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The Cell

The Cell15432Famous Scientists

Hooke 1665 One of first people to observe cells Looked at cork (plant) cells Coined the term cellOne cubic inch= 12 hundred MILLION cells

Schleiden 1838 All plants are made of cells!

Schwann 1839 All animals are made of cells!

Virchow 1855 All cells come from other cells This led to the formation of the CELL THEORY! All living things are made of one or more cells The cell is the basic unit of function of all living things (they carry on life activities)All cells are produced from other cells! (by the process of cell divison)Two Categories of CellsProkaryotes No Nucleus Few membrane bound organelles Usually smaller BacteriaEukaryote Nucleus Many membrane-bound organelles Bigger YOU!

All cells are similar in these respects: Have a cell membraneThin, flexible barrier around cells

Have cytoplasm Fluid material inside cell membrane

Have genetic material which carries the cells instructions

Carry out life functions All Eukaryotic Cells have


Tiny cell structures that carries out specific functions within the cellCELL STRUCTURE

Cross Section of a Plant Cell

Cross Section of a Plant Cell

Cross Section of an Animal Cell

Cross Section of an Animal Cell1. Cell Membrane (Plasma Membrane)protects and supports cellallows materials to pass in and out of the cell (selectively permeable)maintains internal cell homeostasisprovides means for cell to cell communication

2. Cytoplasmwatery/jelly material that holds cell organelles in place area between the cell membrane and the nucleusmany chemical reactions take place here transports things around the cell~constantly moving

3. Nucleuscontains DNA (genetic material)directs and controls all cell activitiesthe control or brain of the cell

4. NucleolusSmall organelle inside nucleus where ribosomes are made

5. Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)transports and carries proteins and other materials across the cella network of tunnels and passageways

2 types rough ER has ribosomes smooth ER does not have ribosomes

6. Ribosomesmall, grain-like bodiesproduces proteins - the site of protein synthesis (using instructions from the nucleus)found on ER and in the cytoplasm

7. Golgi Body Complexserve as processing and packaging of wastes and harmful material, stores materials (PPS)

8. Vacuolestores food, water, and waste (FWW)

8. Vacuolelarge, round, water-filled sacstorage area of cellstores water, food and wasteplants have a large vacuolesome animal cells have them others dont

9. Lysosomesmall, round sacscontains digestive enzymes that breakdown complex molecules (food), wastes, and worn-out cell organelles

10. Mighty Mitochondriaslipper shaped organelle that releases the energy in food moleculesenergy (ATP) is produced via cellular respirationcalled the powerhouse of the cellhave their own DNA

11. Centrioleinvolved in cell division of animal cells

12. Chloroplastsuses suns energy to make food for plant (photosynthesis)contains chlorophyll (green pigment)have their own DNA


13. Cell Wallcomposed of cellulose (a carbohydrate) gives cell its shape and provides protection for the cell

Found in plant cells & most bacteria!ORGANELLE WHO AM I?I make energy.I am the _______________________I make ribosomes.I am the _______________________I transport proteins. I am the _______________________I make proteins.I am the _______________________I am selectively permeable.I am the _______________________I process, package, and store things.I am the _______________________I control the cell activities.I am the _______________________

I am made of cellulose.I am the _______________________I store food, water and waste.I am the _______________________I clean up the cell with digestive enzymes.I am the _______________________I only appear during mitosis in animal cells.I am the _______________________I use the sun to make sugar and oxygen.I am the _______________________I make ATP from glucose.I am the _______________________I am a liquid and this is where most cell reactions take place.I am the _______________________

Animal CellsPlant CellsCentriolesCell membraneRibosomesNucleusEndoplasmic reticulumGolgi apparatusLysosomesVacuolesMitochondria

Cell WallChloroplastsDifferences Between Plant and Animal Cells 875643211-nucleus2-chromosomes3-mitochondria4-ribosome5-chloroplast6-vacuole7-ER8-cell membrane

Plant OrganelleFunction within the CellCity JobNucleusPlasma (Cell) MembraneCell WallCytoplasmChloroplast(s)MitochondriaVacuoleRibosome(s)Controls cell activities Regulates materials entering and leaving the cell.Gives shape and protection Transport material through out the cellSite of photosynthesisSite of cellular respirationStorageCarries out protein synthesisMayorDoormanWarehouseBorder patrolBuses and TrainsPower PlantRestaurantsButcher Shop