hunter williams cold war project

Not only did Soviets have nuclear technology, Cubans also developed the bomb. Fidel Castro, dictator of Cuba, made promises to Soviets on sugar production. U.S sees this as betrayal and trusts between U.S and Cuban governments spiral down until 1961 when all trust is gone. In December of 1961, Castro declared himself as a Marxist-Leninist. Which is An expanded form of Marxism that emphasizes Lenin's concept of imperialism as the final stage of capitalism and shifts the focus of struggle from developed to underdeveloped countries. As Fidel Castro asked Khrushchev to go ahead and use the missiles. Little did Fidel know that just recently Khrushchev made an agreement with U.S to withdraw missiles. Fidel was never informed of this by his “Allies”. This made Fidel feel just as he had felt with the U.S, that Soviets and Americans thought of Cuba as an unworthy advisary, insufficient, even insignificant island. Castro was so ecstatic to make his own revolutionary world that Castro would let all 3rd world countries know about Cuba’s support system. Castro said that he would show support for any third world movement. Soon it is known that he will never help the third world countries he promised. Therefore making Castro a hypocrite.

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Hunter Williams Cold War Project


Page 1: Hunter Williams Cold War Project

Not only did Soviets have nuclear technology, Cubans also developed the bomb. Fidel Castro, dictator of Cuba, made promises to Soviets on sugar production. U.S sees this as betrayal and trusts between U.S and Cuban governments spiral down until 1961 when all trust is gone. In December of 1961, Castro declared himself as a Marxist-Leninist. Which is An expanded form of Marxism that emphasizes Lenin's concept of imperialism as the final stage of capitalism and shifts the focus of struggle from developed to underdeveloped countries. As Fidel Castro asked Khrushchev to go ahead and use the missiles. Little did Fidel know that just recently Khrushchev made an agreement with U.S to withdraw missiles. Fidel was never informed of this by his “Allies”. This made Fidel feel just as he had felt with the U.S, that Soviets and Americans thought of Cuba as an unworthy advisary, insufficient, even insignificant island.

Castro was so ecstatic to make his own revolutionary world that Castro would let all 3rd world countries know about Cuba’s support system. Castro said that he would show support for any third world movement. Soon it is known that he will never help the third world countries he promised. Therefore making Castro a hypocrite.

The Bay of Pigs, was said to be a mere uprising to take over Fidel Castro. Cuban Exiles, U.S Air Force, and Cuban civilians were all to take part in this. One thing led to another under this secret military action. John F. Kennedy did not keep up with his promise.

John F. Kennedy gave authorization to Cuban Exiles and the Cuban people that he would send the U.S Air Force. Little did the Cuban exiles know that U.S Air Force were not going to show up. The people of Cuba didnt believe that just the civilians and Exiles could do much to Castro.

Later it is known that Cuban Civilian forces backed out as well. Just leaving the Cuban Exiles to do the uprisings. The Cuban Exiles, only a group of 1,400 men, were not enough to

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overthrow the power of Cuban Dictator, Fidel Castro. Within three days, Castro captured a stunning ¾ of the Cuban Exiles and killed over 100 of the forces.

The J.F.K Assassination was one of the most devastating events that would happen in the 20th century.

Many families cried and mourned over the 35th President of the United States death. As John F. Kennedy was traveling on Main St in Dallas, Texas took a left on 8601

Adelphi Road, a man was waiting for him on the street in a Book Depository building. As JFK traveled in his open car, he was shot by his assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald.

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Lee Harvey Oswald was an ex-marine for the United States Military. Lee shot three bullets in 6.2 seconds. He not only killed JFK, but also had injured Governor Connally of Dallas Texas. Later that day Lee would be arrested. Then Lee met his assassin. Jack Ruby.

It is of local and regional significance because of the enormous impact, both immediate and lasting, the event had on the local and regional community. Yes, we are talking about Woodstock.

Woodstock was a time of peace and tranquility. Literally is what uplifted many of the prior events. Woodstock was held on August 15-18 1969, in White Lake, New York. Many people called these people “Hippies” but i say otherwise. These people had the spirit to go out and show the world that they are all about the peace, love and virtue of life.

In all you could say that Woodstock was one of very often occasions on which a whole community of people were together doing what they love. Woodstock has to be one of the most significant events of these kinds.

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As we all know the United States is a very competitive country. Always trying to prove we are the best. As soon as U.S Officials got wind of Sputnik, The Russian equivalent of NASA. Sputnik put tons of money to put the first man in Space. And they did.

United States felt defeated so U.S decided to take a different page on this historical series of events. To put the first man on the moon. As the U.S progresses with the technology so does the more space adventures.