i international water colour painting competitionvillage of...

INTERNATIONAL WATER COLOUR PAINTING CONTEST VILLAGE OF RASCAFRIA Plaza de la Villa nº 1 · 28740 – Rascafría – Madrid www.rascafria.org · [email protected] INTERNATIONAL WATER COLOUR PAINTING CONTEST VILLAGE OF RASCAFRIA “ I Internaonal Water Colour Painng CompeonVillage of Rascafria” The Town Council of the Village of Rascafria hereby announces the Water Colour Painng Contest which carries its name in order to make public its recent history of six centuries as well as the privileged geographical surroundings of the Naonal Park of the Guadarrama Mountain Range where the Village is set. Water will be the unifying element, the common thread and central theme of this Compeon because its marks and its traces contain the cultural and historical memory of Rascafría, the Lozoya Valley and its inhabitants. Rivers, torrents, springs, fountains, bridges, irrigaon canals and mills form part of the collecve memory and are meeng places with stories, mysteries and customs. Art, through water colour painng, can be a good instrument to show and say what words cannot express, unfolding a large range of views which kindle our social and collecve memory of water landscapes. In this light, the Compeon wants to build new bridges with people, groups and instuons from the broad world of Culture both naonally and internaonally to collecvely enjoy an aesthec sensiveness and an experience full of sensaons and emoons which leads us to become more aware of the need to care for this vital element which water represents. This Compeon is announced with the idea of connuing indefinitely in me, in the same place where in the first decades of the tweneth century students from Spanish Art Schools enjoyed the successive Painters Scholarships from El Paular. This connuity will help to create a cultural and social movement which will enhance the value of both El Paular Monastery’s muldisciplinary legacy of hundreds of years and the vanguard proposals of renowned arsts like Luis FeitoLópez, an adopted son in the Village. The resulng dialogue must be greater awareness and enrichment and an opening to new ways of recognion in our history. Creang and maintaining this special space to meet and communicate should help to contribute to offering quality tourism which the Village of Rascafria is working at for a large part of its future. TERMS Jury and assessment criterion for awarding Prizes 1.-The Jury will be composed of five people with acknowledged presge in the world of art and culture and also the Mayoress from the Town Council. All will have a say and a vote. A seventh person will have a say but no vote and will act as Secretary to the Jury. In any case the Jury will be validly formed with at least three members. Majority decisions will be taken. Prizes will be awarded based on the arsc value of the art work, its originality, the skill in the technique used and the ability to transmit all that is seen and felt in the municipal area of the Village of Rascafria. In honour of the paper manufacturing history which started in Los Batanes in 1390 opposite El PaularMonastery, art works can only be presented on craſt handmade paper of any origin with a maximum size of 35cm x 50cm and minimum size of DIN A-4. The Town Council will give each registered parcipant a sheet of craſt flax paper handmade in the nearby village of Lozoya, 35cm x 50cm in size. The style of artwork is free and it is compulsory for the theme to revolve around water and the landscapes which exist both permanent and ephemeral, natural or created by human acvity. Calls Two calls per year have been established: one in Spring and one in Autumn. This year they will take place on Saturday 10 June and 7 October. Anyone of any naonality may partake in both calls providing they are eighteen or over when the event takes place. The Calls and Terms will be published in Spanish and English on Rascafria Town Council’s official website ,www.rascafria.org, and also on social networks. Parcipants will show proof of idenficaon with their ID card and will have the necessary material with them including an easel if required. The craſt paper will be stamped between 9 and 10 in the morning and the finished artwork will be delivered without being signed before 18 hours in the Town Hall (Plaza de la Villa, 1) The Jury will preselect a maximum of 30 pieces of artwork which will be exhibited in the Council Chamber for 15 days. The Town Council of the Village of Rascafria will not at any me insure the artwork. The artwork will then be exhibited in an exhibion room in the capital of Madrid. Prizes From amongst the preselected works from each Call, the Jury will give the Village of Rascafria’s Internaonal Water Colour Painng Spring Prize and the Autumn Prize. Each of both Prizes will consist of a travel bag (valued at 3.000€) for two people to a presgious Cultural Centre in the Popular Republic of China, in homage to the country which invented paper and whose present development is a world reference. The winning arst will also receive the corresponding Diploma. Likewise the Jury can give up to the Honorary Menons per Call, with no economic prize, based on the exceponal quality of the works. Their author will receive the corresponding Diploma. The Jury also has the power to leave the Call parally or completely null and void. The Jury’s decisión is final. The Prizes will be handed out in Rascafría and the works will also be signed there. The prize winning Works will remain property of the Town Council of the Village of Rascafria. They will be included in its important arsc fund and belong to the Town Council which will reserve all rights on the works including reproducon, publishing and exhibing. The other preselected works will be exhibited both in the Council Chamber and the Exhibion Room chosen in Madrid. These works may be sold to the public by their authors and will be removed once the events have finished. The other works may be collected by their authors in the Town Hall of the Village of Rascafria, Plaza de la Villa, 1. Tel.: 918691117 (Monday to Friday (working days) from 8:00 to 15:00) unl 8 July for the Spring Call and unl 4 November for the Autumn Call. The works which are not collected will remain property of the Town Hall. The prizes awarded will be published accordingly. Entry Parcipants should fill in the Entry Data as stated below. Taking part in this Compeon means total acceptance of the present Terms in their totality. How to enter and deadlines for presenng entry data: *) Spring Call: from Friday 5 May unl Friday 9 June *) Autumn Call: from Thursday 7 September unl Friday 6 October. Presenng entry data: entries can be made: • On the Town Hall’s oficial website, www.rascafría.org, by filling in all data on the form • In person: in the Town Hall in the Village of Rascafría, Plaza de la Villa, 1 Tel. 91 8691117 (Monday to Friday (working days) from 8:00 to 15:00) • By Registered Postusing “correoadministravo” (not ordinary registered post) and addressed to: Ayuntamiento de la Villa de Rascafría: Plaza de la Villa, 1, C.P. 28740. Rascafría (Madrid) Entry data (subject to the regulaons stated in the Organic Law 15/99 13 December Data Protecon Law regarding Personal Data): *). Name and Surname. *) Postal address. *) Electronic mail (email). *).Telephone. *). DNI, NIE. Others *). Date of birth. In the Village of Rascafría, April 2017 Beatriz Aguirre Sanago Town Council Mayoress for the Village of Rascafría

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Page 1: I International Water Colour Painting CompetitionVillage of …aedamadrid.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/certamen... · 2017. 5. 4. · El Ayuntamiento de la Villa de Rascafría convoca


Plaza de la Villa nº 1 · 28740 – Rascafría – Madrid Tel.91 869 11 17 · Fax. 91 869 12 83www.rascafria.org · [email protected]



“ I International Water Colour Painting CompetitionVillage of Rascafria”

The Town Council of the Village of Rascafria hereby announces the Water Colour Painting Contest which carries its name in order to make public its recent history of six centuries as well as the privileged geographical surroundings of the National Park of the Guadarrama Mountain Range where the Village is set.

Water will be the unifying element, the common thread and central theme of this Competition because its marks and its traces contain the cultural and historical memory of Rascafría, the Lozoya Valley and its inhabitants. Rivers, torrents, springs, fountains, bridges, irrigation canals and mills form part of the collective memory and are meeting places with stories, mysteries and customs.

Art, through water colour painting, can be a good instrument to show and say what words cannot express, unfolding a large range of views which kindle our social and collective memory of water landscapes.

In this light, the Competition wants to build new bridges with people, groups and institutions from the broad world of Culture both nationally and internationally to collectively enjoy an aesthetic sensitiveness and an experience full of sensations and emotions which leads us to become more aware of the need to care for this vital element which water represents.

This Competition is announced with the idea of continuing indefinitely in time, in the same place where in the first decades of the twentieth century students from Spanish Art Schools enjoyed the successive Painters Scholarships from El Paular.

This continuity will help to create a cultural and social movement which will enhance the value of both El Paular Monastery’s multidisciplinary legacy of hundreds of years and the vanguard proposals of renowned artists like Luis FeitoLópez, an adopted son in the Village. The resulting dialogue must be greater awareness and enrichment and an opening to new ways of recognition in our history.

Creating and maintaining this special space to meet and communicate should help to contribute to offering quality tourism which the Village of Rascafria is working at for a large part of its future.

TERMSJury and assessment criterion for awarding Prizes

1.-The Jury will be composed of five people with acknowledged prestige in the world of art and culture and also the Mayoress from the Town Council. All will have a say and a vote. A seventh person will have a say but no vote and will act as Secretary to the Jury. In any case the Jury will be validly formed with at least three members. Majority decisions will be taken.

Prizes will be awarded based on the artistic value of the art work, its originality, the skill in the technique used and the ability to transmit all that is seen and felt in the municipal area of the Village of Rascafria.

In honour of the paper manufacturing history which started in Los Batanes in 1390 opposite El PaularMonastery, art works can only be presented on craft handmade paper of any origin with a maximum size of 35cm x 50cm and minimum size of DIN A-4.

The Town Council will give each registered participant a sheet of craft flax paper handmade in the nearby village of Lozoya, 35cm x 50cm in size.

The style of artwork is free and it is compulsory for the theme to revolve around water and the landscapes which exist both permanent and ephemeral, natural or created by human activity.

CallsTwo calls per year have been established: one in Spring and one in Autumn.

This year they will take place on Saturday 10 June and 7 October. Anyone of any nationality may partake in both calls providing they are eighteen or over when the event takes place.

The Calls and Terms will be published in Spanish and English on Rascafria Town Council’s official website ,www.rascafria.org, and also on social networks.

Participants will show proof of identification with their ID card and will have the necessary material with them including an easel if required. The craft paper will be stamped between 9 and 10 in the morning and the finished artwork will be delivered without being signed before 18 hours in the Town Hall (Plaza de la Villa, 1)

The Jury will preselect a maximum of 30 pieces of artwork which will be exhibited in the Council Chamber for 15 days.

The Town Council of the Village of Rascafria will not at any time insure the artwork.

The artwork will then be exhibited in an exhibition room in the capital of Madrid.

PrizesFrom amongst the preselected works from each Call, the Jury will give the Village of Rascafria’s International Water Colour Painting Spring Prize and the Autumn Prize.

Each of both Prizes will consist of a travel bag (valued at 3.000€) for two people to a prestigious Cultural Centre in the Popular Republic of China, in homage to the country which invented paper and whose present development is a world reference.

The winning artist will also receive the corresponding Diploma.

Likewise the Jury can give up to the Honorary Mentions per Call, with no economic prize, based on the exceptional quality of the works. Their author will receive the corresponding Diploma.

The Jury also has the power to leave the Call partially or completely null and void. The Jury’s decisión is final.

The Prizes will be handed out in Rascafría and the works will also be signed there.

The prize winning Works will remain property of the Town Council of the Village of Rascafria. They will be included in its important artistic fund and belong to the Town Council which will reserve all rights on the works including reproduction, publishing and exhibiting.

The other preselected works will be exhibited both in the Council Chamber and the Exhibition Room chosen in Madrid. These works may be sold to the public by their authors and will be removed once the events have finished.

The other works may be collected by their authors in the Town Hall of the Village of Rascafria, Plaza de la Villa, 1. Tel.: 918691117 (Monday to Friday (working days) from 8:00 to 15:00) until 8 July for the Spring Call and until 4 November for the Autumn Call. The works which are not collected will remain property of the Town Hall.

The prizes awarded will be published accordingly.

EntryParticipants should fill in the Entry Data as stated below. Taking part in this Competition means total acceptance of the present Terms in their totality.

How to enter and deadlines for presenting entry data:

*) Spring Call: from Friday 5 May until Friday 9 June

*) Autumn Call: from Thursday 7 September until Friday 6 October.

Presenting entry data: entries can be made:

• On the Town Hall’s oficial website, www.rascafría.org, by filling in all data on the form

• In person: in the Town Hall in the Village of Rascafría, Plaza de la Villa, 1

Tel. 91 8691117 (Monday to Friday (working days) from 8:00 to 15:00)

• By Registered Postusing “correoadministrativo” (not ordinary registered post) and addressed to: Ayuntamiento de la Villa de Rascafría: Plaza de la Villa, 1, C.P. 28740. Rascafría (Madrid)

Entry data (subject to the regulations stated in the Organic Law 15/99 13 December Data Protection Law regarding Personal Data):

*). Name and Surname.

*) Postal address.

*) Electronic mail (email).


*). DNI, NIE. Others

*). Date of birth.

In the Village of Rascafría, April 2017

Beatriz Aguirre Santiago

Town Council Mayoress for the Village of Rascafría

Page 2: I International Water Colour Painting CompetitionVillage of …aedamadrid.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/certamen... · 2017. 5. 4. · El Ayuntamiento de la Villa de Rascafría convoca


Plaza de la Villa nº 1 · 28740 – Rascafría – Madrid Tel.91 869 11 17 · Fax. 91 869 12 83www.rascafria.org · [email protected]



“I Certamen Internacional de Acuarela de la Villa de Rascafría”

El Ayuntamiento de la Villa de Rascafría convoca el Certamen de Acuarela que lleva su nombre para dar a conocer tanto su historia reciente de más de seis siglos como el entorno geográfico privilegiado del Parque Nacional de la Sierra de Guadarrama en el que está enclavado.

El agua será elemento aglutinador, hilo conductor y tema central del Certamen, porque sus marcas, sus huellas contienen la memoria histórica y cultural de Rascafría y del Valle del Lozoya y de sus habitantes. Ríos, torrentes, manantiales, fuentes, puentes, acequias, canalizaciones y molinos, forman parte de la memoria colectiva, como lugares de encuentro, de historias, de misterios y de costumbres.

El arte, a través de la acuarela, puede ser un buen instrumento para mostrar y decir lo que no alcanzan las palabras, desplegando un amplio abanico de miradas que reactiven nuestra memoria social y colectiva de los paisajes del agua.

En esta perspectiva, el Certámen quiere tender nuevos puentes con personas, colectivos e instituciones del amplio mundo de la Cultura tanto nacional como internacional, en la perspectiva del disfrute colectivo de una sensibilidad estética y una experiencia de sensaciones y emociones que nos lleven a un despertar más sensible del cuidado de este elemento vital que es el agua.

El Certamen se convoca con la voluntad de continuidad indefinida en el tiempo, en el mismo lugar donde en los primeros decenios del S. XX estudiantes de las Escuelas de Bellas Artes españolas disfrutaron de las sucesivas Becas de Pintores de El Paular.

Esta continuidad ayudará a la creación de un movimiento cultural y social

que ponga en valor tanto el legado multidisciplinar de cientos de años del Monasterio de El Paular, como las propuestas de vanguardia de artistas de gran valor como Luis Feito López, hijo adoptivo de la Villa. El diálogo resultante tiene que ser una mayor sensibilidad y un mayor enriquecimiento y apertura hacia nuevas formas de reconocimiento en nuestra historia

La creación y el mantenimiento de este especial espacio de encuentro y comunicación ha de ayudar contribuir a una oferta de un turismo de calidad en el que la Villa de Rascafría está labrando gran parte de su futuro.


Jurado y criterios de valoración para la concesión de los Premios

1.- El Jurado estará compuesto por cinco personas de reconocido prestigio en el mundo del arte y de la cultura y la Alcaldesa Presidenta del Ayuntamiento. Todos ellos tendrán voz y voto. Una séptima persona con voz pero sin voto actuará de Secretario del Jurado. En cualquiera de los casos el Jurado estará válidamente constituido por un mínimo de al menos tres miembros. Las decisiones se tomarán por mayoría.

Los premios se concederán atendiendo al valor artístico de la obra, su originalidad, la maestría en la técnica empleada y la capacidad de transmitir cuanto se ve y se siente en el término municipal de la Villa de Rascafría.

En honor a la historia papelera que empezó en Los Batanes en 1.390 enfrente del Monasterio de El Paular, sólo se podrán presentar obras en papel hecho a mano de cualquier procedencia de un tamaño máximo de 35 cm x 50cm, y mínimo de tamaño folio DIN A-4.

El Ayuntamiento regalará a cada uno de los participantes inscritos una hoja de papel de lino hecho a mano en el cercano pueblo de Lozoya, de un tamaño de 35cm x 50cm.

El estilo de las obras será libre y su temática girará obligatoriamente en torno al agua y a los paisajes a los que da lugar, tanto permanentes como efímeros, naturales o conformados por la actividad humana.


Se establecen dos convocatorias anuales: una de Primavera y otra de Otoño.

En este año de 2.017 las convocatorias se celebrarán los sábados 10 de Junio y 7 de Octubre

A ambas convocatorias podrá presentarse cualquier persona de cualquier país que tenga dieciocho años cumplidos en la fecha de celebración del evento.

Las Convocatorias y sus Bases serán publicadas tanto en castellano como en inglés, en la página oficial del Ayuntamiento de Rascafría, www.rascafria.org, así como en la redes sociales.

Los participantes, presentarán el documento de identidad y provistos del material necesario, incluido caballete en su caso, sellarán el soporte de papel artesanal de 9 a 10 de la mañana, y entregarán su obra terminada, sin firmar, antes de las 18 horas, en el Ayuntamiento (Plaza de la Villa 1).

De entre estas el Jurado realizará una preselección de un máximo de 30 obras, que quedarán colgadas y expuestas en el Salón de Plenos durante los siguientes 15 días.

El Ayuntamiento de la Villa de Rascafría no asegurará en ningún momento las obras.

Posteriormente serán expuestos en alguna Sala de Madrid capital.


El Jurado otorgará entre las obras preseleccionadas en cada Convocatoria el

Premio de Primavera y el Premio de Otoño del Certamen Internacional de Acuarela de la Villa de Rascafría.

Cada uno de ambos Premios consistirán en una bolsa de viaje (valorada en 3.000€) para dos personas a un Centro Cultural de reconocido prestigio en la República Popular de China, en homenaje al país que inventó el papel y cuyo desarrollo actual es un referente mundial.

El artista ganador recibirá también el correspondiente Diploma acreditativo.

Asimismo el Jurado podrá otorgar hasta tres Menciones de Honor por Convocatoria, sin dotación económica, en razón de la excepcional calidad de las obras. Sus autores recibirán el Diploma acreditativo correspondiente.

Es también potestad del Jurado poder dejar desierta la Convocatoria en parte o en su totalidad. El veredicto del Jurado es inapelable.

La entrega de los Premios se hará en Rascafría, así como la firma de las obras.

Las obras premiadas quedarán de propiedad del Ayuntamiento de la Villa de Rascafría, que las incorporará a su importante fondo artístico y pasarán a ser de su propiedad, reservándose éste todos los derechos sobre las mismas, incluidos los de reproducción, edición y exhibición.

Las otras obras preseleccionadas serán expuestas tanto en el Salón de Actos del Ayuntamiento como en la Sala de exposiciones elegida en Madrid, con la posibilidad de ser vendidas por sus autores al público, siendo retiradas una vez acaben los eventos.

Las demás obras podrán ser retiradas por sus autores hasta el 8 de Julio en el caso de la convocatoria de Primavera y hasta el 4 de Noviembre en el caso de la Convocatoria de Otoño, en el Ayuntamiento de la Villa de Rascafría, Plaza

de la Villa, 1 Teléf. 91 869.1117. horario de 8:00 h a 15:00h sólo laborables, de lunes a viernes. Las obras no retiradas quedarán de propiedad del Ayuntamiento.

De los Premios otorgados se hará la correspondiente difusión.


Los participantes deberán cumplimentar los Datos de Inscripción, según se indica más abajo. El mero hecho de participar en el Certamen supone la plena aceptación de la totalidad de las presentes bases.

Plazo de presentación de los Datos de Inscripción y formas de presentación:

*) Convocatoria de Primavera: desde el viernes 5 de Mayo hasta el viernes 9 de Junio

*) Convocatoria de Otoño: desde el jueves 7 de Septiembre hasta el viernes 6 de Octubre.

Presentación de Inscripciones: las inscripciones se realizarán:

• A través de la página oficial del ayuntamiento www.rascafría.org, rellenando el formulario con todos los datos cumplimentados

• Presencialmente: en el Ayuntamiento de la Villa de Rascafría, Plaza de la Villa, 1

Teléf. 91 8691117 Horario de 8:00h a 15:00h días sólo laborables, de lunes a viernes.

• Correo postal certificado en la modalidad de correo administrativo (no mediante certificado ordinario) dirigido al Ayuntamiento de la Villa de Rascafría: Plaza de la Villa, 1, C.P. 28740. Rascafría (Madrid)

Datos de Inscripción, (estando los datos sometidos a las regulaciones

establecidas por la Ley Orgánica 15/99 de 13 de diciembre de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal.):

*). Nombre y apellidos.

*) Dirección postal.

*) Correo electrónico (email).


*). DNI, NIE. Otro

*). Fecha de nacimiento.

En la Villa de Rascafría, en Abril de 2017

Beatriz Aguirre Santiago

Alcaldesa, Presidenta del Ayuntamiento de la Villa de Rascafría