how to how to select the right digital agency select the right digital agency

How to Select The Right Digital Agency For Your Online Business

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Post on 17-Aug-2015




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How to SelectThe RightDigital AgencyFor Your Online Business HOW TO SELECT THE RIGHT DIGITAL AGENCY2Your website is much more than just an online billboard a website.Brands you Attracts new customers and clients Serves current clients Can bring signifcant direct revenue through e-commerce Can streamline internal processes and increase company productivity,Of course, that s what agreat website will dofor you.A terrible website candamageyourcompanysreputation, sendclientstoyour competitors and putyour business in a hole thatit mayneverbe able to digout from.HOW TO SELECT THE RIGHT DIGITAL AGENCY

So how do you fnd the right digital agency for your Business?When you frst meet with adigital Agency.!t is important togoinwithastrategyinplace. As"ingsome"ey #uestions will put you on theright trac"for fndingtheidealdigital agency for your pro$ect% &ow do they price their services' (o they o)er a comprehensive set of services' *hat is the agencys trac"record and what are their credentials and #ualifcations' *hat is included in their *eb (evelopmentAgreement +and what isnt,'HOW TO SELECT THE RIGHT DIGITAL AGENCY-1)Be Prepared and Defne Your Goals.efore you begin interviewing digital agencies, you shouldhaveatleastaroughsenseof what your goalsare andwhat "indsof functionalityyoure#uire. Someimportantstarting#uestions include% Am ! loo"ing to attractprospects' Am!loo"ingtomerelygeneratetra/c+advertising-basedmodel,' Am ! loo"ing to generate direct revenues +e-commerce,' Am ! only loo"ing to preserve and enhance my brand' Am ! only loo"ing to increase the tra/c of my website.HOW TO SELECT THE RIGHT DIGITAL AGENCY02)Defne your price range1his can be the most confusing part of selecting your digital agency. !fyou2oogle3digital agency,you willfnd agencies o)ering 4566websites while others o)erwebsolutions thatcan run si7 orevensevenfgures.A simplewebsitefora hobbyistor a 8basicpersonal site9can becreatedrelativelyine7pensively.&owever,ifyourwebsiteisthefaceofyourbusinessandaplacewherebusinessisconducted,then the price can be considerably higher. Some important pricing questions to ask right from the beginning include: *hichoftheirteammemberswillbewor"ingonyour pro$ect andwhataretheir #ualifcations' &owmuchtimewilltheybespending onyour pro$ect' (o they provide a :at pro$ectpricethat corresponds to adetailed agreement' (oesthecost of thepro$ectmatchup with the agreedupondeliverablesand hourlyrates' !s there aclearprocedure forbillingfor e7tra features or wor"outsidethepro$ects initialscope'3)When thinking of the price of a project,;ou need to also thin" about the the comple7ity of the sitesfunctionality,thenumberofcustomdesign elementsinvolved> the e7pertise and e7perience of the team performing thepro$ect and the pricing schedule established by your webDevelopent tea +i.e. hourlyrates,.When you discuss pricewith a digital agency,?a"esuretheyspelloutallofthefunctionality they willbeprovidingandtheamountoftimeand e)ortthatwillbere#uiredtodeliverthepro$ect.1hehourly rate of the wor" willbebasedonthee7perienceande7pertiseoftheteamassigned to yourpro$ect.Lastly, evaluate the pricebased on what you will getout of it.A42@,@@@pro$ect that bringsyounorevenueisfarmoree7pensiveforyourcompanythana45@@,@@@ pro$ectthatbrings in a @@A