i ii schwab reported - library of congress...i' (jot srnmani will make strouk af v. uie (he...

j 3 Ht its at sfiv I Ml AN KAIL ' , 0Cafc! tt, Til Hi v tVntDOM, ' ''. A from quolet Italian rrnortH tell-In- e violent HkIkihk on the i :.irtii-ii.ri- in tin- - toaawttt Mti t iiortti which are espe-- r and near Og , ., urthwael ol ilurlts, where t.ie nt-t- . havi continued without Intamia lie if liii day .m i alffttt, Ilia Itali- a- oping in break through tha whole line of Auetrtan defence al thla point T)"ir lotaet ant daiiflbad m tarrl bit, i - "f ;'i- il ;nl lyliiK in hrupH on tat IMd. i uffaringa of tin camanlg have i k rati) by a sixty mile t hour It v arlnd mon terrihlt liana Ilia j,,!. Tha man are f. . in down i" .iv. lid iwiiin blown OVi'l rocttl .mil many have fatten I i. i .rely injured. At ordlita la from Vienna, - :c inii II- 11.- lighting rtlj to i heavy fog, which Imped ad a II- tlrln. Ti e IVil aim. t roope in i iii inii. i eeumed their ii.,.. bttti llie ntTtctal Austrian neni tay. were re- - The mlal wuh wo that i,. nppoalng force, mild ea.'h i.l'lrt" only when they eloaa r . Tin .mi ai ttatemani laauad in Vienna t la; a -- : ii Otlavln an ttalhui advance i. epulsed kttacka agalnat Monta Pin M h le failed. Near San M.n - f'lO ii Italian delachmi nl was partly ; i till araa and the inner y .f tha city arai ItS lit Ml llrlte it t r I n ii at Iriini lo- - llloii af Morepre. , . .'if ' th!r DeSSSft h tn Till: Sl V. . mm, Dsn, 3 - Tim Italian official HiUi ii tit reued to-d- says: ol our AIpltM division! Bur l i nl dlaporoed enemy Morepre, fli miy the enemy t rtlonii Sn ii fuvorabla occurred norths i"" ot Recefftio, in the Sun:ana talley, ii. tin valley iinl in I' , . i V;illt i'- the Tilrnina front our infantry 0 Kin-- .. tract of trvnchOM at Monti N MartH, takinp a lar quantity ptllei ..'nl ainmunit Kn. Aioruc in- - romalndor f tbo front th fiituitioTi la TM t'otlowlng Official fttrin?nt wan It- - ..t imk-- : The i :i' my tl velop'l nn UltOlUNI rtlllry iind mhohtnc nun rtr f'M.i!nt Om s t ntm on Monti- I'luno, nt the . i th Itionx valley, without rtf my Infantry attack. Tnli fire i'm i no damaKe. k mi- taonao :rtnt cotitifiud foa .i artlllary action. my tri-- i t profll from weather ..) by making sunriBe at- - k.-- aaa'tist our new poalttont eat of iavln fi nlona ii northern alopa Afon'e San Mlrhattt but eveiy- - m re vas rapulaad ill raidi h our Infantry auve ua a v and on Airr.h tone of Monta Naro heith-- we trmk i hitiu Kim. ON It . iin ns lit ii Wilful I les I met Ion Bball Military Point Only. v o: ftenli Oeapafce tv Taa si s It M Bi Dec, 3 In view of Austrian Basertione That the Italians are angagad In the dell berate destruction of Uontas It wai io-da- y In ofllolal o,uar-tr- s Mi ; ihe Italian artillery in com- - sl li QoffttSj where the 4UB tr in ire hidden hut that the Italian! Bn lesi 0) n only tiie barracks and h nae fiCCUpied hy hoUliers, sparina Whr house-- . Thi A uet Hani hid stred lr m IvrgTOund h:dinp places near St. A urchi where they purnosely improvteed n garden with the object of, i'. powder maKaztne. An Italian r. i iilrat aimed, BtrUCM the secret RlUI llOni in 'tie middle) e tt h Burden, The powder inattaaitie g l i Mown up. LOAN A lo Hrlna i. renter Hr- - upaaee Than I'm lout Inane. per i. ah'f lleegalee to Tne ftts. London, Dec I. The iviroprad cor-- r i Ii nt f the Dally Vail quoteg M. Alex Irolf, on "f the dire. .tors of the Kthi liai k of Kuaala, as aaylng that the ' ; 10,1)00, ttuaatan bum la a reat lu ... IG "as la greater than that of t "..j." m said, "and I that the loan will be more than gtvereu," ' . ,i of the Ministry of Klnunce In luiiy the . MA over Itll-si- a the ettb- - hone hava been larger and more Ui M than gaga xpeeted." GOLD PAID FOE , Inn. nun i,iereite In Heaervr Rbowi I rend of rn aj buerlpl Ion. fai i tbti 0afagfcA ' fur ttm Pa ii Dag, S. Tha wieklv return of ii ik of pranc -- hows an Inoraass gold reserve of over I K, 100, 000), makiiiK a total of i ' r.ooo.ooo franca rease now- that the ii have been paying their in told STILL WITH Sen ebtaet minni Vlen I nt V nr's iMitbrenL. Dae I A Mhvum t Lisbon sas that the nOW PoftU- - lublnet has expresned it sym- - tli- Allies m the following ' i' (jot srnmani will make strouK af v. uie (he lawn vassed hy i ot. tin aubjaot of the atti- -' Portugal 1" ii' reent war. ' bu miinu thus ihe dignity unu In- - ut tiie nation, lending coopcru-- ii nnl justice defended hy nnl her Allies, whom the aasurad of their r ut i sym-- ! m begin nfhl of i oe wai and il times Blnoa then." 'ii for the I rrmli, inrwei to an appaal in the neWH-- 1 mm with which to acjulpped motor h aim, lsi Hoblnaon at aiioti ar HellBf Com- - leteiVeil JU-- tWlOB tttftl an order for leii cats ha- ii in Marls. Mrs. Daniel uk- - ' llStlOO to tha fumi. Karon It h to His TO ACT ROM Vi i NHS. 3 Baron SonnlnoV pech m tha Italian Parliament that Italy had arlherod to th f i.mion Miutlm lha Allien not to mnk a Mparate pajM received the nppmval of all parttet In the or the Foreign Mlnl.ster'H Mtale-Hiaili- a in the Chamher IB Vail the Mpokonian of the official who now form tho only to the QSJVaf nnaill nlnre; the other ItraneheM f the Socialist h went over to the under MtreKr nf the war. spoke thoujeh the Iomn of life and property caused hy the war and dei laitnR that only capital lata, especially those "f Amarlca, profited hy it. Tha lha state- - ment of SiKnr Tree that the wKlallat for the moral. and aOOUOmld upllftlntr; of the Htamlard if the people had heeii one of the far torn which In aivlna to the na- - Uon audi arava mdiier. backtd hy tndh detenu tied i.tv at hotlM in atattng itah s poaltlofi in raajard to Herhla, lan:i Sonntuo aald that "the po luteal and aconoctMc of Bafbta In a vital lie, esuity for ltal 'a exlstt nt a KTeat rower," "In aceafd with our altlaa," h con- - tlnuadt "we ronatdar th" r'storation of tin harolc Bariblan people in the a of its ju an condition to the end of tins areat war. Italy therefore will do all pitssitile to help the Serhian army. awaiting a tnoinant faorab1a for us i resui taction, The preMence of the Italian of dair on the aaatarn alda of the Adriatic raaffirtna Italy's pollcj toward Albania, wh'e Italy wishes to pre- serve." he Italy, he .s hCT tiftditiorvti policy in t'he Balkan. In com- plete Moord with her allied, lite BntafttC aiming to unite the It.ilkains. while tiie cantfal ifm are thalr ri airy ami dlnunion. "llndiua. unfor- - lusnataly, lavoraibla k ixnund in t lie feel- - IflMI "f hatrd and rev-nK- e that reultetl to from the Heiid Malkan war." Halkan Btateint-n- , he said, had baafl tmpret.seti by the cxaurtte Ot military events, laek-Iiik- t a of the entire itua-tm- n. which wiMtld have Kiven them con- fidence lit the flnal triumph of the AHIca, "Italy," he aatd, 'l firmly detennin-'- to tontltiue the war with all to her foroaa, facing any aacfiflcc until sin hOB her sa. red tiatiotial aspiration ai well as those general conditions of in- - danot dance, safety and mutual reaped gntong peoples, which alone tan be the haAl'j of a lastlna peace, belna also tlie essence of the pledge which un.tep the . en." be FOG FAILS AS ALLY. io Kffurt Tun t . W. hlp Kenm Mterdlah llarlinr IHnem ereH. VM f, i raalf lrsjilrh . The 8i n via Ixnulo'i. Dec. I, Tlie German tu Moltlta antarad Maim- - eiail harlKir taut niKht anil, taking ad- - vantage ..f . ton. triad to tow the American birk Andrew Welih nul j Swadlan pllota u tha attatnpt '.mil niiria:ie. a Hwedlah torpedo boat, which in turn algnallad tne Andraa Watch and forced bar to return and then it:ieJ alongalda the bark. It Ii expected that ih.. cargo oi heaii eartiad by the Ar- - drew Welch w 111 be off In Halm tad. Tha American bark Andrew w t of orily va tons, sailed fr in Ban Ki an- - otaoo for HatinetaO on Auguet i"1 with a cara of beans for Sweden by way of tre Strait of alagellkn she reached the NPrth S'-;- i n November aid was seized by a British warship and a prlM crew put aboard. The skipper of the bark waa ordered to put Into LerwlCK, gootfend, but heavy storniH prevt nted making that port and he finally was tOWOd into Christ lan- - Band by b passinsr eteameri the Lieu- tenant and five men of T!:e prize crew till B board. The.-.-- wen interred by the Norwegian but were re!e-ae- and rcturr led tr Knaland. Tlie bark thfn prisreded to but upon her arrival no one claimed the Cargo of bean?, valued at $K.O,00a, un- til the arrival of the German tug d , in the despatch. U. S. iifllrlala nt l"onnlry Pre it let lloom After War, IiImmi Van de Vvre Iti'lvlnn M'nlalee of in nance, who reached here ywttei day j ! .... ii... i ui., , i,,... A.i.a.ii.. r. .. i I with Baron Rrnaal de Carlier. Balaian Mlr.leier to tThlna. and Chevalier Rdmond Carton de wiart. tald thai he tn.l h's eolleairiieH IM nnl here ,,111, lallu an a hut a students of Imerloan bualnaaa methods, ai the end of the aar, Mr. Van de Vytre said, he iiad tio doubt that there would be a btrjprr bualnaaa batwaan tbe United Htaies and Dalglum, which he felt cartaln would be raatored to Itg formar position among ti.e natlona of Km ope. Balglum. he gggartadi would au rrie the world after the might) conflict hy her wonderful powa-r- and ihe awlfl revival of her which In- believes will be gfggtar than before the war TO PAY TAX, t.rriniin Governor Summons oni- - Inle nf llellnillle nl I'rni lore. Bai'atKiJi. via Londi I lis .1 lien. von Blaalng, the uattnan ' v e: niir-- l len-- d tral of Belgium, baa lu a de. re. ualllng upon ih of Brabant and At tweni to appaar Iii spe.ial - alonB "u Saturday to ulSCUfla 'iir con- - Theae provim-e- hava not et asrreed to the measuros for the collection of the war taxes, ami con- - tributlona are due on December in, WAR LOAN. is l no, nun, I s II hserl hell No I mil Asked I'm Is I nrre!.iil, I ITT A v,'A, I 'f j. Minister of Kinanee Whit ht that the do-ha- s mettle war loan been Inoraaaad from to Subscript lont I.. the loan nf laii.ilun.OlMi now aie morn than All subscribers of bloekH of hiiiJM nn to iriii.Oiul will lie given the entire quantity toughti for bloolca ' of more than 110,000 will receive iho entire amount asked fur utilrNH they reduce th"lr subsi ript nis before lleieni-- I bar I". bankn will tnke the bulanca of tha llaif of ihe loan will he used in ro- - orultlng, ami soldiers, The other half will form an imperial treaaury credit In t'ailgda I" bt devoted to Ihe purehllHe in I'liiinda of muiiltinns and other SATURDAY, DECEMBER FIGHTING ON ISONZO ITALY REGARDS SERB! FORD, 83 PEACE WORKERS, 54 REPORTERSmM AIRMAN SINKS IN SIXTY MILE GALE FREEDOM AS VITAL AND MOVIE MEN READY TO SAIL TO-DA- Y GERMAN'S AEROPLANE Buttle fright Oorlti KrldgBllGfld Bodies uronnd. ATTACKS dtgpatntl firttteriattd rxtrentet) bridgehead, tanaTttlngrj Intanatflad anowatoittia, daapatcbaf yeaterday reorganising everywhere geetroyed, bombarded damaged. ALPINE TROOPS GAIN. oonUnejsnta occupying tncoutiton Klmblatnco unctuiiujode hamparad Immadlafly. prlaonerai LIMIT FIRE GORITZ. oxplalnad ammunition exploding RUSSIAN SUCCESS. Rapented Alaaandroll cheerful,1 oorrgpon4gn FRENCH BONDS. 41,000,000 (IT8,000,000), tubgorlhara PORTUGAL ALLIES. Haltamtaa tprSBSSd daapatoh ImhnlanaSB unuibutsd Souninn DfclAPBl Kssontial NntionN KxistciH'c. WAIT MOMENT iffrtamant Boclallata, Oovaritmatlfl moderately, Otiambar applaudad proiua:anda IntallaCtUal POntrlhUtad Indtpaiidanca; indapandanca indapandanca OOntMHHtl. tewamtlng comprehension VlgOfOlialy GERMAN ContKHAOBN. Hatmatad, Travelling authorities, subse- quently Ha1matad( BELGIANS STUDY TRADE. letaetatrd Liverpool COmmlgalOn Inttrcourge recuperative induitrtea, WANTS BELGIANS authoritlai trlbutlona. CANADA DOUBLES announoad 160,000,000 1100,000,0(0, advertised 1101,000,000, Bubaorlbem Chartered 1100,000,000, equipping maintaining bt a ii u raafniHii .fm fini 'oiie. J f B I r. MBPMLB itoi I el know n the uate j my departure ".Mr. POrd - making an earnest .tml unaalflati effort in behalf of peace, oujcnl to have the jfonl wisht-- ympathatlo tuppori of all who i paacai aven though aome ma) not iha re hu calth in the immadlate iu f tha trio, ttf course (he e Who u mi the war to continue Hdlri e the especially those who aPCUl for tha big munition lactortee which art export ma wai nuu i ii it b larg profti Tins wa expected Rklli ule IB ih fax oi Ite weapon of t lioae who dealre oppose any movement when they Bnd tnamaelve unable to BUppori their oppoaltlon with argument, if an) of the people on the Ark had een making money out of the Mood they WOUld probably have ridiculed Koah for tending out Ihe dove, gucoeaa Mr. I'u it i and his rompantona May they return with an olive leaf." Mr. Hr van chuckled as lie nave out tile las! ..il AtSl al.h. ihe it. II. to the Ark Me WOUld add llltle to the atatainent, aacapl to any that tie would nee ihe party 'T at tha Hoboken pier thm alii moon. "I have tut promieed not to aaa any Ocngfaaatnan In VVaahlngton on Bunday." Mid w Iii n aakad If he would try then influence Congraannten against I be Praaldani'i preparednaae programme. j llubliuh ill lllllmnre. ' Mr. Brvun'a Mtatemant wan about tha moat ord-ir!- ) iinufe in all tha afternoon s procaadiuga at Tie lliltnune. nnfuelon thrice onfuaad imed i" ralgti in the ball inns d sun 717 and in the suite useif l.'obody aaemed to know where anybod) nobody seemed to know wii.it was what, and Ihl s. ol es of people, paaaangerai reportere, photographers, frtenoa of peaee and Just plain m.iii-iltra- a who Inronged tha ball made a con tlnuoua hubbub. There was loma effort to lyetematlM matter! hy rtfen.nK applicant! for paaa- porta anil information of one kind or an- other to various other room!, but oftener than not Ibla only ailed to the con- fusion ime typical Instance occurred whan Dr. Charles k. Aked of Van Kmi-clac- o tough) entrance to un 717. Dr, i Aked had been Invited to go mi the peace blp an l h nl accepted, "1 am Dr Aked." be .mplftlned lo one of the ford staff on duly at the door. "and I Wanl tO nee Mr. Kurd and make mre everything hi ail right." "Can't help it." answered tin doorman Staring at Dr Aked with a who are you expression, "you oao'l CO me in here." "Very well. ' sai l Dr, Aked with heat, "if I cannot receive civil treatment front subordinates i ihall not go on the peace voyage." and lie turned on his heel. A moment later Mr. Lochner rushed on: sud drew Dr, Aked Inside ami the matter wae patched up- There wi re other dlfllcultlai w iih door-- I men. tine young man from the UniVar sjjty ..f Kansas wan Informed thai he could not go because in- could not gat a passport, and a:. other Invited gueit Was told not to worry about what stateroom he would have, because lie was a guest anyway and should he content with what ha got. I nose Who, like AtilieltO llaZeltoll. admlrad lha work of Dr. Charles a.se In diacouraa-ln- a the use of to bacoo, were Intareated yesterday to laarn that It. I'ease. though he has ligTied "P sail y and expeota lo go, HeVel haa been officially Invited, Some one telegraphed the worth) dootor as a hoax, and he accepted, It wag Mid that nr. Jenkin Lloyd Jones of Chicago ha euggeated in name, but it. Jones, yeaterday and denied It, Than Mi. h'onl said calmly that IT. t'eane had bean Invited by an outsider as a prac tical Joke, but i' had been discovered so bile Hi. I' ho COUld H"t I"- - called Off, So ihe doctor will go, preeutnably, lie could not be reached last ninht. line Qaeeraov shows in. I" Mil'! only accepting Htate ItlVC, Hi, u a, Hanna of North Dakota, appeared at ihe lliltniore alii ready to tall, bavlni ban urged, hoi Haul, hv many If lend to make ihe trip. Qot Hannu favors pi pared neat, as Mr. fiord doag not. "Th. n why are yo Ifoi nu ' be waa naked, a ih, i nn to ae what ll looks ilk over there." lie said "i Heen Bu. n ps before the war. 1 want to .... what tho war lias dona to It Then tin-r- was Mri. Hella Newman Ztlberman, who rapraaanted, she nid. Iho mot hef. nf the world. She wasn't going, Inn tha told every one in the hall how a mothers' strike OOUld stop the war, i'd .ven went so far as to tell Mi iiryan ais.ut it. There waa another won. an whii aiiiiearcil vv.ni a nnsanort signed r .inline U. Blalna when ho waa Secretary of Stale. She said if ah couldn't uaa II be would give it to tho peace party, it wag a parfaotly good passport, she repeated. Mr. Kord got two letters yesterday that were given nut. tine was from a local undertaker who volunteered to sail on tip' page ship ami "embalm peace" if Mr. Kurd would furnish automobile heor-ocs- Another was from Laiwrsno k. gohwah "f Muaktgon( Mich., who filled four foolscap pages gbOUt peiu-- und things. The nggca party was QUlppd yester-ila- y with large, radi celluloid buttuns, bearing a white star with ray and In scribed "(Hi! nf the trenches hv Christ-mas,- " a slogan Mr Kurd has repudi- ated. Some on triad unauaotfgfuuy to sell tlu-- 500 life preserver!. 'Hie pggoa ship, it aiiriears, will bear sway s company nf l!in paptMtg from UieSeventeen!h slreet pier a! Hoboken, of whom eighty-thre- e will be actual peace worker. Tiber will bo llfty-fo- THE SUN, 4, 1915. I I ' K Cat vum A BOVE. Qn the left, is Mrs. Henry Ford, from a photo- graph taken yesterday by Mr. Ford, whose photograph, also taken yesterday, is on the right. Helow is their son, Edsel. to whom Mr. Ford on the eve of snil-in- it turned over all his business interests and in whose favor he made u will. iwwspapr-- and ntara..ne rejsjrtera a'.d three movie men. Itesldes i iip.e there w '.I bt "".I pers-ma-l staff " es:( uated it Afty wtenographera, ntarprateri and others. Trie total number of actual peace eiahty-tiiree- , falls sriue- - wtmt ahorl f Mr Pord'B hoped for uoo Many of the elghtythree are coiite Btttdeota, for an effort has been mad.- to have moat collegM repreaentad The paaeport difDoutty afhlch k..ked an if tt might prove Inaurmountable, haa now been overcome, t was a: d Bpoclai arrangetnanta 'aire made to Ket paaaportfl at a ate hoar in Waahington, Mi rTord aot h la earn without difficulty, and most of tin membera of the part were irt'- - vtdad with thetra last night Mr. rTord haa decided not to aocom pany her huabandi but she issued a slaietneot s t.wiiM ac upiiid Of '''r peace voyage 'SAILING TO-DA- Y DOUBTED V Kulilimton gaaa ll-l- 114 Pass- ports Issued. WASHIKOTON, lie,.. 3. - An aetirg bu reau ohlafi two man clarka. iwo woman index ebrlis utd u Very sleepy negro meaaengar are keeping the bureau "f rltlaenshlp of ihe state Dapartment opai tonlajhi for tha purpoae of inaklnaj out passport! for belated applicants for pas-ag- e on the Cord peace ahlp. .vt a lati hour thla evening a grand total mi paaaporta had bean Issued Mow man) ' of these were for pactflatl and noa man) for newspaper ami magaa na wrltam could not he learned, it Is Known, however, that beginning this morning ihe word went around the local nawapapar olttcea thai writers would be walcomad. and b) noon aevi rul of the offlccl o denuded of promlalnfj "cub reporters" who thought they'd "kinder like" io go abroad at Mr, Ford's ax- - pense. Not many applicants for paaaporta hava been denied to date, many of those previously rejected becauaa "f technical mistakes in thalr form having been cor- rected and granted, Hut unless a vers late n. .nl brings a satlafactor) explana- tion from s s. Mil 'turc of New York, the publisher will probably no! tie among Hume holding passports to accompuuy Mr. Kurd on his mission. Mr. Mi 'hue, j it seems, made application mora than a week ago to visit Ave Kuropean routl- - tries. Including two of tin belligerent nations, as a newspaper correspondent iii that capacity he go) one Hlnoa It wan learned, however, that the stale Department would not give pussKirta to any of the Kurd pea. a- argonauts to vieii beUlgarant countrlaa, air. alcClure, without relundng th paatport he had yacalvotl, math' application for another for use wiih Mr Kurd's party. At tbe bureau ll was said that' tbl would not he granted unless Mr. Mof!lura returned the iirsi one and hla change of mind Hit local I representative w as trying lo na tiling tii at la o'clock, but bad not succeeded. .Mi. Ford'a paaaphrt was issued y. Karl) thin morrdng Theodore Dalavlgna, who des. rinen ma t at the bUraaU aa "Mr. I'ord s prett representative,' rushed into town ana K"T paaaporta not only for Mr. Pord hut fur blinaalf ami in Dr. N'eale, who. h Mdi was alto a member ol Mr Kurd's pergonal Staff Apuareiiilv Mr. K 'i'1 n- - hava a big pergonal Matt, fur tome of the local nawapapar men going whii me party I aald y inai ' n.n uiiii I going to pat all Ihalr tgpansaa but o a nionlll aiiilltlonal. Another iiroaptotlv travailing corn panlon of Mr. Cord tu be granted passport was Dr. Jenkin Uoyd June of Chicago, who won nut by vlrtuu nf eleventh hour data proving that his father was a duly naturalised Amarlcan citizen. It was si lled at tbe bureau that lain this afternoon word was received fruut Mr. Kurd s agent here thai another big batch 0 application would arrlv in town on u i 'ain reaching hr bafora midnight. mi the basis of this infor-inatio- n it was derided to kp the bunuu open. No colilll illation could be ohlaiui d In Ofllolal circles of tbe report that Bee rotary Lanalna i oonldrlng lasuing a formal circular statenienl to Ihe RuroptMn countries lioth nautrgl and belligerent disclaiming on behalf of the American ' lot eminent any responsibility for tbe peace cruise. It was explained that Mr. .aniung bad already sufficiently explained verbally u varloua Inquiring Ambassadors and Ministers the disinter- - eetedneae of tha United gtatei, The be her still paralati in many quartern here that daealte the annllratlona tiu ,1 foi lufisju'- . frun Mr. l ord I d ottna s f big party the party wiii at aall to morrow. What thin belief s has d on, however, no one appeared kbte to ex-- 1 plain. M:. Detavlgne'a tttterancaa during hia etay here y wim nnythlnri hut peaalmlttlc over th.. outlook. On tha contrary, he is Impraaaad with th Hat that the prutae of tha peace ehiti will go Down Inin niatory as mi eiioelimaklnff undertaking anil that its reauka would be fai raanhlngi lie aald tins hlmaalf evaral nines Rat Wail t :3il O'clock this aftinri.nl' and in twantyalx paaaporta were law tied and In the list wire theoa. Menrv F.nd. Deevleon, Mich Judge and Mis Hen Llndaey. Denver Then- - don l lelsvlgne, I : Mv.r Black, Nev I hit bam. N J : laadora t'.i Mir, I In klyni .1. i iraanwlch, i 'onti Howard v. Iteeti New Ynr'K : William II Draper. Jr., New York: IMIa Greene. New York. Alhe Laughton, New York ;' Theophllus B Montgomery, New York: Henrietta A Newhouae, llrooklyn i M, Stewart Levnsseue, Fred E BnUTen, Karl W. Tini er. Helen It Lowry, Joseph T Burker. Jamea 1. Ooldan, Charles mil. Mary P. Reeford, Annie I.. Rogers, all of New York Mar- garet it shelly. Cheeseburg, Mich Hamual B. Marqula, Detroit i Ray Dahl-Inga- r, Datrolt, and Bvelyn ll Ooldsmlth, .New York At 11 o'elnek to-nl- Ipaolal r rushed Into the nnaaporl division of the bureau of rltlienshlp with a batch of twentv-elg- hl additional appllrntlona He was breathlM anil aald that be hail m catch the in'.lmsht train bach for New Yin g with the paaaporti The force at the bureau was tired, but lust no me in at nttnodatlng him. As soon i. he w.i nut if the build ng the fn-- , ae.l up nhnp and went home. I Mure gra any more n nail with Mr, Kurd lo-ni- ' till y NTllI have to li W ,t hnit! p mn- - Port. Mr. Mi l 'lure tald last night that lie had decided suddenly yeaterday to to Euro ii Henry Kurds peace thip, imi bail bad a short talk With Mr. Ko'd at the Bittmort, He tald he had heard of no difficulty In sefine bis passport, hut said lha. .f It were n fused tie hardly thought be would sail without It Me would li- - with a for' neutral c'Untrlet only, he aald t FORD IN WALL STREET. Costers Mini Ofllelala of the N- ational i its Baab. Hanry Surd waa a visitor in the 11 nan clal district yeaterday. Mr. Ford oame down to Wail accompanied by w Idvlngst me, president of the Dime Rav- ing! Bullk Of Datrolt, and spetit lleatlv an h..nr a; the National I 'It y U ink. talk iih Frank a. vandi Iii president of that InstltUtl'jn, and with other oltl- - cera of I ha bank. Mr. Ford tald that tha rumors that he was not going to sail on the "peace ship" ware untrue anil that he would be on board tin ship when the left tin' dock, although in- was not ear tain tg M lb" lime of tha tailing of th.. Oscar ii. Mr. LIvlPKOtnnn said that he was not linlntr mi Ihe "iiea mise." but that he vv ml.) he ti the dock iii with Hie party good luck and wave his hind to his old frier. I M ford. Phltadelpkla niri In Hi Vlnrrleil on Pellei- - Ohlp. PHihAOgbPHia, !' 3 When ll. Benjamin cast and i be married tin tin hlKli seas Henry Kurd will gtv In th bride. Miss Marian Rdblll am. daughter if Mr. ard Mrs. Ililtiolliollse llubii. Illl of 'hlludelph ntly m i . Itublncam Who a fashion writer, announced her engage - mant t Barton Braley Na date bad been itxed for lha wadding until iii'iiry Kurd came and offeied chanc to Europe i"r nothingi ii w then decided on io have the ceremoi pcr- - formed Ui sea on lite peai e p. FRENCH TRADE STIMULATED. I :lg h I -- one I'er lent, of the Inc. lories trr Vim llperntlug. I'aiiis. IVe. ;i The .1iiiiii publishes a report of Ihe Ministry of that ii"' number of fuctortei in oper- ation out nf a total ol" ,8,701 i now i i vent. Last year I he opmitlon had it. reased to IS cent. Tin- em pioymenl of worklngmen, formerly "i per cent., is now i' I per i em. In many Induttriet in in tha manufacture of clothing. U. S. PRESSES ANC0NA REPLY. nib. '.till or rnitteld Oner Mori' s'rrk. illslrln's tii.llrr. Vikssa. via London, 8. The American Ambassador, p'redei'lrU i '. Penlineld, again asked the Austrian Qoveniment yaatarday to reply to the United states note regarding the sinking of the liner Ain'oua by nn Austrian sul marine, th In of tavarai American HveH. rhe Amarlci note delivered to on Novemlii r f, Tbe Austrian Okrvammtnt gakvd lor more tint to consider ll. Victor in Dacl Telia of Battle in sky off Belgian Const. PAklti Iec. 3. Details f t Da aerial duel in whii. n a tMrntan ainpiana wan hroughi; down Into (ha aaai off tho Itel-Kia- n coaal on Novoniher is nie jfisen by tin n h aviator who performed tito fe.t. ' Although I' 'H wry 00M on that Sunday morn na. agld tlie "I net out ttri an iiaixilaiie f the modal i h inK with me aa utamrvar ond UtauR, M . IttVtly ;m one of our he.m markstiwji. "An we approaohad lha Iixrmide- - Vprefl sector my attention was atinMtfd tj a Onitinan aaroplana of tha AiiiatroH tyv 1 tnade for it with all hate, but, inff l;.elf i ha- ene.my ma- - ohlna tumad bout ami haadad toward aan' The rWO ma' hltiew werr soon angagad high ibova the sea, each unina wadhlna 1:11ns. l'Mcrihimt his tnaneuvre fhe aviator oontlnuod : "I flew Mralaht for a hundred yanl and thn dropped thirty yard under hw aihat roHs, my maohlna that the speed ivmrnrm'l ti that of the enemy. My olwerver had prepared to j flee on our adversary w hen butlatl ffOIR j albatroai whi7.ed pant our heads. I made a not her defenut ve moV4'ment a little to the rkbt. Just then my oh- - I server at go fifty cartrtdae. "The effect was Immediate. 1 gad Just time to move out of the way when I the albatroai :ie a lunga. Wan it hit or arnii it simply another mantauvra? I had hardly asked myself this qUatlon however, when i noticed that the mo men turn of the albatross in its deeoent I aeemad to he Increaalngi At thin me mant we aare 4ttoo yardj up. Qarman a pruris which u previnualy II red .t n, again BOUghl Ottr machine1 their fire " uorr niurn relieved to Baa the albatroaa rail yet mora Bpeedll) until Inally it droppad Into 'he sea. Tor flva mlnutaa aa ir, led above our victim, camb ss of the tlrhiH of the Oermatis, which failed to roach ua, Wa could nee lsims leaving Mlddelkerke, hastily mak- - ' Ina for tin- spot where the machine fall, We retiiined to our own lines An hour later my observer, with another p. Int. CapL X.i went back to the tcent and succeeded in procuring a hoii photo. nr.ipli nf the wrecked albatroga." This is the second machine brought down by a French aaroplana thla I pilot lie alread) haa been awardad the War I'ross and bus la-- n proposed lor the Military Mesial MGR. GIBBON'S ANTI-DEFENC- h rill nnl t Opiiotif Pnl.l i I v he I'ri'iiiirriliifM I'lnn, nateTtMoaa, Dec, I.Cardlnal Qlbnone has taken hit stand deflnttoly with the OpponentB of pn'par-tns- iind has In doraed the prcaantine ami aentlmenta .f ttie Ant I -- Defence taaague campaign. Me ".ii attend the big meeting to be field .it th.- Academy hare gunday night and will send a meaaage t the Sunday afternoon meetina of the anttdafanoa advocates The Cardinal declined y tt r. fully hll position further than io admit that he not In favor f the pre pa red ii een programme. Ih admitted hOBever i that he Kite his full BUPpOTt In fvrry possiOle way to the proteet That t.e Cardinal haa given hla approval to ffundayB demonat ration is a surprise to those who know htm Intimately, as it has alwaya bean hi- - .'ustoTt to avoid euoh dlacua um. Heretofore he has never Identl Red Wmaelf publicly with the adherents of any national question. HITS AT WILSON. iteen ii National Uafenee I'lnni, in Demoecatte Pln(fotaa It! a letter to Henry A. Wise Wood. chairman t the conference committee on national prepared ne Perry Bel moi t. ai one time chairman of th Con it iional Lommittae on (foreign Heta-tion- and former t inted states lllnlatar to gpalni takea the Wilson Admlnlatra Hon to tak for ita alleged failure to live up to the national defence plank of the laat Democratic national convnntlon .Mr Belmontt wh" a delegate was In- strumental in oh alntne the adopt ton nf tho plank, quote it in part :n follows: approve i he meaaurc report el by the I lemocratic leaders In the Huuae . Itepreaeiitatlvefl for the crea-tlo- n of a council of national defence, a formulate a deOntte naval programme with a view to Increaaed Bfflctenc) and economy, That pro vie Ion of the platform." sas Mr Hetmont, "covering what i? rit the paramount and vital i ..sin- - Pefoie tho country, haa remained unacted upon, notwlthatandlng the leaaona of a eorid elde war ' GUARDSMEN GET AERO CASH. It. I . Ilnlllna Nominated l lrxt I.Ira-Irnii- nl In slHnnl I or., The III' i subscribed through the National Ai plane Kurd for the organ- - Igatlon of aviation taction of tbe mnal oi, if the New York National tluard lui been turned ovei to the n of that organiggtlon Itaynal C, Hill ing has been nominated Urst lieu-- 1 tenant in the signal corps and is in ..no and oi the avtatiou detachment The following mn are now io il v ai Harden City I J. Iv Miller. Uorbert Carolln, W. I' Andrews and' Meredith Blagdi n Tin- membera of the laviaiion detachment meet every Krnlav at the Al io i lllb or Aincri' a anil listen 'o talks by authorities on different nliasi-- ot" ac 1'oiiaul les surh aa th vnlu. non 0f design of aeroplnnes and motors, differenca In typ of aeroplanes, art of mi,ii.nit .md similar subjects, DU P0NTS BUY BIG PLANT. Wore Than StMMHMinn lld for the rlliitftin Works. Official confirmation araa aiven yes- - i tar day by Henry s. Chapmani president' f tiie Ariinaion 'ihhimi ny. to the. rumors that thai concern had hen h the R i dn I'onI de Nemours Oompimy oi ilininiiion. el. Tlie Ar- lington Pnmpany is a manufacturer of rati bruahaai mirrors ami Aancyj KOpdM I' understood that the. IU 'out people do not intend to turn t lie r trton Into a powder or CX plosive manufacturing conoarn Mr. chapman's statement waa to t he BffCCt I'lf' hfl nti'l Jill the other Btpok-- j holders of tlie OompailV have sold their stooit to ihe S, j. dn Pont tie Namourfe Com pUtiy. Tlie sale was made on a cash basli and the amount paltf for 'he stock wa h between $11,000,000 and T, 000, 000, The nosptlattonfl have been peudlni for Homo t ime. T!i Arllnaion Company it-- at 14,000,000. Annual dividends of 4 nar Cfnt are paid on the s'o-'k- . thakq g,. Von Utaaay, Vairman Hick. titrar II. tallt a Philadelphia Joseph Stevenson, Moore, girl will gilds conventional!!) Frederick 11 t'ruger, harlea Held, marriage it along see Labor show- ing per Improvement noted, particular!) causing Austria aviator, latent the manipulating under was would BELMONT learning capitalised gatl mTm I J 7A the E7Pn Cigarette What better ChrUtanaa gift could J$ there be than a box of tay 100 JS of these perfect cigarettes. Me 25 cento for 10 Car Tim m4 Umlm End REST FOR MUNITION WORKERS. l.lotfl (.fnrKi-'r- , t nn ml He 4ilvleti an I list aeven lny Toll. gaanlal t itif frfkttr, tt, th i laONOON, I wc. 3. Th OOmmlttaa by David LlOyd 'o:!e. Min- ister of m unit ions, to Inquire into t he health of the munition wrktr lias an ad Interim r"ptt ''ondemnlna the policy of runninK tiie munition tori-- seven days a BeOk. Hitherto gunday haa been as busy h day an the othnr dayfl of the week for thetM work- ers, hut the cnntnitte utaH that It be reslorefi h.s a rest day on enonomtC and BOClal arounds. "Kxcepf for qutte short the remrt sa s, "contlnuotU work IB a pro- found mistake arid doea not pay. The output Hi not Inofaaaad. Many employ- ers Bay that seven days of lalmr pro- duce only the output of six days. A rest day Is needed b eryNily con- cerned, from the higher rnanaire'nent downward. Sunday wotk should he ruti- - Hnad t Btidden amergenrlea repalrai bYc" CARPENTIER DECORATED. Iren.h I'ualllst Ulna Honor for Arruiilene Services. I'sttis. iiee. 3 -- Set gt Ueorgea Car- - paniier of the Srench Aviation Corps, I the Kreneh haavywalght rhaimplon, has received the Military Croat in recount timi nf brilliant ami daring torvlce in' aaroplana reoonnalaanci Carpantlori who was Idollged n'! the Krenen sporting public before the war. has been in uieive service tlnoe thai outbreak of hoatllitlw, Brst ith the sinnal terv'lce, later as an automobile courier on the firing line, and sine May in the aviation sen lee. ASQUITH PRAISES RUSSIANS. Telf irrnpha ppreelaf Ion of Work of M u ii lo ni Mnkern. prnnl ' Iirtt:rfi to Tm: Si LONDON, Dec, :t. Treniler Asipnth, re- ply i us: y to n daapatch from the president of the Moscow War Industrial Committee expressing the committee's appreciation of the work of the uritish munition ma kern, telegraphed " ur knowiedtte that the matchlaM viaor Ruaaja'a armies will be sup- - ported by the unfiaaama Industry of the workers strengthens me determine I tion fif the British Empire ti bring tiie war to the only issue worthy of the aftorts and aactiflcea of the Allies ' VENEZUELAN OIL DEAL AP00T. Illllel, gfrntllogta In ,iilllre South I tMerdcan i owoeaalowa. Sptrii.l rejOf! ie.slfr, fu Tm. Si ' I.oMhiN. He-- I The btilly .'rpivss tay that the Royal Dutch Ptrolum Compan) .ll shortly acQUlrt the con- trol of the Venezuelan i in Onncesalona. I.'. I. The Dutch tyndlcata is laid tu have the ta. king of the llotharhllds, TO OUST TEUTONS FROM CHINA 1"Ih,i r.ir lei ii in lion of i ll. esslon j In, in e,i to title, Upccfal fablt Ocapalcl i" Tnt Ii PgTHOQRAn, '..a laifldun. IhC ? Tie Savor Vremya ;irluhs a synopat, nf a project framed by ihe Alii. consult at Shanghai and t. ni sin. This relates to allied of tlie Oarman concession In 'huia IMy'a llrlllsl. Losses -- in. Special Ceftf hr,patrt to Tnr Sl. biMN. Dec I. The ofllolal British list Issued to-d- contoina the ll. inn s .f 11 officers, of Whom II Here. killed, iitui oi lol man, oi whom i Were klll.sl llnptlsls to lllne Ihilr.ila. Tic Rev, rr Comaliut Woelfkin, 'be Rev, C'harlet II. Sear and Henry Nelson McKlnney will be th tpeakeri next Thursday night at th- - Baptlai Horial ITnlon-Clt- y Mlatlon dinner t.. is. hold at the Savoy, The work of t Me New York City Baptill Mission Voclety vv :i he the topic nf th. evening attendance ven larger than ihe feoord gathering last year :s , Kpctd, Harry Burleigh, sololsl uf St. tleorge't Church, will ting. I Hack ol back of of all offers (SompaniJ its Riant anil TauaTeg for SltiONAL TRUBTs DIRKCTOKS Vioc.lt Allot. Ce. F. B.k.r, Chairmin Firti National Rmb Slrpbto Biker, Pr,, Hjuk of tnr Manhsttiii tio Nkkoli. Bkldl.. Astni Ettltt Co. B. Cut, White t Itti AttOI nf I Tkomu Coi hi.m, PfCtldtlll Libert) National Rani Hesrr .1 l ochrio, Vii r- - Prttidtnl E. C. CoBl.tle, Prrndriit Job I. Dawtir , Building t onitruction M. Frifdun, Prnidtnl K. Altmgn v t o. Robirt Wllto Cerle I, Tkooi.. HiUl. VictPfttidtnl Fraacil L. Hint, I'rr.iilrnt KirM National Hank Rusld H MacDosald Vict-Prnidt- Fifth Avb.NUh and Thikty 3 SCHWAB REPORTED AFTER NEW PLANT Rfiiovoii Interested in stops to Btij Big Concern in Rtidpepoft. Bninnnpi ist, C"nn , rtiat necotint ions are in progress for the of the American Tub and Stamping Company, a large local concern employ inc; hundr-.- iM of hands, to steal Interentg bellevad to be handed by Chart e m. Schwab wai learned here from authori- tative sources to-d- a The directors of tin- - concern have Keen in New York for th past three i - The deal is understood to hava en conpununaiag ist ntrht. Indications tti.it a big Industrial plant will he established in the Black Kock section of (his City were I .und t(.-l- the reported Completion of a land transaction which Includes nhoul seven- teen acres jn that section. In addition to th.- valuable estate of tm- late Cleorga F. Oilman, coveting annul twenty-liv- e acres Th- - land Is said t havn been purchased aa h site for a itrue ion plant, either the Brldgeiiort Forgs and i rojectile tompan) , or Hrm whose name has not yet been made public, that is hacked by tha St. tyiuis ;ir Compan) and planning to begin operations here soon. Adjoining the property and posn'bly included in the deal is the Fairfield Acid Works, re- cently abandoned hy the General ihem-lea- l Compan) Simon Lake, identlrted with the i.aU.- Torpedo it. .at Company, n known to nave purchased the Oilman property some four or Hve weeks ago While it was flrsi Intimated th n th.s trait ha.i been purchaeed by Mr. Lake for the ereetlon of n hotel, it is now said to haw been acquired by ihe new roncrm with the poaalblllt)1 tha' h. - sides a intue ammunition plant the-- mien: he a hotel for the hOUSinH of The I.md !x . i'e I dire tl on the shores of ,sh Creak ns ir emptlea Into the Sound I ock fncllltletH 're t to ie aottd, as the civek requires llttlo dredging to make it navigable GERMAN DESERTERS ON SHIP. II ii ii n v n From Knlii'r'i lent) nine as Ktovtawnye, Two dessrtern from the Oerma n anuy Were found it- tio- t bunkers of the Holts nd -- America liner lostardyli after ihe liner tied up at her pier in Hoboken la.st night. Third Mate Andrlan ltrakei permitted them to dual themselves oir 'and then turned them over to Rounds man I iris oil ol the Hoboken police force The) were locked up in the Wii-- ' low avenue station to await action hv tin Immigration authorities. The stowaways d rlbcd their.sehe-- i as wiihain Knapp, I and Alfen Ohlaf. IS, both of Westphalia They admitted they deserted because they were weary of the ceaseless slaughter. They made their way to Hot tent am without adwn- - tUre and Hicketl themselves away in the 'ostnrdyk's coal on sailing day. boat's crew of a British cruiser searched but didn't illaj deep enough, in th bunkers to hiid them Holh men Wers in fairly good condition physically, hut tbfl were very grim) JUSTICE CENSURES JURORS, i niu '. oatatttfttnowe' Thalr Kali re to Return n Vet d let i City Court Justice Seller tald thai i conduct of s Jury before him yetterda) was ntamptuout and dltcliarged Uii jury Willi a censure. Tin Jury heart! a rult by the Manhattan ommerciul iCompnny agalnat David Vudat, a dn good! merchant, on a luan of MST, the defondanl agreeing to pay i ..Ii money collected lo ihe plaintiff The plaintiff sued to recover certain accounts collected a'n! 'in. court In- - Istruotcd tin- - jury t Bnd for tin plain-tif- f mi wveml Item Til i Jury wan out three hour and .hen iinnounead a disagree i in. Juror conlendod bat the court', charge wa. noi .uf- - ficiently clcai ,i bunk's natural resources, its business policial, back tlie external advantage! it you. must ba strength, judg Intelliganl conservatism in directorate or all atae is uielesa. Edfir I . Million. Hlair It Co., Hjiik". Gatci W. MrGirrah, Pre.. Mech. cV Mrtal. Ngt'l Haak tk.rlfl A. Pnbod,. Pret, Mututl Lilt Inturgnct t o. D. k. Pesicroy. Virt-Prtiidt- nl Rinktra PruM Ca, Wiiliiai H. Poilrr, J. P. Morgan & Co . Btnker, Htmui Prsiier, Crcsiilcivt Itankru I 'rust t'o. Dasicl G. Rrid, Mtmbei I n .t omLehith Vali H.U.Co, Dsln Robisias, K jl 1 state Aickib.ld D. RbikII. Ali" in H. Mrvrot, kt'Prtiidtnl CbtrUl L. TUIaay. VictPrttidtnl Tiffany It Ca, H. K. Twiicb.ll, Vict'Prtii Chemical National Biah Tktaor N. Vail, Ptrv American Trl. .V Tr!. Co. Albert H. Wi,i, President Chglt National Hank - Sixth Strki t, Nhw York

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Page 1: i ii SCHWAB REPORTED - Library of Congress...i' (jot srnmani will make strouK af v. uie (he lawn vassed hy i ot. tin aubjaot of the atti--' Portugal 1" ii' reent war. ' bu miinu thus



Ht its at



' , 0Cafc! tt, Til Hi vtVntDOM, ' ''. A from

quolet Italian rrnortH tell-In- e

violent HkIkihk on thei :.irtii-ii.ri- in tin- - toaawttt Mti

t iiortti which are espe-- r

and near Og, ., urthwael ol ilurlts, where t.ie nt-t- .

havi continued without Intamialie if liii day .m i alffttt, Ilia Itali-

a- oping in break through tha wholeline of Auetrtan defence al thla pointT)"ir lotaet ant daiiflbad m tarrl bit,i - "f ;'i- il ;nl lyliiK in hrupH on

tat IMd.i uffaringa of tin camanlg have

i k rati) by a sixty milet hour It v arlnd mon terrihlt liana Ilia

j,,!. Tha man aref. . in down i" .iv. lid iwiiin blownOVi'l rocttl .mil many have fattenI i. i .rely injured.

At ordlita la from Vienna,- :c inii II- 11.- lighting

rtlj to i heavy fog, which Imped ada II- tlrln. Ti e IVil aim.t roope in i iii inii. i eeumed theirii.,.. bttti llie ntTtctal Austrian

neni tay. were re- -

The mlal wuh wo

that i,. nppoalng force, mild ea.'hi.l'lrt" only when they eloaar .

Tin .mi ai ttatemani laauad in Viennat la; a -- :

ii Otlavln an ttalhui advancei. epulsed kttacka agalnat Monta

Pin M h le failed. Near San M.n -

f'lO ii Italian delachmi nl was partly

; itill araa and the innery .f tha city arai

ItS lit Ml llrlte it t r I n ii at Iriini lo- -

llloii af Morepre., . .'if ' th!r DeSSSft h tn Till: Sl V.

. mm, Dsn, 3 - Tim Italian officialHiUi ii tit reued to-d- says:

ol our AIpltM division! Burl i nl dlaporoed enemy

Morepre, fli miy theenemy t rtlonii

Sn ii fuvorabla occurrednorths i"" ot Recefftio, in the Sun:anatalley, ii. tin valley iinl inI' , . i V;illt

i'- the Tilrnina front our infantry0 Kin-- .. tract of trvnchOM at MontiN MartH, takinp a lar quantity

ptllei ..'nl ainmunit Kn.Aioruc in-- romalndor f tbo front th

fiituitioTi laTM t'otlowlng Official fttrin?nt wan

It- - ..t imk-- :

The i :i' my tl velop'l nn UltOlUNI

rtlllry iind mhohtnc nun rtr f'M.i!ntOm s t ntm on Monti- I'luno, nt the

. i th Itionx valley, withoutrtf my Infantry attack. Tnli fire

i'm i no damaKe.k mi- taonao :rtnt cotitifiud foa

.i artlllary action.my tri-- i t profll from weather..) by making sunriBe at- -

k.-- aaa'tist our new poalttont eat ofiavln fi nlona ii northern alopa

Afon'e San Mlrhattt but eveiy- -

m re vas rapulaadill raidi h our Infantry auve ua a

v and on Airr.h tone ofMonta Naro heith-- we trmk i

hitiu Kim.


It . iin ns lit ii Wilful I les I met IonBball Military Point Only.v o: ftenli Oeapafce tv Taa si s

It M Bi Dec, 3 In view of AustrianBasertione That the Italians are angagadIn the dell berate destruction of UontasIt wai io-da- y In ofllolal o,uar-tr- s

Mi ; ihe Italian artillery in com- -sl li QoffttSj where the 4UB

tr in ire hidden hut that the Italian!Bn lesi 0) n only tiie barracks andh nae fiCCUpied hy hoUliers, sparinaWhr house-- .

Thi A uet Hani hid stredlr m IvrgTOund h:dinp places near St.A urchi where they purnoselyimprovteed n garden with the object of,

i'. powder maKaztne. An Italianr. i iilrat aimed, BtrUCM the secret

RlUI llOni in 'tie middle)e tt h Burden, The powder inattaaitieg l i Mown up.


lo Hrlna i. renter Hr- -upaaee Than I'm lout Inane.

per i. ah'f lleegalee to Tne ftts.London, Dec I. The iviroprad cor-- ri Ii nt f the Dally Vail quoteg M.

Alex Irolf, on "f the dire. .tors of theKthi liai k of Kuaala, as aaylng that the' ; 10,1)00, ttuaatan bum la a reatlu ...

IG "as la greater than that oft "..j." m said, "andI that the loan will be more thangtvereu,"

' . ,i of the Ministry of KlnunceIn luiiy the

. MA over Itll-si- a the ettb- -hone hava been larger and more

Ui M than gaga xpeeted."

GOLD PAID FOE, Inn. nun i,iereite In Heaervr

Rbowi I rend of rn aj buerlpl Ion.fai i tbti 0afagfcA ' fur ttm

Pa ii Dag, S. Tha wieklv return ofii ik of pranc -- hows an Inoraass

gold reserve of overI K, 100, 000), makiiiK a total of i

' r.ooo.ooo francarease now- that the

ii have been paying theirin told

STILL WITHSen ebtaet minniVlen I nt V nr's iMitbrenL.

Dae I A Mhvumt Lisbon sas that the nOW PoftU- -

lublnet has expresned it sym- -

tli- Allies m the following'

i' (jot srnmani will make strouK afv. uie (he lawn vassed hy

i ot. tin aubjaot of the atti- -'

Portugal 1" ii' reent war.' bu miinu thus ihe dignity unu In--

ut tiie nation, lending coopcru--ii nnl justice defended hy

nnl her Allies, whom theaasurad of their r ut i sym-- !

m begin nfhl of i oe wai andil times Blnoa then."

'ii for the I rrmli,inrwei to an appaal in the neWH-- 1

mm with which toacjulpped motor h

aim, lsi Hoblnaonat aiioti ar HellBf Com- -

leteiVeil JU-- tWlOB tttftlan order for leii cats ha-

ii in Marls. Mrs. Daniel uk- -' llStlOO to tha fumi.

Karon It hto His


ROM Vi i NHS. 3 Baron SonnlnoVpech m tha Italian Parliament

that Italy had arlherod to thf i.mion Miutlm lha Allien

not to mnk a Mparate pajM receivedthe nppmval of all parttet In the

or the Foreign Mlnl.ster'H Mtale-Hiaili- a

in the ChamherIB Vail the Mpokonian of the official

who now form tho onlyto the QSJVaf nnaill nlnre; the

other ItraneheM f the Socialist h wentover to the under MtreKr nfthe war. spoke thoujeh

the Iomn of life and propertycaused hy the war and dei laitnR thatonly capital lata, especially those "fAmarlca, profited hy it.

Tha lha state- -

ment of SiKnr Tree that the wKlallatfor the moral.

and aOOUOmld upllftlntr; of the Htamlardif the people had heeii one of the far torn

which In aivlna to the na- -

Uon audi arava mdiier. backtd hy tndhdetenu tied i.tv at hotlM

in atattng itah s poaltlofi in raajard toHerhla, lan:i Sonntuo aald that "the poluteal and aconoctMc ofBafbta In a vital lie, esuity for ltal 'aexlstt nt a KTeat rower,"

"In aceafd with our altlaa," h con- -

tlnuadt "we ronatdar th" r'storation oftin harolc Bariblan people in the a

of its ju ancondition to the end of tins

areat war. Italy therefore will doall pitssitile to help the Serhian army.awaiting a tnoinant faorab1a for us


resui taction, The preMence of the Italian ofdair on the aaatarn alda of the Adriaticraaffirtna Italy's pollcj toward Albania,wh'e Italy wishes to pre-serve." he

Italy, he .s hCT

tiftditiorvti policy in t'he Balkan. In com-plete Moord with her allied, lite BntafttCaiming to unite the It.ilkains. while tiiecantfal ifm are thalrr i airy ami dlnunion. "llndiua. unfor- -

lusnataly, lavoraibla k ixnund in t lie feel- -

IflMI "f hatrd and rev-nK- e that reultetl tofrom the Heiid Malkan war." HalkanBtateint-n- , he said, had baafl tmpret.setiby the cxaurtte Ot military events, laek-Iiik- t

a of the entire itua-tm- n.

which wiMtld have Kiven them con-fidence lit the flnal triumph of the AHIca,

"Italy," he aatd, 'l firmly detennin-'-to tontltiue the war with all toher foroaa, facing any aacfiflcc until sin

hOB her sa. red tiatiotial aspirationai well as those general conditions of in- -

danot dance, safety and mutual reapedgntong peoples, which alone tan be thehaAl'j of a lastlna peace, belna also tlieessence of the pledge which un.tep the

. en."


Kffurt Tun t . W. hlp KenmMterdlah llarlinr IHnem ereH.

VM f, i raalf lrsjilrh . The 8i n

via Ixnulo'i. Dec. I,Tlie German tu Moltlta antarad Maim- -

eiail harlKir taut niKht anil, taking ad- -

vantage ..f . ton. triad to tow theAmerican birk Andrew Welih nul j

Swadlan pllota u tha attatnpt '.milniiria:ie. a Hwedlah torpedo boat, whichin turn algnallad tne Andraa Watch andforced bar to return and then it:ieJalongalda the bark. It Ii expected thatih.. cargo oi heaii eartiad by the Ar- -

drew Welch w 111 be off InHalm tad.

Tha American bark Andrew w t oforily va tons, sailed fr in Ban Ki an- -

otaoo for HatinetaO on Auguet i"1 with acara of beans for Sweden

by way of tre Strait ofalagellkn she reached the NPrth S'-;- i nNovember aid was seized by a Britishwarship and a prlM crew put aboard.

The skipper of the bark waa orderedto put Into LerwlCK, gootfend, but heavystorniH prevt nted making that port and

he finally was tOWOd into Christ lan- -

Band by b passinsr eteameri the Lieu-tenant and five men of T!:e prize crewtill Bboard. The.-.-- wen interred by

the Norwegian butwere re!e-ae- and rcturr led tr

Knaland.Tlie bark thfn prisreded to

but upon her arrival no one claimed theCargo of bean?, valued at $K.O,00a, un-

til the arrival of the German tug d,

in the despatch.

U. S.

iifllrlala nt l"onnlryPre it let lloom After War,

IiImmi Van de Vvre Iti'lvlnn M'nlaleeof innance, who reached here ywttei day j !

.... ii... i ui., , i,,... A.i.a.ii.. r. .. i

Iwith Baron Rrnaal de Carlier.

Balaian Mlr.leier to tThlna. and ChevalierRdmond Carton de wiart. tald thai hetn.l h's eolleairiieH IM nnl here ,,111, lalluan a hut a students ofImerloan bualnaaa methods, ai the end

of the aar, Mr. Van de Vytre said, heiiad tio doubt that there would be abtrjprr bualnaaa batwaan tbeUnited Htaies and Dalglum, which hefelt cartaln would be raatored to Itgformar position among ti.e natlona ofKm ope.

Balglum. he gggartadi would au rriethe world after the might) conflict hyher wonderful powa-r- andihe awlfl revival of her whichIn- believes will be gfggtar than beforethe war


t.rriniin Governor Summons oni- -Inle nf llellnillle nl I'rni lore.

Bai'atKiJi. via Londi I lis .1 lien.von Blaalng, the uattnan ' v e: niir-- l len-- d

tral of Belgium, baa lu a de. re.ualllng upon ih of Brabantand At tweni to appaar Iii spe.ial -alonB "u Saturday to ulSCUfla 'iir con- -

Theae provim-e- hava notet asrreed to the measuros for the

collection of the war taxes, ami con- -

tributlona are due on December in,


is l no, nun, I s II hserl hell No

I mil Asked I'm Is I nrre!.iil,I ITT A v,'A, I 'f j. Minister of Kinanee

Whit ht that the do-ha- s

mettle war loan been Inoraaaadfrom to

Subscript lont I.. the loannf laii.ilun.OlMi now aie morn than

All subscribers of bloekH of hiiiJMnn to iriii.Oiul will lie given the entirequantity toughti for bloolca

' of more than 110,000 will receive ihoentire amount asked fur utilrNH theyreduce th"lr subsi ript nis before lleieni-- I

bar I". bankn will tnke thebulanca of tha

llaif of ihe loan will he used in ro- -orultlng, ami

soldiers, The other half willform an imperial treaaury credit Int'ailgda I" bt devoted to Ihe purehllHein I'liiinda of muiiltinns and other




Buttle fright OorltiKrldgBllGfld Bodies




























cheerful,1 oorrgpon4gn









Souninn DfclAPBl

Kssontial NntionN






Otiambar applaudad

proiua:anda IntallaCtUal












authorities, subse-quently













160,000,000 1100,000,0(0,advertised




equipping maintaining

bt a ii u

raafniHii .fm fini 'oiie. J f B I


itoi I el know n the uatej

my departure".Mr. POrd - making an earnest .tml

unaalflati effort in behalf of peace,oujcnl to have the jfonl wisht--

ympathatlo tuppori of all who i

paacai aven though aome ma) notihare hu calth in the immadlate iu

f tha trio, ttf course (he e Who u mithe war to continue Hdlri e theespecially those who aPCUl for tha bigmunition lactortee which art export mawai nuu i ii it b larg profti Tins wa

expected Rklli ule IB ih fax oi Iteweapon of t lioae who dealre opposeany movement when they Bnd tnamaelveunable to BUppori their oppoaltlon withargument, if an) of the people on theArk had een making money out of theMood they WOUld probably have ridiculedKoah for tending out Ihe dove, gucoeaa

Mr. I'u it i and his rompantona Maythey return with an olive leaf."

Mr. Hr van chuckled as lie nave outtile las! ..il AtSl al.h. ihe it.II. to the Ark Me WOUld add llltle tothe atatainent, aacapl to any that tiewould nee ihe party 'T at tha Hobokenpier thm alii moon.

"I have tut promieed not to aaa anyOcngfaaatnan In VVaahlngton on Bunday."

Mid w Iii n aakad If he would try theninfluence Congraannten against I be

Praaldani'i preparednaae programme.j

llubliuh ill lllllmnre. '

Mr. Brvun'a Mtatemant wan about thamoat ord-ir!- ) iinufe in all tha afternoon sprocaadiuga at Tie lliltnune. nnfuelonthrice onfuaad imed i" ralgti in theball inns d sun 717 and in the suiteuseif l.'obody aaemed to know whereanybod) nobody seemed to knowwii.it was what, and Ihl s. ol es of people,paaaangerai reportere, photographers,frtenoa of peaee and Just plain m.iii-iltra- a

who Inronged tha ball made a contlnuoua hubbub.

There was loma effort to lyetematlMmatter! hy rtfen.nK applicant! for paaa-

porta anil information of one kind or an-

other to various other room!, but oftenerthan not Ibla only ailed to the con-

fusion ime typical Instance occurredwhan Dr. Charles k. Aked of Van Kmi-clac- o

tough) entrance to un 717. Dr,i

Aked had been Invited to go mi the peaceblp an l h nl accepted,

"1 am Dr Aked." be .mplftlned lo oneof the ford staff on duly at the door."and I Wanl tO nee Mr. Kurd and makemre everything hi ail right."

"Can't help it." answered tin doormanStaring at Dr Aked with a who are youexpression, "you oao'l COme in here."

"Very well. ' sai l Dr, Aked with heat,"if I cannot receive civil treatment frontsubordinates i ihall not go on the peacevoyage." and lie turned on his heel. A

moment later Mr. Lochner rushed on:sud drew Dr, Aked Inside ami the matterwae patched up-

There wi re other dlfllcultlai w iih door-- I

men. tine young man from the UniVarsjjty ..f Kansas wan Informed thai hecould not go because in- could not gat apassport, and a:. other Invited gueit Wastold not to worry about what stateroomhe would have, because lie was a guestanyway and should he content with whatha got.

I nose Who, like AtilieltO llaZeltoll.admlrad lha work of Dr. Charlesa.se In diacouraa-ln-a the use of to

bacoo, were Intareated yesterday to laarnthat It. I'ease. though he has ligTied"P sail y and expeota lo go,HeVel haa been officially Invited, Someone telegraphed the worth) dootor as ahoax, and he accepted, It wag Mid thatnr. Jenkin Lloyd Jones of Chicago haeuggeated in name, but it. Jones,

yeaterday and denied It, Than Mi.h'onl said calmly that IT. t'eane hadbean Invited by an outsider as a practical Joke, but i' had been discoveredso bile Hi. I' ho COUld H"t I"- - called Off,

So ihe doctor will go, preeutnably, liecould not be reached last ninht.

line Qaeeraov shows in.I" Mil'! only accepting Htate

ItlVC, Hi, u a, Hanna of NorthDakota, appeared at ihe lliltniore aliiready to tall, bavlni ban urged, hoiHaul, hv many If lend to make ihe trip.Qot Hannu favors pi pared neat, as Mr.fiord doag not.

"Th. n why are yo Ifoi nu ' be waanaked,

a ih, i nn to ae what ll looks ilkover there." lie said "i Heen Bu.n ps before the war. 1 want to ....what tho war lias dona to It

Then tin-r- was Mri. Hella NewmanZtlberman, who rapraaanted, she nid.Iho mot hef. nf the world. She wasn'tgoing, Inn tha told every one in the hallhow a mothers' strike OOUld stop thewar, i'd .ven went so far as to tellMi iiryan ais.ut it. There waa anotherwon. an whii aiiiiearcil vv.ni a nnsanortsigned r .inline U. Blalna when ho waaSecretary of Stale. She said if ahcouldn't uaa II be would give it to thopeace party, it wag a parfaotly goodpassport, she repeated.

Mr. Kord got two letters yesterdaythat were given nut. tine was from alocal undertaker who volunteered to sailon tip' page ship ami "embalm peace"if Mr. Kurd would furnish automobileheor-ocs- Another was from Laiwrsnok. gohwah "f Muaktgon( Mich., whofilled four foolscap pages gbOUt peiu--

und things.The nggca party was QUlppd yester-ila- y

with large, radi celluloid buttuns,bearing a white star with ray and Inscribed "(Hi! nf the trenches hv Christ-mas,- "

a slogan Mr Kurd has repudi-ated. Some on triad unauaotfgfuuy tosell tlu-- 500 life preserver!.

'Hie pggoa ship, it aiiriears, will bearsway s company nf l!in paptMtg fromUieSeventeen!h slreet pier a! Hoboken,of whom eighty-thre- e will be actualpeace worker. Tiber will bo llfty-fo-

THE SUN, 4, 1915.

I I '

K Cat


A BOVE. Qn the left, is Mrs.Henry Ford, from a photo-

graph taken yesterday by Mr.Ford, whose photograph, alsotaken yesterday, is on the right.Helow is their son, Edsel. towhom Mr. Ford on the eve of snil-in- it

turned over all his businessinterests and in whose favor hemade u will.

iwwspapr-- and ntara..ne rejsjrtera a'.dthree movie men. Itesldes i iip.e therew '.I bt "".I pers-ma-l staff " es:( uated itAfty wtenographera, ntarprateri andothers. Trie total number of actualpeace eiahty-tiiree- , falls sriue- -

wtmt ahorl f Mr Pord'B hoped for uooMany of the elghtythree are coiiteBtttdeota, for an effort has been mad.-to have moat collegM repreaentad

The paaeport difDoutty afhlch k..kedan if tt might prove Inaurmountable,haa now been overcome, t was

a: d Bpoclai arrangetnanta 'airemade to Ket paaaportfl at a ate hoarin Waahington, Mi rTord aot h la earn

without difficulty, and most oftin membera of the part were irt'- -

vtdad with thetra last nightMr. rTord haa decided not to aocom

pany her huabandi but she issued aslaietneot s t.wiiM ac upiiid Of '''rpeace voyage

'SAILING TO-DA- Y DOUBTEDV Kulilimton gaaa ll-l- 114 Pass-

ports Issued.WASHIKOTON, lie,.. 3. - An aetirg bu

reau ohlafi two man clarka. iwo womanindex ebrlis utd u Very sleepy negromeaaengar are keeping the bureau "frltlaenshlp of ihe state Dapartment opaitonlajhi for tha purpoae of inaklnaj outpassport! for belated applicants for pas-ag- e

on the Cord peace ahlp. .vt a latihour thla evening a grand total mipaaaporta had bean Issued Mow man) '

of these were for pactflatl and noaman) for newspaper ami magaa nawrltam could not he learned, it IsKnown, however, that beginning thismorning ihe word went around the localnawapapar olttcea thai writers would bewalcomad. and b) noon aevi rul of theofflccl o denuded of promlalnfj "cubreporters" who thought they'd "kinderlike" io go abroad at Mr, Ford's ax--

pense.Not many applicants for paaaporta

hava been denied to date, many of thosepreviously rejected becauaa "f technicalmistakes in thalr form having been cor-rected and granted, Hut unless a verslate n. .nl brings a satlafactor) explana-tion from s s. Mil 'turc of New York,the publisher will probably no! tie amongHume holding passports to accompuuyMr. Kurd on his mission. Mr. Mi 'hue, j

it seems, made application mora thana week ago to visit Ave Kuropean routl- -

tries. Including two of tin belligerentnations, as a newspaper correspondentiii that capacity he go) one HlnoaIt wan learned, however, that the staleDepartment would not give pussKirtato any of the Kurd pea. a- argonauts tovieii beUlgarant countrlaa, air. alcClure,without relundng th paatport he hadyacalvotl, math' application for another

for use wiih Mr Kurd's party. Attbe bureau ll was said that'tbl would not he granted unless Mr.Mof!lura returned the iirsi one and

hla change of mind Hit localI representative w as trying lo na tilingtii at la o'clock, but bad not succeeded.

.Mi. Ford'a paaaphrt was issued y.

Karl) thin morrdng Theodore Dalavlgna,who des. rinen ma t at the bUraaU aa"Mr. I'ord s prett representative,'rushed into town ana K"T paaaporta notonly for Mr. Pord hut fur blinaalf ami

in Dr. N'eale, who. h Mdi was alto a

member ol Mr Kurd's pergonal StaffApuareiiilv Mr. K 'i'1 n- - hava a bigpergonal Matt, fur tome of the localnawapapar men going whii me party

I aald y inai ' n.n uiiiiI going to pat all Ihalr tgpansaa but o

a nionlll aiiilltlonal.Another iiroaptotlv travailing corn

panlon of Mr. Cord tu be grantedpassport was Dr. Jenkin Uoyd June ofChicago, who won nut by vlrtuu nfeleventh hour data proving that hisfather was a duly naturalised Amarlcancitizen.

It was si lled at tbe bureau that lainthis afternoon word was received fruutMr. Kurd s agent here thai another bigbatch 0 application would arrlv intown on u i 'ain reaching hr baforamidnight. mi the basis of this infor-inatio- n

it was derided to kp the bunuuopen.

No colilll illation could be ohlaiui d InOfllolal circles of tbe reportthat Beerotary Lanalna i oonldrlnglasuing a formal circular statenienl toIhe RuroptMn countries lioth nautrgl andbelligerent disclaiming on behalf of theAmerican ' lot eminent any responsibilityfor tbe peace cruise. It was explainedthat Mr. .aniung bad already sufficiently

explained verbally u varloua InquiringAmbassadors and Ministers the disinter- -

eetedneae of tha United gtatei, The beher still paralati in many quartern herethat daealte the annllratlona tiu ,1 foilufisju'- . frun Mr. l ord I d ottna s fbig party the party wiii at aall tomorrow. What thin belief s has d on,however, no one appeared kbte to ex-- 1

plain.M:. Detavlgne'a tttterancaa during hia

etay here y wim nnythlnri hutpeaalmlttlc over th.. outlook. On thacontrary, he is Impraaaad with th Hatthat the prutae of tha peace ehiti will goDown Inin niatory as mi eiioelimaklnffundertaking anil that its reauka wouldbe fai raanhlngi lie aald tins hlmaalfevaral nines

Rat Wail t :3il O'clock this aftinri.nl' andin twantyalx paaaporta werelaw tied and In the list wire theoa.

Menrv F.nd. Deevleon, Mich Judgeand Mis Hen Llndaey. Denver Then- -

don l lelsvlgne, I : Mv.r Black,Nev I hit bam. N J : laadora t'.i Mir,I In klyni .1. i iraanwlch,i 'onti Howard v. Iteeti New Ynr'K :

William II Draper. Jr., New York: IMIaGreene. New York. Alhe Laughton,New York ;' Theophllus B Montgomery,New York: Henrietta A Newhouae,llrooklyn i M, Stewart Levnsseue, FredE BnUTen, Karl W. Tini er. Helen ItLowry, Joseph T Burker. Jamea 1.Ooldan, Charles mil. Mary P. Reeford,Annie I.. Rogers, all of New York Mar-garet it shelly. Cheeseburg, MichHamual B. Marqula, Detroit i Ray Dahl-Inga- r,

Datrolt, and Bvelyn ll Ooldsmlth,.New York

At 11 o'elnek to-nl- Ipaolal r

rushed Into the nnaaporl divisionof the bureau of rltlienshlp with a batchof twentv-elg- hl additional appllrntlonaHe was breathlM anil aald that be hailm catch the in'.lmsht train bach forNew Yin g with the paaaporti The forceat the bureau was tired, but lust no mein at nttnodatlng him. As soon i. hew.i nut if the build ng the fn-- , ae.lup nhnp and went home. I Mure graany more n nail with Mr, Kurd lo-ni-

' till y NTllI have to li W ,t hnit! p mn- -


Mr. Mi l 'lure tald last night that liehad decided suddenly yeaterday to toEuro ii Henry Kurds peace thip, imibail bad a short talk With Mr. Ko'dat the Bittmort, He tald he had heardof no difficulty In sefine bis passport,hut said lha. .f It were n fused tie hardlythought be would sail without It Mewould li- - with a for'neutral c'Untrlet only, he aald t


Costers Mini Ofllelala of the N-ational i its Baab.

Hanry Surd waa a visitor in the 11 nanclal district yeaterday. Mr. Ford oamedown to Wail accompanied by wIdvlngst me, president of the Dime Rav-

ing! Bullk Of Datrolt, and spetit lleatlvan h..nr a; the National I 'It y U ink. talk

iih Frank a. vandi Iii presidentof that InstltUtl'jn, and with other oltl- -

cera of I ha bank.Mr. Ford tald that tha rumors that

he was not going to sail on the "peaceship" ware untrue anil that hewould be on board tin ship when theleft tin' dock, although in- was not eartain tg M lb" lime of tha tailing ofth.. Oscar ii.

Mr. LIvlPKOtnnn said that he was notlinlntr mi Ihe "iiea mise." but that hevv ml.) he ti the dock iii with Hie partygood luck and wave his hind to his oldfrier. I M ford.

Phltadelpkla niri In Hi Vlnrrleilon Pellei- - Ohlp.

PHihAOgbPHia, !' 3 Whenll. Benjamin

cast and i

be married tin tin hlKli seas HenryKurd will gtv In th bride.Miss Marian Rdblll am. daughter if Mr.ard Mrs. Ililtiolliollse llubii. Illl of'hlludelph

ntly m i . Itublncam Who afashion writer, announced her engage -mant t Barton Braley Na date badbeen itxed for lha wadding until iii'iiryKurd came and offeied chancto Europe i"r nothingi ii w thendecided on io have the ceremoi pcr- -

formed Ui sea on lite peai e p.


I :lg h I -- one I'er lent, of the Inc.lories trr Vim llperntlug.

I'aiiis. IVe. ;i The .1iiiiii publishesa report of Ihe Ministry of

that ii"' number of fuctortei in oper-

ation out nf a total ol" ,8,701 i nowi i vent. Last year I he opmitlon

had it. reased to IS cent. Tin- empioymenl of worklngmen, formerly "iper cent., is now i' I per i em.

In many Induttriet inin tha manufacture

of clothing.


nib. '.till or rnitteld Oner Mori's'rrk. illslrln's tii.llrr.

Vikssa. via London, 8. TheAmerican Ambassador, p'redei'lrU i '.Penlineld, again asked the AustrianQoveniment yaatarday to reply to theUnited states note regarding the sinkingof the liner Ain'oua by nn Austrian sulmarine, th In of tavaraiAmerican HveH.

rhe Amarlci note delivered toon Novemlii r f, Tbe Austrian

Okrvammtnt gakvd lor more tint toconsider ll.

Victor in Dacl Telia of Battlein sky off Belgian


PAklti Iec. 3. Details f t Da aerialduel in whii. n a tMrntan ainpiana wanhroughi; down Into (ha aaai off tho Itel-Kia- n

coaal on Novoniher is nie jfisen bytin n h aviator who performed titofe.t.

' Although I' 'H wry 00M on thatSunday morn na. agld tlie "Inet out ttri an iiaixilaiie f themodal i h inK with me aa utamrvarond UtauR, M . IttVtly ;mone of our he.m markstiwji.

"An we approaohad lha Iixrmide- -

Vprefl sector my attention was atinMtfdtj a Onitinan aaroplana of tha AiiiatroHtyv 1 tnade for it with all hate, but,

inff l;.elf i ha- ene.my ma- -

ohlna tumad bout ami haadad towardaan'

The rWO ma' hltiew werr soon angagadhigh ibova the sea, each unina wadhlna1:11ns. l'Mcrihimt his tnaneuvre fheaviator oontlnuod :

"I flew Mralaht for a hundred yanland thn dropped thirty yard under hwaihat roHs, my maohlnathat the speed ivmrnrm'l ti that of theenemy. My olwerver had prepared to j

flee on our adversary w hen butlatl ffOIR j

albatroai whi7.ed pant our heads. Imade a not her defenut ve moV4'ment alittle to the rkbt. Just then my oh- - I

server at go fifty cartrtdae."The effect was Immediate. 1 gad

Just time to move out of the way when I

the albatroai :ie a lunga. Wan it hitor arnii it simply another mantauvra?I had hardly asked myself this qUatlonhowever, when i noticed that the momen turn of the albatross in its deeoent I

aeemad to he Increaalngi At thin memant we aare 4ttoo yardj up. Qarmana pruris which u previnualyII red .t n, again BOUghl Ottr machine1

their fire" uorr niurn relieved to Baa the

albatroaa rail yet mora Bpeedll) untilInally it droppad Into 'he sea. Tor flvamlnutaa aa ir, led above our victim,camb ss of the tlrhiH of the Oermatis,which failed to roach ua, Wa could neelsims leaving Mlddelkerke, hastily mak-- '

Ina for tin- spot where the machine fall,We retiiined to our own lines An hourlater my observer, with another p. Int.CapL X.i went back to the tcent andsucceeded in procuring a hoii photo.nr.ipli nf the wrecked albatroga."

This is the second machine broughtdown by a French aaroplana thla I

pilot lie alread) haa been awardad theWar I'ross and bus la-- n proposed lorthe Military Mesial


h rill nnl t Opiiotif Pnl.l i I v heI'ri'iiiirriliifM I'lnn,

nateTtMoaa, Dec, I.Cardlnal Qlbnonehas taken hit stand deflnttoly with theOpponentB of pn'par-tns- iind has Indoraed the prcaantine ami aentlmenta.f ttie Ant I -- Defence taaague campaign.

Me ".ii attend the big meeting to befield .it th.- Academy hare gunday nightand will send a meaaage t the Sundayafternoon meetina of the anttdafanoaadvocates

The Cardinal declined y tt r.

fully hll position further than ioadmit that he not In favor f thepre pa red ii een programme. Ih admittedhOBever i that he Kite his fullBUPpOTt In fvrry possiOle way to the

proteet That t.e Cardinalhaa given hla approval to ffundayBdemonat ration is a surprise to those whoknow htm Intimately, as it has alwayabean hi- - .'ustoTt to avoid euoh dlacuaum. Heretofore he has never Identl

Red Wmaelf publicly with the adherentsof any national question.


iteen ii National Uafenee I'lnni, inDemoecatte Pln(fotaa

It! a letter to Henry A. Wise Wood.chairman t the conference committeeon national prepared ne Perry Belmoi t. ai one time chairman of th Con

it iional Lommittae on (foreign Heta-tion-

and former t inted states lllnlatarto gpalni takea the Wilson AdmlnlatraHon to tak for ita alleged failure to liveup to the national defence plank of thelaat Democratic national convnntlon.Mr Belmontt wh" a delegate was In-

strumental in oh alntne the adopt ton nftho plank, quote it in part :n follows:

approve i he meaaurc report elby the I lemocratic leaders In theHuuae . Itepreaeiitatlvefl for the crea-tlo- n

of a council of national defence,a formulate a deOntte navalprogramme with a view to IncreaaedBfflctenc) and economy,

That provie Ion of the platform." sasMr Hetmont, "covering what i? rit theparamount and vital i ..sin- - Pefoie thocountry, haa remained unacted upon,notwlthatandlng the leaaona of a eoridelde war '


It. I . Ilnlllna Nominated l lrxt I.Ira-Irnii- nl

In slHnnl I or.,The III' i subscribed through the

National Ai plane Kurd for the organ- -

Igatlon of aviation taction of tbemnal oi, if the New York National

tluard lui been turned ovei to the n

of that organiggtlon Itaynal C,Hill ing has been nominated Urst lieu-- 1

tenant in the signal corps and is in..no and oi the avtatiou detachment

The following mn are nowio il v ai Harden City I J. Iv Miller.

Uorbert Carolln, W. I' Andrews and'Meredith Blagdi n Tin- membera of the

laviaiion detachment meet every Krnlavat the Al io i lllb or Aincri' a anil listen'o talks by authorities on differentnliasi-- ot" ac 1'oiiaul les surh aa th vnlu.non 0f design of aeroplnnes and motors,differenca In typ of aeroplanes, art ofmi,ii.nit .md similar subjects,


Wore Than StMMHMinn lld for therlliitftin Works.

Official confirmation araa aiven yes- - i

tar day by Henry s. Chapmani president'f tiie Ariinaion 'ihhimi ny. to the.

rumors that thai concern had henh the R i dn I'onI de Nemours

Oompimy oi ilininiiion. el. Tlie Ar-

lington Pnmpany is a manufacturer ofrati bruahaai mirrors ami Aancyj

KOpdM I' understood that the. IU'out people do not intend to turn t lier trton Into a powder or CX

plosive manufacturing conoarnMr. chapman's statement waa to t he

BffCCt I'lf' hfl nti'l Jill the other Btpok-- jholders of tlie OompailV have sold theirstooit to ihe S, j. dn Pont tie NamourfeCom pUtiy. Tlie sale was made on a cashbasli and the amount paltf for 'he stockwa h between $11,000,000 and T, 000, 000,The nosptlattonfl have been peudlni forHomo t ime.

T!i Arllnaion Company it--

at 14,000,000. Annual dividends of 4

nar Cfnt are paid on the s'o-'k-.

thakq g,. Von Utaaay, Vairman Hick.titrar II. tallt a Philadelphia Joseph Stevenson, Moore,girl will gilds conventional!!) Frederick 11 t'ruger, harlea Held,




Labor show-ing


Improvementnoted, particular!)












gatl mTm


J7A the E7Pn Cigarette

What better ChrUtanaa gift could J$there be than a box of tay 100 JSof these perfect cigarettes. Me

25 cento for 10Car Tim m4 Umlm End


l.lotfl (.fnrKi-'r- , t nn ml He 4ilvletian I list aeven lny Toll.

gaanlal t itif frfkttr, tt, th ilaONOON, I wc. 3. Th OOmmlttaa

by David LlOyd 'o:!e. Min-ister of m unit ions, to Inquire into t hehealth of the munition wrktr lias

an ad Interim r"ptt ''ondemnlnathe policy of runninK tiie munitiontori-- seven days a BeOk. Hithertogunday haa been as busy h day an theothnr dayfl of the week for thetM work-ers, hut the cnntnitte utaH that It bereslorefi h.s a rest day on enonomtC andBOClal arounds.

"Kxcepf for qutte short theremrt sa s, "contlnuotU work IB a pro-found mistake arid doea not pay. Theoutput Hi not Inofaaaad. Many employ-ers Bay that seven days of lalmr pro-duce only the output of six days. A

rest day Is needed b eryNily con-cerned, from the higher rnanaire'nentdownward. Sunday wotk should he ruti- -

Hnad t Btidden amergenrlea repalrai bYc"


Iren.h I'ualllst Ulna Honor forArruiilene Services.

I'sttis. iiee. 3 -- Set gt Ueorgea Car--paniier of the Srench Aviation Corps, I

the Kreneh haavywalght rhaimplon, hasreceived the Military Croat in recounttimi nf brilliant ami daring torvlce in'aaroplana reoonnalaanci

Carpantlori who was Idollged n'!the Krenen sporting public before thewar. has been in uieive service tlnoe thaioutbreak of hoatllitlw, Brst ith thesinnal terv'lce, later as an automobilecourier on the firing line, and sine Mayin the aviation sen lee.


Telf irrnpha ppreelaf Ion of Workof M u ii lo ni Mnkern.

prnnl ' Iirtt:rfi to Tm: SiLONDON, Dec, :t. Treniler Asipnth, re-

ply i us: y to n daapatch from thepresident of the Moscow War IndustrialCommittee expressing the committee'sappreciation of the work of the uritishmunition makern, telegraphed

" ur knowiedtte that the matchlaMviaor Ruaaja'a armies will be sup- -

ported by the unfiaaama Industry ofthe workers strengthens me determine I

tion fif the British Empire ti bring tiiewar to the only issue worthy of theaftorts and aactiflcea of the Allies '


Illllel, gfrntllogta In ,iilllre SouthI

tMerdcan i owoeaalowa.Sptrii.l rejOf! ie.slfr, fu Tm. Si


I.oMhiN. He-- I The btilly .'rpivsstay that the Royal Dutch PtrolumCompan) .ll shortly acQUlrt the con-trol of the Venezuelan i in Onncesalona.I.'. I.

The Dutch tyndlcata is laid tu havethe ta. king of the llotharhllds,


1"Ih,i r.ir lei ii in lion of i ll. esslonjIn, in e,i to title,

Upccfal fablt Ocapalcl i" Tnt IiPgTHOQRAn, '..a laifldun. IhC ? Tie

Savor Vremya ;irluhs a synopat, nf aproject framed by ihe Alii. consult atShanghai and t. ni sin.

This relates to allied of tlieOarman concession In 'huia

IMy'a llrlllsl. Losses -- in.Special Ceftf hr,patrt to Tnr Sl.

biMN. Dec I. The ofllolal Britishlist Issued to-d- contoina the

ll. inn s .f 11 officers, of Whom II Here.killed, iitui oi lol man, oi whom iWere klll.sl

llnptlsls to lllne Ihilr.ila.Tic Rev, rr Comaliut Woelfkin, 'be

Rev, C'harlet II. Sear and Henry NelsonMcKlnney will be th tpeakeri nextThursday night at th- - Baptlai HorialITnlon-Clt- y Mlatlon dinner t.. is. hold atthe Savoy, The work of t Me New YorkCity Baptill Mission Voclety vv :i he thetopic nf th. evening attendance

ven larger than ihe feoord gatheringlast year :s , Kpctd, Harry Burleigh,sololsl uf St. tleorge't Church, will ting. I

Hack olback ofof alloffers

(SompaniJitsRiant anil

TauaTeg forSltiONAL TRUBTs

DIRKCTOKSVioc.lt Allot.

Ce. F. B.k.r,Chairmin Firti National Rmb

Slrpbto Biker,Pr,, Hjuk of tnr Manhsttiii tio

Nkkoli. Bkldl..Astni Ettltt

Co. B. Cut,White t Itti AttOI nf I

Tkomu Coi hi.m,

PfCtldtlll Libert) National RaniHesrr .1 l ochrio,

Vii r- - PrttidtnlE. C. CoBl.tle,

PrrndriitJob I. Dawtir ,

Building t onitructionM. Frifdun,

Prnidtnl K. Altmgn v t o.Robirt Wllto Cerle I,

Tkooi.. HiUl.VictPfttidtnl

Fraacil L. Hint,I'rr.iilrnt KirM National Hank

Rusld H MacDosaldVict-Prnidt-

Fifth Avb.NUh and Thikty




Rfiiovoii Interested in stops toBtij Big Concern in


Bninnnpi ist, C"nn , rtiatnecotint ions are in progress for theof the American Tub and StampingCompany, a large local concern employinc; hundr-.- iM of hands, to steal Interentgbellevad to be handed by Chart e m.

Schwab wai learned here from authori-tative sources to-d- a The directors oftin- - concern have Keen in New Yorkfor th past three i - The deal isunderstood to hava en conpununaiag

ist ntrht.Indications tti.it a big Industrial plant

will he established in the Black Kocksection of (his City were I .und t(.-l-

the reported Completion of a landtransaction which Includes nhoul seven-teen acres jn that section. In additionto th.- valuable estate of tm- late CleorgaF. Oilman, coveting annul twenty-liv- eacres Th- - land Is said t havn beenpurchased aa h site for a itrue

ion plant, either the BrldgeiiortForgs and i rojectile tompan) , orHrm whose name has not yet been madepublic, that is hacked by tha St. tyiuis

;ir Compan) and planning to beginoperations here soon. Adjoining theproperty and posn'bly included in thedeal is the Fairfield Acid Works, re-cently abandoned hy the General ihem-lea- l

Compan) Simon Lake, identlrtedwith the i.aU.- Torpedo it. .at Company, n

known to nave purchased the Oilmanproperty some four or Hve weeks ago

While it was flrsi Intimated th n th.strait ha.i been purchaeed by Mr. Lakefor the ereetlon of n hotel, it is nowsaid to haw been acquired by ihe newroncrm with the poaalblllt)1 tha' h. -

sides a intue ammunition plant the--

mien: he a hotel for the hOUSinH ofThe I.md !x . i'e I dire tl on

the shores of ,sh Creak ns ir emptleaInto the Sound I ock fncllltletH 're t

to ie aottd, as the civek requires llttlodredging to make it navigable


II ii ii n v n From Knlii'r'ilent) nine as Ktovtawnye,

Two dessrtern from the Oerma n anuyWere found it- tio- t bunkers of theHolts nd -- America liner lostardyli afterihe liner tied up at her pier in Hobokenla.st night. Third Mate Andrlan ltrakeipermitted them to dual themselves oir

'and then turned them over to Roundsman I iris oil ol the Hoboken policeforce The) were locked up in the Wii-- 'low avenue station to await action hvtin Immigration authorities.

The stowaways d rlbcd their.sehe-- i

as wiihain Knapp, I and Alfen Ohlaf.IS, both of Westphalia They admittedthey deserted because they were wearyof the ceaseless slaughter. They madetheir way to Hot tentam without adwn- -

tUre and Hicketl themselves away in the'ostnrdyk's coal on sailing day. boat's

crew of a British cruiser searchedbut didn't illaj deep enough, in th

bunkers to hiid them Holh men Wersin fairly good condition physically, huttbfl were very grim)


i niu '. oatatttfttnowe' Thalr Kalire to Return n Vet d let i

City Court Justice Seller tald thai i

conduct of s Jury before him yetterda)was ntamptuout and dltcliarged Uiijury Willi a censure. Tin Jury heart!a rult by the Manhattan ommerciul

iCompnny agalnat David Vudat, a dngood! merchant, on a luan of MST, thedefondanl agreeing to pay i ..Ii moneycollected lo ihe plaintiff

The plaintiff sued to recover certainaccounts collected a'n! 'in. court In- -

Istruotcd tin- - jury t Bnd for tin plain-tif- f

mi wveml Item Til i Jury wanout three hour and .hen iinnounead adisagree i in. Juror conlendodbat the court', charge wa. noi .uf- -

ficiently clcai

,i bunk's natural resources,its business policial, back

tlie external advantage! ityou. must ba strength, judg

Intelliganl conservatism indirectorate or all atae is uielesa.

Edfir I . Million.Hlair It Co., Hjiik".

Gatci W. MrGirrah,Pre.. Mech. cV Mrtal. Ngt'l Haak

tk.rlfl A. Pnbod,.Pret, Mututl Lilt Inturgnct t o.

D. k. Pesicroy.Virt-Prtiidt-nl Rinktra PruM Ca,

Wiiliiai H. Poilrr,J. P. Morgan & Co . Btnker,

Htmui Prsiier,Crcsiilcivt Itankru I 'rust t'o.

Dasicl G. Rrid,Mtmbei I n .t omLehith Vali H.U.Co,

Dsln Robisias,K jl 1 state

Aickib.ld D. RbikII.Ali" in H. Mrvrot,

kt'PrtiidtnlCbtrUl L. TUIaay.

VictPrttidtnl Tiffany It Ca,H. K. Twiicb.ll,

Vict'Prtii Chemical National BiahTktaor N. Vail,

Ptrv American Trl. .V Tr!. Co.Albert H. Wi,i,

President Chglt National Hank

- Sixth Strki t, Nhw York