how to measure success with google analytics

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How to Success your Business with Google Analytics Data Driven Success. Your ... to plan, protect, and grow your business. website and digital experiences that drive business results in a measurable way. 1. Define website success for your business 2. Determine the metrics that point to that success 3. Implement web analytics to capture the necessary data


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How to Measure Success with

Google Analytics

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Why Measure the Web?

To Understand What is Working To Fix Things that Are not Working

To Improve our Results To Calculate our Value

To Justify and Encourage Investment To Dominate our Niche

Why Measure the web @seochandra @idoneseo

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So Many Vendors to

Choose From!

How to Measure Success with Google Analytics @seochandra

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Then Google Analytics

Came Along





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Google Analytics

Adobe (Omniture)





IBM 5%

Market Share Worldwide








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Overview of

Google Analytics

Analytics is a powerful application for tracking traffic patterns on your website. The

fact that it’s an entirely free program, and integrates with other Google

programs, like AdSense and AdWords, only makes it that much more valuable.

Acquisition Behavior Conversion

How that audience

reaches and consumes

your content.

A summary of sessions by

channel The total number of

sessions across your date rang.

Help you improve the

content on your site to

meet the needs and

expectations of your users.

Completion of an activity on your

site that is important to the

success of your business.


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Audience reports

Demographics Age, Gender



Audience Technology


Language, Location

Browser & OS, Network

Devices, Screen sizes

New vs. Returning, Frequency & Recency,


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What is your target Audience Age group and Gender?

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Geo Data Analysis

What is your target Audience geo location?

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Mobile Data Analysis

If you have more then 5% of mobile traffic you need to think about mobile website.

Mobile Device Branding, Service Provider, Operating System and Screen


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Service Provider Report for

Lead Generation & Insight

Find the Businesses That

Have Been Looking at Your


Who Loves Your Resources?

Breaking Down ISP Activity

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How to Use the

Browser & OS Reports

Building a new site – understanding what technology to build for.

Making decisions about layout.

Proving why you need a responsive design – see how many different Screen Resolutions there are.

Testing new (or existing) content and functionality.

Testing on newly released devices/software.

Choosing functionality to use.

Comparing conversion rates to see if there are any issues with platforms.

Profiling valuable users to ensure you can get more users like them.

Profiling users who are not valuable, in order to turn them into valuable users.

Reviewing reporting issues (such as iOS6 search traffic being reported as direct).

Proving to developers why they still have to build sites that work in old Internet Explorer versions.

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Identifying drops in traffic / conversions.

Understanding why mobile websites are so valuable (in addition to the Mobile reports).

Seeing how different users interact and what you can do to make all tech successful.

Deciding what platforms to develop apps for – Android usage is on the rise.

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Visitors Flow Report Into

Your Secret CRO Weapon

The Visitors Flow report illustrates how visitors arrive at your website and the

most common paths they take during their visits. An intelligence algorithm

clusters groups of pages together into interaction nodes, which appear as green

blocks on the report.

The gray dimension blocks illustrate how traffic lands on your site via your

interaction nodes. The connections between the interaction nodes are either

gray or red, indicating whether users moved from one page to another or if they

left the website, respectively.

Segment the Visitors Flow report for different locations, campaigns, and

anything else that will help you hone in on the important parts of your analysis.

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Acquisition Reports

Channels Referral, Direct, Organic and Social

All traffic


AcquisitionAll referrals


All traffic sources Data

All Referrals sources data

Campaigns like PPC, Email and other

Organic and PPC keywords Data

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Acquisition Overview

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Organic Search —Visitors who come to your website after searching and other search


Paid Search —Visitors who come to your website from an AdWords or other paid search ad.

Direct —Visitors who come to your website without a traceable referral source, such as typing your

URL into their address bar or using a bookmark on their browser.

Referral —Visitors who come to your website from another website by clicking on a link.

Social —Visitors who come to your website from a social network.

Other —If you use UTM parameters for custom campaign tracking, the traffic linked to those

campaigns is listed here.

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All Traffic Sources

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Track your Campaigns

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How to Set Custom

Campaign Information?

Medium: Traffic type (e.g., CPC).

Source: Detail about where the user came from

(e.g., Google).

Campaign: Chosen name of the campaign

(e.g., Brand).

Ad content: Name of the ad clicked (e.g., banner 1).

Keyword: The search query typed or keyword

targeted (e.g., cheap red widget).

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Analyzing Campaign


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Behavior reports

Behavior Flow User Behavior Flow information

Site Content


Behavior Site Search

In-Page Analytics

Site content, landing page and Exit Pages

Website search data information

Tracking you Call-to-action

User clicks Data

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Content Drilldown To

Optimize Content Marketing

All Pages: For detailed interaction data on all pages.

Content Drilldown: Data broken down by subfolder.

Landing Pages: Pages on which visitors entered the site.

Exit Pages: Pages which have been the final page of a session.

Pageviews: How many times the page was viewed.

Unique Pageviews: This de-duplicates pageviews to show how many sessions

contained a view of the page.

Avg. Time on Page: Uses the time metrics available for the page and works out the

average across the pageviews.

Entrances: How many times this page was the first page in a session.

Bounce Rate: The percentage of entrances on this page where the user did not interact

with the website any further.

% Exit: The percentage of pageviews that were the final page in a session.

Page Value: Calculated using ecommerce and goal values, this divides the total value by

the number of pageviews for this page.

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All Pages Data

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Navigation Summary

This report shows you the pages that users were on before and after a pageview of the selected

URL. Allowing you to see common trends and spot discrepancies in user journeys.

This is very useful when checking goal funnels and checkout progress. Another benefit is seeing

pages users were on prior to experiencing a 404 error page.

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In-Page Reports

This is a very visual way to understand your content and on page activity. It uses a

view of your live website and overlays percentages to tell you which pages saw the

most views after this one.

At a basic level, it can't differentiate between multiple links to the same level, but with

the implementation Enhanced Link Attribution it can. This can be very helpful for

working out which banners work, which pages don't need links from the menu, and

much more.

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Site Search Reports

It gives you a clear percentage of how many visits on your website included the use of the search

functionality as well as how the interaction played out following the search.

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Event Tracking

From clicks on a button, to form submissions, video interaction, or scrolling to the bottom of the page, Event Tracking

can be used for all manner of activity measurement on your website.

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Conversions Reports

Goals Create you Goals



Conversions Multi-Channel-Funnels

Track you E-commerce data

Direct, Organic, Social and other channel funnels

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Goals are often defined as a

specific URL. If a visitor

reaches that URL – typically a

thank you page after submitting

some sort of online form – then

the goal is "converted."

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Multi-Channel Funnels

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Ecommerce Tracking

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Most Used

Custom Reports

Unique Visitors by Page :

Conversions by Date and Time :

Customer Behavior :

Top Converting Landing Pages :

Long Tail Convertors :

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Connected with Us



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