
6A • SUNDAY, MAY 16, 2010 JOBLESS: WHAT RECOVERY? SALISBURY POST independent contractors, or the people looking for work.” And more of those who are being counted have been out of work a longer time. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, near- ly 46 percent of those counted on the official un- employment rolls in April had been jobless for more than six months, up from 27.5 percent in April 2009. Yastremski is one of the long-term unemployed. Beginning his career with NASCAR in 1992 after grad- uating from college with a degree in automotive tech- nology, he spent 16 years working for various racing teams. In 2008, he was work- ing for driver Kevin Har- vick’s team. “They made 15 to 16 cuts that year,” he said. “I knew it was coming, but I didn’t know it was going to be me. I had a pretty good resumé. I had won a lot of races.” Even when he was laid off, Yastremski said, he did- n’t think it would be that hard to find another job. And he had a couple of offers, but “figured a better door would open,” he said. But a better door never opened, and others closed. Yastremski has been looking for work since. “You name it, I’ve been there and done it,” he said of his job search. He has been on six or seven interviews, but says the companies he’s interviewed with are reluc- tant to hire him. “They are thinking that if they spend the time training me, what makes them think I won’t go back to racing if an opportunity presents itself?” he said. “Right now, I’m just looking for something steady — something that will be there every day.” Yastremski is discour- aged. “Every time you look at want ads, they want people with experience,” he said. “There’s no one willing to give people a shot anymore.” Yastremski’s wife, Amy, is an emergency room nurse at Rowan Regional Medical Center. To save money, they have refinanced their home in Salisbury and taken their child, 2-year-old Mckenzie Grace, out of day care. “It’s daddy day care now,” he said. “My child isn’t getting the social skills she needs.” Yastremski calls his wife his “backbone,” but says he’s worried about his family. “Not having a job makes me feel like I let my family down,” he said. “But I don’t know what else to do. I hate looking at my daughter knowing I can’t provide for her.” Yastremski receives un- employment, but he doesn’t know how much longer it will last. “The little bit they give me is a big help,” he said. “But every day is a struggle to survive.” “When I was making mon- ey, I wasn’t saving it too well,” he said. “Now when I get behind on a car payment, I wonder if they’re going to come take it in the middle of the night.” Yastremski said he does- n’t have a clue what else he could do to find a job. “It just gets depressing after a while,” he said. “I’ve thought about going back to college, but how do you start something new at 40? I just want to keep a roof over my head, to have something for my daughter. “I would take anything, I really would. Just something to bring money home to my family.” Adria Worth Adria Worth has been out of work for two years and 10 months. After a month being homeless in 2008, she now lives rent-free in a three- room apartment owned by her mother, surviving on food stamps and assistance from family and friends. She looks for jobs every day. “It’s really frustrating,” she said. “It makes me feel like I’m kind of a burden on everyone else. They help me, and I know they want to help me, but it still bothers me.” Worth eats supper at Trading Ford Baptist Church on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. If she’s run- ning low on food, she eats lunch at the Rowan Helping Ministries soup kitchen. Worth doesn’t get unem- ployment benefits but visits the Employment Security Commission more than twice a month. “Each time I visit I apply for at least three jobs,” she said. She also applies for jobs listed in the newspaper classifieds and others she learns about through friends. She faxes resumés to companies across Rowan County. What keeps her positive, she says, is her church fami- ly. “They pay for my utili- ties, food when I need it, and provide transportation for me,” she said. “These are hard times, and they know know if I could do any bet- ter, I would.” When she is not looking for jobs, she is a small group leader at Celebrate Recov- ery, a ministry at her church. “We focus on hurts, habits and hang-ups,” she said. “It’s a tremendous blessing.” Worth has had her own hang-ups in the past, serving time in prison for past addic- tions. She takes her experi- ences and applies them to others’ lives and her own re- covery. “I can go there and tell them how I feel, whether I’m disgusted or discouraged,” she said. “Others there are not working, and we encour- age one another.” Worth started a cleaning business. But so far, she has only one client and works only one day per month. She hopes to expand that busi- ness in the next year and says it she’d like to tie it into her ministry work. “I’ll be helping the church start a halfway house, and will be able to help the resi- dents by offering them part- time work when I get the cleaning business going,” she said. Meanwhile, Worth is look- ing for anything, but would like to be a caregiver. “I’ve worked as an inde- pendent caregiver in the past,” she said. “I’m loving and dependable, honest and hard working. Still, she says, neither of those is her dream job. She wants to be a coun- selor for women coming out of drug rehab or prison. “I’ve been there,” she said. “I have a passion for those people, and a lot of times you just can’t catch a break.” Tamara Throckmorton Tamara Throckmorton, 43, says she belongs behind the wheel of a tractor-trailer. “My dream job would be going back and driving my truck,” she said. A veteran truck driver, Throckmorton says she lost her job in April 2009 for be- ing on medical leave too long. “I can’t get unemploy- ment, even though I was ter- minated,” she said. “The company put it on my record that I had quit.” Throckmorton was out of work three weeks due to emergency surgery when she got the phone call from her employer. At first, she wondered why she hadn’t just dealt with the pain, but her doctor had insisted on the operation. “I feel cheated” by the company’s decision to fire her, she said. Throckmorton said she has “made phone call after phone call after phone call” trying to find a job. “I’ve filled out more appli- cations than I can count,” she said. “It’s been one disap- pointment after another. I’ve had thousands of disappoint- ments.” Among those disappoint- ments, Throckmorton has had to move out of her apart- ment and now lives with her fiance. She has had to get help paying bills from Rowan Helping Ministries and food stamps from Social Services. “I’d rather be making my own money,” she said. “For the better part of 15 years, I made it without all of that. Having to go back on assis- tance, I feel lower than dirt. I don’t like it, I really don’t.” She’s not giving up. Some days, she spends 10 hours on her computer looking for a job. “I get so bored sitting at home watching four walls,” she said. “I’m ready to get back into the workforce, and I’d love to stay in the truck- ing field.” She’s not limiting herself, though, to the dream of driv- ing again. Throckmorton has worked as a 911 dispatcher, in retail and fast food, as a cashier at gas stations and truck stops, and as a newspa- per carrier. “There’s not very many things I haven’t done or won’t do,” she said. And she keeps looking every day for something to do, something that will give her a paycheck and pride. “I try to keep a smile on my face at all times, my head up, and my shoulders back. It’s really hard,” she said. “I just need someone to give me a break, give me a chance.” Coming Monday: Some say it’s hard to believe they’ll ever find a job. JOBLESS FROM 1A BY SHELLEY SMITH [email protected] Carol Loncar hasn’t had to look for a job in more than two decades. The 55-year-old Concord resident worked as a secre- tary for the world’s third- largest advertising agency and also has experience in banking. For the past 20- plus years, she’s helped her husband manage his con- struction company. “Being in the pits that construction is, he’s now out of work, too,” Loncar said. “For the past year, he has been trying to keep things rolling, but he could- n’t anymore.” A few weeks ago, Loncar visited the R3 Center in Kannapolis for new client and resumé clinics. “I’m really committed to finding a job,” she said. “I’m hoping this gives me the path to follow and helps me keep a focus.” The R3 Center, a career development center creat- ed by Rowan-Cabarrus Community College, has three main objectives: re- focus, retrain and re-em- ploy. The center assesses skills, training and academ- ic credentials and helps clients develop a plan for career growth. “When someone comes in, we have a conversation with them on their focus,” said Keri Allman-Young, di- rector of the R3 Center. “We build an awareness with our clients that the area is changing into a glob- al workforce. The work- force as we have known it doesn’t exist anymore. “In order to be competi- tive in a global workforce, you need to be introduced to the concept of lifelong learning. That’s key.” Although the R3 Center does not post job openings or place people in jobs, em- ployers come to the center for potential employees. “Employers want R3 clients because it’s all free will,” Allman-Young said. “Our clients consist of the above-average job seeker and are very proactive. “If an employer comes to me and says they need R3 clients, my staff will pull clients.” Loncar said she is one of those committed job seek- ers. “The more I come to these clinics and work- shops, the more armed I am to make my job search more successful,” she said. “You have to have the com- mitment. You have to real- ly get into the middle of the circle for people to really no- tice you.” Allman-Young said each client is taught to be as proac- tive as possible when looking for jobs. “We stress to them that job security comes from them, and if you commit to lifelong learning, transitioning em- ployers will be easier,” she said. Clinics and workshops of- fered at the center vary, but include “Job vs. Staying Un- employed,” “Layoff Survival Tips,” “Looking for Work with a Criminal Record” and “Online Job Hunting.” Work- shops change every month, and a calendar is available on- line. Allman-Young said one of the hottest topics for clients is the N.C. Research Campus. More than 80 attended the workshop “Research Campus Careers 101.” “We had people in that workshop that are still deal- ing with personal struggles and personal loss losing Pil- lowtex,” she said. “Our objec- tive with that group is to al- ways show an appreciation to the heritage and provide the skills to head toward the fu- ture. “The campus is going to have 35,000 employees by 2030, and it is likely that a bio- manufacturer or other com- pany will emerge in this area in the future,” she said. “When that will happen, I don’t know, but I do believe the research that’s going on up there is going to change the world, and how can em- ployers not want to come and be a part of that?” Along with workshops and resources available, the cen- ter also works very closely with JobLink and the Rowan County Employment Securi- ty Commission. “Our partnerships are phe- nomenal,” Allman-Young said. “They allow the job seeker to navigate through unemployment. “We try to make sure that we will never go stale. We’re proactive and our workshop calendar reflects that.” Resources are not limited to the R3 Center, and can be found in Salisbury at the JobLink Career Center. Debbie Davis, manager of JobLink and the Rowan Coun- ty Employment Security Commission, said thousands of people enter the center’s doors every month. “We may see 150 to 160 people per day just for unem- ployment,” she said. “A lot of weeks, we see around 1,000.” JobLink is made up of dif- ferent partners, including Rowan County Senior Ser- vices, Rowan-Cabarrus Com- munity College, Rowan-Salis- bury School System and N.C. Vocational Rehabilitation. The Employment Security Commission and Rowan County Department of Social Services are at the center full time, and other agencies have set schedules there. For ex- ample, RCCC comes into the center four times a week. “All of these partners work together as part of the JobLink Career Center,” Davis said. “The point is to make the community re- sources more easily available for our customers and make them aware of what assis- tance there is in addition to the Employment Security Commission.” Davis said having all agen- cies under one roof helps a lot. “If we see someone who tells us they need financial needs because their unem- ployment is running out, they may ask us about applying for Food Nutrition or Medicaid,” she said. “With a person here from social services, they can talk to them about the crite- ria. And it’s always better get- ting first-hand information.” Other helpful tools job seekers can utilize at the ca- reer center are computers, fax machines, printers, re- sume writing software, tele- phones and career choice videos and books. There is also a job posting board, job information pamphlets and materials for those who are vision and hearing impaired. “JobLink’s management team, made up of our part- ners, discusses projects and ideas of what’s needed for Rowan County,” Davis said. JobLink sees people on a first come, first serve basis. Services at both the R3 Cen- ter and JobLink are free. ‘Above-average job seeker’ finds benefits at R3 Center SHELLEY SMITH/SALISBURY POST Participants in a R3 Center’s clinic go over their resumé ‘prescriptions’ at the end of class. The R3 Center is located in Kannapolis at 200 West Ave. and offers the following: • Self assessment, career exploration and job search • Daily workshops • Labor market information Contact the R3 Center by phone, 704-216- 7201, e-mail, [email protected], or visit its website, r3center. JobLink Career Center is located in Sal- isbury at 1904 S. Main St., and offers the fol- lowing: • On-site representative from various Rowan County agencies, including the De- partment of Social Services, Salisbury- Rowan Community Action Agency, Rowan County Senior Services and Goodwill Career Connections. • Resource room including computers, printers, resume software, fax machines and phones Contact JobLink by phone at 704-639-7529, or visit The Rowan County Employment Securi- ty Commission is located in the JobLink Ca- reer Center, and can provide assistance to anyone filing for unemployment, receiving unemployment, and help find training and other resources that are available to those who are unemployed. Visit for more information. Various agencies offer workshops, information Tina Davis uses all the re- sources available at the JobLink Career Center. WASHINGTON (AP) — The economy is being boost- ed by higher retail sales, stronger factory output and a rise in companies’ stockpiles. That picture emerged from reports this past week pointing to an economy that’s improving modestly but steadily after the worst reces- sion in decades. Yet the re- covery needs stronger job creation, and it remains un- der pressure from fears that Europe’s debt crisis could slow the U.S. economy. “The decent gains in pay- roll employment in recent months have improved the outlook for spending,” said Paul Dales, an economist at Capital Economics. But Dales said he expects a sub-par re- covery because of high unem- ployment, tight credit and still-high debt loads. Consumers drove retail sales up 0.4 percent last month. The gain was less than the 2.1 percent growth in March. But that surge was boosted by an early Easter holiday and auto incentives. Shoppers are closely watched because their spend- ing accounts for 70 percent of economic activity. But consumers and busi- nesses appear less confident than in previous recoveries. Retailers including Macy’s Inc., Nordstrom Inc., J.C. Pen- ney Co. and Kohl’s Corp, re- ported strong first-quarter earnings this past week. Signs of improvement in economy mostly modest

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independent contractors, orthe people looking forwork.”

And more of those whoare being counted havebeen out of work a longertime.

According to the U.S.Department of Labor, near-ly 46 percent of thosecounted on the official un-employment rolls in Aprilhad been jobless for morethan six months, up from27.5 percent in April 2009.

Yastremski is one of thelong-term unemployed.

Beginning his career withNASCAR in 1992 after grad-uating from college with adegree in automotive tech-nology, he spent 16 yearsworking for various racingteams. In 2008, he was work-ing for driver Kevin Har-vick’s team.

“They made 15 to 16 cutsthat year,” he said. “I knewit was coming, but I didn’tknow it was going to be me. Ihad a pretty good resumé. Ihad won a lot of races.”

Even when he was laidoff, Yastremski said, he did-n’t think it would be thathard to find another job. Andhe had a couple of offers, but“figured a better door wouldopen,” he said.

But a better door neveropened, and others closed.Yastremski has been lookingfor work since.

“You name it, I’ve beenthere and done it,” he said ofhis job search. He has beenon six or seven interviews,but says the companies he’sinterviewed with are reluc-tant to hire him.

“They are thinking that ifthey spend the time trainingme, what makes them think Iwon’t go back to racing if anopportunity presents itself?”he said. “Right now, I’m justlooking for somethingsteady — something that willbe there every day.”

Yastremski is discour-aged.

“Every time you look atwant ads, they want peoplewith experience,” he said.“There’s no one willing togive people a shot anymore.”

Yastremski’s wife, Amy,is an emergency room nurseat Rowan Regional MedicalCenter. To save money, theyhave refinanced their homein Salisbury and taken theirchild, 2-year-old MckenzieGrace, out of day care.

“It’s daddy day carenow,” he said. “My child isn’tgetting the social skills sheneeds.”

Yastremski calls his wifehis “backbone,” but says he’sworried about his family.

“Not having a job makesme feel like I let my familydown,” he said. “But I don’tknow what else to do. I hatelooking at my daughterknowing I can’t provide forher.”

Yastremski receives un-employment, but he doesn’tknow how much longer itwill last.

“The little bit they giveme is a big help,” he said.“But every day is a struggleto survive.”

“When I was making mon-ey, I wasn’t saving it toowell,” he said. “Now when Iget behind on a car payment,I wonder if they’re going tocome take it in the middle ofthe night.”

Yastremski said he does-n’t have a clue what else hecould do to find a job.

“It just gets depressingafter a while,” he said. “I’vethought about going back tocollege, but how do you startsomething new at 40? I justwant to keep a roof over myhead, to have something formy daughter.

“I would take anything, Ireally would. Just somethingto bring money home to myfamily.”

Adria WorthAdria Worth has been out

of work for two years and 10

months.After a month being

homeless in 2008, she nowlives rent-free in a three-room apartment owned byher mother, surviving onfood stamps and assistancefrom family and friends.

She looks for jobs everyday.

“It’s really frustrating,”she said. “It makes me feellike I’m kind of a burden oneveryone else. They helpme, and I know they want tohelp me, but it still bothersme.”

Worth eats supper atTrading Ford BaptistChurch on Tuesdays andWednesdays. If she’s run-ning low on food, she eatslunch at the Rowan HelpingMinistries soup kitchen.

Worth doesn’t get unem-ployment benefits but visitsthe Employment SecurityCommission more than twicea month.

“Each time I visit I applyfor at least three jobs,” shesaid. She also applies forjobs listed in the newspaperclassifieds and others shelearns about throughfriends. She faxes resumésto companies across RowanCounty.

What keeps her positive,she says, is her church fami-ly.

“They pay for my utili-ties, food when I need it, andprovide transportation forme,” she said. “These arehard times, and they knowknow if I could do any bet-ter, I would.”

When she is not lookingfor jobs, she is a small groupleader at Celebrate Recov-ery, a ministry at herchurch.

“We focus on hurts, habitsand hang-ups,” she said. “It’sa tremendous blessing.”

Worth has had her ownhang-ups in the past, servingtime in prison for past addic-tions. She takes her experi-ences and applies them toothers’ lives and her own re-covery.

“I can go there and tellthem how I feel, whether I’mdisgusted or discouraged,”she said. “Others there arenot working, and we encour-age one another.”

Worth started a cleaningbusiness. But so far, she hasonly one client and worksonly one day per month. Shehopes to expand that busi-ness in the next year andsays it she’d like to tie it intoher ministry work.

“I’ll be helping the churchstart a halfway house, andwill be able to help the resi-dents by offering them part-time work when I get thecleaning business going,”she said.

Meanwhile, Worth is look-ing for anything, but wouldlike to be a caregiver.

“I’ve worked as an inde-pendent caregiver in thepast,” she said. “I’m lovingand dependable, honest andhard working.

Still, she says, neither ofthose is her dream job.

She wants to be a coun-selor for women coming outof drug rehab or prison.

“I’ve been there,” shesaid. “I have a passion forthose people, and a lot oftimes you just can’t catch abreak.”

Tamara ThrockmortonTamara Throckmorton,

43, says she belongs behindthe wheel of a tractor-trailer.

“My dream job would begoing back and driving mytruck,” she said.

A veteran truck driver,Throckmorton says she losther job in April 2009 for be-ing on medical leave toolong.

“I can’t get unemploy-ment, even though I was ter-minated,” she said. “Thecompany put it on my recordthat I had quit.”

Throckmorton was out ofwork three weeks due toemergency surgery whenshe got the phone call fromher employer. At first, shewondered why she hadn’tjust dealt with the pain, buther doctor had insisted onthe operation.

“I feel cheated” by thecompany’s decision to fireher, she said.

Throckmorton said shehas “made phone call afterphone call after phone call”trying to find a job.

“I’ve filled out more appli-cations than I can count,” shesaid. “It’s been one disap-pointment after another. I’vehad thousands of disappoint-ments.”

Among those disappoint-ments, Throckmorton hashad to move out of her apart-ment and now lives with herfiance. She has had to gethelp paying bills fromRowan Helping Ministriesand food stamps from SocialServices.

“I’d rather be making myown money,” she said. “Forthe better part of 15 years, Imade it without all of that.Having to go back on assis-tance, I feel lower than dirt. Idon’t like it, I really don’t.”

She’s not giving up. Somedays, she spends 10 hours onher computer looking for ajob.

“I get so bored sitting athome watching four walls,”she said. “I’m ready to getback into the workforce, andI’d love to stay in the truck-ing field.”

She’s not limiting herself,though, to the dream of driv-ing again. Throckmorton hasworked as a 911 dispatcher,in retail and fast food, as acashier at gas stations andtruck stops, and as a newspa-per carrier.

“There’s not very manythings I haven’t done orwon’t do,” she said.

And she keeps lookingevery day for something todo, something that will giveher a paycheck and pride.

“I try to keep a smile onmy face at all times, my headup, and my shoulders back.It’s really hard,” she said. “Ijust need someone to giveme a break, give me achance.”

Coming Monday: Some sayit’s hard to believe they’llever find a job.


BY SHELLEY [email protected]

Carol Loncar hasn’t hadto look for a job in morethan two decades.

The 55-year-old Concordresident worked as a secre-tary for the world’s third-largest advertising agencyand also has experience inbanking. For the past 20-plus years, she’s helped herhusband manage his con-struction company.

“Being in the pits thatconstruction is, he’s nowout of work, too,” Loncarsaid. “For the past year, hehas been trying to keepthings rolling, but he could-n’t anymore.”

A few weeks ago, Loncarvisited the R3 Center inKannapolis for new clientand resumé clinics.

“I’m really committed tofinding a job,” she said.“I’m hoping this gives methe path to follow and helpsme keep a focus.”

The R3 Center, a careerdevelopment center creat-ed by Rowan-CabarrusCommunity College, hasthree main objectives: re-focus, retrain and re-em-ploy. The center assessesskills, training and academ-ic credentials and helpsclients develop a plan forcareer growth.

“When someone comesin, we have a conversationwith them on their focus,”said Keri Allman-Young, di-rector of the R3 Center.“We build an awarenesswith our clients that thearea is changing into a glob-al workforce. The work-force as we have known itdoesn’t exist anymore.

“In order to be competi-tive in a global workforce,you need to be introducedto the concept of lifelonglearning. That’s key.”

Although the R3 Centerdoes not post job openingsor place people in jobs, em-ployers come to the centerfor potential employees.

“Employers want R3clients because it’s all freewill,” Allman-Young said.“Our clients consist of theabove-average job seekerand are very proactive.

“If an employer comesto me and says they needR3 clients, my staff willpull clients.”

Loncar said she is one ofthose committed job seek-ers.

“The more I come tothese clinics and work-shops, the more armed I amto make my job searchmore successful,” she said.“You have to have the com-mitment. You have to real-

ly get into the middle of thecircle for people to really no-tice you.”

Allman-Young said eachclient is taught to be as proac-tive as possible when lookingfor jobs.

“We stress to them that jobsecurity comes from them,and if you commit to lifelonglearning, transitioning em-ployers will be easier,” shesaid.

Clinics and workshops of-fered at the center vary, butinclude “Job vs. Staying Un-employed,” “Layoff SurvivalTips,” “Looking for Workwith a Criminal Record” and“Online Job Hunting.” Work-shops change every month,and a calendar is available on-line.

Allman-Young said one ofthe hottest topics for clientsis the N.C. Research Campus.More than 80 attended theworkshop “Research CampusCareers 101.”

“We had people in thatworkshop that are still deal-ing with personal strugglesand personal loss losing Pil-lowtex,” she said. “Our objec-tive with that group is to al-ways show an appreciation tothe heritage and provide theskills to head toward the fu-ture.

“The campus is going tohave 35,000 employees by2030, and it is likely that a bio-manufacturer or other com-pany will emerge in this areain the future,” she said.“When that will happen, Idon’t know, but I do believethe research that’s going onup there is going to changethe world, and how can em-ployers not want to come andbe a part of that?”

Along with workshops andresources available, the cen-ter also works very closelywith JobLink and the RowanCounty Employment Securi-ty Commission.

“Our partnerships are phe-nomenal,” Allman-Youngsaid. “They allow the jobseeker to navigate throughunemployment.

“We try to make sure thatwe will never go stale. We’reproactive and our workshopcalendar reflects that.”

Resources are not limitedto the R3 Center, and can befound in Salisbury at theJobLink Career Center.

Debbie Davis, manager ofJobLink and the Rowan Coun-ty Employment SecurityCommission, said thousandsof people enter the center’sdoors every month.

“We may see 150 to 160people per day just for unem-ployment,” she said. “A lot ofweeks, we see around 1,000.”

JobLink is made up of dif-ferent partners, includingRowan County Senior Ser-vices, Rowan-Cabarrus Com-munity College, Rowan-Salis-bury School System and N.C.Vocational Rehabilitation.The Employment SecurityCommission and RowanCounty Department of SocialServices are at the center fulltime, and other agencies haveset schedules there. For ex-ample, RCCC comes into thecenter four times a week.

“All of these partners worktogether as part of theJobLink Career Center,”Davis said. “The point is tomake the community re-sources more easily availablefor our customers and makethem aware of what assis-tance there is in addition tothe Employment SecurityCommission.”

Davis said having all agen-cies under one roof helps alot.

“If we see someone whotells us they need financialneeds because their unem-ployment is running out, theymay ask us about applying forFood Nutrition or Medicaid,”she said. “With a person herefrom social services, they cantalk to them about the crite-ria. And it’s always better get-ting first-hand information.”

Other helpful tools jobseekers can utilize at the ca-reer center are computers,fax machines, printers, re-sume writing software, tele-phones and career choicevideos and books. There isalso a job posting board, jobinformation pamphlets andmaterials for those who arevision and hearing impaired.

“JobLink’s managementteam, made up of our part-ners, discusses projects andideas of what’s needed forRowan County,” Davis said.

JobLink sees people on afirst come, first serve basis.Services at both the R3 Cen-ter and JobLink are free.

‘Above-average job seeker’finds benefits at R3 Center


Participants in a R3 Center’s clinic go over their resumé ‘prescriptions’ at the end of class.

The R3 Center is located in Kannapolis at200 West Ave. and offers the following:

• Self assessment, career exploration andjob search

• Daily workshops • Labor market informationContact the R3 Center by phone, 704-216-

7201, e-mail, [email protected],or visit its website,

JobLink Career Center is located in Sal-isbury at 1904 S. Main St., and offers the fol-lowing:

• On-site representative from variousRowan County agencies, including the De-partment of Social Services, Salisbury-

Rowan Community Action Agency, RowanCounty Senior Services and Goodwill CareerConnections.

• Resource room including computers,printers, resume software, fax machines andphones

Contact JobLink by phone at 704-639-7529,or visit

The Rowan County Employment Securi-ty Commission is located in the JobLink Ca-reer Center, and can provide assistance toanyone filing for unemployment, receivingunemployment, and help find training andother resources that are available to thosewho are unemployed. Visit www.ncesc.comfor more information.

Various agencies offer workshops, information

Tina Davis uses all the re-sources available at theJobLink Career Center.

WASHINGTON (AP) —The economy is being boost-ed by higher retail sales,stronger factory output and arise in companies’ stockpiles.

That picture emergedfrom reports this past weekpointing to an economy that’simproving modestly butsteadily after the worst reces-sion in decades. Yet the re-covery needs stronger jobcreation, and it remains un-der pressure from fears thatEurope’s debt crisis could

slow the U.S. economy.“The decent gains in pay-

roll employment in recentmonths have improved theoutlook for spending,” saidPaul Dales, an economist atCapital Economics. But Dalessaid he expects a sub-par re-covery because of high unem-ployment, tight credit andstill-high debt loads.

Consumers drove retailsales up 0.4 percent lastmonth. The gain was less thanthe 2.1 percent growth in

March. But that surge wasboosted by an early Easterholiday and auto incentives.

Shoppers are closelywatched because their spend-ing accounts for 70 percent ofeconomic activity.

But consumers and busi-nesses appear less confidentthan in previous recoveries.

Retailers including Macy’sInc., Nordstrom Inc., J.C. Pen-ney Co. and Kohl’s Corp, re-ported strong first-quarterearnings this past week.

Signs of improvement in economy mostly modest