i spec offer carl auerbachs c is -...

THE WARHINGfON TruES WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 2r 1Ain 4 Republican Newspapers De- claring Roosevelt Assaults Harmful to Cause DEMOCRAT HITTING BACK AT STIMSON New York Campaign Still Center of Interest in Political Arena Gloom in Ohio The New York political situation con tinues to tOld the center of the boards The persistent attacks of Colonel Roosevelt on John A Dix to the effect that Dix WRS connected with the Con tinental Wall Paper Company are much discussion- To an extent these attacks seem likely- to recoil on the heads T f the At any rate at least one Re publican newspaper in New York which- is supporting Stimson calling attention to the fact that in mak ing certain statements about Dlx Roosevelt has been mixed as to facts and that he Is guilty to quote its ex pression of ignorance or Insincerity or both Briefly the attacks of Mr Roosevelt have been based on the fact Dix Is a director in the Standard Vall Paper Company which is alleged to be con- nected with the Continental Wall Paper trust The colonel quotes Supreme Court language to back up his case But it Is shown that the court was con demning transactions that happened several years before Dlx became a di rector In the Standard and in fact be- fore the Standard company came Into existence In the meantime the colonel continues- on the firing line He Is speaking through the upState He is hammer ing at 2VIr Dix and at Tammany Hall getting enthusiastic receptions at one place and little enthusiasm at another Ho characterizes Dix as being Irre- sponsible and innocent The colonel has also replied to the demand of Judge Baldwin of Connecti- cut for a retraction but he has made neither excuse nor retraction He he was correct in his assertions about Judge Baldwin One of the interesting phases qf Ccl onel Roosevelts remarks yesterday re- lated to tariff This was in Representa- tive Sereno Paynes district with Payne- on the platform He said the Republi- cans were united as to the principle of tariff making but not as to method Dix Assails Stimson John A Dix Democratic candidate for governor in New York las turned on Sthnson the Republican nominee by assailing his record as prosecutor of the Sugar trust He said in a speech at Buffalo that Stimson had acted contrary to busi ness standards and a nice sense of honor when he resigned as district attorney with the sugar litigation un- finished and practically forced the Gov ernment to retain him as special coun sel at greatly increased pay Mr Dix also asked why Stimson had been satieflec with recovering only J2000000 from the American Sugar Re- fining Companv when the Government originally sued for 9000000 He also attacked Mr Stimson because the men of great wealth social posi- tion at the head of the company have entirely escaped punishment It will be dry in New York election night Mayor Gaynor has decreed it to the sorrow of the keepers of cafes and restaurateurs He will not issue permits for the eating places to keep open after 1 oclock Hall of Infamy for Taft Martin W Littleton who is running for from Colonel Roosevelts district in New York 5n his speech last night pointed to what he called Roose velts determination to consign Presi dent Tarft to the Hall of Infamy He quoted the colonels criticism of a half dozen former Presidents and added that President Taft could not escape the infamy which his predecessor in would heap him It is a pathetic picture of broken friendship to see a patient just earn- est who occupies the position of President almost crowded out and ex- cluded from the prerogatives of his of live by a man who continues to reign wherever and with whomsoever he may be Looks Bad for Harding Ohio advices continue to be gloomy for the Republicans Harding chances are said to be dwindling It Is said the Foraker speech assailing- the new nationalism has caused no end of confusion Speakers do not know where to turn and are hence talking- as they please Foraker was an nounced to speak with Senator Dick and Representative Longworth Iron ton yesterday but Executive Chairman canceled the meeting to the disappointment of a large crowd DANCER DROPS DEAD GIRL ILL OF SHOCK ARLINGTON Mass Oct t6 As a result of seeing her partner in a dance drop dead at her feet Miss Mildred Carlton Is being attended by physicians at her home here today fhr serious results of the nervous Two hundred dancers were swirl ing In a furious twostep late last night at a Knights of Pythias as- sembly when Nicola thirty who was dancing with Miss Carlton dropped dead of apoplexy The music was hushed and the dancers stopped while Nicolas body was borne out Then all went Get the Original and Genuine Fooddrink for All or Infants children ureNutrihon tip building the whole body i 1 i L quick lunch prepared in a minute rake substitute Askfor HORLICKS- n No Combine or Jr fsl ATTACKS UPON niX PROVE BOOMERANGS is and Congress of- fice at La l1n ock 90 R LI C ISlV- IAL TIED MILKT- he Ages Invalids and gcrates the aged milk malted grain in powder form caus- Ing Repub- licans edi- torial In- sists a home- r D h ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < RIOTERS DISTURB HONDURAS CITY MOBILE Ala Oct 26 Messages from Celba Honduras arc to the effect that because of the arrest of a nephew of President Davila for the mur der of the director of police Jose Balles teros there is danger of rjots The shooting is alleged to have resulted from the police warning a young woman to be quiet and orderly I to- day ¬ ¬ TOOTHACHE MAN POLICE FUGITIVET- he Man With the Toothache Is the latest fugitive from Washing- ton police He visited Dr CurvJIHer at hIs offices 86 First street this morning and when he left 3 and a dime savings bank went with him He Is described a being S feet 7 inches tall roughly dressed and un shaven The loss was not discovered until he had gone the ¬ ¬ Introductory Offer 50c Jar of Palmolive Cream 6 Regular 10c Size Cakes of Palmolive Toilet Soap Total value fOR The manufacturers of the famous Palmolive Toilet Preparations with the cooperation of and other stores will thousands of dollars to introduce their goods into Washington homes In order to do this quickly and effectively the extraordinary special Introductory offer as set forth in the will be made for a short Palmolive Toilet Soap is made from palm and olive oils and is one of the best and largest selling highgrade toiletsoaps In the world Palmolive Cream IK an new face cream possessing all the de lightful qualities of the wellknown Palmolive Soap All you have to do to take advantage of this wonderful special offer Is to till out a coupon with your name and address at our toilet goods depart- ment paying 39c for these Palmolivo Toilet Preparations which sell regu larly for 110 Spec 39 C 110ALL I Goldnbe 8 ntlrel ¬ ¬ ¬ AMERICANS RESCUED- BY ENGLISH SHIP LONDON Oct 26 A dispatch to Lloyds says that the captain and tour members of the crow of the American schooner Florence Inland have been rescued in mldocean by the steamer Commodore The Commodore signaled news of the rescue while passing Kinsae today The Leland was owned by A O Gross of Deer Head Me The cause of the wreck has not yet been learned FORTUNE OF 611135 LEFT BY MARK TWAIN REDDING Conn Oct 2S The of tho estate of Samuel J Clemens Mark Twain as returned by the appraisers to the probate court to day shows that the late author and hu- morist left a fortune of 511135 of which 76000 represents realty and the remain der personal property The copyright values of the Mark Twain nowhere appears in the documents h in- ventory ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ It Pays to Deal at GoldenbergV Seventh and K Wunderhose Hosiery Are Guaranteedt- o wear four months from date of purchase without having to be mended in the foot Any that fall to make good will be replaced by the makers free of We are Washington agents 100 box of 4 pairs n Is I 0 The Dependeble Store wwwwww SAVE CENTENARIANS FROM BURNING HOMEN- EW YORK Oct SMrs Esther Davis said to be 11 years old Mrs B Marcus said to Me and Mendei Dia mead who is recorded m MS years old ar among rescued test night when the home of th Daughters of wag burning There were MS oW women and eighty old in the home and none of occupants were to make their escape without assistance The were soon under the con trol of the firemen however small loss was sustained be men able rid those Ja- cob ¬ ¬ CHAMPION AT GOLF WEDS TORONTO MAN ORANGE N J Oct inter- esting wedding took place in the Hill- side Church today when Miss Rowland Mix daughter of Mr and Mrs J Rowland Mix ef New York Esex County Country Club iAn here to Arthur Howard bride wellknown golf ex- ert and at one time was the older ot the title The wedding ceremony was large at city was married Blight of Toronto The Is a she metro ltan champion- ship followed by a the ¬ ¬ Announcement Clipped from Our Advertisement of August 18th THE best quality pied materials prices 3 CO to The stock of Auerbacha Sweaters and Knit Goods for which the Aucrbach- storo waa famous will bo placed on sale later in the fell when tho weather s seasonable for goods character Our purchase and sale of the entire stock of Carl Auerbach corner Seventh and H Streets bought from the estate at fifty cents on the dollar is of recent history The summer goods were all quickly disposed of last August and the winter stock of Sweaters and Underwear held in reserve for a sale at a later date as announced at the time WE PLACE THE CARL AUERBACH STOCK OF MENS SWEATERS AND WINTERWEIGHT UNDERWEAR ON SALE TOMORROW offering unreserved choice of everything remaining reputation of the Carl Auerbach establishment for handling reliable quality Sweaters and Underwear every man in Washington who appreciates opportunity of supplying his needs at the low prices we quote should be on hand tomorrow to secure first of the big bargains offered The price details follows Read every item printed in the nay miss the very item you are of Mens Sweaters Winterweight Underwear At 50 Cents on the Dollar o Important Notice At Savings of Half Price and Less Than HalfT- he I f is well knownand the present I listyou I looking for Sale of Carl Auebachs Sk V Etc f s S- er gym al E- DA I < Mens pure Flannel Shirts made with collar at tached In blue brown tan and gray Nearly all sizes Worth 250 and 300 each Sale price Mens Stuttgart finish Underwear shirts and drawers to match Shirts with faced front and taped seams Drawers with faced bands f and strap back All sizes Worth 150 each garment Sale price t Mens Red and White Medicated Flannel Under- wear shirts and drawers to match All sizes Values worth 2CO each garment Sale price Mens Mochette Gloves in gray black and tan All sizes Worth 75c pair Sale price Mens Duplex Undressed Kid Gloves in gray only Finished with pearl buttons AH p A sizes Values worth 100 pair Sale price Mens medium weight Wool Underwear shirts and drawers to match Extra well f made and finished All sizes Worth 150 Sale price Mens Hight Rock Sanitary Fleece Lined Underwear made with an extra heavy A jjf velvet fleecing In tan only All sizes L Worth 75c each garment Sale price Mens English Cape and Russian Dogskin Kid Gloves also mocha All newest shades fall and winter wear All sizes Worth 150 and 200 pair Sale price Mens Flannel Night Robes extra full cut and well made Good assortment of fk Q shades All sizes Worth 150 99 4 and 200 Sale price Mens Silk Mufflers in white black and pearl Worth 150 and 200 each Sale price Mens Wristlets in black and black and white Allwool and part wool Worth 25c and 35c pair Offered for Thursday at 1 5 0 C I 5 0 4 eo eo eo 9 C C- I 9 eo eo C C 79 for C I eo 9 8 I I C 15 C s desir- able ¬ Mens Coat Sweaters good heavy quality In plain colors and combination effects All sizes Auerbachs prices 75c and 100 Our price Mens Wool Coat Sweaters extra well made and finished In white brown and combina tion effects Also Yund Kennedy Yund basket weave allwool sweaters In gray only All sizes Auerbachs prices 150 to 250 Our price Mens Allwool Coat Sweaters extra well made and finished In navy gray red champagne green wine white also green with red borders gray and navy gray and maroon etc etc rt All sizes Auerbachs price 300 Our price Allwool Coat Sweaters good heavy elas- tic quality In white gray champagne tan and brown also garnet and red brown g and white combinations All sizes t Auerbachs price 450 Our price r Mens Allwool handmade Coat Sweaters made with notair button holes In gray and white also gray with navy white and qf maroon borders All sizes Auer bachs price 500 Our price T Mens Allwool Shaker Knit Coat in white and gray also gray with navy blue borders All sizes Auer bachs price 650 Our price r Mens Allwool Cardigan Jackets good heavy elastic quality In black and navy Q blue only All sizes Auerbachs price 350 Our price r Mens Allwool handmade Saxony Cardigan Jackets in brown black navy blue and gray Single and double tf styles All sizes Auerbachs price 500 Our price Mens Saxony AHAvool Cardigan Jackets hand made Extra heavy quality In black and blue only All sizes Auerbachs price 750 Our price 9 C 7 9 eo eo C I 5 0 2 5 75 Sweaters 3 1 r j e I 7 5 2 7 5 p eo 75 o- Mens a Li breast- ed ¬ < Carl Auerbachs Stock of Boys Sweaters Boys Sweaters in a larg of styles and colors Sizes range from 35 to 34 Chet Auerbach prices up to 2 Our price Boys Sweaters of fin all wool worsted close ift f ly knit Auerbachs V price KM Our price US J a Boys Wool Sweaters in white and colors Auerbichs price JL58 Our price i C 45 C assort- ment measure f > Mens Eiderdown Bath Robes full cut and wen made Made with fancy borders on sleeves and bottom Finished with cord at neck and waist Good assortment of col ors and patterns Worth 49S Special at Mens Allwool Shaker Knit Coat Sweaters ex tra heavy quality Made with notair buttonholes- In white and gray also gray with navy blue borders AH sizes Auer bachs price 850 Our price Mens Sanitary Fleece Lined Underwear made with an extra heavy velvet fleecing Shirts and drawers to match In silver gray only All sizes Sold regularly at 69c each garment Mens Derby Ribbed Underwear good elastic quality Shirts with faced front and taped seams Drawers with reinforced seat and faced band In gray and ecru colors Worth 75c each Mens Hygenic Knit Mufflers in pearl maroon gray light blue and navy blue All sizes Worth 50c each Special at I Mens Cloth Gloves good heavy pair Special at Mens Dents Allwool Gloves very heavy weight Worth 1J 0 and 175 pair Special at J Mens Voolen Gloves in black gray and navy blue Worth 5Oc pair Mens Kid Driving Gloves in black only with fleece Worth 200 pair Special at Mens Automobile Gauntlet Gloves in black and tan Very strongly made All sizes Worth 300 pair Spe cial at 2 7 5 4 98 P 35 C eo eo eo 3 3 C 2 S C 12 quality In black only Worth 25c 2 C 9 8 eo eo eo C 2 5 C 98 eo eo eo eo C 1 5 0 e ¬ > Boys Skating Toques and Knit Toboggan Regu- lar 35c and c kinds Our price Boys Sweaters choice of various colors combina- tion Auertaeehfc prices tip to H Our price Toy Sweaters fine all wool qual ities in white and eoih a ors Auerbachs prices I up to 5 Our C sad C 9 8 price l is e ¬ ¬ ¬ Men Domet Flannel Night Robes full 56 inches lpg In neat colors and pat terns Some trimmed with silk frogs S Sizes up io IS Worth 125 and 150 r f Special at Mens Heavy Driving made with elastic wrist band In black and tan only tf Lined with sheep fleecing AH sizes Worth 300 Special at V Mens Silk and Wool Underwear shirts with Fresh neck and drawers with f f reenforced seat strap back and faced band All sizes Mens Natural Wool Underwear shirts and drawers to match shirts with taped seams drawers with reenforced seat and faced banfi All sizes Worth 125 each Mens Oneita Union Suits good heavy elastic form fitting quality 5125 each Sale price Mens Wrights Health Underwear made with heavy woolen fleecing Nearly S all sizes Worth 100 for one day at Mens AHwooi Underwear of red med- icated flannel natural Australian wool camels hair etc Shirts and drawers to s f match Values worth from 125 to 200 Sale price each Mens Domet Flannel Pajamas heavy quality Full cut and well made Trimmed with silk frogs and pearl buttons In neat colors and patterns AH sizes Worth S150 and 20O Mens Wool and Merino Half Hose in black tan gray natural and navy blue All sizes Worth 50c pair Special at Mens Allwool Half Hose in gray natural and black also mens bicycle hose All sizes Worth 75c and 100 pair I 9 Gloves I 7 5 I C 15 C 69 C VV orth 9 C C ood 98 C 17 U 9 C S ffered ¬ Sizes and Styles for Men and Young Men 1250 and 1500 Values Q The man bent upon making his clothing money stretch farthest will best realize that ambition here tomorrow We have arranged a special fall sale of liens Stylish Suitss and Slipon Raincoats just for Thursday at a price that sets a new low price record for clothing of reliable quality and merit Besides making a saving of several dollars on your purchase you are assured of satisfaction for this clothing is well tailored pond perfect fitting Choice is offered of a good line of styles and allwool cheviots and cassimeres in grays fancy mixtures and brownish effects j also pure worsted serges in black and navy blue heavy weight for winter wear Sizes for to 46 including stouts Sizes for young to 19 years SALE oi ThNS SUITS AND SLIPON R INCOA TS 8 2 5 fabrics iheludinbs I I men33 men15 I 1 i e e e J- l I S A

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Republican Newspapers De-

claring Roosevelt AssaultsHarmful to Cause


New York Campaign Still Center ofInterest in Political Arena

Gloom in Ohio

The New York political situation continues to tOld the center of the boards

The persistent attacks of ColonelRoosevelt on John A Dix to the effectthat Dix WRS connected with the Continental Wall Paper Company are

much discussion-To an extent these attacks seem likely-

to recoil on the heads T f theAt any rate at least one Re

publican newspaper in New York which-is supporting Stimson calling

attention to the fact that in making certain statements about DlxRoosevelt has been mixed as to factsand that he Is guilty to quote its expression of ignorance or Insincerity orboth

Briefly the attacks of Mr Roosevelthave been based on the fact Dix Is adirector in the Standard Vall PaperCompany which is alleged to be con-nected with the Continental Wall Papertrust The colonel quotes SupremeCourt language to back up his caseBut it Is shown that the court was condemning transactions that happenedseveral years before Dlx became a director In the Standard and in fact be-

fore the Standard company came Intoexistence

In the meantime the colonel continues-on the firing line He Is speakingthrough the upState He is hammering at 2VIr Dix and at Tammany Hallgetting enthusiastic receptions at oneplace and little enthusiasm at anotherHo characterizes Dix as being Irre-sponsible and innocent

The colonel has also replied to thedemand of Judge Baldwin of Connecti-cut for a retraction but he has madeneither excuse nor retraction He

he was correct in his assertionsabout Judge Baldwin

One of the interesting phases qf Cclonel Roosevelts remarks yesterday re-lated to tariff This was in Representa-tive Sereno Paynes district with Payne-on the platform He said the Republi-cans were united as to the principle oftariff making but not as to method

Dix Assails StimsonJohn A Dix Democratic candidate for

governor in New York las turned onSthnson the Republican nominee byassailing his record as prosecutor ofthe Sugar trust

He said in a speech at Buffalo thatStimson had acted contrary to business standards and a nice sense ofhonor when he resigned as districtattorney with the sugar litigation un-finished and practically forced the Government to retain him as special counsel at greatly increased pay

Mr Dix also asked why Stimson hadbeen satieflec with recovering onlyJ2000000 from the American Sugar Re-fining Companv when the Governmentoriginally sued for 9000000 He alsoattacked Mr Stimson because themen of great wealth social posi-tion at the head of the company haveentirely escaped punishment

It will be dry in New York electionnight Mayor Gaynor has decreed itto the sorrow of the keepers of cafesand restaurateurs He will not issuepermits for the eating places to keepopen after 1 oclock

Hall of Infamy for TaftMartin W Littleton who is running

for from Colonel Rooseveltsdistrict in New York 5n his speech lastnight pointed to what he called Roosevelts determination to consign President Tarft to the Hall of Infamy Hequoted the colonels criticism of a halfdozen former Presidents and added thatPresident Taft could not escape theinfamy which his predecessor in

would heap himIt is a pathetic picture of broken

friendship to see a patient just earn-est who occupies the position ofPresident almost crowded out and ex-cluded from the prerogatives of his oflive by a man who continues to reignwherever and with whomsoever he maybe

Looks Bad for HardingOhio advices continue to be gloomy

for the Republicans Hardingchances are said to be dwindling ItIs said the Foraker speech assailing-the new nationalism has caused no endof confusion Speakers do not knowwhere to turn and are hence talking-as they please Foraker was announced to speak with Senator Dickand Representative Longworth Ironton yesterday but Executive Chairman

canceled the meeting to thedisappointment of a large crowd


ARLINGTON Mass Oct t6 As aresult of seeing her partner in adance drop dead at her feet MissMildred Carlton Is being attended byphysicians at her home here todayfhr serious results of the nervous

Two hundred dancers were swirling In a furious twostep late lastnight at a Knights of Pythias as-sembly when Nicola thirtywho was dancing with Miss Carltondropped dead of apoplexy Themusic was hushed and the dancersstopped while Nicolas body wasborne out Then all went

Get the Original and Genuine

Fooddrink for All

or Infants childrenureNutrihon tip building the whole body

i 1 i

L quick lunch prepared in a minuterake substitute Askfor HORLICKS-n No Combine or Jr fsl







atLa l1n


90 R LI C ISlV-


Invalids and

gcrates the agedmilk malted grain in powder form














> ¬




























MOBILE Ala Oct 26 Messagesfrom Celba Honduras arc to the

effect that because of the arrest of anephew of President Davila for the murder of the director of police Jose Ballesteros there is danger of rjots Theshooting is alleged to have resulted fromthe police warning a young woman tobe quiet and orderly






he Man With the Toothache Isthe latest fugitive from Washing-ton police He visited Dr CurvJIHer athIs offices 86 First street this morningand when he left 3 and a dime savingsbank went with him

He Is described a being S feet 7inches tall roughly dressed and unshaven The loss was not discovereduntil he had gone

the ¬


Introductory Offer50c Jar of Palmolive Cream 6 Regular 10c Size Cakes ofPalmolive Toilet Soap Total value fOR

The manufacturers of the famous Palmolive Toilet Preparations withthe cooperation of and other stores will thousands ofdollars to introduce their goods into Washington homes In order to dothis quickly and effectively the extraordinary special Introductory offer asset forth in the will be made for a shortPalmolive Toilet Soap is made from palm and olive oils and is one ofthe best and largest selling highgrade toiletsoaps In the worldPalmolive Cream IK an new face cream possessing all the delightful qualities of the wellknown Palmolive SoapAll you have to do to take advantage of this wonderful special offer Isto till out a coupon with your name and address at our toilet goods depart-ment paying 39c for these Palmolivo Toilet Preparations which sell regu

larly for 110

Spec3 9 C


Goldnbe 8

ntlrel ¬




LONDON Oct 26 A dispatch toLloyds says that the captain and tourmembers of the crow of the Americanschooner Florence Inland have beenrescued in mldocean by the steamerCommodore

The Commodore signaled news of therescue while passing Kinsae todayThe Leland was owned by A O Grossof Deer Head Me

The cause of the wreck has not yetbeen learned


REDDING Conn Oct 2S Theof tho estate of Samuel J

Clemens Mark Twain as returned bythe appraisers to the probate court today shows that the late author and hu-morist left a fortune of 511135 of which76000 represents realty and the remainder personal property

The copyright values of the MarkTwain nowhere appears in thedocuments







It Pays to Deal at GoldenbergV

Seventh and K

Wunderhose Hosiery Are Guaranteedt-o wear four months from date of purchase without having to be

mended in the foot Any that fall to make good will be replaced bythe makers free of

We are Washington agents 100 box of 4 pairs

n IsI


The Dependeble Store



EW YORK Oct SMrs EstherDavis said to be 11 years old Mrs BMarcus said to Me and Mendei Diamead who is recorded m MS years oldar among rescued test nightwhen the home of th Daughters ofwag burning There were MS oWwomen and eighty old in the homeand none of occupants were tomake their escape without assistance

The were soon under the control of the firemen however smallloss was sustained








ORANGE N J Oct inter-esting wedding took place in the Hill-side Church today when MissRowland Mix daughter of Mr andMrs J Rowland Mix ef New York

Esex County Country Club


to Arthur Howardbride wellknown golf ex-

ert and at one time was theolder ot the

title The wedding ceremony waslarge at

city was marriedBlight of Toronto

The Is ashe

metro ltan champion-shipfollowed by a the



Announcement Clipped from Our Advertisement of August 18th


best qualitypied materialsprices 3 CO to

The stock of AuerbachaSweaters and Knit Goodsfor which the Aucrbach-storo waa famous will boplaced on sale later in thefell when tho weather s

seasonable for goodscharacter

Our purchase and sale of the entire stock of Carl Auerbach corner Seventh andH Streets bought from the estate at fifty cents on the dollar is of recent history Thesummer goods were all quickly disposed of last August and the winter stock of Sweatersand Underwear held in reserve for a sale at a later date as announced at the time


reputation of the Carl Auerbach establishment for handling reliable quality Sweaters and Underwearevery man in Washington who appreciates opportunity of supplying his needs

at the low prices we quote should be on hand tomorrow to secure first of the big bargains offeredThe price details follows Read every item printed in the nay miss the very item you are

of Mens Sweaters Winterweight Underwear

At 50 Cents on the Dollaro Important


At Savings of Half Price and Less Than HalfT-


f is well knownand the presentI

listyou Ilooking for

Sale of Carl Auebachs Sk V





er gym alE-



Mens pure Flannel Shirts made with collar attached In blue brown tan andgray Nearly all sizes Worth250 and 300 each Sale price

Mens Stuttgart finish Underwear shirts anddrawers to match Shirts with faced front andtaped seams Drawers with faced bands fand strap back All sizes Worth 150each garment Sale price t

Mens Red and White Medicated Flannel Under-wear shirts and drawers to matchAll sizes Values worth 2CO eachgarment Sale price

Mens Mochette Gloves in grayblack and tan All sizes Worth 75cpair Sale price

Mens Duplex Undressed Kid Gloves in grayonly Finished with pearl buttons AH p Asizes Values worth 100 pair Saleprice

Mens medium weight Wool Underwear shirtsand drawers to match Extra well fmade and finished All sizes Worth

150 Sale price

Mens Hight Rock Sanitary Fleece LinedUnderwear made with an extra heavy A jjfvelvet fleecing In tan only All sizes LWorth 75c each garment Sale price

Mens English Cape and Russian Dogskin Kid

Gloves also mocha All newest shadesfall and winter wear All sizes

Worth 150 and 200 pair Sale price

Mens Flannel Night Robes extra full cut andwell made Good assortment of fk Q

shades All sizes Worth 150 99 4

and 200 Sale price

Mens Silk Mufflers in white blackand pearl Worth 150 and 200each Sale price

Mens Wristlets in black and black

and white Allwool and part wool

Worth 25c and 35c pair Offered forThursday at

1 5 0


I 5 04eo eo eo

9 C



9eo eo



7 9for C





15 C




¬ Mens Coat Sweaters good heavyquality In plain colors and combinationeffects All sizes Auerbachs prices75c and 100 Our price

Mens Wool Coat Sweaters extra well madeand finished In white brown and combination effects Also Yund Kennedy Yund basketweave allwool sweaters In gray onlyAll sizes Auerbachs prices 150 to250 Our price

Mens Allwool Coat Sweaters extra well madeand finished In navy gray red champagne greenwine white also green with red borders gray andnavy gray and maroon etc etc rtAll sizes Auerbachs price 300Our price

Allwool Coat Sweaters good heavy elas-

tic quality In white gray champagne tan andbrown also garnet and red brown gand white combinations All sizes


Auerbachs price 450 Our price rMens Allwool handmade Coat Sweaters

made with notair button holes In gray and whitealso gray with navy white and qfmaroon borders All sizes Auerbachs price 500 Our price T

Mens Allwool Shaker Knit Coat inwhite and gray also gray with navyblue borders All sizes Auerbachs price 650 Our price r

Mens Allwool Cardigan Jackets good heavyelastic quality In black and navy Qblue only All sizes Auerbachsprice 350 Our price r

Mens Allwool handmade Saxony CardiganJackets in brown black navy blueand gray Single and double tf

styles All sizes Auerbachsprice 500 Our price

Mens Saxony AHAvool Cardigan Jackets handmade Extra heavy quality Inblack and blue only All sizesAuerbachs price 750 Our price

9 C

79eo eo


I 5 0

2 5


3 1 rj


I 75

2 7 5peo









Carl Auerbachs Stockof Boys Sweaters

Boys Sweaters in a largof styles and colors

Sizes range from 35 to 34Chet Auerbachprices up to 2 Our price

Boys Sweaters of finall wool worsted close ift fly knit Auerbachs Vprice KM Our price US J a

Boys Wool Sweaters inwhite and colors Auerbichsprice JL58 Our price i







Mens Eiderdown Bath Robes full cut and wenmade Made with fancy borders on sleeves andbottom Finished with cord at neckand waist Good assortment of colors and patterns Worth 49SSpecial at

Mens Allwool Shaker Knit Coat Sweaters extra heavy quality Made with notair buttonholes-In white and gray also gray withnavy blue borders AH sizes Auerbachs price 850 Our price

Mens Sanitary Fleece Lined Underwear madewith an extra heavy velvet fleecingShirts and drawers to match In silvergray only All sizes Sold regularlyat 69c each garment

Mens Derby Ribbed Underwear good elasticquality Shirts with faced front and taped seamsDrawers with reinforced seat and facedband In gray and ecru colors Worth75c each

Mens Hygenic Knit Mufflers inpearl maroon gray light blue andnavy blue All sizes Worth 50c eachSpecial at

I Mens Cloth Gloves good heavy

pair Special at

Mens Dents Allwool Gloves veryheavy weight Worth 1J 0 and 175pair Special at J

Mens Voolen Gloves in blackgray and navy blue Worth 5Ocpair

Mens Kid Driving Gloves in blackonly with fleece Worth 200pair Special at

Mens Automobile Gauntlet Gloves in blackand tan Very strongly madeAll sizes Worth 300 pair Special at

2 75

4 9 8P

3 5 Ceo eo eo

3 3 C

2 S C

12quality In black only Worth 25c2 C

9 8eo eo eo


25 C

9 8eo eo eo eo


1 5 0e



Boys Skating Toques andKnit Toboggan Regu-lar 35c and c kinds Ourprice

Boys Sweaters choice ofvarious colors combina-tion Auertaeehfc prices tipto H Our price

Toy Sweaters fine all wool qualities in white and eoih aors Auerbachs prices Iup to 5 Our





is e




Men Domet Flannel Night Robes full 56inches lpg In neat colors and patterns Some trimmed with silk frogs SSizes up io IS Worth 125 and 150 r fSpecial at

Mens Heavy Driving made with elasticwrist band In black and tan only tfLined with sheep fleecing AH

sizes Worth 300 Special at V

Mens Silk and Wool Underwear shirtswith Fresh neck and drawers with f freenforced seat strap back andfaced band All sizes

Mens Natural Wool Underwear shirts anddrawers to match shirts with tapedseams drawers with reenforced seatand faced banfi All sizes Worth

125 each

Mens Oneita Union Suits goodheavy elastic form fitting quality

5125 each Sale price

Mens Wrights Health Underwear madewith heavy woolen fleecing Nearly Sall sizes Worth 100 forone day at

Mens AHwooi Underwear of red med-icated flannel natural Australian wool camelshair etc Shirts and drawers to s fmatch Values worth from 125to 200 Sale price each

Mens Domet Flannel Pajamas heavyquality Full cut and well made Trimmedwith silk frogs and pearl buttonsIn neat colors and patterns AHsizes Worth S150 and 20O

Mens Wool and Merino Half Hose inblack tan gray natural and navyblue All sizes Worth 50c pairSpecial at

Mens Allwool Half Hose in gray naturaland black also mens bicycle hoseAll sizes Worth 75c and 100pair



I 75I


15 C

6 9CVV orth

9 C



98 C

17 U





Sizes and Styles for Men and Young Men 1250 and 1500 Values Q

The man bent upon making his clothing money stretch farthest will best realize that ambition here tomorrow We have arranged a special fall sale of liens StylishSuitss and Slipon Raincoats just for Thursday at a price that sets a new low price record for clothing of reliable quality and merit

Besides making a saving of several dollars on your purchase you are assured of satisfaction for this clothing is well tailored pond perfect fittingChoice is offered of a good line of styles and allwool cheviots and cassimeres in grays fancy mixtures and brownish effects j also pure worsted serges

in black and navy blue heavy weight for winter wearSizes for to 46 including stouts Sizes for young to 19 years

SALE oi ThNS SUITS AND SLIPON R INCOATS 8 25fabrics iheludinbs

II men33 men15 I



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