hridaya abc

The Art of Business Communication ABC

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A concise presentation of Hridaya The art of Business Communication open courses.


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The Art of Business Communication


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What is it?

Business skills training in English

Dynamic and interactive courses focusing on developing skills, not just language practice

Totally customizable content to participants’ needs

Designed for participants with certain language confidence (intermediate level and up) who need to polish their communication skills in international environment

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How is this different from a language course?

The main focus is on confidence building and communication skills

Work is done on three levels: Topical context (developing a particular skill within the frame of the course), Linguistic context (practical language focus on phrases used in real life), Business context (developing key business skills applicable in various situations)

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Who is it for?

Every employee in a company looking for professional development

University students getting ready for a jump-start in their career

Experienced professionals wanting to polish a specific business skills or are preparing for an important business event

Everyone who has been through a general English language course and wants to do something more business-oriented

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When and where?

Every course has a fixed schedule covering the main topics

The course could be prolonged in case participants have specific needs

Individual consultations can be arranged upon request from a student or by advice from the trainer

Our training center is located at: 50 Acad. Stefan Mladenov St., Studentski Grad, Sofia

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Presenting in English

Meetings in English

Business Writing in English

Business Result (B1- C1)

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Presenting in English

Interactive course designed for professionals who regularly need

to give presentations in English at work and in public.

Engaging topics, motivating role-plays, and a variety of exercises

provide a framework for each specialist subject.

40 student hours

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1: Let's get started: Welcoming the audience, introducing the topic, dealing with nerves.

2: Today's topic is: Body language, presenting to an English-speaking audience.

3: My next slide shows: Presentation tools, using approximate numbers, creating effective visuals.

4: As you can see from this graph: Describing graphs and charts, interpreting visuals, describing trends.

5: To sum up: Strategies for a good conclusion.

6: Any questions? Handling the question and answer session.

Topics covered

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▪ Each unit includes key language points, useful phrases, and strategies

▪ OUTPUT sections at the end of each unit encourage discussion and reflection

▪ Emphasis on pronunciation, intonation, word order

▪ Self-study material on the interactive MultiROM includes realistic listening extracts and interactive exercises for extra practice

Linguistic context:

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▪ Presentation goal setting: why do we present, expected results

▪ Structuring content for maximum impact

▪ How to use visual aids: modern understanding of slide design

▪ Handling stage fright: understanding personal control mechanisms

▪ Personal presence: body language, voice projection

▪ Strategies for handling questions

Business Context

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Meetings in English

An ideal short course for professionals who need to participate in meetings in

English. Learn how to express your opinion in the best way,

express a disagreement, interrupt politely and reach a consensus in an international


30 student hours

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1: Could we meet next week? Arranging a meeting, confirming a meeting, rescheduling. 2: Can we start now? Making introductions, starting a meeting, stating the objectives. 3: Can I make a point here? Reporting progress, explaining cause and effect, dealing with interruptions. 4: I'm not sure I agree: Asking for comments and contributions, expressing opinions. 5: It's a deal: Responding to offers, buying time, taking a vote, summarizing results. 6: So I think we're finished for today: Ending a meeting, confirming decisions and action points, follow-up.

Topics covered

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▪ Engaging topics, motivating role-plays, and a variety of exercises provide a framework for each specialist subject

▪ Tip boxes in each unit include key language points, useful phrases, and strategies

▪ Warm-up and awareness-raising activities

▪ Answers, transcripts, and a glossary of useful phrases at the back of each book

▪ Self-study material on the interactive MultiROMincludes realistic listening extracts and interactive exercises for extra practice

Linguistic context

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▪ Structuring your opinion: presenting ideas in a constructive way

▪ Active listening skills

▪ Facilitating techniques: brainstorming, discussion, directing, demonstration, presenting

▪ Motivating participants: energizing, creating atmosphere, dealing with conflicts

▪ Problem solving and conflict handling skills

Business Context

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Business Writing in English

A short course for anyone who needs to

write emails and letters in a business context.

Write and reply to emails quickly and efficiently in the workplace observing

business and internet etiquette.

26 student hours

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1: An introduction to emails: Email structure, subject lines, length. 2: Formal and informal emails: Formal/informal phrases, abbreviations 3: Enquiries: Writing and replying to enquiries, polite language 4: Requesting action: Writing to colleagues, talking about deadlines and taking action 5: Exchanging information: Informing and replying, colloquial phrases, being diplomatic 6: Making and confirming arrangements: Typical phrases, prepositions of time, apology

Topics covered

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▪ Useful expressions and collocations for a variety of everyday situations

▪ Style and etiquette in writing

▪ Grammar emphasis on certain structures to achieve immediate and efficient understanding

▪ Writing both in class and at home focusing on learners’ own context

▪ Continuous feedback on each assignment

Linguistic context

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▪ Contemporary business style: clear, concise, correct, corresponding to the reader and the goal

▪ Achieving your goal: informing, evaluation, motivating, persuading

▪ Creative thinking techniques, improving organization

▪ Design and layout

▪ Netiquette or what is acceptable on the Internet

Business Context

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Business Result(levels B1- C1)

A 5-level business English course combining a

communicative approach with authentic business

material and digital multi-media, to give in-work and pre-work students relevant

and immediate communication skills.

120 student hours(or 2 parts x 60 hrs)

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▪ Topics covering relevant business topics of everyday life: working life, projects, customer service, security, motivation, ethical business, leadership, making decisions

▪ Video clips for every unit, including documentary clips, authentic interviews showcasing business communication skills

▪ Tips and advice from the Cranfield School of Management introduces an authoritative business perspective, and applies professional theory to real situations.

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▪ a variety of general business vocabulary using authentic and up-to-date texts and engaging and motivating activities

▪ provides skills and strategies for different business scenarios: talking to suppliers, entertaining customers, or updating colleagues

▪ focusing on key expressions, and then building up to a final task in which the new language is put into practice

Linguistic context

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▪ Practical, functional language presented and practised in a work-related context

▪ Real-world case studies offer authentic and engaging insights into key business issues

▪ Interactive setting for presenting and practising every new skill: role-plays, scenario building, discussions, games

Business Context

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Eva YordanovaTraining Manager & Language Consultant

0889 [email protected]

Please express your interest in a course by filling in this form:

or contact us directly:

The Art of Business Communication