i i - florida international...

PRODUCTION TRANSMISSION medium I extra high voltage high vol tage medium voltage low voltage I I I I I .. .. ... ..... .. . ................ 1 15 k v \f} j{ { if{f to 230 kV 345 kV ·: ·· ··· .... ·:· .. '·:·:·:· :' ·: to 765 kV I J J I generating transmission stat ions substation I interconnection substation ___ ..,..-i 69 k v J I I J I transmission substations substations I J I J:r small industry commerce residences Single-line diagram of a generation, transmission and distribution system. t----spa n j ,., sag ,.. r:-. • ' 1- -- 1 . . ···' ··· .. Span and sag of a line. .rl r 8 .. Distributed impedance of a transmission line. .. . . '• :' . "'· ·. .

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Post on 05-Mar-2018




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medium I extra high voltage high vol tage ~--- 1 lr---~~~~

medium voltage low voltage

I I I I I ................ ................. 1 15 k v

\f}j{{if{f to '1------f:::~;f?}ti{{:?: 230 kV

345 kV ·:····· .... ·:·:· .. '·:·:·:·:'·:'·


765 kV




generating transmission stat ions substation


• interconnection substation

:!:!~i:!:!:!!ft!:!!;~~~~~j~'.~" 2---~o_k_V ___ ..,..-i

:}t=:~::::t:{:}:::::: 69 k v




• transmission substations substations



J:r small industry

commerce residences

Single-line diagram of a generation, transmission and distribution system.

t----span j ,., sag ,.. r:-. • ' 1-

--t"-~~-=:::::.:::-·-·- ~--~:.-

-- ---------~-------rT'------1

. · . . ···' ··· . .

Span and sag of a line.

.rl r


.. Distributed impedance of a transmission line.

. . . . '• :' ~ -~ . "'· ·. .




voltage nominal system voltage class

two-wire three-wire four-wire

low 120 120/240 0

voltage single phase single phase 120/208 0

480 v 0 277/480 0

LV 600 v 347/600

medium 2400

voltage 4 160 0

4 800

MV 6 900

13 800 0 7 200/12 470 0

~~ 23 000 7 620/13 200 0

34 500 7 970/13 800

46 000 14 400/24 940 0

69 000 0 19 920/34 500 D

high 115 000 0

voltage 138 000 0

161 000

HV 230 000 0

extra high 345 000 0

voltage 500 000 0

EHV 735 000 . 765 000 0

All voltages are 3-phase unless indicated otherwise. Voltages designated by the symbol o are preferred voltages.

Note: Voltage class designations were approved for use by IEEE Stanqards Board --., (September4, 1975)

Sectional view of a 69 kV pin-type insulator. BIL: 270 kV; 60Hz flashover voltage under wet conditions: 125 kV ..

... -- ------ .... "'" -.... --·----


I · •

' . ,

metal cap

Sectional view of a suspension insulator. Diameter: 254 mm; BIL: 125 kV, 60Hz flashover voltage, under wet conditions: 50 kV ..

Lineman working "bare-handed" on a 735 kV line. He is wearing a special conductive suit so that his body is not subjected to high differ­ences of potential. In the position shown, his potential with respect to ground is about 200 kV . .

neutral , .

£nvironm~ ttd J;((ecfs

Dust, acids, salts, and other pollutants in the at­mosphere settle on insulators and reduce their in­sulating properties. Insulator pollution may pro· duce short-circuits during storms or under momen­tary overvoltage conditions. Service interruption and the necessity to clean insula_tors periodically is therefore a constant concern, especially where pol­lution exists.

Towey Gt-o~;~

so lid __ electrical


Transmission-line towers are always solidly con· nected to ground. Great care is taken to ensure that the ground resistance is low. In effect, when lightning hits a line, it creates a sudden voltage rise across the insulators as the lightning current dis­charges to ground. Such a voltage rise may pro­duce a flashover across the insulators and a conse· quent line outage, as shown by the following ex­ample.

..... . ..

solid _ electracal

- ground


Flashover produced by a lightning as it flows to ground.


· .... · . . ::· .. ··



Example .


I 'I


A 3-phase 69 kV transmission line with a 81 L of 350 kV is supported on steel towers and protected by a circuit-breaker. The ground resis­tance at each tower is 20 n whereas the neutral of the transmission line is solidly grounded at the


transformer just ahead of the circuit-breaker. Dur­ing an electrical. storm, one of the towers is hit by a lightning stroke of 20 kA.


a. Calculate the voltage across each insulator string under normal conditions;


b. Describe the sequence of events during and after the lightning stroke.

ji . I '

Solution: a . Under normal condit ions, the line-to-neutral

voltage is 69 kV / 1.73 = 40 kV and the current flowing in the tower ground resistance is zero. The steel tower is therefore at the same poten­t ial as the so lid ground. It follows that the volt­age across each insulator string (line to tower) is 40 kV (RMS).

b. When lightning strikes the tower, the voltage across the ground resistance suddenly leaps to 20 kA X 20 n = 400 kV. The voltage between the tower and solid ground is therefore 400 kV, and so the potential difference across all three insulator strings jumps to the same value. Be­cause this impulse exceeds the insulator 81 L of 350 kV, a flashover immediately occurs across the insulators, short-circuiting all three lines to the steel cross-arm. The resulting 3-phase short initiated by the lightning stroke will continue

•' ,, ,. II I

lj ' I I I

I .. ··-·--··-··

1! - --·--

to be fed and sustained by a heavy follow­through current from the 3-phase source. Th is short-circuit current fsc. will trip the circu it breaker, producing a line outage. In view of the many customers affected by such

a load interruption, we try to limit the number of outages by ensuring a low resistance between the towers and ground. In the preceding example, if the tower resistance had been 10 n instead of 20 n, the impulse voltage across the insulators would have risen to 200 kV and no flashover would have occured.

Note that lightning currents of 20 kA are quite frequent, and they last for only a few microsec­onds



conductor size resistance per conductor ampacity in

at 75°C free air*

cross AWG section copper ACSR copper -ACSR

mm2 rl/km rl/km A A

10 5.3 3.9 6.7 70

7 10.6 2.0 3.3 110

4 21.1 0.91 1.7 180 140

1 42.4 0.50 0.90 270. 200

3/0 85 0.25 0.47 420 300

300 MCM 152 0.14 0.22 600 500

600 MCM 304 0.072 0.11 950 750

. 1000 MCM 507 0.045 0.065 1300 1050

The ampacity indicated is the maximum that may be used without weakening the conductor by

overheating. In practice, the actual line current may be only 25% of the indicated val1,1e.

£'Lecfh'co1 Properties oF trM1fll?is$t'on Lin~ts -- -··--...

1. The voltage should remain as constant as possi· ble over the entire length of the line, from source to load, and for all loads between zero and full load;


2. The losses must be smal(so as to attain a high transmission efficiency;

3. The i 2R losses must not overheat the conduc­tors.

If the line alone cannot satisfy the above re· quirements, supplementary equipment must be added until they are met.


type of line

aerial line;

underground cable





300 0





Line Resistance


pl Rd =-ohms c A

p =resistivity of conductor l= length

A = cross-sectional area

. Resistirity and Temperature Coefficient of Conductor A!aterials


Aluminum Brass Bronze Copper

Hard drawn Annealed

Iron Silver Sodium Steel

Resistidty ( p) at 20°C Temperature Coefficient (a) Micro-ohm em Ohms circular mils per ft at 20°C

2.83 6.4-8.4 13-18

1.77 1.72

10 1.59 4.3


17.0 38-51 78-108

10.62 10.37 60 9.6

26 72-530

R 2 =R1[1 + a(T2 - T1)j

0.0039 0.002 0.0005

0.00382 0.00393 0.0050 0.0038 0.0044


Here R2 is the resistance at temperature T2 , and R 1 is the resistance at

temperature T1•





Inductance of a Single-Phase Two-Wire Line

Single-Phase Two-Wire Line Configuration.

the inductance due to internal flux is

Li = Hl0-7) henriesjmeter

The inductance due to external flux linkages is

LP1, P2 = (2 X 10- 7 )ln ( ~:) Substituting D2 = D and D1 = r 1, we get for the external contribution:

L 1 , ·xt = ( 2 X 10-; ) ln { ~ )



l ·

The total inductance of the circuit due to the current in conductor 1 only is therefore

L 1 = (2 X 10-')[! + 1n( ~) l henries/meter

Similarly, the inductance due to current in conductor 2 is

L, = (2 X 10-7) [!+In ( ~) l henriesjmeter

Thus L 1 and L~ are the phase inductances. For the complete circuit we have



A more concise form of the inductance expression may be obtained if we observe that

so that


1 ln e114 =-

. 4

L 1 = ( 2 X 10- 7) ln ( ~ )

L 2 = ( 2 X 10-7) ln ( ~ )

L1=(4X10-7 )ln({rgD ) r'r.' 1 2

r..' = r..e-11• ' ' = 0.1188ri

140 R r=GM Geo m~lr/c ·t11:-~ n 1Z c.. c/..' :J \



In practice, we deal with the inc:luctive reactance of the line per phase per mile and use the logarithm to the base 10. Performing this conversion, we obtain


X= k log ~ ohms per conductor per mile r

k = 4.657 X 10-3/

= 0.2794 at 60Hz

assuming identical line conductors. Expanding the logarithm in the expression ·

1 X = k log D + k log -;


The first term is called Xd and the second is Xa . Thus Xd = k log D inductive reactance spacing factor

in ohms per mile

X = k log..!. inductive reactance at 1-ft a r'

spacing in ohms per mile

Factors Xa and Xd may be obtained from tables available in many handbooks.



Find the inductive reactance per mile per phase for a single-phase line with phase separation of 20ft and conductor radius of 0.06677 ft.


We first find r ', as follows:

\Ve therefore calculate

r ' = re-11• = (0.06677)(0.7788) = 0.052 ft

. 1 xa = 0.2794log 0.05:2

= 0.35875 Xd= 0.2794log20

= 0.36395 X= X a+ Xd = 0.72247 ohms pet mile

Bundle Conductors

I {,

1. Volf~es a.bave :Z3o kv (E:HV) ,w/fh

e({ed b£comes more e,/XCes.siVe. ,..e_

more Loss ~ well as

,). - · Corona.


.__ 3. -I h-1! Cr Atl/ e~~,1} lP.A-? -h€ [(ed 1/ u. d


Co11Sidera bly by U.slng . rnol"e

fJ,aM one ConducftJr Per fJha~e

4- 7Ju. C,;1d£~cftJr.5 Ore /y, C I ose. pra'XIm,'lj'

(c,.,pared w;~ flu_ 5fAci"c'J b-efw~~l1 phases.

5- fin Imf~rfa1A-1 odvaMI-~Ag(. of bund//'!.1

lS flu. l?.educflor~ ln 1/nl! ;teacftJMUt.s

Bundle Conductor.

General Multiconductor Configurations


A MultJconductor Configuration.

VI =jw(Lll/1 +L12/2+ '··+Linin)

V2=jw(L12/1 +L22l2+ ··· +Lznln)

The apparent self- and mutual inductances LJJ and L1k are given by

The above expressions fonn the basis for the evaluation of lin~ inductances in practice.



Inductance of a Multiconductor Single-Phase l.lne



Single-Phase Bundle-Conductor Line.


L = (2 X 10-7) ln ( g~~) henriesjmeter



-- ..

E X A f/1 PLE

Consider a 375-kV, single-phase line wi th bundle conductors as shown in Figure The phase separation D1 is 12.19 m, and the subconductor spacing isS= 45.72 em. The subconductor diameter is 4.577 em. Calculate the line inductance

A 375-kV Single-Phase Bundle-Conductor Line.

Solution '

We have four subconductors; thus

N1 =N2 = .2

The geometric mean distance is therefore

Expanding the products, we have

From the geometry

We thus have

D13 = D-24 = D1 = 12.19 m D

14 = D1 + S = 12.19 + 0.4572 = 12.6472 m

D;!.3 = D1 - S, = 1:2.19-0.4572 = 11.7328 m

Dm = [ ( 12.19)2( 12.6472)(11.7328) ]'

1 4

= 12.1857 m

Observe that



D11 = D22 = r{ = 0.7788r1

= (0.7788) ( 4 ·~77 X 10-2


= 1.7823 X 10- 2 m

D12 = D21 = S = 0.4572 m

D.= [ (1.7824 X 10-2 }


] 114

= 9.027 x 10-2 m

As ·a result of the above, we obtain the following result

~-- ---------- - . . - ·- ..

L=(2xto-7)ln( 12.1857 ) 9.027 X 10-2

= 0.981 X 10-6 henriesjmeter


Inductance of a Balanced Three-Phase Single-Circuit Line


A Balanced Three-Phase Line.

I 2

8 8 3

0 ~o--··~1·-- 0~

H·Type Line.

-.rr----- ----- -..

Dl2 = D23 = D D13 =2D



Transposition of Line Conductors

a------ c b

b-----""\,. 0 c

C·-----.J b a

.... ~._-I ---~ .. ~ .... ~~---- m ---~ .. ~

Transposed Line.



L = (2 X 10- 7) ln ( g~~) henri~jmeter


1 Xa=klog GMR


\\ith k = 0.2794 at 60Hz, as before.



Calculate the inductance per phase of the 345-kV three-phase solid conductor line shown in Figure. Assume that the conductor diameter is 4.475 em and the phase separation D1 is 7.92 m . Assume that the line is transposed.


The geometric mean distance is given by

GMD = (D1D1(2D1 )f13

= 1.2599D1

= 9.9786 m

A 345-kV Three-Phase Line.

The geometric mean radius is

Therefore ·

r' = ( e_ 114 ) 4.475 X 10-2

2 =0.0174 m

L = (2 X 10-7) l ( 9.9786) n 0.0174

= 1.27 X 10-6 henriesjmeter

~ . . !'!!!"*--~----~~--·--·-· · -· ·· ·-·---· · - - --·· - - ····-·-·-

Inductance of Multiconductor Three-Phase Systems









\ \





\ \

I \

··~ I ~··


• '-•-----j_-----·~ ·-.....!.-••• •••

1 ..... ·~---------72 ft.-------~~ 1

Multiconductor Single-Circuit Three-Phase Line.


In this case the geometric mean distance is given by

GMD-:- (DAnDncDcA)l/3

GMR = [ ,§, ( D,;) rN For the case of synunetrical bundle conductors, we have

GMR = [ Nr'(A)N-lr!N

. XL=Xa+Xd

where as before for 60 Hz operation,


Xu= 0.2i94log G~H Xd= 0.2794logGMD

An 1100-kV, three-phase line has an eight subconductor-bundle delta arrangement with a 42 in. diameter. The subconductors B.!e ACSR 84/19 (Chukar) with r' = 0.0534 ft. The horizontal phase separation is 72 ft, and the vertical separation is 60ft. Calculate the inductive r:eactance of the line in ohms per mile per phase. ·



From the geometry of the phase arrangement, we have

36 tanB= -

60 8 = 30.96°

D _ 60 AB- cos30.96°

= 69.97 ft

GMD = [(69.97){69.97){72)P13 = 70.64 ft

For Chukar we have r' = 0.0534 ft. The bundle particulars are N = 8 and

A = ( 42 / 2) in. Therefore,

GMR = [s(0.0534)( i! rr Thus

As a result,

= 1.4672 ft

1 Xa = 0.2794log 1.4672

= -0.0465 xd = 0.2794log70.64

= 0.5166




' IS a

J. PofeKtfiJ differeMCV-J befwe~41 fk Con clue for s

~- fo/e.MftJ dt'(fereMC£ befwee~ LOJ1dllclor..S

CW-d GrcU1\d

~ n~ fime Vp.rt'Al-;al7 of Cltttro~.s

Resu ll.s in CurrfM;ta ( evlled · f-~ ( ( --

Lin-e ,.. ChAr[}}Y\j

~---. - --



Capacitance of Single-Phase Line

. Single-Phase, Two-Wire Line.

If r1 = r2 = r, we have


CAn= (D) In -r

Converting to microfarads (J.LF) per mile and changing the base of the logarithmic term, we have

C _ 0.0388 F .1 A B - Jj J.L per m1 e

2log( r) The capacitance to neutral for conductor A is defined as

q 2we0

CAN= VA = ( D ) In - ·


Like\\;se, observing that the charge on conductor B is - q, we have

_ -q _ 2we0

CsN- Vs- {D) ln -



Observe that

In terms of p.F per mile, we have

C -0.0388

AN- D log-


p.F per mile to neutral

A c.e e ~------~1~(------0

A CAN CeN e e----~1 r-( -·· -~1.-( --tle­


Capacitance between Lines as Series Combination of Capaci· tances to Neutral. ·

The capacitive reactance Xc is given by


X = - 1- = k' log D ohms · mile to neutral

c 2TT/C r

k' = 4.1 X 106


~xpanding the logarithm, we have

1 X c = k' log D + k' log r

The first term is called Xd., the capacitive reactance spacing factor, and the second is called X

0., the capacitive reactance at 1-ft spacing.

~----- ---- -· , __



Xd. = k'log D 1



Find the capacitive reactance in ohms· mile per phase for a single-phase line with phase separation of 20 ft and conductor radius of 0.06677 ft for 60-Hz operation.


Note that this line is the same as that of Example .. We have for f= 60Hz:

\Ve calculate

As a result,

6 .

k' = 4·1 ~ 10 = 0.06833 X 106

xd. = k'log2q

= 88.904 X 101

xa. = k'log 0.0~677 = 80.32 X 103


Xc = 169.224 X 103 ohms· mile to neutral


Including the Effect of Earth

* s Jt 0 u I d b .e. Ttt k.cn .tJ'I to a CC.Ol.U1 t iF

Conductors ~ /1of l}l'tJh ~ov<7h a. hove

GroUMd .

-..f,---- • Q Physical choroe


l H

__.!,____ • -q lmooe choroe

Image Charge Concepl


· General Multiconductor Configurations


a . c .~ . -.<.e .. __ - -----·:--------



Capacitance of a Single-Phase Line Considering the Effect of Ground · ·

,~ D


0 B

A' e'

Single.Phase Line and Its Image.

C - '1TEo

:AB- ( D H ) ln -·­

r HAB'

The capacitance to neutral is obtained using

C - q AN-­

VA 2'1Tt0 -----=--- farads per meter

Observe that again

zn(D ·_!!_) r HAB'

C -CAN AB- 2





Find the capacitance to neutral for a single·phase line with phase separation of 20ft and conductor radius of 0.06677 ft. Assume the height of the conductor above ground is 80 ft.


We have

D= 20ft r = 0.06677 ft H= 160ft

As a result,

Therefore we have

C - 2'77'£o . AN,- ( 20 · 160 )

In 0.06677 · 161 .2452 _ 21it0

5.6945 farads per meter

If we neglect earth effect, we have

C - 2'77'£o AN2- ( 20 )

In 0.06677

2 '77'£0 - 5.7022 farads per meter

The relative error involved if we neglect earth effect is: c -c ,

AN, AN2 = 0.00136 c~N

which is clearly less than 1 percent .

Capacitance of a Single-Circuit, Three-Phase Line


2 8

The capacitance to neutral is therefore given by

zn( ~~)


farad per meter


3 8


A c

Three-Phase Line with Ground Effect Included.

2'1TE0 CAN= ____ ...;.__ __ _

In(~,.) -m( ~:)

.... ------- ·-·-·-· · - ·-· .. _,____ ··- ...... -- _.. .. .




Find the capacitance to neutral for the single-circuit, three-phase, 345-kV line with conductors having an outside diameter of 1.063 in. with phase configuration as shown in Figure


GMD = [(23.5)(23.5)(47)f13

= 29.61 ft 1.063

r = (2)(

12) = 0.0443 ft



CAs= In( G~D) = 8.5404 X 10- 12 farads per meter

~ 8 • ~23ft Gin-J--2311 Gin-1

Now, :rncfucl€.. Earfh EFFect

H =so {t

H1 = H2 = H3 = 2 X 50= 100 ft 4o

( H$ ) _ l (100)(100){100) ]


ln Hm -ln (102.72)(102.72)(110.49) ·

= -0.0512

I 2 3

la_23.5fl ~ 23.51! 1 50ft ~ __,


Le 2'

0 3'




1 CAN= (18 X 109 )(6.505- 0.0512)

= 8.6082 X 10-12 farads per meter



r ~·J = r.. y., 1 r v.l Jr Yrs Yrr V,.

Is I,

I I + + ___,.. ___. v, v,

A Two-Terminal Pair or Two-Port Network.

J. ·nnJ,·'d 7-k wrrWs /, rerms of bol-h

V~/faJ'S Of" h'nd''':J V~/f~«-S Tn f-t:.rm.S

0 r Bofl, Curr€NJrs c Trat\>fer Pr~blem.;

~ . R n d i ~';} V d I~..._~ ClN\.cl ~ rre.....J o.:t c=' 11<

__ 'P~h·-- --"( fern"'nA.I.r in fer!Y15 of fk orher tfJoJr ·· ( /ro.MSnu'.SSloll Probfe.m)

_..--- ---· .... . . . . ·-· ~ -·


f /""'




( 0) n - network

(b) v-network


( c) T- network

I I I -


Yso Yro




T~AJ\/SMt:ssroN ~oSLEM


Is = C~+Dir

to represent the two-port network. In matrix form, we thus have

Z/2 v Z/2

+ l M ..... .....

I ... Is ...


v s y

..... .....

A Symmetrical T -Network.

the middle point of the T be ~,1 ; then we obtain

V, = Is(;)+ VM

Is= ~\1¥ + Ir

~~=~+Ir(;) From these eq~ations, we can write

V, = ( 1 + Z2Y) ~ + z( 1 + z4y) Ir ( zy.)

Is = Y~+ 1 +T Ir

-"" +


v r


A= 1 + ZY 2

B=Z(1+~y) C=Y

D= 1 +ZY ·2 .

z + o----.-----i t-----e---<> +

A r.-Network.

A= ( 1 + Z2Y)


C= Y(1 + z:) D=A


- ·-

v s v .. v r Is

A, a, I .. A2 82


c, o, c2 02

A Cascade of Two two-Port Networks.

From which, eliminating (V:\t• 1.\1 ), we obtain

Thus the equivalent ABCD parameters of the cascade are

A =A1A 2 + B1C2

B = A 1 B2 + B 1 D2

C= C1A2 + D1C2

D = C1B2 + D1D2



AssUm[Jfions I· -r7iL line i.s o perafi11) lhlder

5 inUSoi cla r I bo lanced I Sfe~Ady­S t crt-~ Ce>n d i t\o)t~· ·

I +.61 R.6X L.6X l(X) - _.,. ---, G.6x>

l V+t:N c~x:~ V(X)

1 •

j I· .6X X _.,.

Incremental Length of the Transmission Line.

[V(x) +~V]- V(x) =[I(x) +~l]z~x [I(x) + ~/]- I(x) = V(x )y~x

dV(x) = zl(x) dx

dl(x) =yV(x) dx

. . .

A separatio~ of variables can be performed by differentiating the above equations and substituting to obtain

d 2V( ) . _ _..;._x~ = zyV(x) dx 2

d2J(x) = zyl(x) dx 2

Let us introduce the propag~tion constant v defined as

ll = [zy where the series impedance per-unit length is


and the shunt admittance per-unit length is


R and L are series resistance and inductance per unit length, and G and C are shunt conductance and capacitance to neutral per unit length.

~re can now write the differential Eqs.

d2V = v2V dx 2

d2J = v2J dx 2

z, is the characteristic (wave) imp~dance of the line .

.. :



. h 8

exp( 8)- exp(- 8) sm = ____;;.__;__.;______;;.....;.._~ 2

he exp( 8) + exp( -8)

cos = . 2 .

V(x) = V(O) cosh vx + ZJ(O) sinh vx

I(x) = /(O)cosh t.•x + V~O) sinh l'X c

\\'e define the following ABCD parameters:

A~x) =cosh vx B(x) = Zcsinh vx

C(x) = ~ sinh vx c

D(x) =cosh vx

As a result we have

V(x) =A(x)V(O) +B(x)I(O) I(x) = C(x) V(O) + D(x )/(0)

A= A(l) =cosh vl B = B ( l) = Z csinh vl

C= C(Z) =_!_sinh vl zc D = D(l) = cosh vl

It is practical to introduce the complex variable(} in the definition of the ABCD parameters. Vole define

8 = vl= /ZY

Also we have

As a result, A= cosh8 B = Zcsinh8

C= _!_sinh8 zc D=A

Observe that the total line series impedance and admittance are given by

Z=zl · Y=yl

Evaluating ABCD Parameters

e9 + e-9

A=-- -2

= ~ ( eetl!1+ e-etf -8z)

e9 - e-e sinh8 = 2

= ~ ( e9tl!1- e-9tj 82)

cosh 8 =cosh 81cos 82 +}sinh 81sjn 82

sinh 8 =sinh 81cos 82 + jcosh81sin 82



Find the exact ABCD parameters for a 235.92-mile long, 735-kV, bundle-conductor line with four subconductors per phase with subconductor resistance of 0.1004 ohms per mile. Assume that the series inductive reac­tance per phase is 0.5541 ohms per mile and shunt capacitive susceptance of 7.4722 X 10-6 siemens per mile to neutral. Neglect shunt conductance.


The resistance per phase is

r = 0·1~04 = 0.0251 ohmsjmile

Thus the series impedance in ohms per mile is

z = 0.0251 + j0.5541 ohmsjmile

The shunt admittance is

y = j7 .4722 X 10-6 siemensjmile

For the line length,

Z = zl = (0.0251 + j0.5541)(235.92) = 130.86/87.41 o

Y= yl= j(7.4722 X 10-6 ){235.92) = 1.7628 X 10-3j90°

\\7e calculate 8 as



= r ( 130.86j87 .41° H 1.7628 x l0-3j90° r12

= 0.0109 + j0.4802

81 = 0.0109 82 = 0.4802

We change 82 to degrees. Therefore,

82= (0.4802)(1:0) =27.5117°

·- ·~·.



co~h 8 = ~ ( e0·0109j27 .5117° + e - 0


/ 27.5117°)

= 0.8870j0.32_42° ·--· -- - ---

From the above,

D=A = 0.8870j0.3242°

We now calculate sinh 8 as

\Ve have

As a result,


sinh 8 =! ( e 0·0109j27 .5117°- e-om09j-21 .5117°)

= 0.4621/88.8033°

. /Z ( 130.86j87 .41° ) 112

zc = v y = 1.7628 X 10-3j90°

= ( 74234.17/-2.59 f 12

= 272.46/-1.295°

C=_!_sinh8 zc

B =Zcsinh8

= 125.904/87.508°

= 1.696 X 10-3/90.098°

Fi~ cJ \{, , T_s tMtd I; ewvJ effic!'enc;t

5 j

oF TrOM.5 m t'55t'tJn , G/ ven . M vAR :.1-?"0o fti rA k VR = 7oo lc v oJ; tl, o .. 9. 5 p. F.. L'rj~ ""!J


We have the apparent power given by

Sr= 1500 X 106 VA

The voltage to neutral is


V. = 700 X 103

V r /3

Ir= '1500X106 j-cos-10.95

a( 100v~ to') = 1237.18/-18.19° A


= ( 0.8870j0.3242°) ( 700 ~ 10

:)) fS

+ ( 125.904/87.508°) ( 1237.18/-18.19°)

= 439.10151/19.66° kV

The line-to-line value is obtained by multiplying the above value by .f3, giving

'VsL = 760 ~546 kV

The sending-end current is obtained as

I.= C~+Dlr

= ( 1.696 X 10-3/90.098°) ( 700 ~ 10:3)


+ ( 0.887/0.3242) ( 1237.18/-18.19°)

= 1100.04/18.48° A

The sending-end power factor is

cos 4>, = cos(19.66- 18.48) = 0.99979

....... .




As a result, the sending-end ~ower is

Ps = 3( 439.10151 X 103 }(1100.04)(0.99979)

= 1448.78 X 106 MW

The efficiency is

~ Tl=-

~ 1500 X 106 X 0.95 -

1448.78 X 106

= 0.9835

Lumped Parameter Transmissi~n Line Models


1 v,


V: =A V,. + Blr Js = CV,. + DJr

z,= e


A-1 r,=a~


1 v,

Equivalent 'IT Model.of a Transmission Line.

Z =B fl

A-1 Y.= B





.. · . .r-··· : ---· ·

Approximations to the ABCD Parameters of Transmission Lines

Consider the series expansion of the hyperbolic functions defining the A, B, C, and D parameters given by

62 64 66

A = 1 + 2 + 24 + 720 + .. .

( 62 64 6(i )

B=Z 1 +6+ 120 + 5040 + ... .

C= }"(1 + 62 +~ +L+ ... ) 6 120 5040


Using 6 = /ZY, we obtain the following:

zy z:.~yz z:!y:! A = 1 + 2 + 24 + 720 + ...

( zy Z 2Y 2 Z 3Y:3 )

B=Z 1 +6+120+ 5040 + ...

( zy Z 2Y 2 z:!ya )

c = y 1 + 6 + 120 + 5040 + .. .

I=Or- Less Tha.N\

Lih.e . we. c~

ZY A=D=I+-


·( ZY) B=Z 1+T .

C= Y(1 + ~y)


+ o----....-----4 1---...... ---o+

r~ Y/2 Y/2

Nominal ., Model of a Medium Transmission Line.

If only the first tenn of the expansions is used, then

B=Z A -1 Y --B 2

z +0 0+

i - - i I, 1,

v, v,


Short-Line Model.
