htrt opening presentation for 01.07.2016

The Alternative White Paper Hashtag: #HTRT2016

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Page 1: HTRT Opening Presentation for 01.07.2016

The Alternative White Paper

Hashtag: #HTRT2016

Page 2: HTRT Opening Presentation for 01.07.2016

Stephen TierneyExecutive Director – BEBCMATChair of HeadTeachers’ Round Table

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The Headteachers’ Roundtable is a non-party political group of Headteachers operating as a think-tank, exploring policy issues from a range of perspectives. Our goal is to provide a vehicle for people working in the profession to influence national education policymakers so that education policy is centred upon what is best for the learning of all children.

Hashtag: #HTRT2016

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The Five Principles Guiding HTRT’s Work are:

1. The pace and direction of educational change should not be determined by party politics.

2. The teaching profession should be centrally involved in developing future education policy.

3. Educational change should begin by identifying the desired outcomes for children.

4. Prioritising high quality teaching & learning and the curriculum will lead to world class assessment and accountability.

5. Schools must be able to offer all their pupils the chance to thrive.

Hashtag: #HTRT2016

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White Paper: Is it Addressing the Challenges we Face?

• Continue to move to an increasingly school-led ITT system • Replace Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) • Introduce the new National Teaching Service • Independent College of Teaching• Launch an Excellence in Leadership Fund • Mass Academisation• Mainstream schools remain accountable for the education of

pupils in AP• Embed reforms to accountability that focus on the progress of all

pupils and their destinations• Ensure inspection is increasingly focused on underperformance

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Today’s Challenge: The Alternative White Paper

• We operate at a policy level seeking to provide sensible alternatives to policies we consider inappropriate/unhelpful

• Discussions across a range of issues: Accountability, Structures and Recruitment & Retention

• Update on the National Baccalaureate• What else should we be discussing/writing

about in the Alternative White Paper?

Hashtag: #HTRT2016

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Moving Forward Together:The Alternative White Paper

• Over the summer we intend to pull together a number of strands from today’s discussion into an “Alternative White Paper”

• With the help of various partners we hope to launch the HTRT Alternative Paper in September (Party Conferences/General Election)

• Follow up conference 2nd February 2017 – Central London Venue

Hashtag: #HTRT2016