hyperlink infosystem announces iphone app development india with support of swift programming

Hyperlink InfoSystem announces iPhone app development India with support of Swift programming 2014 has definitely been a memorable year for technology professionals and enthusiasts all over the World. What with two major players - Apple and Google - coming out with huge announcements for their respective products and services. One thing is for sure, though. Exciting times are ahead of us. If Google recently announced its newest installment in the Android OS along with pretty awesome design changes and optimizations. And Apple, announced a brand new programming language. Yup, you heard that right iPhone app development India professionals. After a few years in development, Apple has finally unveiled its own programming language. Of course, the people present in the developers conference where Apple initially announced the news, the WWDC 2014, couldn't really contain their excitement. But it has been a bit of a mixed reaction in the online world. Where many people are finding a lot of amusement in pointing out that "Swift" the slick new programming language in question has borrowed heavily from a lot of existing and popular languages.

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Post on 21-Jul-2016




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2014 has definitely been a memorable year for technology professionals and enthusiasts all over the World. What with two major players - Apple and Google - coming out with huge announcements for their respective products and services. One thing is for sure, though. Exciting times are ahead of us.


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Hyperlink InfoSystem announces iPhone app development India with support of Swift programming

2014 has definitely been a memorable year for technology professionals and enthusiasts all over the World. What with two major players - Apple and Google - coming out with huge announcements for their respective products and services. One thing is for sure, though. Exciting times are ahead of us.

If Google recently announced its newest installment in the Android OS along with pretty awesome design changes and optimizations. And Apple, announced a brand new programming language. Yup, you heard that right iPhone app development India professionals. After a few years in development, Apple has finally unveiled its own programming language.

Of course, the people present in the developers conference where Apple initially announced the news, the WWDC 2014, couldn't really contain their excitement. But it has been a bit of a mixed reaction in the online world. Where many people are finding a lot of amusement in pointing out that "Swift" the slick new programming language in question has borrowed heavily from a lot of existing and popular languages.

But then again, you can't help but get behind the counter arguments. What modern language hasn't implemented things from existing languages in order to create something even better and robust? Swift though, has already gained a lot of popularity among the general developer community in just a few weeks of being out in the open.

Now, you'd be thinking, why did Apple need to put in so much resource in coming up with a new language instead of say investing it in the more obvious mobile platform in the way of software tweaks and optimized hardware? Well, the answer is pretty simple, really. Competition. Apple needs to continue to have the same kind of effect it had a few years ago, with the release of its iconic iPhone. And in order of it to do that, it needs to come up with more and more reasons for its stakeholders to

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stick with them longterm.

Especially with Google's venture into the mobile market with Android and making it convenient and easy for more people to get involved with the operating system in developing apps for it has helped it become more of a household name. And we're talking about a global scale. The fact that iPhone application development India need in order for app development a apple machine, does hinder many people from trying it out as compared to say an Android enthusiast, who only needs a cheaply available windows machine and freely available Android development tools.

With Swift, Apple has generate quite a buzz even among non-Apple enthusiasts. One thing is for sure though, we'll see many more people wanting to try their hand at developing for Apple because Swift has been created to include a lot many things that are quite popular in other languages, and which help in developing code that is easier to execute and find fault in and more secure.

Well, let's look a little bit closer at what makes Swift the next big thing for Apple. Apple spent a lot of time and effort to make sure that Swift would be welcomed with open arms, because it is basically planning to bid Objective-C goodbye forever. But it knows this is a step of huge proportions and therefore is looking to gradually ease its existing developer army into adopting the new standards. Providing support for both standalone modules and even letting them integrate the new language with the older one was one such step.

iPhone app developers India would be happy to know that Swift brings with it the fundamental benefit that can get the most amount of points with developers. Easy to read syntax. That's right, one of Swift's highlights is that it has reduced the the amount of code that you need to create in order to get something to work. And done so in a way that is easily recognizable and therefore, learned and retained.

It has also focused on taking off much of the burden from developers shoulders and saving them time and headache in having to deal with rogue type related issues that might creep up by introducing type

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safety measures and having the compiler itself weed out most of these bugs at compile time. Another thing that seemed like a very useful and fun addition to the package was the "playground" tool where your code gets interpreted as soon as you finish typing it. This is a pretty nifty way of looking at individual patches without having to compile it to come to a quick conclusion.

But then again, there is the change in syntax that can be bit of a daunting task to master. Learning and later unlearning is always something that seems intimidating even for the most advanced developers. And here, people will find the same issues, even cases which may cause a bit of a confusion at first. But as usual it doesn't seem like something that can't be overcome by continued usage. Besides, Apple will be definitely keeping an eye out for feedback to improve stuff over.

Have no doubts about Swifts capabilities though, like I said, even though veterans are going to take a while and a little bit of nudging to even consider moving away from Objective-C in a big way, Swift in itself is built to handle a lot more and while also trying to be more welcoming for the newer people to switch over to the Apple camp. After giving it a bit more time out in the wild. It'll definitely be great to see actual projects based off of the new platform, though. With letting more senior developers getting a chance to give it a good spin.