i ccarty hurlburt - atlantic county library...trag}etly. their session fo r hearhtg argu-will he...


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Page 1: I cCarty Hurlburt - Atlantic County Library...trag}etly. Their session fo r hearhtg argu-will he hehl in public in the Sul)rem0 Corot room.. The duration of oi.al a!.gll-ment is liu~ted
Page 2: I cCarty Hurlburt - Atlantic County Library...trag}etly. Their session fo r hearhtg argu-will he hehl in public in the Sul)rem0 Corot room.. The duration of oi.al a!.gll-ment is liu~ted


¯ Da~td"Crau~t~ and ~Merte’k Bord, Wl~i16’a railroad : a

....£merican bonds at’o-in¯ " ....’. ’..Sine6 the’ arrest o~ "~filds- = -hui~E f0r¢ "thO~-~

’ officers have seized ̄110- - : platen for eom|terfcit

.. ’ I,rtsoucr~

:cA -’thehad been

dislike.to all Ira. ’ drowned in

When~ow ~electoral votes they Would not’ t!cones. ..... Mrs. Crouch woedd hero’.to lm sorted." and not to the president of the SenateHarLot~, N. Y., ~ho "" rests on the tbe power to coital the votes ̄ butch an oppo-baud, and suffered from great a maJorRy site doctrine wan held by many, ho thought a¯ birth to a child o trusted thait one man ? sompromise advisa~lel and the provisioas in

thisbill.wellexpress purpose,

it~..;..An avalanche of. down. c~ndidate, Is such a creature of sn creditCdntelmial more force or more trustworthy than the wi~ and gave it lfla ~m(-th0

and one man was domof the twohousea?" crated

river schom|er I cut down aud : nominou hadannk near New York. On5 of the crew was and ho asked pedafion of

ice, one which be saidaestiom If and

to $70 000".. ;... it did not did not ~ theConstitutiOn. which event if didn’t wunt :~aa it. To insist after a President

’ a A Presiden- were do n’t,b_but:I do" that .I

¯now, whero she a thehandsgf a di’d~’k Where were : you Monday . . .- bore, mad rb~ou&l’ .datlon of’assets,- The Was a tie eheaem To audall night? T~t:--Tli~-~ .

.,." 8evener the:ced Stoc-kho!ders., ..... establish- that fact nb The me the eouucil didn’t "meot tl~t ....

~.: but asserted .... __~ ’"

man’s ~ieuds these allege- , solution of "Couldn’t get a quorum , "if ’¯ llons.;...C~ief of the Lake ’" i . : , . " .question. The history had arrived. In you couldu’t, why didn’t you conm "~: 8hero road c~ ~ shooting; " .... ~enat~, ’, beans on 6ne side or It e~timating the danger he was not affected by home ? Out e-v-e-ry night---hunting~-~ AJ~xiety r~ardiug ths . . ~a.sto.r do- "rag com,~oi~mg zr.~c’romtr. ~ta~

andth any fear of civil war nor any.monaoo of wio- for~uol’um. ~et you wouldn’t hnnt/ence. But the evil of civil war was not gre~ter

I ranged lds ~mind and led him to mg~nemm- than the evil of yielding one Jot of lawful me this]at0 if.I was missing¯ .3~here’~elf the e~u~ of tbe brok0n bri go.. ,..’;The in tho t~nato ~lr. IMmasds (Pep.), df yer," revolution in Ecuador,: 8oUlh :/~ ~erici%’ ia re- montcmedo thc opeedhg speech on the bill for he would vote~for _ _ authority; .Nothing coedd be more injurious to were you Thursday night and Friday .

ported to have been put down by the ~athorir ogunttng the electoral .vote, or, an it. is nowadvantageous and within the Constitution. It the whole republic than that a man ah6uld b0 night ? - Tl3ere ~a8 a slmw: in town, "

’"" ties..:..’.Tho boathouse of Dartmouth. Col= known, the CompromisobilL The 8saeriesoI would be beneficial tothe people of. allthe put in th0 Presidential oflice whom at lcast one- wasn’t there? Do you always put oa¯ .lege navy, Hanover, N. H, wa~ destroyed by a the Senate chamber were crowded nd evcr~ States, including that grbat State whose intehest half of the American peopl0 would regard as a your best ve;t and a clean shirt to go to

r = hea~Tgale, together withits l~at~i, shells :and senator in Washington was pre~ent i~hissea~, and wheaohonorwaasodoarto him. Tho bill usurper..He could not conceive’ that themight be divided now, bnt time, at whose framers of the Constitution ever thought of the council ? What did you buy that

..~nlls. The lo~ is. estimated from $2,000 to The speech was listened to Mth strict attention, altar all passions and aU prejndicos mu~t yielding to the prl~sident of -the Senate the vast bottle of hair oil for and hide it

Page 3: I cCarty Hurlburt - Atlantic County Library...trag}etly. Their session fo r hearhtg argu-will he hehl in public in the Sul)rem0 Corot room.. The duration of oi.al a!.gll-ment is liu~ted

’~’’ ..... ’ * f " " ~ " "’ " ’ ’ : " ’ ~, . r" I~

s . " ( ~"; .i-2.!, ’ - ~ 4- # "

............. : -- ’ ...... -~’-T " ~ " ~:’-’"r~7 -’-2 .... ....... " ’, - - ..... "t, _.7____= .................... ’ ’ T-i- --. ..... - ~’ ¯ ; .I "

......................... - ’ . .2:t. .... ..: .......#,t,.-7. "’7 ,


"~’ ’.. . . ’ ..... " : - ’ - , " i" ~ ,. , . ’ .. . " ... ." ... . : ::.. :/..’." . ’."

.....----~’-:. ¯ ....’ ’,~- -" - = .:-_. 7~’Th,.two-Hotmes of Congrelfi~elcet~l; the

: .ii .= on. o ooe, to, the 1 17 :i I :; 7Congress, by almost a, Unanimous vote. ~ rklnR -@lass,~-we are"ow,rre-:. " ............. ¯ ~ ’Pe ~ens desiring to takn ~out Patenti, nr de- :

~i~.7~I all elaue~ with cooat~at employment TO ISAAC BARTO~ AND ff0HN’L. It0UQIt sirtng lnformlflo’n’fr( m" tlae U. S.Patent 0elee

. I~.- E.-l~o~.~.~ 3{~D~’- ’Tr ~’.Pro/," r. In tlie Supreme Cout% there Was Somethe whole er me time, or for their ~ me-’ _ By rlrtn, of an-order of the Court g~ Ch~; alaoald aoiaviit If, A~, IBEI~MANN-, Build.

delay- in gel~eting the fifth mQmbe/, OfBuslnc~m new;light and profitable. Pe’scni

0f either sex eadly carat from 5a ceua to I~ pereventng eet;y of New Jersey, made on the ’day of the to~af Amerl0aur,ind Forcigu Patents, Waehtog’" ..........7:S.KTiJRDAY~ 7FEBRI-7-,kii&" -3; hqg7.~-- -~f~j~ Wile~i to t~e coach, i As Judge Davis , .lind a pr~poi-tional nun hyd0votlng thdrwhols time to dale hereof, in a cause .berlin William Gum. tone D. {~’ l~xal~lnat|nns free. NO, ’PAT]~I~ ’

the business. Boye and girls e~rn neR-ly M much~ more et nl are oompleiaantsi ant. you Slid oth,: -~-AMMON,pOI~ ~ &’PLAN~IC CO.,II~.-.I. theclmiceofDemocmey, dcclined to serve, men. Thatal|~heoeothlanotlcemay~eud era arc defendants, you"a~’]equ[red teal ~e~" ~IOPAY. Se’nd f0r C;roular.

havingthcleast bit of compunction of con- drc~, und test the buflnem, We make this u~ .....efler:Tosuchasarenotwclleatl~fledwewlll andplead, demth’-or’/ineWet to theeoml~ Sin. ~ .... ";"- -- .........

~he Compronfise B-ilL./ eoienee about-setTing, on account of his , for the trouble of writing. ~Full l~.rtieu o aries bl]l, on or before the ~W] ~NTY-TE :Kb ~@alll~fril Co~aseroml dollars to eommenco’wo,’k DAY OF MARCH next, or the enid lilll wil/.

¯ :, ’:. ~. L ’lnnis bP, I passmt the II~,t~.~o ou Friday;

.i."_ ~" .. flee any after it p.~..u..d the Senate,-’tho

.... : &ember, Pavue; who’had charge ,ff it, al-

.......... :-.-----7-7 f.i~a~a a~q/T/~iff¢ The vote stood

-i--.. ......." "-’- voted Dr, a,d $6 agaiust’- --it, aud only 1." ’

¶ ~ the entire Democratic dele~at loft voted for

". ........ 2I~_is,_i~_fl~_mind_fff_~Ltruc p;ttriot; tltq:; .. " .. strongest re:km,u for believin~ it to be a

~ . puhlieans of 6~i:t llouses have been nice-

ly caught. Aud thesycophantic utte~.’an,

eel of such men as tlill. !.drear, dud oth-

¯ ere; is only the language of ine’n Who see._. .. ,’rod know they h~/ve gained an :utvant:k::e

~’ ’ ..... and mit the l:tttgmagC ol’ honesty. ~Ve: 7~ ’ ’ wouhl as soon look for bread ill a stone,

’ ’ . or blood in a tttrnip :is to tii01c f6r patrio-

: tism hi such men. And theywould nev-

’<- ’ ’ er have advocated the bill’if t.lrey had 1rot

’ ’,. seen a l)rob.~bilily ’ff ge~tin:~, a D.mmcraL2

; . . f~-Pre~ddent

": h,’m become a law. and we must submit.to~.. - :: ., .... ~ ................. .

. -it, even thguvh T’klcn be oar n~xt Prcsi-

; ¯ ¯ : ¯ den~: Ir he is the liCXt .Presidelit, tllose

.. Repub!icans in Con

~- it, Who have backed them iu their efforts

.... " to make him sn, wiil repent it ; unt]. if

they were the italy m~cs t,) s’dtl’er, we

. " shoald rejoice at.’ it. But the.v,:liole emln-¯

try will be the sttfl’ercr, extuq,t rebchlotn.

Titey will rejoice, for. they will gain what

_they lost in_the_~var of_:rcbellion, dud_ ~.

,L Tildgu .will be theAas~ Pr~idcut of:

these Utlited States.’ .~k LETTER FltOM (IlCN. DIX a~F’r}:It TIIE

¯ " ¯ " " VOTE IN ’rli}.; ~’PI’I-:It(.’IIAMI~I:II.

Senator 3Iorton received alargenumber

¯ i - of letters thanking him for his Opposition

" " ¯ to the Compr0mis~ b[fl’, atm,ngs~ ti~ese-;o thr/ ¢,dl( wiBo" fr,,m Gener’d Dix :

¯ N~:W YolIg,. Jan. 2..-,, 1877.¯

DEAR SIIt : ~Vc have jnst ImaM of t~:evote in the Senate on’the extra constiLu-tion.~l Scheme of the joint committee of

: .:-: .... ;. -:Congress to decide who shouhl be t lie: : President of tile United States for the next" " " four years. A.H a citizenof New~(ork,

liasten at the’lit’st ntoment after hearingof tile sUrre.der 01: tile l~el)u~liean i)ar~y,

: ¯ to thank you and Senator Shertnath lindthose who actedwith ymti l’,lr y0ur~gallantdefcuce of the Constituli,m,- In such acontesl: defeat .is a victory for ’the. wui-

" ¯ . quished, Wh6se cohrse time soon_ viudi-: - c~tes. YOU are to b0 Congratnl’tted for

standing on the same platfornt with 3Iadi,

’’ ’.. son, .Pjnckney, Kent, Story, and tile oth-eigreat expotnnlers of. our funlhtmentallaw, w.lhlo ymu’ opl,mmnth are (st a l)lab-

¯ form co,strueted by thetnseh’cs on at form’" .’. thtion they have laid outside of the Cot,-

stitution, ht their fltttl/’econlliet the Re2

publieatt party will know where to lookfor the’leaders who do not quail in timtime of trial."

¯ ’ " Very truly yours, ,loii~ A l)l.X.

¯ ̄ The following was. writtcu on a slipin¯ Genera! Dix’~ writing :

¯ ’ Wall street l:eseunds w’ith shouts fin’the Tilden vict(.ry ia the United ~tales~nato.

A eorreslmlalent of the Now Yorlc Times

. Joseph L. Tol,h:un , el’ Canlden, shows by

: population, 1 to 6, tlutl; thepositiv~ fraud-ulent voles at the last election was over

1,000,C0(l’in nulnber. The iutinfi,ht’.e,l

neguthe fratlthtlent v.tes mlppressedamounts to over :;(1O~()Oil number. , l itLotiisialta, tile vt)tm Its gi4(m by the lle-

.turlting Lloard is nearly correcl, while tim~,’otn I}y. l)elnoeralic emntt Rives IS,UUll

InOl’t~ vot0s thau there Is hi tim stale.

..... ~t!llt .C!tyglinIt, given by the lletUrlthtg Ihmrd n.t f;tl’

baLol’ttte Way. I n eigli(, Sis.Los, htl I,,cattm

. over B~lt~t~lJll iramhlitqtt’¢olt~s i --N. ~t’tlt’it,

’. ]’~ew ,lerslLy , (;onnpel.leut, Ohig, Indian;t,

~laryhunl, New ll;uitlmhh’t,, an,I West

Vh’glllla. Tim trite vole of hldiatt~t hi

0 28(I,li{}(I, yet, st the last ele,;tion Mm cast

4ill,bll(I vetcH- The oLlter Madras u}mW

¢larg~ fraudtth.tlt v.ie8, lit NI;;’,’ Yol’lt

~tato I,ht’l’e WItS I;VCr lll}Ol00(l ft’audul,’al,

volt’,, ~ hi Nmv ,hu’st~y, over ~’l},uu{I. ~ix

bY thlmo states he ehdtns Wel’e t:artiMI f.r

; ’rlhluu by hllt~e fraud% and two w,,re

c:u’tied flu’ I laylm in ~ldto of’fraud, and

that lhty.s & Whludur were thq’r~hld,,d ~1’

Tile ~Latn~ t;f (~tluu,lctilBl|,~ ~t!*’V ~’(,l’l{~

lndhtna, N~,v ,Inra.y aim Maryht.ll.

Baplalnn Ihe I{l$1}uldie,ul ,’,utt[id;th~ fi,’

l’rtmid.nt, t h*v. J htyt% had lu.t,j, u]latmL

dirvrtly ,"uIRht ht Ihu itett J’ I I)’lll~, |,)Imv.

¢!t:t.t~ It [h,lllO, T,ttltl t!]t!vl,trar ’¢oh,~ the,

pl’(mfreMhl V ilpiHi In,~lley flll’llihllttl[ ]~)’t

,~,jh[~ tW,’ll In’l~ho’,’¢ , liVhll ~, ttltdvt’ ilia Iiwtt

rout I q)lllt OI’ IWl! things wmihl vt, rl,lhd),

h:tve h;tlq.’a*’d +l’ht, I)t,nl.,’lal:t wmdd

e[thet’ h:tvn [lldllthul h[lu ;is tlltWlll’[ Ill’ Ihtl

ctlillhlenett td’ a y ’,’:t I" °Id", ,,r Ih,, ]h.

pultltc:UlS wutthl It;tv~ l’,ut’vd hittt I,~ itq irn

froln thn Ih,hl a~ a di.,,r,t ,, ht th,.;v l,a~l).

a.n,I lheJt’e.nllHI)’. Y,t lhi~ vvly Ihlng

II;tS hal,le,llt’tl ill , ,,:lllet’li~,l ;:Jill Ih~ id.llt-

tl.trtl ;n’al~q’td’ 1 h,," O,’lUVy, ;lint IIHI It v, Iiitl

hall I,relt Ilv.tld t’,-Itl lira l}’lll ~’1.11,)’ t IIIeOll.lllll i~1’ tlqld~ ii.llltll.dl. I~11111.. :’t’v;ll

t~r I’r,uttl |n} )t) [I ,1~’%11 I"IH , I ll *’ t,l llHl~t’l"tllt’y t’hug tt~ IiInl. ~,~ Illlhh l.t the ’qn.

~flty of D~tnucraey.

haviug beau receutly eleeted Uuited States

SenatoE Jitstioe Bra01ey was made the

tiftli Of the SuTueSday: "’l’h’6" "(~(;hiiiifS§i~*h" consists

live from the IIouso, dud fivo from the

munds, Fr~linghuysen, M0rtou, Republi-

da.m~4~k~d.Bayar(f , -Democrats,

)resontati~ Iioar a’nd Garfl_e3d,_Ilo~

publicans ; Payne,- Abbott, and Ilunton,

Democrais. Tlie judges ~ are, Clifl’ord,

Field,. Strofig, 5filler aud Bradley.Judge Clifford baying heht his Commis-

sion-as Judge

dent of the Commission i aceordiug to tl!o.requirent~ut of the electoral bill. Tho

following gentlemen are the !ear!ted lcgal

counsel for this tribunal:--Hon. "W.M.

Evarts aIId "E. 1,V: Stought’0n of :Now

York, and ,}’udge Stanley M~tthews and

S. S. She!labarger of Olfio, as eouusel b~i

Black of Pemtsylvauia, cx-Sena~ors

Matt. H. Carpenter of Wisconsin, Lymau

T.rumbttll of Illinois; and Judge Ashbey

it is a strong(cast for a fitrcel for farce it

is, bu~ a farce that may be turnett to a

trag}etly. Their session fo r hearhtg argu-

will he hehl in public in the Sul)rem0

Corot room.. The duration of oi.al a!.gll-

ment is liu~ted to two hmtrs to each sideol@ctit,n~, aml fotnqmurs fin’-c:~liMde_

on the nlain 1)oint at issue in each case,

Tile limitatiou as to the number of comt-

sel who will be recognized asaeondueti.ng a

case is two for each side. All the limita-

tiou.~ stay, however, 1)e enlarged ill the

discretion 0f the cmnmission when0ver a

maiority deem the point il~ coutroversy bf

, of nomc and Piredde, ou~ bn faken ae oaufessed against you, ¯tinted Publ cat OIlO,’al oout free h ~0~,1reader, If you wuetl~crmanent, proatahl~,ork, address. ~ho sMd bill is fllsd

~dr.o~o¢~’rtI¢~ct¢ ~ (J~.FPbl’tlkh~l~’Mid~. "’ ~ : ~ L ¯" " -- Sam-" ~ ................. t~ oomplaiuaut~, on

e. 6, ~.D. 1872~rythe other dated

TO -ISAAC BART~you bold an encumbrance on said .lands, and

By Wirtuu ef:au order.ef the Court of Chau-you Isaac Barton arn made a d6fendaut beeausc

ccry of Now Jersey, madoon th~day of the said end theblll pra~S_a:,late hereof, ia.~ause~-~herein Willi aug deficiencymere, ct sl are complai~ahts and d_oth~ers ar~l’~f’ffffd~y0u are required to appear debt. ’and plead, demui" or anewcr to the complain= ~ated Jan. 22e 1877.

v ,

ent’s bill, on nr before the TWENTY-THIRD ¯ BAitKER O UMM]]RE;DAY OF blAROII next, or thd. ~aid. bill will ¯ " Solicitor ef tJomplt’s.be taken as confemoff agalns’t you.

. Nn. 45 E. State Street~ Trenton, ~. J.Snld bill ie filed to tureelose twn mortgages /Printer’s ~ec $7,20 " ’ "toSamnel Bar-

to eompla{uan(s, on l~nde in"-~ . NO, 7,Egg llarbor township, Atlantic C0nnty, New

Jersey. one dated June 6th, A. D. 1872, the In ~hance’~ of J~’ewJers[n2jother dated September I, A. D. 1873 ; and yeaJ,,hn IL. IIough arc made a defendant because TO ISAAC BARTON. AND JOH.N L. HOuOH

y~u hold nn enqumbrhuco on sald lands ; and By virt~s of an ordor of the Court of "Chan.you Isaac Barton are made a defendant because ccry of Now Jersey, made on the day of theyou own eaid lauds, and the bill prays a decree date hereof, in a cause wherein Wilham Gum-against you for any deficiency thorn may be of mornet M’are. compainants~ and you and oth,

tu pay tt

" _ plead, demur or answer to the oomplainautsltARK-ER 0UMMERE, - bill, ou or before the TWENTY-THIKD DAySolieilorof C6mplainants.’ OF MARCH next,-or the saia bill will be

:N0; 45 E. 8tare Street, taken as confessed.against you,Trenton, ’ The said bill is filed to foreclose a mortgaga

PrintEr’s Feu $7.20 given by*Isaac barton and wife to Samud

N,,. 2 Barton, aud assig~EdT~eofiali alan lg~Kffd~-

In Chancery of New Jersey. ;iu r~IIarbor townshi p, Atlantic eouuty, NewJursoy, dated At~gust 1, 1873 ; aed you J0heL. Ilough are mado a defendant bceause youTO I3AAC BAI{TON. IIANNAI[ IRELAIh’D hold an encumbrance on said lands, dud youAND JOIIN L. IIOUGII’~Isaac B~rton are madu a defendant becaueo

By virlue of a~ o-rd~r of the Court of Chnu- you nwu ~aid lauds, uud the bill prays a denre~rery of NeW Jersey: made ’,n the day of the againet yeu for any. deficiency there may be efelate hereof, in a cause whoreiu’ William Gum- the pr(,,’.eeds of the ealo uf said lands to .paymere et al are complainants,add you and oth- the mortgage debt. "

ere ~re defendiuiig/yo~ffrY~’iJiluiFed t~/tp~p~itr, Dated Jan. 22~1-,q’7~. - -plead, demur or anewrr’to the cotn~)lainaut’s . " IIARKER (tUMMERE,billi’(m or haleru the TWEN*TY-TIIItlD DAY , Solicitor of CempWs.OF MAltCll next, or the eaid bill bE taken as No. 45 E. State St., Trenton, N,eo,ifeeeed against you. . = - *Prlnter~8 Fee $7.20

T?.c said bill is filed to to.recluse a raortgag,,given by Isaac Bart0n an,t wife t,, 8am.el Bar- Shori/l"s Salo. ’t~)n un~l usdgned.to enmplainants; ou lands in - " ’E,_,,, llarlmr t~Wnshii,. Atlantic Cnuntv New ! lie virttm uf u ¯writ 6f’fleri 5trial, to mc di-

’.ler~ev, dated Jan. 16, 187z; a~adyou II,~nnala reet~d, ie~uedout nf theeourt-of-ehat ary-ofIrehtud and.Juhn~L~llough-are-ma,te defcntl- I Notv Jerse2~wit~ uldln Ve ~ [!Le~ A~_

-y-r~ ~’ffu-tS--h~,,,Ycn-gS~F~ -~aturday, Fi~bruar¥ i7th. 1877,on .~ai,l heeds; nn!! yea reade Barton are ma,le AT TW0 O’CLOCK IN TIlE AFTERN.OONa d’efand.nt beeau,,o y.u own suid lands, and of said day, at tlin hotelof Louis Kuehnle, Eggthe bill prays a decree ag.:nst you for any do- Harbor city, N. J., al.i the follow;ng describe,|ficiency there may bn of llio l, roeeeds of ~aid promiae~ situate tn the villugo of Elw0od, andlands io pay the mortgaze debt. follow~ : . . "

Dalai dan’uary 22, IS77~ . Beginninff at a st~.k0-~-~’nding iu the south-" ’ BARKEi~ GUMMERE, sidoo! Pleasant Mills road and near

¯ 5ulicitor of Complt’s the eornor of the garden of uee Sherry~Lhen’ . No 45 E: state stce0t? Trenton* N.J. fi¥o rods in a ~uuthoa~turiy direction to a otake

Prbiter’~ Fee $72.0 ’ " and carthcrn-, tuba ; thence northerly and par-’.~..w~..:~--N~: Z 7 -*" .- "tulle[ wlth the line:of P[casaut-Mills road eixht

In Chancery of New Jersoy. ro,lsuod uightfeet toastakeandcorner; thenoenurthwesterly tfi a crake standing In rite soutli-

TOISAAC BAIt’£0N. ANDoOI1N L. IlOUGII ea.terty llnu of add Pleasmtt Mills road, and

Byvlrtue,ff an 0rd’0r,?f thu Churl t,fCllati- tlver.d~fromthelaslmcnlloeedeorner theneu

,:ere of Sew Jur~ey; tin,do on Om ,lay of the in a eouthw~tcriy direction along said lieu .of

dat~ here,#’, iua e:tu’~o ~aher~in William Gum. eai,l l’leas~t ~,[itls road nin/~ rods a!td twelve

mere et al ere e,Jmpl!timtol~, and yoti and .th leer to the begineing; eaotaitiiug filly rods of

or8 ure defendant,~: v,lu are required toappear land0 b0 lho }aulo sere or e.~s ....

and filead, demur r)r anewer ro th. t:’omphtin. SeiT.td as the property of Alvin It. Wilson,

ant’~ bill,.rt ,,r h.l,m~ th~ TWENTY.’rlIIRD ot ux defts.,taken lueseeutioa’at the suit ef

DAY OF MARCII next or tbe said bill will Elia~ Wright, eemplt., aud I~ ha e.14 by

be tel(an aa ennfes.~ed ttgainst you, " S.V. ADAMS,/Sherlff.The’~aid bill is filed to l’~reeh~n two t~br tgaee~

mud’s by l~aae Ilarton and wife to Samuel Bar. Baled Dee. 12. 1876.

Ins, altti al~.:{gnloll t’l Cl nlduiatmts, ou [aqd~ in J. ~E. 1L AlmeTr, SoUr. "

Sheri~s Sale.i]ly. virlunof awrit of fled facial, lome all-

reeled, [seaed enlt of the Court of Chancery of ]New Jersey, will ba suld at l’ubllc Venthle, ou [NItturdlty, IFebriIllry 17tho is77,I~AT TWO O’CLOCK IN TIlE AFTEIlNOON’ ["nfvahl day, althohotelofLuute Kadmlo, eggII~,rh.r City, N. J.. all thut certain

ill Iho t.wnshtp u| .Mulliea, in the emlUlyol Atlantio on,l ~tate of New ,h,.’suy, atttl wkichea *1 ir t’t ia h ~sndml und d.serihe,l u~ f.ll,,tre :

llegilUlillg 0t a elnne lU Ihe nllddlu of ~lOSlMill r.u,I, t,elng¯4 .tlhains a,M 2"/ huks lroln ast,me sla,.Itug ta’ .aid rt,a<l lu de. lithe .f Jus.Mil%r’a 433 acres b,,ught of William /4nmlgraes,hy d.ed ,luted August 17th I,~lll: thence run-ning t~,,nth -I1} ° and 45’ wnet and I,a-allol whh

Teet’~.a ~.Sr--proaloa



I cCarty Hurlburt(Saee~n t~ BUTLER, ~’CARTY & CO.)

S .Whol~alo Agonls for.t]~e :Waltbaui, Elginpr, ngmemt r~ ateh Compames. ’ ....Manuf~tttrem of Gold~.:,and Sliver Watch ~ael

~llv~rwal~, &c.. ’ - ’ ¯ " .


Watches, JewelrT,.8il or & Plated :Waro, =-

Agents for :the Howard Watch CO..... = ..... :-/---z~---- : "

Marks &B ttg0sltogcrs ~k; lq;ro. Celeb~a-

-_¯ t;[ i - - SLed -~V-at-e~--*. -.

No. 2~4. North Neeond ~treet. "

¯., P|ilihADEZli~I~I: " ..: ....

CatharticFor all th~ Intrpo~na nt" tt l,’amtlY~Pl~v~ie,and for (~tlrlltg~ ~t~ytllV(.qlofl&l, ,~ttflllqlU~lndlgosti,ln, 1,’utt[. Utt,ltmclt, iJroath,}lnad:t~ltl I, 1"d’V q~OI In, ]Lt Ctlll’~;t|.i;ID.3,.~rtlllt,llllt:t ;llltl ,:kilt Ill:it’;l¯." . ]111.liOUell(’!~:!l I)l’()p~y~ ~V !,11’1I’¯’ V, ~., ii1.~10~OH I’al|¢llt~ lie it t ~i!l lll:r l’lll,

for Mttri;yttl~/ thin l.lloo~,

.’~I’t’ II0’ tlltlst, I’lL

tb,’llt’,’ all’l t’l~ll~ll-

" ni:d I ,i’,, iv,.,,v,.t: ,ii,.c,~v,’:’~’d. Tht’r

( Jr,’ ll,ild, hut.,’i’-, lbclllal [11 llwlr

I~ 0’l’.lli,)n. IIIliViHt’I}l’ I’’’v. ’1"~ M r,,haim tt’ilh,,,t l,aimAhh,,H,;h ~t’lll leia lhrh’ ol,’rat b,:l,Ih,’)’ at,, :dill Ih,’

’ m(,-I IJ,,,r, Jugh anll" L se:ll’,’hltl!.’ t,ltlh;ir-

lh’ nl(,ll i,it~,, I]l;l~ iqlll be, ell) ,]t~x,.,I : t,h*:lt)’~°

|lV’ lh,’ ~l~mt’.tt’h :tn I I ,we ~ a’ ,I t.Vt’lt theId.tsl. hi ~lnall ,I,, ~,~ td tm,, lull It day,h,’Y ~limnl,th’ IIw ,ti;!~’: ll~t’ l~t’~altS ;tirol

,l’ttlnttle *"[’: ’ ,’ lie’J~YEIt’:~ I’lll.’~ [I.I’~P 1,Pl’ll I~.IU,Wll I~a¯

01’0 |ll:tfl II I U WI,’I’ Id’ U I’rllllW.~ . lllld ]l;k~t’oItt1}int’d a w,u.hl-wi,h, p,, ,lllath.u t~)l. Iht.ir

Vh’IIWS, ’I’Iwv Iol’l’,’cl tll~,’a-’,t Ilvlloll ilt

Ihn v,,~,’r,d ":,:-imil.,llt,’ ,.~..,h. ,d’ llto

h,,l)’, tm.I :tr.. ,,, ,’,,ml,,,.,’,l IlhI ol,sh’lw

~i, ms wi~hi. Ih,.i,’ r..,,,- ,~,:~ ran.Iv, wilh-

vltnHI ,}r vv.ad,, I)wn,. N-I t,.lv ,It, the,)",.~ ’e lh,, ett’rt-d;~t" ,’-m ,Intuit, ~,1’ t,vt,r).|anly, h.I .1".’ I;.’Jui,lahh’ .n,l d:,u~9’rottsdt,,’am’~lh,ti hat,, I,.dlh,I Ih,’ l.’.t tffhum;ut ~!,ill, ~’~hil,’lh,’y u,.m,,’ naw,r

fill vll~.cl , lh,,t’ ;H’v, al Ih,, ~.m., I m~’, I letI, li,.t nl,,I i,,"q t,h~ .l.’ I;x ,’hil,h’eu, Ih’Ihei" ¢l.’r,HI d,qi,,I, II/,i ~i~,t mm’h h@lhaa dry ~,,mm,H, imr,.,’,dl~., an,l nt.’¢vr|,irtt ~lth~ oh,,. Ih,, ),,r,t’b, a~,’ .,,I i.lhmwd.’L’ht7 t’,’;.’ ~ th,. Vh,t[ IbLIhll, i,~-,, Ihe I,l,..I.ItlUl t~tr,’l~ ’~lp’l~ II,~.,trh’m I,~ h,,’i;q~ [I

|rtt|tt tlw ,’~, ~ B~:. t~|’ t~t’;tl, t,,’ a.All ,,,h.,I t,, al} a!’,’ itl’*l * ,,rM[Ihlllu in

Idl t,lite:.h ..... ’,,,~.fi,~.,’ ~,i,l,,, ,’:th,ute!lit,Willie 4it’h’l*’Ii"ll ~!111". II, ~’ i 111,’4 lllay

Itli~[ II1;I},"" 111"II, I’h,r;’IIt lu I.tLt:; ~lt[l~

l’tlglL IlL-it u .’ m :,iLl q,, int~l).

Dr, J.C t~YEil &. C0, t(iw,./I, Mass.,ilI~’ltt,~,l ILIIll ~ll:ltrllflll ~ Ii. illIMtl.

Ill’ AI.h l)![’, t¯t,t:.l:. 1.~ li"~W~J~

.... 2"" "


.... ¢ " . ........... 7---- "

| "It -’-- -- -


/I ! *

-= ...... _._ :. -: ................................... L- ....................I .....

_ I. .... :-T’l+tg: ITtgM;-: -:

by making the town pay far them twice; Money credi-

ted to the Clerk, u ~h I~ld to ~rt~s~r, h~)t notehargod to hlm;-RIlewtng the collator a cenh balanceofa eorlalu amouut anti tramed|ately eharglng him ~riththe came, come less than crodlted ; and come other er-

¯ Y--have nn~utlmt~l’" ~ ft eU g~ tn’.B1i6~ =’t~ "t}’t g

and sho’wn In uextt?

qulioo the-report to glYe an y dollar thetany purlmeO


Tile ~’ol lo’e’hlof th0"permanent Ft)lr Buildiug~ on thu grounds uf

tho At~ocietion :Pre’douely reported, glO0

IL E. Bowles, ~I. D. $,5 A.J. Ktng,. $10A.S. 0ay, . 5 IL G. Newton, 5

.Joe. Coder, 5 D.C. lterbert~ 5

-L. Yd. Parkhurst, 5 Chas. E. ydall~ 5J.L.Trowbridge~/ft. D. 5 H.A. Tremper, 5Win. D. Frost, 5 F.P. C~|e.. 5

’~’(In. J. Snltth, 5 O.P. Hill, fiG.B. fitewart, 5 - .Ell,Stoekwelt, 5

~lan~ Ytockwell, 5 - Jolla~l Wood, fiJas. w. )1orao, 5

I~inutes of a NIoBtin’,o’


]’er~uant to notices few frl.ends of the cause of tem-perance met in.WMter’s l{M1. on ~Vodeesda.y atlernoon,

1865 J& J .................... 110~/~1S67 .............. ;......; ...... 113~-

" " 1868 ............................ 116" 10-40’,I ...................... : ......" Curreucy. 6’o ............................

5’s 1881, nOW ....................... ......"

la It. :

It. R;;..:......L;..;.L.;.7..gallon Ce ..........

P[tteburg, Titusvillo & l]laffalo ~.. ~. .... -’7Phll~ulelphta and Erie It. It ........... a .... laNorthern Central It.

Gold .................................................

Photograph Callerv ....... :-.AND



to the tlammoaton 11ous6.

DR. G. F. JAHNCKElancing permanen’tly loealed in Ilammontonoffers his prefessional services to all who maycall On him..Persons nt a distance applying -for medical treatment will reeolve prompt atten-tion. Most careful and purtieallar enentior,given to ull tli~esee: uf women and ehildren.

Olfieo at his resideno corner of Vine..qtroetRed Ceutral Av~uue, opt!osiiu Uniou llall.

{O,’rzc~ II°unsr~’°’t8:°l~A"M’l,u:o~e4 to P.M. . ’



Gardening for ProfiLXfy0t~wish to becom~a Com.merclal Florlst~


Practical ~10zfoulturo !

If you wl.ah tn G~rd~u for lhmm use bury, rea,]

-Gardening for Pleasure!

Price $1.50 each. post-paid, by mail

f(~rour C&TALOGUECombined 1677.




. g . . . .taken Ih/~ rooms over the llleehsznith Shop, an6iS_l ~xe.~: red to furnish, coffins wi th Plates, Hand-les and Shtoade, larz6 nnG1 small, neatly trim-


............ ¯ .................. 7 ............ -w

Page 4: I cCarty Hurlburt - Atlantic County Library...trag}etly. Their session fo r hearhtg argu-will he hehl in public in the Sul)rem0 Corot room.. The duration of oi.al a!.gll-ment is liu~ted




,. . i


’ ’ " -’- --i u..w ....... ¯ I b.t.no Ven ty_ is ,ie a .pen. . .... .... " ..... The’D or ihe r+-r. . - ¯ ao.d Uan.++ or tho’ .. "¯ . . ¯ . ltuem. ’xaere .is. an .aouuu., ¯ ,. - ........ ~ . The year of our Lord 1876 will t~ r . ll~the’. ~o~ ~’~t+~i~’’;+~l~.’ wi,

do-- " watsi ~ en the eas~ SlCLe oI T.IIO vails )-a . ’ - - ¯ ¯¯ .. "lPhe l+eller Settlement In the Island of +~Iolo- [. r e wa-- i e furuishin- a ml--1- Yfor ~’ ’: ’ be remembered for the deaths ol~i F ] t e eye e the E~opeat ~mlyeler.z ~o,e

¯nnd +iltartllnls .,.llghtn Among la g T~r p p g PF .yi. Ten liJedonds of DonblC lln +lille of Allooy~A men ahd w6men ,+l,~,a, .... rr’~ ,h ¯ c ful res eo.lorcd dcu~ /limmer~ ring¯ ’ " " tad--Striinlie . ¯ . ¯ . . _ . .... ~ ~.~ ~. ’ ~ ~

. . lile+Banllhed Unfortunat ............ [ the hospital and $’or other, pLl~o~es~.i~’l]e.,. Fn£mel" on.d, lz~ .VV..lfe D.e.~ribe their 8on the twelve months ̄ Of preaehe~, mid~ zc~Alpt.~ e-stiffs. ’But ibis bnly in.t ran.

- ’~ - ........... din t valley 18 el volcanic orlgnt.- t3ne o1+ trio, I + Intunull in- ins ~nltJn/z-~n o ¯ .... ri~sts.~a~.L~ . -vo ,¯ . ~ . ~ tat nat,~ re hangs these beautiful tokens.

The most starflmg a~d e.xtraor .axy . ¯ " " ¯ - " miMi ..... ’¯ p tJ lmalsA~kinelunnd’l’a.rnoc~l, a onlyin heglowof h~tl!~ll~-.~oimnlight ..-

...... c m u "t on the f me of tlns earth m to [ extme.t craters ~s a bou~ a lnflfn If every., mdlwdual who went do~’n theRev Henry Boehm ewho had ’lived r immr 1 ~iug--~st’nature /ov~aliTthoso ’0 mm~y ¯ ’ ¯ . ¯ ¯ . ¯

t ..... i~ ¢~.a.~. +,.¯. -~l~a ~¢ x¢,qokai one of ttiaaneter, age ~ou lee~ tteel)¯ "l.ne zmu- t with the ill fated mlh’oad txmn at ;Ashhl<: anti done r,o~] w~,-tes t’a~. ,..mix, vv~, tlie i, ,1 dond banner~, th0 "rosy cheek" and!: ¯ . .W "’~"~,,"". 7"~- ~-:%m~’ris~n- th~ Stud- i dld of the eimter is a bsautiful little lake, ] bula mid Li~-ed through the experience Bey Dr Busl"-m¯ell’-Pre’te’st"an~’t E-v~d’co:al ’ ylip%’ to~)rsisewhich evdry poetof the:~ . .+ ale small iSUUlll8 Guln~x~ H ’ ’ " ¯ ’ ’a e o ’ ~ i- ~-..... .ich-ishm~ ~o,lp,~Tho-~mmnmty-~ l e~ne~e~.(L~7<~)l~’~-~lTl~$e~-~at~L!-~7o~ ~.¢l’er~-.~i’t%uphis{-~l!~t~°~] Bishop_Johns,-=th~_Rev,. Dr.= Spnig~e, ’ ha.- ~okod the ,mu~ t.O.~d him,

.+ -, ~---- - " - composed of the lepers found amongst let1 zo t)o ¯ , , ..... , ~. ’ .. I auventures none we u ’p ay a , - I the Rev. George Peck, President Stearns )t cd~eY Chri~tianare -a-s "rare--as=the~ynical Hood--S-charity to be. Woman,~" ’ : ’ the inhabitants of the other islands and J taro or tt~ree mnus o!, nsi~.~ x’ne natives j ne~s a~nd heroimn desc~.*ibed ,by Jolnmon ot ~ Amherst Co~ege, Bishop lanes of’the t ~lretain this charm, resorts to Frtmoh art "

¯ " " ’ "’ " " law" to" resme ...." on--- ~oL’’m~ ~uaai. :-tiay. tim lake is um,mm’uame,, ; ¯ amt ~a~ I .B. Oruurn anu nis °$~le, _wn° ~’ere 0n , .~M’etboditd;. ._ ~.l~,~’Sco,... )d~ church,, ..and t~.0 t~ tge. The effect is similar to thatwhich -............ ~ ................... "~.~e~t’~Y~;>:::~:::z¯~v~hiT’v]h]t’7~ii~6~{"iViu fed’ffom%he’gen.~ Glm~eing at. the~ th~ii~-WaVtS~tha ~Sagziii~-W Vall~y.~ ~B6tli-[-l~v--Dr==i~1~{r~’.~:~-a~ndn~; ih~ ~mt’x~. ( ~6~pr°dne~b~"fili~ffthtYn’g"ifti0~Jb~de~’~¢’’" ........: = " -. . - ...... Mx’~emanyzo~:~!]gm’r,~v ~ " ............. "-¯ = -" "tb| ’ " ....... ’ ......... ’:" ’ ’ " " " ’ ¢-" ’~ "= - : " " i,~ t~ ---: ¢-’~.-~o haveanm%or ]valley as n whole, l. lS most admm Y are pas~ forty mid ~Ii:. Orburn ¯1s an+wile have flied A:mon, notable ~tates a r thodelieate 61owing-ol0ud b~ine-rs])f ......

......... iv .a~J .~ ..... z’z " , ¯ . ¯ - ¯ " , ¯ . ¯ . , j ’ .. : ¯ . o ¯ . ¯" z m. If woman would :o~y_qidj~...[vdrg".~-~.~.~.., .....’~%~. ...... ; ......... -.~‘i~ity~t6vigit.thWMp~s~ettl~e~t~..-~£h~‘!~tt~f~r~]Ie~pj.~rpo~t~ h lt.-~l’.s;al~-Oh~o-:-f~vmer,~’-wh,--lat~ty--p)~re!~a~h" .:m~,~tml-~.u~gt.¢-thcdr~flur:we-~-eetrrded :, r~aa@-ii~g’:’Krt,’~6"fiZa s.e~fheiilth.ln-¯ ’ _ " " government i~ very strictin granfingJ lot~ed, xneclimam-m-geutal, ¯mt.a lv-a~[zarm x n-~uaw county;: -As-~e ~ram I bf Francis-Deaik; Beverd~" Johnson, stead of vaml.v trying to ,mask ~dimml~, ~tio

.- ¯ ~.~;.~i .... d but few out~ide-uromi- I times warm m summer, ~.:s n,gnm are I pulle~ oU~ ,rein ashmoula me firmer s Pre~ert~ of Lil0"eria - hid_ w~~Me.~o .~a.~v of .-Justice Oiluin of Delavare: ex-Governor~.. . / .. .,+.. ju

i+ " i Wise of Virginia, togetller :with ,those of much misery both Imill her,ell mid others. "phrl.Picroe’s’Favorite Prem,+ripflon hu received’...’, " + Speaker 1ff.idla~l Kerr, H. 1:1".. Stark- e highest pratm~ from thomtnd~ of pale, .

wt~rther, Trustee Polk, H. G:. Blake, delicate, snffeihlg women, One bottle often¯ ’ .’ . John A. 8le, aring, Allen T: Caper~l, affords more relief than’ monthaof, treatment " ,

- - ~ -i~,-I~u-ff-tlv~-~hnnu~lh~h~ some eighty ~ Tneynave mezr ag~e(t teat 5ne ol the wheels tmaer his Francis P Blair Sr and James W Nve .liy_catmt~aud.0ther medi0anei~;, J~t is.harmless ’.’ " m0es wide The first uoint reached is J tKS-y-t~lp tire light--rear,stile, both~.!~ t~r=ha d becom-e-detazheq~Tas-the-c~rngr All~if~h~s~l-b~w~-, ~b~

~n__di~t0n~g_t~yatem,_~udLits~me___often render, the modest inviqid except from :

: ’ " . . ’ -R’nlm,nfm~ i.l~, lanflin~--for the loners native’and Enrope4m sLym. ’~nere are zz7 t of the (~r seemed to settle down a little, of the United ~tates Cam~zress Turkey that most~trying of orde~ls.--~ per~onhl con-

causes and ~dmptoms of thehaanydisoa~es to

~! ....."

.which hat’. peculiar+, organization.crenderh her.lis~ble, arid also to learn the proper means of

’" . ibm from file world and the grief, ~ we ! .. ’ ,~ ?, t, ~’ .... ’ ." ’ -_ , :, " ., . ¯ .,ft. .. , . American Generld~ Custer, Bragg, G. preventing these maladie~ The" People’s ""+ + should think, within thei~ hearts. Aa we azany ot me lepers ~vno are aete m woric o~2"~axy, t)om aagree ma~ t.ney mougnt A. Smith, Gordon Granger are a few of Medical Adviser contains an extensive treatise’ look oh ~ faces of the musicians the I nave rare patones, waste they pro]it taro, the c "~4:~.atff~rn-i~t~ ltp a steep hill. those who have died. The American upon "Wome~nd her Dim ’~e~."’ The author

m-~io-se’~ns weird at ’times, and as ff i ¯and. thus seet~re,,a f;esl! supply ot pot, a This would prove that like rein-, end of navy has lost Commodore Steohen Dora- al~o advises ~ttrses of domestic treatment,

:’ . coming from the mysterious caverns of deneacy (tear ~o u m nauve p a.tate, xiwy their ~r settled down iLrst...¯,,From .tlm tttr, John Pope mid Admiral ~tringham. meianwiiieh uuneces~arv.Wi½ often renderEverytim womaaServiceS, honld°f a phy-_rcad ¯L. death. For we can hardly is’a-dee that n¯eariy a~3 o~’ti..no.fees, wnten ywy ar t!me tim Imdgc gave way un um curs George Sm~d, Hart’let ~fartineau, Henry it. Acopv of tlm’Advi~c~" can "be Obtained by-’ that the divine -harmony of- ames ttrtve a~; it ZIU¯tO, U.S rar.e. "~’ne uw~r- struck the-ice lmt afore than Alexand0r addressin~ the author Dr. R. V¯ Pierce. atI ’ no thaw, el ¯ ~,Vllere



~" i!

,..- ,

before Us an-d,~slate, apparently ’~as happyis long." The flesh o,n therolled up in masses of’a rl1¢colored hue, the eyes protrudemmiller layers, and the hand, looking.

if it could not hold tlm instrnmeut.The players are young, middle agell andold, all in the medimn stages of leprosy ;that is, the affliction is painfnily visible,but there are no running sores, nor haveholes been eaten through feet, hands orbody. Wh0n these native musicianshive finished playing they rush to greeteld-&)~i>~m-’~d niany i~ the hcdrty"aloha" (love to you)which passes.be-tween the- lepers-and their friends¯Crowds o~ native lepers are on the beachextending their hands and expressing ahearty "aloha" to these greet.The u.n~o~unates express the

.... common with tlle Hawaiimis-and otherPolynesian tribes, will sit d~’n and crywith excess of pleasure for a qt ’tarter of an

.......... hour at a t~ne.- - When-the flood of tears" r has pa~ed they are in awi~st~tivtraus=

¯ . ¯ formed into the "most laughter .lovingmortals. They seem to forget their

- - physical condition and revel - in themost nnb onnd¢ c]=j~y~e~c0_nt ras t Jb:omtears to smiles is a very strange physi-ological reaction. ’ The foreign touristswho look on at all this ar~ often subjec~

.. to_:the wit aud badinage of the .le’p~rs,an4 especially Of the yming wor.ma.Fortunately a yomi’g and royateringleper girl will ap~roach a foreigner andextend her hand for a regular pulnphimdie shak.% hut it often happens that

¯ the for..eigner, though not lael~mg in gal-lantry, will fail to rospoud, tln’ough feard the lepeds touch. Then the girl willburst out in saucy langhter~ and finishup with the expression of , ~akau oe"(you drd afraid). All the natives joinin, and exolaim : "Makau kela haole "(that foreigner is afraid). "Mat neto% a me h0nihoni hilm" (come here, andlet us kiss lovingly),, was the tauntingaalntation of a charming little lbpress,whoso Mtlie~ion had not blotted oilt thetraces of beauty in her cheek uer dim-ined the luster of her large, ’.oft,dmmny eyes. Tha geufloman addressed

tar. when all the lepers pr((sent, nt~l andwomen, had’ a hearty laugh at iris ex-peuse.

The leper governor is a man of nn,:-’ doRh~l intelligence I a lawyer bv pro-

f~ion, and the be,t ester in th, Ha-waiimt kingdom, whites inchtded. Who-

¯ . m’er him visit~l the 8mldwiell islands hasheard of "Bill " Rag~all. He it i~who is ohiof exomttive at Kalawod. tit)is a lt~lf easte, his motiior beillg a native

¯ mid ]iS! fatlter an Anioriean He q)eidm°-English and nah~ with perfeeth)n,-and

¯ and him ~nne knowledge of Fmneh,Hi. knowledge of hist~lry is relnurkabh~,and he i. well read ia general literature.|~ ia apparently fortydlve years of age,d light gracofnl buihl, polished in hia,maimer., and, like all ][awaiiansI hlm-liitable to a fullt lie tlrut dim ~vertd

,. tltilhe was atllMa~l with leprosy In aLl~liar way. It was on fits .ishuld ofllawaii, at his honie, while l,unti.g up|mints on a law ctmb. By mx~idelit thechimney of hi. ]miql fell eft, tl d Id-though it was tdnmut rod-hot, he mldden-ly pick~l it up and pI,med it on thelamp. Iamking at his hand t. m’o if itmt~trrneM, aa any ill)mile would under~I0 i~lironlashnleeH, ]I0 dim’overed thatthem w~ not It tnme of a burn, Ilillehl~ the first piUlffld, sensstiol. It~l~li(~ U|iOl| his lllilld tirol he wlm ,,fllict-edwith leprosy, axid at oae., will, true

t. htinlisln of mall, he informed the an-"Lhorit{es, end VO]lllilarily censignvd hiln-Imlf tn l.!,’petuM e~ile fr,lm wifi,,llmlily, frh,nds at,11 the wllrhl. Owingl+i hi~ tnlelllll aml high levitt.., bl.i.gslightly .flli.tld, he ntlgJ,t ],,we e.Oal..l,Imt Im prefi:rt~d to ob.y tl,e law,

The wdh,y inhl w]lieh the Le],l.rs areIn<~lh.d is llearly two ndh, s alld It halfblng. aml allparentl~ from a ]udf mile t~,I nlile nml a]ial[ wide. On ilno shle ia i;lanlllitnln rsllg4¯ Illi imlabh~ l

¯, ’ l t’z:i’pt at

on, l.dnt, and tlwrv 0m exit is very dif-flmilt, having hi lie aimumlllisht,d Lly flit¯lihl ¯lr rliltl,ii lilid i:lillgilig bl Ihe Iirnllehesi~lilillt. On t~ie iitllor sill. is ihe flll’itver-

i’lillitIM 1~41itii. Thna the h,lu,rs llr. se-chilled lUl~ ¯llily fr111u Iho wllr|ll llul frllin

the ilihnbihlidii oV<’lillyilih, tlill ulluT ll¯li’lif ]tliihlkliJ. Thetit hiivi+ li¯,llli ii few

.q~l~T ~ff lyile.rs tlu~lugh tl,o llasm~t, in-dioilill, llllt tt hsa lllwaylt Is.+qi a Wulider

ttit~ oouhi InaJil~e hi IsR’apo liy liO

llllolp ~ prm’ii,it-tm alul dalig~rllllll ,an

’ i Who’t ealltured IJluy aru re-

m sure brief interval threw onesomt~: day or-anotheri and-the wonleni iu’ aaTifi"arouikl hi~i wlfe~ she gI:asped .thd ~eat liey, aud Georie llllfrod T,awrenee llavethis resllect, lu’e the same lmt the men. and asked what hml happened, ant’[ lie I~.n{teil forever their literary, labor~. ~lisBilt this is oae of their grea enjoyluents, told her to seelirO a brace for her feet and stage has lost Charlotte Cushman midand theywill indulge in it, even nmoligst added: "We aro off the tl~ck mid run- Frederick Lemaitr0] New York lostthe lepers. ~Then not ]lorseback riding, ninl throllff]l the fields !" The reP.r end Aletander T. Stewart ; Bost<m its

lepers do a little legitiniate loafing to kind]Jnff wood, the debris being l~.w~ +in,] t’h~ ~d+~t++around "the emlntrv store," where they fltrown over tho passengers in fron~ ~-7’ " ...... ~’~’~balker and trade ox; keep. inquh’ing for Tlie farmer found hhnself bn the floor, -- - ’letters whenever, a vessel touches at held do~l by a mass of wreckon his left The Honth of Jannary.Kalattl)apu , the only lauding a~; the set- leg, while his wife ~;’as throwu aeross i ~ ’" & .... J’" " &"tlement No vessels are permitted to hint, with the’wreck of two or three seats i ,tam mry, ~po m¯s~ m(~utn ot ~ae. year,

eoimectedtoUch, there. ~uth’ except the l~p,°n~r ..especial. Whene~business. ¯ u,’~ a I "Whtlelr)hlht" .. o thusher ah~,allist~,hl, anthed b eSide f ore of either" the car had" ’ II* consiststo.have of beeu;nnr~¯ ~ed’lmewithtt’lYS’lTehruantt,. iS.try, ~ant b,-vessel-tmtehes-it-~s-qvltptiday~for-idt +the [ ~l~)ken, one end of the ear settled a lit- l .~.utmt re tit(; X~pl~Uin year. wast), pre-

O t ab t to 12 o (own to tho %lOUSiy lltiti L)llt ~ell ]aonIns 11; %%l/.++ntt{ives wh : re . 1 ~, id 1 " " J l~ie alid the wife was released.. I " .i .i’, -" t + ;’¯ - +’ ; ", = ¯ "~-n ~fii- XWhen [ot’ti~nel llriw [lit. aa . ~r ¯ -" -" .9" ,.~ ..1 . naln(’ll irollt [11( ttOllD,e II!CtN/ g(lll dllnUS,

Favorite l~reseri

Coughs a~ Cohls.

From Jesse Smith, Esq., President of the ller=ris C~. Bank, of Morrisiown~ N. J." Having’used Dr. WmrAa’s BALmOt or WtLt~

i’oalized its beneficial myaffords me groat pleasaro iuto thepnblic aN a valnablo remedy in cases ofweak hmgs, colds, eough~, ere., and a remedrwhich I consider to be 0ntirelv+innooent. an~may be taktm with perfect ~afe’tv by the mv,tddm tto Ill health.

50 cents and $I a bottle. Hold by ,all dreg-m~t~.

7The tmpularity of .Mev,r~. ,Tlimell ~. Kirk &

( ~U.:s s.ap~, nxantlfaehired in Chicago, i~+ slmwnbv the unprecedented aal0 -which’¯their-g~xnlsh~v’o reached dnriilg tim year l~Tl;. T|ds byfar ix the lai ~ niannfimhlr

):il~ of this river of.and_froml’orflaud. ¯ _:

natJv~"-umnage, to accuumhtte a little -MeT.-tS~.’in~*i’a~h---25,0007000--i76po~iids an-

t ’..n ,2:.i)y tr t 1lug :h(d speculation.

An Indian _l~oin nAL~_C~, ....~A- darkT-, swarthy~lo oldng=indivic~ual,dressed in semi-It~dian garb, was at theUnion depot, Oinaha, making numerousinqlfiries m very imperfect Euglish dia-

kill, who left some portion of easternIowa for all overland trip to Califor~tiaduring the gold excitement of 1851,This half wihl fellow claimed that lie wasthe son of this Gaskill, and that. he wasabaut ~ve or six years old when hisfather set oiit with his fainHy for the.overland Wagou. trip to California. The

, off the tral’k, though imither olie sis- . .... .. . . ¯ nut 1 v. No s~-e dh d grease~ enter into.tli/~vss%)nl)OllZCtl Ill l~Olln 3 aCOilS 1[ Ill Ionl~ected that it was more than a tumble’ .’, ;. ¯ o .’ .], . . t . . " " soap~. OIilv purdrelln0d tallow and relatable¯ HLIL’Ir l’OI)O~, i)e(.Inlst ~ tln)se nla~+lStTates (,ilu fir¯ IDl( 1 li ’O ~" " "{nto it wtys de diteh It ",.,’its ~V(llulerflll , . -¯ . ~ .. , ¯ . , ,d, eoI tan llg 11o adulterhh n. l, aa:


"-’ .. .... ~,] -.,+..;.. 1..,.- .... s ......"iverenistalledinoihee|he iirstday. It alll squireweightl~awaysreial, o ’rhsii#whv

ttO+l!l ¯ a wo]]]’lli-tl~,tlliJ.--l-etll+iii ,lie£ l#.~-.+ell,+Nl~ ....... . ......... c .............. ¯ ............. ¯ . .....- ¯ " ..... . I:_c~_esnonde~the_Athemlm=~demdar_ th(,lr sOall~ aro so p~lllihlr l!’ltii alLgc~l ando~nllnd tulc~er~ncolrexc "hng-elrcnnlsl:aIlcsT-, ¯ ¯ .C ,. i’ ..... > .... ee~ica, l hou’sek.,n?’~r~ ..... "bl "~" ~rbt I ’didu’t exeu cr - oilt i wttn me iat~er nlui (li ,t eseltiOil aml tlio . e r~ . : . ,

1~ LI~. 19 U’I " ̄ ’ y . ’ . - - " ’ ’ .....¯" s " first lla]~ of Gaauehon ¯ Among file Scan- ¯ , " ......

after the shock Seores of other pa sen- i ..... ¯ ,, ...... ,... , mi, e-- Is .n,,I,. i. iHl~.a¯’ ’ " r " " l "iT S tnnavlan

g WflS eaLletl prlmllave ygers were shnekmg nt l)mit an 1 frtjlt a i ..... " ""~ Cold waters flooded one endofg’ e ~ nionui ot Thor, and later Ic~, mouth. And the Tar of Abie’s Ba~snTn, or Dhlm of.... . , ~ .... +a ~Tlio~F~U~Te~tit~:a~]~ .qi!rml~rr~+_,--~.m_irrbi~+ed=m~~th -+-

car nml the flames began to eat ilwiiy ater " it in larts if Niv~l~e d -hi Liiraet <if l{oreliound in tho fornl nf llal0’s

the oilier. ¯ ¯ . . .m gea .-,

I . ¯ t ..l~ ¯ all . 1". - lhln0y of Horehoand iiud Tar, is the mast po- " ¯

Tim woman cleare(i herself of the .valse;. x~ was not umlormt.y tn.{~ n.egl.u: tent remedy for colds, eoaghs, hoarmme,s and

h.~L-~.~ ~.,,t.~ ;.~(.~ tl.i, 6rn st-rt~ll ..,.1 lIIg ol ule .year among ~aglu unrLq~lan inl]nonza, ever administcrod hi U~orauyother’,

’ .... + P-" ~’~l 1"’= b t (~ nations until the eighteenth century. It country. Bold bya 1 druggists .sue gnen l~cerlalneti lUtb lie’ LILn$ .+ n l . ,~ .+ .. .+ ~ .s’ " ¯ -v. , .~ ...... ~.¯ +. .. ., . _ t _ ,t ..... ,. was not ale nrst mount Of glle )’ear nl L IKO II loqu~no ~orop,¢uro In one n~inni~,.v/a.s l)llUle~l ]asL [ll L/le H()()F 1)+y Llle wIEt~CK ~ , ~ -"" ~--~O ¯ ~¯ ~ " "o" I " I ¯ ’ ¯ r W1 "e~l %1, is’ V-’JR~’ Jl~nglanlt t~lll l¯lO£1 wnen’ [110 J~lEPLlaritong, -- ....

I n after t llnl8 lCg i nl 1 "l 1 P~ 113"b~ a~, t passedot]m~pr.~’ng" ’

bent aroumlonoof the iron staadards of au year, i,a~’al~Kr~S:t~, IPO:y~Anmo~7~.~:¯ " + , i litterer1 gue mlxle OI reckoning llme from ’ ¯a seat She worked with all htr m gltt ...... . .... .... iUustrstod, add .shoals,at ~mily magt~dno i,f. .’.. ,~ ...... ’ glle dunan ~l t~le uregorlau style. A~ en0ral sadie " "~ la es are lax o t~’ ~.IA) Beg llUU Ireo. t)Ug IA’IO raging names .. ..... 1. 1_1 &l l il . l

[g I r g. ] ] g g 1 .~

were now only a few feet away, and tllo ~lla.~ ,llInO It turt~r~li ~iia~ t.ne legal y~l r; grnphy beautifa! al!d e]e .ar, engravin~ firut 7 .+.< ¯ ’~ ¯ ¯ ~ ~) i ¯ "r ¯ "t ¯ wnten then commenced in .ome ~oarm ot class snd its tlrteo iN wnluu llie to~- el an "

slnoKe, allti lit a~ wl.re i ee( mmg [crrloie, . . . ’ ¯ ..~l’~ t~l.ah~Ll~¢m~¢,~l- h~,,,ln,~ Enghmd m Mareh, and m others m clasmT. We flay1, ln tim ~ybruary number

~t~.l.y I +.i.x~ u~ltt ... o.j "~’l "’~ "".y Tan ...... shol’]d -ni"^-"a] i- l)e -lae~e~l na’e°l)talne artielllS lroni t.O0 ll+Jaa ol trleIll illi I ¯ il yule i tll~ ill tli t ou %1’I h all lUlr nn ht and .J .Y , o ~-leg ta wa ’d y "t ’ Y ’g .... -. .... "m," abh .t writers, includinff the f |lowing mfl

l I i~J Degnl On tile nrsg ol dlUlUlU~ //le S I i n h crestsee if 3"ou’ ean’t break ’it." called the . . . " .... ¯ ~. ,. Jest, all filly illimtrsted’:. ’ E gli~ IniI,,,~b.n.I who thou~.ht lie cotdd eanilv Angl~l-maxlins (uuiea dtinum’y W.Oll ia the Ea.t~rli Question; .... Up tit Nile ;"7""" 7:’"’ ..-..7, "~ w areha~ed froln month. . ’A Yisit 0, l~dterdain;’ ’Yho Ladh~ ofllel nluisel[ II gll( le a __ ,i’ " g ’ ’ -:- - Ailt~ient flame I" ihlw (llasii ix Ma~’ Its

family, two years later, were in Arizona,and one night the Apache Indians nmlleau attack upon them aml carried himaway, while the’others made their escalm.5Jr. Gaakill lure a very vivid recollectionof the i)attle, mid also the hmg wagnutrip frnnrIowa, while tie h~ little or norecollection of the home or just where itwas located. He was carried away by theIndians anil Livedwith them slial’ing file~amo neglect ~ndattention t~s their ownchihlrea, until he grew to manhood. Hedescribes his life as l)eing plea~nt andone that he fully enjoyed. He becameacqnainted with the great chief Coehisoand folhlwed.hin~ in niany of his llatfle&

skin like the savnges themselves, nntilIIO~,V it has the sanle coppery ceh)r, . Hedescribes (Joe]lies ns being a great war-rior end a Uillst wllnderful towage. Herentained with these hnliana until ahoutnix years ag,,, when lit+ wire captured by.the" Conianches ill olio of their llatth:swith tho Alnh’hca, anll with theni lie ledii Wluideriag exisl~liee, first as li eal>tivoand aft0rwiirll-a~ <iniT of tli-d tribe. + I~tstfall he bveluac tired of .uch a ntod. ofexistl~lum alld h,ft the tiqlle, anid niakillg!1is w.a~ trnvard the l>acilie eoast;nlalleniqnlrles i;olii,erning lii~ fainily, lilitfllih~l hi hqu’ll aliylhhig of them, : ]ii liinwaude.rhig, iiilililtdie lifo hc had iteCiiliin-liltod eolisidoi’abht wealth in the form ofgohl dust, a:ul lili the llroeeeds iif tliia hewas travelhig ill seai’eh nf his hlst hilliiitlind frieluls. Nil lilln seellllRl to )lit abhttxl giv0 hila lilly infllrl!liltion , alill hetttilrtl~l iiii hia wliy.t,ast to proseeutAi his

selr~l hi hiwa,

Foml ef 0l~h, rs.Tha Mar[ls]l ttl reddish, l<slkiiig some.

thing like ll Itl’li sphhlr. Jie is ll eollnllis-si~ilr iinii li ghitL<ili, Jill has the shaliitill li flvl~-Illlilitl.l S|lir I fronl throe to SiX

inehva fr.m tip txl tip, Imt sonletinumgrows hi teu inl’hes. ’lhe starthth tr lvelsin m~ll..l~, althlalgh solitary fi.nh,rs arein;el:l oul ly to b. fil I id Ili. 7110t’ltl~lo].’ranlh Is as ftdll,ws : A m’hlnll willmdtle Ihlwn Oil Iin .yster bed. Elioh fishwill tlii~kle llli liynier lilid silrrOllliil itwitli his fei,]l,l¯s. %Vhl,li thl+ i1ystl,I ¯ Iilleiisiiis liilluih hi fci!d till, wil’lwii shu’ll~h th,-]iberilto[y sth~ks his f1,.ll.r~ Jii.hh~ mid|nillPI iaitlhe liystlT. Tlivii lili i!atlt it illullhl’li tnl.kh,~ lllUltlivr ilytitlll’, ~ I+iarllPdlellli bnitt ilny Iniili i,iitiilg ritw ¢1,v~ i~ ’s~lillt Sillliniltr iiiill fidl lhey i.oinliiilh,iIniany rnvligelt ill lira ]’]lmt i¯iVlT luld lit

Oyltter biiy, ().yi.i|l,rln¯,ii illiW iirit iili tliohl<lkoiit fin’ lhil lltiirit~li. T]ii,y llfh,ii l’lllll~livir thl,h" lll’ilPI illid if lilly hhirlbih nritfOlilid tlnly itl’l+ railed idi’lilnl 1,inTi1,dlUl]illr11for lliilllllr¯,, l~llliil,iillii,Pi m.h-,ds ill still’.fish -rii fiiinlil ihrl,e or flllir fi,lit ihil’k.~ile]i li sl’hlllll will l’iiili llli llvMI,r lit~i[ ilin fliw ]lqlirs. Hlilli¯l[iliil,n lira hhuilith ++’ill

itiiil ill lilid it ndl nn il%i-iter bi.l lllili tholig+ilitr iini i.il’¥o lllilS lii,it, i~l i inihliii,hi0d,

In evorv il¥~lil,l’hl,l| lwll lir three ilrl, lii11’1,ill lli~ i’ ilnnl, l’lil! ~t n’tiid i’111 iliiit:i ]iinihwastath.ln ill thl0 willivr. Thl,y Imilltl¥frl+<lnelit the F.ast riv¯,r. (Jiiy islanll,(}~ater llay and GllW bay.

its erampetl position, The wife seizedhis. foot, meaning +lal ubey, but at thatmlnuent the ear hirched over a little attdher hnshand releimed hinlself. Whenthey Jeff tile ear’ her dress was olt fire,showing that another minute wliuhl haveeuvohlped bofli in the flamea. "___Ilu~abla ]a_~alkan_flm.h~tel-aasiren as released, having csealled withonly a f0w bruises, The heroie wife Imdnu)ther was nut only ready to oll.y .horhlllcbitnd’s orders, In{t she had It phiu ofher Own,

"),Vhon I saw tho /lantes just nponlilt," she said, "aDd whiht I was Sllrethat lily htislntild wiiiihl lie linrlied alive,I Inade Ull In3" nihid to |nit elie (if tll0enshillllS tivel’*hilll lie down lln hip (ifthat lllsl litllit~ thi’t I while I was liohighiirlil~l[ uli help .,l’lnihl eoliit~ to ]i ill fllrour ehihh’en’s rake,"

" [ V¢lt½ afraid she wlnlhifi’t Im sLrll.l~genough kl Im~tlt tny leg,"¯added thn hus-I)anllI " i/l’ld then it Wlnlhl hit all ll]l witfilile. I was goilig to have her get {llli,,

and then, rather t]iiin llo linriiell alivo, Iwaa gohig bl ihmtruetil¯n. ~Vell I ! hiulthis liig kilifl, ili niy right hallil lll~’ll¯,t,iilil| lily i’igiit arili wiltt free IAi get it liild

uso it "~" ¯. ’

.. ~llllihiir Iill + ~eiiPll~t l"ett,r.Dr, l[eury lligl,lai writes hi the Lon-

ihni LHllf,ct lilt flllhl,,vs: The liiln’vehlllS¯

Slll~Cl,Sit whh’h hlis al tended niy D’elltniolite( m~ r 14 fever llv sulldiurimliu~el liil~ telet nit inedh’lil ’llrethren linnw ill niyphiil, ~ll Ihitt thi,3’ iiiiiy he lill]t, t<i iilllllYthe sum l:enleil3:with’llut dehiy, All tll’l~easi,H ill whh’h I" nl+ell it worll vl,rywoll

lalirki.I I liilli thililvPilllwinis on tlil¯ iirioPthi iq¯l,h elit41, i,illlll~ i~vliy like thli p+kin ofli illlltklt, The fldhlwilittC wiis tho i+llil,ttritatllii,lit fldhiwell in i,lil.h i,alle’, Thllr-llilg]dy linilhiL Ihe llnLielit llvii’0 ilaJlywith MIIIphur oillhiil,Ut; givl, five tll tl, li

griihis lif PiIllphiir ili ii lii,th~ jiiiii ihreitthiil,s ll IIIL~’. + i~iillh’[itlit iillllihllr Wllttllllrlil~ll I tWll’e daily lllli eliills 11u il

shovl,l)~ to fill lhl, rililln with Iho flillii,s,alill, oi i.Ollrite~ WilH ili ’lllig i y ilihid¯’dlly t]llt Ilittielit, Uillll,r thitt’lllllde of|ri~litliielit IOm’h i.itl+o iiliprllVed ilillii¢’lli-iltely, laid lilille werti liVl,l’ i,iglit diiyll iaIlillllJilg it ellilillh~h~ re¯’liver~, iliill llirnily Ill,liove ii eat’h i°lii’llt it was In’e-

velih,il fiulin nlirciilljiig lly thll treahn¯’litiuhlllh,d, ()no elil+o WliS hi it hirt.~esvhIHIl, ihivhig hall li hirgtl i,l]n,rh,lieehi si’ilrli,t fl,vi,r laid. ~.l,lU, itlill this, I fl,eli,lilill01,iilltllll,ill’l¯ iu Ili~l’ liWll jlld~lllOlltl,i , ! ll~ ,,f iqliii’hai il,,it the vl,ry niihl-q’ht (.1men I i.vi,r tliiw dll II,,t dlt lldf Hi1

well as biul i!liiii,ll ihl lly the lnilphlirirl,atiniqii, aliil+ ni.i far lls | i’atl judgo, mil-phiir i. lUt near a .lle¢flle fur ltcilrh,t fevera~ lnilbh ", I

Iamgth of Days.

The following table shows the dnr~th)n(if the longest aud shortest days in thellrincipM eallitals throughtlut the world,eorreeted for refraeti,nl, ere., mid e~u’riedout to the nearest nlinute :

.,..... ¢,., ....o_ __ ’"

lle,,,~l~Ml¢l,i II, M. IL M.

Wll.hhlgton.¯, 0 N] II 5’J 9 92Slockhulln ..... 59 20 N 18 SO 5 51(h,l,i’llhilglq¯.., l 55 4] N] 17 20 S MSt,l’et0rtd>urg, 59 ilS N Itl 44 II "41llerlln ....... 52 al N 16 ~ 7 illIDmlon , ...... 51 Bi N ll~ B2 7 4tF.dinbiirgh .... I 5S 57 NI II tl2 6 50llablhl ....... 53 ~2 N l~ 011 ’/ iHAtu.h~rll&nl .... 52 ~l¯JN Ill 44 7 S~V[Iqllli ..... ,..[ iS’ l~i, N] 15 its S 17Psrlll .......... [ 48 lsli N[ IA s s’ I0Msllrhl ...... II 35 N 15 0 9 lil.l.bell ........ 118 4’+1N II 50 11 21t’alr.l, TM, ....... 30 a N 14 li 10 10Nsp|l+l ........ 10 lili NJ I~ S 9 IIOOlil~tlntlno|llc 41 1 N 15 , 4 9 ~ltli’ilhlllna ....... 2+~il~ N 13 211 10 IIPl’khi ,¯; ...... 1119ill N II S~I II 10Cal,e Town .... I P3 SS H] II 12 9 liti’enllllns ....... B ~ N 13 Sil II Sl147,l,1!,X,..:,....I m!. ~+/ HI. It . 27 ...... II. all_

1’/~ beauttfnl pages, 100 illaetrntlons and ableoontributlons fiirnl.lusl for twvaty ~nli#, giveit the large.t ’cJroalali0n iif liny montiily Iinll-

lish.d in .luneric.a. Thoso el’ our folders whnreside at a distance frllm blmhstores and nnwsdealers,’ wLII dli well to send $2.50, the .nb-serilltioa pribo, er twenty cents for shlglo e~Ji¯v,to P~i~z I,wi.l~ 537 |’narl .trent, New York.

Sillce our last issne wi~ have hoard ilf~vl,ral persons who have umM Durang’s llhru-rustic |htmt~y for rliellniliUsml and all pro+nllnlien it a lla~Niss. It I~lnIos to oar nlsrkothighly reconuneluled sell as it is the only ro-liabh+ renledy flOW ln’am~, It will have a largesale. It is tnkna iuternally. Prloo, $1.00 ; .ixbottles, ~5.!)0, .~

Vegetalilo Palmonary llaisam, the groat NowEnghuul cure for coughs, cnlds and oon~ump-lion. Cutler Br0s~+& Go.;s, Bo.tsn,o~g0nitllib- ......

[ ...........iile ..............14KW IOlig. ¯

itlel CaUle~-Nit I vs ................ 119 I~011 12i/~l’elii ind (Jhi,rokeo,.. " ell~(al 0lltl

MIIoh (lOWli ..... " ....... . ~ ........ ;..MI 0~ lall0 01i ¯IleRI--LIvP ..... ,.,,,, ............. , 0"/ (4 07

lllrell~ o1| ........ . ......... .,.. ~ll (~l liS%Itllevll ....................... ,.. ..... CS~(ll (15tl

To (,~I+I~+AN PLATF.,--Talte mi lliiil0eviie]i of ereiiln of tartar Illliriete of sodaiiiill llliiill, and bllil hi li galhlu iir nliire ill

water, Aft~ir the llhtte Is tilllen oiit lindrllhhed ilry it liuta lili li llealitiflll liildsilvery whitAtneSll. |lowdered lllliglli0pllllniay be tised dry fer artieles .lightlybirniHhellI Init if ver3" dirty, it iillist lieuseilwet lind theii ilry,

Ihilrenehnienll Ih, dti<’lloii i Ileferni.These throll werd~ se0ni ilrelwI]ont ill the llnll-

lie Inhill It ih" ilrlml,lit thii0, ~Vli nali i,d.tthoIrsvidlng lliilllil~ lly hlfilrlliing thl,ni llf tim fnei

Ihili thn {Iralid (’nlitrlil Ihlh,I, N~;w York, Inllt

rl.hil, ed Iirh,¯~s frlllll ~1 to (’7,511 si.I t’,L011 lii,rdlly. Thl~ 1~ lower lhsii lilly other ilrl, i-t, la~IloH hi il., cry,

|t is OW g(qlllra ly It1 ildiloll liy hlilii,stiliy~ll,hiii~l Ihiil when i~llli’i+ Ihn ̄ ’.liimlinllllilil l,t

fairly Instl,lil.I n Sill lhe hlngs Iio iiniinni |liit~el+i.i¯ll SSVll the Iililinlil filnil dlliilh, Tlivl’ him1sliy tillli a|a,llt Ilfty per ̄ ’eel¯ iir tho~e w)n) IltoII’lini 01Is ¯llmlilel~ i’ail ti’sre lilil i’allSl, Ill Itnl,glectvd Ctliitlh lit ~,ld~ whhqi iliighL hsto I,eeli¯ ,iirl,d by a lllllllll Islttla ¯if l,iquhl lilmdohll.°,ii1’ wliit-I~ lho Slillin lhhlth Ji~lille ~li’s ¯tt ub/il,/,luilm’iit.

(hit till. ulttiee .lit Iknl[ bring it withyl#ll, Wu are nuthl,rizl.I to I¯Ofilnd ihe el¯all hiiI1~ lerlllln lit i,i,rsoni wiulihall IlUv snd ili+ll[’+lrlltlll#l’ il’ltr~,l]lpe ]IIL[S anli lali i1~ I’l, lll~f alli+atJ.faeLillll.

(hlllili.’ Villl~li. lqa~lers ill+o Iliit

ilnal’k iniMriiln, hilt li rvnindlal agelll lif gl’Oatvahle l’rld.tblv Ini lllVl,llllnelii ill ’.l+rl i’l,iiill illiliodlvillo wili I./flnnul te li.hl Sli0h io’at¯lliiltiller truui p.Ju ami auff.ril~i u thfse illaelorl,

(hlill,iI--Mhhlllng ................... 13~(al 13.11’l,’ltnir--Welllerll.- (h.,d hi (llilllCo .... I ~ fl 9 15

bltale--(Ioeil le Choll’i,. ..... 0 II a0 (~ il iiiW|n’si--lie,I Wl,.ll,r ..................

I ~ ~1 il3¯ NiL ~ llllwalll¢i,.,,.,~,, ,,,, " l iSIlle--Slllh, ........ . ................. le (4 93Ilarh,y-Sillli+ ....... , .............. 01 I,~ 59lllrl~y P,l~lt., ........................ I I,¢ llhlllkwhl,al ............. .,..., ..... 0, 98 (,~ l{itOllltl--PllIxi,d +ili’1’lltllr11,,.,, .......... 41 (4 [lO(!Ol’il--Mlxi~ll W¢llh, rn,,.,.,+.0 ..... Ill (~ i12I[ay, lilq, i,wl. ,..o0 , ..,., .,,.o. +.,.0. iS (a, llllI

Sl r+lwl liOl+ I!wl ............ ,.,... .... */ll i+lt I~IIOlln..,,’ ..... 71i’li--¯12 I,+,:25 .... 7fi’S I0 (4 i5l’,Irk--M,’~ ........................ ,17 li5 l{+bl’/SllI,ard --(ltiy Hh’aln ................... I lk/(.s IIt~.S,l ,,,,: ........... ’,",g <2ii NI 7 II’W ...... i . I

l)r~lh,d, lliPil~l ............. sit (,i~ ililti¯ llolrllil+l S,llt ill i I"~1’ I~,ll ..... It 01 Ill

ll.I rol,.inll--lh’lllhl ........ ll+.l% I,I II1.111 ltl,fllilql, ,, , ~ll~tWolll--Ihlllhlrlila I"ll,l,eo ............. IS I~l Ill

’1’o kllM II ....... ,.~,.. l(i (IG 7~Ail~ll+¢ilhlii " ,,, ...... .,,. IJS tt~, tl

%Vi,iIl i+r li - -I~11 olllll ........... ItS t~l liSltVelli~slli-lh,i,,llii |lfili i%,, +I I~i ~lO%Vi.~ll,r I, - .- l,’ll k hlN,, ......... +20 I.l ~S

I!liol.t~ ..Shllii I,’lii,hiry...,,.....o+,, 01+el, I’lblhli,,Shhlllli,,d.,,, ......... li’~ 0l 01tll’l’illl’l¯ll .................... Oll {ill, I([!at’

i~¥11.--tthtt. ~nll |’luln~)l¥~ellll,.,+,. a{ e6 tmlll~FFilal.

F]tllll’. .................. ,..., ....... +lilt (~ile o(|~VJiluil Nil. I ,MlJlvlllikol’,**., ....... I Sil (ll I il..I(!lil’ll -- ]|ili’il .... i ....... i¯i.l,i0.,, i:i kk i4 lli0~

Ily. .................. , .............. I’0 I+ti e0

Ilal’l,,y Pihl/I ................. , ....... I I10 lrl I l0i, ii ll+& Ill+l.PIIl~.

}l,,vl I’lllLl~ -I#+lllP++ ...... . ........... llS~l’~ 07Sh,.vl, ................... ,.,.,, ...... C4 ~,+~ 05~II,,i.I. ]lPl’..Pd ...................... 0S J~ ++ll 091lI,h,ur -l’,.lll,.)lval,lr. Eitrs,,....... ~1~1 ~,l 7°0WIl,l+t--lh¯d tY,,ll|Vl’ll,..,0 ........... l IIII (a | tSI1~. ...... 0.o,.. ......... ,,, ........ 11 1,4 illi hil¯ll_. Vi ll,iw .......... 0 ....... ¯l,,¯

ll~ ~l,li ll+~Mis"d ............. ,, ........ 6 Ot I~

ihit. -Miit,.d .............. , ........ . I1 I~t ll’l]’l’l i’u hqi lii --(/r n d Is ....... I #Jil Ill 1011 iloalod....~i

WATISTtIWSl MAH¯Ilrel I’lnll~--Ih.ir to (lliules ........ t II ~ll I ISill.,.li. ........................... I ~ll I~l il ~lilanube ...... ,,.. ................... llll II I Ill

uNIQUE ’~0UNffE~q~; ~ommodore Vanderbilt’s Secret.’" +" : " ’ . Ii~le groat su~ of the late Oommo-Hovr.Tnm~ (lerdon llenne|it f, lr.i Informed

thePmbllo ofl~II#.Appl’oaehinll ~lu.rri~e... dore Vauderbflt’ ill steamboafing and, . . - , ¯ " railroadii|g, whereby he amassed a largerThe following is the announcement of

the, in’t~ml:lM marriage of the sanior fortune than any’other private.personJanie~ Gordon Bennett Ira. published by during:n lifetime, h~ fiaturally awakened

him i;t the"1lerald: in Jmm, "18,t0. " ,It a strong desire to learn the secret of hiscreated a= son~tion when "it xvas phb- nniform and_ most mlrprising, tmhieve-lishetl :

". ~ ; ....:. ¯ monts, The oomn~odore him,elf, when

’ TO’ ~ ll~i_~xns o~ TInZ II~il--l:>~o..questianedsuhject, during’the



-: +.----~m.~-+Tho-walglter is so-beautifuL; .times¯ at@

cannot rosistthe

+ to be married: ~of thomostdid women in intellect, in heart, in soul,

+ ni prope~y, in persim, in manner, tlmt: "I have vet seen inthe e.ours~ of .myin-

lh+restil~g ] ~ the!ugh hluna~ life.

must fulfill that awful whisk the"

-~Hlidf @ai~-for ~-+stoekbrvkinffstanding its :+defective granunar.oilier he said: "Sam, don’t never

ruine~ers of gold over

of every one who takes financialwhether .’iu Wall strut or else-

and it would lie all e~cellentfor To

. .Mmight)f Father has .against my todd : ’iDon’t never buy Whatname, i~tho brl,ad letters of life against you can’t pay for."the wall of heaven, I mnst. - These were three adinirable maxima

. wsrld a pattern of : happy for business, adds the Now ~ork ,Vun," with all the charities that spring from’-! ’ acted tkrou

nuptial lov0. In a few days I sll,M1 bemarriod~ ace0rding to the ~oly r$tes of with- them. He never speculated,the most lioly Christiaif c]~hreh to one made anyra~sh ventnres. But his favoriteof t!m most remm’kab!e, aceolaplished maxim, the one ripen which eel the high-and bl~utiful young.wonlen of the age. eat value and most seriously inculc,tted

: She lmasesses a. fortune: .! fi0uglit nut! upon thos0 who were on the most inti-- founda f0rtim0---a lame fortnne. " She mate terms with liim, was a condensa-

Read the following oerUflcates :- ~EUOUIOX ~TAT|Olf

GenHemen--Your Pill, lm tJudgment. lho most 1esl0nc0 ha8 ovel"

prejudice of apublic ; but truth iN mlghty~ and it will’it is only ~’questionacceptance and indorsementhsinle certificate8 of Imr~niocal tsrms to their merits,

ll’lUih’ll, Ihqi, h¯lwl,vl,r, iinLiei]latii d hilu11¥ iilhwilllf ~ilh Ihll ih,lerlnilit,ll iil+<,oiiti1~ lliil, whli wi¯iihhi’i hi, iiiiSililihq’h.ld ¯ir

Wl’iiligell llli ~iliV lll’ltlllliit : "1~|11 mx’¢---II:lhch,l: M~l-,,,s ,lilrhlu ’Hmirhlt+. ~l~hitJllhl’l Nl,lnil’llnlh;i,,’;,,,u’ ~ .... Ihqi, Ivhat,.I,i illll lill,llll ?" nliill |ho ehq’q’¥1iliill i¯t

lillil’Mlll’lli, I "~1o Illl’iui," ila ~1 tlil~ In-diliil, with ̄ ’l+lili lliglii[V ’Jill¯’ Ilielin

i,idl,r ?" ’ ’

Hll,ic phy.iciluis nllw i’]ahii ’that Ih.f41.1111rill Iil’eviihqio11 iif iIllihllilwia iS Ihll’iii II tTrelii Ih~tD’l,I, hi 1hlt Hint wh;l’h ialhl’oWli till ¯ fl¯ltiii 1’thil 11hlvl.l~ in ill ¥1,1ililn-i¯~l rolll illl.


Page 5: I cCarty Hurlburt - Atlantic County Library...trag}etly. Their session fo r hearhtg argu-will he hehl in public in the Sul)rem0 Corot room.. The duration of oi.al a!.gll-ment is liu~ted