htc influencer program and social media outreach proposal 1.11.13

HTC Influencer Program and Social Media Outreach Proposal 1.11.13

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Page 1: HTC Influencer Program and Social Media Outreach Proposal 1.11.13

HTC Influencer Program and Social Media

Outreach Proposal 1.11.13

Page 2: HTC Influencer Program and Social Media Outreach Proposal 1.11.13

Top Line Summary


This proposal will outline how we plan to enlist Influencers to be part of an organic Influencer Program.

This group will include:•      Existing HTC advocates and owners•      Influencers willing to learn and try HTC phones•      Target content creator lifestyles: Music, Sports, Comedy, Fashion/ Design and Photography.•      Influencer Network of unpaid brand evangelists driven by passion

This proposal includes:·        Outreach Campaign (to coincide with device launch)·        Strategy to build out Influencer Network over time 

The program should:·         Be nimble enough to adapt to changes within the social media landscape, current events, change in brand goals, etc..·         Flexible as to include more lifestyle affinities that HTC customers/advocates share·         Deliver relevant and timely content to increasingly niche groups as the programs grows·         Make those we engage with feel important and valued

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Influencer Defined


An Influencer (for our purposes) • An individual who has a significant sphere of influence 

within Twitter, Blogs, Message Boards, Pinterest, etc.. 

Where do we find them?• Blogs and Twitter are intrinsically linked (bloggers tweet) 

and many significant social media influencers do maintain a blog.  Therefore, we will be reaching out to most influencers via their blogs. 

•  You can tell a compelling brand story through blogs and that message will be amplified by Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook Groups and Message Boards.

• Many influencers do focus specifically on Twitter.  So, we will engage with Influencers on their preferred channels as well.

Measuring Influence Includes• Blogs – Unique Visitors Monthly (their readership)• Twitter – Second Order number of followers per Tweet• Pass-Along – message migrating from channel to channel, 

Re-Tweets• Engagement – Reader Comments, Re-Tweets

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Top Level Program Goals• Build a network of loyal influencers• Increase share of voice within social media conversation• Utilize Influencers to tell brand story

• Link phone benefits, features and functionality with Music, Sports, Comedy, Fashion/ Design and Photography

Campaign Level Goals• Create large scale “Earned Media” impressions with “Peer-to-Peer”

recommendations• Facilitate and measure viral pass-along• Continually refresh the Influencer Network

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Rollout Schedule (Campaign)

Phase 1 – Campaign Development – Site list, aggregate assets, develop messaging, review strategy and tactics, etc.

Phase 2 – Live Campaign – Outreach, securing coverage and embeds with Bloggers and Twitter, Social Networks and Message Boards. Weekly reporting.  

Phase 3 – Final Report – this report will aggregate all the reporting that will be done during the campaign as well as organizing data collected with the perspective you only get at the end of the campaign.  Also, we include conclusions about what worked, opportunities missed, etc. and recommendations for future campaigns.

Phase 1Phase 2

2/1 – 2/15 2/16 – 4/31Live Campaign


Development Final Report

Phase 3

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Engagement Channels – Social Media Outreach


Blogs •Reach out to bloggers and encourage them to share key messaging with audience•Distribute assets (Videos, Images, Contests, etc.) via Social Media Release (SMR)•Establish rapport with interested bloggers for additional rollouts of assets and secondary calls-to-action

Twitter•Organic Twitter coverage via pass-along from Blog coverage•Design blog outreach to include Twitter ready tweets for pass-along•Find Influencers via Twitter

Facebook•Share content with pre-existing Facebook Groups•Share links to digital destinations

Pinterest• Compel Influencers to engage with HTC Pinterest Board• Facilitate Influencers to share content via Pinterest

Message Board/Discussion Forums•Activate passionate base surrounding topical discussions•Create rapport with forum members by way of providing valuable content and timely responses•Offer specific content that is relevant to each thread•Forum discussions leaves legacy long after campaign flight ends as conversations continue

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Engagement – Campaign


I. Blog/Twitter FlowA. Reach out to Bloggers about in a way to encourage Twitter distribution

1. Offer Bloggers language and truncated links so that it is more attractive to share information via TwitterII. Offer new phones to Top Tier Influencers – All Groups

A. Great introduction to the programB. Offer extra for Bloggers to do giveaways with their audienceC. This tactic is proven to elicit powerful brand centric coverage

III. MusicA. Offer Beats by Dre productB. Have music blogger cover HTC Music Event with phone functionality

IV. SportsA. Engage people that are at the frontlines of emerging sports (eg: cross fit) about how their phone is a part of their lifestyle 

(videos, pictures, apps, etc.)B. Offer exclusive sporting event ticketsC. Focus on social networks (vs. traditional blogging)

V. ComedyA. Invite comedy enthusiasts to use phone functionalities for reviewing shows, products, foods, etc. B. Focus on social networks (vs. traditional blogging)

VI. Fashion/ DesignA. Invite Influencer to HTC Fashion Event as a VIPB. Have Fashionistas cover event with phone functionality

VII. PhotographyA. Exceptionals use photography to share their experiences – connect with these people when there are unique photo 


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Projected Reach

*These are projected numbers and are subject to change depending on unforeseen circumstances.

All Channels Channel Outreach Posts Impressions

Blog 1,000 20-502,000,000 - 5,000,000

Facebook Pass-Along n/a 10 20,000Twitter n/a 250 300,000

Message Board Seeding 50 10 5,000

TOTAL 1050 290 - 3202,325,000 – 5,325,000

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The goal of Digital Word of Mouth is to get consumers talking to each other and creating a pass-along.  The G2X Relay Rate study done by Dr. Walter Carl of Northeastern University indicates that the pass-along online could be anywhere from 2X to 42X the original message.  This study was based on discussions involving household products.   Music, Fashion, Photography and New Technology Launches prove to be passionate ‘buzz worthy’ subjects online and we expect that the pass-along rate to be high for this campaign.  Putting a specific number to this would be purely subjective.  What we hope to do is report on everything that we can measure and build a case that will show that the message was worthy of pass-along.

Example of Pass-Along:

Bloggers:• Community Ambassador reaches out to a blogger (one-to-one).  • The blogger chooses to share with her readership of 30,000.  • The blogger passes along links to the mini-page, etc.  • Since this pass along came from a trusted source (the blogger), according to the G2X Relay Rate, these 

30,000 loyal readers will pass the message to anywhere from 2 to 42 people.  • This one-to-one engagement with a blogger has a real influence of 30,000 (the number of readers we can 

count) and a possible pass-along of anywhere from 60,000 to 1,260,000.  • Is it likely that all 30K will pass along to 42 peers?  Probably not.  Is it likely that a realistic pass-along 

generated by group who is already passionate about the subject would be greater than 2X?  Absolutely.


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Sample Influencer - MusicDavid Peter Simon – blogger from (56,000 UVPM)

• Creativity takes precedence in David’s life: he uses Indie Shuffle to get the word out about his favorite songs; writes for Holiday Matinee, a music and inspiration blog; and is a consultant for an IT software company.

• Also maintains a personal site,, including inspirational photos and his own  Instagram shots

• Tweets actively at @davidpetersimon about a myriad of interests, including design, software, and art.

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Sample Influencer - Sports


Sports Enthusiast and Comedian Sean Keane• Active in the world of young sports enthusiasts

• Blogs on a variety of sites: • His own (, UVPM n/a)• And Tumblr blogs (all UVPM n/a)

• SportsCentr • NBA Off Season• MLB Off Season• NFL Off Season• The World’s Game

• Tweets to nearly 1,000 followers on Twitter (@LLCoolS)

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Sample Influencer - Comedy


Braden Graeber, Writer and Comedian• As the comedy target usually overlaps with other areas of interest (like art, writing, and 

acting),  Braden is active on a variety of outlets, including his Tumblr blog (UVPM n/a). Though the majority of his audience exists outside of the blogosphere, he uses his Tumblr to post the occasional joke. 

• Active on Instagram (@bradengraeber) with over 8,000 followers

• Regularly uses Twitter, @hisptermermaid. His account has 137,323 followers

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Sample Influencer – Fashion/ Design


Dan Hwang, blogger at Freshness Magazine (118,000 UVPM)

• Values aesthetics, innovative fashion, and smart design, as evidenced by his  posts on Freshness

• Also posts on, a personal blog used to post “inspiring images and content” – anything from footwear to musicians

• Dan also maintains a Twitter page, @dnhwng, where he mostly shares personal posts, occasionally interspersed with Instagram photos

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Sample Influencer - Photography


Lauren Randolph, Professional Photographer• Lauren is active on many social networks and uses Tumblr (UVPM n/a) as her main 

outlet for traditional blogging. • Blog updates usually incorporate her photos, including info about new projects 

and partnerships• Though she actively blogs, her audience is primarily located in other networks.

• Most active on Instagram (@laurenlemon). She uses this network to share inspirational photos with over 216,901 followers and the rest of the Instagram community

• Also maintains a Twitter account, @laurenlemon, which has 2,930 followers

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Implementation - Instagram


Our target audience is extremely active on Instagram, providing an opportunity for us to engage users on this network for the HTC promotion. Contests are the most successful form of promotion on this network – see example below.

Recommendations:• Any Instagram promotion conducted should be 

planned using an official HTC account for transparency and best results. • Step 1: Create account• Step 2: Build followers• Step 3: Conduct Contest

Contest Ideas• Win  concert  tickets  by  posting  a  photo 

of  your all-time  favorite band, with  tag #HTCmusic, for example

• Give  away  passes  to  NY  Fashion  week by  asking  users  to  take  a  photo  of  a great  outfit  using  their  HTC  phone (tagged with #HTCNYC on Instagram)

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HTC Influencer Program – Long Term Strategy


I. Aggregate List of Possible InfluencersA. Sources

1. Social Chorus List2. American Pop List3. Source Twitter Influencers already taking about HTC

II. Long Term Influencer StrategyA. Rolling out compelling events, offers, etc. on a regular basis will keep Influencers Engaged

A. Schedule 4-6 campaigns similar to the example given earlier in the proposalB. Schedule smaller outreach events around HTC calendarC. Nurture relationships as they develop

1. Establish Influencer Tier – Top Tier, Middle Tier, etc.D. Music/ Sports/ Comedy

A. #TeamHTC (if applicable): 1. Give Influencer tickets for giveaways to concerts, sporting events, comedy 

shows2. Give Influencer VIP access to special events

E. Fashion/ DesignA. Issue Fashion objectives involving Cell Phone BlingB. Engage with PinterestC. VIP access to Fashion Events

F. PhotographyA. Seasonal – Fall Foliage, Christmas, SnowB. Personal milestones – Friends, family, achievement-based, etc.C. Blend Groups

1. Photography blurs into Music and Fashion

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Long Term Strategy - Continued


III. Contacting Potential InfluencersA. Sources

1. Social Chorus List – looking at the social channels each influencer uses.  Ascertain the most organic way to reach out:i. Blogs are the least spammy way of contacting potential Influencersii. Twitter is less spammy if we use the official HTC Twitter handle to reach out (even 

an Influencer who wield the most influence via Twitter may have a blog or a less spammy way of contacting

2. American Pop Listi. Primarily Blog Based

3. Source Twitter Influencers already taking about HTCi. Contact via blog if availableii. Contact via official HTC Twitter

IV. Reporting/Client CommunicationA. Weekly or Bi-Weekly calls with American Pop, Spring Creek and HTC TeamsB. Weekly Reporting

1. Metrics2. Highlights3. Monthly or Quarterly Reporting

i. More drill down on numbersii. Analysis of trendsiii. Starts discussion of learnings and course correction for the next month or quarter

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Long Term Strategy - Continued


V. Constant MonitoringA. Consistently Sourcing New Influencers

1. Feedback from HTC Social Profile Team to add active Twitter and Facebook fans2. Finger on the pulse of what consumers are saying about HTC and their competitors3. Monitoring any interesting programs competitors are executing via Influencers

VI. Constant Learning From InfluencersA. We can ask our Influencers questions that can offer actionable intelligence to the brandB. Polling their sphere of influence

VII. Constantly Define what Influence is and metrics surrounding influenceA. Direct Influence (Examples)

1. Blog Readers2. Twitter Followers3. Facebook Group Members4. Pinterest Followers

B. Engagement Examples1. Blog Comments2. Re-Tweets3. Re-Pins

C. Community Connections1. Writing for Established Blogs2. Writing for offline publications3. Thought leaders in groups 

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The goal of reporting is to represent the numbers of impressions and engagements in an accurate and honest way coupled with real world success stories.  

There is no “Universal Number” that points to word of mouth success.  

Our reporting tells a story and builds a case for success, sustained return on engagement, and ROI.

Within reports we include cumulative data reflecting our quantity of outreach, volume of campaign posts,  unique reach, and impressions created – both per channel and as an overall total. Data is collected via Quantcast/Compete, Radian6, and other available sources. 

In addition to statistical reporting, we include screen shots of placement and data to illustrate how  campaign information was passed along from our ambassadors throughout blogs, Twitter, forums, and social networking channels. 

TOTAL COVERAGE POSTS IMPRESSIONS ENGAGEMENTBLOGS 35 9,249,442 302TWITTER 1,294 8,736,147 n/aFACEBOOK 32 454,072 1,088TOTAL 1,361 18,439,661 1,390

RESPONSE SENTIMENT # %Positive 41 82.00%Neutral 6 12.00%Polite Decline 3 6.00%Total 50 100.00%

Influence: 41,839

Twitter Metrics #Total Tweets 1,294Cumulative Impressions 8,736,147    Average Followers            6,751    Most Followers        437,314 

Target BreakdownPlacemen

t Impressions CommentsEntertainment 14 4,559,912 100Rap/Hip Hop 17 4,329,546 87Urban Culture 2 151,706 114City News 1 139,376 0Music 1 68,902 1TOTAL 35 9,249,442 302

Influence: 845,105

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Budget – HTC Device Giveaway Campaign

$25,000 - $35,000

Budget – Research

$20,000 - $30,000

Budget – Influencer Network Monthly

$15,000/Monthly - $40,000/Monthly

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Agency Partner

CampaignBBM Lounge – Mark Salling (Glee) Record Release Party

TargetGlee Fans, Entertainment/Gossip, Techies

Campaign Duration Four Weeks

Objective• Translate the live excitement of Mark Salling’s (from Glee) record

release party to the online universe• Activate Glee Fans and Entertainment/Gossip Bloggers to spread

the word• Bring Brand Message back to Blackberry BBM along with

exclusive Celebrity images

Strategies• Drive influential bloggers to attend the event• Offer reader giveaways to influential bloggers• BBM instant messaging was incorporated into the event (live

games and contests), and was part of the brand promotion pitch to bloggers

• Follow up with exclusive images of celebrity attendance to bloggers

Results• 42+ million direct blog impressions• 90 million blog impressions created via organic pass-along• Bloggers’ coverage included celebrity and Glee pitch angles,

plus info about how BBM functionality was incorporated into the event

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Objectives• Drive entries to the Unlock The TC contest• Create engagement with the game

Agency Partner

CampaignScion – Unlock The TC

TargetGen Y MalesRacing/Drifting EnthusiastsGamersCar enthusiasts

Campaign Duration Eight Weeks

Results• Created 80+ million campaign impressions• Measured an organic reach of campaign

materials to 32+ million• Resulted in high percentage of “Dealer

Contact”• Created over 1,800 campaign posts• Placement on 600+ Blogs

Strategies• Secure Blog Placement• Blog Coverage spilled over to Twitter• Message Board Seeding• Social Network Seeding• Grassroots Syndication of Content

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Jonathan Hall - [email protected]

(818) 840-10311207 W Magnolia Blvd, Ste D

Burbank, CA  91506