human ralationship

TOKYO UNION CHURCH(Evangelism Ministry Team) Presents International Students Fellowship by: Michael Agbenyega & Diana Adjei 2 ND MARCH, 2013 Topic: HUMAN RELATIONSHIP ( Biblical and practical approach)

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Delving into how we can improve our human relationship, taking lessons from the Bible.


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TOKYO UNION CHURCH(Evangelism Ministry Team)


International Students Fellowship

by: Michael Agbenyega & Diana Adjei

2ND MARCH, 2013


HUMAN RELATIONSHIP( Biblical and practical approach)

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OUTLINE OF PRESENTATION•What is human relationship and how it all started?•Types of human relationship•Forming good relationship•Signs of a good relationship•Practical ways of maintaining a good relationship

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• "And the Lord God said, 'It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him" (Genesis 2:18 NKJV).

• The creation of man was designed with a relationship at the back of God’s mind. Man was created to Listen (ears), Speak (mouth), Feel (skin and heart), Think (mind) and express various emotions.

•Human Relation: The skill or ability to work effectively through and with other people. No matter what you do for a living or how well you do it, your relationship with others is the key to your success or failure.

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Organisation/ community

• /

• Intimate Relationship (husband and wife)

• Professional(Employer-employee)

• Family (Parents-Children)

Ephes. 6: 1-4

Ephes . 6:5-8

Phil.2: 1-4Luke 6:27-

28Ezekiel 18:5-9

Songs of Solomon 1:16-17

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HOW CAN WE FORM GOOD RELATIONSHIPS?Now, we are adults and a lot of our past experiences and life has contributed in

shaping who we are today.

• Just for a few minutes, let’s try to identify who we are ( Luke 6:42-45)

-Am I in control of who I am or circumstances determines who I am?

- Am I friendly to only a certain group /class of people?

- Others?

• Learn about the people you want to have relations with.

• Stages of friendship






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• Grace of God

- Sometimes strengthening relationships requires both the grace of God and a deep reservoir of love. That was certainly the case with Hosea, who lived in Israel during a time of financial prosperity but spiritual poverty. God, through Hosea, called Israel’s failed leaders to account.

- Forgiveness and reconciliation often run counter to the way of the world and the way of our own hearts.

• Remember love of neighbor is love of God. Gen 1:26-27

- God created us in his image – with the ability to connect with others in deep and meaningful ways. God created relational beings, beautiful and good.


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SIGNS OF A GOOD RELATIONSHIP• Unity and Sharing as seen in the “ the fellowship of the

believers”;Acts 2:44-45

• Encouraging and empowering one another, because we all have difficult times. God is calling us to share in the vision and commitment to relate and encourage others. (Acts 9:1-2).

• Faithfulness and trust. Ezekiel 18:5-9

• Spiritual growth. Mk 3: 35

• Love. Mt. 22:39

• Forgiveness. Ephesians 4:32

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The rule of treating others as you would want to be treated in their place will ultimately lead to your own happiness. Matthew 7:12

• Practice empathy and compassion. Make it a habit to try to place yourself in the shoes of another person. Once you can understand another person, and feel what they’re going through, learn to want to end their suffering.

• How would you want to be treated? The Golden Rule doesn’t really mean that you should treat someone else exactly as you’d want them to treat you … it means that you should try to imagine how they want to be treated, and do that.

• Be friendly. When in doubt, follow this tip. It’s usually safe to be friendly towards others. Who doesn’t like to feel welcome and wanted?

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• Be helpful. This is probably one of the weaknesses of our society. There is a general tendency to keep to yourself, and to ignore the problems of others.

• Listen to others. Another weakness: we all want to talk, but very few of us want to listen. And yet, we all want to be listened to. So take the time to actually listen to another person, rather than just wait your turn to talk.

• Stop criticism. We all have a tendency to criticize others, whether it’s people we know or people we see on television. However, ask yourself if you would like to be criticized in that person’s situation.

• Don’t control others. It’s also rare that people want to be controlled. Trust me. So don’t do it. This is a difficult thing, especially if we are conditioned to control people.

• Be the change. Gandhi famously told us to be the change we want to see in the world. Do you want people to treat each other with more compassion and kindness? Then let it start with you. Even if , the world doesn’t change, at least you have.

• Say a prayer for a friend, a relative, an enemy, someone you saw in trouble.

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for your friendship