i f mwi l jr i sporting news specially reported...

1L = = rJ m I II LI 41 l4 l1L1 I F L ii Jr rn run worruif WMffl4te V 1V41XJ MWI jk i = I SPORTING NEWS SPECIALLY REPORTED FOR THE EVENING WORLD 7 SCENES IN AND AROUND THF SARATOGA VACI MACK CAUGHT BY AN EVENING WORLD CAMERA mm BATTLE- NITHINVADERS Chesbro and OConnor Furnish the Music for Visitors Oppos ¬ ing Townsend and Drill the Crack Washington Battery THE BATTING ORDER fOW York Vamhliiston- Mnran Sonioy 3b- K f- Ilau Hr rf- rlberfehl f- nih s- tVIHUm th 2b ShIeIi If ruliL rf- Oanzfl lo rf- imiKlilln lu H- iKlltrdlo carjtnd If- OConnnr lIesrsiijek tb Chosbro c- Pa p lien p Umpire Sheridan IIpr1 to Thi li iln XXorll AMERICAN LKACfi P MUC WARHINOTJV An 3The Vow Yo U and Washrnitnns nro playlni IIPIO to day the ojinnlnR nf their second r- ot e the season niul a crowd estimate nt ICOO in vxlthln uie Imlisiire xxilohliii the contest The recent strong mines that th Senators put up against the piuim unit Bostons have onthuied the local motor considerably xxhlle tho strife BnnB on among tho stockholders nil one fldo Made by President Postal anI on I tin ether by Manager Lorius in gain po lel lon of tho dm linn Nllrrrd ill lli men tu auch a dejfree that on oh hull vidual plajer li ItI t thug up Dm came of his life In order to uiuiuul pat wlli tvhlcn Iver side gamin control The plsvertt tn- ft man lire hopeful that ManiiKer lofliis will ohtnln possession of the eluh hut Ban Johnson and Piesldent Pnitil who- re working together MY that prom ttts must ho innile nnd kept ore the franchise Is turned over to the loi il- itockholdcri President Dan John un xxa present Inch occupied a bux with tile alliilili of the club and the head of ihe Amen oans received much attention from III New York team he annul CaDI rllllih In I having a quiet tilk together durliu the preliminary practice The New York sent In Cliesjrn aunt OConnor wlille tine Washtnstons de- pended ¬ on Klttrlilfc und IVUten xxilh 1 Sheridan aa umpire rr 1llHt llllllllM i Conros xxnllsed to lint on bilK hut was forced it second on Keelcrs hunt Coushlln to Mgan Klhereld out at first McCorpiUk to Orth Koolor Inking l utcuunil Williams hit for thioo hoe to deoji left snoring Keeler ult oui on an > lu Mojan Uio tun i Moran out nt im from Vllllamc Ryan lulL for lOn 103 oxer left Hold fence orth out to Ianroj belhach out to tSllitrflolil One run Seioud lunlnii- Ganzel out nt firm MeTarUml truok out oConini tingled to Ifl- but was out at second tryliiK to miKu It a twobagger No run i Leo struck out Vniunlin out on i fly to Uanzel JWormlcU out nt Hint No tuna Third Imiliiu- Clicsbro ii xus out ut llrt Conrov out t to Srlbach Kcccr was out to Jlyiu- NO run r KlttrkUjo BUS out to Knit Patten I nut to Cecler Moral out at that No runt jt i U ntloiml 1tlIU Stuuutluug- I Club XV I Ic- Plltllmrc ilub w I 100 111 l1lnklyn 42 II hisS SIrno SJ 14 JUlilloum ih < j- N 421 Uw Yorlol uO 16 st himul 11 u 1 271 Clclnr tl IT 4 SICiPhllidrlphU 31 It IS Aniorlenn IOIIKIII hlnndliii Cluh XV I li ciub W I IT BotUn 53 31 0V IJ uolt- louli 41 t1 ls- JthnIadtiriula3 1 3 U 4CO tl- KM 2Ii to H IH- UUu Qrk41 41 MI YllIlntoI t j3J- S teru IenjHi Shuiuuuhhjuz 4 Club XV L Pi riun XV I PC I i BuSilo 65 2 714 Toronto 4 ii i rn Jiffy Clty57 2J CBilMoillrell US it 116 c Ntwirlc 47 SO 50tITorl4TKe 27 M tlf attlqii H 37 i4Sitoetnn n- jj I 4 HARLEM RESULTS OptcUl lo Tlii Kx > ilnc HAUUOM HACK TUACK CILlCAQcj L 1 Aus BThe races echedtiled to be run r here this aiturnoot resulted ns follows s F1r t Race Flvenlghths of a mile HfVon toy Harfanx 2 to 1 and 7 to lo iUypr David B note S to 1 for place aa cond Chapel was third TIme lOf J5- Second nace Threequarters of i L Sl i to 1 for place xvns ec omit Bsvatile wua third Tlme119 15 i nnhicWon by Volfiam to to 1 and Jo i tllpd Boce One mllo and IM ynrds Won euy WIU Nloht 7 to 2 4 to Rj 5 Jr c 10 place was second y aJliovBWUi Tlme151 BEN JORDAN COMING TO FIGHT YOUNG CORBETT BEN JORDAN MI litiMfl mil baltli fo t 10 r Mthe- rnmht > rliaiiiplooiln of the xmld xx11 10 fought xxllblo Hie nxt IHO monthf- The prlnolpiili xlll lie Voung Corbott I In holdol of tho title and Iten Joidiin- llnnland H liont f itlinrwnlKht Cor- nell liii niclxtd n eulilcKram from Jnidani niaiiahoi tellliiK him thit Jur lni will mil sri fton England In en di IM moil blin fur tIne title- iiui iiiiiiut einiiit o JordanH vhtlt- xxlll no tloib xxeil 14 Ixeil by o- IOXMTK I nr l i iiintix ii Idlll I iii Ol Ul uIIomi iipUlllt t4ituie- IuiHURST APPOiNTED A LEAGUE UMPIRE I- I Man Who Has Been Ball Player I Actor and Referee of Boxing I Will Call Balls and Strikes I Onoe More- Tim Hurst Is onrc more n Nation i- igiio nniplp j evident Inlllim nf thit hotly np pointed him on his Irt thl morning and the lltilc man will aMume hU dullis I at once Iliums pnreer cm the dlnmnnd hns hen a stormy nile Twice bofote ho has been in umpire and bith tune ho left line bu lnes on invount of fights nneo with i tiovxil of ioiors und onto with a plaxiT- Uu was lImit mn le nn umpire In Wit ind Ferved until IW Then he Irloi- lnferephK for i xxhlln and ulo went on the tin with Aiion or CMil HRO m- llojts U llumixny Colt later bn xxas leappnlnted and met xx ud released Lately lluml has been umpliliiK amiteur canc tile lust np- pearanro In New Vffk wm a week ago when ae ullleialod at Iho len > 31- ovtmnn < VOIIIIK CoiMett same III ISIS llursl tniinigril tin HI lousI- lronns until mat oiilto a hit txllh tho Mound SitS fans lie iias metes hi en popular with the ball pUyvrs honeve- anl Ills loippilnlniont has boon toni tintlx fiiu4lu by tillS men In the busi in 7 RAIN SPOILS TENNIS GAMES Iluh4hIU III liileriinllounl Sovi- iu < < Ox or nlll ToXlorroKI- lROOKLIVn Mass AUK SRsIn put an end to rvel y prospect of ion tlnuliiK the Intornatlonii eballonirit ten- nis ¬ matilies > longvxviod todax The tOiilt xeio j 1111 cit and 110 tead- iloxviiiiu > gv n no sign of eea I lug at 11 odoek the m innKenient announced that Iho Kami vionli nu bo Hint ted this iftrrnoon The niatehos rhciliileil were those In iljubhH lie t issenin R I and II I Di nr- ty and R U nnd ri L Viinn lo be- hi gun it 1 P M Trie d mles ixdi go- over until tomorroxx iftpfnoiti p pice of the flUKlos sit fun ihit r T1 singles xlll be played In lb i renoon BRITISH CRICKETERS REATEN BY AMERICANS PlillnililplilniiM KlnUli Tliilr Mnlrli- iiiint ttnlusl In luIeNierNiuIrr FIe xin Iniiliiic l > > it HIIII- PLIIIIBTKR Kncimd AH 51ho Philadelphia cricketers nn shel tbrt- rmith n aJnst Lcicestersblr today xvlnners i v 101 run Tho IvloosletKhlto cloven lieRan thor second Innlnus In their match uaahmt- tho Ilnttuidunl him team tile mornliiK- WantlnK 31 < tuna to win tIne home clevun hid nlreariy lost iluht wIcKctit for IS runs when an ullmirnmcnt xvas dished fur lunchoon The result vau 110 uurprlsc nhcn the afternoon ploy was resumed t fu + English Featherweight- Will Sail for This Country Within Ten Days to Make the Match ihit oi r iHilwl ts I iniM VilionI- IIMO hi foto he K ntiiii t if ad iiinri ID lIla unol a inannni 11I1 ilyil- liroiiKh hIs Kioit liiulc ullh Uoor4 Ilxoii tWill Mlmin nv etiiiel tin ulan In 1 tnIil > roiiml liout in- lonox tie A C it fov > onrH iigii MIII uu- toturiiril to IJilKlHd Jordn ln au- uil Ills battiec and portliiK men bvl- levo he tandi nil otoollont rhanc of givIng Tirlxt a tn > in tlitht thin I oprn did Ionian hul hupnt that Corlitu- iilil is go to CiiKlind uiul Unlit him rill tin purxc offered hv lilt National rtport- nff Club if Lnndun i f rh ltt hissL- issin divllnrd lo llKht foi th mom offcrtMl of Ionian llnilly ielulcd llint- In oiUi to gut on thu inatill he noiild hits to uphill heti Th io will he Ito tliiio lost III elluchllli- a matili 1lwulI Jordan and loilii t when tin thiKlHhm in airlMn Mutch- miKor of IMXIIU imtn lit San Ki tin i Isio ni nxIon III in e Ids conM NEWS OF THE PUGILISTS lak I I line tho Now Yolk llTht- mlKlii ind Iin VIIII itn of C in n la Hid in n light ti II luiNh at 111111 70011 Old io tTdax Willlami WIIS kniikl out in the xlKhtoonth round with a tight to tin Jav while hn units din Ul- uODrlnii loft feint The men mt till H purs nf v wl Ollilen ban IMIIIIHM- III lIhl night flix and III a few witks sishll ho open to meet anj of tine good fltei is uIu huts S 0 0 llenmii Miller the nolloiweightI- lKhtet of Itt It Imore linn hero matbed to nifot Tommy Coicoran the promliliin- Uellerrtolifht of Haxannah 011 ui a txvenlxround bout IICUIP the Sixannah A C AUK 12 When Jimmy Ilrltt tho lightweight illS Ii pinin of California niranx t mnleh In the future It in safe betting he will rnmpel his opponent to post a for- feit ¬ of JfWO for weight Hrltl xxan out tint much money a fen nights ago when Jack OKeefe tho Ilileago Hunter was ten poiindH ovrrixeight xvhen ti tRite rimw for them to xxelgh m or their battle Ilrltt of rour e refund to- Iluht OKicfo eta I in Ing he um not gut IIIK xelterneltrht While fie matrhniker nf tho Central A c of Philadelphia hits not r1 hero able to xetire a ultai lH opponent for Out liuhllii to neet In n xiound bout on Vug II It Is most llkeh that Sandy Korgiion the lloston hru neUht will be the man Ihially MCI lol Itnhlln and lViKtifun Inuslit a liiirotim ilinw- In Itotnn II low month lilt o and ii lie men me anrloiiH to imot axalr tine rbame4 are thex will lie niutchoit t Item trdu in nmllrIlW- AMATEUR GOLF TITLE TO BE PLAYED FOR SEPT 1 Annnnl Tiiiiriiniiiint U III lie e till itiui nn > IIMMIIII t liilii Link The amateur Klf championship I iunrnin much t I tie innit un pan tj tnt event of I he gal C season xxlll be held under the umpires o the Itilled HI it tea llolf- Assoelallon b iilriiiK on Sent and ending on iJei1 This aiinouneonient was made last night bx Matuiln llallou Secretnv of the f H 11 A Tle gi Inure xill ike pliee on time llnkr o f he Vnnsa- uIountry Club Unlrlei tOilet be made by plavors lo the KCerctarles of tIne cluliK omit iiilisl be reuot soul hv the icciotnry of the associa- tion ¬ not lain tile n II P M on Tuesday Aug 25 tiil res aro subject to the approi or the Miutlvr etnm tea of 1e iiMsiKiatlon CHESS EXPERT LASKER WILL PLAY MAHSHALL- riininiilnii i < Mitii CliiilUMiKii lint Inipnirs Condllloiis fur Mnlrli- Tir Laskvr tiio worMt ehimplon lius player after many yearn has aeeptcdl- lM itiallfHK made by I J Maishall of Hroaklyn for a maUh Linker In- sists ¬ that tine oonteat must bo for nut loss than > J oro a lde Ke champion hays he xxlll pUy bctoie the club unite Ins tInt heM Inducements Ir Marshall Is at present In lowland nnd It U IhoiiKht Unit ho will have 1 hard time ralilns the amount neoJed for the nlle hot nnlcts hli frlendi on this side at the water conic to hi n- rlMance > It the match Is irr linker ijyn he will Inlht that It b elgtit amci up and draws not to count t 1J l1 f JY iI w rrl TYDv IWIAII > j PAIT 1 t 4r Pl1r rrov f r I I- Lr IL fVt U- V t THE ftADJDOCTT on iAe JV A Z7- O7tV M4RJrJ r u and J4Z ½ 7J PACiET ENTRIES FOR BIG RUN WILL CLOSE TOMORROW t Every Arrangement for The Evening Worlds Centuries Is Now Complete a s oJ UNTKY HI ANK flN TO ALL EVENING WORLD CENTURY RUN Cut thb out and uldre to Ca < liier of The World Inclosed find 1 to cover entry feo In The Evening World Century Run of I Saturday Aug a I Sunday Aug 9 I Name Address Club If any City Section morning or afternoon Mark which time xuu xuulil like to start5u o fj20 oto 7 io 7o S A M bitunliv oi biiiirtix 2 120 P M iatunliv NOTE NiimlnMid luitIguus 111111111 iuiulte iuul lime table ot I Inc nun nrc lnuailsul uin ot iiulrtta lluuti iing isyitiitu xploIl1 nil eiuvehuupe inannuied to nttntiu ut Lsuilgs III Ih iultrt Halllloua uiuii sirv inirihiult tssuiluttttil III Ih uuigii iiuil WllrkllUlSlolp 1 l N 1111 1 lItJ IISHII lii ssely iiilen nium tinuiire wllnlll siinrtni Io wltholll JI1IlIor nange Itlgjt culnupethnng iii hilly aintiy icienvad III UM nC hear mlt AT Till STAnT line reject IlIkl plnle lox heI r HlIIIII y t nn t tics tee bun imeul tin orih ci jr nunn will receipt 4 IN1FlL NO Entries forTh Uvfnin Wci Ida Vii- cconlury talus cluuie I ouliiiru ins Kvery enliy itfoolved today and to monoxv xlll be ncceiid hut no badges xvlll bo ent out after tomoiroiv nlKht- If > ou loa vc not yet out In sour entty you slunllil mull It to dav The ntlleliN and paoomakuiR of The I t i ii I at World tNntinj I t ann meet at Iiiilol Ilcsi- lleiKord avonuc and KiHtein Iaikuas roiikhynu I un narrow nvi n I lie lioio en- tries ¬ max be made In person Tomoiniw the eiurx list of the l lg Best cyollnjr cxint In yea is will In um- plete Kxery it Iris ulgotnuell t foi Hie run I nine tome attendiid to and exeiythlne moss axxaltx Iho bugie on Sat inlay an noiniclns the tanin of lire list > erton- of the run The gutal sir proportloiof thosa oiterI- MK tlio biu coiilur will tiaxel to tine ilarllim poinl b xxay ol Noxs Voik Th xxay I ii iTHli lls I forth llisl ii iii follows Take l ast Txxontxthlid loo > exell or- Lland nlieet CurrIes to Ilioudxxay rtrooklyn There Sn ill be tile ii I > of xvhetd men on the boid to nhoxx soul tine xxay- up llroailxiii mil nloiiK llmlford dxentiu- to the IUI- lleadijuaitera will he eatablUhed at the Hust ts oarl > as 1 oclock or Satut- dax moinliiK Hoiu evury tlJei isil IU Ltlxo big ehtukin unvulopt Then IH nu tlino to explain t tie dot aIls of the io u to bexond tho Htutcmunt that tho usual 1 tucka wit Ileach ciiituiy- oouiiie xlll be fohiisssl Thin hikes in the xcry mesh mads on Long lslaiil Inoludla the famoUK MerrUli load irr > ihlur Lnonn wlml time Ai ls to stall ills badcu tells him tit anl also tills htm xxhit tao route IK when I lie stiis ate the utlet lieu lieS weci stop xx hat time his division xvlll leioli- iMih fey aunt hun Ion tt will nst Iheie- Illders will have ample time tJ Itch led ftI Itcat from t tie Now Yoik ldu- of tine river If they allow snixclvcs ai noun for the trip Mr 11 A lUdlum the PivJklent ol the Centurv lload Club of Ameilca wilt be title of hue judmm of Ilio nin- troHldent OKriu Ot thuS League of American Wheelmen will be tIne referee or tho tun- Napuleoa HaJHte Htite CendirUin of tIne C U C ul Anionci In oitnuittcul- liis iuriio1 in over u nuoro of entries train his ainte- Tiu molurcyclo divisions tire titled to their capacity Thl Is cen- tury ¬ run on record whcni Mpoclnl Dn- a 11 has been mado In tne Wt of endurance prlie8 for the motorist and tL U < the > haxe een xiniMns osentininugo tins III a mototuyele ontllg1 tn will eta in irk III pidnt of altemlanco for joan IO imie All thoso inlondlnif to enlcr Hie motor LJO ul i lire roiiespd to mark motoroxelo on their eiitij blank The nnthulc am eomlng In lor praleo- im all sides The latent In trim II Novx Viirk Ylty rller who writes m fol IIMX ICiijt ienlng orhl Centuix Hun haxti thuh several ieitui > runs Hid tlincni it timo in utinii hut on Fee jog Min nteililN on exhibition sri ohuiKil out mlid Your medaU hire thought no nutih of thus xe em hardly xiah lor ih himlo cullIng UK to start IHiltMCIl CAIIAIIAN 3i est Tvxenl > Hlxili street III making out Miur entries be sine to tite xvhethei 11 xvlsh to start in the Saturday or Sunday Cett iou This Is niiwrtant III snmute nine ii have neg leeteil to hI xpllelt imohl point hi thoreby entallltiK n lot of extra xork- entrl ill tine tutui ° f I lie ellrk3 liuitlilng the No rider should mica a chime to win Inn of Ih1lnhnw survivors medaU hey rout abioliitly Itoh Iii ii IT but art g VIMI lo 110 Her If he llnlthei tile illHtinee xxltlila fourteen hour If Your n lino Is not nlrcvaih In send It 0day SARATOGA ENTRIES Tile lucnuuue Worl a Art TH < HAIIATOOA AUK r The entres foi omoiTow s rae are IM folloxxo FIrst ItA r io ii sai tiUtlifteelii lundliaji- U furlunt- tribourn < 131 nuoJon 110 Oay Ujy 120 lanUrm 121 Tiini o Shintr lll ro ariJ xiunii Ctro 110 Mpirllt tttr IllS OrbIT lf- lCouil lIareIor auth upward iculins t iiti tint a lntremniii ui iur l iuhuiu QUNII ut mburIIInl 811 iua I lIullln1 lilt loko 9 rrrnli II in I1Inh nroolll Iiit leniniu oo 9 hitturd 101 VIsta 96- Thr1 llattic fnlnawe for Cliii 1q15- SU Ii nIl ihue cci s Ii SIr lurloi- Vrcncli tlLNmi I IIi its it rrontna IJI- ITuUIIInr IU lluc Sit Iii 1llIle nni 111 rllph t 11- 9nen 119 Inlllrl I uhianin 119 iioe le 119- FotIrili It s Thrre5Arotli ci Lp vu null lInnM 119 srliruii 101 JI < Cnn ills tunlanhinli hi- lhuurssiirnu ili Atustilsr lit- lhuiinilhi 109 VlylJlR ibi 101 Flit ltarrhot tueiFoJ0 selling Ire- anl a hilt fiirions- thiuilnk lot hrl Tone 9- Oonto IIi Tiiiai 9- 7hut ittah htS JUr 10- 1llukihs 0 y 1111 12- ulnitl Itrror nisr anti c eulhflIi tiiia etre old on mile heir ispuieflI Ill Im Junbi lit ltokmiust 1119 Cethle oina 10- 0lIu1I tJulh IU Iaui LtQlfka III re1oigsu lii nmaria- ttlpullQ 111 111 ll r 4- i ii wnn I VGCcO A J 4nd L1ThAAi OY u WILL BACK HUNTER RAINE I IN RACE WITH WATERBOY I Owner Shields Will Bet j 5000 if Match Can Be Made with Sarato- ga ¬ Handicap Winner T I1lnk < t Cleat dnil of i a tIe horo Iliintei Itrtin xxblrli till o id IM Wnelbox In this Hiriloga Hani ip on Mniidiv In fill bn thinks x I1 o him that no Is xxlllinK to- o 0ifll tutu bo cain beat tho KroT 11 of WIrer In a raee at i imlo I and i half Tho only eondltion ho- n im In that each nor mrtx 110 poundj The noertlon made In SaratoRi rttno- nbnut durlnc a talk with Julius Klolsi niaiin Flclcbiniuin told Shields Iuit ho hail bet on Vatorlioy but thiit Iou insider ° ui hlmrelf lueky tliif lluuli Ito ilIC did not take tIne money ass ty with him Kloisehmnnn iiH crted thit- bo believed that with a hen icr ride than SnIts Rixen Hunter Halne by Coehrnn the Shields boiso would haxe won Shields niisxxered that Iw- llunior iuul level fliiiie seas taken oei a i tu- iiROVYES JOCKEY- VVONASHE I DID Little Williams Trainers Ap ¬ prentice Never Rode in a Race Until He Guided Bobadil Home FirstS- ARATOGA Au S Oeorgo Will lion a tabo boy Is happy toilay hut no more jn thou Jimmy Rowe I tinner for Kcenes hor es Little Will Lisnies Joy Is due tJ lila victory on Bobadil xesterday It was the first time do had a mount on a horse In a race And he won first time out us tine nay Hovxo U happy beciuse Williams II In the Kcene stable and again because tine nppientlceg luccesr remlnted him oft- iltS tlmea- Tho llrjt time Rowe had n log up In a tace was away back In 1S73 when he rode Idaho to lctory Wllllamss vic- tory ¬ made Rowe reminiscent And ho I xvas suon tolling of hIs first race to tliosc orotund mm In talking of Willlami he saRI the boy showed cood senje uslnn hli whip at the SIght moment anti not iialns It to cxtromca Ho says Williams comes front Wcstchcstor where he picked him no- SOCIETY WOMEN AT NETS IN DOUBLES TODAY I < lixo Cnnlmt Pro iii i ei on en- liorl Ln si n oli Ten n I Courli- NKWPOHT It L AUg SElght pairs haxo enteied tar the ladles terms I doubles tournament which begins at the Casino todiy The event promises to develop Into a close contest ns the fair contestants lire all good players Those who will take part In the tournament arn as follows MIM Anna Sands and MliM Muil LIvhiKSIon Mrs liiiKer- VSallach and Miss IMna liarecri Miss Ncjra Iselln and Mls nuciit- iMica Iannle Uelln and Miss Florence Tivnmbly Mrs J V L Pruyn and Miss Huth Txxomhly Mien Mnigarct Husk and Mlsi Anita bands Miss 1tetuialtI- tmooka and Mls Smvllie and Miss Cvnthlina RochB hind Miss Mary Sands Pine mIxed doublets yo torday furnlshud Iwo Intarcstlng matohes In tine HOIII- II in I a MIsts Xiri luelln and Mai Ion R- Vrlght defeated Miss Annlo Iselln and F H Potter two out i r three nots In the duals Mrs Reginald Hioiks and lharlot K Hinds xxon CrlclI 5t4s Nora Iiillt anil Mr Wright In p tuiiruset mntci 411I SWIFT WILL NOT START- IN RACES ON THURSDAY IllI Trotter Deilnriil Out nf the 3ii lane Trul nt Vonkvrn Ai Six in Is to race In the 213 trot lns eUn nt the Urn ml Circuit most Inn whljh bcglrM at the Empire City track on Monday ho will not bo u contestant m tho niallncu on Thurs- day ¬ Ihu A A championship trot will nave us Hturtorx lila tllrhwuotl ICdse wood and Kuulty The of Inst week move been advancer nnJ the tent nvenlu Mahedll < d Dhould prove Lord Is down for nn exhibition only to qualify for the mail nee that bo hold at Clove land In September u HUNTER RAINE neiear > overland route In tine rice and loa ue Hiinold haxe wan bj two or three Infcths Another lining Shields sty i n t uu I lo Humor Italne defeat xxjs tIns loxxnet ol Io bran to IIIa w luu whip lie ald thit ho mstiiuled the oikej tj apply the lash unmercifully I Itemise the hoio xvlll do nothing unless he U driven to It Shields declines IIuiHor Ralne a Mox- vIblalier hint SilOs the horse has a great bin HI of Mpeisl which would carry him IM I n > in a long rae NO CHANCE FOR MUDDERS AT KEMILWORTH TRACK tnless TrnrU nrlcn Ont Ilnrc Will ill Podponril cnlii ToDiiy- niPKAIO AUB 5OxxlnR to the heavy ilownpour of rain xvhlrh fell mere vcnteiday ant left the Kenllwortn trad 111 sea pf mud it wall decided to post- pone the races Unless the nun comes pint strong today nnd Is accompanied by a good drying wind It Is doubtful If laclnp ean he resumed until tomorrow A large number of horses havn nrrlvod mere and It Is expected tho meeting will lo II great succes- sWESTERN JOCKEY CLUB RAISES SUSPENSIONS Miller Trainer niul Horses Are Altoned Ilnclnur PrivIlege CHICAGO Aug 5 Tho Western Jockey Club has raised tho suspension on Jctkey J Woods who was net down neatly a year ago tom questionable rides- on Joe Frey J V Kirby and other horses Jockey W J Klnnerty also has been restored to good standing us have boon Owners E D Turley awl J L Harris and Trainer J P O Tom Collins the property of Q W Deck will also be allowed to race again A A WIMMEfTSUSPENDED Velrrnn Immljfrntlon In pcctor lath Off Iniler Charge Immigration Inspector Augustus A Wlmmcr was suspended today pending tine Investigation of charges which have been preferred against him Com- missioner ¬ Williams would not make pub- lic ¬ the nature of the complaInt Win- der ¬ Is one of the oldest Inspectors In the service and has been on duty on the registration line of late I GIANTS GAME POSTPONED Itnln Irrventu MiGrnwn Star from rlnjIiiR Viral nnnu ul- lliiiiii nlth the PhtlllfN TIne aiantn first game at home scheduled for this afternoon wIth tho Phillies was postponed on account of the wet urounds Two xrames will be played tomcirrQxr McGraw hRs tho team once more In first class shape and looked forward to making u clean axxeep of the three games at tho Polo OrounUs The first time the traIn doe play here McOrnxv himself will b < In uniform and wIll hold down thindbase- RACE FOR EMPERORS CUP Yinlit SitlllliB lIver the Old lllPPlin In < ooil Hrtczp lulnc COWl laIc of Wieht Aug 5 Ttio- regatln of the Royal Yucht 8iiadron- wns continued today and sixteen yachts ntnrted In the race for tIne German Kmperoro Cup over the old Ouocna- cobrso They were favored qt the start by a- guuul xilitiii breeze The lola won the cup WINNERS AT ST LOUIS ipCctai to The Uvvilni orl41 KINIXCK PAHK HACK TRACK fit Louis Aug Following are the re alt of tho races scheduled tubu runt ltlternuon- Flrit and fur- longs ¬ Won by Potter 10 ol 1 nnd < to It a ter Walters 5 to l econd 1brook wa tllrdVlmolG I- x V i 4 I GRANEY ViONT TALK ON FIGHT RULES We All Understand the Queens J berry Rules so Whats the Use Discussing Them the Referee Asks Corbett a SAX rilX I > iO AUK < Hdd- llirrnev Iho xxelknown referee of Call tt firnln who has been selected to Judl lio Jotfrleiforlieit fIght has forbott itt hi training iiunrtors and watched the Dip flu In his workout thinks Corbett Is bigger and eton r thai ever before and looks ai ho would bo able lo ijlxe a good d aciount of hlmI After Jim tlnlshed his work skU llddlo he called me over anti ukkid me If he could talk over tIne rules I told hint that he knew what the jutcnsbcrrv rules were and so dId I Tiny are to tight these rules anti I cant see unj use talkIng over them I when xxe all kioI xvnai they are OKI usdiig online tishi wIt Ji rules Corbeti siys 1 xxould mlLi piefer that the battle f II WI io u lainvr than a limited bout I feui so ihoroiiKhly confident of ur ulmnml hilt tiat I Inane In my mind nothlv > t II but success 1 delr however that the jiitromc shall be decisive 1 want no wis xletory hi mv record My iiiRRestloii that I xvlll wIn IB I 01 mv confidence In my rendition Tho 110 hover on mind I go 10 bed II jhi and I sleep soundly Vli > xvhe I wns training at Carson for nv wti1 Pltzslmmons I xvas a hal reek I fretted over ever little thliiA and wore myself out Now i however me I am like Iron Nothing wor- ries ¬ NO BETTING ON THE FIGHT UP TO DATE j I The refusal of Jim Corbetts admirer to otter their money on the excham ¬ phone chances of beating Jim Jcffrlei in their coining hattie Is takers ns evi- dence ¬ that they Intend waiting until xxlthln u ew hours of the tight hoping to get btter odds than 2 to 1 for their monoj An Evening World reporter tnaJu a canvass of different sport Ins resorts last nLsht to learn any bets had been made on the light Not one bet was heard of Johnny Conch dine and Honest John Kelly said they had not heard of a single bet of any kind They admitted however that they were prepared to bet a few thou- sand I dollars on Jeffries It Corbetta rhinOs wished to lake any part of their monov 1 CURE MEN I iV I i- tt ue t t MASTER NEW SPECIALIST YORKS j J liEHVOUS DEBILITY el r raitloal Ss quIck ho 1 IU to CO day by my own Umoui STIllflTIIRR method In E to IE day U curl cutting itretch I lug pain nur- oPROSTATI or lois of tine Itli a lar I vullou I pernlnnnt 20 cure AY matter how chronIc or standIng iVARICOCELB- ornul retred In front 3 to 10 slays by nay own U abfinrptlve proceis B OOD lladlcnl curoa In M to M days I remove over veitlce of poi- son ¬ noah I POISON lout ntlul of mercury or potash t LOSES Time of cure 10 to CO days b my original very remedy used izcluslrelT by RDKAlHo MEL Dont Delay Como ToDay 1 ua ctiargo for a ulk Sot ciirrcuponilmce Come tq nis la the I have been ox IJluslVslV treating private and apoclal of tUOII for 80 years Qkcliiuca can devlno or buy II lIeklLI lu my ofllce equipment n lniantlv you skilfully- and reatore ou to honhib In cat ttmo wit tIne lead medIcine d- romCort expense PlctCbl I to cure r take If you cannot call write for homo euro MMIclnesfurnlhea I Dr L WILLIAMS a- Co 165 WutJ4thStN Y I Illoun 8 AM to 8 PM Gundays M 1 jI 1 j I 1 n o f I

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Post on 16-Feb-2018




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Page 1: I F MWI L Jr I SPORTING NEWS SPECIALLY REPORTED …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030193/1903-08-05/ed-1/seq-6.pdf · put an end to rvel y prospect of ion ... dished fur lunchoon

1L = = rJ m I II LI 41 l4 l1L1I F

L ii Jr rnrun worruif WMffl4te V 1V41XJ MWI jk





Chesbro and OConnor Furnish

the Music for Visitors Oppos ¬

ing Townsend and Drill the

Crack Washington Battery


fOW York Vamhliiston-MnranSonioy 3b-


IlauHr rf-




2b ShIeIi IfruliL rf-Oanzfl

lo rf-

imiKlillnlu H-

iKlltrdlocarjtnd If-

OConnnrlIesrsiijek tb


Pap lien pUmpire Sheridan

IIpr1 to Thi li iln XXorllAMERICAN LKACfi P MUC

WARHINOTJV An 3The Vow Yo Uand Washrnitnns nro playlni IIPIO today the ojinnlnR nf their second r-

ot ethe season niul a crowd estimate nt

ICOO in vxlthln uie Imlisiire xxilohliiithe contestThe recent strong mines that thSenators put up against the piuim unitBostons have onthuied the local motorconsiderably xxhlle tho strife BnnB on

among tho stockholders nil one fldoMade by President Postal anI on I tinether by Manager Lorius in gain polel lon of tho dm linn Nllrrrd ill llimen tu auch a dejfree that on oh hullvidual plajer li ItI t thug up Dm came ofhis life In order to uiuiuul pat wlli tvhlcnIver side gamin control The plsvertt tn-

ft man lire hopeful that ManiiKer lofliiswill ohtnln possession of the eluh hutBan Johnson and Piesldent Pnitil who-

re working together MY that promttts must ho innile nnd kept ore thefranchise Is turned over to the loi il-

itockholdcriPresident Dan John un xxa present

Inch occupied a bux with tile alliilili ofthe club and the head of ihe Amenoans received much attention from III

New York team he annul CaDI rllllih InI having a quiet tilk together durliu the

preliminary practiceThe New York sent In Cliesjrn aunt

OConnor wlille tine Washtnstons de-


on Klttrlilfc und IVUten xxilh

1 Sheridan aa umpirerr 1llHt llllllllM

iConros xxnllsed to lint on bilK hut

was forced it second on Keelcrs huntCoushlln to Mgan Klhereld out atfirst McCorpiUk to Orth Koolor Inking

l utcuunil Williams hit for thioo hoe todeoji left snoring Keeler ult oui onan > lu Mojan Uio tun

i Moran out nt im from VllllamcRyan lulL for lOn 103 oxer left Holdfence orth out to Ianroj belhach outto tSllitrflolil One run

Seioud lunlnii-Ganzel out nt firm MeTarUml

truok out oConini tingled to Ifl-but was out at second tryliiK to miKuIt a twobagger No run

i Leo struck out Vniunlin out on ifly to Uanzel JWormlcU out nt HintNo tuna

Third Imiliiu-Clicsbroii xus out ut llrt Conrov outt to Srlbach Kcccr was out to Jlyiu-

NO runr KlttrkUjo BUS out to Knit Patten

I nut to Cecler Moral out at that Norunt

jt i U

ntloiml 1tlIU Stuuutluug-I Club XV I Ic-

Plltllmrcilub w I

100 111 l1lnklyn 42 II hisS

SIrno SJ 14 JUlilloum ih < j-


Uw Yorlol uO 16 st himul 11 u 1 271Clclnr tl IT 4 SICiPhllidrlphU 31 It IS

Aniorlenn IOIIKIII hlnndliiiCluh XV I li ciub W I IT

BotUn 53 31 0V IJ uolt-


41 t1 ls-


3 U 4COtl-

KM2Ii to H IH-


Qrk41 41 MI YllIlntoI t j3J-S

teru IenjHi Shuiuuuhhjuz

4 Club XV L Pi riun XV I PCI i BuSilo 65 2 714 Toronto 4 ii irn Jiffy Clty57 2J CBilMoillrell US it 116

c Ntwirlc 47 SO 50tITorl4TKe 27 M tlfattlqii H 37 i4Sitoetnn n-




OptcUl lo Tlii Kx > ilncHAUUOM HACK TUACK CILlCAQcj

L 1 Aus BThe races echedtiled to be runr here this aiturnoot resulted ns followss F1r t Race Flvenlghths of a mile

HfVon toy Harfanx 2 to 1 and 7 to loiUypr David B note S to 1 for placeaa cond Chapel was third TImelOf J5-Second nace Threequarters of iL Sl i to 1 for place xvns ecomit Bsvatile wua third Tlme119 15i nnhicWon by Volfiam to to 1 and Jo

i tllpd Boce One mllo and IM ynrdsWon euy WIU Nloht 7 to 2 4 to Rj

5 Jr c 10 place was secondy aJliovBWUi Tlme151


BEN JORDANMI litiMfl mil baltli fo t 10 r Mthe-


rliaiiiplooiln of the xmld xx11

10 fought xxllblo Hie nxt IHO monthf-The prlnolpiili xlll lie Voung CorbottI In holdol of tho title and Iten Joidiin-llnnland H liont f itlinrwnlKht Cor-

nell liii niclxtd n eulilcKram fromJnidani niaiiahoi tellliiK him thit Jurlni will mil sri fton England In

en di IM moil blin fur tIne title-iiui iiiiiiut einiiit o JordanH vhtlt-

xxlll no tloib xxeil 14 Ixeil by o-



nr l i iiintix ii

Idlll I iii Ol Ul uIIomi iipUlllt t4ituie-




I Man Who Has Been Ball Player

I Actor and Referee of Boxing

IWill Call Balls and Strikes

I Onoe More-

Tim Hurst Is onrc more n Nation i-

igiio nniplpj evident Inlllim nf thit hotly nppointed him on his Irt thl morningand the lltilc man will aMume hU dullis

I at onceIliums pnreer cm the dlnmnnd hns

hen a stormy nile Twice bofote ho hasbeen in umpire and bith tune ho leftline bu lnes on invount of fights nneowith i tiovxil of ioiors und onto witha plaxiT-

Uu was lImit mn le nn umpire In Witind Ferved until IW Then he Irloi-lnferephK for i xxhlln and ulo went onthe tin with Aiion or CMil HRO m-

llojts U llumixny Coltlater bn xxas leappnlnted and met

xx ud released Lately lluml has beenumpliliiK amiteur canc tile lust np-

pearanro In New Vffk wm a week agowhen ae ullleialod at Iho len > 31-

ovtmnn< VOIIIIK CoiMett sameIII ISIS llursl tniinigril tin HI lousI-

lronns until mat oiilto a hit txllh thoMound SitS fans lie iias metes hi enpopular with the ball pUyvrs honeve-anl Ills loippilnlniont has boon tonitintlx fiiu4lu by tillS men In the busi




Iluh4hIU III liileriinllounl Sovi-



< Ox or nlll ToXlorroKI-lROOKLIVn Mass AUK SRsIn

put an end to rvel y prospect of iontlnuliiK the Intornatlonii eballonirit ten-


matilies > longvxviod todax ThetOiilt xeio j 1111 cit and 110 tead-iloxviiiiu


gv n no sign of eea I lug at11 odoek the m innKenient announcedthat Iho Kami vionli nu bo Hint tedthis iftrrnoon

The niatehos rhciliileil were those IniljubhH lie t issenin R I and II I Di nr-ty and R U nnd ri L Viinn lo be-hi gun it 1 P M Trie d mles ixdi go-over until tomorroxx iftpfnoiti p piceof the flUKlos sit fun ihit r T1singles xlll be played In lb i renoon



PlillnililplilniiM KlnUli Tliilr Mnlrli-iiiint ttnlusl In luIeNierNiuIrrFIe xin Iniiliiic l > > it HIIII-

PLIIIIBTKR Kncimd AH 51hoPhiladelphia cricketers nn shel tbrt-rmith n aJnst Lcicestersblr todayxvlnners i v 101 run

Tho IvloosletKhlto cloven lieRan thorsecond Innlnus In their match uaahmt-tho Ilnttuidunl him team tile mornliiK-WantlnK 31 < tuna to win tIne homeclevun hid nlreariy lost iluht wIcKctitfor IS runs when an ullmirnmcnt xvasdished fur lunchoon The result vau110 uurprlsc nhcn the afternoon ploywas resumed

tfu +

English Featherweight-Will Sail for ThisCountry Within TenDays to Make theMatch

ihit oi r iHilwl ts I iniM VilionI-IIMO hi foto he K ntiiii t if adiiinri ID lIla unol a inannni 11I1 ilyil-

liroiiKh hIs Kioit liiulc ullh Uoor4Ilxoii tWill Mlmin nv etiiiel tinulan In 1 tnIil > roiiml liout in-


A C it fov > onrH iigii MIII uu-

toturiiril to IJilKlHd Jordn ln au-uil Ills battiec and portliiK men bvl-

levo he tandi nil otoollont rhanc ofgivIng Tirlxt a tn > in tlitht thin

I oprn didIonian hul hupnt that Corlitu-iililis go to CiiKlind uiul Unlit him rill

tin purxc offered hv lilt National rtport-

nff Club if Lnndun i f rh ltt hissL-

issin divllnrd lo llKht foi th momoffcrtMl of Ionian llnilly ielulcd llint-In oiUi to gut on thu inatill he noiildhits to uphill heti

Th io will he Ito tliiio lost III elluchllli-a matili 1lwulI Jordan and loilii twhen tin thiKlHhm in airlMn Mutch-miKor of IMXIIU imtn lit San Ki tini Isio ni nxIon III in e Ids conM


lak I I line tho Now Yolk llTht-mlKlii ind Iin VIIII itn of C in n laHid in n light ti II luiNh at 111111 70011

Old io tTdax Willlami WIIS kniiklout in the xlKhtoonth round with a tightto tin Jav while hn units din Ul-uODrlnii loft feint The men mt tillH purs nf v wl Ollilen ban IMIIIIHM-III lIhl night flix and III a fewwitks sishll ho open to meet anj of tinegood fltei is uIu huts

S 0 0

llenmii Miller the nolloiweightI-lKhtet of Itt It Imore linn hero matbedto nifot Tommy Coicoran the promliliin-Uellerrtolifht of Haxannah 011 ui atxvenlxround bout IICUIP the SixannahA C AUK 12

When Jimmy Ilrltt tho lightweightillS Ii pinin of California niranx t

mnleh In the future It in safe betting hewill rnmpel his opponent to post a for-feit


of JfWO for weight Hrltl xxan outtint much money a fen nights agowhen Jack OKeefe tho Ilileago Hunterwas ten poiindH ovrrixeight xvhen titRite rimw for them to xxelgh m ortheir battle Ilrltt of rour e refund to-Iluht OKicfo eta I in Ing he um not gutIIIK xelterneltrht

While fie matrhniker nf tho CentralA c of Philadelphia hits not r1 heroable to xetire a ultai lH opponent forOut liuhllii to neet In n xiound bouton Vug II It Is most llkeh that SandyKorgiion the lloston hru neUht willbe the man Ihially MCI lol Itnhllnand lViKtifun Inuslit a liiirotim ilinw-In Itotnn II low month lilt o and ii liemen me anrloiiH to imot axalr tinerbame4 are thex will lie niutchoit t Item

trdu in nmllrIlW-



Annnnl Tiiiiriiniiiint U III lie e tillitiui nn > IIMMIIII t liilii Link

The amateur Klf championshipI iunrnin much t I tie innit un pan tj tnt eventof I he gal C season xxlll be held underthe umpires o the Itilled HI it tea llolf-Assoelallon b iilriiiK on Sent andending on iJei1

This aiinouneonient was made lastnight bx Matuiln llallou Secretnv ofthe f H 11 A Tle gi Inure xill ikepliee on time llnkr o f he Vnnsa-uIountry Club

Unlrlei tOilet be made by plavors lothe KCerctarles of tIne cluliK omit iiilisl bereuot soul hv the icciotnry of the associa-tion


not lain tile n II P M on TuesdayAug 25 tiil res aro subject to theapproi or the Miutlvr etnm tea of1e iiMsiKiatlon



riininiilnii i <Mitii CliiilUMiKii lintInipnirs Condllloiis fur Mnlrli-

Tir Laskvr tiio worMt ehimplon liusplayer after many yearn has aeeptcdl-lM itiallfHK made by I J Maishallof Hroaklyn for a maUh Linker In-


that tine oonteat must bo for nutloss than > J oro a lde Ke championhays he xxlll pUy bctoie the club uniteIns tInt heM Inducements

Ir Marshall Is at present In lowlandnnd It U IhoiiKht Unit ho will have 1hard time ralilns the amount neoJedfor the nlle hot nnlcts hli frlendi onthis side at the water conic to hi n-


It the match Is irrlinker ijyn he will Inlht that It belgtit amci up and draws not to count


1J l1 f JY iIw rrl TYDv IWIAII > j


t 4r Pl1r rrov fr I I-


IL fVt U-




M4RJrJr u and J4Z½ 7J PACiET


tEvery Arrangement for The Evening Worlds

Centuries Is Now Completea s oJ


EVENING WORLD CENTURY RUNCut thb out and uldre to Ca < liier of The World

Inclosed find 1 to cover entry feo In The Evening World CenturyRun of I Saturday Aug a

I Sunday Aug 9

I Name

AddressClub If any CitySection morning or afternoon

Mark which time xuu xuulil like to start5u o fj20 oto 7 io 7oS A M bitunliv oi biiiirtix 2 120 P M iatunlivNOTE NiimlnMid luitIguus 111111111 iuiulte iuul lime table ot I Inc nun nrclnuailsul uin ot iiulrtta lluuti iing isyitiitu xploIl1 nil eiuvehuupe inannuiedto nttntiu ut Lsuilgs III Ih iultrt Halllloua uiuii sirv inirihiult tssuiluttttil III Ihuuigii iiuil WllrkllUlSlolp 1 l N 1111 1 lItJ IISHII lii ssely iiilen

nium tinuiire wllnlll siinrtni Io wltholll JI1IlIor nange Itlgjtculnupethnngiiihilly aintiy icienvad III UM nC hear mlt AT Till STAnT line

rejectIlIkl plnle lox heI r HlIIIII y t nn t tics tee bun imeul tin orih ci jr

nunn willreceipt4 IN1FlL NO

Entries forTh Uvfnin Wci Ida Vii-cconlury talus cluuie I ouliiiru ins

Kvery enliy itfoolved today and tomonoxv xlll be ncceiid hut no badgesxvlll bo ent out after tomoiroiv nlKht-

If > ou loa vc not yet out In sour enttyyou slunllil mull It to dav The ntlleliNand paoomakuiR of The I t i ii I at WorldtNntinj I t ann meet at Iiiilol Ilcsi-lleiKord avonuc and KiHtein Iaikuasroiikhynu I un narrow nvi n I lie lioio en-


max be made In personTomoiniw the eiurx list of the l lg

Best cyollnjr cxint In yea is will In um-

plete Kxery it Iris ulgotnuell t foi Hie runI nine tome attendiid to and exeiythlnemoss axxaltx Iho bugie on Sat inlay annoiniclns the tanin of lire list > erton-of the run

The gutal sir proportloiof thosa oiterI-MK tlio biu coiilur will tiaxel to tineilarllim poinl b xxay ol Noxs Voik Thxxay I ii iTHli lls I forth llisl ii iii followsTake l ast Txxontxthlid loo > exell or-Lland nlieet CurrIes to Ilioudxxayrtrooklyn There Sn ill be tile ii I > of xvhetdmen on the boid to nhoxx soul tine xxay-up llroailxiii mil nloiiK llmlford dxentiu-to the IUI-

lleadijuaitera will he eatablUhed atthe Hust ts oarl > as 1 oclock or Satut-dax moinliiK Hoiu evury tlJei isil IU

Ltlxo big ehtukin unvuloptThen I H nu tlino to explain t tie dot aIls

of the io u to bexond tho Htutcmunt thattho usual 1 tucka wit Ileach ciiituiy-oouiiie xlll be fohiisssl Thin hikes inthe xcry mesh mads on Long lslaiilInoludla the famoUK MerrUli loadirr > ihlur Lnonn wlml time Ai ls to

stall ills badcu tells him tit anlalso tills htm xxhit tao route IK whenI lie stiis ate the utlet lieu lieS wecistop xx hat time his division xvlll leioli-iMih fey aunt hun Ion tt will nstIheie-

Illders will have ample time tJ Itchled ftI Itcat from t tie Now Yoik ldu-

of tine river If they allow snixclvcs ainoun for the trip

Mr 11 A lUdlum the PivJklent olthe Centurv lload Club of Ameilcawilt be title of hue judmm of Ilio nin-troHldent OKriu Ot thuS League ofAmerican Wheelmen will be tIne refereeor tho tun-

Napuleoa HaJHte Htite CendirUin oftIne C U C ul Anionci In oitnuittcul-liis iuriio1 in over u nuoro of entriestrain his ainte-

Tiu molurcyclo divisions tire titled totheir capacity Thl Is cen-tury


run on record whcni Mpoclnl Dn-a 11 has been mado In tne Wt of

endurance prlie8 for the motorist and

tL U <

the > haxe een xiniMns osentininugotins III a mototuyele ontllg1 tnwill eta in irk III pidnt of altemlancofor joan IO imie All thoso inlondlnifto enlcr Hie motor LJO ul i lireroiiespd to mark motoroxelo ontheir eiitij blankThe nnthulc am eomlng In lor praleo-

im all sides The latent In trim II NovxViirk Ylty rller who writes m folIIMX

ICiijt ienlng orhl Centuix Hunhaxti thuh several ieitui > runs

Hid tlincni it timo in utinii hut on Feejog Min nteililN on exhibition sriohuiKil out mlid Your medaU hirethought no nutih of thus xe em hardlyxiah lor ih himlo cullIng UK to start

IHiltMCIl CAIIAIIAN3i est Tvxenl > Hlxili streetIII making out Miur entries be sine totite xvhethei 11 xvlsh to start in theSaturday or Sunday Cett iou This Is

niiwrtant III snmute nine ii have negleeteil to hI xpllelt imohl point

hi thoreby entallltiK n lot of extra xork-entrlill tine tutui ° f I lie ellrk3 liuitlilng the

No rider should mica a chime to winInn of Ih1lnhnw survivors medaUhey rout abioliitly Itoh Iii ii IT but artg VIMI lo 110 Her If he llnlthei tileillHtinee xxltlila fourteen hourIf Your n lino Is not nlrcvaih In sendIt 0day


Tile lucnuuue Worla Art TH < HAIIATOOA AUK r

The entres foi omoiTow s rae areIM folloxxo

FIrst ItA r io ii sai tiUtlifteelii lundliaji-U furlunt-


131 nuoJon 110Oay Ujy 120 lanUrm 121Tiini o Shintr lll ro ariJxiunii Ctro 110 Mpirllt tttr IllSOrbIT lf-

lCouil lIareIor auth upwardiculins t iiti tint a lntremniii ui iurl iuhuiu QUNII ut mburIIInl 811

iua I lIullln1 liltloko 9 rrrnli II inI1Inh nroolll Iiit leniniu oo 9hitturd 101 VIsta 96-

Thr1 llattic fnlnawe for Cliii 1q15-S U Ii nIl ihue cci s Ii SIr lurloi-Vrcncli tlLNmi I IIi its it rrontna IJI-ITuUIIInr IU lluc Sit Iii1llIle nni 111 rllph t 11-9nen 119 Inlllrl I

uhianin 119 iioe le 119-

FotIrili It s Thrre5Arotli ci Lp vunulllInnM 119 srliruii 101

JI < Cnn ills tunlanhinli hi-lhuurssiirnu ili Atustilsr lit-lhuiinilhi 109 VlylJlR ibi 101

Flit ltarrhot tueiFoJ0 selling Ire-anl a hilt fiirions-thiuilnk lot hrl Tone 9-

Oonto IIi Tiiiai 9-7hut ittah htS JUr 10-1llukihs 0 y 1111 12-

ulnitl Itrror nisr anti c eulhflIi tiiia etreold on mileheir ispuieflI Ill Im Junbi litltokmiust 1119 Cethle oina 10-0lIu1I tJulh IU Iaui

LtQlfkaIIIre1oigsu lii nmaria-

ttlpullQ111 111

ll r 4-

i ii wnn I

VGCcO A J 4nd L1ThAAi OYu


Owner Shields Will Betj 5000 if Match Can

Be Made with Sarato-ga


Handicap Winner

T I1lnk < t Cleat dnil ofi a tIe horo Iliintei Itrtin xxblrli tillo id IM Wnelbox In this Hiriloga

Hani ip on Mniidiv In fill bn thinksx I1 o him that no Is xxlllinK to-

o 0ifll tutu bo cain beat tho KroT11 of WIrer In a raee at i imlo

I and i half Tho only eondltion ho-

n im In that each nor mrtx 110

poundjThe noertlon made In SaratoRi rttno-

nbnut durlnc a talk with Julius Klolsiniaiin Flclcbiniuin told Shields Iuitho hail bet on Vatorlioy but thiit Iou

insider °ui hlmrelf lueky tliif lluuliIto ilIC did not take tIne money ass tywith him Kloisehmnnn iiH crted thit-bo believed that with a hen icr ride thanSnIts Rixen Hunter Halne by Coehrnnthe Shields boiso would haxe won

Shields niisxxered that Iw-

llunioriuul level

fliiiie seas taken oei a i tu-




Little Williams Trainers Ap ¬

prentice Never Rode in a

Race Until He Guided Bobadil

Home FirstS-

ARATOGA Au S Oeorgo Will

lion a tabo boy Is happy toilayhut no more jn thou Jimmy RoweI tinner for Kcenes hor es Little WillLisnies Joy Is due tJ lila victory onBobadil xesterday It was the first timedo had a mount on a horse In a raceAnd he won first time out us tine nayHovxo U happy beciuse Williams II In

the Kcene stable and again because tine

nppientlceg luccesr remlnted him oft-

iltS tlmea-Tho llrjt time Rowe had n log up In

a tace was away back In 1S73 when herode Idaho to lctory Wllllamss vic-tory


made Rowe reminiscent And hoI xvas suon tolling of hIs first race to

tliosc orotund mmIn talking of Willlami he saRI the

boy showed cood senje uslnn hli whipat the SIght moment anti not iialns Itto cxtromca Ho says Williams comesfront Wcstchcstor where he pickedhim no-



< lixo Cnnlmt Pro iii i ei on en-liorl Ln si n oli Ten n I Courli-

NKWPOHT It L AUg SElght pairshaxo enteied tar the ladles terms


doubles tournament which begins at theCasino todiy The event promises todevelop Into a close contest ns the faircontestants lire all good players Thosewho will take part In the tournamentarn as follows MIM Anna Sands andMliM Muil LIvhiKSIon Mrs liiiKer-VSallach and Miss IMna liarecri MissNcjra Iselln and Mls nuciit-iMica Iannle Uelln and Miss FlorenceTivnmbly Mrs J V L Pruyn and MissHuth Txxomhly Mien Mnigarct Huskand Mlsi Anita bands Miss 1tetuialtI-tmooka and Mls Smvllie and MissCvnthlina RochB hind Miss Mary Sands

Pine mIxed doublets yo torday furnlshudIwo Intarcstlng matohes In tine HOIII-II in I a MIsts Xiri luelln and Mai Ion R-Vrlght defeated Miss Annlo Iselln and

F H Potter two out i r three nots Inthe duals Mrs Reginald Hioiks andlharlot K Hinds xxon CrlclI 5t4s NoraIiillt anil Mr Wright In p tuiirusetmntci




IllI Trotter Deilnriil Out nf the3ii lane Trul nt

VonkvrnAi Six in Is to race In the 213 trot

lns eUn nt the Urn ml Circuit mostInn whljh bcglrM at the Empire Citytrack on Monday ho will not bo ucontestant m tho niallncu on Thurs-day


Ihu A A championship trot willnave us Hturtorx lila tllrhwuotl ICdsewood and Kuulty

The of Inst week movebeen advancer nnJ the tent nvenluMahedll < d Dhould proveLord Is down for nn exhibitiononly to qualify for the mailnee that bo hold at Cloveland In September


HUNTER RAINEneiear > overland route In tine rice andloa ue Hiinold haxe wan bj two or three

Infcths Another lining Shields sty i nt uu I lo Humor Italne defeat xxjstIns loxxnet ol Io bran to IIIa w luuwhip lie ald thit ho mstiiuled theoikej tj apply the lash unmercifully

I Itemise the hoio xvlll do nothing unlesshe U driven to It

Shields declines IIuiHor Ralne a Mox-

vIblalier hint SilOs the horse has a greatbin HI of Mpeisl which would carry himIM I n > in a long rae



tnless TrnrU nrlcn Ont Ilnrc Willill Podponril cnlii ToDiiy-

niPKAIO AUB 5OxxlnR to theheavy ilownpour of rain xvhlrh fell merevcnteiday ant left the Kenllwortn trad

111 sea pf mud it wall decided to post-pone the races Unless the nun comespint strong today nnd Is accompaniedby a good drying wind It Is doubtful Iflaclnp ean he resumed until tomorrow

A large number of horses havn nrrlvodmere and It Is expected tho meeting willlo II great succes-



Miller Trainer niul Horses AreAltoned Ilnclnur PrivIlege

CHICAGO Aug 5 Tho WesternJockey Club has raised tho suspensionon Jctkey J Woods who was net downneatly a year ago tom questionable rides-on Joe Frey J V Kirby and otherhorses Jockey W J Klnnerty also hasbeen restored to good standing us haveboon Owners E D Turley awl J LHarris and Trainer J P O TomCollins the property of Q W Deck willalso be allowed to race again


Velrrnn Immljfrntlon In pcctorlath Off Iniler Charge

Immigration Inspector Augustus A

Wlmmcr was suspended today pendingtine Investigation of charges whichhave been preferred against him Com-


Williams would not make pub-



the nature of the complaInt Win-der


Is one of the oldest Inspectors Inthe service and has been on duty onthe registration line of late



Itnln Irrventu MiGrnwn Starfrom rlnjIiiR Viral nnnu ul-

lliiiiii nlth the PhtlllfNTIne aiantn first game at home

scheduled for this afternoon wIth thoPhillies was postponed on account ofthe wet urounds Two xrames will beplayed tomcirrQxr

McGraw hRs tho team once more Infirst class shape and looked forward tomaking u clean axxeep of the threegames at tho Polo OrounUs The firsttime the traIn doe play here McOrnxvhimself will b < In uniform and wIll holddown thindbase-


Yinlit SitlllliB lIver the Old lllPPlinIn <ooil Hrtczplulnc

COWl laIc of Wieht Aug 5 Ttio-

regatln of the Royal Yucht 8iiadron-wns continued today and sixteen yachtsntnrted In the race for tIne GermanKmperoro Cup over the old Ouocna-cobrso

They were favored qt the start by a-guuul xilitiii breeze

The lola won the cup


ipCctai to The Uvvilni orl41KINIXCK PAHK HACK TRACK fit

Louis Aug Following are the realt of tho races scheduled tubu runt

ltlternuon-Flrit and fur-longs


Won by Potter 10 ol 1 nnd < toIt a ter Walters 5 to lecond 1brook wa tllrdVlmolG I-


i 4




We All Understand the QueensJ

berry Rules so Whats theUse Discussing Them theReferee Asks Corbett a

SAX rilX I > iO AUK < Hdd-llirrnev Iho xxelknown referee of Call ttfirnln who has been selected to Judllio Jotfrleiforlieit fIght hasforbott itt hi training iiunrtors andwatched the Dip flu In his workout

thinks Corbett Is bigger andeton r thai ever before and looks ai

ho would bo able lo ijlxe a good daciount of hlmIAfter Jim tlnlshed his workskU llddlo he called me over antiukkid me If he could talk over tIne rulesI told hint that he knew what thejutcnsbcrrv rules were and so dId ITiny are to tight these rules anti Icant see unj use talkIng over them Iwhen xxe all kioI xvnai they are

OKI usdiig online tishi wItJi rules Corbeti siys1 xxould mlLi piefer that the battle f II

WI io u lainvr than a limitedbout I feui so ihoroiiKhly confident ofur ulmnml hilt tiat I Inane In my mind nothlv > t IIbut success 1 delr however that thejiitromc shall be decisive 1 want no

wis xletory hi mv record MyiiiRRestloii that I xvlll wIn IB I01 mv confidence In my rendition

Tho 110 hover on mind I go10 bed II jhi and I sleep soundlyVli > xvhe I wns training at Carson fornv wti1 Pltzslmmons I xvas ahal reek I fretted over ever

little thliiA and wore myself out Now ihoweverme

I am like Iron Nothing wor-ries




The refusal of Jim Corbetts admirerto otter their money on the excham ¬

phone chances of beating Jim Jcffrlei intheir coining hattie Is takers ns evi-dence


that they Intend waiting untilxxlthln u ew hours of the tight hopingto get btter odds than 2 to 1 for theirmonoj An Evening World reportertnaJu a canvass of different sportIns resorts last nLsht to learn anybets had been made on the light Notone bet was heard of Johnny Conchdine and Honest John Kelly said theyhad not heard of a single bet of anykind They admitted however thatthey were prepared to bet a few thou-sand Idollars on Jeffries It CorbettarhinOs wished to lake any part of theirmonov





ttue t



liEHVOUS DEBILITY el rraitloalS s quIck


IU to CO day by my own Umoui


In E to IE dayU curl cutting itretchI lug pain



or lois of tine Itli a lar IvullouI pernlnnnt

20cure AY

matter how chronIc orstandIng


retred In front 3 to 10slays by nay own Uabfinrptlve proceis

B OOD lladlcnl curoa In M to M daysI remove over veitlce of poi-son


noah IPOISON loutntlul of mercury or potash tLOSES Time of cure 10 to CO days

b my original veryremedy used izcluslrelT byRDKAlHo MEL

Dont Delay Como ToDay1 ua ctiargo for a ulkSot ciirrcuponilmce Come tq nis la theI have been oxIJluslVslV treating private and apoclal

of tUOII for 80 yearsQkcliiuca can devlno or buy II

lIeklLI lu my ofllce equipmentn lniantlv you skilfully-

and reatore ou to honhib Incat ttmo wit tIne lead medIcine d-

romCort expense PlctCbl Ito cure rtake If you cannot call write forhomo euro MMIclnesfurnlhea IDr L WILLIAMS a-

Co165 WutJ4thStN Y

IIlloun 8 AM to 8 PM Gundays M 1jI





no f I