i t evening star the dome i li a- j commufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/uf/00/07/59/08/03248/00319.pdf ·...

OCALA EVENINGiTAft I EDNESDAV AUGUST 1Sr 1909 T c t EVENING STAR C L Bittinger and R R Carroll Editors and Publishers f C L BITTINGER Editor I R R CARROLL Business Manager THRO SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Grand Junction Call Aug lWe took the Shore railroad from San Francisco to Los Angeles and made the run of 475 miles In 11 hours and saw one of the finest and most pro- ductive ¬ valleys In that wonderful state of great and glorious things when looked at in a materialistic light For the first 40 miles it seemed as if we were never out of sight of the suburbs of San Francisco After the great earthquake and fire in that city three years ago people were compell- ed ¬ to look elsewhere for homes and farsighted real estate men saw their opportunity and took up lands along the Southern Pacific railroad for these purposes and are still at the business 1 because during the past year business continued brisk on account of the I very high rents In the city In the stretch of country referred to we passed Pala Alto the home of the famous Stanford University with Its millions of endowments 51 miles south of San Francisco we enter San Jose one of the most famous fruit districts of the state where about ev ¬ cry variety of fruit grown in Califor ¬ nia is grown and the trees still bend- Ing i under their rich ripe fruitage The culture of prunes Is a great In ¬ dustry here and for miles south were to be seen fruit packing campers who move along the fruit producing sec- tions ¬ as the fruit ripens for market and they pick and prepare It for ship ¬ merit Great canning establishments are also seen at Intervals When you look at the forests of fruit trees your vonder grows as to what disposition can be made of it during the season but it finds a mar ¬ ket the world over especially In can ¬ ned form and none better to be had anywhere Morgan hill is a great fruit section and In this beautiful valley is the Im ¬ mense stock range of Messrs Lux Miller with their tens of thousands of head of stock roaming over the mil- lion ¬ of acres of foot hills and moun- tain ¬ I lands lying on either side of the valley These men are among the pi- oneer ¬ ranchers of the state and their 1 homeor headquarters farm is in the t valley and the houses and stables used by them create quite a village They grow on the home farm which com ¬ prises thousands of acres barley and alfalfa for their stock conducting an Immense dairy In connection with their stockbusiness Here In a measure fruit farming ceases and everything in the valley for Mnore than a hundred miles is barley and alfalfa and at the depots you see Immense grain warehouses several I hundred feet long and half as wide where the threshed and baled barley Is stored for shipment The fields were full of boilers and teams of six vto 18 horses and mules were drawing- the product to market The remark was general that the crop was a little short this season but to have seen the f r immense and numerous stacks of bar ¬ ley In the fields a casual observer and a novice to the state thought there was a great plenty Japs and Mexicans are the laborers- in I these fields t At Kings City 164 miles south of San Francisco is the home of the I King Bros ranch which In extent and I vastness is similar to that of Messrs I Lux Miller 216 mllei south is lo ¬ cated the renowned Paso Robles Hot Springs a cure for every bodily ill and thousands flock to this place for 1 relief At San Luis Obispo we struck the S seashore and from thence on we skirt the waters of the Pacific to Los An ¬ geles with little to relieve the monot ¬ ony of the miles of mountain range but here and there cattle ranges tho Just over this range of and moun- t thins fertile valleys bask in the genial sunshine and produce under the magic I touch of Irrigation immense crops of fruit barley and alfalfa As we near Los Angeles we pass Santa Barbara Y a city of 12000 people Ventura and Oxnard where Is located the biggest a sugar mill on Ute Pacific coast for which tens of thousands of acres o f- I 4 lands are devoted to the growing of the Soccarine beet In most of this territory we had as- a traveling companion Mr M G Carr a commercial salesman from San Francisco who was taking his vaca- tion ¬ and as he had traveled over sev- eral ¬ hundred miles of this trip for IS years he made a most interesting and instructive companion We spent several days at Los An gues the guest of our nephew Mr G E Bittinger and his family As Mr Bittinger was taking his vacation he placed at our disposal his splendid au ¬ tomobile and his services and we saw C the city and country for 20 miles t around to perfection One day we spent at Long Beach the summer re- sort ¬ i of the coast with its 25000 peo- ple ¬ S the growth of ten years math tributary to Los Angles with double r e 1t lf I 7 I 1 fi c- If > S1jj I I t 1 A I S 7 fi Jt a J Y tracks of electric roads that on a Sun- day ¬ bring 50000 to 75000 people to the beach to enjoy its attractions The place Is a second edition of Coney Island It has a million dollar hotel whose menu is the equal of the best In the world as we tested it Long Beachs history and growth in I a blank refutation of the saying that no resort can grow without the sa- loon ¬ There are none here none are permitted Every man that buys a lot and builds waives all right to sell liq- uor ¬ on that ground and In that build- ing ¬ forfeiting the same If he or his lessees are caught at It The place has graded streets and Its bathing facilities are about perfect I We took a run across the bay to I San Pedro the commercial port of Los Angeles and all that section of country lying back of it Here in its large harbor rode the American navy that swung the worlds circle last year and to witness this array of armored cruisers several hundred thousand people came to see It It is the ter- minus ¬ of the Southern Pacific railroad and the general government is spend- ing ¬ millions of dollars to create a breakwater while through the efforts- of the Los Angeles Chamber of Com BITTINGER TWO merce the towns along the inlet lead- Ing to the greater city are asking for annexation so that the government will dredge and create a harbor at the very doors of Log Angeles thereby In- creasing ¬ its already commercial great- ness Wilmington halt way to the sea has already voted In favor of this project which Los Angeles will en- force ¬ with a ten million dollar expen- diture ¬ for a home harbor- At Long Beach we had the pleasure- of making the acquaintance of an- other ¬ nephew Edward Bittinger whom we had not seen since a lad of five years He is engaged In running very complete soft water laundry to distinguish it from the water Ocala enjoys The next day we took in the San Gabrlef Mission ten miles east of Los Angeles which was founded Sept Sth 1771 by the Franciscan order and is with one exception the oldest mission- in the state It is a place of great re- sort ¬ and is visited dally by hundreds- of persons who pay 25 cents to see its ancient wails strung with venerable paintings of the apostles and the saints and have Its main historical facts told by young Spaniards Thence on to Pasadena the handsomest town in the world and the winter home of more American millionaires or any othr 4 for that matter than reside in any one spot or space on earth It Is a city of 20000 people its hotels are In the fore ¬ front of such hostelries notably the Maryland the Raymond the Hunting- ton and homes that In variety and quaintness of architecture and n beauty of lawns are idealistic dreams and cost anywhere from 50000 to a million dollars No words of mine can describe its attractions and entranc ¬ ing beauties Talk about bank buildings The home of the First National in Passa dena Is a beauty Its interior arrange ¬ ments are perfect Its vaults are large and roomy In one of them I saw a cedar chest splendidly ornamented and frescoed of the size of a modest Saratoga containing it was said 4000 of Bob Burdettes extra humorous ser ¬ mons for be it known the great hawk eye Bob Burdette humorist has of late years turned biblical prophet and is now feeding biblical lore to tho Bap- tists ¬ of Pasadena in a church that cost a quarter of a million dollars H- Is now off on his vacation and the ob- ject ¬ of keeping his sermons in cold storage was to have them retain thilr freshness Every bank In California no matter If the town Is just ordi- nary ¬ contains a womans department and to see the number in the First Na- tional ¬ the morning of our call demon ¬ strated they knew how to draw checks We then took in suburban Holly- wood ¬ ten miles out toward the sea that a few years ago was a poor prospect but now has 10000 people with all the conveniences of a great city with hundreds of lovely homes- As we go to the sea this valley WEAREE- agerly Watching for an Opportunity of SERVING YOU If You Live to Eat or Eat to Live WE CAN SERVE YOU Our Store is full of Staple and Fancy- GROCERIES oil K GROCERY 2 PhtDCS 174 HARVEY CLARK Proprietor L THE AIR DOME Moving Pictureso and The Best of Entertainment Furnish ¬ ed by Home People NEW PICTURES EVERY DiY THREE FULL REELS EACH NIGHT Program for this Evening LEON PONCE THE COMEDIAN LUNATICS IX POWER Full Reel HIS WARDS LOVE THE CURTAIN POLE THE ACTORS MOTHER 4 FREE CHAMPAGNE Admission 10 and 20 cents Doors Open at 730 p nx- H W TUCKER PROPRIETOR- which is the home of fruits flowers barley and alfalfa plats beautiful for future suburban homes and samples of 100000 and 150000 houses also the old soldiers home with its thousand mates makes one sit up and wonder how It has all come about in a quarter of a decade We saw cultivated In this valley an immense field of tobac- co ¬ the property of the American To- bacco ¬ Company and when It comes to fields of beans the army and navy variety the Golden State has the rest of the world beat to a stand still To think of it you just find everything In California They say around Stockton they grow sweet potatoes that fade the memory of those of Florida which- we thought could not be the world over I Well we say San Monica Ocean Park and Venice on the seashore all bathing and summer resort places which on the average have five to ten thousand people and all the conven- iences ¬ of ocean piers vast pavllons and dance halls and bathing pools with a concrete sidewalk 20 feet wide that extends for over two miles along the ocean t beach the home of the bathers of which the sands and water were alive In this circle we passel over the au- tomobile = race track an eightmile circle where they had a 4th of July race meet 15 machines were entered and made the circle 23 times The record was 64 mUes an hour and over 100000 people witnessed it We did a little speed stunt ourselves over the course and e flew for a mile or two It Is a most exhilarating experience- with the stiff sea breeze In your face We were shown the swell clubs of Los Angeles The California with its 1000 members who pay J100 a year dues and a cafe that is a dandy Also the club for the younger set located- in the two upper stories of the Hunt ington Electric depot building which cost 150000 to furnish and the rental of which rooms is 5000 a month and deemed cheap at that as Mr Hunting- ton went way up town out of tho bus- iness ¬ district six ears ago where only modest hQmes existed now it Is sur- rounded ¬ by skyscrapers- The growth of Los Angeles Is sn great that it almost takes ones breath- It has lovely homes and beautiful res- Idence j streets In 1902 Los Angeles had a half million dollar courthouse on the hill It was then deemed the marvel of the Pacific slope for a town of Its size 00000 It is now being re- placed j by a million dollar buildng Its new water system will cost 23 mlllon The water supply Is brought from a river 200 mites away It has a Christ- Ian Science church under construc- tion to cost 300000 These are just Indications of its growth and expan- sion A lute election voted four mil1 I lion dollars for good roads They have the good road fever bad In this coun- try j j We had the pleasure Saturday aft- ernoon ¬ I to grasp Dr Rena Snowden J and Will Sparr by the hand and say howdy They were tickled to death to i see us Both are looking well Dr I Snowden was getting ready to leave that night for the AlaskaYukon Pacific exposition Will Sparr Is do- ing I splendidly in the fruit business but more about him in our next We took in the G A R reunion at Salt I Lake Monday and now here for a day where they grow Alberta peaches 12 j of them in a row measure a yard Xor must we overlook Riverside where we I spent a week but they can rest for our next C L Bittinger I WASHINGTON ONCE GAVE UP to three doctors was kept in bed for I five weeks Blood poisoned from a spiders bite caused large deep sores to cover his leg The doctors failed i then Bucklens Arnica Salve com- pletely cured me writes John Wash- Ington j of Bosquesvilie Tex For eczema bolls burns and plies its su- preme I 25c at all druggists I i I LOCAL LEGISLATION I Bids for Work on the Market Rejected Zoo Ordered Sold The city council of Ocala held a reg ¬ lar meeting at the council chambers n this August 17th 1909 will the fol- lowing ¬ members present E T Hel venston president pro tern presiding I A G Gates G A Carmichael H C I Jones D E Mclver and H D Stokes Building permit was granted the I Masons to erect a Masonic lodge room on block 75 Old Survey Ocala- It was requested and granted till further notice by the council that the sewerage connection of the said build- ing ¬ I be connected with the city sewage wen without cost A permit was granted to E T Hel venston and W T Gary to erect an awning in front of the Gary block of iron posts with roof of galvanized iron- on wooden supports j Permission was granted to R L I Anderson to remodel and I- I repair his building on block 45 Old Survey Ocala f Councilman Gates introduced an or- dinance ¬ entitled an ordinance to amend an ordinance entitled an ordl I ance to prescribe the fire limits of the city or Ocala Said ordinance was I referred to the Judiciary committee The semimonthly pay roll of A I ers amounting to 933650 and semi- monthly I pay roll of the electric light plant for 19250 were ordered paid I There being only two bids in for the I remodeling of the city market the I said bids were rejected and the clerk i instructed to readvertise for further I bids to be considered at the regular I I meeting of the council to be held on I Sept 7th 1909 I I The vacancy on the board of health caused by the death of Dr Powers j I was considered and Dr D i M Smith I I was elected to fill the position- It appearing to the council that the city Inspector Dr E P Guerrant was and had been out of the city for some- time the salary of the said Guerrant as milk and meat Inspector was dis- continued ¬ I Mr W H Hocker presented to the I council certain outstanding scrip and asked to have same paid by the treas- urer ¬ After having the city attorneys I opinion on the liability of the city to pay same It was ordered that the clerk draw a warrant to Mr Hocker In the sum of 4240 for the payment of this j scrip in full I Sidewalk Ordinance Can be Enforced The city attorneyv gave it as his I opinion that the sidewalk ordinance Is in accord with the state law and can be enforced Councilman Gates moved that the street committee proceed to put down I the sidewalks on North Oklawahn av- enue ¬ In accordance with the councils I resolution Carried j The special committee heretofore appointed to determine what would be the best thing to do with the city zoo made the following report i Your special committee recommend I that the city zoo bo disposed of at once wjth the exception of the deer j which we recommend be retained in the zfco- I The report was amended by adding that the entire zoo including the par- aphernalia I be sold and that a special i committee consisting of Messrs Stokes Carmichael and ones dispose of said zoo r 100 REW ARD100 The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure In all its stages and that Is catarrh Halls Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity Catarrh being a constitutional disease requires a con istitutlonal treatment Halls Catarrh iCure is taken internally acting direct- ly upon the blood and mucous surfaces- of the system thereby destroying the foundation of the disease and giving the patient strength buildIng up the the constitution and assisting nature in doing Its work The proprietors have so much faith In its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that It falls to cure Send for list of testimonials Address F J Cheney Co Toledo O Sold by druggists 75c Take Halls Family Pills for constipation Bear In mind we carry a full line of Statfords and Carters inks also fountain pens from S1 up at the Ocala News Company t THERE IS A DIFFERENCE IN ICE Our ice by our new process is froz- en ¬ at a temperature of eight to ten degrees above zero is as clear as crys ¬ tal and as pure as can be made We guarantee it to last longer I BUY FROM THE BLUE WAGONS- And Not be Disappointed in Service And Quality OCALA ICE AND PACKING CO MEFFERT TAYLOR Phone M 1 y i > c < Li k f I H ROBDfSON PrtnliiAt t 1 1 S H BLITCIIger 1t i if kJI f J c A- 1Hi j GEO < J J mJTcLrt1ef > it 4 1 i 4j COMM ER CIALBANiib < L 7illI THE DEPOSITORS IN THIS IANt- < t ff r i Are the merchants the profewiomml 1 sacseasful Me 14 W ofr MJ the city the farmers ot the surroundlHr tenltory We accommodate aD classes Our ampmers represemt tke women who have built and if are BUt building wccessfol entenaes 1- t We solicit >< QI a snare or your business i I it l- l t = > t THE FLORIDA CONCRETE AND PftStFC1Jd- f t- j i We are prepared to fill your orders for cement work Jg Manufacturers of cement brick wr building blocks hexari sqd e sia l 7 blocks and all kinde of paving material We empley skilled werkmen our motto is to please J ft > 1 Temporary quarters phone 256 r tt JAMES R MOOjRHEAD MGThv 1 t a FOR HEALTH A ND PLEASURE < J < t The Beautiful t I llayood We Sulphur Sprin gt H t Land of the Sky WAYNESVILLEN Altitude r Xo On the Southern Railway one nour nom Asheville Capacity 250 p e a lt t consumptives Hot and Cold Sulphur Baths Music Bowling and Teaiiiut Special attention to mountain parties Special party and family1 rates Fbt information address G C ROGAN Manager worth Inn Asheville Formerly manager otJCt <y t 1- Iif a i > t r o 1 II 1 < e t- f I l1I WINDSOR HOTELb v JACKSONVILLES FINEST AND fLOftllAS J4 1- l LARGEST art lEST YEAH ROUND BBTEL Rates 3 per Day ail Upwards America PJu i r- a1l THOMAS M WILSON I Pr prlttorJ I tt h I UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDAG- ainesville Florida An Institution of the First Rank sup ¬ ported by State and Federal Funds for Florida Young Men Thorough Courses Leading to ofBA- 1BScMAM6candLL and LL B In Arts and Sciences Agriculture Chemical Civil Electrical and Me ¬ chanical Engineering Law Normal School Graduate School Expenses Exceedingly Low For Catalogue wile A A MURPHREE A M LLD President FLORIDA STATE COLIMi OtherExpenses iI f MONTEZUMA HOTEL J j GUY W TOPH OPEN THE YEAR ROUND JOHN R DEWf- TLeadiig CoBBercial Itfel ialesSZ Per Day teaia flrWrr iIoJi KENTUCKY HORSES FOR SALE- I will have a car of choice Kentucky bred horses at my place at Evlnston Fla for sale after Aug 20th I have spent two months around my old home- at Lexington Ky selecting this stock from the farms This stock has been carefully selected and bought for spot cash direct from the stock ralsera I am In position to save money to pur ¬ chasers of good horses Address L H Willis Jr Evinston ThaI BABY MORPHINE FIENDS are made by all soothing syrups and I baby medicines that contain opium and narcotics McGees Bay Elixir contains no Injurious or narcotic drugs of any kind A sure and sate cure for disordered stomachs bowels and fretfulnesssplendid for teething Infants Sold by all druggists HARNESS MENDED Harness of all kinds mended or new I parts made where desired Also eaxr filing done Apply to J T Simmons at Tompkins Cobbs stables- A WEAKLING- Is the only way to describe the poor child that Is afflicted with worms No matter how much or how often it eats the worms get all the nourishment from the Mod the child gets practi- cally ¬ none Whites Cream Vermi ¬ fuge gets rid of the worms quickly Price 25 cents a bottle Sold by all druggists FOR SALEParlor suite of furniture- for 1250 cost 60 new one large cook stove good order Jo lots of flowers in 10 worth of pots for 11250 W H Clark Ocala The best remedy we know of In all cases of kidney and bladder trouble and the one wercanalways recommend- Is DeWltts Kidney and BKlffSer PlnX pills be positive that you get De Witts Kidney and Bladder Pills I There are imitations placed upon the market to deceive YOtLGet DeWitts Insist upon them and if your dealer cannot supply you refuse anything- else in place of them Sold by all druggists Do you smoke Then try that XIj manics smoker at the Court Pharmacy I 4 a I I t t1 < j L FOR WOMEN L Tallahassee FJerida A College without a parallel In t South offerlng degrees and diptomsi In the following1 departments I A School of Liberal Arts v 11 A School of Industrial ArUv- III A School of Pine Arts 3 IV A School ofExpression- T A School for Teachers > Xo Tuition veryiokF- or information address > 1 EDWARD CONRAD MA PHD President 4 F 4 Il f < I INCREASE YOUR LICHTt- I t I et fo have Just received a lot of > ir Wc- elebrated Halophane glass shades fev t electric lights These shades Increase your light power 75 per cent < fl them H W Tucker the electric ply man Is t p i1f ICE 1 ICEA t 10 J i cWt J fey lee frld WItHStolj < 1 They say but If you will e1Aec- arefully M Ji the Ice which melts sorafJ- ly > you will note that there seems ta j be holes in It that the center Is what- Is T called snow Ice which being porS W ous allows It to melt quickly < 1 I Crystal lei t < t The kind we turn out Is as dewr- i and perfect as it ispossible to ft t Ice and lsthe most economIcatics- to v rc use Ask the man on the Re l > Wagon to stop and see ypp af p 1 5 FLORIDA PACKIN81rCfS 1 ICE COMPANY J hv Pkwe- SIE I W rr zt- i iff1 SUM HOUSE lJiA T p Located on North Main St J < 1 neargovernment buildinga Reasonable rates bythfl week oTxmonth Firstclaf table board and rooms i 1- tJ < Mrs Rossie LeSueur3ipr J Phone 77 Q i- I I > c fait t < f j- if > rt i fr 1t zc f i p Mmj 1 i r 1 J l 1 A <> lAt 2L r t J Y j

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Page 1: I T EVENING STAR THE DOME I Li A- J COMMufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/03248/00319.pdf · 2009-05-12 · OCALA EVENINGiTAft EDNESDAV AUGUST I 1Sr 1909 T c EVENINGt STAR C



EVENING STARC L Bittinger and R R Carroll

Editors and Publishersf


R R CARROLL Business Manager


Grand Junction Call Aug lWetook the Shore railroad from SanFrancisco to Los Angeles and madethe run of 475 miles In 11 hours andsaw one of the finest and most pro-


valleys In that wonderfulstate of great and glorious thingswhen looked at in a materialistic lightFor the first 40 miles it seemed as ifwe were never out of sight of thesuburbs of San Francisco After thegreat earthquake and fire in that citythree years ago people were compell-



to look elsewhere for homes andfarsighted real estate men saw theiropportunity and took up lands alongthe Southern Pacific railroad for thesepurposes and are still at the business 1

because during the past year businesscontinued brisk on account of the I

very high rents In the cityIn the stretch of country referred to

we passed Pala Alto the home of thefamous Stanford University with Itsmillions of endowments 51 milessouth of San Francisco we enter SanJose one of the most famous fruitdistricts of the state where about ev ¬

cry variety of fruit grown in Califor ¬

nia is grown and the trees still bend-

Ingi under their rich ripe fruitageThe culture of prunes Is a great In ¬

dustry here and for miles south wereto be seen fruit packing campers whomove along the fruit producing sec-



as the fruit ripens for marketand they pick and prepare It for ship¬

merit Great canning establishmentsare also seen at Intervals

When you look at the forests of

fruit trees your vonder grows as towhat disposition can be made of itduring the season but it finds a mar ¬

ket the world over especially In can ¬

ned form and none better to be hadanywhere

Morgan hill is a great fruit sectionand In this beautiful valley is the Im ¬

mense stock range of Messrs LuxMiller with their tens of thousands ofhead of stock roaming over the mil-



of acres of foot hills and moun-


I lands lying on either side of thevalley These men are among the pi-


ranchers of the state and their1 homeor headquarters farm is in the

tvalley and the houses and stables usedby them create quite a village Theygrow on the home farm which com ¬

prises thousands of acres barley andalfalfa for their stock conducting anImmense dairy In connection withtheir stockbusiness

Here In a measure fruit farmingceases and everything in the valley for

Mnore than a hundred miles is barleyand alfalfa and at the depots you seeImmense grain warehouses several

I hundred feet long and half as widewhere the threshed and baled barleyIs stored for shipment The fieldswere full of boilers and teams of six

vto 18 horses and mules were drawing-the product to market The remarkwas general that the crop was a littleshort this season but to have seen the

fr immense and numerous stacks of bar ¬

ley In the fields a casual observer anda novice to the state thought therewas a great plenty

Japs and Mexicans are the laborers-inI these fields


At Kings City 164 miles south ofSan Francisco is the home of the


King Bros ranch which In extent and I

vastness is similar to that of Messrs I

Lux Miller 216 mllei south is lo ¬

cated the renowned Paso Robles HotSprings a cure for every bodily illand thousands flock to this place for


reliefAt San Luis Obispo we struck the


seashore and from thence on we skirtthe waters of the Pacific to Los An ¬

geles with little to relieve the monot ¬

ony of the miles of mountain rangebut here and there cattle ranges thoJust over this range of and moun-

tthins fertile valleys bask in the genialsunshine and produce under the magic I

touch of Irrigation immense crops offruit barley and alfalfa As we nearLos Angeles we pass Santa Barbara

Y a city of 12000 people Ventura andOxnard where Is located the biggest

a sugar mill on Ute Pacific coast forwhich tens of thousands of acres o f-

I 4

lands are devoted to the growing ofthe Soccarine beet

In most of this territory we had as-

a traveling companion Mr M G Carra commercial salesman from SanFrancisco who was taking his vaca-tion


and as he had traveled over sev-eral


hundred miles of this trip for ISyears he made a most interesting andinstructive companion

We spent several days at Los Angues the guest of our nephew Mr GE Bittinger and his family As MrBittinger was taking his vacation heplaced at our disposal his splendid au ¬

tomobile and his services and we sawC the city and country for 20 miles

t around to perfection One day wespent at Long Beach the summer re-


iof the coast with its 25000 peo-


S the growth of ten years mathtributary to Los Angles with double

r e

1t lf I




fi c-


> S1jjI


t 1 A I S

7 fi Jt a


tracks of electric roads that on a Sun-


bring 50000 to 75000 people tothe beach to enjoy its attractions Theplace Is a second edition of ConeyIsland It has a million dollar hotelwhose menu is the equal of the bestIn the world as we tested it

Long Beachs history and growth inI

a blank refutation of the saying thatno resort can grow without the sa-



There are none here none arepermitted Every man that buys a lotand builds waives all right to sell liq-


on that ground and In that build-



forfeiting the same If he or hislessees are caught at It The place

has graded streets and Its bathingfacilities are about perfect


We took a run across the bay toI

San Pedro the commercial port of

Los Angeles and all that section ofcountry lying back of it Here in itslarge harbor rode the American navythat swung the worlds circle last yearand to witness this array of armoredcruisers several hundred thousandpeople came to see It It is the ter-



of the Southern Pacific railroadand the general government is spend-



millions of dollars to create abreakwater while through the efforts-of the Los Angeles Chamber of Com

BITTINGER TWOmerce the towns along the inlet lead-

Ing to the greater city are asking forannexation so that the governmentwill dredge and create a harbor at thevery doors of Log Angeles thereby In-


its already commercial great-ness Wilmington halt way to thesea has already voted In favor of thisproject which Los Angeles will en-



with a ten million dollar expen-


for a home harbor-At Long Beach we had the pleasure-

of making the acquaintance of an-


nephew Edward Bittinger whomwe had not seen since a lad of fiveyears He is engaged In runningvery complete soft water laundry todistinguish it from the water Ocalaenjoys

The next day we took in the SanGabrlef Mission ten miles east of LosAngeles which was founded Sept Sth1771 by the Franciscan order and iswith one exception the oldest mission-in the state It is a place of great re-


and is visited dally by hundreds-of persons who pay 25 cents to see itsancient wails strung with venerablepaintings of the apostles and the saintsand have Its main historical facts toldby young Spaniards Thence on toPasadena the handsomest town in theworld and the winter home of more

American millionaires or any othr4

for that matter than reside in any onespot or space on earth It Is a city of20000 people its hotels are In the fore ¬

front of such hostelries notably theMaryland the Raymond the Hunting-

ton and homes that In variety andquaintness of architecture and nbeauty of lawns are idealistic dreamsand cost anywhere from 50000 to amillion dollars No words of mine candescribe its attractions and entranc ¬

ing beautiesTalk about bank buildings The

home of the First National in Passadena Is a beauty Its interior arrange ¬

ments are perfect Its vaults are largeand roomy In one of them I saw acedar chest splendidly ornamentedand frescoed of the size of a modestSaratoga containing it was said 4000of Bob Burdettes extra humorous ser¬

mons for be it known the great hawkeye Bob Burdette humorist has oflate years turned biblical prophet andis now feeding biblical lore to tho Bap-


of Pasadena in a church thatcost a quarter of a million dollars H-

Is now off on his vacation and the ob-


of keeping his sermons in coldstorage was to have them retain thilrfreshness Every bank In Californiano matter If the town Is just ordi-


contains a womans departmentand to see the number in the First Na-


the morning of our call demon ¬

strated they knew how to draw checksWe then took in suburban Holly-



ten miles out toward the seathat a few years ago was a poorprospect but now has 10000 peoplewith all the conveniences of a greatcity with hundreds of lovely homes-As we go to the sea this valley


agerly Watching foran Opportunity of


If You Live to Eator

Eat to Live


Our Store is full ofStaple and Fancy-


oil K GROCERY2 PhtDCS 174




Moving Picturesoand

The Best of Entertainment Furnish ¬

ed by Home People


Program for this Evening







Admission 10 and 20 cents

Doors Open at 730 p nx-


which is the home of fruits flowersbarley and alfalfa plats beautiful forfuture suburban homes and samples of100000 and 150000 houses also theold soldiers home with its thousandmates makes one sit up and wonderhow It has all come about in a quarterof a decade We saw cultivated Inthis valley an immense field of tobac-co


the property of the American To-


Company and when It comes tofields of beans the army and navyvariety the Golden State has the restof the world beat to a stand still Tothink of it you just find everything InCalifornia They say around Stocktonthey grow sweet potatoes that fadethe memory of those of Florida which-we thought could not be the worldover I

Well we say San Monica OceanPark and Venice on the seashore allbathing and summer resort placeswhich on the average have five to tenthousand people and all the conven-iences


of ocean piers vast pavllonsand dance halls and bathing poolswith a concrete sidewalk 20 feet widethat extends for over two miles alongthe ocean t beach the home of thebathers of which the sands and waterwere alive

In this circle we passel over the au-


race track an eightmilecircle where they had a 4th of Julyrace meet 15 machines were enteredand made the circle 23 times Therecord was 64 mUes an hour and over100000 people witnessed it We did alittle speed stunt ourselves over thecourse and e flew for a mile or twoIt Is a most exhilarating experience-with the stiff sea breeze In your face

We were shown the swell clubs ofLos Angeles The California with its1000 members who pay J100 a yeardues and a cafe that is a dandy Alsothe club for the younger set located-in the two upper stories of the Huntington Electric depot building whichcost 150000 to furnish and the rentalof which rooms is 5000 a month anddeemed cheap at that as Mr Hunting-ton went way up town out of tho bus-


district six ears ago where onlymodest hQmes existed now it Is sur-rounded


by skyscrapers-The growth of Los Angeles Is sn great

that it almost takes ones breath-It has lovely homes and beautiful res-



streets In 1902 Los Angeleshad a half million dollar courthouseon the hill It was then deemed themarvel of the Pacific slope for a townof Its size 00000 It is now being re-


by a million dollar buildng Itsnew water system will cost 23 mlllonThe water supply Is brought from ariver 200 mites away It has a Christ-Ian Science church under construc-tion to cost 300000 These are justIndications of its growth and expan-sion A lute election voted four mil1


lion dollars for good roads They havethe good road fever bad In this coun-



We had the pleasure Saturday aft-ernoon


to grasp Dr Rena Snowden J

and Will Sparr by the hand and sayhowdy They were tickled to death to i

see us Both are looking well Dr I

Snowden was getting ready to leavethat night for the AlaskaYukonPacific exposition Will Sparr Is do-


splendidly in the fruit businessbut more about him in our next Wetook in the G A R reunion at Salt I

Lake Monday and now here for a daywhere they grow Alberta peaches 12 j

of them in a row measure a yard Xormust we overlook Riverside where we

Ispent a week but they can rest forour next C L Bittinger I

WASHINGTON ONCE GAVE UPto three doctors was kept in bed for


five weeks Blood poisoned from aspiders bite caused large deep soresto cover his leg The doctors failed i

then Bucklens Arnica Salve com-pletely cured me writes John Wash-Ington


of Bosquesvilie Tex Foreczema bolls burns and plies its su-preme


25c at all druggists I



I Bids for Work on the Market RejectedZoo Ordered Sold

The city council of Ocala held a reg¬

lar meeting at the council chambersn this August 17th 1909 will the fol-


members present E T Helvenston president pro tern presiding

IA G Gates G A Carmichael H C

I Jones D E Mclver and H D StokesBuilding permit was granted the

I Masons to erect a Masonic lodge roomon block 75 Old Survey Ocala-

It was requested and granted tillfurther notice by the council that thesewerage connection of the said build-ing


I be connected with the city sewagewen without cost

A permit was granted to E T Helvenston and W T Gary to erect anawning in front of the Gary block ofiron posts with roof of galvanized iron-on wooden supports

j Permission was granted to R LI Anderson to remodel and



repair hisbuilding on block 45 Old SurveyOcala f

Councilman Gates introduced an or-


entitled an ordinance toamend an ordinance entitled an ordl

I ance to prescribe the fire limits of thecity or Ocala Said ordinance was


referred to the Judiciary committeeThe semimonthly pay roll of A

I ers amounting to 933650 and semi-

monthlyI pay roll of the electric lightplant for 19250 were ordered paid

I There being only two bids in for theI remodeling of the city market theI said bids were rejected and the clerki instructed to readvertise for furtherI

bids to be considered at the regularII

meeting of the council to be held onI Sept 7th 1909

II The vacancy on the board of healthcaused by the death of Dr Powers

jIwas considered and Dr D i M Smith I

I was elected to fill the position-It appearing to the council that the

city Inspector Dr E P Guerrant wasand had been out of the city for some-time the salary of the said Guerrantas milk and meat Inspector was dis-


I Mr W H Hocker presented to theI council certain outstanding scrip andasked to have same paid by the treas-urer


After having the city attorneysIopinion on the liability of the city topay same It was ordered that the clerkdraw a warrant to Mr Hocker In thesum of 4240 for the payment of this

j scrip in fullI Sidewalk Ordinance Can be Enforced

The city attorneyv gave it as hisI opinion that the sidewalk ordinance Is

in accord with the state law and canbe enforced

Councilman Gates moved that thestreet committee proceed to put down I

the sidewalks on North Oklawahn av-


In accordance with the councilsI

resolution Carriedj The special committee heretoforeappointed to determine what would bethe best thing to do with the city zoomade the following report

i Your special committee recommend

Ithat the city zoo bo disposed of atonce wjth the exception of the deer

j which we recommend be retained inthe zfco-

I The report was amended by addingthat the entire zoo including the par-aphernalia


be sold and that a speciali committee consisting of MessrsStokes Carmichael and ones disposeof said zoo

r 100 REW ARD100

The readers of this paper will bepleased to learn that there Is at least

one dreaded disease that science hasbeen able to cure In all its stages andthat Is catarrh Halls Catarrh Cure Isthe only positive cure known to themedical fraternity Catarrh being aconstitutional disease requires a con

istitutlonal treatment Halls CatarrhiCure is taken internally acting direct-ly upon the blood and mucous surfaces-of the system thereby destroying thefoundation of the disease and givingthe patient strength buildIng up thethe constitution and assisting naturein doing Its work The proprietorshave so much faith In its curativepowers that they offer One HundredDollars for any case that It falls tocure Send for list of testimonialsAddress F J Cheney Co Toledo O

Sold by druggists 75c Take HallsFamily Pills for constipation

Bear In mind we carry a full line ofStatfords and Carters inks alsofountain pens from S1 up at the OcalaNews Company



ICEOur ice by our new process is froz-


at a temperature of eight to tendegrees above zero is as clear as crys¬

tal and as pure as can be made Weguarantee it to last longer


And Not be Disappointed in ServiceAnd Quality



1 y

i >c

<Lik fI H ROBDfSON PrtnliiAt t

1 1S H BLITCIIger 1t i if kJIf J c A-

1Hi jGEO < JJ mJTcLrt1ef > it 4 1





t ffr i

Are the merchants the profewiomml 1 sacseasful Me 14 Wofr MJ

the city the farmers ot the surroundlHr tenltoryWe accommodate aD classes Our ampmers represemt tke

women who have built and ifare BUt building wccessfol entenaes 1-

tWe solicit >< QIa snare or your businessiI it l-

lt= > t



j iWe are prepared to fill your orders for cement work JgManufacturers of cement brick wrbuilding blocks hexari sqd esia l 7blocks and all kinde of paving material We empley skilled werkmenour motto is to please J ft>1Temporary quarters phone 256 r



J<tThe Beautiful t


llayood We Sulphur Springt H tLand of the Sky WAYNESVILLEN Altitude r

XoOn the Southern Railway one nour nom Asheville Capacity 250 p e a lt tconsumptives Hot and Cold Sulphur Baths Music Bowling and TeaiiiutSpecial attention to mountain parties Special party and family1 rates Fbtinformation address G C ROGAN Manager

worth Inn AshevilleFormerly manager otJCt <y

t 1-Iif

a i >tr o1

II 1

<e t-







Rates 3 per Day ail Upwards America PJu i r-


Pr prlttorJI tt h



ainesville Florida

An Institution of the First Rank sup ¬

ported by State and Federal Fundsfor Florida Young Men

Thorough Courses Leading to ofBA-1BScMAM6candLLand LL B

In Arts and Sciences AgricultureChemical Civil Electrical and Me ¬

chanical Engineering Law NormalSchool Graduate School ExpensesExceedingly Low For Catalogue wile





J j


TLeadiig CoBBercial Itfel ialesSZ Per Day teaia flrWrriIoJi


I will have a car of choice Kentuckybred horses at my place at EvlnstonFla for sale after Aug 20th I havespent two months around my old home-at Lexington Ky selecting this stockfrom the farms This stock has beencarefully selected and bought for spotcash direct from the stock ralsera Iam In position to save money to pur ¬

chasers of good horses Address LH Willis Jr Evinston ThaI

BABY MORPHINE FIENDSare made by all soothing syrups and I

baby medicines that contain opiumand narcotics McGees Bay Elixircontains no Injurious or narcoticdrugs of any kind A sure and satecure for disordered stomachs bowelsand fretfulnesssplendid for teethingInfants Sold by all druggists

HARNESS MENDEDHarness of all kinds mended or new I

parts made where desired Also eaxrfiling done Apply to J T Simmons atTompkins Cobbs stables-

A WEAKLING-Is the only way to describe the poorchild that Is afflicted with worms Nomatter how much or how often it eatsthe worms get all the nourishmentfrom the Mod the child gets practi-cally


none Whites Cream Vermi ¬

fuge gets rid of the worms quicklyPrice 25 cents a bottle Sold by alldruggists

FOR SALEParlor suite of furniture-for 1250 cost 60 new one largecook stove good order Jo lots offlowers in 10 worth of pots for 11250W H Clark Ocala

The best remedy we know of In allcases of kidney and bladder troubleand the one wercanalways recommend-Is DeWltts Kidney and BKlffSer PlnXpills be positive that you get DeWitts Kidney and Bladder Pills

I There are imitations placed upon themarket to deceive YOtLGet DeWittsInsist upon them and if your dealercannot supply you refuse anything-else in place of them Sold by alldruggists

Do you smoke Then try that XIjmanics smoker at the Court Pharmacy



a I


t t1 < j L


Tallahassee FJerida

A College without a parallel In tSouth offerlng degrees and diptomsiIn the following1 departments

I A School of Liberal Arts v11 A School of Industrial ArUv-III A School of Pine Arts 3IV A School ofExpression-T A School for Teachers >

Xo Tuition veryiokF-or information address >








ItI et fo

have Just received a lot of >ir Wc-elebrated Halophane glass shades fev telectric lights These shades Increaseyour light power 75 per cent< flthem H W Tucker the electricply man


t p


ICE 1 ICEA t10

J i

cWt J

fey lee frld WItHStolj < 1

They say but If you will e1Aec-arefully M Ji

the Ice which melts sorafJ-ly


you will note that there seems ta jbe holes in It that the center Is what-Is

Tcalled snow Ice which being porS W

ous allows It to melt quickly <

1I Crystal lei t < t

The kind we turn out Is as dewr-iand perfect as it ispossible to ft tIce and lsthe most economIcatics-


rcuse Ask the man on the Re l >

Wagon to stop and see ypp af p





I Wrr zt-



Located on North Main St J<


neargovernment buildingaReasonable rates bythfl

week oTxmonth Firstclaftable board androoms i 1-


Mrs Rossie LeSueur3ipr J

Phone 77 Q i-


>c fait t <

f j-if


rt i

fr 1tzcf i pMmj 1

i r 1J

l 1 A< >

lAt 2L rt

