i h c i i l l l i s - twin falls public...

|1^ 4 A. MJSdition. ---------- - ,V0L.\l2. 'NO. 104. z io B S P J i i M i ' S j " ME0FFllPPWCII[5:f : ~ ; pli Scores of 'Pipes W inding | ----- i-^^>ay„jnto-S.ilvi?r Frame.. of Dirigible i^ill Craft; “» W itli Fuel for Long Flight; w . , ---------- ' cBy The Associated PrCMi ' , —7 lAKEHURST. AIIB- 0 — A score ot.| ------ plpw wlntllnK thplr wuy inlo the slKcr --------- frume ot-thir-dtriglblc-Orar-Zeppeimij II hlsised aiid wriiJied today with and f | _liidro8cn Uelnjf pumpect Into the great' ' ship for her takcoWJoniorrow'on thC;....... > flrsl'tllK lil around the wdfldhy a llRhtcr- ___ -.iiuin?alr_8)ilp.__________________ . . Lltutenam Comihander Zeno Wlcka.; United SUles nuvy officer In charue o l; --------- thf 'reluuliriigT'iaiq-tnrnaElrTOild-faet;— completed tomorrow noon and oil would D o lj(‘ In Tjkpolt,... :_____ l?r. tlirp m m mandtT Qf l lu*_____ - . Criif, w iUl» New York today, but Will re -;-- turn lontorrow neon to superintend! ^ • formal preparations for the lonB flight. 1 Uelwecti orders lo the reJuclllnK crew j today Commander W lcts told reporter.^! lu- had resigned from the navy, cffec-| live August 0. and would ihcrcufler be-i® employed as httiinar and construcUon huperlnUtndent al •.lie Akron. Ohio, 1° > ■plant cf the Ooodyeur Zeppelin com -^nt puny, which la now bulldlna a haiiKar 1 at in which there will be constructed ______Um-Ainrrlam. imvy.g^u?j>lr9hlP’!-y«9h-!J>ltlJ twice as larne as the Oraf Zeppelin. , 1swej l*««n*erT.J.l Not Known jg The complete puisenKcr list had not; . been made public today but «veral • names were- learned. Tlie Hambuni- j --------- American line-announced ll had sold, S3000 tickets for the entire trip to Wll- ■“ ■■■llamTi; U-eds. Bon of the late ■•tin plate B“ Vi, kins." and husband of the lornier prln- crss Xenia of Russia: Jo.ichlm Rickard, .flu**' a writer of-Boston, Maasuchusett.s. and] » Madrid. Cpaln: and Olto-Hililg. a Llbcr- ,slocl ly. New York. pholo«raphcr. fo li Dr. Eckener expccts to be back at Ukelm rst In about a month, having o r*, ranged for refiielllnK stops ui Friedrich- Tl -------- Bhafen. Tokyo and Los-A"#®*®"- H is; tlcul course between the«e polnu w ill be de- day ‘^termmod by %'cottter eoncillioua.~ jihe ! Ever since Ihe Ctrat kndre<lfraai Ocr- ' ed t many Sunday, coinptellng lU third I the --------- ercmlng of- the-rttlantte;-ninrlBea- hBV-t**U» patrolled the liangar where the Omf lies ; hi berlhed beside her smaller sister tlie:wipe Los Angeles und two little navy blimps. 1ntnl with tt wory eye Jor stowaways, Tlie;Veg8 Oraf has carrlcd stowaways on her last |salt two cccnn voyages, but Or, Eckener is , in delcrmlned ta have no unexi>ecied guests >oiie t on any part n( Ihe world flight. . iciiil Albert Busiikow. the Oerman boy who , nt al stewed away ai Fnedrlc^shafen. sillilrepn uas held by Immigration omccrs at; ti: Glouchester. New Jersey, today lor de- was (Continued On Pan^ 3. Column 2> ! Flumes In Overturned mi Auto Burn 10 Persons --------- of fi • KENOSHA. Wls,. Aug. 0 (4->-Ten per- At .sons were burned in an automobile wasl cra.ih near here lonlthl. five of them way i>robably fatally, ------ 1‘mpped In o closed car that bec.ime <C a vcrllnble furnace, when 11 overturn- ed In a ditch, two women and three T n children were Uie mast severely hurt, n n Two men In the party and three mo- UU -------- torists «ho came to their rescue. »Tre i le.-<s seriously burned.* The lnjiin«d-®re!-------— — ------------------ 1 - - Charles Aldukw. 36: Mr*. Dora I Aidukflji. 39; Raymond Aldukas. G; niontlis; Jowph Markwens.-41: MW. t wrns, 13, Chicago: Stanley Newberry, i L a Kejiosha. and John Cohn, o»d_\Valter_____ _ -------- C\redkerMUwauJiee. . - ' ' • ' J Crash Kills Utah Youth i i And Injures Companions | ------- . ! n l SALT lake crrv. auk. c i-»*>-a , - fi , .Miiall coupe plunged from the highway ; mine _____ at the^mouth of M ilLCrwk canyon, lerijtr .•outheosl of here today. (lU lly Injur* • deatl lug one youth and seriously injuring | vour two oUier occupanU of the car. ance Oeraid WlilUaker. 17. son of -Mr. It and Mrs. Sidney J.-WWtukcr.'died U>- extei nlghi from a fractured skull and in trf dlstri nnl Inturles. a few haurt t>i/> a r . i cldent. mine ---------- MlItaa-WUUanuu-J«,-rt«lved-a ‘l«>- tag t ken arm and poaslble Internal injuries, conu and Grace Jonea. n , was severely In- have Jured. - . well 'The car skidded on a turn tn the The road, lefi the highway, hurdled a 15- were fool rock wall and roiled o\er several Umes. Th -------------------------- - In* _____ Licensing o f G emState i««"p Produce Dealers Befrins temp ............ ........ . , . TtOl -----------DOEE.-AU8.“ n y r fh iU . J - 6 r ^ ^ JJV. duct'dealers under the Idaho Uw rt- Qulrtn* everyone engaged tn burlng and - 9flllnn>rodue^-to-be-llcen9«t-'li-pro* thesUte deiwirtrnenterfatrtnj Everyone.Vhethercmsh borerorcom- ,t,iJ mission man. Is required now to be 11- nnen censed, except eooper»UTe*. explained i W. A. DarU. aaalslanr ccnunlisiober'ortn rO agriculture. 7^ exemtlon sUoWed cash I buytn vas temovcd tor ihe letWa- • «n: lure. . Under^e tema o< the law-dj»l«j» JlJSr -------*adJa-aufe0C-i deatt brraeb-«f contrKt wltb.ihe fara iw irw Uut whom U>ey buy, their UoeoM «ao--to iu m 1- — I ________________ Ln LKASED WnU! MEMBnt 01> AailOClATBO HHESa - - __________ Little Kansas Girl ) __ Ries In _.M (cm pt_To, Save Brothir’s Life I • HUTCHINSON. Kansas, Aujr. 0 i' Loiiisp W llfv. »lic. t^ n y wn< j ____ electrocuted tirtcr wiving her broth- i er from a similar death. Her nine* | year-old brother, Roy. who wui ' ployliiK on the roof of a shrd, ; touched on electric wire and was un- pv; oble to.loosen his grip. While a neighbor ran for a rope to pull liic ^ boy free the wire. LauL-ie climbed , ^ to the roof, grabbed iho wire und '■ shook her brother loose. ; e The shock hurled her ajialnst a ] hiKh voltajte wire. She dkd In- i I Manlly. Tfle only Injury Kulfericl ! by the boy wus u burned hand. ' ------------------------------------ ::7— ! w, JOLLINJUIIESB lular ______ _________ _________I necc; Downpour Cau.ses Death of item? _T-\va-Eej-'son.s-and-Ei-*o»ei:- airho ...............; - - _ . - and ty Damage of $275,000 --------- Tl: LAS VEOAS. N c v Aug. C <,V^-I.os.s I if two lives and du^nu^e roughly eail-' iiated at 5275;00O'wcre countcd here to*- lay as the coats oi severe rainstorms o: he last three duy.r |J|* | Striking through n 100>mlle teirltory he downpour wiped out a half construc- ed IrriKOtlun dam ut Mesquite. Arizona. _____ wept'away bridse.s'. cuusinij^ir ir'eigiit' ruin engine to carry lt.s crew of two to Ic'ath. and inundatlnx. highways, dc- troylng some of them as welt a.n grazinK ind faVm land.s. The latest dama|{e reported was de:i tructlon of the Virgin river dum' which t (c :ovt;-Way before, th t rains, pouring off j he nearby mountoin.s and Hooded Mes* ’ tmi lulte and the adJolnin(r valley. ! I H I Heavy damage was Inflicted on live- * ” * lock, much of which was drowned, and ' i 0 Irrigation system:!.' | I Downpour Cauies Break The dam break which followed a par- Iculnrly heavy downpour early Mon- lay occurred shortly after a train ot ne •itnaiiafi-'iiarUutti' i'fliirtiaq piung-:i tr{ct 'd Uirough a broken brldt^e. drowning ju jf he Englneer^Fra^ Quinn, itnd tho yJile Highways about the dam areo were FJ .'Iped out. Near here the rains obllier- Loul t« l sections of th^.Los Angeles'-Laa C/i ’ega.\rond and damaged the Las Vegas- own« ;alt Uke Clly iilghway. Fl Incomplete estimates placed the dam- ter's tie arOund Las Vegosai$75,000, H nan- Hi ial loss In the dam area was calculated falte t about S20Q.OOO,, tliree-fourths of which Into (■presented the ruined dam. Plan Tlie weakened condition of the dam lapp< las a.uerialned some hours before Its ley v UppoKs C011flpsed'und'rc«!dciils‘*b rilie ~ T h ndangered valley had ample time to desti lee to higher ground. Mesquite which has a population In* ludhiK the surrounding valley of aboul 300. was flooded In sections lo a depth ■f five and one-half feet. Aboui 15.000 acre feel of water had ,-ashed ui>TK?niha nie dum bcToveirBave--------- •ay and there was no opjwrtunlty to save fCortlnued on Page ?. Column 1) ............ iBMlWlil, - fiiilM itlC T - ^abor Dispute Involving ~40n0~Men Root of Trouble in District of Lu nenv ___ nllCHAllEST. Rumania. Aui:. 0 M-» •Flghtliut t>etween RumunUn coal liners of the Lupenjr district und gov- mment troopa.toflai-._rcauiii;d_ln-Uie _____ coth of 58 persons, with hundreds ounded. and no signs of the dUturb- nce subsiding. It U feared today's all-day battle will itend throughout the entire Lupeny Istrict. liners bi the root of the trouble. Dur- tg the night sti'im fs werrreported in -------- mlral of the powrr station ai^ to Bve put the dislrlct ta darkness as cll as 4«topplng current to the mine*, he reporu nated mines still i t work ere thus placed In danger. Flghl Slaris EsH.t The flghUnf sUrted early this mom- « when the public prosecutor, ac- impanled b j Iroopa. arrived' on the «ne and made an unsucces'ful at- ' mpt to medlate. He thrn read the ot act. Tilere ore conflicting rt- >fta wht tl>rr the-mtners ftred tin t or --------- helher the tn»p« fired on the rikers. MUed and Moody encounters con- ; Reporu from .Ihe region »ute the rlke U of local ori«ln and U not iQ- oenced by Communlsu. EMOCRATIC CAKDIDATC TICTOKIOVS IN LOClSLVfA KSW ORIGANS. Aut:'6'(»V-Nama *at«^DeeBoa»ttc-i»adW»w fcr *th- or'Btpmart»tiT«-Whitn»0-P: = ArtliL uipucBtly -------- THE ONLY ASSOCIATED PI TW IN FALLS, IDAHO, 1 PBioEmeTS-fo-'t IH C iillliS :,. _____ Daly. H I rr nr ii i p imp off he 11 LUL iHL uUllu 0 pah hat 01 The Chief Executive Convinced SSe. Government C;in No Long- cwy" er Postpone Action On Penitentiary S itu a tio n j iB y-T lie Assoclatcc! Pre*s) SI WASHINGTON. AUg (3-Convinced rath the ft>deral government can delay no jwrt longcr-ln-rellevtaff-crowded eondltloM —urea ln “ go«rnmentor-prisoiw.— President — thel: Hoover today outhuL-d a plan to pro- in t vide more nccommodailou.-i for federal port law violators In the lll^llIullons. dost Wiicn congress convenes for Ita reg^ »el i ular setalon. the presldeni will asITtlie pllC' necessary authority und upiiropriatlons befo lot-a-nrvlslon-of-thr-frderal-p^l nys- —food ti>m. Tlie plan lncludf> an approprla- tlOU_Of__ fAfWlQOn fiir th.. .n in i prlsQua-UlLAUaaLH__ •rnd.Leavenworili K |||.| and the probable eon.iiriicilon of a new •■'U • prL-wn Bomewtiure in the northeastern .scrtlon of the country. The pre.^ldent also hojK-a to rcllevu conKiaUon by . the appoimiiienl of a larger \iumer of probation officers so , q lhat-morc.prl«jn?r.i cun be placed on V„_ , probation. Tlirough ii betlermenl of „ f,’ the probation system, Mr. Hoover is of ^ ^ , the opinion that not only the prisoners will be benefltted -Ijul the good of the federal govcrnmcnl wll) be .virycd.'' north ---------------- IIold»-Confcr,H««.-----------------^ -^ tn r Tlic chief executive lieii-rmlned ujwn weeks this jilun of proceediire following ex- tempU tended conferences with Attorney Ocn- and 40 cral Mltchel and Sanford Bates, Uie cutta new director ot prisoav which were ex- about (Conlinued On Pase 2, Columa U) ________ —: ------- ; ---------------- Den' MEKENIUCKyfOEIlS DIE IN IPLiNE - police CAMPBELL8 VILLB. Ky.. Aug. 6 ,(-»») tr < i —A barnstorming .sludenrs airplane on thi cmshrd In the center ot the business dls- vide I: trlct-here. late- today and the-young no stc filer sndiils panengen, Iwo ^ampbells- the bo viile buslneas‘men. wenfklHed.' • • Uout The dead'on!:— looun FRANCIS MITCni-XL. 25. Uie pilot, Louisville. T/Joli CABL J:. CAJtTEll, 23, drUR store AOa*! owner. ' ) FLAVK COUIITS. 23, clerk In Car- ter'fl.ttprc.____________ _____________________ Hundred.^ of jier.'<oa< saw the plane sTT falter at a helglu of about 500 feet, go Slierlf Into a .iipln and careen to the ground; outom riame.^ Iniped from the wreckasie and cused lapped the walls of buildings in the ol- began ley where the plane struck. brush ~TiifTb6dtes"or-'aii-thre<''wcriruiiiiosr T rtim destroyed. proprl More Worth Whi ^ |H ----------------- . { » HBW CWiRETO.^, --------- 1 aB M s a a itz iH o u e ',, ,1 ^ aF»l£6i4»»*l(}WisTltt BROM' i V ' '■ PRESSMFAYSPASERWjyy LLS WEDNESDAY MORNING,; ajamaJ3L^ Critic o f ___ : , .'|nn Men’s Dress Shivers in (jU - C hill Kansas City W ind p iCArreAS'Crrv; aur. c-r,r>^Konaid T ily, Muskosce. Okluhomo. stupiwd [ here .today on ^hls tour of the coun- n pair of pale blue puJoma*i, a strow | | t ond cone. rhe pajamas, he explained, ore a n of his ‘revolt ui:aln.',t current \ jdcfl In men’fl slyle-i. a chlllJjreezc In iS ilch flopped tt pujnma Irt; caused Mr, i ily to shiver slightly. Pi He leaves tomorrow (or Dallas. ears in Norther^n Idaho ^ Eat Fire FiKhlers’ Food SPOKANE. Aug. 0 i/»>/-A new and rather humorou-s msnuce wa.-; re- gPC iwrted from North Idulio forest tire mrout ureas where-fire-llKhiinK crews had ho uil their food mipplies puitn by bears behhu In the Sondpoint rcslou. The re- Millie [wrts did not «ay whpilier. the ftre. contro destioylng their cmiouiary food. fornla »el the beurs to ruvuKlntt the sup- «ver»' plle.fror-whcthrr-thr'-nntiHai-mea— ulsTnc berore the tluincs und lound tlie j{undi Fori lfl-T=INJ8IKI:fliS=S EIGHT PEHS’ LIVES S ______ serioui L O N D O N , (Wednewla, Monilng) [J, 7 (4>) —A CUtnitta dlaiiatch to the illy Mall says elgiil pfnon« wrre kill- and 20 injured yesterday in a fljh l Old tween jute m ill strikers and wutch- fire fli and police at Naliiaita. 240 miles zcns 6 rth of Calcutta. tlan. ' \im-vraHfei*'TvdiitTSTir-*m-sifiiirsume^bitT- eks ago when the rmpioyers at- npled to introduce a CO.hour week eating d 40 per eenl of the loom* in the Cal- ■xoilb. tta areas were stopped. There arej^'*^ out 120.000 workers Idlr. Acrc - I ^ 0QI enver.Offers Candidate For Meanest Man Title J0[|| DENVE31. Aug. Qi,*';-Denvcr has a, II ndidate for the world's nieunc.u man. | 3ilbert Tliompson, 14, rejwrted to lice today that he had given a stranK- t i as a down payment on a bicycle ^ilC . the promise of the stranger to pro- le him g Job ol a ctore, Tliere was >store ot the nddim the man gavc'^'“- -* e boy. The M nnut U gane: the boy and out the t4. has noplcycle and is stilt Demw >ung tor a job.-------- ^ ' P-'Kni --------------------------^— I the C l laho Officers Find Car jnonis. Used by Accused Slayer _________________ [_i-lnci.s SITTfAiilES. Idaho. Aug. C a'p — amus* lerKf's officers today discovered the (or M tomoblle in which Chet Wart, oc- Pucln sed of murder, escaped Smiday. and to ma gan organklng posses to bent tlie | mo|; ush for the fugitive.-.Word Is charyed , lonich in“5h{»tli«rTn>n:oi«mKinjln{rhQU.':rrji^l oprletor. ulicr an orgumenl. jlead, ^hile Endurance Records to ------------ ? ....... Lfl f ‘ V ' ' f, . U '! ‘ VACAllOUi^/iT OM HiO 7 ' AMD HAO KW WftlTTEK. H ' VoUlMEReHEftE" ____________________________ (! on « CTH lW)UR,0S.61U»ltEJ . " i t W.H? aw H 6;iio<xaiiajae _ ^ jg g> —-P coH ia cetw ..— B cmb ognnc» w i. iv ^'ALLSXlOUNTy ^ - ... AUGUST 7,192(1. EBFeEiFl FiiTIMBEROF ^ nrn r n ntnnT luiri^Tl rHU U ilU n I III U <Dewe - Miinl --------- sold 1 \ Norlhern Idaho Old Pack River Blaze Rages Over tK of in Nearly 10,000 Acres of «pect f’. u s l: Valuable Forest Lamis oruw Job- ■ • unki <ny Tlio Assoclotcd Press) I ---------- SPOKANE. Aug. C — Plres raged 1 = = ^ rough the fore.Ms of Washington. Ida- r\nn ...and-:Monuna-a«aln-:iodaj'-:lcavlni: j.U II hind more than 30.000 bla'ckcned ucre.i. | I J Ij I jlle approximately 1000 men foughi to ] ntrol the lldnies. In'northern Call-, rnla a scrions tire hod burned over, 111 vcrolv hundred acres^trie_SuKar H lllj ____l| strict ot the \f5aoc naffonanrdresl., .indi'cds of men .hod volunteered to i tht-the-wnflngrotlon. ------------------—U- ---------- Forwt aerial jiolrol planes sent from lR eV . lokana-to-spol-new-tlrcs.wcre.hlnderca.l---------- jiuijkc__eancLclina!NUea’J il« i® l ____ E;i iich crews were Olspatched by truck! - - ,d pack train. Hot weathtr. low hu- j U j, idity. hlKh winds ond thunderstorms j , fostered hundrcd.-i of new blores. none rious, but all slralnfng the resources ol ^ e fore.sters und limber protective iis- .“ OI- clatlons to the utmost................ Oid Flrr* Creep Onward ^ 1,^. Old flies crept onward and additional his (u) e fighting rcciMlla were sought. Citi* former ns 6r Kume regions feared a conserlp- Soft s in. where volunteers were not avail- ihrouu Montana fore.sters reported flames thousa ting Into many forests^tho I^lo. Mis- “'’“ u*’' lib. Blackfoot and Fend O’Kellle had Whe d fires, Acro-vs the line In North Idaho, the (Continiied on Page 3. Column 7) | Q iG llm L llilD |:S Wilis HTyiRGiNi* POLLS ------- Budge, RICHMOND. Va., Aug. 0 John jond C irland Pollard, staunch supporter of r" ^ ; . i!':Asym .tftiiiiuiiui'u u o iriii Id ulM) of AUred'B. Smith and a loyal ■ Aetl' firiocrat In tii* .l«28 prrsldentlal camt. fei»sloti iIkii, today was nomlnnicd by vir* Frank Ilia Democrats for governor, trebling Worth e combined vote of hU lv;o oppo- W. M ■nls. O. W alter Mapi> ond Rosewell Cough! iKe. and L With I2iD of tile state’s IM l prer iici.s reported. Mr. Pollord lio<l°®^ tiussed o W»'or82507-v5l?Ttb-2T.C42-^‘'« r; r Mr. Mopp and 35K for Mr, Puge. eclncw unreport?d would be unable materially change the total. de?".u ' Mopp headquorters at 10:30 o'clock wiiion nichl conceded ihe nomination to .nnd h rrTonirar^lirireiiloyhik u 40WWlcially Id, learned ________ :_____________ wnlk.s --------- I "Idaho to Try For | ----- I Cherra --------- -------------------- --------------------- i irerr i.siicd b] jCoeur -Q.............................. - ---------- --------* Iscemai m Fo f'(iifl N ;i’l hi'' “P ti ----- ---------f - j l . - f ................. ............. .||,p! OH V^l*) Mogrc lwrrV»OUTME-MTi;'HUl(r \x t •> / i ____ lwho.se ____ chicac .^TOr'-X 1 (Tu'tiOfVT/ J i Isamue: I -"ft - V I thetr'I i J WrFIg—/y/.i ---------ifor-tbe I I wilt tv ~~Z~. Thrw ^ *j w i with D . 1 ^ ____ _ gether WWTeHTWDTC'ifn?^ “*SliS iTHmOlAEWON ts: - - i ' /n>e - ....... ..........._ . . . . ' -ptaev- >Iv TM Xtv Xott TrOuM. tse. oicht V UC:.iDi;R AODIT DUrUIAU Q OP cmcui.ATioHH_________ . M ewey’s Flirjrship"At ‘“ " r ^ 1 Battle of Manila Bay i M ay Re Sold for Junk | |j “HILADELPltrA. Aug. 0 (/TV-Un- j s congress pawn a meaaiire to i wey'a (lag.^hlp al the battle of inlla bay, may be scrapped and d for Junk. This. In the opinion of offllcals at t»i*I • e Plilladelphla navy yard. I,* the rlO t . nlflcance of a recommendation to j , e secretary of ihe navy by a board i I’lS inspection and jfurvey which In- , ected the fanioiw cruiser on Au- ' Br: 2^12, She hu--< rested there In hon- | ible retirement hiner her la.st proud i P j., >—lliut of brinKin^ the body o( the i iknown Soldier back from France, , ........i n ..................................................- ------ LANt lOHF^efiiO^Otl] i g MilESISJiLilSEsj; _____ - ! shield ______________________________ -...-JJrtsiJiL V. Remi S. Keyzer, T w in fj;^ [ ? i i I k . _ P n y Z F i t t T n p; T ri- 3«te to James H, Hawley reeem Hoover -------- - ing reei OISE. Auk. « i'V)-"He was beloved 3od .and nien_whu»e ^memory Is o idlction.’’ 11. , _.i, lus the Rev. ncnil 8. K c jirr closed *'‘® * “ funeral sermon ihLs ni6rnliu: over ler Governor James H. Hawley. strains of; orgon miulc throbbed uijh St. John's coihedral <iurlng isands of Idahoans, prominent and :UrC, Tl\i* I hen the car bearing his casket hert the gales of MorrU H ill cemc- . the last cur In the moving cortege barely pawed thc_uovemor.’s_law _..^ ,, :o on Main street, a mile ond >»jyjnjg_ bock, Snmr m ply solemn .service* al the grave ,. ,, 5 olso conducted by Fallier Keyrcr. ose friend for decades of the p lo -' •. statesman and devout Catholic. “ .„_, h Covexnor PaUb««r “'S onorary pall bearers were Oovenior ,h, C. Baldridge, Chief JusUce Alfred K ge. Federal Judges P. 8. Dietrich 0. c. Covanah. Mayor James e, FTawrMnrunrsrrw.-ArcouBniif^,J iir, m CriKl^. n rm m t Wood. C. Jarlhy and.B.-K. Uavlfc,- - . ------ etlve pallbearer* .w e e ^ e fW pro-, *! nk Fletcher. Carl Dlrka, Oscar thwlne. Sain S. Orlffin, Charles: Mock. Edward Duim. Jr.. W lll|J *^, ghlin. E. P. Johnson. Franit Ensign Leo J, Falk. uher Kej-«r’s eulogy reviewed' ernor Hawley's long life in Idaho I , e-the-Rold-mlnin*-days-«e-yeara+^rj.ni : his public service as legislator. < ricl ottorney. mayor and governor:; personal frlentfi^ps with Presl-1 nnTf ■s Cleveland. Roosevelt, T n tl and • . " k “ ion; his loyal old to church, school i |_„ _lioam tal-at_hti-Ialih:-ajMt..eapfcL4- ^ y the warm sympathy which had:. led for him from clllzens of a lllfrrf', is of life .the offectlonalc title,; [ iho s gnind old man." | roaSES HUNT SL-VYEIt ! “O KKOA. Wosh, Aug, 0 j)JV-Charles; STOl rrapln. Indian accused of sloylng Ills ] Cullouj rnf-d'throwgh thehllb today.-pur»-rumiln I by a posse led by Two Gun" Harl. j InRton ir d'Alene Indian resenatlop • po-1 ^^'den nan.- ........- .......................................-jhere.ti llOERlllNESE 5 [O M STOP IR 1trlct c< • • .................................. recmeHt-to Arbitrate ed his Pollows- Federal A p c n t’sicepted I that h< iPeacoorP a ck U p'* O rde r |nwtion --------- church NEW Ydak/iwednndar Mor- ' , ngl Aux. 7 — A new peace oOO i> r»ly between the On Lr«ng and i >P .Sine t«nO'Was signed early to- ij by leaders of both orihnlzatlBns the presence of United SUles At LIBI rney Charies I t TalUe. 500 niei EW YORK.' AU». fl <;»>-L«der8 of the fUi On Leong and Hip Sing long^ field. • se .smouldering rivalr>' blaxed forth when g~thc~At»ntlc~geatTOnl ~^«nt>~ nr*o!t.— 'J uico Sunday la.a_war.lhat.cau3edirick nu killings in two days, today agreed The letile their difficulties, .with Dr. nwhed uel 6. Young Chinese consul gen- atII. w In New York, acting aa arbiter. around a conference »1lh Dr. Young and close b' rles H. Tuttle. United Buies ittor- „ ^ in the leaders agreed on a mice. ‘i le tong leaders arranged to bring ne conference the official seals of j . ... •'fact«n* for attachment to the U n til s proclamaiions which will be rts, fd tn Chinatown. *' ____ WllUSai4_Tekir»m»^ . . i ley also agreed to send telegram.* BOIS M»c repreaenutlvn in other larte ralure- I In the countn*. eonlainlnc orders broughi ibe cenatloo-of-hoatUltles.-These ttiraeyi «is«M^ «■ p^<Mi t« .tifi« .f . SUle 1 m teadera from-each tont met n iiM Dr. Toust and TtttUe today, to- * n*x tr with half a doaen netitral Chi- BdTuI of hidden foet who have 1-«T» MortoembenVi New Yert, 7^52“ ut. New 4tner. B6*tan and CW- * ^^SSS d'^ oST m SS; e ewrewf* : fe- or pack nj>- order laaucd laat Pnpda* L ' ^ . . ^ 1, ihir , TODAY: ^ PAGES — 5 CENTS iGOiCTStOSF:^ JVE8 IN0118111- I in rim / i t \ impimft __ JDEnT i IITLiSlWbT 3t Lengthens Link of Up- rising in- Priiions and , Brings Recommendation From Chief Magistrate (By The Associated Fress) . AN81NO. Kansas, Aug. 0-Two.' vlctft were killed, one was wounded' l-three-e5caped-ln-a-dftri«t-dash-for~-i' rly 'a flh e Kansas state |«hlten-' y here late today. ohn Heslop. o gujtrd. was woimded. Ix convku participated In the ok. capiunng (our guards ond four Cr-^prtsTOersr^homnhey—uscdTum— •Id agotnst 'gullets In gaining Uie! ton gate In tlielr'dash for liberty.. here w a ^ o general' rioting inch os. utrod'lait week at the Leavenwortli' [«jnirar'her^n>bf“ lhe escape plol ned-iinnlher-iink-ln-the-ehaln^'o^;— vlcl' tiprlslnsi over the epuht'ry' ln ;iit weeks, of ifhlch President >ver look rogniunce today in mak-* recommendations for bettcrtnc con- . ons in.federal itcnol Institntlons. . /llllam Webb and &ob Collins were— - convicts killed. Collins look his— when he saw he was about to bo lured. ock Knight, another prisoner, was jnded. Guard Wounded • . ^ leslop, the guard, received a bullet m d 'ltrth ir’lrtr. ' Hls'i'ondtttuu' 1& iiu i' iKerous. he break started when the six eon- la who made the dash for freedom -c brought to the surface after a r’s work In Ihe nrlson mine, which , flQured in mutinies ot - previous—; XS. '• iomthow the men obtained two au-* intlc plsCols. Benching the surface sextet made orlsonera of four irds and four prisoners who wera imidated. [eslop was wounded by OolUiu when guard tried to cscapiB from the ivtct'a grasp. One of the .tour prta- irs who had been seised M hosuges . iM .to UeslO0'l.MICUe_«Q(LkQO!OMStL.. pUtot ftym y u in y hand. • f--- lie four coavlcu lurd to ahleidithe • ht relumed voluntiirlly to Uw ion. enklns. one’ of the fugiUves. had e»-.. «d from prison before. 'our Umea In recent years mutlnJes - I wholesale attempted breaks at ainirhBTe-tJBeirBBreaTM:-------- MOURNS LOSS OF FLOWERS lOlSE, Aug. 0 (/p) — Clay Koelseh. rk.of Ihe supreme court, was m ouni- today the loss of fine dahlias. aUi- M. After lunching on the Koelach til lawn, the horae had the flowehi .. tlpsseri. BOOTLEGGER .SURRENDERS POKANE. Aug..G WV-OrvlHe Mc- llough. last of a quartet accused of mlng li>;uor'from-Cqpadft Into-Wgshr__ ton with a train of psck horses, sur- idered to the United States marshal •e -today.--------- ----------- ------- ------------------ )cateIlo Negroes Seek Order Against Preacher >OCATELLO. Aug. 6 Injunction' itnst~the-Rer:-A.—AT'BanfcsrTJOSton— s asked in a suit filed today In dis- ;t court by Bethel Baptist cliurch of Mtello. to prevent the pastor from en- ihif iM fiiiurcn’M ifiM ; --------------------------- n»e acUon.sUUsjhat.Banks.lendert,;^ his resignation July 33 and was ae- ited Jul>' 31. The complaint charges •t he has neglected hU duties in con- itlon wlUi Uw ^to ra te and that he irch corporation. 0 Men Battle Fire In Texas_ Petro!eum.Field:_: .nJERTY, Texas, Aug. 0 t/Pj— About men struggieti tonight to exllngtiish . fUmlng oU well Oolbear tn the H uU - id. which caugnt. fire early'today en the derricJi lights were turned C fnwn, »-m< slightly h iim ^ ____ ■he Republic Production company hed fire fighting equipment to the it. which came tn last night flowlnc und 1500 barrels dally. Other wells le by. and the town of DalsetU. were * : in dancer barring an unexpected ing northeast wind. lifted Court Proposal I-T .: To Come BcforeXawyeFg—. OISE. Aug'.'e t/P>-^8eeauie"of'‘iKe ure-of aerera]-Important UsueM»-lie—- light before Uw meetliy. Bote »t- leyi today pmOe(cU'li'lut« itlaM l* , le Bar assoclatlcn opentnc Ftldar fdaho y*a«. • - — —'-------- . propMat to provide a unified can t -. UK irtMie iUtAJrtUx CDodsti jo d m ^ Ban both district «adwytMatwwTT>K“ >

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Page 1: I H C i i l l l i S - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · S3000 tickets for the entire trip to Wll- “ llamTi; U-eds

|1 4 A . M J S d it io n . ---------- -

,V 0 L . \ l2 . 'NO. 104. ■

z i o B S P

J i i M i ' S j "

ME0FFllPPWCII[5:f: y«

— ~ ; pli

Scores o f 'Pipes W ind ing |----- i-^ ^ > a y „ jn to -S .ilv i?r F rame..

o f D ir ig ib le i^ ill C r a f t ; “ » W it l i Fuel fo r Long F l ig h t ; w

. , ■---------- ' ’cBy The Associated PrCMi ■ ' , — 7

lA K E H U R S T. AIIB- 0 — A score o t.|------p lp w wlntllnK th p lr wuy in lo the s lKcr

--------- frum e o t - th ir -d tr ig lb lc -O ra r-Z e p p e im ij II■ hlsised a iid wriiJied today w ith and f |

’ _ l i id ro 8cn Uelnjf pumpect In to the great'' ship fo r her takcoW Jon io rrow 'on thC ;.......

>’ f lr s l' t l lK lil around the w dfldhy a llRhtcr-___ -.iiu in ? a lr_ 8)ilp.__________________ . .

L ltu te na m Comihander Zeno W lcka.; U nited SU les nuvy officer In charue o l ;

--------- th f 'reluuliriigT'i a i q- tn rn a E lrT O ild - fa e t;—completed tomorrow noon and o il would D o lj(‘ In T jkpolt,...

:_____ l?r. t l i r p m m mandtT Qf l lu*_____- . C riif, w iU l» New Y ork today, but Will r e - ; - -

tu rn lontorrow neon to superintend! • form al preparations fo r the lonB f lig h t. 1

Uelwecti orders lo the reJuclllnK crew j today Commander W lc ts told reporter.^! lu- had resigned from the navy, c ffe c -| live August 0. and would ihc rcu fle r be-i® ‘ employed as httiinar and construcUon huperlnUtndent a l •.lie Akron. Ohio, 1° >

■plant c f the Ooodyeur Zeppelin c o m -^ n t puny, w hich la now bu lldlna a haiiKar 1 a t in which there w ill be constructed

______U m -A in rr la m . imvy.g^u?j>lr9hlP’! - y«9h-!J>ltlJtwice as larne as the O ra f Zeppelin. , 1 swej

l* « « n * e rT .J . l N ot Known j gThe complete puisenKcr lis t had n o t ; .

been made public today but « ve ra l • names were- learned. T lie H am buni- j

---------American line-announced l l had sold,S3000 tickets fo r the entire tr ip to W ll-

■“ ■■■llamTi; U-eds. Bon of the late ■•tin plate B“ Vi, k ins ." and husband o f the lorn ie r p r ln - • crss Xenia o f Russia: Jo.ichlm Rickard, .flu**' a w rite r of-Boston, Maasuchusett.s. a n d ] » M adrid. Cpaln: and O lto -H ililg . a L lbcr- ,slocl ly . New York. pholo«raphcr. fo li

D r. Eckener expccts to be back at U ke lm rs t In about a month, having o r * , ranged fo r refiielllnK stops u i Friedrich- T l

-------- Bhafen. Tokyo and Los-A"#®*®"- H is ; tlculcourse between the«e po lnu w ill be de- day

‘^termmod by %'cottter eonc illioua.~ jih e ■! Ever since Ihe Ctrat k nd re< lfra a i O cr- ' ed t

many Sunday, coinpte llng lU th ird I the---------ercmlng of- t h e -rtt lan tte; -ninr lBea- hBV-t**U»

patrolled the lian ga r where the O m f lies ; h i berlhed beside her smaller sister tlie :w ipe Los Angeles und two l it t le navy blimps. 1 n tn l w ith tt wory eye Jor stowaways, T lie ;V e g8 O ra f has carrlcd stowaways on her last |s a lt two cccnn voyages, but Or, Eckener i s , in delcrm lned ta have no unexi>ecied guests > oiie t on any part n( Ihe w orld f lig h t. . ic iiil

A lbert Busiikow. the Oerman boy w h o , nt a l stewed away a i Fnedrlc^shafen. s il li lre p n uas held by Im m igra tion omccrs a t ; t i : Glouchester. New Jersey, today lo r de- was

(Continued On Pan^ 3. Column 2> !

F lu m e s I n O v e r t u r n e d m i

A u t o B u r n 1 0 P e r s o n s--------- o f fi

• KENOSHA. Wls,. Aug. 0 (4->-Ten per- A t .sons were burned in an automobile wasl cra.ih near here lo n lth l. five o f them wayi>robably fa ta lly , ------

1‘m pped In o closed car th a t bec.ime <C a vcrllnb le fu rnace, when 11 overturn­ed In a d itch, two women and three T n children were Uie mast severely hu rt, n n Two men In the pa rty and three mo- U U

-------- to rists « h o came to th e ir rescue. »Tre ile.-<s seriously burned.*

— — The lnjiin«d-®re!-------— — ------------------ 1 - -Charles A ld ukw . 36: M r* . Dora I

Aidukflji. 39; Raymond Aldukas. G; n ion tlis ; Jow ph M arkw ens.-41: MW. t

wrns, 13, Chicago: Stanley Newberry, i L aKejiosha. and John Cohn, o» d_\V a lte r_____ _

-------- C\redkerMUwauJiee. . - ' ' • ' J

C r a s h K i l l s U t a h Y o u t h i i

A n d I n j u r e s C o m p a n io n s |------- . ! n l

SA LT l a k e c r r v . auk . c i-»*>-a , - f i ,.Miiall coupe plunged from the highway ; mine

_____ at the^m outh o f M ilL C rw k canyon, le r ijt r.•outheosl o f here today. ( lU l ly In ju r* • deatl lug one youth and seriously in ju ring | vour two oUier occupanU o f the car. ance

Oeraid W lilU ake r. 17. son o f -M r. I t and Mrs. Sidney J .-W W tu kcr.'d ie d U>- extei n lg h i from a fractured skull and i n t r f dlstri nnl In turles. a few h a u rt t>i/> a r . i cldent. mine

---------- M lItaa -W U U anuu-J« ,-rt« lved -a ‘l« > - tag tken arm and poaslble In ternal in juries, conu and Grace Jonea. n , was severely In - have Jured. - . well

'T h e ca r skidded on a tu rn tn the The road, le f i the highway, hurdled a 15- were fool rock w all and roiled o \e r several Umes. T h

-------------------------- - In *_____ L i c e n s i n g o f G e m S t a t e i« « "p

P r o d u c e D e a l e r s B e f r in s temp............ ........ . , . TtOl-----------DOEE.-AU8.“ n y ™ r f h i U . J - 6 r ^ ^ J J V .

duct'dea lers under th e Idaho U w r t - Qulrtn* everyone engaged tn bu rln g and

— - 9fllln n > ro d u e ^ -to -b e - llc e n 9« t - ' li - p ro *

th e sU te d e iw ir trn e n te r fa trtn j Everyone.Vhethercmsh b o re ro rc o m - , t , i J

mission man. Is required now to be 11- nnen censed, except eooper»UTe*. explained i W. A. D arU . aaalslanr ccn u n lis io b e r'o rtn r O agriculture. 7^ exemtlon sUoWed cash I b u y tn vas temovcd tor ih e le tW a - • «n: lure.. U n d e r ^ e te m a o< th e la w -d j» l« j» JlJSr

-------*a d J a -a u fe 0C -i deattbrraeb-«f c o n trK t w ltb .ih e f ar a i w i r w U u t whom U>ey buy, th e ir UoeoM «ao--to i u m

1- — I ________________ L n

LKASED WnU! MEMBnt 01>AailOClATBO HHESa - - __________

L i t t le Kansas G ir l )__Ries In _ . M ( c m p t_ T o ,

Save B ro th ir ’s L ife I

• HUTCHINSON. Kansas, Aujr. 0 i'Loiiisp W llfv . »lic. t ^ n y wn< j____

electrocuted tir tc r w iving her bro th- ie r from a s im ila r death. Her nine* |year-old brother, Roy. who w ui 'ployliiK on the roof o f a shrd, ; touched on electric wire and was un- p v ; oble to .loosen h is grip. W hile a neighbor ran fo r a rope to pu ll liic ^boy free the w ire. LauL-ie climbed , ^to the roof, grabbed iho wire und '■shook her brother loose. ; e

The shock hurled her ajialnst a ]hiKh voltajte w ire. She d k d In- i IM an lly . T fle only In ju ry Kulfericl !by the boy wus u burned hand. '

------------------------------------ ::7— ! w,


______ _________ — _________I necc;

Downpour Cau.ses Death of item?

_T-\va-Eej-'son.s-and-Ei-*o»ei:- airho...............; - - _ . - and

ty Damage o f $275,000--------- • Tl:

LAS VEOAS. N c v Aug. C <,V^-I.os.s I if two lives and du^nu^e roughly e a il- ' iiated a t 5275;00O'wcre countcd here to*- lay as the coats o i severe rainstorms o: Y® he last three duy.r |J|* |S trik ing through n 100>mlle te ir lto ry

he downpour wiped out a ha lf construc- ed IrriKOtlun dam ut Mesquite. Arizona. _____ w ept'aw ay bridse.s'. cuusin ij^ ir ir'eigiit' ru in engine to carry lt.s crew o f two to Ic'ath. and in u nd a tln x . highways, dc- troylng some of them as welt a.n grazinK ind faVm land.s.The latest dama|{e reported was de:i

truc tlon o f the V irg in r ive r dum' which t (c :ovt;-Way before, th t rains, pouring o ff j he nearby mountoin.s and Hooded Mes* ’ t m i lu lte and the adJolnin(r valley. ! I H I

Heavy damage was In flicted on live- * ” * lock, much o f which was drowned, and ' i 0 Irriga tion system:!.' | I

Downpour Cauies Break The dam break which followed a par-

Icu ln rly heavy downpour early M on- lay occurred shortly a fte r a tra in otne •itn a i ia f i- 'i ia rU u tt i ' i'f l i i r tiaq p iung-:i t r {ct'd Uirough a broken brldt^e. drowning j u j f he E n g ln e e r^ F ra ^ Quinn, itnd tho yJile

H ighways about the dam areo were FJ.'Iped out. Near here the rains ob llie r- Loul t« l sections o f th ^ .L o s Angeles'-Laa C/i’ega.\rond and damaged the Las Vegas- own«;alt U k e C lly iilghw ay. F lIncomplete estimates placed the dam - ter's

tie arOund Las Vegosai$75,000, H na n- H iia l loss In the dam area was calculated fa ltet about S20Q.OOO,, tliree-fourths of which Into(■presented the ruined dam. PlanTlie weakened condition o f the dam lapp<

las a.uerialned some hours before Its ley vUppoKs C011flpsed'und'rc«!dciils‘* b r i l ie ~ T hndangered valley had ample tim e to desti lee to higher ground.

Mesquite which has a population In* ludhiK the surrounding valley o f aboul 300. was flooded In sections lo a depth■f five and one-half feet. Aboui 15.000 acre feel of water had

,-ashed ui>TK?niha n ie dum bcToveirBave---------•ay and there was no op jw rtun lty to save

fC ortlnued on Page ?. Column 1) ............

iB M lW li l , - fiiilM itlC T -

^ a b o r D ispute Invo lv ing ~40n0~Men Root o f Trouble

in D is tr ic t o f L u n e n v ___

n llC H A llE S T . Rumania. Aui:. 0 M-» •F lgh tliu t t>etween RumunUn coal liners o f the Lupenjr d istrict und gov-mment troopa.toflai-._rcauiii;d_ln-U ie _____coth o f 58 persons, w ith hundreds ounded. and no signs o f the dUturb- nce subsiding.I t U feared today's all-day battle w ill

itend throughout the entire Lupeny Istrict.

liners bi the root o f the trouble. D ur-tg the n ig h t sti'im fs werrre p o rte d i n --------m lra l o f the pow rr station a i^ to Bve put the d is lr lc t ta darkness as c ll as 4«topplng curren t to the mine*, he rep o ru na te d m ines s till i t work ere thus placed In danger.

F lg h l S la ris EsH.t T he flg h U n f sU rte d early this m om - « when the public prosecutor, ac- impanled b j Iroopa. arrived' on the «ne and made an unsucces'ful a t- ' m pt to medlate. He th rn read the o t act. T ile re ore conflicting r t ->fta wht t l>rr the-m tners ftred t i n t o r ---------helher the tn » p « fired on the rikers.

MUed and Moody encounters con- ;

R eporu from .Ih e region »u te the rlke U o f local o r i« ln and U not iQ- oenced by Com m unlsu.


K S W O R IG AN S. A u t : '6'(»V -N a m a*at«^DeeBoa»ttc-i»adW»w fcr* t h - o r 'B tp m a r t» t iT « -W h itn » 0 -P : = A r tl iL u ip u c B t ly --------


T W IN FA LLS , ID A H O , 1

P B i o E m e T S - f o - ' t

I H C i i l l l i S : , ._____ Daly.HI r r n r i i i p imp off he

11 LUL iHL uUllu 0 pahhat 01

— • ‘ The

C hief Executive Convinced SSe. Government C;in No Long- cwy" er Postpone Action On P e n iten tia ry S i t u a t i o n j

iB y -T lie Assoclatcc! Pre*s) SIW ASHINGTON. AUg (3-C onvinced ra th

the ft>deral government can delay no jw rtlongcr-ln -re llevtaff-crowded eond ltloM — ureal n “ go « rn m e n to r-p riso iw .— President — thel:Hoover today outhuL-d a plan to pro- in tvide more nccommodailou.-i fo r federal po rtlaw violators In the lll^ llIu llons. dost

W iicn congress convenes for Ita reg^ »el iu la r setalon. the presldeni w ill asIT tlie “ pllC'necessary au th o rity und upiiropriatlons befolo t-a -n rv ls lo n -o f- th r- frd e ra l-p ^ l nys- — food ti>m. T lie p lan lncludf> an approprla-tlO U _O f__ fAfWlQOn fiir th.. . n i n iprlsQua-UlLAUaaLH__•rnd.Leaven w o rili K | | | . |and the probable eon.iiriicilon o f a new •■ 'U • prL-wn Bomewtiure in the northeastern .scrtlon of the country.

The pre.^ldent also hojK-a to rcllevu conKiaUon by . the appoim iiien l o f a larger \iu m e r o f probation officers so , q lha t-m o rc .p rl« jn? r.i cun be placed on V „ _ , probation. T lirough ii betlermenl of „ f,’ the probation system, Mr. Hoover is o f ^ ^ , the opinion th a t not only the prisoners w ill be benefltted - I ju l the good o f the ” federal govcrnm cnl wll) be .virycd.'' no rth---------------- IIold»-Confcr,H««.-----------------^ - ^ t n r

T lic chief executive lieii-rmlned u jw n weeks this jilu n o f proceediire following ex- tempU tended conferences w ith Attorney O cn- an d 40 cral M ltche l and Sanford Bates, Uie cutta new director o t prisoav which were ex- about

(Conlinued On Pase 2, Columa U)________ — :------- ;---------------- D e n '


- police CAMPBELL8 VILLB. Ky.. Aug. 6 ,(-»») t r < i

—A barnstorm ing .sludenrs airplane on th icmshrd In the center ot the business d ls- vide I:trlc t-here . late- today and the-young no stcfile r s n d iils panengen, Iwo ^am pbells- the boviile buslneas‘men. wenfklHed.' • • U o u t

The dead'on!:— loo un FRANCIS M ITC ni-XL. 25. Uie pilot,

Louisville. T /J o liCABL J:. CAJtTEll, 23, drUR store AO a*!

owner. ' ) FLAVK COUIITS. 23, clerk In Car-

ter 'f l.ttp rc.____________ _____________________Hundred.^ o f jier.'<oa< saw the plane sTT

fa lte r a t a helglu of about 500 feet, go S lie r lfIn to a .iipln and careen to the ground; outomriame.^ Iniped from the wreckasie and cusedlapped the walls of buildings in the o l- beganley where the plane struck. brush~ T iifT b 6dtes"o r-'a ii-th re< ''w c riru iiiios r T r t imdestroyed. proprl

M o re W o rth W h i

^ | H

— -----------------

. { » H B W C W iR E T O .^ ,--------- 1 a B M s a a i t z i H o u e ' , ,

,1 aF»l£6 i4»»*l(}W isT ltt BROM'

i V ' '■


L L SW E D N E S D A Y M O R N IN G ,;

a j a m a J 3 L ^ C r it ic o f ___ : , . '|n nM en’s Dress Shivers in (jU

- C h i l l K a n s a s C i t y W in d p

iC A rre A S 'C rrv ; aur . c-r,r>^Konaid T ily, Muskosce. Okluhomo. stupiwd [ here .today on hls tour o f the coun- n

pa ir o f pale blue puJoma*i, a strow | | t ond cone.rh e pajamas, he explained, ore a n o f his ‘ revo lt ui:aln.',t current \ jdcfl In men’fl slyle-i. a chlllJ jreezc I n iS ilch flopped tt pujnma Irt; caused M r, i i ly to shiver slightly. P iHe leaves tomorrow (or Dallas.

e a r s i n N o r t h e r ^ n I d a h o ^

E a t F i r e F i K h l e r s ’ F o o d

SPOKANE. Aug. 0 i/»>/-A new andrather humorou-s msnuce wa.-; re- gPCiw rted from N orth Idulio forest tire m routureas where-fire-llKhiinK crews had ho uilth e ir food m ipplies puitn by bears behhuIn the Sondpoint rcslou. The re- M illie[w rts d id no t «ay whpilier. the ftre. controdestioylng th e ir cmiouiary food. forn la»el the beurs to ruvuKlntt the sup- «ver»' p lle .fro r-w h c th rr-th r '-nn tiH a i-m ea— ulsTncberore the tluincs und lound tlie j{u nd i

• ■ Fori

lf l-T = IN J 8 IK I:fliS = S EIGHT PEHS’ LIVES S

______ seriouiL O N D O N , (Wednewla, M onilng)[J, 7 (4>) —A C Utnitta dlaiiatch to the illy M a ll says e lg iil pfnon« wrre k il l- and 20 in ju re d yesterday in a f l j h l Old

tween ju te m ill strikers and wutch- f ire fli and police a t Naliiaita. 240 miles zcns 6

r th o f C alcutta. tlan. '\im -vraH fe i*'TvdiitTST ir-*m -sifiiirsum e^bitT -eks ago w hen the rmpioyers a t- npled to introduce a CO.hour week eating d 40 per eenl o f the loom* in the Cal- ■ xoilb . tta areas were stopped. There a re j^ '*^ out 120.000 workers Idlr. “ Acrc

- I 0QIenve r.O ffe rs Candidate

F o r M e a n e s t M a n T i t l e J 0 [ | |

DENVE31. Aug. Qi,*';-Denvcr has a, II nd ida te fo r the world's nieunc.u man. | 3 ilb e rt T liom pson, 14, rejwrted to lice today th a t he had given a stranK- t i as a down payment on a bicycle ^ilC

. the promise o f the stranger to pro- le h im g Job o l a ctore, Tliere was > store o t th e n d d im the man g a vc '^ '“-‘ -* e boy. The M n n u t U gane: the boy and ou t th e t4. has noplcycle and is s ti lt Demw>ung to r a job.-------- ^ ' P-'Kni

-------------------------- — I the Cllaho O ffice rs F ind Car jnonis.

U s e d b y A c c u s e d S la y e r■_________________ [_i-lnci.s

S IT T fA iilE S . Idaho. Aug. C a'p — amus* lerKf's officers today discovered the (or M tomoblle in which Chet W art, oc- Pucln sed o f murder, escaped Smiday. and to ma gan organklng posses to bent tlie | m o |; ush fo r the fugitive.-.W ord Is charyed , lonich in “ 5 h {» tli« rT n > n :o i« m K in jln { rh Q U .': rr j i^ l oprletor. u lic r an orgum enl. jlead,

^h ile E nd ura n ce Records to


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E B F e E iF lFiiTIMBEROF ^n r n r n n tn n T lu i r i ^ T lr H U U i l U n I I I I U <Dewe

- M iin l --------- sold 1

\ N o r l h e r n I d a h o O ld P a c k

R i v e r B la z e R a g e s O v e r t Ko f in

N e a r l y 10,000 A c r e s o f «pectf’.u s l:

V a l u a b l e F o r e s t L a m is oruw■ J o b -

■ • ■ ■ u n k i<ny T lio Assoclotcd Press) I----------

SPOKANE. Aug. C — Plres raged 1 = = ^ rough the fore.Ms o f W ashington. Ida- r \ n n ...and-:M onuna-a«aln-:ioda j'-:lcavln i: j . U I I hind more th an 30.000 bla'ckcned ucre.i. | I J I j I jl le approxim ately 1000 men fo ug h i to ] n tro l the lldnies. In 'n o r th e rn C a ll- , rnla a scrions tire hod burned ove r, 111vcrolv hundred ac res^trie_S uK ar H l l l j ____l |strict ot the \f5aoc na ffo n a n rd re s l., .indi'cds of men .hod volunteered to ith t-th e -w n fln g ro tlo n .------------------— U - ----------Forw t aerial j io lro l planes sent f r o m lR e V . lokana-to-spol-new-tlrcs. wcre.h lnderca.l----------jiu ijk c _ _ e a n c L c lin a !N U e a ’J i l « i ® l ____E ;iiich crews were Olspatched by tru c k ! - - ,d pack tra in . H ot w ea th tr. low hu - j U j, idity. hlKh winds ond thunderstorms j , fostered hundrcd.-i of new blores. none rious, but a ll s lra ln fng the resources ol ^ e fore.sters und lim ber protective iis- .“ OI-clatlons to the utmost................

Oid F lr r * Creep O nward ^ 1,^ .Old flies crept onward and add itiona l his (u) e figh ting rcciM lla were sought. C iti* former ns 6r Kume regions feared a conserlp- Soft s in. where volunteers were n o t ava il- ihrouu

Montana fore.sters reported flames thousa ting Into many fo re s ts^ tho I ^ lo . M is- “ '’ “ u*’' l ib . Blackfoot and Fend O’K e llle had Whe d fires,Acro-vs the line In N orth Idaho, the “

(Continiied on Page 3. C olum n 7) |

Q i G l lm L l l i lD | : S Wilis HTyiRGiNi* POLLS

------- Budge,R ICHMOND. Va., Aug. 0 John jo n d C irla n d Po llard, staunch supporter o f r " ^ ; . i!' :Asym .tf t i ii iu i iu i 'u u o i r i i i Id ulM) o f A U red 'B . S m ith and a loyal ■ Aetl' firiocrat In t i i * . l «28 prrs ldentla l cam t. fei»sloti iIkii, today was nom lnnicd by v i r * F rank Ilia Democrats fo r governor, treb ling W orth e combined vote o f hU lv;o oppo- W. M ■nls. O. W a lte r Mapi> ond Rosewell Cough! iKe. and LW ith I2iD o f tile state’s IM l prer iici.s reported. M r. Pollord l i o < l ° ® ^ tiussed o W » 'o r82507-v5 l?T tb -2T .C 42-^ ‘ ' « r ; r M r. Mopp and 35K fo r M r, Puge. eclncw unreport?d would be unable m ate ria lly change the to tal. de?".u '

Mopp headquorters at 10:30 o'clock w iiio n n ich l conceded ihe nom ination to .n nd h r r T o n i r a r ^ l i r i r e i i lo y h ik u 40W W lcially Id, learned

________ :_____________ wnlk.s• --------- I "Idaho

to Try For |----- I Cherra

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-Q.............................. - ---------- --------* Iscemai


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____ chicac. ^ T O r ' - X 1(T u 't iO fV T / J i Isamue:

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. 1 ____ _ getherW W T e H T W D T C ' i f n ? ^ “ * S l iS iT H m O lA E W O N t s : - -

• i ' /n>e- ....... ..........._ . . . . ' -ptaev-

> I v T M X t v X o tt T rO uM . tse . o ic h t


UC:.iDi;R AODIT DUrUIAU Q OP cm cui.ATioHH_________ . M

e w e y ’ s F l i r j r s h i p " A t ‘ “ " r ^ 1

B a t t l e o f M a n i l a B a y i

M a y R e S o ld f o r J u n k | | j

“ H ILA D E LP ltrA . Aug. 0 (/TV-Un- j s congress paw n a meaaiire to i

wey'a (lag.^hlp a l the battle o f in lla bay, may be scrapped and d fo r Junk.This. In the opinion o f offllca ls a t t » i * I • e P lilladelphla navy yard. I,* the r l O t . nlflcance o f a recommendation to j , e secretary of ihe navy by a board i I ’ lS inspection and jfurvey which In - ,

ected the fa n io iw cruiser on Au- ' B r : 21 2, She hu--< rested there In hon- | ib le retirement hiner her la.st proud i P j. , >—lliu t of brinKin^ the body o( the i iknow n Soldier back from France,

, ........i n..................................................- ------ LANt

lOHF efiiOOtl] ig MilESISJiLilSEsj;

_____ - ! shield______________________________ -...-JJrts iJ iLV. R e m i S . K e y z e r , T w i n f j ; ^

[ ? i i I k . _ P n y Z F i t t T n p; T r i -

3« t e t o J a m e s H , H a w l e y reeemHoover

-------- - ing reeiOISE. Auk. « i'V )-"H e was beloved 3od .and nien_whu»e ^memory Is o id lction.’’ 11. , _.i,lus the Rev. ncn il 8 . K c j i r r closed *'‘ ® * “ funeral sermon ihLs ni6rn liu : over le r Governor James H. Hawley.

s tra ins of; orgon m iu lc throbbed u ijh St. John's coihedral <iurlng

isands o f Idahoans, prominent and :UrC, T l\i* Ihen the car bearing his casket „ hert the gales of M orrU H ill cemc- . the last cur In the moving cortege “

barely pawed thc_uovemor.’s _ la w _ ..^ ,, :o on M ain street, a mile ond >»jyjnjg_

bock, Snmrm p ly solemn .service* a l the grave ,. ,, 5 olso conducted by F a llie r Keyrcr. ose friend for decades of the p lo - '•. statesman and devout Catholic. “ . „ _ ,h

Covexnor P a U b « « r “ ' Sonorary pa ll bearers were O ovenior ,h ,C. Baldridge, C hief JusUce A lfred K ge. Federal Judges P. 8 . D ietrich 0 . c . Covanah. M ayor James

e, F T a w r M n r u n r s r r w . - A r c o u B n i i f ^ , J iir, m CriK l^. n r m m t Wood. C.Jarlhy an d .B .-K . U avlfc,- - . ------etlve pallbearer* . w e e ^ e f W p ro - , *!

nk Fletcher. Carl Dlrka, Oscar thwlne. Sain S. O rlff in , C harles:Mock. Edward Duim . Jr.. W l l l | J * ^ ,

gh lin. E. P. Johnson. Franit Ensign Leo J, Falk. ‘

uh er K e j-« r ’s eulogy reviewed' ernor Hawley's long life in Idaho I , e -th e -R o ld -m ln in * -d a y s -« e -y e a ra + ^ rj.n i : his public service as legislator. < ric l ottorney. mayor and governor:; personal fr le n tfi^p s w ith Presl-1 nnT f

■s Cleveland. Roosevelt, T n t l and • . " k “ ion; his loyal old to church, school i |_ „ _ lio a m ta l-a t_ h ti- Ia lih :-a jMt..eapfcL4- ^ y the warm sympathy which h a d :. led fo r h im from clllzens o f a l l l f r r f ' , is o f life .the offectlona lc t i t le , ; [ iho s gn ind old m an." |

roaS E S HUNT SL-VYEIt ! “ O KKOA. W osh, Aug, 0 j)JV -C h a rles ; STOl rrapln. Ind ian accused o f sloylng Ills ] Cullouj rnf-d 'throw gh th e h llb today.- pur» -ru m iln I by a posse led by T w o G un" H arl. j InRtoni r d'Alene Ind ian resenatlop • po-1 ^ 'denn a n . - ........- .......................................- jh e re . t i


1 tr lc t c<• • ..................................

r e c m e H t - t o A r b i t r a t eed his

P o l lo w s - F e d e r a l A p c n t ’ s icep tedI tha t h<

iP e a c o o r P a c k U p '* O r d e r |nw tio n

--------- churchNEW Y d a k / iw e d n n d a r M or- ' , ngl Aux. 7 — A new peace oOO i> r» ly between the On Lr«ng and i>P .Sine t«nO'W as signed early to- i j by leaders o f bo th orihnlzatlBns the presence o f U nited SU les A t L IB I

rney Charies I t TalU e. 500 nieiEW YO RK.' AU». fl < ;»> -L«der8 o f the fU i On Leong and H ip S ing lon g^ field. •

se .smouldering rivalr> ' blaxed fo rth when g~ thc~At»ntlc~geatTO nl ~^«nt>~ nr *o !t .— 'J uico Sunday la .a _ w a r.lh a t.c a u 3e d ir ic k nu killings in two days, today agreed The

le tile th e ir d ifficu lties , .w ith D r. nwhed uel 6 . Young Chinese consul gen- a t II. w In New York, acting aa arb iter. around a conference »1 lh D r. Young and close b'

rles H. T u ttle . U n ited B u ie s i t t o r - „ ^ i n the leaders agreed on a m ice. ‘ i ‘

le tong leaders arranged to bring ne conference the o ffic ia l seals o f j . . . . • 'fa c t« n * fo r a ttachm en t to th e U n t i l s proclamaiions which w ill be rts, fd tn Chinatown. * '____ W llU S a i4 _ T e k ir» m » ^ . . iley also agreed to send telegram.* BOIS M»c rep re ae nu tlvn in o th e r la r te ra lu re - I In the countn*. eon la in lnc orders broughi ibe cena tlo o -o f-h oa tU ltles .-T he se ttiraey i

«is«M «■ p^<Mi t« .tifi« . f. SU le 1

m teadera from -ea ch to n t m et n i i MD r. T o u s t and T tttU e today, to - * n*x

t r w ith h a lf a doaen ne titra l C h i-

BdTuI o f hidden foe t who have 1-«T» M o r to e m b e n V i New Y e rt , 7 ^ 5 2 “ u t . New 4tne r. B 6*ta n and CW- *

^ ^ S S S d ' ^ oS T m S S ;e e w r e w f * :fe- o r pack nj>- order laaucd la a t Pnpda* L ' ^ . . ^ 1, i h i r ,

T O D A Y :

^ P A G E S — 5 C E N T S

iGOiCTStOSF: JVE8 IN 0118111-I i n r i m / i t \ im p im ft__JDEnTi IIT LiSlWbT

3t L e n g t h e n s L i n k o f U p ­

r i s i n g i n - P r i i io n s a n d ,

B r i n g s R e c o m m e n d a t io n

F r o m C h i e f M a g is t r a t e

(By The Associated Fress) • . AN81NO. Kansas, Aug. 0 - T w o . ' vlctft were k illed, one was wounded'l-three-e5caped-ln -a-dftri« t-dash-for~-i'r l y ' a f l h e Kansas state |« h lte n -'y here late today.ohn Heslop. o gujtrd. was woimded.Ix c o n v k u participated In the ok. cap iunng (our guards ond four Cr-^prtsTOersr^homnhey—uscdTum — •Id agotnst 'gullets In gaining Uie! ton gate In t lie lr 'd a s h fo r liberty.. here w a ^ o general' rio ting in c h os. u t ro d 'la it week a t the Leavenwo rtli' [« jn ira r 'h e r^ n > b f“ lhe escape p lo l ne d - iin n lh e r- iin k -ln -th e -e h a ln ^ 'o ^ ;— v lc l ' tip r ls ln s i over the epuht'ry' ln ; i i t weeks, o f ifh lc h President >ver look ro g n iu n ce today in mak-* recommendations fo r bettcrtnc con- .

ons in .federa l itcnol Institntlons. . /l l l la m Webb and &ob Collins were— - convicts killed. Collins look h is— when he saw he was about to bo

lured.ock K n igh t, another prisoner, was jnded.

Guard Wounded • . ^leslop, the guard, received a bu lle t m d 'l t r th i r ’lrtr. ' H ls 'i'ondtttuu' 1& i i u i ' iKerous.he break started when the six eon- la who made the dash fo r freedom -c brought to the surface a fte r a r’s work In Ihe nrlson mine, which , flQured in m utin ies ot - previous—; XS. '•iomthow the men obtained two au-* in tlc plsCols. Benching the surface

sextet made orlsonera o f four irds and four prisoners who wera imidated.[eslop was wounded by OolUiu when

guard tried to cscapiB from the ivtct'a grasp. One o f the .tour prta- irs w ho had been seised M hosuges . iM .to UeslO0'l.MICUe_«Q(LkQO!OMStL..

pU tot ftym y u i n y hand. • f---

l i e fo u r coavlcu lu rd to ah le id ithe • h t re lum ed v o lu n tiir lly to Uw ion.enklns. one’ o f the fugiUves. had e»-.. «d from prison before.'our Umea In recent years mutlnJes - I wholesale attem pted breaks at ainirhBTe-tJBeirBBreaTM:--------

MOURNS LOSS O F FLOWERS lO lSE, Aug. 0 (/p) — C lay Koelseh. rk .of Ihe supreme court, was m ou n i-

today the loss o f fine dahlias. aUi-

M . A fte r lunching on the Koelach t i l lawn, the horae had the flowehi .. tlpsseri.

BOOTLEGGER .SURRENDERS POKANE. Aug..G WV-OrvlHe M c- llough. last o f a quartet accused ofm lng li>;uor'from-Cqpadft Into-W gshr__ton w ith a tra in o f psck horses, sur- idered to the U nited States marshal •e -today.--------- ----------- ------- ------------------

)cateIlo Negroes Seek O rder A g a ins t Preacher

>OCATELLO. Aug. 6 In ju n c tio n ' itnst~ the -R er:-A .—AT'BanfcsrTJOSton— s asked in a su it filed today In d is- ;t court by Bethel Baptist c liurch o f M tello. to prevent the pastor from en- ih if iM f ii iu r c n ’M if iM ;---------------------------n»e acU on.sU U sjha t.B anks .lende rt,;^ his resignation Ju ly 33 and was ae- ited Jul>' 31. The com plaint charges •t he has neglected hU duties in con- itlon w lUi Uw ^ t o r a t e and th a t he

irch corporation.

0 Men B a ttle F ire InTexas_ Petro!eum .Field:_:

.nJERTY, Texas, Aug. 0 t/Pj— About men struggieti to n igh t to exllngtiish . fU m lng oU well Oolbear tn the H u U -

id. which caugnt. fire e a rly 'tod ay en the derricJi ligh ts were turned

C fnwn, »-m< s ligh tly h i i m ^ ____■he Republic Production company hed fire figh ting equipment to the it. which came tn last n ig h t flow lnc und 1500 barrels da lly. O ther wells le by. and the tow n o f DalsetU . were *: in dancer ba rrin g an unexpected ing northeast w ind.

l i f te d C o u rt Proposal I - T .: To Come BcforeXaw yeFg—.

OISE. Aug'.'e t/P>-^8eeauie"of'‘iKe ure-of aerera]-Im portant U sueM »-lie—- ligh t before Uw mee t liy . B o te » t- le y i today p m O e (c U 'li'lu t« i t la M l* ,

le B a r assoclatlcn opentnc F tld a rfdaho y*a«. • - — —'--------. propMat to provide a un ified c a n t -. UK irtM ie iU tA J rtU x CDodsti j o d m ^ Ban both d is tr ic t «adw ytM atw w TT>K“ >

Page 2: I H C i i l l l i S - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · S3000 tickets for the entire trip to Wll- “ llamTi; U-eds

I p l - .......... : ,‘ '{ '■ P f lg o T w o . ^ ___

fa iia iiB E B I lEES TO fO i . I M Olci'iTr;' I , ^y ' Rej)ublicans R e a ffirm Prc* „

; j ' vious A ction in ®ij ; a t in g E x is tin g Counter- Ij \ v a ilin g Clause On Cars

f ' 1 — - - - i! ; By, D. lIA ItO L D OLTVCR

,lA55CclatedPrcM Stoff w n te r i — ^ I > . ’W A8H IN O TO N . Aug. & -T h e senate p,f i finance com 'm ltlM Republicans. fn iraKcd-Lf ' In amqndliiK Uie house tn r l f f bill, today[ • rcduced ih c du ty on nutonioblles Iro m lc i

■ 35 10 10 per cent nnd reaffirm ed tn c ir . - i prcvJous action In cllin lnacln^ » ie f x - .w

i Ih tln * .coun icna lllnB c ln iiic p c rm lttii- i |cl- the United SWle» to rnLse ll< motor v c - ;c ip ; Ijlc le lo r l f r to meet forclan levies. • ctI By the chnnse. trucks vnlucd a v IcM ni9 iha n *1000 also would be duiwble s t.lO fc_ _ j j e r cent, but truck.'* worth more than 1 ^ ^ 1 0 0 0 and buses Jntcnclrd to carrj- lo o r t t

more ■’ liersons n-ouJd tte.ir the SS pci p; ccnt rate.

The existing law. which the house b il l m ' , d ltl not clmngc. provlde.i o duly o f 23 fji.______t>er Cent on n il motor vehicles and Oie p«

counlervallh tg n?riinRe«rriit: ;Previously, the tw l f f framers had In

e l im in a te , on ly the countervalllni!I clause. The cu t In d u ty decided upon ofH ------ today.-tliey-aaidrW flR-m nde-ftfW r-it-war or_ i____ if f t rn M th a t A lvan Macaulcv. presiden t pr----- - tif the IM clcar^ M e lo r company and iHcI . N ationa l Automobile Chamber of Com- Is ' i merce. hnd rever«ed his position and had be ; I ngrccd to both the du ty reduction and th ' •, countcrvn lllns clause e llm ln a t lv -

Mttcaujcy. together s lU i rep iV «n ta* i f . . — pj o ther automobile manufacturers, ho ' j recently appeared before. Uie fu ll f l - Jlc

' nance com m lttec In response lo nn In*: i v lta tlo n by Senator Reed. Republican, m

Pennsylvania and exprc.w d a w illing ­ness to the reduction to 10 per ecnt, but ■

' vaK lns provision. t iGives Reason

Com m ittee members declared the ren- I M n fo r exeeptlng more expensive henvy-

d u iy trucks and buse.-v from the lower d iity was the fa c t'U ia rU ie s o productswere b u ilt on order and were no t on a __^mass production basis. ......... ^ . ..

T lic house m tca on w all pnpeV, sen- Bltlzed and photognfphlc paper also were e llm lru ited du ring today’s revision pro- cess and e'xlstlng duties restored ,to the

■ mChairm an Sm oot w-os le&« optlmUtIc nbout the prospectA o f having the mea-

S___ B urt.ln .X Ina l fo rm .by. August 18. .when ,the »enat« rcconvenca. declaring I t ap- ^

■* pletc the work by th a t lim e; U n le » the ’ - b i l l la ready, the senate w ill meet a n d | . ^

“ ] reccMi” over tnree-oay periods. iC rltle lz lnB ' the tneaalire.. <3c3»tor

Swansdrt. D ^ o c ra t . V lfg ln la . ' In a ^ Bla:tcment Issued th rough the Demo- , c ra llc naUonal committee, declared It

'■ "bcstou'R on the m anufacturing In ter* fcsti a h igher ta r i f f than ever before ^

---------enJoy«i-b>^thenM»nd-wmlld->'g^e*t^y^n- ^crcase the jix to rtlo n practice by specific­a lly favored m an iifac tu rlng Interests at Ih c expense o f the consuming public." j

CJIes V ear » *« k F J m rt* me- I --------- Sw oasoa.sa ld-thft.com m rrffc r ifp a tt-- flU

m ent y c a r to o k on business and Inter* i— . na tional trade piibllshed n few days ago

"con^pletely v lnd lca tr.i" the contention of thoM opposed to the Increases In the

j house bill.•T lie Breat Increases contemplated In

«hU b il l cannot be Justified i f Ihe aU te* . m ents o f the departm ent o f commcrce arc true.” the V irg in ia senator added.

Priva te Industries o f Europe contlnu*. ed today to fin d faMlt w ith the house

" - l a n f f b lll. e igh t commercial groups In • five countries protesting to the senate ~ finance committee throuuh diplom atic channels upon proposed increased du-

---------Ue3.on.a.acorcl.o{_com m odlllcs. . . . 'G reat B rita in . Holland. Portueal. F in - ' ,

____ ^Innd. and Latvla. Joined In the_latest ._I prole&t as Ihe finance cVrnmU'tee R e^

publicans pu t In anotlier long day o l , ' • to ll In revising the house measure. * '

•Fu tu re n ig h t sessions were abandoned lo r u ic present, bu t in i i ic ir atcad Chui^- ^

I man Smoot o rdertd m eetln js to begin nt "‘ 0:30 and end a t C o'clock.; SUKar w ill come up again tomorrow

wKh resumpUon of public hcarlnss by ' ' se* ^lo* tcsUniony on _ j

pos il.' calling fo r d u t lc r o f* from ?™o---------3 cent.'i a m un d t»r> raw sugar, the rates “

changing a.n the wholesale refined price lioes up or down.

____ :_ jr . . .0 ._0 a l l« h e r jc :c d o : - \v . - n . .0 ss.nssL%unt lrsi.sla:lve reprcsetiiatlve ol the American Pann Bureau Federation, and H . H. Pike. Jr.. New York, reprc*

. ^enUns theJfcrsU cy Interests in Cuba . . w ill be among thc.se appcarln ; lo te.itl- fy on the scale. Chairman Smoot has

........ ■*^-t»e.-«fOuM -*>»Ddon-thc-pro)cct-U- —hH Rep’jb llcan 'co llfaguea cn the com-

t h illle c 'd ld 't io l approve d m .-------------------Democratic members of the commit­

tee and some Republicans already have exprcwed oppasltion to the plan, w h il;

; W ealem and Southern sugar Interests - also have sign ified disiatlsXactlon w iy j (

: , •

e R a in Exacts Heavy ‘T o l l i n S o u t h w e s t

^ : fconunuM ;Trom P A iV o t ii ) ---------~

but a tn ta ll pa rt of Ihrtsicck g ra x in j In_ the va lle r. _________ _________________ ________ W eather reports Indicated the worst _

ox. tn c stcrm s had paued. ‘---------Th e fitxmnse a lsh t o f o rd in a rily d r j

d e s m washes filled w ith s w ift streams o f w ater remain.

A . . M O R M O X S C T T u a re x T .^ ..........B A IT L A K B CTTY. Au*. « t-IV-OJcn-n . - '- d s le w u r W M q td te v h e re re iid e iit itu T T .. . . I . . . ■ n»d t a t h f M ila ta ra o p e flood n te n > _^4— «■

S V m fm b e n ct u iir - a - ■- - la MA ta


HieVRaflwt I~ f o r e c a s t F O E TO D A Y A W ) TO*

M O R R O W ^FkJr » ijd n n H . b ir t scat* j , ' Ur«d. thBnderatonaa-lii.aoatheaat .p s r* ;I t ion. . • . ■ . .

I The m ercury reached the Ol-flegrec m ark here _ycBlerday. 2 dcgrecs'lilgher Uian Mohda>''s m axim un iraccordlng to the governmpnt weather ob.<erver. T h --,

' m in im um waa 63 degrees. or\D drgrers lower tlm n the m in im um temperature

• o f the previous day.

- P r e s i d e n t A c t s t o ~ ,s i

r R u i i i n d y C o u d i t i o tM ----------§I n F e d e r a l P r i s o n s o

' • „ In(Continued F rom P * je One)

: pedltcd by the reccnt outbreak a t "I Leavenworth. J'r | M r. Hoover said he con.sldcred over- wI [crowding In the prisons the causc o f « -.••In fin ite dem orallra tlon And the direct

catMc o f ou ib r« ik .i and {rouble." He d r - o;; I da red the Increased num ber of prl.-^on* o' ; era Li due to the gcncm l' Increuso In crim e w h ich led h im to .crcn le « com-

i m ission to Investigate federal law e n - ; “ I fo rcement nnd cou rt proceedurM.

Stat!.-<ties .which have been placed In H ' (he preitldent'K handa Khow--the-AUanta_R

prison Is W p e r 'c e n t-o v (T -e jip « c liy -Vw ith Lrnvenworth ho tu lng S7 per cent n: more ihmnter. th a n Intended lo r I ts ' s< rjuarters. A l these tw o 'ln s tltu llo iis 33 t l per cent o f the Inmate,i are narcotic t l

• act-vlolatOM .-ahd-J4-per-cent-ore.w ‘rv *-p : Ing terms fo r p ro h ib itio n vlolntlon-i. . 1>

Superintendent Bates Is the nu tjio r h o f the p lan fo r p lacinjr m ore prisoners w

. on probation and In U h e jio s the u p - . B' proval And bacirJnr o f tHe p r e i ld ^ . ' ~ -T n c pri«o n r d lr ec to r . h jrr-H ooven '« ld rT« Is convinced he can fin d a Inrger num - w b e r 'o f prlson'eni irh o m erit probation ki tl ia n the to ta l o f U iu e now accorded ni th a t llbe rly . A t present the />tnte oT federal probation officers U Inadequnte. I r however, to core fo r Incrcnscd'.proba* la i tlon. W ith new appropratlon*. It Is N hoped th a t m ore probation officers can 8i be appointed. • :

—-------------------------- cl

L - y B E C K E N R I i G E - H f i l ^ :

B M i m P R E S I D E N T i :

--------- ' P'f i l e r " . Aug. tt ' isp cc la l to The N rw sV :^

—L. L. Breckenrldce. T w in Falls. w as 'S ' elected to .TOCceerf h ln u e lf a t Ihe nnnu'nJ, meeting o f the Idaho H am pshire Breed* • "* ers' asjioclatlon held In th e Women's bu ild ing a t the f&lrgrounda here th is evenlhg Im m edlntelv fo llow ing the ban-1 ^ quet tendered to aheep raisers by «he,“ K lw an ls club. O ther officers. M . C .; " C laar. Burlc j-. wn» reelected >ecre la r>-; ^ lre *.iu re r.— C harle i. -H ow land .. .C a n ir . ” bridge: Mra. M in n ie M ille r. W endell, fciid ” H . C. F inch. Soda uprtngs. were adA in ; elected to. constitu te. wUh the president anrf « > r.rrt iirv ,tH .« ^ l..^ r-> h r- bonr«1-o f ‘ -.f° dlr®c\ors o f the. t»»9^ l o n . TT'J. T ljo 're p o rt 'o f Ihb fr ta su re r showed a **

surp lus o f 1185 In Uie treasuo'. I t was !• vplcd u> d fvo lc U)ls to ndvertis lng Idaho H am jah lrcs. T lie board o f dlrectora was I _ authorl7.ed to f ix a aalar}^ fo r tfie w ere- j ' u ry -trea su re r. who has heretofore serv- ca w unout n .y , j j ,

n i 'T A I lX IW PLAN C A M T A iO N jo f ST. LO UIS. Aug. 6 i/I '^D lscua s lo n o f

m clhod.i to combat chain store m er* chancQslng by Independm t reUUers was i h'eafa as th e lw e U lh seiriT rannUttrcon^'H * vent Ion o f the American R eU lle rs ' as- d i soclatlon continued here today w ith ap- tri p ros lm a te ly 000 delegates presen t de

Z e r o H o u r o f G i a n t

G e r m a n Z e p p e l in '^" T a k e o f f A p p r o a c h e s a

• • .(C ontinued Fron i-P age-O ne) .....||{

po rta tlo ii. nnil It was believed the cx- **' am ple-made of him would discourage other rom antic ymith» from attem p ting , ,to hide them selrrj: on th e ^ h lp .— ...........

L ieutenant S. F. R rlcheldorfer. aero*loa lca l-o fflce r-he rc_an iiounccd_ lon lcM .__th a t there was no |)rospect o f strong u, winds th a t m ight delay the takeo ff to ­morrow nlRht. He M id th o l lig h t « r la - -hlft n ftri h w ftr n-inrti a r r r __whlch.would be no olwtacle. ^

The marble qiiarrle^ o! Ita ly have nn ; ou tput valued a t one m illio n aterlln ;i. j '

__DQWH_ti3_ia70.II>prr were prln trH .tV .,. I__000,000 copies o f Webfiter-s s jw lllng book, j

^ o u w o t i l d n ’t p i i t g

s a c k o f f l o u r \

• i n t o o n e

mscuita n d e x p e c t s u c c e s s ■.

A n d cnitee ro u te d in b u lk 3 - ^ — can- n rvc r—M e 4 ik c . I IU U - .

Hrrtt. C iffee . F o r {> y ^ o n ~ ' t 'ro llf'd R o a jiiin ;. i r n i i B r n i* '

----------- c o n tim w is proCTJs^-that-rottt;--------- — --------------------------- op i ;* a f u u n j i t l - t t ifw^r——

Cl fr j- herrj", i» roasted e^'cn^.'.. ;T h e fla\-or is con tro lled , »rfil I w h a t a fla\-or i t UJ '


■- C Q E E E E j g

- t

3 D A I L Y n e w s ; T W I N F A ]

E iM o icy iiiiiirHTOSfflOEIITBiK ; • ---------- ' - . .

p 'M ach inc Tears D o w n-B r ic k [S W a ll and Drcalis , W ir i- i“ :

?•' (low ; R ider Leaps Sa fe ly IU"' ■ ______ ■ !» ;

BUHL.-Aug. 0—C ra s liln * U irbugh-the^Jft , jhowTOom o f the W. W. M o to r com pany.; jn,

ft motorcvxle being repaired b y A lm a tei Jensenrm echaiirc, till 6 UOWii' ir pat't to rr ’^ ,

IS o f A brick w all and went th rough a plate ;'g lass window, reven by six feet, M onday c .

" 'a fte rnoon. M r. Jensen had the m ach in e ,In gear and wusnstrldo I t when in some . .

nt m anner be started It on Ita w ild* r id e ..Jumping befcre l i struck the w a ll.' He> ,

r . W AS un injured. Cost o t the dnmagt! was of estimated n l »W. . a .c t M rs. Maud W addlngton. Florence Col- n. orado. and Mr.s. Hattie M lnger. C o lo rt* ch; 1. do Springs, were called hereby the de tttli 'go, In o f th e ir fa ther. Levi T . Kelley. They sci

,w ll l v is it relntlvc.s here before re tu rn ing , in j J. to t l ie lr homo.s early next week. an

' M r*. C a ll Samuels was hostess to the dej In H ighway Kenxlngton F riday a ftc rnoon .-Ju i ^ R o ll cnll WHS answered w llh ‘ 'W arm M i ly . W eather H in i i " and.C h ildren .o f the.:™* i t members were entertained d u rin g the «5 m • social hour. Plans were completed f o r , Ttt 13 th e annual fam ily picnic lo be held In Ic the c ity park August 18. The club made L ii •^plim a.fo r.gaan ingJn iIt-fO iU he.chlldrc> i's

, Ijon ic a t Boise to be shipped d u rin g the , j r ho liday season. .Dainty refreshm ents- rs were served-to- 14 m em bera-nnd flvo I l ) . , guests. : l ly—r— M .~M. V .-in - l*a ttrn rsuperln tenden t-o f-fo r i —echools-lier»i-who-ha*-6pont-tho4ait-alX4.£2i 1-■ week.'i altcndlnz suilin icr School n i B e r- ; res n keley. C aliforn ia, w iil re tu rn lo Buhl d next week. • , ' J)T Rev. and Mr.s. A. C. La th ro ^ nre .spend* , c. Ing a werk a t the BapllHk convention ;. I grounds near E.isley. M r. and M rs. B . ; is -N. HoU fihd Rev.-and-Mrs.- W ; Temple-;— i n Starkey, Tu-ln Falls, accompanied Ihcm.

1 The Womcn-R'Forclgn-M lsslonfm' so— ^ clety of the Baptist church w ill meet

m in rs d a y afternoon a l the church. ' ^ M r. and Mrs. Ix-cnnrd Staten ore p a r - .

—;-cnUM>fwi-M>n-born-Augu«t~3.--------------------' Mls.% Sophie M iller. CeHltlc. Is the

r . g iieal of her brother, M h rtln M ille r,I ! '-M n". Flctchcr Sk lllc rn nnd M rs. H arry

Webber were hoMesses a t a p icn ic KUp- ’ _ _ per a t the home of M r. Webber M onday fC

.y;eyening.-lK>norlnj-M l8S Sophlo M ille r,

I The body of Mrs. Della Ryan, CO, who . ' made her home here fo r the last fivei

: j'enr*. was 'shipped to O'CooTa. Nebrna- ka, Sunday morning fo r b u ria l beside

. the gravft of her husband., M r». Ryan i _

. d ied Saturday morning fo llow ing a brie f l i « : Illness. Tne body was accompanied b y !‘I tw o daughters. Miss Ellt.-ibelh Ryan and , J c , , ‘ M ls8 Ada Rynn. w llh whom‘ decea sca j|^ .j mnde her home., and'by her son, C !yd4Bc. 1

M « . p lyde Ryan w ill leave S a tu rd oy^M r ;,.: fo r-a-m onths v is it w ith re latives n t B ru e l., t Iu

^ :M r . Ryan. ' ’ ' j o r i] ' , . — ------------i. I, ■ " |8 h !

_ I CRAKH F A TA I. TO M OTOR IST ' »m , i B A T TL E MOUNTAIN. Nev.. Aug. 6 fr lc• j(yr>—Ethel Johnson, belln-ed to have.m ot* ! relatives in D etro it, was In vu n tly killed-^O rl ';th t-< afternoon'W hen a c»in>e rhe w a iH vA;

(d riv in g a t a h igh rate of jp r r r t o v e r- id re •tu rned on the highway two miles w est;flk< o f here. wfti

f i ------------------------ --- I n iHFw^T IN TENSE IN TE .\AS ' ^

" I D ALLAS . Texas. Aug. 6 (/!»)—The gen ^ i e « i “ w«nntcH5C~inrouBnoiirTuxBff;n>5T«8t - day. bu t there were no known pros* 8 w• ira tlons. W Ieh lta Falls per.^plred t l lO B iM r

degrees fo r the sccond time ih ls sum* T in m rr . and a t lea.<>t three other cities lla i fe lt temi>cralurcs above 100. E

---------------------------- ty.G IFFO R D niVORCF. COSTI.V ent

RENO. ^ e v .. Aug. 8 W t—W a lte r’ S ., uat $ O lffo rd . president of the A m erican ;e ra

Telephone and Telegraph com pany.; ta\i who was divorced In Reno ycMenlay , nn<

rn fte r iio o n 'h y Florence P ltnum O lffo rd .-Jdn I ha* agreed to pay her »l66rt 6<3 as a l l - f t ln p m ony m on th ly u n til her death or r e - ' late

marrlaRe. i t a-a* lenrnrri {<{d.'jv In dJ j* 're t* i r lc t coiij-t when Ihe papers in the d l'- ig a l

vorce su it were un.valed. .................. A

— Ch»lk-ls-composed-alm«(it-<>ntlrely-of-an« s the shells o f l l t l le sea animals.

!T o H a v e a n d

____ 1 W 'u h i iv i

l iv e . W o i n i j r l i t as w o lP ; l i r e u n d c o n ifr> r t o i i t o f i t h p ro is n o c i is ic r w a y t i n th e 'b a n k f o r th e cJoi

tl! . - . * . , be th e rn c jjiiH o f e n jo y in g

A c t |u i r c Ih c S a v in jf

' I jiiH w in fa llsNI T & p i t a l a n d S u r t

' I

'A L L S ,- ID A H O , W E P N E S

i j ^ g c b a i l - „ I

^ C a t c h i i ^ T t t i n l t B ^ n i c l d e j

C K IC AO O ; A i i r ^ m - T h e b ^ y o f “ A m an found in ' a h o u l hero 8und»y

. w ith the th ro a t s luh ed . was te nU - Uvely Id e n tif le d 'to d iy ox th o l o f Tony B ro tle m r a catcher. fo rm orly -«4 tluU ie D aytoni baxcbal], c lub o f the Central r

j league. I O fflc la lJ i said Indications were 1 ith s m a ll had cQtnAilttcd suleidc. . , 1 F ro m , D ayton U was learned tha t IB ro ttcm . had been given hU uncondi- ;t)ona l release tw o weeks ago.

A Jclt*J‘ “ *ddrB«Md to B ro tlem Jjj I care o f the D ayton club, which hod been fo rw arded from Erie. Pennsyl*

-van la .~w aa_fotu>d^ln-thc man's cloth*: ing. I I boro th ft signature o f B ro l* - tcm 's sister and was postmarked Ta* t4

"cQ ittfl. w a i iu m n flii. -----------------------------r»r. -------------- ri

S a n d p ^ i n t W o m a n G o l f e r ^

I - L o s e s t o S p o k a n e S t a r f i____ . • l« i

’ TAC O M A. Aug. 6 m —M ri. G uy R Ie - ! gel. Spokane, t l t l lk t , defeated Mrs. w . P

'A . K lrkm a n . Bondpolnt. Idaho, fo u r iO and three. In th e womcn'.s state go lf P cham pionship on th ; F ire Cre.ti club . t) course here today. Mrs. 11. O. Young,' h:

. Seattle, fo rm e r state chnmplon. e llm -iM

. Inated M rs. Dewey Busch. Tacoma, five > la nnd four, w h ile M rs. L. W llcy. R a tt le , to defeated M l5 « -B c tly * -M flrt lh : 'Tacoihn ,"

-Ju n io r-r.to tc cham pion. .‘ Ix and - five. : g M rs .'F re d Jackson, Seattle, twice fo r- k

-m e r sta te cham pion. m ad P -a-brllllanL i-ji ■ « 5 -to de feat-&U m M nrjo rlc Jeffrle.-t.-^v ,Tttcom n star, three and two.

G o ld i e H e s s U n a b l e »o i «■

-----------^ M c o t . 2 W i l d c a l ^ G a r t e r -J;; i -------- g1I LOS A N O E LE S .-A U B -C -tiJ -^ Iua b lU _ : lly . o f Goldie Hess. Ocenn Par. C nll- sc -fornlar'junloc~U({hiwolnhU-to.flRht.^be*..ldi eau^r o f a serious boll on his r igh t arm, k

r re sm u a .m TtTtodt» j^n"xo'm prctc--.ca ii- i-tt ' cella tlon o f to n igh t's boxing program. - q I Hess was scheduled to meet Leslie ! - | ' iW lldca t) C arte r, sen ttic negro. In a ; lO-round bout.

i_P K 0 S K C U T O rt.S _A III I.OSE.S JOB D S E ATTLE. Aug. 6 (vTV-Edwln U. iT o d T j ]

D r ly oll. deputy prosecuting' attorney. | was dismissed from t l ia t office today;

; by Prosecutor Sw ing D . Colvin, fo llow ing < an InvesUgntlon o f charges tha t UrL'.-j

Icon had been d rin k in g p rio r lo an a u * ; 'TOOTobHe-flccldeot-jjwt-nWhir— DrtseoI^T— ■ wtw released fro m the c ity Jnll on h is ; personal recognizance. (

:---------------^ f a

i lE iS JN O L lM O IllJ .!?iflPHLIlUTIllLiS-S;

». ■ — V i ” 'I F I D E i ^ * t f . 0 -'Special to The ti^w sl i I ’,' [ - S i t f M P I K l c e s fo r Opal R u \h 'W ll- ! | 5 'iM R T w e re h n B ^ o m the F iler M e th o - . j . j f k t church S t ji lfc y afternoon, w ith a i , K r g e number o f n ie nd s present. Uev. 1 , IC. E .'H elm an waa In cha rgf of the Rer*: ^L»iU «. nnri-nrai..-r.M-n« o f fr r r f l bv R rv 'M r. O ro u l o f the M cuiionlU ' c liurch.; p i r e c vocal riu jnticrs were given by; .

lO rou t. T . D. "w ilM h and Mrs.' au> -;‘ 9 I Shearer. PallbrfilrerH. chosen from ; ^ I among rchoolsnatra and In tlm n te ifo frlend.’i. were'CTale nevcrcombe. f le r - -d i m an H e lflkc r. O rcn • A llison. Vernon pc O rlm m . RaliOi B to m j and Pay H n ib - - ivny. Honorary pallbearers were M ll-

flke r. Ella M a in Oreavce. E lino r Ed- ;__ wards. Velma O rlm m and Helen Wnite. — In term en t was l i i . « Ie r cemetery.

M iM Wllllam.-r died In the county general hospita l las t Thursday a t th?

-« g e -o f-3 1—« f t^T—*-pro longed—lU n c ii .— S urv iv ing are her parents. M r. and , Mra. C. O. W illiam s: ty o sisters. Mr.v T lie rm n Comegy* aiid Ml.vi Helen W il­liams. and a brother. H arley WIIIlllln^.

Deceased was bont In Jefferson comi­ty . Nebraska, and'cam e w ith her par-! entfi In lO Il H te r. where she print- uated from high school. In 1024. A lte r, graduating from Alb ion nbnnal .'he taM glil school In Maroa fo r two ypnrx. nnd then a ttended-the U niversity of

•Idaho, where she waa fo rc c d jo d lico n -. - [''tlnue her studlc.s l>ecause of lllne.w She ' later w ent to Phoenix. Arizona, but •returned home when she fo iled lo re -,I gain her health. I

Am ong~thnsr altend ln jr-the-M Tvice fr;— were M r. and Mrs. George W . W illiam s

-and-soD. Bolac_________________ ~ :

___________ ;

n d t o H o l d 1 I '

u iv c o n ly o n e l i f e l*> In iu c l i i)tc ii-? i _

j f i t n.s iK)s.*<iblc. A n t i J jy th a n to p i i t m o n e y I:J o u d y day.s tf ) c o m e ; jV » lcn o .s itc t l n o w w i l l I jin g l i f e f u l l y l i U c r o n . - { U

..........................□n it H a b ll N O W ! f l

- i INational Bfink | |

[ r p f u a 5 1 6 7 , 0 0 0 3 - “ r : j r

----------- ------------------ Q ______I___

I in i II '

e s d a y : m q r n i n g , a u g u

i i lM l i i i i iP l?TiisTimEy • ' of e ......................... ............. .....................■- - - of

c E . F . R i n e h a r t , B o is e , E x - „

t ' . t e n s io n D e p a r t m e n t A g e n t .

P r a i s e s ' ' I d a h o A n i m a l s

i ■ . -------. F ILE R . Au*. 8 iC pecla lto T hs Newa) Pl . —One hu nd red 'pe ru ns assembled here . ton igh t o t the artnunl bannuet tendered “ by the IMlCf K lwaiil.Vu lub iw H it J i i t j r

ra lM rs assembled to attend the eighth annual ran j sale At the fairgrounds to - /JT morrow, heard E. P. R inehart. BoUe. he

[*' fie ld an im o l husbkndman-of the exten- >n I Sion departm ent o f the University o f wl

. I Idaho, s l i te th a t the Idaho sheep raisers O; ' / p u t the best.lnmbs o f any state In the r I Union on the. m arket nnd get the best }” f prlccs fo r them because they go a fter 3. the best ram s-prccurabie and nre w lll-

' Ing to pay the price re<uilred to gel them.- iM r . R inehart spoke on tlie subjccl "Ro* s ; la tlo n o f the Value o f the Pure Breeder vn . to the Sheepman." ■ Dt

T he ' m eeliiig was called~lo'ltrdeT'l5>'Ta3• :G uy H. Shearer, pre.ildent of the F ile r . th ■; K lw .nnta'chib. who Introduced Colonel i ‘•-E.-O .-W alter-as-ton.'itm nstef:— Colonel*— '• , W a lle r Introduced R n s w Rich, Burley, up [president o f th e Idaho Wool Growers’n.’woclatlon. who mode a brief address In •

• which he h igh ly complimented the en- th , t terprlse o f F ile r and Its K lwanls club nnd —

tlie courtcsy Jnvarratly cxtehdca w guests. I ■

■- — M tiilra l tinm hprf rnnnhled nf vocal—• solos by Miss Langlols, Burley, a p lnnb; ■-tduet-by~Mrs.-Ouy-Hi-8henr<<r-«nd-MrsJ__uJl-AJ3 j!.cra..ftnd_B_flc leciiQ iU jy jL.(iunrr___‘ i te tte -com posed-o f Mrs.- Shenrer.- Mrs.- . •• ‘ Beem. Mrs. c la lr O llllla n and Miss Fran'- I cIs Helman.

r l l lG H F IE lf ii ic O E I TURXEY TONG CENTER

’ 1 Newst—R ichfie ld Ls bcccmlng iv turkey [ ra b ln g center and a great many o f the

-•tfanners In .d iffe re n t neighborhoods in I th l.i section, have Hocks running from !lM _xo_300_ jirjlO O _b irds. The HirgcslIg row crs-oreJJ ie tt— W ir a n l i i id — W __H1__Joy. M r. and M rs. W yatt, four and

•a hnl.'' m iles n o rth o f R ichfie ld; arc p lo - - , uccrs In the tu rkey business here. Thoy I now have 1600 turkeys which they ex* pcct to p u t on th e m arket by Thanks-

; g iving. They expect to reallrj? About IJ5000 on Ih e lr fic ck th is ycar.'^W . B.; Joy. who began ra ising turkeys on a j larue scalc three years ago have IDSO to pus on the nutrkcc th is year. .

---------: I .^SUE- U U E!. l U t. lK L IS — r i ”, fi0 I.SE . AUg. B </-fV-;Aftfr-?plrit«id dLn- ’

. ; to refer t^ Aitfcrney General O lllU a I .'rwjuest from land owners In W and Park'> I fo r closing of the road through tlie sub- ■ d li'is lpn xold to ttrxb iin ; and idnho : pcrsciiii fo r re-sort cabhv-.

The number o f jwrsons k ille d bv light.- -n ln trp er-)-cnr-nve re gt3 -23 -ln -E n 8 la nd . - - 1

L :

' —l . 1

! ' . *

I Theh ip itse i


r.J.PBCXBNS,Cofc 1 3«S oM iiM «i>scnI L A K E c r

^ fM tV » u lc i2 0 l

--------- . ______ ___________ S u r r r t r tM z l

j : r , :

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ i i

U S T 7 . 1 9 2 9 ,- : : ^ J

f f i r c r o T r i u m p h B O v e r : 11'T - H r - G ^ a h a n b y ^ K n o c k o u t

• y^A flH I KO l ' U N .- Pttn T o n y . H errero. ChlcAgo ^ lightweight T tnoclte ff-bu i B U ly -C a lU h an r-D eU o lt. - a f te r <S seconda o f th e sccond round o f a 10-round bo u t here tonigh t. ' . j

Callahan Went down w ider ,rage o f righ ts and le fts and was down •_ fo r five m inutes. ■ ,

O R lF F l'n i BEATS BfURPUY. PEORIA. III .. :,Aug. _o iyP ).W "ry „

iT u ffy ) G r if f ith . SJoux C ity . Iowa, heavyw-elght, knocked' ou t Jock M ur-, p ity . Boston, In the f lra t round o f a 10- round bo u fh c re to n ig h t.' al

v o fia ------------- ^V ICTO R IA . B r itish Colum bia, Aug. 8 bi

(/IV -M lss D fro th v Wclael. Saeramentn, ui 'headed fo r her f i f th consccuOvo tftJc i,{ m .m e P a d iiq N orthwesi here . ^ d o y when she conquewd Miss Ann C oo li Oakland. 0-1. 6-0. In th e second round

•of the B rliU h Columbia tennis chnm.* » nlonehlp.1. M l« Welsel won w ith ease, losing on ly one game. . H

"DnY" C H IE F RfAKES R A IB pjRENO. Auc. C f / n - t , . A. Toombs. N r- J*i

vnda ’ 'd ry " ch ie f, who.-.e transfe r to ^Dcnvrt- has been onndunced. p iit In a ,TaT»rKeSllii'C In -R cno'todav; by-ra ld toB * three bootleggltlg cslAbllsliments.

—T h e t lrs t steam p r im in g press wns put up in 1848. In O crm any.-------- -------------- "

I t Li .supjw.ted, th a t the Romans were the flra t to construct atone bridges. • ■

^ ^ < ^ K A H O K A I C H ESI

(B ffeeF l a v o r t h a t i s (

- M w a y ^ h e s a m e ^ - -]'A o O f i l f f liy TrUplione

__ will bring Pnwtit D flivtfy _0

. Phone 806rW

|R 8 | I

e lf is w onhm dnth

S t B R N D A C I F

^ --------- C V . itA N G U M ,T r # » . Frt.' ’- 'M ^ S e U iM in S c

z r r r . . . p o c a t e l l o . i d :w u y -

I . . . ---------

■ ' r '

j lOOpilcnt lL I j f t < L !f c T i jni^ r ._ui:________

- — ' ^ S c i f i i ^ O E t l i K c a t Z

(Continued On Page 3. Column 7)

• old Pack r ive r ffce ra jc d orer. nearly 10,000 notes. New biases were reported

f in the Cleartt'atisr., Selway and Nea Perce forcata of C entra l Idaho. .. In W ashington, the Chelan fire 13.000 acrcs'ln extent, was the m ost jMrlous.

Two new fires, ^ach o f 150 acrea,.wero re p a r l^o n a e n u n e lU k e lQ WosbtnBton.No valuable tim ber was threatened.

Three new flres'were b iin iin g oh T lrrl*■ ber W olf creek and-largOrcrews-w ere

attem pting t'o'bVlhg tbeni under contrui.

“ Deschutes forests were th V o ^ y % rcs i blazes imported in Oregon. The fires

> tifiually confined to an acre or ao, were- beln% controlled as fast as Uiey broke' ouu ______________________

1 LONDON'S FRIEND 'tJNDER K N IF E . OAKT.ANO. A u l. 0 m — 'M urny"—

Heln ljo ld . life lo ng -fr ien d o f the Inte JOCK London, novelist; went tn a hon- p lla l today tor a serious otw rntloii. artd

. Ills F irs t and Loj^t Chance saloon, nn , Oakland landmark w-hlch houses mnnv

London curios, was dosed fo r the flrn t tim e In 43 jears. H elnhold Is 12 years old.

The Clurlsimo*. i r w had Ita orlKln in icgypt long bcforc-the Chrl5tJa)rc)'n.—

In tro d u c in g _

o B i ^ je k ^ s S a ^ - -

---------- r— C T R T O O N S ------------------------“ H i.v D oc . m n n r i h s h r iD t - t i i c - — - - D e n v e r P o s t B i l l W i l l H ro .td c a s i e v e r y w ee k in th e c o h im n s o f T h e T n in

FaJJs D a l ly N e ti-s *-

H e Is Good, and Y o u ’ ll L ik e H im — W e G u a r­

antee I t ! ^

— ^W atch -fo r-H im !----------

4 S \ -T H e . ,

W O R L D 's V y ^ \ ^ ^ ^

& R E A T E 5 T ^ : ^ | y

W ! M d M 6 b T i i &SONS

P l.A N IN C ; M I L L ' • I ‘ h o n c : }7 8 -W .



‘fc o f travel

? i c 3

I D A H O . . .U472 --------- - ■ " ................ ..............

* l « a r e e r t _ . „ ,

Page 3: I H C i i l l l i S - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · S3000 tickets for the entire trip to Wll- “ llamTi; U-eds

“ ~NewYorfeAtWetic Commission Scores In Old Controversy

Prom oter’s Action Comes as--------------B +s-t-i-n -rt-S u i'p rise .JToU _

lowing. Issuance o f D e fy

, to . O ffic ia ls o f S t a t e

B y ED W AKD J. N EIL(ARsocJatfd P rrw .S iw rts W rite r)N E W Y O R K . A u k . — T h e /

N e w Y o r k a la lc a lh l c l i c co m - ( m ijw lo n w o n a r o u s in g v ic to r y

--------- lo d a y in Ih e Io n s d r a w n «m li._ .. K l r u K K le . - lo . . in tp re s s l.u p o n _ M a x . k > S c h m e lIn K th e m n jc H ty o f th e

hn:tinR ; la w . ____' W it h c o n K id c ra b lc s a t ls fa c -

_____ ___t5 o n ._ th e _ £ is t lc _ fa th e r s _ b c in i ir h t . IH i jr l i l l l C a re y , p r e s id e n t o f M a d -

1________ i j f l i i Sciuorc O ttrd«‘n. before them ll ils -liiorn lnK ' on cT 'feezed his awiirnnce t l ia i u ll iicKoUalloriK fo r o match bc-

..............Car.‘y ' said ‘ h f ■•inlBht disi>0se 'o r- tn el>roiHTiy rlRht« or SchmehnK’s con- irn c l." bu t was ndvlstd not to. nndi-r os iiennlly o f dlselDlliinry action by the » board. jj;

D iiitln c t S u rp r lu UiCurcy’s actloH came as a dis tinc t s iir-

lirLsc Inasmuch a.i the Oorden had In- '^^llcati'd th tt l l l would defy the wl.shcs

of ihL> commlKKloii und attem pt to stuKC ^ the match ouUlde o f New York, where SchmellnB ha.s auftercd wiapeaslon and tn

________ r/.i,-upnHnn-Qf_his b tn ln ir llceniie r or_r«':^ UIfiis ftl to 80 through w ith a con tm ct to “ flKh t Ph il Scott fo r Hum bert J . Fu- o< iinzy. promotional r iva l of the Oartlcn. m


— in -iih iB i-'f^orTW ax-S ch ine lln trram nnn- ~cm ti-ndcr. Tor Ihe w orlds hcftvyw flKht ,{,boxing champloiiAhlp. declared here lo - wn1«ht th a t W illiam F. Carey, head of ctMadison Square Garden, hnd denied g'10 h im over the long dLttance tele- t ilihone th a t he ha«| eeaaed negotlntlons u fo r a Jack Shurkcy-SchmeUnK flfih t.A d ls jia ich from New Y ork today said i lm t Carey had annotmced th a t i th cbout, set tenta tive ly fo r September Itb •

' Jacotu. who won In Seattle w ithK a Schmeltng today on an exh ib ition tour.■ I K illed nn u ltim atum u> Owrey thA l^un- inr ------- li-.sf. lie iiiu ite a- iu fu nn- Utthiai o t ,th e ™

stutem eni credited to him . 'Jacobn w ill K ivf the m ntch to'Jaelc Demiwiey. The Mi German fiRhter's mansKer said In th a t ui ta.ie the bout between the Block U lilon and the B a ito ti Kob would be hold jn ARiia Caliente. Mexico, on e lih 'T ' ThnnksKlvlnK day or curly In Oeceni*

------------n r r ------------------- -------------------------------------- rrn

_ Missignsj quis!L„ ii San Francisco, 7-6

______ i.»

Boone T a p s O u t T w o H o m e rs o'

F o r Reds W h ile C aveny- ------- — * .. w

G ets One F o r S e a l'C lu b--------- Dl

SAN FRANCISCO. AU|{. 5 (/»•)—San .Tl____ Frunclaco Misaloiis beat the San F ra n - ^

cL<u;o SenLi today In the f ir s t gwne of |i| the "c iv il w ar" serlea. played on home rt tc r r lto ^ , 7 to 0. Boone tapped ou t two

------------iTDmp-runT-Tor-thrnvtJstimr-whtlc-CttV.; «eney knocked out one fo r the Seals. r t

The wore— R . K . E. *San Frnneiacd .•__________ . • -6 11 -1

“ j Mt-vMons ......... ... .. * ........ .,..7 I t 11 •3 UatterU '*: DavLV ond Reed;'Colo and '* ---------- B ftW w ln:-^ ;---------------------------------------------- p{

; * . ANGELS 3. STABS t; ; f y LOS ANOELES, Aug. S iA>, — Clj-dc ci^ ------n a r rM r rD fm ilK n 5 U £ h ln fra n a ^ 4 1 le r “F S UerBcr's opportune h l t t in j gave U m An-

Keles a 3-to -2 T ictory today Jn th e open- Inc game o f the home series w ith H ol­lywood. - N

___ The ^ r« ^ — _ _____ R^H.E.Los Ahge le i .................................3 G 0 ,Hollywood ......... .................... 2 5 1

Uatterte.i; B a rloo t ond Bnndbcnf; S hcllpntack nod Bo is lcr. uli


hammered out. 13 h it* o f f three SeotUe su-----------pitchers to w in theop«U nR -jw ne or t t e U r

.series here today. 7 to S. Johnny Ver- pe;Ke* helped, the Ooks when he h i t h b Hotu en ty -e l^h th hom er o f the oeason. tMiDaglea pitched a aloppy tam e fo r the ret

. Oaks bu t received sood n ip p a rl In the vie pinches.

The score— R .H .E . un......- ................- . J a 3

- . . Oakland ; ............ • -___ 7 u 3 ^Batteries: plsch and Borreanl; D ag. mA

~i- lia and Lom bardi. -

" ■" . ‘ SOLONS 4. P O E T L A J ^ T ' “ wh SACRAMENTO. Au». fi v P )-6 a cn i.

j m ento to o t th e f irs t fa m e o f the seriest w ith Portland-here loday. 4 t« 1. U o - ifz--------te f fe r aad Bry an hu t tw l-i goa-pftH; tfle' H' i • fo rm er veakenlnc toward th e ' la s t I^ Backer s u ire d In the Held fo r the I

T t u K o r t - R .H .E . IPo rtU na ---------------------------------- 1 ,1 , I

I Sacramento ............................ . „ 4 10 1 II Batteries: tCahaffey and W oodall* IL B ryan and K o e h Ie r.~ .................. ' I

B team 'aad e l« tn e 'B a t^ f l■ r — « « a t t e o ^ t . - P ftonr pr.,P w rter, M a ^

i - News W ant Ads reach the peepte you I ( Wsh to a t t ra c t ^

--------------- 1

^ T W T N rA E C g D :

► e e l a r e s S

' IA B e u T ^

I tA D ies Ir R 6 A U V n ( i | j | g t # _ ..._____ i S J u t A A — i j l i : ! ! r a / f - | ---------- -

c io T H C S y i

'Mom^re ’’

; 65,000 Fans Send |SI

Chicago Club East______ itt

. J 3 a s e ) K i l L E l U . lw s i a s m _ _ . A t ^ ; j

I - t a i n s N e w H e i g h t s D e .s - ! i j i

p i t e B r o o l t l y n V i c t . o r y l SS

— . .......... .. : ............... —

"K ; sCS.OOO (»III> Btornu^ W iUlry Held lo bUI Uir Cub* fa rrw rll »■> iticy If f t tor Uirlr KM»i«rn iivvMiou, «i;ii lorecrt «/UIP club to lock ilic vnn . Jipon lu.ouo of j j, U irir iiumtwr. co□rooklyn •JtuUisI Hip liomr lorcM, 5 to ^. i>p (or the »i-roiiU JtuUlii victory uvrr ll ip |t i, | mrti or McCurtliy In 10 KBinr>. ku

UllOOKt.VN A» 11 II O A E j,t|OSborl. Jt) . -I I I « 1 u,OrF^dprick. cl 0 • • 0 2 luKrniibii. r fJkiidrlclt. I t ........................■* 2. 3 ,? Xm<noi>c»«. n> .__________. 3 0 3 t« 0 0 IY ,nniei. 2b 3 0 0 2 4 0 •DcLcrry. c . ■* * i ’ S , ‘i 'Mo«. p . ^ 2 S 2 2 I'*'Morrl.on, i> . I 0 0 0 0 U j

Totals .33 S U 27 H 0 Krc iiicA a o ^- . . AO K . » o ^ g ” 0

WINOII. cf 4 1 1 4 1 0Ciiynr. r f ‘ ‘ “ uiBtcpJirn. It 1 ° ; - i !{ ° lloT illo rl'c*** ' 3 0 0 4 1 0 °^U.loiic. l> ................. i !l ■“ S jSI-eimcr. i> y 0 u 0 0 0• K o tlico tr I 0 0 0 <* » I

TM .|. 33 < 10 J7 I I ! M;

CniCBKO . . .000 001 21U—4 Ognummary: Two-bo-ir inu i-M cM llU li. W ll- . *

■an at<pnMiM)ii. UI»»oiirttc 2. Drlxrry. onllcnatlck: home nm —Horn»by: mcfUlcg— «.Ciiyirr to U cM lllin . E iiiilliili lo Orlmm. EndUli to IIorn>l>y lo Urlaim. lUirU to I - Moore to UUaonrltc S. Moorr 10 KiicU t j . UI«oii('lt<>. UluoHcttr iniaMUiHl, ..

NEW VOItK J, flTTSU ltK tn i 3 ct1PITTbaUIlOH. Aug. 0 cAt-TJlD OIr.nt* H.

mu<I« It two ■traliilit ovrr t l l r i'lra lM by CowliiiilMX, i 10 3, lirr* tOdBy brhlntl t tir fitip tHr

Triraniiin)rnH ir-w iTK{'iC “ Virr-N?»nwrKrTir^»7won oul bv rm fh lii* J fw iT 'fliy fo ftw o nitm Ml 111 Ih r rluhtli.

Walker Krpt tlin to Plratr lilta >ciiltrr«<l. Do.knit alTowrtl only oiip c irnf^l n iii. He »iia- »o ^•l t lir huiiH- by forcing Traytior lo h it kw n tr- iTo tina rr- in -« ie -ninin"i»rt«r b u n 1t ia brt-n tlllr<t 0I> tUrrc •.Inglra. Bt.

Hpmnlry. tliB Pltt/.buri|h catcher, w u r i i torcp»l 10 rrtlre from tlie K»me In tne fifthutlpr iH-lni; >i>lkrd by S'ulllx. Cn

NLW VOKK AU It II O A E tlClt^ llll.. Ct .. 4 U a 3 0 0 DllI.MCI1. If ............... 4 0 0 3 0 0 biff^rrcJI. 31) . S 2 I u a 1 10Terry, lb S 2 3 9 0 0Ott, rf - 3 I 2 I 0 1JRCKIOU. " . . 3 0 I 3 U 0 ‘O rs ir r ii. >- 4 U • I 2 1 0 wrCohpn. ab ....... 4 0 3 0 1 0 t)nWalker. |> . 3 U U 0 3 U U»

------------------------ <iuTotalx 37 1 12 27 10 2 AlliT rraa t'K O H - ab n h ©• a e »«'

Dartell, 2lj . 4 1 1 1 4 1 'L. Wauer. cf ................ 3 u I 3 0 0 Pli.Traynor. 3b .5 I 2 2 2 I bucomatTMXy. i f ___________ 2 .0 0 .2 . 0. 0 -vsiIlrmaley, c . 2 U U 3 0 0 lUnreaVM. c ....................^ 0 1 2 0 0 •

! s s• C la 'k r^S T ~ 7 T 4 0 2~^~3~0

Petty, p .. .3 0 U 0 3 0 J- Aa.m. ... .... ■ » ^0 > ° °

' • '^ '•11 for l*etty in the"nl»iw'.^ ^•* lu t i lor Sheeiy 111 the ninth.Nfw York \ ...............TO l » 03 0 -i Wj

Sumnuiry' TVo-b*»» h it*—Terry. TY»y- SP" nor. rxniu; -.r.criricei»—Comonxky 3. t.e«eh. }'» Umell W»lker; double playi— Uirtell to »■ CUrke to aiwely._________________________ ^

Doaton-9t. Ix>ul« game ratnetl oiil. Only IhfM’ lamr^ •rlieduled In H»llon«I lf»iue.

------- noNew R u lin g On Southern bu — I daho Sage Hen H u n ting

'■ '• UlCEarly announcements relative to re«-

u la ilo tis governing sage.hen hunting In southern Idaho were m od lflrd yester- • t day by a ru ling announced to W. R. Prletoe here, by I t ' W. Jtaw liiis . d e v u tr moi su te game warden, to the effect that Uipre' i i l l be i i» huh tlH g o f sage henis permitted th is year in the M inidoka na- . . ; Honal forest o r In Owyhee county. The w» bag lim it has been reduced to four, a reduction of 4wo Irom the lim it on pre­vious years. =

The open season w tll b e jln next Sat­urday. August 10. and close August M . p "

AO fo o t teomUca.* Vhoa* D r. Pectcr. a d r •

Kaa-s W ant Ads reach th e people you • - wish to attracC

D ii lL Y N E ^S , T W IN F A L

S H ^ k e y - S

Athletics Preserve IBl

LeadOverYanksby |• Wen

Dividmg Twin BiHij_ _ '

F i r s t G a m e B e f o r e C r o w i l o f • SI N

.20,000 Fans Goes to V is it- ors by 8 to 3 B u t H o m e jl" '

Team W ins Last, n -3 T « "' koc

- DueiPv THr A»iocl«lea rre«H

~ 1 I'mL.\DCLl*mA. auk, 0 - The Athtellcn: .f, I n t i' i rtrU tlie ir leMil ot I I >j Kutne* over the ; lYnnkrei by illvld lns a Uoublr-header w ill!Idle Urowni before SO.OW faun ne»e to tlayl g, ;«.lille me cliamplon- were siilllllliK w ith ;, Wu'ililnBton. Tlio at. t-oul'.aii. l i l t u n r r ,^ . Sl5or«. aiul Yerkea hard lo .\sUiJHc .opener, i".. !. n 10 3. in it tlie Macki> bombarded Oicden

^ t.«fim»l* lo take I l ir oeeond game, -----

IS and enterlhi: u He w ltli I.oii QenriK 'o r< ^ ,° . »>'ond hunoni In llie At»eili-aii leuuue. | ^

Th.' A» open a tliree-iiain.' .r f lr« « t t'On»‘ )ha« witl i the YsHkn toniurruw,_______________|

"T ~ m \L O U It i ' Alt l l II O A b 1 " ‘J2> ‘ UU.r, lb ... S I 3 0 1 O: «

!o-Hourke. 3b .......... J, I I tl 2 0 |» p ,,, IMuilUsn. I f ............ ■! 0 2 1 0V . aciiu iif, ef .. . i_ c _ p 0 Ric«

— i!rU a *7 2 i I L . I ’. ...............3 . . l - ^ - ^11 Crowder. P ' ............ •* 1 0 3 0ir T ou l- V T 12 T7 H 0

t'iItt.AOELPHlA Ali l l II O A B tJorrf Haao. cf .... 4 I I 3 U U Wlil

Cochrane, i 3 o u 3 I 0 •, yc*• I*erltlli«, c . I U 0 1 0 0 >e |tiimnion«. If , • 3 u I 3 I) I_ Kox.t. Ib . 4 I 2 11 0 0 TuE MUIef. rr 4 U U 2 0 0 « U‘jio ro ii li i . 3b . 4 I a I 4 0 ♦♦ 110 : 3 U U 2 3 0 Ci«; f liorw. p . . 2 U I 0 2 0 Morig ' Yefk., p . . I « 0 U I I)0 Toliil* 32 1 8 27 13 1 WlWU tj(, ^ | | | „ 032 1U3 OOO—H ralk“ HiUadelphia ........... DM W3 000—3 JJodi« Hummary: Two-bane liUi.-Uliie, Mauuah. P««- Slmmoin. Cronin, Scliaiig; home runa — J', »0 Kre«. MeOowan. roxx; Mictlfice— Uchulte. }*>•!F MaiiiKli. O'Rourke 3.. Meiiiio. Hlmiiionji: ' f * "0 double pla5>—O'Bourkr-to-MeUllo-to-niUe,a c ro iiin -to 'uow y to roxxn icn 'to T iJnx 'to * " « '0 Mellllo to K rev lo Dliie, •5 Second vame; - ..........................-To5 ST, I.OUI3 AU l l H 0 A E * “ «

i i ; : s s S '.'r

s g rs 5 s j s - s s t s ^ - iu Manu>h. If 5 (I 1 4 o 0 ru ii-

t ? ? 3 4 0 ring.2 McGowan, -rf J 0 t 1 0 0 aacri

MpIIIIO, 2b . . 3 0 0 0 2 0jlr ir re iL ^ c ” .... j I a 4 0 '»

Oaden. p ? j; ® 2 S 2• • UadKfU........ ............. “ 2 ** 9 ■ 2^ Coffman, p ............. ? o 1 S 0 o

» Totnln 3» 3 l l 34 8 2 o f U* Uatted for USdrn li. Ihe alxlli. >u ib

•• Batted for Coflman In tbe eighth.WULADKI.l'HlA AD R l l O A B oervi

cto iiih . 2b 4 1 2 3 J .0 acce; - : i 5.S i S Snwpf aimmonv If______________^ I 1 0 o > ____, Miller, r l 4 I 1 I 0 0 •

B .; Rommel. |> . ..... 4 0 .0 1 2 0! TOUU -:.344l-13-ST-ll—2

Ht. LOUU ..... Ill) 000 10t»- 3, nilladelphla ..................040 OW 3QX-UJ nummary: T>o*b««e l»lt»—Ferrell. 1\)»k,

CroDln. Hair. Blue. McOowan. Uoley, .J Scbang; Iiomr ru li—Poxx; atoleu ba»e — a DIue; «*crlIlc«-i—HBa-., blniinoiM, f-uxx; doii- J ble i>lay^M eIlllo lu Kre>m to Uliie; Hale1 10 Cronlit lu roxx.I RKNATOK.S n>0. YANKKEH S>l) NEW YOIIK. Aug, 0 H'>—Tlie YanUer»} were unable lo «et better than an r\e ii J break tu tWo gam '' agalnit the Wanhlnic J ton 8«Mtura here Iwlay, and,an a eoii-e- . qucnee rertialned ll>> Kama beliinu the i Alhletlcx an they prepares! to Invade I’ lill- J adelphla roe-tlw ^ uamea In two daya.I Wuihlnitton p u n c l i e d four New York

Ktchrra hard to win the opener by 13 to V.It Freddy Ileunacli hurled back l l i r Ih-

j .vsdera _ w llh ' ju i t tU rtt l ilU to kIvc the . .) rhamplona Die arcond. S to 0,) Da be llu th reached Burke for liU twen.] lv>«lx(li and twenty-MTenth home runa In ) th* niahleap. The Ural WM Dabe'a elrreiilhI In hU life with it'e ba .w ..tm td.- Oclirlic ____) "Waa u in w ie w l in n i i r homer was hit. .j w5uuPi*nuton ah n II o a e. Judge, lb . .S 3 1 B S 0' i S a j . , -;:--------------- . S i M 8 - i —

Myer. 5b .. J 3 4 1 3 0I We«t. er ......... A 3 3 I u u, Cm nln,.aa___ _________ I_ I_ 0 _ 5 _ 0 __________. Speuctr. c . . ------ 1 » 0 u

llaym. 3b .. . .4 0 1 1 0 «, Hadley, p . .. . 4 o o U o o

Marberxy. p_______________.L_“_0_!_0__l> ____, Total. 13 14 37 9 I

NEW YOIIK AU R H O A KComb«. c f 4 1 1 4 0 0Robertaon. 3b S 0 O 2 U Ia.hrig. lb . - ............... J 0 0 9 o oBum. r f S 0 I I 0 0i s a - ? - ; - . - —Uyrd. I f . . . . J 2 3 0 O CUlckey. c 4 3 3 0 1 0s s : * - . ” . . 1 J J J J t(Uierld. p . *...0 0 0 0 0 0• Oural ................1..1 1 0 0 0Wtkola. p ..................... ? 2 " 0 0 0Moor*, p ..... 0 0 0 0 0 0- T o li l i- ^ ■ M 9 11 37 10 2• Dalted for Sherld In lAe alxth.

** Oattcd Tor Mekola lu tta* elgbtn.Waahlngtoo .. JQ4 B33 100—13 New T o f k .........................• OOO 003 430- •

Summary: Tvo-baae Mta—U yrr 3. Dick-

“ je x tfe e : •



They Cost No More!

: ^ H i E-M. WA1TE=^ —N e x t t o P M t o r n r e


^L L S ; i t ) A H O W E D K E S D___ ll.. X , .......

ry. Oyrd. LacMrl; ihree-iia.e h lt^C om bi: % j home run»—CronlBr-W««t D im t; sacrlflc* V —Nekola: ilouble play~C(«iiln to Myer lo I

WAUinrfoTON All It It O A E tJudge. ID .............- 3 0 1 0 1 0nice, r f .......- 3 U I U U 0Oonlln. I f . . 4 0 u o a 0Myrr. 3 b ................ ............3 U 0 4 2 0Went, cf ................... . < U I I 0 0Cronin. a» ......... ' 3 u o I 3 uRuel. e :.• . i o o 7 I 0liaycM. 3b . a u o 2 0 0 uurko. p .. .. ~.r- - ; 1 0 0 1- 0 0 'Savldge. p . _u u « 0 1 0

Totals . as u 3 24 a 0 TT• Hatted for Uurke In tlie eijh in. f l

N-BW YORK / MI It II O A EByrd, cf ................. 3 I 0 a 0 0U ry . 3b . 3 2 I 0 3_0 ____Oehrlg, | h ............. 3 J 2 10 0 0Ruih.. r f ........ . .4 a 2 2 u uOural. r f ............ <> U U 0 0 ULaweflj 2 b " ....... i 0 I a 7 0

‘Me»w»l. II .............. 3 0 0 3 • O-UengouKh. c ... . 4 U 1 1 uKoenig, a x ............. u o o o . 0Ouroclier. m ........ 4 u u 2 oHtitnach. p 3 0 u 0 ' 2 0

TCtala . . . . -Jy II ‘ -ra 7 'u U Wk'hitigton uw oou 000—u New York MM 24U I'Ux—S f

Summary: Three.UiiM- im—Oehriu; home .,.i ju u i—K u ilt—a:_M eririco-M tii.« i;-doub lo play—Durocher to Lai'rrrl to (l. urii;. Wll ... -------------------- -------- ---------------- - CiXVKL.\NI».C. n iT tlU IT 3 ............ .COl-C L in /E IJ lN D ,-A «t.-« -rwa ClevelBnntallleM agallwt Vic ^KJrtrll t . i r ih - Indlulu rollb a -io .l victory over the Tik. I-, III uie «e- tloi

hander, got credit for n>r >IkiIi viviory by ‘ UolU lng_lileJlBrP‘_,«afv_'>U'JiJic_rclltvra JIW llu d lln In (he Nsvenili.

Joe liauxer. pinch h lf.ln i; m Uie i-eventh. got a home nin, .

DOTHOIT All l l It O A. K l»l“Johnaon. It - - s 3 3 o 0

U^Um»£o;-tl" i - O - L s - H oAlexander, lb - . 4-« 0 7 l 0 rlv iMcMantu. 3b . . . . 4 11 0 I 0 0 LoiHargrave, e .........................4 1 1 3 2 0 rWevUlng. aa ........... , 3 0 0 I .4 0BchublD, aa . .. . u 0 0 0 , 1 0 I’UlSorrell, p ............................ 3 t i o'" i 0 rouWhltellllJ. p .......... .............0 0 1 ) 0 0 0 con

: ! S ! S S S « ;ToUU ....................... 31 S lU 24 11 0 32,£

* tiatleU for WeaUlng in the eluhtli. in , ♦♦ United for Sorrell In ihe clKhlh,

CLEVELAND All It H O A E fc „■ . j j n n wSiPonjieca. lb . 2 u 0 10 0 I cloiKalk. If ............ 3 1 2 4 0 0 pIlodapp. 2U ..................... 3 (I I 2 3 0 I..I.Oardnir. « ............ 4 y 2 0 4 0I., Sewell, e . - ........ J 0 0 0 0 0 HMyatt. c ........ ................ I 0 0 0 0 0 Porlliu llln . p .......— _______ -3 0 0 0 0 (J ux,!F *rre ll.-p --- ..... ..................2 -0 -0 . 0 - 0 -0 „—HMBier—• — :-------- r — 1—i —r-p -D -O------------------------ Pal

.TOUlM J l . -----* Hatted for L. Sewell in thr »evrntb.Cleveland ................. (wo 3uo 30x—0CJetrolt ..................... «w not 310—5

Summary; Two-ba/.e UIU--J. Hevtellt h-nlk. * Morgan; lliree*b4Uie h it — Gardner: lionin t run—Hauser: double playi — WrailinK to ' Alexander to McManli*: Mursrave to Ueh- ringer; Wealling to O chrlnicr to Ale^imdrr;

..T ' , *.... - I u

... C A L L .F 0 K BIDS duy.“ e common* school.s of T^^^n Falls Wu

Olies up to August 9. loao. a t tlie office F Df the County Superintendi-nt w lic ie the cr^, IsU w ill bo furn ished. T lie r ig h t Is re - the >erved lo reject ony und a ll bids or to a t 1 iccept the bids deemed most suitable fo r T III purposes. Fox

t SIgned) , BOSE J. W ILSON. Mai— ;-------------------County-supCTlntcndcntr l lo r

-------------------------------- RutBoalooa hu rx r Phone D r. Potter. Ott,

ad r. ' ____ P. V

0 \

\ s t * « o \ L\x \^

and the T— - <l-e-r n— F a

Once upon a t im e a M ig h ty Prines 1 to And a perfect cigarette. Being \ i he oetted d o vn hia search to the f tional faroritea . . . th a t quartett« o f

. .k te r brands Itiiow n as the “ 20 for : « •

. , The three e l ia r dgarette brands n a ward to me«t tbe Priace w ith a ll Ui pomp In tJie w orld each v>-5ag 1 other in urg ioc ber cLarrns upon hte

a ie .^ i i ld the eld"e«tV-r am I « f the M i r - - -

------ “ 5 i*s± » -« « f" -» a ld -tk# aeeond. “ fo

“ SauJ* m at': w id tha th ird , " a l l Ih admowtedce* tn« to be the bat.**. T te n . froea t U badciround, the j brand.. . . tha Ch>der«na o f the fa n

____ 9w«t5y:.apok#..np. f i t fm -V im m ,_____sfce r o f i i ^ , _ “ w hy not smoke all

' S M O O T H E R A P

AM v a tn t ■ A D tA .v iK i w u m u a M .

3 D A Y M Q R N m e T-A U C U S '

g F i g h t V

Youthful Brooklyn ^Golfer Victor On“‘ »

. dl

Course AtSt. Louis jH enry Fabriz io , M aster o f Dc__Pick and Shovel, Scores ,

Over Dip: F ie ld W ith $2.50 s- 'P u tte r a t Forest P a r k W“ '

. . 'U t--------- . ‘ ub.

By I'A O L It. M IC KELSO N er. 'lA sso d jti'd Press Sport.i W rlti- ri befc

ST. LO UIS. Auk . C Henry Fa- * b rl/io , ti-.stocky youth from Brooklyn, " f " U'hu cnrn s 'h ls cinlly bread"by-w orl:ln ir w ith a pick iin tl shovel.'came.-aaw-aml coiiQUcri'il a rccord-brenkinR; fie ld o f j-? - m nn y-K 0 lfcr3 .loday..ln .the :ilia t-lH *liu li; c round of the ijiia llfy ln K test, o f Ihe na- ) tiona l p iilillc llnka cham plonsliljj lo u r - j — na incnt a t Forest .Park.

The 21-yfur-o ld shot-m aker. who ci jicycr_cou liL«c l_U n ic_o IX -X rQ iuJ ll9JH i Chi. bor.s to compete Jn the event bcfornt i»m whisu 'd .nroiind the raln-.soaked chum- plonsthlp euiirae in 70 sKokcs. two un- dcr par. unit calncd a hiiad s ta rt of

U if tiualHyiiiK tf.st over h l.t nearest rlvo l. Connell itfe riS J iy i^ iV -year-o ia^ ,,, ,| Louisville Iwy. • 1 *

Deadly upprouchlnK and sensational puttlnK were resiwnslble fo r FobrW o'ji round, which may be acceptcd o.s a * ^ coiir.se record fo r Forest Pork becuu.se * ■‘ I* o f the loiiuer tee.s used fo r the to iirnu - 'N ew nient. So acurute wus ho w ith the St. 32.50 putte r he employed th a t he hud Clet IG one-putt Kreen.i. On tiie other.i. he , Det nank the pe lle tl v ;iih tw o putts. K is n'ai fent won a ll the more antoiindlnR con- Chi alderlnK the slowneiw o f the green.s. Bos.w lilc li_w crii_ iU ow crcd_hy_a_da inaK in it,------cloiidburM early th is m orning.

Four birdies were chalked up by Fa- • ci brlslo loday.

HU curd; 1 m uPor out, . 433 833 440-37 1,*TFabrlr.10 out ........ 432 453 450—30 f “

-P a r- l» ........ -,353 .O M -4 3 4 -3 5 ;;^ J 2 -.f^Pabrlzlo In .363 634 443—34—70 __________Oah

<13y The Associated .Press) e w— Babg ' Itu tla a jid - J lm m y r axx- inon- I g — oiwllzed th e B ig S ix spo tligh t yester- duy as one. member o f tl ie sextet—P a u l, Wuner—began a bench'scntence ttf,re -

Foxx KOI fo u r h its, two o f them hom­ers, R ulh Kot Uiree h lL i. tw o o f them fo r | the c ircuit, b u t fe ll o f f u po in t o» he was a t bat nine lim es in the two iiam;s.' The S tanding— O . AB R H Pet.Foxx. A th letics .......103 377 04 147 .300MamiSh. B row ns..... 103 427 OD 157 .366;llom stjy raC ubs—rrr:103-‘IC0-IO2-143-36r: —Ruth. Yanltees........ 80 250 74 103 J35Ott, O lanta................103 377 07 124 J29p. W aner.P irates,... 07_381.^88.125 J28

. ■

/ y

^ G i n <T h r e e p r o u d c i

' - / r - h I 'g - us . . . and compare ua fa ir ly a letting your last!* dedde w h irl

)cs set fo rth like bext?” g "W hy, that's .a common seihe fo u r N a . riaime,! H is H ig h n w . W *hw u « o f popular the nam rt o f a l] fo u r brant i& i fa m ily . masks: l i t them and araoked thi ruahed fo r* w ith all brand pre]udie« rrm o'

n the p r o w d - ^ o fp cigarette seemed to ca p tu r ng w ith the - and bo*ond the othera. * ' I don

_____ _ d g a r r t tc _ t i i is _ is i1 he decfiutim the d u <iueitionsb!y, i t b the dgarett<

TSTiertnjfxw he removad tho mr fo r T i m ------- j™ .-W ril.-C jndereita------- :------------------ book” r im a hut in Amarifi. , , winning brand is known aa O! IJ the v o rU

>e yoanxM t M O R A L : I t Sa easy to mal fa m O y ,- .« ' bu^you can't m 'o H claims. Teaac, S ira * ------- w a ^ d is c o v e r . the d ta retta »aO fe w o f to le t your t aste decide.

^ N X ) B E T T E R • • • “ n

s e r g e a n t H a k e r a n d G u n s ]^Q

F i g h t t o 1 0 - R o u n d D r a w

■ NEW YO RK.- AUK. « I 'V '-S c r- Rpant Snnimy Unkrr. .sluHelng sol? dle r welterwi-lK lit iro in M itche ll E? ' Fld'd . New Yorl:. and "B a b y Joe Oans. C ftlllom la ncKro ace. baltled “ V';to n 10-round driiw In the ir botit-at-----lhi» Qupeil.-iburo Mnfllnm ^

winD e m p s e y G e ts L ic e n s e

T o S t a g e I J o x in t r S h o w s

— !“ “ — :----------- ------------------------------ tn-w.C H IC AGO . A u t. C '.V ^Ja ck I>emp- T ley. fo rm er world heavyueUht cham- ra inlion, loday was cranled a llcrnN* to be tonduct boxing shows by Hie lilln o la areU t t a th le llc conimhsfon. The artlon \% |ti i;u b jfc t lo nppruval Uy the slate treasur- after. w ith whom I)rmp*ey mu*.t f l ic bond frchleforc he can exen.sr th r perm it. He 'n•i lo, promote nliuua a t the (rolUeum. of 11)cmpw?y’» serretury. I.eonunl Sachs, ,m ti ll« l-t lie -ren iie !» l-f(ir-a - l i r rn ie r '

........ - ' ............ -- 1 so ,„T " — ............................... — ^ ' - I rlnt:S t a n d i n g - o f - T h e ' C l u b s - —

N ATIO N AI. LK.AGUE Clubs— \V. L. Pci.!

Chicago--------------- -— ----- _ 6 7 _ a a ^ .6 7 7 f ^ =• l l ls b u r g h ........................... 59 33 .002Jew Y o r k ............................. 38 4C JS8 N'It. lo u U t :— t t : — r “ 53~5o“ 3 i j r i I t irock lyn .................................44 59 .427 i T^

•hlhidelphia ; . ' ....J , 4o o i J90 '--------- • i I M

AM ERICAN LEAGUE ’ \ K i Clubs— W, L . r c t.1 St

•h lh idc lph U .... ....................... 28 .731; Mfew Y o r k .............................. C3 37 .czC il l. Louis . •........................... 33 48 .534:Jleevland .............................. 55 48 J534I>etro lt ...................... ........49 54 .47011 MV os iiin flon . ....................... 40 CO .400' *■'«-Wcago .................... ............. 40 03 J88|Jo'ton ................................... 31 70 J07^

I'A C IF IC COAST LEAGUE 1 C lubs~ \V. U P e t i 5 '

an F rane iseo......................34' 13 ,049rllsslons ................................ 24 13 .0491lollywood ...........................23 13 .039 1.os-Awgelea .. « 15 -.5951 v l'ortJund ....j r ^ i ' . .447 " ,)akh tnd ., ........... ...........10 21 ..4 3a i.-J j,acramenlo ...................... 13 23 J 5 1 1 ‘^atU e .................................... 9, 29 .237^

--------------------------- --- B lNews W ant Ads reach the people j*ou K< Iflh to n llra c t. ‘ Oi

B A S E B A L L B E N E ----------- :------------- lU a U iE R W ^K E N U

T O N IG ^

n k j h t i i a w k ' o r

___________ ______ i \ I.>M1SS10N_S1 :_L A

S u p p o r t B n K c b a ll B ;

....... ............. - ......................... ................... le

d e r e l l a: i g a r e t t e b r a n d ;

y and im partia lly .' . . . .i lfh one of us you j

sense Idea!” e i-Tupon he covered Isnd.4 w ith psper Ithem refleetively, j f M i j knove<l. j y ^ l Q iLure his fancy, fa r f 'Jon’t know which - j -im l ._ ~ h u l , un -_________f f1 >e lt* fo r m e." jmask and found /

ila la the **st ory=-------- ' / ‘riw i tndsy <h>t------- / ------O L D G O LD . /

— — - nake b is flalm s.

The o n ly aotmd a.)c«LlIka U a t la

no t a cougha o ta * w ----- — — - - . —1 ' _

• P ffg 6~ T h H 6 .

100,0fl0^Trout To Enter Snake River ‘

A to ta l o f lOO.OOD rainbow tro u t w ill be rd rx 'tcd from the Soulhem Idaho Fish nnd Game association ponds w ith ­in the next few day.s it b announced. Ot^these 50,000 wUl.be released Friday— ' . below Shashonc Falla, mtxilly a l B lu i:lilH6.s and C rystar-5p>lnK^'' 'f l i r o lh~ere------w ill be released Sunday o l Wilson lake under the au»;plcc3 of sporumen o f Eden and Haxelton. T his action w ill open two p f the rearing pond.i fo r removal of m tlc cu t-th roa t tro iit from the trouglistm v h lc h thcy-havc been hatchedr^^--------—

T h tre w ill s till remain aboul 300.000 'rainbow trou t In tho pond*. .These w ill------be released In the near lutu re. There ^ ore noui' about 250,000 cut-throa t trou t In Ihe troughs, where tggs were placed a fte r the rainbows had been removed frcm the trouKlis in to pond.i.

T lie re is a request from the offic ia ls .□f the as.-»>clat!on th a t all vcho can vo l- - unteer fo r rendering o.<i.'Jstance Friday notily-R ex-T liom as.-p res ldent- o f - th ir .— '• Southern Idaho Flsh^nnd Oam e'o.«o- ' ' r ln iiq n . ________

M inor League Qubs |

IN TER N ATIO N AL I.KAOUK ' Newark 9, B u ffa lo '8

-R O e tlfS R f-I t i.-J W ie y -C IIy 'l---------------------To io n to 0, Reading 4

~ )to J tto p t f _ ‘>._Moj><rrai—fl— ----------------------

' ’ AM ER IC AN As s o c ia t io nM ilwaukee 4-(^'Toledo 5-0 Kanaaa'C ity C, Columbus 2 SI. Paul 3. Lotilsvllle 4 M inneapolis 3. Indianapolis 2

W ESTERN a s s o c ia t io n J op lin 8, Shawnee 7 Muakogee 3, Springfield 1 •Fo rt S m ilh 4. Independence 1

w e s t e r n l e a g u e-D e i»ve i-S -3 r-O l.lahom a-C U y-IM ;------------

Pneblo 3-1, Topeka. 4-5.Dcs Moines 2, W lch lU 5.Omaha 7, Tulsa 4.

s o u t h e r n ASSOCIATION ChalUnoAga 3.2. Birm ingham 7-7. NBsUvitle 3-6. Atlanta 3*0. ' -L itt le Rock 3. Mobile I.

'N e w Orleans 4. M em ph ls '3 .---------------r '

M ISSISSIPPI VALLEY B u rlln rto n 1-3. Dubnque 3-0. \Keokuk 4. Waterloo 0.Only .ramea scheduled.

'JE P IT D A N C E ~ ^ ;L U lR - itA A U U O N — , ^ ^


O nC H E S T R A LL A D IE S F R E E ! .

B y A ltend lnR ' '

i S ? \I * 1 1

lo ioIc o is .................... ........................ —

a I Ids ’ ----

a : carl.o iad*aa ^ ^

Page 4: I H C i i l l l i S - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · S3000 tickets for the entire trip to Wll- “ llamTi; U-eds

■ ■ p a ffo 'F ^ ij i ;, , , ' '

— - .......... IC m tatirXX O N BATK8 — .

iM utd wtwrr morainit *«?P» UoBa*x» '} n u n i u m«. | „ y

m m n O V A tlO C U T C D '^ R e S S (na: Tb* AMOdaMd. p m t U ud iu tva ly «c>

. uu«d » U»« tm te r pufiUe»UOD o f new* ,

s S f e S SU£ 0“............ &»or«w tTw t ' . I ”

. (*F>'m»a«'AJ»o<^t«d~Prw- [v lr

bS o oJo iw Iiiruon2*’^ o j Whiro ^ n n - nlc

>uppK d looU y upop requMt._________-----------^Wo n ipoM lbU ltT ta »hec»M —

ot uDMlietied Dvtnujcrlptj. pnotoBmi'M or«tlMr coauibuMd m»tter. Article* luDmU. P

--------- -tod lot publleatloo will ba u.ed or nul « ,,reU)« ducrauen or the editor. »nil oo munu* j -•crlpU w ill b* MUirne^unluM icoompm- " ‘ Jl«d b j DMMMIT po»u«C _ _ ; ” J


. ron t. OWOMO. 8*n rtmelMcc. LM ADffllOfc « “___________________________ _ P. 1

— — - ■ .....- ■' --------------- . . ' ~ JllK

A I*ROOIlKSSIVK IN » U K T ItV -------

“ “ — W it l f ureJuSDnblyllicrc^iF iI.Vyrofltli'^ ;T~ ■Itlnho Wool Orowfrs.' nMCciutlon, a l* , tph tlon Is focuw tl m om entarily iii>3» dny <:nc of Idulio'.s principal iiu ltis irlcs, meiw h lch -co n trJb til« -ttnm iiil!y -)"l''‘*'’< ''‘ ° ‘ f r j j thousnnds o f d o llu n lo llie wciiUh or

— --------------------------- llKusU lC .— ------------------------------------ --------------------------- - ______ILlKP rlm n rlly the wool growers are meet-

--------- ^aiT

Klnce Jt was In s tllu trd . )»a.i brcome i»» oiils im id lnR event In the wool trrowluK industry th ro iich o iit the In tcrn iom iin ln ^ ic k Ioii. nnd one t l in l l)ii» been u bl'< ^ In c to r In Its development. T Iiro iiKh tlx-' Hon fttfcney o f llie s.ilc the level of fiiialUy Sho o> herds tlirouRhout the rei;lon hnx been raised, and th a t proccM Is I'cnllnulnR on to the bencnt o f the Industry and thoiis *cor

_____ whn ar«> pn^^npp^ In II___________________In connection w ith tl i l . i sale, I t Is (he

custom o( the wool lirowem to tia llic r n l d inner meetlnR to dlscus-s U irlr m problems and work out ways aild meniiH tnIn o f pu ttin g the indu iitry cn a more nd- vantniieou.n footing'. A l sucli n meeting The: the wool Rrowers w ill a.wemblc here this Inu. cven in j.

The nnnua l'sa lc nnd meeting o f the wool Browers puts th e ir Industry In the M r. ccnter o f the s la jc fo r the moment, one and o f Ih c ir p rinc ipa l problems crows out 0? the fo c t (ha t ih c lr Industrj- docs not

--------oceupy h poaitlo ii u f HifmiN inu in iiii-i i r r trUTBIn the state n il o f Uie time.

BlVttp Are teated h tr 't. but Jd»ho -woo\Coen a long-wny to inlUs In-jthBr-aTnMs to be converted in to products oomc CJ gyp,

' which come back here to be used, and dlnn most o f the m utton produced In Idnho Is consumed eUcwhero. T h is situation In reflected in T w in Fails m eat nnd duW Haal Inspector's report fo r Ju ly which show* wan

■ cd « ia t there hod been slftughtered In T » ln Palls packlns plants during th a t cnui m cn lh only fo rty lambs, ns compared Inj?

------ v-lth three-hundrttt-nnd-TO\Tn~hu>a, onrhundred nnd r.cvcnly-sevcn ca ttlc . nnd w v e n iy ifo u r veal.■ Idaho wool Browers rccoKUir.p und nooi understand th i.\ prublctn, and jvrc Utk- E. F in s steps to ^olvc It. The .soliiilon calls fo r .M iniiila tlon o l patn inuse o f lic iiie industry. I i ^ th e ir e lfo it.s to w ork ou t F rni the solution Idnlio'K wool crowers arc e n titled to . and ^hould rccclve n fu lle r measure of su jiport and cooperation, duel

ndoi tCm

_ ■ _ — ~— I . . , . ........ .. Asbi


The new Labor Koveinmcnt In Cln-at - Dnraiin>‘e5urC o n a \e ma”de « Kood iin - pre.sslon n t home and abroad i t i the n i.it-

— - te r-o f fd rrtg n -pollc\-. ! f r rr in ^ ntun tohave had a reassurinc e f f tc t a t home *

.anionK th e-L ibem U and Conxervntlves------- «->K>-{p«tmt-radieftHtc(icn. A s-has-haP ' —

pcned before, rad lca lis jn iri auU iority .■'hows l l^ r l f I f.-m radlp.ll Pou nr hnrn-T __

. po iiU o ji uca kc iii. .. - . ' . 'I t IS u u h in the rnnic^ c f the Labor

pa rty iL v lI t lx it Prime M in b t'c r Mac- .. Dcn_“ ‘JJ-'Ji^e ly.tQ have, traub ic .-Labo r

leaders are dfm m iduv; fu lf llh n c n t of ' rampaiKn p rc m li« . and 'a re coins f» r-

ther than those prombvA. They uTint M iortcr hours and iilsh e r pay—e.%pc:ially the m in e rr,.'T h ^ coripn ’ unrkprx r,rr An. _ tlisiress. and Ir.slsi cn effective action. TIic.-c“ 'i»"!iin i~mucir'Idleness. iT is In the na ture of idle uorkers to so to « - u ernes.

MacDonaJd wa.s overthrown once by a tr ic k c f hts poliUcal opponents. K e m«y be o m th ro w n n e x i tim e b y hU fr itn tfs .

- D ire c to r G ives O u t ------------ Hand C oncert I 'ro g fu m “

T lie r r w ill be. c ish t numbers on the — lirD g rAn r a t in c ta n d concert r i r O ir c iI y ~

Announcement cX Dr. O. A . P u lle r. <Urtc- ■ w r o f Uie T w in P^IIs M un ic ipA l band.

Before the In to in lis lo n the nuinb«>r4 w ill be mAreh. "B r*T u ra :“ medley overture. “ Oo iden N u « t u : “ vaiae caprice -XM m *•ea P e U L * «od “ 6Aad D Ance." A fte r tae.tD t«fm tM lnn > he -n tnabea-«m -bc-A , _

_ _ •e la c tlp o ..r8 o u th c m M e m n rlf» :? - .-p ie . ~■ _ -Tx.4 n iB m i >iT « r in > f ^ - g a ecood na ttm e a t- — 4_- g a in t f t ic t i t W o s a ^ O ta r t r " v A . 'T b t :

T W IN F A L L S D i

: : 7 ~ ' . - i j i j

I g Q C T E T Y 1- A ND C tP B a _______ i

M ro l B . WiniAOMPltOM 9H I

I Meinbera o f Gumma Phi Beta Soror* i l i ty entertained At th c 'h o m e .o f M m .;E. E. Ostrander w ith a Ret-to-Ecther. > pa rty Tuesday afternoon In honor o f i'crc Miss M arjo rie Woo^s. who Is here f r o m ! aU Loni; Beach. B ridffo was played and 'brc hlRh score p r lrc v jm wen by M it* A ln \a ' rat Dakcr. Rcfrcshm enla were served n f* lE d te r the Rames, o th e r o n t-o f* to w n jn ii ,»^m l,Prs-.>rh^h(-wer,> Mrs. M- t.. D e .-Jo l Vine, Chlcnco: Miss Neoln w ilM m T K lm -; gn bcrly: MIsa Bnrbara RugB. B c r- |M > nice Parish and M iss Dellndu Shurtz. I .. B uhl, nnd Misa M a rth a ’ H iim iihrey, < GoodliiR. R efrcsliincnls were w rve d i,,^ , a lte r Uie Bames. ; g „.

J------ ^ ---------------;Mrs. H. E. Delss was Imte.ss n t a mli

p re tllly arrantted bridge Kupj>cr M on *,ho day evening In honor of Mliis I> iitrlc la| < W ilson ana M iu M nrjorle Womls nnd , r in six o f th e ir close friends. Supi^er wu>: vni served n t two sm all tables centered w ith .marlgoltLs In Rreen bowls, w ith ])lace enrds In hnrmonlzinK hues, Mrs,P. R, Tuber nsAlsted Mrs. Del.‘ .s iu serv* M liiR, A t brldue. favor fo r score wns woii b 'y 'M lM 'C ln rn 'K n ll. T Iiiriiiino rcc ;i w c w p rc s c n te d -w ith da in ty cifts.--------------

■T lic~ncm c'O unrd .< 'jncl HC'llic hOine o f th e ir lender, Mrs. J . Pcrsonius. Tues- Ho: (Iny nftcrnoon. The reg iilnr business pic m eetlnit wns conduclcd nnd fo llowed the bx.ln?‘ n i'nc i» t^ rnp « ic .J» tlc r_vd U c lL j:fc^_^ freshmenta were served. T ha w present the were Evelyn Jelllson, Parthe iia H o i- ncd ILiter. R u th Perrlne, M nry Reams, M arj- o f i Wntcra, D oris Em pyj M argaret A lex- con andcr. M argare t Jones. Katherine odv j< n T i^ 5 n incirT re igB n7TnrrrrL-ir wgiroiTrr^ f= Jerinlo' A lien, C or^n 'o ”D ice,' The tiex t » y iia 'ctlnc w ill be WUh M rs. Personlufi bn a i\ug:psi th ir tce n lh .

--------- 1Com plim entary to her sbter. Mrs. H, i:

U R nd lo ff, Boise, who la a guest o t the A Wme o f her brother. H . N.'Beamer. on B Shoshone Street Eost. Mrs. Newell J, oth •Vlghl en tertained w ith two tnblea o f i ^ c irldRc Tuesday afternoon i i t her home j ten m T en th Avenue East, Povor fo r L n t icorc wns won by Mrs, r ra n k Mngel. I rhe rooms wei'S’ lovely w ith bouquets [ a „, ifn H s ra e m io w g r im o rd — ^ferrcainhTrtiSTTf vcre served a fte r the Rames,

■--------- A lliM r. nnd M rs. E. L . Patrlclc en te r- RIc

n lneil w ith a de ligh tfu l d inne r in the Nlc :ardcn o f th e ir country home M onday oth ■veninK. Mrs, P. E.- M cull nnd Mlr.s rhelm a M cCorm ick tisslsled In serv- ng. Follow ing d inne r pinochle wns ilnyed. h igh und low score prizes being P I'cn by ^ Ir . and Mrs. P. E. Meull, re - pectlvely. Guests c f the evening were — At. nnd M rs. Prank McCormick, M r. i ,nd Mra. P. E. M eu ll. M r. nnd M rs. ames P a trick . Miss The lm a McCor* alck. D avid Patrlclc and O. A. C o rl- iRht. Wa Keeney. Kansas, who Is v la-

filck. ’ Coy

M r. And M rs. Jftmes Vaughn andn»hi? VniighU M lm m irl were j /

ucsts o f honor At a delicious chleloen !lnner a t the country home o f M r. nnd ^ trs . E. O. Askew Tuesday a t one •clock. Covers were la id fo r M r. and Irs . George Cope. M iss R uby Cope, lasel. Viola, Esther; H ow nrtl and N or- la n Cope, n il o f H arelton. M ias PcArl Th*: ■■oumrMlM‘ rena"AslcewrOcrnld'ABkew“ 0**' nd tho hdsts. The VaughnA are pa r* nts and sister o f M rs. Cope. F o llow - w ill DR dinner the nfternoon was B[)cnl ';lttv-muslc-AUd-convcrsaLlou______________ M

--------- havMrs. E, F. Asbury en tertained w llh n

le llR htful k fi« ln g to n Tuesday a fte r- ~ lOon In com iillm rn t to her s ister, M rs. . i . , !. F. McNfW. Long Beach. D u ring the ; ifternoon. Mr.s. W illiam Baker con- lucied several clever contests, at i'h lch Mrs. Albert Putzlcr and M rs. ^uMk McCormick were iirlze w inners .llM Alice Le.'Ile playect n num ber o f larm onica selections and site nnd l i t - " Ie Miss M artha A ib u ry sang several P**' iuets. - A wealth o f garden flowers idomed liie rooms. Late in the a f - * ernoon refreshments were senxd, M rs. offli ^sbtir>* belnc a.viLtied by her da ush - '■''111 cr. M artha and Miss • A lice Leslie. Aciv [^^•enty•four In llm ate friends o f M ra. •IcNcw were pre.'cnt. . N

— — a-l»l “ TCifK'cy>T*d>llii:7 F rcr~ )C A rTh i)rfcm :!cam a t H i-C radc Hatchery, adv s

y U M ] _ N u l i i . th e .s to rm P

c c n t c r o f

S q u a l l-------------- T H O .R E E L -C O M E D Y -A I

-------: ^ . A B i f f S h o w — S e

------------------ O u F N e w V r n t l l a t i o f i 'S n— i iO C - L A N I ^ O T I F O R T A B L ^

d a t l y - n e w s .-t i w i n f a l :

“ K i d C l o v e d P o l l i n g . Ss,;

I M c lo d r a in a d r C r o o k s; — — , j( j5 j

Another melcdram» o f b l« tow it seat t i'crookdom w ill be seen At the Idaho th e r c«te I 'a tr c . todny nnd tom ohow wheri W o m c^ ’ ctoa I ’brothers pre.seiit "K id Gloves" w ith Con* and i;T ad Nft«cl, Lo l* WlUQt\..B«ltxa M urphy. F ^ l l • lE dw nrd Earle, Maude Turne r Gordon, pny, > !R lchord C ra m rrrT o m tn y -D u g a n -n n d ond • John DavMsAii in ih ft lettdtng rolcB. Rn? M rs

■; E n rig h t directed from the atory by Fred ' I M yton which Robert Lo rd adapted.•I "K id Glove.s" is said to 6e one o f the , I m ost th rillin g of crook drnmaa and-to ''h a v e a unique situation. "K id Gloves" i Sm lUi is forced to m arry a g ir l ho doe# in o t know by her Jeoloua-flaneee who .

. mistakes him for her lover. In the end!h o does becomc-her,.lover.------------------- samI Codec nnd Orth. Jack G old ie and " I t

i I nnppcncd to Them ." lUree V lta p h o n f r . i, \vn u d cv llle acts nnd the Pam m ount News <3. , I are on the same program. c i t y

------------------------------- Mrs,

M y r n a I x i y ^ i n g s G y p s y S “ :----------- S o u r s i n ^ h c S q u a l l "

- A o lo r fu l Hunoarlan gypsy song w ill be hcanl tp"“ The n(itm ll," the P lra t-N a- ~ p t tlonal'V ltaphonc tn lk ln ff and singing W. i picture which comes to the Orpheum clscc theatre todny. • land

the role of Nubl. the gyp!«y vam pire who Colo nearly wreck.t Ihe pence ond happiness New o f a happy HiTngarlan name. The song. C lir i containing a. haunting, chchantlng m el* O**® odv. Kces like th is : _____________________

’ W ith - llp-v of red—' ‘And the Ma.ster's son he love y ” ”

the sUive r w . .The beautiful s ln v e - D ja ll-h a d in ll'h aAy-l-ya-oy. wnclBestdeil th is .lonif. there nre several

other.i, Ihe mo.^l prom inent o f which ' is cnileri • Oyp.iy C harm er." I t was w r it- p / ite n by G rant Clarke ond H a rry Akst nnd lan d Is the theme melody o f the picture.- dock ; Alexander Korda directed "T h e Sm lt

of Jean nart. The enst Is exceptionally Su it b r il lln n t and contAlns such names as G ra f Alice Jcyce, M yrna Loy. Lo retta Young. R ichard Tucker. George Hockathorne. Nicholas Soii-wanlti. Za.’nt P ltt.i and *

, - S .' .............- W . '(

------------------------------------------------------------- Den\REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS

I trud im rn lshed by the lo te r r tw u U Ia

TlUe and GnaraDty CompAnr ! Cain___________ ^ U t a h

AUGUSTS . i s " !' vyu r n ii i i ; D. a. f a trm iit m O. u A lc * ' X ' * C oy»10. Lo t 10. D lk. 83, T w in I > l l 5. . fjfo j , ' " _ !----- — ---------— . ' ' H.

I-11-|J -u u i : , ,* PVJla

W cm en's' Council ot the ChrlsUon church w ill meet Thursday n t the honie of Mra. Hester. 1302 Ad(>lson east, fo r an n ll-d a y a c t io n beginnlns n t 10 A. M . Those B ttendllis nre- tn bring covered dlshr8andwichcs.-nccrs53n^dtshesTind silver fo r the lunch n i noon. The day land’ w ill be spent in needle work.

--------- Ne__M e e tlu ss -o t-th c -X cn d -a -H a n d -o lu b w ishhave been discontinued im ill n t tc r the ____annual watermelon picnic. -------

The Woman's Home M l.v ionary so- c le iy will- meet o t the home of Mrs. J. Peraoniu.'. Thursday. Cars w ill leave Ihe church n l 3 P. M. A ll need ing ' tran.sportfttlon coll Mr.v W. H. Rough.

W AR RA N T CAt.L A ll w arran ts o f Rock Creek Highway

D is tric t from number GS6 to 670, both | Inclusive, w ill be paid upon presenlstlon 1 to Uie treasurer o f the d is tr ic t a t the officc o f the dis tric t. In terest thereonw i lU c w Aug. 15. 1929. ___________________* tiv ■ ' ■ ' Henry'Hnnscn. Tteaa,

News W ant Ads reach the ixroplc you A'lali to attra c t. ' ________ :________


■____ A la t in p g a n d F .vr n ln iy I ____T O D A Y A N D T O M O K R O W !

____ ____ j _

She’s HereN u b i , G y p s y G a l e o f !

P a s s i o n ! - -

I----------------------C K A l tM S — --------------- : —-------- ^ _ , j j „ j ^ j S T | l ! L K : ------------- —

N u b ! is h e r « ! T h e ta lk o f n f o a d w a y Is n o w th e t a lk j o f N e w a r k . S h e w an t.s lo v e !S h e s te a ls !o%e— fr o m f a t h - ; c r . f r o m 's o n . f r o m s e rv a n t , f r o m ip a s te r ! See h e r ! H e a r ‘ h e r s ln j t h i r kYP^Y p a s s io n - ‘ - - SOHKS J n - t h e . IQOLt- F i r s t . ! . . N a t io n a l V iU p h o n c ta lk in g

■ p l i i a r ^

-- — --------w i t h - ■ , . 1~ a u ^ k " " j 6 y ' c ^ m y . 2 ^

L O V — R I C H A r tD T l .C K E R ^ L O R E T T A - V 0 U N C —

, C A H P O L L N Y E a n d Z A Z U ' , - P IT T S . . .

- A N D B A T H E J S E W 'S _ ^ ______ __ _ _■ ^ U S w I ----------------- —

B ^ E S r E f f f S l N M E r f T ! ' . ^-------------

cL liS .: ID A H O ; W B D N E S D

^^t£© JpJoiel# 3•R O O E R a O lj-^ ra n k H. Norbcrg. B , l *H. O o ttM ll, .Ogden; n . P. Ke rr. E ly .i Novjida; J . B ..D plAn, DlocWoot; M r. i I krfd M r* ; p . '^ .rw e id e ll, Ynklma, Wash* J Ington; M r. and Mrs, J, S. M acKenzie,! - 1 idseph D ura ti. Nampa; Z. A. Kohn. I I Seattle; T . U. Bertie . O, W. C lark. Po- 1 I ;» te lIo ; ..W. .Danckwardt. San F ra n -: I :lsco; M r.’ and M rs. L.iE , T lllo tson, M r.] I in d Mrs. L . B. Tlllo tson. Jr.. American I PatU; V . J . RARftn. J. Trccn. J, > In r - „ I !>hy. Om aha; Grace A lla f. Chicago; Mr.< and M nu M . C. Kalllson. A. B.-Crayno, I Mrs. R ,-E . Atkinson, Rtnllo Atkinson. . | Coa Angelesi M iss A. Dooley. MUM U . H Dooley, Payette; Lewis TJosscm, O . H. I Rcdmod. Edw in H. Hall. R lv ln Ly le .i I lo h h M ontgomery. W. B, Mengher ond I ion . A l Brem m er, BoUe; Alice B ln ke ly ,' I 3t. Paul; Ed Levy. 8 (?oknnc; H . c .- I Bundy, M on tpe lie r; J. A. Campbell nnd Iram lly.-nAriford. C a llfo rn lnTC .-R rcar^------ 1^er. Des Mofnes; J . B, Kerr. St. Joseph; I3am Brown, B. N .-S w iiig a rt; N r-N a -| - IJ ian , Or B . Hav ley. Jr.. M r, and. M rs ,, IS. W . Balat, L . C. Golii.iM ;, A, Ba llcy.: I3. C Hewca. F O. Bbdliie. Salt Lake * 2 lty ; R N. S tan fie ld. Portland: M r. o n d ;\4rs. W allace Pascal. Carey; Helen A t - ! < d iison. New Y o rk C ity: Ltie llc G ru n e -, va ld . Pasadena; E. L, Lcncock. M lnnc-ipo li3 :..W >Jj,'.U lnshaw .-H cIcn Too licy.. _?oroU ty_H lri»haw.^ansH 5_Ci(y,________: __

“ P E R R tN E ii- 'w ; D .-siiii'.v. ORdcn; w .” f/. Slckels. J. B. Downey. Sun P i-an -: „ :l*co; B. E . B lckhell. R. Erickson. Po rt- • _ a n d ; M r. nnd M rs. K . A. S tolb;rg . Jake 1* 0D o d ^ ^ r b ld g c ; A. O, F isk. Greeley, I____3olorado; h ir . Qn'd■Mr. . J. UT Resnlclc‘,1 -lew Y o rk C ity ; Mrs. J, C, O liver. W r E ,: 31irford. Long Beach:.C . Olsen, Ewol | , , 3Lvjn, S a lt Lake C ity : M r. nndp Mrs,3can Su llivan. R upert: W. A. Denecke.i 3pboi5.— j,- :- j:~ M c n g o 7 3 n ir~ H otiston~ .™ ‘ 3 iii)aw ay; Nyssa, Orckon; .W .T J rc ia rK r*? * ’* rhrce Creek; F . A. Buptle. C urry: C,J, Fisher, Kansas C ity : J, C. Dnvls, Jhnrlcs Berrcm nn. Bdlse; A. A, Har* i T l Is. Idaho Pnlls; M r. lu id Mr.i. M ; HI tones. M oo re .td ah o; Mrs. SnralvJcncs. IjUc. rfacfcay, IdaihOL P. N. A n iiand. f

- • ______ Cli r

P A R K —w ill ia m O. Flin twood. M r . ; t1 m d Mre. K . '£ , Clowsen. G. W. R u d -,h a lf lock. Edward A Wnyland. Thomas U, cMq Smith, S. E. Pier, M r. nnd Mrs. L . E. ■

la lt Loke C ity ; M r, and Mrs. D, E.: 3rafc, L . E. H owlett. ML .-v Pauline J e l- ' P|I.V3n, M rs. Samuel Nieliob. H . U. ^oore, John Stringer, K. M. Robinson... A . Purton , M. E. Huj:1u-.s Ilo l.'^ : M r. I','"'-- ind Mra. J . A. Lyoa i, FreMio: M r, nntl ' >IrK. Charles H arry. A. E. Curmody. 1). '^crc V . 'C a rm o d y rM r; nnd Mrs C. Moore, '■‘“ c Jenver; M r. and Mr.s. O. R, Botu-- I'Orth. K . L . Scott. H, D. Money. Mr, , N nd M rs. Robert Manning. Mls.^ Ger- , r rude E llio tt. M iss Betty Crnwder. F, P. 1 r .v , Jooley. W . B. Hayes. Poenlello; A, R, X ' . lacR ac. Robert Bell. Hailey; John T,:a lne. Eph R icks and .- on. Sugar City,Jtah; George B. Lnimloi.v W in ifred , m” : AHglols. R. C. R ich. Burley: Mr.v Sam ,■hnmp»nn ,.,n - g - W tw l 11 r urorrt----------lu r le y ; Helen Clock. Hampton. Idaho: ko 8 , Craae.ond son. M ontpcliur: Vf...1. Crnlne. M . ' C. Anderson. 8 oda 1 Iprlngs; E. O stllnd . Salem. O re R o n ;'j^ J

'V ila; H . Boyle apd party. Rupert: • 4r. and M rs. J. L . Gasjier,. C. A. Rob- ” rwon, T«-ln Falls; 8 , W. McClure. lllss ; Elizabeth Campbell. Glenns * 't r ry : M rs. Charles W . Wnt.non, Oma- DI J t: M r. and Mrs. Jnmes DenninR, Un* »»dlo is^Idaho;_Je8s_ ljild lo w ._R o ^ rt_n i^q ^___h'fe. MuldQon. Idaho; H /B . D uff. Port- E? and: J. Bownay, Son <WoncUco. Ning

News W ant Ada reach the people you T l 'Ish -to -a tlra c t.----------------------------------------^cnrl;

I t ’ s N o J• W E H A V E T H E B]


— A —Kundred—heaven ly—hu G lo rious G ir ls ! Syncopal

— So r^ ftl------- -— —

( y j ’ W '

I l . . i . ' . • . Vi

- T h e 'f i r s L ’ I O O ^ i ia ! w a l c o lo r, -------- a a n e i D i p ^ e .

“ Therp ’ s R e a l E n te rtJ

____ i 5 <

5 D A Y . - M O R N I N G . - A U G U S ' :" ■ . -----------l y -

I' own■ ' ' Vorl


‘ ' V B

t in t:

Ito tt llfte<

W i B f l '> r ^ 1 the-

S A M R. M c K K L V I E . j fo r m e r K o v c n io r o f N c- | cc

_ braH kn .J .-^ .th « * _ iiin ih a n d ins i___f in n tn i. e n U ie r jL fJ l 't - ’

b o a rd .--------------------- -------------------------------- — pj]' ropfi

F ou r C h ild re n V ic tim s -------- O f •Crash Gn-tVossing:

L A K E ODF3SA.,M lch,. Aug. C </Vt—Four ch ild re n o f M r, and Mr.t, Royal q | „ | Johnson wcrc ,k tUcd U iis ;Lfu;moon .whca.,.^}^„, lhe ir-ftU tom obilc-wn!rstnic!t-by-ft-Pcrt>— .Marquette passenger tra i ir .a t^ crosilns ggr , here, c p t ii

T H E DEAD ARE:nEN’JA.M lN , n driver of the automo- 1.1,^ ^

“ ' a m v . . . •CHARLES. 3,IIA U IIIE T . l ! i . suidrT he automobile wu:i carrlcd almoM a vo u "

ha lf .m ile down the track a fte r the nc- { jjp rtcldent. th is

~ ~ — threetfO H T N !N G -+ A T A !i ictTi:

D EEPW ATEn. Mo,. Auk, « i-V i-M li-.'. h is n Mildred B lanchart. 22, v.as k illed by iigh tnln r; today n.s .she wa:;. eatinglunch w ith her parnit-’', M r. nnd M r*. ThK, C. B lanchart. The..e lder couple fromiv'crc n o t In ju red , by .the bolt, which ln<{ lientered a w indow near ihc table. hctibi

---------------------------- \V1N ORTH l t ) A itO H.VNKER DIES im , j

LEW ISTON, Idnlu), Aug, C NowCharles P. Hnlen. cii.sliter o f tlie Gen- . Th;-r.re Exeimnge bank for many years York in d prominent In Idaho financ ia l c lr - 'w e llc :les. died In n ho.^pllal tnday a fte r 'a n Uang :llnc3i o f two week:;, I'rium-

'liip uMfiy u iiin ii.i kiid. 11 "I'g j ;Hi-us nniR to test the ;,ouiid,

.Thunder tiikc.i about live teconds to ll'i® travel .i mile.____________________________, '7 ^,

M an im olh C nvr. Kentucky, extends iilnu mill'., under ground. '

, ____________________ c ity 1D liick wav th e .co lo r o f m oiirn in:; h i ‘ I*®’*

in d c r t Greece and Rome. ■__________________ Islnp'

"T :iin in ii7 iin red ~ Ih ou san iI itoop lc 'v ih tr ‘ * l ‘s- Mingara FhJIk annually. . ____

The p.i.-i.Moii flow er wu.s named by the ^arly Simninrd-ftcttlers;---------------------------

S e c r e t ! -B E S T S H O W S !


D I F M N T ! I

h u e s i — ^ -------------

p a t e d ' f f ' 1 M

a '/M f / I


H fe u I

s • -



lo r . la lk w f f . s m t i ^ «b 3 ------- ; -t i h t U i W i u f U m y * y ! -------------- * ~ i

r t a in n ie n t H e r e l ” \ - ^

■ ^ 5 ^g ~ > ~ l r Q " i ----------- x s D — - I =

S T 7 , : 1 9 2 9 : ■ _____

-—^ a t - L a r g e ---------S_____ ________ ___________________L._ .signt

- - G . D ; SH Y M O tn i cDun

S InN EW YO RK. Aug. 0 f/P f-Am ong Ihe wners o f valuable rc iil estate In New ' o rk IS K ing George o f England. 6cv- :a l F ifth avenue altea and plots o f Tnnd nowhere on M anha ttan island are held '/ the Brltlah crown. '-Among them Is reputed to be the te. on the Avenue, o f the shoe store H h lc l i - h u j : t h c . . la r ^ t rou nd -w liid ow .I the world " ~ a cy lln d ric ^ a lic c t-o f , J

oor which Is lowered like an elevator I ^ ) the b.isement to be trim m ed and then fled ogaln hyd rau llcn lly In to place, , “ In A ll the. properties o f the B ritish ip o n - ! l i

rch are in the cu.stody o f a h o ld ing and ' F innngcment corporation, downtowp. I t i __;v -equently odds to or d l s ; ^ u o f (h is | ^•. qther_reajly undcr,lts.care, but,never I ___unkes public the owner's nome. and th u s ' S reps .secret the exact locations here o r i L le 'hold lnss of Its royal c lle ijt. ,j . V

Itoxlng Ton igh t! [The Yankee stadium on uoxlng n ights: E (^cn.it.'int clouds of cigar smoke drlft-^ I IS, ncrc.vsjlie.ring,,.vA 'lrllns. In , strange —. H Idles iinder the battery of -40 overhead | -c lights. , , . ■Phoro?rapiicr5‘ p s re lie d o n jw p inusJw _ W irm p l.itf jrm s in the In fle lil. 20 fe e ti ■er the lieiids of ringside .sppct.itors, 1 The .sr.oll|sl)Ls around the top dcck of | le H iadlum.which f i l l tlio bowl w ith u i inn>iKlarp-b«ween-roiiiid»-nnd-rewAl-J— >- cen patches c f einniy seats. { _,fcThe {pectatcr wno 1.1 try ln 'j In vain to I Kig the ;io ft d r in k b o y ----- "HeyrCTungn i ’ ■In! . r ^ t r y ln '. . t a . buy^tjie^e mugs a |

5\v n)ucii7 I ’UU.v c e m a ooitie lo r g in * : . Br n lc! I 'can buy It fo r le.s-j n t th e ' ■j t ic n club . in 'g e t a fb o r rliow wld h l " i ■The box .ic:a holders who can’t see ■ De rliV i bccaiisc the rliigslde spectators j ■ c standing up . . . . {- H•'Hey, you eggs. Blddaft-n!" , , .J ^ I f I ' ■ Jdouh I see nodding," . . . "A ll r ig l ir . 'IdRwn anyhow on ' I ' l l exi)l.iin I t to , ■u." . . . "Co'mon, get o ff that bench out Here , . . . A ll r ig h t, s'.and up, bu t duck " l3 pop botlle . . . . One . . , two . , . ’ ree , , , D U C K I" . . . "Brnddcek’s cot nO-pVcniHkTsT-TTT-^A 't lia f» . . .• •'I sattl -------s nose Is .imashcd. you s a p !. , , ; "D i

A Grow ing a t y ' drenilThe Island th a t Peter M liiuH buiicht apiictJtn the Indians fo r S24 lias been crow- d id cI In hiycevcrsinee th a t o r li; ln ii tm ns* cninetlon in New Yo'vk real estate. l lt l leWhen white men firs t saw II, MCinlint- }IJ island cont.Tlned uboui, I'O.cri-acTes. i IW It Jias more than .M ,000.rh e H.’itte ry . which is the foot o f New bluKe'>rk today, was once a led^c o f rock m e 11It ou t In the water. When Jenny U nd to eatng n t Castle G arde ir-now the Aqua- o li lmim—In 1847, her hciirer.i had to cross alongIn lp t nr> n

c concert hall. W llInn a century the soluu and Ix c ii bu ilt. Oireu blocks out blllou to tiie East r ive r along its southern ). wcU.

.1 ilir- m . ^ tta n has been filled In along the H ud- .r. j{, n r ive r opposite Riverside drive. The iji,n . .y has cjiip tlcd enough earth there irt lm e n ii e last three years from subway excnva- , s h r lr ins to add S2 acres to tlie area o f th? t Sat and. and another 20 ncrcs w ill be b u i l t ' Fnll.s i f T c a r -----------------------------------------------1— A’d'

“ T l i c r c ’ s R e a l E r i t . e r t a

__________ NOVy S H OWWarmer Bm s. p i^ u n t ' T


CONMD / z m m t r ilOiSWIISON

E D N A m u r p h y

R A V - ' i N R I G H r ,

C O D E E & 9 R T I I . J A C K ( ; o i . i : S o u n d F u n f o r B la c k fa c c F i

- Ih e L a fC r t - - - I ' a t t e r a n d S<

~ 1 c o m i n g : ^> V ^ E R . B R a S

A U S m C tN O .A llD A M C W C

■ ^ - I--------rR O X E S T u A P ro iN T M E N T = -'^ = ^ =

cst“ 10“ iH .iC *P Po t? 'uncnt'o f. -o m i*!. d" - - cou rt r tp o rte r to 11.5 -

M venth Jud icial d latr lc t }»iHg f ih lp , T’an___lent to Governor Baldridge to d n y - Jgned-by—10- Jncm bers. o f_ ih o - L a ta h — :ounty Bar., , '

In the Swlsa . A lp s ' l l ie 'glaciers' lire )ctween’30 and SO'tnllca lon g :-------

The E iffe l Tower, Paris, Is the highest ower In the world.

Ironbles Kept Him

“ I n T h r e e .S h o r t W e e k s . S a rK o n n n d S a rc o n S o f t M a s s • P i l ls E n d e d T r o u b le s T h a i M a d e

- M y - h i f c - M ls e r a b lc f o r S ix_ Y e n r ^ . I ’ ve ( J n in e d , W e j j r h l,___

S t r e n g th a n d E n 'e r j fy a n d F e e l L i k e a N e w M a n In E v e r y W a y .

lTwa(Hso iaBaJ3r c '.-rr:r.-ru:';.'.-.y.'f a ^

W------------ T W ^ W W K ^ N S ----------------------"D iirh iK the pn.-it year e.specially, niy

Loimich got in such bad .siiapr th a t 1 readed ll ie tliouBht of eatlnc. My PDCtlte fu lled me. but even the lit t le I Id ent cau-'.i'd terrible i)alns, I - Ijr- im e n r weak nnd nervous I got very t i le j.Ieep and woke up feeling tired, was blllou.s alm ost alway.s and Just

'" n i l to wonder If I would ever gel ell'■•liie Snrgcn trea tm ent grf*c me the igKCst surprise o f m y life . M y aiipe- te plcke«l up r ig h t nway and I beuun I ca t three jnc .ils a day w ithout a sign i Indigestion. I've i!nlne<i weight rignt long, sleep like n healthy boy nnd .

.,p f .,11 nt ..i.,T>'v Tho iiilU ab-jiu te ly r id me o f coiiatlpBtlon antf lliouancs.v ,‘ •'M y friends ore n il in lW im ntuviX Iww •cU .Ii Ipok. fo r the Sargun trea tm ent i e rto ln ly made u new mnn out o f me,“-

', Kawkins, 17G Corona St,. Denver, a ;luc Lodge Ma.ion. Knight.s 'Teinplar. ii'm bcr of the Scottish R ue nnd • hrlne.Sargon may be obtained in Tw in

all.s from Schrnmm-Johr.son, DruK:-. rA’dv^------------------------------------------ -----------------

— E V E : -------- ^

^ t i L . i■ ta inm en t H e re !” - >W IN G !

T h e F r a m e - U p !

A ls o

V - A - l . - D * E . V - M . - L - i :


► L D IE “ I T H A P P E N E D : F u n ._ I T O . T I I E M " .1 Sonff • I I I 'k a P n m m o u n t!

u N D A E r

| V i T 3

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Page 5: I H C i i l l l i S - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · S3000 tickets for the entire trip to Wll- “ llamTi; U-eds

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t :companies. |o i serve their m il

A S T A lT h e co n so lid a tio n o f th e M arl O il. C om pany has co m b in e d k c tih g f ic i l i f ie s o f these w id i b u to rs -o f-p e tro le u m -p ro d u c t

T h e h ig h standards o f m anu m ain ta in ed th e re p u ta tio n o f so ld u n d e r the C onoco and J m a i n t a i n c d r ^ '

T h e same chcm ists and cn g ii a ll, the same poh 'dcs, w i l l si n ew sy m b o l " o f a g rea te r sen




> I L C C

m'AmO. W ijiDNESIHY^

i i i i i wR S E i l l

- o M - e s t a W i« ^ i : K

>ia forces bett illions o f ciist(

T E M Ea rland C om panies and th e C ed the p ro d u c in g , re fin in g id c ly know n^m anufac tu re rslets.----------- -----------------------------

nu factu re -which have cstah o f th e h ig h q u a lity p roducts J R ed T r ia n g le brancls w i l l

g inccrs, th e same re fineries: su p p o rt the n e w trade m;

ir v ic e ."

R E A 1

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POF=aV I C E ' ^


tter-.to..~"PIWtomers .

: C o n tin e n ta l h ng and m ar-:rs and d is tr i----------- U f tM M a

iab lishcd a n d ^:ts h e re to fo re ~ ' ^ p ^ E i l l be s tr ic t ly

c s r a n d r a b p y c - ; - ^ —

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Page 6: I H C i i l l l i S - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · S3000 tickets for the entire trip to Wll- “ llamTi; U-eds

K z z — - Page Six. •

p j E f f y M B E f S ^| - i r a B M i PT S udden I n f lu x o f F u n d s ;

I Eases iM oney Hates lU id '

I ‘ Q u o ta tio n s 'S w in g U p w a rd

1 _ .MARKETS AT A GLANCE“ f ~ --------- NevvrvonKTXi'.k.'p m*" - -------------------- —

B Bioclt.: lrrfK«l»'-; '^ co„v.rU..l<. .r r ..u ,« : ’fc curs : Ix»w«; ln»vill .tocK» uKMlii tircii).

! K..y: ..............i ■ ■ .~.M- ■I ES-yl'*” hoppolmlni; M'o< ‘I'-

" 'co tffp : Ixj'wcr; lticrr»-'<l Ilm /lllan ot-

I cincAOO:f:_ WJlMi: WcaK: lirtvy rccrl|>l- i.i'll ' ill-

■■ ■ - Cnttlpr tjCrsdy lo ulronK. llbnnl-LuwM. ---------------------------------- . -

uV c l a u iij : a . j a o o k ii .(Axiocl^lPtl l ’rc« tniiBiirm: W rllrrl ,


i m ortiV l"l^«y. ' I’rlcr-i rPBclrrt nliariily <liir- ,'t, ,),c muriiltlK lui liriivy opIIIHU M)!’! '1 ---------- iS l'.lto «lie m itrVcrbyli-iriicr-cfnrTi-tlru-ni-l -

!’ I in t* tor cull loan*, tlip brr»K oil Uip U il- |I c«go Klock MClinnne. «ii(l B atoi In w lip.l

t l prico.- but u miclueii l i if lt i* of f'leia"J ____ Mcfl t i l t moHcy rm rjo^a^ P^r t lir . _

(■ j;nJnln« JiiuD) ot tJ)flr Iomph. . . , ' ai J_________mc_ntcak_nL-Ctilc«KP—

f- illntiirbliii). ft* t il* n n .f urmor» ol u iirii-rr>l colln^wc on tliP .ooiirlty market- iBvr a upon notaUlr oeciuloiw In Hip P« t Iktcii , Ai fe lt on t lia l market. Alno, thp Milli rp- Ar newal rate far Uemaiia loaiu couipd <nialm» Ai In view ot me pro«pecl of a t i ir t lir r dram Ai; beliiK Imjioned iiix iii c r« llt by »u mcrpiwe Ai;

I. in ihc-lJtnH ol~Ennln»'itl'» slUcovmi lau . ' At(j COltilUersblf tiprvoiunmi. wn» evUlriit In ArN brotcpruKP tioune board roomi t i i i ll l roii- . AlII ridence wa» purtlally rentor«l by the iinlcl; lu B,’. uclion qt lltp bank.. ».•' 'j : j Nharp Drap Keiult*• ' TJiat thp aliarp drop ll> call litonpy remuU- »i

' n l from aelloii to bolnter conflilfiicp, nitb- Car r than a itotmal cwilnit of cfrOlt. wan In- C«

• r -------d ic a lP c rT ir^ « R ^ o n *y - rn T r r-w m ff i^I I lowca a contrary coun.e. very Hu Ip myn/k' C«

loanlriK a l lea* llian » per c«-itl.* evci/ for Cr kome o f tbe lOilBer ninturUIr*. Tlip kntm ' Cli condition fiof credit wa« t i i r t li t r liid lA lp il I r i ' by the bullptln of ibe Amrrleun Ace^l- Ch ance Council, wblctt Intimated iba l l i lk b -.c ii er Bccepunce rale*, with con»e<jueiit biX* . Co

______deu.titfon commcree. cannoi longer. w . coB -oldPd uhlcM Uic federal come* to the co aupporl of the bull markpt. Co

Tl>B day'a Ihdualrlal and bii>1n«-»H npW" Co remnlned lar«ely favorable. hJcluillnn aev-j Cu

■ pral more aatlifactory oainlnB* and »alfn t Cu reporu. \Voolworth roiwrlcrt a iialii or Da

' nearly 10 per cent In July nalc*. and Mack . ne .. Truck reported flra l-na ir eurnln*» r<i«ial lo i Dr j U.11 per ahare.a aa liu l $3.84 In Dip firvt ou ( lia ir 01 19M, ru r ilie r tood buying of cop- , ebj

. per reported, and aome con"UiiiPr». wno . eiJ j hive been dvfcrrlnu order* In tlip hoi>e of etI ■i price reductloiui. were .aid to be aiklnn yi.

t protection agalliiil IllCr^W*. i'Oe; T h f uinUy >hare«. which made nubatan- Qtt l lftl^d van cn veaterdav d n u llr llip break

r t — lit in * i tum i k u m jM c i iim u , n m ii«i ! gB l i lcu lu ly drpreurd. ■' -% i —I* lU fU Dcprrtied ‘ ........... ■ jj _____ depreMrt, Wew _aI ) dropplnV‘a'lwur‘7'^pomt«ran>iough the lor- “I mer r*salned ahoiit ha lf it.i lo». UteeU, ^I were K«ner*Ily mcady. United Stale* Steel ‘ aviI aa ts l» l ■ couple Of point", then m tnln- :I iii« lu loaa.I Coppenswere liravily bou»h( In the laat TtyI ____ hour, partTeularly Anaconda which roae. TreI mom in *n 3 polnU” U» 122, a i.cw )>lt(h fo r ’ WcI Ibe movement, in a turnover of nearly 400,- , Yei

000 aliarr*. t l waa rumored that a laTge 111!R) UanklhK liouar w ill m m ii otfer lt« cux . l.o'" f tomer* • block ol the atock at 120, 1U In the reactionary «raln market*, wheat lU{ broke about 0 cent* a btuhel In reapouap[r_____heavy recelpu and a weak caah market!IT corn lo » n cenu'or-morT-B-&u«hei-on-rur*-LttP ther bearlih weather. Tlie cotton m ar-. l . it:.l ket wan asatn quirt, with cloning prlcm u tIII ileady. ' L II H l^jielgn e»ehan«p» werr incllneil to ea«e. . Tr< jl a |tn o ^ h ^ .lr r l1n f cablr* lipUl ta ltly xtPBdy , Tri

i = ^ = a s a I J,

I TWIN FALLS MARKETS I™If Tb*M vrtcci ara obuiaed OaUy * t 4 ! po'iA «’ct««k ta Uv« «>tlcn>o«& aDfl u% la> '!| uaded te corer enlj' tbe at .•n prtccf. Wbtre eeruia dealer* for tbort( ' perloda eUer ngre U tu U>« qneutf ' , . r ! ptieta Bo efrert U nude M >aelad*1 inch QoeuUsM. Qaeuuoas «re e n v - , “

•a a«taly M » p t l ^ ts predneers u d . ,• iw iild BBt be accepted a i r tlle c tta f u - i ^7,

- - - tw e e t lU m h t o wr tow Wlcee,----------

ra id t« rrodacen i:"]^ T te ^ T jta r w u Burce ti r*et«rd>r v m I oii

t 4ree;«e« ' >nii

Oowi _____—________ _ » . .> a .00 to tJ M -aalcH e lle r * ---- ---- « PQ to UJO i »>er

-------- ■»»'■----- ----------------- «»««■ IT ~________________ ______ a

- P va ltrr - - - . (att!ea*7 heo. 4>i 1b«, and up, lb_________ 19e CU ib t hei«. under 4'.i lb . , IffTIT— ;___1M SJ<-Leehonui bena, lb. ______ ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 2 e P

____■ «-w»« ih M |21,(Hprlnfera. leghorni. 2 lb., 1»c rUrollen, up lo to 31b* _ . , llki 32 '

^No. 1 beoaOW toou ________ ctve

— __________ ' I'g j ^Dairy ' '*

O uttem t. (v re t. ButUrfat. aour ----------- *a»-

. t t n . i c u a ) - - - - . „t • t n * (local *Mr^) _____ ^ ' u .

I *hltW *oi«»ie ^Cane ~ Z - ~ _ I T Z I Z - - ____ , >7.08 I “ al

„ . ' U .B rm . SOO lb. l e u _________ _________»‘ .« jco lcStock food. 100 lb. l o u ------------------- tiJO I u aBtaeic food. 300 lb. lata _ _ _ _ _ 4 I.U i o DIcklow. No. a or b r ttrr »0e I cmredcnmon. -- ' * * ' : t f »Lemona. doi. Me and flOcI**^Oruuea. aoM B________________ jO B io m ! ^PDUtoe*. I I potmdi ■ i - ii. .T V ;to w

- . -Xev-pouioea. 7 pound*—ztti-t-- ... - ' - CaOPw - __ !________

Crtery. ^- atf»«r»*m «. a b » M -------------------------- » e jr.

^ ----- ' --------oarroa. buneb _____ , . . . , V ____

- _ . ■, -----------g

— ^ —,— T c r

. ; T D a iw t t f i , - , . . - ____ . - »»«•— -• ! ! ^

______________________________*11.00 »u.<


I-!----j ! ............... i ^ l Q A D w i T ~ r' ■ ' i A U T T L E W O R R IEC

• 3 A B O U T O C T A V E .. f(, A M D C O R P U S

! } W A .M T IM G TO G E 1M O L D O P G K C E 2 IX

,• a S O I S E M T W /M

____________ __ ^ i . N E W , , . , ' !

' l i. . _____ JL

O lo B ln g

' a III* ChuJ^MfK________ JM •'jOIId.l^pn Co_____" ^ A m T ^ r l-ow'rr..... ‘ " { « ^ l 'n ^ l r l J h " ‘ DKj *t

Am Ixjco 137 I Ornliiiiii ru liir KAm Hmrit A: Itcf p l ia i i ^ ' * ' ' ‘ l North Ky Am Huunr pf |oo Hupp Mutor Cur

,A m T « lA :T e | ' 28I>,' Anacotirtft Covs V i l ' . llatvpM-Co

Armour Del pf . oi», J'“ N l'*' .. A tc lilw il T Si a 2U 1 |!» TpI a; TellUldwln lx>TO pt IIU ' K riin rco ll Coppi

IlMlilehem -Steel ia«% > XrcnKo ISS) CoIlurrougliii Add Mach OJ^i | l-**mbprt CoCalifornia l*uck 70*j LIm at Myer* ToCalumet A: Hecia -40 ___

’ cu e Tllrefh Mach 14S Mi>Uilmoh Alkali Cerro dp l>iuco. OU Mlnml Cupper

I Cheiiapeake i t Oblo 231 Mid Con^l'pt■Chic Rk M a Pac IM '* « 1« o iirl Pacifici cnryalpr Corp . 74 Montiiomery War' Coca Cola ■ HO*, Nanli Uotoni.Columbian Ona i t Elec.. B3>., Nat Ciuh Jlen ACoimoleum Nairn . 23',j Nat Jmw As l-t«Corn Producu OB':. Natloiml HuretyCoty 5 T i Np'*’ Vork Centr

, Cudiiby I-ack J1 N V New Hav & 1t CurtiM Aero . . Ii4 North AmericanDavUon Cliemlcal -lOi, Northern l*iiclflc

: Delaware & llud 2IU I’aekard MotorI Druic Inc 111*. I*nn AmOul*ont dp Nem . 192 4‘BrBm K«m Untc

, Eaatman Kodak ID5 I'enn II Um pow A! Lts . 00' , ' f ' j ' f ' ' •■nx' i-n>', E r lP l lR eS'i IMIIman Inc ne»Klplacltmann 02 lUdlo Corn ot Ai

I'aeiierBr~A*pnWt----- —T-80»;- Rrynolfl»-TobaectQtneral Elec . .584 ’ St Lo til. Han htal

1 — — JQ,S t o c k M a r k e t A v e r a g e a

NEW YOnK, Aim. 6 i4^-S tock market iO ■ 20 20

Itidra IU Il’(t> UtU'ii ,x.Today 231J0 IS1,« 310.70 lurrevloui 'day 331.50 1U .20 321J0 co>WCCK BKO -------- 2M 90--'-IU.40---- W .IO , 7.Year aiio 165.00 120.40 HJJO oUH llh . 1029 234.40 1CU.40 321J0 pmI.o1'. 1020 201.70 I2fl.60 •. 183.10 ?7t

Total -alpi. 3,78a,0M .hareH, jI “ — ' n(|.' (JHVUUNMKST «tr

NEW VORK. Aug. 9 c,Vi—Unlled Slatrm rat go\eruinpnt bon(l» clo»ed'.Ltbertr3'-j«-32-l7--------------------------- »-0700 upl.lt>erty flr>t O .. • » 01-31 »>JLiberty lourth 4'.» . . . * 08.24

. i i S i«sTrpa>ury 3*,. lHO-43 8 « J 0 <lil

------- IIRIs rtJ .tit loj)

NEW VOUK, Ai.k fl >.1-)-T h f raw augar "jf]S!;

chanvrd at t -1 8U tor M’uU duty paid.polnta and rontinurd rn>y throughout the

,aV''i*Vd-dav‘’ 2 t ira * °~ u iu “ iel'*llwpt.‘ ’'U n - >° |CPrt«liitv ovrr developuienti at Waahlng-ia n d 'tb r contliivird liiacliM ty In the apot 'n iartirt rhpcknl any ngKrnuilvp buying and !/, •prler. ylel<1r»l to omIt - niiKlerale .•elllng ">' whictr »|>iir«ri-»t to l>e mo*tIy In the form -nr-lim itn«inn— opmitfnn»-wrrT-aB*tt>-of -JJ* llmllrct prii|K'rtlon., aml.thPre uppeared lo t:eaa fll>po-llloii nmoiiii operator* to hold i f *

I 0(1 and await trr«l. d.'VrlopMenU.: Retined .,\\a> .Uiicliaugttl. Withdrawal*

■new wa» *upp!Htt llirnugh »e«ind band* al ■Inim t i , n m 1,> TO-toi-Hne granulated. , 7 ; ^ x hu»{^toi~: I x l ’lF . ^ m i l t 1 ''^ r »2JIB;^Ja_n<.ary « ? 0. March 8233: May j f f ,

SAN M l.w r is fo I'lKIIIUCE SAN KIIANCISCO. Au*. C >,41—Buttpr- ra t

fat M 'je - . ........ .................Oulcn: Oreen 7Jc to I I lug; aiockton red. » ij

t i f to «l Mick: yrlln«» t l 25 to 11 00 cwt.IMtatoe*: Jobbing OarnPt CbllU 3c to

31, c pound. t}lockH>u K « 10 p iJ c w i . I _ _^ l*oii»ry: Hioller* 2fc to 3Jc. hPtu 23c ‘o j j . „ |

LOS rK ou ccK 'U53 ANOa.ES, Alls « .<1-Prr.duee e » - li i . ,

e h a n g p ^r^ lp u ^llu ltpr 149,900 pounJi.jCal

ells 'rounV 'M ^,e *m rtIT^"VeT**m lll2^5i^; Iiradp ML,e . ____ ______ __ ■ H

1-ouitry l.riilio7u henVo^^r 4 pourid»T3e7 j>ou rr»t unchanged. , jm

c i l ic . to n PRODUCE ir ilIC .\o o . Aug. « ott—PotAtoea; Recvlpui |>

M car*, on track 200; total Untied Sute*!<5c. •hlpmenu 407 car*, irwdlng fair. markPt;oai allghUy airDncrr; Kanaa* and . Utaaourl 1 • in aacked Iru li CobbUr* g2 40 to (3.es; Co:s-'out rado lrl»H Cobbler* 83 10 to *3 15; Nebruka Iigh M ked ln>h Cobt>ler* 82 BO u> 82 M: Min- nu 1 CMMtA- aacUd KarlT OUlOa tew aalea 83.65; C. Colorado >ickrd IUI>* TTulmpha 83.50 10 uta

Butter: Lower: Ilecelpta ]8.0g2 tuts; '' 'a i creamerr r it ra * 4I»4C; itAndArda «Ji«c; e*- m 11 tf» .Ilra ta 40I.C lo 41c;.llr»U iO c-lo 4iic.;.u.u ieeond» TJc to M'^c.

Esc*' UncSiangrd. re<vlpta 17.05T ca*e* ' rou ltry ; Alive, firm : r»c*lpu 3 car*,, Dl

Jowl. 2»e; •pring* 2»c; broiler* 2«c. ro o . i- ;c . ii iT» 2rc: tu n trr* 20c to 30 c :-m jc« -i» r ta ; lo ;aoer Fpfjf 14e- «gnw» * ..M Mirif

DRIED n iL IT iWEW TORX. Aug. S i*V-Orle<3 fn ilt* and '■ »old hop. iteady. I

-------- I load

LIVESTOCK MARKETS I- ............ ..............! fb

_O S tlH* LnXS IO C K._____VOMAllA.--Atit « t*^«.Hapr-n»t.eipu WOO;

IteAAy .to .IDc Iowq; flo*ing aeUta. fu lly •u&dy Wita Uooday-a aTerwcr: aorted ITO to np pound *VCTm«»» II IJ J 10.8U3J: top 111.40: 230 to 3«o peuod butfben 810.75 to

S D A IL Y N E W S , T W IN F A !


T W t K J K J T - v V A S - 3 IE D \ W IS E T O B E OAJ T H E W S<r • 9 A F E S I D 5 , M R r - ......f S !

W A L L E T V O O K K JO W f r / - P T I S U G G E S T E D I T / I a

y O R K „ _ - . ' H III

e s s a a ^ ^ i i i i -Ti i - ii .

n g B id ■ ■ jsj'

^ /toetiiictt________ im • 'JKj'Co « ' ‘ aincimr Con Oil — 331; •

. i r - s x ' i r r . , ;s, i• C»r 42>. South Cal Cdlaon . . 70 ,,t nil lUouthern Pacific M |i,

771;, Standard Caa d: Elec 130-Co •’ ^ ^ ;* 'a ,u n d Oil N*'j 151* • ^

copper ‘ w s Hlewart Warn Speed 07’ ^II) 33 , atudpbaker Corp 70>,Cher*e 31 Tr«u* Corp , . OQ'j ,imCo 'Te«n» Oulf Sulphur -7o‘ / » h

Timken Ron Dearlng 101 ?,„im Tob II STi. ' Union Carbide ll7i< ccn

iW'' Union Oil of Cal 4S>« ,tarilltaii M l. ' U S Rubber ' 47 * ci,er 45 U S Steel 2IU , fev.r ( } ] , Vunudlum 82 fle 1c com w i. 'V ir g Caro Chem .. 13 jp dclfic pf 130 ' We»llngbotu.e BlMtrlc 234 „),o<

Ward 1151. I Wratern Union Tel 215, 80>V Willy* OverlMid . 241,

■ - 'S ! ; .pc";iirpty .107 -------- ly •S 'a '.a “ 1; ™ in . M A.,K r.,lean Co no NEW VORK, Aug. 0 i - l l - thecldc . 100 Curb (luotutlon* cloaed: rapilor 131’ i .CoiitlnenlBl Oil 17Ji mea

S7S 'H rc Hand A: ShBre U l ' i IngLB*try , B7t;-;KIPC m vc t . . 292>;, nurr

U5>j c^ iif Oil Corp ot i'B 1847. mue: new 8fl : Ncw*IlVudf'ml 5!'- :5”;ot Am 84’ . J.UB1I Creek Con. J«, Lo«lbaeco-U-----43'.-rBtnml-OII-of-ind-----------M *. —I htan Hy 121ijll*ennry A pf 07 of ^


aoWK moatly 8 9 ^ to U 40:^augtu d o i^ toCattlcr Rfcelpu 4000, culve* 200; ilaugb* at^y

' ive. acrong to moatly 25c hlglier. bulla and I'Sw vtala fu lly aUudy; aiocker* and feeder*.eatce: linn ; fed ateer* »nd >rurllnr* 8IS.35to 815: few load* 8I5JO to 115 05: light .Ha

> •trcn around 1150 pound. >15 00; three load* -ent 3 1358 IMUhOa 810; heller* scarce: bulk, graaa “ x i D co*» 87,50 to J8.75; bulk ull cutler. 85.73 10 ©f n » »7r'n'edlum-buH.-88-to-»8.75:-few-welghly aino l> olfrrlnga up to 89; practical tup vraln 812.50, 1,, t l> puld tieely. Including 75 lir.u cvprnging pr

Sheep: .ilecplpta 13,000, hlghpr. I»mb«KteBdy to'25c lower; *heep otrBdy; fecdera \rhvatrtinK to 25c higher: early .a ir. and bid* ge

, rang* lunitx 813 to 813.25: iibHvm 812 SO to o<812,75; ewe top »8.23: rangr ferflliig Inmba Mj

) uuuara.to-8mo;.ouedock.cUulu>-»wu.Umba __m ,I “ 2'5- Corn1 c m c ,„ „7 T T \’K ,T „ ,K KJ cniCAOO, Aug. 0 C,11 — Ho*.. Ileeelpu 14«I IV.UtM including 2000 dlrrct; market .low. Oata> .hlpl>^r* and •mall klllen. Iiuying a few 8e

light and nmlluni. steady to IW lower: De top SI2 15; bulk dealrable ISO lo 220 ix>und M(

. weight* *11 8U to 812,10; moat packing .ow* Mi I H>.5U 10 111.75; butcher* mpdlu.Ti to cholcp

■ iwim rt. 810i0 Ou cattle: llecVlpU 05U0, calve. 21X10. genprml- *°Ry

. Iv .Ipudy to *trong. belter grade range fed lla , » le ri. in broad demund, .ligh ily le>* act- T li ive than Monday: 817 paid lor ligh t ateera cic

hy (><tern ahlpper*. alaugbler. clkaac*Kii.Ti gi>uU and choice I3U0 to 1500 («und*

I .a iUa.ll7_UDa_lo_1300.poiim la^U.to.8l7; --05., V50 to 1100 pound* 813.50 to »I8.1«; ted 81.IJI yearling* g ^ and ehoire 750 to 050 pound. No,

813 to 810 U; heller* good nnd choice 850 hardI pound, down tl3 to IH.T5. row*-good' and 8132I J,?.,.*? » , V ,'!^ U !!,• veil!»:0M, .locker and leader *teer% tood knd No I

;* 25c lower. I.iigc lamU> 8I3JO to i u « . u." '

M7» tn iflTsr.fPTderiamtK cood"»na chuice ~ n*]■ *12 50 ,0 813 U . ______

s\N KR.\NC:SCO LIVKSTOI K ____-BAN TOANCISCO.-Aug « Hog*- ne- -------

I»12H« ro^»l3;™lew flgbl^a V lT ju^ 'p '^ /k in l 1.1^1i CalUe lucelpu 75; holdover. Tuo . jo ,

i medium KO to tr50 twuuu. IIOJJ do

Tpoumi »ealer» 8U.50; package ||u to i l l *. ’ill«ti_ll0ldOVen_t5Ov-alzaai_.dwk:-58 t i j f -

* ' ESS'i FtJRTL.\.VD LIVMTOCK ii I-ORTLa ND. Aug- < .4%-Hos. Ileeelpu' dM ’. ‘ ’ i ^ i t “ Sm r’ T«'‘' k ^m "” 'c‘iU , ' '* " “ ®"‘ ^i.tta ^y : load Calllomlaa a ilS s i^ w iih 'n S uSo- :out .1112 and packing mw, at ta JO, chSlS a S ’l light butcher* not now quoted al)u\e 112 85; 813.39

Cattle- Reev1pl> 5o[ «juotat>le *!e»ar tO UBlS u.ax: no earty aalea; wound ^our iMdalirld from Monday. Calve.: Receipt* 15

Sheep: Rnelpta 350; quotatjle .teadT' _ i w nU h lM aold e»rtjr: emtlmated rrc .ip i, Z i

DKXYMM. UVC5TOCK , DENVER. Auc. « I8pe«al to Th. N e w * iIT T ^ " I C .iiie - R«»|pta MO. c%)«T«.a. eoa i;j ai«*d»i ' lu lt*m * l TT 3 * ^ f f g .! II «)ld held at 8< CO «»: mlied cow, and he ll. * er* P : gn«a hellei* 80 to 8I0J0. Includlog '

I iMd 8k.W; lew crus* bulU 87 to 88 ee*?8l4• du^o; b*(t«r c rw te ououue 815 10 t ia lo - 'Odd iota (toek *t(«r> 80 to 810; late MonS^i - srmaa l» t alcWf to BUppcr* 812.25 10 813JO- I paid lev loM bT«nclB( 1330 pounda

!(«(»: lUeelpta 1500; 10 lOMla dirvci 'o s t '10 o i u ^ ie: four loMa jm t *m*ed' ubt w jia m tr tr» « * r i« m .-B M » a y »uad ,.«?S - ~ «oi>d*rje»er»ce. top 8U.73 on few d r l t i •reiiBd 300 pouBd*: bulK 100 to s«o peuDda * 81lJd ta U LM : fe v 3*7 pmmai i n ]SO potmda UO.M: pu k lo« *owa U .U ta

’A L L S , ID A H O , W E D N E S :

? ^ - Y O D ” M a S T 7 3 T T E L L A , S O U L . O P C O U R S E , B U T i * S E N T H fK / l T O T H E BUPFO ON^ C A M P U P IM T m e A D I C O M D A C K S . T h E V L c >

^ W A T C H H IM T H E R E .

-------- -

B B I P,011 GRl ifiKETSs

—----- ‘i i ;

N u m b e r ie s s T r a d e i- , s , U n n e iv

— v e d - b y - S e m i - P a n ie - L o t - G o .

o f O r a in , in L a rg e Lo ta nc roi

--------- M<Dy JOHN r . IIOUCIIAN >

lAtaoclatPd Pres* Market eOllori nt c ilic .s a o , Aua. 0 — U«nervetl by whirl­

wind *elllng that w ithout warning over­took the wheat mBrket today, numberlr*. #«■ IrdOcra In aemUpanlc, let go of whpat] I. 'r i . r ; :h , .S 'a . ' r » . r K , ; ;£ s s . s u la bualiel her*, compared wllh yp*terday’»

' s CitBrletl Ihe «m»*h ot value* wa* general- U l

Chicago rloalnc (iiiou ilon* on wheat were fevrrlah a l virtually the day * loweat point. j fle (o 7c net lower. Corn clo«ed l»,c to 2p down. o«,U IHc to l% r otf, and provuion* tJaj -howlns 2c to 105 netback. [ |n«

ArrWil* Olmlnlth | MoU p*cttln | of confidence on the part o f . l lH

..peculallve owner, of whral cuiue abrupt- yi» ly alter Ihe market here hud .hown a de-I rc^rl^"b lB '^purchaae * of 't lo iir today In 1 Wci the aouthweat and becau.e of evidence Ot I pai rapid fa llliitf o lf In the mi)U-ir,ci[t to do- meatlc winter whent to m».t ct llie lead- Ing railroad tprtnlnal*. In Chicago, the J number o f car* of wheat urcivliig today wa« vl.sl much arrialler than either n week or a year w_ ago. and there were alao greatly d lm ln l.h -, •«“ ed recelpu ut Kan^u* City. Omahu and St., ^u>»i», ........... uuickly-lost-islglii ■

reporre 'd 'u throwing overWaM m .^hold-jCO!

le-Cr'nt TumblP ^ >

whBlt^uade.' 'ueVnwhlie, 'about the' only Immetllate known incentlvem for the «cll- wol Inc were reporu FSentm"“w h ? it"c r tM « 'w o u jd '^ enlarged. «cn

X ll other cereula reflected the weaknr*. ^ Of thfl wheat markt. Corn wa. 'e (

Ho,PTOVlalom W frf e»a1cr owing to down- da i

(urn* both ot luig vnlue* and of grain. IWheal— Open lllghLow -riew » ^

Bip i. 137‘ , 130 1411, 131’ . reti

_ ^ h i i : ; . E ] S B : x‘^"e"pT w '. l o i ' j 0-;. S

March W M>U » ' *Data— you

” i- Hi*' B Bm ! " ' ‘ „ ^ hod

CHICAGO CASH fJRAIV iCHICAOO, AtiB. 0 ..n -W h .a t: No. 4 hard

II 20 ',; No. 1 northern spring 81.30. IsciNo ^ ml*e<l 0«>-; No, J wlilte Me. H ui

OuU- No: 3 red 4*c. No, 2 wl.Ur *0^cRye:* .Vj 2 I I 00',. \Harley: Quotable range 50e to 72c. Hy_

............ th lA IIA <SKA1N................... 'M r*-O M A H A .^ug_C-.JW W bcaU-Na^l lu n Lj-,w-11.l i to 812«| No. 3 hard 81.14 to 81.24:SO, 1 darl. hairt 81.23 10 81.37; No. 2 da rk jon lard 8135 to tl3a<>: No. 1 hard .prlng 1 a11 321J to 81.381,. No. 1 dark northern *prlng ) .

'O a \^ r 'N * ‘ '3 'i^ iu ^ l^ ^ ^ rS ^ T lin ^ p S o e------------------ --- ------------------ -------------1-------

_____TIIUUIO tSItAIS--------------------1- ‘TOIXDO. Au* e ,4%-Wheal: No. 2 re<l !

H 2» to ;i.3o . ; «iN c«

lUrley! No.'3 C8c. ' ..............: o f k!

s ! - “ — . I s ;^ 2=--------------- -— - - la n d

even lo»d. le rd 'r lamb* and 23 load. Idaho; rclA at lalatu; no early aalea; Indication* 25c ir more luwer on fat range lamb, or around 1 '12 75 for be*t I 'h C

• I Auknoaros WOOL l« . iD oe ro s . AUK 4 I^i-D em and I* f* in y

trotui on 5fc and *** _■rrr active. Th..' u aco.u n l^ n«1act-thet-eererat-heUMi he're"ee«d -ttieie- _ -Twdea before th rr were grwded Wid w ill not akr further order* at current price. A*k- the Dg prior, on ccimbing and clothing wool » very ’

s 'n -jD s s n i B iic x r CiST. JOSETll. Aug. • •-*>—flftarp; Beee tpu j.—.

eao; lamba lie u. 25e lower: a *« l ahcep;*-™*- nd fe«ler* l i t t l r .hanged: top fwige lam(» | OUt 13J5: beat name, i i j : other, l* r t* iy 813.75 han ,owo: desirable i.iiit ion cwea K.23: lerding j . . . ■meg 813 downK e n W *nc A(ta rra ch the people ^ F i

rUh to a t ln c t. r * ft

N O W -C O N T R

Great Northi Apples

117 Shoshone S t. S o o th .T W IN F A L L S ,

5 S D A Y M O R N I N G . A U G U i

^ W l ’L L - P E E L ^ j l P ' A B l E ' '■ 1 - b e t t e r - t m B I X - O F If l m n s e l f H - 9 K E e z i

J \ T O K M O W m S E M T • H E ’S S A F E 1 e u F F O (

P i t t s b u r g h ^ o m a n V i s i t s f j l

— A t H o l l i s t c r H c s id e n c c H I

H O LLISTER , Au«. S - Mrs, U w U Bcnni-U. P ltt8btirgh. nnd Mr.s. nobcrt M axwell nnd Mrs. D. C,- Weaver. Buhl.

.w e , '-c _ v ls m )i^ l.tlic .B c r i -Wcar.cr .liom c :__ln.st week. Berore return lim 10 her home M rs ,B e n n e tiw ill v isit Sciiiili.'nnd jfo ln ls ■ In Canada. Ji'-'

L ila and M artha PulImiT k‘( t rcccnily

— Elnr£nce_dauglJtos-of-M r—a iuJ-M rt.-,— - Robert Cook*. undiTwcnl an olicratlon ' fo r removal ot tonsils in Tw in Pnlls Monday.

n o be rl Cook Is preparing the e lfvn to r .■ 3 nt Aiii.H(;rdam fo r sloraue of whont.

c m m liiO N o iiiGUEST flTDIiERiT PM i"-------------------------- -------------------:--------n ig i

PAUL. Aug. C — CompllmentliiK Ills dniiKlUer, Mrs. W, E: Pierce, who is v is it- , .

i ln i: here from Ventura. California. Nel.s I M artin entertained a t dinner Sunday at . ,I the Paul cafe. Cover; weie laid fo r 10

I Alice nnd Loul.ie Wat.ion spent, the Week-end a t the home of their urand-1 ,

I parents. M r^ pnd Mrs. OeorKc Flel.sher. I . . Rupert. ‘ ; “ l

John D uff, Petaluma. C nllfornln. ISTnre* vl.sltlng n l the home of hi.s .-.iMer. -Mrs. Maude PettUu ..

' M r. and Mrs. r : L, Cox and th re e , ' ‘ children, o f Doniphan. Nctiraislca. who I

-havc-becn-vlsltlnff-at-the-ho lT ie-of-M rrf-j,— I Cox' cousin. P. R. Coon, l : t i Tuesday ‘ ^■m nm lng fn r flrnM Ir,------------------------------- 1 - ^! M r. and Mrs. E llsw orili nnd ram lly re- i tu rned from R igby, where they were cul*I f f t fwn wfpkfi ngn hy Ihp t irn f i M r . ig “ ; ; I Ellsworth-.s n io tlier, M rs. Helen EIL1- 3^^, w orth. -pq I

Rev. B, P. M erld lth pre.idied his f irs i sermon Sunday a fte r a month's vacation. ,,

M r. nnd Mrs. Charles B. W llcy cn- tertql^ned a t d jnncr Monday •vcnlntt for Rev. and Mrs.' Charles Arras nnd two l ' . duughier.t. niul MLvi Alnm und E.sthiT

* ^ M r 'nnd Mrs! chorles Belgarde have returned from Doise.w here th e jM iU cn dcd J .j„- the American Legion convention, Jshu’t

Com plim enting Mlaa D orothy-Fuiion . O lodys JohiiRione, nnd Alice M cM lU nn ,, who spent the week-end a t the M cM ll- l ia ip Ian heme from Albion, a - jju in b e r o l| l|U L young people motored to the D utte and i i l L explored the cnves and enjoyed n wclner I roast, afterwards going to,the M :M IIlnn home. Tho.se present besides tlie hon- | o r guesu were: Verlee Eller. Sara nnd- D oroUiy Heath, Ethel McMillan. Ornce Iserm ttn. Ray Iserman. George DcLong.Hugh Heath,-W ilson Henth-and Jim ' M cM illan .

M r. nnd Mrs. George Moser and fa in - lly . M r. und Mrs. Charles W iley. M r. l . , ‘ nnd M rs. F. J. Toevs and family. M r. and * , M ra. J . D. Arthur.JJu rley. and.Mr_-and l— Mrs. Schrader. Pller. comprUed a pa rty ,-tna t-m otoroano-M tm aoka-tlttnrsunaaj-'Thcvon a picnic,

Anson .Brown, who undena’tn t on op - ^ , ero ilon M ®olse fo r the removnl o f a ‘ BOliri', ^^h in itM n ion ie S iiiid iy .---------------

S h i r l e y C u n n in p h n m : A V i n s ^ j , ^ i

I n H a i l e y T e n n i s T o u r n c 3 ’--------- Mr

H A IL E Y . Aug. (I iSpeclal lo The E. G News)—In 'th c fin a l tennU tournament Fred o f khe.sen.<on at Uie K ent court,'the con- day 1 test In ladles’ singles resulted In f i r s t No honors golnK to S h lr lfy Cunningham, nedoi iiiK l-»eeotit] (o Jeasle Aukem«.--A c o h - fe r cf fc U tlo n aw,trd was given Eddls Ammons. Ma The firs t was decided Saturday evening ed ih when M iis Cunningham defeated Je« ie Pomt Aukem * f l- l, 6-0. and Helen S<*iiarfer.6-1. 6-1. Ot\ Sunday M iss Auktma ar.rt -------MUa Schaefer,, played fo r Uie second 11U11U15. M ^ ;A u w m r wcn6-4.s-<, f i r s t a n 4 ,.s«o nd _pn xe i.» lven _h i-_E e le i- in_ Lo n lla rd Kent were zircon rings nnd Z the cofwolntlon prize was a strand or W g, crysu ls . M f i

C n ll me fo r views o f your home, fn rm I U i crops nnd stock. Deauty can be brought a B out o f ycur kodak film s. We enlarge. V I hand-color and fn in e pictures. Clia5. E. f t B Jacoby. Phone IM 7J. «dv X |

Peed Hayes grow ln f and U jln g mn.Mi. f t K p» fo r greater p r o f ix ad r Jp I

rR A C T iN f; --------

k e r n B e a n s

P o t a t o e s I

l i o n g - «Phone 145 T

& ID A H O O

JS T 7, 1929. .

4 1 , ........... . . .

M O T -— l - NJ E ' / BR = IM K R M A T IO N . * -T H A T C A M Z . ly H A S B E E N - 1 r T o . D S C E l

T O T H E ' 8 3 b u t t h eO O N C A M P f n B E W O K /> JH E R .E INJ . 7 1(1 A M D T E ^ O IR O N D A C K S . I !1 > s ^ C O M S C IE

........ I imiitim u u m

i i s i f t H i i y f iTOBEPULPPIIESSe

--------- . ' Me!E xcava tio n W o rk ’C o m p le te ;

— P a e t - o r ) ^ f f - ie ia ls - ^ - w ; i ih S lA r r i v a l o f M a c h in e ry

■ ■ / --------- 'BU R LE Y.. Aug. 0 (Spcclal to T lie .

Jews)—Excavation hua l>eet\ complctL-d • j f l It the local sugar factory fo r the l i i - ; | | l tftllu tlon of a beet pulp prewi. Pnctory 1 lU l ifflc la ls are awaiting the arriva l o f two ars of machlner>-, when concrete work I t i l l be started nnd the n iachlncrj' set I ip. The completed building w ill be IG '■y 40 feet In dimensions, two .stories 1 •i lg n r " ---------------------------------------------------1-------The ii.se of th is press w ill enable l p _ ,

nrmers to ImvK the use of pulp fo r '^ '^ ' coding puriw.scii, much earlier than • r icretofore. The p iilp W ill be put th ro ug h ' his pre.Hs which ellm inntes th e 'w n tc r i ontent. and farm ers can then haul I t I ( way In dried form . Most of the bulk o f ' lie wot, pulp w ill be done'away with, | nd the dried product can be iiundled ; B( •Itli much le.vi expense !;>■ the fa rm e r|—w nd stacked fo r fu ture use. A .simllnr P. P ress Is 10 be Installed at the T w in Palls l ld a h ic to ry of the Anialgamated Sugar com- .orga any. oneW ith the erection o f the pulp p ress,,ac tli

lost o f t he work nrellm tn iirv to jL i i ru n g l in ^ i le r.lic lng season w ill be finished a t (orga le B urley factory. »Orflclals exneei n i Mi ?o<i crop ot beets the itnU oTy acrv- |'Vicc i by th is factory. In addlUon to the , the 1 u tly lng district:*, there are some 5000 I In t l n ’Csn iTB Ugli r - WCI.'; ah Uic N orth ' nnd : Igna outh Side Minidoka projects, nione, were o fac ilita te the handling of beets a t F rid vo o f the loading stations, a u to m a tic ! nrra; Uera hnve been installed n l those s la - Iw lll ons. V I torsBeeu w lll lx> stacked In long piles a t Bola.

prlngdnle nnd Vllmay.’ w ith the n u to -lco n fi intlc pliers, T lic w pile silos can b e ;fo lio rawn on by Uie factory whenever 1 the ■ orm y or fre tting weather delays haul- ■ "T iff.-T tnd-w lH -bnrin iard'agalnsfpa’KlljIc • th e : lo tt in g down of factory operaUons. ,h ca r............. ; wise.

' the I


, ' ______ tion-so f 01

'VENDELL, Aus, 6 -rr .A t an .cJccUon ■ Parsi S ftluitlay, a.cemeiery d ls lr tc l was gani:

eatcd here by a vote o f 105 to 37. As "W result of the vote Governor H . C, Ba ld- , p ro jt dge w ill apspiiit a d is tr ic t committee j In ter

three-psrsons. be dt■MrTBiid'Hrs. C, L. D ietrich expect tb !tio n . avtfioocLlQrJjLQrandc^Oresnu,_wlicrc lag rlc ley w ill residn In the future. * [shoul M r. and Mrs C. M. Weinberg and M r. actlv id M rs, Olenn W dnberK nnd son. W ar- Jboan

g relatives. [ - w M ra ^ U jia Thoinp.wn has returned to.'crea* < -h om e-o f-h fr daughterTMrs. L. A . 'p ro f it me.s. followinit n vi.-.lt w ith friends In ' pend. j f c ^ e . ---------- --------------------------------- T inJU tMrs. C. L. D if if lc h and child ren. M rs .: " I 1 G. Commons and child ren, a ijd Mrs. 'M r. F

•ed.Santschl and. daughter.spcnt P ri- ;ed.w l ly a t Guyer lio t 5prlngs, [stateNo trace has been found yet o f a Nash . Tlnan dan s tc lrn Saturday n igh t. The own- do f(c f th e car Js Hprman Bmnd.-...........‘ state

Many residents of th is dU trlc t attend- ; the n ll-day .'r^Mon o f Oooding cou n ty . Fc4

imona,Grange in B llw Saturday. ,»4t

Ks C u t Y ( ^ F a r m b v g - <

-----------w ith - T h r e e

------------ ;------4,1= "

•R ----------------A M D J H A .T e ----------------

; e w e - a m ' ^ b o d v .— M -----------------A B R E S U L T S M A V -----------------D R T W T H E V A J E A R ' - ^'E A -R O N M N C IE N J C E . ^ ___

a a w -

f Jerome M an M a rr ie s G ir li ^ O f - T w in ^ F a U s - a t - H a i le j ^

i H A ILB V . Aug. G iSpccla l to _ T h e NCW.S)—A t Uic o ffice o f Uie probate Judge Sunday m orning tw o marriages werc“ Eolemnlzcd“ b>—Judffe"OC0l‘iL ~ A ‘. ~ " McLeod. The marriage o f Poul RobertAdom.1, O ooding.-and . Dolores'Cooley.-----Shoshone, wns wluies.sed by B, P.

Tiiony u n ltjng Conrad Sch lll, Jerome. •and Grac^AifcCjurc, I'w in l-'alls. w iW ut*.....tended by Gladys I. P itm an and James Fulkerson,


Com m erce B od y P re s id e n t

T e lls o f A c t iv i t y to Go

O n W ith N e w S e c re ta ry

BOISE. Aug. 0 tSpeclal to The News) - W ith , th e Insta lla tion in to office of L, 'F*. Par.sons as ihe new secretary o f 'th e rdaho State Chamber ol Commerce the irganlzatlon Is now ready to em bark on me o f the m ost complete programs of ic tlvU y I t lia-s ever undertaken, accord-

}rganlsatlon.M r, Shepherd nnd M .n vrnm -tn firs t____ ^

Jicc p tcsidcnt. consisiulc a com m lilee ol the boo,rd qf d irectors to f i l l the vacancy In the secrelaryship created bv the res­ignation Of Katph E. Thom M , They were In conference w lU i M r. Parsons Friday and Saturday o f th is week and irranged a program o f acU vity which *111 be presented to the board of direc- ors n t u special meeting to be held In , Bolae. August 16 and n . PoIIowlngr the :onference M r. Shepherd sent out, the ’ollowlng .statemcnl to the members of he chamber;"T d successfully carry on the work ot

hc 'S ta te 'C ha inbcr o f Commerce your learty support, both financia l and oiher- vlse. Is necessary. You mu.si recognise he Importance of some organization of his character to coordinate nnd keep onstnntly before the public n il the van- lus actlvlUes o f the people o f th is state,

• 'I t Is our privilege to come Jn closer ontact w ith a ll the various locol cham- lers o t commerce and other organlza- ion.s having to do w ith the bu lld in it up if our state. A.% soon as possible M r. ’arsons .w ill v is it these commercial o r - ■ .. anizallons."W e believe one o f our most tim ely

iro jecu Is bringing to the agricu ltura l nU:resU o f th is state the advantages to e derived from the fa rm re lief leglsla- ion. I l Is Im portan t th a t not only theArleuluu-al-poople-but-the btistQesS m en--------hould be thoroughly Inform ed on the ctlv ltles of the newly created fa rm oard nhd what can be done U ia l w ill be f-«>d iran taj{e to Uie sta t e.•'We also have In irilnd cjulte an in -

reased and n more effective advertising_____rofiram . the extent o f which w ilt de- end.upon the fin a ncial resources o f thelJUtUUOir--------------------------------------" I hnve much hope th a t you w ill give

Ir . Parsons arid those dlrecUy concern-. ^ d .w lth ca rrj^ ln j on the ncUrlUea o f the..- . Late chamber your w illing and heariy inanclal support to the end th a t we may 0 fo r Idaho th o « thlnca which Uic late m erits."

Feet h n r tr Fboae Dr. Fo*ter, M l.

f o U R

-G osts^ ^ Iie F u e l------------ '—

. ^ 1 1


Page 7: I H C i i l l l i S - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · S3000 tickets for the entire trip to Wll- “ llamTi; U-eds

y r : 7 - r : r T r 7 T —

...... The:: : -= ^ G R M N ^ =

SH AD O Wb y

Herman Landon

(C o n t in u ^ Prom Y u u in isy 'a N e m i

ro rry n iftn stepped (orw at^ rc luctant*

Iicre ias l n ish t, I can’t , believe ho U ---------n c r im ina l. M r. Dale impressed m tf m - - - a thorough gentleman." .

"Scnrch ■ h im ." ' suguested Summers. S lia ld iiB I lk head slowly. P tn ym a n cnme fo rw ard . ;prompUy U>c Picaroon iiteppccl, d irec tly behind the lo n j. l l -

‘ b ra ry tabic. /“ I resent t l iU sort o r treatm ent,” lie

com plalncd. "V ou ca ll,, m o . stranKc names ond make the.m oat curibu.-t In-

:___T ilnn-t. Ilkn U an d I wl l L ________________^. no t be Insulw d." . __ .4..

"Keep f lt l l i ." crowlcd Summers im- l i! it li* t illy . '"C a n ’t you set.you're caunht? ' ■ ' ViC S tnlllnR w on 't do you any Rood. You're

___orU y-u 'asllnB_U m c.-O f.,couri-c._Jf..you.___

' You are colng to be booked on a charse ( I, or murder, anyhow." , ■\ "M urdcd " I t was the voice o f M artin . I

Dale th a t Kpoke. T iic word s llpp ld out ■

“ Ah. th a t Bovc you a Jolt, d id n 't U? I You' forROt yo u r phony pa tte r fo r a f m oiiie liC TJfTdht'na 'w cll 'b Ivc tn rD n lc r t : 1 said I would Ret the Picaroon aome ft

----- rtgym nd -no w -!*vc-Kot-h lm r-DldnH-<‘K---------A___p cc t-to -B C t- lU in -fo r-m u rflr r tliau gh ^_____■

Agam ~therr wa.T-a fa in t ta c c -O f rc -- • ■ c re i tn I i Lh tone. I

• M iirdcd?" I t ^ •ns the. voice o t M a rtin ■ liiuK li. H is m ind was In nn nn-"HP. ■ M urder? I l was beyond him . " I th in k O you must have taken leave o f your I senses," he declared w ith a shruR. ■ ••Who has been murdered?" ■

••Mrs. Perryman, but you know tlia t.- ■ You were In thU house the n ig h t shp ■ wns murdered. Remember "the clRar :■ band?" j =

The Picaroon smiled serenely now. p “ Dirt~Sum niL'is L'X|iect tO'"convict hint* —— f on Ihe strength o f a c lear band? I t

wan ridiculous, bu l n t the wimn tim e O u V lie was In ip rcucd w ith the renllzaLion . N t th a t Summers \vas no t .such a fool.

I •'Suppn.sc you t r i l me one tb lng,'' i_ : I 8 ummpr.% added. “ How did you know « th e pcnrls were In th a t hole In the* w all? You were ,in the room only a few o f ■% m inutes. You must have pone r ig h t ..'M s lrn ig h t to l l . How did you know where•J to fin d the pcftrls?" '

T lte Picaroon was Mlcnt. He per- Theccivcd a surprise o f some sort was on haven'

: -Mhe way. •• Summers approached, w ith pearls,“ . la u to m a tic stern ly leveled, and he g ild - Inc m..'l^cd ea.'lly to the enc) of the table. Each me as^ m o m e n t .g n liic d m ight mean a reversal know|H o f the s ituation. In whiJ Summers growled Irritab ly . "D o n 't me he

V i e t me te ll you soniethinic. I found he fin f the hearl*' yesterday'aTtcfttofih—fBllhd A rc yo

I ;li)owed them to M r. Ferrymnn and aroon I« h(* Iden tified -them imm ediately as be inc pitA lohRins to his w ife." dark."v‘ Dale started. A dim tindcr.standing ..yo,,

was knockinit a t his brain. Somehow .i™”.j he had been mistaken. T lie [warls /H ehtrT d l d - n o f belong to Dr; M o ffe tt, b u t t o L,*.

the murdered woman. B u t how. why? -o yoi■ He looked a t Ferryinnn. and Ferry* „ h n t 1

. m an looked ^ack n t h im w ith a sus- tl-plc lon o f anger In his eyes. u

" I don't care about the prn rls." he .Jhay sayinc. "B u t the m urderer—the

STTOunlcrrr-.innll-t>c-T?unishfa.— i fT o u 'A k ille d he r." n iu l his voice, previously "SomM weak rrom henrtbrcnklng grief, took ''YourH o n a firm and incnnclng quality, "then. Summe i s Heaven help you. I ' l l hound you to' y you r grave." h id ingjS "T h e PJcarcon'r. cyrs fe ll. This wa.< "Oh.3 the m o.st'awkward, the moM, devai- officeriS ta t in g moment. In hU eareer. The houseY?(iijreau d id no t m atter. b \it he had old cai"tconceUxd a lik in g fo r Ferryman, and try ing

— he did no t-re lish bflng looked ujxjn by her. os the m urderer o f his ft-lfe. probabi

"Y ou are m ltla k rn ." he said quietly, derer.,F l.xlng FerTTman w ith a level glance dicatedanfl acnin .ii>eakin».’ In the a rce nu o f us yet

• (th e Picaroon. fwear I d id n 't m ur- ca.iUyJ‘ •:“ du r your w ife ." ' ‘T ru t jS —m jic ii_liQ W _dld_i'OuJuiQW _whcrc_la iii< hu j j lo o k fo r Uie pearls?" Summers de- back. ‘ ^ u ia n d e d , "A s 1 to ld you. I found them The f f l i n the hole yesterday,-and M r. I-Vrry- covcr s p^ ina n Id rn tlflP d U ieu il K K n t f r i „ ' r f ,H them w ith her w h rn she dLtappeared suggest■ fQ ilr years ngo. and .^he wns wearing ••Doci C th rm .i l io- nHtht- she wa.n-mtirdcrcd-»^ — ^ t - l?

the n lg h t*you dropiKd ihe clgnr band. -thQuchi - In - h tm m is i r * « l iiere

The Picaroon wa.'s si>eech)e.'W ogaln. le.s aba The woman had worn the pcarb the tliLs U n ig h t she was m urdc frd { he was con- lo th ln l

— *ci3t« -o f-T !o m c im n irtt ire * te B in s ” cItix- th a t thing In about him . "O f t

The C Iraretle great•T found th e taxicab driver- w h o ___

took Mr.<r.'Fferrym'an to UiU houje ln 1 the n ig h t." Bummers w ent on. "She

wore a Io n* wrap, parted in fro n t, and. he MW the pearls d liilncU y when she ------r- paid h im h b fare. She ira s murdered r *, on account o f those pearls, rn c re 7,i w aj^no other motive._________________________ ^

house. P r o t e ^ h e _d l« Jn 'l_ lm cnd _ l& ___ | l k im ie r. 'T ju l we Enow how such Ih ln g i >; happen. Sho resUted hlm ,-»cretm eci ii fo r help, and he lo i l .b ls head. T o jb s lltnec her he killed hw . Rfabbed Ih e ' >lL pearls. «n d s u rte d running . B u t Ii som elh lns In le rrupted h im —I haven't a^ discovered ye t w ha t I t was—before he > !■J could get to the door. M urderers get • S[ panicky and do foolish th in gs rom c- ' Hh tim es w ithout re ff lliln jr 11. . ' 6

“ T h e rt he wa-i. w ith the pearL^ In HhU pocket and his escape cu t o ff. as Sh o - th o ^ h t a t the tim e. -Hc_daahed ___ | |lr t fo -U > e -n b p a rr-*n d htd the pearls - i pIn th e hote In the wall, m eaoln*. to LEcome back- fo r them later.'* Summers EM

■ Crias«d-«aRiplaoenU7.— ---------------------— A.- S m lg b L J ie -a in f t- t> ie lt . ,a n d ,, I was —w |dU Q t.{a r him. When r found the Bp w a ye tte rta y . 1 sugsettcd to - M r. RF c rrT m a n -lh a t he le t them rem ain In 0th e hole and th a t we keep a v « u h — -

' o re r ^ convinced h im Itwaa the quickest and surest way to r ,

I catch the m urderer o t h is wife.** 'I T h e Picaroon -meditated. Tfeere u n lv |T e rB _ .w e a k ^ iin i» .. ln ra u m m e n l- th * ln i - D e a r■ o t.m so a ln C -b U t on th>. wnali. _ L ^ _ _|« * d e - t» t« - t tD D n a b le c u t. -*■ —“ Now -w ia yen tea me." the c a p t ^

a t him- •^n w ytMi w la y l

. ' T W I H g A L L S D A I l

FOR cvrcHiNfa PISH-

- • • yow PM IH OB W«IR p - | . .........' a ONE SPUT-BAMBOO-. .

- ” ■ ' ” T -

> l2)0U& IfkCKLC BOX-(3> owe c o r k - u i '6 ANft'fv


- OkK V.OCK6- iEMB___________ I CtjMP

G o ve rn or S um m oned 'W"'

' ' ' nble

'• ------------------------------------------------ - nvenu<l« .n eJu trJ _ rr> t.- fA a ly H .lll 1!

7 V E H N 0 U 0 . J I A X G A U I ) .N E R o f N o r th C a ^ o l i im lui.sb e en s u b p o e n a e d to t e s t i f y in i-opp. ht r i a l o f, G a s to n ia c o t to n m il l 3UJ5.s t r ik e r s cha r^ re d w i t h » la y in f r c ic . i r ;o f p o lic e c h ie f . =

I I !« ■ » -------nroum:w the pearls were Iti th n t ho le?" 'C n rr lg •he Picaroon sm llrd fa in tly . " I 'c n 't.a d m itte d th a t I havt) th e l iris." he protested. •'You arc n sk -| "W r

mnny strange quc.stlons. Now let and cc ask one. How dirt the m urderer th is 111

w U «re_w as a hole In the w o lllE u n r wHIch Ut h lH ^ h p pearls? You te ll ' The he had lo hide them In a h u r ry J to l fn

rind the hole so convenlentlv’ I'p icaro ■ you In a 'poflltton to te ll me lh ftt? “ p j^w s i o n, sma tm m irtfrs cuslly. " “ the P ic- I ono s on has a r.ncclnl sense fo r qupcr h id - ; Summ place.'i. He can smell them In the i AxcLso

k ." m an 1k’ oii f lu lte r him . One .more ques- > "Oct I. plea.ic. You say something i T lie litcncd .. the m urderer, deciding I Uie Pi

to get r id o f the pearls. Hsw ‘ tw is t t you know? You haven’t to ld us d lrec tl It frightened him . I t merely fits movcn: r. theopj'. doesn't It? " the bflor a moment Summers was non- respite led, A doubUng Impression came freedoiiJcrr^ 'm an 's eyes.....________________ .to_thciomeUilns In.. tl ia t." he mumbled.UP theory fa lls to plpcc.^. C aplain im rrs . unless you can prove tha t murderer had a good reason fo r "W lo

ng the pearls In a hurry? " [ do yoi)h. m y theory Is a ll r ig h t. The I :er on th is bent knows th a t Ui<* i se is unoccupied, except fo r a n ' W lil i caretaker. He has a hnblt o f i llcemat

ng the outer door when lie comes I links f here on his rounds.- T ha t w n s : "Ive h i » b ly what fr lg h tfn e d the m ur- h is pis r. Dpslde.v th is m an." and he In - jad es h ted thp Picaroon, "h tisn’i told the ob.- yet how he found the |>enrls so | "Cnn ly ." io u t ' ' l_>ue." Ferryman m urmurpd. nnd i . Ju rd -a ccu s in g — cxpresUoii -.camo i t. "Perhaps you w ill te ll u.^7" 11,1?,^), lie Plearoon had had tim e to r e - ' j * ir a iw rt o f hU composure. "Y ou ’

|ested*' ' * ^ ‘“ *'' ^ " ^ ' " '" " K : V >TCtor-who?"^^ m n w s bnrkpil^^n^ut. |

lEh iru lli-— ‘“I'hc M r. D (flp -w ho-caIl-X ,-,^ i^^- lere lasi n ig h t was malSng Inqulr-1 " nboui a certain Doctor M «ffett. I f . , , ' , U the .*nme M r. Dale, as y o i.> e m ‘ 111"'?.

lUnk. 1 am now inclined to Ix^lleve »'th f tt'.qulrle.s were on ly 'a ~

>f coursel" Summers grutiie tl w ith 1 ,.1 certitude. "He, wa.i noi.lng L c

S nook on T r ia l 'the Coi

- — — ■ I , tJie .SU T jf ' '■ ; Comml!

V.' - - I daho. " ! f ' ------------

surfacir• i i ^ M r . T T T T ^ ^ --------f - r i h i r

'.way bei

• iO o o i l r j

» i T v * ' ‘ read a t• ' Plans, ■ ' trac t, p

’ m atlonJPBPy 'o f the i

B m m : ■ i t i ie o rr jrtractors

U a n c rv I DoUars !se t o f I

> t iM k J J Im c n t to

. ' A ll PI farms fi

• ( the bldd4 s « ^ t« 4 j

J A i l E S H . S lJ d b K , - ^ r m e r I p o u is . < ni v e r s i t y p r o fe a a b r^ a s h o ap-.*a r« d —I n - F n t n k l i n ^ c o d n ty » n r t h o i « t * C t W d m b t » r Q h ! o 4 5 ; ^ ^ h e re h e , U . o n - t r i > ] i f o r • t h e U m a u m i a y in g - n L Ih c Q n L H ix _________ ,^c«at la ;

O L Y N E y S , , T W I N F A L L S ,

- T H E G U M P S —X

^ O U T . . ' - ____. j i^ , '•n r " : , j fS f J B a r * .


' 'VSERVES 'G , J - f ,g o 'n 4 iR > S j ‘ i w r ) j ^ - - .

EMB IDdfcS, * , -I /kviDf[rfjMP £lt>tglMt»jTAL lA^QgATORV- lAKg 6EMEV*

W a n t A cO n e C e n t P e r W o r d

P e r I n s e r t i o n ■ " ^ ^ i h '

----------------^ ---------------------■' FO B RAU-Want-Ada-ftllTft-and-aelive-aBd----------- oU ice_______ U ic y _ b i ln t lh t .b m te r _ :_ _ _ ,

- P h oa e.K . • j f 'O R R----------------------------------- 1:-------------------- I type c

■. '

OSt ' — ilO O D BOOT, S.^TURDAY LONG'S night, between Tw in F.ill.', and Sho- room lone. R ew ard .. CuU 7M-J. 5-room ‘ OST A CORONA SPECIAL PORT- modem able typew riter, on .street r.omcwh<re erts Rcj ;tween W ashington school nnd M oin .'pnue on Shoshone, 8ul'ait>lc rew ard .' ^ 111 \_____ to s t - t e a m ' o p w o R K 7 ;o n s E s r “ roR ~ s<buy gelding unbrnndcil ivrnrin^ hnlter, i q ,k i id 1 brown gcldin? with ti,iltc r and| ipp. bmnded crcs.s-<iunnrr circle. Phone ;F O R S :4J5. Snake R iver T roui Company, i ' w ood’ !e.-ir Lakes. Buhl. - j rh o n o 'd

“ - - . JER S E lround fo r the pearls la.u night. Oh; I nrrlgan,'.' he called to the pollcp inan; bridge,; tha t door. "Is l l in l dtKir locked?" ,souUl : • Yes. s ir," i w E ^ l i"W ell, pu t the key Iti ycnir I«wkel i 5 . ^ , id come here. We're c.ilng to settle ils l it t le m atter r lc h l now. O ct ym ir

_________________________ ' 'The huge pollcemnn d:Pw ills pis-II from the ho tstrr nnd came to - . arfl UiL- Kroiip a l lIic" la b lc .' T l tT Icaroon's eyes narrowed. The liteeltws- o f the lrnp."aTre closing:' From ' • V :io side 01 Uie faBIr npirroaciieti | iimmcrs, from Hip n t lir r Carrlgan. v v a n x p xcL-wn stood at tlie do-jr w hile P erry- Sutt. an looked grim ly on. '"O c t him . C arlcn ii!" Summers cried.T lie pollccman's liravy paw fe ll on . le Picaroon's arm. bu l w ith an ng llr - - ?lst the quarrj- dnrtcd nwa^i T lie only W AN TE rectlon thn t cflercd unhampered hou.se. ovetQjBn- wos .t'lward the corner In alrable le biR%. I t gavt him bu t temporary Icoac fot spile, bu l each added moment o f : ftlouday, eedom m ight brine hL% salvaUon. In - !.the conicr-hc.;,praii6.-Sft-ung-a-heavy-.-llJ:jl--^‘ ', la lr In fro n t of him. and confronted : W s pursuers w ith a challenging und ' • — In tly mocking .-jnlle. . FOR 8 ^•Id iot I" Smumfr.s rmarled. "W h a t,I you th in k you arc going t i gain “ “ "fi

U w l7 P u t-the Iron.', on him . C.ir*:a n l" W rite P.W lilt a purpu)<r(iil atr* the b'lg iv>- ■ j j j — eman drew a p .ilr of- heavy steel ks from his pocket: but the mns. the prof « h a ir bjocked liLi progress.- W lth -f* '-*® ” ”> pistol l i i one Iiitnd nnd the man- . check dn les In the other, he sought lo shove , payable ; oto tructinn away w ith his fool. , b idder's 1 ■Careful f Summers cried.' "W a tc h ' J t is U[,r^ ................... ...................... ..................... ip ^ u lld I

vcrj- simple nnd vet quite notomid- tln ie con ? net on the Pic;»m:jn\ pa rt had lrp<I the warnlns cry. He hnd mere- ™ent an taken a fla t c:l^c from hts ixtcket msUited

d-from It liftd-extrncteU a cigarette, : ‘3U*rcd.w; itt'. w i'j^ An"fl'i r " o r u t ir r "u«go»efrn‘. : t fa^ g ‘ <~ struck a mntcli, lighted the slender .D ated A t

,lodcc_ttX 3d j.lK :gnii.lo_:iinD kc.---------!------------- -:a fflg a n de s ti^d a_r d stared a l ; h. lirs~li]>s diliiKlIng oi)cn In' sur- j -■se. I t was a muM extraordinary Coni; fo r a cornered mnn t ^ o . _____ ^

tCoatmuea u> ne x t'la sue i Fr. ia tp n f u ' ' j 'TT'm'L'j , ' ■ Notice

Lcffa l A dvertisem ents ?^ N O r ic iT TO ( (iNTTlACTORS ' ' iealPd propo-vil.-; w ill be received by ®; Commli.-ilcncr of Public W orks of

.su te o f Idaho, nt ttic o lficc c t U ie : T.mlssloner (ft Public W orks DoLie.

i S ufscins w ith cru.vli«J fra v c l8 .M miles i V,*;ih iT - p o r i ia r d n n r w a n h - n id r in s t t - ' S r between Oocdlng and WendelL ®)ttn a* s ta te Aid Project lltJ -B In “ «j^ liy fC cu h ty .Toposals w ill be cpaned and publicly ' , d a t the above staled hour. ‘ NOTICE* la r j . speclflcatlo rA , form s o f con-^ T IM E :t. proposal forms and other In fo r- W IL L , tlon may be cbtalned a t the ofU ce. i n the j :he Bureau o f H ighatys^ Bolae. Id a - Couniy and are on fi le fo r czam lna ltoo a t in the V o fflce o f Uie As'.oclatcdOeneralCon- Howe I :to r^-S a lt U k a C ity ^U U h ahd 8po— - P unua ic. W a ih lng lch . A c h a iin e f Tw o said Com ia rs ($a.OO) w ill b« m ads lo r e c c h 'fo s t. 1»2 o f plana, and speciflcatlCTlC Pay--XTnnrTsv

3t to be hv th y || j

II p rO D o ^ m u » t .b * ;m a d e .o n , t i ie 'h d « ln '*ns fu rr-lsh fd . and m ust be d te a d by (o f twHd I bidder, w ith hU r^m e and pest oTflce I l im e and

aald Gee■he r l i h t U reacrred to te je e l a l^p ro - h e a r ln f I als. e r to accept the p n ^ o M o r p r»- fo r Uie 1*

d c e s ^ best fo r the 8 U te « r Id iK .frne n ta rr------ .. ______________ ilxile iestM

:o-pmD06aljrU l b e _ p *y id e te d -u o l« i.a a in ^ - ea np in ie d-bran w w p ttb to 'P r flto s fc i:—D ated" » j» n tr tn » n am ount equal w five pet t iS p e c jc n u c f the to U l a cm za t o f -

£, ID A H O . W E D N E S D A Y

-----------------------l - ’NMERe-AMMJCW4‘ CXN -1 OPENiR IS OrOlNU —

------ \ — TOW Cfc«R'BUR^i\MMJt 0 I VNEHY UP \s W iT

. a . - " ’ ? - —

^ o r R e n t — U n f u r n i s h e d F (

S A S ^ H O o lk ’ F O irR E N fT cH E A p!' ROOM 11th L. Voorhees. Phone <32J. Stson

I R EN T—O Ot5D CLEAN, L IG H T . FOR Rtlce_roun8._qood location, In o u lr » __ la i Tvaer, room I . over GriU C a f e . ---------- — ■-........ ........ =— - = —-rojt—Ii R EN T—TW O ROO.\t SPANISH hou,-iepc com b liifition bunenlow nnd gnr- --------on one acre, blue iiriuvs. K im ijc rly Rd. Ray H agar, Phoned or lO llJ .

rO'S A D —6-ROOM H O u ll^ M O ; 3- om house. »17.50: 7-room house. 35; tle ‘nn om‘ fu rn ished house. *37Jo:-5-room em house. $30. A. N, Lotig. n i Rob- R ealty Company. Phone 503.

_______FOR 1

_ _ E o i L S a l & = E o u l t r y _______ '

C S A LE "^D R 0 1L r:R .s rD R E S S E D nrn r id delivered. C5c cuch. I'iio iic :37R l. O. Box.

t S A LE — EXCELLENT H O L^Y - FOR R » d W h ite Lsshorn cockrrc^ 51 c.Vc'h.' Lake. iio -M T R I,--;----------------------

SE Y B L A C K G IA N T HATCHING TOR RJ ff». 75c pe r aetUng. From Hansen npart le , H m U o ’no rth , ha lf east. haU Secondh. n o Hanoebaum. Eden. Route I. ^

“ a r e N O W C O N T R A C T I N G Indy eedln* flocks fo i-j. hfrte!\liig eggs I f deslr

sprinff.. W e can supply cockerels " ■sired. See us a t once. We also buy f q r h j k e n a ,-yo u n *-w h itc -L M lio rn -h p n s -— '"O'!®' d a lly wanted. Hayes H l-Oraoe

--------- 1-------- =

V V " " t p i l — i . i Y c s t Q c l E ° ° ' j _ ^

f r r o — FEEDER "h o g s T ~ c a l l : gnragr.'

W a n t e d t o R e n t 5m j 3.

i r r o TO R E N T -4 OR 5 ROOM u.se. furn ished or unfurnished, de- jle locm ion. furnace heat. W ill re r^ n a I fo r year. No c jiild rcn . C all 320.a«y. ■ , , i" '

P’o r S a le ^ K c a l E s t u t c ~rS A L E ^ D U rL E X IIOUSE. OOOD :ome propprty: nl.io I s ix rocm mod- lungalow fo r sale on good term.v by ; f***- T. Tlipsc hou.ics are well loc:ilpd. p<-,r, c e P. O. Box 723, T w in Falls, Id iiiio , ‘

FOR 3jpropo.'al. T ills G unran ty mny be el on >nn of. ta > -c a s li; - ib i* a c r r i lf le d Park, c drawn on an Id n iio bank and made jz : ble to Uie Commissioner; or ic ) a ;r'a bond. 'is the purpo.se of the Commissioner ” " 'e c*'-* lid the In ip rovrm ent In the Bliorle.st A p p t ^ consistent w ith good constructions. -n r lK eo iiip lete-n iid-well-doJancd.ociulp- -^.in in -E . and effective orgnnlKation w ill be -

upon. C om pletion w ill be re- / O R S/ d w lU iiii CO calendar dayn from U ic '

^ ^ r> IO ffice Engineer.

• J. D . W OOD, *~Cornml.wloncr c f Public Works. FOROA

N O TIC E T O CUED1TOR.S t.^ !l 5 e o f-W lllp t Hancc, Decpa».«l_. ___ tice Is hereby given by me underr d Executrix o f the eatnte of W l l l c t -----------e. decea.'ed. to the creditors of nnd . „ ersons having claim s ngnlnst th'p; ‘ - W t t deceased, to e xh ib it them w ith ' neces.Mr>’ cauchers. w ith in six WANTE

hs a fte r the f irs t publlca-1 Phoneo f th is notlcp, lo thP said

j l r lx , a t the office of Harrj- i t . T w in FalLv County o f T>*la ' S '"® - , U U le ol Idrthfl. in iS beimt Ihe n r s r "w A N T i-_fixed fo r , Uie .tranaac lion - of-tnc^_..|CT,__ess o f said eslatb. — — .tedA usu .it e: 1939. • - w e a r ;

ts ifn e d ) R EA ’ HANCE. lla rb cw X ? E i

ICE FOR P U B L IC A T IO K 0 F | «y»- «E APPOINTED r o n PROVING _ _ _ L U F.le. [3c Probnle C ourt o f T w in Palls . f l in ly . Stale o t Idaho. Ile M atte r of U ic Estate o f Gecrge^ W A K IV re Dfcea*ed.. \ pcrienTuant to an-order-trf-ithe-Judsc o t - r - . - ::ourt. madp cn Uie 6Ui day o f A u - O IR L V 1W9, notice U hereby given ih a i j d u r lh j

Ia y .Jhc l2 th _ d > y .g f .A u tu a i . . l? 2 9 .^ ^ 3 =

; in IHe ciu- o f T w tn F U ls . ' Countj- hO d« ktt FalU has bem appolmcd aa the A rm y,

and place fa r p rov ing the W ill of O eone Howe dtcwaed. and fo r i n f the applloU ioo o f -K . E. DeUsj * y * le Issuance to h im o f let^era T ts u - u r when anA W h e re .a ay person *ttted -m ay-a gp far and-cooteat t S l j r ^ "

i«rAuIusf 8tan*w.-------------TOK^- - C, A . -B A 3 1 » 7 '' - n U b M

------ - B c -D tn d o C le rks -

^ Y , M O R N I N G , , a u g u s t ; 7 ,

^ ~ 1 .C . jS & O P g ,»M B----------I ..... -tEWUvSTILL^R'-r-:--------

...... .....

'^op ' tS e

^ i1 - - Z n O ‘ fWElR, -

U P ovE « b o x t „ . ^ - ;In t o tv ^ E ^ •

■ .............D O N 'T P A IL . ____PAJHTttO * ro T R 'f TH I&

g a i m s - CF o r R e n t — F u r n f s h e d j F o r

OM A N D 's d A R o T c L O S B ^ r iT s ’ BMPTY tsond jjve n o rth . Royal

S l i ' o n ' — R OOM S A N D BO ARD. FO R fin_7lh, NorUL_Eilontt-fePJ.___________ j ,runpL

t ^ ' l ^ • f ^ • <n ^ 0 ^ tT rV R tjI3 H E p - i: fQ R -g l 3U,se, 651 Second Avenue West. ' a t a s

R 'R E N T ^ i i - R i jC M " FU R N IS H ED pnrtm rnt. C n lM l2 No M ain . I SHEEP

— - I alfaJfi f l R E N T -N IC E ROOM FO R O E N- cmnn, clo.sc in» 222 6th ave east. ' ‘

iH T H O U S E K ^ iw d " 0 ^ 1 ^ ^ j IS rooms, close In . 411 W est M ain . i |q,j i,

f l R E N T -F R O N T B B D R O O M 'i^ | V a r ^ ;nllemen preferred. 348 T h lfd norUi, • m c COR

H RENT — PIJRN ISHED C ABINS ^ “ I'nr Enslcy H ot Springs. Address P.30X-743.

R R E N T -M Y C rB IN "o N 'P E T T IT ake. beginning th is week Saturday. ,

----------------^ ---------------------

H R E N T -L IG H T HOUSEKEEPING I C a ll Pb« partracnt. close In . Phono 830. 46o l*'^« *«*f ond "ave norU i. { . ^ =I RENT—FR O N T B E D R O O -M .! - F ldy who works prcrerrcd ; breakfast --------eslred. Phone 15S3. FOR S------ ---------- , ------------------ — 1231JX R E N T -F U R N IS H E D S IX -R O O M • .odcmJiou5cJVlth.rumapc,_CIt>KCjn. JO R -S . Second avenue east. Phone 027-J. set. 1

' .................- f.- i - T . = g = g g « g ' FO R S.

F o r S a l e - ^ R e a l E s t a t e i

;e s-ROOM " t o m b "o n ’^ i ' o h t h ture. »st. 2 large lota, f r u i t and shade treca. ig r .’ oUier Improvements. Priced ^ ^ 9 * ® up fo r qu ick aalc. O a iie r. Phone .13' ^ bassinet_L _ _ _______________________________ 702J.,T OF 20 M O R TG AG E FORECLOS- 1 farms on N o rth side fo r sale a t «nable prlcea and ea.sy terms. Some 'liesc ore o f best quality. O. A .B rem - Jerome. Id a h o .. ’ •

---------------------------------------- - A P IA N------—— ;-------- ;------- — ----------------- terms.

F o r o a l e — F r u i t s iw vese i______________________ _____________ hod forU C O T S -2 ', ic ON TREES, ‘ i M IL E 'g lv e you is i of M urto iigh . I Gordon---------------------------------------------------------1 Idaho.I SALE — SE M I-S W EE T C H E R -i________es. Phone 080J. J . D . Wiseman. — ' ™----------------------------------------- - — - v _ F <1 SALE APRICO TS $1,00 A BUSH- ________on the tree. 3 miles west of SouUi^ FOR SA........................................................... ..........550J13

U’COTS FO R SA LE — 3 M I L Kpst on H ighway. mile souUt.M i ^jcnst. H, A. Swab. ^

‘LES. PFJtC H ES.-PLU M S.— A N l> - ^ ® J f ^ »rlcoi.n. 3 m iles south, l i east fromn-E.i.itr -P h o n e 512R12.— ' ----------- - I d a i i ^r S A L E -A P R io ftT S 3c 6 N I^ E t l . FOR SA : picked. 1 m ile north. •% west o l ages try-P lion :c .75Jd. F l ie r , , - ■.............. , m llrs ra;

r S A U t—APRICOTS <c ON T ttE E . i FX>R SA -p ic iT ^ . I m ile l igi'in . weat-ol-i— y w m rv. Phnne TLlfl. P llr r . _________ j o L I> ln J

I OALE—A P lllC O T S 11.00 A BU SH - 1 FOR SA . B ring ccntalnen'. Phone 6 0 3 J li. i >-enr o n Falh . R ay L. W nght. K n u ll. Id a - j M . W. L

............. I f o r SA, ■ ,'■— ------- ------- [ five h

V a n t e d — M is c e l la n e o u s. - ■ FOR .SA

W TE D -A FE^V STANDS O F BEES. shlrc :lone eOJ. H am i»!i

. d a lo ' poIN ITU R E W ANTED. aW B T T S soyth 'ror®. Phone 1295. M ain. I

i n r o - i p o u L T R Y . H . a h u k * f o r s ar.— Phoh»~«03-W .— — ------ iBh-shAR E B U Y IN G APPLES - A L V IN irbcur, 410 Shoshone West. Hansen'T T E b -B A B T CALVES. KO JSR * ’-4 »o«Ui' ft. Phoae 6J8RU. a fw r 7 P. M .

y ■ ,, . U rcstc

S i t u a t i o n s W a n t e d quauty. i----------- , ,1 •------------------- 1---------- -— - any nurrW T O -flE P A R -^T O R JOB BY E X - Idaho, riencad m an. 4&S 3rd souUu . vue. Idal:

L W A N TS W O R K IN COUN*TRY . r lh i( h w c a t . ' Phone 1050R. _

i w h B 'a a u t* u'btU vC kUid. C a lins i<»tep|njr pre ferred . Call Salvation w a n t h

*'• ' t ru c k Ir perle&ee

' o r B e n t — A p a r t m e n t i

» S < a « -W » <M 1, - ---------- m l - i c i t

_______________ HOMER-J,______ _- GH.BER4T0N V

. 0 ____

- • . : -■ -• A KNOCf

- -------------

AUTWOR'5. KiKVAC, l o s t -T„>—» SUBMlTTEn

i r S a l t - M i s c e l l a n e o u s

t y ' l a r d BARRELS FOR SA U ;. ' ~|V val Bakery. 1 1


'5 A t;^F A "'C R E A ir7E E P 2 1 IlA TQ It^ f ™ ” a great bargain. T w in Foils Hard-

□ i -------------------------- --------------------- i -----------SP PASTURE. 80 ACRES O P F IN E ________aJfa pasture fo r large band, ready rS A N K

The Hlslop Orchards, Phone 509- Bank

----------------------------------------------------- S IIA D 1SALE—t SHOW CASES, '.-i O A L- ^ T ri

. botUes, 00 gnllon lard barrels At - — eys. - F. C. 8_________________________________ _ N atlo3R M IC K -D E E R IN O 10-30 tractor. W L .D od~m r.pw.— win~tritng~Tor~trnci c " - p u n j1, Amsterdam. Idaho. Phone 4J4,- -----------ster. O. C. 11

. K S L L O G o . A a E N T p o iT i I a S - J O in T i r 's D ry Arsenate or Lead, cotta T rus t >er_t§nkjif_jipaiy.ftg-na-CO innifrrlal. u m „ , i le r required fo r spray malertals. 7 , ^ phone660W .P.O. BOX7M. 3M 2od w>rth. , I a . J . W= s = = = a i = = » = = IF o r S a l e — F u r n i t u r e i

SALE — FURN ITU R E. PHONE ! -----------IJ.

I s A L E lI5 I i^ E -D iN iN O ~ R O O M , Phone <18 or 507J. j »howi

S A L ^ -^ .n O L E -W lN D S O R ' O IL 'VC and oven, >10. Phone 721Wi- 1BA LLA— _____ V ____:____^ ^ ____ r I n f T

8A LE -H O U S E H O LD F U R N I- = s ^ S e.'&02 3rd ave no rth . Phone 814. ! '•^ tJR N ER O IL S-roVE. L l ^ D i A D T O ly cart, nurseo' cha ir, and baby I nettc. 23(5 3rd ave no rth . Phone J " '

S A L E -P R IC E AND TE E PL£ PN ;1. mahogany case. 80S. A twater _____1_(ba tteo ’ ) rad io *4 5 .' 1 m ile ea s t,'W A ltO I

Ic.norU i-M ara&.scliool— _____ — ;___ AGE.

\N O A T Y O U ^ W N PRICE AND ! STNICT Tis. By Ad justor o r CollecUoiu.' t ! Oarte several pianos on hand th a t can be r Z T tp : or Ih'c balance on Uie contract; can ''OU any terms w ith in reason. W rite ' on Rice. P. O. Box 885. T w in F a lls .:*• 1 FRA*

For Sale—Livestock |“ ™“j ond ani

S A L E -3 JERSEY COWS. PHONE i -----------j ia .'bc tw e cn 5:30 and fl:3o;----------- i ; : " : ': ;?

" iA L E —HEIAVY W O R K TEArT I . Decrlng binder. Phone 201W. i **

SALE-aOO H EAD W H rrE F A C E D i s wUh reserve. Box 350. Shoshone,,

SALE — 05 W E LL B f im E W K . •J tw o to four. P. W. Brown. 2 m a r c e rfl.-q-K iihbcrly Rnnri ~ ; i ' ~ |

SALE — H A M PSH IR E BUCKS. I ^ ^ N l i rllngs and lambs— 3*; m llc i touth '' , , ;InJ^BilflOloliX-ChurclJ----------------------!-------- —-----------------------------------------------------WE DOSALE — 450 TW O AND THREEp old crossbred w h ite faced ew es.:_____. Davis. postCIflce. Rogcrson. ; FEED 1

- - --------------jn ff mSALE—A L L O R A N Y PA RT OF i ___ ____

hundred head yearling ewes. TU RKE r S38J4 B u h l. ,Luke V. Sonner. mortei

.SALE — 11 Y B A R L iN a ’ lIA M P - COLLE( e bucks. 27 ycarUng and 2-ycar Goodl; « !iire ewes; 12 head h U li grade log free, pows, I I . W . Rcldcman. 4 miles —'r m ile east from south end ol iK A lf lO l Phone 1000J4. ..per hj

SALE — FEW BLOODED ENG- -shrpherd-pnpptc5-of-quatlt7 .-TJr.- heelers. »10 each. AUo 100 l-y c a r . erjey B lack O lan t hens. From :n brld fe . m ile no rth , '. i east E a w n lUi. F lrt Hannebaum. Eden. | ,o u r i

SALE - TO P RA.MS. W OODS- 'Stock. H am pshire yearUnga. range ^ . serlcUy selected, even type. F ln l ■ - - - ■- r. In excellent condition. - W ill w l l i umber. On pasture near Hailey. ‘, Inqu ire James Undaay.- Belle-

____ ^ __________ ; FARM- 1

Help Wanted- B L 'A C K a w rn t— A H ^ u .

m n7 FH?’f r M « io ~ ------------ ---------- ‘ m»den•TO ■=* A U T O M O B I L E "A N D ; k salesman. S tate prcrlous e x - lQ U R T I ee and connecUons. age. and etc. t jBox O. 2 . A . Care New*. rcoaymai

................ . «BldUo6.T I> ~ U A ir W X O CAN w r t tm . adding maehtnea. c b e c k ^ L A lL -C

tw r.h ln»« tn wnrfc ; ■ A M A

iBU' would - ip a yg -fn im TycurI k . ----------------------------------- • - - |W t

= = = = = = = = ^ = = S S ^ 2 5

' ' • ■ ..........

O C K O U T - . • - •• YouNS .NSVIR MEW5D ' ■ ‘ OF BEFORE — ^PlSM GRKBS HO O K®PUUUNta P E G - ( S > .............................

RCi:^»S»Nt*“ B O M U C .- * ------------------- r(a L o ve M M ic u ;

KNOCKS P tS H— fto b t v - -----------------------------------------;-----

U N O H A M E -

i n i t i e s ; ;

m m m -' P h i f M s f o i i a l '

ATTO kN ETs'^ ^

rN K U 8 T B P ^ N —^ o m e and 7. in k and T ru s t Bldg.- ' .

tD IIO D G IN . Rooma 4 and 9, Bank : T rust Bu ild ing . Phone 6.

:.“ 8 IIE N E B E R 0E R r L a V i^ r r F irs t a tlona l Bank Build ing. Phone 250.L DUNN—R oom sa 'andTSm lth lU ce g ld tn g. - — - -

D. I IA L L -O v e r CIos’ Book Store,

im W. G B A IIA M —Law yerrB ank A r u i t BuU dltn . Pbooe C35-W.

r. H TE B S —L«w7er7 Bank & T ra i l uUdlnff. Phone 1234.'

B o s ln e s s

■" "n .U M B IN O

O T /p tU M B IN O ja i.H B A T rN Q TO. ___town room and shops, 1S3 3rd c iu t . .ine.2 S I.^ ,,,-,. . . ..................-



n tu r Real Estate.' Phone 874.

T& A lfB F K B

)Z IB R TBA N S FS ft C O -P b O M 18. C rating, storage and U b e rtjrC o a L .

R OeSG TKANBFEK AN D STOr IG E ,C O .=O oal.andjrood. P J u u u a U ____

IIC nO LS TR AN 8FEB * STOBAGB arbage hauled dally. Pbone 200.-— -

IR TRANSFER CO. — b a t in g ick lng a specially. Royal CoaL nc285. ■____________________________


i > E ^ W O O D W M O F ^ iM X H IO A leeU-ln I . O. O. F . ba ll evcrr -

and fo u rtb Monday.n M T JS IC T K A C ngR ........._________

lE R T K r w d t s ^ - A b o r m M T I^D teacher. Pboa* S U n .

M is ' c e l l w e b u s

IJO FOR R EZrr—A T W A R B I ^ ^

RC ELLIN 0.50c.,,»M 4'ni_STOECT^


DO CUSTOM G R IN D IN G EVB31Y ly. Hayes Hatchc^^•.

15 HAYES O R O W IN O AND LAY^ B -nu ttliesJo r-e rca te r.p ro IltS L~ ------- -—

IK EYS D YIN I^? FREE POST ortem exam a t H l-C rade Hatchery.

.LEGES — G O O DING COLLEOB. 30dlng. Idaho, good fo r you. C aU - tree. Phone today.

^O M O m ^O .- PA 1FT IN O A H D P .A * - T hangtng. F . A . Rowan, 2 U SU> r a it . P&oaa 3 P -J .

.u p . PromptaanrJee. B oIm Sport* b < ^ C o,B oU a. Idaho.

?N MOWERS GROUND. B A V S u r lawn m over ground ea rly v l t b reUable crlndcr.. P h o u 1461W. 311 a cast. - - . . .

L w i • ' '

^ -----------S y " t o P O T i* a . |U £ * ; ,* te . . V. , '• • ,

u r i k 8w tm « : C a — r — - . ‘• .T * * v

1 'Z B ( T S A R Y A M C tO A K Q fy >

i i i B f e a eL 4 « > w W H : j r

Page 8: I H C i i l l l i S - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · S3000 tickets for the entire trip to Wll- “ llamTi; U-eds

Pnf?c E iR l i t .

a H o a s m c r lr= E F [ E F l iF t

COUPy'STIOOSTflfrA s s e s s o r ’ s F ig ^ u r c s , ( ’ o n i - '

b y A u d i t o r S l i o w j

{ j a i i i i n P r o p e r t y V a l - •

y a t io n B a s is I - 'o i' T a . \c > i“

Exdu.?»v<r ol public u iiliiiiv -. T ii ’in !■' Falls county, usic.vsor has llsK'd

<OC.08D real ontl iHTsonul p roprriy . uc-1 • ' cordliiB to nbsiraci o f ilii- cmmty's 1D20| la x rolls im t ly complcica by llu- conn*'

. ly niK lllor's o f t lc f atiil Mibmltlccl lo ; the stu lu nm lllo r. The lo iu t t r e i i t - , er by $253,507 i l i i i i i last yi-iu '> rolls, und ‘ iliL‘ nuirKln w ill be M ill l i ir i ln fr 1 D llC

-------ca■by^l.':tln |^^f^^lt^r^It^^^-lt^•rrtocl^-^•l^t-|^H^uiilions. c.sllmalcd i i i S3U5,000. In a Mib- ;

___ scfiu i;n l_.pcraoual..p ro y (.- r iy ..n j^ -> e :*m o n lllro ll lc bp filed iic-xi D tf.-iiiber. JO

In addition lo ilu.s imUclputed to la l....... o t -81’4.'J41.tt8a-thcrc ir - lo -b p Inc liidH l —:—----- the vnlim llon o f tin- rf.lli'oaa.-tclnphonc; -

tdt-Krn^lJ Jinil o lh rr public n tlllllc s upon * “ w lilch tlic s lu le bw ird o f faua ll/a llQ n last year pliicetl ii v iiliic of a |ip roxlinatc- ly $4,000,000. nu ik ln i: a S'JB.7m,000 ({mml

------tn t:it'n f~ thc-C Q itn ty '5 -tRX -ro lls~ro r'thc -“ Hmc irrcn c ,.c.„r. „ 'JJi;

Kxrm pllo iis rn t l Tlie abstraci nii'd t iw jk tK .sliowji “ JfumN

___ uc i^ ipU niis u r ii iiLcd-iu-wldows mul .V ft-!.|^nn^l■ 'c ra n K -o f th f C lv ll-nnd,9panL ih»Am cr-}-shnd '

lean wars, E:tcmpllOn.i th is year to ta l g;, m . $15. ,745 as compared w ith $m S70 last charg yi-ar. In lln ii

Included on the la x rd ls th b year i in - [jcar ' <ler terms o f a new law. are SI 1.000 lau been 1 lib raries and *31,8.'>0 xurKlcul and M l- the ca e n llfic instrument:; which have no l been listed heretofore. phm,

• Nel to ia l o f the real properly a.vw ji- if, co„ m ent ro ll fo r lhl.s year Ls *22,009,350. as j, a[,'aliu>l *22,578.522 la.Ht year.

_____ N £LiotaLpU hc_P!'r«onal property a.i- ___.•:c.ssmenl ro ll th iw la r li.^ te d i.h si.400,- I* rC ( 739. ns ftRttliinl *1..‘>74.000 to ta l fo r 102S reported la.nl DecemtM.T,

• I^and ClaMMiflratlonii S h ift T ltc ab iitrac i o f the real properly ro ll Fret

shown a rrt lu e llnn In thi- arreare i>l Ir - re tlin i rica tcd nnd KrazliiK land.s. unJ an In - absenc crewte /ro n j 12.275 nere.s 10 07,H9 acres Ernest waste land.v i l ia t Imve been Klven Uils contra year *87.395 to ta l valuation. Main

IrrlK ated lnnd.s ih ls year comprls? by his 230,082 ,ncre.H valued n t 813.078.990, a» Ired.

. compared w ith laa l yenr'.n 333.451 acres M r. vnlucd a l *13,C79,7C5. vlous 1

O rndng lands lltL-s year comprise 114,-, Ii’imbc'i- :^70 ncre.s valued a t *304,135, a.*i nunln.sl Snlmo

year. • Falls r. ^ .-'i iic rv .u/o liiLs yo»r.t;>u'i m um cu lo u l u ic in

v iiluvd a i *1.093.130, and 10.405 resl- R«no rtencp lat.'. vfiUicd Ht 81.232.tnn. nn eom- bu l In pared w ith 1442 bU5lne.t.i ]oC>5 valued a t Ls Infe *1.077.790 and 1I.42G re:<ldence lots val- Isalso ned a t * last ycor.

Acrcngc w ith in cltle.s ha.s fa llen to . 273 acrc-i valued a t S33.IS0 from &63 W U l l ncre.t valued a t *33.100 lh.sl year.' i t

Im prove m en t oulMde o f d lle .i have lncreu.secl In value to Sl.157.450 from *1- j 034.700 last year. Valuation o f Im -1 Wafi provement.i 011 biislne.vi lo ttf has I n - , In the crea-icd to *1.434^:50 from * / J6I.82S, n n d ' reopen

— o irr«T d« rn c irT b lS 'lo "s rB 7 5 .2 9 5 -rro m "*r ith r-m 813.690 la-n year. ccmen

F lou R -m ilh -and -c lcvn torm nr-v 'an iP fl'i'bTO Tr thLi year a t S178-15D. an In c re .w o f *22.- c“ *t ol 950. and valuallon o f creamerlc.s and > “ PPear conden.sarle3 U Klveii at *45,000, nn In - lo «erv crease o f J32J00, j T lie m

Indicate A g ricu ltu ra l Trend [ T lio in r Ind ica ting an rlcu ltu ra l trends, the tax 1 surrc.si

rolls show more resbtered and c a m - 'b e *e r\ mon cattle, work hor*«vs and elilelcens: j 6 about the same num bi-r ot m ilk cow.s, und I n’ »de le»vcr reRl.stered and common sheep, •'•IrlnB ht>8», turkeyn and bee*. Loxkcr nunibvr l.U ircc c of sheep ILsted h a ttrib u ted to the tnc i U lB 3w th a t m any band.i owned in thLs county i 100 l>ei are now ranKed. In other counties. and:l-*> '' w ill be 1Lst<d to thLs county’.-! cred it on IIh e fr re tu rn la te r In the year,...... ...........i

The rolls show 244 rcKlstered cattle 1- -valued at 413,020 nfl-ft^cnlnflt-l93•^•allledi *75,350,

a t *8830 la.1t year; 0199 common cattle | Valu valued a l *185,170 ns o ifalnst 5743 valued! 000 Inc at_ *270,276 l y t year^: 7922 m_llK_<o-A-s j ls an I

ued a t *279,270 _ ln a l year; 3089 w ork l ._ h o r ic s valued a t *139.805 a* a«alnsi 2847— valaed-st-$irr373-l8sr-yrarr*'----- :-----T -------

R ^ b te rc d Uieep num bering IM I a re ’ valued a t $18,270 as aRaJnst 2104 val- : ueU a t *24.995 la *t year; conunon *he^p- 34,454 %-aUied a t *343,094 a.s asalnst 55.-1

__ in .v a lu w l.a l *395J)0ll laat .year________ 1 _____HoK* declined in number from 7783 to-

1367 and In valuation from *50.455 to ! .*35.110, and bees declined from 4785 to I 3C0T .stands w ith *10,B00 la lu a tio n . ■

Iiuslnr%s I*roprrtle> .\d va iife j ^fcrcl^andL^e stock> thl's year are val- ’

ued at *1,070,045, shoumK an Increav? 1 ot *34.070. and fu rn u u rr ffiid f ls tu rc i c f Rtorc.s. offices and th ia tre *. valued a l

• sai,2C0. show an increase of 825J10. _____Valua llon ol m achine ana re p a ir '

- -> l iop».. tfcn-.h ins— n ia fh tr'/.. j.n tnK tpot: _____and tractors totals J177J33. an In c re av c t *3 i.o :s . I

Hcusehold roods, valued th is year n l ;

No More Gas 1

In Stomach i— and Bowels I

I f J M with ts ha p«naB«stiy t»- |. la ; ______

t«h» C *. I ___; asd •» tW M n i i i l X f I

f—n»« • * :

M * tnm M Uffaciiir ^ t h tk * O raU -

' T W IN F A I .X 3 D A

^ B y E O B E E T q 0 I L O S * ~ ^

^ ----- — - ino riSkinny d id n 't knew how to a rt po lllc i,vn.s a t ' t l ie pa rty . I seen h im ll< k hU Oi H n fe r* InMead o f «viiiln' •nn on his M r. J panlH." thl.%

............ ..............- -----------■—tlirwslciu

f ly s s D c iH if ly o i i is - i i

_____ ______ _________________________- ■ .............. ..I.Wttl'llTw in Falls County Bur av-.oc:i:itlon embers met yesterday a t 11 A, .NJ. und . i.s.sfd reso lu tlo tu o f resjii'ct fo r ihe emory o t ihe late Jame.s H, lluw iey, igtD, .llinit..ftUcmion_io_hlj>_lflni:_und_ill3£_a«:rvi iKulshed carcer und eminent i>iibllc Qros: rvlce.s. . . P .M .The meetlntr voted to hoiil tl ic an- <al ejection ( lie f irs t week In SepN-mber j., ., v

uwi.oC.C-A.N orUWtW»iu^Tt, Huli i ~.u -ll, j> i ; i i ind'LV H od8lii,"John W rcinMi!»m r.iin-^^ un i M. Cwceley wa.-j nppolnted 10 have w iiic l

argc o f the banfjuet. -.JiitiKc'lliJthwcli Tne,s< .Iniatcd th a t n .la rue |>ortUm of the vail, ar which he had k llli 'd las;, year had (loitcu ;n held In sturage lo r nn cccaMon like Mreei ? comlnir banquet, A com m itter com- Mrs, 5cd o f T . K . Hackman, Frank L, Ste- an and M . J. Swedey was apjiolnted -an c consider n revision o f tlie fi'c .schedule \ d report n t the next meetlnn, in uni

------------------ ------------ i T ill

F ^T V a T lcT lH u rns Here.A f t e r 1 9 Y e a r s ’ A b s c n c c

=Ted W aite, who le ft here In 1910. has u n icd from Reno a fte r n conllnuou.s ience ot^n^JTnn'rnnrTV irpm plDytr-ijf— lesi W hite nnd coinpnny, con;.triictlon itractor.s, and w ill make his home on In avenue cost,. He Is accompanied p his son. Rce.sc. nnd dnuKhter, W in l- ' '

* n r 'I r . W aite w hile here durloK Ills |>re- ,^..m us rcaldenci*. hnuled the f irs t load ol a h - u ' ibc'r used durln ft the erecilon c f the men dam. He snys tha t he Is pleased l-nA lonU liuL .a t-U iC 'K raw U i-o f-X w lu—Is nnd the surround liin country d iir - Hll I

lim e he wa.s awiT>-7 m - u iy:t l l ia i i l U i no M10W& lireat evidence ol K row ili. .In Ills nn ln lon the r^ d a l utmnsnh-r.» ? I

n fe rlo r to th a i o f Tw in Fnlls. which ; | lao showing g rsa l evidence of tjrowth.

u ff lo In n W il l Open U nder Ne iv M anagem ent in c im

— — '■"• I'a ffle Inn . 144 M n ln nveniio north'. the O rph fum theatre buildltiK w ill I " ''- '* ' pen a( 0:30 o ’clock todJgfit under -m n rra jre m c n r-o f-E - '-n -n o lfr r -w h o -S '’*'*'*’ ' lefi here frnm BoLse, T lie rooms have n - r rd e c o ra tt^ -a n d - r r fn m u h e d -a t-a - :^ " ^ 1 of *2000 and present a hand.some learance. I t is the plnn o f M r. R o llc ’ ’ ‘ ® erve plate dinners and p ln te lunclie.s. exeepi • m ancifcmcnt ha* eiiRaeed Mr.«;. A. ’ 1’* '’ )inp.\on. food s|>edall.st lo give food ® Rrstlons to im tions. Her dishes w ill s e rv o ^ ro m noon u n til 2 p . M . nnd rrrowi! rf 6 utuJl 8 P. M . A rra n u c in cn tiJ irc crop. , le fo r scrvln« parties. The silver da iiia i nK orchcsira w ill furnLsh music o r bll i:c days In the weclc w ith "O lo f. the -cxccpl Swrde," as pianist. The. k itchen l.s tuber.s l>er n nt d c r tr lfle d , A .soda fo un - I althov

I and confcciloii .stand have been'-"' lowe ailed. i-ver.— • — - -_________ - - ACfO“ “ P.ilmei350, .'•how-an mcreaj;^ of-*8B30,'--------- l i m t -ahm tlon of p r in tin g plants Is *25,- > f IndtidlDK J5100 rraJ proj>erty. w hich -".ome n lncren^^ o t *7800 over last y e a r .. l':>y l~=

A n n o u n c e

Y e W a f fR E -O P E N S T O N IG H

----------U N D E R N E W M A N

A H a w a iia n S t r i n g O rchc .'^ tr; f o r d i in c in K . n n t l “ O lo f , l lu - B ik ' a t ih e S te in w a y .

. L i r . H T L U N 'C K E S A N D C O N F

________ S E r ^ V E iy D U J R I - V a T^^

C iim c a n t i m e e t Mr.^<. A l ic e T h o t^

t ln . " n ' i r r r a i t k ' . i u f \v h n try »«wl -<?n t5

Y e Waffl<E . B . R (

..................Owner and Man


i i t w g pHHOifElllZEIS______ ;__ _____________ /

( J o o r p e H o w e . M u s i c ia n a n d S f y

B u s i iie . '^ s M a n , S u c c u m b .s . v i* i

R u f ld c n ly l o O ld A i l m e n t l i c r «

Pan—OcRTirr-l fnwe,-4?reRra-oldrrcaident-oJ D u f/ liT w in Fulls lo r many years, died .sudden- Tuend ly a i Tw in Falls county general ho.spltal car u— n ipse.i.v i i iun iim r foiiowmK n i i - ' ' '>vtiihca llb (ll -several m ontlu* d iira tion . l^'uveDeath was n itilU iited lo apoplexy w lih Join w hich he wan stricken ea rly Tuesdaytnornln i'. lie w.-us unconscious when lie „wa.s taken (lie hospital a l 3 A. M, Valroii

On aeco’.m: 01 lil.s varied astlvltii-.sM r. Horn- •A'.i''. widely known throuBhuui , * ■ till:, ri'ulon. lie owncd'and operated a

slc iu ii and o:cln ';.:ra leader nnd o w n -j g ! ! , ''' er nt an open a ir daiicc pavilion la te ly ' hu ll; il! K im iji i 'iy,.:uid_lLe_jms_ttL-oiie- _ n p f , tim e nn o llicw uf an automobile «ales Keefci ucenry li.-r.-, n j „ „ |- H e ifl-!-Mn:ivrd-by no known rclatlves.- fm ijjiv but there wen- Ji'W men in th is ret’ lort whp__liavc_ had - a, greater, number , of, i^ a i wui in' pc i.iu iu l iricu tU . He.'was born in P a u l'( l l li lc a . New York, January 4. 1882. evenlii

T w in FalLs loduo o f Elks o f which M r, th e ir Mowe bocamc u member on M ay 2a,1919, win iiaVL- cliarnc o f the funera l K e liu:rvlcL-K—w ltir- ])-a i'»~ in -bo > lie ld - ln -(lie - i3Ui«ni □ rossman lu iiera l parlors chapel a t 4 evenin [». M. Frl(l;iy. lin e n iiien t w ill be In Elks M»'s-

iu 'T iv lii I ’all.s cen idcry . Pallbear- .•is w ill 6e c , n . TJinmas, A. Wyr.no ^ trm rh r^T -C h np jjr-V nm c.S T Z fP S irX T r

' Under' provi,s!on.s o f .\Ir. Howe's wiii"te3tppn.i I’lilch wa-s f lle\l In the p ioba le cou rt liere i fue.s<lny afternoon by Judge O'. P. Du- ■all, all Ilf M r. Howe's equity In resl- lenee p ro p e rtya t the corner of Locunt *tree i and K im berly Road Ls Klven to Kunze kirs, Hattie ElU.s. 'JIa'I i i Palls. IT lls be- ° liit-M. the w ill siate.s. Is In rea llzn llon ol an obllKutlon I have Iouk owed' to one vho wa.s kmd to me and eared fo r me hi I lln ie o l sicknerws and dLsiress," C alif

The threshing machine o u lft i wa.s ilve n -to -H a T ry -E rD ra ke r'fu - lrrP a tts r itT tiH ^ '-p he dance pavilion a i K im be rly to Oienn Jates^Twin Falls, “ nd Mi

The w ill iirovldes th a t the remainder if the esiate. a fie r payment o f per.sonal lebt.s, :;liall be paid to creditors o t the’ lUtomoblle concern q^t_whlch M r. Howe nis an officer, v.'liieli fniled about n year no. bentllcThe M il war; drawn la.sl Ju ly 15, H.

J, UeKs, Eccretnry c.f the Elk.s IcdKC, rar.

Hearing <:r. ihe p n lt lo n to have the »viii.111 admitted l;> piabate wa.s set Tor n Wnl; miiUM 19.

------------------------------------------------ and i>o

lO niTBIM BR g—G0NTINUt5~fF~BiflLElfnU R LE V . AtitT. 0 i.'^iH'clnl to The

'ews.i—This year lariiier.-; are experl- - -• nclni; a hot and dry M-a.sun, a lthough »• mercury- ha.i.nn: r ;';ir 'ird the h lu li i-lnt^i c f last year. T lic mi'.xlmum tcm - i-rature, accordlni: 10 iiu- thermometer t Ih r r fc in in iillc j) i>Sliri\ wa.s 103 dc-rwjH.whlle Innt year ili~ m rrc tiry -« l!m b -l----- ------:l to the 102-degree marl; late In Ju lyluUxsala-ca-AuuuiUO.,-.--------------------------------------The continued hat -Ar.iilier has liad

0 bad effect on any irrixated crops « e p t clover :;eeil. The ruth i-r lorti; dr^- le ll has retarded n \ l c lo\<r nnd Uie •ed crop Is expected lo .■:uffer,SiiKar bi.-c:.\ cchtliiue !o display a

ro w lli tha t oukIu to in.sure n heavyop. , T hcrc .has bctn no evidence c l ........iimaKinn Influence;,, such as w hite fly r blight. -Potaiocs cc iitin iu ' lo look «cp llona lly .i:ood. A few. fleld.s of the iber.s -show nlmoM a lOn per cent stand,Ithoiigh the averaite Held ricems to have lower than normal smnd wUh. how- er. excellent growth.Acfording to Co.intv An«>ni w , W. ilm er. d ry land gram. :.ome c f w h lc li Isa iiiL J im 'c it£ d ,-b .a JU llc _b cL ic i_U ia iL _______s; year, although smut L; tro iibllpK to line extent, Sccond cuttlilK of n lfa lla i»y 1-: not yet fu lly under way.

:e m e n t!

f i e I n n".HT, 9:0(TI*. M -!

V N A G E M E N T !------------

'.“i t r a w i l l f u r n is h n u is ic R i^ ' S w e d e ." w i l l pr«‘ s i( l. ‘

) N F E c n o N S w n . i . m -:

T H E E V E N ^ 'G .

ho m p.’to n . w h o w i l l r iv«^ y o u

------------ r - ------------

He InnS t o l f eH a n a fte r

LLS , ID A H O , -W E D N E S P ;

w n ^ ’W t:nRiii;;-:.T1iomas V ; Jordan — r f l Insi evening to vlhlt_ his sons In _ I urley and H c j’burn. Jj

«HnTT»»-K» Sarr nfer**— Noftbl t tJ— t f yesterday fo r his home In San _ ifi;o a fte r a v M t her*-.

V io ltii Uncle—Miss KHa Norrl-i. Eu- S ne. Orciion, arrived vr.stcrday to v iU l ■r iincle.-A ; T , Heai, A

Parenfs o f Son—Mr. and Mr.s. V /. R, jf f ln -a rft-U i^ - iw re iH i.-o f-u -i.a iv -b o c ii Qn lenday a t a private, i.anltartuiu.

>vt» - jo in FuniiiT— 1~ 1'- w ii i u^ M.nr; to w - jve today fo r Eash’v ll:) t Springs to ig u l l t j In his fa m ily fo r a short vueatlon. [Oonn

Vkitn M other—Mri., t:. T, Ru.':iCjl. I ilroak.!:, C alifo rn ia , arrived yrsie rday undei vW t her m o ilu 'r, -Mr.--. Kate Webb. chnrjj

Leaves A fte r V ls il’- M rs . 11. K. Huber, ;; Vega.y Nevndn, k-i; la.-.i rven liig for !'den“ n l le r (I vLsIi. v,'Ith“ .Mr.s. u . 11, ' r^ lPn Ils. fMond

- .u’venHere— Prom— CSillfnmhi—M lfs -A n n H — Chi ■efcr. Mcrced, C allfo riilu , i-. here vl>;- labor ng her brother, J. A Kevfi-r, and his guiltyih lly .' “ • ................................... Tucst

« , Ith rout^avc_.fo|--New. Hunie—M r. lunl M r; i , , Buhl, ui 'C ropjM r nnd-sn ln li-ehl!d -left--lah l—v h lc l enlng fo r 8 a lt 'Lake- C i:y to m'ahi- held , e lr home. , - , , • a t Hi

tte tu m * to . Col'iradD—Mrs- L . II. coniplu |{n ia ii.J iu cD la ^ ltilL lu r-li;ir-b iiim :Ja il-----------i’ning a fte r « vl.” lt w ith her st-sier, « = s. A. L . Halne.s. - 1 Mansi

» ------ ■— tonap\ l Work Oa BHK—Tk'Jh F.'fJl.-i coiinty comfH

tod4icUco.oivbm:;.:i'4ala-a-Ui.i.curre8i t—T w liu ien.w fiind .-ana-w iinodajrta ice nction- i .n iir r b ills against the hos]iltal lund. Hi-.- rr

.leensed to Wed — Marriage llccn;:es „ ,, rc Issued here Tuesday to Cli.-irles m e and Anna Kreps. both ot Rccku- y. Oregon, nnd to Rnvmond S lm p itm ,,' „ ' , i l l l le r , C allfo rn ln , and Helen Uurk. ^ ™ ' ‘

_________ , |d';r"Californian VUIIs—Mrs. H. E. nounrt.< I 1 Diego, fo rm erly of Tw in Fnll.s. Is a j d ju rc l

Rowan. W ith M r. and Mrs. Rowan i 1 M r. and Mrs, Paul rtowan she .spent; R eti I week In ih c Sawtooth rnoiinfalns, t len. m

- - I incn iV ill V i^ lt Coa.st—M r. and Mr.s. a u y : r ‘ 'l»»;» i-en, L incoln, Nebrai^k.i. aecompanu'il | ‘ O'" Ijw ih e lr son. Dwan, w ill leave today lo r . i t l lc and other coait iKiint.s a f te r i i '^ o n d lt .1 w ith M r. und Mrs. M. W. Far^ "

nnd daughter, Mlvs M artha Far- ou l ht crops

, W 'fathk'lll V is it b lasley-hev. and Mr;i.Wnltem expect to h-avi-etther today Thursday fo r Ea^l.-y Hot Springs i “ *I ]>oinis on the Salninn river. T h e ir i igh lcr.. Mlss .F lnri-nct^ W u kem. nnd 1 fm o r r ■ ^ I c . \vUI fo llow in a l>-w days.

• ■ ' ' ' ter.

u | i i ' i l ii t i ' i | i |c ii t M an Ml 11 t t n r l.‘; ” Cr Gt>B



- - - ■


D A Y . M O R N I N G , A U G U S ' j ;

i i s i i f l f f llO BSESlRSyi

----------- _ £f3>l^

^ a c k M a s o n A l i a s C h r i s

S e h la h t A d m i t s . U s in p : n i l

A n o t h e r N a m u ~ O n ■ C h e e k - -

On ftrra lffT im enfln-probate 'co iir i-herc---------■uc.iday. Jack'MiLson alla.s C hris Schtnhi

u llty o f forglnR the name o f W. A. M e- E x p lonnld on n *9 check bn a T w in Fnllr. anic on February 21,1920^ He was Held - m nder *500 bond to nnswer to a fd o n y . , lioTKe In the.dl.strlci court. Bond 'had o t been furn ished lost evcnlnR. The Jinp la lnt w x i signed, uy W. H , Scott, iltTT'-M tison'wniniTTc.'TTcd'In'P llcrlttsr “Z Ia p F tonday when he reappeared there a fte r nsjtm l .’veral monttis absence. -•-Chariel^Shermo^r•Knhl^bachdOi^-and.|g,«tlnt iborer about 50 years old, pleaded no t tion l» .illty on arraignm ent In iirobatc M u r t nnyev ucsdny on a fe lony as.saull chahiu, und in th i irough hU attorney, C, O. A. DivdbUM, praLse '*h l r nlled fo r o nnlniQhlch-w tts flxed-bj*-;Jtidgc-Bailey-to be depart L'ld August 30. Shi'rm an was arrested Two-t: : Buhl lost Monday.- W. J; Youne. are of lun ty probation ofllcer, .signed the Idaho m ip la int. .Mate 1

cro.v<‘cansoii. Pocatello. dlvKlon saiperln- tho;e ndpnt or the O i'e R o ivsh o rrtin e , ac- Hnnibi impflnlcd by hl.H fam ily. Is here on a AHhoii

F a lla -W tiiu lb ra n c li—»>U— tiirn in jr 'laK i'tv t-n liifc ; and win attend'

ram .-lalu a t F ile r today, i jy ^• the ;;al

C a lifo rn b iu V is it— M r. nnd Mrs, mes H ., Shearer, Pa.sudeiia. C a llfo r- Stcn a. arc guest.s a t the home uf M r. and adv. r». L . L . Ureckenrldgc. M r. und Mrs. . icnrer were prominent in musical c lr- ~ ' •s d'orlng th e ir residence In Tvfln II5 some four years ngo. M r. Shearer ■ ■ In i’ orennlst n t tint Pre.sbylcrlan urch nnd Mr.s. Shearer vocalist,'

[te turns From Ilas t—Hui;h M acM ill- i. manager of the dry goods depart- ;n i o f the Idaho D e p a ilm in t store, iirned yesterday n fte r u biiylnj? tr ip ' the comjiany, durin i; which hu v ls ll-

New 'iTork. Chicago and 8 t. LouU. nd ltlom i as a whole In the East seem Ml nnd crops are mostly doing well.I he saw noth ing to compare w ith ips cn the Tw in Falls pro ject.'.ather was In fiiifferub ly hot. owing to •at hum id ity , he .stated. R. C. ach und Kenneth Ueadj. who were the East fo r the Idaho Departm ent re un the same mission, w ill re tu rn norrow’.____________________ _______ ____

. u l r ^ « m i& a u E a r ~

jy B T O R !B B -F O rt-T H ^N E W 8 ---------

^ n o w a i l

W k f r e e m

m — y e a r ’ r

C R M ^ c k ’ o f”

W O u r s w i f t B c r> i<___l i ie advantagea

^ ^ ll ie y com m a ud \• tim es g rea te r t l i

i W e’ l l g la d ly deis u p e rio ritie s o f y o u r satis faction

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^ Why?—

T r a t lc vour troubl

A l l - W e a th e n i .

_ ' L I N

O U \^ *a d Shoft PbMW SW - T liB km . X«w D *p * rts ra ««id

------------ — n ^ O K H a r

^ 7 , 1929.TKLKU KAa rB ~ ^ ~ |][ f | y

it by the sta t« audito r's office todayUift ,fliid lta r3 .oL.C nclda..an tl.C arlbp jL_____in t l c5:. demandtng— Immedia te - to r - ■ rdlhflrof abstracts o f real ahH personal' i p f r t y ' ln p rc p a ra llo r r to r - th e sta te •_ — ird o f et]unllzatlbn. Frem ont and ink jln . r.hy on th e ir psrsonal rolls, M r ) received rc m E d e n ir ' . “ " '■ 'o T in

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W E i i O R i s i i M i :

-FlLER^SllLEGflOyfilllS--------------------- --------- ------------------------- -- who d

cperts Say Q ua lity Best and iC hari

in H is to ry o f A n nua lAba

Auctions in Gem S t a t enever

' ____ impro

IL E ft. Aug. 6 tSpcclal lo T lie New.s) p p ro x im a td y lO W n ie a T o f ru riu are' jmbled here fo r the eighth irnnual “ n u t i .'Jile. w hich bcftlns a t the fa ir - im ds-tom orrow -tnom lnprThe-ccllec'- I Is pronounced by experts the best o f Jj, every a.Mcmbli.^ for_ony s im ila r cale

th is slate 'ahd ha* received »pcdal Lie from E. P. R lneharl. Boise, fie ld ; mal hu6bandm nn-of the e.<(ten.slon ' a r trh m t o f -th'c U niversity o f 'Id a h o ,~ f; ; , , 3-thlrdA o f the ram s on the ground of the W iimpshlre breed, o f w 'hlcii {

ho lins the m0.1t and bc.st of a n y '^ “ ^’^' I* In the union, i l Is s ta lrd . Next Inibrrs-jirc-auffoU ofrThlraT 'O ine-iliosp-----------w d between these two breed-s. A fte r Wc w iJn order of,.p iim biTa_fnlcccd are m hn ii iibo iilllr ls . Llneoin.1 and Cot^wold.s. kind ly io ii« li_ th e iium ber_o f_b im T ii_ iin a ^ o iir -_ n to :ili: l i i 1,-i not untisuaHy fa rnc. a /m nny

ITSlTc- S iiredrclcd..-C olone l L’T O : lU v .- 'I te r: F lier, and £)enn Sullivan. B u r- \ o r d t i ure auctlon«-ni who w ill conduct

.•^ile., , ndv^

;cnm baths. D r. Foster. Phone 84tt We Hayes

— m jBF u n e r a l P'

S c ix icc .i fo r o u r h ita U r o l l i c r , h e ld a t G n w m u n C lia p e l T h iir .s d : P. i i t i r i a l a t E lk .s ’ Re.st.

• D i 'o t lu ’ r.s k in d l y ' l i i ' i n j r cnr.s.

R . K .

• H . E .

L t i n g . . .

i o u n t i n g

r o i r n d s e r v

f G o o ^ycn r T ire s is co m p le lc

k’ice enables yo u to q u ic k ly • a o f these t ire s so s u p e rio r 1 a p u b lic p re fe re nce fro m 2 I t lia n any o th e r m ake*

lem onstra tc th e tre a d an d cs ) f G oodyear T ire s w h ich inc in w h ile they decrease y o u r m i

H Y su ffe r delays and i m o re m oney fo r p u n c titfe re p a irs th a n y o u r b id are w o rth? We^U ta ke the a t f u l l va lue n o w ano o n safe, new, t r o u b le *.Goodyears.

ib lc s o m c ( ir e 5 f o r C o o d y c n r D o u b le

■V— D u t y _ ^ . . \ V fc a th ( u r a ^ o o d y e a r -

N D A U T O M O B IL E CO.P 'BEST E i j f l F FLD O A R A C C 'lN T i lE V » - - F lId O tf ld a l B

M n .E ll2abcth 'Ln thom Jones.-77yean '< r resident 6T T w ln " K lI s fo r about lur years; died suddenJy u t l l a . M uesday a t the homo o f her son. Charles . Jonc i, 344 Second avcnuo-north, The )dy new reals a t the Oro.isman funer- p f tr lo re ,- It.u rm j)c taken today to the

inner home ftt Queen CHy.- M Luoiin, , here fune ra l services w ill bt; h d d and ir jn l w lj!_ fre jiv the Queen C lty lcc .'n c-. .. ry bc .ild e% c graves o f h c r hu-sbnnd. ho died about 10 years-non n noi.e ueaui occurrcd ."ievcn years ago.Id three sons who died . In Infancy. . harle.s ,E. Jones, w h o w ill accomiiany le body, is the only survlv lntf child , - A b o tit three years ago Mrs, Jones wan rlcken by paralysis from which ahe !vcr recovered entirely. Considerable iprovem ent, however, was Indicated in ;r hea lth d tir ln jr reccnl month.-!, nndlu had-soid-only a-dny-or two obo th a t------le had ^ipi fe lt better In a long time. D uring the periotl of her residenceire, .M rs._Jontf3_h3d tw ice visited hor •___rm er home in M lisourl. She re tu rn - : from the second vis it lust June. M rs .-Jo ne .t- i’M bom In Oreensboro.- - JirUi Carollno^ June IS, 1852.. She was arrled .to Je.v;e St. C lftlr Jones 50-yeur.H-:o. nnd lived ih c r ty iitc r im U l coming.....-

Idaho u t K lrta iv llle . Missouri.. Slio j is n devoted and active member ot the W u ls tln n church. V

_______ CAHB OF T H A N K S __________Wc wl.sh to express our thanks to the nn iL fr ie n d s ..n iid_ jidB hbcrs_w llO _£< L_ . ndly rendered th e ir a.scj.tunce duringr. recent^bL-rcflVpniffnr nml fo r th e_____iny beau t ifu l flo ra l offerlnss, A ko to v . ' i jd in a ir im d ^ R tr r - O r c u r to o h c ir . rdti o f sym pathy."' • '7

‘ Tbe C. O'. W illiam s' fa m ily • and rdatlvc.s.

iVe do custom grind ing every day. yes Hatchery, adv

$ s — -

N o t ice _t?f. C o n rfcc H o w a . w i l l l»('-.sday. A u g u s t 8 l l i , a t 4 •


E . U O B IE R .. E x a l te d R u le r .

K T D E T S S. -------S e c re t in 'y l

l i H p M p M i j i i i l S - j

v i c e -----------------

s t c .

ly e n jo y ii o r t h a t 2 t o 3 0

c a r c a s s

i n c r e a s e

m i l e a g e

d s p e n d ------------ \ —

i r e s a n d

I d t i r e s

L h e m o f f

i n d p u l

I c - f r o o _

ih le E a g le s .

»r— Re i f u l a r —— _ _ — —

E“ WEST~ ! I F v t s J ^ o a t m

iX B o tch M a ta e ta ___ __________ _
