i c-ounty newsarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...1981/10/29  · alto ski shop in...

<4·, ERNEST S. SANCHEZ (Con/,t. on P. 2) $HERIFF OF LINCOLN COUNTY - 10-20-81 - Complaint of a door left open at a residence in Sierra Blanca Dr. in Alto Village. - 10-21-81 - Dick Hull reported to the Sheriff's office of a dead horse that had been dead for over 2-weeks. Horse is believed to belong to Ronnie Wingfield. A burglar alarm went off at the Alto Ski Shop in Alto, Sheriff's Deputies were dispatched to the Ski Shop to check on alarm Darlene Williams, 18 of 1604 N. Greenwood in Roswell turned herself in to the Roswell authorities. Ms. Williams was wanted out of Lincoln County on a warrant on Burglary charges filed by the Lmcoln County Sheriff's Department. WillJams. Hick Mobley, and Andy Needham, Jr were all filed up for Breaking and Entering homes in the Ruidoso area. Ms. Williams is at thIS Ume in the county Jail awaiting to go before the Judge on Commercial Burglary & Brealung & Entering Bond has been set at $2,500.00. Ramon Jose' Sanchez, 21 of Ruidoso Downs was also In- carcerated In the County jail on charges of D.W,l. Magistrate Judge Wheeler of Ruidoso sen- tenced Ramon to two days m the county jail and after two days he IS to be transported by the Sheriff's Department to the Las Vegas State Hospital where he will be able to get treatment for alcohol on voluntary basis. Ralph Lopez "Crow", 36 of Carrizozo was sentenced to the county jail by Magistrate Judge Ortiz for a period of 10 days He was also sentenced to work public works. Lopez was incarcerated for drinking In public, probation violation. - 10-22-81 - Jim Knecht reported to the Sheriffs Office of aB & E at the John reSidence in Rwdoso Sheriff's Deputies are still In- vestlgatmg. Fire Alarm was reported In Alto' Village. Officers were dispatched to the Alto Village to check on alarm and found it W be a false alarm. - 1(}-23-81 - Edward Madrid, 39 and Rudolpho Lucero, 24 both of ('-amp Sierra Blanca were released to the Camp Sierra Blanca Authorities They were transported by the camp authorities to the New Mexico Penitentiary in Santa Fe, New Mexico - 10-25-81 - Marvin Jones of Capitan reported livestock on the Highway. Sheriff's deputies were dispatched out to take care of livestock. Received a report of a B & E at the Con&truction Site in Alto Village. Sheriff Deputies were dispatched to that area to in- vestigate. Sheriff's Deputies are in- vestigating into a fence that had been found tom down at the Fred LaMay ranch in the Basin Valley area in Carrizozo, Sammy Romero. 31 of Capitan was incarcerated by county of- ficers on charges of assault. Bond has been set for Romero at $500.00, Marcos Reloua, 25 of Ruidoso was also ihcarcerated in the County Jail on charges of disor- derlY conduct. Mr. Reloua was fined $50.00. ... -10-26-81- Two subjects were ap- prehended by r the Sheriff's . after a high speed chase which climaxed when the REPORT SHERIFF'S OFF ICE 648·2342 648·2532 EMERGENCY ESTABLI SHED IN 1905 carri7.07.0 Public Schools IS submitting a grant application to the state director of Adult Basic Education in hopes of obtaining monies to re-start the G.E.D. program locally. Dr. \lames P. Miller Jr., superintendent of schools has assembled a com- mittee to help gather information for the application. Ms. Jenny Kelly, director of the New Horizons; Mrs, Barbara Ward, Director of Zia Senior Citizens; Mrs, Viola Fenter, for- mer employment interviewer for the N,M, Employment Securities Department; and Sister Gail Stackpole, who has done some work in the past three years toward getting funding, met with Miller to discuss what needed to be done for the application. Letters of $Upport for the idea were sought from organizations in the area,' from past graduates of the program, from the past director of the program, and from persons wbo may be able to help the effort <e,g. Charlotte Wall, Director of (COIV·t. on P. 2) Carrizozo Submits Application A rather startling statIstiC he ga ve IS the 72 percent of the community today have no direct contact With the school, that is, have no chlldr-en or grandchildren In school. The task of the school in keeping the rest of the community Informed, Involved, and caring about the educational process becomes monumental in the face of such data aDd demands creativity and vigilence on the part of the educators. Mr. Lynn Medlin, St a te President of the School Board Assocation. gave a report on the acti VI lies sponsored by the AssoCiatIOn In the past year. Of upcoming Importance to board members at the state convention December 3-4 will be the adoption of new by-laws and constitution 8Ild adoption of a new dues schedules Local boards are assessed dues In the Association according to their budget. In the past, a limit of $2500 was set. With mflatlOn swelling local Dudgets and taxing the AssoCiation funds, the ceiling will be lifted. Election of DIstrict officers was on the agenda. Lee Tafoya will continue as President, Leroy Madnd will take over as VIce, President, and Joe Gutierrez will remam Secretary-Treasurer. The CapItan School Dlstnct offered to host the Spnng meeting of the Dlstnct - Rejected a proposal to purchase office eqUipment to speed up the process of sending out tax statements. -- Approved graveling a state road serving Camp Sierra Blanca, - Approved changing the wording in the Cablevision of Lincoln County franchise to read "a corporation" Instead of partnership. The next commiSSIon meeting will begin at 10 a.m, November 17, BEST AVAIWlE copy f Receives $&73,000 The Capitan Municipal School District is in the planning process for the building of a new multipurpose building which in- cludes new locker-shower areas, a stage and a band-ehoral area as well as a physicial education building, The District was awarded $673,000 of Critical Capital Outlay funds from the State. 1n addition, approximately $300,000 of funds from the operational budget will be included in the budget for the facility. , Patrons of the capitan Schools are irivited to visit the schools and- or attend the board meetings and view "their preliminary plans, The superintendent & board welcome input from the citizens of the community. The :\ew MeXICO School Board AssOCiatIOn held Its Fall meeting for Dlstnct VII m Truth or Con· sequences on ()ctobpr 14 Hepresentlng Carrizozo were Sister Gall Stackpole, board secretary and Dr. James P Miller Jr, superintendent Superin- tendent of Capitan Schools, Da\'ld Lee and Mark Delgado, board preSident represented their dJstnct The agenda for the evemng Included a talk by Mr Kemitl Stuve, Executive Director of New MeXICO ASSOCiatIOn for Retarded CItizens He expressed concerns hiS aSSOCIatIOn has in reRard to the handicapped student in public education The major concerns are the vocatronal preparation of such students and the inapproprIate placement which may not proVide the best education for such students, He acknowledged the "adversary stance" the two groups have had In the past. He feels that until the follOWing five ISSUes are dealt v.lth, no productIve dialogue can take place. J) Define the scope of public education. )2 define what "ap- propriate" educatIon for the handJcapped means. 3/ detprmtne what IS "free" educatIOn, '4 agree on what IS the "least restrIct Ive environment" for handicapped personS. and )5 see how "due process' fits into public educatIon Mrs. Earl Nunn, Exe<-utive DIrector of the New MeXICO School 0dmimstrators AssOCIation. spoke on the Importance of community unity to success In the schools. He named several areas of division which in the long run harm the student who needs an education' board member against board member, teacher against ad- ministration. NEA against AFT, and so on, C-ounty News At Fall Meet CARRIZOZO-CAPITAN-- "I think it's a good deal for the county but we'll have to wait until the next budget is planned," sais Thomas "Cotton" McKnight, commission chairman. In other ousiness the com- mission: Awarded a bid to overhaul the compressor for the courthouse air conditioning system, In the amount of $12.767, to a Hoswell firm, Rejected a bid of $4,160 to construct curbing and sidewalk on the courthouse parking lot ) At their last meeting last Tuesday the Lincoln County CommissIOn approved a feasibility study on using reserve county funds on three proposed construction projects. The County Financial Plan, calls for an administrative building on the south parking lot of the current county courthouse In Carnzozo. The building would cover approximately 4,000 square feet and would house the adrTllnistratlve office, computer room, commiSSIOners' meeting room and offices for the three county commISSIOners. County Manager Truman BIlllngbley, who presented the plan estImated the cost at $360,000 The flllalitern on the list ('ails for Instalfatlon of an emergency exit In the county Jail. Absen('l' of such an eXIt has be-t>n f('ported by the State FIr Marshal as a s;;fety defiCiency The cost for tlll:- project .... as estlllllltt'd at Slll.OOO Bllllngsley stated tbat no Increase In county til xel> .... ouJd be necessary since tht' ('OUllty bas the money to do thll> Severlll Loma (;rand(' reSidents v. en' on hand at the to pn'spnt In· formation on poor road nlr] dJtlOns there. :'olrs Pat HunH', representlnj.( the group displayed a mllp of the area 8Ild poll1ted out !'.OI:ll-' major road problems The estlltes llre fiVE' mllps soutb of :"ogal and slightly v.est 1,1 Hlgh .... ay 37 Hoadb In the area are under the )urIsd 1('1 10 n of tbe county roads departllll'nt Estate rt'l>ldl'nts llfe requesting the ('ounty to com· plete the proper rl'palr \Hlrk reqwred on the roaru.. including la:,lng RJ"avel and grading thl'm The commlSSlOnt'rs also approved the clOSing of a two and a haH mile sectIOn of county road Gllseno "Hod' HodrIguez, representmg Yates Petroleum Corporation. Indlcatl'd concern about access 10 land that hIS company may need In developing the area Hov.ever. thl' rom- mISSIOners agreed that there is another road whIch will prOVIde the access that Yates WIll neffi A request to mcn'ase road maintenance support to Alto 'Village waS tabled untIl the next budget IS drawn up for the Currently, developer Don Blauwund maintainS the area, however, the county supphes 011 to help maintain the road. Study Approved PLAN PRESENTED-- THURSDAY" OCTOBER 29, 1981 Sando\al attnbutl's hl'r '1"!->lll' to helpothprs to her fan,J!\ and hn faith "I np\er could hau' dOlll' It on my ov.n strengtb, said 'There v.ere Just too llIam fH'ople who helped me and Illsplred IllP , As to v.hat shpil rpnll'mbf'r most about the trIp. al ",lid although the ev en Ls hplpl'<! lwr grov. up a bit, Ol1!' thlllg "Ill' II alv.ays remelllbl'r IS (t.I' "l"" () Harp Airport I bad to changl' pl;uws In () lIare .. she said 'And alll'r that v. as o\er. 1 thought I 'I,(lid do anvtbIng lhe 1;1"\\( . organl7l'd In IKR<J has )() rmll}on mpmht'rs v."rld Wide The group IS the largpst dlHI oldest nondenomlnatlona I nlln partisan InternclllOnal sl'n 1'1' organIzation of womf'n Ilou"f' First L .. II,.· liard.·" a ... \If'. Fli/alwlh ()ol a""bl.ant LI> thp I'n'"id"nl r,,, !,uhlie liaison. looks Oil r1 b. .; \ (' < f r I _' nubs DistinRuishl'd \olunt('r'r BrlRllle of (Jrri7ozo. Sf'P- in thl' \\ hilI' \\ornl'n's T('r'nngl' s.'l ndo\ al Ir'rnlH'r 10, --.In Hal' Salcido. crowned 1981 St. .IudI' Fiesta Queen last is a junior at Hondo lIigh She is nlso a member of th(' nationally known lIondo Fil'sta Dancers. SL Jude Fil'sta began Friday and ended Sunday. when the dancers pl'rformed for thl' public. JO RAE SALCIDO of Amenca l'ha ptt'r In a\ I'll r long pro)l"Ct to assist the senIOr Cit I/!'ns center through regular spnlor cltlzen·hlgh school act I\lt IPS Last Winter, Sando\al dlrpl'tl'd Ibe donation of frep flrt'\\ood to "Ider people who lH,ftkd hplr to twat their bomes ·lhat and otber "nrk prompted lhp (,F\\C \-,arrJlozo!'. \\omen 5 ('Iuh to TiI'llllnate for tht'lr I )j"tlngUished \ oluntppr 'J I'('nagpr -\v.ard thiS year Sbl' .... as notlflPd 'rl thel'r dl"ClslOn In mld·August On Sppt !(). Sando\al and tbl' "Ihpr av.ard .... Innl'rs v. PH' Jrl \\ashlngton, I) (', to altpnd thp "{'rpmon\ along v.lth an 1m promptu audlPn('e of unsusppl'tlng \\ hlte House tOUrists who stumhll'd lin the group and watcbed from a grass partitIOn In the garrien 'lRS RO'\I.D Reagan pr .... f'lll Stf'uhf't1 cr, "Ial f':l Rtr III (,pnpral FI'dpralion "f There arell I !l,all\ beSides tht' preSident v. ho call "" \ they've bN'n tl\ tbl' fir "I lad\'. but It happened r('('I'llth 10 a l'mve4slly of :--'ev. :'-Il'x I( 0 fn'"t. man :-<ancy Heagan ga\ (' Brlglltl' Sandoval. Ill, of (aITI/o/,' " spontaneous bug durmg d "fll" :,,1 awards ceremon\ last mont ttl!' rose garden Sandoval v. a" "I.' "t .." teenage volun!f'ers dlld 11\' .,,',dl members of I Ill' ("'fl",,,1 Federation of \\ o!lII'1l , (I,ll,· I GFV.C, to r('leJ\ I' " '-1"\1\"'(' crystal eagle fmln \11''' H"d""11 for outstandmg volllnll'fT v."rk 111 their local communltlPS "Before the Cl'll'l1 ,011 \ II", Secret Service mpn ga\ I' \I" III structlons on hov. to lwhi' '..' Sandoval said 'Thl'\ told Ii' t" shake her hand gpntly and 11,,1 \ l'n long, and not 10 stalld III fr"rl! "f her. When the first lad:- pn'Sl'lli "d the awards to us, shr' <Jctll;l!h hugged us Afterv.ard. tbl' S"lTl'l Service people told us hnv. IlnllSlla I that was .. that I\lrs Hl'ag;m Isn't know for being su('b an df fectlOnate person Sandoval saId thp first la(1\ had a personal message for l'ach ,I! the reCIpIents as shE' prpsentpc!thp awards To Sandoval, I\lrs Hl'agall offered thanks and ('ongratulatlllns for her volunteer work WIth Sf'n\l,r citizens in her home town The work conslstl'd of founrhng a joint senior citizens·4-H grand parents program to l1lak(' teenagers more aware of oldf'r citizens. She also orgamzed and led the Carrizozo Future Homemakers Bl'fol'(' Capitan - Carrizozo Fuol ha 11 gam!' - $2.0n all you l'illl l'aL Til'kph a\'ailabl(' £I'om Ca rri In' II Rllta r y Club 1lll'lllh!'l'o, IIr at UJ{' door. Chili Supper 5 P.M. -7 P.M. OCTOBER 30, 1981 ('atTizolO H('c ('pllter BRIGITTE SANDOVAL-- Meets First Lady VOLUME 76 NUMBER 44 liN THE COUNTY SEAT OF HISTORICAL LINCOLN COUNTY I CARRIZOZO I NEW MEXICO l1li,411 1 " .• 4!1l0!l'. l".{,rt ¥..,. ':"'( , 4"':', ""!' '!"'f. "",""+- .,.. .., *"' __ .. .. H""_"l"., __ "., ""_"'._H , -.'!! , ,- ,.,. _"'.to' ', , .. _ 4 """,- a;"",""'":""".""_A "'!'':_ .".",9- "'.""'" " 41 ",* "', t",.$""C#"""',_ "' ""+ a<"'.fI$"l'" .. "'l" "',!9'!'!Il'f.' """',.,.""''''' .. .., "'dP"""""''''lA':'''::''''"W'-;, . ..- .,.. ...,.. , .. .. .•,. '''''''T-.:" , ..•."'," •• , .. '1::;' (

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Page 1: I C-ounty Newsarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...1981/10/29  · Alto Ski Shop in Alto, Sheriff's Deputies were dispatched to the Ski Shop to check on alarm Darlene



(Con/,t. on P. 2)


- 10-20-81 -Complaint of a door left open at

a residence in Sierra Blanca Dr. inAlto Village.

- 10-21-81 -Dick Hull reported to the

Sheriff's office of a dead horse thathad been dead for over 2-weeks.Horse is believed to belong toRonnie Wingfield.

A burglar alarm went off at theAlto Ski Shop in Alto, Sheriff'sDeputies were dispatched to theSki Shop to check on alarm

Darlene Williams, 18 of 1604 N.Greenwood in Roswell turnedherself in to the Roswellauthorities. Ms. Williams waswanted out of Lincoln County on awarrant on Burglary charges filedby the Lmcoln County Sheriff'sDepartment. WillJams. HickMobley, and Andy Needham, Jrwere all filed up for Breaking andEntering homes in the Ruidosoarea. Ms. Williams is at thIS Umein the county Jail awaiting to gobefore the Judge on CommercialBurglary & Brealung & EnteringBond has been set at $2,500.00.

Ramon Jose' Sanchez, 21 ofRuidoso Downs was also In­carcerated In the County jail oncharges of D.W,l. MagistrateJudge Wheeler of Ruidoso sen­tenced Ramon to two days m thecounty jail and after two days he IS

to be transported by the Sheriff'sDepartment to the Las Vegas StateHospital where he will be able toget treatment for alcohol onvoluntary basis.

Ralph Lopez "Crow", 36 ofCarrizozo was sentenced to thecounty jail by Magistrate JudgeOrtiz for a period of 10 days Hewas also sentenced to work publicworks. Lopez was incarcerated fordrinking In public, probationviolation.

- 10-22-81 -Jim Knecht reported to the

Sheriffs Office of a B & E at theJohn Howar~ reSidence in RwdosoSheriff's Deputies are still In­

vestlgatmg.Fire Alarm was reported In

Alto' Village. Officers weredispatched to the Alto Village tocheck on alarm and found it W be afalse alarm.

- 1(}-23-81 -Edward Madrid, 39 and

Rudolpho Lucero, 24 both of ('-ampSierra Blanca were released to theCamp Sierra Blanca AuthoritiesThey were transported by thecamp authorities to the NewMexico Penitentiary in Santa Fe,New Mexico

- 10-25-81 -Marvin Jones of Capitan

reported livestock on the Highway.Sheriff's deputies were dispatchedout to take care of livestock.

Received a report of a B & E atthe Con&truction Site in AltoVillage. Sheriff Deputies weredispatched to that area to in­vestigate.

Sheriff's Deputies are in­vestigating into a fence that hadbeen found tom down at the FredLaMay ranch in the Basin Valleyarea in Carrizozo,

Sammy Romero. 31 of Capitanwas incarcerated by county of­ficers on charges of assault. Bondhas been set for Romero at $500.00,

Marcos Reloua, 25 of Ruidosowas also ihcarcerated in theCounty Jail on charges of disor­derlY conduct. Mr. Reloua wasfined $50.00. ...

-10-26-81-Two subjects were ap­

prehended by r the Sheriff's. Depart~ent after a high speed

chase which climaxed when the



OFF ICE648·2342648·2532



carri7.07.0 Public Schools IS

submitting a grant application tothe state director of Adult BasicEducation in hopes of obtainingmonies to re-start the G.E.D.program locally. Dr. \lames P.Miller Jr., superintendent ofschools has assembled a com­mittee to help gather informationfor the application.

Ms. Jenny Kelly, director ofthe New Horizons; Mrs, BarbaraWard, Director of Zia SeniorCitizens; Mrs, Viola Fenter, for­mer employment interviewer forthe N,M, Employment SecuritiesDepartment; and Sister GailStackpole, who has done somework in the past three yearstoward getting funding, met withMiller to discuss what needed to bedone for the application. Letters of$Upport for the idea were soughtfrom organizations in the area,'from past graduates of theprogram, from the past director ofthe program, and from personswbo may be able to help the effort<e,g. Charlotte Wall, Director of

(COIV·t. on P. 2)


A rather startling statIstiC hega ve IS the 72 percent of thecommunity today have no directcontact With the school, that is,have no chlldr-en or grandchildrenIn school. The task of the school inkeeping the rest of the communityInformed, Involved, and caringabout the educational processbecomes monumental in the face ofsuch data aDd demands creativityand vigilence on the part of theeducators.

Mr. Lynn Medlin, St a tePresident of the School BoardAssocation. gave a report on theacti VI lies sponsored by theAssoCiatIOn In the past year. Ofupcoming Importance to boardmembers at the state conventionDecember 3-4 will be the adoptionof new by-laws and constitution8Ild adoption of a new duesschedules Local boards areassessed dues In the Associationaccording to their budget. In thepast, a limit of $2500 was set. WithmflatlOn swelling local Dudgets andtaxing the AssoCiation funds, theceiling will be lifted.

Election of DIstrict officerswas on the agenda. Lee Tafoya willcontinue as President, LeroyMadnd will take over as VIce,President, and Joe Gutierrez willremam Secretary-Treasurer. TheCapItan School Dlstnct offered tohost the Spnng meeting of theDlstnct

- Rejected a proposal topurchase office eqUipment tospeed up the process of sendingout tax statements.

-- Approved graveling astate road serving Camp SierraBlanca,

- Approved changing thewording in the Cablevision ofLincoln County franchise to read"a corporation" Instead ofpartnership.

The next commiSSIonmeeting will begin at 10 a.m,November 17,



$&73,000The Capitan Municipal School

District is in the planning processfor the building of a newmultipurpose building which in­cludes new locker-shower areas, astage and a band-ehoral area aswell as a physicial educationbuilding,

The District was awarded$673,000 of Critical Capital Outlayfunds from the State. 1n addition,approximately $300,000 of fundsfrom the operational budget will beincluded in the budget for thefacility. ,

Patrons of the capitan Schoolsare irivited to visit the schools and­or attend the board meetings andview "their preliminary plans, Thesuperintendent & board welcomeinput from the citizens of thecommunity.

The :\ew MeXICO School BoardAssOCiatIOn held Its Fall meetingfor Dlstnct VII m Truth or Con·sequences on ()ctobpr 14Hepresentlng Carrizozo wereSister Gall Stackpole, boardsecretary and Dr. James P MillerJr, superintendent Superin­tendent of Capitan Schools, Da\'ldLee and Mark Delgado, boardpreSident represented theirdJstnct

The agenda for the evemngIncluded a talk by Mr KemitlStuve, Executive Director of NewMeXICO ASSOCiatIOn for RetardedCItizens He expressed concernshiS aSSOCIatIOn has in reRard to thehandicapped student in publiceducation The major concerns arethe vocatronal preparation of suchstudents and the inapproprIateplacement which may not proVidethe best education for suchstudents, He acknowledged the"adversary stance" the two groupshave had In the past.

He feels that until the follOWingfive ISSUes are dealt v.lth, noproductIve dialogue can takeplace. J) Define the scope of publiceducation. )2 define what "ap­propriate" educatIon for thehandJcapped means. 3/ detprmtnewhat IS "free" educatIOn, '4 agreeon what IS the "least restrIct Iveenvironment" for handicappedpersonS. and )5 see how "dueprocess' fits into public educatIon

Mrs. Earl Nunn, Exe<-utiveDIrector of the New MeXICO School

0dmimstrators AssOCIation. spokeon the Importance of communityunity to success In the schools. Henamed several areas of divisionwhich in the long run harm thestudent who needs an education'board member against boardmember, teacher against ad­ministration. NEA against AFT,and so on,

C-ounty News


"I think it's a good deal forthe county but we'll have to waituntil the next budget is planned,"sais Thomas "Cotton" McKnight,commission chairman.

In other ousiness the com­mission:

Awarded a bid tooverhaul the compressor for thecourthouse air conditioningsystem, In the amount of $12.767,to a Hoswell firm,

Rejected a bid of $4,160 toconstruct curbing and sidewalkon the courthouse parking lot


At their last meeting lastTuesday the Lincoln CountyCommissIOn approved afeasibility study on using reservecounty funds on three proposedconstruction projects.

The County Financial Plan,calls for an administrativebuilding on the south parking lotof the current county courthouseIn Carnzozo. The building wouldcover approximately 4,000square feet and would house theadrTllnistratlve office, computerroom, commiSSIOners' meetingroom and offices for the threecounty commISSIOners. CountyManager Truman BIlllngbley,who presented the plan estImatedthe cost at $360,000

The flllalitern on the list ('ailsfor Instalfatlon of an emergencyexit In the county Jail. Absen('l' ofsuch an eXIt has be-t>n f('ported bythe State FIr Marshal as a s;;fetydefiCiency The cost for tlll:­project .... as estlllllltt'd at Slll.OOO

Bllllngsley stated tbat noIncrease In county til xel> .... ouJd benecessary since tht' ('OUllty basthe money to do thll>

Severlll Loma (;rand('~states reSidents v. en' on handat the rnel:'tln~ to pn'spnt In·

formation on poor road nlr]

dJtlOns there. :'olrs Pat HunH',representlnj.( the groupdisplayed a mllp of the area 8Ildpoll1ted out !'.OI:ll-' major roadproblems

The estlltes llre fiVE' mllpssoutb of :"ogal and slightly v.est1,1 Hlgh.... ay 37 Hoadb In the areaare under the )urIsd 1('1 10 n of tbecounty roads departllll'nt

Estate rt'l>ldl'nts llferequesting the ('ounty to com·plete the proper rl'palr \Hlrkreqwred on the roaru.. includingla:,lng RJ"avel and grading thl'm

The commlSSlOnt'rs alsoapproved the clOSing of a two anda haH mile sectIOn of county roadF~ Gllseno "Hod' HodrIguez,representmg Yates PetroleumCorporation. Indlcatl'd concernabout access 10 land that hIScompany may need In developingthe area Hov.ever. thl' rom­mISSIOners agreed that there isanother road whIch will prOVIdethe access that Yates WIll neffi

A request to mcn'ase roadmaintenance support to Alto

'Village waS tabled untIl the nextbudget IS drawn up for the~ounty Currently, developer DonBlauwund maintainS the area,however, the county supphes 011to help maintain the road.

Study ApprovedPLAN PRESENTED--


Sando\al attnbutl's hl'r '1"!->lll'to helpothprs to her fan,J!\ and hnfaith

"I np\er could hau' dOlll' It onmy ov.n strengtb, ~tH' said'There v.ere Just too llIam fH'ople

who helped me and Illsplred IllP ,

As to v.hat shpil rpnll'mbf'rmost about the trIp. ~ndo\ al ",lidalthough the ev en Ls hplpl'<! lwrgrov. up a bit, Ol1!' thlllg "Ill' IIalv.ays remelllbl'r IS (t.I' "l""() Harp Airport

I bad to changl' pl;uws In

() lIare .. she said 'And alll'r thatv. as o\er. 1 thought I 'I,(lid doanvtbIng

lhe 1;1"\\( . organl7l'd In IKR<J

has )() rmll}on mpmht'rs v."rldWide The group IS the largpst dlHIoldest nondenomlnatlona I nllnpartisan InternclllOnal sl'n 1'1'

organIzation of womf'n

Ilou"f' First L .. II,.· liard.·" a ...\If'. Fli/alwlh ()ol a""bl.ant LI>

thp I'n'"id"nl r,,, !,uhlie liaison.looks Oil

r1b. .; \(' < f r I _'

nubs DistinRuishl'd\olunt('r'r BrlRllleof (Jrri7ozo. Sf'P-

1!1~1 in thl' \\ hilI'

\\ornl'n'sT('r'nngl's.'l ndo\ al

Ir'rnlH'r 10,

--.In Hal' Salcido. crowned 1981St. .IudI' Fiesta Queen lastFrirla~. is a junior at HondolIigh ~hool. She is nlso amember of th(' nationally knownlIondo Fil'sta Dancers. SL JudeFil'sta began Friday and endedSunday. when the dancerspl'rformed for thl' public.


of Amenca l'ha ptt'r In a \ I'll r longpro)l"Ct to assist the senIOr Cit I/!'nscenter through regular spnlorcltlzen·hlgh school act I\lt IPS

Last Winter, Sando\al dlrpl'tl'dIbe donation of frep flrt'\\ood to"Ider people who lH,ftkd hplr totwat their bomes

·lhat and otber 'OnllljUnlt~

"nrk prompted lhp (,F\\C

\-,arrJlozo!'. \\omen 5 ('Iuh toTiI'llllnate ~ando\al for tht'lrI )j"tlngUished \ oluntppr 'J I'('nagpr-\v.ard thiS year Sbl' .... as notlflPd'rl thel'r dl"ClslOn In mld·August

On Sppt !(). Sando\al and tbl'"Ihpr av.ard .... Innl'rs v. PH' Jrl

\\ashlngton, I) (', to altpnd thp"{'rpmon\ along v.lth an 1mpromptu audlPn('e of unsusppl'tlng\\ hlte House tOUrists who stumhll'dlin the group and watcbed froml~hlnd a grass partitIOn In thegarrien

'lRS RO'\I.D Reaganpr ....f'lll ~ Stf'uhf't1 cr, "Ial f':l RtrIII (,pnpral FI'dpralion "f

There arell I !l,all\ pI~'I'II'

beSides tht' preSident v. ho call "" \they've bN'n hU~t'd tl\ tbl' fir "Ilad\'. but It happened r('('I'llth 10 al'mve4slly of :--'ev. :'-Il'x I( 0 fn'"t.man

:-<ancy Heagan ga\ (' Brlglltl'Sandoval. Ill, of (aITI/o/,' "spontaneous bug durmg d "fll" :,,1awards ceremon\ last mont t· Ir~ ttl!'

rose gardenSandoval v. a" "I.' "t .."

teenage volun!f'ers dlld 11\' .,,',dlmembers of I Ill' ("'fl",,,1Federation of \\ o!lII'1l , (I,ll,·

I GFV.C, to r('leJ\ I' " '-1"\1\"'('

crystal eagle fmln \11''' H"d""11for outstandmg volllnll'fT v."rk 111

their local communltlPS"Before the Cl'll'l1 ,011 \ II",

Secret Service mpn ga\ I' \I" IIIstructlons on hov. to lwhi' '..'Sandoval said 'Thl'\ told Ii' t"

shake her hand gpntly and 11,,1 \ l'nlong, and not 10 stalld III fr"rl! "f

her. When the first lad:- pn'Sl'lli "dthe awards to us, shr' <Jctll;l!hhugged us Afterv.ard. tbl' S"lTl'lService people told us hnv. IlnllSlla Ithat was .. that I\lrs Hl'ag;m Isn'tknow for being su('b an dffectlOnate person

Sandoval saId thp first la(1\had a personal message for l'ach ,I!

the reCIpIents as shE' prpsentpc!thpawards To Sandoval, I\lrs Hl'agalloffered thanks and ('ongratulatlllnsfor her volunteer work WIth Sf'n\l,rcitizens in her home town

The work conslstl'd of founrhnga joint senior citizens·4-H grandparents program to l1lak('teenagers more aware of oldf'rcitizens. She also orgamzed and ledthe Carrizozo Future Homemakers

Bl'fol'(' Capitan - CarrizozoFuol ha 11 gam!' - $2.0n all youl'illl l'aL

Til'kph a\'ailabl(' £I'omCa rri In' II Rllta r y Club1lll'lllh!'l'o, IIr at UJ{' door.

Chili Supper

5 P.M. -7 P.M.OCTOBER 30, 1981

('atTizolO H('c ('pllter


Meets First Lady



l1li,4111"1IIIIIII,1IjIII~.•4!1l0!l'.~,.,.< l".{,rt ¥..,.*!""""'P-~."''' ':"'( , 4"':', ""!' '!"'f. ~,"!' "i!'"""'~_ "",""+- .,...., *"'__..,'~<s~"."'!..H""_"l".,~,.__ "., ""_"'._H ~"''"'I!';'., -.'!! , ,- ,.,.~~_ _"'.to' ', ,.._ 4 """, -a;"",""'":""".""_A "'!'':_•.".",9- "'.""'"" 41 ",* "',t",.$""C#"""',_ "'""+ a<"'.fI$"l'".. "'l":r'/.,,;;c~"o;:"".,"',!9'!'!Il'f.'"""',.,.""'''''...., "'dP"""""''''lA':'''::''''"W'-;,_:r"1rP".,·.SS~'?"''''ToP,'ir.::;f'·=~?~~~'';,·,;;l 'lI''···~-,; ~~- 't.\;, T-':.-"~''''' ."'~...- .,.. ...,....,~'~"' , ~-:-';".,,-..-' ~~..'''.?;~ .. ':>'.\"'.,.~''','''._ .• ,. '''''''T-.:" ,..•."'," •• P.'"".\.~,..,.~,.:::":.".r; ,.. '1::;'


Page 2: I C-ounty Newsarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...1981/10/29  · Alto Ski Shop in Alto, Sheriff's Deputies were dispatched to the Ski Shop to check on alarm Darlene




UNealll.II.RelIY.Sa'•• 6 serviH.' .


1980 Trans Am that was beingchased, failed to negotiate 8" tum atRed Hill weat of Carrizozo 'on high­way 380.

It aU statted when a call wasreceived of a gas skip at Jerry'sQuick stop in Hondo. cai\itenPolice set up a road block for thevehicle, but It sped on through. Aroad block was set up by theSheriff'a Department 8 miles eastof carrizozo, but the veblcle didnotstop either. When It faDed to atopthe Deputy chased after it and'another road block was set up bythe Sheriff's Dept. and thecarrizozo Police just eaat ofCarrizozo. The vehicle was beingchased left the pavement and theroad block and aped 00 throughcarrizozo and on west witD patrolWIlts beh1nd it. 'Ihe 1980 Trans Amthat had~ Stolen out of Texascame to a bault when it failed to­negotiate a turn_ & wrecked Mar,laMartiDez, 20 of Albuquerque andJose' Rascon, 19 of Albuquerqueoccupants in the ear were taken bythe C8rrizo2q AmbulancE! to theRuidoso Hospital. C1'1il1ltes are atthis time pending. The -chase in­volved tb,e Capitan . Pollce,Carrizozo Police, Sherlf.f'sDepartment, and'theState Pollee.

the Day Care center, wlJo~ openlb.e Center e,venln,p fo~ t~_ wb9need its service in order to attendclasses.)

'The committee brainstormedideas on how to advertize .tbeclasses, who to include -In ,theclasses (elderly, handicapped;etc.) aDdhow aud whereto ruo theclasses. As it stands in thepropoaal, classes wW be tJ,eld twoevenings aweek, with an afternoon"drop In" program for those whoare UDBbletoattend in the e1eniDg.The pre-testlng that Stackpoleprevioualy conducted In thiscommunity wUl be used in placingthose people In classes mostneeded by. them. Class ideas in­clude having .some Instructionperiods for those who w1Ib It' aswell as having iDdtvidual worktime so each can move at her-hisown pace,

The G.E.D. grut apPucationwhlch must be BUbmtlDd. bY ,OC­tober 31, wU1 be reviewed aod Ifaccepted wW be "included in the

freqpest to the legislature in( January. If moales(" are ap­I proprlated, the program will begin

ftmding in early FaD, 1982.

. -

. .' I ,. "-..

P.O. 1I0lt 374 Ca"lZolto,N. ·1iI. 88301

Ho,", Ph. (5Q$) 848-.2524.


Attend FIeSta



Dow, Buatel' Smoot,Holcomb, Ray Llickland, MauriceLemon. (Baa) Tom Cook, ShortyLemon, George Cooper, TlnoLopez and Coach Riddle.

Helping HandPbarmacist R.B. Sparks and

his Wl:fe, Mozelle of Lovington arelending a helping hand at FamilyPharmacy. '!bey will be helpingBunty, Bettye and Monica withtheir customers' di'iJgstore needswhile Jack is on vacation.


New Horizons Center has doneit a8l!in. They have built anotherhouse, this time on a,smaller scale.The center is raffling off a doghouse, complete with Bhtngled roofaud a chimney for venUiation. Thelucky pooch will even have wall-to­wall carpeting. A winning ticketWill be drawn for the little home onSaturday at the PTA HalloweenCarvinal. ~

Several Carrizozo residentsincluding my family attendedSunday'sfestlvities for the last dayof St. Jude Cathollc Church fiestaIn San Patricio. My famUy enjllYedthe lidea, food and other eventsheld Sunda)'. After shaking hands C!'heriftaod embracing HVeRl1- coJlSins. -.-----.-J ~_ .. _.__

probablydgainst Texico. While. -capitan is ftlvored th18 ypr, the-loot~er_wq__

- aud the outcome won't be known1D1t1l the &au 'YJllaIIe.

AD effort is being made thisweek by Bob Stean1s aDd TomGpek to ..' find uy' Capitan -"carrilozo graduate who mayhave played In the 1m or 1931 .pme. If 8IlY are able to attendth~will be _ .t halftime.

vh Ire I smlll bul tl'OWllII .Itv treat·mllllt cam.....y In TuI...DlI. N.M.


*'PDst SCRIPTby POlly

Frontier Quilt

s'uTB1?B,H1'1.\r;WATJ!Jl,.!!!5.US ·

U3 CBNTltAl. ·AVI!NUIll •

TULAIIO'A. N,M. ee852

GEORGI: S. STuYCKaAlo•• .u.NoUIUOFf',": 1S••·a07.HOM., .37_8738

8IDOlUlt of proteCtive gear wasavat1ab18 and the 2' IClhoOIs

'resumed- -competltion-- -havingplayed every year since, with theexception of lew. Some yeara 2 or3 games were played and thisyear Is the 64th meeting. Caplt8bleads the aer,les 314i'..fi.

TIle 'figers have a 6--1 recordIbis season wbIle Carrizozo is 4-8aud the wiDDer of this game wiDadvaoc:e to ~ state. playoffa

. --,


competltloa between the long­time Lincoln County rivals.Members of that team, somewhoae first names 'can't herecalled ~ere: Front neft' toright): Fay Harkey, Mac Shaver,

- After each long distance caU,record date aud individual Caned,in a paper taped bes1de yourtelephone book. When bW arriveseach out-of-town tall Is accountedfor.

Brida I ShowerGeorgia Ortiz, Kim Vallejos

both of Carrizozo and Lori Vallejosof Albuquerquewere hostesses at abridal shower given for Pats:.'Vallejos of Carrizozo. A big crowdenjoyed refreslunents 6: games forthe event be1d at the REA buildinglast ~UDday afternoon.

Arsenia Navarro ofAlamogordo 'snapped' ·f11'81 placein the clothes pin game with MableCandelaria of Carrizozo coming msecond. Out of towners at theshower were Araenla'-s- daughter,

'E."·' :,'~,-'~'",.•,- '. :I,'; """",' .".~,,~, .,."'~ .~"...;...~,-,,-; ",.,",~.=.""_...:;".,-,, -"'-=. '~.. ;, .... : -, t~,i W' * e'*'.5",. ;p6i?ttJlee H-'j ,- t t'"tTt' tree-¢' ?

Ranch Visitors


wEiln WElHIIIT'. i •

DlIWlle a .1••. .SElVlCE'


Friday IlIlht'a CapitanCarrIzozo gaIIl(I marka -50 yeanof _ .....01. hattie .... tilegrIdIrena of LiDeoln Co1D1ty. Tbe2 team8 firat met on a vacant: loton fifth street: in CapItan in 1927and played to a H tie in a pmeplayed without auy pads, Aftersuch a rough begbmlDg it wasdeclded net OJ play _ untilsome padI IUld belmets werepurehaaed. By 1B31 a small

GalRe Marks 50th Year·



TaItll!J... N.M.8B3J2USOS,G8WQ8I

-111is old adlool photo owned hy1100 Lopez ahowa the 1129-30carrizozo ,football team, whicbwaa one of tIM! flnt teama tocompete agalDst Capitan. .ThlsFriday wUl mark the 60th year of

J\lICa and Stella Duquette of I.e _ugboUt the clay; 't beIlove lhotLuz. the _e HDmIoVaII.,y ·e;.lholIc

Becent vie1tcn at the- Tnlman 'Jbecolorlul quDt on-diBplay.-at - - -, -- . - -_... :. __ <COD-llattim-.-is,~ted:~zny .__ . __Speneor Jr, borne. DO\'tb of C1t1ze1l11lliito1lOllk ...iJlb..·.I~ FlHifiir ··cflltFfitTltar· -1l!u:.;..-;;'>id"'ltll<rlam~~&m~---CarrizoZo werej Mr. and Mrs. Jbn by the~ 8oostel'B- In the near' chez):····8tep1 and 8uIan and Jack I'fOIt. fUture. '!be quilt top, 8 Nineopatcb BeulahMoore~ CluTIzozp was Qt:hets from C~· thereThey brOUght gueets' frQM was made by Doris Maxwell, who one of D18ay artIIta featured at the, last Simdey; Fr. pave JiergajAlbuquerque who are interested In ,livea Nt of C8rri101o and quilted 19th annual Boulder City Ho8piW. '" LQc1a vega ind son, John;Ltzthe rBDClb buIlaeIl.. by Dori. aild.Rutb WUlOn of Ancho. Awdliary Art FeltlV. lQ Boudler Sambrano. ami son Alex; .Mary

. Mr; aDdMn. wwomdorfalso JobnIon Stearns at CItizen ClW,N~. The~ In the part; Chavez, Sister CeelliA_ J'tP.!Jvisited the Speacen. They have a State pve a I8MI'OUS boost to the ev_t be1d'Qct. 8 and<4ls one of the Joaepbtne Cbavez. LaBt lI'ridaynaeh at BlnIbam but reside in E1 bandpeoplewlt:b a donation of.. ~lleat an, ~ad cre.fts falr in·the 'evening KeUi VIIll, thtli _year'sPaso. 'Ibe quUt wUl be oudlsp[ay at the w_tern ltateland Beu1ab IIlid. she Santa -Rita Qlureh' f.taqueea,

1 w Carnival this wu fortunate to be able to obtain assisted In the C01'Ot1attoo of St.


--Alto LakeA few rainbows are beinR; taken

on salmon eggs and PanlherMartin lIpimers.

Bonito LakeRainbows and brook lrout are

being taken using wonns. salmoneggs &lid spinners.

Carrizozo Lake1'1shing good for ralnlx,Yo&

using salmon eggs, cheese andlIn-es.

Ruidoso RiverA fe"'<..-rainbows are bt'lIll!

taken using spinners and salmon......

- Brandxshampoos not wantedfor balr aItor purebase. are goodfor pourlJ:ag on soiled &pots InclDtbing, thea t:oss1ng In with thereat of the day's wash.

- Cover cookie sheets withalumlntm foU to avoid extra panwashing. The aluminmn JoU can bere-cycled for wrapping garbage.

• Rub band Iotion.on shoes orboots for a quick~ followed by

Cowboy Fans • vigorollll buffing,Visitors from Johannesburg, - Sldm greas~ off stew with

South Africa in the home of Mr. an old spoon bent at the neck.and Mrs. Jim Cantrell of Alto were' . - A DO lODger' used eyegIa.saMr. and Mrs. Malc:olm Trollip. ease makes a daDdy place to storeM~, his wife Trudy and their amall embroidery scissors.BOOB, Grant, age 12 and Ian, age 9 - A tooth brush especiallyenjoyed touring Lincoln County purchased for kitchen u~ is greatwhile here. '!be boys returned back for brushing off grated orange and

·toAfricawlth80urveniers_cowboy lemon peel off a grater.hats.

B1nfidii\iPiiopIeEr:Ic· 0IseD Oct. 19; Paul

Guevara OcL 81; Friday Watson,Fr. ~ve Bergs Nov. 1; JesseBrown. Sharon Hefker Nov. 2;Demds Vega, Nena Ortiz, KennetbCrenahaw D, Dian Booher Nov. 3;Arturo Zamora, Mary Lee Talley,Ro_ EDgIlsb. Bill UndsayNov. 4; Donna Clarke, Bob watsonNov. 5. One thing I know about the

. speed of IJgbt ~ it gets here too earlyin the mpmin8. Happy Birthday!

.._.... ; __ , . t .. ,

-' « 'I'

..~.. ' - ~

PH: :251....200orZS7-tft1

Ruidoso, N.M.


-To aU of Mary's friends whocaUed. sent carda or nowen andwho vbJited her during ber longordeal. my Inn:prellllible


-Mary 1.. Thorpe pused awayTuesday, October 27. 1981 In 8&.Mary's Hospital, Roswell. N.M.

She Is survived by her huaband,ForTest and her mother, LevadaForbis. boUi of Carrizozo and herdaughter, Susan Herrell of GrandJunction, Colo.

Memorial services will beannounced laler.

. -The Sehior CltlzeDs ofCarrizozo are today e&Q.bUsblngthe Mary Thorpe Memortal Fadin memory of Mary Thorpe.

Donations to thla fund w8I beused to send Rowen to the m. or

_homebound. hOllpltalbed~ Also Itwill be used. to belp atrudedaenior ch.lzeDa motorlag throughour area.

It wD1 ablo be used to help old­of-town relatlvea of tbe 111.Donatlona should be dlreded totbe Mary Thorpe MemorialF'lmd, c-o Zla Senior Cltbeaa,Box 519, Carrizozo, NM 8830J,

Manuelltll Carva lal

-A. memorial service for Mni.MSU"y Thorpe wUl be beld at theCarrizozo Woman'. Qub at 11:30a.m. on Friday, October 30,1981.Rev. Charles F. Adams wIDconduct the ser,vlce.

-PubUc is invited

graWude.FOrTest Thorpe



Manuellta T. Carvajal, ofCapitan, N.M. paaaed awaySaturday, OCtober 17, 1981.

Mrs. Car\'ajal was bom J:u1y23, 1914 in Capitan, N.M. &bemarried Epifanlo carvajal, July22, 1933 in Capitan, where theylived since that time. She was amember of sacred Heart Cathol1cChurch of Capitan.

SurvivOl'S include the husband,Epifanio CarvajBl of Capitan;lJaughters, Inna Trujillo and RoseMontes of Capitan; Sisters, MaryDevara of Tularosa, N.M., PollyHerrera and Lore Miller ofCapitan; Brothera, HilarioTrujillo, Candelario Trujillo,Salomon Trujil10 of Capitan. andRamon Trujillo of lincoln, N.M.Also 7 grandebildren.

Rosary will be recited 8:30P.M. Wednesday, OetDber 21, 1981,and' Mass will be said 10:00 A.M,Thursday, 'October 22, 1981 in theSacred Heart Catholic Church ofcapitan" Intennent will follow inthe Capitan Cemetery.

Pallbearers will be BenjaminTrujillo, William Herrera, RichardDavera, Jerry Tru!illo, ErnestTrUjillo and AUred Trujl1lo.Honoraries; Larry Trujillo,~y Herrera, Roy navera.Abelino Trujillo,' {fernandoTrujtllo. Kandy Trujillo, AndyTrujillo,

Arrangements are by Clarke'sChapel of Roses, Ruidoso, N,M.

In other buaInelI8, membersvoted to have a membership teaSUDday,Jauuary81 at a pIaee to bedecided ...... They .... dlscuosed./UDd-raiBIDI projects.

Next. meittlng wUl be Tuesday,NoVember 17. Furtbe;r iDformatloDmay be~ from JobnBton at257-8171 01' Smith at 8M 1tD8.




..I .•

Prior to the October 20meeting, members attended theCounty Commissioners' meeting inCarrizozo. "WQenever our meetingday falls 00 the same day as thecommiasloners', we meet inCarrizozo and attend it," saidDorothy Smith, Capitan,secretary. "In that way, we try tostay informed."

Beth _, preaident of theNaUooal Federa.ticm of~nWomen, W8I th8leaturet;l~."Mra. Bendel also appeared on"Inquiry". au Albuquerque TVnews show," aaid Skeen.

JobnBton cave the invocationat the Friday eventnl baoquet andalso served on the ResolutionscommltteB. Poot,ave the report ofthe NaUoual LelJialation Com­mittee 88 well II the invocationat the PreIIdeDt.!II Banquet heldSlitut<!llY ov_.

DelelJltes also attended acampaign management seminar atwhich Sen. Harrlson Schmitt andrepresentatives from the regionaloffices of Sen. Pete Domenici andRep. Skeen spoke.

MONDAY. NOVEMBERt- Brownies, After School,

Cafeteria.... Girl Scow, After School,

Boord &om- Bowling. Women's 7 p.m.

SATURDAY. OCTOBER 31- ,PTA Halloween Carnival,

Old Gym, 7-9 jl-m.

SUNDAY:NOVEMBER I- . Community Choir Practice,

Methodist Chutth, 1:30 • 3 p.m.- Lock and Gainea Recep­

tion, SebDol Board Room, 3·5 p.m.

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30- Before Game Rotary Chill

SUpper, Ree Center, 5-7 p.m.- Carrir.ow vs Capitan

Football Game, 7:30 p.m.

WantATaste? .,

, I

GO" Women Meet

, ..- - ""'-'·',,',t~,



THURSDAY. NOVEMBER Ii- Bookmobile, REA Office,

9:30 - 11:00 a.m.- BowliDg, Mm'a 7 p.m.

WEDNESDA.Y, NOVEMBER.••. Social Security

Repreaentative, Commissioners'Room, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

- Bowling, Mixed League, 7


n;ESDAY. NOVEMBER 3- Chamber of Commerce.

FolD' Winds, 12 Noon.- Uons Cub, Four Winds. 7

p.m.- Bowling, Mixed League, 7

p.m.- Knigbt8of Colwnbus, Santa

Rita Hall, 7:30 p.m.

Four lubernatorlal candidatesspoke to delegates of the 21stbieontal convention of the New_ F......._ of Repub1ican

Women held in Albuquerque Ocwtob.. l~lB. aecording to delegatesspeaking at the October 20 meetingof the' local chapter, FederatedRepublican Women of LlncolnCounty.

RepreeentiDl Lincoln County,were Rhonda Johnston, Ruldoao,·prea1dent -of the local group; PentaPool, Alto, state .vlcechairwomanof the Repabitean party of "NewMexico i Mary Helen Skeen I wife ofCongreaaman Joe Skeen; andYvonne Lanelli.

Bob Grant. Jobn Irick. HankPuhlmann, and Bill Sego presenteda five-minute capsule of their ideaswhich was followed by questionsfrom the floor.

"This was the first chancemany of US had to hear who wasrunning for governor." saidLanelli.

Keynote speaker was James P."Corky" MOrTis, chairman of theRepublican party of New Mexicowho stressed the importance of theupcoming elections.


.•' .,

Page 3: I C-ounty Newsarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...1981/10/29  · Alto Ski Shop in Alto, Sheriff's Deputies were dispatched to the Ski Shop to check on alarm Darlene

I. ,




"," ,",-'

, .. -• t<

" .-

Main'' .. Office


or.. 847-2522"



umerous StoCk PI8ns Reiyou PfC¥r' we_will use ycur plan.ean bs. we "are full or ideas.

Natural t.og HomesofNM, IJic.B~, RuidoSO, N.~.88345

Phone 15051251-2776

. : .. 21llatttlVer:qa Alll!'n

, ,

.CENTRAL'··.NEW MEXICO. . , . . ~


, ,

OBITUARY··· . ,-· ---CeOrge.;O;. W"S

vices to Nevi HorizonS.'!be dinner was planned arid

pre~ by R8ynene Greer along- with the assIStance of members tit

the statl. The mvitatioDs and otherdelaUa w.... bandIed bl< Sarah

· -KJIatkoWskiand.Davld. Lynch.



GeOrge o. vrJ11iam~;' Of HondO,NJIl. ""'" ",,"y _. oc-pa - y,.... ,-

, ',·tober·lS, .1981 ,ill: the 'home (jf JUs· 'c18Ugl1lOr•

· ...Mr. Y/lllfatlls was born1892 J..ka....

·~-·B~-'aJne--~-CMr:~a~~:.:m~oo:;;,il.:~-.0 ...

---- ·---;O--'O-~· ----.:.:............:.-.,,--~ -~.- ;=~ 'ro'~~~ute_h;~._t~--;~-

.' .N.amed B.... l!l.. alter complelillll Ai< '" . . Force baslc ke1npil-

During the six weeks atOn Tuesday, .Oct~ 20, 1981, the Lackland 'Air Force .Base, Tex4's,

dining room a~ New Horizons was the airman stJ,ldled·the Air Foreethe siteoCtileFirstA~ua1Meeting· misslOD,: organization and customsof tbl;t New HoriZons Board of and received spedal training inDirectors, staff and Membership. bumlim relations.

· Individuals in the commtmlty who. In addition, 'airmen whohave exptessed an interest' In New complete basie· training earn"lIorlzonswere invited to the dinner credits toward an associate degreefor the PUfpo8e of establishing a in appUl!d. science through theMembership. The ma,in purposes ~munl., College of· the Airor the Mem'6enjihip wm be: to Force~ 'assist wiui public relations, to· 'ibe airman wU1 now receiveserve as a pool of inter4!s~ in.. speci.klized instruction in the

,divldualS f1"OlJ1 which new Boafd ~r~t malntenanc!e Oeld.members may be chosen, to act as Heis a 1981 graduateor Coronaa fund raising agent 'for New .lUgh School.

4 Horizons.Mary Rich Adams introduced

the Board of Directors-and staff~the Membership. The m~eUng ~obn·D.HyMer,'son or l\1r. andmarked the'entl of Mrs. Adlims' -Mrs. Glen L. Hymer of Ruidoso,term of office 88 Chairman or the N.M. has cOmpleted·8 VulcanBoard. :Jill Payne will serve as crewman course under the Onenew chairman along with John Station 'Vnit ~alning (OSUT)Allen Hightower as Vic;e Chair- Program, -at the U.S. Arm,! AirDiluilt DII.\'id>LynCh as Secretary. Defense School, Fort Bliss, TexaS.

,~ and fIo"{ml§lLanks ~s_~~m-.e!~_,-,· .1}uringtheir training,J~!~~~,_M. '-_~In addition to comments by Mrs: .teamed aU phases orilie firing ~dAdams, the _Director of New tracking liystems of this air

. Horizons, Jenny Kelly, and' defense system. ''Raynene Greer, the Group Home The· Vulcan is a' 2tImm .Supervisor' and David. Lynch all autoDllltic six·barrel gun mOlDlted'Spoke briefly to the group." on a se1fMprope11ed annored per-

New Horizons ha·d a paYtoD of sonnel earner and Is designedover $12,000.00... last _year. The ~y for aut,laircraft defense.

.. Center employes ten full time OStn' combines basic trainingemployees and four part-time and advanced individual training.employees. Ms'-,Kelly sited several ~e·1& a 1980 gradWlte otexamples or client achievements Ruidoso High School.

"dUl"ilfgtlnrputrewmonth5~IhValfnoted by ,/Mrs. Adams that theseacblevements are the most im­portant rewards that the BoardMembers receive. Mrs. Adams

WlUI presen~ ;tth a ~~: :d


,, ~. ~ .

. . .

. ..

,_. --- .- ~---- .--


'.-~ --.-'~--"

Roxanne Gabel,


,- .

...Dehlse Veg.a,


,Mary Jane Fergu~n;


Lynn Gallacher.

We~e behind-you

''t •


.. '.

..:.. 6,48-2211 .........


Forall •..QutQmciti1Jeni1~

....... _., '''c'""-'"",

All the 1IJ4y.,in.1981

MONTE'YIS:rA. . .' .. "'


Good Luck Grizzlies



, .. ~. '..




. ,


-_·at .... -_.

.. • 't-.-

..,.M"Msu,i=,' ,mjn7t"W"sn_=nusrmnm'" smbi'7~,wr;'pni~

TEXICO •• 22




COUNTYOpen " ABSTRACT CO•ESTA~CIA ••• 13 .CARRIZOZO ••. 14 CflN'izozo N.M.CLoUrICRoFf:O 'CARRIZOZO.;-; .lJlr-._._;-_ . .L .. ~ .•..

HATCH ••• ' 12 CARRIZOZO •• 17TATUM ••• 21 CARRIZOZO •• 6MT'AIR ••••••0 CARRIZOZO .•• 26RESERVE ••••42. CARRIZOZO'••• o-f---

: . ..capitan Home 7:30


, ..

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... ..,' -'.~ .. . ,

-~OCTOBER30-~:~"" " , .' .'

t • .'. .. ... -

Capitan··, J!'+ •. '



september,4'.september 1~

september 18september 25October 2OCtober 9OCtober 16OCtober 23'OCtober 30

l .";•. ';i."~. ..

~ .1•• - '" -

"Little Store"

Philip-oGeorgla 8e&-Allee ~


.:.. 648-2911 ~


. '.

Grizzlies fire No. 1

Ye~ 0/ the Grizzly


~ ',- ...

All th.Waj.r·• GrizzIlSs.. . ,

etNTItAL. '...• - ", .--+------I-_-~~:A....~.......-~.. '-W.:!.!iOE:...,·-+----$.

STOR.E- " ·.x.. ' Y. ','

Ctfl'l'izozo;.~.M,• .: ' oc < .. _. '. "



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-----tl;=:.=======;-~_._- ------=-=---'---SEASON'.SCHED~LE


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Page 4: I C-ounty Newsarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...1981/10/29  · Alto Ski Shop in Alto, Sheriff's Deputies were dispatched to the Ski Shop to check on alarm Darlene

!!~~.~~~~ " '149


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.-Eaehottlleu a4vertbedll.em.ftnqulfed to bereadUy avaQlWe fQl' ..te.at or '1IeIow lIle ad.vertlsed'~ Ia each store, OX",, ••

0; ~.p.cUIe.II3' lto&ed"1a UII.ad.)\Ie merve _be rllldto Utnlt qIWlUue•• None Hid eo- de-len.


SHeed 'Bologna ',Rich's Turkey.•.• :.~ •••••••.••••.s-oz.

9iOO A.M, '" 00, P.M.MON. fhru SAT.


.' .

Prices Effeet(Ye Thurs. 'thru wednt;lsclay,October 29 thru ~OYllmbet·4 1981;. ' ,


!'..re!.~!" : ",.'173



!H.!~t!l!' 41)0$100



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Page 5: I C-ounty Newsarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...1981/10/29  · Alto Ski Shop in Alto, Sheriff's Deputies were dispatched to the Ski Shop to check on alarm Darlene

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, ;

Hell Night

,Only WhenI Laugh


October 30 • Nov. 5

MfDNl'f'l;! SHOW.

&\turday .OqtOber 31 1

" .

;. -.

. Qcf.ober 30 .. Nov. Ii

~~~---~-- -

SANDS·1015- Haw YOrl!: A37-aaN

. ",





+ c:unoM CUTTING

.t ' ., - !."

( , ;',



Uolileatlc'Wells Drilled.I: ClcabedZMiles EallorCarrlmzooU$'380

Ph. 64.8-~ZO· Albert zamoraFjnllnclngAv.dlalile Bk. A

"'" . ", , " ~ ..,~,

, '11"

won by District ~. The d.iP:trict:. year of the HighwayDepartment'sseaUng crew 'lNill also receive 8. -combined service and' safety"state-wide award f9!' the best award program. 'sa(&.ty re~rd in its c!ategory.

- Awards wW also he presentedto 21·erew8 or work units havipgace;:ldent-fr-ee records for one ormore years.

'mghway C9mmissioner 'Louis:Whitlock, Chief Highway Ad­ministrator J,J. "Buddy" Hewettand District Engineer Wortb

, edule(!-to,.pres...the . awards at a 1:30 p,m.ceremony in the district officeauditorium.

'!be Ceremony marks the 30th

For the seventh time in thepast 10 years' the state-Wide In­'dustrial Safety plaque has been

- . -" , . -- . . . '. e, _ US8Um, :@JIelilJ. pre .'n; r sr,oQS;i.,Tete,. saPdra, LaCY; Eddie 'Da'ViS. -the '!l8I;nt"daY"p,- thfilt very own. birthdcay'paI\ty-siveninhl~b. ~t Bbeth 'grader; l11Qip is iii Ple third Work'tbop. MaD)' h'e)oP' to .-ore. «;larr~.Q_p, tqwn tru.stee. snd


am4 'ecOtt Sinith. :.~ • .., ,bU1ht1Q NpVem~.~. '. . tile' ,home"' Qf" 'bfa gr:a~n1.Qther grade Md' Seth, is, in Kjru;lersarlen. ~ than one fU"OUP1 elther:as myor' .pro.t.lm.;, JOli!.' U.etlWls,A'h~ ~bW.•~;.ret Wa,s, ...-.-0:-'- " , -'Fran.•.VtsU last w~en~. '.. We are m bflppr ~,'have 'them . melDber or officer,:· Pk:tilrri ~ t10riB 'Club pr'~l_t ..., ~.ttK1j

pro....ted ,,14! J..~ HeI1<er of" ..... and Mlcs, L.J. Dsm'" ~ , - ',', . with us. ' ,JCarrizozo.' " _ :' _ Aberuathy, TexalJ VJlited lheU' . Evelyn L~t\1s of Astoria. Cla\lliia Molitoya, Sr. spent - here. including- the' three left tQ, ~ig1J.41 Nan, l!iu'n.wol1h;, ~ 'ns' dapjtan' Rl~pg~--.cbll) daugh~r\lilod lP'an~DI Mr. aqd OI;egQn. is vtsitlng ber' sisters ., eight. day, ,in. _th( :"Ibuq~que Rdswell Inllruclor." are:, Madge 81Oe.kiiiomj 'Sl1l~r Gall1IUlIDb.- tJuInkB~lY' Payit, for\ ~.. Wa)'ne 'lJob,bBf ~ady 'and~, Zeno1$.DQD8hoeand'ZQna cresap., Ho"pltal BCter fieart aurgery then Standing', lel't." to right' VlOia Staelq.iole, board"of -- edueilticm--Iill.sh'-W~"for_{bain. 'lhey:,m o+_]!OW~~t.1.bie Ml~_.'!Y~~enq :~l;l..,~tsatun:tay.JJ14Wh,tten,dedJhe.60 - w.entto .the.home.of-bis"~oavid Fenter. Carrizozo.-' WO~"UI'S" ,. "seetetary;l"rance~ :PIUlllo, correIIlly appieeiate it. re~~ JIome,Monday. . wedding atPUversary of Nora and Montoy", and family. October 27th Club'president; BettY.Jlea,g1~$i Cooardofdlrec1orlJ,ap.dLionelJ!I

. ~ :Ernest Blood old'time ldent!sI" th~r son ClaudiO tqok them home'lbe Capitan football ~am .. ,Mr. a!!.d "Mrs. ClYde.':RlIey of; • _ to I\osweU, Juanita ~n .10\\' (I'O\'!' Lillian McDonald; Seott ~Q,fer. Club melp1}er,

plaYed,' ,at MaUn~iDa4--and -wOn PorililelHiJsited fari'dlilUllHriends Mare;aret Munro and Allce, ',~er:' right arm, ..their game: with' a bili JlUl,rgln, . ,in Capft8n lpst \\ree~. Mrs,' ...... , , •

-1be-V~;:;i'iYV-;'ii..bail-.. glrl8--~~ lb. '-er·t:te

Lois Iiob~'C.,.,_._,____ , '"Higenway Dep,an...,"enf-TifHon,or:,-Emp-liji.y,Ie,S.----p1eyed foUr,S...... sllle.edo Iasl . B.B. Davis, who A!_ Sui

~w_eiiiniiia:-Won W-eieepf":tlie····--'ROSS.-conqe nelii'alrIltme, 'TexaJ, ' ........ . . .:,--..' .~ .--.-', . "game with ClOudcroft,' sp;nt last.weekend s,t home with Officials of the state Highway r~ging from five to.26 years'will

...:..-' , he~DlOtber:Rutl,tDQvisfll!d~,!lJ1\IIYJ Department ,wiJ.! honor .Roswell also be presented,. -'!be C4d;boUe- Churd1 -addition on tbe:rancb. . Ollitrict emllloYeElIi for service and Three Roswell resideQts;

is flnlBht:d on' the ouUri~e. The safety records 'alia ceremony Oct ~p'gtneerlng" t'echnlcian Finisentire buUan~g including the Paulette- Crllin left via plane 28 at the district office. District 2 Gardner, equipment operatorQuach bas been painted an adobe' TUesday from E1 Paso, Texas for comlJ'lrses Chaves, Curry, DeBaca. t '"'-0 liD Lara and u'afflccolor. Houston to visit f81atives for one Eddy,. Lea. J,..meoIn. Otero and technician WUliam Wilson Jr. will

The ·Metbodist Church' is week,SfartlngN:owmbe.rthlrdahe Roosevelt Counties. . receive ;m;:year safety' awards.buUdIDg an enclo8ed entrance. wiD be eniplGyEld at Alma's Dress Jerry E,arl Fraizer of Roswell, Dalton Noe of Ft. Sumner; another

Ttie old NeBtor bouse ls'6elng Shop' 11: the PlQa Dee- ShoppIng:. a 'designer at tIle district testing engfn:eering ·*~chn(cian. wUl alsoremqde1ed and' brought' back to Center in- RuldOao. ' Iali'tutd E.W. Marler of Portales. a receive this award,life. Painted adobe also. It looks - , hikbway maintainer with the Safety awards ran'glng from

Dice. All of those· buDdinga ,,!hlcJ) 'Pauline McGarry, ac~ .:l'",o,;,r"~l"O:'IiP..S:,.l<P~I",hb"~d.,lbrleraS..e.;,l'V"i,;,ce"...~filiiV~S~I06ei25~f8 wlll bep~ted to'are-iIt1he'-.ame:area=look~.· - -"'COI1Jpan1edher1laughtel";Joy,:eCox co 45 0 er.em oyees."

- ' and four chl1dren' to LaWton, pleted SO ye iJ with the roadDo send Joe DoDahoe cardS as OklahOma last Thursday 'mo~iI)g agency;- .

he gets ionely. Address them to the to vtsltber mother Dora Henson in ' . AW8l'ds ,honoring" 42 otherVeterans Hospltalln: Albuquerque. a ntu'8fDg home. She Is in good employees for terms of setvlce

~.. fr:'

, " .,'j '", , ' ,~-:,

p "

, ',


ThIod 10.Saute !fin' PNt, 8:99 10.99




... ~







IJ\1:.~Tf.-~1~'~·O~meIet~~'=...... ~_7...~."~+_1;1~."~-1EKCO ETERNAcpUNTRYGARDEN HEAVY·DUlY AlUMINUM i FIlthCOOKWARE is desIgned with 81lImPOrtantdifferenc:e-it Week 12'·Slute If.......,.' 11.99 13.99performs beSt with ~i1y use and minimum care. Most Important SIXIft 8"n-... Skillet 6.99. . 8.99of all, ceramic-clacfSilVerStonlEl coated COUNTRY GARDEN WIrek ~_.

h8aW gaugealLmfnun1 c:obkMr8 g!vesyOU tin oppOrtunity to ~ 10"Open SkUIot 9..99" 11.98'. > l' brighten your kitchen and IIgt:rten yourworldoad at wectacular Erahlb' 1"G'rIdd'Ie ,:,-, ."""",,- ;. ,9.99' 1um

• ",," sa'lffngs!) .. .... '

_co; ~u~,~uV'~rv=f~!!:~~l~e~_Oril)'of~o:mak8ts. .~ ~~.cov::.e. n n 9.99.mCQ\o'r ac r n. ,.........-g,....... 0 IS e • -......_.........ll ss n ,6."

continuing aQd ever-ElJIP8ndlrtg Intetesl: In ttcime eannln;am;! , "."allilbl. _vubaklng,1'ha weight of COUNTRY GARDENALUMINOM ~' AI All 3.at. Cov" s. 11.99

vAR' llllits- " 4 Qt. COhfed s 13.Qti1(:k Il,rItI even heal tranafer (ionme!"UY dfflclenCYJ make it S QL CCmrid Duldt Oven 14.99:i 'UiilVerriiolly popUlarI Added to thirt IS OiJPonl's ki,testind finest , 9.99"

~~ iitkI-stlck' finiSh, Sil\;ei'Slone. whICh makes: cooking a~ .and ~ QL... ICIIitIe~-- . I"?:l'''·''_;" ~.i,


..,-"- " " ','

'. -.,'

.: .>


, " ." -""."

. ',:

Page 6: I C-ounty Newsarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...1981/10/29  · Alto Ski Shop in Alto, Sheriff's Deputies were dispatched to the Ski Shop to check on alarm Darlene



• r


Margo E. LindsayClerkof the District Court

published in the Lincoln C ,..

County News for four (4) con­secutive weeks only j October 29,

" November lY,4 November 12, andNovember 19;'1981.


, Legal



, ;. t:.ub~sJted'in tlteLiJicotn Counijt .New~;. 'lor' seven'c~tive'weeks, October 22, .,through 'De.cember, '-s~ 1981. " ' .


101l0,E·POSTED'The .Bond It Bell, lUnches South' of

~ .i- '.,cCOroria.:on.. .'Hwy... ,~- -lia~e,~ been, .legally ~~

;posted. Anyone htBlting 'or trespa~smg

withoutpennission .will ,be proSecuted tothe lull. ~xtent of the law j

. -..

~~Pllbli$h~·~ln_,Uu~ ,LinCOln ,,~ ..CoU4~Y News one ~e ofi1y, Oc..'tobfn"' 29. 1981., "'.'. 00

• '(0 •

percent per nlonili interest must beCollected.', .. '

Failure to i"eceiv~ a tax 6nfutg, IS not sutficient cause-to enable thelate Charge io be wilived.

If you have 'any, cjuestions'".about -your, ..tax,c'~,bi1ling,.,~"please .....'cOilta~t the. L~ricoin Countyneas-..rer's office at 648-2a23. ,,'

•. ., . (s) W. Kay APison"Lincoln County '.IT@surer ,, t-

1960-81 is .lIvallable lor public in.,~pection at· the Lincoln County

UNITED STATES 'Manager's Ofiice, Lincoln CountyDISTRICT JUDGE Courthouse, Carrizozo, 'New

Mexico, during normal workinghour., 8:00 AM to 4:30 P.M, Mon­day thiougli Friday. .

Published in the Lincoln~unty News one time only, Oc-

• lober 29, 1981,



, .

Published in the LincolnCounty News, six (6) consecutivetimes, September 24, 1981, OCtober1, 8, 15, 22 and 29, 1981.

subject ottbis action.Legal N.otice'

Lawrence Berry was reportedin critical condition last weekendin a Shreveport La. hospital, Mr.Berry, a frequent: visitor here, is anephew of Mrs. q.R. Hiner. He

". Noti~e is hereby giventhat thisyear's property taxes will become'due 'on Nov. 5th, 1981' anddelinquent on'Dec. 5th 1981 j thesetaxesrnay be paid in full before .Dec. 5th, of' this yearj 01" iiI two

.,'. ~. installntent&; , (second -,half, •due ... ',April 5th, 19a2and deliiiquent,May .'5th 1~.) ..

PursUailt~ro Sec. 72;'31-50 of the (.~ew Mexic9 property t4,t' code a,niinimwnpenalt)'of$5.OQ or nne'petce~t . per ',m~i1th. must ',be

:' cll,arged on delinquent taxes. Alsopursuant to ;Sec: '72~31-49 one

Robert Bradford washospitalized with' doublepneumonia Sunda~ in El Paso.



. ,





Fenters Variety - Clothes,Miscellaneous Items For Sale-- Thursday, Friday andsaturday!! '

Zozo.Chevron .." HyWY 54 & 380

CHEVRON PRODUCTS - Qiesel" 4· - Ph. 648~9991 ',' .


-Trying to liquidate a11chandise. <.:

ALL SALES PARTY -octOber24th,l P.M. to 'i-'R.E.A. Building­Tiara, Tupperware, Stanley,Amway, Mary Kay & Cameo. Itp

Wanted to owtr1fild operate candyor confection vending .route.yarrizozo and surrounding area.Pleasant" 12usiness, High .profititems. Can.staJ;t part time. Age orexperience 'not important.Requires Car and $1644 to $5376 'cash investment..For details calIToll-Free - Eagle Industries - "1­800-328-0723

~pe as~ .~pensalO,n, . ee months,' and. his 'moth~r" Mrs. 29P.aIm.s'. Ca.andQraijassebrook" .... ,Mich.. aelt.p.ayto.nis.Visiting a. ·t' 'I' St d" t··se' .'.'In'the'h9nteS during cold weatner:.'DllVid Levj of Washington, :p.e: Redlm;uls, Ca. . friend in zaire. Wllile ill A(rica .he" . oe. u en. .fV.eS'Members attending Grand ,Temple spent a'week here reCen~Y.It was . ~ will travel to l{akar, Senegal, . ••madethe~rep6rts,'andp.ltms were Joseph's .f4'st yjsit to 11is grand- The Corona Extension ClUJ> Apidyan,Kepya and South Africa. . Sorority Office. '. ,made fot: a Thanksgiving dinnertoparents' .ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Ed met at10 a.m, 1bursda~,Oct. 22 ~ ,He, ex~trsto be gone seven . ' . ' '" (

'be held after the Nov. Meeijng. Rannc:lY and three girls were here the hew, auditorl~. Presiden.t weeks and Will return via Rio de DUBUQUE, IOWA- Carlene.Husbands will be invited and fr.Qm San~ Fe to Ii~lp' with the 'Denise. Byrd calledthenie~tingto Janero.Herrera, daugtlter of Godfrey'and

~~~~~~ games played. worlt. They were accompanied by order. The clubcreecl was read by Piluline Herrera, Capitan, is an .

--·,f their' house· guest, Murray John~ Betty Russell; ,Juanita- Sultemeier ·L,ee Shumate-·~ame ,from' officerintije~ta·Phi·sororityatEtahn Allman, grand chan- son, a I;>rotessional' Photograp~er told of the origin ~f tpe bot.lunCh lWsw~ for the Pythian Sisters the University of Dubuque. A' 1~8 ,

cellor, of Belen and R.T. Floyd,' from Scotland. i project.andmade'a motion for the meeting. She wasaccompanfed by graduate of Capitan High Scbool,Estancia,. past supreme 0 .club to dQnate two hundred dollarsherdaughter,'SueDuffyofRoswell. Herrera was elected' to serve' as;representative, Knights of rythias, Mrs. Magdalena Stewart. 'toward it. 'the motioP'was and by. a granddaughter, Mrs.. historian of the I>Orority for tlie'

Pieter's joined the ladies for .refr~sbments. received word that Sund~y mor- seconded by Loretta Proctor and 'Steve Kelly,Mr. Kelly 8Jld their '1981-82 acaoelnic year:I~~~~~~~~§~~§l-__o.tchips~dips~lemoD-pie...and_.cof,. ·ningja.granddaUghtel'i--Marflia':-,was.c~i~d ,unanimo~l~. -: The . .furee-~ildrenjKirk" Ryan and . ":!fhe~ta~~tsororityactivein ."W fee, They discussed the needed Tafoya, had been found dead in her ,school carnIval, was discussed and Stephame of .Dallas, Tx. many campus ~ affairs. at UD.

repairs on the building and agreed Silvel;" City ,apartment. MJ;'s. 'it was decided to have a fish po.nd Members participate in an annual'toliDanqe. ..some..oLtbem....T.hey_ Tafoya,/-the,-.: formeJ!" MS'l'flia· with aUpfoceedl:! to go to ·the hot The CorobaPTO'niet MondaY'· volleyball.marathon to-'l'a},Seurged ~r~Qrganization of' the Casares; had apparently been·shot . ')uncb,evening in, conjunction with 'the money for PluscUlaJ." dys.trol>hY~'

. J?Ughts here., in the head b~ her assailant. After a de1icloWj lunch of. school open bouse. The 4th grade: The Unlveristy of Dubuque isArrangements were' pending enchiladas and' sopapillas at the received the book prize for llaVing an independent, liberal arts collegeMonday but, lJlterment ~was ex- school cafeteria members made the mo~t parents in attendance, It ~d. graduate tqeological seminarypected to be in Corona. MaHlia,27, Mr.·arid Mrs. Santas from Readers w,as voted that each family should with a combined coeducationalis survived by two sons, Alex and Digests with red felt and c:otton, pay fifteen dollars dues in lieu of enrollment oL 1,300~ Un­~bby,hermother, Irene Martinez There were fifteen. members having many small making dergraduatell at the,University of'of Belen, her grandmother and present and three guests, Allene projects. DUbuque may choose from moresisters. . Sultemeier, Sandra Alford and than 30 majors and· pie- .•

Patsy MUlkery. Coffee and, cookie Officers elected for the comtng professio~l areas of st1,lgy oUered 'sam Davidson, Deming, spent hostesses were Brenda Marshall year include: Betty Russell, by the presbyterian.related

Sunday night here. I!e'was enroute and Denise' Byrd. The next pre~ident, Dorothy ~e11 LighU'.oot college.,I

. ICounty News one time only Oc- District Court of the aI>Qve cap-tober 29, 1981. - tioned action wherein ""@harron .",.

Rose Darby has filed her petition,the object of which peUUon is toterm~~ your parental. rightswitii' reapect to the ininor chUf!-

The Sierra Blanca Airport' Phllip Devon Kenneth Findley andCommission shall meet on theiirst to change the name of P.h11ip DeVOn ..Thursday of each month', at 2:00 KermethFindley to'DevonKennethP.M., in the Ruidoso Downs D!U'by\You are the Respondent inMeeting Hall, Ruidoso, New 'sqld action and unless you enterMexico. . your awe31'ance in said cause on .

~eT(jwn oru-arr1zOzOlnvites 'l.~~= . Tpubllshed in the Ljncoln~~O'r"~tOf8'lblnOUf'Qiyof DeCem";"'"-~.general contractor to participate in. , . County News one time -only Oc- ber, 1ge1 judgment. will be ren-

VB. .the Town's: CrJBG Housing A public hearibg sh~ be held tober 29, 1~1. dered in said cause a~ainst you by "LARRY B.MEDDERS, ' R'":t.abllita·'Uon Progr...... ' ! t 0 00 AM N L"": 10 1981 defaultet al; De'fendants. ~u Q.lU \ a 1: .., ovemlJ\:l' j ,.' • • .' .' ,

ORDER . 'Ibe program is designed to by th~ Lmcoln County Board of Leq,al The name 8Jld address of the'This cause coming before the provide major rehabilitation, Commissioners, at the Libeolh ( PetItioner's attorney is Donald J.

Court upon the Motion of the Wllform,building code compliance County Courthouse,'Carrizozo, to STATEOFNEWl4EXICO , waU,'P.O, Bo't.54G, carrizozo; NMUnited States of America for an and room additions 'when consider the application of ~reat COUNTY OFLINCOLN 88301.Order req";";,,,~ defendents necessary to low and moderate WestemRealty,Inc., P.O. Box 130, INT1IEDJSTRICTCOURT WITNESS the Honorable

This ~~coming before the income homeowners residing in ' Alto, NewMexico 88312, to transfer CHIL'DREN'S COURT.,DIVlSION Robert M. Doughty 11, Judge of theCourt upon the MoUon of the south carrizozo~ ~e projected is the location of Liquor License No. SHARRON ROSE DARBY, - Twelfth Judicial District Court, .United States of America for an funded by the U.S. Department of 2S7.from Corona to Oscuro and PeUU-oner; CauseNo.SQ-56-8h Division II of the State of NewOrd.er requiring defendants La.....u. Housing and Urban Development from Osctn'O to .Alto Alps Plaza, VB. ,Div.l1 Mexico, and the seal of the District

~ U.l and IS' administ·eredbythell'lownof Alto:. PHILLIP· WENDELL FINDLEY, Court of Lincoln County, NewB. Medders and Virginia M.·· , .I'carrizOzo. 'IbomasP.McKnight Respondent. Mexico this 27th day of October,~edders to appear or plead in the 981,above.entitled and numbered The ho~~ of eligible ap- Chairman, Boardof 1 .cause within fifteen days after plicants WIU be offered in- County COmmissioners NOTICE OFpublication of this Order in ae- dividually for bid and sealed bids Published in the Lincoln PENDENCE OF SUIT

will be requested from contractors County News (or two Consecutive THE STATE OF NEW MEXICOcordanc~ with 28 U.S.C. 1655j and '. ed· do' he ed k lOb d TO PHILLIP WENDELL FINthe COurt having read the Motion mterest m mg t requir wee s on 'I, cto er 29, an : -

work. November 5, 1981'. DLEY.and .,!Je~ fully agvised in the For additional information, NoUce is hereby given of thepremises, it is therefore· . , ) . edORD~ that the above- contact Hubert Quintana at Lega I pendency ~in the above entitl

JiaMed' dants enter an' ap- ~rrizozoCity'Hall, 648-2851, or tbe ....._~_...... ..._ ....__.... ....._ ..

pearanceor rw1se plead within Southeastern New Mexi~ TheBoard of Education-of thefifteen days after pUblication of Economic Development District at CapitanSchools will meet a~ 7:00

this Order in accordance with 28 34~-~liShed' .in the'hincoln P.M. on 'November 11. 1981 in theU.S.C. ~655; and it is f"A N £ 2 .'Capitan EleIPentary School.' for N'0'rlCE~.'- "'p'0''STE'O

1-tp . .FURTHER ORPElR,EIHhat if., "'JIun~y ews. or . two () cbn~ the purpose of, conducting -rout'ine' .the ahoVe-bamed,def~l}d~ts'fai1to, secutiveweeks, only, October ,22, school. business and adopqng an _,ap~ 'Or ·plead ~thin the'.tfme. ~,8J1d Octobe~~. 1981. - ' , Open Meetings ResoluQ!lIJ.,pur",,.. _':'" .. :.: . ,~' ~. '"'.< ,: ~, ,: . . .

,'~ ~~ '~----, '~-'~'-~-.---"~:.:~.""""'--alloWedt1~~haltprocOOdlllF"'" ·~------suan~-proviSiOYr-'l)f~-N;M~ :,,', ~-~-'-=t.rh~-~P1'Octor-n1Xreh--nOrth'uf-Hondu-bas~--'if theabs4;nt defendants,~a?beeit ,..~,.. Legal, - Statutes 1974, Chapter 91. . neen'legally Posted. Anyone" hunting or

N'orICE served WIth process WIthin the. ua-D.Lee t" "". ' •. ,. ',,' .• ... "'II b' state of NeW Mexico, but affecting The Actual Use Iteport for , .. ~ Superintendent respass~ng ,without permlssl0!1 _~l e

.,"" only the ~ropertY' Which is the Revenue Sharirig' for Fiscal Year' 'PUblished in the Lincoln prosecuted to the fUll extent.of the I.aw

~ __~==c.- ~:=~.~ _~-"'-:..~~;~~e; _::-:=-;.--~~ ~ ~- -=-~~~~::._--=---,c-~·cJ:=e;~:~:~~~~:t,.,~---:-~_" ., ~ 22, and:~'--; L ..~~tober~~l1981.



Thank You

Thank You

I wish to Thank Everyonein Carrizozo for all thefriendliness and help theyhave been to Me & Mme.

'IbankYouMrs. Keener



FOR SALE: Two lots on' "D" ~, ' FOR THEAvenue. directly south of casa DISTRICT .oF

I would like to thank all Manana Apartments. Fenced and NEW MEXICOmY friends and relatives for ready for mobile home occupancy. ClVIL NO. 81'()344 Mthe beautiful flowers, cards, Inquire at Citizens State Bank. UNITED STATES OFphone calls, visits' and_th::--'-eir_-t- '!'"'"'""__~"""""'AM=";E~R""'lC=Al£I,"7-~=

prayers & concern duriiig my Plalnillt,stay in the hospital. God Bless FOR SALE: 1981 Dodge OmnlYou All. 024~.hatch·back·aircond., AM

Qu»:ina'(Kitty) Jaramillo radio, 35 mpg. Take overpayments. call 354-2755 after 5p.m. 2tp

Notice is hereby givefi'tDat~·,tlie='i61IoWfug­.~·~~describedpropertyis'private-pi-opei'trownea-by":':­_ lI8(Vey Inv. Co. Drawer 140; EI Paso:''l'X &. that

no tresp(lSSing or, hUnting ~is ·allowed· on saidproperty. ~. .' ~ ,

Tl}ePro~~y is ~own::asHarvey Rancih an4is1ullY' described in L~oln County: Clerk;srecords book No.1· Page 10f 'Real Estate'OesCl1ptions ,filed 8th of Sept~; 1954. 'Add NE¥4sectiort20, LesS SE¥4' .Bectinn 21; Township 3South, 'Range 10 E8$t :& further ,described inSOcc)rI'C?,CountY'C1erk;s record~book 294·:· 'Page395 of. Miscellaneous'~rds dated 25th;' JUlY'~1009.' ',.:. . ", :'The abov."e described. property bas been;

.Posted in accordaJ1ciWlth N.M. Statutes'" N.M~·StatAnJi~30"l.4 -tH1978cornpJ. .'... .' ~',.', :,' -~ .... . .... ' .. ' .. H8rVeyIrivestmertt,Co.'

, ~" 3t"

FOR SALE: Fresh Farm Eggs- 89 cents-Doz. 648-2555 or 2526. 2-tc(29-5)

New Franklin Wood - CoalHeater. Used, small gas - propane'grate 'type heater.' call 648-2981.up

1 Bedroom & Efficiency apts.for tent. $.16l) - $185 per mnnth. Allbills paid, free cable T.V. Call 354­2755·. even~ngs. tfn. '

FOR Lease: service Station,garage in Hondo, N.M. Call 653-4682. tfn·



The Society of Ameri~;n ­Poets in order: to stimulate

~~mbershiP is publishing a '.:,.,.., _ ok of poems.

If you have written a poem(24 lines or less) and wouldlike to have it considered forpublication, send your poemwith a self addressed,stamped envelope to: Societyof American Poets, P.O. BoxH2542. Tamp,:,. Florida 33682"

4t-c (1-8-15-'22)

, .,f




. ,

. .

----~-oi~e~---~'-S-AL~~~~~~tN~~.. S..·-.Used Washer & Dryer, Ii. .

Used Twin Bed. Call Evenings- 648-2469.

\ .\.\- '.

. '"'\ ~