humor and peak oil

Humor and peak oil

Upload: juan-carlos-calvo

Post on 13-Jun-2015




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Peak oil explained with cartoons


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peak oil

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We all know that gasoline isgetting more expensive ...

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At this pace, soonwe will have tochoose:Fill the tank or buy food

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As time passes, there is lessoil left, and it is more difficult toobtain.

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Soon, world oil production will start todecline inexorabily.

In 2020, production will be 32% less than it is today

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Can we live without oil?

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Future is not as it used to be:Instead of more powerfullcars, we will use bicicles.

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Saying goodbye to carscan also have

some advantages

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Oil produces gases. Please change your diet!

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Oil is the cause of internationalconflicts, wars, and it is

an obscene fund transfer tocorrupt regimes

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We must increase the world tension until it generatesenergy

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Oil sacred places are in the hands of infidels

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What about nuclear energy?

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“Nuclear energy is absolutely safe”, said the expert from theirrefuge

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Nuclear energy is producedfrom uranium.

It isn't renewable. Radiactive waste

stays active milleniums.

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Climate change is increasing the methabolysm of nuclear lobbies

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It has double use, civil an military

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Y no sirve para mover cochescamiones,tractores,

o excavadoras

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¿Y los biocombustibles?

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Gasoline / Gas Oil / Bread

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Future looks black, very black

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We told you that the disasters that you were organizing would beyour grandchilden's heritage, but there was an error in calculations.The truth is that you are going to enjoy them.

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We must movesoon to alternativeenergies, otherwisethe world will collapse before wehave the time to destroy it.

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I'm afraid you have humans

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Highway toextintion

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•A marketing campaign with a target audience of almost8000 millions is very difficult ...•Not quite; “Apocalypse Inc. has been doing subliminalmessages for a long time

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Please send this slideshow to your friends.Maybe if we all are conscious of the problemsomething can be done.