i p spahd suda? bxgpsih i j ::: hgp, t m july · call on agent baltimore & ohio railroad for...

VJ Brooker has returned to M' . L New York City. She I u time lsianu. I" V Y3Sn's Hospital, ",elunted examining surgeon tfe"IIu,imyn jbE would !'.e ;"! iTcbident consulted : . e L' e er e s I " at :n- - C1: M' at ,11 I Thorn.. L. Jone. left the .'"i ..rsdiiv .tic lie, uoney loniiciijf lones. and the City 'lunwa-- J She Secre- - morning Kepuoiican .miner. I O. Benja-ttt- S, Standard ic ... son , Editor Bemamin ,;;.; tony. l.ublon, Mass. 1 . Robinson, street, thP seashore r l,v "- - i!lHs Mrs ... Ms. A Chambers ovenng VvNork. where Lnima Cap-summ- er Richmond : Harvev .. , , has in ke to Col- - 10 lllc,,u Va. wu- - her Md. will two chil- - be R. C. Ky. tile were visit. and He left the 2021 L left ',.ud ol the rt recent u of 105 D St. to the chy for sue hump. u from nis of in will the .ist.orilNforPurcelville.Va. who has i been pr Purcelville.Va., is home in will visit in New M ,s Lu-i- se krs th-- s of Wash-.cnwinka- ve M Jackson soon to in $k-nuin- s of Virginia. M:ss E. Anderson uull t:e U u Snnnts surgeon- - Cars "' 11 ,u gone Gram- - TriMrher. ,mnng leave Page leave RMudnej Dade, Hamer summer. South ss barah rusticate leave Jeanette Iw.hU nr Mill Oiuc Atuoi, ilUI i. v S cv.tt I 't Va., where sne will tper.J ht--r ac.ition. Mr uorce W. Coffee, of the Y. M. Ahu has been doing missionary L ot ( amp Alger, left the city Thurs U.r Long Island, N. Y. HOWARD LAW SCHOOL. Tre 'rend of Mr. Harry Williams Court were iMina Supreme Uru-- surprised to learn that he in law last May, be-aTl- is aptness and knowledge of ;.itrf of his ability. It it ascertained that his hecn ,te.:assxvas high enough; that he but be-;- :; J all the examinations, he to attend the .sessions V.riN the faculty, it is sa d, refused toVaduate him, notwithstanding the 1 ,:.t n;r nil of the examina- - ' on'; ofthe jdKes of the Court rfAr.lc crnvp Mr. wiinani "" rnimendation and testmea !e:il rtbilin . his HOW'S THIS! - Werner One Hundred Dollars Re-- rJ fc an case of Catarrh that can- - sctV rr.red bv Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. 1 CHENEY & CO., Props.. Toledo, Ohio. We the undersigned, have known F 1 Chcncv for the last 15 years, and e e him perfectly honorable in all Lsr.ess transactions and financially otV.oiam out any obligation made b the r rm. 'AW . Truax, Wholesale Drug-M- s Toledo O. 'A'a'mc Kinnan & Marvin, Toledo. O. H.'.' s Catarrh Cure is taken intern- -' ..ffnu directly upon the blood fJ .;: ns surfaces of the system '(r f "; per bottle Sold by all -- r'fcss5s Testimonials free. T p v . v . FA'lOY YOUR FOURTH OF JULY OX B. & O. morning Robinson graduate standing to V Whole-V4- e D'cists. ir.more & Ohio R. R. will rMon tickets to and from all N ' of the Ohio River, within a s ' :m miles (but not to and from ' of 'Baltimore, Md.), for ' ' K 2d, 3d and 4th, valid for 1; jm;:e until lulv sth, inclusive, M M'. Y RATES. MONEY'S WORTH. . ; - ntionof our readers is called , sement in another column T v ;. v establishment. ' v." :Vl hse in the citv for ;. ; ; v e visit and purchase -- " f,Vu:NJhat 'ou Da' exhorbit- - ittSTi iewhere 'ou canbuv - ellsnment 20 per cent and N-- ; ,. vancts 50 per cent cheaper. .. necessity of paying double .- -h J, v vou can purchase the i- - ! ! "" goods lor less monev "f "'"St rehahlp hflncp ? l rtuvise our readers u thare. and WeeK -- .fr . fc"ii o:. i ' rseti5' i ""?$ -'- - - - !. y :"' ' JrJS'?i-- . afc'-- - - . jtf feyjt wicj' J Ji 3Et - n- . !"---. - . 7 i: .?- - j- - ; yw l-- " 3 - THE WASHINGTON BEE. fit Ljmkl J Mr. J. H. Lewis, of Boston, Mass., is in the city the guest of Ex-Go- v. P. B. S. Pinchback. They paid The Bee a visit on Friday. B. & O. RAILROAD. Young People's Society Christian En- deavor, Nashville, Tenn., July 5 to 12. For this occasion tickets will be sold at low rate of one fare for the round trip from all points on the Baltimore & Ohio R. R. Tickets will be good going July 2 to 5, inclusive, and good to return until .July 15 with privileges of extension until August 1st, if ticket is deposited with Joint Agent at Nash- ville on or before July 15. Solid Vestibuled Trains with Pull- man Sleeping Cars, Observation Cars and Unexcelled Dining Car Service from New York, Philadelphia, Balti- more and Washington to Cincinnati and Louisville. Solid Vestibuled Trains with Pullman Parlor Cars and Sleeping from Pittsburg and REDUCED iiiiiimw i i 1 innnniTi Call on agent Baltimore & Ohio Railroad for tickets and full informa- tion. RIVER'QUEEN ROSTER. The River Queen will carry the fol- lowing excursions to Notley Hall and Lower Cedar Point: June 21, Bloom of Youth Social Club June 22, St. Dominie Aid Society to Lower Cedar Point. June 23, The Metropolitan Baptist church. June 24, The Young Men's Protect ive Club June 27, Oxford Social Club. July 4, Grand Union Excursion by the Lenox Social Club. July 12, Odd Fellows of George- town. THE DELMO- - KOONCE, Cafe; CATERERS j Bakers, Confectioners and Ice cream Manufacturers. Cigars Oysters, Water Ices. Ice-Crea- m, 9oc.,wholesale. Odd Fellows Hall, 1606 M street, n. w. Banquet Hall. Telephone 1313. COLORED LAWYERS MEET. Not pleased with the sentence of LAWYER JAMES H. SMITH. A meeting ofseversl members of the bar met on last Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock to take some action relative to the conviction and sentence of Law- yer James H. Smith, recently charged with embezzlement. It was claimed at the meeting that Judge Bradley gave several of them to understand if iMr. Smith paid back the money he was charged with embez- zling, sentence would be suspended. The amount that was charged in the indictment amounted to about four or five hundred dollars, but the Jury found him guilty upon two counts which amounted to about $108. All but about twenty dollars if this amount had been paid to the new committee Mr. Folly and on the morn- ing of Mr. Smith's sentence, he had the balance in his pocket to turn oyer to Mr. Folly, but the death of his, (Folly's) child prevented him from being at court. To the surprise of those who were interested in the case, the lawyers alleged Judge Bradley reprimanded Mr. Smith and sentenced him to iii months in the penitentiary. What made the colored lawyers more mdignat and chagrined is, that Mr. Smith was one of the foremost colored members of the bar, with Lawyers Hewlett, Frisby, Moss, Pey- ton and others who defended Judge Bradley against the attack of the preachers and the Senate committee lor account of an alleged remark that was attributed to him at the time one Smith was convicted of murder. All of this was freely discussed by the colored lawyers. BALTIMORE &OHIO R. R. Popular Excursion to Ningara Falls, Tuesday, July i. $ID.X. ROUND TRIP. $i:.3d. A Ten (10) Day Tour to America's Greatest Natural Wonder, via B. &O Royal Blue Line and the Lehigh Valley Route through the Lehigh and Wyom- ing Valleys the Switzerland of Am- erica. Special train of elegant day coaches and parlor cars will be run on Tuesday. July 12th, on following schedule : Lv. Washington, D. C, " Laurel, Md., - -- " Baltimore, Md., -- Ar. Philadelphia, - -- Ar. Niagara Falls, - - - b.io a. m. 8.33 " " - 9.05 11.28 " - 11.00 p. m. Stop-over- s allowed on return trip at Buffalo, Rochester, Geneva, Burdette (Watkins Glen), and Mauch Chunk. Special arrangements for dinner and supper en route at very reasonable rates. Call on Ticket Agents, Baltimore & Ohio R. R., for full particulars. FOR RENT: Large airy rooms, near three lines of cars, all beautifully furnished. One suitable for a doctor's office, young men or man and wife. All modern improvements. With or without board. 2025 nth St. n. w. Big bargains IN DRY GOODS 109 AT ::: LHTTEELL'S ) 713 Market Space. We invite the readers of The Bee to examine our stock of season- able summer goods, as we are offering unusual values. LADIES' WRAPPERS. To introduce this new depart-ment- , we offer these extraordinaiy values ; Ladies' Percale Wrappers, trim- med with braid and edgeing, at 69c and 98c each, worth $1, and SI. 25. Ladies' Lawn Wrappers at 98c, 81.25 and $1.47 each. Actual values, $1.25, S3. 50 and 82 Ladies' Washable Linen and Seersucker Uuderskirts, 50c each-- 1 Ladies' Black Satine Underskirts at 98c, 81.25, $1.50 and $1.75 each. WASH DKEoS GOODS. 7-- c per yard for 36 inch percale, value 10c. 5c per yard for choice of an Qdd lot of Figured Lawns, Dimities, etc., that were 12-ic- . 19c per ya.l best Frrench' Organ- dies, that were 37c. 11-i- c per yard for 15c quality Ooyert Bicycle Su tings. Johnson & Luttrell, 713 Market Space. JAMES M, O'CGNHER Co. Dealer Ii Groceries, Meats, Provisions. 3rd and K Srreets. Northwest. We make a Specialty of PURE OLD RYE, AND HEURICH'S FAMOUS BEERS, AT William Jackson's -A-L- -Q-O-Ni 123 3 SEVENTH ST., N. W. ROYAL BLUE TRAINS. Between Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York. In September last, railway officials from London were sent to America, to get ideas on the railway passenger service of the leading lines in this country, and in their official report, which was printed in the London Times in January, it was stated that the "Royal Blue Line'' series of mag- nificent passenger trains, running be tween New York, Philadelphia, Balti- more and Washington, lead the world for quick and exquisite train service. The "Royal Blue Line" service con- sists of nine elegant passenger trains a day in each direction between the cities named above. They are the finest and fastest trains in the world. Their equipment was built especially for the service by the Pullman Com- pany, and includes every modern con- venience known for the comfort of passengers. The trains are vestibuled from end to end, and hauled by the strongest and fastest locomotives in the United States. The exquisite day coaches of these trains are worthy of special note. They are beautifully upholstered, each containing a washroom and smoking compartment. The parlor cars are the most pala- tial ever built, being fully seventy-thre- e feet long. In addition to this service, three new parlor cars were added in April, and are the first of this kind ever run; they are richly up- holstered and ornamented throughout in most beautiful designs. A ladies' retiring-roo- m is provided in one end of the car. This room, which is six feet square, is furnished with a beauti- ful dresser with large mirror and a number of drawers. On each side of it are upholstered corner seats. In an- other corner is a bookcase and station- ary washstand. The room was de- signed for especial comfort of ladies, who have always claimed men had the best of it when travelling. The usual smoking apartment, however, is at the opposite end of the car. The dining cars are operated by the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company, and especial attention is given to the menu. Every delicacy is served in season, and the service is unsurpassed. In addition to the already perfect service of "Royal Blue Trains" men- tioned above, there will be put into service May 15 a "Royal Limited" train, which will leave New York at 1.00 P. M., making the run to Washington in FIVE hours. Returning, the "Roy- al Limited will leave Washington at 3.00 P. M., arriving New York at 8.10 P M. The "Royal Blue Line" will then boast of three trains which make this extraordinary fast time between Washington and New York, which has never been attained by any other line. The "Royal Blue Trains" be- tween Baltimore and Washington make the run in FORTY-FIV- E MIN- UTES the fastest regular service ever attained between the two cities. I The terminal at New York City is the most convenient for all points in ' Greater New York. Passengers can land at South Ferry (Whitehall Ter- minal), where, under the same roof, connection is made with the elevated lines of the second, Third, Sixth and Ninth Avenues, and the Broadway, Lexington and Columbus Avenue Ca- bles. All the Brooklyn Ferries also start from this point, and by taking x Fair View Drug Store, Drugs, Medicines and ail the Staple Compounds. Full line of all the best brands of Cigars. Wi. R. S&Dpie, Hgp, Corner R and 12th St., and Ver- mont avenue, northwest. FOR RENT OR SALE, A four room house, at $7 per month or will sell on easv payments for $700. Two minutes walk from Hyattsville, station. Also lots for sale from $100 to $300, $5 down and $5 per month. Fine Spring water. Call and see owner, 803 19th Street, n. w. !v I 91 m e3 SOUTHERN, ideate MaFefej No. 713 F Street, bouthwest. Stalls: 86 to 87 Center. Marker, 7th Street Wing. W. M. DEWEY, 2243 14th St. N. W. CIGARS, CIGARETTES, AND . . . TOBACCO SMOKE THE ROYAL SPORT. Weekly and Sporting Papers. Isaac Levy No. 1001 U Street., Southwest. Clothiers, Shoes, Hatters, and Gents' Furnishers, Trunks, Velice, Jewelry, and Merchant Tailoring. Having purchase the entire Stock of Shoes A. Minster, 495 Penn. Ave., we will offer to the Public $5 and $6 shoes to go at 2.50, 3 and 3.50 $2 $1.50, 98c. Branch Stores: 727 and 1021 4 Street Southwest. ra Hon, Bv Old Established House High Grade Man, good C.iurch standing, willing to learn our business then to act as Man- ager and St 1 e Correspondent here. Salary $900. Enclose self-address- ed stamped enc-lop- e to . T. Elder, General Marnier. 189 Michigan Ave. Chicago, 111. 32nd NATIONAL ENCAMPMENT G. A. R. Of Cincinnati, Ohio September 5th to 10th, 1898. Baltimore & Ohio Rail- road. For this occasion tickets will be sold at the low rate of one fare for the round trip from all points on the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad east of Pittsburg, Parkersburg and Wheeling, inclnsive, good good going on Sep- tember 3rd and 4th, ahd good return- ing not earlier than September 5th, nor later than September 13th, except by depositing ticket with Joint Agent ai Cincinnati, between Ssptember 5th and 9th iuclusive, and on payment of fee of twentp-fiv- e (25) cents, when re- turn limit may be extended to leave Cincinnatti, to and including October 2nd, 1898. Owiug to the great patriotic wave aweeping the country at the present time, great interest will be manifested at this meeting. Rolid Vestibuled Trains of elegant coaches, Pullman Sleeping Cars, Observation Cars and splendid Dining Car Service. Three through trains daily from New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Wash- ington, and two from Pittsburg. iQm ni Liiuuiii iuiii DEALER IN -- TsTood. Coal 6z Ccke, 2240 pounds to the Ton. Sawed and Split wood. All stock under cover. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. No. 70 G Street. Northeast. Auth's MEAT MARKET. Beef, Lamb, Pork, Sausage, and all Rinds of Meat, Wholesale and Retail. Fine Ice house. Refringerating excellent. 413 O St. northwest. Practical f Harnessmaker. Vhips, Blankets, Lap-robe- s, Fly-net- s, New and Second Hand Harness, etc. 301 10th Street, corner of C n. Residence, 628 2nd St., n. e. hi I Brush j 523 3rd Street, Southwest, WHOLESALEand KETAIL, Dealer In Flour "and Feed, W! H XTKA P T iii SpaHd Suda? BxGPSiH M Sunday, July 3rd, 189 8. On the fine and swift Palace Steamer fe RIVER QUEEN ificmi OTtfM? - I I 1 r I order to accommodate all persons who wish to spend a few hours on the river, hereafter the boat will make a 7:30 p. m. trip, so as to gnre everyone a chance to down. Boat leaves 6th St. Wharf, end of Cable Oars, at 2:30, 5 and 7:30, Returning, leaves Notley Hall at 4, 6:30, and 9 p. m. BOUND VRIP, - - 250. B3P"Take 14th St., Penn. Ave. and 7th St. Oars direct to boat and save change of cars and delay at Power House. For Charters, apply to Steamer RIVER QUEEN. 6th St. Wharf, or 606 F St. N. W., Room 3. J. Woollen, General Manager. vi LEES taeout KINK- - A k Let's TAKIfl out KISK The only article ever manufactured that actually Takes the kinks out of the hair Will make the hair straight, soft, pliable and beautiful. med. Guaranteed pure and harmless. One bottl II convince the most doubtful that it will do all we claim for i LECS MEDIC ANT UO- - gggl HELLEK, 720 7th Street, Northwest. SAMUEL I LEECH, TTota,eoO 13th and G St. Northwest. Washington, D. 0. W.. J. Downs JKirsf class JJ-urjcl- ) i00rr) AND ice vLreetrr If cn?lp. Meals served at all hours. No. 808 13th Street, Northeast. EUGENE SBHWAB, W HOLESALE DEALER IN Wines and Liquors 525 8th Street, 5. E. Style, Fit and Workmanship GUARANTEED. :.:: ;, pet HEercliaiit Tsiilor. Fine Repairing at Lowest Prices a Specialty 1755 L Street, N. V Washington, D. C. This is the Cheapest and Best Place in the city to get First Class Jewelry : E. VOIGT Manufacturing Jezveler, 725 Seventh St., N. W. ITtffF Pvl Ljm ! In go L. The leading journal in the coun- try. The greatest advertising me- dium in Washington. If you want your business increased, subscribe and advertise in The Washington Bee. It can be purchased from nj of the following agents : Hillsdale Dr. Gaila Drug fctoro. West Washington Jamea L, Turner, 3,000 M street. NOKTHWE8T. lEsxablislxed. 1866. fr BURHSTIHE LOAH OFFICE, Gold and silver watches, diamonds. jewelry, pistols, guns, mechanical tools, ladies and gentlemen s wearing apperal. Old gold and silver bought. Unredeemed pledges for sale. Loan Oflice. S & w 1 3 H x n 00 r o o b 2 o w u o i 2 a 21 O W s g. H - 1 I ! J4' a , 'fl v ' ,T,Y ' . ' fr 'H "ili i C 4 111' Ti r 1 - 1 iT M V r? '4 SMlf JI: 3 if' IMi tit. J ' ti Ir

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Post on 02-Aug-2020




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Page 1: I P SpaHd Suda? BxGPSiH I J ::: Hgp, T M July · Call on agent Baltimore & Ohio Railroad for tickets and full informa-tion. RIVER'QUEEN ROSTER. The River Queen will carry the fol-lowing


Brooker has returned toM'

. L New York City. SheI u

time lsianu.

I" V Y3Sn's Hospital,",elunted examining surgeon

tfe"IIu,imyn jbE would!'.e ;"! iTcbident consulted

: .





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, Editor Bemamin,;;.; tony.

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Mrs... Ms. A


VvNork. where

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will the.ist.orilNforPurcelville.Va.

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surgeon- -






Gram- -

TriMrher.,mnng leave



RMudnej Dade,


Southss barahrusticate

leaveJeanetteIw.hU nr Mill Oiuc Atuoi,ilUI i. v

S cv.tt



Va., where sne willtper.J ht--r ac.ition.

Mr uorce W. Coffee, of the Y. M.

Ahu has been doing missionaryL ot ( amp Alger, left the cityThurs U.r Long Island, N. Y.


Tre 'rend of Mr. Harry WilliamsCourt wereiMina Supreme

Uru-- surprised to learn that hein law last May, be-aTl- is

aptness and knowledge of;.itrf of his ability. It

it ascertained that hishecn,te.:assxvas high enough; that he

but be-;- :;

J all the examinations,he to attend the.sessions

V.riN the faculty, it is sa d, refusedtoVaduate him, notwithstanding the1 ,:.t n;r nil of the examina- -

' on'; ofthe jdKes of the CourtrfAr.lc crnvp Mr. wiinani ""rnimendation and testmea!e:il rtbilin .


HOW'S THIS! -Werner One Hundred Dollars Re--

rJ fc an case of Catarrh that can- -

sctV rr.red bv Hall's Catarrh Cure.F. 1 CHENEY & CO., Props..

Toledo, Ohio.We the undersigned, have known

F 1 Chcncv for the last 15 years, ande e him perfectly honorable in all

Lsr.ess transactions and financiallyotV.oiam out any obligation madeb the r rm.

'AW . Truax, Wholesale Drug-M- s

Toledo O.'A'a'mc Kinnan & Marvin,

Toledo. O.H.'.' s Catarrh Cure is taken intern- -'

..ffnu directly upon the bloodfJ .;: ns surfaces of the system'(r f "; per bottle Sold by all-- r'fcss5s Testimonials free.

T p v





OX B. & O.









ir.more & Ohio R. R. willrMon tickets to and from all

N ' of the Ohio River, within as ' :m miles (but not to and from

' of 'Baltimore, Md.), for' ' K 2d, 3d and 4th, valid for1; jm;:e until lulv sth, inclusive,M M'. Y RATES.

MONEY'S WORTH.. ; - ntionof our readers is called

, sement in another columnT v ;.

v establishment.' v." :Vl hse in the citv for;. ; ; v e visit and purchase-- " f,Vu:NJhat 'ou Da' exhorbit- -

ittSTi iewhere 'ou canbuv- ellsnment 20 per cent and

N-- ; ,. vancts 50 per cent cheaper... necessity of paying double.--h J, v

vou can purchase the

i- -



"" goods lor less monev"f "'"St rehahlp hflncp ? lrtuvise our readers

u thare. and


--.fr. fc"ii o:. i ' rseti5' i ""?$ -'-

-- - !. y :"'

' JrJS'?i-- . afc'-- -- . jtffeyjt wicj'J Ji 3Et - n-

. !"---. - . 7 i: .?--

j- - ; ywl-- " 3 -


fit Ljmkl J

Mr. J. H. Lewis, of Boston, Mass., isin the city the guest of Ex-Go- v. P. B.S. Pinchback. They paid The Bee avisit on Friday.

B. & O. RAILROAD.Young People's Society Christian En-deavor, Nashville, Tenn., July 5 to 12.

For this occasion tickets will be soldat low rate of one fare for the roundtrip from all points on the Baltimore& Ohio R. R. Tickets will be good goingJuly 2 to 5, inclusive, and good toreturn until .July 15 with privileges ofextension until August 1st, if ticket isdeposited with Joint Agent at Nash-ville on or before July 15.

Solid Vestibuled Trains with Pull-man Sleeping Cars, Observation Carsand Unexcelled Dining Car Servicefrom New York, Philadelphia, Balti-more and Washington to Cincinnatiand Louisville. Solid VestibuledTrains with Pullman Parlor Cars andSleeping from Pittsburg and


iiiiiimw i i 1 innnniTiCall on agent Baltimore & Ohio

Railroad for tickets and full informa-tion.

RIVER'QUEEN ROSTER.The River Queen will carry the fol-

lowing excursions to Notley Hall andLower Cedar Point:

June 21, Bloom of Youth SocialClub

June 22, St. Dominie Aid Society toLower Cedar Point.

June 23, The Metropolitan Baptistchurch.

June 24, The Young Men's Protective Club

June 27, Oxford Social Club.July 4, Grand Union Excursion by

the Lenox Social Club.July 12, Odd Fellows of George-




CATERERS jBakers, Confectioners and Icecream Manufacturers. CigarsOysters, Water Ices. Ice-Crea- m,

9oc.,wholesale.Odd Fellows Hall, 1606 M street, n. w.

Banquet Hall. Telephone 1313.


Not pleased with the sentence ofLAWYER JAMES H. SMITH.

A meeting ofseversl members of thebar met on last Thursday afternoon at4 o'clock to take some action relativeto the conviction and sentence of Law-yer James H. Smith, recently chargedwith embezzlement.

It was claimed at the meeting thatJudge Bradley gave several of them tounderstand if iMr. Smith paid back themoney he was charged with embez-zling, sentence would be suspended.The amount that was charged in theindictment amounted to about four orfive hundred dollars, but the Juryfound him guilty upon two countswhich amounted to about $108.

All but about twenty dollars if thisamount had been paid to the newcommittee Mr. Folly and on the morn-ing of Mr. Smith's sentence, he hadthe balance in his pocket to turnoyer to Mr. Folly, but the death ofhis, (Folly's) child prevented him frombeing at court.

To the surprise of those who wereinterested in the case, the lawyersalleged Judge Bradley reprimandedMr. Smith and sentenced him to iiimonths in the penitentiary.

What made the colored lawyersmore mdignat and chagrined is, thatMr. Smith was one of the foremostcolored members of the bar, withLawyers Hewlett, Frisby, Moss, Pey-ton and others who defended JudgeBradley against the attack of thepreachers and the Senate committeelor account of an alleged remark thatwas attributed to him at the time oneSmith was convicted of murder. Allof this was freely discussed by thecolored lawyers.

BALTIMORE &OHIO R. R.Popular Excursion to Ningara Falls,

Tuesday, July i.

$ID.X. ROUND TRIP. $i:.3d.

A Ten (10) Day Tour to America'sGreatest Natural Wonder, via B. & ORoyal Blue Line and the Lehigh ValleyRoute through the Lehigh and Wyom-ing Valleys the Switzerland of Am-erica. Special train of elegant daycoaches and parlor cars will be run onTuesday. July 12th, on followingschedule :

Lv. Washington, D. C," Laurel, Md., - --

" Baltimore, Md., --

Ar. Philadelphia, - --

Ar. Niagara Falls, - -

- b.io a. m.8.33 "

"- 9.0511.28 "

- 11.00 p. m.Stop-over- s allowed on return trip at

Buffalo, Rochester, Geneva, Burdette(Watkins Glen), and Mauch Chunk.

Special arrangements for dinner andsupper en route at very reasonablerates.

Call on Ticket Agents, Baltimore &Ohio R. R., for full particulars.

FOR RENT: Large airy rooms,near three lines of cars, all beautifullyfurnished. One suitable for a doctor'soffice, young men or man and wife.All modern improvements. With orwithout board. 2025 nth St. n. w.

Big bargainsIN




713 Market Space.

We invite the readers of TheBee to examine our stock of season-able summer goods, as we areoffering unusual values.

LADIES' WRAPPERS.To introduce this new depart-ment- ,

we offer these extraordinaiyvalues ;

Ladies' Percale Wrappers, trim-med with braid and edgeing, at 69cand 98c each, worth $1, and SI. 25.

Ladies' Lawn Wrappers at 98c,81.25 and $1.47 each. Actualvalues, $1.25, S3. 50 and 82

Ladies' Washable Linen andSeersucker Uuderskirts, 50c each-- 1

Ladies' Black Satine Underskirtsat 98c, 81.25, $1.50 and $1.75 each.


7-- c per yard for 36 inch percale,value 10c. 5c per yard for choiceof an Qdd lot of Figured Lawns,Dimities, etc., that were 12-ic- .

19c per ya.l best Frrench' Organ-dies, that were 37c.

11-i- c per yard for 15c qualityOoyert Bicycle Su tings.

Johnson & Luttrell,713 Market Space.



Dealer IiGroceries, Meats, Provisions.

3rd and K Srreets. Northwest.

We make a Specialty ofPURE OLD RYE,



William Jackson's-A-L- -Q-O-Ni

123 3 SEVENTH ST., N. W.


Between Washington, Baltimore,Philadelphia and New York.

In September last, railway officialsfrom London were sent to America, toget ideas on the railway passengerservice of the leading lines in thiscountry, and in their official report,which was printed in the LondonTimes in January, it was stated thatthe "Royal Blue Line'' series of mag-nificent passenger trains, running between New York, Philadelphia, Balti-more and Washington, lead the worldfor quick and exquisite train service.

The "Royal Blue Line" service con-sists of nine elegant passenger trainsa day in each direction between thecities named above. They are thefinest and fastest trains in the world.Their equipment was built especiallyfor the service by the Pullman Com-pany, and includes every modern con-venience known for the comfort ofpassengers. The trains are vestibuledfrom end to end, and hauled by thestrongest and fastest locomotives inthe United States.

The exquisite day coaches of thesetrains are worthy of special note.They are beautifully upholstered,each containing a washroom andsmoking compartment.

The parlor cars are the most pala-tial ever built, being fully seventy-thre- e

feet long. In addition to thisservice, three new parlor cars wereadded in April, and are the first ofthis kind ever run; they are richly up-holstered and ornamented throughoutin most beautiful designs. A ladies'retiring-roo- m is provided in one endof the car. This room, which is sixfeet square, is furnished with a beauti-ful dresser with large mirror and anumber of drawers. On each side ofit are upholstered corner seats. In an-

other corner is a bookcase and station-ary washstand. The room was de-signed for especial comfort of ladies,who have always claimed men had thebest of it when travelling. The usualsmoking apartment, however, is at theopposite end of the car.

The dining cars are operated by theBaltimore & Ohio Railroad Company,and especial attention is given to themenu. Every delicacy is served inseason, and the service is unsurpassed.

In addition to the already perfectservice of "Royal Blue Trains" men-tioned above, there will be put intoservice May 15 a "Royal Limited"train, which will leave New York at 1.00P. M., making the run to Washingtonin FIVE hours. Returning, the "Roy-al Limited will leave Washington at3.00 P. M., arriving New York at 8.10P M. The "Royal Blue Line" willthen boast of three trains which makethis extraordinary fast time betweenWashington and New York, whichhas never been attained by any otherline. The "Royal Blue Trains" be-

tween Baltimore and Washingtonmake the run in FORTY-FIV- E MIN-UTES the fastest regular service everattained between the two cities. I

The terminal at New York City isthe most convenient for all points in '

Greater New York. Passengers canland at South Ferry (Whitehall Ter-minal), where, under the same roof,connection is made with the elevatedlines of the second, Third, Sixth andNinth Avenues, and the Broadway,Lexington and Columbus Avenue Ca-bles. All the Brooklyn Ferries alsostart from this point, and by taking


Fair View Drug Store,

Drugs, Medicines and ail theStaple Compounds. Full line ofall the best brands of Cigars.

Wi. R. S&Dpie, Hgp,Corner R and 12th St., and Ver-mont avenue, northwest.

FOR RENT OR SALE,A four room house, at $7 per month

or will sell on easv payments for $700.Two minutes walk from Hyattsville,station. Also lots for sale from $100to $300, $5 down and $5 per month.Fine Spring water.

Call and see owner,803 19th Street, n. w.

!v I 91 m e3SOUTHERN,

ideate MaFefejNo. 713 F Street, bouthwest.

Stalls: 86 to 87 Center. Marker, 7thStreet Wing.

W. M. DEWEY,2243 14th St. N. W.




Weekly and Sporting Papers.

Isaac Levy

No. 1001 U Street., Southwest.Clothiers, Shoes, Hatters, and

Gents' Furnishers, Trunks, Velice,Jewelry, and Merchant Tailoring.

Having purchase the entire Stockof Shoes A. Minster, 495 Penn. Ave.,we will offer to the Public $5 and $6shoes to go at 2.50, 3 and 3.50 $2$1.50, 98c.

Branch Stores: 727 and 1021 4Street Southwest.



Bv Old Established HouseHigh Grade Man, good

C.iurch standing, willing tolearn our business then to act as Man-ager and St 1 e Correspondent here.Salary $900. Enclose self-address- ed

stamped enc-lop- e to . T. Elder,General Marnier. 189 Michigan Ave.Chicago, 111.


Of Cincinnati, Ohio September 5th to10th, 1898. Baltimore & Ohio Rail-road.

For this occasion tickets will be soldat the low rate of one fare for theround trip from all points on theBaltimore & Ohio Railroad east ofPittsburg, Parkersburg and Wheeling,inclnsive, good good going on Sep-tember 3rd and 4th, ahd good return-ing not earlier than September 5th,nor later than September 13th, exceptby depositing ticket with Joint Agentai Cincinnati, between Ssptember 5thand 9th iuclusive, and on payment offee of twentp-fiv- e (25) cents, when re-turn limit may be extended to leaveCincinnatti, to and including October2nd, 1898.

Owiug to the great patriotic waveaweeping the country at the presenttime, great interest will be manifestedat this meeting. Rolid VestibuledTrains of elegant coaches, PullmanSleeping Cars, Observation Cars andsplendid Dining Car Service. Threethrough trains daily from New York,Philadelphia, Baltimore and Wash-ington, and two from Pittsburg.

iQmni Liiuuiiiiuiii

DEALER IN-- TsTood. Coal 6z Ccke,

2240 pounds to the Ton. Sawedand Split wood. All stock undercover. Satisfaction Guaranteed.

Orders by mail will receive promptattention.No. 70 G Street. Northeast.


Beef, Lamb, Pork, Sausage,and all Rinds of Meat,Wholesale and Retail. Fine Icehouse. Refringerating excellent.

413 O St. northwest.

Practical fHarnessmaker.

Vhips, Blankets, Lap-robe- s,

Fly-net- s, New and SecondHand Harness, etc.

301 10th Street, corner of C n.Residence, 628 2nd St., n. e.

hi I Brushj

523 3rd Street,Southwest,


Flour "and Feed,




iiiSpaHd Suda? BxGPSiH

MSunday, July 3rd, 189 8.On the fine and swift Palace Steamer


RIVER QUEENificmi OTtfM? - I I 1 r I

order to accommodate all persons who wish to spend a fewhours on the river, hereafter the boat will make a 7:30 p. m. trip, soas to gnre everyone a chance to down.

Boat leaves 6th St. Wharf, end of Cable Oars, at 2:30, 5 and 7:30,Returning, leaves Notley Hall at 4, 6:30, and 9 p. m.

BOUND VRIP, - - 250.B3P"Take 14th St., Penn. Ave. and 7th St. Oars direct to boat and

save change of cars and delay at Power House.For Charters, apply to Steamer RIVER QUEEN. 6th St. Wharf,

or 606 F St. N. W., Room 3. J. Woollen, General Manager.


LEES taeout KINK- -

A k

Let's TAKIfl out KISKThe only article ever manufactured that actually

Takes the kinks out of the hairWill make the hair straight, soft, pliable and beautiful.

med. Guaranteed pure and harmless. One bottlII convince the most doubtful that it will do all we claim for i


gggl HELLEK, 720 7th Street, Northwest.


TTota,eoO13th and G St. Northwest.

Washington, D. 0.

W.. J. DownsJKirsf class JJ-urjcl- ) i00rr)


ice vLreetrr Ifcn?lp.

Meals served at all hours.No. 808 13th Street, Northeast.



Wines and Liquors525 8th Street, 5. E.

Style, Fit and WorkmanshipGUARANTEED.

:.:: ;, pet

HEercliaiit Tsiilor.Fine Repairing at Lowest Prices a


1755 L Street, N. V

Washington, D. C.

This is the Cheapest and BestPlace in the city to getFirst ClassJewelry :

E. VOIGTManufacturing Jezveler,

725 Seventh St., N. W.






The leading journal in the coun-try. The greatest advertising me-

dium in Washington. If you wantyour business increased, subscribeand advertise in The WashingtonBee. It can be purchased from njof the following agents :

Hillsdale Dr. Gaila Drug fctoro.West Washington Jamea L,

Turner, 3,000 M street.NOKTHWE8T.

lEsxablislxed. 1866.fr BURHSTIHE LOAH OFFICE,

Gold and silver watches, diamonds.jewelry, pistols, guns, mechanicaltools, ladies and gentlemen s wearingapperal.

Old gold and silver bought.Unredeemed pledges for sale.

Loan Oflice.

S &

w 1 3H x


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