hrm - lecture 1 - training & development

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  • 8/7/2019 HRM - Lecture 1 - Training & Development


    2/3/2011 HRM/SIMSREE/Sem2 1


    Lecture1- Training and Development

  • 8/7/2019 HRM - Lecture 1 - Training & Development


    2/3/2011 HRM/SIMSREE/Sem2 2


    What is trainingBusiness strategy and training

    Model of training in an organisation- what itinvolvesNeeds analysisModel of Training designHow to design to facilitate learningCases and exercises

  • 8/7/2019 HRM - Lecture 1 - Training & Development


    2/3/2011 HRM/SIMSREE/Sem2 3

    What is training?

    Training refers to a planned effort by acompany to facilitate employees learning of

    job-related competencies.The goal of training is for employees to

    master the knowledge, skill, and behaviorsemphasized in training programs, andapply them to their day-to-day activities

  • 8/7/2019 HRM - Lecture 1 - Training & Development


    2/3/2011 HRM/SIMSREE/Sem2 4

    What is a Business Strategy?

    A plan that integrates the companys goals, policies,and actions.The strategy influences how the company uses:

    physical capital (plants, technology, and equipment) financial capital (assets and cash reserves) human capital (employees)The business strategy helps direct the companysactivities to reach specific goals.

  • 8/7/2019 HRM - Lecture 1 - Training & Development


    2/3/2011 HRM/SIMSREE/Sem2 5

    Decisions a Company Must Make about How toCompete to Reach Its Goals

    Where to compete? In what markets will we compete?How to compete? On what outcome or differentiating characteristic will we

    compete? Cost? Quality? Reliability? Delivery? Innovativeness?With what will we compete? What resources will allow us to beat the competition? How will we acquire, develop, and deploy those resources

    to compete?

  • 8/7/2019 HRM - Lecture 1 - Training & Development


    2/3/2011 HRM/SIMSREE/Sem2 6

    Strategy impacts training with a strong influence ondetermining:

    The amount of training devoted to current orfuture job skills.The extent to which training is customized for

    the particular needs of an employee or developedbased on the needs of a team, unit, or division.Whether training is restricted to specific groups

    of employees or open to all employees.

  • 8/7/2019 HRM - Lecture 1 - Training & Development


    2/3/2011 HRM/SIMSREE/Sem2 7

    Strategy impact on training (continued)

    Whether training is: planned and systematically administered, or provided only when problems occur, or spontaneously as a reaction to what

    competitors are doingThe importance placed on training compared to

    other human resource management practices suchas selection and compensation.

  • 8/7/2019 HRM - Lecture 1 - Training & Development


    2/3/2011 HRM/SIMSREE/Sem2 8

    Implications of Business Strategy for Training

    S trategy Emphasis How Achieved Key Issues Training Implications

    Concentration Increase marketshareReduce operatingcosts Create market


    Improve quality Improve

    productivity Customize


    S kill currency Developmentof existingwork force

    Team buildingCross-trainingS pecialized programs Interpersonal skill trainingOn-the-job training

    Internal Growth

    MarketdevelopmentProductdevelopmentInnovationJoint ventures

    Add distributionchannels Expand global markets Create new

    products Joint ownership

    Create new jobs Create new tasks Innovation

    S upport high-quality product valueCultural trainingConflict negotiationskills Manager training infeedback andcommunicationTechnical competencein jobs

  • 8/7/2019 HRM - Lecture 1 - Training & Development


    2/3/2011 HRM/SIMSREE/Sem2 9

    Based on company policy, training could beeither in-house, or experts could be broughtin to trainWe could have training that is reactive, or

    training that is proactive

  • 8/7/2019 HRM - Lecture 1 - Training & Development


    2/3/2011 HRM/SIMSREE/Sem2 10

    Training Design Process

    Conducting Needs Assessment


    Readiness for Training

    Creating a LearningEnvironment

    Ensuring Transfer of Training

    Developing anEvaluation Plan

    Select TrainingMethod

    Monitor andEvaluate theProgram

  • 8/7/2019 HRM - Lecture 1 - Training & Development


    2/3/2011 HRM/SIMSREE/Sem2 11

    Needs Assessment

    Refers to the process used to determine iftraining is necessary.

    It is the first step in the instructional designprocess: If it is poorly conducted, training will not

    achieve the outcomes or financial benefitsthe company expects.

  • 8/7/2019 HRM - Lecture 1 - Training & Development


    2/3/2011 HRM/SIMSREE/Sem2 12

    Needs Analysis Model

    Trigger Actual OrganisationalPerformance (AOP)