how to stand out from the crowd

+ Caitriona Redmond

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Post on 17-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. + Caitriona Redmond
  2. 2. + Do You Need Great Writing To Blog?
  3. 3. + Do You Need Great Images To Blog? We finish with the Gigantic chocolate cake which costs 15. It comes with a mini milk urn full of chilled lightly whipped and sweetened cream. That cream is by far the best thing we eat all night. The cake is an obscenity, a foul, brusque monolith of heavy sponge and cack-handed mousse almost a foot high. It tastes of fat and sugar and disdain. It eats like those showpiece cakes that have sat for years in coffee shop windows look. We are told there is an option to take left-overs home. We choose not to.
  4. 4. + What Makes A Blog Unique? Theres nothing else like your blog out there. How does your blog LOOK? Photographs Theme Widgets Easy to find and share How does your blog READ? Layout Writing Content
  5. 5. + What Makes A Blog Popular? Write to people, not at people. Write about what you know. Be personal, share with your readers. Be honest. Dont be afraid to share your imperfections. Interact with readers on social media. Draw people into your world.
  6. 6. + Being Honest:
  7. 7. + Being Honest: The story of my vegan-burger recipe test that went wrong. I've never tasted anything quite like it. I think that if I ever ate sponge that the texture would match what I put in my mouth. A damp, squidgy sponge that tasted vaguely of wet gaberdine coats on the bus on the way home from school on a hot Autumn day, mixed with damp dog who has been rolling in the grass. Himself arrived home just as I was tossing the burgers in the bin hiding my shame.
  8. 8. + Embracing The Difference. Nobody can blog exactly like you can. This is the biggest tool you have to write a great blog. You are your own best expert. Dont compare where you are now to anybody else because you are unique. Brilliant bloggers attract return readers, and great interaction. Its not all about the recognition. Your readers are the biggest reward you will get.
  9. 9. + What Is A Blogging Voice? I cant look at the hot sweating mess that emerges from the Egg Masters opening, let alone eat it. Rhik Samadder I managed to get ALL of my freelance work written AND FILED! Anyone that writes for a living (or part thereof) will tell you that it literally feels like homework hanging over your head. I absolutely LOVE what I write about but still suffer that dreaded first lineitis. Ive been known to wash skirting boards and even the dog to avoid it but I shook it off, completed and sent everything in. Blahhdy love that feeling! Susan Jordan These flapjacks are the international spy of the baked goods world. They have many identities across different lands. You may know them as flapjacks, an old fashioned Irish tradition. Anne Marie Carroll
  10. 10. + Where To Next?