hull and east riding camhs professional referral form · hull and east riding camhs professional...

Hull and East Riding CAMHS Professional Referral Form 1. Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service professional referral form (CAMHS) Please be aware that this referral form uses Third Party Service Providers, Vendors and Hosting Partners to provide the necessary hardware, software, networking, storage, and related technology required to support your referral. The IP address of the referrer will be recorded. All data entered is secure and hosted within the UK. 1. Priority of referral * Emergency Urgent Routine If this is an emergency referral please telephone the service directly on: - During office hours (9-5): through to contact point on East Riding referrals on 01482 303810 and Hull referrals on 01482 303688. - Out of office hours: through to the Crisis Team on 01482 335600 If there is an immediate threat to life call 999 Do not proceed with this referral, please contact the appropriate service as above. About the young person

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Page 1: Hull and East Riding CAMHS Professional Referral Form · Hull and East Riding CAMHS Professional Referral Form 1. Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service professional referral

Hull and East Riding CAMHS Professional Referral Form

1. Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service professional referral form (CAMHS)

Please be aware that this referral form uses Third Party Service Providers, Vendors and Hosting Partners to provide the necessary hardware, software, networking, storage, and related technology required to support your referral. The IP address of the referrer will be recorded. All data entered is secure and hosted within the UK.

1. Priority of referral *




If this is an emergency referral please telephone the service directly on: - During office hours (9-5): through to contact point on East Riding referrals on 01482 303810 and Hull referrals on 01482 303688. - Out of office hours: through to the Crisis Team on 01482 335600

If there is an immediate threat to life call 999

Do not proceed with this referral, please contact the appropriate service as above.

About the young person

Page 2: Hull and East Riding CAMHS Professional Referral Form · Hull and East Riding CAMHS Professional Referral Form 1. Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service professional referral

GP is from: *


East Riding

2. Name *

First name




Also known as

3. Date of birth * DD/MM/YYYY

Is the person is over 18 years old? *



If the person is over 18 years old, then DO NOT continue with this referral. Instead contact Adult services on: East Riding and Hull Single Point of Access: 01482 301701 select option 1. Out of hours: Hull: 01482 335710 East Riding: 01482 344564

4. NHS number - Full 10 numerical digits required

5. Male/Female

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6. Ethnicity




Other Asian or Asian British





Any other Asian background Mixed

White and Black Caribbean

White and black African

White and Asian

Any other mixed background Black or Black British



Any other black background Other Ethnic Group


Any other Ethnic Group

I do not wish to disclose my ethnic origin

Not known

7. First language

Interpreter required?



If so, which language?

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8. Home address *

Street 1


Street 2





Post code


Telephone number (mandatory - must have at least one) * Landline or mobile

9. Parent/carer's name *

First name




10. Is the parent/carer's address the same as the young person's?



If no, please complete below Street 1

Street 2



Post code

Parent/carer's telephone number - landline or mobile

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11. Relationship to young person

12. School/college


Telephone number

13. GP name and address GP name

GP address



Post code

14. Have you seen the young person? *



If you are requesting an assessment then it is a requirement that you've seen this young person.

Do not continue any further with this form, your referral cannot be progressed without the appropriate permissions

Is the young person aware of this referral? *



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Has the young person consented to this referral? If no, please give reason. *




Does the parent/carer have the parental responsibility? If no, then who holds parental responsibility? *




15. Has the person with parental responsibility consented to the referral? *



If 'NO' then is the young person deemed to be Gillick competent according to the Fraser guidelines? *



Consent is required from the person with parental responsibility before this referral can be continued.

About the referrer

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16. Name of referrer *

First name




Job title




Phone number



Street 1


Street 2





Post code


Date of referral * DD/MM/YYYY

Other people/known agencies involved?

Has a formal assessment been undertaken? For example: CAF/Early Help/Core Assessment? COMMON ASSESSMENT FRAMEWORK: The CAF is a standardised approach to conducting a community based assessment of a child's global needs and deciding how those needs should be met. The CAF aims to ensure that everyone involved with the child or young person, – such as teachers and health visitors work

together at an earlier stage before their presenting needs increase further. *



Don't know

If 'yes' please attach details and name of lead professional

Page 8: Hull and East Riding CAMHS Professional Referral Form · Hull and East Riding CAMHS Professional Referral Form 1. Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service professional referral

If needed, please attach relevant files

File: {{filename}}delete

Choose File

17. Past CAMHS involvement? If yes, please provide further information (mandatory) *



Don't know


17. Referral pathways

These are the CAMHS referral pathways please select the main area of presenting difficulty.

18. Anxiety *



Guidance on impact ratings None - No distress or noticeable difficulties in relation to this problem. Mild - Distress may be situational and/or occurs irregularly less than once a week. Most people who do not know the CYP well would not consider him/her to have problems but those who do know him/her well might express concern. Moderate - Distress occurs on most days in a week. The problem would be apparent to those who encounter the CYP in a relevant setting or time but not to those who see the CYP in other settings. Severe - Distress is extreme and constant on a daily basis. It would be clear to anyone that there is a problem.

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If has anxiety:

None Mild Moderate Severe Not known

Anxious away from care givers (separation anxiety)

Anxious in social situations (social anxiety/phobia)

Anxious generally (generalised anxiety)

Panics (panic disorder)

Avoids specific things (specific phobia)

Avoids going out (agoraphobia)

Unexplained physical symptoms. Adjustment to health issues

Does not speak (selective mutism)

19. Depression *



Guidance on impact ratings None - No distress or noticeable difficulties in relation to this problem. Mild - Distress may be situational and/or occurs irregularly less than once a week. Most people who do not know the CYP well would not consider him/her to have problems but those who do know him/her well might express concern. Moderate - Distress occurs on most days in a week. The problem would be apparent to those who encounter the CYP in a relevant setting or time but not to those who see the CYP in other settings. Severe - Distress is extreme and constant on a daily basis. It would be clear to anyone that there is a problem.

Depression/low mood

1 month

3 months

6 months

1 year +

Depression/low mood

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20. Self harm *



Guidance on impact ratings None - No distress or noticeable difficulties in relation to this problem. Mild - Distress may be situational and/or occurs irregularly less than once a week. Most people who do not know the CYP well would not consider him/her to have problems but those who do know him/her well might express concern. Moderate - Distress occurs on most days in a week. The problem would be apparent to those who encounter the CYP in a relevant setting or time but not to those who see the CYP in other settings. Severe - Distress is extreme and constant on a daily basis. It would be clear to anyone that there is a problem.

Self harm is




Duration of self harm

1 month

3 months

6 months

1 year +

Medical attention required?



If yes, please give details:

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21. Psychosis *



Guidance on impact ratings None - No distress or noticeable difficulties in relation to this problem. Mild - Distress may be situational and/or occurs irregularly less than once a week. Most people who do not know the CYP well would not consider him/her to have problems but those who do know him/her well might express concern. Moderate - Distress occurs on most days in a week. The problem would be apparent to those who encounter the CYP in a relevant setting or time but not to those who see the CYP in other settings. Severe - Distress is extreme and constant on a daily basis. It would be clear to anyone that there is a problem.

Pyschosis is




25. Check list for psychosis

22. Please tick all that apply in the next four sections. Then add the four sections to give a total score. One point per tick:

The family is worried

Excessive use of alcohol

Use of street drugs (including cannabis)

Arguing with friends and family

Spending more time alone

Two points per tick:

Sleep difficulties

Poor appetite

Depressive mood

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Poor concentration


Tension or nervousness

Less pleasure from things

Three points per tick:

Feeling people are watching you+

Feeling or hearing things that others are not+

Five points per tick:

Ideas of reference

Odd beliefs

Odd manner of thinking or speech

Inappropriate affect

Odd behaviour or appearance

First-degree family history of psychosis plus increased stress or deterioration in functioning

Total: If any + items are endorsed then consider referral to PSYPHER even if score is less than 20

23. Drugs and alcohol *



Guidance on impact ratings None - No distress or noticeable difficulties in relation to this problem. Mild - Distress may be situational and/or occurs irregularly less than once a week. Most people who do not know the CYP well would not consider him/her to have problems but those who do know him/her well might express concern. Moderate - Distress occurs on most days in a week. The problem would be apparent to those who encounter the CYP in a relevant setting or time but not to those who see the CYP in other settings. Severe - Distress is extreme and constant on a daily basis. It would be clear to anyone that there is a problem.

Drugs and alcohol usage are


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Type of substance (tick both if required)



Type of drug used and frequency

24. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)/Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder inattentive type (ADHD) *



Has a parenting programme been completed?



If yes, please give details

A parenting programme must be complete before a CAMHS referral will be accepted. Please contact EHASH on: (01482) 395500

Select one


ADHD inattentive type

Page 14: Hull and East Riding CAMHS Professional Referral Form · Hull and East Riding CAMHS Professional Referral Form 1. Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service professional referral

Guidance on impact ratings None - No distress or noticeable difficulties in relation to this problem. Mild - Distress may be situational and/or occurs irregularly less than once a week. Most people who do not know the CYP well would not consider him/her to have problems but those who do know him/her well might express concern. Moderate - Distress occurs on most days in a week. The problem would be apparent to those who encounter the CYP in a relevant setting or time but not to those who see the CYP in other settings. Severe - Distress is extreme and constant on a daily basis. It would be clear to anyone that there is a problem.





Duration of symptoms

1 month

3 months

6 months

1 year +

Presenting at home and school?




Conduct (referrals accepted for the age range 5-12 only) *



Has a parenting programme been completed?



Page 15: Hull and East Riding CAMHS Professional Referral Form · Hull and East Riding CAMHS Professional Referral Form 1. Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service professional referral

If yes, please give details

A parenting programme must be complete before a CAMHS referral will be accepted. Please contact EHASH on: (01482) 395500

Select one

Conduct disorder

Oppositional defiant disorder

Guidance on impact ratings None - No distress or noticeable difficulties in relation to this problem. Mild - Distress may be situational and/or occurs irregularly less than once a week. Most people who do not know the CYP well would not consider him/her to have problems but those who do know him/her well might express concern. Moderate - Distress occurs on most days in a week. The problem would be apparent to those who encounter the CYP in a relevant setting or time but not to those who see the CYP in other settings. Severe - Distress is extreme and constant on a daily basis. It would be clear to anyone that there is a problem.






Not known

Duration of symptoms

1 month

3 months

6 months

1 year +

25. Eating disorder *

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Disorder indicates

Anorexia nervosa

Bulimia nervosa

Eating disorder not otherwise specified (EDNOS)

Guidance on impact ratings None - No distress or noticeable difficulties in relation to this problem. Mild - Distress may be situational and/or occurs irregularly less than once a week. Most people who do not know the CYP well would not consider him/her to have problems but those who do know him/her well might express concern. Moderate - Distress occurs on most days in a week. The problem would be apparent to those who encounter the CYP in a relevant setting or time but not to those who see the CYP in other settings. Severe - Distress is extreme and constant on a daily basis. It would be clear to anyone that there is a problem.

Eating disorder








Base line pulse

Blood pressure

SCOFF Eating Disorder Questionnaire (patient to be asked the following questions):

Yes No

Do you ever make yourself sick because you feel uncomfortably full?

Do you worry you have lost control over how much you eat?

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Yes No

Have you recently lost more than one stone in a three month period?

Do you believe yourself to be fat when others say you are too thin?

Would you say that food dominates your life?

26. Trauma *



Guidance on impact ratings None - No distress or noticeable difficulties in relation to this problem. Mild - Distress may be situational and/or occurs irregularly less than once a week. Most people who do not know the CYP well would not consider him/her to have problems but those who do know him/her well might express concern. Moderate - Distress occurs on most days in a week. The problem would be apparent to those who encounter the CYP in a relevant setting or time but not to those who see the CYP in other settings. Severe - Distress is extreme and constant on a daily basis. It would be clear to anyone that there is a problem.





Duration of symptoms

1 month

3 months

6 months

1 year +

When did trauma occur? Leave blank if not known DD/MM/YYYY

27. Gender discomfort *

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Guidance on impact ratings None - No distress or noticeable difficulties in relation to this problem. Mild - Distress may be situational and/or occurs irregularly less than once a week. Most people who do not know the CYP well would not consider him/her to have problems but those who do know him/her well might express concern. Moderate - Distress occurs on most days in a week. The problem would be apparent to those who encounter the CYP in a relevant setting or time but not to those who see the CYP in other settings. Severe - Distress is extreme and constant on a daily basis. It would be clear to anyone that there is a problem.

Gender discomfort




28. Relationship issues?



If yes, what issues?

Peer relationship difficulties

Family relationship difficulties

Persistent difficulties managing relationships with others

Details and duration

29. Why are you making this referral? *


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Assessment & treatment

Please give details

44. Risk and complexity factors

30. Suicidal thoughts? *



If yes, please comment on severity/frequency

Harm to self? *



If yes, please comment on severity/frequency

Harm to others? *


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If yes, please comment on severity/frequency

Self neglect? *



If yes, please comment on severity/frequency

45. Selected complexity factors

31. Selected complexity factors *

Yes No Not known

Young carer status

Learning disability Serious physical health issues including chronic fatigue

Pervasive development disorders (Autism/Asperger's)

Neurological issues (tics or Tourette's)

Looked after child Current child protection plan

Deemed child in need of social services input

Refugee or asylum

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Yes No Not known

seeker Experience of war, torture or trafficking

Experience of abuse or neglect

Parental health issues

Parental neglect Contact with Youth Justice System

Risk or exposure to Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE)

Risk or exposure to radicalisation

Risk of harm from others

Living in financial difficulty

Please provide any further important information you feel is relevant to the referral.

Click 'Finish Survey' to submit referral