i canoe -kayak -sup -raft -rescue fredericksburg, …...aca i canoe -kayak -sup -raft -rescue 108...

ACA I Canoe - Kayak - SUP - Raft - Rescue 108 Hanover St. Fredericksburg, VA 22401 Making the Warld a Better Place to Paddle! Since 1880. March 21, 2012 Mr. Wayne Stacy United States Coast Guard Office of Auxiliary and Boating Safety 2100 2nd Street SW Washington, DC 20593-0001 Final Closeout Report USCG Grant 1002.05 "Advanced Boating On-Water Paddlesports Safety Training" August 2010 - March 2012 Dear Mr. Stacey, The American Canoe Association (ACA) has completed all activities and efforts under Grant 1002.05, a project titled" Advanced Boating On-Water Paddlesports Safety Training." The ACA has completed the tasks outlined below in the reporting periods from August 2010 through March 2012. This includes the extension we received to complete this grant project. The goal of this project was to involve water safety personnel from a variety of state and federal agencies in paddlesports and further their understanding of the needs of the paddling public. This was accomplished by giving these individuals the opportunity to take an ACA Instructor Certification Workshop (ICW) at no cost. This workshop not only provides education, but also gives these boating safety personnel the chance to become full-fledged instructors in the largest paddlesports instructional program in the country. This training will minimize the loss of life, personal injury, and environmental impact associated with the use of paddlecraft. It also will make for a more enjoyable and educated paddling environment because of increased and authentic educational opportunities provided by these agencies. The ACA has conducted Instructor Certification Workshops under this grant in the following states: Florida Massachusetts Texas Virginia Washington www.americancanoe.org 1

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Page 1: I Canoe -Kayak -SUP -Raft -Rescue Fredericksburg, …...ACA I Canoe -Kayak -SUP -Raft -Rescue 108 Hanover St. Fredericksburg, VA 22401 Making the Warld a Better Place to Paddle! Since

ACA I Canoe - Kayak - SUP - Raft - Rescue

108 Hanover St.

Fredericksburg, VA 22401

Making the Warld a Better Place to Paddle! Since 1880.

March 21, 2012

Mr. Wayne Stacy

United States Coast Guard

Office of Auxiliary and Boating Safety

2100 2nd Street SW

Washington, DC 20593-0001

Final Closeout Report

USCG Grant 1002.05

"Advanced Boating On-Water Paddlesports Safety Training"

August 2010 - March 2012

Dear Mr. Stacey,

The American Canoe Association (ACA) has completed all activities and efforts under Grant 1002.05, a

project titled"Advanced Boating On-Water Paddlesports Safety Training." The ACA has completed the

tasks outlined below in the reporting periods from August 2010 through March 2012. This includes the

extension we received to complete this grant project.

The goal of this project was to involve water safety personnel from a variety of state and federal

agencies in paddlesports and further their understanding of the needs of the paddling public. This was

accomplished by giving these individuals the opportunity to take an ACA Instructor Certification

Workshop (ICW) at no cost. This workshop not only provides education, but also gives these boating

safety personnel the chance to become full-fledged instructors in the largest paddlesports instructional

program in the country. This training will minimize the loss of life, personal injury, and environmental

impact associated with the use of paddlecraft. It also will make for a more enjoyable and educated

paddling environment because of increased and authentic educational opportunities provided by these


The ACA has conducted Instructor Certification Workshops under this grant in the following states:

• Florida

• Massachusetts

• Texas

• Virginia

• Washington

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Page 2: I Canoe -Kayak -SUP -Raft -Rescue Fredericksburg, …...ACA I Canoe -Kayak -SUP -Raft -Rescue 108 Hanover St. Fredericksburg, VA 22401 Making the Warld a Better Place to Paddle! Since

Course Development Process

After the targeted states had been selected and the grant had been awarded, the ACA began the

process of partnering with state and federal agencies to secure students for the grant sponsored

Instructor Certification Workshops. Due to the variances in boating safety and education at the state

level, each state needed to have their course implemented in unique ways to address each states

different situation. In some cases, this meant that many different agencies were involved whereas in

other instances a single agency was able to supply all of the students.

Once the students had been selected, the ACA utilized our nationwide network of Instructor Trainers

(IT's) to select one of these highly trained individuals that were local to the targeted state. This was

done to promote a continued relationship between the boating safety agencies in the targeted states

and the paddlesports training professionals that are already working to provide education in those


Course Implementation

States sent a variety of individuals from different agencies to their Instructor Certification Workshops.

Members of the United States Coast Guard, state management agencies and of the U.S. Coast Guard

Auxiliary were all represented in at least one Instructor Certification Workshop arranged by the ACA

under this grant. Prior to the Instructor Certification Workshop, each instructor candidate received

course materials including:

• ACA Instructor Manual

• Paddlesport instructional and educational books

• Educational DVD's

• Pamphlets and brochures to use when educating the public

• Educational curriculum and syllabus to use in classes

The goal of these materials was to provide each new instructor with the materials needed to be able to

excel in the Instructor Certification Workshop but to also independently provide paddlesports education

to the public in their respective states, thus facilitating continued awareness and education after the

Instructor Certification Workshop was completed.

Paddlesports instruction also thrives when instructors are able to access up to date information and to

interact with others in the instructional field. To further this goal and encourage continued professional

development, each Instructor Certification Workshop attendee received four years of membership into

both the ACA and our Safety Education and Instruction Council (SEIC).

The Instructor Certification Workshop is a dynamic and hands on learning experience. Students had the

opportunity to learn skills and rescues and then sharpen their ability to teach that knowledge to others.

Over an average of 3 days, students worked with the Instructor Trainers to grow into paddlesports

instructors. With hands on practice on the water, many students developed into instructors and were

able to pass the Instructor Certification Exam (ICE) and become ACA Instructors.

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Page 3: I Canoe -Kayak -SUP -Raft -Rescue Fredericksburg, …...ACA I Canoe -Kayak -SUP -Raft -Rescue 108 Hanover St. Fredericksburg, VA 22401 Making the Warld a Better Place to Paddle! Since


Each state selected the candidates who would attend their Instructor Certification Workshop. Several

agencies were represented over the course of the grant. Members of the United States Coast Guard,

state management agencies and ofthe u.s. Coast Guard Auxiliary were all included in at least one


Florida: The ICW was filled with Instructor Candidates from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission

and the U.S. Coast Guard. 7 ofthe 9 candidates were able to receive the instructor award. The

candidates represented a cross section of the state and were both geographically diverse and diverse in

populations they interact with.

Massachusetts: The ICW in this state was filled with members ofthe u.s. Coast Guard Auxiliary and

members of the state environmental police. While only 2 of 7 candidates were certified at the

instructor level, the rest were given additional training opportunities that should allow them to be

certified within a year.

Texas: The ICW was filled with 19 instructor candidates from across Texas. They represented both local

and state personnel. Of the 19 instructor candidates, only 1 was able to certify as an ACA instructor.

However, secondary training has been arranged and the numbers of certified instructors from this

training is expected to grow.

Virginia: The ICW was composed of lD Instructor candidates from several different areas of Virginia.

Most were members of the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation. In this course, alllD

were able to achieve their instructor certification. 6 were even able to achieve a Level 2 Instructor

Certification, exceeding expectations.

Washington: The ICW had 15 instructor candidates, 12 of whom were awarded instructor certifications.

These candidates came from across the state and represented both state and local agencies. 11 of

those that passed the Instructor Certification Exam achieved a Level 2 certification, higher than what

was expected.

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Page 4: I Canoe -Kayak -SUP -Raft -Rescue Fredericksburg, …...ACA I Canoe -Kayak -SUP -Raft -Rescue 108 Hanover St. Fredericksburg, VA 22401 Making the Warld a Better Place to Paddle! Since

Instructor Certification Workshop Results under Grant 1002.05

10 8 • Total Candidates 6

Certified instructors 4 2 o

20 E--------~"-""-----------

~~b -~------

Number ofAttendees vs. number of Instructors certified by state

There are wide disparities in the numbers of certifications awarded between different states. This is not

altogether unexpected. In order to provide a course that will have the highest impact the boating safety

agencies chose who would attend. This means that some candidates would naturally have a higher

likelihood of passing than others.

Not passing the certification exam should not be confused with failure. By participating in the Instructor

Certification Workshop, all participants are in a position to better serve the paddlesports community

where they live and work. The ACA already has in place a Continuation Program to allow individuals

who attend an Instructor Certification Workshop and do not pass to achieve their certification at a later

time. A candidate that does not pass is given an individualized plan on how to demonstrate proficiency

at their specific deficiencies. This may include working with another Instructor Trainer, attending

another Instructor Certification Workshop, providing video of skills and teaching, or mentoring under an

Instructor Trainer. Once the specific deficiencies are addressed the candidate is awarded an instructor


The pass rate among instructor candidates was 53%. According to the Safety Education and Instruction

Department of the ACA, the average pass rate for a LevelllCE is approximately 80%. This means that

the candidates did not pass as often as others that take the course. This is might be due to the lack of

self-selection among the Instructor Candidates.

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Of the Instructors that did pass the Instructor Certification Exam component of their Instructor

Certification Workshop, the majority actually managed to pass at Level 2. This is unexpected because

the Level 2 instructor certification requires a higher level of skill and experience to pass. Because the

Level 2 certifications were clustered in a few courses, it is highly likely that these states selected

individuals with a higher skill set.

Percentage of Instructor Awards Given

The percentage breakdown, by level of the 32 Instructors who were certified

www.americancanoe.org 5

Page 6: I Canoe -Kayak -SUP -Raft -Rescue Fredericksburg, …...ACA I Canoe -Kayak -SUP -Raft -Rescue 108 Hanover St. Fredericksburg, VA 22401 Making the Warld a Better Place to Paddle! Since


There are many ways that the potential impact of the Instructor Certification Workshop's can be

measured by number of individuals instructed, by projected value, and by observation by agency


Estimated Number of Paddlers to be Influenced by Grant 1002.05 in 2012

12000 --- ­ 10800


8000 +­6300


4000 • Paddlers Influenced 1800

2000 -900

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Projected outreach of newly certified Instructors for 2012

These new instructors will educate many paddlers in new and effectiv~ ways. According to the Florida

Fish and Wildlife Commission, each of their new instructors will each interact with approximately 900

people this year. This means that the Florida program alone will playa very positive role in the lives of

6,300 paddlers this year. If this holds true across all five states, then 28,800 paddlers will be positively

influenced by Grant 1002.05 in 2012. Even if influence is half of what is extrapolated the impact will be


Each state will receive individualized impacts from their ICW. States will also utilize their new

instructors in different ways that will best fit with the needs of the paddling public of that state.

• Massachusetts: There was only moderate success in having Instructors become certified in this

state. However, The U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary was very impressed with the workshop and the

level of knowledge that exists in paddlesports. The ICW was a real eye opener for them. As a

result of the workshop, the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary wants to make large strides to enhance

their paddlesports curriculum. The Instructor Trainer (IT) on the course has been invited to be a

speaker about kayak education and safety at a state conference and the Auxiliary has been

provided with a list of regional IT's who might be willing to continue to educate, train, and

evaluate their members. In addition, the Massachusetts environmental police are already

looking at adding ACA paddlesport instruction to their training program. Looking forward, the

www.americancanoe.org 6

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closer cooperation and level of interaction between the boating safety agencies and the ACA in

Massachusetts should foster a more positive and safer paddling experience.

• Florida: Florida had high numbers of certified instructors after their ICW. According to Liz Sparks, Recreation Planner, Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission,

"This training opportunity couldn't be more timely as FWC is currently developing curriculum and programs to engage youth in outdoor recreation through its Youth Conservation Center Network (YCCN). One of the components of this outreach effort is to provide the 'Next Generation that Cares' an opportunity to learn safe boating and paddlesports skills. The paddling skills gained by our FWC staff will be utilized in the YCCN programs and elsewhere to make boating in our state safer, more fun, and a better overall experience for the boating public".

• Texas: Texas was a state that had large numbers of people who were exposed to the world of

paddlesports and the principals of professional instruction. However, the course had a low pass

rate. Instead of seeing this as a failure, the participants from Texas took it as an opportunity and

together with the regional Instructor Trainers formed a group called Paddling Partners. The

group is a collaboration between people who offer paddling instruction and those seeking

education. The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department is using this program to implement

educational programs. Texas has also been working to increase kayaking training opportunities

and access to Instructor Certification as a result of the ICW that was sponsored by grant


• Virginia: The Virginia course had the highest pass rate at 100%. They also had many people that

passed the Level 2: Essentials of Canoeing certification. This demonstrates a very high level of

skill and experience among the personnel of the Virginia State Parks and Department of

Conservation and Recreation. With the increase in skills and the authenticity that comes with

being an ACA Instructor, the level of programing should increase and be of great benefit to the

paddling public in Virginia.

• Washington: Washington had a very high pass rate among the attendees. Many of the

Instructor Candidates were able to achieve both Levell and Level 2 Instructor Certifications.

The candidates attending the ICW in Washington were from a variety of agencies and from

different parts of that state. The high numbers of new instructors means that there is now a

network of professional paddlesports instructors available to the people of Washington in many

areas of the state and at different levels of instruction. This should allow the paddling public

significantly easier access to educational opportunities.

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Financial Update

As of March 31,2012, $75,000.00 has been directly charged to the $75,000.00 in approved grant funds.

Monies used include:

1st Qtr 2nd Qtr ~rd Qtr 4th Qtr Extension Total (YTD) Personnel/Overhead $905.58 $1,871.62 $1,722.80 $2,000.00 $0.00 $6,500.00 Fringe Expenses $0.00 $0.00 $143.65 $961.35 $0.00 $1,105.00 Travel $1,238.15 $211.42 $839.17 $188.31 $1,654.16 $4,131.21 Equipmel'lt $0.00 $8,883.66 $3,858.26 $911.73 $2,421.93 $16,075.58 Suppiies $0.00 $625.00 $1,875.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,500.00 Centract Services $0.00 $5,000.00 $9,500.00 . $0.00 $3,750.00 '$18,250.00 Other $1,244.55 $5,000.00 $4,000.00 $0.00 $16,193.66 $26,438.21 Total (Qtrly) $3,388.28 $-21,591.70 $21,938.88 $4,061.39 $24,019.75 $75,000.00

Attached you will find the final Federal Financial Report (Standard Form 425).

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at the ACA National Office. Thank you for your

continued assistance throughout this important grant project.

Paddle safe - paddle often, Sincerely,

Christopher S· c Eli Crispell

ACA I Canoe - Kayak - SUP - Raft - Rescue ACA I Canoe - Kayak - SUP - Raft - Rescue

Chief Operating Officer Paddlesports Training Grant Coordinator

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FEDERAL FINANCIAL REPORT (Follow form instructions)

1. Federal Agency and Organizational Element 2. Federal Grant or Other Identtlying Number Assigned by Federal Agency Page of to Which Report is Submitted (To report mUltiple grants, use FFR Attachment)

United States Coast Guard 1002.05

3. Recipient Organization (Name and complete address including Zip code)

American Canoe Association 108 Hanover Street Fredericksbur9 VA 22401

4a. DUNS Number 4b. EIN 5. Recipient Account Number or Identifying Number

84·0619411 (To report multiple grants, use FFR Attachment)


8. Project/Grant Period From: (Month, Day, Year) ITo: (Month, Day, Year)

9/0112010 3/3112012

10. Transactions

(Use lines a-c for single or multiple grant reporting)

Federal Cash (To report multiple grants, also use FFR Attachment):

a. Cash Receipts

b. Cash Disbursements

c. Cash on Hand (line a minus b)

(Use lines d-o for single grant reporting)

Federal Expenditures and Unobligated Balance:

d. Total Federal funds authorized

e. Federal share of expenditures

f. Federal share of unliquidated obligations

g. Total Federal share (sum of lines e and f)

h. Unobligated balance of Federal funds (line d minus g)

Recipient Share:

i. Total recipient share required

j. Recipient share 01 expenditures

k. Remainina recipient share to be provided (line i minus i) Program Income:

I. Total Federal program income earned

m. Proaram income expended in accordance with the deduction alternative

n. Program income expended in accordance with the addition alternative

o. Unexpended program income (line I minus line m or line n)

I a. Tvpe Ib. Rate Ie. Period From IPeriod To d. Base e. Amount Charged 11. Indirect I I I I Expense I I I I

SO.OOa. Totals: SO.OO


I pages

6. Report Type 7. Basis 01 Accounting

P Quarterly

r: Semi-Annual

r: Annual

r;; Rnal EJ Cash o Accrual 9. Reporting Period End Date

(Month, Day, Year) 3/31/2012











50.00 50.00





f. Federal Share


12. Remarl<s: Attach any explanations deemed necessary or infonnation required by Federal sponsoring agency in compliance with goveming legislation:

13. Certification: By signing this report, I certify to the best of my knowiedge and belief that the report is true, complete, and accurate, and the expenditures,

disbursements and cash receipts are for the purposes and intent set forth in the award documents. I am aware that any false, fictitious, or fraudulent information I

Standard Form 425· ReVIsed 6/2812010

may subject me to criminal, civil, or administrative penalties. (U.S. Code, Title 18, Section 1001)

a. Typed or Printed Name and Title of Authorized Certifying Official c. Telephone (Area code, number and extension) IChriJir~ .S~( - 11- CA CJ/~f OfJe~t;/7 tfmCt..,. 540-907-4460 X109 I

d. Email address [email protected]

b. Signature 02::~'~e'C e. Date Report Submitted (Month, Day, Year,


U 14. Agency use only: I

OMS Approval Number 0348-0061 Expiration Dale 1013112011

Paperwork Burden Statement According to the Paperwork Reduction Act. as amended, no persons are required to respond to a collection ot InformatIOn unless It displays a valid OMS Control Number The valid OMS control number for thiS Information collection IS 0348-0061. Public reportIng burden for thiS collection of Information Is estimated to average 1.5 hours per response Including time for revieWing instructions. searchIng eXisting data sources, gathenng and maintaining the data needed. and completing and reviewing the collection of information Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this collectIon of information including suggestions for reducing thIS burden. to the Office of Management and Budget Paperwork Reduction Project (0348.Q(61). Washington. DC 20503.