how to instill higher values

PM450 Leadership Principles Dr. Greg Waddell

Post on 18-Oct-2014




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There is a word that politicians love to throw out whenever they consider that it might accrue some advantage for them. I'm talking about values. As one commentator put it: "Values, values everywhere." Then she went on to list the ways the term was used in a recent political rally: "American values, working-class values, heartland values, mainstream values, blue-collar values, democratic values" and the list goes on (Goodman, 2004). In spite of the overuse and, at times abuse, of the word, values continue to be the central issue for society today, because they give direction and meaning to our lives. In this presentation, I want us to look at what values are, what the Bible says about them, why they are important and how they become embedded in our hearts.


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PM450 Leadership PrinciplesDr. Greg Waddell

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Everybody Talks about Values



Working-class values

Heartland valuesMainstream values

Blue-collar values

Democratic values

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What are Values?

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What are Values?

The ideals that attract us and give our lives meaning”

Hans Joas, 2000

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What are Values?

A belief that something is good and desirable. It defines what is important, worthwhile and worth striving for”

Barthorpe, Duncan, & Miller 2000

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What are Values?

The invisible motivators that move people’s hearts toward meaningful ministry”

Malphurs, 1996

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They have an emotional element

What are Values?

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They have to do with both . . .

what and


What are Values?

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Examples of Terminal Values

A comfortable lifeAn exciting lifeAccomplishmentWorld peaceA world of beautyEqualityFamily SecurityFreedom

HappinessInner HarmonyMature loveSalvationNational securitySocial recognitionTrue friendshipWisdom

Adapted from Rokeach, 1979.

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Examples of Operational Values



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What does the Bible say?

The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field, which a man found and hid again; and from joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking fine pearls, and upon finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he had and bought it.”

Mathew 13:44-46, NASB

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Elements of a Core Value

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Elements of a Core Value

The desire to protect it

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Elements of a Core Value

The desire to protect it

The impulse to do something

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Elements of a Core Value

The desire to protect it

The impulse to do something

The element of emotion

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Elements of a Core Value

The desire to protect it

The impulse to do something

The element of emotion

The element of focus

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Why is it important to understand how

values become embedded in the Human heart?

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It will enable us to . . .

Help others discover their values.

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It will enable us to . . .

Retain our values.

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It will enable us to . . .

Lead others toward eternal values.

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How do we get them?

You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand and they shall be as frontals on your forehead. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.

Deuteronomy 6:7-9

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Three keys to Transmission:

1. Our Social Context

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Three keys to Values Transmission:


The presence of a trusted and beloved mentor

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Three keys to Transmission:

3. A workplace context that encourages


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Values are . . .

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Values are . . .

beliefs that lie behind,

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Values are . . .

beliefs that lie behind, support and energize

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Values are . . .

beliefs that lie behind, support and energize the things we do

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Values are . . .

beliefs that lie behind, support and energize the things we do

and the goals we set out to achieve.

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Definitions & Distinctions


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Definitions & Distinctions

A standard for judging whether something is right or wrong


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Definitions & Distinctions


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Definitions & Distinctions

A personal sense of right and wrong fashioned from experience


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NT Ethics is an Ethic of the Heart

Each one must do just as he has purposed in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion.”

2 Corinthians 9:7

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Proven by Experience

“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove


the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.”

--Romans 12:2, NASB

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The Right


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The Right




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The Right






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The Right



What ought to be




What IS

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Where faith comes into play

“Faith leads to an understanding of these principles, which become translated into what we value; values then shape behavior; and feedback on our behavior strengthens our faith”

Pascarella, 1999, p. 97

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Why Bible Studies Fail

Words alone can never generate


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Discipleship by Invitation

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Discipleship by Invitation

Live the experience

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Discipleship by Invitation

Invite others to walk with you in that experience.

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Four things your organization can do:

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Four things your organization can do:

Reward what you value

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Four things your organization can do:

Reward what you value

Measure what you value

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Four things your organization can do:

Reward what you value

Measure what you value

Model what you value

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Four things your organization can do:

Reward what you value

Measure what you value

Model what you value

Design life experiences of what you value

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Works CitedBarthorpe, Stephen, Rosanna Duncan, and Christopher Miller. "The Pluralistic

Facets of Culture and Its Impact on Construction." Property Management

18, no. 5 (2000): 335-351. (25 June 2004).

Joas, Hans, The Genesis of Values. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2000.

Krishnan, Venkat

R. "Impact of Transformational Leadership on Followers' Influence Strategies." The Leadership & Organization Development Journal

25, no. 1 (2004): 58-72. (22 March 2004).

Malphurs, Aubrey, Values-Driven Leadership: Discovering & Developing Your Core Values for Ministry. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 1996.

New American Standard Bible, La Habra, CA: The Lockman

Foundation, 1995.

Pascarella, Perry, Christ Centered Leadership: Thriving in Business by Putting God in Charge. Rocklin, CA: Prima, 1999.

Rokeach, Milton, Understanding Human Values Individual & Societal. New York: The Free Press, 1979.

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Greg Waddell