how to know about minimally invasive coronary bypass surgery

Minimally Invasive Coronary Bypass Surgery

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Post on 21-Jan-2017




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Page 1: How to know about Minimally invasive coronary bypass surgery

Minimally Invasive Coronary Bypass Surgery

Page 2: How to know about Minimally invasive coronary bypass surgery

Minimally invasive coronary bypass surgery is performed on people who have been diagnosed with coronary artery disease.

This type of surgery is an advanced surgery technique which has changed the way experts cure coronary artery diseases.

The best thing about minimally invasive heart surgery is that the technique works not only on the young, but also infants and aged equally well.

The worst thing about most heart related problem that we see around is that they do not get treated on time.

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Minimally invasive coronary bypass surgery can be avoided if right steps are taken at the right time.

We are listing down some heart care tips recommended by the best cardiologist in Hyderabad, India, a city that is increasingly being viewed as a medical hub of India where the most complicated and complex cases of the heart are being dealt with.

Even if readers follow half of what is listed down to keep their hearts healthy, it will do them a great deal of good and keep them at the top of their health.

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Don’t avoid lifestyle changes; they’re the ultimate truth and is for your own good

To everything it takes to keep your weight under control Include exercise in your routine Go for regular heart check up Ask doctor to suggest types of exercises that will suit you Don’t stress out mentally Don’t overwork Don’t under eat Don’t overeat Pay attention to shortness of breath

List to be follow

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Don’t let cholesterol shoot, it is your heart’s no.1 enemy

Exercise for your lungs and heart Good exercise routine improves your

lung’s and heart’s capacity to use oxygen Walk Swim Cycle Climb stairs Dance Jog Yoga

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Meditate Learn right breathing Start with 5 minutes and increase timing

gradually Exercise in the morning on an empty

stomach If you experience pain in the chest while

exercising, call doctor Keep blood pressure under check Eat food good for the heart Cut down on fat Eat fewer fatty cuts of meat Eat more fish

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Less butter, margarine, lard Steer clear of foods containing palm oil Avoid foods that have hydrogenated oil Avoid food cooked in coconut oil Eat less of dairy products like milk, ice-

cream, cheese, butter etc. Learn to cook heart healthy food Buy a good for heart cookbook Stop the habit of taking extra salt in food Reduce consumption of sauce, pickles, soy

sauce etc. as they are high on salt Avoid baking soda and baking powder

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Heart healthy food

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Add lemon, garlic, onion to your food instead of salt etc. to add taste to food

Eat fresh fruit Include green veggies Cook veggies and eat leafy in raw form in

salads etc. Include whole grain rice, oats, bran in diet Eat fiber rich food, beans etc. When you eat fiber also drink enough water

to ease digestion and avoid constipation Stop smoking Stop drinking Keep a few minutes aside to meditate and

find your center, and calm down

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If your doctor prescribes cardiac rehabilitation program, follow his instruction and do it

Minimally invasive coronary bypass surgery   is a type of heart bypass(coronary artery bypass grafting or CABG) technique that is performed by experts and specialists in this particular type of surgery.

This type of heart surgery involves doing a small incision with help of a set of specialized surgical instruments with help of which an incision is made in the left or right side of the chest wall measuring about 2 to 4 inches instead of a traditional 8-10 inches sternotomy incision done in the breast bone, generally associated with traditional or the more common type of heart surgery.

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Minimally invasive coronary bypass surgery is a technique where no bone is cut. The chest is entered from between the ribs to solve the problem. While many things about this technique differ, many things also remain the same. Surgery is performed using a combination of arteries and veins that have been removed from the leg.

The vessel from the leg is also removed using endoscopic, an advanced technique wherein no cutting of the skin over the leg rakes place.

To perform this operation, very sophisticated and advanced instrumentation, expert specialists (surgeon) and techniques are put to work to get the best results which is not only safe but also helps the person to recover and get back to life at the earliest.

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Minimally invasive coronary bypass surgery…coming back to our core topic of discussion, is highly sophisticated surgery technique that is performed using highly sophisticated technology, which is now available in India too.

This technique enables our expert surgeon to perform the procedure remotely, with help of small specially made, surgical instruments.

The surgeon can monitor every move right up on a video screen before him; as real time images are aired on to the screen with the help of a small digital camera that has been inserted in the body through the side of the chest in a way and fixed in an angle that can generate pictures in the dimension required to get the best view and get the best job done.  

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It is very clear that this type of surgery is very different from the traditional heart valve replacement surgery. In majority of cases this type of valve replacement is an open heart operation wherein the surgeon opens patient’s chest and heart to remove the damaged valve; fixes or replaces it with new artificial (prosthetic) valve.

According to modern procedure that has successfully made its way into our country, the surgeons are successfully able to replace the valve without cutting open the chest.

The new procedure is thus named the minimally invasive surgery. Because while performing this type of surgery there is least invasion happening, leading to least blood loss, least complication and so on.

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Hyderabad is home to some of the best heart professionals in Interventional cardiology field. Interventional cardiologist is a doctor who has earned higher and special qualifications; is qualified and trained to diagnose and treat cardiovascular disease along with congenital heart conditions; conditions that are present in infants from birth; and structural heart conditions.

They diagnose these conditions with help of catheter-based procedures, like angioplasty and stenting.

It is a fact that merely these specialists can’t do much on their own.

But since Hyderabad has some of the best hospitals, best equipment, best post-surgery care facility, the treatments become that much more effective.

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