou Mftrton Iearl HipHunting grr t t of all mo km irfctuirs

NEXT CLAUDE theMvstwy PEKMANE HATTYS BEAKlsOther Huperb Noreltie Buy Todar

Mats TuesdayThur dayr



Broadway After DarkALLHTAK CST WITH



Dmly M x kv it-KAT51IAN i1 HTL SI K



Benning Race TrackWednesday Sept 25 1907

Ten Cattle ta be RoutedTournaoKtit by of Maryland Virginia

and District of G lumhu-Pritps and Chmpionjhip MedaL

BwebsUi Match between Trinity an i ST AloysroDacdDf and Ectcruummt at Ni ht-Uronada Open 1 in Tteoosh CMS

One AdmiMiop to AD S rents



vmouru OAT ITISDNESDAY OCT 2 mLadles GraM Tournammt

Marie Dressier FrttzI 3che T and GeorgeConan Marion and Pearl SHed out thespace usually allotted to walking gentle-men and tile Vltagrapb closed the perrormance with a series entitled


The Academy Broadway AfterDarlc-

BroadH After Dart melodramaof the night lire of New York in fouracts by John Oliver opened at the NewAcademy last night proving bothand dramatic arid thoroughly pleased abbj bouse

The play is a thriller of the first waterand abounds in many effective seeMS

the life of the great metropolisafter dark Jn a thoroughly up to datemanner though the highly colored scenesare naturally exaggerated to some extentto gain the desired dramatic effect

Tbe plot of the play deals wlh the-e ort of Curtis Yorke assisted by DrHagar and his sister Myra adven-turess to keep lilt two cousins Claytonand Flora Ross from inheriting the bus-iness of Ross 4k Co and a fortunethem by their Uncle John Ross and toseparate Flora from her sweetheart TomHall head clerk of Roes Co Thauditor is carried In rapid successionrom the dock of the White Star Line onthe arrival of the steamer Cedric to agambling house an opium den the belfry

Trinity Church the Broadway Ath-letic Club Caaal street with the NorthRiver in the background and finally

insane asylumThe play ig convincingly portrayed by

an exceptionally wellbalanced castheaded by Miss Mildred Stoller and MrHarry Fields

Miss Stokers fine stage presenceand beautiful gowns do much to atonefor the repulsive character of Myragar the adventuress which shea mosl realistic and thoroughly convinc-ing manner Mr Fields is natural in hiswelldrawn Hebrew character presenta-tions and by his clever specialties wonrounds of applause

The various character sketcheswell given and well received

Excellent support was given by MessrsRobards Smith Bertram and SadieFields and Margaret Bowers The restof the cast including a chorus of prettygirls who slag and dance themselvesinto the hearts of their audience withtheir first number is capable and pleas-Ing and help materially to make up amost interesting and satisfactory even-Ings amusement Time curtain did notgo up till late last night owing to thenonarrival of the scenery

The Majestic The Gates of JusticeThe Gates of Justice a comedy

drama of Western life is the bill of theKathryn Purnell Stock Company at theMajestic Theater this week The themeof the play centers around the effortsof Rex Alden to bring the murderer ofher father to justice and to claim the landwhich her father owned The murdereroC her father is the leader of a band ofillicit distillers and he and his gang useeven means to thwart her purpose Acharming love runs throughout theplay between Rex and a young civil engincer who champions her cause Theplay was given in a very creditable

and elicited rounds of applauseMiss Purnell as Rex Alden as usual

gavt an exrelent portrayal of the roleFranklyn Alunnell was Walter Warrenthe young engineer His vurkthe entire play was of a very high order



Company BBY



Fool and a Girl



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WED KAT POttUR PRICEJ25e to 5199

Assisted by Edna Wallaca HopperIn 50 MILES

FROM BOSTONCompany of 60 Including


In SILVER GIRL8 lit Ft LaThe H Tte MM Chi



Courso Tickets ONLY on Saleat Box Office from Oct 3 to Oct 10






Sept 3

Dooleys Drug Store sad Oa the Panama1-GaDerr Entrance on Eighth Street



Aourkaa Section Ht alau rtfrs 2 A StreetS itlir Aincuucv that

THURSDAY 36 1907 8 P M


of Adjar India IV i l nt of Use TbeoMphical-Jsirwi Wi iKiinr Lecture at

MASONI TEMPLE 9TH AND F CTS XWPrior cf Scats Onn Admitrioo 25 Re

served Seats 96

Tickets can IK socured in advaoov at MaxafaTemple Brig Store 9th and F ita nw and atH dqoartwi U the Washington Breath T SZZ A st ce


230 TODAY 230-

IGHaiS vs ST LOUISafter Washington game TrUtr will

play Treasury

GATES OPEN AT 130September 27 20 St Louis


Pins North 3171 Send for Bookletatatf

The reading of his lines was especiallynoticeable on account of the absence ofranting which so actors considerhtdespensable to the portrayal of Westerncharacters Harry Bewley as WoefulDanger does the best comedy work oftbe engagement so far and succeeded inkeeping the audience in an uproar duringthe entire time he occupied the stageJeff Murphy made a distinct hit as thebreezy city chap Pike Price ArthurPickens Ed Redding Al Roberta Stan-ley James Florence Hamilton and HelenHyle gave creditable support in theirdifferent roles

The vaudeville specialties contributed-by Harry Bewley Helen Hyle andFanny Fisher during the inumulssjsuswere well received

The Iyceum BiirlescincThe Cherry Blossoms Company opened

to two wellpacked houses at the NewLyceum Theater yesterday The op suingfaree Boosters Millions served t in-

troduce a bevy of chorus gfrfe jtad aquartet of good comedians headed byJohn Perry Mr Perrys singing ofDown In the City of nose was repeat-edly encored

TIM vaudeville department containedmany novel and Interesting specialtiesEugene Jorge Nazi Aleene aid TdythHamilton in their refined staging anddancing skit were easily the hit of theMil The remainder of the bill includedGoff Philips the comedian hi negrostitries and songs and Motion Mand Company In a dramatic sketch Thedosing burletta Dr Btppfs SanitariumWItS a burlesque on presentday insaneasylums

The Gayety BurlesqueThe Trocadero Buriesquerg opened at

the Gayety Theater yesterday with twoperformances This company fe not upto the standard set by the Gayety Thereis nothing funny about the first burlettawhich is called Fun at Dooleys DrugStore The second however Is a littlebetter It ig entitled On the Panamaa dramatic burletta on President Roose-velt inspecting the work on the canalFrank FOley who leads the company isrepresented as impersonating the Presi-dent but the nearest he gets to doing itis in that expression of RooseveltsDeclighted Secretary Taft is also

impersonated and the only likeness is onthe programme which calls him WillGraft Jack Boyce opens the olio staging several clever parodies Clang andRmlcllIT were next with their singingand dancing then Ranzetta and Lymanvho perform many acrobatic feats allof which are old Two colored artiststhe Wilson conclude the vaudeville bygiving st me domestic trouble and Imita-tions of A Colored Man SingingSongs

SllVcr Girl Well ReceivedSpread to Vaahh jtn HamU

Baltimore Md Sept 21 The SilverGirl by Edward Peple author of thePrince Chap gave its premier per-

formance at the Academy of Music to-

night to a crowded house The play madea decided hit George Fawcett the starand Edward Peple tbe author receivedseveral curtain calls and responded withspeeches The play te full of bright dia-logue and human interest the situationsbeing very original The cast te splendidand many individual hits were made

The Silver Girl will be at the NowNational Theater next week

I October 1907 Remember the date




and Fritz tJllliamsEXT


Panama Oct

Old Mexico Oct 21

Grand Canyon Oct 28Pacific Coast 60Yil 4Yellowstone

Park Nov1ll



umntIil 110110

The Trocadero Burlesquers































