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  • 7/30/2019 HU Tools Student Handout


    The Human


    Tool Box

    There are 14 tools in your basic HU toolbox:1. Pre Job Briefing2. Two Minute Rule3. Three Way Communication4. Phonetic Alphabet5. Procedure Use & Adherence6. Place Keeping7. Flagging / Operational Barriers8. Touch STAR9. Independent Verification

    10. Concurrent Verification11. First Check12. STOP When Unsure13. Peer Check14. Post Job Review

    This handout describes the bases for each ofthese tools, when each is to be used, theexpected behaviors, as well as behaviors to beavoided when using each tool.

  • 7/30/2019 HU Tools Student Handout


    Pre-Job BriefingBasis:

    The Pre-job Brief is a human performance toolthat allows the worker to think through a joband use his/her knowledge to make the job as

    safe and efficient as possible.Workers actually involved with performing thework should prepare and lead pre-job briefs.

    A supervisor or foreman should be presentduring verbal briefings for low hazard jobs toensure that briefing standards are met. Asupervisor or manager shall be present duringdocumented pre-job briefings for high hazard

    jobs to ensure that high standards aremaintained during the briefing.

    When to Use the Tool: Low Hazard Jobs require a verbal pre-job

    briefing. High Hazard Jobs require a documented

    pre-job briefing using TVA Form 20309 FPGPre-Job Briefing.

    In addition, the JSA will be covered duringthe pre-job briefing.

    Behavior Standard:1. Employees will prepare for the pre-job

    briefing by reviewing job procedures,work packages, JSAs, etc.

    2. Pre-job briefings must emphasize theexpectation of procedure usage. Thisincludes procedures, step text, job text,spec sheets, etc.

    3. Supervisors, foremen, and employeeswill jointly decide if work can beperformed safely.

    4. While it is not practical to conduct anemployee briefing for an employeeworking alone, supervisors and foremenwill instruct these employees to considerthe job steps, hazards associated with

    each step, and the precautions to taketo avoid the hazards.

    5. If significant changes occur during theconduct of a job that may affect thesafety of employees or if a low hazard

    job changes into a high hazard job, anadditional briefing is required.

    6. Special precautions must be given towork activities that involvetroubleshooting or discovery ofequipment problems.

    At-Risk Behaviors to Avoid:

    Not identifying high hazard and low hazardjobs.

    Assuming a verbal briefing is sufficient forall types of work.

    Using a generic or pre-made pre-jobbriefing form.

    Lack of participation in the briefing fromevery employee involved.

    When working along, not considering thejob steps, hazards with each step, and theprecautions to take to avoid the hazards.

    Not asking for additional briefings whenwork scope changes.

    Getting outside the scope of the briefingwhen troubleshooting is conducted.

  • 7/30/2019 HU Tools Student Handout


    Two Minute Rule

    Basis:Recognizing abnormal conditions andIdentifying Safety hazards is the first step to

    error-free and event-free performance.

    Workers and supervisors cannot be so focusedon what they are trying to accomplish that theydo not see opportunities to avoid preventableerrors. The pre-job briefing offers supervisionand assigned workers an opportunity to notonly review what is to be accomplished butalso what to avoid. This discussion preparesthem mentally. However, an accurateunderstanding of the challenges offered by the

    work environment cannot be confirmed untilworkers actually see the physical job site withtheir own eyes.

    The two-minute rule requires workers to simplytake time before starting a job to becomeaware of the immediate work environment, todetect conditions unanticipated by workplanning and the pre-job briefing, and toconfirm those that were. Often, procedures donot contain important information related to the

    demands placed on the user by thejob site, especially at critical steps. A briefreview of the job site allows the individual timeto detect abnormalities and hazards. Ifabnormalities, or error-precursors, remainundetected, they usually make performanceeither more difficult or contribute to injuries,errors, and, possibly, events.

    When to Use the Tool: At the beginning of each task involving

    plant equipment

    Behavior Standard:

    1. Explore the job site the FIRST twominutes by walking and looking around

    at the work area (hands-on touch points)and adjacent surroundings to identifyconditions such as:

    Industrial safety and environmentalhazards

    Sensitive equipment in the area

    Right unit, right component

    Critical indicators (meters) neededfor task success

    Error precursors (at critical steps)

    Work area conditions inconsistentwith those listed in the procedure ordiscussed during the pre-jobbriefing.

    2. Talk with coworkers or supervisor aboutunexpected hazards or conditions andthe precautions to take.

    3. Eliminate hazards, install appropriatebarriers, or develop contingenciesbefore proceeding with the task.

    At Risk Behaviors to Avoid: Hurrying Thinking the job is routine or simple Believing nothing bad can happen Not talking about precautions with co-

    workers Not raising gut feel concerns with co-

    workers or supervision

  • 7/30/2019 HU Tools Student Handout



    Three WayCommunicationBasis:

    Mutual understanding is essential to plantoperation and maintenance. Therefore,responsibility for proper communication isassigned to the originator or sender, who mustverify the receiver understands the messageas intended. Each message that is directive innature must use three-way communication andbegins when (1st) the sender gets the attentionof the intended receiver, using the personsname, and speaks the message. Then (2nd),the receiver repeats the message in aparaphrased form, which helps the senderverify that the receiver understands theintended message. Finally (3rd), the senderacknowledges that the receiver heard andunderstood the message.

    When the receiver paraphrases the message,equipment nomenclature, identifiers, and dataare repeated back exactly as spoken by thesender.

    The third leg of the communication is often the

    weak link, since the sender is tempted to notpay attention to the receivers statement,assuming the person heard their message. Ifthe receiver does not receive acknowledgmentfrom the sender, he/she should be assertive,and ask the sender to complete the third leg.Feedback is necessary to verify understandingof each spoken message.

    When to Use the Tool:

    Verbal information that is directive in nature isexchanged between people via face-to-face,telephone, or radio regarding one or more ofthe following:

    Status of plant systems, structures, orcomponents

    Direction to perform action(ss) on plantequipment action(

    Work instructions, limitations andcautions.

    Behavior Standard:Using the persons name to establish eyecontact with the receiver, the sender statesthe message.

    2. Receiver acknowledges sender byparaphrasing the message in his or her ownwords but repeating back equipment name,

    UNID, and data verbatim.3. Sender verifies and acknowledges the

    receivers response is correct.4. If corrected, repeat the process.

    At-Risk Behaviors to Avoid: Using slang terms instead of specific or

    standard terms Sender not taking responsibility for what is

    said and heard Not stating his/her name and work location

    (sender or receiver) when using atelephone/radio

    Receivers name not used by the sender toget receivers attention

    Attempting to communicate with someonealready engaged in another conversation,i.e., cross talk

    Failing to verify receiver accepted andunderstood the message

    Message not stated clearly (such as notloudly enough or poor enunciation of words)

    Receiver not verifying understanding withsender; reluctance to ask questions in agroup

    Speaking from behind the person intendedto receive the message

    Receiver does not write down message ifmore than two items to remember

    Conflict between what is said (content ofmessage) and the nonverbal cues of thesender.

  • 7/30/2019 HU Tools Student Handout


    Phonetic Alphabet


    When the only distinguishing differencebetween two component designators is asingle letter, then the phonetic alphabet formof the letter should be substituted for thedistinguishing character.

    When to Use the Tool:

    When communicating alpha-numericinformation related to plant equipment nounnames.

    For train, phase, and channeldesignations. When the sender or receiver feels there

    is a possibility of misunderstanding suchas, sound alike systems, high noiseareas, radio/ telephone communicationwhere reception is poor, etc.

    Phonetics are unnecessary whenreferring to standard approvedacronyms such as CCW.

    This tool is used during verbal communicationand is NOT used in written communication.When speaking, B sounds like C sounds likeD etc. Using the proper phonetic designatormakes each letter sound distinctly different.When writing, each letter of the alphabet isvisually distinct from all other letters so to writebravo in place of B would be a misapplicationof this verbal tool.

    Behavior Standard:

    A = Alpha N = November

    B = Bravo O = Oscar

    C = Charlie P = Papa

    D = Delta Q = Quebec

    E = Echo R = Romeo

    F = Foxtrot S = Sierra

    G = Golf T = Tango

    H = Hotel U = Uniform

    I = Indigo or India V = Victor

    J = Juliet W = WhiskeyK = Kilo X = X-Ray

    L = Lima Y = YankeeM = Mike Z = Zulu

    At-Risk Behaviors to Avoid: Not using phonetics for equipment label

    designations Using phonetic words other than those

    designated, e.g., India vs. indigo Using phonetic designators when writing

  • 7/30/2019 HU Tools Student Handout


    Procedure Use & Adherence

    Basis:Procedures help users to perform activitiescorrectly, safely, consistently, and in accordancewith design requirements. Procedures directpeoples actions in a proper sequence and

    minimize reliance on ones memory and thechoices made in the field. When workers are forcedto interpret a procedure's use and applicability, thechance for error is increased. Procedure usespecifies the minimum required reference to theprocedure during the performance of a task, suchas continuous use (in-hand), reference use, andinformation use. Procedure adherence meansfollowing the intent and direction provided in theprocedure regardless of the level of use.

    Procedures incorporate the policies, operating

    experience, effective work practices and managementdecisions about how a task is to be performed.Technical procedures are written to direct desiredbehavior for the various complex and technical workactivities that will affect plant equipment. However,experience has shown that technical procedures maynot always contain sufficient information for the user.With turnover of the workforce, less experiencedworkers take the place of more experiencedpersonnel. The quality of the procedure (technicalcontent and usability) is paramount, especially if thetask involves risk, significant systems or components.

    Therefore, feedback from the user on the quality ofprocedures and work orders is highly desired.

    When to Use the Tool:Procedures are to be used for activities that involvemanipulation, monitoring, or analysis of plantequipment or physical work in the plant.

    Behavior Standard:1. Verify the procedure being used is the correct

    revision. Procedures are corrected and approvedbefore use.

    2. Review all Prerequisites, Limits, Precautions, anInitial Conditions before starting work.

    3. An effective place-keeping method is used forprocedures that do not require sign-offs. At leasinitial or check each step complete, after the actis performed, before proceeding with the next st

    4. Procedures shall be followed as written withoutdeviating from the original intent and purpose.

    5. Do not deviate from the sequence of steps, unle

    approved.6. Do not N/A any step, unless approved.7. If a procedure is incorrect, will result in damage

    equipment if used as written, cannot be performas written, will result in incorrect parameters orconfiguration, or is otherwise unsafe, then STOPthe task and contact a supervisor.

    8. If desired or anticipated results are not achievednot proceed, and contact a supervisor.

    At-Risk Behavior to Avoid: Assuming a procedure is well-written and

    accurate Cook-booking a step or procedure (blind

    compliance) without understanding its purpose Performing a task without knowing critical steps

    in advance Believing in the philosophy that, Any operator

    worth his/her salt doesnt need a procedure. Skipping steps or segments of a routine

    procedure, since those steps have beenunnecessary in the past

    Not rigorously following a procedure because ofpersonal past success with the task

    Commencing a procedure without establishinginitial conditions required by the procedure

    Using a procedure maliciously, knowing it hasFlaws

    Not reviewing an unfamiliar procedure (or lacksproficiency) before performing a task

    Using a previous revision (superseded) of aprocedure

    Marking steps N/A for those that areinadequately or improperly written

    Not submitting feedback on procedure problems(technical accuracy and usability)

    Not applying some form of place-keeping forcontinuous use procedures

    Using check marks instead of initials orsignatures for continuous use procedures,unless the procedure specifically allows it

    Ditto marks () One set of initials followed with a line through

    remaining signoff blanks Signing off a step as completed before it is


  • 7/30/2019 HU Tools Student Handout


    Place KeepingBasis:

    Place keeping is used to mark the steps in aprocedure or work document that have beencompleted or that are not applicable, so thatsteps are not accidentally omitted or

    repeated.When to Use the Tool:

    Use Place keeping when using a procedureor work document to perform criticalactivities as specified by the Pre-Job brief.

    When suspending performance of aprocedure, use place keeping to identify thelast step completed.

    Behavior Standard:

    Place keeping is performed as follows:

    1. IDENTIFY and clearly MARK (in aconspicuous manner) any critical stepsduring the pre-job briefing.

    2. READ and understand the step in itsentirety before performing the action

    3. PERFORM the step as written.4. MARK each step as it is completed using

    one of the following techniques: When sign off blanks are used,

    initial or sign the step or action in thespace provide. Place the time anddate if required

    When check boxes are used, checkthe box for each step or action Use the circle slash method when

    check boxes and sign off blanksare not used.

    Circle Slash

    Put a CIRCLE in the left marginof the procedure or workdocument step to be performednext

    Put a SLASH through theCIRCLE when the step has beencompleted.

    RE-READ and VERIFYcompletion of the previous fewsteps performed if distracted orinterrupted.

    5. When resuming an activity that has beensuspended, CONFIRM that performance

    conditions and requirements are met, andthat any required approvals are obtainedbefore proceeding.

    6. If a page is not completed, DRAW a lineunder the last step completed and WRITECompleted to this step, sign and date.

    7. Once a page has been completed,CONFIRM all required steps are completeand INITIAL completion of the page in themargin.

    8. IDENTIFY the last page in the procedure orwork document and conspicuously WRITE

    Last Page on the last page.9. It is permissible to USE coloured adhesive

    page markers (such as Post-It Notes ), tohelp trace progress through the procedureor work document or to denote referencesections.

    10. HIGHLIGHT the flow path up to the nextstep to denote the path taken via decisionboxes.

    For steps that are not applicable

    IDENTIFY and CROSS OUT steps that arenot applicable. HAVE your supervisor initial these steps to

    confirm that the proper approvals have beenobtained.

    At-Risk Behaviors to Avoid: Marking steps N/A for those that are

    inadequately or improperly written Not applying some form of place-

    keeping for continuous use procedures Using check marks instead of initials or

    signatures for continuous useprocedures, unless the procedurespecifically allows it

    Ditto marks () One set of initials followed with a line

    through remaining signoff blanks Signing off a step as completed before

    it is complete

  • 7/30/2019 HU Tools Student Handout


    Flagging &Operational Barriers

    Basis:Flagging involves highlighting a component insuch a way to improve the chances ofperforming actions on the correct component.Operational Barriers are used to mark or covercomponents that are not to be worked ormanipulated during an evolution. Flagging &Operational Barriers are particularly helpfulwhen there are several similar components inclose proximity to those affected by the workactivity. Several events have been attributed to

    an individual starting an activity on onecomponent, taking a break or becomingotherwise distracted from the component, thenperforming manipulations on the wrongcomponent.

    When to Use the Tool: Performing two or more manipulations of

    several similar components in closeproximity to those affected by the work

    activity Multiple trains Multiple units

    Behavior Standard:

    1. Identify the component that will have a flagor an operational barrier by using other HUtools such as self-check or peer-check. Be100% certain that the device is identifiedcorrectly before installing the flag or

    operational barrier. Caution - Flag thecomponent that will be worked. PlaceOperational Barriers on components NOTto be manipulated or worked. Attach theflag or operational barrier to the designatedcomponent using devices that will remainsecurely in place, such as colored adhesivedots, ribbon, colored tags, rope, magnetic

    placards, colored electrical tape, etc.

    2. While performing the work, flags oroperational barriers are to remain in placeonly while work is in progress.

    3. Remove flagging or operational barrierswhen work is complete.

    At-Risk Behaviors to Avoid: Using similar devices to flag components

    intended to be manipulate and as barriers,

    covering components not to be touched Attaching a flag to a component to be

    manipulated only once Flagging both components to be

    manipulated and to be avoided during sameactivity

    Not self-checking or peer-checking thecomponent before applying flagging or laterin the activity

    Using flagging that is not securely attachedto component; able to become unattached

  • 7/30/2019 HU Tools Student Handout


    Touch STAR


    Self-checking helps prevent errors whentouching plant equipment to change its statusor even when revising a document importantfor plant safety and reliability. Self-checking isparticularly effective during skill-based tasksthat could be performed without muchconscious thought. This technique helps boostsattention at important points in an activitybefore an important action is performed. Ifattention is not focused, error is likely. Onceattention is focused, the object of your attentionis touched, the individual then takes a momentto think about the intended action and itsexpected outcome. If uncertain, questions

    should be answered before proceeding.If visual or physical contact is broken, then self-checking should be repeated. When theperformer is physically and mentally prepared,the action can be taken, followed by a reviewof the results of the action.

    When to Use the Tool: Critical step identified during pre-job


    Manipulation of plant control or componentas directed by a plant procedure Identifying a component Time pressure a hurried feeling Task interruption Impending change in system or equipment

    status (especially maintenance disassemblyand reassembly)

    Behavior Standard:

    Caution: If at any time in the process theperformer becomes distracted or lossesphysical contact with the device to bemanipulated, then repeat the process to re-verify the proper component about to bemanipulated (unless flagging used).1.


    Physically touch the component orhover the cursor over the component youintend to manipulated, or the wording/valueyou intend to revise.

    2. Stop Pause before performing theoperation/manipulation, especially at criticalsteps, decision points, or touch points(DCS). Eliminate distractions, if necessary.

    3. Think Focus attention on the step to beperformed. Verify the action is appropriatefor equipment/system status. Anticipateexpected result(s) of the action and itsindications. Consider what actions to takeshould an unexpected result occur(contingency). If uncertain, use QV&V.

    4. Act Without losing physical contact: Compare component label, etc., with

    checklist, procedure step, ordrawing.

    State the component name or UNIDaloud (without distracting others).

    Without losing physical contactestablished earlier, perform theaction.

    5. Review Verify anticipated result obtained.Perform contingency, if expected resultdoes not occur.

    At-Risk Behaviors to Avoid: Not self-checking again, when distracted

    after initially self-checking or losing physicalcontact

    Talking on the telephone or conversing with

    another person during a manipulation orcritical action Self-checking without the guiding document Attempting to perform more than one action

    at a time; two-handed operations Continuing with the action when questions

    or discrepancies occur Looking at something other than the

    component to be manipulated

  • 7/30/2019 HU Tools Student Handout




    Independent verification (IV) is the act of

    verifying the condition of a component, system,or document, etc., independent from theoriginal act that placed it in that condition, tofind errors by the performer. It is an act ofchecking a component's or products status orquality independent of the person thatestablished its present state.

    IV has a higher probability of catching an errorthan peer-checking or second-partyverification, since the second person is notinfluenced by the first person and has freedom

    of thought. However, IV should only be usedwhen an immediate consequence to the plantor equipment is unlikely if the first action isperformed incorrectly. IV catches errors afterthey have been made.

    The individual performing the IV mustphysically check the condition without relyingon observation or verbal confirmation by theinitial performer.

    True independence requires separation in timeand space between the individuals involved toensure freedom of thought. In fact, the twoindividuals probably should not even walk to aroom or location of the component together.True independence cannot be established ifone individual is looking over the shoulder ofthe other, even from a distance.

    When to Use the Tool: Directed by procedure Directed by supervisor Identified during pre-job briefing

    Behavior Standard:1. Performer self-checks the component to be


    2. Performer performs the predeterminedaction and only that action.

    3. Performer confirms the new configuration orcondition agrees with the guiding documentand documents the verification in the spaceprovided in the guiding document.

    4. At a separate time and not in the presenceof the performer, the verifier self-checks thecomponent that was manipulated to verifycomponent identification matches thecomponent required to be verified.

    5. Verifier determines the as-foundconfiguration or condition matches thecondition required by the guiding document,without changing it, using one or more ofthe following means:

    Hands-on Verification (e.g. manuallychecking valve position)

    Observing remote indication Observing correct


    6. Verifier confirms new configuration orcondition agrees with guiding documentand signs his/her signature/initials in thespace provided in the guiding document.

    7. If the as-found configuration or condition isincorrect, report the condition to supervisionimmediately.

    At-Risk Behaviors to Avoid: Performer and verifier in close proximity at

    the time the performer acts. Performer informs the verifier what he/she

    had done. Performer and verifier walk to components

    location together. The performer is perceived by the verifier as

    experienced, as an expert, and unlikely tomake a mistake.

    Performer is less attentive to the actionthinking the verifier will catch anyproblems.

  • 7/30/2019 HU Tools Student Handout




    Concurrent Verification is used to PREVENT an

    error by the worker when changing the condition orstatus of a component.

    Concurrent Verification focuses on the proper"verification" of the correct device, the expectedoperation, and the abilities of the person makingthe verification. Concurrent Verification is intendedto address every aspect of the task before anymanipulation of the device is made.

    When to Use the Tool:

    Concurrent Verification may be performed forcritical or complex equipment, or as directed by

    controlling documents or as directed by theSupervisor. Critical or complex equipmentincludes:

    Components that, once operated, can't beindependently verified to be in the desiredposition.

    Components that are confusing or difficultto operate and could have immediatesafety, environmental or operational impactif operated incorrectly.

    Behavior Standard: Both individuals must be qualified to operate

    the component. Before the verification, both individuals

    involved must determine who will fulfill therole of the performer and who will be theverifier. The individuals must rigorouslyadhere to these roles during concurrentverification.

    The performer and the verifier, usingcontrolling documents individually identifythe component and review the intendedaction. Prior to component identification

    and the intended action, the verifier will takeno physical or verbal cues from theperformer.

    The performershall individually: LOCATE the component and IDENTIFY

    each unique identifier on the componentlabel.

    REVIEW the intended action.

    The verifiershall individually: LOCATE the component and identify each

    unique identifier on the component label. REVIEW the intended action.

    If the conditions are such that direct observation ofthe verification and actions are impractical (such astight quarters); the desired component should bephysically marked with tape or other suitable deviceby the verifier.

    To manipulate the component: Each individual will physically TOUCH or

    POINT at what they have separatelydecided is the correct component. Both individuals DISCUSS the requested

    action to be performed and AGREE on theaction.

    The performer will TAKE the action WHILEBEING DIRECTLY OBSERVED by theverifier.

    When the action is complete, then theverifier will VERIFY the desired action wasperformed correctly on the correctcomponent and REMOVE any markingdevice placed as part of the ConcurrentVerification process.

    At-Risk Behavior to Avoid: Using Peer Checking when Concurrent

    Verification is needed. Each person not performing their own

    individual verification The verifier taking physical and verbal cues

    from the performer Swapping roles of the performer and

    verifier in the middle of the evolution Not marking a device appropriately when

    the device in tight quarters The Performer and/or Verifier is not

    qualified to operate the component

  • 7/30/2019 HU Tools Student Handout


    4. After confirming your location and intendedactions, CONTINUE with the assigned task,rigorously applying self-checking techniquesthroughout the completion of the assignment.First Check


    First Check can be thought of as a remote peercheck and is used to ensure the firstcomponent manipulation for a specific task isperformed on the proper unit / channel /component. Simply put, First Check is used tovalidate you are in the right place before youbegin working alone.

    When to Use the Tool: Working alone, especially with multiple

    units, channels, trains, and components,presents multiple opportunities tomanipulate unintended components.

    Use First Check as an additional barrier forthis type of error-likely situation.

    Use this tool when you arrive at the locationof an assigned task, when you are alone,and prior to the first manipulation of plantequipment.

    Call or radio back to the person thatdispatched you for the task and reviewbriefly where you are, specifically, and whatyou intend to do to ensure the proper

    equipment is to be manipulated.

    Behavior Standard:

    1. Before performing the first manipulation ofan in-field evolution, use self-checkingtechniques to VERIFY the proper workdocument step intended to be performed, theproper unit, channel, and component about tobe manipulated.

    2. CONTACT the Control Room or dispatchingfacility to validate, First Check, your locationand component label information against theproper operational document. Also, validate,First Check, your assigned task.

    3. CONTACT the Control Room or dispatchingfacility to validate, First Check, your locationand component label information against theproper operational document. Also, validate,First Check, your assigned task.

    At-Risk Behaviors to Avoid: Failing to recognize First Check

    opportunities when working alone. Assuming the task is simple. Believing it is not possible for you to get on

    the wrong equipment.

  • 7/30/2019 HU Tools Student Handout


    Stop When Unsure


    When confronted with a situation that creates aquestion, a person is in uncharted (unfamiliar)territorya knowledge-based performancesituation (Remember, statistically, 1 of 2Knowledge Based decisions will be in error).Whenever a question is encountered and whatto do about it is uncertain, stop and get help.

    Given the chances for error are particularlyhigh in a knowledge-based situation, the bestcourse of action, when unsure, is to take atime-out and get another persons mind

    focused on the problem. For effective problem-solving to occur, people must recognize theyare in a knowledge-based situation.

    Get help from those who possess theexpertise, not necessarily from those of higherrank. Also, when that gut feeling is telling youthat something is not right, stop. This alsoapplies when one experiences, What am Idoing here? or I'm here, but can't rememberwhat I am supposed to do. Dont beembarrassed, stop and get help!

    When to Use the Tool: Unexpected results Unfamiliar situations Confused: questions that have no answers Uncertain that you are in compliance with

    expectations, procedures, or regulations Uncertain what success is Observed work practices different from

    expected work practices

    Behavior Standard:1. Stop activity, when confused, or doubt

    remains after using QV&V.2. Place system/equipment/component and

    job site in a safe condition.3. If available, ask an experienced team

    member (qualified on the activity) to help.

    4. Inform immediate supervisor of theproblem.

    5. Perform another pre-job briefing, if workconditions different from those discussedduring initial pre-job brief.

    6. Do not proceed in the face of uncertainty.

    At-Risk Behavior to Avoid: Assuming Rationalizing an anomaly away

    Not asking for help Thinking the task is routine or simple Believing nothing bad can happen Ignoring subtle differences Unaware of critical parameters

  • 7/30/2019 HU Tools Student Handout




    Peer checking is an error-prevention techniqueinvolving a verbal agreement between two

    individuals prior to a specific action and/or task,such that one will observe or check thebehavior of the other to prevent an error by theperformer.

    One person acts as the performer, and thesecond person, an experienced peer familiarwith the activity, acts as the checker. Thepurpose of peer checking is to prevent error fora specific action. Peer-checking is merely twopersons (performer and checker) self-checkingin parallel, agreeing together that the action isthe correct action to be performed and on thecorrect component. Peer checking augmentsself-checking, but does not replace it. Thistechnique takes advantage of a fresh set ofeyes not trapped by the performers taskfocused mind-set. The checker may seehazards or potential consequences theperformer does not see.

    In most cases, workers can ask for a peer-check, especially when they feel the risk or

    conditions warrant it. The tool may be requiredby management for certain high-risk actions. Ifa person, other than the performer, anticipatesan action by the performer may be unsafe, orat risk, he or she may question the performerto verify the intent and desired outcome beforethe action is taken.

    Peer-checking can be confused with second-party verification. Although the purpose of both

    techniques is to prevent error for a specificaction, second-party verification has the addedpurpose of configuration control. That is whythe second-party verification is documented inthe guiding document and peer-checking isnot.

    When to Use the Tool: Procedure requirement History of error or unfavorable operating

    experience with a particular action When misidentification, mis-operation, or

    improper installation or assembly can haveundesirable impact on peoples safety orplant equipment

    Pre-determined in the pre-job briefing Requested by a peer in the field

    Behavior Standard:1. Using 3-way communication, performer and

    peer agree on the action to take, on whichcomponent, and for what purpose,confirmed by the guiding document.

    2. Using self-checking, the performer and peerindividually confirm the correct component,label, etc. Flag the component if desired.

    3. Performer performs predetermined actionand only that action.

    4. Peer watches the actions of the performer

    to verify the action is correct.

    At-Risk Behaviors to Avoid:1. Used in place of independent verification or

    for second-party verification2. Checker not experienced with activity3. Checker not paying close attention to

    performer4. Believing performer will not err because of

    performers experience or proficiency

    5. Checker unable to view component to bemanipulated

    6. Checker not prepared to prevent anincorrect action by the performer

    7. Asking for a peer-check without directingthe request to a specific person by name

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    6. It is the supervisors/foremans/employeesresponsibility to ensure that correctiveaction is performed on identifiedproblems/issues.

    At-Risk Behaviors to Avoid: Not participating in the post-job briefing Believing that any changes or problems

    encountered are minor and do not need anyfurther correction

    Not performing an adequate post-jobbriefing when it is needed

    Post-Job Review


    Post-job reviews give employees that wereinvolved in the work activity to providefeedback. A post-job review is conducted forhigh hazard jobs to determine if planning andbriefings were effective.

    When to Use the Tool: Post-job reviews are to be conducted after

    high hazard jobs using TVA Form 40899Post-Job Review Checklist.

    Post-job briefs can be conducted for lowhazard jobs if it is deemed necessary.

    Behavior Standard:1. The post-job review is performed with those

    who participated in the pre-job briefing andperformed the work.

    2. The post-job review will normally beconducted by the person who conductedthe pre-job briefing.

    3. Feedback will be solicited from all

    employees to identify any problemsencountered during the task.

    4. The results of the review are documentedon TVA Form 40899 Post-Job ReviewChecklist.

    5. When problems or issues are identified thesupervisors/foreman/employee will recordand establish the responsibility and methodfor resolving deficiencies in the post-jobreview section of the form.