how to live a low carbon home life - melodyhome

How to live a low carbon home life? Maybe this is a question that many people concern. Global warming also becomes more and more serious. When we are at home, we need to do from the small things. Now let’s see how to do in details. 1. When you go to the supermarket, remember to bring your own shopping bag, which is environmentally friendly and can save money. 2. When you prepare to cook, you need to wash rice and soak for 10 minutes in advance. Then use the rice cooker to cook. It can reduce 4.4 kg of carbon dioxide emissions. These are all little things, but if you do as we say, you can own a low carbon home life.

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Post on 26-Mar-2016




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How to live a low carbon home life? Maybe this is a question that many people concern. Global warming also becomes more and more serious.


Page 1: How to Live a Low Carbon Home Life - melodyhome

How to live a low carbon home life? Maybe this is a question that many

people concern. Global warming also becomes more and more serious. When

we are at home, we need to do from the small things. Now let’s see how

to do in details.

1. When you go to the supermarket, remember to bring your own shopping

bag, which is environmentally friendly and can save money.

2. When you prepare to cook, you need to wash rice and soak for 10 minutes

in advance. Then use the rice cooker to cook. It can reduce 4.4 kg of carbon

dioxide emissions.

These are all little things, but if you do as we say, you can own a low

carbon home life.

Page 2: How to Live a Low Carbon Home Life - melodyhome

3. Don’t forget to turn off the computer. There are about 2 kilograms

of carbon consumption. You can reduce daily carbon emissions.

4. Try to use energy-efficient appliances. Although the price is a little

high, it is environmentally friendly. There are long-term economic

interests. Use the air conditioning only in extreme weather conditions.

Using energy-saving light bulbs to replace the incandescent light bulbs

can save the energy of about 60%. If everyone do that, everyone can live

a low carbon life.

5. Use the mopping water to flush toilets or water the flowers. Use the

rice water to wipe furniture, wash hands or vegetables.

Page 3: How to Live a Low Carbon Home Life - melodyhome

6. When you do not use the appliances, you have to completely turn off

the swift. Lit a small indicator can also cause costs of electricity.

7. Try to eat more vegetables. To produce 1kg beef can cause 36.5 kilograms

emissions of carbon dioxide. But there is less emission amount of carbon

dioxide by the fruit and vegetable.

Try to buy local fruits and vegetables and non-staple food. Try to eat

fruits and vegetables of the season, and green fruits and vegetables are

the best. Try to remember these details in our life, and you can live a

low carbon home life.