i nternational solidarity day with haiti you are not alone


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Answering the call of Dessalines, Africans around the world call and lead the...

International Solidarity Day With Haiti

Join us and support the Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network’s Haiti Resolution calling to:stop the killings of Lavalas supporters in Haiti; return to constitutional rule; release all political prisoners; disarm, prosecute, and bring the death squads, ex-military and coup d’état orchestrators to justice; give temporary protected asylum status to the fleeing Haitian refugees, and support OAS/CARICOM and international investigations into foreign powers’ role in the coup d”état.

Activities: There will be teach-ins, rallies and lectures before and on May 18 about Haiti, the accomplishments of Lavalas; vigils, pickets outside embassies, and U.N. buildings; distribution of text and video testimony from victims and resisters of the coup; letter campaigns, wearing & flying of the blue and red colors of Haiti... The sacrilege of last year’s bicentennial coup shall be remembered as Africans worldwide commit to fax, call in or deliver to French embassies & consulatesthe petition from the People of Haiti demanding that France pays back the $22Billion it extorted from Haiti after her people had broken the chains of racial slavery to win their independence.

To say to demonstrators in Haiti: ...You shall not walk or die on this freedom road alone or in vain. Remember that what Spartacus couldn’t do, Dessalines did ! Let us fly Dessalines’ Bicolor of Liberty When ? May 18, 2005 Where? Worldwide !

May 18 2005:

Contact Info: University of Guyana’s African Culture & Development Association Tel: 592 611-6265 / Fax 227-4318 Email: [email protected] Web: www.acdagy.com Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network [email protected] www.margueritelaurent.com/law/lawpress.html

International Solidarity Day With Haiti

May 18 2005:

To say to our Haitian brothers and sisters: YOU ARE NOT ALONE !

Join freedom lovers worldwide! Stand with the People of Haiti against the violent coup, dictatorship, and racist foreign occupation !What? A grassroots movement initiated by The University of Guyana’s African Culture & Development Association, in collaboration with the Global Afrikan Congress (GAC) Guyana, endorsed by the Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network, and co-sponsored by university students, human rights activists, progressive press outlets, reparations organizations worldwide. Why ? To support the resistance inside and outside of Haiti against the U.S./Canada/France - backed Coup & foreign occupation.