i l^over shoes - chronicling americachroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87057934/1911-10... · lost a...

v Vs; i 4 -1* -r 1 l^Over Shoes ASK THE WEARER The makers, sellers and wearer of Walk- Over Shoes, all praise them, but for var- ious reasons. What you care the most about is what the wearer says for them. You might think that the makers and sellers are naturally apt to be a little prejudiced. So—ask the wearer. _ * ' Prices $3.50, $4.00, $4.50, $5.00 and $5.50 Ss- Here'S a picture of the -"HUNCH" * . MODEL > s ^ ~ Button Pattern 5', Gun Metal Calf ". T r \ t Price $4.00 v K jS -v A Significant Mr. Nick Thielen and Mrs. Spoo went weet this morning??? Ha! Ha! Nick aaye Canada." "Goodbye I'm going 1 to i For Sale •Ill About 100 bushels of good quality "rye. pd .; James Jensen, Exira, Iowa. Route 4. Lost Dog V > vmmmmm ^ T About two or three weeks ago I lost a fine female Scotch Collie. Anyone fending same please notify Mariue Jensen, Exira, Iowa, Rt. 1. Subscribe f|g§g : What is the use to tell you that we run the Official Couuty Paper of the County if you don't read it. Our front page aloue is worth five times what we charge for the whole pa- per. Subscribe now. It's only $100. Volmar Hansen Sick Lagrippe has taken possession of the .earthly tabernacle of Vol- mar Hansen, the strong Village Blacksmith of Exira and it makes that good map vety despondent We hope for a speedy recoveiy. Lecture Coarse The town of Gray has engaged a Lecture Co'irse for the coming win- ter. These good people are liberal contributors to anytbfng that will build up the country with good morals and educate the coming gen eration in higher attainments. Notice To Farmers - We have purchased a hay baling machine. Anyone wishiog to have hay baled notify the uad^rsigned. pdol2 w.j.: Nelson Brothers, i&i Exira, Iowa, Rt. 2. Phone O C, Line 20 on 2. Medicine Chest % Axel Borjeeson, Receiver at the Winfrey & Chantry Drug Store, has put on aale a little medicine chest, one of which should be in every household ih the land. It is socom- plete that it should be carried on tripe and picnics, in fact every- where you go. Call and ask Axel about it. Hotel Assured Jj Mr. and Mrs. Wright at the Park Hotel are so encouraged by the steady increase of patronage that they have leased the building for five years. The building now be- longs to the Well man Threshing Machine Company and they have commenced to remodel, renovate and completely modernize the building from top to bottom. It's Equal Don't Exist No one has ever made a salve, oint- ment or balm to compare with Buok- len's Arnica Salve. It's the one perfect healer of cuts, corns, burns,, bruises, sores, scalds, boils, ulcers, eczema, salt rheum. For sore eyes, cold sores, ohap- ped hands or sprains its supreme. Unri- valed for piles. Try it. Oaly 25o at Win- frey & Chantry's. ~ . r r p Returned From Canada Mrs. "M. Metz arrived home last Saturday from a several months vi- sit in Canada with, her sons and daughters aod reports them as-get- ting along nicely, She was also pre- sent at the wedding of her daugh- ter, Rose, which occurred in that country several weeks ago, JT* WV " Mrs. Kilworth, probably the best nurse in this great State of Iowa, phoned in Tuesday morning to in- form the Journal that a large baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Dim Rieff. The mother and child are doing well while its father has in dications of returning to earth again. - <4 sffpissii a ** * -- Big Baby Boy Oar >• Sales »pi§|sll If you want your Sale well adver- tised, get your bills at the Journal Office and have a copy run in the Journal. We never fail of getting the buyers together; The boys with the cash or whose name is aB good as cash are the boys who read the Journal and are looking for good goods all the time. : , Ptomaine Poison George Leffingwell Jr., who is manager of a Cream Station at Kennard, Neb., for the Alimato Creamery Company of Omaha re- ceived a dose cf ptomaine poison while eating canned fish last week and for several days he foy at the point of death. He is somewhat improved at this writing. Report Of Hunt Sale Jt beats all, the way chatties at the sales sell. At the Hunt sale last week everythiug went high; no bar gains to be had but values were stiff on all offerings. A nice crowd of neighbors and buyers fiom a distance took everything offered. Another pointer to get your Sale Bills printed at the Journal Office. , Watson, Look Out « - Mr. Watson, the veteran florist, fruit and. shrub man, who has made the rounds in this section for ten years is arouni^ again visiting and supplying his old customers with more of bis guaranteed stock. If what Watson Bells you don't grow he will furnish you another bunch that will grow. That's the reason everybody waits for Watson T ^ Audubon County Babies Twenty-nine babies were scored at the Audubon County Fair. The following five won the premiums: The little son of Andrew Nissen, 1st, score 96. The little daughter of Fred Hoen- ke, 2nd, score 95. The little son of Lew Tramp, 3rd, score 94V£. The little aon of Jay Bridenstine, 4th, score 94. The little eon of Orin Eddy, 5tb, score Ol^. Audubon County Babies against the world. , ... -<• j . M , Y" * X " 1 i. * ' AFR , < ? - %. - $ 5 - Congregational Churcb Sunday School at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11:00 a. m. _ -fl- Preaching at 7:30 p.m. Prayer meeting & Bible Study Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. Christian Churcb Notes Sunday School at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m Junior Endeavor at 2 p. m. Senior Endeavor at 6:30 p. m. Prayer meeting, Wednesday at :30 p. m. Teacher training class, Thursday at 7:30 p. tn. M. E. Church Notes <:• Sabbath School at 10 a. tn. Preaching at 11 and 7:30 every Sabbath. A cordial invitation to all. Kpworth League 7:00 p. tn. < - Prayer meeting Thursday eve.; Subject for Morning "Jesus made known." Subject for Evening "A Model Man pointed out. Read the Bible. Here Paradise is restored. Here Heaven is opened and the gates of Hell disclosed. ChriBtis the central them of the Bi- ble, our good its design. It should fill the memory, rule that Heart and guide the life. Read it slowly, fre- quently, prayerfully. It is a mine of wealth, a river of pleasure., All Praise its Author. I GRAY came up Fund Of $1,000,000 For Good Roads Chicago, Oct. 4.—A fund of $1,000,- 000 for the promotion of the cause of good roads in the United States and the opening of a national office at Washington, D. C., are among the plans of the National Good Roads association decided on at the international congress at its laet session in the Hotel La Salle. It is proposed to raise the fund of $1,000,000 by contributions from rail- roads, automobile companies, man- ufactures and farmers. President Jackson said that the outlook of the work iB bright and that the results of the congress were gratifying. Dressmaking School Mrs. Connrardy opened her Dress- making School, Monday, October 2nd, with the following pupils enrolled: Bonnie Young, Exira Agnes Hansen, Kimballton Sophia Nelsen, Lorah May Oathoudt, Lorah v: Elveria Chriateneen,' Elk Horn j Kitty Ronnemose, Elk Horn Florence Sorensen, Exira 1 Eda Ingerslev, Audubon Mary Jensen, Audubon ' ^ Annie Larsen, Kimballion Elsie Mikkelsen, Kimballton,: Margreth Jensen, Elk Horn ' The following young ladies are en- rolled for Tailor work and advanced styles in cutting: _ Helen Navratil, Exira Matilda Navratil, Exira * Katie Thygsen, Kimballton _ IdaThygsen, Kimballton . < Minnie Marcusen, Kimballton Annie Petersen, Kimballton Goldie Spilter, Guthrie Center . Annie Christensen, Exira, Assistant. Dr. Wiley Fired Who wants Wiley Fired? "I" say the can of nearly tea, "Just look at what he did to me, He or I must be retired, So, I want Wiley Hied." Who wants Wiley fired?^ "I" says the case of almost cheese "Once I lined a life of eaee, But now this fellow makes me tired So, I want Wiley fired." Who wants Wiley fired? '*1" says the bam that's acid cured, "This buttin' in can't be endured The wonder is that he was hired, Sure, I want Wiley fired." Who wants Wiley fired? "I" says the masquerading jam, A product he has tried to dam •'Get rid of him! 'is what I wired'' Yes, I want Wiley fired.,' Who wants Wiley fired? Why all the bogus foods and drugs, And all the germs and microbe bugs There's nothing quite so much de- sired, As to see Wiley fired.—New York World. I For Sale ' "B v c * h 4 Furniture, rugs, stoves, complete house furniture, all nearly new. Bought at wholesale, will sell for less. Inquire of W. F. Hopley. For Rent Good farm, 320 acres. Good build- ings. Six miles from Greenfield, i) miles south of Casey, Iowa. K ^5 - . Peter Thuesen, ,> Kimballton, la. Take Your Comntot. Colds Seriously Common colds, severe and frequent, laythe foundation of chronic diseased conditions of the nose and throat and may develop into bronchitis, pneumonia and consumption. For all coughs and colds in children and in grown persons, take Foley's Honey and Tar Compound promptly. For sale by all drugglstu. Ed Crow of Walnut Monday evening. ( ^ Dr. Beers was a Manning business* visitor one day last week. J- 1 ' Mrs. Irv Markley and children were Audubon shoppers Saturday. Mrs. Audas spent a couple of days laBt week with Mrs. Lou Shingledeck er. Mrs. Fenton, sister of Mrs. Frank Gray, visited them one day last week. ^ S' We understand that Wm. Shaw has bought the Grandma Steere place. Mrs. Bert Aikman and children are out at her parental home this week. Saturday it rained a nice, steady shower all day. It also rained a part of Sunday, j* ^ Cal Mishler was married last Wednesday evening in Audubon to Miss Christensen. ^ -ATWTIM; Will Brandhurst was kicked on the head by a colt one day last week, catting quite a gash. Mre. Kittell visited in Gray Mon- day on her way home from visiting relatives in the country. t'_ < ''<•* Frank Stoagh went Friday to Peru, Nebraska to visit his niece, Mrs. Frank Martin and family. Mrs. Wm. Thompson came last week from her home in Correction- ville to visit at the parental home. Tom Spilker went down to see Mr. 1 :-Humiston and wife between trains Sunday. They are both sick. Mrs. Audas was a visitor between trains in Audubon Sunday, taking Maxine and Glenn Shingledecker down. ^ > Robert Wiley of Lincoln township frss been visiting friends in Colorado Utah and Nebraska for the past month. ; - Prof. Ford and Miss Delaney each »nt to ^heir homes Friday evening «ttirning Sunday afternoon and Monday. Cora Wever went over to her brother, Dana's near Coon Bapids last week to help him some with his fall work. MrB. Lewis has been having sister and husband from Wisconsin .visit her, also her sister and husband from Manila, Iowa. Mrs. Dell Jordan, formerly of Lincoln township but now of Hart iogton, Nebraska is visiting relatives and friends near Gray. Mrs. Jensen will start this week to visit her daughter, Mrs. Harry Fleming and husband in Oklahoma Hiss Marie will go as far as Omaha with her. > , Charles Newell and family return ed to their home at Lake City the latter part of last week, after being here to attend the funeral of his sis- ter, Mrs. Estes. Hugh Hurray, a former resident of Lincoln but now of Cedar County, Nebraska sold his crop for $1800. and will move away from that part of Nebraska. Mr. F. R. McLaughlin who was delegate to the U. B. Conference that met at Waterloo, returned Fri- day morning. Rev. Arnold ' came Monday evening. He comes back here for another year. ' * A. G. Forsbeck took a couple of pens of his nice Berkshire pigs to the Sioux City Fair and received from a group of four Is 1 , 2nd, 3rd, and 4th premiums on boars and 1st, 2nd and 3rd on young sows. Gus has a very fine quality of the Berkshire breed of hogs. Jiames G. Dahlman, "Cowboy" flay or of Omaha, "Throws Tne Lariat." Mayor Jas. C. Dahlman started his Career as a cowboy and is at present Ma- yor of Omaha and has the following le- COrd. Sheriff of Dawes Co, Neb., three terms; Mayor of Chadron, two terms; Democratic Nat,'l Committeman, eight years; Mayor of Omaha, six years and in 1910 Candidate for Governor of Neb. Writing to Foley & Co., Chicago, he says: "I have taken Foley Kidney Pills and they have given me a great-deal of relief so I cheerfully recommend them.' Yours Truly, J ames (J. Dali. Man . For sale by all druggists. Herman Wile & Co. H ' Bu»fa!o, N ^ You will want your Fall and Winter Clothes soon. We have the largest and best line in town and invite you to inspect our goods. * Com- pare quality and prices with "others" and see that Herman \Vtle& Co. £ Buffalo. N.Y. Defy Competition f.- On Saturday, October 14th, we will as a ,V, V ® special inducement give you, „. s ty*. Off on all Suits and Overcoats purchased of .'i; us on that day. ' - > , 1 COME IN ' /• \ --•> , ••*£.? *•'' ' a'V'- » r ; We will fit you and please you. I have also a few Overcoats in Men's, Young Men's and Boys' Sizes that I will give a 25% discount on above date only. Remember the date. "'FM: October 14 th, 1911 H!P. Petersen A- s. V - i £ Kathryn Dutler spent Sunday with her parents. William Alt has bought a farm 4i miles from Exira.--^ -V* Sam Dutler and wife called on the parents last Wednesday. August Dutler helped Allen Ditto a few days last week. Mrs. August Johnson was a caller at the Ed Taggart home Sunday. ^ George Egan went to Des Moines Tuesday, returning home Thursday. Allen Ditto and Henry Gurber vis- ited at the Charley Hague home Sunday. John Seastrom and wife are the proud parents of a little son £born Saturday. George Ditto and Hazal Skinner west to Omaha last Tuesday, return- ing Thursday. , v . * , The Dutler and Christensen young folks s^ent Wednesday evening at Art Cameron's. Art Chiistensen, Misses Mitchell and Tremain went to Coon Rapids to stay over Sunday. - s ' Art Cameron and family returned Friday from Kansas City where they had been visiting relatives. James Burns' son and wife have moved on the Sam Gardner farm where they will make their home the coming winter. Foley Kidney Pills supply just the ingredients needed to build up, strengthen and restore the natural action of the kidneys and blad- der. Specially prepared for backache, headache, nervousness, rheumatism and all kidney, bladder and urinary irregu- larities. For sale by all druggists. For Sale Duroc Jersey Fall and Spring Boars. Prices reasonable. tf T. J. Coglon, Exira, Iowa. A Medicine That dives Cunfldenc e is Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. Mrs. T. J. Adams, 522 No. Kansas Ave., Columbus, Kansas, writes: For a number of years my children have been subjeot to coughs and colds. I used Foley's Hon- ey and Tar Compound and found that it cured their coughs and colds, so I keep it in the house all the time." Refuse substitutes. For sale by all druggists. Names wid the blood o' their birth to thim— Where can yes bate thim, the whole worruld o'er? Brannigan, Flannigan, Milligan, Gil- ligan, Dufly, McOuffy, McNally, Mahone, ' Gafferty, Lafferty, Connolly, Donnelly, Dooley, O'Hooley, Muldowney, Malone, Maddigan, Caddigan. Hallahan, Cal- lahan, Fagan, O'Hagan, Fogarty, Hogarty, / Kelly, O'Sftelley, McGinnip, McGinn; " —John Ludlow. Fotrnd M,* 4T. * " A stray pig. If you have lost one call on Ike WMliatne. He found one._ * L M! Lost! Lost! Lost! *' •" Between the Pnieater farm in Ca- meron township aod Audubon on Sept. 23rd, a good grey rain coat. Finder please leave at Republican office, Audubon, or at the Journal office, Exira. M. D. Crow, Gray, Iowac FOR SALE Poland Chinas Spring and Fall'^~ s Boars, sired by the Champion hog- at the Audubon County Fair. Call ear 'y- , C. M. Dodge 7 For Rent V.,r The West'Exira Store and dwel- ling in back part of building, two stories and large rooms. Good bus- iness location tor a proper person. All who have done business in this building have made money, who bad a small Capital to start witb. Call on Theo Patty or S. Weinstock, Granger, Iowa. tf-?^ For Sale Or Rent We offbr for Sale or Rent, prefer- ably for Sale, the D. E. Shrauger dwelling iu Bxira. Write or phone Boren R. Nelson, _j Atlantic, la. FOR SALE Pedigreed and High Grade Ches- ter White Boare and gilts, the hea- vy bone lengthy kind. Holesteia bull calves. A team of work mares cheap. o!2 Brayton, Iowa I. J. E. Lewis, | You are not experimenting on your self when you taheChamberlain's Cough Remedy fo* a eold as that preparation has won itfe neat reputation and exten- sive sale by its remarkable cures of colds and can always be depended upon. It is equally.valnable for adults and children and may vlven to young obildren with impllell confidence as it contains no harmful rffug. For sale by Winfrey & Chantry. ; - .* \ t- III- s /:« ^ r v> ^ ^ , IJT $ V » w

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Page 1: I l^Over Shoes - Chronicling Americachroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87057934/1911-10... · lost a fine female Scotch Collie. Anyone fending same please notify Mariue Jensen, Exira,

v Vs;

i 4 -1*

-r 1


The makers, sellers and wearer of Walk-Over Shoes, all praise them, but for var­ious reasons. What you care the most about is what the wearer says for them. You might think that the makers and sellers are naturally apt to be a little

prejudiced. So—ask the wearer. _ * '

Prices $3.50, $4.00, $4.50, $5.00 and $5.50


Here'S a picture of the -"HUNCH"

* . MODEL .» > s • ^ ~ Button Pattern 5', Gun Metal Calf ". Tr\t

Price $4.00 v K jS -vA

Significant Mr. Nick Thielen and Mrs. Spoo

went weet this morning??? Ha! Ha! Nick aaye Canada."

"Goodbye I'm going1 to

i For Sale •Ill

About 100 bushels of good quality "rye.

pd .; • James Jensen, Exira, Iowa. Route 4.

Lost Dog V > vmmmmm

^ T About two or three weeks ago I lost a fine female Scotch Collie. Anyone fending same please notify

Mariue Jensen, Exira, Iowa, Rt. 1.

Subscribe f|g§g : What is the use to tell you that we run the Official Couuty Paper of the County if you don't read it. Our front page aloue is worth five times what we charge for the whole pa­per. Subscribe now. It's only $100.

Volmar Hansen Sick Lagrippe has taken possession of

the .earthly tabernacle of Vol-mar Hansen, the strong Village Blacksmith of Exira and it makes that good map vety despondent We hope for a speedy recoveiy.

Lecture Coarse The town of Gray has engaged a

Lecture Co'irse for the coming win­ter. These good people are liberal contributors to anytbfng that will build up the country with good morals and educate the coming gen eration in higher attainments.

Notice To Farmers -We have purchased a hay baling

machine. Anyone wishiog to have hay baled notify the uad^rsigned.

pdol2 w.j.: Nelson Brothers, i&i Exira, Iowa, Rt. 2.

Phone O C, Line 20 on 2.

Medicine Chest % Axel Borjeeson, Receiver at the

Winfrey & Chantry Drug Store, has put on aale a little medicine chest, one of which should be in every household ih the land. It is socom-plete that it should be carried on tripe and picnics, in fact every­where you go. Call and ask Axel about it.

Hotel Assured Jj Mr. and Mrs. Wright at the Park Hotel are so encouraged by the steady increase of patronage that they have leased the building for five years. The building now be­longs to the Well man Threshing Machine Company and they have commenced to remodel, renovate and completely modernize the building from top to bottom.

It's Equal Don't Exist No one has ever made a salve, oint­

ment or balm to compare with Buok-len's Arnica Salve. It's the one perfect healer of cuts, corns, burns,, bruises, sores, scalds, boils, ulcers, eczema, salt rheum. For sore eyes, cold sores, ohap-ped hands or sprains its supreme. Unri­valed for piles. Try it. Oaly 25o at Win­frey & Chantry's. ~ . r rp •

Returned From Canada Mrs. "M. Metz arrived home last

Saturday from a several months vi­sit in Canada with, her sons and daughters aod reports them as-get­ting along nicely, She was also pre­sent at the wedding of her daugh­ter, Rose, which occurred in that country several weeks ago, JT* WV "

Mrs. Kilworth, probably the best nurse in this great State of Iowa, phoned in Tuesday morning to in­form the Journal that a large baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Dim Rieff. The mother and child are doing well while its father has in dications of returning to earth again.

- <4 sffpissii

a ** * --

Big Baby Boy

Oar >• Sales »pi§|sll If you want your Sale well adver­

tised, get your bills at the Journal Office and have a copy run in the Journal. We never fail of getting the buyers together; The boys with the cash or whose name is aB good as cash are the boys who read the Journal and are looking for good goods all the time.

: , Ptomaine Poison • George Leffingwell Jr., who is

manager of a Cream Station at Kennard, Neb., for the Alimato Creamery Company of Omaha re­ceived a dose cf ptomaine poison while eating canned fish last week and for several days he foy at the point of death. He is somewhat improved at this writing.

Report Of Hunt Sale Jt beats all, the way chatties at the

sales sell. At the Hunt sale last week everythiug went high; no bar gains to be had but values were stiff on all offerings. A nice crowd of neighbors and buyers fiom a distance took everything offered. Another pointer to get your Sale Bills printed at the Journal Office.

, Watson, Look Out « • -

Mr. Watson, the veteran florist, fruit and. shrub man, who has made the rounds in this section for ten years is arouni^ again visiting and supplying his old customers with more of bis guaranteed stock. If what Watson Bells you don't grow he will furnish you another bunch that will grow. That's the reason everybody waits for Watson


Audubon County Babies Twenty-nine babies were scored

at the Audubon County Fair. The following five won the premiums:

The little son of Andrew Nissen, 1st, score 96.

The little daughter of Fred Hoen-ke, 2nd, score 95.

The little son of Lew Tramp, 3rd, score 94V£.

The little aon of Jay Bridenstine, 4th, score 94.

The little eon of Orin Eddy, 5tb, score Ol^.

Audubon County Babies against the world. , ... -<• j.

M , Y" * X " 1 i. *

' AFR , <

? - % . - $ 5 -

Congregational Churcb Sunday School at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11:00 a. m. _ -fl-Preaching at 7:30 p.m. Prayer meeting & Bible Study

Wednesday at 7:30 p. m.

Christian Churcb Notes Sunday School at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m Junior Endeavor at 2 p. m. Senior Endeavor at 6:30 p. m. Prayer meeting, Wednesday at

:30 p. m. Teacher training class, Thursday

at 7:30 p. tn.

M. E. Church Notes <:• Sabbath School at 10 a. tn.

Preaching at 11 and 7:30 every Sabbath. A cordial invitation to all.

Kpworth League 7:00 p. tn. < -Prayer meeting Thursday eve.;

Subject for Morning "Jesus made known."

Subject for Evening "A Model Man pointed out.

Read the Bible. Here Paradise is restored. Here Heaven is opened and the gates of Hell disclosed. ChriBtis the central them of the Bi­ble, our good its design. It should fill the memory, rule that Heart and guide the life. Read it slowly, fre­quently, prayerfully. It is a mine of wealth, a river of pleasure., All Praise its Author.


came up

Fund Of $1,000,000 For Good Roads

Chicago, Oct. 4.—A fund of $1,000,-000 for the promotion of the cause of good roads in the United States and the opening of a national office at Washington, D. C., are among the plans of the National Good Roads association decided on at the international congress at its laet session in the Hotel La Salle.

It is proposed to raise the fund of $1,000,000 by contributions from rail­roads, automobile companies, man­ufactures and farmers. President Jackson said that the outlook of the work iB bright and that the results of the congress were gratifying.

Dressmaking School Mrs. Connrardy opened her Dress­

making School, Monday, October 2nd, with the following pupils enrolled:

Bonnie Young, Exira Agnes Hansen, Kimballton Sophia Nelsen, Lorah May Oathoudt, Lorah v: Elveria Chriateneen,' Elk Horn j

Kitty Ronnemose, Elk Horn Florence Sorensen, Exira 1

Eda Ingerslev, Audubon Mary Jensen, Audubon ' ̂ Annie Larsen, Kimballion Elsie Mikkelsen, Kimballton,: Margreth Jensen, Elk Horn ' The following young ladies are en­

rolled for Tailor work and advanced styles in cutting: _

Helen Navratil, Exira Matilda Navratil, Exira * Katie Thygsen, Kimballton _ IdaThygsen, Kimballton . < Minnie Marcusen, Kimballton Annie Petersen, Kimballton Goldie Spilter, Guthrie Center . Annie Christensen, Exira, Assistant.

Dr. Wiley Fired Who wants Wiley Fired? "I" say the can of nearly tea, "Just look at what he did to me, He or I must be retired, So, I want Wiley Hied." • Who wants Wiley fired?^ "I" says the case of almost cheese "Once I lined a life of eaee, But now this fellow makes me tired So, I want Wiley fired." Who wants Wiley fired? '*1" says the bam that's acid cured, "This buttin' in can't be endured The wonder is that he was hired, Sure, I want Wiley fired." Who wants Wiley fired? "I" says the masquerading jam, A product he has tried to dam •'Get rid of him! 'is what I wired'' Yes, I want Wiley fired.,' Who wants Wiley fired? Why all the bogus foods and drugs, And all the germs and microbe bugs There's nothing quite so much de­

sired, As to see Wiley fired.—New York


I For Sale ' "B v • c * h


Furniture, rugs, stoves, complete house furniture, all nearly new. Bought at wholesale, will sell for less. Inquire of

„ W. F. Hopley.

For Rent Good farm, 320 acres. Good build­

ings. Six miles from Greenfield, i) miles south of Casey, Iowa. K ^5

- . Peter Thuesen, ,> Kimballton, la.

Take Your Comntot. Colds Seriously Common colds, severe and frequent,

laythe foundation of chronic diseased conditions of the nose and throat and may develop into bronchitis, pneumonia and consumption. For all coughs and colds in children and in grown persons, take Foley's Honey and Tar Compound promptly. For sale by all drugglstu.

Ed Crow of Walnut Monday evening. ( ^

Dr. Beers was a Manning business* visitor one day last week. J- „ 1 '

Mrs. Irv Markley and children were Audubon shoppers Saturday.

Mrs. Audas spent a couple of days laBt week with Mrs. Lou Shingledeck er.

Mrs. Fenton, sister of Mrs. Frank Gray, visited them one day last week. ^ S'

We understand that Wm. Shaw has bought the Grandma Steere place.

Mrs. Bert Aikman and children are out at her parental home this week.

Saturday it rained a nice, steady shower all day. It also rained a part of Sunday, j* ^

Cal Mishler was married last Wednesday evening in Audubon to Miss Christensen. ^ -ATWTIM;

Will Brandhurst was kicked on the head by a colt one day last week, catting quite a gash.

Mre. Kittell visited in Gray Mon­day on her way home from visiting relatives in the country. t'_ < ''<•*

Frank Stoagh went Friday to Peru, Nebraska to visit his niece, Mrs. Frank Martin and family.

Mrs. Wm. Thompson came last week from her home in Correction-ville to visit at the parental home.

Tom Spilker went down to see Mr.1:-Humiston and wife between trains Sunday. They are both sick.

Mrs. Audas was a visitor between trains in Audubon Sunday, taking Maxine and Glenn Shingledecker down. ^

> Robert Wiley of Lincoln township frss been visiting friends in Colorado Utah and Nebraska for the past month.

; - Prof. Ford and Miss Delaney each »nt to ^heir homes Friday evening «ttirning Sunday afternoon and Monday.

Cora Wever went over to her brother, Dana's near Coon Bapids last week to help him some with his fall work.

MrB. Lewis has been having sister and husband from Wisconsin .visit her, also her sister and husband from Manila, Iowa.

Mrs. Dell Jordan, formerly of Lincoln township but now of Hart iogton, Nebraska is visiting relatives and friends near Gray.

Mrs. Jensen will start this week to visit her daughter, Mrs. Harry Fleming and husband in Oklahoma Hiss Marie will go as far as Omaha with her.

> ,

Charles Newell and family return ed to their home at Lake City the latter part of last week, after being here to attend the funeral of his sis­ter, Mrs. Estes.

Hugh Hurray, a former resident of Lincoln but now of Cedar County, Nebraska sold his crop for $1800. and will move away from that part of Nebraska.

Mr. F. R. McLaughlin who was delegate to the U. B. Conference that met at Waterloo, returned Fri­day morning. Rev. Arnold ' came Monday evening. He comes back here for another year. ' *

A. G. Forsbeck took a couple of pens of his nice Berkshire pigs to the Sioux City Fair and received from a group of four Is1, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th premiums on boars and 1st, 2nd and 3rd on young sows. Gus has a very fine quality of the Berkshire breed of hogs.

Jiames G. Dahlman, "Cowboy" flay or of Omaha, "Throws Tne Lariat." Mayor Jas. C. Dahlman started his

Career as a cowboy and is at present Ma­yor of Omaha and has the following le-COrd. Sheriff of Dawes Co, Neb., three terms; Mayor of Chadron, two terms; Democratic Nat,'l Committeman, eight years; Mayor of Omaha, six years and in 1910 Candidate for Governor of Neb. Writing to Foley & Co., Chicago, he says: "I have taken Foley Kidney Pills and they have given me a great-deal of relief so I cheerfully recommend them.' Yours Truly, James (J. Dali.Man. For sale by all druggists.

Herman Wile & Co. H ' Bu»fa!o, N ^

You will want your Fall and Winter Clothes soon. We have the largest and best line in town and invite you to inspect our goods. * Com­pare quality and prices with "others"

and see that Herman \Vtle& Co. £ Buffalo. N.Y.

Defy Competition f.-On Saturday, October 14th, we will as a ,V,

V ® special inducement give you, „.s ty*.

Off on all Suits and Overcoats purchased of

.'i; us on that day. ' - > , 1

COME IN ' /• \ --•> , ••*£.? *•'' ' a'V'- »

r ; We will fit you and please you. I have also a few Overcoats in Men's, Young Men's and Boys' Sizes that I will give a 25% discount on above date only.

Remember the date.

"'FM: October 14 th, 1911

H!P. Petersen

A- s.



i £

Kathryn Dutler spent Sunday with her parents.

William Alt has bought a farm 4 i m i l e s f r o m E x i r a . - - ^ - V *

Sam Dutler and wife called on the parents last Wednesday.

August Dutler helped Allen Ditto a few days last week.

Mrs. August Johnson was a caller at the Ed Taggart home Sunday. ^

George Egan went to Des Moines Tuesday, returning home Thursday.

Allen Ditto and Henry Gurber vis­ited at the Charley Hague home Sunday.

John Seastrom and wife are the proud parents of a little son £born Saturday.

George Ditto and Hazal Skinner west to Omaha last Tuesday, return­ing Thursday. ,v . • * ,

The Dutler and Christensen young folks s^ent Wednesday evening at Art Cameron's.

Art Chiistensen, Misses Mitchell and Tremain went to Coon Rapids to stay over Sunday. - s '

Art Cameron and family returned Friday from Kansas City where they had been visiting relatives.

James Burns' son and wife have moved on the Sam Gardner farm where they will make their home the coming winter.

Foley Kidney Pills supply just the ingredients needed to

build up, strengthen and restore the natural action of the kidneys and blad­der. Specially prepared for backache, headache, nervousness, rheumatism and all kidney, bladder and urinary irregu­larities. For sale by all druggists.

For Sale Duroc Jersey Fall and Spring

Boars. Prices reasonable. tf T. J. Coglon,

Exira, Iowa.

A Medicine That dives Cunfldenc e is Foley's Honey and Tar Compound.

Mrs. T. J. Adams, 522 No. Kansas Ave., Columbus, Kansas, writes: For a number of years my children have been subjeot to coughs and colds. I used Foley's Hon­ey and Tar Compound and found that it cured their coughs and colds, so I keep it in the house all the time." Refuse substitutes. For sale by all druggists.

Names wid the blood o' their birth to thim—

Where can yes bate thim, the whole worruld o'er?

Brannigan, Flannigan, Milligan, Gil-ligan, •

Dufly, McOuffy, McNally, Mahone, ' Gafferty, Lafferty, Connolly, Donnelly, Dooley, O'Hooley, Muldowney, Malone, Maddigan, Caddigan. Hallahan, Cal­

lahan, Fagan, O'Hagan, Fogarty, Hogarty, / Kelly, O'Sftelley, McGinnip, McGinn; " —John Ludlow.

Fotrnd M,* 4T. * "

A stray pig. If you have lost one call on Ike WMliatne. He found one._

* L

M! Lost! Lost! Lost! *' •" Between the Pnieater farm in Ca­

meron township aod Audubon on Sept. 23rd, a good grey rain coat. Finder please leave at Republican office, Audubon, or at the Journal office, Exira.

M. D. Crow, Gray, Iowac

FOR SALE Poland Chinas Spring and Fall'^~s

Boars, sired by the Champion hog-at the Audubon County Fair. Call ear'y- ,

C. M. Dodge 7

For Rent V.,r The West'Exira Store and dwel­

ling in back part of building, two stories and large rooms. Good bus­iness location tor a proper person. All who have done business in this building have made money, who bad a small Capital to start witb. Call on Theo Patty or S. Weinstock, Granger, Iowa. tf-?^

For Sale Or Rent We offbr for Sale or Rent, prefer-

ably for Sale, the D. E. Shrauger dwelling iu Bxira. Write or phone

Boren R. Nelson, • _j Atlantic, la.

FOR SALE Pedigreed and High Grade Ches­

ter White Boare and gilts, the hea­vy bone lengthy kind. Holesteia bull calves. A team of work mares cheap.

o!2 Brayton, Iowa


J. E. Lewis, |

You are not experimenting on your self when you taheChamberlain's Cough Remedy fo* a eold as that preparation has won itfe neat reputation and exten­sive sale by its remarkable cures of colds and can always be depended upon. It is equally.valnable for adults and children and may vlven to young obildren with impllell confidence as it contains no harmful rffug. For sale by Winfrey & Chantry.

; - • .* \ t-

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