i knew hed say that

“I knew he’d say that!” A consideration of the predictability of language use in film Christopher Taylor

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Post on 26-Jun-2015




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  • 1. I knew hed say that! Aconsideration of thepredictability of language use in filmChristopher Taylor

2. ????????? Three essential premises; Particular scene type and particular languageuse; Distance from day-to-day talk; Translation issues. 3. Three essential premisses Film language differ from everydayspontaneous talk; Genres, subgenres and genrelets categoriesof language that contain compulsory andoptional features that characterize each oneof them; It is possible, due to the first two premises topredict what will be said. 4. Film language Telling stories through the projection of images(Paul and Wells cinema patent of 1985) Even though the advent of cinema brought forthe the first time a storytelling act with picturesthe succeeded one another, flowing in thescreen, it did not make movies language asnatural as spontaneous talk; Two channels of communication verbal andfigurative. 5. Language features in writen, oral andfilm dialog 6. Cobuild Bank of English spokencorpus vs film texts 7. GenreMacrogenres > sub-genres > genrelets 8. Predictability 9. Predictability 10. Conclusion Predictability is genre based; Absolute values are not often seen except forcases as emergency phone calls(p.10); An acceptable range of choices is formed ineach genrelet. It helps to make a group ofoptions for translators to choose the one thatbest fits in a given situation. 11. Reported speech in movies/oralconversation Lotman (1979:56) says Cinema is, by its very nature, narrative.Yule (????) says that Indirect speech has the narrative function. 12. Reported speech - be like 13. Be like according to DowningGo and be like are becoming widely used asquotative alternatives to say, both in youngerspeakers conversation and in the popularmedia. Like says and said, go and be like signalthat the speaker is moving into direct speechmode. Normal combinations of tense and aspectoccur with go and be like; however, the presenttense appears to predominate even for pasttime reference (Im like, shes like). 14. Be like according to YuleThe use of be like is a way the reporter see toaproximate reconstruction rather than na exactword-for-word account of what was said. Inaddition, the verb tense used express, in Yulesapproach, that a non-authority person is beingreposted.