
by Cantor Benjamin Z. Maissner The tradition at Holy Blossom Temple has been to mark Shabbat Shira with a Scholar in Residence who brings an added measure of song to our celebrations. This year, we are privileged to welcome Eli Schleifer, a world- renowned musicologist and a Professor of Sacred Music and Director of the School of Sacred Music, Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion, Jerusalem. He is also a past president of the Israel Musicological Society and a member of the professional board of the Jewish Music Research Center, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, where he heads a team of scholars who inves- tigate theoretical and historical aspects of Ashkenazi liturgical music. Our Shabbat Shira weekend begins on Fri. Feb. 6, 2009, at 6 p.m., with Kabbalat Shabbat. Professor Schleifer will participate in the Service, offer a D’var Torah and lead a musical program at the Shabbat potluck dinner. The cost for the dinner is: $12 for adults and $7.50 for children 12 years and younger. Then join us Shabbat morning, Feb. 7, at 10.30 a.m. for Services, including Prof. Schleifer’s Sermon in Song, followed by a lunch and study workshop. The cost for the lunch and workshop is: $15. To register for either day, please call Mari Lynn Rusak (ext. 224), at the Temple. MUSICAL HERITAGE CONCERT SERIES e Musical Heritage Committee has planned a concert series designed to enrich our musical experience as a congregation. e first concert was held last month. e remaining two will introduce outstanding artists to Holy Blossom Temple. On Sun. Apr. 12, 2009, vocalist Adrienne Cooper and pianist Marilyn Lerner will present a multimedia concert entitled, “Every Mother’s Son: Jewish Songs of War and Peace.” And on Thur. May 21, 2009, the “New Age of Jewish Music” will feature Mattan Klein and Seeds of Sun. For more details and to order tickets, please call Mari Lynn Rusak. [email protected] Holy Blossom Temple Bulletin January 2009 | Tevet/Shevat 5769 An exceptional musical year The Torah: A Women’s Commentary Rabbis Edward Goldfarb, Yael Splansky and Karen omashow Wednesdays at 7.30 p.m. Jan. 14 to 28, 2009 Please join us for an in-depth look at this new volume commissioned and funded by Women of Reform Judaism. Explore the Biblical scholarship, the voice of the commentators and the poetry of the new Women’s Commentary. Sponsored by Sisterhood. Eli Schleifer

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J a n u a r y 2 0 0 9 | Te v e t / S h e v a t 5 7 6 9 1

by Cantor Benjamin Z. Maissner

The tradition at Holy Blossom Temple has been to mark Shabbat Shira with a Scholar in Residence who

brings an added measure of song to our celebrations.

This year, we are privileged to welcome Eli Schleifer, a world-renowned musicologist and a Professor of Sacred Music and Director of the School of Sacred Music, Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion, Jerusalem. He is also a past president of the Israel Musicological Society and a member of the professional board of the Jewish Music Research Center, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, where he heads a team of scholars who inves-tigate theoretical and historical aspects of Ashkenazi liturgical music.

Our Shabbat Shira weekend begins on Fri. Feb. 6, 2009, at 6 p.m., with Kabbalat Shabbat. Professor Schleifer will participate in the Service, offer a D’var Torah and lead a musical program at the Shabbat potluck dinner. The cost for the dinner is: $12 for adults and $7.50 for children 12 years and younger. Then join us Shabbat morning, Feb. 7, at 10.30 a.m. for Services, including Prof. Schleifer’s Sermon in Song, followed by a lunch and study workshop. The cost for the lunch and workshop is: $15.

To register for either day, please call Mari Lynn Rusak (ext. 224), at the Temple.


Th e Musical Heritage Committee has planned a concert series designed to enrich our musical experience as a congregation. Th e fi rst concert was held last month. Th e remaining two will introduce outstanding artists to Holy Blossom Temple.

On Sun. Apr. 12, 2009, vocalist Adrienne Cooper and pianist Marilyn Lerner will present a multimedia concert entitled, “Every Mother’s Son: Jewish Songs of War and Peace.” And on Thur. May 21, 2009, the “New Age of Jewish Music” will feature Mattan Klein and Seeds of Sun.

For more details and to order tickets, please call Mari Lynn [email protected]

Holy Blossom Tem ple BulletinJanuary 2009 | Tevet/Shevat 5769

An exceptional musical year The Torah: A Women’s


Rabbis Edward Goldfarb, Yael Splansky and Karen Th omashow

Wednesdays at 7.30 p.m.Jan. 14 to 28, 2009 Please join us for an in-depth look at this new volume commissioned and funded

by Women of Reform Judaism. Explore the Biblical scholarship, the voice of the commentators

and the poetry of the new Women’s Commentary. Sponsored by Sisterhood.

Eli Schleifer

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D A I LY S E R V I C E SMonday to Friday at 7.30 a.m. | ShacharitMonday to Th ursday at 6 p.m. | Ma’arivSunday at 9 a.m. | Shacharit

On Thur. Jan 1, 2009, the Shacharit Service will be held at 9 a.m.

S H A B B AT S E R V I C E SFridays at 6 p.m. | Kabbalat Shabbat ServicesSaturdays at 10.30 a.m. | Shabbat Morning Service and Family Shabbat Service

Tot Shabbat will be held on Jan. 2 (Service and dinner), Jan. 16 (Service), Feb. 6 (Service and dinner) and Feb. 20, 2009 (Service). For more details, please see page 12. Shabbat Fusion will be held on Jan. 30, 2009. For more details, please see page 13.

Worship In This Issue ... In Perspective 3 | Holy Blossom Temple Foundation 4 | Cantor’s Notes 4 | Temple Leadership 5 | The Gerald Schwartz/Heather Reis-man Centre for Jewish Learning 8 | Supplementary Schools 11 | Family Programming 12 | Seniors’ Programming 13 | Our Congregational Family 14 | The Last Word 16

The Bulletin is published 10 times a year by Holy Blossom Temple, 1950 Bathurst Street, Toronto, ON M5P 3K9. Telephone: (416) 789-3291; Fax: (416) 789-9697; e-mail: [email protected]; Web site: Honorary Pres i dent: John A. Geller; President: Larry Babins; Rabbis: John Moscowitz; Yael Splansky; Karen Thomashow; Edward Goldfarb; Cantor: Benjamin Z. Maissner; Cantorial Soloist: Lindi Rivers; Director of Education: Deborah K. Spiegel; Rabbi Emeritus: Dow Marmur; Senior Schol ar: W. Gunther Plaut; Executive Director: Benjamin Applebaum; Holy Blossom Temple Foundation Chair: Elliott Jacobson; Director of Development: Cheryl Zeldin; Bulletin Editor: Judy Nyman; Design and Production: nymanink.concepts that click Holy Blossom Temple was found ed in 1856 and is af fil i at ed with the Union for Reform Judaism and the Canadian Council for Reform Judaism.

Purim 2009/5769 Come out for all of our great Purim activities. Th ere is something for every age.

Sun. Mar. 8

12.30 p.m. Carnival — Please join us for an aft ernoon of games, rides, prizes and more! Bring your kids in costume. Admission (including all games): $5 for members; $6 for non-members; free for kids younger than two years old. Free hamantashen (other food available for purchase).

Volunteers needed — The Purim Committee needs adult and teenage volunteers to help

with the carnival. High school students can earn community service credit; students and

parents can have fun while helping the Temple. For more details, please call the Purim hotline

(ext. 515), at the Temple.

Mon. Mar. 9

6.30 p.m. Family Megillah Reading — Please join us for this riotous celebration, geared especially to families with young children. Dress up the family and be a part of the costume parade. Th en, help your kids and grandkids drown out the name of Haman during our megillah-reading Service and Purim singalong.

6.30 p.m. Teen Purim — All Temple members from grades 7 through 12 are invited to this teenage celebration. Th ere will be a megillah reading, a teenage shpiel, carnival games and delicious food. Do not miss this new event!

8 p.m. A Jazzy Megillah (for adults) — Come on out for our annual adult Purim extravaganza, and see Holy Blossom like you have never seen it. Do not let the kids have all the fun! Come and sing along with us as we send up the megillah. Prizes will be given for best costume, so make sure you come dressed up. We will supply the champagne; you bring the ruach! We promise you will have a ball.

Singers/dancers wanted — We need you! Can you sing? Can you dance? It doesn’t matter! Come join us anyway and be a part of the biggest

night of fun during the year. To volunteer to be a part of the shpiel, please e-mail Roseanne Mason at [email protected].

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Facing our challenges | In Perspective

by Rabbi John Moscowitz

The future of Holy Blossom Temple will ultimately not turn on what kind of new building we construct;

nor on how we balance our past with our future; nor on the raising of funds (whether for operational needs or for our Renewal Project), economic down-turn, or not.

Rather, the future of our congrega-tion will be defi ned by the kind of religious community we will construct. How much Judaism will we know and practice? How deeply will what we do touch the lives of our members, moving each of us closer toward God, our tradi-tion and God’s creatures?

How well will we speak to God in the life of prayer, listen to God in the realm of study and serve God by doing for God’s creatures? Th e other matters are very important, but when all is said and done, they serve these larger aspirations; they are not at the centre of things.

Signifi cant gaps need to be narrowed to realize these aspirations (which I will name in a few moments).

But fi rst, a brief reminder of what makes this a strong congregation: the human capital that lends us strong lay leadership; the three schools on our premises — our Pre-School, our Supplementary School and the Leo Baeck Day School (which we support and work with closely); that this

building bulges with people for 15 hours of the day with so many programs that we cannot fi t into proper places; an excellent senior staff of professionals who work with intelligence, compassion and oft en achieve excellence or something close to it; an administrative staff who help make things run smoothly with an eye for both the small and large picture; that we are a well-known address in the Jewish community, in the city and beyond, for the presentation of major issues of our time; that we are a destination point for major philanthropic support by many of our generous members; that we have many multi-generational families loyal to the synagogue — along with the hundred or so new member families we attract each year; that we have become a focal point for the exploration of Judaism by the next generation of Jews, members and not; and more …

So now to our aspirations — and the dilemmas that currently block us in our pursuit.

By refl ecting on these challenges together, in a disciplined way, we can likely accomplish at least this: to resolve what can be resolved; to close the gaps where possible; and also (and this is somewhat more subtle but perhaps just as important) to free ourselves where our culture has gotten frozen over time, leaving us unresponsive to emerging realities. And, so just these few dilemmas for now.

When many Jews at prayer over-whelmingly seek bonding with the Divine by bonding with one another in shul — through singing together, social-izing, learning together and more — do we not defeat this experience by retaining a sense of hierarchy (whether a physical one in Worship spaces or for that matter when professionals may talk or sing at the congregation when we should otherwise simply be with the congregation)?

Here is another gap: when many human beings, Jews very much included, clearly yearn for a deeper sense of satisfaction and of joy; and wish to experience in as deep as way as possible the smell of tradition and the feel of the ancient — do we not oft en make these experiences for which we yearn so earnestly diffi cult to achieve?

One more gap for now: when our knowledge of Judaism, which can engender engagement, the sense of authenticity and a sense of adequacy — when for reason of time, distractions and ignorance, our knowledge is not adequate to the challenge — how do we close this [email protected]

Th e preceding is an edited and abridged version of the remarks made at the Nov. 23, 2009, Annual General Meeting. To read the entire text, please visit our website at >Welcome > Senior Rabbi’s Message.

The religious way

Calling all members — the Membership Retention Committee needs your help!

Our goal is to better serve the synagogue community by keeping our members feeling valued, welcomed

and engaged. Please join us in our efforts. If you would like to get involved, please call Shannon Tramer

(ext. 227), at the Temple.

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An important aspect of maintaining and nurturing close rela-tionships in our lives involves marking the

achievements and milestones of those who are important to us. Further, we act to honour and uphold the memories of those who are no longer with us. It is especially poignant when someone is remembered through an act that would have had particular meaning to him or her.

Barbara Kohanz”l was a member of Holy Blossom Temple for more than 50 years, and taught many students of the Holy Blossom Temple Religious School. As a young mother, she and a number of her friends initiated a study group. Almost 50 years later, the group, including Temple members and non-members, remains connected and continues to meet monthly. When Barbara passed away, group members refl ected carefully on how best their community might memorialize her. “Her friendship and her love of books have sparked our group to do something

A once-in-a-lifetime experience | Cantor’s Notesby Cantor Benjamin Z. Maissner

I am proud to tell you about the incredible mission and exciting program I will be leading this summer,

together with my dear friend and colleague, Cantor Simon Spiro of Beth Tzedec Congregation. Th e Poland/Israel Heritage Cultural Tour will take place from Mon. June 29 to Sun. July 12, 2009. Th is mission has grown to be some-thing unique and has reached the

Commemorating a friendship | Foundationby Cheryl Zeldin, Director of Development

meaningful in her memory. Because she was an active member of Holy Blossom, as well as an educator there, we were prompted to fi nd a way to commemo-rate her life within that milieu,” explains Gloria Pollock, a member of the study group.

In consultation with Sharon Singer, the Temple librarian, the group has opted to fund a book cart that will provide materials, including audio and large-print books, and easy access to

seniors at the Temple. Th e cart’s other main purpose, to transport mate-rials to students learning at Religious School classes, is also fi tting, consid-ering Barbara’ s dedication to religious education at Holy Blossom Temple. Th e cart will be inscribed: “In Memory of Barbara Kohan who loved books.”

To make a donation to honour or remember a loved one, please call the Foundation (ext. 265), at the Temple, or e-mail [email protected].

Barbara Kohanz”l (bottom row, second from left) with her group members.

highest levels of government-sponsored support. It is a mission of friendship, brotherhood and unity. We will experi-ence history in the making.

I have just returned from an execu-tive board meeting of the Cantors’ Assembly, which is sponsoring this tour, and can report that the Polish government, the Israeli Ambassador to Poland, the Embassy of the United States, the Museum of History of the Polish Jews, the Krakow Jewish Music

Festival, the Polish National Opera House and the Chief Rabbi of Poland all support and are excited about our mission.

For more details, please call Mari Lynn Rusak (ext. 224), at the Temple, watch the Bulletin, or download the trip brochure from the Holy Blossom Temple website at: [email protected]

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Outgoing President’s Message | Annual General Meetingby Barry Silver

In the business world, there is an adage that it is much easier to keep your current customers than to fi nd new

ones. Yes, businesses always need new customers and our synagogue is no diff erent.

Th e mainstay of our Holy Blossom congregation is our membership. While more than 100 new families have joined our congregation this year, and this number is consistent with previous years, our overall membership count has dipped ever so slightly. However, we continue to see members renewing their membership each week and we continue to have new members joining the Temple.

Today our synagogue is better at listening, engaging and welcoming our congregants. As we continue to focus on our members and their needs, we will only strengthen our Temple community. And, as we continue to improve in this area, we can expect a reduction in resig-nations and an upswing in membership.

A N N U A L C O N T R I B U T I O N C A M PA I G NOur Annual Contribution Campaign (ACC) generated revenue in excess of $617,000, with contributions from the largest number of donors ever, since we changed to our current program of a fl at-fee membership four years ago. Achieving this level of giving took a tremendous amount of eff ort, and I would like to acknowledge the work of the ACC Chair Alison Schwartz.

However, there continues to be much work to be done to increase the revenue. While revenue from the ACC forms an integral part of the Temple’s operating revenue base, this campaign is not a capital campaign, and it is not an

endowment; it is an important part of the revenue stream. As we continue to build on the harmony within these walls, so too should we be able to build on the success of this year’s campaign and continue to grow year aft er year.

A D U LT E D U C AT I O NHoly Blossom continues to be a foremost leader in adult education. Again this year, our four speakers in the Gerald Schwartz/Heather Reisman Fall 2008 Lecture series were exceptional. Th e series is but one of many programs — and there are many other speakers and classes — here for us. I hope you will continue to involve your-self when you can.

G O V E R N A N C E A N D R E N E W A LEarly in 2008, I asked Michael Sherman, a member of the current Board of Trustees, to chair the new Governance Review Committee, the mandate of which was to review our current bylaws and provide the Board with comments and recom-mendations to improve Holy Blossom Temple’s governance. Th e report was presented at the Oct. 31, 2008, Board meeting; the incoming Board will be responsible for examining the report and its recommendations.

We continue to move forward, refi ning the plans for Holy Blossom Temple’s Renewal Project. I hope everyone has had an opportunity to view the concept boards that are in the Dewborne Ave. entrance of the Temple. Progress might appear to be slow, but this project is so vital, so important for all the reasons that we have articulated over these many months. We will get it done.

P E R S O N A L R E F L E C T I O N SA few weeks ago, Rabbi John Moscowitz spoke of gratitude. As President of this

Temple and as a congregant, I recognize how truly fortunate we are and thus how grateful I am.

I am grateful for a senior staff that cares. I thank Rabbis Moscowitz, Splansky, Th omashow and Goldfarb, as well as Cantor Benjamin Z. Maissner, Cantorial Soloist Lindi Rivers, Director of Education Debbie Speigel and Director of Development Cheryl Zeldin for their guidance and true dedication to Holy Blossom. I must also thank the Temple’s Executive Director, Benjamin Applebaum, who has his fi nger on the pulse of almost everything that goes on here, as well as all the other Temple staff , whose dedication helps support our senior staff and makes this Temple run smoothly.

I am grateful to the many volun-teers who serve as committee chairs and committee members, and help this congregation in so many ways.

I am grateful to our past presidents and wardens, to our Board, the Executive and my fellow offi cers. I would be remiss if I did not thank my friend and Vice President, and the new President of our synagogue, Larry Babins, for his unwav-ering support. I know he will bring his leadership skills to help this congregation continue to go from strength to strength.

Finally, I would like to thank my wife, Gail, for encouraging me to accept this position, and to my children Jordana and Joshua, for their support.

It has been an honour and a privilege to be President of this great [email protected]

Th e preceding is an edited and abridged version of the remarks made at the Nov. 23, 2009, Annual General Meeting. To read the entire text, please visit our website at >Welcome > President’s Message.

Temple Leadership

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Jeff rey (Jeff ) Dicker is a very active parent in our Religious School programs. He is the Chief Operating Offi cer and General Counsel at Farrow Partnership Architects Inc.

Jill Hertzman is a librarian and a student of Torah. As acting Chair of Gabbaim, a member of the Bikur Cholim Executive Committee and a regular Torah chanter, Jill is very familiar with Temple life.

Holy Blossom Temple would not be the vibrant and caring institution it is without the dedication of our many volunteers, including those who off er their time and advice as members of our Board of Directors.

Offi cers: Larry Babins, President; Mark S. Anshan, Vice President; Michael Davis, Financial Secretary; Pam Albert, Secretary; and Alison Schwartz, Treasurer

Immediate Past President: Barry Silver

Honorary Directors: David Baskin; Barry Borden; Myer Brody; Henrietta Chesnie; Morris Cooper; Arnold Epstein; Alan Garfi nkel; Diana Goodman;

Elliott Jacobson; Richard R. Krelstein; Richard Lorie; Nancy Ruth; Sheila Smolkin; Irving Sussman; and Frederick Zemans

Wardens: Harold Emsig; Marilyn Farber; David Hart; Leonard Levy; Mary Seldon; and Morris Vigoda

Elected as Directors for a second two-year term: David Blinick and Alberto Quiroz

Elected as Directors for an initial two-year term: Jeff rey Dicker; Jill Hertzman; Fern Lebo; Lawrence Ritchie; and Elisabeth Rosenfeld

Directors continuing the second year of a two-year term: Gord Arbess; Bob Cooper; Karen Fisman; Hugh Furneaux; Gillian Helfi eld; Luke Sklar; and Susan Stronell

Department Chairs: Sara Charney, Jewish Living; Michael Davis, Finance; Jeff rey Dicker, Education; Sarita Dotan, Worship; Tom Friedland, Administration; and Joan Garson, Membership

We would like to thank the following Board members who have now completed their terms on the Board for their dedicated service: Terry Axelrod; Paul Hellen; Melanie Nesbitt; Michael Sherman; and Neri Slan

Temple Leadership

Introducing our new Temple Board members

Our 2008/2009 Temple Board of Directors

Fern Lebo, an active Temple member, and has been a student at Holy Blossom from Consecration right through to Confi rmation. She is a corporate communications consultant and writer.

Lawrence Ritchie, a Temple member for more than 20 years, has participated in the Temple Leadership Program. He is a lawyer.

Elizabeth Rosenfeld attended Religious School and celebrated her Bat Mitzvah at Holy Blossom, and is an active Temple member involved in Generation א activities. She is a business manager with Scotiabank International.

Jeff Dicker Jill Hertzman Fern Lebo Lawrence Ritchie Elisabeth Rosenfeld

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Chair of Ariad Custom Communications, has been a member of the Board and the Executive Directors for JVS Toronto, was a member of the Grant Review Team for the Ontario Trillium Foundation, was Chair and Executive Director of the Canadian Marketing Association and served on the Board of the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario.

Larry Schwartz is a Shiva Leader and Service Leader at Holy Blossom, and is a past Treasurer of the Holy Blossom Temple Parents’ Association. His extensive community involve-ment has included the UJA/

Holy Blossom Temple Foundation would like to thank outgoing Board members Angela Feldman, Alan Garfi nkel and Allan Off man for their time and contribution. Many thanks to Marvin Tile, outgoing Chair of the Foundation, for his leader-ship and contributions. We are pleased to introduce the following new directors who have joined the Foundation Board:

Hugh Furneaux has been a member of Holy Blossom Temple since 1983, following his conversion to Judaism, and became Bar Mitzvah in 1996. He currently serves on the Board of Holy Blossom Temple. He is the Founder and

n the datiiononn

ndnnnn d om

Meet our new Foundation Board members

While reading the minutes of Board of Directors meetings held by Holy Blossom in the 1930s, it struck me that

issues faced by the congregation back then, as it planned its new synagogue, are similar to decisions facing us now, including issues of design, the potential need for alternate facilities and the costs in the face of serious economic turmoil. Despite these hurdles, that earlier gener-ation of Temple leaders had the vision and determination to create this glorious building.

I believe our congregation has the resolve, goodwill and insight to achieve similar success with the current renewal project. Th e key is participation and inclusion. Th at brings to mind words spoken by Rabbi John Moscowitz when my wife Janice and I met with him in 1987. As new members, we were seeking

a sense of belonging. Rabbi Moscowitz’s advice was simple: “Get involved. Join something.” And we did.

A S E N S E O F C O M M U N I T YIf the synagogue is the primary vehicle driving Jewish continuity, our overriding mission is to fi nd ways to ensure the synagogue becomes more attractive to all Jews.

Our goal, as Temple leaders, is to move people into the ever-deeper circle of commitment. Th e starting point is to reach out to each of you, to draw on the talent and experience of all members.

T E M P L E R E N E W A LWhile renewing our building, we must rely on our deep foundations of history and spirituality. But money is also an important issue that we need to talk about. Th ere tends to be little explanation of the need to collect dues and virtually

no discussion of the meaning of funds dedicated to the support of our sacred community.

Giving is diff erent from paying. Giving is a choice that comes from within. When one gives, knowing that a whole community of people is also giving, there is a feeling of belonging to a sacred community.

A P E R S O N A L N O T EI am honoured to be your President. Holy Blossom Temple has embraced my family personally and spiritually and I am inspired by its rich history, the spirit of its membership and its boundless potential. [email protected]

Th e preceding is an edited and abridged version of the remarks made at the Nov. 29, 2009, Installation. To read the entire text, please visit our website > Welcome > President’s Message.

Forging a sense of community | President’s Messageby Larry Babins

Hugh Furneaux Larry Schwartz

Temple Leadership

Jewish Federation of Toronto and Senior Care Toronto. A past member of the federal Competition Tribunal, Larry lectures at the Schulich School of Business and consults on competition policy and regulatory matters.

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Gerald Schwartz/Heather Reisman Centre for Jewish Learning at Holy Blossom Temple

Our Gerald Schwartz/Heather Reisman Centre for Jewish Learning strives to engage our community to join together for stimulating lectures, to study Torah and to acquire the skills needed to lead a meaningful Jewish life. For more details, please call ext. 256, at the Temple, or visit our website at and download a copy of “Th e Gerald Schwartz/Heather Reisman Centre for Jewish Learning at Holy Blossom Temple 2008/2009 Calendar of Events.” All programs and lectures are open to the community, unless otherwise stated. For your convenience, our weekday daytime programs are marked with the following symbol .

Ongoing learning and specialized classes

Shabbat Torah Study: Speaking with God, Learning from Heschel and SoloveitchikRabbi John MoscowitzSaturdays at 9 a.m., ongoingAll are welcome regardless of background.

Learning Liturgy through Singing Jewish MusicCantor Benjamin Z. MaissnerSundays at 10 a.m.New participants are always welcome. For more details, please call Mari Lynn Rusak (ext. 224), at the Temple.

Conversational Hebrew 101Dalia Alalouf, Supervisor, Hebrew SchoolMondays at 8.30 p.m. Limited to Temple members. Registration required. Cost: $200 per year.

Jerusalem II

Geri Durbin, Royal Ontario Museum Educator and Holy Blossom Temple Senior School Teacher

Thursdays at 1 p.m., Jan. 15 to 29, 2009

The alluring city of Jerusalem withstood wars and conflicts for thousands of years, but has always emerged as a thriving centre rich in history, religion and culture. This tapestry of cultures will be exam-ined through the study of Jerusalem’s history. Discov-eries from the archeological excavations of the 19th and 20th centuries will be discussed. Participants from

the previous series are welcome to join the 2009 seminars and discover more of the wonderment that the city of Jerusalem holds.

Advanced Hebrew GrammarRabbi Edward Goldfarb

Tuesdays at 11 a.m., ongoing Open to Temple members only.

Sisterhood Torah Study Rabbi Edward Goldfarb

Wednesdays at 9.30 a.m., ongoing New and returning students welcome.

The Yiddish NovelRabbi Edward Goldfarb

Wednesdays at 11 a.m., ongoing

Shabbat Lunch and Study 2009 Please join us once a month aft er Services for lunch and study.Jan. 10 | The Structure of Synagogue Music, with Cantor Benjamin Z. MaissnerFeb. 14 | Ten Commandments and Noahide Laws: Points of Overlap and Divergence, with Rabbi Karen Th omashow

Cost: $10 per session. To register, please call Elana Fehler (ext. 221), at the Temple.

Torah Yoga and Jewish Meditation: Prayer, Breath and Movement Michelle Katz, Certifi ed Iyengar Yoga Th erapist, Jewish Spiritual Director and Jewish Meditation Teacher Sundays at 9.30 a.m.Jan. 11 to Mar. 8, 2009Torah Yoga integrates traditional Jewish texts with hatha yoga postures, medi-tative prayer and chanting, and the breath of life. Th is is a great chance for Religious School parents to join us. Cost: $90 for entire course; $15 per session.

Poetry and Prophecy Adam Sol, Professor and Poet, Laurentian University Tuesdays at 7.30 p.m.Jan. 13 to 27, 2009 At the fi nal session, Adam Sol will launch his new book, Jeremiah, Ohio. (For more details, please see Book Talk listing on page 9.)

Sunday Book Club: The Pleasure of ReadingSundays at 10.30 a.m. Jan. 18, 2009 | People of the Book, by Geraldine BrooksFeb. 22, 2009 | The Septembers of Shiraz, by Dalia SoferPlease note change of dates and times; for more details, please see page 11.

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Mixed Blessings

Rabbi Yael SplanskyThursdays at 7.30 p.m., Jan. 22 to Feb. 5, 2009

If you and your non-Jewish partner have questions about how to navigate your future, this series will be a great resource. Together we will consider the sensitivities that can develop around holidays, life-cycle events, extended family dynamics and raising children with strong Jewish identities. You may also have questions about the conversion process. With an honest, thoughtful and sensitive approach, you

will find the information and support you seek to plan for your future.

HaZemer HaIvri: Israel at 60 in SongCantor Benjamin Z. Maissner Jan. 15, 2009, at 7.30 p.m. | The Hebrew Art Songs, Poetry and Music of the Hebrew Language, with Nadia AdlerFeb. 25, 2009, at 7.30 p.m. | Israeli Folk Songs, with Yitzhak Argaman

Book Talk: Jeremiah, OhioAdam SolTue. Jan. 27, 2009, at 7.30 p.m.Adam Sol reinvents the Biblical prophet and doomsayer Jeremiah for the post-modern age, and sends him on a road trip through the strip malls and back roads of the United States.

A Strategic Overview: Israel and the Rapidly Changing Middle EastProfessor Asher Susser, Director for External Aff airs and Senior Research Fellow, Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies Tue. Feb. 24, 2009, at 7.30 p.m.Explore the most recent events in the Middle East and their relationship to Israel.Co-sponsored by Canadian Friends of Tel Aviv University.

A Taste of Judaism: Are You Curious? Rabbi Yael Splansky Tuesdays at 7.30 p.m.Feb. 3, 10 and 17, 2009 Rabbi Karen Th omashowWednesdays at 7.30 p.m.Mar. 4, 11, 25, 2009Th e program explores three of the most important components of Judaism through text study: spirituality, ethics and community. Participants register for both parts of this course. Non-members welcome.

Mishnah Pesachim: A Legal and Social Insight into PassoverRabbi Karen Th omashowTuesdays at 7.30 p.m.Feb. 3 to 17, 2009

We will devote equal time to gaining a working knowledge of how to read the Mishnah and a deeper appreciation of the origin of the laws of Pesach.

Brotherhood Study Group: Holocaust and Resurrection — Jewish Religious Responses to the Shoah and Rebirth of IsraelRabbi Michael StrohWednesdays at 7.30 p.m.Feb. 4, 11, 18, Mar. 11, 18 and 25, 2009We will explore issues critical to Judaism in the 21st century.

Beyond the ChuppahDavid and Eileen Berger, Temple MembersRabbi Yael SplanskyTh ursdays at 7.30 p.m.Feb. 5 to Mar. 5, 2009Th is fun and thought-provoking course is designed for newly engaged couples and newlyweds within their fi rst year of marriage. Pre-registration required. Please contact Roseanne Mason (ext. 276), at the Temple.

Rock ’n Roll Jews: Great Songs of the ’60s Jordan Klapman, Musician, Teacher and Lecturer Th ursdays at 7.30 p.m.Feb. 26 to Mar. 12, 2009

Th is course will review some of the greats of pop music: Lieber and Stoller, the men who made Elvis; Carole King and Neil Sedaka, musical wunderkinder; Burt Bacharach and Hal David, soundtrack of the ’60s. Pre-registration required.

Preoccupied with My Father Simon Schneiderman, Lawyer and ArtistTue. Mar. 3, 2009, at 7.30 p.m.Simon Schneiderman, a lawyer by profession and a self-taught artist, discovered that painting was a language that could be learned no diff erently than any other. He writes a moving story about his father through paintings. Th is was the only way in which he could share the story of his father’s life.

Cultivating KavannahRabbi Yael Splansky

Th ursdays at 9.30 a.mMar. 5 to 19, 2009Th e mechanics of reading Hebrew, singing the melodies and knowing the ‘choreography’ of the Service are easy to acquire, but only kavannah (spiritual direction and intention) can turn words into prayers. Th is text-based course will off er models — ancient and modern — to inspire our own prayers.

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This year’s Lecture Series — “Telling the Zionist Story Anew: Israel Explains Itself to the World” — welcomed prominent speakers Amos Oz, Yossi Klein Halevi, Rabbi Daniel Gordis and Charles Krauthammer.

Nov 19 — Charles Krauthammer, a Washington Post columnist and winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Distinguished Commentary (left), is joined by Robert Lantos, Temple member and filmmaker, who introduced the speaker.

The Gerald Schwartz/Heather Reisman Fall 2008 Lecture Series

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Nov 5 — Yossi Klein Halevi, Senior Fellow in the Shalem Center’s Institute for Zionist History and the Israel correspondent for the New Republic (centre), with Linda Frum, Temple member and National Post columnist (left), the evening’s introducer, and Rabbi John Moscowitz.

Sept. 17 — Left to right: (front row) Amos Oz, the author of many books, including A Tale of Love and Darkness, with Amir Gissin, Consul General of Israel in Toronto, who introduced the speaker; and (back row), Rabbi John Moscowitz and Past Temple President Barry Silver.

Nov 12 — Left to right: (front row) Daniel Gordis, Senior Vice President of the Shalem Center, a Jerusalem-based research and educational institute, and Rabbi John Moscowitz are joined by (back row) Michael Diamond, Temple member, and Rabbi Karen Thomashow.

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Recently our Grade 7 students spent a Shabbat weekend together at a retreat centre outside of Toronto. Th ey were

engaged in all of our activities, partici-pating readily in study, play and prayer. Th ere were many wonderful experiences that happened over the weekend, but one incident in particular will always stand out in our minds.

Bar Shani and Tslil Zilberstain, our Shinshinim (Israeli emissaries) joined us, along with Rabbi Karen Th omashow and HABSTYites (youth group, high school students), who had their own mini-retreat over the weekend. While praying on Shabbat morning, with our students engaged in the Shabbat Service, we were all in for a wonderful surprise. Bar and Tslil read Torah and Haft arah for their fi rst time — the fi rst time either of them has ever done this. Th ey each actually celebrated their B’not Mitzvah with us. Th is was a terrifi c achievement for two wonderful Jewish women who had lived their entire lives in Israel. Speaking to Bar, she shared how she has been to shul more in the three months that she has been in Canada than in the 18 years of living in Israel.

Not only are Bar and Tslil sharing of themselves, but we too, as a community,

are able to share a vital part of our daily and weekly experience with them.

O U R S U N D AY B O O K C LU B C O N T I N U E SSunday mornings just got better. When you drop off your kids at Religious School, we invite you to join our wonderful Sunday Book Club: For the Pleasure of Reading. Aft er much discus-sion and valuable information from Sharon Singer, our librarian, we have decided our fi rst book will be People of the Book, by Geraldine Brooks, which we will discuss on Sun. Jan. 18, 2009, at 10.30 a.m. And, on Sun. Feb. 22, 2009, at 10.30 a.m., we will meet to read and discuss Dalia Sofer’s Septembers of Shiraz.

Both of these books will off er our participants new insights, enjoyment and friendship with fellow congregants. Please take some time and join us for the pleasure of [email protected]

ScholarshipsIf your child is attending Camp George this summer, let us help you! We encourage you to send your children to a Jewish summer camp — and Camp George is the one!

If you require fi nancial assistance with the cost of camp, please e-mail Debbie Spiegel, at [email protected], to request information and a subsidy form.

Working well together | Supplementary Schoolsby Debbie Spiegel, Director of Education



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Grade 7 students relax during the retreat. Bar Shani (left) and Tslil Zilberstain

Social Action Committee food drive

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We are reminded so many times in the Torah, on Shabbat and on the holidays, of our obligation to feed the hungry. Holy Blossom Temple’s Social Action Committee is running a food drive to help combat hunger in Toronto. Please bring a contribution of non-perishable food items to place

in the bins located throughout the Temple the next time you come to shul, and please consider asking your simcha guests to participate with you in this mitzvah.

Small children and teenagers can easily take part in this eff ort as well. The bins will be emptied regularly and the items collected

will go to the Daily Bread Food Bank.

To fi nd out more or to get involved with this or any other Social Action initiative, please call Gerri Richman, Co-chair, Social Action Committee, at (416) 487-1663, or e-mail [email protected].



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Tot Shabbat Fridays at 6 p.m.Mark your calendars for the following upcoming dates: Jan. 2 (Service and dinner), Jan. 16 (Service and craft), Feb. 6 (Service and dinner) and Feb. 20 (Service and craft).

Shabbat Morning Family ServicesJan. 10, 17, 24 and 31, and Feb. 14, 21 and 28 This come-as-you-are Service is a family-friendly, informal way to celebrate Shabbat. Children and teenagers help to lead the Service. Children’s programming — music, storytelling and creative learning — is inte-grated throughout the morning. A simple kid-dush lunch follows so all can meet and greet.

Holiday Cooking Workshop Join Dahlia Organ, from the Academy of Artisans, in the Holy Blossom Temple kitchen.

Bubby’s Table (Shabbat)Sun. Jan. 11, at 12.30 p.m.

The Healthiest Holiday (Tu B’Shevat)Sun. Feb. 8, at 12.30 p.m.

Mishloach Manot (Purim)Sun. Mar. 1, at 12.30 p.m.

Your Seder Table (Pesach)Sun. Apr. 5, at 12.30 p.m.(Ingredients are kosher for Passover, but the kitchen is not.)

All food is dairy and organic. Register for all four sessions for a reduced rate ($80 for mem-bers, $90 for non-members) or one at a time ($22 per session for members, $25 per session for non-members). To register, please call Shelly Berenbaum (ext. 233), at the Temple, or e-mail [email protected].

Family Skate DaySun. Jan. 25, at 1 p.m. Dufferin Grove Outdoor Skating RinkThe hot chocolate and s’mores by the bonfi re are on us!

Family Mitzvah DaySun. Apr. 26, 2009, at 12.30 p.m.Holy Blossom Temple Family Programming and

the Leo Baeck Day School Parent Associa-tion invite parents and children of all ages to strengthen our community and beyond with six simultaneous mitzvah projects. We are also collecting new and used Judaica to share with our sister congregations in the former Soviet Union. Please drop off candle-sticks, tallitot, jewellery, mezzuzot, seder plates, etc. in the Temple offi ce.

Family Camp Retreat WeekendFri. May 22 to Sun. May 24Camp George, Parry SoundMake a memory of Shabbat by the lake. Canoeing to a nearby island, ropes course, Maccabia games, nature trails, Havdallah bonfi re, comfortable dorm-like accommoda-tions and lots of quality family time with new and old friends makes this weekend getaway a highlight of the year.

For more details or to register, please call Shelly Berenbaum (ext. 233), at the Temple. Cost: $180 per adult; $95 per child. Confi dential subsidies available.

For more details on Family Programming, please call our hotline (ext. 518), at the Temple.

Brotherhood Breakfast Club: Save a Child’s Heart Foundation Dr. Bernie Goldman, Chair, Save a Child’s Heart FoundationSun. Jan. 11, 2009, at 9.30 a.m.Dr. Bernie Goldman will explain how Save a Child’s Heart Foundation helps children live better lives, and how the Foundation builds better relations between Israel and her neighbours.

Brotherhood Photo Group Tue. Jan. 20, 2009, at 7.30 p.m. For more details on any Brotherhood programming, please visit

Little Blossoms Pre-Shabbat programJan. 16 to Mar. 6, 2009Beginning in January 2009, the Temple will be offering a parent/grandparent and tot two years and younger pre-Shabbat program on Friday mornings. Join Jayne Harvey as she sings, plays guitar and prepares the chil-dren for Shabbat. Everyone will go home with his or her very own challah.

To register, please call Shannon Tramer (ext. 227), at the Temple.



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MONDAYS @ the Temple

After the winter break, Mon-days @ the Temple will resume its weekly program on Jan. 12, 2009. We invite you to join us. Our upcoming programs include:

Jan. 12 Made in the Image of God; Implications for Our Times | Rabbi Edward Goldfarb

For more information, or to off er to drive participants, please call the Seniors’ hotline (ext. 517), at the Temple.

Jan. 19 Relativity of the Holocaust | Nate Leipciger, Auschwitz Survivor, Holocaust Awareness Promoter

Jan. 26 What Did They Learn from Us? | Leo Baeck Day School Students

Feb. 2 The Hollywood Blacklist | Stuart Hands, Film Scholar, Assistant Program Coordi-nator of the Toronto Film Festival

Shabbat Fusion

Friday evenings at 6.30 p.m.

Jan. 30, Feb. 27, Mar. 27, Apr. 24,

May 22 and June 26, 2009

This Kabbalat Shabbat Service is open to all ages. Enjoy an evening of prayer, song and study.

Shabbat Dinner

Jan. 30, 2009, following the


All 20 and 30 somethings are invited to an intimate and lovely Shabbat dinner. Cost: $18. Pre-registration required. To register, please call Roseanne Mason (ext. 276), at the Temple, or e-mail [email protected].

Tu B’Shevat sederTue. Jan. 27, 2009, at 7.30 p.m.

Please join us and celebrate Tu B’Shevat with the Sisterhood Board at an open board meeting and Tu B’Shevat seder.

Save the datesMark your calendars for Thur. Feb. 19 and Thur. Mar. 19, 2009, for the “Unique Lives Transformed” program. And coming in March is “Cooking with Noreen Gilletz!” Watch the Bulletin for more details.

Judaica ShopWith your support, Sisterhood is able to help our Temple. We cover all of your Judaic needs: candlesticks, kiddush cups, challah boards and covers, tallitot for B’nei Mitzvah, Israeli jewellery and much more. And if you are getting married this year, remember to register your Judaic gift items with us. Guests receive a 10-percent discount on items purchased for you.

WEDNESDAYS @ the Movies

Wed. Jan. 28, 1 p.m. The Frisco Kid | A Polish rabbi wanders through the dan-gerous Old West on his way to lead a synagogue in San Francisco. Wed. Feb. 25, 1 p.m. Driving Miss Daisy | An elderly Jewish widow living in Atlanta is forced to hire a driver, and the two begin to form a special relationship.Cost: $1 for Temple members; $2 for non-members.

For more details on Sisterhood programs and the Judaica Shop, please leave a message on the Sisterhood hotline (ext. 514),

at the Temple, or visit the Sisterhood website at

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Our Congregational Family

14 Tevet 5769/Jan. 10, 2009 Justin Rother, son of Jacqueline & Mark Rother

19 Tevet 5769/Jan. 15, 2009Joseph Chusid, son of Wendy Freeman & Elliott Chusid

28 Tevet 5769/Jan. 24, 2009Aaron Schenk, son of Cheryl Silvester and Robert Schenk

6 Shevat 5769/Jan. 31, 2009Justin Hacker, son of Michelle Halbert & Paul Hacker

Welcome to Our Temple Family

We are delighted to welcome the following new members to our Holy Blossom Temple family:

Marissa & Darren Morgenstern, and Caitlyn and Cooper

Mazal TovHoly Blossom Sisterhood, on being awarded

the Kol Hadash Spirituality Award from the Women of Reform Judaism, Northeast District.

Arik Liberman, who will be representing Canada in the Maccabiah Games in Israel this summer.

Pnina Margolese, on being elected to the board of the Women of Reform Judaism Northeast District.


Charlotte & Sam Schwartz on the birth of a grandson, Andrew Nathan Berkes, brother to Evan and Lauren. Proud parents are Hilary & Jody Berkes. Proud grandparents are Julie & Tom Berkes. Proud great-grand-mother is Agnes Kandel.

Elise & Neal Dlin on the birth of their son, Joshua Samuel Dlin. Proud grandparents are Barbara & Neville Alexander, Marlene & Wayne Pulver and Moishe Dlin. Proud great-grandmother is Ida Shapiro.

Yaff a Edenson on the birth of a grandson, Kol Judah Lee Henderson. Proud parents are Karen & Kristopher Henderson. Proud great-grandparents are Marie Henderson and Charles Henderson.

Danielle Himel & Alan Kates on the birth of their son, Dylan Alexander Kates, brother to Jonah. Proud grandparents are Pamela & Mel Himel, Sharon & Irving Kates, and Susan Sommers & Peter Geyer. Proud great-grandmother is Lee Sommers.

Vicki Carrier & Mark Kestenberg on the birth of their daughter, Lauren Belle Kesten-berg, sister to Russell. Proud grandparents are Joe Carrier, Tony Carrier, and Sylvia & Michael Kestenberg. Proud great-grand-

In Memoriam

Th e congregation sympathizes with the re-cently bereaved families of:

Mack Dolgy, husband of Rose Dolgy, father of Michael Dolgy, Katherine Ludwig, Susan Oppenheim and Elizabeth Price, brother of Lottie Weinstein

Ita Freedman, wife of Lewis Freedman, mother of John Freedman, Robert Freed-man and Mary Ann Hitzig, sister of Herschel Bernstein

Barry Kaufman, father of Jennifer Kaufman and Hilary Kaufman Lerner, brother of Sondra Gotlieb

Sydney Sobel, father of Jonathan Sobel and Steven Sobel

Alex Wintre, father of David Wintre, sister of Fay Goldman

Michael Zolf, father of Janice Zolf and Stephen Zolf, sister of Judy Schwartz and Larry Zolf

We thank our generous donors



Belle Feldman, In Memory: Jean Anshan

Rae Rosen, In Memory: Jean Anshan

Sol Ross, In Memory: Jean Anshan

Beatrice Weinstock, In Memory: Jean Anshan

B E V E R L E Y C O L M A N - LO K A S H S C H O L A R S H I P


Marilyn Farber, In Honour: Beverley Colman-Lokash

Joyce & Ted Glazier, In Honour: Beverley Colman-



Bert Danson, Happy Birthday: Marilyn Farber


Joan & Harold Lackman, Happy Anniversary: Penny

Fine & Hugh Furneaux and Family


Joseph Chusid, Bar Mitzvah: Wendy Freeman &

Elliott Chusid

Justin Hacker, Bar Mitzvah: Michelle Halbert & Paul


Justin Rother, Bar Mitzvah: Jacqueline & Mark Rother

Aaron Schenk, Bar Mitzvah: Cheryl Silvester and

Robert Schenk


Rachel Moranis, Mazal Tov: Charlie Rosenberg and


Sofi e Teah Shiff man, In Honour: Dee-Dee & Gary

Shiff man


David Balick, Yahrzeit: Sharon & Stanley Clavir;

Hannah, Jonah and Robin Mirsky


Larry Babins, Mazal Tov: Sybil & Jack Geller; Diana &

Marvin Goodman; Sheila & Bob Smolkin

Ita Freedman, In Memory: Janice & Larry Babins

Joan Garson, Mazal Tov: David Baskin

Happy Iscove, In Appreciation: Rumack Family

Elliott Jacobson, Mazal Tov: Sheila & Bob Smolkin

Barry Silver, Mazal Tov: Sybil & Jack Geller; Diana &

Marvin Goodman

Dr. Marvin Tile, Mazal Tov: Janice & Larry Babins

parents are Jean Barbesin, Ida Kestenberg and Harry Zborowski.

B ’ N E I M I T Z V A H

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Shelly Berenbaum & Chuck Litman, Mazal Tov: Rohini & Chello Sittambalam

Hank Rosen, Happy Birthday: Esther & Cyril Hersh

Harry Smith, Yahrzeit: Ronna Rubin & Phil Smith

Sydney Sobel, In Memory: Esther & Cyril Hersh

Dorothy Wolfson, Mazal Tov: Susan & Michael


J A C O B ’ S T O W E R F U N D

Sara Goldberg, In Memory: Florence & Harold


Esther Mecklinger, In Memory: Marilyn Shesko &

David Hertzman



Phyllis Denaburg, In Appreciation: Holy Blossom

Temple Sisterhood

Etienne Kaplan, In Appreciation: Arlene Roth

Norman Kaplan, Yahrzeit: Etienne & Aubrey Kaplan

Debbi Moses, In Appreciation: Arlene Roth

Linda Neufeld, In Honour: Rosalie Sussman

Cantorial Soloist Lindi Rivers, In Appreciation: Holy

Blossom Temple Sisterhood

Shirley Sassen, Yahrzeit: Etienne & Aubrey Kaplan

Norma Sweet, In Memory: Corinne Black & Richard


Rabbi Karen Th omashow, In Appreciation: Holy

Blossom Temple Sisterhood


Ida & Ron Tugg, In Honour of Our 50th Wedding Anniversary: Ida & Ron Tugg


Holy Blossom Temple Archives Committee, In Appreciation: Brother Andre Catholic School

Norma Sweet, In Memory: Glenda & Harold Bocknek;

Isaac Morgulis

Ida & Ron Tugg, Happy Anniversary: Joyce & David



Dave Molot, In Memory: Razelle Roebuck & David


Marlene Stein, Mazal Tov: Helen & Marvin Obar and


Stanley Witkin, Happy Birthday: Francie & Martin



Elana Fehler, Mazal Tov: Razelle Roebuck & David


Frank Godfrey, Yahrzeit: Nonni & Saul Akler; Ricki &

Gil Gallen; Jean Godfrey

Kathy Green, In Honour: Ann MacPherson & Earl


Hilton Greenberg, Happy Birthday: Etienne &

Aubrey Kaplan

Eva Grundleger, In Memory: Stephanie Hill & Greg


Marilyn Hahn, Happy Birthday: Andrea Katz

Rachel Moranis, Mazal Tov: Cathy & Lorne

Greenbaum and Family

Lesley Miller, In Honour: Ann MacPherson & Earl


Hank Rosen, Happy Birthday: Gloria & Stan Gold;

Helen & Philip Mosoff

Alec Sherman, Mazal Tov: Rosemary & Gary Tile

Marsha Slivka, In Honour: Ann MacPherson & Earl


Robert Steep, In Memory: Sherman Family

Norma Sweet, In Memory: Nancy Ruth; Gary Tile

Sophie Toplitsky, In Memory: Karen & Dr. Larry

Hausman; Arlene Roth

Ida & Ron Tugg, Happy Anniversary: Arlene Roth

General: Green & Chercover Barristers & Solicitors;

MAZON Canada

H A R R Y & B L A N C H E P O S E N M E M O R I A L L E C T U R E


Stephen Posen, Happy Birthday: Ellen & Ron Cohen


Judge Charles Dubin, In Memory: Queenie Leibel

Norma Sweet, In Memory: Barbara Florence; Evelyn


R A B B I S ’ A N D C A N T O R S ’ D I S C R E T I O N A R Y


Rabbi John Moscowitz, In Appreciation: Debra &

Merrijo Hershoran; Francie & Dr. Stuart Klein;

Marcia Robinson; Rumack Family; Rose Wolfe

Rabbi John Moscowitz: Rifk y Rosensweig, Mazal Tov: Fauna & Phil Lidsky

Rabbi Yael Splansky, In Appreciation: Rumack

Family; Mary & Chris Tucker

Rabbi Karen Th omashow, In Appreciation: Sue &

Steve Garmaise and Family; Etienne Kaplan; Arlene

Roth; Rumack Family

Cantor Benjamin Z. Maissner, In Appreciation: Francie & Dr. Stuart Klein; Marcia Robinson;

Rumack Family

Cantorial Soloist Lindi Rivers, In Appreciation: Sue

& Steve Garmaise and Family; Etienne Kaplan;

Arlene Roth; Rumack Family


Barry Silver, In Honour: Nancy Ruth


Julian Druyan, Yahrzeit: Judy Druyan

Edith Feldman, Yahrzeit: Sara Speigel

J. Paul Fingold, Yahrzeit: Elissa & David Fingold and


Feige Gold, Yahrzeit: Esther & Dr. Marvin Tile and


Harry Greenwood, Yahrzeit: Fay Greenwood

Murray Hahn, Yahrzeit: Marilyn Hahn

Alice Herman, Yahrzeit: Wendy Eisen; Carole &

Bernie Zucker and Family

Ben Hochman, Yahrzeit: Harry Hochman

Saul Laskin, In Memory: Susan & Shelley Laskin

Norma Sweet, In Memory: Barbara & Bob Hodes

Anne Tile, Yahrzeit: Esther & Marvin Tile and Family


Dorothy Wolfson, Mazal Tov: Janice Pugh

LU L A & I R V I N G S A U N D E R S M E M O R I A L F U N D

Kate Witkin, In Memory: Brenda & Fred Saunders

Youth Awards Fund

Samuel Birenbaum, In Honour: Clare & Monte


Ari Burkes, In Appreciation: Sue & Steve Garmaise

and Family

Holy Blossom Temple Foundation

The Holy Blossom Temple Foundation raises funds to

support Temple activities, programs and projects.

To make a donation to any of our existing funds,

please call Janice Feuer at (416) 789-3291, ext. 265.

To establish a new fund or learn more about

philanthropic opportunities, please call Cheryl Zeldin,

Director of Development (ext. 260), at the Temple.

We appreciate your support

Holy Blossom Temple appreciates all donations to

our funds; however, due to rising costs, cards will

only be sent for donations of $20 or more. We will

continue to recognize all donations in the Bulletin.

Nine per cent of all donations and investment income

is generally set aside to help with administration

costs and special initiatives.

We apologize but due to space constraints, not all

donations will appear in the Bulletin issue closest to

the date on which the contribution was made. Dona-

tions in this issue were received by Nov. 20, 2008.

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Right here | The Last Wordby Rabbi Karen Thomashow

In 1993, New Year’s Eve fell on a Friday night. Th at evening, my parents, two brothers and I went to syna-

gogue for Kabbalat Shabbat Services. Incidentally, the temperature that evening was quite bitter.

I will never forget what our rabbi said to our intimate congregation that evening: “We have everything we need on an evening like this, right here. A delightful cup of wine? Right here,” he said as he pointed to the kiddush cup. “A good book? Right here,” he said as he pointed to the siddur. “A warm fi re? Right here,” he said as he pointed to the Sabbath candles. “Good company? Right here!” he said as he pointed to those of us who made up the congregation that evening.

FA M I LY S E R V I C E SIn all of these, and in many other ways, the attributes of the good life, both

‘Jewishly’ and otherwise, can be found right here at the Temple, especially on Shabbat. Although congregants may already be aware of a number of our Shabbat Services, some may fi nd them-selves less familiar with the Family Service, which is what I therefore wish to highlight.

Indeed, our Family Service boasts several features that make it a desirable Worship experience.

Th e Family Service is a full Service that is aimed at adults, but is completely child-friendly. Th e mood is casual and participatory.

Our music leaders (David Gershon, Mark Weinstock and Mike Morgulis) set this tone by making everyone feel engaged and welcome. Younger chil-dren stay in the Chapel and play or read while the Service takes place. Our older children have multiple opportu-nities to participate and even lead the Service itself. And, for all children, there

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are age-appropriate activities that run simultaneously with our Torah Service, led by several creative, engaging and responsible adults. While our youngest congregants study Torah through song and movement, our adult congregants study the weekly parasha through scintillating text exploration. Following Services, all come together for lunch and schmoozing.

YO U A R E W E L C O M E T O AT T E N DOur Family Service runs simultane-ously with the Main Sanctuary Service at 10.30 a.m. on Shabbat mornings, from September through June, with the excep-tion of a handful of Shabbat mornings.

Please mark Jan. 10, 2009, on your calendar for the next Family Service. When you come, you will see that all you need is right here. [email protected]