hybrid application development

Using Jade, Stylus and NodeJS Together with Grunt Hybrid App Development Yagiz Nizipli Software Engineer

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Hybrid Application Development with Grunt, Jade and Stylus templating engines.


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Using Jade, Stylus and NodeJS Together with Grunt

Hybrid App Development

Yagiz NizipliSoftware Engineer

Page 2: Hybrid Application Development

My Past

Computer engineer, musician, geek. But what have I really been doing for the past 2 years?

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Open-Source Initiative

❖ Always a fan of open-source projects.

❖ github.com/anonrig

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Grunt - The Javascript Task Runner

❖ Automation

❖ Minification, unit testing, linting

❖ Test-driven programming

❖ Step by step compilation

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Using NodeJs with Grunt

❖ Node.js is an event-driven, non-blocking i/o solution for asynchronous application development.

❖ On top of the language Javascript.

❖ An example use for Nodejs with Grunt is using file stream library in Nodejs.

❖ Require it using: var fs = require('fs');

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An example page for our mobile application


<title>My Application</title>

… some meta tags here …




<script type=“text/javascript”>

myEnvironmentVariable = {};




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❖ Local, test and production

web: { input:"www/index.html", output:"www/index.html", tokens: [{ token: "<environment/>", string: fs.readFileSync('src/config/web.js').toString() }] },test: { input: "www/index.html", output: "www/index.html", tokens: [{ token: "<directives/>", string: fs.readFileSync('src/config/test.js').toString() }] },prod: {

input: "www/index.html",output: "www/index.html",tokens: [{

token: "<directives/>",string: fs.readFileSync('src/config/prod.js').toString()}]


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Why we need a template engine?

❖ Don’t waste time on markup languages.

❖ Reuse the code whenever it’s possible.

❖ Indentation is the key point.

❖ Use if compilation is inevitable.

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Introducing Jade

❖ Jade, accessed from jade-lang.com, is a node template engine for HTML5 and JavaScript.

❖ Enables us to use HTML without the markup functionality.

❖ Compiles Jade code to HTML5 and JS.

❖ How?

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An example Jade code

Jade HTML5

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Introducing Stylus

❖ Stylus, defined by the developers, is a expressive, robust, feature-rich CSS preprocessor.

❖ CSS without the unnecessary syntax.

❖ Enables to reuse the same CSS code for multiple rules.

❖ How?

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Example Stylus code

body font 12px Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif

a.button -webkit-border-radius 5px -moz-border-radius 5px border-radius 5px

fonts = helvetica, arial, sans-serif

body padding 50px font 14px/1.4 fonts

Using Stylus with setting variablesAn everyday stylus use

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What now?

❖ How to compile these engines without knowing?

❖ That’s why we need Grunt.

❖ Grunt offers grunt-contrib-stylus and grunt-contrib-jade tasks to compile both of these engines.

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An example of Grunt filegrunt.initConfig({ clean: { before: ['www/img', 'www/css', 'www/compiled'] }, jade: { compile: { options: { pretty: true, data: { debug: true } }, files: [{ cwd: "src", src: "**/*.jade", dest: "www", expand: true, ext: ".html" }] } },

stylus: { build: { options: { linenos: false, compress: true }, files: [{ expand: true, cwd: 'src/css', src: [ '**/*.styl' ], dest: 'www/css', ext: '.css' }] } },});

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Sample project demo

❖ github.com/anonrig/istanbul-coders

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Any questions?