how to prepare for a holy land tourtour... · spiritual preparation for a holy land tour a tour to...

HOW TO PREPARE FOR A HOLY LAND TOUR By Wayne Stiles 4 Ways to Get Ready That Will Make All the Difference You’ve finally decided to take a spiritual journey to the Holy Land—to the land of the Bible. I can promise you, you won’t come home from Israel the same! But there’s something else you need to know. The aqueduct at Caesarea You already realize you are investing a lot of money this trip, and you want to make the most of your time. But you will get twice as much out of your Holy Land tour if you’ll also invest some time preparing for it. Here are some ways that will help you maximize your trip—by preparing mentally, practically, physically, and spiritually. MENTAL PREPARATION FOR A HOLY LAND TOUR: LEARN SOME BASIC GEOGRAPHY This may seem academic and even unnecessary, but believe me; it will make a huge difference. If you determine to know where you are, you will better appreciate (and remember) the sites and their biblical significance. Not only that, but your Bible reading will make more sense for the rest of your life. Basic Israel Geography. If you don’t have one already, buy a good Bible atlas. Before your trip, use your atlas and learn the names of Israel’s geographic areas as well as their locations: Galilee (including the Golan Heights) Samaria (Including the Jezreel Valley) Judea (including the Shephelah) Negev and Wilderness Be sure to read “Must Have Resources For Bible Lands Study” Basic Jerusalem Geography. You can learn the basic geography of Jerusalem in about 5 minutes. Dr. Charlie Dyer taught me to visualize Jerusalem as an ice cream cone inside two hamburger buns. (See my graphic below.) The ice cream and cone are the Temple Mount and the City of David. The two buns represent the Western Hill and the Mount of Olives. The three major valleys of Jerusalem lie in between the cone and the buns. Visualize Jerusalem as an ice cream cone inside 2 burger buns. Get a road map of Israel and follow along your journey. Once I even highlighted the roads we took. If your bus has Wi-Fi, and you have a Smart Phone, you can use the Google Maps app to find your location. I love doing this. (Just make sure you’re only accessing the Web via Wi-Fi and not over an expensive overseas network.)

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Page 1: HOW TO PREPARE FOR A HOLY LAND TOURTour... · SPIRITUAL PREPARATION FOR A HOLY LAND TOUR A tour to Israel is far more than a vacation. It’s a spiritual journey. I interviewed hundreds

HOW TO PREPARE FOR A HOLY LAND TOUR By Wayne Stiles 4 Ways to Get Ready That Will Make All the Difference You’vefinallydecidedtotakeaspiritualjourneytotheHolyLand—tothelandoftheBible.Icanpromiseyou,youwon’tcomehomefromIsraelthesame!Butthere’ssomethingelseyouneedtoknow.

TheaqueductatCaesareaYoualreadyrealizeyouareinvestingalotofmoneythistrip,andyouwanttomakethemostofyourtime.ButyouwillgettwiceasmuchoutofyourHolyLandtourifyou’llalsoinvestsometimepreparingforit.Herearesomewaysthatwillhelpyoumaximizeyourtrip—bypreparingmentally,practically,physically,andspiritually.MENTAL PREPARATION FOR A HOLY LAND TOUR: LEARN SOME BASIC GEOGRAPHY Thismayseemacademicandevenunnecessary,butbelieveme;itwillmakeahugedifference.• Ifyoudeterminetoknowwhereyouare,youwillbetterappreciate(andremember)thesitesandtheirbiblicalsignificance.• Notonlythat,butyourBiblereadingwillmakemoresensefortherestofyourlife.BasicIsraelGeography.Ifyoudon’thaveonealready,buyagoodBibleatlas.Beforeyourtrip,useyouratlasandlearnthenamesofIsrael’sgeographicareasaswellastheirlocations:• Galilee(includingtheGolanHeights)• Samaria(IncludingtheJezreelValley)• Judea(includingtheShephelah)• NegevandWilderness• Besuretoread“MustHaveResourcesForBibleLandsStudy”BasicJerusalemGeography.YoucanlearnthebasicgeographyofJerusaleminabout5minutes.Dr.CharlieDyertaughtmetovisualizeJerusalemasanicecreamconeinsidetwohamburgerbuns.(Seemygraphicbelow.)• TheicecreamandconearetheTempleMountandtheCityofDavid.• ThetwobunsrepresenttheWesternHillandtheMountofOlives.• ThethreemajorvalleysofJerusalemlieinbetweentheconeandthebuns.



Page 2: HOW TO PREPARE FOR A HOLY LAND TOURTour... · SPIRITUAL PREPARATION FOR A HOLY LAND TOUR A tour to Israel is far more than a vacation. It’s a spiritual journey. I interviewed hundreds

PRACTICAL PREPARATION FOR A HOLY LAND TOUR TakeaSmallBibleoraDigitalTablet.Youprobablydon’twanttotakeyourthree-poundstudyBibletoIsrael.It’stooheavyforthesuitcaseandforyourdailyjourney,butyoualsodon’twantittosufferanydamagefromtravel.• GetasmallerBibleyoucaneasilycarry.YearsagoIboughtasmallerBiblethatallowsmetoeasilyreadonsite.• Forfuturetrips,IplantousemyiPadmini.NotonlydoesithavemywholeBibleonitaswellasmyteachingnotes,italso


StudyingthelifeofChrist,overlookingtheJezreelValleyDon’tForgettheBasics.Hopefully,you’vethoughtofthese.Butjustincase:• HatandSunscreen:You’llbeinthesunalot,andyou’llneedprotection.EspeciallydownbytheDeadSea.• GoodShoes:Besuretogetsomecomfortablewalkingshoesand(important:)break‘eminbeforeyougetthere.• Modestclothing:Afewholysitesrequire“modest”clothing—whichincludespantsorskirtthatcoverthekneesandshirts

thatcovertheshoulders.Withouttheseitems,youmaynotenterthesites.• 220Adaptorsand/orConverters.You’llwanttochargeyourcamerabattery,sobesureandlookintothiscarefullybefore


PHYSICAL PREPARATION FOR A HOLY LAND TOUR GetinShape.EverytourIleadhasstragglers.Somelagbehindbecausethey’rephysicallyunabletoclimbstairs,walkbriskly,ornavigateuneventerrain.You’llenjoythetripmuchbetterifyou’llgetusedtowalkingalotbeforeyougo.


SPIRITUAL PREPARATION FOR A HOLY LAND TOUR AtourtoIsraelisfarmorethanavacation.It’saspiritualjourney.Iinterviewedhundredsofpeopleformydoctoralresearch,andIdiscoveredthat99%ofthosewhoparticipateinaHolyLandtourwillhavetheirspirituallivesaffected.Hereareacoupleofwaystoprepareforyourtripspiritually:• Pray.AskGodtomakeyousensitivetowhatHeteachesyouandtohelpyouretainit.Prayforyourguide,driver,andBible

teacher.Prayforyourgrouptobefreeofinjury,tohavenolostluggage,andhaveaspiritofunity.Alsoforgoodweather.• UseYourItineraryasYourQuietTimes.Beforeyourtrip,devotesomeweekstoconnectingthesitesyou’llvisitwiththeir
