how to step into your brilliance and embody grace ebook

SMALL TOWN LADY Embodied Grace Jennifer Lonnberg Small Town Lady How to Step Into Your Brilliance and Embody Grace!

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Embodied Grace Jennifer Lonnberg Small Town Lady

How to Step Into Your Brilliance

and Embody Grace!


Let’s get honest… really honest with ourselves.

Embodied Grace How to Step Into Your Brilliance and Embody Grace!

Who Is Jennifer?

Are you living your authentic life? Do you feel like there is

something more? Are you ready to step into your

brilliance and claim the life you are yearning for?

Do you? Are you?

Ready to be the best version of you? Ready to make some changes and see results?

Will You?

Get out of your comfort zone and try something completely different and new?

Do you “feed” yourself: Mentally, spiritually, and physically?

Jennifer is an Intuitive Energy Healer, Life Coach, Speaker, Certified NLP Practitioner, Yoga Instructor and Herb Specialist and more importantly has the personal life experience to help you along your journey. She has survived the struggle, pain and debilitating anxiety that comes from not living in authenticity and from listening to the “nasty little voice” that is so good at creating insecurity and chaos. She has made her transformation to Embodied Grace and wants to take you there with her!

Who are you?

What are you passionate about? Do you know what you are passionate about? How do you feed yourself? I love to be out in nature, I enjoy meditation, I LOVE really good coffee. I am passionate about helping women find freedom!

Embodied grace is freedom. Freedom from self-criticism; freedom from negative thinking; freedom from anxiety and worry. Embodied grace is embracing your truth. Embracing and loving your life; embracing self awareness by doing what is right for you and letting go of what others think you should. Embodied grace is claiming your worth; aligning with your purpose, setting your intentions, and moving in the clarity of knowing what you want. I help my clients align their intention with their actions to

produce positive changes.

I am a mother, wife, sister, friend, entrepreneur, energy healer, intuitive life coach, and so much more! Just like YOU! You are so much more than a title. (If you have children, you could add nurse, chauffer, housekeeper, and if you run your household you could add accountant and secretary to your titles.) We tend to get wrapped up into “titles” and lose who we really are. Who are you really, how do you find her if she’s lost? I am all of those things listed above, but more important than any of those titles, I am a brilliant soul who’s desire is to bring light to women who are struggling with negative thinking and self doubt, find freedom and success by helping them claim their worth, align their intentions with their actions and gain confidence through Embodied Grace ™ and help them realize the brilliance of who they really are! You are a brilliant soul! Now let’s shine!

How do you Step into your Brilliance and Embody Grace?

Are you ready to embody grace and step into your brilliance, but you’re wondering what that even means or how to start?

I’ll give you a big hint: Beliefs and Limiting Beliefs. What do you really believe about yourself? What do you really believe about your ability to reach your goals? Sometimes our beliefs are lodged into our subconscious so deep that we don’t even realize they are there, let alone do we realize that those beliefs may be sabotaging us in whatever goals we may be striving for. For example you may say “I really want to lose weight” but deep in your subconscious there may be a belief that says “I don’t deserve to be thin” or “everyone in my family is overweight that’s just how we are.” Now, sometimes beliefs are good for us, for example. I believe that fire is really hot and will burn my skin if I touch it. That is a good belief to have! However, if your belief is “I can’t try something new because I’ll fail” then that is not a good belief. (We would call that a limiting belief.) My goal with this EBook is to help you expose any beliefs that may be holding you back and give you an advantage as you set and achieve goals towards stepping into your brilliance!

I’m going to back up a little bit here and give you some good foundation to start from first: Making changes and learning something new can happen over night or it can be hard and take time, again this is totally up to you and your belief system! But one important step that will help you make changes more smoothly is self-care. It is extremely important to take good care of yourself as you begin your path to stepping into brilliance! Self-care means to truly honor and care for yourself in a way that keeps you healthy mentally, physically and spiritually. Some ideas for self care are: drinking plenty of water, taking Epsom salt baths, getting plenty of rest, daily deep breathing,

How do you Step into your Brilliance and Embody Grace?

meditation, prayer, gratitude journal, eating healthy foods, etc. These are things that I do daily to keep myself healthy and happy. Massage for me is not a luxury. I feel it is important to my health and well-being and therefor I have a massage a minimum of every other week. I love to have a good dessert one in awhile…something really rich and chocolaty (and I savor every single bite!) I really enjoy coffee~ so although some people say you shouldn’t drink it, I drink it whenever I want and I don’t feel guilty at all. Again I savor the feel of the warmth in my cup, the aroma of the coffee, the fullness of the flavor. Do you see what I mean? For me, even a break with a good cup of coffee can be self-care. You have to decide for you what self-care looks like and what keeps you healthy mentally, physically, and spiritually. Take a minute and think about a few things that make you feel like you are really taking care of yourself:

Now whatever you wrote down needs to become a practice that you do regularly, whether it is daily, weekly or monthly. Commit to yourself right now that you will practice self-care on a regular basis.

I, _________________promise that from today forward I will practice self-care. _________________________________ _______________________

Signature Date

How do you Step into your Brilliance and Embody Grace?

Next, it’s time to get really clear about what you want! What is stepping into brilliance really going to look like for you? What is the biggest challenge or challenges you are facing that keeps you from already being in your brilliance? How do you start being intentional about stepping into brilliance?

Get clear and DECIDE! (Seriously… the most important action step and

one that many people forget is that they have to decide to start doing things


Do you know what you want?

Take your time to think about each of these questions:

What do you really want? Be sure this is answered in positive terms (try to

stay away from what you don’t want). When you describe this use all of your senses: What will that look like to you? How will it sound? What will it feel like?

What will it do for you? How will you benefit, How will others benefit?

What opportunities might arise from it?

How will you know when you have stepped into your brilliance? What will it

look like, feel like, sound like, etc.?

How will this affect other people in your life? Who will be involved, how till

this affect them, is it positive, what does that look like for them?

What prevents you from having it already? Get it all out on the table....If you

want this so badly why don’t you have it already?

What resources do you need? What additional resources do you need to

reach your goal? Training, money, belief?

How do you Step into your Brilliance and Embody Grace?

As you are going through all of those questions above, your limiting beliefs are going to rear their ugly head! (A limiting belief is any thoughts or belief that does not support you in a positive way.) Be aware of what those limiting beliefs are. For example, get everything out on the table with the question about why you don’t already have it! More than likely are some really big limiting beliefs hiding there. If one of the limiting beliefs is “I don’t know how” that may translate to really mean I don’t feel I’m smart enough, I don’t know the first step to take, or I’m not willing to learn something new. Be really honest and clear with yourself. Turn “I don’t know how” into “I wonder who I can learn how to xxx from,” I wonder where I could learn how to get started with xxxx. The more you become aware of your own limiting beliefs the easier it is to start stepping into your brilliance because you can then choose to let go of the beliefs that are keeping you stuck!

If you’re stuck on the first question of “What do you really want” and you can’t come up with a clear answer; that is ok to. You have to start from where you are. If you don’t really know what you want, but you do know that you’re ready to create something different and step into brilliance, just start with what you don’t want and then re-establish that wish to something positive. For example, if you know you don’t want to feel stressed out any more, then reword that to: I want to find more peace and calm in my daily life.

Another way to reset limiting beliefs is to find an affirmation that is contrary to the limiting belief and choose to believe it instead.

For example if your limiting belief is: I can’t because I need money for training. Use this affirmation: Resources come to me in surprising ways. (The reality of

that limiting belief is really just an excuse. There are free trainings on many things through local programs, libraries, and sometimes even your state or county.) Be open to new possibilities.

How do you Step into your Brilliance and Embody Grace?

One of the biggest limiting beliefs for women that I work with is this:

I’m not good enough.

This is the biggest lie on the planet! You are amazing! You are brilliant! You are more than good enough! You just have to choose to believe it.

The last step to stepping into brilliance is action!

This is the part where I asked earlier if you’re willing to try something different? Are you willing to get out of your comfort zone and try something completely different and new?

How are you going to get it? Let’s start creating a plan of action. What steps

do you need to take to get started on your goal?

I want you to take a few minutes right now and just think of one thing that you can do to get started on your goal. One simple action step that will help start the momentum toward you stepping into your brilliance! Don’t make it hard! Just one thing. Taking action will “start the ball rolling” so to speak and show the universe that you are ready to step into your brilliance now!

Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.

- Henry Ford

Embrace Your Grace! I hope you find this E-Book valuable and feel that you have some useful tools to get you started on taking to steps into your own brilliance! Changes can happen quickly if you are willing to try a different approach and if you are ready to let go of old beliefs and patterns. If you are ready to make lasting changes in your life and would like to find out more about working with me and my Embodied Grace Program, go to my website and schedule a FREE Introductory Session.